Faith Christian School


Faith Christian School
Annual Fund Update
Individual Sponsors (continued)
Faith Christian School
A secure future built on a solid foundation.
A Mind for Truth ~ A Heart for Christ ~ A Will to Serve
Annual Report 2009-2010
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Head of School
Individual Sponsors
“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares
the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than
your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’”
– Isaiah 55:8-9
Dear Faith Christian School Family and Friends,
The pursuit of truth is something we hold dear at Faith Christian School. In that
quest for truth, pursuit of wisdom and virtue becomes vital. We strive to foster a
sense of intellectual vigor within our students, an intellectual who delights in the
pleasures of thinking. We desire to be more than a college-preparatory school
that merely trains students for the utilitarian academic demands of the next
level. We aim to direct students in developing minds that will yearn for the truth,
who will seek knowledge at all costs, who will desire an expansion of both mind and heart, who will love
learning, not for its own sake but for God’s sake. And yet thinking can be a tiring process; it is much easier
to accept beliefs passively than to think them through. Many conservative Christians of the past century
have scorned intellectualism, as anti-intellectualism has taken on a life of its own. This movement has had
a wide and, I believe, negative impact on Christian schools of recent generations. This anti-intellectualism
has discounted the importance of seeking truth through the life of the mind. Os Guiness has argued that
American evangelicals in the last generation have simultaneously toned up their bodies and dumbed down
their minds, producing fit bodies but fat minds. But, while it is discouraging to hear of men who do not believe
in truth, it is more corrupting to receive, in its place, learning and scholarship which, if presented as ends in
themselves, are “no more parodies of the truth they were meant to serve, no more than a façade which there
is no substance” (Eugene Rose, Nihilism).
A Christian intellectual is everything that an intellectual proper is but to the glory of God. As Christians, we
should never desire to attain mastery of knowledge for its own sake, which “puffs up” the mind and makes
it an object of idolatrous worship. What prompts earnest and excellent scholarship in the Christian is “fear of
the Lord.” And, as Karl Barth has written, the knowledge of God is not knowledge for its own sake. “So to
know God is to give Him honor.” This knowledge has no value except that of its object, its task, its goal: to
honor God. Perhaps we have a moral obligation to lead intellectual lives so that we might fully enjoy and fully
serve God’s Kingdom. So, at FCS we place considerable importance on academic pursuits, but not merely for
the college-idolatry quest or as job preparation alone. Certainly we think that our students are being prepared
for the academic rigors of college as well if not better than any other school in the Roanoke Valley, yet we also
firmly believe that we need to offer far more. Our curriculum, both Christ-centered and classical, lends itself
quite well to developing young Christian leaders for the next generation. I thank God daily for our children
here; I pray that we - - with God’s help - - can continue to develop minds which vigorously seek to know God.
In His Service,
“Thank you… everyone at Faith, for being
there and loving everyone who walks
through the doors…thank you for teaching
us how to love each other and shine a
light for God wherever we go.”
Samuel P. Cox
Head of School
–Tori Head, Senior Address
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
A Year of Promise
Head of School Report
“Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-- the Lord, who
remains faithful forever.”
– Psalm 146: 5-6
Dear Friends,
Faith Christian School has enjoyed another wonderful year in 2009-2010. When
I think of all the ways the Lord has provided for the school, I am reminded of
the passage above. It is truly comforting to know that we do have the help of
God as we go about the work of educating our students with a Christ-centered
worldview. How blessed we are to have a Lord who promises to remain faithful
forever to our works and efforts.
One area where we enjoyed the help of God was in our fundraising. In a tough
economic year our Lord brought a harvest of over half-a-million dollars between
the Annual Bridge Fund (including Project Faith) and the Capital Campaign.
Many thanks from the board and the staff to all who contributed.
God has shown his continued provisions for Faith Christian School through the
humble, tireless efforts of our Board members, Head of School, Upper & Lower
School heads, teachers, and staff, as well as all of our many parent volunteers.
So many do so much with such little pay and/or recognition. Thanks to each
and every one who has worked to provide for the school’s many needs, big and
small, for the sake of the students and to the glory of God!
Further evidence of God’s faithfulness is that the school has now been sustained
for over thirteen years, and in May’s graduation ceremony a milestone was
reached as we recognized our 100th graduate! May God’s help and faithfulness
continue to lead Faith Christian School on the journey to educating our children,
and enjoying many other milestones along the way.
In God We Trust,
Tim Lilley,
Chairman of the Board
The Faith Christian School community enjoyed our third year on our new Buck Mountain
campus in the 2009-2010 school year. Enrollment remained steady with 298 students, and
we continued our upward growth in the Annual Bridge Fund campaign and our all-school service project and fundraiser, Project Faith, raising over $250,000. The generosity of numerous
donors to the Finish in Faith capital campaign, raising nearly $276,000, which brought us to
just over $6 million in cash and pledges raised in our $8.2 million campaign.
Over and over again we saw God’s hand in the lives of our community throughout the year.
Student standardized test scores continued to be well above national and state averages,
merit-based academic college scholarship money offered to our graduates remained laudable, college acceptances strong, artistic and athletic accomplishments notable, and the life
of the school cohesive and viable.
You can see below some of the accomplishments of our students and school community.
While these accomplishments are certainly notable, our true aim is to nurture students on
the true, the good, and the beautiful in order that they might achieve their highest end: “to
glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” We are grateful to our families for their commitment to
the school and to God’s abundant blessings and His perfect faithfulness. We remain committed to reaching for our vision, with God’s help, of “a mind for truth, a heart for Christ, and
a will to serve.”
–Samuel P. Cox
2010 Mean SAT Scores for College-Bound Seniors
Critical Reading
National Average
Virginia Average
Roanoke County Average
Faith Christian School Average
2010 Mean PSAT Scores
Grade 11: 1570
Grade 10: 1440
Grade 9:
2010 ERB (Educational Records Bureau) CTP4 Scores:
298 Students
2010 Graduating
Class Size: 13
Merit Scholarships
Awarded to 2010
National Merit
Tatum Clinton,
Tori Head
Enrollments as of
June 2010:
Calvin College
Covenant College
East Carolina
The ERB is administered to about 40,000 students in grades two through eight in 1,450 independent and suburban public schools, which are academically rigorous with a large majority of collegebound students. FCS Students in grades two through eight were tested, and classes scored
above average compared to other rigorous private schools.
Roanoke College
Samford University
James Madison
Elks Club ValedictoriansTatum Clinton,
Virginia Polytechnic
Alton Wampler
Institute & State
Hi-Y President’s AwardSam Andree
WDBJ Hometown Honors
Tatum Clinton, Alton Wampler
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Award (HOBY)
Susannah Haig, AC Branch
NACA All American Div. III Team
Morgan Oliver
YMCA Council on National Affairs
Joseph Katt, Monica Pollard
SGA President’s AwardRhett Adams
National Latin Exam, Latin II Gold Summa Cum Laude
Andrew Swann
National Latin Exam, Latin II Silver Maxima Cum Laude
Joseph Katt
National Latin Exam, Latin II Magna Cum Laude
Connor Jones
National Latin Exam, Prose IV, Silver Cum Laude
Susannah Haig
National Latin Exam, Prose IV, Cum Laude
Joseph Wampler, Taylor Goad
National Merit Commended Scholars
Tatum Clinton, Tori Head
Fides AwardAlton Wampler
Veritas AwardTori Head
Ministerium AwardSarah Graninger
The Chuck Evans Outstanding Senior Thesis Award
Tatum Clinton
The Kathy C. Roberson Unsung Warrior Award
Faith Gardner
Commencement AddressTori Head
Head of School Report continued on page 4
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Head of School
Report (continued)
Student Government Association
The 2009-2010 SGA was led by President Rhett Adams, Vice-President Monica Pollard, Treasurer Sam Andree, and Secretary AC
Branch. The officers and class representatives organized several social events including: Luau, War Night, Oktoberfest, “See
You at the Pole”, Middle School Christmas Party, Freeze Bowl, Valentines Skate Party, Swing Dance, an indoor Movie Night, and
our first annual Outdoor Movie Night. The SGA officers also helped rally the troops for Project Faith, performing as members of
the Project Faith League.
Academic & Service Clubs
Hi-Y (YMCA Government Club)
FCS had a delegation of twenty-five students who attended the Model General Assembly in Richmond in April, serving as senators, delegates, reporters, executive representatives, and pages. Out of the 600 MGA attendees, Monica Pollard, a rising senior,
and Joseph Katt, a rising sophomore, were chosen by the YMCA as two of twenty Virginia students to attend the highly selective
YMCA National Affairs Conference to be held in July at the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Students from across the nation gather at this conference to debate issues of national and international importance.
Monica Pollard was elected to serve as the 2011 Speaker of the House Pro-Tempore. She is one of six officers elected from the
entire assembly at the 2010 MGA for the 2011 Model General Assembly, which met in Richmond in April. This is an incredible
honor and privilege. Hi-Y’s gift to the school for the 2009-2010 year was a check for $400 to be used in the refurbishing of the
school’s lobby. Hi-Y’s service projects for the year included a recycling program for the school, an afternoon of cleaning inside and
outside the school with Mr. Kemp and Miss Nancy, and “Cookies for Kairos,” a program run by the Kairos ministry at Church of
the Holy Spirit, in which Hi-Y members brought hundreds of cookies to be given to prison inmates. Sam Andree served as the
2009-2010 President.
Ministerium Society
The Ministerium Society is a student-led organization for grades 6 – 12 which seeks to show the light of Christ through practical
acts of service and mercy in accord with Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount: “Let your light shine before others, so
that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Ministerium organizes and
performs service projects for both the school community and the Roanoke community at large. This society allows students to
participate in school-wide drives for charities, provides tutoring and janitorial help at the school, and also gets students involved
with non-profit organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse, Second Harvest Food Bank, the Blue Ridge Women’s Center, the Rescue
Mission, and local nursing homes. Sarah Graninger served as the 2009-2010 President.
Veritas Honor Society
Our School honor society serves to promote enthusiasm for academic excellence and scholarship, to stimulate the desire to
serve, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage character development in students. Tori Head and Alton Wampler served
as co-presidents for the 2009-2010 school year. Arts & Electives
As 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students rotated through the fine arts, each grade performed different works of drama. The 6th grade
girls performed Pandora’s Box for the Lower School, and 6th grade boys performed a play about Prometheus. The 7th grade class
explored verbal and non-verbal exercises in drama. The 8th grade class performed a version of Kipling’s The Jungle Book. This
year’s Upper School drama students were separated into a two-day a week class for less experienced students, and a three
day a week advanced class. The two-day Upper School drama class worked on scenes from various plays. Advanced students
presented a Veterans Day program drawing on actual war letters between battle front and home front. Advanced students also
prepared scenes and monologues from Shakespeare and performed scenes from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. By audition,
twenty-one students from grades 6-12 were cast in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which was presented in three performances
to the community, and drew audiences of over 800.
Visual Arts
Display of student art work was ongoing in grades K-12. The Spring Festival of the Arts included a major juried art show of all
Lower School student work, and all elective art students in grades 7-12. The Middle and Upper School art students also took part
in the creation of a mural for the Salvation Army’s Community Center in downtown Roanoke.
Meeting after school, the yearbook club worked to provide the Faith Christian School community an edition of The Standard that
captured the spirit and energy of the 2009-2010 school year, as well as the common faith that we share. Athletics
Faith Christian School athletics revealed strength, character, growth, and talent through its athletes. Whether laying the foundation for success in young athletes or displaying developed skills and team unity in the fight for state championships, FCS athletes
played with great integrity, solidarity, and champion spirit. Varsity Girls Basketball won the District Regional Championship, and
placed 2nd in the state finals. Varsity Girls Soccer won the District Regional Championship, and placed 1st in the state finals.
Financial Report
Statements of Financial Position –June 30, 2010 and 2009
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net
Unconditional promises to give, net
Prepaid expenses
Total current assets
Noncurrent unconditional promises to give
Debt issuance costs, net
Total other assets
Total assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Current maturities of long-term debt
Total current liabilities
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 183,250
$ 7,708,350
$ 7,561,276 $ 7,708,350
Statement of Activities–Year Ended June 30, 2010
Temporarily Restricted
Gross tuition
$ 1,905,080
$ 1,905,080
Less tuition assistance
Net tuition and fees
270,960 613,373
In-kind contributions
Rental income
Investment income
1,664 1,664
Other income
Net assets released from restrictions
375,739 (375,739)
Total support and revenue
Program services
1,940,354 -
General and administrative
500,922 -
Development and fund raising
Total expenses
Change in net assets
79,945 (103,115)
Beginning of year
5,271,433 107,469
End of year
$ 5,351,378 $
4,354 $ 5,355,732
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Graduate Profiles
Faith Christian
School 2010
Average SAT score
of 1797 – nearly 300
points above the
national average
Offered nearly
$150,000 per
student in meritbased academic
college scholarships
100% College
What is a Senior
In order to graduate,
seniors are required
to complete a Senior
Honors Thesis,
which requires a
student, over the
course of a year, to
prepare, present and
defend a substantive
argument on
a debatable
question. Each
thesis is presented
and defended
to the faculty and
invited guests at
the Senior Thesis
Rhett William Adams
Rhett, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Parker and Lisa Adams, began attending FCS in the sixth grade. In Upper
School, Rhett served as the treasurer, vice-president, and president of the SGA, as well as vice-president
of Hi-Y. He was a member of the Veritas Honor Society and Ministerium, and the recipient of the ACSI
award for athletics and leadership. He also received the Unsung Warrior Award, given to a student
scholar each year. Rhett was very active in FCS athletics, running cross country, and playing soccer and
basketball. As a member of the FCS basketball team since sixth grade, Rhett received the MVP award,
Coaches’ Award, and Most Improved Award. In cross country, he earned the Most Improved Award and
the Coaches’ Award. Rhett served as team captain of both the soccer and basketball teams, receiving
the MVP award for soccer as well. As a recipient of the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Award (HOBY),
Rhett was privileged to attend the HOBY Conference held at Richmond University his sophomore year.
Rhett will attend James Madison University in the fall. Thesis Topic: Flu Vaccines: Are They Really Safe
and Effective?
Samuel Axel Andree
Sam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don and Wendy Andree. During his time at FCS, Sam served in the
SGA, Ministerium, Hi-Y, and Tertulia. He served as president of Hi-Y and treasurer of the SGA. Sam
played on the varsity soccer team for four years and ran varsity cross country for three years. Outside
of school, he plays the cello in the Roanoke Youth Symphony. He also recently achieved the rank of
Eagle Scout. In the fall, Sam will be attending Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI, where he plans to
study in a Pre-Architecture program. Thesis Topic: Blowin’ in the Wind: The Wind Energy Solution to
the High Cost of Energy.
Alexander Maxfield Byrd
Alex, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David and Martie Byrd, has attended FCS since sixth grade, and has made
many memories within its halls. While at FCS, Alex has served as a member of Hi-Y and Ministerium
clubs. During his senior year, Alex participated in the Model General Assembly as a delegate. He has
played on the soccer team and ran for the cross country team, and received awards for Most Valuable
Player and Co-Captain during his junior year. Alex has maintained good grades while working an
average of twenty-five hours a week at Chick-fil-A. He loves hanging out with friends, video games,
and skateboarding. Alex will attend James Madison University in the fall, where he will pursue a degree
in History with a concentration in Pre-Law. Thesis Topic: That was Then, This is Now: The Changing
Justification of Nuclear Weapons.
Graduate Profiles
Sarah Jane Graninger
Sarah is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Dana Graninger, and has attended FCS since sixth grade. While at FCS, she has served
in Hi-Y, SGA, Tertulia, Veritas Honor Society, the Honor Council, and Ministerium. In Ministerium, she served as the secretary her
sophomore year, vice-president her junior year, and president her senior year. She has played on both the varsity basketball and soccer
teams the past six years. During her junior year, Sarah was awarded All Regional Team and All State Team in soccer, helping lead her
team to its first state championship. During her sophomore year, she was awarded the Ministerium Award, in addition to the HOBY
award for leadership. She hopes to perform mission work in Nicaragua this summer and plans to study Spanish at Virginia Tech this fall.
Thesis Topic: A Bold Venture of Faith: Dietrich Bonhoffer’s Involvement in the Plot to Assassinate Adolf Hitler.
Kaley Anne Hart
Kaley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bonz and Dee Dee Hart, and attended FCS for six years. While she was in high school, Kaley tried
to play on the soccer team for one year, and partook of the glorious tradition of acting in the play Treasure Island. She also attended,
and was involved in the Tertulia Spanish Club and the service club, Ministerium. Kaley enjoys reading, art, photography, hiking, Frisbee,
and music. She also served for a semester as a first grade tutor in art, and she took guitar lessons the first two and half years in high
school. Kaley is excited to attend Covenant College in the fall, where she will major in Marketing & Graphic Design. Thesis Topics: The
Lost and Found: Finding Meaning in Art.
Victoria Rachel Head
Tori is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Betsy Head. During her time at FCS, she served as secretary of Ministerium, vicepresident of Tertulia, and co-president of the Veritas Honor Society. Tori also received the ACSI Award for Academics, the departmental
Yearbook award, and the departmental Science award. She became involved in the drama program at FCS in her junior and senior years,
and was in the cast of Oliver Twist and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Outside of FCS, Tori is very involved in her church, piano lessons,
and the Roanoke College Children’s Choir, in which she was a member grades five through twelve. She has a passion for God, music,
reading and travel, and hopes to study abroad during her time at Samford University, where she will major in Vocal Performance this
fall. Thesis Topic: Criminal Profiling: Credible or Questionable.
Magdeline Joy Hedrick
Maggie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Stephanie Hedrick. During Maggie’s six years at FCS, she was involved in Ministerium,
Veritas Honor Society, Hi-Y, and Tertulia Spanish Club. Maggie served as president of Tertulia and vice-president of Hi-Y. She played
varsity volleyball for five years, being named MVP three times, and selected for the First Team All District. She also played Junior
Olympic volleyball for four years outside of school. Maggie enjoys reading, painting, and playing with her dogs. Maggie will attend
Roanoke College this fall where she plans to study History. Thesis Topic: We the People: Take Two, The Need for a Revitalized U.S.
Tatum Alise Clinton
Tatum is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Leslie Clinton. While at FCS, Tatum was involved in the
Ministerium and Tertulia clubs and was a member of the Veritas Honor Society. She was on the Honor
Roll for all four years of high school, and received the title of National Merit Scholarship Commended
Student, the ACSI Distinguished Student for Academics Award, and was named one of WDBJ Channel
7’s “Best of the Class.” In her junior year, Tatum played soccer on the varsity team. Outside of school,
she is an avid writer, participating in the National Novel Writing Month in her junior and senior years, as
well as an artist and amateur ornithologist. She will be attending Covenant College in the fall, where she
will major in Computer Science. She hopes to pursue a career in linguistics and neuropsychology. Thesis
Topic: From Grunts to Grammar: A Critical Analysis of the Naturalistic Theories for Language.
Morgan Elizabeth Oliver
Morgan is the daughter of Mrs. Cynthia Oliver, and the late Mr. Ron Oliver. During Morgan’s time at FCS, she was secretary and vicepresident of Hi-Y, and attended Model General Assembly for three years, once holding the position of Committee Chair. She was also
president of the Yearbook Committee her senior year. Morgan has played basketball and soccer at FCS since tenth grade when she
came to the school, and also ran cross country her first year where she placed first in two local tournaments. During her senior year in
basketball, Morgan was placed on the First Team All Region team, All District, All State, and on the National All Tournament Team. She
was named offensive player of the year for the girls’ varsity Warriors and received the Coaches’ Award during her junior year. In soccer
during her senior year, Morgan made First Team All Region. Outside of school, she enjoys spending quality time with her friends and
family. She loves board games, traveling, the ocean, and horseback riding. This fall, Morgan will attend East Carolina University. Thesis
Topic: Remote Control: The Impact of the Media on Teens.
Kathryn Brooke Conrad
Kathryn is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Chris and Robin Conrad. During her time at FCS, Kathryn was
an active member in Hi-Y, Ministerium, Tertulia, SGA, and the Veritas Honor Society. She participated in
Model General Assembly all four years of her high school career, and participated in the Model Judiciary
Program for three years. Kathryn was also very active in sports at FCS. She played for the soccer team
beginning in sixth grade, and was the starting Goal Keeper throughout her high school years. She also
ran cross country for one season and played volleyball for three seasons. Kathryn has been accepted into the Biological Science Program
at Virginia Tech, where she will be attending in the fall. She hopes to pursue a career in the medical field like her father. Thesis Topic: A
Yearning for Justice: The Role of the Church and the State in the Abolition of Sexual Slavery.
John Rolfe Waldo
John is the son of Mr. Mark Waldo and Mrs. Suzy Wilson. While attending FCS, John served in Hi-Y, Tertulia, and Ministerium. He was
on the soccer team, holding the position of captain his junior year. He also played basketball and was captain both his junior and senior
years. In sixth grade, he played tennis, and ran cross country through tenth grade. John has been involved in many church events
including mission trips to Downtown Roanoke, Bluefield, WV, and Santiago, Chile. John’s interests include sports, skateboarding, and
hanging out with his friends. This fall, John will attend Virginia Tech where he will pursue a degree in Business. Thesis Topic: Television:
A Clear and Present Danger.
Laura Faith Gardner
Faith is the daughter of the Reverend Cannon and Mrs. Marvin and Laura Gardner. She was a member of the Veritas Honor Society
in her junior and senior years. Faith was also a member of the Vesperia Dance Committee (grades 9-12), the Ministerium service
club, the Tertulia Spanish Club, and Hi-Y, participating in the Model General Assembly her junior year. Throughout her years at FCS,
Faith ran on the cross country team, and played on the basketball and soccer teams. She enjoys sailing and creating art in her spare
time. Faith will attend James Madison University in the fall, where she plans to study Graphic Design. Thesis Topic: Going Green:
Glorifying God in Action.
Frederick Alton Wampler
Alton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Tanya Wampler. Throughout his seven years at FCS, Alton has been a co-president of
Veritas Honor Society, a class representative in SGA, and a leader in Ministerium. He has also been a part of Tertulia, Vesperia Dance
Committee, and the Honor Council. He has won a departmental award in both Science and Math, along with the ACSI Distinguished
Student for Christian Service Award, and the Ministerium service award. This year, he was nominated for WDBJ Channel 7’s “Best of
the Class.” Outside of school, Alton is involved in the Roanoke Youth Symphony Orchestra and his church. He has been part of his youth
group for seven years, has played in the church orchestra, and has gone on several mission trips to Romania and New Orleans. He will
be attending James Madison University this fall, where he will major in Pre-Med. Thesis Topic: Childhood, Interrupted: The Ugly Truth
About Misplaced Teens in the Justice System.
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Annual Fund Update
Summa Society
Mr. & Mrs. David Meyer
Ernie & Liz Miller
- In memory of Robert &
Agnes Miller
J.W. & Donna Morris, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Newton
- In honor of Brendan &
Sarah Newton
Bill & Carol Jean Nunnally
Century Club
- In honor of Madeline &
$100- 249
Magna Society
Logan Nunnally
Anonymous (16)
$5000 - 9,999
Lonnie F. Phillips, Jr.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Pizzino
- In memory of Erica Kroger
Mark & Sheri Poore
Richard & Elouise Reed
Alpha Society
Lloyd & Sue Atkinson
Ralph Riggs, Sr.
$2,500 - 4,999
- In honor of Caroline &
Barry & Shelby Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jones
Charlotte Rose
John & Susanne Roderick
Prestige Acres Landscaping, Inc. Kandice Kahl Barton
Rood & Co. Hair Design
Mr. & Mrs. David Savitz
- In memory of
JoAnne & Bill Scott
Beta Society
Pearl Seaman
$1,000- 2,499
Todd & April Shell
Robert & Joanna Benne
Anonymous (5)
Mr. & Mrs. Shoemaker
Pat Booker
Box Tops for Education
Ronald E. & Janice W. Sink
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bowen
Richard & Amy Caywood
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Smith
Kirk & Karla Bower
Ken & Shirley Chesterman
Sons of Norway Blafjell
Richard & Susie Dudley
Lodge # 3-646
- In honor of Brice, Kendra, &
B.J. Swecker
Brandon Hinkle
- In honor of the Hedrick girls
Darla B. Hess & L. Wayne Hess
Target Stores
Charles & Sherry Cannon
Dr. & Mrs. John Hines
Laura & Randy Tate
Dr. & Mrs. John Jessop
George T. Taylor, Jr.
Commercial Telephone Specialist Bo Waldo
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jordan
Pem & Lucy Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Whitmore
Taz & Shelley Cooper
Phil & Dana Manos
Wayne & Liz Wilcox
John & Brenda Moore
Chris & Janet Wilkinson
Dr. & Mrs. Doug Ross
Warriors Club
Joel & Ann Claire Shepherd
William Eccli
$1 - 99
Gamma Club
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Estep
Anonymous (9)
- In honor of Holden Michael Mr. & Mrs. Keith Allen
Anonymous (6)
Joyce Allman
Mrs. J.B. Bernard, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Fink
Marvin & Michele Bright
Food Lion
Dr. & Mrs. George Anderson
Oscar & Doreen Bryant
Derrick & Lisa Gregory
Malcom & Jean Boggs
Sam & Erin Cox
Earl & Barbara Hall
Joel & Rachel Bremner
Custer’s Custom Painting
Mr. & Mrs. William Hamilton
Buffalo Wild Wings
Service, Inc.
Richard J. & Erma L. Hedrick
Mr. & Mrs. David Byrd
Wayne & Lisa Firebaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jeffords Tom & Ronda Clark
Rev. & Mrs. Barry Green
Craig & Barbara Johnson
Jeff & Leslie Clinton
Dr. & Mrs. H.L. Hansberry, III
Ed & Jan Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Carleton C. Crabill, Jr.
Kevin & Melia Jones
Nancy Jordan
Ed D. & Nancy Elliott
Michael & Diane Kelly
John & Janice Kehrli
- In honor of Isaac &
Lands’ End
Allison Elliott
- In honor of Elizabeth Mr. Tim & Dr. Stacey Lilley
Dennis & Harriet Fiihr
- In memory of Gene Lilley
- In memory of Isabelle Fiihr
Richard Kilts
Mr. & Mrs. Keith McCurdy
Herb & Sue Freye
Dr. & Mrs. Aubrey Knight
Robert & Lynne Patane
Rodney Fulton
Janet Knopf
Wal-Mart Foundation
Jeff & Sheryl Garner
- In memory of Reuben Mr. & Mrs. John Weber
John Weber
Rev. & Mrs. Mark Graham
Andrew K. Ledwith
Tom & Joanne Willis
Kathy Habeeb
Dolores Lloyd
- In honor of Breece Paisley
Joyce A. Habel
Hilda R. Malinchak
- In honor of Mason &
- In honor of Adam &
Delta Club
Vince Wheeler
Abby Hall
$250 - 499
Roy & Bobbi Hinkle
Tucker & Linda Martin
Mrs. William Iler
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Alexander
Beverly Kaltenbach
Keith & Kathy Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Childs
Gordon & Ellie Kasch
Rev. Timothy L. & Mrs. Nancy
Joe & Beth Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice King
Tom & Tonya Duff
$10,000 or more
- In memory of Hannah
George and in gratitude
to the Faith Christian School
Ms. Sandra C. Via
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKeown
- In honor of Maria McKeown
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Newton
Pete & Katie Reynolds
Gayle Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Tomlinson
Vistar Eye Center, Inc.
Project Faith Donors
Kenneth & Mary Madsen
- In honor of Allison Elliott
Mr. Matt Martindale
Daniel & Betty Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Ed McKeown
Mr. & Mrs. W. Mac Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Minnix
Mr. David Moorman
- In honor of FCS teachers and staff
Melissa Moslow
David & Martha Mulford
Thomas & Sherry Oster
Ms. Ingrid Pierce
Margaret & Bill Roderick
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Roman
- In honor of Haleigh Shell
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Roth
- In honor of
Dr. Joseph Nelson
Thomas L. & Lee Sevigny
Richard & Patty Slider
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith
Erid & Yvonne Stroud
Nancy Tate
Ukrop’s Super Markets, Inc.
Upromise, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Vitello
- In memory of Hannah George
Richard T. & Tanya B. Wampler
Corvin & Angie Weddle
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Whitenack
Gifts made in memory of
Kathy Cline Robertson, FCS'
Founding Board Chair and
Board Member 1997- 2003
Mr. & Mrs. Don & Wendy Andree
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bowen
Miss Nancy Caldwell
Geraldine Cline & Friends
Susan W. Corbett
Rodney Duckett
Thomas L. Eckert
First Baptist Church,
Church Family
First Baptist Church,
Worship Choir
Dr. & Mrs. W. Robert Haun
Trish Hawley
Ms. Stormy Iseson
Mr. & Mrs. Ab Jones
Mr. Linwood Lucas
Mr. Edward Lupton
Joni & Bill Mercer
E.L. Mullins, Jr.
Dottie & Lonnie Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Pizzino
Russ & Cynthia Roberson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Slusher
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Wells
Project Faith, our all-school service project and fundraiser this spring, was very successful.
The entire school community
worked hard on April 30th serving the Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Mill Mountain Garden Club, the YWCA women’s
shelter, and the Blue Ridge Women’s Center. Volunteers donated over 2,000 hours of service, and FCS raised over
$150,000 towards our Annual Bridge Fund goal. Thank you to all of our generous donors who support Project Faith!
The Sherwin-Williams Co.
Branch Management Corp.
Custer’s Custom
Painting Service, Inc.
Prestige Acres Landscaping, Inc.
Virginia Furniture Market
Brian S. Alexander, DDS, PC
Beltone Audiology &
Hearing Aid Centers
Blue Ridge Diesel Injection, Inc.
Bright Services
Carie Austin, Long & Foster
Faith Christian School Student
Government Association
Bush Flora Shoes
Lori Hedrick Photography, Inc.
Pennceram, LLC
Plantation Creations
Fee-Only Financial Planning
Hearp & Associates
Home Instead Senior Care
Ideal Cabinets
Sun Trust
Tom Stover, RE/MAX Valley,
Blenheim Technologies
Jewelry Exchange
Pawn $hop
Roanoke Firearms
WeberPearson PC Attorneys &
Counselors at Law
Individual Sponsors
Anonymous (156)
Alan & Elida Abadie
Jeanne Abadie & Bruno Jubelin
Steven & Kristie Abadie
Gary & Elizabeth Abel
Murry Hertzberg/Ace Endico
Carlos & Nancy Acosta
Adam & Bonnie Adelkopf
Abe & Tracey Agee
Andy & Gini Agee
David & Cathy Agee
Eva Agee
Pennie Ahuero
Bill & Julia Akers
Eugene & Ethel Akers
H. James & Ruth Akers
Robert & Tracy Akers Family
Robert & Amelia Alderman
Bobby & Gerry Aldridge
Edwin & Margaret Aldridge
Skip & Paula Alexander
Brian & Margaret Allen
Joyce Allman
Mary & Bob Almond
Lloyd & Thalia Altice
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Altice
Ambassador Rehab
Florence Amos
Nancy Amos
Brad Anderson
Calvin & Carol Anderson
Carl Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. George Anderson
Gary & Juanita Anderson
Linette Joy Wells, PC
Faith Christian School Supporter
T. Lilley Investments, LLC
Cardinal Valley Industrial Supply
H. B. Hodges, Jr. Realtors, Inc.
Jane & Eade Anderson
Marilyn Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Anderson
Irene Angove
Mike & Dorothy Angove
R. Archers
Scott & Laura Arnold
Debra Hope Arthur/The Furniture
Joel Atance & Kara Bui
John & Justine Atkinson
Lloyd & Sue Atkinson
Louella Atkinson
Claudine W. Atwater
Glenn & Teena Austin
Jerry L. Austin
Wayne Angell
Gary & Sharon Ayers
The Ayers Family
Manly Aylor Jr.
B & D Lock Co.
Paul D. Bailey
Robert & Tondea Bailey
Tom & Diana Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Baker
Dan & Jackie Baldwin
Jenny Baldwin
Kenny & Debra Baliles
Don Bandy
Luella Myers Banks
Shawna Banks
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Bannon, Jr.
Christopher Bannon
Scott Barber
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Maggie Moos Ice Cream & Treatery
Woltz & Associates, Inc.
Rood & Company Hair Design
Barbara & Dennis Barbour
Phil & Angela Barbour
Karen & Don Barefoot
George & Elizabeth Barker
Jim & Jamie Barlow
Ralph & Billie Barlow
Ruthie T. Barnett
Stephanie Barnum
Adnan Barqawi
William & Mae D. Barrett
Barbara & Jack Barrier
Scott & Helen Barrier
Tom & Vickie Barrow
Joy & Olaf Barthelmai
Madonna Bartko
Ed & Sara Bartlett
Eugene & Virginia Barton
Sharon Barton
Criston & Chris Basdikis
Kathy Baske Young
Byron & Heather Batty
Mr. & Mrs. L. Fred Baum, Jr.
Homer & Marcia Bauserman
Pamela G. Baxley
Donald & Amanda Baxter
Garry & Nancy Bayliss
Ken & Shirley Beadling
Ken & Sue Beadling
Ann & Dan Beam
Pat Beasley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Beaumont
Charles E. Beckwith
Gary & Kathy Bedard
Al & Brenda Beisser
Angelique Bello
Robert & Joanna Benne
Dwayne & Jane Bennett
Katie W. Bennett
Morris & Ann Bennett
Norman & Rexine Bennett
Michael & Terri Bentley
Stephen & Patricia Bentley
Tommy & Nannie Bentley
Mrs. J.B. Bernard, Jr.
Kevin & Katy Bess
Fr. Paul Beutell, II
Ruth L. Bickling
Robert & Andrea Biggs
Mathew & Amanda Billups
Bingham Family
Bob & Judith Birch
Gary & Deborah Bishop
W. R. Bishop
William C. & Carolyn M. Bishop
Bittel & Anderson, Inc.
Carl Bivens
Stephanie Black
Jerry & Claire Blake
Liana Blankenship
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Blankenship
Wesley & Janelle Blankenship
Dr. & Mrs. William M. Blaylock
Doug Bleeker
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Blum
Stanely G. Boatwright
Bob McDonnell Inaugural
Committee, Inc.
Cary & Dana Boggs
Project Faith
Donors (continued)
Project Faith
Individual Sponsors
Roger & Donna Bohon
Pat Booker
Julie Bolton & Rick Boulay
David Bova
Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Bova
Ken D. Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bowen
Kirk & Karla Bower
Richard & Janie Bower
Robert S. Bower
Drs. R.W. & Joan C. Bowers
Robert D. Bowles
Brenda Bowman
Donald & Christina Bowman
Judy & Charles Boyd
Ms. Matilda H. Bradshaw
Bill Branch
Sally Branch & Roy Simmons
Brandon Automotive, Inc.
Michelle Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bratcher
Cesar & Stacey Bravo
James & Kimberly Bray
Kevin Braybrook
Michael & Carla Bream
Mike & Tammy Breiner
Mr. & Mrs. William Brenton, Jr.
Joanna Brice
Rocco & Senta Brienza
Marvin & Michele Bright
Marvin & Winkie Bright
Susan H. Broaddus
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Broadwell
Jodi Brodsky
Dennis & Bev Brooks
J. Richard & Marlyn Brooks
Walter Brooks
Willie & Donna Brooks
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Linda Y. Brown
Marlyn Ed Brown
Sam & Cheryl Brown
Sandy Brown
Susan Brown
Tim & Lisa Brown
Juanita Browner
Mary Lou & Stewart Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Latane Brugh
James & Anne Bruton
Allen & Jane Bryant
Ben & Janice Bryant
Moyer Lee Bryant
Oscar & Doreen Bryant
Brad & Bonnie Buie
Gordon & Carolyn Burch
Joel & Sarah Burgess
Nancy Iler Burkholder
Frank & Jeannine Burks
Gloria T. Burleigh
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Burns
Chris & Gail Burton
Colby Bush
Bonnie Butler
Dan & Janet Byrd
Orus & Evelyn Byrd
Richard & Judy Byrd
Timothy & Susan Byrd
C J Asphalt Paving, Inc.
Carol & Conrad Calandra
Jennifer Caldwell
Mabel F. Caldwell
Mr. Richard Milner Caldwell
Steve & Tracy Caldwell
Rod & Jean Callaway
Beth Campbell
Charles A. Campbell, Jr.
Donna H. Campbell
Judith Leigh Campbell
Sally Campbell
Tammy & Kirby Campbell
Charles & Sherry Cannon
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Cannon
Dr. Steve Cannon
Robert Capaccioli
Wanda Cardwell
Hamill B. Carey
Eric & Patty Carlson
Nathan Carlton
Don Carper
Donald Carper
Larry Carr
Thomas & Sheryl Carr
L. Curtis Carroll
Dan & Sandra Carson
Warren & Glennetta Carswell
Carter Tool & Manufacturing Co. -
Stover Carter
Jim & Linda Carter
Katherine Carter
L. Gerald Carter
Rod Carter
Vencie Carter-Great Grandmother
James & Letty Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Cassel
Anthony Cavalante
Richard & Amy Caywood
Richard B. Chappell
Ella Cheek
The Chesson Family
Ken & Shirley Chesterman
Nicole Cheyney & Keith Krzeminski
Chinchilla Variety - John Berry Grace Berry
David & Susan Chrisley
Cito Family
Brett Clark
Chuck & Beth Clark
Frank & Irene Clark
Joe & Susan Clark
Mark & Linda Clark
Rick & Julie Clark
Tom & Ronda Clark
William E. Clark
Zach & Sami Clayman
W. Burton Clemmer
Anthony & Patricia Clevenger
Rannie & Cheryl Clifton
R.L. Clinevell
Dr. Robert Clinton
Bill & Karen Cobble
Gil & Gayle Coblentz
Herb Codington
Lewis Codington
Ann & Vic Coffey
Jonathan & Katie Coffey
Rita G. Coffey
David Colbert
Clark & Karen Cole
Ivan & Elizabeth Cole
Jerry & Pat Cole
The Colemans
Clyde & Pat Collie
Beverly Collins
Ernest & Mary Collins
Grace Collins
Jennifer Conner & Pam Conner
Jim & Mary Ann Conner
Tim, Mary, & Erin Grace Conner
Kevin & Sandra Connolly
Art & Elizabeth Conroy
Richard & Sandra Conway
Eric & Liz Cook
Kevin Coolbaugh
Bill & Robin Cooper
Bob & Belle Cooper
James J. Cooper
Mac & Inglath Cooper
Taz & Shelley Cooper
Dr. Fred Coots, III
Fred & Debbie Coots
Chris & Jessica Copenhaver
Vincent & Sheila Copenhaver
Mike & Sherry Cornett
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Corwin
Ronald W. Costen
William & Mary Costen
Dan & Geri Counts
Dwayne & Mary Ann Cox
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Cox, Sr.
Richard & Shirley Cox
Sam & Erin Cox
Hugh & Regina Craft
The Red-headed Scottish Boys
from California
Bob & Susan Crawley
Gene & Charmaine Cress
Jewell Crews
Randy & Toni Criss
Richard & Connie Crites
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Cromer
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Crosby
Jim & Linda Crosby
Chloda Crosier
John L. & Wanda L. Crowder
Eleanor Crush
John D. & Patricia McGee Cullen
Ravonda Cullifer
Joe & Beth Cummings
David Cundiff
Larry & Cinda Curfiss
Ross & Phyllis Curll
Anthony & Rebecca Custer
Brad & Nikki Custer
Erma Custer
Jerry & Dianna Custer
Custer’s Custom Painting
Service, Inc.
Custom Machining & Tool, Inc. Mark Carter
Myrian J. Czarnecki
Rebecca Dagley
Cory Dale
Hugh & Lori Dalton
Gerald Anthony Daniel
Peggy P. Daniel
Walter Daniel
Laurie & Chris Darling
Dick & Bitsy Davis
Frieda Davis
George & Cathy Davis
Joanna B. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. David Davis
Margaret Davison
Doris Day
Odean & Phyllis De Jong
Anne & Frank de la Sierra
Rob & Haley Dean
Wes Dearing
Jason & Martha DeBord
Deb’s Frozen Lemonade
The DeCamara Family
Rose Delaney
Nancy Dellert
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dellinger
Jack & Katherine Demas
Bill & Debbe Dempsey
Kelly Denison
Janet & Douglas Densmore
Charles & Lynn Derbyshire
Brian & Lorrie Deringer
Jennifer Desaegher
Doug & Brooke Devine
Allen DeWeese
James Dewitt
Ray & Helen Deyerle
William A. Deyerle, DDS
Bill Dichtel
Nancy Dene & Rob DiCintio
Alison C. Dickey
Dr. F. Randolph Dickey
Louise Dickey
Byron R. Dickson
Dr. Charlotte Dietz
Ronald Dingler
Dr. John Dinsmore
Jerry & Melinda Doggett
Nancy & Tom Dooley
Ollie & Harry Dotson
Steve & Marcia Dougherty
Down Home Pharmacy
Joan Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Downing & Family
Ruth Downs
Bill & Kathleen Driver
Colin & Angela Drozdowski
Lowan Duckett
Cheryl Dudley
Gary & Cathy Dudley
Richard & Susie Dudley
Paul & Anne Dufresne
Kimberly Duncan
Jerry & Gina Dunnavant
Mary Dutcher
Joan & Chick Duus
Katy Dynes
Eddie Eades
Geraldine Eccli
William Eccli
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Eckenroth
Thomas L. Eckert
David & Jean Edmunds
Freddie & Cindy Edmunds
Martha Edmunds
Allen Ekhart
Erik & Wendy Eklof
Tom & Barbara Eldridge
Deborah Elig
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Eller
Gary & Melanie Ellexson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ellexson
Ed D. & Nancy Elliott
Edward & Amy Elliott
Carol E. Ellis
Lynne & Bob Ellis
Ed Elswick
Doug & Evelyn English
Fred & Kathy Englund
Al & Linda Erkhart
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Estep
Tamara Estes
S.J. Estridge
The Steve Esworthy Family
Brad & Gwen Eungard
Pamela Eversley
Margy & Denmond Exley
Susan & Jim Eyster
Willamena Fair
Jen & Pat Faison
Carlton & Virginia Farley
Dan & Cindy Fendley
Mary Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Ferguson, Jr.
William Ferguson
The Revs. Dusty & Robert Fiedler
Patricia Fields
Regina Fields
Dennis & Harriet Fiihr
Warren & Paula Fiihr
David & MaryLu Filkins
Marc Fink
Brenda & Gary Finnell
Dr. William & Connie Fintel
Jerry & Cleo Firebaugh
First Baptist Church - Salem
Bob & Annie Fish
Mrs. Helen C. Fitzpatrick
Jason, Amy & Makayla Fix
Roger & Reva Fizer
Lee & Becky Flora
Marie S. Flora
Mr. & Mrs. David Flora
Joshua & Heather Foote
Dale & Fran Ford
Frank & Cathie Forney
James & Rhea Forney
Rachel Forrester
The Forstbauer Family
Linda Foster
Jim & Donna Foster
Phyllis Foster
Tracey & Roy Foutz
Christopher L. Fowler
Mike & Julie Fowler
Richard & Rene Fowler, Leonard
& Roveta Morgan
Landin Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Fralin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Frame
Tammy Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Frantz, Jr.
Paul & Susan Frantz
Spencer & Joy Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Fredrich
Herb & Charlotte French
Ralph & Wanda French
Dan & Gloria Freye
Herb & Sue Freye
Mrs. W.P. (Sarah) Frost
Patty Fulk
Rodney Fulton
Tim & Amy Fulton
William & Barbara Futrell
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
F. Fulton Galer
Robert & Nadia Gard
Virginia & Tupper Garden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Allen Garland
Robert & Dorothy Garland
Bob & Donna Garrett
Jane & Robert Garrison
Garst Mill Presbyterian Church
Lucky & Sabrina Garvin
Chris & Misty Gattis
Twila French
Diane J. Geller
Fred & Lynn Genheimer
Mike & Christine Gensler
Aaron & Leslie Gentry
Ed George
Mary Lou Giangreco
Jenna & Frank Giannini
Bill & Gayle Gibbons
Clay & Kim Gibbs
Angela Gibson
Paul & Imogene Gillespie
Earl & Flora Gilliam
Joseph & Elizabeth Gilliam
Robert & Eileen Gillikin
James Dee Glick
Judy Gnau
Lynnette & Jim Godwin
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Good
Pat Good
James P. Goodman
Sue & Wayne Goodman
Dr. & Mrs. William Gordge
Dr. & Mrs. J. R. Gorham
Heidi Graham
John Graham
Rena & Mark Graham
Kerry Greco
Mr. & Mrs. Earl T. Green
Rev. & Mrs. Barry Green
Jason & Deana Greene
Andy & Judy Greer
Ed & Arlet Greer
Raymond & Joyce Greer
Roger & Diane Greer
Carol F. Gregory
Jeff & Cory Gregory
Harry & Leslie Griego
Jack & Karen Griffith
William & Lisa Grigg
Mr. & Mrs. James Grigsby
Mrs. Jeneane Grimsley
Anne Grove
Dr. & Mrs. Lucian Y. Grove, Jr.
Katie Grove
Sandra Grove - In memory of
Grandpa Grove
Mrs. Virginia Grubb
Connie Guelich
Zack & Judy Guess
Douglas & Cathy Guilliams
Jerry & Estelle Guilliams
Mr. & Mrs. William Gust
Joyce A. Habel
Joyce Byrd Hackney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hagedorn
Darrell & Tammy Hager
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Haig
Jim & Laura Hale
Lance & Terry Hale
Betty Hall
David & Marie Hall
Earl & Barbara Hall
James R. & Brenda Hall
James R. Hall
Jason & Abby Hall
Mike & Belinda Hall
Tommie & Nancy Hall
Wayne & Gueindoline Hall
Carol & Robert Hallock, Jr.
Gordon & Wanda Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. William Hamilton
Joel & Barbaranne Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hammond
Mrs. Bertha Hammond
Mrs. Pat Hammond
Jim & Martha Hanna
Katie, John, & Sarah Hans
Dr. & Mrs. H.L. Hansberry, III
Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Hanslik
Jeannine Hanson
Susan Harbert
Kenneth L. Hardy
Johnny & Barbara Hargis
Heather & Greg Harkey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harman
Rick & Cathy Harman
Charles & Flo Harris
James & Jennifer Harris
John D. & Lois Harris
Linda Harris
Doug & Ginnie Hart
Hart Family
Lois & Geoff Harter
Connie Hartness
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Harvey
Kristi Hatfield
Wayen & Alison Hawley
Kevin & Wanda Hayes
Swan & Peggy Hayes
Thomas G. Haynes
Bill Haynie
Michael & Brenda Head
Cathy Healey
Jim & Barbara Heard
Eddie & Dawn Hearp
Todd & Anne Hearp
Project Faith
Donors (continued)
Project Faith
Individual Sponsors
Drs. Robert & Susan Heath
Larry & Betty Heaton
Harry & Kamla Hedges
Judy Hedrick
Kathryn Gail Hedrick
Rick & Erma Hedrick
Don & Connie Heindel
Roger & Jackie Heins
John & Judy Heitz
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Heizer
Linda Hellier
Robert & Deniece Helmlinger
Michael Helms
Mary J. Hendershot
Jay Hendrix & Laura Hendrix
Steven & Marcelle Hepburn
Bob Herron
Mathew Hertzberg
Russell & Julie Hertzberg
Darla B. Hess & L. Wayne Hess
- In honor of Mr. Mann,
Mrs. Iler, Mrs. Smith, and
Mrs. Hopkins
Blanche H. Heston
G.L. & Sarah Hickam
Sandy & Wesley Hickman
Michael & Sarah Higgins
Anne T. Hilborn
Kathy J. Hill
Katie Hill
Melvin L. Hill
David W. Hines
Dr. & Mrs. John Hines
Robert L. Hines
Roy & Bobbi Hinkle
Ms. Sandra Hinson
Dick & Talitha Hippeard
Steve & Carroll Hippeard
Clara B. Hodges
Coy & Dee Dee Hodges
Joe & Ann Hodges
Martha Hodges
Carolyn Hoffman
Kenneth Hogan
Patty Holben
J. Larry & Ginger Holland
Mr. & Mrs. David Hollandsworth
Bert W. Holloway, CPA
Akers Holt & Joan Tilley
Home Depot Foundation
Mitch & Suzanne Hooper
Stan & Carol Hooper
Marshall & Janet Hoosier
Ms. Gladys Hoover
Bill & Mary Hopkins
Stephanie & Ray Hopkins
William & Sally Hopkins
Rebecca Horsley
Charles & Beth Hoskins
Nina Hoskins
T. J. Hoskins
Janet P. Host
Jim & Pam Houser
John Houston
Jerry Howard
Paul M. Howell
Bill & Becky Howlett
Jim & Gladys Hoyle
Charlotte Hubbard
Teresa L. Hubbard
James & Thurla Hubert
Evelyn Huffman
Trent & Melissa Huffman
John & Sandra Hughes
Thomas Humphreys
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Hunt
Nadine Hurd
Mr. & Mrs. Laine Hurdle
Mark & Joan Hurley
Noah & Charlotte Hutchinson
David & Janet Hutchison
Theresia K. Hylton
Frank & Kathryn Iddings
Ann, Chan, Archer Inge, Bill Najjun
Chanda Ingram
Gary Ingram
Susan Ingram
Susan P. Irwin
Kathy Jaberg
W. H. Jackson
Steve & Mary Sue James
David & Anne Jamison
Glen & Diane T. Jamison
Larry & Wanda Jamison
Mary S. Jamison
Nancy Jamison
Shekar & Barbara Jannah
Coy & Ellen Janney
Sam & Dianne Jarrell
Shields & Ginny Jarrett
Cathy D. Jennings
Greg & Angie Jennings
Nancy R. Jennings
Jan Defoe Jessee
Dr. & Mrs. John Jessop
Dr. Neal Jessup
Sarah Jessop
Gregory & Windy John
Bill & Ann Johnson
Jack & Sandra Johnson
L. P. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Johnson, Jr.
Peggy & Larry Johnson
Thomas T. Johnson
Wade & Emily Johnson
Silver Hearth Lodge on Bent
Mountain, Mr. Robert Johnston
Belinda D. Jones
Danny L. & Brenda Jones
Ed & Jan Jones
Gordon J. Jones
Joe Jones
John O. Jones
Lori A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ab Jones
Paul & Christin Jones
Ronald & Linda Jones
Bob & Beth Jordan
Elmer K. Jordan
Harry & Samantha Jordan
Henry & Susie Jordan
Ms. Esther M. Joyner
James & Brenda Justice
Dr. & Mrs. Bill Kagey
Mary Kahler
Karen Kalbfleisch
Beverly Kaltenbach
Stan & Elaine Kandzari
Dr. & Mrs. J. Mark Karlen
Gordon & Ellie Kasch
Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Katt
Kaze Family
David & Carolyn Kazner
Ruth Keeling
Clyde & Phyllis Keene
Steve & Rachel Keener
James & Linda Kehn
John & Janice Kehrli
Joanna Doughman Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kelderhouse
Ms. Winifred B. Kelderhouse
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelleher
Carson & Ann Kelley
Linda J. Kelly
Michael & Diane Kelly
Whitwell & Christine Kelly
Barry & Rhoda Kemp
Roger & Ann Kemp
Anna Kendro
Jeff & Kellie Kessel
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Kessler, III
Reif & Susan Kessler
Tracie & Tony Kestler
Eleanor Ketcham
Dawn Ketterer
Kevin Hurley Photography
Glen C. Keyes
Henry & Sheryl Hickerson
Doug & Lynn Kidd
Linda Kiefer
Jay & Jane Kimberley
Barbara L. King
Kevin & Kelly King
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice King
Roger & Sherrie King
Steve & Beth King
Todd & Shirley King
Rolland & Evelyn Kingston
Wayne & Carolyn Kirk
Aubrey & Esther Knight
Kenneth & Susan Knife
Ron Knuppel
Betty Kolb
Tim & Julie Kolb
Mike & Beth Kolnok
Zotan Kovats
Pete & Jean Krantz
Becky Kreifels
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Kuiken
Mr. & Mrs. Tex Ladish
Clarence & Imogene Lambe
Kathy & Clarence Lambe, Jr.
Melvin & Julia Lambe
Chris & Stephanie Lambert
Dr. Penny L. Lampros
Stephen & Rachel Lancaster
Essie B. Lanum
Judith Lanum
Michael & Kathleen Lautigar
Becky & Larry Lavinder
Jane H. Law
Bruce & Laurie Lawrence
Gordon B. Lawrence
Shaun & Katie Lawrence
Diane Laws
Imogene Layman
Mathew & Jamie Leatherman
Diane LeBlanc
Carol Cooper Lee
Hwan & Hyun Lee
Kyung Lee
Dr. Richard Leggett
Betty Leisure
Mae Leon
Leonard’s Copy System, Inc.
Humbert Lertora, III
Joe Lescure
Debra & Barry Leslie
Gail & Jan Lesser
Edward & Virginia Levi
The Levy Family
Evelyn Lewis
Laurie Lewis
James & Shirley Light
Liz Lilley
David Linden, RealStar REALTORS
Ronald & Patricia Lindsay
Carroll & Jean Lineberry
Little River Technology, Inc.
Dolores Lloyd
Richard & Penny Lloyd
Alice Loftin
John & Jewel Loftis
Larry & Carla Long
Mark & Deborah Long
Linda Loope
Donald F. Lopez/Worksite
Strategies, LLC
Jim & Janice Loughrie
Harry & Georgie Lowe
John & Jackie Lowery
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Lynch
Wesley & Phyllis Lynch
Patrick S. MacDonald
Daniel & Mary MacGibbon
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Macione
Katherine Mackey-Minton
Kenneth & Mary Madsen
John & Sue Mahler
Scott & Sandra
Ed & Pauline Maillet
Ronald & Lynne Maillet
Hilda R. Malinchak
John Malinchok
Chuck & Becky Mancini
Cary & Jeanne Mangus
Caleb Mann-Farmer’s Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mann
Doris Manning
Tony & Michelle Mardian
Paul & Diana Marr
Betty L. Martin
Danny & Jo Ann Martin
Debby Martin
James & Michelle Martin
Leon & Shirley Martin
Nancy F. Martin
Randy & Sheri Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mason
Michael & Ellen Massey
Frederick & Judy Mastaw
Domenick & Ann Mastromonaco
Ronald & Saundra Mateer
Jack & Linda Matheny
Daniel & Betty Mathews
Doris Matteson
Brett & Heather Matthews
Irene Maxfield
Rebecca May
Jerry & Ann Mayhue
Charles D. Mays
Charley Mays
David & Jane Mays
Mark & Kimberly McBride
Melanie McCallister
The Rt. Rev. William McClean
Alan & Becky McClellan
Mr. & Mrs. David McClure
Fred & Cynthia McClymonds
Allen & Cindy McCoy
Sherry McCoy
Stephen & Elizabeth McCuin
Scott & Ann McCulley
Carl & Helen McCurdy
Mr. & Mrs. Keith McCurdy
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCurdy
Gerry & Jean McDermott
William & Elizabeth McDilda
Linda McDonald
Mrs. Laurel McDonnell & Mr.
Geoff Thomas
Robert & Eva McElroy
Raymond & Polly McFarlane
Susan McGhee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McGimsey, Jr.
Rob McGuire
Duane & Donna McIntyre
John C. McKeown
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKeown
John McLeod
Dan & Mary McMurtry
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McPeak
Joseph & Darlene Meador
Hugh & Bridget Meagher
Richard W. Mell
The Mendelowitz Family
Joni & Bill Mercer
Adrian Merchant
Lloyd Marie Merchant
Mary Beth & Stuart Meredith
Harry & Linda Messimer
Daniel & Ashley Meyer
Lee & Dawn Meyers
Mike Micklem
Dr. Richard J. Milan, Jr.
Stephen Miles
Bonnie Miller
Butch Miller
Elizabeth & Milton Miller
Ernie & Liz Miller
Glenn & Antonia Miller
Joe & Susan Miller
Mae Lee & Dalton Miller
Merritt & Eve Miller
Sam & Ann Miller
Shannon & Whitney Miller
Sidney & Wanda Miller
Jack & Cassandra Milliron
Carroll G. Mills
Greg & Joni Mills
Phyllis Mills
Sam Mink & Sherrylee Dickinson
Suzanne Mink
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Minnix
Victoria Pace Minor
Ken & Pat Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Les Mitchell
Sharon Mitchell
Thomas E. Mitoraj
Dade W. Moeller
Robert & Louise Moeller
Margaret S. Moles
Davida & Larry Monahan
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Jack Moncrief
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Monger
Chris & Mary Beth Monroe
Harry P. Montoro
Charles & Martha Moore
Constance Moore
Emmy & Ric Moore
Jim & Jodi Moore
John & Brenda Moore
Patrick & Matthew Moore
Paul, Laura, & Zachary Moore
Sherry Moore
Warren & Doris Moorman
Kenny Mooty
Mary Moran
Cecil & Nancy Morgan
Jessica Morgan
Steve & Ellen Morgan
Harold Morris
J.W. & Donna Morris, Jr.
James G. Morris, Jr.
Michael D. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Morris
Mr. Charles P. Morris
Tracy Morris
Jim & Ann Morton
Melissa Moslow
Floyd Mounts
Stephen Mounts
Robert & Laura Moylan
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mudrick
Andre & Penelope Muelenaer
Porter & Jane Mulford
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mullinax
Buster & Amy Mullins
Claudette Mullins
Garnett Mullins
Noah Mullins
G. Marshall & Monika Mundy
David R. Murphey, III
Charles & Linda Murray
Edward & Janice Murray
Steve & Barbara Murray
Brandon & Stephanie Muse
Mike & Carol Musser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mustgrave
Marian Myers
Ronald & Martha Myers
James & Margaret Myrtle
Judith P. Naff
Nash & Associates
John S. Naugle
Pamela Neate
BG (Ret.) & Mrs. Dale R. Nelson
Wally Nelson
Maurine J. Nester
Aubrey & Mavis Newman
Samuel & Damon Newsom
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Newton
Tommy & Mary Beth Newton
Ronnie Niccolls
Donald & Lina Nichols
Jim & Joan Niederlehner
Wayne Nienke
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Nobles, III
Robert & Lorraine Noell
Jeff, Kelly, Riley, & Avery Nogg
Tom & Ellen Nolan
Paul & Sydney Nordt
Robert & Diane Nordt
Uncle Harry Norris
Melvin & Cathy Nowlin
Bill & Carol Jean Nunnally
Willow & Tim Oberweger
Thomas & Alanna Oconnor
Donald & Betty Odom
Dr. & Mrs. Richardson M. Odum
Susan Ogle
Peggy K. Oliver
Elizabeth A. Opperman
Hilary (Larry) Opperman
Jeff & Carol Orndorff
Dennis Orr
Carol & Richard Osborn
Dale & Alma Osborn
Devon & Shane Shuman
Gary & Carol Osborne
Kyle & Gail Osborne
Tom & Sherry Oster
Charles E. Overstreet
Tim & Melissa Overstreet
Kevin & Kathleen Owen
S. Ronald Owens
Ted & Elisabeth Paisley
Charles & Pamela Palmer
Rev. & Mrs. B. E. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. William Palmore
Glenn & Sharon Parker
Judy, Harvey & Amy Parker
Dudley & Sue Parks
Jean S. Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Parobek
Fred & Mary Ann Parrish
T. Gary Parrish
Don & Linda Parton
Steven & Lucinda Pasternak
John & Christine Patane
Robert & Lynne Patane
Tony & Martha Patterson
Mildred Patteson
Donna S. Patton
David & Vicki Paxton
Judith Brown Paxton
Brian & Cyndi Payer
Manuel & Peggy Payne
James & Brenda Pearman
Jim & Elizabeth Pearson
Project Faith
Donors (continued)
Project Faith
Individual Sponsors
Stuart & Audrey Pearson
Judy Pendleton
Larry Pendleton
Pennceram Dental Lab
Arvil L. Pennington
Staley & Carolyn Pennington
Pennington Crown & Bridge
Amy & Larry Perdue
Clyde Perdue
Melina Dee Perdue & Thomas R.
Tony Perez
Perfection Muffler & Auto Clinic
Debra Peters
Steve & Maria Peters
The Pettipiece Family
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Pfleger
Harper K. & Doris W. Phillips
Kevin & Sharon Phillips
Lonnie F. Phillips, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pigford
Ruth Riley Pigg
Jack & Becky Pilcher
Caroline Pinnix
Tom & Cedella Pitzer
Nancy & Dave Plyler
Howard & Robin Poage
Dean & Tricia Pogue
John & Linda Poindexter
Suzanne Poirier
Bob & Lucy Poland
Virginia W. Pollard
Mr. & Mrs. Brownie E. Polly, III
Pop’s Ice Cream & Soda Bar
Gerald & Marilyn Posster
Pam Posster
Clem E. Poston
Earl & Reba Powell
Marion L. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. William Powell
Rick & Carol Powell
The Powell Family
Waid & Laura Powell
Miss Jane D. Preston
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Preuss
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Preuss
Mary Beth Preuss
Michael Preuss
Donna A. Price
Janet Price
Kenny & Shirley Price
Dr. Andrew Prischak & Dr. Susan
Pro Inc.
Floretta Pughsley
Laurette Quinn
Robert & Doris Raber
James & Kimberly Rademacher
John & Rebecca Raiden
Dexter & Jennifer Rakes
Dr. Mike Rakes
Kenneth & Virginia Rakes
Glenn & Justine Ramsey
John & Donna Ramsey
Mitch & Betty Sue Ratliff
Richard A. & Sally T. Rauscher
Mr. & Mrs. John Ravinskas
Sue & Herm Reavis
John & Paulette Recktenwald
Liz & Jere Redmon
Daley & Hilda Reece
Glenn Reed
Richard & Elouise Reed
Glen & Patti Reimer
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Reinink
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Revercomb
Anne & Claude Reynolds
Dr. James Reynolds, D.D.S.
George & Barbara Reynolds
Jerry Reynolds
Dr. Randall R. Rhea
Aunt Mary Rhedin
Sherry Ricci
James & Joyce Rice
Morgan & Carole Rice
Chad Richards
Debbie Richards
Doris Richards
John & Debbie Richmond
Joan Riebel
Lee & Robin Riggs
Ralph Riggs, Sr.
Karen Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Rivenbark
Alice A. Roberts
Andrew Roberts
Doug & Lorraine Roberts
Barry & Shelby Robertson
Kathleen M. Robertson
Mark & Susan Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robertson, Jr.
Ricky & Barbara Robertson
Warren Robinette & Diane Fuller
Charlotte Robinson
David Robinson
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Robinson
Frank Robinson
Mike & Linda Robinson
Rob & Traci Robinson
Janet & Gary Robison
Ray & Elizabeth Robison
John & Sue Ellen Rocovich
John & Susanne Roderick
Margaret & Bill Roderick
Tim & Mary Rogers
Dr. Bill & Amy Roller
Marvin & Susie Rollison
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Roman
Betty K. Rose
John & Jean Flemming
Joyce H. Rosenbusch
Doug & Chriss Ross
William & Elizabeth Rossie
Marc & Kathleen Rousseau
Jill Rufus
Richard & Mary Beth Rumble
Jim & Judy Rumford
Ken & Melissa Runyon
Anthony & Karen Russell
Randy & Mary Russin
Rutkowski Family - In remembrance
of Otto L. Wolpert
Elizabeth Rutrough
Carl & Bonnie Rybiski
Michael Saben
James & Martha Sabolcik
Jacqueline Thomas Salb
Jack & Chris Sale
Dick & Myra Sanburn
Nana Sanders
Sherri Sanders
Dr. Bill Sasser
John & Laurie Saunders
Rod & Susan Savage
Tom & Margot Savage
Sunny & Bob Saville
Mr. & Mrs. David Savitz
Mrs. Hanley Sayers
Richard & Elizabeth Sayers
James & Sherry Schaaf
Karl & Gail Schad
Aprille, Joel, & Caleb Schall
Cathy Schanz
Bonnie Schechterly
Mary Anne Schiff
Terry & Andrea Schwenke
Betty H. Scott
Jeanette H. Scott
JoAnne & Bill Scott
Keith & Paige Scott
Elizabeth Scribner
Beverly Seaman
Pearl Seaman
James & Carol Seddon
John & Deborah Selby
Craig & Donna Sellers
The Sells Family
Mark “Mr. Dumplin” Senger
Blaine & Brenda Shank
Earlene Sharp
Jeffrey & Carmela Shaw
Tom & Ann Sheets
Beechie & Kitty Shell
Eric & Terri Shell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G Shell
Aunt Amy Shellberg
David Shelor
Ronald & Mildred Shelton
William Shelton & Thelma Shelton
Bill & Cheryl Shepherd
Brenda Shepherd
Ed & Ruby Shepherd
Edwin & Ruby Shepherd
Richard & Kelly Sheridan
Andrew & Christy Sherman
Bethany Sherman
Don & Sharon Shires
Ralph Shivers
Butch Shockey
Carson & Betty Shrawder
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. Shreeman
John M. Shumate, Jr.
Dewey & Jackie Siler
David Silver
Silver Fern Chemical - Sam &
Lisa King
Jerry & Barbara Simmons
Victor S. Skaff, Jr., DDS
Wes & Pattie Skaperdas
Mike & Marnie Slayton
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Carter
Richard & Patty Slider
Joe Smiddy
Billie H. Smith
Bonnie Prillaman Smith
Claire C. Smith
Collin Smith
Dr. C. Wellsley Smith, D.D.S.
F. Evelyn Smith (“Nene”)
Garnett E. & Patsy T. Smith
Howard & Jennifer Smith
Jeri Smith
Melissa & Daniel Smith
Mr. & Mrs. N. Frank Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Smith
Mr. J. Randolph Smith
Mrs. Thelma Smith
Patricia L. Smith
Perry & Mary Smith
Ronald T. & Kay J. Smith
William & Susan Smith
Willliam H. & Frances Smith
Frank & Teresa Smusz
Dan & Ruthie Sochor
Thomas & Dorothy Sochor
Gladys Sodam
Nancy Sodam
The Rev. & Mrs. Dennis L. Sossi
David & Christi Southern
Coretta G. Sowder
Chris & Teresa Sowers
Eddie & Nancy Sparrow
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Specht
Amy Holly & Eric Spitler
Elizabeth Splitler
Ruth S. Spradlin
Austin & Suzanne Spruill
Jack & Jacqueline St.Clair
Tom & Joyce St.Clair
Victoria Stamus
Eddie & Sharon Stanley
Stan Stanton
Sandy & Paul Stark
Jerry & Ann Steele
Jack & Lee Anne Steffe
Bro. Fred Stelmach
Betty J. Stevens
C. Berkley Stevens
David & Finny Stilley
Ken & Carol Stilley
Tom & Paula Stocks
Kurt & Laura Stockstill
Marie Stone
Mr. Bill Stone
Robert & Nancy Stouffer
Alvira Straley
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Strelow
Gloria Strickler
Tom & Peggy Strong
Erid & Yvonne Stroud
Joe & Jill Stupalsky
Joe & Joan Surkamer
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Swartzendruber
Michael & Beverly Swartzlander
B.J. Swecker
John Sydenstricker
David & Jill Tanner
Carol Tate
Don & Pat Tate
Robbie Tate
Bobby Tatum
Brenda Tatum
David & Kari Taylor
George T. Taylor, Jr.
James & Lisa Taylor
Kathy Taylor
Jeff & Marsha Teeter
John & Fara Teeter
Lawrence Tentor
The Roanoker Restaurant
Wesleymen of EUMC
David & Judy Thierry
Steve & Janet Thomas
Bill & Mary Thompson
Bonnye Thompson
Isa J. Thompson
Jerry & Patricia Thompson
Pearle Thompson
Ty & Ja’Ree Thompson
Uncle Rick & Aunt Ellen Thompson
Virgil & Brenda Thompson
Walter Thompson
Glenn Thomsen
Randy & Ann Thornhill
Mike & Phyllis Thornton
Douglas & Julie Thumma
Brad & Michele Tilley
Daphne Tilley
Joan N. Tilley
Mark & Cynthia Todd
Sam & Marge Tollison
Bob & Janette Tomlinson
Mike & VickieTomlinson
Elroy W. Toppel
Terry Trantham
Bill Trent
Doug & Anita Trent
Rita C. Tripper
Louis Steven Tudor
Helen & Regina Tullock
Bill & Claudine Turner
Chuck & Janet Turner
Maurice Turner
Ron & Marilyn Turner
Sue Ellen Tyree
Mary & Scott Tyrey
Candice & Chris Underwood
Jonathan & Tori Underwood
Mr. Jason Underwood
Penny Underwood
Winston L. Underwood
John & Debbie Urquhart
Frank & Betty Van Balen
Evelyn Van Dam
Ron & Stephany Van Dam
Walter & Helen Van Wagenen
Irene Varney
Rob & Angela Vaughan
Jane H. Veach
Dr. & Mrs. Fremont Vess
Ms. Sandra C. Via
Peggy Via
Durant & Sandy Vick
Dan & Janna Vincent
Virginia Orthopaedic, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Vitello
Dennis & Nancy Volkert
Stacy N. Volles
Norman Voorhees
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Wadsworth
John & Marolyn Waggy
Charlotte Wagner
Rev. & Mrs. Mark E. Waldo
The Rt. Rev. Andrew Waldo
J. M. & Ethel H. Waldron
Roberta M. Walker
Mary & James Edward Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Ace Wallace
Amber Walters
David & Christine Walters
Jared Walters
Robin Walters
Allison Walton
Faith Christian School Annual Report 2009-2010
Fred C. Wampler
Richard T. & Tanya B. Wampler
Helen I. & Arnold H. Ward
Carl & Barbara Ware
Mr. & Mrs. Joe G. Watkins
Eddie Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Watson
Robert & Virginia Weaver
B. J. & Jan Webb
Johnny Mack & Dorothy Webb
John Weber - Granddad John
Phillip & Betty Weddle
Sammy & Diana Weddle
Arthur & Geraldine Wehrli
Donna & Steve Weidman
Pappy Weidner
Charles & Barbara Welch
Norma Welch
Linette Joy Wells
Peggy & Ferman Wertz
Donna & Gary Wheeler
Eddie & Shirley Wheeler
Dr. Franklin M. Wheelock-
Wheelock Orthodontics
Dean & Shelly Whitaker
Charles M. White
Jason & Tanya White
Jim White
Michael & Christine White
Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn White
Brian & Jessi Whitenack
Ellen Whitlock
James Whitmore
John & Theresia Whitmore
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Whitmore
Winston & Sarah Whitmore
William & Patricia Whitney
Gary Whitt
Jason & Melissa Wienke
Jim & Marilyn Wienke
Laura Wilbon
Gerald & Patricia Wilburn
Liz Wilburn
Joe & Susan Wileman
Mr. & Mrs. W. Lee Willhelm, III
Allen & Debi Wilkerson
Belvie Wilkerson
Darla Wilkerson
Buddy & Melissa Wilkins
Chris & Janet Wilkinson
T. M. Wilkinson
Randall & Kimberly Wilks
Ann Willard
Dale & Julie Willett
Elizabeth A. Willett
Patricia Willhite
Chris & Barbara Williams
Clayton & Sue Williams
Donna & Ron Williams
Emily Williams
Melvin & Pamela Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Cranston Williams
Philip & Vicki Williams
Robert G. & Jeanette C. Williams
S. Williams
Sally Williams
Willy & Angela Williams
Bev & Linda Williamson
Tom & Joanne Willis
Cornelia D. Wills
Julian & Karlene Wills
Mr. John Wills
Anita D. Wilson
Douglas & Suzannah Wilson
Gail Wilson
Jim & Elaine Wilson
Joan Wilson
Karen Wilson
Betty Wimmer
Ivy Winchester
Arthur & Willie Wingfield
Ceil Winkler
James Winnen
Margaret B. Wintermute
Barbara Wise
Jean Withers
Timothy & Julie Withers
Sylvia A. Witmore
Curtis & Jennifer Witt
Joan & Harold Witt
Jason & Christina Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wolfe
Dale & Ann Wolfer
Wolfer Enterprises, Inc.
David & Angela Wolpert
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wolpert
Floyd & Tammi Wood
Ada J. Woodford
Woods Edge Construction
Don & Barbara Woodsmall
Andrew & Priscilla Woodson
John & Jutta Woodward
Mike & Susan Woody
W. Nelson & Margaret Worsham
Greeley & Lorna Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Yates
Nina Yates
Pete & Dotty Yates
Rusty Yates
Todd Yates Insurance Agency, Inc.
Paul Yazinski
Courtney E. Yeager
Rick & Kathy Young
Robert & Mary Young
Tom & Mary Beth Zibilich
Individual Sponsors (continued)
“…[Students] don’t forget Fides, Veritas, Ministerium; a
mind for truth, a heart for Christ, a will to serve. Faith taught
us what that means, and now it’s our turn to teach the
world. So go…to college, Europe, wherever life leads you.
But don’t forget. Strive for God in all you do [and] shine His
light into the world.”
–Tori Head, Senior Address
3585 Buck Mountain Road
Roanoke, VA 24018
Faith Christian School
Individual Sponsors
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Annual Fund Update