2015 Annual Report - International Community Foundation


2015 Annual Report - International Community Foundation
Annual Report 2O15
Annual Report 2015
Table of Contents
3 Leadership Message
4 25 Years of Inspired Giving
7 Education
8 Environment
10 Financials
12 Our Donors
26 Board of Governors & ICF Staff
28 Olivewood Gardens
29 Leaving a Legacy
Our Mission
Meaningful Giving. Inspired Change.
An international nonprofit organization, ICF seeks to inspire
international charitable giving by U.S. donors, with an
emphasis on Northwest Mexico.
Dear ICF Donors and Friends,
Our 25th anniversary year continues to be an extraordinary one. You may have already
noticed that ICF has a new logo, a new website (www.icfdn.org), and a new look. You might
have attended one of a dozen ICF events this year, including 25th anniversary dinners and
receptions, grantee workshops, or donor education meetings. And hopefully, you had a
chance to meet some of our new staff and board members as we visited grantees in the
field, represented ICF at national and international forums, or were hard at work in our
National City office.
This milestone is important to all of us, and has even accelerated our progress in health,
education, and the environment in Mexico, particularly in the Baja California peninsula and
the Sea of Cortez region. In fact, in Fiscal Year 2015, ICF:
• Granted $7.7 million to 105 organizations working throughout Latin America.
• Celebrated the 15th anniversary of the conservation easements in Laguna San Ignacio, which collectively protect almost 340,000 acres of pristine coastal and inland areas in one of the most important whale birthing lagoons in Mexico.
• Signed a binational memorandum of agreement with government agencies and nonprofit partners in Southern California and Baja California to continue combatting multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in the border region.
• Prioritized scholarships and after-school activities in ICF’s education program, supporting over 25 organizations in Mexico alone.
As always, we are grateful for your confidence in our team and your steadfast support
of the International Community Foundation. It is thanks to your generosity that our work
is possible.
Alejandra Mier y Terán
Board Chair
Anne McEnany
President & CEO
1989 1990
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
The San Diego
Community Foundation
Board votes to set up a
separate organization for
international grantmaking.
First Donor-Advised Funds benefit
the Tijuana Home for Homeless
Girls, the Centro Comunitario in
Tijuana, and scholarships in China.
The Honorable Lucy Killea
joins the foundation as first
President & CEO.
The Pacific American Foundation
(PAF) is incorporated to fund projects
in Latin America and the Pacific Rim.
A total of
in grants are
made this
fiscal year.
The Pacific American
Foundation (PAF)
changes its name
to the International
Foundation (ICF).
ICF grows
to 36 funds
and $1 million
in assets.
Richard Kiy
President & CEO.
“Having lived in Mexico for ten years, I really wanted to grow the connection between the U.S. and Mexico. ICF seemed like the perfect opportunity to do that.”
– Lucy Killea,
ICF President 1996-2001
“I am most proud of the positive social impact that ICF has had in communities and nonprofits along the Baja California peninsula, because of the Foundation’s grantmaking in that region.”
In FY2015, ICF assets grew to
–Richard Kiy,
ICF President 2001-2014
over $21 Million
across 18O funds
“The ICF team is building on a strong
foundation of program impacts, sound
financial management, and a donor base
that is passionate about solving social and
environmental challenges in Mexico. ”
To date, ICF has made over 1800 grants
to nonprofit organizations totaling
over $61 Million
– Anne McEnany,
ICF President & CEO
ICF and key partners
purchase the Isla Espiritu
Santo, transfer the
island to the Mexican
Government, and help to
establish a UNESCO World
Heritage Biodiversity Site
for the Gulf of California.
ICF grants out
Ten Year Snapshot
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Money Gifted
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Money Granted
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Binational multisector initiative
begins to promote
diabetes care
and management
using 3G wireless
Money Granted
Money Gifted
2014 2015
ICF and partners expand
support of the Emerging
Sustainable Cities initiative
for La Paz, to promote
urban development.
ICF establishes
Olivewood Gardens
and Learning Center,
a Type 1 supporting
The Walton home and
garden in National City is
$5M gifted to ICF to serve as the
$4M foundation’s headquarters.
Anne McEnany
becomes ICF’s new
President & CEO.
ICF celebrates its 25th
Anniversary and launches
a new logo and brand.
$667,594 TOTAL
Health Grants
in FY2015 made
possible by our
generous donors
Over the past 25 years, ICF has
supported partner organizations and
special initiatives that align with our
goal to increase access to high quality
health services in Mexico, especially in
the border region and throughout the
Baja California peninsula.
One of ICF’s key health partners
is Amigos de los Niños (ADLN),
a volunteer-driven nonprofit
organization dedicated to providing
quality healthcare to the children of
Los Cabos, Mexico. ADLN’s “Friends
Of” Fund at ICF supports free clinics
and specialized medical services
for children suffering from severe
illnesses every year.
When Hurricane Odile struck in
September 2014, ICF reached out
to our health partners in the region
to assess damage, offer support
for their recovery, and address the
most critical health needs in the
community. ADLN was one of several
organizations that received support
from ICF’s Disaster Relief Fund, to
cover the costs of providing basic
supplies to people in rural areas
devastated by the storm, repair
damage to the ADLN building, and
invest in window coverings as a
preventative measure for future
In 2015, recognizing ICF’s capacity
to serve as a trusted fiscal agent
and champion of their cause, ADLN
launched a campaign to construct
and equip their own clinic space, and
successfully raised over $100,000.
Construction on the newly expanded
clinic is now complete, and ADLN
began to offer health services in the
new space in November 2015. It is
projected that the new building will
enable the organization to double
the number of free clinical services
provided each year.
ICF and our education partners focus
on keeping kids in school, increasing
access to quality education, and
developing 21st century skills that
will help students find meaningful
employment after graduation.
thinking and problem solving,
collaboration, adaptability, and
leadership. Today, ASF is serving 70
students in Tijuana, 18 of whom are
university students who serve as
mentors to new ASF participants.
One organization that has embraced
this holistic approach is Advancing
Students Forward (ASF) in El
Tecolote, Tijuana. Over the past
25 years of programming, ASF
has proven that keeping students
in school through high school
graduation is not only an academic
objective, but also has important
secondary benefits, such as keeping
students safe from gangs and drugs
in at-risk communities.
Since 2005, ICF has supported
ASF in identifying, demonstrating,
and pursuing this comprehensive
approach to education through
scholarship grants, technical
assistance to test new program
ideas, and as a financial home for
ASF’s endowment fund.
In addition to tuition support, ASF
and the Centro de Comunidad
A.C. have worked with El Tecolote
students outside the classroom to
develop life skills including critical
In 2015, ASF’s endowment fund
received a $163,000 bequest from a
long-time donor who passed away.
ICF will manage those funds in
perpetuity to ensure a lasting future
for ASF’s programs and the students
it serves.
$1.47M TOTAL
Education Grants
in FY2015 made
possible by our
generous donors
$5.11M TOTAL
Environment Grants
in FY2015 made
possible by our
generous donors
ICF works to protect the natural
beauty and ecological integrity of
critical sites in Mexico and Latin
America through collaborative
initiatives, such as the Laguna San
Ignacio Conservation Alliance.
2015 marked the 15th Anniversary
of this unprecedented coalition of
local residents, conservation groups,
and funders who came together
to protect Laguna San Ignacio, on
the Pacific coast of Baja California
Sur, Mexico. Located on a 250-mile
coastal wetland complex including
mangrove forests, estuaries, and
intertidal flats, this wild and pristine
place has been declared a UNESCO
World Heritage Site, a Biosphere
Reserve, a migratory bird sanctuary,
and one of the last places left on
Earth where gray whales can give
birth and raise their young in peace.
Over the past 15 years, the Alliance
has successfully secured the
protection of almost 340,000 acres
and some 150 miles of coastline,
virtually eliminating the threat of
any industrial or large-scale
commercial activity.
For its part, ICF holds over $1 million
in a stewardship fund that monitors
and manages these protected lands;
ICF also provides regular grants to
the local community for economic
and environmental projects that
benefit the entire region.
Financials FY2O15
International Community Foundation and Supporting Organization
(With summarized financial information for Fiscal Year 2014)
Cash and cash equivalents Accounts: receivable
Contributions Other Deposits & prepaid expenses Program related investment
Property and equipment
Investments Total assets $ 3,135,709 21,219 12,952 44,207 237,124 3,020,265 14,564,068 $ 21,035,544 Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses Grants payable Total liabilities Net assets:
Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets Community &
$ 22,294,908 $ 241,186 515,745 $ 222,460
$ 756,931 $ 1,246,433
9,131,388 5,459,071 5,688,154 8,939,761
6,001,586 $ 20,278,613 $ 21,048,475
$ 21,035,544 $ 22,294,908
2015 Grants by Area
$ 1,789,749
Health & Human Services
Community & Economic Dev.
Civic Engagement
Arts and Culture
< 1%
International Community Foundation and Supporting Organization
(With summarized financial information for Fiscal Year 2014)
Unrestricted Revenue
Gifts and support $ 5,587,877
Investment income 67,420 Other income
53,140 Net assets released from restrictions 4,775,589 Total revenue $ 10,484,026
Program: grants
Health and Human Services
Community and Economic Dev. Civic Engagement
Arts and Culture Total Program Grants
Program services
Olivewood Gardens
Support services:
Operating and administrative
Development and fundraising Total expenses CHANGE IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR Transfer to Agency Donor
NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR Temporarily Permanently
$ 3,995,032
208,647 –
$ 186,568 –
$ (571,910)
$ 186,568 $ 10,098,684 2014
$ 9,769,477 $ 11,342,201
276,067 1,281,415
53,140 32,914
$ 12,656,530
5,111,509 1,470,338 667,594 326,649
148,550 5,250 –
5,111,509 1,470,338 667,594 326,649
148,550 5,250 $ 7,729,890 –
$ 7,729,890 $ 6,088,341
919,032 672,293 –
– –
919,032 672,293 778,789
786,914 184,270 –
786,914 184,270 695,670
$ 10,292,399 –
$ 10,292,399 $ 8,484,202
191,627 8,939,761 -
$ 9,131,388 4,349,475
(571,910) 186,568 (193,715) 4,172,328
6,107,128 6,001,586 21,048,475 16,876,147
$ 5,459,071 $ 5,688,154 $ 20,278,613 $ 21,048,475
Our 2O15 Donors
$250,000 and Above
Anonymous (2)
The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Jewish Community Federation of
San Francisco
The JiJi Foundation
Lindblad Expeditions - National
Geographic Fund
Organics Unlimited
Qualcomm, Inc.
$100,000 to $249,999
Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy
Chang Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Discovery Land Company Foundation
Environment Now
First Citizens Bank on behalf of D. William Bennett Trust
Fundación Internacional de la Comunidad, A.C.
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Vodafone Americas Foundation
Mr. Frank Carrillo and Mrs. Silvia B. De Lao
Mr. and Mrs. David and Cindy Higgins
Phyllis S. Hojel and Jake Mascotte
$50,000 to $99,999
Anonymous (2)
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
I.A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation on behalf
of Ms. Karen J. O’Shaughnessy
Pronatura Noroeste, A.C (Pronatura Mexico, A.C.)
Stewart Foundation
United Way of San Luis Obispo County
on behalf of Mr. Bert Forbes and Mrs. Candace Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Linda Kinninger
Ms. Martha MacNab
Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Jackie Meyer
$20,000 to $49,999
Anonymous (7)
The Catherine Truman Trust
Conservation Alliance
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund on behalf of Marcled Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Inter-American Development Bank
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
The San Diego Foundation on behalf of
Living by Faith Fund
Alan Harper and Carol Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger S. Kline
Charles and Kathryn L. Mitchell
$10,000 to $19,999
Aspen Community Foundation on behalf
of the Mascotte Family Fund
The Chisholm Foundation
Robert K. & Patricia Dahl Foundation
Davenport & Company on behalf of
Adam R. Bronfman Family Foundation
Lakeview Professional Serivces, Inc.
Marion Margit Stewart Revocable Trust
Open Blue Sea Farms, Inc.
Orange County Community Foundation
Peter L. Buck Revocable Trust
Rose Community Foundation on behalf
of David & Judy Koff Family Fund
San Diego State University
Sociedad de Historia Natural Niparajá A.C.
Turner Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
on behalf of The Jeannie Tseng and
Colin Rust Charitable Fund
Wells Fargo Philanthropy Fund in behalf
of the Moore Family Charitable Fund
Western Surgical And Sedation
Mrs. Lynn P. Coutts in memory of
Robert Moore
Laura Gieseking
Donna Manning
James Mulvihill
Catherine B. Shmidt
Mary G. Shroyer
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Voge
Mr. and Mrs. David Wick
$5,000 to $9,999
The Benevity Community Impact Fund on behalf of Mauricio Da Silva
The W. R. Burgess Foundation
Burns Family Charitable Foundation
Epicor Software Corporation
Helix Storm, Inc.
HG Foundation
Home Repo Tour, Inc.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
The Oak Tree Philanthropic Foundation
Red Autismo, AC
Resources Legacy Fund
Rotary Club of San Diego Foundation INC
Schwab Charitable Fund on behalf of
Edwards Hopple
Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund
Tropical Aquaculture Products, Inc.
Union Bank Accounts Payable
Vibra Bank
Wingate Foundation on Behalf of Walter Parks
Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams Ash
Mr. Edward L. Barlow
William T. Berry
Susan E. Riedel Chad
Craig Cheney
Mauricio and Maria da Silva
Mr. and Mrs. John Gladish
Dr. Irma Gigli
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. and Amie V. Gustavson
Mr. and Mrs. Dov Haselkorn
Lawrence H. Hendrickson
Kathleen Mitchell & Scott Landis
Frederick H. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Marty Lentz
Mary Morrissey on behalf of Mary Morrissey’s Life Mastery Institute
Gurnee Munn III
Sergio Murguia
Gail Norman
Catherine Putonti
Richard Ricks
Tui De Roy
Javier A. Serhan
Ronald P. Stewart in honor of
Dr. Arturo Izurieta
Alan Towbin
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Woodcock
$1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (4)
The Anjulicia Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund on
behalf of Stephan Jansen, Troy Gourrier,
Neeraj Arora, James Accomb
The Catholic Foundation on behalf of
Stephen Weeg
CDC Small Business Finance
Corcoran Family Foundation
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
Educational Testing Services on behalf
of Rita Zeidler, John Kochanski,
Willa Thomas, Thomas Van Essen,
Marren Agwaro, Jennifer Brown,
Ida Lawrence, Annabelle Simpson,
Thomas Elliott, David Payne, Jacqueline Jarvis, Ferg Yu, Kirk Messick, David Hunt,
Michael Nettles, Pramond Mathew
Ellis Contracting, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund on behalf
of Edward & Sandra Abrahamian
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund on behalf
of Sheila J. Julien
The Estelle Friedman Gervis Charitable Foundation Incorporated
Honorable Lucy Killea
Irvine Comedy Club, L.L.C.
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona on behalf of Martin Waldbaum
Family Fund
Kyle Todd Public Service Foundation on behalf
of Todd E. Harper
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program on behalf of David C. Oliver
Mt. Bachelor Rotary Club
Pangenix on behalf of Dr. Shung-Ho Chang
T.R. Paul Family Foundation
Pesenti Foundation in Memory of
Frank Pesenti
Our 2O15 Donors
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program on
behalf of Michal J. Koenig
Rad Gem Heights, LLC
The David B. Richardson Trust
The Russell Family Foundation
San Diego Private Bank on behalf of
Emaluisa Serhan
Schwab Charitable Fund on behalf of
Peter Nissen
Schwab Charitable Fund
Scripps Networks Interactive
Sunroad Holding Corporation
TD Ameritrade Clearing on behalf of
Erwin Potts
Texas Prairieland Foundation
Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund on behalf
of Christina Alexander
Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund on behalf
of Nick Alexander
Trinity Lutheran Church
Vibra Bank
Welch & Forbes, LLC on behalf of
Deborah W. Crowell
Wilderness Travel
Worldwide Small Change Foundation, Inc.
on behalf of James G. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Aborn
Andrew Ajluni
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Antonoff
Hugh Bancroft in memory of Woody Johnson
Michael Bereziuk
Leslie Birnbaum
David Boker
Lynne Brennan
Lisa Lund Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckner
Marisa Janine-Page and William Caldarelli
Malena Castano
David Cherry
Keith S. Christensen
Michael H. Clark
Cheryl K. Connors
Alexander Cook
Mary Corroon
Richard L. Coulter
Mrs. Shelli Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crouch
Mr. Daniel R. Curry and Ms. Judith Daufeldt
Fred Damavandi
Gayle Daniels
Bruce Davis
Colette and Robert DeNooyer
Michael Devitt
Michael Durham
Dr. Samuel Dychter and Mrs. Kimberly Wagner-Dychter
Alice Eilers
Breanna M. Ellis
Mr and Mrs Allen H. Ellsworth
Mr. Charles M. Ewell Jr. and Mrs. Valerie A. Ewell, TTEES on behalf of Valerie Ewell
Barbara Finlan
Nancy Fitzmorris
Mr. Augustine Gallego and Ms. Karen Thaxton
Mrs. Michelle Gaylord
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geisler
Dennis Geist
Stephanie Gillman
Mr. John M. Gleeson and Mrs. Patricia
B. Deis-Gleeson
Mr. James C. Gries
Ms. Cheryl Hammond and Mr. Morgan Scudi
Mr. William Hammond
Amanda Hand
Kelly Harcourt
Karen Harpp
Catherine Hartwell
Mary Hay
Garrett Herman
Edith Hernandez
Cleveland Hickman
Judy Higby
Daniel Houk
Mr. and Ms. William R. Humphreys
Joscelyn Hurst
Amalia Hussong
Eva Huston
Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Ibañez
Jennifer Ippoliti
Raymond James on behalf of Robert Colman
Kathleen Johnson on behalf of
Sammy Schreiner and April Selman
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jones
Mr. Bernard R. Kalscheuer and
Mrs. Ellen Covairt
Álvaro Castro Knapp
Jan Kneib
Mr. and Mrs. Michal J. Koenig on behalf
of Miguel Aldrete
Nancy Kraemer
Diane Kramer
Peter Kramer
Judith R. Kugler
David E. Kuhlmann
Mary Lamy
Josh Lauring
Mr. Jo Van Leeuwen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Marty Lentz
Mr. and Mrs. Neville Levin
Xin Xin Loh
Margaret Marshall
Laura Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William McClay
Anne McEnany & David Younkman
George R. McReynolds
Susan Meek
Barbara A. Mendel
Robert Merrell
Marc Meyer
Mark Miller in memory of Paul F. Miller
LaDaun Mitchell
Troy Moore
Mr. David C. Morse and Ms. Janice 13
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Norman
James J. O’Hara in memory of Paul Craw
Richard O’Neal
Patricia Parker
Donna Parks
Mr. Walter Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Atul Patel
Marc Patry
Mr. and Mrs. John C. and Melinda Pentz
Mr. Roland H. Pesch and
Ms. Kathleen Rosskopf
Ms. Judith A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Polak
Maria Pope
Herman B. Post
Ellen Walton Ramsay
Kimberlee Ray
Stefan Reichenberger
Trena Repp
Joe Reyes
Kay E. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robinson
Richard L. and Marci Romney
Georgia Rose
John Robert Ryall
John Sander
Yoshihide Satomi
Catherine B. Schmidt
Mary Schmidtnowara
Sarah Scoltock
Mrs. Patricia Shannon on behalf
of Pat & Rick Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Smith
Dawn Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Simon Stertzer
Joy Stocke
Steve Stockton
Johann Swart on behalf of Cabo San
Lucas Tours
Mr. Lawrence Taub
Sally Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tjossem
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Valentine
John H. Vance
Mary L. Walshok Ph.D.
Jeff Waugh
Stephen Wertheimer
Tamar Wilson
Kathryn Wright
John H. Yopp
Yolanta K. Zawada
Nicholas Zukin
$500 to $999
Anonymous (10)
The 1986 Rushing Living Trust
The Benevity Community Impact Fund on behalf of: Robert Lem-Luzzi,
Benjamin Eastwood, David Harcombe, Robert Lamm, David Kuhlmann
Our 2O15 Donors
The Cabo Agency
Christ United Reformed Church
Educational Testing Services - ETS Cares
on behalf of Yvette Donado and
David A. Hobson
Educational Testing Services - ETS Cares
on behalf of Walter B MacDonald and Simone Pollard
First Contact Services
Harold & Joan Feinbloom Family Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund on behalf of
Ronald Thomas and Joan Mc Griff
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
on behalf of Gary Brumby Fund
Victor and Ana Mary Sanchez
David H. Arnold
Catherine Bain
Lawrence Becerra
Roberta Beech
Dr. Susanne Bennett and George Gomberg
Willa Tomas-Blake
Sara Bradford
Margaret Brindle
Giuseppe Brunetto
William J. Brutvan Jr.
Catherine M. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckner
Russell Burke
Melody L. Bussey
Ronald H. Bussey
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Carney
Sylvia Harcourt-Carrasco
William Chadwick
F.K. Jacqueline Chung
Sally Anderson Clark
Donald Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Claverie
Sean Coady
Adam Cohen on behalf of the
Lyons-Cohen Family
Katharine B. Collins
Tiffany Cook
Mr. John Cowden and Mrs. Karen Cowden
Lynn Crew
Daylen Dalrymple in memory of
Simone Wood & Paul Whitehouse
Katherine Darras
Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Dennert
Judy Diamond
Eduardo Diez
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durboraw
Mrs. Carol J. Dyer
Karolina Ericsson
Jack Fisher
Claudia Florsheim on behalf of
Isabelle Ann Tiberghian
Sherry Foken
Brian Gannon
Mr. Paul Ganster
Rick and Pam Gardner
Bob Geiger
Michael Goodson
Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin
Mark Grantham
Sally M. Greenberg
Judy Greene
Edward Greulich
John H. Griner
Toni R. Hall
Karen Halloran
Jean Hamburg
Mr. Neil Hamm
Ms. Christine M. Hanraham and
Mr. David G. Hanraham
Eva Seidel Haupt
Ms. Gretchen A. Heinrichs
Bill Hendrick
Lucinda Herbert and Greg Flynn
Melinda Herndon
Daniel Hoile
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Hutchison on behalf
of Roger Smith & De Cooper
Karen Hyre
Mr. Neil Joyce and Mrs. Kristin Brown
Shannon Kennedy
Ric and Elizabeth Kern
Richard and Mónica Kiy
Shirley A. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie J. Knight Jr. and
Joye Blount
Karen Koewler
Michael Lanigan
Barbara Lathrop
Dawn Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Lewis
Carol Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Yuwei Li
Alexander C. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Lofgren
Donald Lorenz
Cathy Loudon
Kathleen Loudon
Melinda Manchester in memory of
Tom Manchester
Ann Margerison
Seth L. Krauss and Linda M. Masolini
Barry Mason
Maria Mcguire
John William Miles
Christopher Miller
Mary Ellen Miller
Ignacio Moore
Mr and Mrs Chris H. Mootz
Francine Morlok
Cheryl V. Myers
Mr. Jose J. Navarro
Katherine Nidermaier
Dinah Nikiforuk
Linda Nordling
Jackie Norvell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Nussbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. and Joan O’Connor
Pedro Ordenes
Cynthia Ortiz
Carol Parker
Molly M. Philopant
Brian Pietsch
David Pitta
Barbara Polk
Peter J. Portlock on behalf of Peter Portlock and Linda Long
Cheryl Posthuma
Ken Preslar
Eduardo Pulido
Brigitte Rastoin
Dr. Guenther Richter
Mr. Korey Riggs
Mrs. Deborah Riner and Mr. Jack Sweeney
Ms. Laurie Robinson
Ray Rodney
Debra Rostowsky
Ana Maria Sanchez
Kathryn Scudera
Shelley Semmler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Slayen
Judy H. Fair-Spaulding
Ron and Heidi Sprague
Christina M. Staley
Ms. Gail A. Stanger
Joann Stimson
Leslie Stimson
Jane H. Strauss
Gladys Swan
Catherine Sweeney
Marsha Swoboda
Marsha Sword
Dorothy Szczepanski
Jeff Voge
Nicky Watson
John Wayland
Barbara B. West
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Williams
Amy Wood
Jeremy Youngquist
David L. Zogg
$100 to $499
Anonymous (28)
Adobe on behalf of Laurel D’ Angelo
Alston & Bird LLP
Baja Amigos
The Benevity Community Impact Fund on behalf of David Kuhlmann
Cabo Transfers
Chevron Matching Employee Funds on behalf of Marilyn Guild
Clark County School District
Dallas Jewish Community Foundation in Honor of Calvin Hemphill
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold
Haro Industries, INC
The Alice Anne Hobbs Trust
L.E.K. Consulting, LLC
Maureen Data Systems, INC.
Our 2O15 Donors
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program on behalf of Anonymous, Dena Becker, Alison Cunard
Harry F. Moral Thompson Family Trust
Network For Good on behalf of
Laurel D. Angelo
One4All Charitable Fund
David & Lucile Packard Foundation Matching
Grant Program on behalf of Jeanne McGinnis
Peter A Moulton & Co.
R&C Construction Group Corp.
Rowan College
Seidman Family Foundation
Senderos Naturales
The Snodgrass Family Trust
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Voya Foundation
Washington Crossing Audubon Society
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
on behalf of Catherine Getman
Amy Ables
Ms. Deb Abrahamson and Dave Cretella
James F. Acomb
Charles Adams
Dr. Garret Adams and Ms. Lane Adams
in honor of Dr. Charlotte Causton
Jaqueline Adams in memory of
Miles Q. Adams
Sheryl U. Adams
Connie Adamson
James Adamson
Jane Adorno
Ken Agatstein
Norma Alaniz
Alan Alberts
Ms. Allison Alberts
Durango Alderson
Miguel and Claudia Aldrete on behalf of
El Sudeste Council Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Jay Aldrich
Terri Alexander
Erin Allen
Amy Allison
Gary Allport
John Almquist
Claudia and Phil Alne
Lin Altamura
Stacy Alvarado
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Amendola
Mr. and Mrs. Anastacio
Carlos Anderson
Kathryn W. Anderson
Anna Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Anderson in loving memory of Fred Partis
Doris Andrews
Karen Anspacher-Meyer
Robert J. Anthony
Rastoin Antoine
Donnell Apetz
Neeraj Arora
Juan Arrizon
Barry Ashton
Lee Aurich
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Austin
Roy Averill-Murray
Jos Baardemans
William Baerg
Tara J. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs Danny W. Baisley
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker
Christine Baker
Bruce Balan
Sandra N. Baldonado
Mary Ballard
Angel Bareno-Egan
Deborah D. Bari
Karen Barker
Lydia Barker in memory of Steven Barker
Nena Barlow on behalf of Harald Pietschmann
Janice Barnard
Jim Barnet
Barbara Barry
Carole Bartholomew
Dick Bassett
Marion Bauch
Anita A. Baumgardner
Gordon and Christine Baumgardner
Leonard Bayer
Gerald Bayete
Serpil Bayraktar
Peyt K. Beach-Turner in memory of Pete
Mr. Lee Roy Beach and Mrs. Barbara H. Beach
David Beck
Leslie J. Beck
Abigail Beckel
Alain Bedard
Fred Behrner
Elaine Bell
Carl Bellone
Debra Benci
Randy Bennett
John Benson
Dorothy Bentley
James Berdan
Molly Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Berkowitz
Douglas Berry
Karla E. Bert
Edmundo Berumen
Mark Bettner
Gregory V. Bida
Marilyn Bieker
Sylvia V. Blazina
Sherman Blench
Dolphia Blocker
Steve Bloom
Richard M. Blunt
Laury Bobbish
Scott Boden
Beth Boesche-Taylor
Rich and Susie Bohnemann
Michael Bonner
Jason and Jeri Bostic
Gary Bottoms
Jennifer Bournique
Gordon Bowdler
Gordon Bowles in memory of Jo Bird
Margaret Bowman-Hicks
Janice Boyd
Mr. Charles J. Boylan
Lindi Braddock
Tom Braddock
Colin Brant
William Brasier on behalf of Tailhunter International
Alison Brett
Vic Brevard
Anita Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Rondal R. Bridgemon
Veronica Bridges
E.P. Broadnax and D.B. Murray-Iwezu
Jonette S. Brockway
Lynne Brogan
Brad Brooke
Felicia Brooks
Laura Brown
Andrea L. Brown
Hollen Brown
Martin Brunello
Mr. Richard Brusca
Fabian Bucheli
Kenneth A. Budde
David Buesch
Jaye Buhlis
Agnes Buka
James Bull
Edward Burchell
Sherry J. Burge
Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Lynn O. Burgess
Terry Burnham
Jeffrey Bye
Ms. Ilse Calcagno and Mr. Keith A. Calcagno
Victoria Calk
Edmar Camargo
Daniele Davide Camillo Faraggiana
Tracy Camp
Jaqueline Campbell
Joe Cardona
Eric Carlson
Joan A. Carney
Mr. Robert Carpenter and Ms. Susan Carpenter
Amy and Erik Carstensen
Don G. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Casabonne
Anna T. Cascio and Edward Dougherty
Evelyn D. Caskey
Mr. Galey Sergio-Castelvetere
Mr. Roberto Castro
Richard Catt
Georgina Causton
Susan Cautson
Robert Cecil
Darell Chambers
Gilles Champagne
Our 2O15 Donors
Richard Chandler
Paul Chao
Ana I. Carmona Chaves
Min Chen
Suilin Cheong
Scott Christensen
Kim M. Christianson
Laurie A. Churchill
Paul Cicchetti
Helga Cihlar
Janeil Y. Cillessen
Robert Clack
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. St.Clair
Kelley Clark
Jeff Clark
Ronald Cohen
Joshua Coleman
David Collette
James Collier
Robin J. Collins
Angela Congelase
Susan Conner
Gregory A. Cook
Catharine Cooper
Catherine Cornbleth
Karon Cornell
Rob Corso
Karen Cosby
Graham Cox
John C. Crabbe
Deborah Crews
Matthew Crocker
Jessica Crocker
Ms. Debra R. Croghan and Mr. Raymond
D. Croghan
Evelyn J. Cronan
Stacey Cross
Margaret A. Crouch
Halbert D. Crow
Anthony Cullen
Alison T. Cunard
Gary Curliss
Meredith Curran
Robert Curry
Brian Curry
Steven Cushing
Harry Cyphers
Jeff Dageenakis
Marcia Dalrymple
Jim Damalas
Roland Daniels
Donna Daugherty
Mickey Davey
Leonard H. Davids
Linda Davis
Ellen Dawley
Carole Dawson
Paul Dayton
Murray Deathe
Paula M. DeBlanc
Joe D. Dedic
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. DeGasperis
Michael DeLapa on behalf of Charles DeLapa
Neddy Delgado
Richard Demartini
Diane Demee-Benoit
Robert Denison
Leslie Derr
Russ Desrosiers
Mr. and Mrs. James Detling
Janet M. DeVries on behalf of Francisco
Gabriel Dibble
Susan Dichner
Diana Dick
Stacy Dieffenbach
Dan Dion
Allen Dixon
John Doig
Silvana Dolenec
Patrick Donahue
Tim Donlan
Claudia Leacock Dougherty and
Ray C. Dougherty
Ruth A. Douglas on behalf of Duncan
& Judy Douglas
Gregoire D’Ozouville
Jim Drain
Barbara Dretske
David Dries
Dianne S. Driver
Lisa Dubreuil
David Duffy
Theresa Duncan
Karen Dunfee
James DuPrey
Emily Dwyer
Caroline Dye
Kellie Dyke
Charles M. Dykes
Kathryn Eagye
Cynthia Ebinger
Irene Eckstrand
Virginia E. Eddy
Peter Edick
Glenn Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Eikenberry
Mr. Tom Elewaut
Judson Eley
Kathleen Elias
Dana S. Eliason
Mary L. Elleraas
Thomas J. Elliott
Cameron Emberson
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric J. Englert
Vickie Epler-Thompson
Marsha Epstein
Ralph Etter
Charltotte Eulette
Kate Evans
Lucinda Everett
Jane Faggen
Philip Fairweather
Alessandro Faraggiana
Nancy C. Fava
Mark Feldhusen
Clavien Félicien
Claudia Fernandez
Carole S. Fiedler
Gustavo Fierro-Carrion
Catherine Figarella
John Filby
John Filce
Deborah Fiscus
Mitchell Fisher
Mr. Gerald Fitzgerald
Allan Morgan and Christine A. Flanagan
in honor of Richard C. Brusca
Mark A. Flanagan
Mrs. Jackie Flannigan
Hester Fleck
Frank Fleetham
Hildegard Fleming
David Fletcher
Armando Flores
Brian J. Foster
Dale Fowler
Mr. Douglas G. and Deborah Fowler
Nancy Frankenberry
Pete Fransway
Susan Frazar in memory of Angel
Thomas C. Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Frodesen
Deborah Fronjian
Valerie Frost
Carolyn J. Frost
Alison Fukumoto
Susan Fuldauer on behalf of Roger Smith
& De Cooper
Ralph Fuller
Maggie Fusari
Virgina Gaber
Marnie Gaede
Beverly Galles
Sherry Garcia
Michael Garcia
Dennis and Regina Garcia
Mrs. Vicki L. Garrod
Jane Gartner
Liza Salinas-Garza
Tim Gaudet
Louyse Gauvin
Scott Geer
Kevin Gepford
Mary Gerber
Matt Gervais
Cathy Getman
Ted Giallourakis on behalf of
Angela Giallourakis
Cynthia Giauque
Brooke Gifford
Joan Giguere
Susan Gilbert
Robert Gill
Kathleen Gillespie
Dolores Gillette
Michael Gilligan
Our 2O15 Donors
Douglas Gilliland
Mrs. Patricia A. Gilman and Mr. Paul E. Minnis
Gabrielle Gingras in memory of Betty McFall
Carrie Givens
Katrin Glaesmann
Steven Glenn
Robert Glick
Larry Godber
Kathleen Goetz
Scott Goldberg
Geissler Golding
Michael L. Goldstein
Lloyd P. Goldwasser
Jaime González Luna
Regina Gonzales
Roger Gonzalez on behalf of Ann Evans Knight
Louise Good
Jackie Goodwin
Tobie Gordon
Peter A. Gore
Paul Gorrell
Mary Anne Gould
Michelle B. Graham
Mrs. Susan Graham
Robert and Joan Gray
Kenneth Greenbaum
James Greenlee
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Griffin
Jeffrey Griffith
Dawn Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Jacqueline Grinnell
Amy E. Grose
Ariela Gross
Susan Gross
John Grossman
Neal Gronlund and Margie Coles
Jeb Guardiano
Eric Guerber
Raul Guevara on behalf of Raul & Robert
Teresita Gutierrez
Scott Gutovitz
Carrie Haag
Wendi A. Haase
Jill Hacker
Millie Haehl
Walter Halicki
Marc Hall
Enrique Hamlet
Daniel Hammerand
Lori Hancock on behalf of Joe & Cathy Sparks
Renne Hancock
Craig Hand
Evelia Hanna
David Harcombe
Leeann Harding
Tonya Harmon
Mary Harrell
Rita Y. Harth and Cynthia M. Dean
Janine Hasey
Randy Hauke
Norma Hayden
Melinda Head
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Healy
Norman Heathorn
Jonathan Hee
Dennis Heitmann
Michele Henderson
Linda S. Henderson
Bradley Hendrick
Trey Henson
Paula Heppler
Elisa Herby
Michael Heslop
Paola Hidalgo
Linda Hiebert
Jennifer Hill
Jerry Hill
Timothy Hiller
Nina Hipperson
Mike Hird
Manuel Hobiger
David A. Hobson
Paquita Hoeck
Mr. and Mrs. Heinz and Barbara Hoenecke
Miriam A. Hoffman
Frank Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Holmes in memory of Woody Johnson
we can
make a
Mr. and Ms. Robert and Sally Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Holten
Larry Holtsclaw
Linda Holy
John Hong
Janet Hopkins
Brian Horner
Karla Hose in memory of Ruby Madeline Hose
Donna Howe
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Howell
Gwendolyn Hudson
Mary Huigens
Mary Hunter
Elizabeth Hurst
David Hutchison
Sandi Iacabucci
Macarena Iturralde
Zach Ives
Robin Jackman
Susan G. Jackson
Michael Jackson
Martin Jackson
Mark Jacobson
Carl Jacobson
Angelika Jahnel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. James
Michael James
Rene James
Alan Janc
Stephan Jansen
Sherry Jansen
Jerry Jauregui
Valerie Jefferd
Gary Jenanyan
Julie Jenkerson
Susanne Jensen
Robert D. Johns in memory of Susan Agid
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Johnson
Godlind Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Johnson
Mr. Craig Johnson and Ms. Dana Hickman
Greg Johnson
Lynda Johnson
Martin Johnson
Ramona Johnson
Mark Jonas
Cathleen Jones
Linda D. Jones
Particia Jones
Kathy Jonokuchi
Susan Jordan
Arne Jorgensen
Ellen S. Jori
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Jos
Hartmut Jungius
Roxy Junkin
Kurt Kaboth
Mr. Alvin E. Kackley
Darko Kalan
Joshua Kantor
M.A. Kaplan in memory of Ben Alrounian
Martin Kaplan
Marty and Marcia Kaplan
Yevgeny Kaplun
Jay Katz
Jan Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Kay
Randi Keith
Laura Kelley
Laura Kelly
Carlos Kempff
Nan Kennedy
James H. Kennedy Jr. in memory of
Woody Johnson
Mary Kennedy
Steve Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kepper
Julie Kershner
Randal Keynes
Jack Kinder
Karen M. King
Paul King
Our 2O15 Donors
Mr. and Ms. David and Nancy Kinninger
Mr. and Mrs. James and Georgia Kinninger
Frederick Klass
Richard Klassen
T.P.C. Klaver
Sally Kleberg
Mary Kloehn
John Kloskoski
Lee G. Knudtson
Gary Koenig
Jeanne Kolva
Ann Marie Kotre
Cheryl K. Kough
Daniel Kowal
David L. Hunt and Paula L. Kramer
Betty Kramer
Carol Krantz
Alphonse Kremer
Barbara Krugman
Amber Krzys
John Krzysiak
Rick Kunselman
Heikki Kurkela
R. Kurzberg
Linda Kutchenriter
Michael Kyle
Michelle Lacaruso
Vonda LaFever
Laurent Lamarque
Robert Lamm
Raphael Landesman
Bethany Ann Landon
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Landon
Stephen M. Laney
Peter Lange and Lori Leachman
Kori R. LaPoint
Betty T. Larrabee
Christine Larson
Candace Latham
Mrs. Gail Laughlin
Wendy Laughlin and Kees Docter
Sylvia Le Blancq
Jonathan Lea
John LeCompte
Thomas Ledig
Laurie Lee
Elaine Leedy
David R. Leewood
Marilyn J. Lehrner
Michael Leigh
Douglas E. Leihbacher
Catherine Leipciger
Thomas Leipzig
Robert Lem-Luzzi
Diane Lembo
Stephanie Levi
Thomas Scott Li
Eric R. Lilly
Barbara A. Limberg
Carl G. Lindberg
Don Lindoff
Kay Lindsey
Susan Lindstrom
John Lingham
Chrisitine Little
Janet Lizotte
William Locking
Jeff Lockwood
Francis Loke
Cathy Lomas
Donna D. Lonadier
Roger Lonsberry
Alan R. Lotspeich in memory of
Robert G. Lotspeich
Charles Louy
David Low
Ponzy Lu
Margo Ludwig
Doris Lukas
Margaret Lundeby
Walter B. Macdonald
June MacIndoe
Christy Madill
Juliana C. Magalhaes
Robert Magnani
Natalie Mahler
Frank Mallerdino in memory of
Stacy Mallerdino
Jeanne Maloney
David Mancini
Mohan K. Mani
Elizabeth J. Manning
Cynthia Manning
Felipe Andres and Ana Gabriela Manriquez
T.M. Manson
Ms. Kristina Martinez
DeaDotta Martinson
Bill Marvin
Catherine Mason
Betty Maticic-Snyder
Joshua May
Robin M. McCormack Maybueno
Peter J. Mayer
Bruce Maynes
Richard Mazurek
Jane E. McClay on behalf of the McClay family
Kathryn Mccoy
Doug McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. and Lillian McEnany
Tom McGowan
Robert A. McKearney
Kiril Mckee
Harold McKenna
Constance L. McLaughlin Bowser
Donald McLelland
Daniel McManus
John McNamara
Tory McVay
Jacque McVicar
Olgard Meier
Ms Cristina Melgarejo
Henry Melin
Grant Melvin
Fernando Mendoza
Sharon Merino
Jerilee Merkle
Dave Merrill
Nancy Merrill
Rob Merry-Ship
Elizabeth Metcalf
Jane M. Casey-Meyer
Pamela Meyer
Kelly Myers in memory of Don Craighead
Laurie Michaels-Lee
Steve Mikkelson
Ruth Millard
Don Miller
Michele Miller
Mr. Michael J. Millet
Vickie Millhouse
Virginia Milton
Ruri Minamide
Colleen Minchau on behalf of Kai Bradley Gonzalez & Family
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mirrasoul
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton D. Mitchell
Leslie Mogul
Gary Mollath
Susan Monger
Terry L. Monk
Barbara Montoya
John Moore
Margaret Moore
Jane Moore
Taylor Morey
Mr. Phillip Morgan
Camille Morris Rothenburg
Kenneth A. Morris
Nicole Morrison
Carol Motylewski
Tina Moy
Jill Moyer
Marianne Muir
Bill Mules
Jorn Muller
Thomas Mulroy
Maximiliano Munoz
Sharon Murawski
Patricia Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Myers
Dave Myster
Charles E. Naab Jr.
Christina Narayana
James Narramore
Kirsten Nash
Gerry Ann Nassetta
Gerald Neff
Sherri R. Neil
Donald Neilson
Cynthia Nelson
Joyce Nettleton
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Neuman
Samuel Newbold
Jaquelyn Newman
Kathleen Newman
Carol Nichols
Our 2O15 Donors
Emma Nicholson
Richard Nieder
Ingrid Nielsen
Noel M. Nino
Kenneth Nixon
Gunnar Nordstrom
Teresa Norris
Linda Notarainni
Kareen Novak
Andreas Nowara
Dana Nugent
Jeremiah Nyaribo
David L. Obannon
Erin O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. O’Donnell
Anthony Ody
Harry Ohlendorf
John Okay
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Kendra O’Leary
Douglas E. Olesen on behalf of Cathy
& Doug Olesen
Robert Oliver
Dottie Olsen
Arthur J. Olson and Shirley A. King in memory of Woody Johnson
Mr. Randall Olson on behalf of Barb
& Randy Olson
Annie Omens
Heidi Onsrud
Jeanette Opper
Mr. Richard Opper and Ms. Ann Poppe
Mr. William L. Orcutt
Adel-Marie O’Regan
Johnnie Orr in memory of Amy
Miles Otoupal
Shameka Owens
Cathleen Padden
Michael Paduano
Donald W. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Paizza
Priya Pandit
Marina Panzetta
Adriana Papadakis
Bruce Papier
Gail Parker
Anne Parkinson
Mrs. Sarita S. Patterson on behalf of
Yurithza Campa Rivas
Paula Patterson
Donna Pawchuk on behalf of Systems
Beauty College
Alice Pawley
Nancy Paya
Bryce Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pejril
Robin Peleg
Nancy Pelletier
Charles B. Pelton
Sandi Peltz-Lumpkin
Greg Pendon
Alison Peper
David Pepper
Mr. Richard G. Perry and Mrs. Lucille Grossman Perry
Timothy Persons in memory of Manuel
Robert Mendoza
Alma Peters
Dorothy Peters
Scott Petersen
George Peterson
Judy Petraitis
Christie Phelan
Diane Piastrelli
Marissa S. Pinal
Mark Pinto
Robert Plimpton
Angel Ploneda
Elizabeth Poehler
Edward Pollard
Sivasankar Ponnambalam
Ann Poppe
Patric Powell on behalf of Jose Venegas
Sharon Powers in memory of Don Graham
Anita Preston
Phil Price
Jessica Pringle
David Pruitt
Greg Psaltis
Adriana Pulido
Rosemary Purrazzella
Richard Raborn
Frank Raguso
Craig Ralston
Richard Ramsay
Elizabeth Randall
Kiran Rapal
Natalie Rastoin
France Rastoin-Sternberg
Thomas Rautert
John Read
Cheryl Rebensdorf
Frances Record on behalf of Judy Greene
James Reddy
Donald Reece
Carol Rees
Evan Reese
Cathy J. Reeves
Jaime Reichbach
Charles Reisig
Richard A. Rene
James Reser
Alan Rexford
Bonny Rhoden
Paul Riccardi
Kelly Rice
Mark Richardson
Mr. Thomas Richardson and Mrs. Kathileen Gallagher
Gale Richardson
Norma G. Richardson
Joanne Richter
Mr. Robert Rickerson
Hanna Rieke
Donna Riley
Chere Rinehart
Konrad Ringler
Claudia Risler
Lee A. Roach
John Roberts
Deni Robey
James R. Robinson
Michael Rockwell
Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Andrea Rogers
Wayne Rohweder
Gavin Rookledge
Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney
Mr. Ted Rose and Mrs. Susan Hill
Shirley Rosenburg
Brian G. Roskam
Jim Rossi
John Rossie
Robin Rotondo
Linda M. Rougon
Alia Rudy
Victoria Rundorff
Rolf Rundquist
Doniece D. Russell
Justin Ryan
Darrell Sabers
Carole Sachs
Mr. and Mrs. Diego Saenz
Scott Saitta
Silvia Salas
Paula Saltzberg
Doug Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Maria T. Santos
Sahoko Sato
Edward Scarpelli
Gary Schaub
Wolfgang Scheuring
Simone Schiffner-Backhaus
Elizabeth Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schimpff
Kevin J. Schlosser
Gordon Schmeisser
Larry Schmid
Peggy J. Schmitz
Kurt Schnebele
David Schneebeck
Thomas Schneider
David Schnur
Patricia Schoen
Marvin Schoenberg
Robin Schofield
Terry Schoonover
Diana Schramm
Brian Schulte
Lisa Schuster
Jason Schutz
Jonathan Schwartz
Drew Scott
James Scott
Judith Scott
Sandra J. Shaffer in memory of Jeff Shaffer
Our 2O15 Donors
Richard A. Shatz
Bryan Shaul
William W. Shaw
Robert Shaw
J.A. Sheedy
Catherine A. Sheridan
Joanne Sherwood
Melanie I. Sheuerman
Christian Shewey
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Pat Shmidtmann
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Short
Ms. Kathy Shoulders
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shoup
Erik Shumacher
Craig Siemens
Christiane Sietzen on behalf of Casa Natalia San Jose Del Cabo
Susan Silver
Sharon Simkin
Elizabeth Simmons
Mrs. Suzanne Simmons and
Mr. Gordon Godfrey
Susan Simpson
Heather Singiser
Kathleen Sischka
Patricia T. Siskind
Robert Skaggs
Alicia Skiba
Ole Skjefte
Mitchell Slater
Philliip Slessor
Leland F. Small
Paula and Steve Smith
Duane N. Smith
Mr. Harold C. Smith and Mrs. Susan McLane
Rosemary Smith
Brian Smith
Georgia Smith
Peter B. Smith
Ian and Linda Smulowitz
Joshua Snow
Adrian Snyder
Rena Snyder
Erik Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. John Souza
Melissa Spada
Rudolf Specht
Gwen Speckman
Curtis Sperling
Eric Sponburgh
Rob Sproston
James Spurr
Matthew Spurrier
Ms. Jerre A. Stallcup
Jack Stalley
Hubert Staudigel
Patti Stengele
Mr. Craig and Ms. Suzanne Stephan
Judith Stern
Karl Stertzbach
Craig Stevens
Richard Stewart
Linda D. Stewart
Jesse Stimson
Patty Stimson
Kathryn Stoner
Cathy Storr
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stothers
Patricia Strand
Holly Straub
Mr. Arthur A. Strauss
Lawrence J. Stricker
Joan Strickland
Gary Strom
Ken Stumpf
Pam Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan
Michael Sullivan
Debbie Sutherland in memory of Alan Jewitt
Margaret A. Swain
Leonard C. Swanson
Jennifer Sweargin
Karen Sweeney
Joan Sweetman
Allison Swengel
David Szczepanski
Masanobu Takahashi
Mari Tamez
Alan Tatum
Joyce Temoche
Edith Tenneson
Dwight Thacker
Nicholas Thio
John C. Thomas
Robert J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thomas
Bruce Thompson
Dave Thompson
Mr. John and Elena Thompson in memory of Susan & Peter Butler
Linda Thompson
Jackie Thomson
Sara Thrasher
Jeff Thummel
Angela Tierney
Robert Tininenko
Kathryn D. Todd
Jessica Torres
Richard Torres
Jon Towers
Janet Trankle
Michael Trillo
Dr. Carl E. Trinca
Mandy Trueman
Ray Tse
Steve and Anne Tucker
Mary Ulinski in memory of Michael Ulinski
Cecilia Usher
Wayne Utecht
Anthony Valente on behalf of Elliassen Group
Sandie Valentine
Margarita M. Del Valle
Tanya Valle
Felipe Vallejo
William Vance
Robert Vanderbeck
Margaret VanDyke
F. P. Vaneyl
Pamela Vantress
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Vasquez
Todd Vaziri
Laura Veglia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Vehorn
Jean Verno
Craig Vervalin
Karen Villamena
Juan Villarreal
Gene Vincenti
Dede Vlietstra
Steve Vogel
Dana Voien on behalf of Dawn Griffith
Jane Voss
Louise A. Waddick in honor of Mary Werbalowsky
Jeff Waetje
Jon Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Wall
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wallace
Elizabeth Ann Walsh
Jeanelle M. Waltos on behalf of Ron and Jeanelle Waltos
William Warburton
Jonathan Ward in memory of Marilyn Zurek
Stacey Ward
Geraldine Warner
Lesley Warren
Linda Watermeyer
James Watson
James Webb
Thomas Bliss and Merrily Weiss
Thomas Wells
Margitta Welsh
Patricia Wenner
Michael Whartenby
Joan Whiteley
Kelly Whittemore
Susan Wiggins
Wiliam Wilcox
Mark Wilkens
Maureen William
Pamela Williams
Mark Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilson
Ronald L. Wine
Richard Winn
Frank Wisniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Witham
Charmarie Wold
Merrill Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wolfe
Patricia A. Wolfer
Melanie Wong
Stanton Wong
Dimitrianne Wood
Jean Wood
Linda Woodard
Our 2O15 Donors
Mr. Charles A. Worley and Mrs. Mary J. Sullivan Worley
Dan Wray
Jason Wright
Walter Wright
Peter Wuntke
Heidi Wyle
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wysowski
Anthony Yanni
Charlotte Yates
Phil Yenney
Ronald Young
Brenda B. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Young
Stacey Young
Timothy Yu
Sandra S. Zajac
Inge Zamora
Pedro Zapata
Phillip Zerzan
Donald Zettervall
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zettlemoyer
Diane M. Zugel
Patricia Zupan
Up to $99
Anonymous (27)
Albatross Foundation
Bio Bio Expeditions World Wide, INC
The Carolyn B. Boone Live Trust
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund on behalf of
Mr. Peter Galvin and Ms. Cynthia Elkins
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund on behalf of
the Johnson-Schroeder Foundation
Kingsmead College
NASFA: Association of International Education
Ride or Die Peoples
Roedean School (SA)
St. Stithians Boy’s College
St. Stithians Girl’s College
Gof Abbey
Pam Abrahamsson
Manuel Acueto
William Adams
Stephen Aguilar
Scott Albers
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Aldrete
Marilyn Allen
Paula Alley
David Almada
Donna Andersen
Luciana Andrade
Wlamir Andrade
Cathy Ansheles
Patrick Apodaca
Antonio Aral
Magdalena Arasim
Greg Arca
Tyler Atkins
Karen Reny Auger
Mr. and Mrs. David Austin
Robert A. Austin-Agnew
Roxane Babinska
Alton R. Bader
Susan Bagnoli
Cary Baird in memory of Earl D. Baird
Stephen Bakopanos
Jit Baral on behalf of Jacobs Farm Del Cabo
Marja Barger
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Barnes
Elviro Barraza
Audrey Barrett on behalf of Dawn Griffeth
Ashley Bartman
Barbara Bascom
Linda and Eugene Bass
Christine Bastoni
William X. Batista
Patricia J. Bauer
Joshua Beach
Pamela Beard
John Becker
W. S. Bednarski
Kimberly Bell
Perica Bell
Kathrin Bendixen
Jean Benner
Mike Berg
Meredith Berry
Patricia Bertero
Joanne Bierzynski
Annie Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Bishop
David Blair
Roxana J. Bohrer
Tony Bolger
Mr. Travis Boswell
Carrie Bouk
Stephen Bourgeois
Carol Boyd
Kelsey Bradley
Angel Braestrup
Sarah Brennan
Ginny Brewer
Jennifer Brice
Philip Brice
Kyle L. Briesemeister
Marilyn Brooks
Tom Bross
Bonnie Brown
Celia Brown
Nancy Brown
Wayne Brunmeier
Allison Buchtien
Virginia L. Buerger
John Bulger
Elizabeth Burns
Martin Bush
Lucas Bustamante
Adele Butterfield
Paulo Camargo
Luisa M. Campos
Brooke Canady
Mr. Ronald R. Canham
Melissa Carchia
Harry Carle
Vicki Carlson
Barbara Carmichael
Anna Carrasco
Freda Chapman
Liz Chambliss
Constance Champlin
Nicole Chan
Susan Charest
Philippe Chazot
Bruce Cheney
Chevron Matching Employee Funds on behalf of Cary Baird
Sean Christian
Thomas Cindric
Mrs. Ellen M. Clark and Mr. Robert M. Gerber
Scott Clark
Michaela Clemence
Kristina Coleman
Stacey Cook
Julio Copo Terres
Roberta Coppersmith
Mr. and Ms. David Cordeiro
Benjamin Cortes
Alex Cox
Patricia Creighton
Marcela Crowley on behalf of
Carmen Hernandez
Shenny Cruces
Desiree Cruz
Juan Cueva
Kathleen Cummings
Conrad Cunningham
Julie Dao on behalf of Jennifer Oanh Le
Gerry Darden
Edward J. Davis
Janine Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dawson
Michiel de Jong
Christine Deangelis
Chad DeChant
Julia Delafield
Anne T. Depner
Raeann DeRienzo
Steven M. Deterville
Terry Dexter
Charles Digati
Maria Dolores Carrilo Usbeck
Martinez Dora
Michael Dorris
Michael Dougherty
Mr. and Ms. Bryan R. Downer
Sarah Duff
Lee Dugatkn
John Duggleby
Zach Dumar
Rachel Dunbar
Judy Dunscomb
Peter Duong
Drew Dutton
Ray Eakin
Our 2O15 Donors
Ben Eastwood
Ed Echols
Diane Ellis
Ragnar Elmgren
Mary Erian
Judi Ernest and Schafer Tomassilli
John C. Espland
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Essakow
Ms. Suzanne Evanson on behalf of
Char Wenger
Brian Eversham
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ewbank
Kathleen Fallon
Sue and Larry Feltmann
Marina Feraud
Maria Fernandez Reyes
Yleana Fernandez
Ms. Lori Finch
David Finkbeiner
Vivian Finlay
Juli Fishback
Cynthia W. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Flynn
Marlene Foster
Michael France
Carmelina Frasca
Barbara Frier in memory of Tom Holzhauser
Tom Fritz
Leah C. Fry
Lorna Fyten-Lea
Mimi Gabriel
Joey Gale
Michael Gambuzza
Gail Gans
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Garber
Derek Gardiner
Robert Gaster
Michael Gautrey
Ms. Joanne G. Gauzens
Michael Giefer
Alexander Gilbert on behalf of
Mauricio Da Silva
Julie Gilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Everith Giovenco TTEE
Emily Gitelman
Jonathan Glick
Hannah Glidden
Sharon Globerson
Mr. and Mrs. John Gomez
Betsy Goodman
Steven Gould
Troy Gourrier
Nancy S. Grant
Bill Grantham
Kendall Gray in memory of Florence Gray
Michelle Greenwood
Jennifer L. Gregori
Heather Griffin
Edda Groenhoff
Gordy Grover
Nicholas Gryshchuk
Samuel Ha
Andrea Haas
Kim Hackbarth
Ken Hackman
James Hagen
Richard Hale
Lori Hamann
Lauren Harman
Jane Harmon
Janet Harris
Sharon Harrow
Steve Hartsook
Tracy Haslam
Richard G. Hau
Joanne Hawes
Allison Haynes
Mary Hedblom
Robin A. Heidenreiter
Lisa Hepner
Rene A. Herndon
Katherine Herron
Holly Hilborn
Deborah C. Hilgenberg
Denise Hill
Shannon Hoefer on behalf of Shannon Hoefer
Richard Holbrook in memory of
Lenore Holbrook
Matthew Holland
Jody L. Hollister
Abigail Horrigan
Kari Houlihan
Carolyn Howard
William Howard
Jarvis E. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Huffman in memory of Woody Johnson
Mark Hufford
Carolyn Huggins
Mary K. Hughes
Michael B. Hughes on behalf of Alexander
Yau Hui Lim
Chuck Hurst
Vicki Hurst
Vickie Hutton
Michael Irwin
Erik Iverson
Jill Jackson
Chris Jacobs
Jennifer Jacobs
Larri Jacquart on behalf of Chino Champion
Bernadine Janowitz
Rita and James C. Jaynes
Jennifer Jenkins
Yutaka Jodai
Paulette Johnson
Renelee H. Johnson
Robert Johnson
Pamela Johnston
Mervyn Jones
Teresa Jones
Dr. L.A. Jordan
C. A. Joubert
Joseph Just
Steve Justus
Albert Kaladjian
David Karlene
Steven Katona
Ms Linda M. Keehan on behalf of my
brother, George Peña
Serge K. Keller
Michele Kent
Natalie Kern
J.A. Kess
Sharon Khan
Cheryl King in memory of Jack Baughn
Kathleen King
Mary Kirby
Boub Kish
James Klauer
Justine Klaver-Kibria
Enid A. Klein
Wendy Koch
Katherine Koepsel
Lesli Konigsberger
Anna Korepanova
Stanley Korwin
Katharine Kraeck
Christine Kramer
Gregory Kramer
Maria Kramer
William Krauss
Micah Krichevsky
Marilyn Krone
Dennis Krueger
Dan Kubacik
Janine Kube
Linda Kuehl
Klonie M. Kunzel
Steven L. Kusnitz
Sun Wook Kwon
Thomas La Voy
David Lachs
Linda P. Laffler
Vincent Lamb
Chris Lamers
Stefanie Lange
David Larrea Luna
David Larson on behalf of Kenneth A. Larson
Susan LaRue
Alejandra Lavander
Mark Law
Ana Leal Cervantes
Carmen Leal-Cervantes
Cynthia M. Lee
Ms. Jennifer Lee
Amanda Lejbowicz
Laura Leonetti
Coreen Lerwick
Paul Levitt
Ms. Karen Levy-Szpiro
Julia Li
Angela Lin
Ms. Marsha J. Lindbeck
Carole Lindner
Our 2O15 Donors
James M. Lindsay
Karen Liu
Paul Loewenstein
Charisse Lolli
Melania Lopez-Castro
Gloria Loucif
James A. Lovendahl
Shannon Lowe
Robert Lucas
Doris Luehmann
Paul Lundgren on behalf of Swim Cortez
Thomas Mace
Nicole Maclaren
Kevin J. Majkut
Julie Mallory
Barbara Mandel
Christine Marcinkiewicz
Susan Marcus
Kevin Marean
Gerardo Marenco
Carlos J. Martinez
Roberto N. Martinez
Madeleine H. Mason
Marilyn Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Mason
Barbara W. Massey
Rebecca Mathis
Amanda Mayhew
Claudio Mazzaferri
Howard Mazzafro
Shirley Mccarron
Richard Mccourt
Thomas McDonald
Jeanne McGinnis
Marsha Mcginnis
Paul Mcglone
Patrick McGovern
Richard McGrath
Glenda McKibben
Kumar McMillan
Judith McNamara
Douglas McRoy
Kathleen McShane
Betty Meeker
Luz Mejia
Janice Meliska
Michael Metzger
Loren W. Miles on behalf of Jose Cruz
Alicia Milla
David C. Miller
Toni Milner
Kathleen Miner
Pierce Misner
Mojgan Mohammadi
Michelle Moldenhauer
Richard Monarch
Rod Moniz
William Morgan
Thomas Morganroth
Yasutakla Mori
Elizabeth Morley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Morris
Mr. and Mrs. David Moser
Angela Moskow
Nicole Moss
Rita H. Mossler
Matthew Murray
Corinne Myers
Carole L. Nagan
Tony Nahrung
Allen Taylor Nance
Eileen Naquin
Makeda Negash
Carmina A. Nephew
Network For Good on behalf of Marilyn Guild
Carol Newborg
Sophie Nielsen
Saddiq Nuru on behalf of Pierce Gordon
Martha Olver
Cynthia O’Mealy
Verne O’Neil
Laurie O’Reilly
Debbie Otaguro
Chrystal Oudijk
Michael Pattison
Garrett Paul
Adrienne Pellizzari
Linda Penn
Lawrence Peppers
Jerri D. Perfect
Marion Pergande
William Perrault
Kat Peterson
Andrew Pfullmann
Allen Phillips
James Phillips
Robin Pintar
Rudy Polak
Cheryn Porter
Mrs. Karen Powers
Eva Pozsonyi
Laura Prange
Mary Price and Nick Waser
Smita Purekar
Neil F. Purtell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Putney
Michael Rabby
Ariana Ramirez on behalf of the
Alvarado Household
Joseph Rand
Jason Rasmussen
Peter Rasmussen
Mathilde Rastoin
LeeAnne Rathmanner
Mark Ravinet
Taeko Reckwerdt
Diane E. Regala
Florian Reid
Clarice Ribeiro
Kenna Richards
Emma Ridley
Nancy Ries
Alice Ring
Casanna Robertson
Megan A. Robinson
Mark Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Romero
Alma Ronces
Marilyn I. Rosine
Monique Ross
Laurie Rothenberg
Jerrine Rowley
Diane Ruben
Catherine Rysewyk
Melissa Sagba
Tarek Saidi
David Sainsbury
Sandra Saiz
Abby Saltzberg
Paula B. Saltzberg
Adrienne Salz
Ronald P. Sanabria
Andrea Sanchez
Craig Sandler
Karen Sandvoss
Charmaine Saracco
Arlene Satterlee
Lisa Scheinkopf
Marilyn Schiel
Ryan Schnell
Daniel Schreiber
Shyanne Schull
Michael A. Schwaller
Mr. and Mrs. Clay H. Scofield
Catherine Scott
Karen A. Scott
Tony Scott
Juan Yu See
Robert B. Sevier
Kevin Seybold
David Shapiro
Julie Sheldon
Douglas S. Shelton
Alissa Sherry
Pat Sielski
David Siepmann
Mr. Dan Silver
Elizabeth Simoneau
Patricia Simpson
John M. Skakun
Ryan Skinner
Nancy E. Slusser
Andrew Smith
Anne M. Smith
Derek Smith
Howard Smith
Jerry Smith
Julie M. Smith
Timothy Smith
Henry Sobel
Rachab Solorzano
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sonstein
Mercedes Sotomayor
Kornelis Spaans
Fred Speaker
Mr. Felix G. Speer and Mrs. I. Cristina
Lisa Spiers
Ava Springer
Our 2O15 Donors
Denise Squires
Shirley Stagner
Mr. Richard Stark
Thomas W. Stehower
Cheryl Stephens
Noah Stern
Wilbur C. Stevens III on behalf of
Laura, Clark, and Erik Stevens
Dana Stewart
Sherry Stockler
Elizabeth Stoltz
John Straus
Daniel Strickland
Doug Sullivan
Lynn Sullivan
Edwin Suominen
Rebecca Sutton
Colleen Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Sweet
Cassie Swindle
Sue Talmadge
YS Tan
Mr. and Mrs. Gloria and Matt Taylor
Lori Teig
Olympia L. Tejeda
Therese Terlap
Belia L. Tet
Kanchan Thapa
Henry Thomas
Connie J. Thompson
Judith Thran
Mr. William H. Thurman
Bruce Tibboel
Ernest Tiberino
Ms. Nancy S. Tietge
Cecilia L. Torres
Kathryn Tosney
Andrew Trembley
Matthew Trevillion
Chris Trueman
Vu Truong
Anca Tse
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Tucker
Jeremy Tuler
Thomas Tuohy
Sonya Turcotte
Ellen Valks
Pamela Van Arsdale
Marco Janse Van Rensburg
Tiffany VanWych
Theresa Vermeil
Sandra T. Vickrey
Adalberto Villalobos
Heather von Sternberg in memory of
Patrick Hanes
Carol R. Walder
Ahnie Walker
Ed Wallace
Joel Walters
Mrs. Melanie Walters and Mr. E. Hardy Smith
Thomas B. Walther
Margie Walton
Allison Wanamaker
David Wang
Harry J. Warnock
Robert Wasko
Cheryl Webster
Ananda Weerasuriya
John R. Weigand
Victoria Weiler
Joel Weisberg
Thomas C. Welch
Kayla Wells in memory of Frances A. Fullerton
Joanna Wensler
Laurence Werfel
Peter West
Ginevra West-Foyle
Chad Whitefield
Allen Whitehead
Lena Whitehead
Marsha L. Whiteman
Renee Wild
Rian M. Wilkinson
Christopher Williams
Kristi M. Willis
Christine Wilson
Martin Winkler
Chloe Wolf
Rebecca Wolf
Catherine P. Wolfe
Claire Wolfrom
Lincoln Wolverton
Anne Wong
Holly Woodroof
Jack Woods
Jon Wooley
Thomas Woolf
Carla Zelaschi
We are grateful for
the many generous
contributions made
in FY2O15.
Thank you!
The International Community Foundation is proud of all the
accomplishments of its grantees in this fiscal year. Annually, we review
hundreds of proposals, conduct site visits, and evaluate impact in the
communities our donors care about.
Advancing Students Forward
Chula Vista, CA, USA
$1,348 For general support of the
Asistencia de la Infancia Salvatierra
Amigos de Agua Caliente, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$17,000 For repairs to the reptile house
in La Paz.
Amigos De El Pescadero A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$900 For the Pescadero Life Website.
Amigos de Los Niños de Cabo San
Lucas, A.C.
Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
$65,800 For a new clinic project; $47,000
For a new clinic project; $35,000 For the
purchase of dental, audiology, and office
equipment for the new clinic; $24,000
For general support; $4,630.77 For
repairs to the office following Hurricane
Odile; $4,000 For emergency food and
supplies following Hurriane Odile.
Amigos Para la Conservación de Cabo
Pulmo, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$50,000 For general support; $40,000
For Institutionalizing Conservation in
the East Cape; $20,000 For initiatives to
advance conservation strategies and
build public awareness and support
for Cabo Pulmo National Park; $15,000
For community engagement activities;
$12,500 For community and fishermen
engagement; $3,000 For activities related
to the 20th anniversary of Cabo Pulmo
National Park.
Anat Kah, A.C.
Puerto Aventuras, Q. Roo, Mexico
$7,107 To support the Friends of Puerto
Aventuras (FOPA) program; $6,600 To
support the FOPA program; $2,926.83
For general support; $2,760 For the
FOPA Adult English program; $2,571 To
support the FOPA Adult English Program;
$2,000 For general support; $1,275 For
general support.
Asociación Amigos de la Naturaleza
del Pacifico Central y Sur
Aguirre, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
$895.27 For general support.
Asociación Interamericana para la
Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA)
Oakland, CA, USA
$15,000 For advocacy and legal work.
Baja Safe Human Society, A.C.
Del Mar, CA, United States
$7,250 For general support.
Bio-Integral Resource Center
Berkley, CA, USA
$3,500 For amphibian program support.
California Invasive Plant Council
Berkley, CA, USA
$10,000 For the Wildland Volunteer
Network in California.
California Native Plant Society (CNPS)
Sacramento, CA, USA
$18,420 For the CNPS 50th Anniversary
California Water Impact Network
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
$5,000 For the Trinity River Campaign.
Casa Albergue Temporal Para Niños,
Ensenada, BC, Mexico
$30,000 For general support; $15,000 For
general support.
Casa Cornelia Legal Services, Inc.
San Diego, CA, USA
$7,500 For legal representation of
detained unaccompanied children.
Casa Hogar Alegria I.A.P.
Mexico, DF, Mexico
$141,975 For building a new all-girls
orphanage in Cacalomacan, Toluca.
Center for Public Integrity
Washington, D.C., USA
$1,000 For the International Consortium
of Investigative Journalists.
Center for Responsible Travel
Washington, D.C., USA
$10,000 For the Competitive and
Sustainable Tourism program in Sinaloa.
Central Sierra Environmental
Resource Center
Twain Harte, CA, USA
$10,000 For Rim Fire recovery and
Centro de Comunidad, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$4,239.47 For general support.
Centro de Incidencia Ambiental
Panama City, Panama
$244,000 For general support.
Centro Mexicano de Derecho
Ambiental, A. C. (CEMDA)
Mexico, DF, Mexico
$200,000 For general support; $50,000
For general support.
Centro Mexicano Para La Defensa Del
Medio Ambiente A.C.
Ensenada, BC, Mexico
$130,000 For legal expenses of
environmental conservation work in the
Gulf of California; $35,725 For the Wyss
Fellowship; $28,200 For legal expenses
of environmental conservation work in
northwestern Mexico; $25,000 For legal
expenses of environmental conservation
work in northwestern Mexico.
Centro Mujeres
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$6,197 For emergency assistance
following Hurricane Odile.
Charles Darwin Foundation for the
Puerto Ayora, Galapagos, Ecuador
$1,073,200 For strategic planning;
$280,000 For general support;
$131,527.22 For priority research on
Philornis downsi; $124,475 For general
support; $115,750 For general support
and mangrove ecosystem research in
the Eastern Tropical Pacific; $27,500 For
general support; $11,500 for general
support; $11,000 For general support.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$2,681.80 For general support.
Como Vamos La Paz, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$187,500 For general support; $70,000
For the Ciudades Mas Humanas
conference; $50,000 For general support;
$30,000; For basic necessities in marginal
East Cape Guild, A.C.
Los Barriles, BCS, Mexico
$20,000 For general support and the
2015-2016 scholarship program.
Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C.
Loreto, BCS, Mexico
$35,600.92 For general support; $25,000
For the Loreto Coastkeeper Program;
$15,000 For community engagement
programs in the Loreto Bay National
Park; $12,500 For community and
fishermen engagement programs;
$6,571 For the environmental education
program and a community garden;
$5,800 For a consultant to write the
2015 workplan and budget; $5,000 For
disaster relief following Hurricane Odile.
Ecology Project International
Missoula, MT, USA
$150,000 For the Mexico programs.
Endangered Habitats League, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
$25,000 For the Terra Peninsular
Feed the Hungry, A.C.
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico
$4,685.80 For general support.
Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C.
Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
$150,000 For developing marine
conservation and sustainable fishing
models for NW Mexico.
Corredor Historico CAREM, A.C.
Tecate, BC, Mexico
$4,400 For construction of the new
building; $850 For general support of the
Tecate Community Museum.
East Cape Community Urgent Care
Los Barriles, BCS, Mexico
$110,000 For general operating support
and expansion of the clinic; $10,500 For
the installation of a new Digital X-Ray
Fondo Acción Solidaria, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$52,000 For the AbraPalabra project;
$40,000 For general support over two
years; $28,875 For the La Semilla de La
Vida A.C. program following Hurricane
Odile; $10,000 For community grants
in Baja California; $3,300 For the
AbraPalabra project.
Fondo Mexicano Para la Conservación
de la Naturaleza
Mexico, DF, Mexico
$35,960 For the Pescadero program.
Friends of the Dunes
Arcata, CA, USA
$9,000 For general support and the
Tolowa Dune Stewards program.
Fronteras Unidas Pro Salud, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$90,000 For the Gente Joven programs;
$30,470 To support the library at Valle
Verde and the Gente Joven programs.
Fundação Iniciativa
Uberaba, Curitiba, Brazil
$11,000 For new closets at four youth
homes; $10,413.30 For the computer
and craft workshops.
Fundación Albatros Media (FAM)
Panama City, Panama
$34,800 For the Treasures of the Sea
of Cortez campaign; $20,000 For the
Treasures of the Sea of Cortez campaign.
Fundación Ayuda Niños La Paz, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$34,200 For general support; $30,000
For general support and scholarships;
$13,800 For activities in Laguna Azul;
$8,000 For general support; $5,570 For
disaster relief following Hurricane Odile.
Fundación Migdalia Rubio, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$10,500 For scholarships and general
Fundación Miguel Batista (Fundación
Maria Jerez)
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
$107,843.11 For general support.
Fundación Niñez Internacional
(affiliate of Children International)
Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
$17,900 For the early childhood
education program; $31,906 For the
tutoring program; $1,425 For GROWFund T-shirts for program participants.
Fundación Para la Protección de la
Niñez, I.A.P.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$10,266.73 For school supplies and
infrastructure repairs at the Ciudad
de Angeles orphanage; $10,000 For
remodeling of the children’s bathrooms;
$3,000 For institutional capacity-building;
$220 For a study on Asilo El Refugio, A.C.
Fundación Cantaro Azul, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$1,000 For coordinating a UNDP
Fundación Corcovado
San Jose, Costa Rica
$4,000 For general support of programs
in the Osa Peninsula.
Fundación Internacional de la
Comunidad, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$71,500 For the pediatric oncology
program; $9,277.20 For the salaries of
medical professionals at the Hospital
General in La Paz; $4,500 For the salaries
of health promoters working on the
Puentes de Esperanza-TB program
in Tijuana and Mexicali; $3,000 For
treatment of tuberculosis patients in
Tijuana and Mexicali; $2,325 For the
Fundacion Luz Fund.
Fundación Punta de Mita, A.C.
Punta de Mita, Nayarit, Mexico
$35,554 For general support; $15,000
For the Strengthening Grass Root
Organizations project; $14,525 For the
Teenager’s: Emotional Alphabet and the
Parents as Pillars programs; $13,000
For general support; $12,000 For school
kitchens and gardens; $10,000 For the
Circo de los Niños project; $7,350 For
construction of a kitchen at the primary
school in Corral del Risco; $5,000 For the
PEACE - Punta de Mita Summer Camp.
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth
and Livable Communities
Coral Gables, FL, USA
$1,000 For network membership.
Grupo Tortuguero de las Californias,
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$50,000 For general support over two
years; $22,500 For community and
fishermen engagement programs;
$2,000 For the annual meeting in Sinaloa
and general support.
Hogar del Niño, A.C.
Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico
$5,100 To replace the palapa roof; $2,650
To replace study tables destroyed by
Hurricane Odile.
Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute
San Diego, CA, USA
$2,500 For general support.
Instituto EOZ de Tecnologias Rurales,
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$24,000 For distribution of water filters
in BCS; $7,500 For water analysis in
Sierra La Laguna.
International Community Foundation
Center - Olivewood Gardens
National City, CA, USA
$231,417.85 To operate and maintain
the house and garden in National City,
managed by Olivewood Gardens; $7,500
For general support and the Seedling
Soirée event.
King Badouin Foundation, U.S. Inc.
New York, NY, USA
$26,250 For the ICF fund at the King
Baudouin Foundation of the USA
(KBFUS); $21,000 For the ICF fund at the
King Baudouin Foundation of the USA
Lake Chapala Society, A.C.
Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico
$3,465.16 For general support.
Golden Gate Audubon Society
Berkeley, CA, USA
$9,000 For conservation and resilience
programs in the Bay Area.
LibForAll Foundation
Winston Salem, NC, USA
$50,000 For general support; $50,000 For
general support.
Grupo Ecologista Antares, A.C. (GEA)
Loreto, BCS , Mexico
$40,000 For general support.
Liga MAC, A.C.
San Jose Del Cabo, BCS, Mexico
$179,705.50 For the ACE Scholarship,
medical assistance, and basic needs
programs; $23,500 For disaster relief
following Hurricane Odile; $20,000 For
disaster relief following Hurricane Odile.
Los Cabos Children’s Foundation
Eagan, MN, USA
$499,650 For general support; $81,147.45
For general support.
Los Cabos Coastkeeper, A.C.
Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
$30,000 For general support; $15,000 For
general support.
Los Niños del Capitán, A.C.
Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
$12,000 For general support.
Maijañuí, A.C.
San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico
$25,000 For conservation and economic
development projects in Laguna San
Ignacio; $10,132 For disaster relief;
$5,000 For disaster relief.
Marine Conservation Science Institute
Fallbrook, CA, USA
$15,000 For a white shark photo
identification project at Guadalupe
Morada del Niño Jesus, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$9,000 For general support.
National Taiwan University Academic
Development Foundation, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois, USA
$100,000 For general support of the
Department of Plant Pathology and
Microbiology at NTU.
Nativos de las Califronias, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$10,000 For general support.
Noroeste Sustentable, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$58,850 For general support and the
water monitoring program; $15,000 For
disaster relief following Hurricane Odile;
$9,400 For general support; $600 For
general support.
Orfanatorio Emmanuel, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$12,000 For general support.
Pasitos Pre Escolar Especial, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$9,400 For scholarships and
infrastructure repairs; $3,800 For
Patronato Pro-Hospital Civil de
Tijuana, A.C.
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$15,000 For electrical repairs at Mi
Casa Estancia home for children with
cancer; $6,000 For remodeling at Mi Casa
Pelagios Kakunjá, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$14,100 For shark research at Cabo
Pulmo Marine Park.
Project Amigo
Novato, CA, USA
$108,405 For education and community
development programs in Colima,
Meaningful Giving.
Inspired Change.
Pronatura Noroeste, A.C. (Pronatura
Mexico, A.C.)
Ensenada, BC, Mexico
$120,000 For fishing and conservation
programs; $29,350 For management
activities on the federal lands at Laguna
San Ignacio; $19,500 For equipment to
address the solid waste problem in
Laguna San Ignacio.
Propuesta Civica, A.C.
Mexico, DF, Mexico
$1,300 For general support.
Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion
Ambiental (PFEA)
Tijuana, BC, Mexico
$25,000 For the Tijuana Waterkeeper
Raíz de Fondo Jardines y Educación,
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$100,000 For general support; $34,000
For general support; $7,000 For repairs
after Hurricane Odile.
Red Autismo, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$12,000 For general support; $10,000 For
rebuilding the gymnasium.
Red de Observadores Ciudadanos, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$30,000 For the La Paz Coastkeeper
program; $25,000 For water quality and
marine monitoring programs; $6,000 For
disaster relief following Hurricane Odile.
Red de Turismo Sustentable y
Desarrollo Social, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$20,000 To implement a sustainable
tourism program in NW Mexico.
San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego, CA, USA
$146,319 For research and educational
activities in the Sierra de Cacachilas;
$132,641 For PROBEA’s Smart Schools
program in La Paz.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
San Diego, CA, USA
$231,573 For the sustainable fisheries
and healthy marine ecosystems
program; $28,463 For a multinational
study on mangroves; $25,000 For reef
monitoring in the San Cosme-Punto
Mechudo Corridor.
Smithsonian Tropical Research
Institute (STRI)
Washington, D.C., USA
$139,500 For research to protect
migratory whales from ships; $55,000
For teacher training programs at Galeta
Marine Lab in Colon, Panama.
Sociedad de Historia Natural
Niparajá, A.C.
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$170,000 For the marine conservation
program; $110,000 For conservation
and community development models;
$20,750 For outreach work in support
of the proposed Sierras La Gigante y
Guadalupe Biosphere Reserve; $13,070
For disaster relief in the San CosmePunto Mechudo Corridor.
Solidaridad Ed Thomas, A.C. (SETAC)
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
$6,000 For general support and a new
St. Augustine High School
San Diego, CA, USA
$100,000 For construction on the new
student activities center.
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Cincinnati, OH, USA
$4,750.90 For the operating fund.
The Palapa Society of Todos Santos,
Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico
$154,000 For land acquisition; $30,000
For adult English classes, scholarships
and community health programs;
$10,000 For medical and basic supplies
following Hurricane Odile; $4,200 For
rebuilding homes following Hurricane
Odile; $3,000 For communications
The Research Foundation for the
State University of New York (SUNY)
Albany, NY, USA
$103,541 For priority research on
Philornis downsi.
The Satyana Institute
Boulder, CO, USA
$25,000 For the Gender Reconciliation
project; $10,000 For an insitutionaldevelopment feasibility study.
UC Santa Cruz Foundation
Santa Cruz, CA, USA
$7,800 For bat conservation research in
Sierra de Cacachiles, BCS.
Unidos Por Mata Ortiz, A.C.
Mata Ortiz, Chihuahua, Mexico
$10,000 For lab equipment, computers
and infrastructure repairs.
Universidad Autónoma de Baja
California Sur (UABCS)
La Paz, BCS, Mexico
$30,000 For research of fin whales in the
Gulf of California; $20,000 For research
on the carbon deposits in seagrasses at
Bahia Magdalena.
University of California - Davis
Davis, CA, USA
$35,000 For data collection and activities
to protect California’s tri-colored
University of Minnesota Foundation
Minneapolis, MN, USA
$61,839 For priority research on Philornis
Vida y Prosperidad Todos Santos, A.C.
Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico
$20,000 For infrastructure repairs at an
elementary school after Hurricane Odile;
$10,000 For disaster relief in Sierra La
Vigilantes de Bahía Magdalena, A.C.
San Jose Del Cabo, BCS, Mexico
$25,000 For the Magdalena Baykeeper
program; $12,500 For community and
fishermen engagement.
Voces y Visiones de Malinalco, A.C.
Malinalco, Mexico, Mexico
$19,000 For general support.
Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc.
Irvinton, NY, USA
$30,000 For general support for the Baja
Waterkeeper network.
Waves for Water, Inc.
Santa Monica, CA, USA
$2,000 For 200 water filters.
Wild Equity Institute
San Francisco, CA, USA
$25,000 To mitigate nitrogen deposits
at the Antioch Dunes National Wildlife
Zoological Society of San Diego
San Diego, CA, USA
$3,000 For travel related to the Philornis
downsi research project.
Executive Committee
Alejandra Mier y Terán
Executive Director
Otay Mesa Chamber of
Vice Chair
Jacqueline B. Meyer
JBM Consulting
Former Qualcomm Inc. Sr.
Director Marketing
Atul Patel
Senior Vice President, Treasury
PriceSmart, Inc.
Immediate Past Chair
Samuel Simon Dychter, M.D.
Executive Medical Director
Fate Therapeutics, Inc.
Cathe Burnham
Community Engagement
Board Members
Susie Albin-Najera
The Mexico Report
Cheryl Hammond
Former Director of Sales
for Latin America, AT&T
Yuri A. Calderon
Chief Operating Officer
Caldwell Flores and Winters, Inc.
Irma Gigli, M.D.
Professor Emerita
University of Texas Health Science
Center Houston and University of
California, San Diego
James Clark
Executive Director,
San Diego Tijuana Smart Border
Anthony (Tony) Kinninger
Founder/President & CEO
Orange Commercial Credit, Inc.
Ansonia Credit Data, Inc.
Gustavo A. De La Fuente
Intelligent Office San Diego
Gabriela Manriquez
Sr. Director, Government Affairs
Latin America
Qualcomm Inc.
Board Committee Chairs
MARKETING - Jacqueline B. Meyer | INVESTMENT & FINANCE - Atul Patel | Audit - Anthony (Tony) Kinninger
Dr. Deborah L. Riner, Ph.D.
Chief Economist
American Chamber of
Commerce of Mexico, AC
Richard (Rick) L. Romney
Real Estate Investor
Mary L. Walshok, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor, Public Programs
and Dean, University Extension Adjunct
Professor in the Dept. of Sociology,
University of California, San Diego
ICF Staff
President & CEO
Anne McEnany
Director of Donor & Nonprofit Services
Alana Ortez
Senior Program Officer,
Environmental Conservation
Cynthia Wickerink
Interim Program Officer,
Environmental Conservation
Eliza Brennan
Marisa Quiroz
Senior Health Advisor
Program Officer and Grants
Grant & Program Assistant
Alicia Milla
Sonia Contreras
Angelica Leyva
Operations Manager
Conservation Scientist
Conservation Fellow
Yahaira Hudson
Back Row (L-R): Angelica Leyva, Anne McEnany, Marisa Quiroz, Yahaira Hudson
Front Row (L-R): Alana Ortez, Eliza Brennan, Alicia Milla
Baja California Sur Field
Elizabeth Corrow
Yamilett Carrillo Guerrero
Daniel Weisz
ICF Values
To honor our donors and their vision to create
sustainable communities throughout Mexico and
Latin America. We respond effectively to the challenges
and opportunities present in the region today and in
the future.
To make good decisions based on our technical,
programmatic, and local expertise that will give our
investments the best chance of success. We will share
this knowledge widely, encouraging participation and
new ideas from donors, grantees, and other partners.
To create lasting improvements in education, health,
and the environment in Mexico and Latin America that
also result in stronger civil society organizations, better
managed marine and terrestrial ecosystems, healthier
communities, and effective education systems. We
safeguard donor intent and the resources entrusted
to us.
To transform passion into results through strategic
partnerships, teamwork, and pooling of resources.
To uphold the highest possible standards in
international grantmaking. We honor donor intent
and privacy commitments. We integrate a high level of
ethics, integrity and transparency in all of our work.
Our Mission
to connect and motivate
students and families
from diverse backgrounds
through organic
gardening, environmental
stewardship, and nutrition
education, empowering
them to be healthy and
active citizens.
Olivewood Gardens and Learning
Center is working to improve
community health outcomes and
environmental stewardship through
garden-based nutrition education.
Olivewood’s hands-on cooking and
gardening programs encourage
children, adults, and families to make
healthy choices and protect our
environment. Since 2010, Olivewood
has hosted over 46,000 visits from
community members, provided
over 600 classroom field trips; and
trained over 1,000 adults in home,
community, or school gardening, and
kitchen education.
Last year, the Children’s Field Trip
Program served 1,730 students
and 563 adults. Two neighboring
schools took part in an intensive
program, in which 3rd, 4th, and 5th
graders visited the Gardens three
times, seeding in one season and
harvesting in the next. They prepared
nutritious recipes and tried new
Olivewood’s Family Programs
engaged an additional 992 children
and 980 adults, who learned to
grow food and prepare healthy
recipes. Through its Adult Education
programs, Olivewood engaged 191
adults in classes and events and 358
adults as volunteers and interns.
Olivewood graduated its 100th
Kitchenista from the Cooking for
SaludTM parent education program
and premiered “The Kitchenistas of
National City” documentary. (See:
Olivewood is having a big impact.
Kids are eating more fruits and
vegetables, families are embracing
healthy cooking and eating, and
together, they are building a
healthier community. One teacher
commented, “The experience of
growing food and cooking it, and
learning about how nature works, is
invaluable. Students are eager to try
food and take risks. They are eager
to share with their families and want
to eat healthy.” In recognition of this
impact, Olivewood was named a
Live Well San Diego Partner in 2014
and awarded the 2015 Public Health
Champion Award by the County.
will your
legacy be?
ICF has more than two decades of
experience helping our donors build
charitable giving into their estate plans.
Our knowledgeable staff can help you
ICF can connect you with the nonprofit
organizations and community programs
that match your areas of interest and will
make the best use of your investment.
With ICF, you get peace of mind knowing
you made the right investments to meet
your estate planning goals; ensuring
meaningful giving for inspired change.
Find out what types of assets make the
best planned gifts. Learn how gifting
cash, securities and property can help
achieve your estate planning and
philanthropic goals.
To learn more, visit:
We can help you structure a gift that
provides both tax benefits and personal
or family income while supporting your
chosen cause.
Meaningful Giving. Inspired Change.
2505 N Avenue, National City, CA 91950
(619) 336-2250 | [email protected]