Palm Sunday March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday March 20, 2016 SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST San Juan Bautista SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE São Tomé O Apóstolo Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH 17 CHESTNUT STREET PEABODY, MA 01960 ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 3 MARGIN ST. PEABODY, MA 01960 Two Parishes One Mission To reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God’s saving love. To form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply through word, sacrament and service. To live as a Spirit filled, multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion within the Catholic Church. Parish Staff Very Rev. John E. MacInnis, V.F. , Pastor Rev. Steven Clemence, Parochial Vicar Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry Deacon Leo Martin Deacon Chuck Hall Deacon Simon Valentin Deacon Brian O’Shaughnessy, Seminarian Intern St. John the Baptist Mary Goyette Karen Hinton Dawn Alves Tracy Palen Kathleen Wilkinson Cynthia Arsenault Holly Zagaria Stacey Vasquez Aida Vargas Lucy Cortez St. Thomas the Apostle Business Manager Director of Religious Ed 1-5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Secretary Parish Secretary Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Spanish) Spanish Religious Ed Spanish Religious Ed Dawn Alves Br. David Wiggin, CFX Regina Matthews Michael Beaulieu Renildo Paiva Lisa Ann Trainor Sheila Lynch Tracy Palen Pastoral Associate Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Accountant Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Brazilian) Coordinator of Religious Ed Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Parish Office: 978-531-0002 Parish Fax: 978-531-5199 Website: Parish Office: 978-531-0224 Parish Fax: 978-531-6517 Website: Maureen Kelleher Principal, St. John’s School St. John’s School: 978-531-0444 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm Kalley Moore Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc. Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm 2 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 A New Initiative to Bring the Joy of the Gospel to More People. Evangelization is our first priority. Because our most important task as Catholics and as parishes is to bring people to know and live the love of God through Jesus Christ. When our two parishes wrote a new mission statement to untie us in one single purpose, we used these words which are found on the first page of every bulletin: "to reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God's saving love." To do this we must "form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply... and live as a Spirit filled multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion." This is what we must be about at all times! Many ecclesial movements help us to evangelize. I am always on the lookout for new ways to evangelize every person we can. Our two parish staffs had a day long workshop on evangelization last year and recently our two parish councils had a shorter version. A few years ago I explored and then brought the ACTS retreats to our parishes and it has enabled many parishioners to deepen their faith and become more involved in the life of our parishes. I want to urge everyone to consider participating in one of the ACTS retreats that we will offer in the fall. For many years, among the many new movements like ACTS, the Cursillo, and the Charismatic Movement have arisen in the Catholic Church. Today I want to tell you about another opportunity for evangelization. For some time I have been learning about this vehicle for evangelization and recently I presented it to members of our staffs and parish councils. It is called the NeoCatechumenal Way. One way I have come to know it much better is though Father Steven, our parochial vicar, who came to an experience of personal conversion and then a call to the priesthood through the Way in his homeland, Brazil. Let me explain the Way for you very briefly. Here is another Way to bring God's love to people. The Way began with Kiko Argüello, a painter, and Carmen Hernandez, a graduate in chemistry and theology, who together developed a program for evangelizing the slum on the outskirts of Madrid and brought about a beginning and renewal of faith in small communities. Their work spread and in 1974 the Congregation for Divine Worship approved the name “Neocatechumenate” to indicate an "itinerary of post-baptismal formation for those who are baptized but not sufficiently catechized." The Neocatechumenal Way was approved in 1974 by Pope Paul VI, and in 1987 Pope John Paul II opened the first Redemptoris Mater seminary in Rome to prepare priests for the New Evangelization. Today, there are 100 Redemptoris Mater seminaries worldwide, with almost 2,000 priests already ordained and 2,000 seminarians in formation. Eight of those seminaries are in the U.S., including the one in Brookline. This is where Father Steven was prepared to serve in our archdiocese. In 1990 the Neocatechumenal Way was recognized by John Paul II as “an itinerary of Catholic formation valid for our society and our time,” and an instrument for the New Evangelization. The Neocatechumenal Way sends families to areas on the periphery of cities, often immense slums, to form nuclei of evangelization and small communities. Currently, there are about 1,000 families in mission all over the world. How can the Way help us to evangelize? With a strong sense of mission members of the Way are coming to Peabody and Salem to invite as many people as they can to a series of talks in April and May, during the Easter season when we celebrate our new life in the risen Lord. At no cost to us they want to share their story of personal conversion and encourage them to go discover or rediscover the love the God has for them. Father Steven and I will work with them so that their efforts will be united with us, open to all and opening those who participate in the activities of the Way to the life of our parishes. Speaking to representatives of the Way Pope Francis spoke of the need "to take the greatest care to build and preserve the communion within the particular churches" where they go. This means that we must know and love and work together with everyone who wants to serve Christ in the church. The Spirit works among us in many ways to build up the one Body of Christ. I encourage all the members of our parish communities to be open to what the members of the Way will offer. They very much want to reach people on the margins of the church. Please join me in welcoming those who are giving of themselves to come here. Come and learn more about God's love and how to grow in that love. We will be circulating all kinds of posters and cards and letters. The talks will be held, beginning on April 5, every Tuesday and Friday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the chapel at Saint Thomas (enter front doors). Even if you do not come, pray with us for the Holy Spirit to touch hearts and minds with the joy of the gospel! If you would like to know more about the Way, talk to Father Steven or to me at any time. God bless. Fr. John 3 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Una Nueva Iniciativa para Llevar la Alegría del Evangelio a más Personas. La evangelización es nuestra primera prioridad. Debido a que nuestra tarea más importante como católicos y como parroquias es llevar a la gente a conocer y vivir el amor de Dios a través de Jesucristo. Cuando nuestras dos parroquias escribieron una nueva declaración de la misión que nos une en un solo fin, hemos utilizado estas palabras que se encuentran en la primera página de todos los boletines: "para llegar a todo el mundo con el Evangelio gozoso del amor salvador de Dios." Para ello hay que "formarnos unos a otros como discípulos que se encuentran con Jesucristo profundamente... y vivir como un espíritu lleno de una comunidad multicultural de la misericordia, la justicia y la compasión." ¡Esto es en lo que tenemos que estar a punto en todo momento! Muchos movimientos eclesiales nos ayudan a evangelizar. Siempre estoy en la búsqueda de nuevas formas de evangelizar a todas las personas que podamos. Nuestros dos equipos parroquiales tuvieron el año pasado un taller de un largo día en la evangelización y recientemente nuestros dos juntas parroquiales tuvieron una versión más corta. Hace algunos años explore y luego traje los retiros ACTOS a nuestras parroquias y ha permitido a muchos feligreses profundizar en su fe y participar más en la vida de nuestras parroquias. Quiero instar a todos a considerar su participación en uno de los retiros actos que vamos a ofrecer en el otoño. Durante muchos años, muchos nuevos movimientos como ACTOS, el Cursillo, y el movimiento carismático han surgido en la Iglesia Católica. Hoy quiero hablarte de otra oportunidad para la evangelización. Desde hace algún tiempo he estado aprendiendo acerca de este vehículo para la evangelización y recientemente se lo presenté a los miembros de nuestro personal y juntas parroquiales. Se le llama el Camino Neo-catecúmeno. Una forma en la que he llegado a conocerlo mucho mejor, es a través del Padre Steven, nuestro vicario parroquial, que llegó a una experiencia de conversión personal y luego una llamada al sacerdocio a través del Camino en su tierra natal, Brasil. Déjeme explicarle a usted el Camino muy brevemente. Aquí hay otro Manera de llevar el amor de Dios a las personas. El camino comenzó con Kiko Argüello, un pintor, y Carmen Hernández, licenciada en química y Teología, que juntos desarrollaron un programa para la evangelización en un barrio pobre en las afueras de Madrid y provocó un principio y renovación de fe en pequeñas comunidades. Su trabajo se propago y en 1974 la Congregación para el Culto Divino le aprobó el nombre de "Neocatecumenado" para indicar un "itinerario de formación post-bautismal para aquellos que son bautizados pero no catequizados lo suficiente." El Camino Neo-catecumenal fue aprobado en 1974 por el Papa Pablo VI, y en 1987 el Papa Juan Pablo II abrió el primer seminario Redemptoris Mater en Roma para preparar sacerdotes para la Nueva Evangelización. Hoy en día, hay 100 seminarios Redemptoris Mater en todo el mundo, con casi 2.000 sacerdotes ya ordenados y 2.000 seminaristas en formación. Ocho de estos seminarios se encuentran en los EE.UU., incluyendo el de Brookline. Aquí es donde el Padre Steven se preparó para servir en nuestra arquidiócesis. En 1990, el Camino Neo-catecumenal fue reconocido por Juan Pablo II como "un itinerario de formación católica válida para la sociedad y nuestro tiempo" y un instrumento para la Nueva Evangelización. El Camino Neo-catecumenal envía a las familias a zonas en la periferia de las ciudades, a menudo inmensos barrios pobres, para formar núcleos de evangelización y de las pequeñas comunidades. En la actualidad, hay cerca de 1.000 familias en misión en todo el mundo. ¿Cómo puede el Camino ayudarnos a evangelizar? Con un fuerte sentido de miembros de la misión del Camino están llegando a Peabody y Salem a invitar a tantas personas como sea posible para una serie de conversaciones en abril y mayo, durante la temporada de Pascua, cuando celebramos nuestra nueva vida en el Señor resucitado. Sin costo alguno para nosotros quieren compartir su historia de conversión personal y animarles a ir a descubrir o redescubrir el amor que Dios tiene para ellos. Padre Steven y yo trabajaremos con ellos para que sus esfuerzos sean unidos a los nuestros, abierto a todos y dando la apertura a los que participan en las actividades del Camino a la vida de nuestras parroquias. En declaraciones a los representantes del Camino el Papa Francisco habló de la necesidad de "tener el mayor cuidado para construir y preservar la comunión dentro de las iglesias particulares" donde ellos van. Esto significa que hay que conocer y amar y trabajar en conjunto con todos los que quieren servir a Cristo en la iglesia. El Espíritu obra entre nosotros de muchas maneras para construir el único Cuerpo de Cristo. Animo a todos los miembros de nuestras comunidades parroquiales a estar abierto a lo que los miembros del Camino ofrecerán. Ellos quieren llegar a la gente en los márgenes de la iglesia. Por favor, demos la bienvenida a aquellos que están dando de sí mismos para venir aquí. Ven a aprender más acerca del amor de Dios y cómo crecer en ese amor. Vamos a estar circulando todo tipo de carteles y tarjetas y cartas. Las charlas se llevarán a cabo, comenzando el 5 de abril, todos los martes y viernes por la tarde de 7:30-8:30pm en la capilla de Santo Tomás (entrar por las puertas delanteras). Incluso si usted no viene, ore con nosotros por el Espíritu Santo para tocar los corazones y las mentes con la ¡alegría del Evangelio! Si desea saber más sobre el Camino, hable con el Padre Steven o conmigo en cualquier momento. Dios los bendiga. P. John 4 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Uma Nova Iniciativa para Trazer a Alegria do Evangelho a Mais Pessoas. A evangelização é a nossa primeira prioridade. Porque a nossa tarefa mais importante como católicos e como paróquias é trazer as pessoas para conhecer e viver o amor de Deus através de Jesus Cristo. Quando as nossas duas paróquias escreveram uma nova declaração de missão para nos unir em um único propósito, usamos estas palavras que são encontradas na primeira página de cada boletim: "para levar a todos o evangelho de alegria do amor salvífico de Deus." Para fazer isso, devemos "formar um ao outro como discípulos que se deparam com Jesus Cristo profundamente ... e viver como uma comunidade multicultural cheia do Espírito de misericórdia, justiça e compaixão." Isto é o que devemos ser em todos os momentos! Muitos movimentos eclesiais nos ajudam a evangelizar. Estou sempre à procura de novas maneiras de evangelizar todas as pessoas que pudemos. Nossas duas equipes paroquiais tiveram um longo workshop de um dia inteiro sobre a evangelização no ano passado e, recentemente, as nossas duas juntas de freguesia tiveram uma versão mais curta. Alguns anos atrás eu explorei e, em seguida, trouxe os retiros da igreja ACTS para as nossas paróquias e isso permitiu a muitos paroquianos uma oportunidade de aprofundar a sua fé e se envolver mais na vida de nossas paróquias. Quero exortar todos a participar em um dos retiros da igreja ACTS que vamos oferecer no outono. Por muitos anos, vários novos movimentos como ACTS, o Cursilho, e o Movimento Carismático tem surgido na Igreja Católica. Hoje eu quero falar sobre uma outra oportunidade para a evangelização. Por algum tempo tenho vindo a aprender sobre este veículo para a evangelização e, recentemente, apresentei-a membros de nossas equipes e juntas de freguesia. Ele é chamado o Caminho Neocatecumenal. Uma maneira que eu vim a conhecê-lo muito melhor foi por Padre Steven, nosso vigário paroquial, que veio para uma experiência de conversão pessoal e, em seguida, uma chamada ao sacerdócio através do Caminho Neocatecumenal em sua terra natal, o Brasil. Deixe-me explicar o caminho para você muito brevemente. Aqui há outra maneira de trazer o amor de Deus às pessoas. O Caminho começou com Kiko Argüello, um pintor, e Carmen Hernandez, um estudante de pós-graduação em química e teologia, que, juntos, desenvolveram um programa para a evangelização da favela nos arredores de Madrid e provocou um início e renovação da fé em pequenas comunidades. O seu trabalho espalhou e, em 1974, a Congregação para o Culto Divino aprovou o nome de "Neocatecumenato" para indicar um "itinerário de formação pós-baptismal para aqueles que são batizados mas não suficientemente catequizados". O Caminho Neocatecumenal foi aprovado em 1974 pelo Papa Paulo VI, e em 1987 o Papa João Paulo II abriu o primeiro seminário Redemptoris Mater em Roma para preparar sacerdotes para a Nova Evangelização. Hoje, existem 100 seminários Redemptoris Mater em todo o mundo, com cerca de 2.000 sacerdotes já ordenados e 2.000 seminaristas em formação. Oito desses seminários estão no EUA, incluindo aquele em Brookline. Este foi onde o padre Steven foi preparado para servir em nossa arquidiocese. Em 1990, o Caminho Neocatecumenal foi reconhecido por João Paulo II como "um itinerário de formação católica válido para a nossa sociedade e o nosso tempo", e um instrumento para a Nova Evangelização. O Caminho Neocatecumenal envia famílias para áreas na periferia das cidades, muitas vezes imensas favelas, para formar núcleos de evangelização e de pequenas comunidades. Atualmente, existem cerca de 1.000 famílias em missão em todo o mundo. Como pode o Caminho nos ajudar a evangelizar? Com um forte senso de missão, membros do Caminho estão vindo para Peabody e Salem para convidar tantas pessoas quanto o possível para uma série de palestras em Abril e Maio, durante a época da Páscoa em que celebramos a nossa nova vida no Senhor ressuscitado. Sem nenhum custo para nós, eles querem compartilhar sua história de conversão pessoal e incentivá-los a ir para descobrir ou redescobrir o amor que Deus tem para vocês. Padre Steven e eu vamos trabalhar com eles de modo que seus esforços serão unidos a nós, aberto a todos e revelando as atividades do Caminho das nossas paróquias para aqueles que participam. Falando aos representantes do Caminho, Papa Francis falou da necessidade de "tomar o maior cuidado para construir e preservar a comunhão dentro das igrejas particulares", onde eles vão. Isto significa que devemos conhecer e amar e trabalhar em conjunto com todos os que querem servir a Cristo na igreja. O Espírito trabalha entre nós em várias maneiras para edificar o único Corpo de Cristo. Eu incentivo todos os membros das nossas comunidades paroquiais a estarem abertos ao que os membros do Caminho vai oferecer. Eles querem muito alcançar as pessoas à margem da igreja. Por favor, juntem a mim para saudar aqueles que estão dando de si para vir aqui. Venha aprender mais sobre o amor de Deus e como crescer nesse amor. Nós vamos circular todos os tipos de cartazes e cartões e letras. As palestras serão realizadas, começando em 5 de Abril, a cada terça-feira e sexta-feira 07:30 - 20:30 na capela de Saint Thomas (pode entrar pelas portas da frente). Mesmo se você não vier, orem conosco para que o Espírito Santo toque corações e mentes com a alegria do evangelho! Se você gostaria de saber mais sobre o Caminho, fale com o padre Steven ou comigo a qualquer momento. Deus abençoe. Fr. John 5 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 St. John the Baptist THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOHN’S TUESDAY 6:45 AM MARCH 22, 2016 Personal Intention WEDNESDAY 6:45AM MARCH 23, 2016 Personal Intention THURSDAY MARCH 24, 2016 No Mass Holy Thursday For details please call 978-531-0002 or visit our website at ~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~ The gifts of the Bread and Wine are given in memory of Michael Sclafani from his loving family. Sun. Mar 20 8:45am Religious Ed Gr 1-5 9:00am Food Pantry 11:00am Coffee Hour 12:30pm Spanish Coffee Hour 2:00pm V.O.T.F. Mon. Mar 21 5:00pm Rosary & Adoration 6:00pm Wolf Den Mtg 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 7:00pm Boy Scout Mtg Tues. Mar 22 6:00pm Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus 6:30pm Pack 119 Bear Den Mtg 7:00pm Youth Group Wed. Mar 23 6:00pm Boy Scout Troop 119 6:00pm Gala Meeting 7:00pm Boy Scout Medal Mtg If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine or Sacramental Candles, please call the parish secretary at 978-531-0002. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT March 13, 2016 Monthly $6,676.00 $1,732.00 March 15, 2015 Monthly $7,688.00 $1,878.00 Catholic Appeal 2016 $11,025.00 God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) (See the Holy Week Schedule also on page 12) The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, March 25th - Good Friday Thurs. Mar 24 Holy Thursday 9:00am Morning Prayer 7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Fri. Mar 25 Sat. Mar 26 Good Friday 9:00am Morning Prayer 12:00pm Community Soup Lunch 12:00-3:00pm Meditation on the Cross 3:00pm Station of the Cross (Spanish) 7:30pm Passion of the Lord 7:30pm Passion of the Lord (Chapel-Spanish) Holy Saturday 7:30am Men’s Faith Sharing Grp 9:00am Morning Prayer 8:00pm Easter Vigil (Spanish) Sun. Mar 27 Easter Sunday 8:00am Easter Sunday Mass 10:00am Easter Sunday Mass 11:30am Easter Sunday Mass (Spanish) NO 5PM MASS ON EASTER St. John Thrift Shop SUNG EVENING PRAYER AT SAINT JOHN EVERY SUNDAY OF LENT. Thrift Shop is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 10-1:00 for the month of March. Stop in for some great bargains! Please call the Parish Center at 978-531-0002 for further information. Thank You. Every Sunday evening during Lent at Saint John’s, you are invited to join us for sung Evening Prayer. Sr. Kathy and Sr. Christine lead us in a prayerful time of reflection with psalms and canticles. Join us at 7:00 PM every Sunday of Lent. Alice Gallagher Winter Manager 6 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Saturday 4:00PM Mar 19th Januario Terra + Joan Colby + Sunday 10:00AM Mar 20 Ronald Johnson + Elizabeth Kontoules + Sunday 10:00AM Mar 27 Francis O’Toole + Palm Sunday Mar Mar Mar 21 22 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Liturgy Memorials The Altar wine & hosts have been donated for the month of March for the honor and glory of God in memory of Ronald Fabiszewski by the Fabiszewski Family, the Candle Oil in memory of Ronald Johnson from Norma Johnson and the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of Leonard Dunleavy from the Dunleavy family. Chrism Mass Bus Trip Join us as we go into Boston to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Tuesday, March 22nd for the Chrism Mass at 11:00AM and enjoy lunch on the way home. Contact Sheila Lynch at St. Thomas the Apostle for details of cost, departure, and return times. (978-531-0224) Mar 26 Mar 27 8:30AM Mass-Chapel 6:15PM Girl Scout Troop 361–School 6:30PM Girl Scout Troop 233–School 7:00PM Bible Study—S.L.C. HOLY THURSDAY 8:30AM Morning Prayer 7:30PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper GOOD FRIDAY 8:30AM Morning Prayer 3:00PM Passion of the Lord (English) 7:30PM Passion of the Lord (Portuguese) HOLY SATURDAY 8:30AM Morning Prayer 8:00PM Easter Vigil (English) EASTER SUNDAY 8:00AM Easter Sunday Mass 10:00AM Easter Sunday Mass 7:00PM Easter Sunday Mass (Brazilian Mass-Portuguese) WEEKLY GIVING This weekend, March 20, 2015 The First collection will be for the parish. The Second Collection is for Easter Flowers March 6th Offertory Fuel & Utilities The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, March 25th - Good Friday $3,729.00 $ 784.00 Next weekend the First collection is for the parish. The Second Collection is for The Clergy Benefit Fund Thank you for your generous sacrifice. Please save the following dates: Please remember the deceased of our Parish and those who were buried from St. Thomas Parish during the past weeks. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Saturday, April 9th, Murder Mystery Night at St. Thomas School Hall Saturday, May 14th is the Yard Sale. 7 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Parroquia de San Juan Bautista: BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Y que todos: nos comprometamos, cada día, a ser más FAMILIA en JESÚS, Vivo y Resucitado. Para solicitar los Servicios Pastorales, en la Comunidad, por favor hablar, Con Padre Paúl G. M. McManus: de Viernes a Sábado, en Peabody Tel: 978-826-7522 o por correo electronico a [email protected] Consejería en español La Muerte de Jesús es Nuestro Ejemplo Judy Keith, una psicóloga que habla español, está aquí por la tarde como voluntaria para hablar con cualquier persona o pareja que quiere consejería en español. Jesús, quien dijo al entrar al mundo: “He venido, Oh Dios, para hacer tu voluntad” (Heb. 10,9), se hizo asimismo obediente al Padre en todo y, “habiendo amado a los suyos, que estaban en el mundo, los amó hasta el extremo” (Jn 13:1), entregándose completamente por ellos. Él que había venido “a servir y no ha ser servido, y a dar su vida como rescate por muchos” (Mc 10:45), obtiene en la Cruz la cumbre del amor: “Nadie tiene mayor amor, que aquel que da la vida por sus amigos” (Jn 15:13). Y él murió por nosotros aún siendo pecadores (Rom 5:8) De este modo Jesús proclama que la vida encuentra su centro, su significado y su realización cuando se entrega. En este punto nuestra meditación se convierte en alabanza y acción de gracia, y al mismo tiempo nos impulsa a imitar a Cristo siguiendo sus huellas (1Pedro 2:21). Nosotros también estamos llamados a dar nuestras vidas por nuestros hermanos y hermanas, y así realizar en la plenitud de la verdad el significado y el destino de nuestra existencia. Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, n. 51. Puede hablar de la depresión, la ansiedad, la muerte de alguien querido, la comunicación en pareja o de cualquier tema con el cual quiera ayuda. Para sacar una cita, por favor llámeme en 978-826-7541 y déjeme un mensaje y le devolveré la llamada lo más pronto que sea posible. Ministerio de Mujeres "Bajo la Luz de Dios". Grupo de apoyo para las mujeres de nuestra Parroquia. Mujer este grupo es para ti, tu no estas sola. ven y pon todas tu inquietudes, preocupaciones y necesidades bajo la luz de Dios. Todos los Viernes comenzando a las 7pm con la Misa y luego nos movemos al sotano de la rectoria. Para informacion ver a Margarita Merced, 857243-3150 Bautismos Tercer sabado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. Conferencia para padres y padrinos: Segundo sábado del mes en el Centro parroquial a las 12 p.m. Se puede conseguir el formulario en la oficina de la parroquia o después de la Misa vea a Diácono Simón Valentin. La Santa Misa Los domingos a las 11:30 a.m. Los viernes a las 7 p.m. Confesiones Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Jueves – Sábado por cita en la casa parroquial Llame al Padre Paúl 978-826-7541 Grupo de Oración Los sábado a las 7 p.m. Matrimonios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl a los menos seis meses antes de la fecha escogida. Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Quinceañeras – Visitas Pastorales – Otros Servicios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl, o Diácono Simón Valentín 8 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Faith Enrichment Youth Ministry, EDGE and Confirmation Updates! Websites that are available for continuing Faith Enrichment Next Confirmation YM Gr. 9, Sunday, March 20th Reconciliation Looking a head to April; Gr. 9 Confirmation Retreat, Thursday, April 7th at 4:45PM, this includes ALL 9th Grade Students; those in public, vocational and catholic schools. 10th Grade students who missed there retreat in December are also required to attend this retreat. (Bishop Robert Baron) (Matthew Kelly) (Ascension Presents) Last Confirmation YM Gr. 10 gathering; Sunday, April 10th; The Sacrament of Eucharist Click on Our Catholic Faith and sign up for a 3 minute retreat or other liturgical and daily prayerful opportunities! Last Confirmation YM Gr. 9 gathering; Sunday April 17th; The Eucharist & Easter Season Bible app: Truth and Life Bible and Audio Bible app Looking ahead to May; Rehearsal for the celebration of Confirmation, Gr. 10 Students Thursday, May 26th 6PM in the upper church of St. John's. Steubenville East: This summer, July 15-17 a Youth Conference will be offered by Franciscan University of Steubenville Youth Ministries. This conference/invitation for your son/ daughter comes as a recommendation from Fr. John, and many adult leaders from our parishes who want the best opportunities for our youth. Usually this conference is hours away, but now is just minutes as it will be held at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell. This Conference for Teens is dynamic, alive and full of hope just like your son/daughter. At this event your son/daughter will have an opportunity to not only renew their faith but they will also learn what it takes to be achieve and become someone great, the best version of who they were created to be! Teens will come to experience a relationship with Christ that can radically transform everything in their life. The goal at this Youth Conference is for your teen to open his/her heart to Jesus Christ who we know desires their life to be fulfilling, exciting and joyful. SAVE THE DATE! Our 6th benefit concert for our sister parish in the Dominican Republic will be held on Saturday, May th 21 , from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Suggested donation is $10.00 and family discounts for 3 or more will be available. St. John’s and St. Thomas Parishes are co-sponsoring this event to assist the orphanage Casa Hogar Divino Niño Jesus in Salcedo and the impoverished community of Santa Lucia. The concert will be held at the St. Thomas School Gym, located at 5 Margin Street in Peabody. More details about our exciting entertainment lineup will be forthcoming. Raffle and concert tickets will be available after all Masses starting the weekend of April 23 & 24. For more information, or if you would like to be involved, please call Pat Adam at (978) 335-2080. Plan on attending this fun night for a great cause…..we can do it, together! If you would like to reserve a ticket, please e-mail or contact Dawn Alves ASAP by calling (978)531-0224 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. To learn more about this youth event go to www.Steubenville 9 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Scripture for the week of March 20, 2016 Opening Doors of Mercy for our Homeless Neighbors. 20 SUN Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14-23:56 or 23:1-49 21 Mon Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 22 Tue Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 23 Wed Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 24 Thu Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 25 Fri Is 52:13-53:12/Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9/Jn 18:119:42 26 Sat Gn 1:1-2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15-15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32-4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/ Rom 6:3-11/ Lk 24:1-12 27 SUN Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 “Whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:40 ) Our Friday soup lunches for the homeless are going very well! We are now looking for volunteers (two per week) to prepare a pot of soup for any Friday during the month of March. The soup can be dropped off to the lower church hall anytime on Thursday or on Friday morning. Please contact Pat Adam at (978) 335-2080 if you are able to help with this need. Thank you! What Surrounds Us So often these days we are cautioned to beware of our surroundings. It is a good piece of advice since this awareness usually prevents us from suffering injury or harm. However for Christians during the most holy of weeks in our Liturgical Year, from Palm Sunday until Easter, being aware of our environment just might drawer us into a harrowing time! For the starkness of our surroundings at the close of Lent is a call to us to eliminate all distractions in our lives to more fully enter into this week, the culmination of Jesus’ ministry: His final arrival into Jerusalem, His Last Supper and Passion, His Death and Burial, and finally, His glorious Resurrection on Easter. Already during Lent we have put aside many of our rituals and devotions to journey with Jesus. We eliminated holy water and substituted sand for we have been wandering in the desert; fragrant flowers, nowhere to be seen, and our color, purple, reflected the discipline of Lent; we have drained the baptismal font of living water and replaced it with pieces of broken pottery, as we are, waiting to be transformed by the Master Potter; we put aside novenas to the saints and have taken up the Way of the Cross. As Lent drawers to an end and the Sacred Triduum begins on Holy Thursday, our complete focus turns to Jesus. Thus even the statues and images of venerable saints are covered. Our hearts, minds, and prayers are given over to this one liturgy celebrated over three days which takes us on the journey, in a real and symbolic way, of passing through darkness and death to redemption and light. So, beware of your surroundings, take them in, and freely enter into the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior. Alleluia! The Liturgy Environment Committee Please pray for our Easter Catechumen and Candidates Laurie Anne Fabbo Andre Beltrzo Martins da Fonseca Elisa Abinader Ely Abinader Matthew Burkard Reynaldo Garcia Rosa Silva Domingues Brixhilda Noci Brian Cooper John Paul Maranda St. Thomas Children’s Closet We are looking for boys and girls clothing sizes 2 –16. The Closet is open Saturday’s from 1PM-4PM. Call the parish office with any questions 978-531-0224. 10 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Voice of the Faithful North Shore – Seacoast St. John the Baptist School Open House Present the speaker: Reverend Kenneth R. Himes, O.F.M., Ph.D. St. John School will be holding an Open House on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. New student registration for the 2016-2017 school year. St. John’s offers 3, 4 and 5 year old programs. Early morning care and after school extended day programs are available for all students. We also have openings in grades 1 through 8. Please visit us and see the quality of a Catholic education. Call Admissions at (978) 531-0444 ext 340 for more information or visit St. John the Baptist School – 19 Chestnut Street – Peabody, Ma 01960 Associate Professor, B.C. Department of Theology Topic: Catholic Theology and Economic Inequality When: Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016, (2:00-4:00PM) Where: St. John the Baptist, Peabody - Lower Hall The Lecture will examine how the Catholic theological tradition thinks about economic inequality. Both the history on how economic inequality has been discussed in Catholic teaching and present day reflections on inequality will be provided. Refreshments will be served. The lecture is free, but good-will offerings will be accepted. Clergy Benefit Fund Next week’s Easter collection is for our priests. The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps care for the health and well-being of our 614 active and senior priestsin our Archdiocese, ensuring an appropriate level of care and quality of life for the men who have dedicated their lives in service to the Church of Boston. Our priests are there for us. Now, it is our turn to care for them. Please give generously to the collection next week using the envelopes that will be provided. You can also make your gift online at, or simply text PRIEST to 56512(msg.&data rates may apply) Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of our priests. st Peabody’s 41 WALK for HAITI GOOD FRIDAY, March 25, 2016 at 9:00AM at the outdoor track of the Peter Torigian Senior Center, 79 Central St. Faith and Concern, Inc. supports projects in Haiti which promote life and hope now and for the future of the Haitian people. Whether providing teacher salaries, building a schoolroom, or training young women for employment, funding education is always our priority. Last year $10,000. went to the Haitian Sisters for a school of 300 children. Together we make a difference! Can we count on you to walk with us, pray and make a donation, 100% of which goes directly and entirely to the work in Haiti? We are ecumenical and non-sectarian. Having a 501C3 non-profit status, your donations are tax-deductible. For more details, take information on large table at the back of church; or call Sister Nancy at 978-5301014. The Light is On For You On the Wednesdays of Lent from 6:30-8:00 pm, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Thomas the Apostle Parishes and all the parishes and chapels of the Archdiocese of Boston will be open for individual confession. 11 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 THE SACRED TRIDUUM – 2016 The parish communities of Saint Thomas the Apostle and Saint John the Baptist invite you to join them in celebrating these holy days. The Sacred Triduum unites us in the sacramental remembrance of the Lord’s Supper, The Passion and Death of Jesus, and the Resurrection. You are welcome at services at both of our parishes. Come and pray with us! HOLY THURSDAY, March 24th ST. THOMAS ST. JOHN ST. JOHN 8:30A.M. MORNING PRAYER 9:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER 7:30 P.M. MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER (English & Spanish) (followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 11:00 PM) ST. THOMAS 7:30 P.M. MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER (English & Portuguese) (followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 11:00 PM) GOOD FRIDAY, March 25th ST. THOMAS ST. JOHN ST. JOHN ST. JOHN 8:30 A.M. MORNING PRAYER 9:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER NOON - 3:00 P.M. MEDITATION ON THE CROSS 3:00 P.M. STATIONS OF THE CROSS (Outside-Spanish) ST. THOMAS 3:00 P.M. PASSION OF THE LORD (English) ST. JOHN ST. JOHN 7:30 P.M. PASSION OF THE LORD 7:30 P.M. PASSION OF THE LORD (Chapel-Spanish) ST. THOMAS 7:30 P.M. PASSION OF THE LORD (Portuguese) HOLY SATURDAY, March 26th ST. THOMAS 8:30 A.M. MORNING PRAYER ST. JOHN 9:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER ST JOHN (No 4pm Mass today) ST THOMAS (No 4pm Mass today) ST. JOHN ST. THOMAS 8:00 P.M. EASTER VIGIL (Spanish) 8:00 P.M. EASTER VIGIL (English– Combined Parishes) EASTER SUNDAY, March 27th ST. JOHN & ST. THOMAS 8:00 A.M. MASS ST. JOHN & ST. THOMAS 10:00 A.M. MASS ST. JOHN 11:30 A.M. MASS (Spanish) ST JOHN (No 5pm Mass today) ST. THOMAS 7:00 P.M. MASS (Brazilian- Portuguese) 12 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Extending our invitation to all of you! Jesus’ Death is Our Example During this special Jubilee Year of Mercy! Come to St John the Baptist Divine Mercy Service Jesus, who upon entering into the world said: "I have come, O God, to do your will" (cf. Heb 10:9), made himself obedient to the Father in everything and, "having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end" (Jn 13:1), giving himself completely for them. He who had come "not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mk 10:45), attains on the Cross the heights of love: "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13). And he died for us while we were yet sinners (cf. Rom 5:8).In this way Jesus proclaims that life finds its center, its meaning and its fulfillment when it is given up. At this point our meditation becomes praise and thanksgiving, and at the same time urges us to imitate Christ and follow in his footsteps (cf. 1 Pt 2:21). We too are called to give our lives for our brothers and sisters, and thus to realize in the fullness of truth the meaning and destiny of our existence. Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, n. 51. Date: Sunday, April 3, 2016 Where: St John the Baptist “Holy Family Chapel” Lower Church Time: 2:15pm - 3:30pm "Here, then, is the reason for the Jubilee: because this is the time for mercy. It is the favorable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary of meeting all those who are waiting to see and to touch with their hands the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer everyone, everyone, the way of forgiveness and reconciliation. May the Mother of God open our eyes, so that we may comprehend the task to which we have been called; and may she obtain for us the grace to experience this Jubilee of Mercy as faithful and fruitful witnesses of Christ.” excerpt from Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis 4/15 Weekend Masses March, April Saturday 4PM Weekday Masses St. John the Baptist (Confessions at 3:15PM) Monday, Friday * 8:30AM St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle (Confessions at 3:15PM) Sunday 8AM St. John the Baptist 10AM St. John the Baptist 10AM St. Thomas the Apostle 11:30AM (Spanish) St. John the Baptist 5PM St. John the Baptist 7PM (Brazilian) St. Thomas the Apostle Tues, Wed, Thurs, First Fri, First Sat. 6:45AM St. John the Baptist Other Fri & Sat ** 6:45AM St. John the Baptist * Moved in case of Funerals ** Moved in case of Funerals 13 For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Meet Fr. Tom— Bringing Christ to All Ages When Fr. Tom Macdonald walks through the streets of Dorchester, people don’t see just a young friendly face. They see a priest. It’s been three years since Fr. Tom was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston. Yet in that short time, he has become a trusted and respected friend, neighbor, and priest at the St. Ann/St. Brendan parish collaborative. “Many of the good people in these close-knit communities have seen so much more of life than I have,” says Fr. Tom, “but it’s their faith in the priesthood, their faith in the Church, and their faith in Christ that enables them to see Christ in me. It is a beautiful gift that I feel blessed to receive new again each day.” To see Fr. Tom’s story, visit Our priests are there for us and our families without question or hesitation. Please show your gratitude and consider making a generous gift to your parish collection this Easter. “Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds according to Christ’s heart.” –Pope Francis To support our priests, visit or text PRIEST to 56512. (msg. & data rates may apply) Thank you for your prayers and generous support of our priests. Thank you for helping to ensure a continuum of care and quality of life for all our active and senior priests. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free retirement living. 841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876 (978) 851-9103 Rosaries from Flowers North Shore 1-800-630-0956 7638010 “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” RS4587 101R Foster St., Peabody 978-573-0007 79 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 Space Available Full-Spychalski Funeral Home 978-744-0254 The Catholic Cemetery Association Robert G. Spychalski - Type 3 Director 84 Washington Sq. E. | O ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: our free booklet, money saving certificate, information on payment plans and specific information on our Malden, Salem and Lynn area Catholic Cemeteries. Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 �ceanWoods Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine Families welcome! Resort 207-967-1928 . 10% oFF for stay of five or more nights “Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26 Law Office of Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Eddy Staco Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at Msg. & data rates may apply Y H The Pope Francis Effect and Media: Pastoral Applications for Evangelization and Discipleship STON BO SAINT JO Hablamos Espanol 781-477-9100 [email protected] 781-558-1927 56 Central Ave., Suite 308, Lynn Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference M S SE INAR N’ . Masonry . reModeling . ConstruCtion . & More Friday, April 1, 2016, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. 11 Saugus Ave., Saugus, MA 01906 [email protected] EARLY BIRD SAVINGS PLAN NOW St. Patrick Parish, Watertown, MA Mass with Cardinal Sean at 9 a.m. Co-Sponsored by CatholicTV and Our Sunday Visitor Institute Register at 617-779-4104 ext. 1 | Support your priests at the Easter collection Text PRIEST to 56512 Msg. and data rates may apply. ™ Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Gibraltar Pools & Spas RT. 1, TOPSFIELD 978-887-2424 FREE Computerized Water Testing! Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148