1967 - the City of Newnan
1967 - the City of Newnan
60 NEWNAN The regular monthly meeting of~he GEORGIA TAl\UIApv 9; '967 COUT'P- Mayor and City Council was held on Monday' , ,I'I • n~g ht , January 9, 1967, at 7:30 o'clock ~;M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. I ! Royal presiding. Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone.~r.~ Joe P. Norman, also City Attorney W. D. Sanders, and City Clerk W. E. Barron. Absent: City Manager E. B. Joiner. Alderman Dan W. Boone, Jr., delivered the invocation. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last Council meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. MOTION CARlllED Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of the bills payftBle as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. (For record see Check 'i Register, Check # 1318 - 1358). MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to adopt the following resolutions for , I perpetual care of the following cemetery lots: PERPETUAL CARE - F. B. COLE SR. LOT WHEREAS; Mr. Frank B. Cole, Jr., has submitted Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) ,to the City of Newnan, Georgia, and said sum has been invested in Savings Account No. ': 1708, Newnan Federal Savings and Loan Association, Perpetual Upkeep Cemetery Lots i !FiBd No.1, so that the income from same may be used for theperpetual upkeep of a , certa~m cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE, ~' IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that receipt of said Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) be and is hereby acknowledged for the purpose above mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and inconsideration of said Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpeuual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the F. B. Cole, Sr. Lot, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. R. N. Cole lots; South by a Walkway; East by a Driveway; and West by the Main Drive. PERPETUAL CARE -J. D. BREWSTER LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. J. D. ti rewster, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, and said sum has been invested in Savings Account No. 256 , Newnan Federal Savings and Loan ~sociation, Perpetual Upkeep Cemetery Lots Fund No.2, so that the income from same may be used for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemete lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia. 61 NEklNAN. GEORGIA JANUARY 9. 1967 CONT'D. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, I Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby I acknowledged for the purpose above mentioned. i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration Ilof said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the jiperpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, I' i Georgia: i The lot known as the J. D. Brews terLot , located in the Dr. Davis Section, and bounaad on the North by the Mrs.D. W. Summers Lot, East by a lot owner unknown; South by a Walkway, and West by the J. J. Walker Lot. 1,1 I,, I II" II MOTION CARRIED. Monthly operational reports weee presented by the Department Heads of the I I, Ci ty and were approved by the Mayor and Council. (Copies on file in City Manager's I Office) Mayor Royal presented the recap of revenue for the City and reported that II lithe auditors should begin work this week and should have the audit completed by the II first of February. \I The City Manager's annual report of the operations of the City was presented. i Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to accept the annual report of the City Manager I I as written. (Copy on file in City Manager's office.) Ii " ~ II il I MOTION CARRIED. At this time Mr. Dan W. Boone, Jr., and Mr. Hamil ton C. Arnall, Jr., were administered their oaths of office. ' , I Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Arnall that Mr. Boone be elected Mayor Pro-Temp , MOTION CARRIED. i 'I !:;1otion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to accept with regret the resignation, IIjlof Mr. Arthur P. Mann as Recorder and that the City Attorney draw up a fitting ilr~solution commending ''II :! II him for his past services directly to the City. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Nathan Knight has been appoint;ed by the Mayor to serve as temporary I Recorder. " Appointments to the offices of City Manager, City Attorney, Auditors, and I City Treasurer were brought before the Council. Mr. Boone suggested that these I, i appo~ntments be tabled until a later meeting at which time all appointments to offices II will be made. i,l II !i II " i'il II Ii i) II I This met the approval of the Mayor and other members of the Council. 62' J"!IJ'PY 9, 1957 90U,!,'B, , Mayor Royal reminded the Council of the-lIMayors Day Meeting" to be held in Atla ta ------- on January 16th and asked that the City Manager's office be notified as to whether they plan to attend. The Ma.or reported that money is now available for acquistion of property on Highway'c 3i. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall to favor an early study and I completion of projects 2, 3, and 4 as quickly as possible. MOTION CARRIED. Mr, Boone commended Chief Griffies and the Police Department as to the way the traffic was handled during the Christmas Season. Mayor Royal asked that the Council give thought and consideration to the purcha of 4 pieces of propert~,located on Lee Street available for sale for use of additiona office space and parking facilities. A meeting was set up for Wednesday, January 18, 1967, at 1:30 P.M, in the Chambers for a study of the budget. Mayor Royal reported that Cole,Layer, & Trumble should have the Digest complete by February 10th, and that the Board of Assessors would have to hold a hearing, and probably some adjustments would have to be made, but for the purpose of operational expenses and setting the 1967 rate, the figures presented berore the hearing could be used. A recess was called at this time. Back in session, Mayor Royal welcomed Mr. Lindsey Barron, Mr. David Boyd, and I Mr. Jim Hardin to thetmeeting as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of their presence was to set up a joint meetigg of the City and County offici for purpose of a preliminary discussion as to the feasibility of expanding the Water& Light Commission to aread adjacent to the City of Newnan taking into account the possibility of expanding the city limits. After some discussion r~otion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall that the Chamber of Commerce set up a meeting of the City and County officials, the Water & Light Commission, and members of the Chamber of ~ Commerce to discuss the feasibility of expanding the facilities of the Water & Light Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to make Spring Street one-way running East from Greenville Street to Perry Street until such time as work is completed on the Post Office building. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Norman asked about some pedestrian markings that he had requested some month ago. Mayor Royal reported that all street markings and painting had been turned over to Mr. Mullis under the supervision of Chief Griffies and that all such markings and painting would be brought up-to-date as soon as possible. On Iiiotion dilly' secoJ:1.ded_theJ_fol1iowing~'resolutionwas adopted; s I 63 liEWNAN GEORGIA .JANUARY 9, 1967 CONT'D. WHEREAS, the City Council of Newnan desires, from time to time, to issue and sell to the Manufacturers National Bank of Newnan, City obligations, warrants, IIII and orders of varying amounts, terms, provisi~ns, conditions and due dates for Ii use of the City of Newnan in the discharge of governmental funcrions and duties, and WHEREAS, the Manufacturers National Bank of. Newnan is desirous of cooperating I:' with the City of Newnan in purchasing and buying for investment purposes such II 1,1 I 0 bligations, warrants, and orders: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City of Newnan and the II!i Clerk of the City of Newaan are authorized to issue and sign such obligations, IIII warrants, and orders of such amounts, terms, provisions conditions and due dates as !I in their judgement may be fitting and proper with maturity and interest rate stated !i thereon, and to sell the same for investment purposes to the Manufacturera National I, Ii Bank of Newnan, such warrants, obligations, and orders to be issued by the Mayor :Ii and Clerk at such time and in such amounts and on such funds of the City as in their " " II judgment may be proper, helpful, or necessary to provide funds with which to finance the governmental duties and functions of the City of Newnan. MOTION CARRIED. i! On motion Council adjourned. :1 il II !I II II i " I I,'I 'Ii !, I NEWNAN, GEORGIA, I I JANUARY 18, 1967 11 A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on January 18, i II l " 1967 at 2:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal p r e s i d i n g . ! i I Aldermen present: Ha ~l ton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan W. Boone, Jr." William Beavers, :1 ! II 1,1 I' Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner. Motion Mr. Norman seoond Mr. Arnall that the following resolutionbbe adopted: BE IT RESOLVED this 18th day of January, 1967, at a Special Called meeting of [the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, (Local Public Agency), hereby I', II authorizes two (2) employees of the Urban Renewal Department to attend the South'I II eastern Urban Renewal and Code Wurkshop on January 29th through 31st, at the Hotel II Cabana, Atlanta, Georgia with -expenses to be eligible Project Expenditure, based on II the existing pOlicy of the City of Newnan and the Department of Housing and Urban il !I II Development. 'I Ii \1 II i" I MOTION CARRIED. 64 NEtJNA N GFDR ill A TAlJIIARY'8 196 7 CQNT'D Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to approve and sign the following proposal from the Highway Department of the State of Georgia in reagrd to the access road. CONTRACT FOR ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT NO. F 059-1 (1) COUNTY COWETA S.R. 34 I This agrEement made and entered into this the 26th day of January, 1967, by and between the State Highway Department of Georgia, (hereinafter called the Department) and City of Newnan, (hereinafter called the CitY.) WHEREAS, the Department and The City are desirous of acquiring the right of way for the above project located on the Newnan to Fayetteville Highway on the State Primary System, which right of way is estimated to cast $125,000.00, which estimate is preliminary only but is in excess of the County's ability to finance without assistance from the Department. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the mutual covenants herein contained and the sum of One Dollar ($1000) by each of the parties to the other in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: The City will, as required by law, proceed within fifteen (15) days after being notified by the State Highway Department of Georgia to acquire the right of way for said project free of all encumbrances, by gigt, deed, easement or condemnation in accordance with the approved plans and deed as prepared by the State Highway Department of Georgia. to The City will furnish free of cost/the Department all supervisory or administrative personnel to procure the right of way, including cost fo appraisers, assessors, legal services, title examinations and certificates, court costs and recording fees. 1. The City will prepare at no expense to the Department all condemnation suits and pleadings and prosecute, in the name of the State Highway Department of Georgia and the attorney for the State Highway Department, to judgment all proceedings and defend the Department in any and all suits arising out of or resulting from the acquisition of the right of way where secured by gift, deed, easement, condemnation or otherwise, and shall appeal any condemnation awards made by the assessors, Special Master or jury which is determined by the Department to be excessive. The Department may at its discretion furnish the CitY such legal or other assistance as is deemed to be in the public interest. During the performance of this Contract, the City will comply with hhe Regulations of the Department of Commerce relative to nondiscnimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Commerce (Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 8), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. 2. The Department will, as the acquisition progresses, reimburse the City on monthly or semi-monthly vouchers for 90% of the approved costs of the various parcels acquired including property damages, structure removal or other incidental items of cost directly chargeable to right of way, exc~pt expenses to be borne by the City as set out in Paragraph IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been and is executed on behalf of the State Highway Department by the Director of the State Highway Department, and on behalf of the City of Newnan by H. F. ROYAL, he being duly authorized to do so by CitY Council of said City. This on the day and year below written. Executed on behalf of the Highway Dept of Ga. this Executed on behal of City of the 2nd day of F~bruayy, 1967. Newnan this the 26th day of BY: JIM L. GILLIS Jany. 1967. DIRECTOR STATE HWY. DEPT. By: H. F. RIIJYAL MAYOR APPROVED: M. L. SHADHUM This contract approv3d by the STATE HWY. ENGINEER City Council at a meeting held DATE: FEB. 1, 1967 at Newnan. WITNESS FOR STATE HWY. DEPT. This the 26th day of January, ESSIE WILlARD 1967. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS 1st DAY OF BEBRUARY Marshall R. Sims BY: ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL E. B. JOINER DEPUITY WITNESS FOR CITY E. B. WILSON NEWNAN. GEORGIA JANUARY 18. 1967 CONT'D. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF GEORGIA SBEOIAL PROVISION - APPENDIX a During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its I assignees and successors in interest !l hereinafter referred to as the @contractor"), !, agrees as follows : iI,l (2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials, and leases of equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 8.4 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix A-II of the Regulations. (3) Solicitations for Subcontracts Includin Procurements of Materials nd Esu~ement: In a so ~c~tat~ons e~ther y compet~~~ve ~d ~ng or negot~at~on made by the contractor for work to be performed under a suboontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the groutld of race, color, or national origin. " 1 1 Compliance with Regulations: The contractor will comply with the "i tegu1ations of the Department of Commerce relative to non-discriminatio~ in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Commerce il (Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 8, hereinafter referred 'i to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. II :,1 ii' (1) " I i II II IIIi !i [I "I' ]1 IiI (4) Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, reconds, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the State Highway Department or the Burea~u06 Public Roads to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, 'I orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contrac~o~ is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to I: furnish this information, the contractor shall so certify to the State Highway Department, or the Bureau of Public Roads as appropriate and shall set forth what efforts it has made to bbtain~e information. (5) IiI, il Sanctions for Noncomhliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance witht e nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the State Highway Department shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the Bureau of Public Roads may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to (a) withholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or (b) cancellation, terminator or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. 'I ;1 II Ii I'I, i,1 , :1 InCOrPoration of Provisions: The contractor will include the of paragraph (15 through (6) in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take suchaation with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the State Highway ~paatment of the Burear of Public Roads may direct as a meRRS of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance: Provided, howerve, that, in the event a contractor becomes invmlved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and in addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (6) prov~s~ons MOTION CARRIED. :1 I' "'I " I, I, ,I 1 Ii i II ,i I I I I :1 1\ NEk~AN. G~IA JANUARY 18. 1967 CONT'D. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall that a realistic study be made of the speed be limits to/established in various sections of the City, after completion of this study, committee is to ~eport to the Mayor and Council. MOTION CARRIED. Motion made and duly seconded to approve payment of all expenses of members of the Board of Education incurred in the performance of their duties. MOTION CARRIED. On motion, Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JANUARY 26, 1967 A special called meeting of the Council was held on January 26, 1967, at 3:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor-Pro-Tem Dan W. Boone presiding. Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Williilm Beavers, Dan W. Boone, Jr. Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joinwr. Absent: Mayor H. F. Royal. Motion be Norman second Mr. Beavers that the City Manager be instructed to carrp out recommendations of the C. J. Smith Park Committee as far as the money would go. MOTION CARRIED. The Council requested the presence of the heads of all the City departments to meet with the Council to be informed as to the law under which the City Manager, Mayor and Council form of government operates, as passed by the Georgia Legislature in 1960. The Council further instructed the heads of the departments of the City that they have one boss, and that is the City Manager of the City of Newnan, that no member of the Councilor the Mayor or other City Official has any authority to order them to change their method of operation or to do anything that is not related to their 'i department without specific orders of the City Manager with the necessary approval of the entire Council. Department heads present were Rodney Hutchinson, Robert Gill, David Jones, Bill Avery for I. J. Griffies who is hospitalized, O. C. Williams, Donald Spradlin, E. B. Wilson, W. E. Barron, and H. D. Dorsey. Motion Mr. Arnall seoond Mr. Beavers that the speed breaker on Dixon Street be removed immediately to protect the lives and health of the citizens of Newnan, Georgia. MOTION CARRIED. 6-7 NEHNAN GEORGIA JANUARY 26 '96 7 Cow'D The City Council also unanimously called another meeting for Monday afternoon, January 30, 1967, at 2:00 P.M. and instruced the City Manager to notify the Mayor and The City Attorney. On motion Council adjourned. II NEWNAN, GEORGIA IIil FEBRUARY 6, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday I' Ii night, February 6, 1967, at 7 :30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal II presiding. l i Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Jee P. Normanl I I also City Manager E. B. Joiner. Aldermen absent: iI,l 'I Dan W. Boone, Jr., also City Attorney W. D. Sanders, IICit y Clerk W. E. Barron. I' II Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to dispense with the reading of the II minutes of the last regular meeting and the two special called meetings as passed I I II per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. II MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers to dispense with the reading of the il II bills payable as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council and to pay same. I I (For record see Check Register # 1389 - 1434) I MOTION CARRIED. Monthly operational reports were presented from each department of the City II II and approved by the Mayor and Council. II A meeting was set up for Thursday, February 9, 1967, at 5:00 for study of II I the budget. e I Homes to t:el:::::tw::a: :: I 'I services. ::o:P~~lU~7~c::::,&t::::::l~~::::::n::a:::i:U:::::ance The Mayor reported that he and the City Manager had met with the County I' ICommissioners and representatives from these two funeral homes to discuss a solution to the problem of operating an ambulance service. City Manager Joiner stated that he I felt that this should be the responsibility of the County, as if the City had to II participate, then the taxpayers would be double taxed. No decision was made at lithe meeting withfue County Commissioners, and Mayor Royal appointed Mr. Norman as I chairman of a committee to follow through with the decision offue County Bpmmissioners 68 NEWNAN, GEORGIA FEBRUARY 6, 1967 ---rII I: and if he felt that no progreas was being made to report to the Mayor so that a meeting ,I !i between the City Officials and County Commissioners might be held. ,. i!, City Manager Joiner gave a brief report on the C. J. Smith Park. He stated that the motor grader had been over there doing some work, and that the recommendations lof Mr. John Davison were being followed exactly as stated in the book. " The Council approved the Mayor's setting up a luncheon meetimg with the imanagement of Ethyl Corp. regarding the lease that was signed with them. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers ID adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the City of Newnan is faced with the continuing responsibility to provide basic municipal services and improvements to meet public demands and to assure the progressive growth and development of the community; and, WHEREAS, the principal source of revenue to finance governmental services and improvements is the property tax, the same source for financing our counties and school systems atfue local level; and WHEREAS, the tax paying citizen who lives in town is becoming over-exploited andfue ownership of city property is becoming burdensome and even punitive; and, I WHEREAS, the municipalities of Georgia are reveiving a small and disproportiona. e share of state services and a meager share of state-aid grants, compared to those in other states; and, \VHEREAS, Georgia municipalities are preempted and limited by the state constitution and by general statute in major areas of revenue; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the mayor and council of the City of Newnan !. go on record as urging Governor Lester G. Maddox and the Georgia General Assembly to work together in providing a significant share of present state tax collections to municipalities to help underwrite governmental costs and to give th~ad valorem tax- payer some relief against present and/or future taxation; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be provided the local press, as well as tofue Governor and the local delegation to the Georgia General Assembly with an advance expression of appreciation for their~forts in our behalf. Adopted by the governing body of the City of Newnan this6th day of Eebruary,196 Attested: _ MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following resoltuion supportin municipalities trading directly with the State Highway Department: I WHEREAS there is pending before the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia a bill, designated H.B. 119, to authorize the State Highway Department to negotiate local contracts with municipalities; and WHEREAS the Mayor and Aldermen feel the intent and purpose of the bill is in the best interests of the City of Newnan, as well as the other municipalities in Georgi ; CONT'~. 69 NEWNAN, GEBRGIA FEBRUARY 6, 1967, CONT'D. BE IT THER$FORE RESOLVED that the Mayor and Aldermen unanimously endorse H. B. 119 and urge the legislators and Senator representing Coweta County, Georgia, I to actively support said bill. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the II Honorable Lamar Plunkett, the Honorable D. B. Blalock and the Honorable George Potts. I w. E. BARRON, CITY CLERK. I' MOTION CARRIED. I , I Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers to reappoint Mr. Edgar B. Hollis as Chatrman of the Water & Light Commission for a term of six years. MOTION CARRIED. " Mr. Norman gave a report on the airport. He stated that the new operators were doing a terrific job, and that additional improvements would be made within the next few months without cost to the City or County. !I Mr. Norman gave a report on Civil Defense. He stated that he and Mr. Wilkins Ii II Kirby, Jr., representing the County, had met with Civil Defense Director Walker Horne ;i '. land they recommended and urged the Policemen and Firemenro participate in a Rescue Training and First Aid Course that the Civil Defense will be having. Mr. Arnall and City Manager Joiner recommended to the Council to change the ne-way block of Spring Street to run East and '"est from Perry Street to Greenville I Street instead of running West and East from Greenville to Perry, and that this change I be publicized several days before it is done. The Mayor and Council approved this I II change. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to get the City Attorney to draw up II Ilordinance immediately, making it illegal to parallel park on the wrong side of the I' s tree t and to enforce this immediately. I II 7 MOTION CARRIED. • I !IiI ;) - (,. -, Mayor Royal read the following Committee appointments: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Norman - Airport Boone Health Board - Pension Plan and Retirement Revision Arnall Up-town Parking - Traffic Beavers - Insurance purchasing study Rev. Bob Baggott has accepted the appointment as Chairman of the Citizens' Advisory Committee. Additional members to be presented at a later meeting. Mr. Norman - Chairman of a study as to the possibility of purchasing property on Lee Street now available for purchase. II Mayor Royal appointed Mr. Boone and Mr. Arnall as a Committee to work with Ii the City Manager and the Chief of Police to find a solution to the problem of "thrill il hill" on Dixon Street and to give a report at their earliest convenience. II III, il Mayor Royal reported that Cole,Layer, & Trumble should have their work II completed by the middle of April and possibly the tax rate could be set a little I I sooner than last year. I II II II II 70 NEvINAN. GEORGIA. FEBRUARY 6. 1967 CONT'D Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers toroopt the following resolutions for perpetual care of cemetery lots: PERPETUAL CARE - R. A. BROVIN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. George T. Brown, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, and said sum has been invested in Savings Account No. 1708, Newnan Federal Savings and Loan Association, ~erpetual Upkeep Cemetery Lots Fund No.1, so that the income from same may be used for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council offue City of Newnan Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknowled ed for the purpose above mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in considerations of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual " upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the R. A. "Bob" Brown Lot, located in the Confederate Soldiers' Section, and being bounded on the North by a vacant lot; South by Broom, Cureton, & Holmes lot; East by a Driveway; and West by the Main Drive. PERPETUAL CARE - G. C. NEWMAN LOT WHEREAS, Mr. G. C. Newman, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to th City of Newnan, Geergia, and said sum has been invested in Savings Account No. 1708, Newnan Federal Savings and Loan Association, Perpetual Upkeep Cemetery Lots Fund No. 1 so that the income from same may be used for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemete lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, -nNewnan, Georgia, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 5Y the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newna , Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknowled ed for the purpose above mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan B~r and in consideration of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the G. C. Newman Lot, being lot # 1, located in Section #10, Block "M", and bounded on the North by the Josephine Forbus Lot; South by a WalkvTay, East by a Driveway; and West by the D. O. Bryant Lot. PERPETUAL CARE - MRS. W. T. HAWK & WOODROW CRAVEN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. W. T. Hawk, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, and said sum has been invested in Savings Account No. 1108, Newnan Federal Savings and Loan Association, Perpetual Upkeep Cemetery Lots Fund No. 1 so that the income from same may be used for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemete lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia. 71 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 6, 1967 CONT'D. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknoledged for the purpose above mentioned. ,, , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of I said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual !loPkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: , The 10 t known as the Mrs. W. T. Hawk and Woodrow Craven lot, being lot # 54, located in Section # 4, and bounded on the North by the Walter L. Craven Lot; South by the John W. Craven Lot; East by a Driveway; and West by the J. Mitchell Johnson and H. C. Almon lot. 'l I. 'I II PERPETUAL CARE - JOHN W. CRAVEN LOT I WHEREAS, Mrs. W. T. Hawk, has submitted One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ' I ($125.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, and said sum has been inrested in Savings II Account No. 1708, Ne~man Federal Savings and Loan Association, Perpetual Upkeep Cemetery Lots Fund No.1, so that the income from same may be used for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia. ;1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the City of Newnani~ Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) be and is I I hereby acknowledged for the purpose above mentioned. : BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of I I said One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) agrees to use the income from same , II to the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, II Newnan, Georgia. II The lot known as the John W. Craven Lot, being Lot # 61, located in Section # 4, and being bounded on the North by the Mrs. W. T. Hawk and Woodrow Craven lot; South by a Walkway; East by a Driveway; and West by the H. C. Almon lot. iI II II II:1 I I MOTION CARRIED. I City Manager Joiner brought up a discussion of the used car lot belonging put I to Jimmy Carlisle on 119 E. Broad Streef; He had applied for a permit to/up lights across the lot, and the Building Inspection refused to issue the permit. This matter i was referred to the City Attorney!s office. Ii Mr. Norman brought'lup a discussion of a license for door to door salesmen, 'I II particularly aluminum siding salesmen. He sked that the City Manager contact the Ci ty I Attorney and see if a license could be adopted for these salesmen. ,I 'I j He also recommended:1 i that the Chamb~of Commerce be asked to advise citizens to first contact local companier I before 10 entering into contracts with out-of-town companies, and also to advise the ' : Po I I, ~ce Department of any door to door salesmen. 11 72 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, Ii FEBRUARY 6, 1967 CONT'D. Mr. Norman asked that the City Manager have the dog catcher to spend an .1 :ihour a day on the Court Square picking up stray dogs. I Fere to be some changes in personnel The Mayor stated that there and improvements to be made in this department. Mr. Bruce Wood appeared before the Council to request a license for a ,lBeverage Distributing Agency for beer and soft drinks. City Manager Joiner informed pim that there was an ordinance prohibiting delivery of beer to homes. No further business on motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, BEBRUARY 14, 1967 A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on February, 114, 1967 at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. Aldermen present: Dan W. Boone, William A. Beavers, also City Manager I ,IE. B. Joiner. Aldermen absent: I Joe P. Norman, Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., however, Mr. Arna'l phoned his approval of the budget items to be~discussed. Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Boone that the following officers be appointed City Attorney Recorder Treasurer Auditor City Manager - W.D"·. Sanders - Nathan Knight Harold Hammond Touche, Ross, Bailey E. B. Joiner & Smart (formerly Young,Garber, & Co.) MOTION CARRIED. City Manager E. B: Joiner recommended that all present department heads be reappointed. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Beavers that all department heads be reappointed MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Royal recommended that they approve the salary and wage items as well las items submitted January 18 and February 9 for the budge". Upon motion Mr. Boone 'second Mr. Beavers that this ,vas unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. A discussion of entering into a lease with the First Baptist Church for thei Iparking lot with the City surfacing and policing it was held. Mr. Arnall, who is on th s icommittee would like to have the Council's approval of this, if he discusses it with .:the Church and the Council feels it is feasible. Another location was suggested for Mr. Arnall to investigate kand that was the corner of Perry & Madisnn Streets. City Manager E. B. Joiner recommended approval of the capital improvements htems in the budget and a contingency fund of $20,000.00. Upon motion of Mr. Boone '.second Mr. Beavers the City Manager was authorized to purchase the street sweeper if 'the committee is satisfied with it. He was also authorized to purchase the other equip ment that was approved at the meeting of Bebruary 9th. The Contingency Fund was approv d in the amount of $20,000.00, and the City Manager is the only person authorized to transfer ifunds from this account, with the prior approval of the"' Mayor and Council. MOTION CARRIED. 73 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 14, CONT1D. The City Manager and the Mayor asked permission to repair the City office and to put a new air conditioner in the Council room. Manag~'s II As this has been in I the budget for several years, this was approved by the Mayor and Council. A letter from Tom Glover, Jr. was read requesting a loading zone in front of his laundry on Perry Street. III, I ,I :1 I It was decided that thia did not require the action of the Council and Mr. Joiner was requested to handle this matter in accordance I' with Mr. Glover's request. :1 Upon motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA MARCH 2, 1967 II II A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Thursday 'I ,I, night, March 2, 1967, at 7 :30 P. M. at the Newnan Federal Savings & Loan Building, I with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. I Aldermen present: II Aldermen absent: Joe p. Norm~,Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan W. Boone, Jr. I William Beavers. I A report from the Georgia Recreation Committee submitted by Mr. John H. Davis 'I II ,I, II ,I I was received. I i No further business Council adjourned. i I NE1.JNAN, GEORGIA , II II MARCH 6, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday I night, March 6, 1967, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal I Ip r e s i d i n g . 1 II !also II Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan 1-1. Boone, Jr., Joe P. Norman, il City ManagerE. B. Joiner, City Clerk ",. E. Barron, City Attorney Aldermen absent: \.J. D. Sanders. William A. Beavers ,i 'I I Alderman Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr. delivered the invocation. !, II 'I Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to dispense with the reading of the !Iminutes of the last meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. II II !I I I I II MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of the bills " !payable and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to Mayor and Council. ( For record 1 'see Gen. Fund Check Register, Checks # 1480 - 1532, Street Imp. Acct. # 72- 75.) MOTION CARRIED. Operational reports from the Departments of the City were presented and ,i !approved by the Mayor and Council. I I,,1 , "I' II I I i Ii II 74 NEImAN, GEORGPA, MARCH 6, 1967CONT'D. Attorney W. B. Davis, Jr. and Mr. W. E. Davis appeared before the Mayor and Council concerning a water drainage problem that exists on property on Alpine that makes it impossible for Mr. W. E. Davis to build a house on this lGt. This business was tabled for study before a Committee. After some disuussion, Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to accept the system presented by Touch, Ross, Bailey & Smart. ( See copy on file in City Manager' Office.) MOTION CARRIED. A general discussion was held concerning the proposed budget for Parks & Recreation. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to table the discussion and the Mayor to appoint a Committee. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Norman gave a report on the purchase of property on Lee Street. Mrs. R. M. Merrell was not interested in selling at the present time. The Parks house could be purchased for $11,000, the Webster house for $25,900, and Dr. Graham's for $17,500. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone that the City purchase the Parks house on Lee Street for $11,000 and the Webster house on Lee (Voting for - Norman, Boone, Royal S~eet for $25,900. Voting against - Arnall) MOTION CARRIED. A report was given by Mr. Boone on the Dixon Street "Thrill Hill" situation He suggested putting a flashing red light and the speed breaker. I I A design of this speed breaker will be presented to the Mayor and Council for approval before it is put down. The existing ordinance for lot cleaning was presented and it was decided I that this ordinance should be enforced. I The City manager was authorized to enforce the existing ordinance on parkin on wrong side of street - fire zone. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall that the following be appointed to the Citizens' Advisory Commi~Eee for a one-year term: Bryce Alsobrook Mrs. Ewing S. Barnett , Harold Barron Mrs. Lindsey Barron James A. Beavers, Jr. Jack B. Binion R. David Boyd John L. Brown Mrs. R. A. Brown, Jr. Sample D. Brown Milard B. Camp A. Tom Chambers Frank B. Cole Thomas E. (Ed) Craft Hilton C. Estes Ragnar L. Freeburg Miss Mary Freeman Mrs. Kenneth W. Gault Dr. Nat B. Glover Mrs. Byron E. Griffith Bruce Hamilton Harold Hammond James o. Hardin I MOTION CARRIED. rio Emory Holland Rex Hooten Frank Hudson Mrs. Elizabeth Kemp Grady Kicklighter Wilkins Kirby Ken Livingston Taf t Mansour Mrs. Howard Mc Cullough Willard Morrow Mrs. Karl B. Nixon Heward Parks Kermit Perry Mrs. Lee RQbinson George B. Rogers Emmett Sewell Dr. Charles Thomas Mrs. Ida Thomasson Cyron Upchurch Don Wagner Glen Ware Jimmy Williams Ed B. Evans Joseph McWorter Cliff Glover NEWNAN, GEORGIA MARCH 6, 1967 CONT'D. A meeting of the Up-Town Parking Committee was set for Thursday, March 9, 1967 at 10:00 A. M. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to refund Mr. Tom F. Davis and Mr. Alvin Johnson their 1965 City taxes, and all taxes to be prorated prior to October 1st. MOTION HARRIED. II I!I Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to accept the application from W. E. Keith of 264 La Grange Street for annexation to the City and to prorate II his 1967 taxes. III MOTION CARRIED. I No further business, on motion Council adjourned. i I I I I: ,I [I ,I I I [, Ii II II NEvINAN, GEORGIA MARCH 13, 1967 I I A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday !I I night, March 13, 1967, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. , Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. II I I, Boone, Jr:', Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner. I Absent: :1 City Clerk W. E. Barron, City Attorney W. D. Sanders. i Rev. Bob Baggott delivered the invocation. Invited guests pre~ent were: Mr. John Davis, Mr. Tom Martin, Mr. Kermit IIII Perry, Mr. Lindsey Barron, Rev. Bob Baggott, and Mr. Lamar Potts, Jr. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the budget for Parks and I I il II I I : I Recreation. After a lengthy discussion as to the facilities the City now has, the duties of a recreational director, and the location of a recreational center, each alderman expressed his opinion on this matter. Mr. Arnall stated that the City already had a very large indebtedness and ,'i ,I if this budget was passed it would increase the indebtedness. He was against deficit '1 I financing and fur cutting expenses - not adding them. Mr. Norman stated that he was quite concerned about recreation and that II he thought the citizens of Newnan would be willing to pay the additional cost for a :1 I recreational program. I I Mayor Royal stated that he too felt that the citizBns would be willing to II pay additional tax money for recreation, and he felt the greatest need was in the I I I I \\ NEWNAN, GEORGIA, MARCH 13, 1967, CONT'd negro population, and by not giving the negroes some recreational facilities, it would be leaving the doors wide open for intergration. Mr. Boone stated that he agreed with Mr. Arnall about increasing the indebted ness of the City, and he felt that the citizens would not go along with the increase in tax for this proposed budget. Mr. BeaveEs stated that he felt that the City did not have the facilities for a recreational program and he was opposed to it. Mr. Norman suggested having a referendum to see how the people ~elt abOut this program. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers that the Parks and Recreational Budget be disapproved. Voting for - Arnall, Beavers, Boone Voting against - Norman, Royal MOTION CARROED. Bids were opened and read as follows on tires: (See copy of bids and specifications in City Manager's office.2_ L Austin Service Station 4 1958.39 2. Binion Tire Company 1656.68 3. Cates Brothers 1744.63 1889.17 4. Barron Tire Company 1774.89 ( ( Pennsylvania Tire) u. S. Royal Tire) Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to accept low bid on tires from Binion Tire Company in the amount of $1656.68 subject to checking extension of totals. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Beavers reopened a discussion of the~o parcels of property located on Lee Street thatvere passed to purchase at the meeting of March 6, 1967. After quite a discussion on this matiter, Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Arnall to rescirld the buying of two parcels of property on Lee Street that were passed at the last Council meeting of March 6, 1967. Voting for - Arnall, Beavers Voting against - Norman, Boone, Royal MOTION NOT CARRIED. No"further business, IiIIl motion Council adjourned. 77 NEWNAN, GEORGIA , MARCH 27, 1967 A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday, March 27, 1967, at 4:00 p. M. in the office of the County Commissioners at the Court House with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. Aldermen present: William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone, Jr., Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Attorney W. D. Sanders, and Assistant Attorney Charles Van S. Mottola. Aldermen absent: Hamilton C. Arnall. The purpose of this meeting with the County Commissioners was to discuss ambulance service for Newnan and Coweta County. After some discussion with Mr. Ronald E. Snider, the County Commissioners voted to enter into a contract with Mr. Snider. This contract to be negotiated on behalf of the City and County by the County Commissioners, County Attorneys and Mr. Snider, and he is to start ambulance service in Newnan and Coweta County as soon as possible. A joint resolution of the City and County was passed unanimously requesting Hillcrest and J. U. Mc Koon & Sons to continue ambulance service until the contract can be completed and Mr. Snider begins operating in Newnan and Coweta County, Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman that the City bear 25% of the cost and the County to bear 75% of the cost. MOTION CARRIED. No further business, on motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 10, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday night, April 10, 1967, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal :,! presiding. Aldermen present: 'i Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone, Jr I .'r Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Clerk W. E. Barron, City Attorney iti w. , I D. Sanders. 'i Alderman Dan W. Boone, Jr. delivered the invocation. I 'I Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of themLnutes of the last Council meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor andCouncil. MOTION CARRIED. I, " I: ,I Ii;! :1 II ( For record see Check Registers ~ Street Improvement Account - Check #76-#82; C. S. Smith i Park - Check #107- 108; General Fund # 1591-16S2). 'I MOTION CARRIED. :1 'I Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall to dispense with the reading of the bills payable and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. I I 11 :1 I 78 NEIYNAN. GEORGIA, APRIL 10, ] 967 CONTINUED Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers to accept operational reports presented by each department. MOTION CAR,.'UED. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to award the following bids on gasoline and oil: COMPANY GASOLINE American Oil K.O. Cole Gulf DIESEL .1980 .14 (esc).1483 Phillips Pet. .1730 NO BID Pure 02.1 Co. NO BID .1533 .1284 H. DUTY CHASSIS LUB HI DET OIL .99 .2:1:+ NON HI DET OIL TRANS LUB. l.25 .1666 .2025 . 74 .70 D .16 De NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID .$9 -ll.. .45 sit .14 '~"./ Newnan oil NO BID NO BID NO BID .50 112 NO BID .14( 1 Sinclair Ref. .1401 .1199 .22~ .60 .49 Standard oil .1880 .1430 .16~ .69 .78 .17 (esc.)l465 NO BID .13~ 49 .45 .1275 Texaco Gas - Sinclair R€f. -lOdays) - - .1401 Diesel - Sinclair Eef.-.1199 H.Duty Chassis Lub. - Pure Oil Co. - .12 Hi Det oil - Pure oil Co. Texaco .49 Non Hi Det. Oil - Newnan Oil/Co. Trans Lub - Texaco (to be equalJ¥ divided) - .42 - .1275 MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Beavers to award bids on police summer uniforms I to the low bidder, being Banner Uniform Company at a total bid of $1784.25 less aY~ discount, making $1605.82. MOTION CARRIED. Bids presente were as follows: BANNER UNIFORM COMPANY 110 Summer shirts, emblem attached - $6-.95 ea. $764.50 20 Chevrons, Sergeant, attached .75 15.00 12 ChevroRs, Corporal .75 9.00 55 Trousers 13.95 ea. 767.25 2 Caps, with embroidered vlsors, inclUding metal cap straps 12.50 ea. 25.00 16 Traffic patches, attached l.00 each 25 Caps, including metal cap straps 7.50 each 16.00 187.50 ~TAL $1784.25 10' .,._-- .. -,,- 79 NEimAN, GEORGIA SQRVICE ! UNIFO~I CO. embl~attached 110 Shirts, I II il I, 6.55 ea. .65 13.00 12 Chevrons, Corporal attached ,65 7.80 55 Trousers 13.25 alto 14.95 2 Caps, embroidered visors, including metal cap straps 19.95 II 16 Traffic patches, attached II II II 720.55 20 Chevrons, Sergeant Attached :'\ Ii APRIL 10, 1967 CONT"D. 25 Caps, including metal cap straps 728.75 39.90 .85 13.60 6.95 173.75 il Ii TOIfAL II II III $1697.33 Hotion Hr. Beavers second Hr. Boone to accept recommendations of the City II Hanager to purchase property at 9 La Grange St. for $14,846.46 and to improve 'i to the budget of accordin~ $22,000 of Capital Improvement. i HOTION CARRIED. II II 11 After a general discussion, Hotion Hr. Arnall second Hr. Boone that the City Hanager be instructed to inform the Newnan Housing Authority that it is the decision i I of the Council to participate with them in the Community Facilities Plan to some degree. HOTION CARRrnED. A letter was read from Hr. Joiner as follol1s: Hayor H. F. Royal Councilman Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr. Councilman William A. Beavers Counci lman Dan Boone, Jr. Councilman Joe P. Norman 1,. Gentlemen: 'I '! II ~ wish to request that you approve by resolution the creation of a Parks and Recreatiorii I Department with a Director to report and ,York with the City Hanager, the same as all I other department heads of the City. i :j This job will requ£re a full time professional Parks and Recreation Director working with a planned program and whose appointment and salary will be subject to the approva] of the Hayor and Council as are all other department heads. I III, ,I After talking with other City Hanagers, it appears that it could take quite a while to locate a man that I could recommend to you. Heanwhile, I ,vould;like to use what 11 experienced local talent we have to get the program off the~und, at least for the :1 summer program this year and until we locate a Director. !j il I am enclosing a budget that I can recommend to you. This budget if approved, willbe placed in the budget for the City of Newnan, which is not yet finished, but should be within the next few days. II Yours very truly" ;j II I E. B. Joiner II Ci ty Hanager , L~_ II EBJ:jj I I 80 NE"iNAN, GEORGIA , APRIL 10, 1967 CONT"D. PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGET, FOR THE YEAR 1967 YMCA $7,500.00 LITTLE LEAGUE 150.00 SALARIES & WAGES 11,800.00 (Includes operation of both pools) SUPPLIES 3,000.00 UTITLITIES 3,000.00 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 3,000.00 $ 28,450.00 Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers to accept the budget for Parks and ! Recreation as proposed by the City ManagEr in the amount of $28,450.00. MOTION CARRIED. COMMITTEE REPORTS "Thrill Hill" The City Manager was instructed to go ahead and erect the caution light and as soon as the speed breakers are approved to put them do,VTI. The City Manager was also instructed to investigate the need for a caution ligh . on Greenville St. Ext. at Beavers Packing Company. Ambulance Service Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall that the Cit~J Manager be authorized to contract with the County to provide ambulance service to residents of the City at a cost of 25% of $900 Minimum - $1500 Maximum as County !"! expense may appear, and that the City will not franchise any other ambulance service ~ring the term of the agreement. MOTION CARRIED. Insurance Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to accDft recommendations of Mr. Beavers, Insurance Committee, to use a "package policy" and the premiums to be divided in the following manner: 30% for agent writing and servicing the poiicies and the remainder of the premiums be divided 30% to Arnall, 30% to Fisher, 30% to Glover, and 10~ to Harper, and that Hamilton C. Arnall Insurance Agency be appo£nted as agent for all insurance for the City of Newnan. This was in accordance with the recommendations from Mr. S. Cook Shaw, the insurance Counselor for the City of Newnan. MOTION Parking CA.~RIED with Mr. Arnall abstaining. Mr. Arnall reported that the Attorney for the First Baptist Church was drawing up a lease on the parking lot and as soon as this was completed it would be presented to the Council. Chief Griffies is working on a survey of the parking spaces. The Mayor gave a report on his visit with Mr. Jim Gillis, State Highway Dept., i and stated that Se,vell Rd. running from Itlater Works Rd. to Hwy. 29 would be resurfaced 81 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 10, 1967 CONT:j:NUI!:E Motion Mr. Norman secon d Mr. Boone to accept the follo."ing resolutions for Perpetual Care cemetery lots: I PERPETUAL CARE WHEREAS, Mrs. Mamie Phillips, Exectrix of the Mrs. IJ. T. Vines Estate, has II I[ W. T. VINES LOT submitted One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, 11 II Newnan, Georgia: I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, '[ Ii ii [ Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) be and is I hereby acknowledged for the purpose above mentioned. Ii II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ne.man for and in consideration of II said One Hundred 1';"enty-Five Dollars ($125.00) agrees to use the income from same to I, the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, II II Georgia:= Ii I) The lot known as the W. T. Vines Lot, being Lot #88, located in Section #1, and being bounded on the North by the Miss Nelle Todd lot; South by the J. L. Rogers lot; East by a Driveway, West by the Mrs .:CKrehible Furgerson Lot. II il II il PERPETUAL CARE I! :I!I II E. HALF E. PITMAN LOT IJHEREAS, Mrs. Tom Hudson, has submitted One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars I ($125.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a I r certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, N8man, Georgia: [ II II THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars II hereby acknol~dged I be and is for the purpose above mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of ! II (~125.00) said One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) agrees to use the income from same to 'I the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, II I, Georgia: !I I! i II II il ! Ii The lot known as the East half of the E. Pitman Lot, located in the Dr. Davis Section, and being bounded on the North' by the R. J. Hunter lot; South by a Walkway, East by the Leo Askew lot; West by the O. W. Passovant Lot. = MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Boone stated that the all~s in the City werea disgrace to the City and !Iasked that the property owners be contacted to see if they ."ould pay the cost of paving I[ ,; Ithem. I i 'I A petition was presented to close Murphy Street. The City Attorney wtated ,I I' ! ;that the City had the 1lUthority under thetlhome rule" to close the street, and the Chief:: I I f Police was asked to contact property owners ,on Jefferson Street, Farmer Street, irnd Murphy Street and report back at the next meeting. Ii I I II '1 II ) NEImAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 10, 1967 CONT"n-. Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Boone to reappoint Mr; H. Douglas Dorsey to represent the City as a member of the Cot"eta Action for Improvement, Inc. a idii'ision of the Chattahoochee Area Development and Planning vommission. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business, on motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, MAY 8, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday night, May 8, 1967, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone, Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Clerk W. E. Barron. Absent: W. D.Sanders, City Attorney. Father Luke Dehenny of the St. George Catholic Church delivered the invocation. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last Council meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to dispense with the reading of the bills and to pay same as paased per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. (For record see check register on file in Clerk's office.) MOTION CARRIED. Operational reports from the departments of the City were presented and approv by the Mayor and Council. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to adopt the following resolution - Annex day of , 1967, at a regular BE IT RESOLVED this -f.....- - - - meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia ( Local Public Agency) in which we concur by the recommendation of the Coweta Planning Commission, the two sub-division plats of properties to be disposed of in connection with Southeast Project No.1, Ga. R-79. to this resolution. These plats to be recorded. Book and pages to be attached (Recorded May 11, 1967 in Plat Book 10-110 ( Block A) 10-113 (Block B,C. & D) MOTION CARRIED. ., NEWNAN qroRGTA MAy 8 1967 OOm:'p Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following resolution- Annex B. BE IT RESOLVED THIS _____ day of 'Ii ,[ II I, , 1967, at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, ( Local Public Agency), herein concurring in the use of documents to be utilized in the disposition and redevelopment of properties within Southeast Project No.1, Ga-79. This adoption furnished per concurrence from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. These ,I II I, documents as found in office of Urban Renewal Director, 25 Jefferson Street, Newnan, 'I, I' II Georgia. ;! " il MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall to approve letting Site Improvement I[ I, II No. 3 in conjunction with Southeast Project # 1. " Contrac~ MOTION CARRIED. II Ii Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to accept the progress report presented by II the Urban Renewal Director. Ii MOTION CARRIED. I Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers to adopt the following resolution: I PERPETUP/i CARE - J. L. POOLE LOT II WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary P. Harris, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to ! ,I I the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery II ,I I, lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, II Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknow~dged i I 1 i for the purpose above mentioned: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual :1 II upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. L. Poole lot, located in the Dr. Davis Section, and being bounded on the North by the A. M. Huggins lot; South by the W. C. Wright lot; East by the E. Sims lot; and West by a Roadway. II, II i,'1 I' II MOTION CARRIED. REPORT OF COMMITTEES: Speed breaker - Thrill Hill - Mr. Boone stated that he and Mr. Arnall after making a study of this situation recommended to the Council at the present time to put a a flashing light and signs only and if necessary later to put down a rumble strip. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers to accept recommendations of the ''II on "Thrill Hill". 1 1 I I 'I I i II II r Committe~ MOTION CARRIED. 84 MAY 8, 1967 CONTftD. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, II il Uptown parking il - Mr. Arnall reported that a meeting would be set up sometime! " " I I next week for further study on this project. Ii I q :i I Ambulance service- Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to authorize Snider i I i Ambulance Service to use City's radio frequency for emergency use only. MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall to approve the second reading of the , following ordinance: )l oper.tion~':'::::C::::'::-::1t::'c::;"::·:e::::':'ndHoC::e::r:o:::::-::::.::: and WHEREAS, the safety, health and welfare of the residents of the City of Newnan and sojourners therein demand the availability of efficient and competent i ambulance service; and WHEREAS, Coweta County is ready and able to provide ambulance service to residents of the City of Newnan and sojourners therein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Newnan, to enter into,6 contract with Coweta County, Georgia, to supply ambulance service to the City of Newna~~ BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the term of said contract shall be for a period of five years from April 17, 1967. i" il; Said contract shall provide that during its ;1 Ii: existence and operation the City of Newaan will not franchise the operation of an i,1 d" II'! ambulance or ambulance service in the City of Newnan by any person, firm or corporatio1t iii Said contract shall provide that the City of Newnan will pay Coweta Councy one-fourth Ii; of the cost incurred by Coweta County in providing ambulance service to Newnan and I:, Coweta County, provided the total cost to the County shall not be more~an $1500.00 I," Ii, 'I' ',i Iil; per month. ',I I': MOTION CARRIED. i;i i:i Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Beavers to approve the following Street Improveme~~ Program for 1967, providing the money is available, not exceeding the budget, and they Iii ~ are to be in first and second priority. 111 I',I' PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT Public Works Department CITY OF NEWNAN Ii Ii,,,, Ii! RESUREACING PROJECT - 1-1967 Type L1treet --- 1,1 I:i,i Asphaltic Concrete Type ''P ft Location Length S. Y. Cost Gilbert St. LaGrange to FirstAve. 2138 Cole St. Murray St. to East Washington/ 1460 1,438.00 Elm Circle Dixol1 to Dixon 4419 4,353.00 Lundy Dr. Velma Drive to Winfield Drive 1595 1,571.00 3510 3,457.00 Sherwood Dr. Winfield to Fontaine Dr. 85 NEWNAN, GEORGIA , MAY 8, 1967 CONT'D. Street S. Y. Cost Cardinal Dr. Sherwood to (New Sec tion) 1400 $1,379.00 Fontaine Dr. Edgewood to Roscoe Road 2420 2,384.00 Savannah St. Pinson to Robionson 3000 2,955.00 Pinson to Robinson 2711 2,670.00 Pinson to Robinson 2280 2,246.00 24,933 $24,559.00 I Calhoun St. , lenl!th Location Dewey St. I TOTAL I,'I I MOTION CARRIED. II Mr. Norman inquired about the widening of the street at the intersection of I Franklin Road and Temple Avenue. I Mayor Royal stated that it was decided at the time the traffic lights were put up that if they were satisfactory then they would go back and widen the street. To date this had not eeen done, but on his next visit to the State Highway Department he would see about getting this done. Mr. Arnall asked that a dead end sign be put at Woodbine Circle and Alpine, II I I it II I I and also requested that~ Woodlane be repaired if possible. CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Mayor Royal give a report on this Committee and stated that at a meeting on March 28th the following were officially appointed: ! Re~. Bob Baggott - Chairman, Miss Mary Freeman - Vice Chairman Mrs. Kenneth Gault - Secretary, Treasurer II !I !, At a meeting of April 24th the Bi-laws were adopted. i I, II !I II Miss Mary Freeman was appointed Chairman of the City's Beautification and Neighborhood Improvement Committee. Leroy Norwood was appointed Chairman of the Minority Group of Urban Renewal Housing. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following amendment to the lot cleaning ordiaaace: BE IT ORDAINED that Section 15-4 of the Code of Newnan, be and the same is amended by adding thereto sub-paragraph (f) to read as follows: I I, I' II,I I~ " (f) Correction by the City. Upon eke refusal or failure of said owner, agent in control or tenant in possession to correct the conditions existing on said property causing it to be as above described, the Sanitary Inspector shall enter upon the premises and cause the same to be corrected, the cost of which, including administrative costs, shall be chargeable to the owner and shall be a lien on said property from the date the I I I Sanitary Inspector certifies to the City Clerk that he has corrected the condttions existing on said property." /1 s-_is' _0 / AMOTION CARRIED - UNANIMOUS - Requires no 2nd reading. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to clean out the ditch behind the propert Mrs. Helen Kelley at # 13 Northside Drive. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Royal reported that after some discussion with Mr. Folds of Cole, Layer, & Trumble, we should have the figures back on the reappraisal by the first of June and should be in a position by the 15th of June to have the digest and to complete the budget. He asked that the Council start thinking of the assessed,value placed on the ! City and the percentage to be used. City Manager Joiner recommended that the City use i 100'7. of the fair market value and reduce the rate much lower than it now is and he ga, , his pros and cons as to using the 100%. Mr. Norman had a report to make on the purchase of property on Lee Street. stated that Miss Virginia Parks had priced her house to the City for $11,000.00, and , ~ter some discussion with her family and Mr. W. D. Sanders, Attorney, she was quite confused over the deal and would now have to have $14,000.00 to close out the deal. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall that the City not purchase property on Lee Street ! belonging to Miss Virginia Parks for $14,000.00. I116TION CARRIED. City Manager Joiner was instructed to write Miss Parks a letter immediately giving her decision of the Mayor and Council. Mr. Norman also reported that at the time he was investigating the purchase of this property, he contacted Mrs. R. M. Merrell, but at that time .he was not in a position to sell. Since that date Mrs. Merrell has contacted Mr. Norman and says that she would sell her house to the City for $28,000.00 with the understanding that she could live in the house for the Jest of her life. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall not to purchase Mrs. R. M. Merrell's house at the corner of Jefferson Street and Lee i Street. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Arnall presented various complaints from citizens on Greenville Street. Mrs. Bunn and Mrs. Yarborough living at 191 Greenville Street were complaing about a "pan handle" ditch that was cut behind their house, which they had requested that this type of ditch not be used, and now the ditch is full of kerosene and diesel fuel. Mr. Hutchinson stated that he would contact these ladies immediately and get the : situation straightened out. i The keresene and diesel fuel were believed to have been coming from Cracker State oil Company where they had been washing their truckx. WEee tom notified to They get this situation corrected. Mrs.Me Koy at 87 Greenville Street complained that Binion Recap had.;,dug a ditch dumping water used in the tire recapping process on her property instead of dumping it on his own. The City Manager said that he would have this investigated. 8·7 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, MAY 8, 1967 CONT'D. il Mayor Royal asked that from now on when a complaint was received that the person making the complaint and the Mayor or Councilman to whom it was made, be mailed :1 II a reply as to how and when the complaint was handled. III The Chairman of the Red Cross Blood Drive asked permission to put a sign across the street advertising the Blood Drive. The Council gave the City Manager permission to notify them that this approved. Ii Chief Griffies reported that he had contacted the property owners on Murphy Place, and they were all agreeable to closing this street. The City Manager was ,I authorized to go ahead and do what was necessary in ge~ting this street closed and to II work in conjunction with the City Attorney to advertise that piece of property at the I corner of Jefferson Street and Farmer Steeet for which we do not have a record of , the owner and for which taxes have not been paid in a number of years and the City to I,I bid in for the back taxes in order to be able to make a larger turn on the street. II The Council agreed to try the use of calcium chloride on the small strip II ! between Sutherland Drive and Farmer Street. I ! Radio Station W C 0 H presented a franchise for a Community Antenna T. V. This was turned tover to Mr. Boone and City Manager Joiner for a I Service. I committe study and report',at the next meetip,g. I City Manager Joiner reported that the water drainage problem of the property II I I I of Mr. W. E. Davis on Alpine Street was still under study. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Annall tp purchase I a Foam Applicator for the I i Fire Department in the amount of $2000.50. I MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Beavers to correct the deed of property Bqamerly !I I I 'I deeded to the Georgia Forestry Commission to now be deeded to Coweta County, as it ! should have been done in the beginning, property located where the fire tower now I stands. MOTION CARRIED. The Council agreed to fix the patching mound, bases, etc. for the Henry Street ball field. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to at.rard Potts Concrete the bid for a concrete slab for the Pinson Street Y M C A in the amount of $3,302.00. MOTION CARRIED. !I I I Other bid presented was from the West Georgia Concrete Company in the amount i i, of $3,340.00. , Mr. Arnall suggested contacting Mr. T. G. Keel for making back stops for goals. I I , ,I Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Arnall to make a survey and planning applicatio~ I to H U D for a West Side Project #1. it MOTION CARRIED. No further business, on motion Council adjourned. I II II I 88 NEWNAN. GEORGIA. MAY 30. 1967 --------_.---------- ----------- - - _ . _ - - ~ ~ - ------- -~_._.~-_._._-,---------~ -------'--- A called meeting of the Mayor and Council was held Tuesday, May 30, 1967, at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. i Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan W. Boone, Jr., Joe P. Norman also City Manager E. B. Joiner and Recreation Director Max Bass. Aldermen absent: William A. Beavers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Royal and declared to be informal to hear a report from Director Bass on the City Recreation Program for the summer. The Mayor and Council indicated their full approval of the p~ogram planned. It was recemmended that the City Manager secure a phone number for the Recreation Department in order to have it published in this weeks' paper. It was also recommended that the City Manager review the liability insurance make sure the City has adequate coverage for the Recreation Program. There being no further business on motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday . ,i i' night, June 5, 1967, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal , pres iding • Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, Assistant City Attorney Charles Van S. Mottola. Aldermen absent: Dan W. Boone, also City Clerk W. E. Barron. Rev. Roger Mc Donald of the Central Baptist Church delivered the invocation. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to dispense with'the reading of the minute of the last meetings as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. M:lTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to di,pense with the reading of the bills and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. (For record see check register on file in Clerk's office). MOTION CARRIED. Chief Williams reported that the work on the Fire Department is almost 'completed, and as soon as it has been completed thSt he would confer with the City Manager to discuss an open house date and dedication ceeemonies. Next order of bus~.ess was discussion of a petition for paving Maple Drive. Since this petition was .omewhat out of date, the City Manager was authorized' to acquire a new petition if the citizens are still willing to pay the cost of paving, after he has conferred with the City Attorney as to whether the City is liable for 1/3 of the cost, and also to check on the ordinances for the 59-50 share and the 1/3,1/3., . 1/3 share of the cost of paving. was wnthorized ~o If everything is foupd to be in order, the City Manag r ! go ahead and advertise this street for paving. 89 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 CONT'D. A brief report was submitted from the Building Department on the "Inspection Program". Assistant City Attorney Mottola pointed out the fact that the citizeas should be notified of the inspections by the Mayor and Council - not the Building i I' Inspector - that the citizens should be given an opportunity to be heard, and that it I should be up to the Mayor I be brought up to standard and Council to make the decision as to whether a house should! ee should be condemned. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following codes: Southern Standard Building Code National Electric Dode Sou. Standard Housing Code Sou. Standard Plbg. Code III Fire Prevention Code Sou. Standard Gas Code 1965 1965 1965 1963 1965 1965 &- ~:; -'-' 7 MOTION CARRIED. i edition edition edition edition edition edition j ,! Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following resolution: :::g::~ c::::t::~::n :R:::: :n:::::i:::o the State of Georgia, IIi hereinafter styled City, party of the first part; and CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY, a Georgia corporation, hereinafter styled II Railroad, party of the second part; III ::: I' il I, I I, WIT N E SSE T H ---------- : That WHBBEAS, City proposes to construct an underpass to carry a portion of DodsGDX Street across the rights of way and beneath the main track of Railroad 1171.2 feet east of Milepost S-286 at NEWNAN, Georgia, said underpass being located substantially as shown on attached print; and I NOW THEREFORE, the PARTIES HERETO, agree as follows: I 1. Railroad, to the extent that its title enables it so to do, add without I warranty, grants to City an easement to construct and maintain in accordance with I'I this agreement said underpass and approaches thereto across said right of way or I property and beneath said main track of Railroad, in accordance with such plans, :, specifications and special provisions as may be approved by City and Railroad, which i said plans, specifications and special proviaions as may be approved by City and ! Railraod, which said plans, specifications and special provisions are made a part i hereto by reference whether or not the same are attached hereto. IiI' 2. City will, at expense of City, construct said under pass together with I approaches thereto, necessary to carry said highway across said right of way or I property and beneath the track of Railraod at the locations shown on print of drawing dated Mar~h 10, 1967, attached hereto and made a part hereof, in accordance with said I plans, specifications and special provisions. City further agrees that said work of constructing and thereafter maintaining said underpass and approaches thereto shall Ii be done and performed in all Bespects in accordance with the requirements of SuperinII tendent of Railraod in such manner as to prevent interruption of, interefernce with, I, danger or delay to railraod operations. " i 3. In the event it shall be necessary in connection with or incident to , !I the work of constructing said underpass and approaches thereto, to make any changes in~ II or to remove or relocate track of Railraod or any of its wire lines, pipe lines, poles:, and other supports therefor, or to provide or furnish falework, watchman services, "'I engineering, shop and field services, thecost of such changes in or removal or relocation of said faci~ities sha~l be borne by City. II I II 1I II I I , I' II , 4. In the EVent it shall be necessary in connection with the construction of saiid underpass to remove or relocate any pipp lines, wire lines and poles or other supports therefor, or any other facilities not owned by Railroad, located upon said right of wa~ or property of Railroad, such removal or relocation of said facilities shall be handleq by City, without eJtpense of any kind of Railraod, directly with the owners of said facilities. I 5. Railroad will submit to City ,monthly , bills for the actual cost of work donE} I for account of City as hereinbefore provided, and City will pay such bills promptly and II in any event wi thing 30 days after receipt and verification, of each such bill. Ii II 'I II NEWNAN, GERGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 CONT'D. 6. No work of any charact,er shll be commenced on': the right of way or property of Railroad until Railraod has been duly notified by the contractor for City of the date the contractor proposes to begin the work and until the contractor has bee I notified by ~ailroad that the contractor begin said work. Said work shall at all times during its progress be subject to the inspection and upon its completion to the approv of Chief Engineer of Railraod, or his duly authorized representative. I I 7. City will require its contractor~gefore commencing the work of constructi g said underpass, to furnish evidence acceptable to Railroad that the contractor has provided Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, Contractor's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, and Railraod Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, in the following amounts: Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Public Liability : $250,000 each person $500,000 each happening PROPERTY DAMAGE: $250,000 each happening $500,000 aggregate operation Railraod Protective Public Liabili~y and Property Damage Insurance Public Liabili,?r $250,000each happening $500,000 aggregate operation and such additional insurance as may be prescribed by Railraod for its protection, b1 such good and solvent insurance company or companies as may be ..a.~is,factory to Railroad and in such form as may be approved by Railroad. City's contractor will furnish to Railread, before commencing said construction, the original of the policy in which , Railroad is named as insured and certificates of such other policies of insurance. It is distinctly understood and greed by City that the furnishing by City's contractor of such policies of insurance and acceptance of the same by Railroad is not intended to, and shall not, limit, affect~ or modify the obligations or is not intended to, and shall not, limit affect:.:::-or modify the obligations of liabilities of City under Article 9 of this agreement. 8. Upon completion of the project, City will maintain the substructure and • superstructure of said underpass and approaches thereto, including the pavemant throug said underpass, and lighting, drainage and appurtenances of said underpass, at its own expense, or without expense to Railraod, and Railroad shall maintain all ballast, track and track appurtenances located on said underpass structure. If City faih to perform its maintenance olaigations hereunder, Railread may perform such mamntenance work and City agrees to reimburse Railraod promptly for expens incurred therefor by Railraad; it being understood that Railroad shall advise City of such maintenace and its estimated cost in advance of such maintenance work, unless of an emergency aature, in which case Railroad may proceed to perform such emergency I maineenance work as may be necessary in the judgment of Railroad's said Chief Engineer without coneurrence of City. In the event of such emergench maintenance, Railraad will advise City as soon as practicable of its nature, extent and estimated cost. Maintena e work performed by forces of Railroad for account of City shall be billed to City at : actual cost to Railroad for such work, and City will pay amounts represented by such bills promptly upon receipt thereof. I 9. City shall assume entire responsibility for~e construction, maintenance and use of said underpass located upon the property of Railroad and Railroad shall have not liability for injury to or death of persons or 10s8 ordestruction of or damage to= property arising from or in any manner connected with any failure to perperly construct maintain or repair aaid underpass or the approaches thereto, nor shall Railraod have any liability or responsibility for damage to said underapss or death of or injury to r ; persons using the same, resulting from railroad operations in the vicinity of said unaerpass. ! I 10. Railroad shall have the right, at its own cost and expense, to attach to ~e underpass structure from time lr:t time,aad to thereafter maintain, alter, change, , repair and renew, without charge therefor by City, such equipment, lines (signal, "communications, power or transmission), cables, conduits and pipes, signs or other 'i facilities as may be requisite or useful in the operation of Railroad; provided, howeve , , that the manner and method of attachment as well as ny alteration thereof or addition thereto shall first be submitted to and have the approval ofeity, and Shall be of such character as not to interfere with the safety and use by vehicular traffic, or the .. • • , ~. ,. R/W-A---- I I I I i ,I ; i .,I ., ;'- I· I I I ,I ' I DOt:J$ON STR.EET A ... 18°24' D,' 4-° R '. 14,)2.$.3 T • 232.00 .j.': 400.00 .~'O ,8.l:'7 In my opinion, this plat is a correct rbpre,omallon of the i.. "d pl~fi6d and CURVE DATA , has been prepared tn c<.\nformity with the ffil:{[Jjum sr~nd.a~d~ .If!d requ,r~menb '. .cf i~.,.,.. ./ _\~), l'A.l-~ .~ ! ~; ; EAS£"MENT ' ". FOR UNDERPASS l-L-o-c-A-.r-E-D--'-N-L-A-N-O-.-L-O-T-e-,-""-?-A/-.:>--D-/-S-T-R-/-C-r----------i ~ l COWETA CITY OF COUNTY, GEORGIA . NEWNAN, URBAN R£N£WAL DEPT lr----'------------------------------i "i;, MILLER. g STEVENSON. ~ ~ U a , STEINICHEN. INC. ~ ENGINEERING CITY !;lmIJEYEO: D~ ,.-;m : O. E. K. RL . 5 75 EIGHTH STREET. AT LANT"" GEORGIA TILEPHONE PL.ANNING DESIG~ED' J. S. M. CHECKED'. .J. S.M· U'RBAN 11.9 PRDJ. NO; REY. NO: I RENEWAL. N. E .. 30309 . 0 4 · e'3·Z822 SURVEYING $CALE, 1"= 20' SHEET DATE, 3-/0-67 I NUMBER or I 91 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 operation and maintenance of the underpass. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement in dsplicat l each part being an original, by their authorized representatives as of the i day of , 1967. ---- WITNESS: I, As to City ClITT BY: OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA il I, 1------ MAYOR I I' II r -------I, II WITNESS: As to Railroad CENTRAL By OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CBMPANY, Execut~ve Vice President :i 'I I',I !I " 'I i ,I '] I 'I :1 I i i ,I I ,I , 92 NBWNAN. GEORGIA. .run. CONT'P. Sf 1967 Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers to adopt the following resolutions: RESOLUTION 8P THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, CITY OF NEWNAN APPROVING UNDERTAKING OF SURVEYS AND ~S FOR AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT AND FILING OF AN APPLICATION WHEREAS, under Title I of the Houaing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referr to as "Title I"), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized 10 extend financial assistance to local public agencies in' the elimination and prevention of th spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196_, and the regulations of the Housing and Home Finance Agency effectuating that Title, provide that no person shall on the grqund of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects assisted under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended; and WBEiiAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the City of Newnan make surveys and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately =E:.::I;::G.::HT~Y~-::.:N::.:I~NE=..=T.::HO:::.U:::S:::.:AND=::...:S:.:I:.::H:..=ffiJND=::::R:::E:::D:-:T.::EN::.:-- dollars (,_ _~$8;:;;9::-'<.;6:.:1:.:0..::•..:;O..:;O ) in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area ~ro)osed as ~n Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Newnan, County of Coweta, and State of Georgia, which is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL PESCRIFrION NOW, 1. THERE~, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NII!OWI~I: That the preposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a slum, blighted, I deteriorated, orceteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project, and that I the undertaking by the City of Newnan of surveys and plans for an urban renewal proje It of the character contemplated by Section 110 (c) of Title I in the proposed Urban I I Renewal Area is hereby approved. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable Ithe City of Newnan to finance the planning and undertaking of the 3. ,ro~osed Project. I That it is cognizent of the conditions that are imosed in the undertakin and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial Title I, including those relating to (a) the relocation of site ~ssistance occu~ants, uder (b) the' provision of local grants-in-aid, and (c) the requirement that the locality 9resent to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, as a~erequisite application dexcribed below, a workable program for community forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing a.'~roriate to anproval of the im~rovement, as set .'ublic and )rivate I I resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of SLums and urban blight.i 4. That the United States of America and the Housing and Home Finance Admini I stratpr be. amd they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the City of Newnan with regulations of the Hoasing and Home Finance Agency effecuating Title VIJof the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 CONT'D. funds from the United States of America in an amount not to exceed .::.T.::HO:=.U:;S:::AND=~S;:I:.::X:....::HUN=D:::R::.:E::D:.....=T.::.EN:::;... ~dollars ($,__8:::.;9:.;,1-.::6.:1.:::,°.:.:.0::,.:°=--_ _,) EIGHTY-NINE for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described labove is hereby approved, and that the City Manager, E. B. Joiner is hneby I apphDrized and directed to execute and file such application with bhe Housing and [Home'Finance Administrator, to provide such additional information and to furnish I I such documents as may be required by the Administrator, and to act as the authorized i representative of the City of Newnan. [, I I ------------------------------CITY MANAGER I' il I I NEWNAN, GEORGIA WEST SIDE PROJECT NO. 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'i Beginning at the point where the west line of Henry Street intersects the north!! line of West Washington Street; thence wewt along the north line of West Washington Ii Street 350 feet, more or less; to a property corner; thence north along a property lineil 150 feet, more or less, to a property corner; thence west 300 feet, more or less, to :1 . a property corner; thence south along a property line 150 fee~, more or less, to the _J I north line of West Washington Street; thence sota.est 45 feet, more or lees, to a stre~ I which is also a property line; thence woutheast along the said stream 500 feet, more 'I i or less, to its intersection with the south line of Center Street; thence w o u t h = ; I perpendicular to the south line of Center Street 250 feet, more lr less, to a point Ion a property line which is an extension of the north line of Lovelace Street; thence I I east along said property line 170,£eet, more or less to a property corner; thence south " ; along a property line and its extension 670 feet, more or less, to a point; thence ' 'east 150 feet, more or less, toa point on the eastline of Limit Street; thence north , along the east line of Limit Street 275, more or less, to the south line of Keith Stree~; thence east along the south line of Keith Street 800 feet, more or less, to the point ;: where the said south line makes a 90 degree turn tOI;the left; thence northeast 100 feetJ more or less, to a property corner approximately 80 feet east of the east line of ; Keith Street; thence east along a property line 250 feet, more or less, to a property I!oorner; thence north along property lines 335 feet, more or less, to the north line :of Lovelace Street; thence west along the north liae of Lovelace Street 220 feet, more Ilor less, to a property corner; thence north along a property line 480 feet, more or Ilees, to the south line of West Washington Street; thence east along the south line [Iof West Washington Stre~t 280 feet, more or less, to a property corner; thence south ilalong a property line 125 feet, more or less, to a property corner; thence east along I' a property line 200 feet, more or less, to a point on the wast lone of Boone Drive; , . thence north along the east line of Boone Drive 160 feet, more or less, to the inter-I !section offue east line of Peachtree Street and the morth line of West wasmington Stree~; [I thence north along the east line of Peachtree Street 1000 feet, more or less, to the 'I 'Iwest line of V.C. Street; thence southwest along the west line of V. C. Street 200 feet ~ !Imore or less, to the north line of Hollis Street; thence northwest along the north line [ lof Hollis Street 880 feet, more or less, to a property line; thence wouthwest along sai4 Il'property line 470 feet, more or less, to a property corner; thence west along a propertY' iline 400 feet, more or less, to the west line of Henry Street; thence wouth along the , :Iwest line of Henry Street 1,000 feet, more or less, to the north line of West Washington il the point of beginning. I " 94: NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, ~967 CONT'D. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, CITY OF NEWNAN, AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION FOR NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES GRANT. Act WHEREAS Section 703 of the Housing and Urban Development/of 1965 authorizes the imaking of grants of Federal funds to any local public body or agency to assist in i: Jfinancing the development cost of neighborhood facilities necessary for carrying out i,progEams of community service; and WHEREAS the City of Newnan (heeein sometimes referred to as "Applicant") deems it to be necessary and in the public interest to provide certain facilities of the type !contemplated in said Section 703 and to undertake a project (Hereinafter callla the ''Neighborhood Facilities Project") with Federal Grant assistance, described as Multi,Service Center, to be known as Dodson Center; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that the Federal contract for such financial assistan Ipursuant to said Section 703 will impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon , ,ithe Applicant and will require among other things (1) the provision of the local share of the cost of the Neighborhood Facilities Project, (2) assurance that families or ,individuals displaced as a result of the development of the Neighborhood Facilities Pro lect iiwill be offered decent, safe, and sanitary housing wi thin their means, (3) the making of relocation payments in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, (4) aompliance with Federal labor standards, and (5) compliance :!with Federal requirements relating to equal employment cpportunity; and WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations of the iDepartment of Housing and Urban Development effectuating that Title, provide that no !person shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from ,participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the ! undertaking and carrying out of projects receiving Federal financial assistance; NOW THEREFORE, THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEWNAN RESOLVES: 1. Than an application on behalf of the City of Newnan be made to the Departme ,t , of Housing and Urban Development for a grant under Section 703 of the Housing and Urban !Development Act of 1965, in an amount equal to two-thirds of the development cost ,estimated to be $50,000.00. i , 2. That the Neighborhood Facilities Project (a) is necessary for carrymng out a program of health, recreational, social, or similar community service in the area, ,(b) is consistent with comprehensive planning for the development of the community, and (c) will be available for use by a significant protion of the area's low or moderate income residents. 3. That E. B. Joiner, City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execut and file such application, to execute such contract or contracts as may be necessary_. for the grant applied for, to provide such information and furnish such documents as may be required by the Department of Housing and Urban Developement, and to act as the authorized repeesentative of the Applicant in the accomplishment of the Neighborhood Facilities Project. 95 NEWNAN 4. GlD RGIA JUNE 5 1967 CONT'D That the United States of American and the SecretarY of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant with the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 5. That the Neighborhood Facilities Project will be carried out in full compliance with applicable Federal statutes and regulations of the Secretary of Labor :1 pertaining to the employment of laborers and mechanics on projects assisted with 'I Federal Funds. I " il il 'I il S:£$TEMENT BY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF CITY OF NEWNAN APPROVING FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR A FEDERAL GRNAT FOR A NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES BROJECT Ii II I, E. B. Joiner, the City Manager of the City of Newnan, have reviewed the application~ the City of Newnan for Federal grant assistance in carrying out a I" I :i project for the provision of neighborhood facilities (hereinafter called the "project"); described as Multi-Service Center, to be known as Dodson Center. I hereby approve i 'I 'I 'I the filing of the application for Federal grant assistance under Section 703 of the II Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 by the City of Newnan, and make the II findings in connection with this application: followin~ ,I 1. The project is desirable and in the public interest. II 2. II II The Project will provide a facility necessary for carryin~ out a program of community service of the type contemplated by said Section 703. 3. The pooject is consistent with comprehensive planning for the City of Newnan. 4. The Project is so located as mbe available for use by a significant portion of thearea's low - or moderate - income residents. II I 1 i 'I ,I i! , CITY MANA1G!R _ DATE~ :1 Ii III, II IDTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following resolution: I WHEREAS, the City of Newnan, Georgia, has acquired all of the property com- il II I II prising disposition parcels nos. as indicated below as shown on disposition lIlI1P Qiited I March 14, 1967, of Southeast Project No.1, Area, Project No. Ga. R-79, described as I Blocks A, B, C, & D; and I I WHEREAS, a complete set of disposition documents, designated "Disposition Documents" for Parcel Nos, as indicated below, Southeast Project No.1, Area, Project No. Ga. R-79, which are to be used in connection with the offering and sale of said I 'I parc~ls of land which set forth the method of offering said parcels for sale have been Ii II presented to the Department of Housing and Urban Uevelopemtnfur consideration and II I " approval; and / ! -'- 96 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 CONT'D. WHEREAS, the said parcels have been appraised for reuse purposes by John McAllister on June 1, 1967, who valued the parcels as follows: BLOCK NO. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 $750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 650.00 A 1 2 3 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 B 2 3 4 850.00 850.00 850.00 C 1 2 3 50.00 750.00 600.00 D i , I' I 'land by Julian Diaz on May 31, 1967, who valued the parcels as follows: BLOCK NO. 10 11 $950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 1,100.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 650.00 1 2 3 1,000.00 1,000.00 900.00 B 2 3 C 4 950.00 850.00 850.00 1 2 3 50.00 850.00 650.00 D 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 A NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the proposed proeedure as set forth in the ~isposition documents heretofore referred to is applicable to disposition parcels nos. las indicated above in the Southeast Project No. 1 Urban Renewal Area and is the proper i ifrocedure for making parcels available for redevelopment and that it is in the public 'I !interes~ :, to make this offering at this time; that the use of the aforementioned dispo- isition documents in connection with the offering and sale of said property is hereby 'Iapproved; thatqan invitation be issued to the general public to make proposals for the , irurchase and redevelopment of said parcels of land, al~in accordance with the manner " 'rnd method of procedure as set forth in said disposition documents, and at a minimum " ~rice of $16,000.00: NEWNAN? GEORGI A NO. .JIINE 5 1 967 CONT t D BLOCK 1 $ 850.00 2 800.00 3 850.00 4 800.00 6 1,150.00 7 950.00 8 950.00 9 950.00 10 950.00 11 650.00 1 1,000.00 2 1,000.00 3 1,000.00 2 900.00 3 850.00 4 850.00 1 50.00 2 8{}O.00 3 650.00 A B C D which do hereby determine to be not less that the fair value of the land; and provided that the approval of and concurrence with this manner and method of offering, the dispositionmcuments to be used in connection therewith, and the fair value as herein established is first received from the Urban Renewal Administration. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor reminded the Council that Wednesday, June 7, 1967, will be "opening day" of Parks & Recreation and they had been issued an invitation to ride in a caravan and have lunch at the Civil Room of the Manufacturers National Bank for the program planned. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to adopt the following resolutions for perpetual care of Lots: I ~-- 98 NEWNAN, GEDRGIA, JUNE 5, 1867 CONT'D PElIil'ETUAL CARE - DR. MYRON H. FARMER LOT WHEREAS, Miss Julia Farmer, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to th City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the in the Oak~<Hill per~etual upkeep of a certain cemetery 10 Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, I Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.90) be and is hereby acknowle fea for the purpose above mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetua upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Dr. Myron H. Farmer lot, located in Section #2, being Lot #8 in Block #0, and being bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Foster Gann lot;= East by the Mrs. D. G. Ford lot; and West by the Mrs. Annie Weldon lot. PERBETUAL CARE - DR. WELB8RN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Jack Ellis, has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery 10 in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newna I' Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknowle ~e4 for the purpose above mentioned. I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetua upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: I II The lot known as the Dr. Welborn lot, located in the Miss Helen Long Section, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; on the East by the L. R. Ray lot; on the South by a Driveway; and on the West by the Dr. Calhoun lot. MOTION CARRIED. The following letter was reaa before the Council: May 19, 1967 I I Mayor Howard Royal Newnan, Geofgia I ;~ Dear Mayor Royal: The members of the Newnan Citizens' Advisory Committee wish to commend the City Counc' , and those respon~ible, for the excellent care being given to the maintenance and beautification of Oak Hill Cemetery. I We are sure the accomplishments in this area are greatly appreciated by all of our citizens. Sincerely yours, Leva B. Gault, Secretary I 99 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 CONT'D. Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Norman to adopt the following ordinance: o R DIN A N C E I To amend an ordinance providing Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance for i I, City employees and providing for an amendment to the original Plan and Agreemtn with :i I the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia; to repeal conflicting ordinances; and fori I it " II other purposes. II !i BEl IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWNAN AND IT IS HEREBy!1 II iI ORDAINED BY AUTHORITY THEREOF: SECTION1. ': ,I The Mayor of the City of Newnan is hereby authorized and directed " 1 I to execute an agreement amending the original Plan and Agreement with the Employees' I Retirement System of Georgia, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A'" providing for the release of social security wscrow deposits. II II q II :1 II, SECTION 2. I I , 'I i The City of Newnan, hereinafter referred to as '\:he City", agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia, I II I! hereinafter called the State Agency, in regard to collections from city employees and in making reports and payments to the State Agency. SECTION 3. The City hereby pledges an amount which it woula receive in State grant funds as security for assurance thatfr will make collections from its employees, submit required reports, and remit payments to the State Agency as agreed to in its 'I Plan of Coverage of employees for social security benefits. The City further ;;grees it that if the amount of State grant funds which it is entitled to receive in a calendar II year is less than its annual payment to the State Agency, as may be determined by the II State Agency, then the City shall deposit in eacrow, when so notified in writing by III. ! I' I the State Agency and in accordance with its rules and regulations, an amount which, i when added to the City's State grant funds, would total an amount sufficient to meet I II I' il its obligations of reporting and remitting collections to the State Agency. !I SECTION 4. 'I All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are II hereby repealed. Ii IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its Seal and the signatures of its II Ii authorized officers to be affixed this _ _ _ _ _ day of , 1967. il I :1 AftEST: CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA BY CLERK I ---:-77"::=---MAYOR ( SEZL) I I EXHIBIT " A " STATE OF GEORGIA EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AMENDMENT TO PLAN AND AGREEMENT The City of Newnan, Georgia, hereinafter called "the City" herewith submits for the approval of and acceptance by the Board of Trustees of the Employees~ II 11 100 NEWNAN ,I II QFPRGI~ TImE 5, 1967 CONT'D Retirement System of Georgia a proposed amendment to Section IV of the original Plan Iii and Agreement executed by the City of the 1st day of January, 1947, said 11 a~endment to provide that the State Agency may, in lieu of requiring social security escrow deposits, accept the City's pledge of an amount of its State grant funds to secure th State Agency against defaults in collections and payments by the City. Pursuant to Act. No. 561 of the 1967 General Assembly, it is proposed that Secti~n IV of the original Plan and Agreement as amended b~ further amended by adding a new subsection (d) (1) to read as follows: "IV. Contributions • (d) (1) The foregoing provisions with reference to the advanced deposit are hereby waived and in lieu thereoffue City hereby pledges an amount which it would receive in State grant funds as securitymr assurance that it will make collections from its employees, submit required reports, and remit payments to the State Agency as agreed to in its Plan of Coverage of employees for social security benefits. The City further agrees that if the amount of State grant funds which it is entitled to receive is less than its annual payment to the Staee Agency, as may be determined by the State Agency, then the City shall deposit in escrow, when so notified in writing by the State Agency and in accordance with its rules and regulations, an amount which, when added to the City's State grant funds, would total an amount sufficient to meet its obligations of reporting and remitting collections to the State Agency. Should the City default in submitting reports and remitting collections when due, then in li of depositing in escrow an amount to secure the State Agency in case of default, it is agreed that should such default occur on the part of the City, it shall be the duty offue State Treasurer, upon notification from the State Agency, to withhold all stace appropriations to the City until the City submits the required reports and remittances to the State Agency. The State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed upon cer- tified request of the State Agency, to remit to the State Agency from such withdrawal funds, the amount necessary to cover any remittances which the City may fail to remit to the State Agency. The City agrees to abide by the rulesmd regulations of the State Agency regarding collections from municipal employees and making reports and payments to the State Agency as agreed to in its Plan of Coverage, the City shall be subject to a penalty of ten percent (lO~) of the delinquent payments." This amendment to the original Plan Agreement is entered into this day of , 1967. ----- THE CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA IAtt~t, BY:_=-=--==,..",-_-:-:-:==H.F. ROYAL - MAYOR W. E• BARRON, CLERK (SEAL) The foregoing amendment of the original Plan and Agreement is hereby approved and accepted this \~ day of _ _ _ _ _, 1967. EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF GEOR A 101 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 5, 1967 CONT'D. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to reappoint Mr. James Beavers to the Planning and Zoning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Royal reminded the Councilmen of the G. M. A. meeting in Atlanta on il June 18 - 20, and urged them to try to attend at least one of the business meetings. i:,1 Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Arnall to accept the "Development and Use Program" :1 II to be located at Maggie Brown Building with the stipulation to try to find a suitable ' ,I Ii ;i housing for the Red Cross. Ii MOTION CARRIED. II I UPTOWN PARKING - Mr. Arnall reported that after a survey was made of the parking spaces in the downto\Yn area, it was found that by making standard sized spaces instead of different sized spaces that now exist, an additional 20 - 25 I,I spaces could be added. The Committee is also in a preliminary stage to try to get II a merchants' parking lot on the West side of to'ro. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers to authorize the City Manager to enter I I into a lease with the First Baptist Church for use of their parking lot, upon the I',· Ii approval of the lease by Mr. Arnall and the City Attorney. !, MOTION CARRIED. " Mayor Royal gave a brief report of his meeting with the County Commissioners I It was the desire of the Council to table the assessment percentage factor for II II Mayor Roya~ 'I asked that they give this considerable thought so that they might present their ideas I Ad Valorem taxing ,for 1967 until the figure is reeeived on the Tax Digest. when the digest is obtained. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to acaept Colonial Drive and Plantation Drive located in the Georgian point~d Hil~Addition out to the Mayor and Council that II. Mr. Hutchinson, the City Engineer, there~were four lots on Fourth Street that will probably be sold by the Georgiaa Hills Corp. and that the owner of the lot at the time the street is improved will be responsible for their share of the curb, guttet, 'i and paving. MOTION CARRIED. I, II I City Manager Joiner brought up the matter of closing the clerical offices on Saturday mornings. sta~ed that City employees were required to work 40 hourf' 'I ' III and it was suggestred changing the hours of a working day in order to close on Saturday"l mornings. II ,I The Mayor The City Manager was instructed to discuss this with the employees and to present at the next meeting. I II 'I II I, il il Ii " i iill - ~ 102 ymmop , GEORGI A , 5 , '967 corT'p Mr. E. R. Stephenson who lives on Edgwwood Drive appeared before the Counci about paving this street. Since it is not an accepted street the City is not liable for this work, but the Council agreed to authorize the City Manager to confer with th City Attorney for recommendations to relieve the situation existing on Edgewood Drive :1 'I I: ,e~ requirement of new employees living inside the City upon the approval of the City Manager and with the knowledge of the Mayor and City Council. MOTION CARRIED There being no further' business, on motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULy 10, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was night, July 10, 1967, at 7 :30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. Aldermen present: William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone, Jr., Joe P, Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Clerk W. E. Barron. Aldermen absent: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., also City Attorney W. D. Sanders 1 The invocation was delivered by Alderman Dan W. Boone, Jr. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of the minu es of the last Council meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. M>TIDN CARRIED. Mrs. Coleman Yarbrough, who reaides at 191 Greenville St. with her mother, Mrs. C. H. Bunn, appeared before the Mayor and Council concerning the deep hole that 1 was cut across her mother's property without her consent, which is filled with motor oil, diesel fuel, and water. :1 At a previous meeting it was thought that the oil and fuel were coming from Cracker State Oil Company, but Mr. Hutchinson reported that aft he and Mr. Wilson, Bldg. Inspector, had investigated the situation, it was believed to! 1 have been coming from Me Kinley Truck8D. Tractor and Binion Recap. Mr. Wilson was suppoe I to have contact:ed Mr. Me Kinley, but Mrs. Yarbrough stated that to date nothing had been done to relieve the situation. Mr. Hutt:hinson informed the Mayor and Council tha' he would contact Mr. Mc Kinley July 11, 1967, and that he thought 1hAl best solution to solve the ditch problem would be to level the shoulders and trim them to half the size of depth. The Mayor and Council instructed the City Manager to see that this project was completed immediately. 103 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 10. 1967 CONT'D. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Beavers to dispense with the reading of bills payable and to pay same as passed per copies received by the Mayor and Council. , ( For record see check register on file in City Clerk's office.) IDTION CARRIED. Operational reports were ppproved as presented from each department of the ( Copies on file in City Manager's office.) Mayor Royal read a letter from Mr. William West which was written to Chief Williams, commending the Fire Department for the excellent job they did in handling 'i I the fire at his cabinet shop on V C Street. I The City Manager and Mr. Hutchinson gave a report on the "lot cleaning Ten service requests for lot cleaning were received. Ii project.l~i " Six of these have been notified. Of these six, three have been cleaned or are being cleaned. , :j I Mr. Norman brought up a discussion of a lot behind the area on North St. in the :i I Mill Village. He has received numerous requests, from citizens in this area lbout the lot being cleaned. Since the owner of the property is unkDDwn, Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers that the City Manager be instructed to send the City's crew out to clean this lot, and if the owner is located, bill him for the cost of cleaning the lot, butj~n the event the owner is not located, the City will absorb the cost. IDTION CARRIED. [, , I'I should During the discussion of lot cleaning Mayor Royal reported that some action be taken about the growth along the railroad right-of-ways. Some of these are i extremely dangeroud because of blocking the view of drivers. I, Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to adopt the following resolution: " I " I' BE IT RESOLVED THIS 10th day of July, 1967, at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, (Local Public Agency), at which they established a Maximum Acquisition prive for parcel numbers and prices shown on I, I sheet of this Resolution. 'I attache~ The above is pending concurrence from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Supporting data forwarded in accordance with provision cited in the Urban ! i II Renewal Manu.-al. McALLISTER 'I, II ! DIA%: SUGGESTED PRICE BLOCK 1 1 PARCEL 1 Fee Easement 575.QQ 175.00 775.00 125.00 775.00 125.00 1-5 Fee Easement 45.00 5.00 60.00 5.00 60.00 5.00 5 Fee Easement 2,495.00 5.00 2,145.00 5.00 2,495.001 5.00 i 375.00 350.00 375.001 5-1 I I I " ,I , iIl 104 -_ _.. .. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULy 10, 1967 CONT'D. _,.,-, .. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.. _- '-._'-,,------ --- -----~._-- . ---'-'---'-------'--- .. - ... _. ------ - I -' McALLISTER ,I -----~-----~ SUGGESTED PRICE DIAZ BLOCK 2 I I PARCEL 3 1,250.00 1,000.00 1,025.00 5 900.00 850.00 900.00 2,450.00 500.00 2,400.00 350.00 2,400.00 500.00 5,350.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 125.00 100.00 125.00 BLOCK 5 PARCEL :$,5,6, & 5A-1 Fee Easement 4 PARCEL BLOC~ 2 SA BLOCK 6 PARCEL 31 Fee Easement 4,350.00 50.00 3,975.00 25.00 4,300.00 50.00 32 Fee Easement 3,450.00 50.00 3,225.00 25.00 3,450.00 50.00 33 4,600.00 4,650.00 4,600.00 36 4,225.00 4,150.00 4,200.00 4 50.00 100.00 100.00 5 75.00 100.00 100.00 $ :$1,100.00 $ 29,915.00 $ 31,140.00 BLOCK 11 PARCEL TOTAL MOTION CARRIED. ( CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER) The progress report of Urban Renewal was approved as presented. (Copy on fi1 in City Manager's office.) Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY FROM TIME TO TIME OF PRELIMINARY LOAN NOTES, THE EXECUTION OF REQUISITION AGREEMENTS, AND THE EXECUTION OF PROJECT 'fBllPORARY LOAN BQT.ES,FQR. DELIVERYPUR.SUANT TO REQUISITION AGREEMENTS, IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. GA-R-79. was introduced by Mr. Norman. and considered. and read. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed Mr. Norman then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced Mr. William Beavers seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Boone, Beavers, Norman. and the following voted "Nay": None. The Mayor thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. MOTION CARRIED. ( CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER) 10;1 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULy 10, 1967 CONT'D. Bids were received for the sewage treatment facilities (oxidation pond) with low bidder being ~tbur Pew Construction Company at $33,396.95. Motion Mr. Boone 'I second Mr. Norman to table the awarding and acceptance of the contract for the sewage ! treatment facilities (oxidation Pond) to Arthur Pew Construction Company pending the I City Manager's negotiations with said company as follows: ~r (1) to accept bid and award the Subject contract as stipulated except payment be made for the construction early in calendar year 1968. (2) negotiate the acceptance of price of agreement thereof by Arthur Pew Construction Company and accomplishlhe work in early 1968 and the payment to be made in accordance with the proposed contract. MOTION CARRIED. Other bids presented were as follows: $ 35,060.40 Jan R. Smith Company Frank R. Pope Construction Contractor -47,125.85 ( Mayor and Council to acknowledge acceptance of bid by letter.) i'l ,i Ii:1 City Manager Joiner reported that Mr. Bradley Wilkinson, on behalf of the !i 1. N. Orr Estate, would like to sell to the City all that property belonging to the estate which joins the colored cemetery, at a price of $1500. \, appraised for Urban Renewal for $1455.35. :! This property has been The City Manager preferred to delay pur- Ii chasing this property at the present time, but he also stated that in the future the 'I " City might need it. Upon Mr. Boone's suggestion, City Manager Joiner was instructed by the Mayor and Council to contact Mr. Wilkinson to see if he would sell the property' " to the City for the appraised value with the stipulation that the City pay for same \i in the calendar year 1968. City Manager Joiner will make a report on this at the next Ii 'II, 1 Council meeting. MAPLE DRIVE - City Manager Joiner reported that after contacting property 'I" Ii owners on this street, 60% were still interested in paying their cost of paving. d Ii The Mayor and Couhcil authorized the City Manager to proceed with the public hearing to be held at the next Council meeting. o II' R DIN A N C E I Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Newnan, and it is ,I II hereby ordained by authority of the same, that under the terms of an Act of the Generalii ,I Asaembly of Georgia, approved August 15, 1910, the road~7ay or street proper of the i following street be and the said street is hereby ordered improved by grading, :; widenin~, repairing and hardsurfacing said roadway or street proper of said street with hot ! , asp.halt plant mix on existing base m a t e r i a l s : ' Ii Maple Drive from the Southernmost intersection of Maple Drive and Willo~.;r Dri'l!le, , West, North and East to the Northernmost intersection of Maple Drive and Willow Drive I, 1375 feet, curb and gutter, 28 feet wide. i! Be it further ordained by said authorities that said street is hereby Ordere~.i further improved by the laying of 30-inch combination concrete curbs and gutters on bo~h ;\ sides and the installation of storm sewers, sewers, and catch basins. .: :i The work of laying said pavement and curbs and gutters shall be done by the ,I ]1 City of Newnan under the supervision of the Director of Public Works and/or City Engi- '.I ii. neer. The owners of the property abutting on the street ordered improved as aforesaid 'i shall not have the right to lay said pavement or to make the said improvements them-: ,i selves or by contract at their instance. I. 'i The cost of said improvements is to be paid as hereinafter provided. " Be it further ordained that after the total cost of the said works shall have been ascertained, one-third of the said cost shall be paid by the City of Ne~rnan, onethird of the said cost by the property owners of the property abutting on one side of .: that part of sa~d street ordered improved as aforesaid according to lineal frontage and 1'.'li ii 'I Ii i 11l6NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 10, 1967 CONT'D. ~d the width of the pavement, and the other one-third of the cost is to be paid by theil- Ii owners of the property abutting on the other side of that part of said street improved I: II as aforesaid according to frontage and width of the pavement. 'i 'i That is to say, one-third of the Cost of said pavement is to be paid by the 'i owners of the property at the time of the adoption of this ordinance according to front~ age and the width of the pavement on each side of that part of said street ordered improved as aforesaid and the pro rata amount of the cost of said pavement and other improvements is hereby assessed against the abutting real estate and the owners thereof at the date of the adoption of this ordinance as aforesaid so that the owners of the property abutting on each side of the portions of said street ordered improved as aforesaid will be required to pay only one-third of the said cost is hereby assessed 'I against the City of Newnan. 'I Be it further crdained that when the cost of said whrk shall have been ascer-,' tained. the City Clerk shal~ notify, J;>y regis tered mail, each abutting pr?perty o~me:, II ,agent ~n charge or tenant ~n possess~on thereof, the amount assessed aga~nst each p~ece" lor parcel of ~roperty as aforesai~ for said.improvements and it shall be the duty of.eafh o~mer, agent ~n charge or tenant ~n possess~on to pay the amount of the assessment w~th-I· in ten days from the receipt of said notice herein provided, then it shall be the duty I, of the City Clerk to issue an execution for the amount of the assessment against the i'l' real estate so assessed and against the o~mer of the real estate so assessed, which said execution shall be levied by the Marshal of said City on wuch real estate, and 'i after advertising and other proceedings as in cases of realty levied on for City taxes,:1 as prescribed in Section 402 of the Code of the City of Newnan, and the same shall 'I be sold at public outcry to satisfy the said execution. I Provided further that the defendant shall have a right to file an affida·,rit II of illegality denying that the whole or any part of the amount for which the execution II issued is due and stating ~vhat amount he admits to be due, if any, which amount so II admitted to be due shall be received. The affidavit when received shall be returned I: to the Superior Court of Coweta County, and there tried and the issue determined as in 'i cases of illegalities, subject hO~vever to all the penal ties provided by law in cases 'i of illegality filed for delay only. I Be it further ordained that the owners of the property abutting on the street. ordered improved as aforesaid shall be given notice eX said contemplated improvements ill and the manner of assessing the cost thereof by publishing this ordinance in the issue i of the Newnan Times-Herald to appear on Thursday, July 20th, 1967, and that at the next]! regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Newnan to be held on the 7th II ,day of August, 1967, at 8:30 o'clock, p.m., at the Council Chambers at the Municipal , I, Building in said City of Ne~man, the owners of the property abutting on the said streetl i!ordered improved as aforesaid shall have the right to be and appear in person or by ~' : attorney, at said meeting and be heard on any question relating to the said improv~nent II and the manner of assessing the cost thereof. i , Be it further ordained that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflicti, II with this ordinance be and the sam.e are hereby repealed. II I.i Adopted in open session of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Newnan, II Ii this 10th day of July, 1967. :, i I , i II I' W. E. BARRON il, CITY CLERK il II II ;1 I i j I I \1 'I " :1 II I' 107 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 10, 1967 CONT'D. ~GET - Mayor Royal stated that the Mayor and Council had met in various sessions to approve the budget, which is now in complete form,. I were presented to the local paper and radio stations. I that the City is faced with an inflationery trend. Copies of the budget The Mayor pointed out the fact Compared to las~ year's budget, there is an increase of $93,000 in salaries and wages, and an increase of $25,000 in the school budget. A special meeting was held on Monday evening at 4:00 P.m. in the Council ii !i Chambers for a study of tax percentage factor to be recommended at the formal meeting I to adopt. i Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to recemmend to the Board of Tax Assessorsl :\ that they set property in City of Newnan at 100% of fair market value for 1967 Ad !,, II Valorem taxes. Ii II IDTION CARRIED. :1 I' Mayor Royal stated that it is expected that the rate·';will be substantially i illow. " He further stated that it hurt not only as an administration but also as an :, individual to have an additional cost on property laXes, and that the only relief we coulLd ! i get would be from the State. Mayor Royal asked the assistance of the radio and news:,'i paper in educating the public of the relief and assistance that we must have from the II il " !i I"I :1 II I, State. Mr. Boone stated that he felt that the Ad Valorem Tax was the most unfair tax of any tax on the book, and that if it were not for the license tax and assistance Ii from the Water 'I :1 & Light CpBIlission, taxes would probably be 100% more than they are now.! City Manager Joiner stated that he had been connected with the Georgia Muni- ii IiII cipal Association a long time, and at the present time it is unfortunate that the City i was unable to obtain state aid, but we would not give up hope and keep trying. !, I! Mayor Royal stated that he had attended three meetings of the Georgia Municipal Association, and he felt that if we could show them our growth of strength and II broaden the voices of our people, they would realize our need for state aid. He , furth~f " I stated that the Governor had promised help, and he believed that we would get some I, support in 1968 if our voices are big enough. For the year 1967 we received $51,000 for Street and Traffic Improvement and $12,500 for the General Fund. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The only report made was from the Parks & Recreation Department by the Mayor ,I il He personally felt that Coach Bass has had a tremendous success and he was very much " I' 11"" I i'. pleased with the job Coach Bass is doing. Cooperation between old organizations and the new program is great"- no problems. '! OTHFR BUSINESS: if Mr. Norman inquired about advertising the closing of Murphy Street. !i Ii '!I: ij I, Under the "home rule" advertis ing isn't necessary. II iI Ii :! d I! II " II i !, 108 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULy 10, 1967 CON'D. II I Mr. Norman - the completion of project on Northside Drive - Mr. Hutchinson I! II reported that the project had not been completed because the use of equipment from the "I I~ I I II Ii Water & Light Commission was necessary, and th_s far it had not been available. City 'I Manager was instructed to check with the Water U Light Commission as to when the equiP~1 I I !! Ii ment coul.d be used, and al.so to contact Mr. McKinl.ey, Mrs. Kel.l.ey, Mrs. Lifsey, Tuesday! I !, A. M., July 11th and explain to them the delay. Mr. Norman - short street between Farm.er and Southerland Drive project ,! Mayor Royal reported that Mr. Hutchinson was prepared to use the calcium chloride treatment dn the street, but due to weather conditions he was not able to. Mr. Joiner stated that before he:started to work for the City, cemetery lots I, were being sold with or wi thou t perpetual care. I' I' 'i and all. lots are sold under perpetual care. I, ! Since that time this has been changed, Those persons owning lots without perpetu care are suppose to pay $8.00 per year for the upkeep. I Some pay and some do not. Word! I has gotten around that the City will keep it clean whether it is paid or not. He WOU1~ like to recommend to the Mayor and Council that for a period of 60 days to make perpetu 1 care available for a 4-grave lot for $75 and for an 8-grave lot $100. Approximately 300 or more lots be involved. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to offer to the public for 60 days perpetua, care of a 4-grave lot $75, and an 8-grave lot $100. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business, on motion Council adjourned. I 109 NEj-iNAN. GEORGIA. AUGUST 7. 1967 II 11=== The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday, August 7, 111967, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. Aldermen present: :! I' iI Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone, il Jr., Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, Assistant City Attorney Charles 'I \1 Van S. Mottola. i, Invocation was delivered by Alderman Dan W. Boone, Jr. Ii III Motion Mr. Arnall second Nr.Norman to dispense with the reading of the minutes i: I',I of the last meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. Ii ii " MOTION CARRIED Ii i 11 Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to dispense with the reading of bills payable,] !I Ii I! " and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. i'1l MOTION CARRIED. il i' Operational reports from each department head were approved as presented to the I, Ii i,l YJayor and CO'.mc i1. II MOTION CARRIED. if Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. ,Arnall to adopt the following cemetery resolutions 1,,'1 I: ',1 for perpetual care: :! PERPETUAL CA..'tE - MIKE NORMAN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Mike Norman has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Nevman, Georgia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby acknow- illedged for the purpo.,e above mentioned. II BE IT Ft~THER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of Ii Ii One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the i upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, " " :1 i !i Ii I, PERPETUAL CARE - MRS. J. M. DUNBAR LOTS !! i w'HEREAc<;, Mrs. J. A. Kirkland has submitted Ii il 'i \I :i Hundred. Dollars ($100.00) to the Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the }myor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Ii I! 1\"0 City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkee? of eertain cemetery lots Oe~ ';1 Georgia: The lot known as the Mike Norman lot, being lot # 2, located in Section #15, Block R, and being bounded on the North hy a Driveway; South by the Mrs. Hattie Windon lot; East by the Ralph,Wshley lot; and West by a Driveway. " " Ne~lUan, perp~tual Georgia, that receipt of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknow'led~d ! for the purpose above mentioned. il " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said \j I T~"o Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual I ii upkeep of the following cemetery lots in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: II j! II ,I " " 110 NEHNAN , GEORGIA, AUGUST 7, 1967, CONTINUED T The lots kno'Yn as the Mrs. J. M. Dunbar lots, being Lots # 2 and # 4, located in Section #8, Block # E, and being bounded on the North by a Wal~vay; South by a Walkwy; East by the W. A.Haynie lot and the J. R. Parker lot; and West by a Roadway. MJTION CAARIED. Mr. Boone, Chairman of Committee investigating COMHUNITY ANTENNA T V franchise opened a discussion and it was decided that sealed bids 't%uld be received in the offic~ I of the City Manager from any applicant no later than August 28, 1967, at 2:00 P.M. These sealed bids will be retained in the office of the City Manager until the entire Council meets and has an opportunity to discuss this among themselves. These bids I will be issaedrwith the understanding that if applicants plan to use utility poles, thJ problem will have to be worked out with the Newnan '.ater and ilight Commission and II Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. I, II Upon motion of Mr. Boone second by Mr. Arnall the above was approved. I MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. ~orman I , that no action on the proposed change in the I I Planning and Zoning Ordinance be taken at this meeting, due to the fact that the pUblici was not sufficiently educated the proposed changes and their possible effect on the residents in the areas that the changes would effect. I After discussion, it was decide that the ordinance be referred back to the Planning Commission for further publicity, le clarification and comparison to tha old ordinance and copies of the changes made avail to the public. The Mayor and Council approved deferring the hearing until Mr. Mottola II II could get all the changes and readvertise the ordinance. No one~peared for the hearing on paving Maple Drive. Kfter some discussion of cost of the project, the length of time to be given to residents to pay their share 4II e : ! and when this project would be completed, Mr. Boone made the motion second by ~~. Beav~ s that the street (Maple Drive) be paved with curb and VJttering and that the curb and guttering be completed by the first of next year. MOTION CARRIED. On motion duly seconded the following ordinance was adopted: :1 To amend an ordinance providing Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance for City EmploYees and providing for an amendment to the original Plan and Agreement with the Employees' Retirement Sys tem of Georgia; to replal conflicting ordinances; and for other pruposes. II I, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWNAN AND IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY AUTHORITY THEREOF: I I Ii SECTION I. The Mayor tuHthe City of Newnan is hereby authorized and directed to II' execute an agreement amending the original Plan and Agreement with the Employees' , ;1 Retirement System of Georgia, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "AIf. 1 Ii providing for the release of social securi ty escrow deposi ts. 1 I ; II .1 SECTION 2. The City of Newnan, hereinafter referred to as l!!'the City", agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Employees' Retirement System of Gerogia, , hereinafter ear'lecbtheSute Agency, in regard to collections from city employees and .1 in making reports and payments to the S tatel:' Agency. I I I II SECTION 3. The City hereby pledges an amount which it would receive in State ' grant funds as security for assurance that it will make collections from its employees 'I 11t AUGUST 7th, 1967, contd submit required reports, and remit payments to the State Agency as agreed to in its II Plan of Coverage of employeea for social. security benefits. The City further agrees ,I , that if the amount of State grant funds which it is entitled to receive in a calendar' year is less than its annual payment to the State Agency, as may be deteX'lllined by the State Agency, then the City shall depoait in .escrow, when so notified in writing by :, the State Agency and in accordance with its rules and regulations, an amount which, iii when added to the City's State grant funds, would total an amount sufficient to meet , its obligations of reporting and remitting collections to the State Agency ! I, i.,,'[ I " Ii SECTION 4. repealed. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby H of its EXHIBIT "A" STATE OF GEORGIA, EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AMENDMENT TO PLAN & AGREEN!:NT il :i " Ii i, Ii 'i , , ii Ii ',I! :"" i'l1' I' ': , :: The City of Newnan, Georgia, hereinafter called -the City" herewith submits for I the approval of and acceptance by the Board of Trustees of the Employees' Retirement I System of Georgia a proposed amendment to Section IV of the original Plan and Agreemeq~ executed by the city on the 1st day of January, 1947, said amendment to provide that' the State Agency may, in lieu of requiring social security escrow deposits, accept the City s pledge of an amount of its S"'ate grant funds to secure the State Agency against defaults in collections and payments by the City. Pursuant. to Act No. 561 of the 1967 General Assembly, it is proposed that Section IV of the orl.ginal Plan and Agreement as amended bf: further amended by adding a new sussection (d) (1) to read as follows: "IV. Contributions. •• , I (d) (1) The foregoing provisions with reference to the advanced deposit are hereby! waived and in lieu thereof the City hereby pledges an amount, which it would receive in; State grant funds as security for assurance that it will make collections from i t s ' employees, submit required reports, abd remit payments to the State Agency as agreed to in its Plan of Vqverage of employees for social security benefits. The City furth~ agrees that if the amount of State grant funds which it is entitled to receive is leas,' that its annual payment to the State Agency, as lIay be determined by the State Agency, then the City shall deposi t in escrow, when so notified in writing by the State Agency' and in accordance with its rules and regulations, an amount which, when added to the City's State grant funds, would total an amount sufficient to meet its obligations of reporting and remitting collections to the State Agency. Should the City default in submitting reports and remitting collections when due, then in lieu of depositing in escrow an amount to secure the State Agency in case of default, it is agreed that should such default occur on the part of the City, it shall be the duty of the Sta~e Treasurer, upon notification from the State Agency, to withhold all sta~e appropriations to the City until the City submits the required reports and remittances to the State ' Agency. The State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed upon certified requeat of the State Agency, to remit to the State Agency from such withdwawal funds, the amount necessary to cover any remittances which the City may fail to remit to the State Agency. The City agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the State Agency regarding collections from municipal employees and making reports and payments to the State Agency. Should the City fail to make collections from its employees or fail to make reports and payments to the Sta~e Agency as agreed to in its Plan of , Coverage, the City shall be subject to a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the delinquen~ payments." This amendment to the original Plan Agreement is entered into this 8th day of August, 1967. Motion carried. i 'i CERTIFICATE il The undresigned, Mayor, MDnicipality of Newnan, Georgia, does hereby certify that 24 I, regular meeting os the goveruing body were held during the past twelve monts, and tha~ il al valoreum taxes were levied and collected during the past twelve monts for the I operation of the said government and that the dnicipality perfoX'llled all of the following services: water service, garbage collection; fire prollection; municipal 'I street lighting facilities; sewerage service; police protection; assessed and collecte~ business licenses. The municipal treasurer is Harold S. Hammond. This 8th day of August, 1967. U 1 H.F. Royal, Mayor Barron, Clerk i I, 'I I !I "Ii I, I'I Ii 112 NEINAN ; 7, J CIS 7 » COMTIng'ED 'I N ,0 o act~on was tak en ·~n 0 sett~ng h tLe 011 age m~ 0 s~nce t h e d·~gest was not 01 a bl el ava~ A called meeting will have to be held at some later date when the digest is available.] I Mr. Norman reported on the investigation of the ambulance service and found that the complaints received were unfounded. ,i" II , I Hr. Joiner, City Nanager reported in accordance ,,,,ith the minutes of the Aprj.l 10th meeting, on an interview with Mr. Thad Studstill for the position of Recreation Director, and recommended that he be hired as he is presently with the Recreation Department of Milledgeville State Hospital and would like to move, therefore he isn't sure how long Mr. Studstill would be available. After length, discussion, during '''hich the Mayor referred the Councilmen to a report from the Georgia Recreation Commission and pointed out the need for a professional in planning a recreation program. and in helping acquire federal monies for recreational purposes, Mr. Arnall stated that he agreed with the report issued by the Georgia Recreation Commission and that he would like to have a full-time Director for the Recreation Program in N~Nnan, but in view of the remaining funds in the Recreation bUdget, and the indebtedness of the City of New~an, he did not think that it would be feasible to employ a fill-time recreation director at the present time, bo. would like to continue the summer program. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers that the City Manager notify Mr. Studstill and thank him for~s interest in the position, and inform him that the City is not financially able to employ a full-time Director at thi~ time. for - Mr. Arnall and Mr. Beavers. The Mayor called for a show of hands. Voting Voting against - Mr. Boone, Mr. Norman, and Mr. Royal. MOTION NOT CARRIED. I i Motion l-lr. Boone second Mr. Norman that Mr. Studstill ber-asked by the City Manager to corne baek to N~vnan in September for an interview with the entire Council, and if the Council wishes to hire Mr. Studstill, he would be hired as of October 1, 1967. The Mayor called for a show of hands. and Mr. Royal. Voting against: Voting for: Mr. Boone, Mr. Norman, Mr. Arnall and Mr. Beavers IDTlON CARRIED. Mr. H. D. Dorsey, Chairman of Community Action for Improvement Committee presented a letter from the La Graage office verifying the availability of the grant for the Newnan Multi Purpose Center which will be housed in the Maggie Brown School. 1-1otion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman that the Mayor be instructed to write ,I n a letter to the Red Cross asking them to vacate their quarters in said building " as soon as possible. !I II " "'I MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Royal reported that Mr. A. P. McKinley had accepted the nomination to the Board of Appeals of the Planning Commission replacing Mr. F. B. Cole, Jr. Ii ,I 113 NEIJNAN GEORGIA AUGUST 7 J 967 CQNTINIJED Mayor Royal submitted the following names to i!ill vacancies on the Citizens Advisory Committee: Mr. Hugh Farmer, Sr., Mr. Mike Mason, Mr. Lamar D. H'alker Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone that the above persons be appointed to fill vacancies on the Citizens Advisory vommittee. MOTION CARRIED. i IIIt Mayor Royal reported on his visit to Mr. Jim Gillis, in which he stated that i' i Mr. Gillis agreed to give the county a contract for the resurfacing of Fourth Street I,I II 'I I' from Boone Drive to Belk Road, provided the City could work out proper ar,rangements " with the County in regards to widening the road. , Mr. Joiner, City Manager, reported that Mr. Thomas of Arthur Pew Construction Company had discussed with him the construction of the oxidation pond and payment of same. Mr. Joiner requested permission to award this contract for the pond with the stipulation that the City will not be billed for any parment or part payment of this contract until after December Jl. 1967. Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman that the City Manager be given permission to award the contract for the oxidation pond to the Arthur Pew Construction Company as described above. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business, upon motion Council adjourned. the year 1967 taxes. l--lOTION CARRIED. There being no further business, upon motion Council a6journed. 114 EE'JNAF. GEORGIA. AUGUST· 29. 1967 A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Tuesday, August 29, 1967, at 5:15 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Nayor H. F. Ro)'al presidin • Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan}, Boone, Jr., H'illiamA. Beavers, J0e F. Norman, also City Hanager E. B. Joiner. Aldermen absent:. H. D. S<inders, City Attorney, City Clerk H. E. Barron. First order of business was to add to the minutes of the called meeting ofAB~Jst ~he 21, 1967, the fact that both the City Manager and the City Clerk were asked direct question as to what millage rate was necessary for this year's budget. Bids were received from the followinz; for a Community Antenna T V Service: 1. Newnan Broadcasting Company 2. ,Jilkins Kirby, Jr., G. M.Barron, John L. Brown, Bathel Holley Notion Mr. Boone second Hr. Norman that these bids be referred to the Committee for studyi :: }~. me~ber M:>TION CA.~'tIED. Norman requested that copies of each of these bids be mailed to each of ·the Council so that they might study them in detail and be prepared :Eor the next 6our.cil meeting. Hayor Royal statec1 that thE' purpose of the called meeting was to follow up tr..e lUotion passed at the last regu.lar me.eting concerning a R.ecreational Director and t he interview with !,~. Studstill. Nr. Studstill ,,'as in Ne~Vl1an on :,.7edr..esday, August 23,1967. Mayor Royal opened the floor for discussimn. }x. Boone began the discussion ryy stating that the bUdget for Par$ and Recreatio::lU ",as exhauseed and slightly overspent at the present time. City Manager Joiner stated that as of the time the pools were clOSed the budget was overspent approximately $1,000. Mr. Arnall had earlier requested the exact amount and reported that as of ! Friday, August 25, 1967, the budget for Parks and Recreation was overspent in the amount of $1,098.60. Mr. Boone stated that in view of the situation as such, he didn't see how the Ci1>y'/could go into a Recreational Program at the present time. i Motion Mr. Boone that the acquisition of a Recreational Director be I i, deferred until next year as such time we can see how our financial donditions,,,, stand. Mr. Norman at this point asked to add an amendment to Mr. Boone's motion that since we are having an election coming up November 1st, and in all fairness to people of Newnan, to have a straw vote at that time to get their feelings as to th~ whether they would be willing to pay more taxes for a Recreational Department. Mr. Norman's amendment was not accepted by Mr. Boone as Mr. Boone felt this should be a separate motion, therefore: Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall that the acquisition of a Recreational Director be drferred until next year assuch time we can see how our financial conditions stand. MOTION CARRIED. il , NEWNAN, GEORGIA AUGUST 29 , 1967 , CONTINBBD Mr. Boone suggested writing Mr. Studstill a letter of appreciation for his interest in the job and explaining to him that at the present time the City is just not in a financial condition to tire a full-time recreational director. "After some discussion of the Primary and General Elections, Motion Mr. Norman 'il II second Mr. Arnall, thatC'in view of the fact it will cost approximately $50,000 next Ii ;i " II year and an increase in taxes to operate a recreational department, that on the date II, of the General Election have a straw vote getting the feelings of the people in II to having a Recreational Program. I, !I fI II 'i, regar~ HlTION CARRIED. Kayor Royal stated that there was a contingency fund set up for such things jj i 'i,. as this, and he thought the Council should be made aware of it. He also stated that the City's participation in the Community Facilities Plan with the Housing Authority could : and the application passed with H U D for a grant of approximately $80,000 ~ be Ii i voided as of this act not to hire a full-time Recreational Director. II , City Manager iloiner was asked by the Council to draw up a plan as to what the I! Ii iii Ii ','I II Recreational Program would offer and what the approximate increase in taxes would be and to present this at the next Council meeting. There being no further business, upon motion Council adjourned. !I " I' n I' ii, 'i !I Ii il \1 , II 'I " Iii I:i I I i II [I Ii :1 if ii " 'I " IIII II Ii Ii I !I III, II Ii I I' il I,'I II 'I \1 !i II II 116 NEWNAN. GEORGIA Aldermen present: SEPTEMBER 11. 1967 II Hamil ton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan W. Boone, Jr., Joe P. Norman, 'I I :1 :1 also City Manager E. B. Joiner, Assistant City Attorney Char1ae Van S. Mottola. Aldermen absent: i',I William A. Beavers, also City Clerk W. E. Barron. 'I I I Alderman Dan W. Boone, Jr. delivered the invocation. ;i Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone that in the minutes of the meeting of :1 I, August 29, 1967, in Mayor Royal's summary of a Recreational Director, to substitute the word "could" instead of "would" to raad as follows: II 'I "He also stated that the CitY'I~ participation in the Communiey Facilities Plan with the Housing Authority and the 11 I application passed with H U D for a grant of approximately $80,000 could be voided as of this act not to hire a full-time Recreational Director. K>TION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meetings as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council prior to the meeting. I I I K>TION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman 'econd Mr. Boone to dispense with the reading of bills payab11 and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council prior to the 1 I II II K>TION CARRIED. i' OPERATIONAL REPORTS: Police Department The operational report was approved as presented to the Mayor and Council. Mr. Arnall suggested the pape " 'I and radio stations publicize this and then make it effective in two weeks or so. 'I II Mr. Modo Arnall seomidl·'Mr•. Boone. tut effective 8unday, OCtober 1, 1967, Pinson Street to I II !i be made one-way from. Savannah Street to Reynolds Street going South. I K>TION CARRIED. Bids were received from the following companies for Fblice UnifoI1DS: (Copies file in City Manager's office.) Frank's Uniforms John Manns, Inc. Service Uniform Banner Uniform I I $2,636.15 3,089.05 2,803.10 2,640.34 Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to accept bid from Bannel! Uniform Co. in I th1 amount of $2,640.34 as per recommendations from City Manager Joiner and Chief Griffies. K>TION CARRIED. I I rf7 NEWNAN. GEORGIA SEPTEMBER 11. 1967 CONT'D. Fire Department Report was approved as presented. Ii I,'I Public Works " Mr. Norman asked why it was taking so long for garbage pick up. Mr. Hutchinson,i IIi explained to him that some of the trucks had been broken down, and due to vacation II schedules of the employees, they were running behind on some of the routes. j\ - Mr. Arnall asked when the work on Lower Mitchell would begin. II :1 i Mr. Hutchinson stated that they would have to get someone with heavy equipment, and it would III. probably be within the next two weeks. i Mayor Royal reported on the project on Northside Drive. 'I He and the Ci ty Manager II,. " went over and met with these people and they found that this was not the original il stream. II to her the problem and she agreed for the original stream to be cut. The Mayor took Mrs. D. J.Smith, owner of the property, over and explained II Due to the rain i :1 II II Ii il iill this was impossible to complete, but it will be completed shortly. Urban Renewal, Bids were received from the following for paving, sidewal, curb, gutter, and sewerage for Project tIR-79 in the Fairmont Area: (Copies of bids on file in office ii I' il of Urban Renewal Director.) J. B. McCray Co. $354,604.72 Alternate Bid $312,731.84 jl Arthur Pew Construction Co. 330,997.22 294,813.59 :1 II West Ga. Concrete Co. 305,284.92 279,114.37 Blount Construction Co. 262,311.85 252,071.20 i' II IIII Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to accept low bid of Blount Construction CO. II I! in the amount of $262,311.85 upoul,recommeudation of the City's engineer Mr. John Millet. }oK)TION CARRIED. ii i' ' " :1 Resolution: II BE IT RESOLVED this 11th day of September, 1967, at a regular meeting of the III Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, (Local Public Agency), at which II they approved the Site Improvement Contract No.3 to be awarded to the lowest bidder, II II Blount Construction Company, 2690 Buford Highway, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia in the II il amount of $262,311.85, alternate $252,071.20 as specified in bid documents. The II approval is pending concurrence from Department of Housing and Urban Development. I: ;1 !t Certificate of Recording Officer. j! II :1 Ii II Iii ,I II II II II :i q i: II Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to adopt the following cemetery resolutions for perpetual care: RESOWTION - PERPETUAL CARE O. C. WILLIAMS, SR. LOT WHEREAS, O. C. Williams, Sr., has submitted one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THmEFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the Mayor and City Council of the Ci ty ofNewnan, GeDrgia, that receipt of said one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby NEWNAN, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 11, 1967 CONT'D [I acknowledged for the purpose aboVementioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said ii ·i 11 Ii :1 Ii , I One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual I upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: ,I II The lot known as the O. C. Williams, Sr. lot, being Lot H4, Section H5, Block HB, and being bounded on the North'by a Walkway, South by the G. L. Hutchens lot, East by the Mrs. A. C. Williams lot, and West by a Walkway. il II !I Ii I, PERPETUAL CARE - MRS. TOM AMIS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary B. Amis, has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the I I City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: I I THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Geergia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby acknowledges for the pRrpose above mentioned. II I I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said I, One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the peepetual II upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: II II The lot known as the Mrs. Tom Amis Lot, being Lot H 2, in Section Hll, Block NT, and being bounded on the North by the J. o. Walker lot, South by a Walkway, East by the Mrs. C. H. Stamps lot, and Wes t by a Roadway. PERPETUAL CARE - MRS. E. L. & VORA CHAPPELL LOT WHEREAS, the Family of Mrs. E. L. Chappell has sublllitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeepl»f a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby acknowled for the purpose above mentioned. d I! BE IT FURTHER BSSOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said I One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual upke of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. E. L. & Vora Chappell lot, being Lot #18, in Section #5, and being bounded on the North by the Mrs. Hal,gard Barber lot, South by a Walkway, East by the Mr. & Mrs. B. O. Henry Lot , and Wes t by the Mr. & Mrs. Lamber Me COy 10 t. , I 1 I I I II PERPETUAL CARE - MRS. J. A. HINES LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Gwendolyn Hines Dukes has sublllitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) I to the City of Newna, Georgia, to Rrovide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemeter lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan,Georgia: I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, II Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby acknowledg d for the purpose above mentioned: I 119 NEWNAN. GEORGIA. SEPTEMBER 11. 1967 CONT'd BE IT FURTHER BESOLVED that the City of Newna for and in cons1derat10n 0 said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual jluPkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. J. A. Hines lot, being lot #3, section # 14. Block # S. and being bounded on the North by a Roadway. South by the Mrs. T. B. Hyde lot. East by a Walkway. and West by the B. B. Sprayberry lot. i I: i PEREPETIJAL CARE - }£S. A. c. WILLIAMS LOT , il WHEREAS. Mrs. Lena W. Haynie has submitted One Hli,ndred Dollars ($100.00) to til4 iiCity of Newna. Georgia. to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot . I!i.n the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan.GcIorgia: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor andCity Council of the City of Newnan. ,il ;' II Georgia. that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars 1$100.00) be and is hereby i! II acknowledged for the purpose above mentioned, II .1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan. for and in consideration of Ii said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual II H of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery. Newnan. Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. A. C. Williams Lot. being Lot #3. Section #5. Block #B. and being bounded on the North by a Walkway. South by the Mrs. M. C. Smith lot. East by Line Drive. and West by the O. O. Williams, Sr. lot. .1 :1 II Ii II il I,I PERPETIJAL CARE - W. E. WRNE LOT ~REAS. 'I Mrs. James W. 0' Brien and Mrs. Allie Horne Mi tchell have submitted if one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan. Georgia. to provide for the IiII perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery. Newnan. Georgia: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan. I' !I Georgia. that receipt of said one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby , acknowled~d !i for the purpose above mentioned. Ii BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of sa~a II II One Hunared Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual " II I, upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery. Newnan. Georgia: il The lot known as the W. E. Horne lot, being lot#4. Section#5. Block#O. and being bounded on the North by the Mrs. W. H. Stallings lot; South by a Walkway; East by the R. H. Horne lot; and West by the Horace Bowie lot. j: il II II II MOTION CARRIED. 'I II ~ petition was presented from residents on Cherokee. Poplar, and Oak for curb, Ii gutter. and paving. After some discussion on this, the Council agreed for the Mayor Iiil to contact these residents and explain to them that before we brought this street II Ii'I completely up-to-date. we would like to get a little more infoZ'lB&tian from the water & il Light Commission as to when the Northeast Sewerage Plant would be constructed; because 'I to do this work now and then be forced to do the complete street over on account of the sewerage in the next two or three years would be money wasted. Ii ~ The Council 'i i 120 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 11, 1967 CONT'D instructed the Mayor to inform these people that they would agreerto double surfacing I the street when it is necessary to preserve the base, and report back at the next Council meeting their feelings. I A meeting was set up for Tuesday, September 19th at 5 :00 P. M. to discuss· the c I: il II COlDIDUnity Antenna T Y Sl!IfVi.ce. 11 I: Ii " '! par~ing. He stated that they were just about ready II II to sign the agreement with the First Baptiat Church. He reported that all parking II Mr. Arnall gave a report on I " spaces had been relined, aDll in so doing, about 30 additional spaces were added. Also they were going to try to use some lS minute parking meters around the square. OTHER BUSINESS: The following letter wu received from Mr. Welborn B. Davis, Jr. HON. HOWARD ROYAL MAYOR, CITY OF NEWNAN NEWNAN, GEORGIA: I Dear Howard, As you are possibly aware I am presently engaged in grading and paving a street II as a continuation of Wood Lane with a view of opening an addition to the Wood Lane il Subdivision. 11 " The Planning COlllllission has accepted the plan of the subdivision with a street Ii to run westerly from WOod Lane to the extension of watson Drive. The extension of Ii Watson Drive is unpaved at the present time and has virtually no traffic. The connect~1 ing street is to be known as Ivy Lane. I: lnaslllUch as Ivy Lane would not serve any property at the present time, I am' 'I : wondering if the City would accept a deed to same as an uncut, unpaved street with a ~d : for cutting and paving same if this became desirable in the future. We would be Wi11il1f i to put up either a cash bond or sign a personal bond. '~ I I I have discusaed this matter with Mr. Charles Mottola, and he has advised me thai he thinks that this is legal and has been done in the past. I I would appreciate it if you would take this up with the Council on its meeting I on September 11, 1967. I would like to present to the Planning Commission on September! 1112,U67. II 1, 'Ii I 'I : I am sending a copy of this to Mr. Ewell Wilson as a representative of the I, Planning Commission! II' ,I Yours very truly, ,I Welborn B. Davis, Jr. , WD:at II CC: i, Mr. E. B. Joiner Mr. Charles Mottola Mr. Euell Wilson Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. "orman to accept bond to be paid if and, when the i I City so desires with the City Manager and the City Attorney approving the amount II , Ii " MOTION CARRIED. ! The Mayor presented a comparision of valuation of property and millage in other II I Ii I' cities as to Newnan's. He also presented a schedule of salaries and wages comparing I II ;1 I! 1966 and 1967 explaining lhe some $94,000 increases. The two main reasons for such an " Ii increase were: more employees due to cutting down to 40 working hours - increase in II pay to the minilJl11m wage of $1.40 per hour. 'I There being no further business, on motion Council adjourned. " I i i i "" II :1 :1 " II I' :1 il' I, II I 121 Slrr&~ T e Mayor an Councl. 19, 1967 NEWNAN, GEORGIA met asa COlDlDl.ttee as for the City of Newnan on September 19, 1967. Present were Mayor H. F. Royal, Aldermen Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan H. Boone,Jr'i' Joe P. Norman also City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Attorney W. D. Sanders and Water and Light Commission Chairman E. B. Hollis. Absent: Alderman William A. Beavers After considerable discussion with all present participating, the Committee voted to recommend to the l1ayor and Council that all bids for furnishing CATV service to Newnan be rejected. In the future, after considerable study and research, specifi'i cations on minimum requirements for a properly conducted bid by all who may be interes~ed I! will be developed. OCTOBER. 9, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Monday night, October 9, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall,Jr., William Beavers, Dan W. Boone, Jr., Joe P. Norman, also City Manager 1:0. B. Joiner, and Assistant City Attorney Charles Van S. Mottola. Absent: W. E. Barron, City Clerk Invocation was delivered by Alderman Dan "I. Boone, Jr. Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to dispense with the reading of minutes of last Council meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. H:>TION II CARRIED~ Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to dispense with reading of bills payable II and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. III, z.DTION CARRIED. n OPERATIONAL REPORTS: II Police Department Chief Griffies gave a report on the school for policemen II that was conducted by two FBI agents. At the Council meeting of September 11th it :i was voted to make Pinson Street one-way going South from savannah to Reynolds, effec:1 tive October 1, 1967. :i signs had not been received. " To date this had not been done due to the fact that letters for Mr. Norman reported that since that action of the last :1 Ii meeting, he had received calls and had been advised that residents on this street had not signed the petition and only three people delegation from Pinson Street was present. liv~ng in the area had signed it. A Speaker for the delegation was James GaY. He stated that residents on Pinson St. would reather have no parking on both aides of 'I iI :1 I II the street rather than having it a one-way street. Mayor Royal stated that this act 122 OCTOBER 9, 1967, NEWNAN, <EORGIA '[ II :1 I'Ii was not done for residents only on Pinson St. but for the safety of all people. s~ Afte discussion on this - Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to rescind the action II taken on September 11th concerning Pinson St. and "make it no parking on both sides of,II "!I'I street. IDTION CARRIED. Chief Griffies gave a report on the route of Central High School's homecoming parade which was approved b y the Mayor and Council. Publici Works: Mayor Royal reported that he had gone out and talked with the residents on Cherokee Street, as instructed by the Council at the last meeting, about paving this street. A committee of three was present representing these people, and they pre- ferred to have the street completed as the petition stated, rather tha wait for sewerage in the area. After some discussion on this - Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall to accept the petition of rellidents on Cherokee, Poplar, and Oak for curb, gutter, and paving and to do as soon as possible. !I II II KlTION CARRIED. Mr. Guy Arnall, representing the Retail Merchants' Association, appeared before II the Mayor and Council requesting a contribution of $500 to be applied on new Christmas decorations. :1 The City Manager recommended this to the Mayor and Council in his letter of September 20th. Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Boone to grant $500 to the Retail Merchants' Association for Christmas decorations. "I MJTION CARRIED. II I Urban Renewal: I'I I' Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to adopt the following resolution: I BE IT RESOLVED THIS 9th day of October, 1967, at a regular meeting of the Mayor I I : and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, (Local Public Agency), at which they II approved the Award of the below listed Redevelopment Proposals, pending verificationsil II of financial capabilities of carrying out proposals and the concurrence of the Departll" ment of Housing and Urban DevelopllUl.nt. Amo4t Name Block & Lot Willie Addy Min. Price Amt.Bid A- 7 $950 $1,001 A - 3 850 850 John Thomas Jackson A - 8 950 Charlie Jordan D- 2 Gene & Rosa Goosby 50.05 $10,935 I' (42.50) 50.00 8,925 i 1,000 50.00 8.800 800 805 40.25 10.000 (12,500) 50.00 10,345 Bennie R. Keith A-9 950 1,000 Ira J.Washington A - 1 850 904 M>TION CARRIED CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER. Deposit Total Improvementt 50.00 ( 45.20) 10,850 123 NEWNAN, CEORGIA, OCTOBER 9, 1967 CONT'D. [I :1 Motion Mr.• Boone second Mr. Norman to adopt the followil:lg resolution: BE IT RESOLVED this 9th day of October, 1967, at a regular meeting of. the Mayor 11 'I I' and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia ( Local Public Agency), at which they established a Maximum Acquisition price for parcel number and price shown on attached sheet of this Resolution. The above is pending concurrence from the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Developemtn. Supporting data forwarded in accordance with provision ci.ted in the Urban Renewal!1 Manual. :: BLOCK 6 PARCEL 30 K:: ALLISTER Fee Easement DlAZ ii SUGGESTED PRICE,. 975.00 1,250 1.025 25.00 ---- 25 MJTION CARRIED. Ii CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER. !I !i Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to adopt thefollowing resolutions for perpetuat care of cemetery lots: PERPETUAL CARE - L. W. KEITH LOTS WHEREAS, L. W. Keith has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the prepetual upkeep of certain cemetery lots in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Councll of the City of Newnan, GEorgia, that receipt of said 'l"wo Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and is hereby acknowledged for thepwspose above mentioned: BE IT FURTHERIESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and inconsideration of said Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) agrees to use the income from same to the pUlRetual upkeep of the following cemetery lots in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lots known as the L. W. Keith lots, being lot #5, Section #3, Block #L, and Lot #6, Section #3, Block #L, and being bounded on the North by a Walkway; East by the Main Street; South by theBl;F. PICKETT Lot and Mrs. Paul Dominick Lot; and Wes t by a Walkway. :i it PERPETUAL CARE - TIDMAS J. WILLIAMS UlT il 'i I' !I WHEREAS, Thomas J. Williams has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the Ii City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the peli'petual upkeep of a certain cemetery ,I lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: Ii., ii THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be and is hereby acknowledged for the purpose above mentioned: BE IT~6~ that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Thomas J. Williams lot, being Lot fl4, Section #10, Block #A, and being bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the T. A. Manning Lot; East bf the Mrs. T. G. House lot; and West by a Dnveway. 124 NEWNAN GFDRGlA oomBER 9 19 6 7 CaNTin WHEREAS, MrS. L. A. Hand has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, II Georgia, that receipt of said one Hundred Dollars· ($lOO.OO) be and is hereby aCknowle4ged II:1 for the purpose above mentioned: BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED 'that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said IIII one Hundred Dollars ($00.00) agrees to use the income from same to the perpetual .p~eep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. L. A. Hand lot located in the Jefferson Street Section, and being bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the J. H. Russell lilt; East by the Main Street; and West by the M. F. Cole lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. AGNES A. CLARKSON LOT WHEREAS, The Estate of Mrs. Agnes A. Clarkson has submitted one Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep c£ a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: , ii " THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of theCity of Newnan, II " Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO) be and is hereby aCknowledti .• d for the purpose above mentioned; !, II II BE IT FURTHER~ESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said I one Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO) agrees to use the inclEe from same to the perpetual upkeep o€ the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. Agnes A. Clarkson lot, being lot #3, Section #4, Block #P, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. N. B. Hudson lot; East by a Roadway; West by the J.A.R. Camp lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MR. & MRS. HENRY HUGlUE LOT WHEREAS, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L~ Hughie have submitted One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO) i' , to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a ceetain ceme- I i tery lot in the Oak Hill CemeterY, Newnan, Georgia; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, II II II'I Georgia, that receipt of said One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO) be and is hereby aCknOWled1,ed for the purpose abovementioned; BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED that the City of Newnan for and in consideration of said one Hundred Dollars ( $lOO.OO~ agrees to use the income from same to the peepetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Hughie lot, being Lot $l, Section #5, Block #E, and bounded on the North by the Gus Spradlin lot; S01,1th by a. Walkway; East by a Walkway; and West by the Mrs. Luta P. Williams lot. MJTION CARRIED. I, II II !I 12!i NEWNAN. GEORGIA. OCTOBER 9, 1967 CONT'D. II II 'I COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mt'. Norman had a report on Civil Defense. Motion Mr. Norman second Mt'. Arnall II to appoint Hamp Smith. Jr. to be in charge of secondary resources connected with II Civil Defense. 'I II K>TION CARRIED. :! Ii , There was also a request from Civil Defense for an additional $225 per month for the balance of the year or until Federal Funds are available. which are pending i II due to the passage of the budget. Ii •• "Comm1ss10ners. :! This request was also presented to the County • • Mt'. Norman recommended that the Mayor and Counc11 tentat1vely agree lito do this for the balance of the year provided that they receive no federal funds. I',I Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Beavers to grant the Cit'il Defense the additional 'I i money provided that they do not receive Federal FUnds and provided that the County grants the same. K>TION CARRIED. :j ,f Mt'. Norman presented rules and regulations drawn up by the Federal Government and the local Airport Authority governing the airport. ! =: Mr. Arnall to accept rules and ~iUlations Motion Mr. Norman second governing the local airport. :1 il I! K>TION CARRIED. Mr. Arnall had a report on parking permits to familiarize the Mayor and Council [! with some recommendations that are under study. that are to be presented later to the I Mayor and Council for action. A meeting of the Parking Committee will be held on .1 il wednesday morning, October 11. 1967. Motion Mt'. Arnall second Mr. Boone that all bids for furnishing CATV Service to Newnan be rejected. and that in the future, after considerable study and research. specifications on minimum requirements for a properly conducted bid by all who may i. i be interested will be developed. ,I K>TION CARRIED. A letter was received from Rev. Bob Baggott. Chairman of the Citizens' Advisory Committee in whichh! requested that the Citizans" Advisory Committee co-operate with the City in regards to picking up trash. that a "Clean-up Campaign" be innaugurated. that the Mayor and Council be requested to approve the project of an "Arbor Day"; the date and plans to be presented by Mr. J. A. Williams. chairman of this committee for The City Manager stated that he had replied to Rev. Baggott~ :1 purpose of co-ordination, ',I letter setting out the schedule that the trash would picked up and had also run an ad :,i: ,i in tlje Newnan-Times Herald and had given the information to all radio stations. It wa4 " decided at the meeting that the clean up week would SIDe selected after a conference !i Ii with the Citizens' Advisory Committee. The Mayor and Council would be glad for " i i! Mr. Williams to appear in order that they might co-ordinate this committee. ~tion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Norman to accept the following promotions in the Fire Department: 't II :i Ii II A. R. Haynie - Assistant Fire Chief. J. H. Johnson. Captain; ,i H. L. Stiticher. Pump Enginerr. ~TION CARRIED. 1.2fl NEWNAN, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 9, 1967 CONT'd. T ii:l Buying of additional property for East View Cemetery was tabled. The Mayor and Council agreed for the City Manager to execute the option on January 15th as per letter from Mr. Joiner dated September 29th. tax A list of past-due/accounts and street improvement accounts was given to the 'I Mayor and Council. It was decided that the City Manager and the City Attorney are to write these property owners a certified letter in regards to these past due accounts , I giving them 10 days from the date of the letter to come by and payor make arrangements 'I with the City Clerk to pay. If this has not been done within the specified time, the City will proceed to issue Fi-fas against all property owners concerned. II ;1 In reply to a letter from Mrs. Neill conderning the renting or purchasing the II house on Lee Street, which is owned by the City, action was tabled until the next meet+g :\ in order that City Mgr. Joiner might get information as to the selling price of the ,I " house or what the house should rent for from some real estate agency. MDt40n Mr. Boone second Mr. Arnall that upon recommendation of City Manager Joiner an application from Willie Landrum to perate a taxi be denied for the present. K>TION CARRIED. There being no further business, on motion Council adjourned. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1967 The regular monthly m.eeting of the Mayor and City Council waa held on Monday night, November 6, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. Royal presiding. i Ii Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. Boone,~., ,I Joe P. Norman, also City Manager E. B. Joiner and City Attorney W. D. Sanders. Absent: II W. E. Barron, City Clerk. II Alderman Joe P. Norman delivered the invocation. il Mayor Royal welcomed Dr. Nat B. Glover and Mr. Clem Bureau who received the majority of votes in .the Primary Election on October 18th for Mayor and Alderman respectively. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to dispense with reading of bills payable and to pay same as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. (For record see check register.) IDTION CARRIED. Operational reports from each department were approved as presented. on file in City Manager's office.) (Copies II il ,( \ : September 29, 1967 ! I t Mayor H. F. Royd / \\ . Councilm.an E<:.r.1il~o:-_ C .. ).::;,~~l, Councilman Vvilliam z...... Beavers Councilman Dan. VI. Boo:::.e J J::. Councilman Joe P. No:mar: U ! i i \; I o n I I Gentlemen: Sometime ago, 11r .. B::.-c:dlc:y \/lilk~:::;on c:pprcac::2d me regarding the purchase of some property fo:- Ecstvie\,'.~ Cer.:etery.. This p;-operty I belonging to the Orr Estate lies O~ -::he vvest slc'2 o~ the prese:::t cemetery and is 415 feet by 119 feet. lVir .. Wilk8~·SO~: offered th:s property for the Orr sisters at a price of $1,500 . 00.. ?h0 O:-..~ 2sta te vJcr:..tGd this an10unt appl;ed on the O~-t Estate 1967 taxes~ '\Nh~c~: c::re $1,087 . 74. This ilJould mean that we would pay into t:.. 8 Esteote $412 .. 20, if you vlished to buy the property. I discussed this vlith DC::Jid JO::GS, a::8 vIe r:eed this property, not for a long range p:-ogra:TI, but in -;J:8 i:.:::::3d::'ctG :b..:tu:..-e. I also discussed this with Mr. lVIottola and ~:e agrees viith ~-::8 t::~~.: t!:"~is is en excellent buy. I don't think it vvas generally 1<:10'\,'\7::', b:.;.-~ c:: f:lt~y ico~ r02d is to be constructed, bounding this property O~1 t:-'. e 'V1J8st S~C8. I '\viE hz:;vG a map of this property at the next meeting for- yOl; to S8G. Vie }:e.:V8 a:'l option until the 15th of January. I think we should conc~ud8 this deal ·i."~:'lr.i1ediatGly a'r..d not wait until January as the Orr farnily vvould like to 03t t1:e taxes settled • . ' I11 the event th8 City does not pu:,cl:ase tl1is land, I knovv a prospective; buyer that will be glad to t~ke it in1mcdiately aite: your ITleeting. Yours very truly, E. B-. Joiner City Manager EBJ:jj 127 NEWNAN. GEORGIA. NOVEMBER 6. 1967. CONT'D. Motion Mr. Beavers second Mr. Boone to adopt the following resolutions for perpetual care of cemetery lots: (Copies on file in Clerk's office). PERPETUAL CARE - W. G. ARNOLD LOT , WHEREAS, Mrs. Stanford Arnold has submitted one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to tht'i I' "'ity of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery! lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the W. G. Arnold lot being located in the Dr. Davis Section, bounded on the North by the M. R. Bowen lot; South by a Drivewa~; East by the R. E. Sims & Camp lot; West by the J. H. Plunket lot. PERPETUAL CARE - MRS. H. G. BILLINGSLEY LOT WHEREAS, R. Lonnie G. Billingsley has submitted Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia as follows: The lot known as the Mrs. H. G. Billingsley lot, being Lot #45, section #2, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mr. & Mrs. L. G. Billingsley lot; East by the A. J. Fincher lot; West by a Walkway. MR. & MRS. PERPETUAL CARE - R. LONNIE G. BILLINGSLEY LOT WHEREAS, R. Lonnie G. Billingsley has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00.) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak HillCemetery, Ne wnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie G. Billingsley lot, being Lot #46, Section #2, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. H. G. Billingsley lot; South by the Mrs. Jesse Thompson lot; East by the Robert P. Moore lot; West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL CARE - JOSEPHINE FORBUS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Laura F. Guiles has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to th~ City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of thefollowing cemetery il i lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: I: i il The lot known as the Josephine Forbus lot, being lot #3, Section #10, Block #M, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the G. C. Newman lot; East by a Roadway; West by the Goodrum & Gorman lot. i ,i PERPETUAL Cl\RE - MRS. J. P. ATCHISON LOT i !i :1 ! i Ii WHEREAS, Marvin Atchison, has submitted One Hundred:Dollars ($100.00' to the Ii City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery II i Ii,f ,i j Ii ,I II II il lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia; as follows; The lot known as the Mrs. J. P. Atchison lot, being Lot #39, Section #1, and bounded on the North by the Larry MCWhorter lot; South by a Walkway; East by a Walkway; West by the Mr. & Mrs.= R. E.Jesse Winkles Lot. 128 NEWNAN i,I 'I II GEQRGIA WY'FMBFP 6 }96 7 GONT'P PERPETUAL CARE - J. N. AUSTIN LOT WHEREAS, James C. Austin, has submitted One Hunured Dollars ($100.00) to the • City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery i !Ilot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. N. Austin lot, being Lot #4 Section #3, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Adelle Gann lot; South by a Walkway; East by the Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson lot; West by Line Drive. PERPETUAL CARE - WILLIS R. EDWARDS LOT WHEREAS, Willis R. Edwards has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the Ii ,I City of Newnan, Georgia, for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemeteryil !I lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: 'i to~rovide The lot known as the Willis R. Edwards lot, being Lot #3, Section #10, Block #E, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; SOQ'8h by the C. L. & A. T. Baker lot; East by a Roadway; West by the K. W. Starr lot. PERPETUAL CARE - SAM BANKS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Irene N. Banks has Submitted One HundredDollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemeteryl lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Sam Banks lot, being Lot #1, Section #13, Block #3, and bounded on the Nortp by the H. C. Arnold lot; East by Line Drive; West by the A. E. Wilkerson lot; South by a Walkway. PERPETUAL CARE - J. E. KERLIN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Lucile Ginn, has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the peTIEtUal upkeep of the follo1inilig cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. E. Kerlin lot, being Lot #1, Section #2, Block #E, and bounaed on the North by the H. W. Edgar lot; East by a Walkway; West by the H. W. Jennings lot; South by a Driveway. PERPETUAL CARE - J. H. WIDNER LOT WHEREAS, Mr. Wallace Gray has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) t8 the i I City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. H. Widner lot, being located in the Presbyterian Siotion #1, and bounded on the North by Jefferson Street; East by City Property; West by a vacant lot; South by a Walkway. PERPETUAL CARE - W. Y. BARNES LOT WHEREAS, Kathryne Barnes has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the Cit of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in hhe Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia as follows: The lot known as the W. Y. Barnes lot, being Lot #2, Section #5, Block #F, and bounded on the North by the J. O. Burdett lot; East by the C. W. Cunningham lot; West by a Roadway; South by a Walkway. i 12!l NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1967, CONT'D. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. C. C. ELLIOTI' LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. C. C. Elliott has submitted Two Hundred I ~ollars ($200.00) to the Ii City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery'i lots in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: II The lots knows as the Mrs. C. C. Elliott lots, being Lots #4, Section #3, Block #2, and Lot .2, Section #4, Block #T and bounded on the North by the Main Drive; South by the H. D. Moore lot; East by the Mrs. R. L. Moody and C. W. Arnall lots, and West by the W. N. T. Camp Lot. il PERPETUAL UPKEEP - GREEN K. DENNIS LOT WHEREAS, Miss Carolyn;Gilbert has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to th~ " City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia, as follows: The lot known as the Gt-een K. Denni~ lot, being located in the Jefferson Street Section, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; East by a Roadway; South by a Walkway; West by a Walkway. 1-.......-.. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. G. W. ST. JOHN LOT WHEREAS, Dr. J. O. St.John has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the I , ,I City ofi Newnan,. Georg~a, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot ij, il in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: as follows: if The lot known as the Mrs. G. W. St. John lot, being Lot #4, Section #6, Block #F, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; East by the C. J. Barron lot; South by the D. P. Smith, West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. JESSIE BLACKSTOCK LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Jessie Blackstock has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) ro H Ii" 'I II the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following i i cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: II , The lot known as the Mrs. Jessie Blackstock lot, being Lot #2, Section #4, Block #W, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; East by the L. O. Rambro lot; South by the R. i. Flournoy lot; West by a Roadway. I, Ii PERPETUAL UPKEEP - T. R. DONEGAN LOT WHEREAS, J. B. Cammon and Mrs. Cecil Donegan have sui:lmitted One Hundred Dollars i! ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep c£ a 'i certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia as follows: I The lot known as the T. R. Donegan lot, being Lot #1, Section #6, Block #M, and bounded on the North by the T. G. Dickerson lot; East by Line Drive; ::iouth by a Walkway; West by the Mrs. Molly Walker lot. II " PERPETUAL UPKEEP - HAROLD A.STAMPS LOT WHEREAS, Harold A. Stamps has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the J City of Newna~, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery' lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Harold A. Stamps lot, being Lot #1, Section #10; Block #T, and bounded on the North by the Dent and Borne lot; on the East by a Roadway; on the South by the Mrs. T. B. Hyde lot; and West by the D. M. SpEsyberry lot. i II 130 PERPETUAL UPKEEP- MRS. B. M. BLACKBURN LOTS WHEREAS, Mrs. B. M. Blackburn has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of certain cemetery lots in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia, as follows: The lots known as the Mrs. B. M. Blackburn lots, bing Lots #1 and #10, Section #1, Block #0, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; East by the Main Drive; South by a Driveway; West by the D. J. Jackson & A. F. Treadwell lots. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - T. GLENN WARE WHEREAS, T. Glenn Ware has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemeter~ i i lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newaan, Georgia: :1 The lot known as the T. Glenn Ware lot, being Lot #2, Section #9, Block #T, and bounded on the North by the W. G. Powell lot; East by the J. D. Thomas lot; South by a Walkway; West by the Main Drive. II il I I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - H. E. RICHARDS LOT Ii ii WHEREAS, Erances R. Jackson and Edna E. Hardy have submitted One Hundred II :1 Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep I' of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: il I The lot known as the H. E. Richards lot, being Lot #2, Section #1, Block #B, and bounded on the North by the B. B. Madox lot; East by the J. B. Cammon lot; South by a Driveway; West by a Walkway. I' il I' I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. E. BOONE LOT I I' WHEREAS, Buford Boone has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the Citiyl of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cem.etery lot I in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: ii ~ I, The lot known as the J. E. Boone lot, being lot #10, Section #4, Block #N, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; East by the Main Drive; South by the M. J. walker lot; West by the Loyd Whatley lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - PAT YANCEY, HASTIN~, ; : & HERRING LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Pat Yancey, Sr. has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Pat Yancey, Hastings, & Herring lot, located in the Jefferson Street Section, and bounded on the North by the Winrod Argo & Jeff Powell lots; South by a Walkway; East by a Walkway; West by Jackson Street. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. W. JOHNSON & BURDETTE-~-lILLIAMS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Geneva J. Burdette Williams, has submitted Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. W. Johnson and being Lot #29, Section ~2, and bounded Marvin H. Nunn lot; South by the R. V. by a Walkway; West by the J. L. Otwell Burdette- Williams lot, on the North by the Williams lot; l i a s t i lot. II II 131 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1967 CONT'n PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS, WADE H, STALLINGS LOT II WHEREAS, Mrs. Wade Stallings has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) to t he'I III City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lotiI in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia, as follows: III: The lot known as the Mrs. Wade H. Stallings lot, being Lot #1, Section #5, Block #0, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; East by the J. T. Milam lot; South by the W. E. Horne lot; West by the L, S. Potts Lot. ;i il ,I i! PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS, C. B, ALLEN LOT i Ii" WHEREAS, Mrs, Lester E. Allen has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to th~ I !: 'I City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perp~tual upkeep of the following cemeteJFY'1 , I! ,) " I' ,I } •. lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: " I' II jl il I Ii The lot known as the Mr. C. B. Allen lot, being Lot #4, Section#9, Block #M, and bounded on the No:rr th by a l.Jalkway; East by the E. L. Mote lot; South by the Ethel Millians lot; West by the Main Drive. " .,ERPETUAL UPKEEP - COTTER & LOVEJOY LOT 1'1 Ii " WHEREAS, Mrs, Ruby L. Parks has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the , III, City of Ne,man, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery I' II lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: i II The lot known as the Cotter & Lovejoy lot, located in the Presbyterian Section #1, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the W. H. Gearreld lot; East by the Dr. W, T. Cole lot; West by a Driveway. :,1 jl PERPETUAL !i'I ii ~EEEP - MRS, JOE PARKS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Ruby L. Parks has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Ne;man, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following cemetery 'I II lot in the Oak Hill Cem,etery, Newna'9-, Georgia: II II,I IiIi !i :1 II I' :r The lot known as the Mrs. Joe Parks lot, located in', the Presbyterian Section #1, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Betty Penn lot; East by a Driveway; South by a Walkway; West by the John Alexander lot, PERPETUAL UPKEEP - W, D, KELLOOO LOT I 'i n 'I II WHEREAS, Mrs.Minnie D. Kellogg has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75,00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of the following ,I cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia; :i I,i. i 'I Ii The lot known as the W, D. Kellogg lot, being located in the Helen Long Section and Bounded on the North by the Jack Lowe lot; South by the M. P. Kellogg ~ot; East by the Main Drive; West by the M. P, Kellogg lot, MOTION CARRIED, Motion Mr, Norman sedond Mr. Beavers to dispense with the reading of minutes " II of last meeting as passed per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council, " II ':1 'I MJTION CARRIED. "" " 1,1 III, 'II 'I II II 132 lt was approved by the Mayor and Council that all arrangements for past due I tax and street improvement accounts will have to be made withthe City Manager and the II !, City Clerk, upon advice of the City Attorney if required, and with final approval of the Council. !,'I The City Manager was instructed to have a written report on all araange- "'I cI d ments made to present atfue meeting. ,I II COMMITl'EE REPORTS: .i On October 11th a meeting was hel& 'I with members of the Retail Merchants Association and memebers of the Parking Committeeil Mr. Arnall gave a brief report on parking. They approved the plans and recommendations for parking permits. Mr. Arnall stated 1'1 that within the next couple of weeks they would get an ordinance drawn up and present , to the Council for their approval or disapproval a.~the December meeting. 'il I After a general discussion of parking permits, it was requested that the MayoJ and Council be furnisaed"a complete list of all parking permits, inclUding the compli-I I mentary permits, along with a copy of Mr. Arnall's aecommendations. I In a discussion of cancelling parking tickets, neither the City Manager nor I the Chief of Police will be authorized to cancel tickets in the future with the exeep-II tion of a case where the meter is out of order, the Chiu of Police will be allowed II to do so, and at the aad of the month list each cancellation on his monthly report so II that all will be accounted for. i[ I Mr. Norman reported that Civil Defense receivee their first check for the II additional funds for $225 the first of the month. II Mr. Norman was appointed by the Mayor as chairman of a committee along with il , :i Mr. Bureau sitting in, to review the system and operations of the City as to how I,II , complaints are being handled. 'i '!!he Mayor and Council approved the appointments of Mr. Tom Glendinning to fil~ the unexpired term of V. J. Bruner and Mr. Nathan Knight to fill the unexpired term of the late Mr. Millard Farmer, Sr., to the Pltiming & Zoning Collllililision. :i ,I Ii I I Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Boone to accept recommendations of the State Highway Department at the ineersection of Clark and Temple and puu on a trial basis without any aleerations at least for 30 days without delay. (Copy of plan in Mr. Hutchinson's office.) MOTION CARRIED. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to accept recommendations of State Highway Department at Hospital Road intersection. (Copy on file in Mr. Hutchinson's office.) IDTION CARRIED. The City Manager was instructed to ask the State Highway Department officials for recommendations on the hazardous condition at Beavers Packing Company and Hwy. 29. Action was tabled on the project on Farmer Street until more information can be obtained from property owners that would be involved. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Beavers that the following resolution be adopted RESOLUTION BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Ne~~an, Georgia, and i i I NEWNAN WRGTA is hereby ordained by the authority of same that the City of Newnan will from time to time in the future, in all probability, have within its corporate limits, fire, II r II; flood, civil disturbances, ana riots; and, therefore, it is deemed in the best interest of Newnan to exercise certain emergency police powers necessary to and I! incidental to the maintenance of the safety, health, and welfare of the citizens I of Newnan. il !I BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that these powers shall be placed in the hands of the ]1 I' I Chief Executive of the City of Newnan and that these powers should be exercised only II ;i 1\ in the event of an emergency as herein contemplated and shall only be exercised fori I such periods of time as the actua18llergency exists and further that said powers :1 ;i :i 'I II shall only be invoked after a declaration and proclamation of an emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of II II Newnan, Georgia, that, in addition to any and all powers enumerated in the City il i !i Code, the Mayor, as the Chief Executive of the City of Newnan shall have further I' II " emergency powers as follows: 1. The Mayor shall have the right to declare an emergency to exist when, in his opinion, one or more of the following conditions 'II exists: (A) That there is extreme likelihood of danger of destruction of life or property due to unusual conditions. (b) Unusual or extreme weather conditions, m.aking use of city streets or areas difficult or impossible. (c) Civil unrest, commotion.,or uprising is iminent or exi*ts. (d) There is a stoppage or loss of electrical power affecting a major portion of the City. 2. After declaration of such emergency the Mayor, as Chief Executive, .hall have the right to exeecise any or all of the following powers: (a) The power to use employees of the City of Newnan, to assist in the " safety and preservation of life, limb and property of citizenry of NewnanJ (b) The power to close streets and sidewalks and to delineate areas within the City wherein an emergency exists. (c) The power to impose emergency curfew regulations. (d) The power to close business establishments within the affected area.! (e) The power to close any and all municipally owned buildings and other facilities to the use of the general public. i; II "II (f) The power to do any and all acts necessary and incidental to~e preservation of life, limb and property of the citizenry of Newnan. 'II II "i II II I! i 'i II j! ',i '"I I' II (g) No emergency power as set forth herein may be effective for more than 72 hours after the declaration of an emergency by rhe Mayor. Howe~er, upon declaration of a second or further emergencies to exist the emergency powers _ set forth herein may be exercised during such further emergency period or periods but never for more than seventy-two I , NElolNAN GFDRGTA NOVEMBER 6 ] 967 CONT'D Ii (72) house in one declared emergency period. (h) No emer~ncy II period shall extend beyond the next regular, special II Ii , or called meeting of the Mayor and Council/ " Ii I' 3. The declaration of an emergency as to a portion of the City shall specify II II with exactness tne area in which the emergency is declaredmexist. 'I BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that should any portion of this ordinance be declared i unconstitutional, the remaining portion thereof shall not be affected thereby and ':I remain f shal~ IIII in full force and effect. Adiilp : ted Attest: I ' Clerk, city of Newnan, Georgia. II Motion Mr. Arnall second Mr. Norman to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memora~um II !I '\ :[ of Unders tanding. L_ M:>TION CARRIED. II Mr. Norman brought up a discussion of the straw ballot concerning the Recrea- tional Department in the General Election. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall that the City Manager m instructed m compile information concerning tne Recreational Department and present to the Council no later than November 7, 1967, for the Council's approval or disapproval. (Copies to be sent to news media.) IDTION CARRIED. Mr. Boone suggested that the information should include: 1. what the Recreational Program would cost this year. 2. the proposed increase in the Recreational Program according to the budget submitted last spring and the cost in addition in axes. 3. what benefits the program would furnish. Mr. Norman brough up the situation existing on Nimmons Street of parking on both sides of the street which results in blocking the street and also driveways of residents. Mayor Royal suggested establishing a committee composed of the Mayor, Chief of Police, P.T.A. members, and members of Board of Education to work out some solution. Chief Griffies was 11 instructe~Fto call Mr. Eaans and ask him to please notif the Police Department at any time thatthare is to be a meeting held at Nimmons Street School so that he might have some policemen there to work thetraffic. Mr. Hutchinson was instructed to work up a plan on this project and present to the Mayor and Council/ There being no further business, on motion Council adjourned. ! 13;) NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 7, 1967 A special called meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Tuesday II II afternoon, November 7, 1967, at 3)00 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor H. F. I Royal presiding. 'I " i Aldermen present: il Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., William A. Beavers, Dan W. il Jr., Joe P. Norman, also City Manag.er E. B. Joiner, City Clerk II ii Boone~ W. E. Barron and City Attorney W. D. Sanders. Thg~purpose of this meeting was to appoint the managers for the General 'I Election to be held on November 15, 1967. Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Arnall that the following five people be 11 i: I Ii appointed with the first three accepting and the remaining II Ii " 1. , Ii 2. 3. ,I 4. 5. I II II'I two~ serve as alternates: Jannar Davis Hilton Estes Mrs. Grady Johnston Robert Herring Mrs. Woodrow Clark MOTION CARRIED. A gBBeral discussion was held on the information to be submitted to the public concerning the Recreational Department for the straw ballot on the General Election. Mr. Sanders suggested that Mr. Norman contact Mrs. Thomasson and get her to write an article on this department with the approval or diaapproval -of the Mayor and Council and present to the raaio stations and publicize in the paper. The following were suggested by Mr. Sanders: 1. 1967 Recreational budget was some $28,000. 2. In order to exeend to full-time, the exact figure is not available, but it is anticipated it will not be more than $50,000, which willhbe approximately a ~ mill increase. 3. It is hopedl4hat 1here will be enough people to vote in the GBneral Election that will give the Mayor and Council a good indication of "all the people". 4. Emphasize that a straw vote is not bind~g. There being no further business, on motion Council adjourned. I: :1 il :1 I " I' il III [,'I I' II ;i :, " 'I il 136 NEWNAN. GEORGIA. DE:<kEMBERit, 1967 I II The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and Council was held December 11th, 1967, at 7:30 p.m I! ,Ii in the City Clerk's office, Present wer-e Mayor H, F. Royal, Councilman Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Councilman William A. Beavers, Councilman Dan W. Boone, Jr. and Councilman Joe P, Norman. Also present were City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Clerk, W. E. Barron, Sr., City Attorney W. D, Sanders and Mayor Elect Dr. N. B. Glover and Councilman Elect Mr, C, J. Bureau. The meeting was called to order by Mayor H. F. Royal. Invocation was given by Councilman Joe P. Norman. Upon motion of Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. Boone reading of minutes of last meeting was dispensed with and minutes were approved as per copies mailed to each Councilman. Upon motion Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. Boone, list of bills payable are to be paid as per copies mailed to each Councilman. Upon motion Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. Boone, list of bills payable are to be paid as per copies mailed to Council previously. Operational reports were presented from Police Department, Fire Department and Public Works Department. A discussion was opened by the Mayor concerning an incident related to the Police Department and the arrest iof a Mr. Mattox. was discussed among the Council. The Police Chief gave a report of the incident and it It was reported that the new channelling of traffic in the five- points area seemed to be working well as the City Manager has received only two complaints, and this was discussed very briefly. The operational reports were accepted as per the copies mailed to the Council. Motion was made by Mr. Boone to accept the streets dedicated by the Housing Authority. j (Street~ , listed on resolution on file in City Managers office) However, upon learning that some street improvements are pending, Mr. Boone withdrew his motion and no action was taken. Mr, Dorsey, Director of Urban Renewal presented the following resolutions: j' I RESOLUTION i I BE IT RESOLVED this 11th day of December, 1967, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnad " Georgia, (Local Public Agency), hereby approves the proposed Local Public Agency Staffing and Salary Schedule (H-630) as attached hereto, pending approval of the Department of Housing and Urban II II i I Development. Upon approval of the above Department, this Resolution cancels all previous Resolutions I I' applicable to Urban Renewal Department. Upon motion of Mr. Arnall, seconded by Mr. Beavers the Local Public Agency Staffing and Sa lry II I I I Schedule was adopted after determining that the adoption of this resolution did not in any way affect the I present salaries of Urban Renewal employees and that all salaries will remain the same until such I time as specific raises are authorized. Ij I II 'II .1 137 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11th, 1907 I[ !I Local Public Agency Staffing and Salary Schedule II I' Annual Salary Rate I 'I II !I I I Pos ition Title Proposed Current Urban Renewal Director Assistant UR Director Project Coordinator (Relocation) Executive Secretary & Accountant Secretary-Ca shier 12,000.00 8,508.-00 5,496.00 5,520.00 3,900.00 9,900.00 7,440.00 5,000.00 4,620.00 3,552.00 Ii I Above is brief outline of actual form on file in City Managers office and office of Director of Urban Renewal. Motion Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. III !i ~I Boone the City Manager and Director of :Urban Renewal were authorized to receive bids on Preliminary Loan Notes Third Series A, and submit the bids to the Mayor and Council for approval. MOTION CARRIED I 'I II Motion Mr. Beavers, seconded Mr, Boone the Urban Renewal Director was authorized to It Ii prepare an amendment to the Southeast Project No.1, Ga.- R 79, Urban Renewal Plan. II I' BE IT RESOLVED this lIth day of December, 1967, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia (Local Public Agency), hereby authorizes the Urban Renewal Director to prepare an Amendment m the Southeast Project No.1, Ga. R-79 Urban Renewal Plan. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Boone, seconded Mr. Beavers, after a brief summary of the joint ownership of I a parcel (s) of land designated as 6-19A and 6-19B, the prices of $5,100 for 6-19A and $4,900 for i 6-19-B were accepted. Ii BE IT RESOLVED this lIth day of December, 1967, the Mayor and Council of the City Council at a regular meeting in the City of Newnan, Georgia (Local Public Agency), established a Maximum Acquisition price for parcel number and price shown on attached sheet of this resolution. The above pending concurrence from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Supporting-datil forwarded in accordance with provision cited in Urban Renewal Manual. i :1 McAllister Diaz Suggested Price $5,250.00 $5,250.00 $5,000.00 $4,750.00 $5,100.00 $4,900.00 Block 6 Parcel 19A Parcel 19B MOTION CARRIED Upon motion Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. Beavers the two resolutions concerning aEquisition of parcels 2-1 and 1-6, Land Acquisition Map and the disposition of parcels 11-2 and 1-1 Land Disposition Map for the price of $7,825.00 were accepted. BE IT RESOLVED this lIth day of December, 1967, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan (Local Public Agency), hereby conveys to the Southeast Project No.1, Ga. R-79 the two (2) parcels designated as Parcels 2-1 and 1-6, as shown on Land Acquisition Map No. RP 2 on file in the Office of the Urban Renewal Director. The Local Public Agency acknowledges that the credits in the amount of one thousand nine hundred twenty-five ($1,925.00) dollars shall be credited against the City's one fourth share of the net cost of the Project. This Resolution is substantiated by the adoption of the Urban Renewal Plan as found in Minute Book No.4, pages 522-525, dated May 10, 1965. i ! 'I I II" 138 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 BE IT RESOLVED this lIth day of December, 1967, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan,i Public Agency,) hereby approves a purchase of the (2) parcels designated as Parcels 11-2 . Land Disposition Map No. SD 5 on file in the office of the Urban Renewal Director, for I, the concurred in price of $7,825.00 to be paid into the Project Expenditure Account of the Loan and :i Grant Ga. R-79. I Georgia (Local I'I and I-Ion the II., This Resolution is substantiated by the adoption of the Urban Renewal Plan as found in Minute il Book No.4, pages 522-525, dated May 10, 1965. MOTION CARRIED il il Urban Renewal Progress Report for October and November revealed that 12 lots had been sold " :i " 'I and 7 were still a va ila ble. Motion Mr. Beavers, seconded Mr. Arnall to adopt the following resolutions for perpetual care of cemetery lots: (Copies on file in Clerk's office.) PERPETUAL UPKEEP - E. G. COLE LOT WHEREAS, R. D. Cole Manufacturing Co. has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the E. G. Cole Lot, being Lot #1 and Lot #10, Section #2 Block #0, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by a Walkway; East by Main Street~ and West by the Clair Smith Lot and Mrs. H.G. Ford Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R.D.COLE, JR. LOT WHEREAS, R. D. Cole Manufacturing Co. has submitted One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot know as the R. D. Cole, Jr. lot, geing located in the Jefferson Street Section and bounded on the North by the Mathew Cole lot., South by a Vacant lot; East by a Walkway and West by Long Street. PERPETUAL UPKEEP-_ MATHEW COLE LOT WHEREAS, R. D. Cole Manufacturing Co. has submitted One Hundred Seventy Five Dollars , " I I' i (175.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provi'de for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot n i, in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia, The lot known as the Mathew Cole lot, being located in the Jefferson Street Section, and bounded on the North by the Hugh Buchannan Lot: South by the R.D. Cole, Jr. Lot; East by a Walkway and West by Long Street. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R. D. COLE SR. LOT WHEREAS, R. D. Cole Manufacturing Co. has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, N ewna n, Georgia· The lot known as the R.D. Cole, Sr. lot being located in the Jefferson Street Section and bounded on the North by a Wa lkway; South by the J. H. Ha 11 lot; Ea st by a 139 NEWNAN GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. H. COX LOT II 'I WHEREAS, Mrs •. Jennie Mae Moore, has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the II 11 ,I II 'I Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. H. Cox lot, being Lot #14, Section #5, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by the Mrs. Sabra Craven lot; East by the R. H. Ware lot; and West by Line Street. ,I II i PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS T.M. HAMMOND LOT WHEREAS, R. S. Jackson has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City i of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill II Cemetery, Newna n, Georgia: I, The lot known a s the Mrs. T. M. Ha mmond lot, being Lot #3, Section #11, Block #P, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the B. J. Olmstead lot; East by a WalkwaY' and West by the Mrs. Mack Cavender lot. I II III PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. H. B. ARNOLD LOT WHEREAS, Miss Laura Arnold has submitted One Hundred Dollars($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot i in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: II The lot known a s the Mrs. H. B. Arnold lot' being Lot #3, Section #5, Block #A, and bounded on the North by a Walkway, South by the George P. Beck lot· East by Line Street, and West by the Mrs. J. E. Gilbert lot. II I, II I :,1 I I I !I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - SAM ARNOLD LOT WHEREAS, S. L. Cook has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of 'I I " I I Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill I Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: II The lot known as the Sam Arnold lot, being Hoca ted in the Helen Long Section, and bounded on the North by the Tam Parrott lot and H A. Hall lot; South by the Burwell Hill lot; East by a Roadway; and West by the Miss Helen Long lot. I il I, :! :,I " 11 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - II .. WEL<CONJE PARKS WHEREAS, Mrs. Katie Lou Parks has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the il - City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill I, Cemetery, N ewna n, Georgia; :1 Ii :1 'I i! II 'I Ii ii ! The lot know a s the Welcom Parks lot, being lot #4, Section #4, Block #D and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by a Walkway; East by a Roadway; and West by the El.L. Osborne Lot and the Dr. T. W. Sewell lot. i I'i, il :1 II \ 140 NEWNAN DECEMBER 11, 1967 GEORGIA PERPETUAL - UPKEEP MRS. R.D. WALKER, SR. WHEREAS, Mrs. Roy D. Walker, Sr. has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery ! Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the Mrs. R.D. Walker, Sr. lot being lot #2, Section #1, Block #E, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. J. J. Parker lot, South by a Driveway, East by the W. T. Jones lot and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. F. L. WARD LOT , WHEREAS Mrs. F. 1. Ward has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newna1' ! Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Ga.; The lot known as the Mrs. F. L. Ward, lot, being Lot #2, Section #7, Block #R, and bounded on the North by the W. S. Prater lot; South by a Walkway; East by the Mrs. Jessie Camp Keith lot; and West by the Mrs. Ola White lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - EUGENE WARREN LOT WHEREAS, Eugene Warren has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for !he perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan Georgia: The lot known as the Eugene Warren lot, being Lot #64, Section #1, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Harold J. Smith lot, South by the H. B. Walker lot; Ea st by the Mrs. Krehible Furgerson lot; and West by a Walkway. II PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. KATHERING R. HARRIS LOT !'i. If- II WHEREAS, Mrs. Katherine R. Harris, has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City I !I 'I of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill CemeterY .,'I " Newnan, Georgia; I The lot known as the Mrs. Katherine R. Harris lot, being Lot #38, Section #2, and bounded on the North by the Helen Hagler Kite lot; South by a Walkway; East by the Bobby A. Millians Lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - RAYMOND WILLIAMSON LOT WHEREAS, Raymond Williamson has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Raymond Williamson lot, being Lot #64, & #84, Section #2, and bounded on the North by the H:M. Jackson Lot; South by a Wa lkway; Ea st by a Driveway; and West by the Mrs. W. E. Stone lot and the Mrs. Pearl Weaver lot. 141 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11th, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - DR. R. H. MC DONALD LOT r Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Dr. R. H. McDonald lot, being Lot i3, Section i4, Block iM, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the G. C. Polk lot, East by a Roadway, a nd West by the Mercer G. Gordon lot. II " :( I, PERPETUAL UPKEEP - GUS STITCHER & RAYMOND GARNER LOT Iid ,I iI WHEREAS, Gus Stitcher has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, 'I II Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, I' i II Iiil I' ~i Newna n, Georgia; The lot known as the Raymond Garner and Gus Stitcher lot, being Lot i7 6, Section i5, and bounded on the North by the Mr. W. O. Hall & Children lot; South by a Walkway, East by a Driveway; and West by the James Randolph McKoon lot. II PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS GRADY FULLER LOT II WHEREAS, Mrs. Agnes L. Roberts has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City I "I"i of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newna n, Georgia; The lot known as the Mrs. Grady Fuller lot, being Lot i2, Section il, Block iA, and bounded on the North by the A. Opal and W. A. Jackson lot; South by a Walkway; East by the John W. Richardson lot; and West by a Walkway. L Ii II PERPETUAL UPKEEP - L. H. SMITH LOT Ii :1 II II WHEREAS, L. H. Smith, has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, " I Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnad, ! Georgia: I' !i I I II IiIi :i!I The lot known as the L. H. Smith lot, being Lot i7, Section il, Block iN, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by a Driveway; East by the A. U. Morgan lot; and West by the Oliver O. & Mrs J. H. Robertson lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS L. H. SMITH LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. L. H. Smith has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of II :1 'I Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill :1 :i Ii II !i I,'I i' il Ii II:1 II II II Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the Mrs. 1. H. Smith lot, being Lot i3, Section i6, Block iL, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by a Walkway; East by a Walkway; and West by a Roadway; .. 142 NEW AN! GEORGIA DECEMBER 11 ! 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - OLMSTEAD & MERCK LOT I I' WHEREAS Mrs. Mildred Loftin has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Ii Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery :i Newnan, Georgia: II Ii:i The lot known as the Olmstead & Merck Lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section #2, and being bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Jones & Quarles lot; East by a Walkway; and West by a Walkway. ,I ii .,I II il " PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS 0 W 0 So CARSWELL LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. W. S. Carswell, has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in tie Oak Hill Cemetery II!I 'I il !II i Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the Mrs. W. So Carswell lot, being Lot #50, Section #3, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the G. N. Cooper lot; East by the J. L. Norton Lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R oM. HACKNEY LOT WHEREAS, R. M. Orr has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the R. M. Hackney lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section # 1, a nd being bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by a Walkway; East by the Williams lot; and West by a Driveway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. T. W 0 FERGUSON LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. T. W. Ferguson has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetula upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. T. W. Ferguson lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section #1, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Florence lot; East by the N. F & D. S. Pitman lot and West by the Mrs. Rebecca Lester lot. 0 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - O. FLEMING JONES LOT WHERAS, O. Flemirg Jones has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the O. Fleming Jones lot, being Lot #3, Section # 1, a nd Block #S, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. Otis Jones lot; East by Line Drive; and West by the E. H Combee lot. II il i 1 14:3 NE~AN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 111967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J, B. CARNES LOT WHEREAS, Miss Virginia Carnes has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, I Ii ,I !I Newnan, Georgia: ,'II, The lot known a s the J. B. Carnes lot, being Lot #3, Section #2, and Block #P and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. J. E. Walker lot; Ea st BY A Walkway; and West by the Joe Neill Lot. , ii PERPETUAL UPKEEP - G. H. CARTER AND CLAY SUTHERLAND LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Estelle Carter has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan Georgia; The lot known as the G. H. Carter and Clay Sutherland lot, being Lot #21, Section #3, and bounded on the North by Capt. John W. , Jr. & Mrs. Lois Phelps lot; south by a Walkway; East by the Joseph S. Swearman lot; and West by the J .. N. Arnett Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS PAUL JONES LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Dean Jones has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. Paul Jones lot, being Lot #76, Section #3, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. Lizzie Kee & Heirs Lot; East by a Driveway; and West by the J. L. Norton Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. H. S. PARIS LOT WHEREAS, Miss Julia Paris, has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Geor gia: The lot known a s the Mrs. H. S. Paris Lot being Lot #1, Section #2, and Block #N, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. J. W. Caldwell lot, South by a Walkway; East by the J. D. Starr lot; and West by a Roadway. 'I II II i'Il PERPETUAL UPKEEP - G. L. JOHNSON LOT ,I WHEREAS, Mrs. B. D. Banks has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($7~.OO) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perptual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery ',I 'I Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the G. L. Johnson lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section #2, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Platt Lot a nd John Askew Lot; South by A. Kestler lot, East by W. L. Welch lot and West by Will Bohannon lot. i, :1 ~ NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - TURNER & H.L. UPSHAW LOT WHEREAS, E. L. Upshaw, Sr. has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Turner & H. L. Ulshaw lot, being lot #4, Section #1, Block #F, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the V. S. Hays Estate lot; East by Rufus Hughs lot; West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. J. W. SPRADLIN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. J. W. Spradlin has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. J. W. Spradlin lot, being Lot #39, Section #3, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by the Theo McDonald Lot; East by a Walkway; and west by the B. R. Higgins lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS HORACE B YATES LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. George M. Andrews has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. Horace B. Yates lot, being Lot #34, Section #2, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. Fred M. Smook lot; Ea st by a Walkway; and West by the Bowie and Moore lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. ELIZABETH RAMEYIRWIN,'& MRS-.,ELLENcRAMEY HAIGLER LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Eller R. Haigler has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia; The lot known a s the Mrs. Elizabeth Ramey Irwin & Mrs. Ellen Ramey Haigler lot, being Lot #4, Section #7, and Block #f, and bounded on the North by a Walkway, South by the J. W. Owens lot; East by Miss Cleone Ham lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - EAST HALF OF J. W. OWENS LOT I <I WHEREAS, Mrs. Lillian O. Conley has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City !i of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, 11 i I !I "il , I " !I I I " I il ;i Newnan, Georgia; The lot known a s the Ea st Ha lf of the J. W. Owens lot, being Lot #1, Section #7, Block #F and bounded on the North by Miss Cleone Ham lot; South by a Walkway; East by Line Drive and West by West half of J. W. Owens lot. , i I I I 14;) NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - H. A. TOLBERT LOT WHEREAS, H. A. Tolbert Estate has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the H. A. Tolbert lot, being Lot # 1, Section # 10, Block #W, a nd bounded on the North by the C. T. Bailey lot; South by a Walkway; East by Main Drive; and West by the Mrs. W. T. Jile slot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - F, J. FLANNERY LOT WHEREAS, John A. Flannery has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the F. J. Fla nnery lot, being Lot #4, Section #6, Block #E, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the J. M. Alford lot; East by the R. P. Jones lot; and West by a Walkway. Wh~e"", PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MCRITCHIE & HOWELL LOT M'", E, B, MoR"oh!e h<" "ubmitted One Hun<ked Dolla,e ($ 10 0,00) '" <he eUy of I ;1 Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak H 11 cemeter1 Newna n, Georgia; ii' The lot known as the McRitchie & Howell lot, being located in the Dr. Davis Section, and bounded on the North by Davis Street; South by a Walkway; East by the Bob Bunn lot; and West by Davis Street. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - JIM MOORE LOT ii.1 ii' !, II II Ii I:,: WHEREAS, L. B. Millians has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan Ii 11 II Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newna ~il.. Georgia: The lot known as the Jim Moore lot, being located in the Jackson Street Section, and bounded on the North by the Williams lot; South by the 1. W. Harris lot; Ea st by the P. R. Holt lot; and West by the T. C. Moore lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - W. H. REYNOLDS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Callie Bowers has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the W. H. Reynolds lot, being Lot #1, Section #8, Block # B and bounded on the North by the F. B. Green lot; South by a Walkway; East by a Walkway; and West by the G. M. Reynblds lot. f46 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. L. PITMAN LOT WHEREAS, L. B. Millians has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan Georgia: The lot known as the J. L. Pitman lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section #2, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by a Vacant lot; East by a Vacant lot; and West by a Roadway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - D. S. PITMAN LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. A. P Hillyer has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgis: The lot known as the D. S. Pitman lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section #1, and bounded on the North by a Walkway South by the J. J. Millians lot; West by the Mrs ToW Ferguson lot; and Ea st by City Property. 0 0 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - BEN BRIDGES LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Ben Bridges has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpteual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hi 11 Cemetery il ;1 Newnan, Georgis: The lot known as the Ben Bridges lot, being Lot #29, Section #11, and bounded on the North by a Wa lkway; South by the J. L Bunn lot; Ea st by the Mr. & Mrs Do E. Hendrix lot; West by the Mrs. Sta nford Bridge slot. ;1 ! 0 0 ,I I, PERPETUAL UPKEEP :i I: I: ROY G. HALL LOT WHEREAS, C. E. Boatright has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100 00) to the City of Newnan 0 ii II 'I il Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan Georgia: The lot known a s the Roy Go Ha 11 lot, being Lot # 11, Section # 10, Bloc #R, and bounded on the North by the T. E. Moss lot, South by a Walkway; East by the Miss Beulah Mae Weir lot; and West by a Roadway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - S. PETE KING LOT WHEREAS, S. Po King has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan Georgia: The lot known as the S. Pete King lot, being Lot#2,; Section #4, Block #S, and bounded on the North by the S. So Bridges lot; South by a Walkway; Ea st by the George A. Strickland lot; and West by the Main Drive. 147 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 Ii ; PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. EMMETT L. MERRILL LOT I I WHEREAS, Mrs. Dora Merrill Field has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City j of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill II , I I'II Cembev, Newnan, Georgia: II The lot known a s the Mrs. Emmett L. Merrill lot, located in the Confederate Soldiers Section, and bounded on the North by the A. D. Freema n lot; South by the Argo & Little Lot; East by the W. S. Carmichallot and West by the Main Drive. Ii Ii !I :i i il II [I Ii PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R. D. LE SUEUR LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. John Wilkinson has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of I II I Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: i The lot known as the R. D. LeSueur lot, being Lot #4, Section #2, Block #N, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Myra G. McCrary lot; South by a Walkway; East by the G. W. Osterhout lot; and West by the Mrs. L. C. Spradlin lot. i I I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. W. G. GLADNEY LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. W. G. Gladney has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of I Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery II Newnan, Georgia: II " The lot known as the Mrs. W. G. Gladney lot, being Lot # 1, Section # 10, Block #p, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. T. A. Hutchens lot; South by a Walkway; East by a Roadway; and \Mltst by the Mrs. W. J. Cagle lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. EMILY C. WILLIAMSON LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Emily C. Williamson has submittee One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: I: The lot known as the Mrs. Emily C. Williamson lot, bei ng Lot #61, Section #2, and bounded on the North by a Driveway South by the Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Gordy lot; East by A Driveway and West by the J. H. Phillips lot. I, PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MR. & MRS R. A. ENTREKIN LOT WHEREAS, W. R. Chackleford and Bette Fountaine has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($loo.od to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the I OAK HILL Cemetery, Newnan, Georgis: The lot known as the Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Entrekin lot, being Lot #44, Section #3, a nd bounded on the North by a Walkway South by the Henry Quick lot; Ea st by the Mrs. H. P. Cooper lot and Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Wood Lot; and West by a Walkway. 148 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. J. E. GILBERT LOT WHEREAS, Carl Gilvert has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. J. E. Gilbert lot, being Lot #4, Section #5, and Block #A, a nd bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the L. Y Pendergrass lot; East by the Mrs. H. B. Arnold lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPE TUAL UPKEEP - w. J. PERRY LOT WHEREAS, H. D. Perry has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newna n, Georgia: The lot known as the W. J. Perry lot, being Lot#l, Section #2, Block#G, and bounded on the North by the E. W. Hubbard and E. M. Hardy lot South by a Roadway; East by a Walkway; West by theJ. B. Carnes lot. PERPETUAII URKEEP - J. R. HODGE LOT WHEREAS, S. L. Hodges has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, G Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. R. Hodge lot, located in the Jackson Street Section, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the T. C. More lot; East by the Henry Haynes lot, Williams, lot, Jim Moore Lot; West by Jackson Street. PliJ-RPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. I. B. EVANS & C. R. & LILLIE L LANDS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. J. B. Evans has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newna n, Georgia: The lot known as the lMrs. J. B. Evans & C. R. & Lillie L. Lands lot, being Lot #3, Section #S, Block #M, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the W. W. & w. 1. Robinson lot, East by a Walkway and West by the Fred Scisson lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. E. E. HUBBARD LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Christine H. Johnson, has submitted One hundred Dollars ($100,00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemeterr Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the Mrs. E. E. Hubbard lot, being Lot #3, Section #13, and Block #M, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by the T. O. Fulcher lot; East by Line Drive; and West by the Mrs. J. S. Davis Lot. 149 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 II , PERPETUAL UPKEEP - T. J. HURSTON LOT WHEREAS, Miss Minola Hurston has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the T. J. Hurston lot, ban g lot #3, Section # 11, Block #T, and bounded on the North by a Driveway, South by the Cletus Stamps lot; East by a Walkway; West by the J. O. Walker lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP -MRS T. O. GRAY WHEREAS, Mrs. T. O. Gray, hus submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in teh Oak Hill Cembery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the Mrs. T. O. Gray lot, being lot #104, Section #11, and bounded on the North by the George W. Hawk lot; South by the Steve Tenney lot; East by the Stubbs & Hawk lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. L. ROGERS LOT WHEREAS, J. L. Rogers has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia:' The lot known as the J. L. Rogers lot, being Lot #87 Section # 1, a nd bounded on the Norlth by the W. T. Vines Lot, South by a Walkway; East by a Driveway and West by the Mr. & Mrs. James A. Anthony, Jr. lbt. WHEREAS, King T. Wilson & Mrs. Lois B. Corck has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Ne17lkJ.an, Georgia: The lot known a s the J. W. Morris Estate lot, being Lot #3, Section #3, Block #A, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the L. T. Thrower lot; East by Line Street; and West by the J. H. Thompson Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - HAMILTON C. ARNALL, JR. L'M WHEREAS, Raleigh Arnall, has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100,90) 10 the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr. lot, being Lot #3, Section #13, Block #E, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by the Sam Banks lot; East by Line Drive and West by the Mrs. M. E. Perkins Lot. II I '1:50 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 Ii" i :i " Ii PERPETUAL UPKEEP - THE WELLBORN LOT I WHEREAS, Veva M. Wallborn has submitted One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) to the City of Newnan, Georg.ia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak II !i Ii 'i Ii Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Wellborn lot, being located in the Dr. Davis Section and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the J. G. Davis lot; East by the Copeland lot; and West by the Davis Street. 11 II II 'I II PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R. S. DUNBAR LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. James A. Smith has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the C.ity of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the R. S. Dunbar lot, being Lot i3 , Section i15, Block iE, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by the Mrs. J. W. Christain lot; East by a Roadway; and West by the Mrs. W. H. Cash lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R. D. BARNES LOT WHEREAS, W. T. Barnes has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($ !l00. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetua I upkeep of a certa in cemetery lot in the Oa k Hill Cemetery, Newna n Georgia: The lot known as the R. D. Barnes lot, being Lot i6, Section iI, Block iM and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Homer Barrow lot; East by the J. P. Dunbar lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - A. L. DENNY LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. W. V. Slaton, has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Nr::·wnaD, Georgia: The lot known a s the A. L. Denny lot, being Lot i54, Section i3, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Reese Hunter and Heirs lot; South by the Kenneth Stanford lot; East by the IN, A. & Ray M. Jones lot; West by the Mrs. Nellie Jacobs lot. , ! I I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - I. P. PRITCHETT LOT WHEREAS,1. P. Pritchett has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, I I I Georgia, to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan I Georgia: II The lot known as the 1. P. Pritchett lot, being Lot i46, Section i3, and bounded on the North by a Walkway, South by the J. D. Conner Lot; East by R. E. Baker & Emory L. Lawrence lot; West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - EAST HALF DARDEN, DANIEL & SETPEHNS : I , LO~ WHEREAS, Miss Cora Stephens has submitted Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery N ewna n, Georgia: The lot known as the East half of Darden, Daniel , I I i I i 151 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 and Setphens lot, being Lot #2, Section #10, and Block #S and bounded on the North by the Mrs. H. B. Hammond lot; South by a Walkway; East by the R. L. Barker lot; and West by the West half of Darden, Daniel & Stephens lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - W. L. STALLINGS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Lealius S. Davis has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newna n, Georgia to provide for the perpetua 1 upkeep of a certa in cemetery lot in the Oa k Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the W. L. Stallings lot, being Lot #7, Section #1, Block #C, and bounded on the North by the Ca Idwell lot; South by the 1. M. Farmer lot Ea st by the W. A. Hemrick lot; and West by the Main Dr.ive. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R. G. WARD LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Nellie W. Ward has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the R. G. Ward lot, beIng Lot #4, Section #6 Block #R, and bounded on the North by a Walkway, South by the Mrs. J. T. Smith and Ben Andrew, Sr. lot; East by the Mrs. Susie Florence Bryant lot; and West by the A. J. Barrett lot. . I, [I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - C. D. THOMASON LOT !I 'I I, WHEREAS, Mrs. Byron Kennerly has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City ',I II of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemeteryi:! I N ewna n, Georgia: The lot known as the C. D. Thomason lot, being Lot #6, Section #3, Block #N, and bounded on the North by Q Walkway, South by the J. T. Ella nd lot; East by the Mrs. W. T. Smith lot; PERPETUAL UPKEEP -WEST HALF OF C .A. GENTRY LOT WHEREAS, Miss Jewel Gentry has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) to the City of , Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the West half of C. A. Gentry lot, bei ng lot #4, Section #12, Block #E, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. M. P. Martin lot; Ea st by the East half of C. A. Gentry lot; and West by a Walkway. I',I II [I II " 'I Ii I' PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. J. T. MAYFIELD LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. T. H. Lancaster has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City II ! of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemeteryl Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the Mrs. J. T. Mayfield lot, being located in the Jackson Street Section, and bounded on the North by Second Avenue; South by the L. A. Alsobrook lot; "Ba s t by the H. S. Banta lot; and West by Jackson Street. I 152 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. WILLIE p. POWERS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Willie P. Powers and Mrs. Frances P. Harper has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100;Oj)) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the Mrs. Willie P. Powers lot, being Lot #4, Section #9, Block #T, a nd bounded on the North by a Sidewalk; South by the T. G. Ware lot; East by the Mrs. T. B. Hyde lot; and West by the Main Street. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. J. B. JOHNS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Nancy Johns has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Gecr gia: The lot known as the Mrs. J. B. Johns lot, being 10t#38, Section #4, and bounded on the North by the T. M. Rooker and J. M. Overton lot; South by a Walkway; East by the Paul Herrin lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPE TUAL UPKEEP - MRS. T. B. PARKS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. James Perkerson has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. T. B. Parks lot, being Lot #1, Section #7, Block #G, and bounded on the North by the W. J. Murphy lot; South by a Walkway East by Main Street and West by the W. A. Hines Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. J. L. CARDEN WHEREAS, Mrs. Joe Lee Carden has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgis: The lot known as Section #11, a nd lot; South by the Rueben D. Smith the Mrs. J. L. Carden lot, being Lot #11, bounded on the North by ithe George S. Spinks Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferrell lot; East by the lot; and 1Vest by a Driveway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - C. O. HORTON LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Carrie Ayers has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the C.ityof Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the C. O. Horton lot, being Lot #4, Section #3, Block #N, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. W. T. Smith lot; South by a Walkway; Ea st by the Dorris Bambel lot; and West by the J. T. Ellard lot. 15~ NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11,1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. LUCY H. BAILEY LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Lucie B. Pickren has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. Lucy H. Bailey lot, being Lot #4, Section #8, Block #'1:, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; Sooth by the L. J. Vaughn Lot; East by the Pierce & Pickren lot; and West by a Roadway. PERPETUAP UPKEEP - MRS. R. A. MOORE LOT WHEREAS, Miss Wilma Moore has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certa in cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newna n, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. R. A. Moore lot, being Lot #33, Section #11, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the C. Leon & Evie Moore lot; East by a Vancant Lot; and West by the Clifford A. Cranford Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP _MRS D. S. SUMMERS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. J. U. McKoon, Sr., has submitted One hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City i of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery: II Newna n, Georgia" The lot known a s the Mrs. D. S. Summers lot, loca ted in the Dr. Davis Section, and bounded on the North by a Walkway, South by the J. D. Brewster lot; East by the Dr. Abe North lot; and West by the Sprnce & Nimmons Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - W. R. KILLGO WHEREAS, W. R. Killgo has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Geor gia: The lot known as the W. R. Killgo lot, being Lot #70, Section #3, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Mrs. Evelyn Cook lot, East by a Driveway; and West by the Mrs. H. P. Cooper lot and Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Wood Lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - FRANK WADSWORTH LOT WHEREAS, J. M. Wadsworth has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Frank Wadsworth lot, being located in the Dr. Davis Section, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the S. L. Fowler lot; East by the J. T. Pike lot; a nd West by the Rev. J. S. Hardaway. lot. ! NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11,1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. W. B. WILLIAMS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Barge Williams has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. W. B. Williams lot, being Lot #80 Section #2, and bounded on the North by the Wylie M. Wood lot; South by the Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. Geneva J. Burdette WHliams lot; East by a Walkway; and West by the Mr. & Mrs. William Coggins lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - W. BARGE WILLIAMS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Barge Williams has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the W. Barge Williams lot being Lot #29, Section #4, and bounded on the North by the C. J. Smith lot; South by a Walkway; East by a Walkway; and West by the W. Charles Hubbard lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. W.L. STREET LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Effie Davis has submitted Seventy-Five Dollars ($75. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the Mrs. W. L. Street lot, being Lot #94, Section #3, and bounded on the North by the Ethel & Loyd Abercrombie lot; South by the M. H. Hayes lot; East by the C. J. Perkins lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. JOYCE MCDOWELL & MRS. W. J. ROBARDS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Thonia McDowell has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery I Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the Mrs. Joyce McDowell and Mrs. W. J. Robards lot, being lot #3, Section #14, and Block #M, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by the L. D. Stone lot; East by a Walkway; and West by the H. E. Ward lot. ,I II !! iI II " ~ " I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. C. OZMORE LOT I I i! WHEREAS, W. T. Barnes has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia, to provide for the perpetualupkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the J. C. Ozmore lot, bE! ng Lot #2, Section #6 Block #B, and bounded on the North by the Tom Cassells lot; South by a Walkway; East by the R. H. Ozmore lot; and West by a Roadway. NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER J J! J 967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - W. S. MEALOR LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. W. S. Mealor has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the W. S. Mealor lot, being located in the Dr. Davis Section, and bounded on the North by the Mrs, Joe A. Stephens lot; South by a Driveway; Ea st by the Will H. Holmes lot; and West by the Hammond lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - 1. N. CAVENDER LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Ellen C. Suchke has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a cettain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery i i, 'I Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the 1. N. Cavender lot, being lot #1, and Lot #3, Section #12, Block #T, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by a Walkway East by Line Drive, and West by the H. C. Stamps lot and Mrs. Merrill Upshaw lot. !I II 'I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - B. T. SMITH LOT 'I WHEREAS, Winifred Smith has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, ! Gecr gia: The lot known a s the B, T, Smith lot, being Lot #2 Section #13, Blcok #P and bounded on the North by the J, P, McGuire lot; South by a Walkway; East by the R. C. Morgan lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. BERTHA FARMER LOT PERPETUAL UPKEEP - E. J. JACKSON LOT i I! :1 WHEREAS, Norman E. Jackson & Mrs. J. S. Ball has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) II to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery. Newnan, Georgis: The lot known as the E. J. Jackson lot, being Lot #2 Section #1, Block #0 and bounded on the North by the A. F. Treadwell lot; South by a Driveway; East by the B. M. Blackburn lot; a nd West by the Na ncy Roy lot. II 1;16 NEWNAN. GEORGIA ~ DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. WILL HOUSE LOT Ii II II WHEREAS, Floy T. Nelson has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the CIty of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan I Georgia: II The lot known as the Mrs. Will House lot, being Lot #4, Section #3, Block #0, and bounded on the North by the Noye Proctor lot; South by a Walkway; Eastly the Mrs. Boyd Stephens lot; and West by the John Landrum lot. ',., Ii II I'·1 I Id II il !i PERPETUAL UPKEEP - A. B. CATES LOT WHEREAS, Lucia Cates Green has submitted One Hundred ifi)ollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia: The lot known as the A. B. Cates lot, being located in the Jefferson Street Section; and bounded on the North by the J. H. Hall lot; Soth by a Vacant lot; East by a Roadway; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - A. M. HUGGINS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Ida Lee Ellis ha s submitted One Hundred Dollars ($10 O. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: The lot known a s the A. M. Huggins lot being located in the Dr. Davis Section and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the J. L. Poole lot; East by the Rev. J. S. Hardaway lot; and West by Davis Street. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - TOBE BRYANT LOT WHEREAS, The Bryant Family has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) to the CIty of Newna Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan Georgia: The lot known as the Tobe Bryant lot, being located in the Presbyterian Section #2, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Lewis Simril lot; East by a Roadway; and West by Various lots. PERPETUAL U!'KEEP_ WEST HALF OF J. W. OWENS LOT WHEREAS Dr. James W. Owens has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgis: The lot known as the West half of J. W. Owens lot, being Lot #2, Section #7, Block #F, and bounded on the North by the Irwin & Haigler lot; South by a Walkway East by the East half of J. W. Owens lot; and West by a Walkway. 15:7 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11 , 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - MRS. W. J. CAGLE WHEREAS, William J. Cagle has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, Georgia: il The lot known as the Mrs. W. J. Cagle lot; being Lot #2, Section #10, and Block #P, and bounded on the North by the H. E. Conley lot; South by a Walkway; East by the Mrs. W. G. Gladney lot; and West by the Main Street. II PERPETUAL UPKEEP - J. E. MCWATERS LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Irene M. Pryor has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery Newna n, Georgis: The lot known as the J. E. McWaters lot, being Lot #1, Section #1, Block #R, and bounded on the North by the J. B. Fuller lot; South by a Driveway East by Main Street; and West by the Mrs. M. A. Ea sterwood lot. PERPETUAL UPKEEP - WILL BOHANNON LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary B. Campbell has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill cemeteryl. II Newnan, Georgis: j The lot known as the Will Bohannon lot being located in the Presbyterian Section #2, and bounded on the North by the Mrs. Platt lot; South by the P. A. Smith lot; East by the G. L. Johnson lot and West by the Jefferson Street. II II I PERPETUAL UPKEEP - NIMMONS AND RANSOM LOT WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary B. Campbell has submitted Two hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perjiE tual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia. 1llJne lot known as the Nimmons and Ransom lot, bEin g located in the Presbyterian Section #2, and bounded on the North by a Walkway; South by the Jackson Neely lot and Simril lot; East by the Grogan and Harlan lot and Joe L Brown lot; and West by a Walkway. PERPETUAL UPKEEP _ THE JOHN KIDD LOT WHEREAS, Miss Jewell Kidd has submitted Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to the City of Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemetery lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newnan, Georgia; The lot known as the John Kidd lot, being Lots #1 and #3, Section #15, Block #P, and bounded on the North by a Driveway; South by a Walkway; East by a Roadway; and West by the Hamp Kidd lot. Newn~n, 158 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11, 1967 PERPETUAL UPKEEP - R. A. FARMER LOT WHEREAS, Dr. Thomas P. Goodwyn has submitted One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to the City of Newnan, Georgia to provide for the perpetual upkeep of a certain cemeter lot in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Newna n, Georgia: The lot known as the R. A. Farmer lot, being Lot #3, Section #4, Block #D, a nd bounded on the Northby a Walkway; South by the W. J. Coggin lot; East by the Roadway; and West by the W. W. Thomas lot. MOTION CARRIED Mr Joiners report on past due street assessments and ad valorem taxes was presented. Motion Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. Boone to levy on the properties where the letters were returned or where there was no response to the letter. The CIty Manager was instructed to contact the City Attorneys to issue fi fas according to law as soon as possible. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Boone, seconded Mr. Beavers to extend the final date for paying 1967 taxes to December 20th, 1967. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Boone, seconded Mr. Arnall the Election Returns for General Election were accepted. WHEREAS, the returns of the Ma nager of the election held of the 15th flay of November, 1967, in the City of Newnan for the election of Mayor, aldermen, and members of the Board of Education of said City shows that Mr. Nat B. Glover received 934 votes, Mr. Howard Royal 31 votes, and Mr. Andy Muzio 1 vote for Mayor, and that Mr. Clem J. Bureau received 935 votes, Mr. John N. Peterson 27 votes, Mr. Andy Musio 2 votes, and Mr. Rill Pinson 1 vote for Alderman, Post no. 1; and that Mr. Joe P. Norman received 931 votes, Mr. Lester Melear 22 votes, Dr. John N. Peterson 11 votes, Mr. Glen Cottle 1 vote, Mr. M. H. Elder 1 vote for Alderman, Post No.2, and that Mr. Matt F. Cole i i I Sr. received 962 votes, Mr. C. B. Sears 2 votes, and Mr. W. W. Williams 1 vote for Board of Educati01 Post No.1, and that Mr. RGllymond V. Mills received 966 votes for Board of Education, Post No.2. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the CIty of Newnan that Dr. Nat B. Glover is elected Mayor, and Mr. Clem J. Bureau and Mr. Joe P. Norman are elected Aldermen, and Mr. Matt F. Cole Sr. and Mr. Raymond V. Mills are elected to the Board of Education for the term I I next ensuing. I MOTION CARRIED II I At the request of the City Manager and according to the method read by Mr. Norman, Christmas bonusus I were grantedto City Employees upon motion of Mr. Norman, seconded Mr. Ana ll; All full time employees on payroll as of July 1st, 1967, to receive one half months salary, or two weeks, depending on payrool period, not to exceed $150.00. All full time employees on payroll as of July 2nd through August 31, 1967, to receive one fourth months payor one week, depending on payroll period. Part time employees to receive one fourth months payor one week depending on payroll period. No bonus to be paid to employees nnt nn nrl.vrnll nrinr tn ~.,::>.nh:::>TY\ht=>r 1 1 QI=;.7 I I I I I 159 NEWNAN, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11 , 1967 II Upon motion Mr. Beavers, seconded Mr. Arnall the Farmer Street Project was adopted II 11 as set forth in letter from City Manager and Project Outline Phase #1, prepared by Director Ii II " of Public Works, am City Manager was instructed to proceed with this project immediately in order il I ,I to get it finished during the winter months. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Arnall presented his report from the Parking Committee, each member was mailed a copy prior to the meeting and made a few comments. The Mayor requested that this report be talbed and and brought before the next administration. This was agreeable to all. By unanimous decision the first meeting for 1968 was set for Tuesday, January 2,1968, rather than Monday, January 1, 1968. The Mayor presented an article from newspaper regarding use of persons not qualificEd for police offices as crossing guards. Mr. Norman gave the report he and Mr. Bureau compiled after investigating the handling of complaints. Mr. Norman and Mr. Bureau both made comments and afte r discussion by the entire Countil, Mr. Arnall made the motion that the report of Mr. Norman and Mr. Bureau be accepted and referred to the City Manager for any further action. Motion seconded Mr. Boone. The Mayor reminded the Council of M-Day and made a note for record of the fine and wonderful job the Junior Service League is doing. in Atlanta, January 22, 1968. He also reminded the Council of a GMA meeting The Mayor commented on a letter from Miss Mayr Freema n regarding the Clean up Campaign. The Mayor presented a list of names for appoillemtne to the Citizens Advisoyr Committee: Mr. Joe Hollis, Mr. Norman Smith, Mr. Sam Hill, Mr. Hunter Kelly, Mrs. Bob Pegram, Mrs. J. A. Thomason Jr., Mr. Millard Farmer, Jr. and Mr. Ray Cornay. Upon motion Mr. Beavers, seconded Mr. Arnall these appointees were accepted. Mayor commendtd on letter of appreciation from Mr. Richard Sale regading the YMCA Rally held in Newnan. The Mayor presented a report on extension of fire protection outside city limits and opened a discussion. Mr. Norman brought th e question of wheather or not the county could legally enter into an agreement wl1ich would be beneficial to only a portion of county residents and City Attorney Sanders said that he did not know. Mr. Arnall stated the the Council needed some concrete evidence as to the feelings fo the County Commissioners wr we could net make an agreement. He further stated that he felt the duty of the Fire Department was to protect the citizens of the City of Newnan and asked hwo an extension of fire protection would benefit the people in Newnan. I i ii ! il I II After much discus sion of this matter, it wa s decided upon motion Mr. Norma n, seconded Mr. Bea vers that this would be pursued upon the request of the County Commissioners and that a a representative of the Southeastern UnderwrIters attending would be arranged. MOTION CARRIED 160 HEV?? PI • GEORGIA TPGED [PER J] 19 7 5 UPON motion Mr. Arnall, seconded Mr. Boone meeting adjourned. JANUARY 2, 1968 NEWNAN, CEORGIA The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held 6n Tuesday, J~ary 2, 1968, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor Howard F.Royal presidigg. Aldermen present: Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr., Dan W. Boone, Jr., Joe P. Norman, Clement J. Bureau, also City Manager E. B. Joiner, City Clerk W. E. Barron, and City Attorney W. D. Sanders. Aldermen absent: William A. Beavers. Rev. Bob Baggott delivered the invocation. Mayor Royal administered the oath of office to Mayor-elect Nat B. Glover. Mayor Glover then presided at the meeting. I Mayor Glover administered oath of office to Aldermen Joe P. Norman and Clementi I J. Bureau. I Motion Mr. Norman second Mr •. Bureau that the minutes of the last meeting be I I ! approved as per copies mailed to the Mayor and Council. K>TION CARRIED. , i Motion Mr. Norman second Mr. Boone to pay the bills as passed per copies mailer to the Mayor and Council. (Formcord see Check R~gister in City Clerk's office.) I K>TION#CARRIED. Operational reports were approved as presented from each department of the City. (Copies on file in City Manager.'.s office.) Motion Mr. Boone second Mr. Norman to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, on the 18th day of September, 1962, the City of Newnan, Georgia, entered into a Cooperation Agreement with The Housing Authority of the City of Newnan, I Georgia, and agreed from time to time, to accept the dedication to the City of interior , street, parking bays, sidewalks, sanitary sewer mains, sewage lift stations, catch I I I basins and storm .ewers by the Housing Authority of the City of Newnan, Georgia;and I WHEREAS, The Busing Authority of the City of Newnan, Georgia, desires to dedi-l cate and convey the following described property to the City of Newnan, Georgia, in I accordance with said agreement, to-wit: I