February, 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota


February, 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
2015 Legislative Days
Those Guys Bowling Party
February 21st - Page 5
Officers, Board of Directors
& Committee Chairpersons
ABATE of SD Supporters
State Coordinator’s Report
Jiggs Cressy
Good Times Calendar
Chaplains Report
Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff
New ABATE of SD Members
MRF/ Legislative Report
John Steele
Application for Membership
Around the State w/Phil
Phil Hohm
Business Supporter
ABATE of SD Chapter
Sioux Falls ABATE
Motorcycle Expo
March 21st - Page 6
Aberdeen ABATE 2015 Bike
Show & Dance
April 25th & 26th - Page 7
Heartland STEAM ABATE of North Dakota
May 8th – 10th - Page 8
ABATE of South Dakota, Inc.
#243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. STE 105
Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750
State Officers
State Committee Chairpersons
Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy
(605) 391-6361 email: [email protected]
Vice - Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud
(605) 690-1364 email: [email protected]
Treasurer - Jan Weismantel
(605) 225-5474 email: [email protected]
Legislative Officer - John Steele
(605) 661-4895 email: [email protected]
Secretary - Bobbie Mathews
(605) 354-1226 email: [email protected]
Membership Secretary - Karline Clark
(605) 430-1670 email: [email protected]
State MRF Representative - John Steele
(605) 661-4895 email: [email protected]
State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud
(605) 697-5708 email: [email protected]
State Promotions - Wayne Lettau
(605) 720-0263 email: [email protected]
State Webmaster - Darrel Killion
(605) 256-2188 email: [email protected]
State Historian - John Addy
(605) 296-3354 email: [email protected]
State Board of Directors
Aberdeen ............................................... Mark Schuett
Black Hills...................... Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263
East Central ....................Dale England (605) 291-9035
Lake ................................ Dan Nugent (605) 256-3728
Lewis & Clark... .......... Lloyd Vanburen (605) 263-3263
North East ...................... Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860
Northstar .......................... Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065
Oahe ..................... Lori Butler [email protected]
Rushmore ................ Sunshine Minzlaff (605) 787-9136
Sioux Falls .............................. Al Luze (605) 521-9557
Sioux River .................. Cal Stainbrook (605) 627-5306
South Central ........ ...Duane Chalmers (605) 487-6210
South East .......... …...Larry Reemts [email protected]
Those Guys .................. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305
Windriders.......................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009
Zzen ........................John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354
Freedom Flyer
Informed Motorcyclists Political
Action Committee
IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of
SD. IMPAC money is used to support
legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists,
fight NEGATIVE or support positive
legislation at the State or Federal
Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice
and Safety depends on IMPAC
in our state.
Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates
1 mo
3 mo
6 mo
12 mo
Business Card $10
$ 25
$ 50
$ 90
1/4 Page
$ 50
1/2 Page
$ 85
Full Page
Editor - Susan Lettau
1723 Main St
Sturgis, SD 57785
(605) 720-0263 Hm
(605) 490-1593 Cell
Email: [email protected]
Articles are due by the 15th of the month.
ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page
DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this
publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The
Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the
advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the
repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for
publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees
incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright
infringement, and invasion of privacy.
Well, Legislative Days are a wrap,
and in my opinion it was one of
the better ones that we have had.
But, before I get to why I think
that I need to say some thank
First, I want to thank all the
people that took some time out of
their busy schedules to attend.
Most had to take at least one, if
not two days off of work to
Secondly, I want to thank the
IMPAC committee for all of their
hard work to put this event
together. The committee consists
of Jon Steele, Wayne Lettau, Phil
Hohm, Tony Roark, Marcia Kaup
and Bobbie Mathews. It takes
many hours and plenty of online
meetings to pull this event
together. The committee busted
their ass to pull this whole thing
together. It ran flawlessly, and
that can only be done by having
all the I’s dotted and the T’s
a person hungry, and there was
plenty of good food. Sioux Falls
Chapter provided us with tacos
and nachos for lunch. Thank you
Al and Lisa for doing all that hard
work. Supper Friday night was
provided by Oahe Chapter. They
had Last Call Heroes BBQ do
pulled pork. It was incredible.
Before the Board of Directors
meeting Saturday morning,
breakfast was provided by ZZEN
chapter. There was a little of
everything and it was all good.
I also need to thank Wayne Lettau
and his runners (Karline, Cindy,
and Bobbie) for pulling off an
extremely entertaining Chinese
auction. It is a hoot to watch!!
Oahe Chapter held minnow races
Friday night. I have seen and
participated in minnow races
before but there were many
comments about how much fun it
was. Thank you Oahe Chapter for
putting them on.
meat raffle. Was pretty bummed I
didn’t win the 10 lbs of bacon.
(mmmm bacon).
I am sure that I am leaving
somebody out, so if it is you I
apologize and I say thank you.
So, what made this Legislative
Days different than the rest? It
seemed that we all came together
as a unified unit with one goal; To
g et ou r Han dlebar h eigh t
repealed. I saw many members
talking to their legislators in either
little groups or one on one.
Every year it is my pleasure to
choose a member that I think has
done the most for ABATE of South
Dakota and give them the
Coordinators Award. This year
was an easy choice. Marcia Kaup
was always there when I needed
help. Her help putting on
Legislative Days was invaluable.
For that and many reasons, she is
the winner of this year’s
Coordinators Award.
Thank you to Lake Chapter for
Doing all the hard work of raffling off the print and lastly, I
lobbying up on the hill sure makes want to thank Slack for doing his Keep Your Knees in the Breeze
For sale "AS IS".
take a chance and buy the item for when He made payment in full
anyway. Sometimes it works out and accepted you "AS IS"!
How many times when we are and then other times we get
looking at a motorcycle, a truck, a burned.
When the weather clears ride
car, or a house have we seen this
free, ride safe and ride often!
sign? We recently bought a hotrod How remarkable is it that when
sight unseen in Houston Texas Jesus died for our sins regardless
and it had one of those signs on of our condition, we were In His Service,
it, "AS IS". Made us think long d e f i n i t el y " A S IS " ! J e s u s Auggie and Sunshine
and hard if we were doing the purchased us with His Holy Blood
right thing. When something is and we were bought "AS IS"! We
listed "AS IS", usually we think all need some work, have some
maybe there is something wrong defects, and have faults. God
with it and the owner does not knows us inside and out and no
want to fix it or pay for the repair job or renovation is too big
repairs. If any repairs or fixes are for Him.
required the new owner will have
to pay for them. Sometimes we And so my friends, thank Jesus
The congress of the United States is
back in session as I write this and
we have good reason to feel positive
about our chances to get some
things done for motorcyclists. South
Dakota’s Senator John Thune is the
new chair of the Commerce, Science
and Transportation Committee which
has jurisdiction over our issues in
highway legislation. He has already
told the MRF that we should not
have a problem including the
checkpoint language in the
transportation bill.
NTSB where he served on the board
as a sleep expert. His main focus will
be on improving the system for
detecting when a recall is needed
and to improve upon the swiftness of
recall delivery. NHTSA has gotten
some major hits for not recalling
things fast enough, or simply not
conducting a recall at all leaving
hundreds of thousands of America at
risk. Jeff Hennie feels that he will
have enough on his plate and won’t
come straight after motorcycles.
Drops in fatalities in 2013, drop in
alcohol related fatalities and drop in
H.R. 21, the ethanol study bill
injuries will all help us.
introduced by Congressman James
b e e n At home, we have plenty to keep us
reintroduced in the new session. The busy on the legislative front. At the
language remains identical to that of time of this column being written we
the previous Congress. The Senate still do not know how the highway
reintroduced the stop motorcycle and bridge funding bills will affect
only mandatory checkpoints bill with motorcycling in the state. We will be
the same original team of sponsors. watching carefully and be ready to
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and respond if needed.
Ron Johnson (R-WI), continue to
Our main legislative focus in our
serve as the political leads of S. 127.
handlebar height repeal effort. I will
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Joe Manchin (D
not reiterate the details of our
-WV) and Susan Collins (R-ME) all
argument here but I certainly hope
joining as cosponsors.
the information we have provided to
Jeff Hennie, MRF VP of Government our membership will get used in
Relations, attended the swearing in convincing our legislators that it is
ceremony for the new NHTSA time to get rid of this antiquated
administrator. He was invited to law. Of course, by the time this
attend. The new NHTSA Admin is newsletter gets out, we will probably
Mark Rosekind. He came from the already know the results of our
This year’s Legislative Days went
very well by accounts from those
that participated and I know our
legislators were once again
reminded of our vigilance in
motorcyclist’s rights. If you were
unable to make it, please do try
to attend the next one.
This year’s Thursday night “Meet
& Greet” with legislators saw the
largest number of legislators ever
to attend. I always go home after
this event with a lot of optimism
about where we are at as an MRO
and the direction we are going for
motorcyclist’s rights.
Ride Safe and Sober!
John Steele
Legislative Officer
Page 6
Page 9
It is the beginning of the month of January 2015 as I
am starting my February column. It is very cold today
and besides that it is also snowing. I guess winter is
here whether I am ready for it or not. Did everyone
get what they wanted for Christmas? I did get one gift
from Norma that really surprised me. We were at a
wedding this past August at the Cedar Shore Resort in
Chamberlain. In our room there was a print hanging
on the wall that I thought was very interesting. It was
a framed print of an old pickup body cab from the
forties that was amongst some weeds in an old fence
line. For some odd reason, I really liked the print.
When I opened one of my presents from Norma and
much to my surprise it was the same print. It is three
by two feet in size and is made to look like it was
painted on canvas. In reality it was actually a
photograph made to look much like a painting. When
we were checking out at the motel Norma asked the
clerk where the print came from. Norma then got in
contact with the photographer who made the print and
ordered one from her via mail. Even though it is not a
photograph of a motorcycle it is still one of my favorite
prints. What an amazing wife I have!
One of my favorite shows from the 50’s and 60’s was
Art Linkletter’s “Kids say the Darndest Things.” My
granddaughter, Ellie, is five years old and comes up
with some interesting things herself. This past summer
my dog, Rinnie, was hit by a car and we had to put
her down. Probably one the hardest things I have
ever had to do. A few months ago Ellie was riding in
cab of my tractor and was looking around and asked
me where Rinnie was. I had to explain to her what
had happened and she asked me if I had to cry. I told
her I did and it was a hard thing for me to endure.
You should have seen the expression of sadness in her
eyes as she asked me what I did with Rinnie’s body
and if I would get another dog. I told her that I didn’t
think so as we do have another dog on the farm.
About a month ago Ellie was watching a dinosaur
movie with me on TV where the dinosaurs were
talking. She said to me, “Grandpa, I want you to
know that dinosaurs really can’t talk. There is just
some man doing the talking in the movie.” What an
insight that kid has! Just a couple of days ago she
told me that she has the same teacher for music, PE,
and computer lab. It was her first time to be in the
computer lab and she really enjoyed it. But she did let
me know even though her teacher taught three
subjects she couldn’t do it all at the same time.
I have a big snow bank in front of one of my garage
doors and it doesn’t really bother me as we don’t drive
the Dodge Challenger or Harley trike in the winter.
But once in a while I do go over to my trike and look
her over and tell her that she looks great and we will
go riding again in the spring. I also sometimes think
when I am in the garage I hear some kind of noise in
the corner where my trike is parked. It sort of
sounds like a groan and when I get near my trike the
sounds stops. I just wonder if I am just imagining
things or just plain going crazy.
ABATE of South Dakota is working with the state
house and senate to repeal the high handlebar law in
South Dakota this spring session. Most of our ABATE
members are familiar with this issue. But, I do have
a lot of readers of my column who are not familiar
with this issue and are not motorcyclists. By the time
some of you are reading this column, we may know if
this bill passed or not. At the time I am writing this
column in mid January, the high handlebar law states
that a motorcyclist may not have handlebars higher
than his shoulders. There are now twelve states that
have no restrictions on the height of handlebars. The
Sturgis Rally brings thousands of dollars into South
Dakota and they are breaking the law in our state
although they are legal in their own state. This year
is the 75th year of the rally and it is expected that a
million motorcyclists may attended this event.
At our local Windriders ABATE Chapter, we have
started something new the last couple of years. We
have what we call the Universal Poker Run Card. You
receive a card for $20 that you can have up to eight
riding events that you may go on during the summer
months. These events can include runs from any
organization. You receive a playing card for each
event you attend and can pick out the best five cards.
The drawing will be held at our Annual Toy Run in
August. The payback will be 50/50. You can buy
these cards from any Windriders officer.
Norma and I had a great time at Legislative Days.
There was some great tasting food and we learned a
lot of new things about motorcycle safety and the
rights of us as bikers. I will have more information in
the next Freedom Flyer.
It seems that there are more riding events to go on
each year. If you don’t believe me just check the
Good Times Calendar in the Freedom Flyer. Have a
great and safe winter and be sure to get your bike
ready for some great riding this coming summer.
Until next Month
Phil Hohm
Jan 3rd meeting 7:00 pm Eagles and they’ve all been disbursed. At
Bingo Room
time of writing this article, we still
have 33 tickets to sell for the Smith
Present Members: 19
and Wesson M&P .45 at $10 each.
Sec Report: Read & accepted
Please call Shane at 228-6283 or eTreas Report: Read & accepted
[email protected] if
News: Shane reminded you want one of the remaining
everyone of Legislative Days Jan. 15- tickets. Or yes you can also Facebook
17 in Pierre this month and that any us.
Aberdeen members attending are
welcome to $50 from our chapter to New business: (“Tagging” our Logo)
defer costs.
Purchasing 1,000 Clear Vinyl,
This years hot topic is the Handle Bar weatherproof, 3 inch round, Aberdeen
height repeal.
ABATE Logo’d stickers was approved.
Suggested we sell these at $1.00
Currently 12 States have no height each. Motion and 2nd for also making
restrictions yet it is still illegal for 500 paper versions with the words
those riders to ride their “Legal in “Proud Sponsor of” above the Logo to
their home State” Motorcycle to that be given to Businesses or individuals
little thing we call the Sturgis that donate to us. Approved.
Motorcycle Rally.
Motion and 2nd.
Registration begins at the Am Legion
at 6:00pm Thursday the 15th. Group Short discussion to give $50 and a 1
photo is scheduled for 10:00am on yr free membership to Aberdeen
the Rotunda steps but it was ABATE in 2015 to Beginner Rider
suggested to be there by 9:00 am. Course Graduates instead of just a
Shane also reminded everyone the $75 check. Approved. Number of
B.O.D. meeting is Sat morning and scholarships and how we intend to
suggested people attend especially if fund this for 2015 tabled at least until
the current Raffle is over.
they’ve never been to one.
Old Business: RAFFLE TICKETS: We
asked everyone to please turn in their
tickets if they have them. Sold or not
as some people have asked for tickets
members or those wanting to help are
asked to attend.
“Swear Jar”: Marshall and friends,
(yes he has friends), donated $52.01
to the 2015 Pierpont Wheel Inn fund
from his “Swear Jar” Keep up the
good cussin Marshall! That brings our
total to $610.01 earmarked for
WHEEL INN Improvements this year.
IMPAC Split-pot: $27 was won by
JoDee C. ( better known as the
female “Red” )With the other $27
going towards our running total. She
also donated her $27 portion back to
the WHEEL INN fund
IMPAC 2015 = $27 pledged
IMPAC 2014 to be given during
Legislative days this month $406
WHEEL INN 2015 = $558 + $52.01
+ $27 = $637.01
Rider Course 2014 = $750 has been
distributed to 10 recipients
Adjourn: 7:55 pm
pm Eagles Room A
Prez Notes:
The Smith & Wesson M&P raffle is still
Shane informed members that the 1st
2015 Bike Show committee meeting Please get me your ideas, designs etc
will be Sat Jan 10th at 6:00pm for the Bike Show as we are now
Eagles. All named Committee nearly in full swing preparing for our
21st show April 25th & 26th at the
Dakota Events Center.
One last little thing; I received a call
from Cale and apparently between
me, Rich, & many others bugging him
about putting a Band back
Will get back together
and play Friday night for the 35th
annual WHEEL INN
As always >>> Please renew your
memberships<<< We’re over 90
members now & still hoping to see
over 100 Aberdeen ABATE Members
members that Jan. starts the new
mileage contest.
LRC Rep. Beth had nothing to
President Darlene called the Dec.
21,2014 Black Hills ABATE meeting
to order. Pledge of Allegiance was led
by BA. Chapter was led in prayer by COMMITTEE REPORTS
Barbie. Roll call was taken with Vice Tony reported that the BH ABATE
Dart Tournament is Jan. 24th at the
Pres. Jim being absent.
Side Hack. Sign up starts at 5:30
Ed Netterberg reservations need to
President Darlene handed out
papers for your member of the year be made by Jan. 1st.
Mileage contest starts Jan. 1st and
ends in Dec.
Vice Pres. Jim was absent.
Secretary Barbie thanked Susan for
taking the Nov. minutes.
correction was made with Big Al History by Mac had nothing to
wanting his whole name, Big Al, report.
Products - It was discussed with all
being used instead of just Al. Beth
in favor of getting some new items
motioned to accept the secretary
for the Bike Show.
m i n u t e s
w i t h
t h i s
Bike Show is March 14 and
correction. Susan seconded. Motion
Wayne motioned and Big Al
to purchase a vendor
Treasurer Susan gave the dollar
booth with chapter buying extra
When asked when the
bracelets for workers at the
c h a p te r ' s n e x t S ta t e A B A TE
booth. Motion passed.
contribution will be made.
Joint passports are for sale. It was
answered after the Sno Ball Dance.
Wayne suggested our next donation asked if associates get credit for
to S ta te b e g i v e n to M R F a t t e n d i n g a n o t h e r c h a p t e r s
Susan said yes. How
This will be in our new
about the State passports? State
business. Barbie motioned to accept
board needs to clarify this at the Jan.
the treasurers report and Wayne
State ABATE meeting.
seconded. Motion passed.
Sgt. at Arms Mac stated that Legislative Days has possibly six
going from BH chapter at this time.
sometimes it is cold, wet, and snowy
Sno Ball Dance is in need of silent
outside. Be safe and careful riding or
auction items.
Outstanding check we sent to Bike
Membership. Sec. Susan reported
that there are 132 members and 33 Show last year is still not
They never cashed the
affiliates. We have 2,778 Facebook resolved.
check. Susan to keep checking on.
friends. A new Facebook friend and
ABATE of Penn. want to have contact
with us.
Member of the Year ballots were
State Rep. Wayne asked if there
were any questions. Wished all a t a l l i e d .
Merry Christmas.
The MRF donation from our chapter
Road Captain Big Al reminded
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
was discussed. Barb motioned to
$600.00 to MRF for the 2015
Beth seconded.
Susan stated that she will not do the
Joint or State passports in the future,
because of the lack of members
buying the booklets.
Sturgis Indian, Easy Rider, and
Shotgun Willys. Wayne motioned to
accept and Susan seconded. Motion
Susan for filling in for Sec. Barbie at
Nov. meeting. All in favor.
BA informed the members that the
Rushmore bike raffle bike will be
going to Sioux Falls Swap Meet and
will be at Counts Car Show. Tickets
are going well. Would like to see it
given away at the Bike Show.
Coins for IMPAC raised $22.96. The
total for 2014 is $184.73. Wayne
motioned to round it off to $200.00
with BA seconding. Motion passed.
50/50 of $25.00 was won by
Darlene. She donated it all back to
Joe's Fund. Congrats and thank you.
There being no further business or
discussions, Wayne motioned to
adjourn. All in favor.
Thanks to all who brought delicious
foods to our Christmas Pot Luck. It
was great.
Be safe and GOD bless!!
Barbie :o)
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
state rep Waddy.
pm. We had a request to try a
place where someone could have
a drink or a beer if they wanted.
So we are going to try it. Maybe
we will get more members to
show up to the meetings. I hope
to see you there.
Hey there from us in Watertown. We brought up old business which
was trying out a different place
O u r
m e e t i n g
w a s for our meeting. It was voted on
held Tuesday the 13th. We had 5 and passed that we would try a
members and one guest there. new place for 3 months. Our next
We went through our officers meeting will be held at Clifford's
reports. Which led us into the Steakhouse, 101 North Broadway Stay warm, Be safe
Legislative Days. The way it Watertown. We meet to eat Rick
sounds the only one going is our at 6:00 pm meeting starts at 7:00
On January 3rd, Mother Nature very wicked weather. So, North Star home and stay safe.
decided to give South Dakota some group decided it was best to stay
page of the Freedom Flyer and on
oaheabate.com. The next BOD
January 10, 2015 – Kozmetics
Meeting will be Saturday, January 17
President Brad Bruns called the at 10:00 am. Everyone is welcome to
meeting to order at 6:51 pm with 17 attend.
in attendance.
Road Captain Dawn Trapp had
Treasurer Bill Poppenga gave the nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report and amounts were
Old Business:
Legislative Days is January 15-17.
Membership Secretary Jolene
Minnow race workers are lined up for
Juneau reported that there will be a
Friday night and Tina, Steve and
detailed report at the next meeting.
Jolene will have everything ready for
Last month there were 67 members.
Friday evening. Members are asked to
Secretary Marcia Kaup gave an offer to help with serving and/or
update on the number of friends for cleanup that night. Anyone who helps
the ABATE Oahe Chapter and the will be compensated in some way.
number of likes for the ABATE Oahe
Brad, Brandon & Bonnie will be
Chapter page. No changes were
working on making changes to the by
requested for December minutes.
-laws this next month regarding the
State Representative Lori Butler Vice President and Event Coordinator
reported that the ABATE Legislative positions. Members are welcome to sit
Days will be held Jan. 15-16 and the in if interested.
schedule is in the latest Freedom
New Business:
Flyer. Please try to come to
Legislative Days. ABATE of SD will be Awareness Run will be held in May.
working to get the handlebar height Be thinking about ideas for promoting
bill repealed. There is a sponsor and a this and bring them to the next
few co-sponsors but please contact meeting.
your legislators to ask they coThe State Dues will be paid at the
sponsor as the more support this has
January BOD meeting. A check will be
the better the chance of the repeal
given to Lori to present at the BOD
being successful., Talking points that
were prepared by the IMPAC
committee were available to be used A scholarship will be given again this
in speaking with the legislators. The spring to one person from Riggs or
Legislative Day agenda is on the front Stanley County who will be attending
college this fall. Bonnie will contact
the schools.
A Spring Poker Run was discussed.
Eastside is willing to have it held
there sometime in late April. Members
are asked to think more about this
and more discussion will be held at
the next meeting.
Discussion was held on booking the
band for the Fun Run. Brandon made
a motion to book Onslaught. Dennis
2nd and the motion carried.
Marcia will send some dates to the
Freedom Flyer to have added to the
Good Times Calendar.
The next meeting will be held
Saturday, February 14th at Bill’s
garage. and will begin at 6:30PM.
Drawings and donations will be taken
and pot luck will follow the meeting.
Bring a dish to pass if you want.
With no further business to discuss
Kip made a motion to adjourn the
meeting with Kristy seconding. Motion
carried and the meeting adjourned at
7:55 pm.
Kip won the 50/50 drawing. Dawn
was drawn for SOL and was present
so she took home some money!
Marcia Kaup - Oahe ABATE Secretary
Oahe ABATE website
Email: [email protected]
New Pres. Craig called the
meeting to order. Pledge of
Allegiance was let by Sgt. at Arms
Mike. Chapter prayer was given
by Barbie.
Roll call was taken with LRC
attending later and Janet
excused. No guest speaker.
Minutes of the Nov. meeting were
motioned to accept by Phil and
seconded by Bill. No additions or
corrections had to be made.
Presentation of Bills - BA has the
paper work for the vendor spot at
the Bike Show. Jiggs motioned
and Phil seconded to pay for the
vendor spot. Motion passed.
Pres. Craig is starting his first
meeting. Looking for a good year
for Rushmore ABATE.
Vice Pres. Hilary had nothing to
report at this time.
Secretary Barb had bills,
newsletters, and Heartland Steam
applications available.
State Rep. Sunshine encourages
members to go to Legislative
Treasurer Kim gave the dollar
reports. Discussion on our
donation to State ABATE for
Legislative Days. Cheryl R. made
a motion to donate $500.00 with
Barbie seconding.
passed. Phil motioned to accept
the treasurer report with John T.
seconding. Motion passed.
Sec . Karline
reported 311 members and 52
affilates. She has extra State
available. She has taken over the
State Membership position at this
Road Captain position is open.
Newsletter - Nothing to report.
Products Manager - Hilary has
new products coming.
Web Site by Clay and John
looking good.
MRF Rep. Jiggs stated that
started. Texas bike riders have a
Megan's law about having your
feet and hands of the passenger
having the right positions for
riding. Auggie gave names of the
recipients of the Auggie and
Bike raffle report given by
BA. Bike is going to Sioux Falls
Swap Meet.
Membership Party report given by
Bill. Th e fou r b ands are
confirmed. Committee is looking
for more sponsors for events.
Road Hazard Barbie commented
on the Polar Bear Ride from the
Tavern. Pictures were posted of
ABATE and non-ABATE members.
Jiggs had information on the
handle bar issue that is being
suggested members contact their
legislators to support this issue.
Road Clean Up will not be done
until weather cooperates.
Spare tire mounts on the two
trailers were done by BA, Mary,
and Lex. Thanks!
distributed. Bill would like help
getting them out.
Jiggs reminded members that the
3rd annual Safety Seminar
is March 28th.
C O M M I T T E E The quotes on tires for the beer
trailer will be done in the spring.
PR - Janet absent.
W a y n e
a n d
S u s a n
Lettau. Congrats!
goes to Dave Davis
American Family Insurance
Agency. Congrats and thank you
for supporting Rushmore ABATE.
Chance for a chance on the bike
tickets go to Jiggs, Paula, and
John T. Congrats.
50/50 of $49.00 went to Kim
L. Congrats!
LRC - Ginny gave a report at this
Shoulda/Coulda of $20.00 went to
Tammy P. Feb. meeting will start
at $20.00.
Legislative Days-Jan. 16-18.
Heartland Steam-May 8-10.
BH Sno Ball Dance Feb. 14th.
RU Snow and Shine Feb. 14th.
BH Dart Tournament Jan. 24th.
Ed Netterberg Weekend-get your
reservations in.
There being no further business
or discussions, John T. motioned
to adjourn with all in favor.
Thank you for the food that was
available for members.
Be safe and GOD bless!!
Barbie :o)
Page 14
We actually had enough members
show up for us to have a meeting In
January. The weather was absolutely
horrible but a few ventured out. One
thing that was cool was one of our
members brought along a guest. Her
guest was traveling through Sioux
Falls from Billings, Montana when the
weather hit. She sought refuge in
Sioux Falls and contacted our
m e m b e r
t h r o u g h
mutual contact list of another
organization. For something to do,
our member brought her along to an
ABATE meeting. We need more cool
stuff like that at our meetings.
The big news is our upcoming EXPO
at our new location in the Sioux Falls
Convention Center. To enhance the
bike portion of the event, motorcycle
registration will be free, at least up
until March 1st. We also added an Off
Road category.
Mark is already signing up venders
We started off the New Year with a
changing of Officers. With that, the
previous officer explained the
procedures for the incoming Officers
Good Luck!
We made a motion to purchase a
trailer. So, hopefully we will be the
proud owners of a new trailer this
and soon he will make a decision on
band(s) for our Saturday night
We are looking for volunteers to help
out during the event.
will need people for security.
understand that we will not need as
many for security as in the
past because of the new location. We
also will need volunteers for ticket
sales and I would like a couple of
dependable people to help out with
our Chapter ABATE booth. How we're
going to get volunteers to do ticket
sales for the Saturday night music
event, I'm guessing is still up in the
I'm Kind of hoping Dawn will
supplement this news with
information about our Toy Run we
had in December. The weather sure
did cooperate and we wound up
having a lot of bikes show up. The
gal at Lifescape is a very dynamic
person. She got a bunch of bikers to
sing Christmas Carols. She said she
We will be offering an incentive to was also a biker. I was in love.
new members joining our Chapter
during the event. We will take off $5 Thanks again Dawn for making the
of our Chapter $25 membership Toy Run work.
dues if they also join the Motorcycle
Riders Foundation (MRF) at the same See you at the meetings.
Ken Feist
ABATE of Sioux Falls
We had hoped to have a working web
MRF membership/enrollment has
dropped. Please consider joining if not
The Kiwanis Pancake Feed will be held
already a member. Help protect your
February 21 . Hope to see you there.
We will be giving out one scholarship Next Meeting: February 7 Jim’s Tap
5:00pm. This is the chili/Salsa cookin 2015.
off bring your entry and good luck!!
Bill stated that NHTSA reported that
motorcycle fatalities have dropped “Winter is Nature’s way of telling you
318 deaths from the previous year.
to polish your bike” Until next month,
information on the MRA (Motorcycle
R i d e r s
A s s o c i a t i o n )
Lars called meeting to order 16 & the Black Hills Mo to rcycle
members in attendance. A moment of Show March 14,15,16 in Rapid City at
silence for the fallen military & all the Rushmore Civic Center.
those who serve. Motion to accept
December minutes, seconded and Discussion held regarding the State
ABATE meeting at the Am Legion in
Pierre next week, also the meet &
Treasurer's report was read & greet with the Legislators. Handlebar
approved. $125 donation was given height restrictio n /la w will be
to Wagner Cancer fund & Lake Andes discussed. Lars, Roger, Leo will be
Pink Ladies. We have several who attending for us.
need to renew their membership! We
need your membership! Jim Putnum No old business.
New business--Anybody wanting to
was a guest.
get anything in the Fish Days flyer
Lars gave a brief history on the should do so soon as possible. Fish
helmet laws & the formation of Days is June 5-7, 2015.
ABATE. Also gave all present Motion was made & carried to donate
site to get up to date information out
about the EXPO but the cost of it
being professionally done is
prohibitive and none of us seem to
have the skill to make the site
usable. It may be better to go to our
Chapter Facebook page to get current
$100 for Legislative Days & give $50
to any member going to Pierre.
The 50/50 was won by Michelle &
donated back to the club.
The next meeting will be February 7th
at 5 p.m. at the VFW.
I would like to thank whomever took
minutes for me. I was across the
pond visiting my son & daughter-inlaw who are stationed at RAF
Mildenhall, UK. I'm very proud to say
she is retiring in February with 20
years. He will retire in another 1 1/2
years with 20 years.
Thank you to all who have served &
are serving!!
Page 15
Hi All,
was due to a bike accident. So how
do we get these types to join us in
While at Legislative Days this year, I
our fight? This is large problem for
was talking to a friend and the
subject of how old most of the
members are getting came up. The Is this in part our own fault? Because
younger generation is very noticeably of ABATE’s hard work from days gone
absent from any gatherings of ABATE by? Are these people, whose lives
as a rule. This put questions in our seem to be on auto pilot, so content
heads as to why? Is it because the as motorcyclist conditioned this way?
young motorcyclists of today are so Did we, the older generation, spoil
conditioned by society to follow them with all our hard work and
blindly whatever they are told? It calming of the seas? Do they no
seems they want to live in their longer feel the need for safety
comfortable lives and not rock the training and education? Do they not
boat. I know a couple of younger feel the need to fight for their rights
people who just started riding sport because they have nothing to fight
bikes, when I approached them about fo r? Abo ut this time in the
taking m/c training classes and conversation the idea or realization
joining ABATE to help offset the cost came up that maybe what ABATE is
of these courses neither seem to really doing is maintenance. This is
care. They both contended they true to a point. Here in South Dakota
learned enough from You Tube videos ABATE has been running a lot of
to handle these very quick and maintenance checks. We haven’t had
responsive machines. These young a helmet law or a strong cause for
men are both bright hardworking many years. This was a mainstay for
people who I consider friends. I would ABATE for years and in many states it
be heartbroken to lose either of these still is. Do these younger people
young men. So much more so if it believe that the work is now done? I
disagree. We as ABATE still need to
perform maintenance on our freedom.
We still need to keep our eyes on the
horizon and our ears to the ground.
Just because our motors are running
strong and smooth does not mean we
can avoid changing the oil. Somehow
we must convey this to today’s
younger riders. I don’t know what the
answer is but this is a problem we all
must work on to solve. So any of you
members who have young friends and
family interested in motorcycles
please encourage them to do so
safely but also encourage a little bit of
rebellion and tell them not to follow
so complacently that they become a
part of the herd. Tell them what
Freedom is about and to at least look
Page 16
at the Sport Bowl. A full page ad
has been sent to the Freedom Flyer
January 4th, 2015
and is being paid for by Sport Bowl.
The ad will invite all other chapters
Next meeting is February 1st at
to the party. Kids are welcome, and
2pm at the SF American Legion
will have separate lanes from the
*Future meetings listed at the adults.
end of the minutes
Those Guys will be getting 3 booths
Meeting called to order at 2:05pm at the Swap Meet this year (March
with 77 members present.
21-22). CVMA will pay for one.
Because our group has such a great
showing at the meetings, Dave &
Lori looked into ways to make sure
all in attendance can hear what is
being discussed. Thanks to Tom &
Susan Benney for the megaphone
to use during the meeting. Dave's
karaoke machine didn't want to
work today. Too bad because I for
one was looking forward to Dave
serenading us! In the future, we will
check into using the Legions PA
VP Report
Poker Run book update – Bob and
Lynn reported that another mailing
of 320 requests were recently sent
to establishments. The donations
and the sponsorships are great so
far, so this should be a successful
event. Thanks to the group for all
their hard work!
Thanks to donations from good
friends of the Those Guys, Dave
was able to take $1500 to the
Children's Home Society to help buy
the kids Christmas presents.
know someone who's membership
is about to expire, please reach out
to them, and remind them renew.
Members needing to renew:
Dave Delay, Rich Minder, Joe
Bruntz, Colleen Schildhauer, Terry
Schweigert & Karen Thoene
Welcome to our new members:
Brad & Kris Scherff
50/50 of
SOL of $160 went to Bruce Hofer.
About time after over 20 years!
Another pot will be started next
The new t-shirts are here and will
be distributed today. Dave modeled Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded
a cotton short sleeve button up and approved.
shirt with the Those Guys logo.
Upcoming meeting dates:
Orders will be taken at the February
meeting. The cost is $30. Tank tops
February 1st & March 1st
will also be available.
Only a biker knows why a dog
CVMA Big Paws Poker Run update – sticks his head out the window!
Run will start at 38 Roadhouse and
Those Guys ABATE
go to Beamer's, Davis Bar, My Bar,
Waddy's and at Red Rock. All stops
will be have a Big Paws or a Vet
with their service dogs. Food will be
available at the end. T-shirt
sponsorships are still available for
$100. Raffle items will be a whole
hog & a deep freeze.
Deadwood Poker Run update –
Scott reported they are going
through Winner. Sounds like they
may have a street dance Friday. If
you are planning on attending this
event, be sure to get your
reservations in at Holiday Inn
Express, Super 8 or Warrior Inn for
Friday June 26th. A place in
Deadwood has not been secured.
Another planning meeting will take
place January 25th 1pm at 38
Roadhouse. Anybody interested in
helping plan this event is welcome.
New Business:
Old Business:
State Rep Report:
Those Guys has 4 rooms reserved
for Legislative Day, and they are
spoken for.
A vote was taken, and all 2015
poker runs, with the exception of
the CHS Poker Run, will begin at 38
Roadhouse again. Also, a reminder,
when setting up poker runs, please
be sure to support the ABATE
business supporters.
Thank you again to Terry & Gail
VanderPol for all you have done for
Iggy has been sending out email both Those Guys & South Dakota
reminders for our meetings. If you ABATE. Both are now life time
aren't on the list, and would like to members of the Those Guys
be added, please contact Iggy.
The Those Guys Bowling party will South Dakota ABATE wants to work
be Saturday 2/21/2015 at 1:30pm on membership retention. If you
Universal Poker Run.
BIKE SHOW REPORT: Ron will again
Next Meeting:
F e b r u a r y 2 n d be in charge of the Bike Show during
Location: Scoreboard in Huron Meeting Wheel Jam. He needs a lot of help
@ 6:30 w/Supper @ 6:00
during the event and also needs judges
for the bike show. Ron will be teaching
Windriders members who attended the
Motorcycle Safety Classes again in
January 12th meeting were as follows:
Mitchell. You can get more information
Schaun & Shelley Schnathorst, Phil &
on these classes at the South Dakota
Norma Hohm, Todd Meyers, Leigh
Safety Council web site. On July 30th
Smith, Don & Stacey Gurnon, and Ron
there will be a “Thunder on the Prairie”
Our guests were Gennea
pre Sturgis party. This event will be
Danks, Bill & Kasey Bindert who all
held at the South Dakota State
became new members.
Fairgrounds in Huron.
The Hairball
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Schaun told Band will be playing and the concert
us that we bought Christmas gifts for and food will be included in the price to
six children from the Salvation Army’s attend the event. Ron will be
Angel Tree. The members discussed celebrating his 40 birthday by putting
new ways to get more motorcyclists on a July 4 “Christmas in July” party
interested in becoming new members at the state fairgrounds. There will be
and having some new biker events more information on this event posted
during the summer months.
May 16 will be the ABATE State IMPAC
Awareness run of which Phil is in
charge of.
Our Annual Culver
Scholarship Run will be on May 30th out
of Wolsey. The Wheel Jam Event will
be from June 5th-7th. Our annual Toy
Run is tentatively set for either August
22nd or 29th. Our Annual Chili Contest
and Minnow races are scheduled for
March 14th at the Red Arrow Bar in
Huron. We will also again promote the
given as VP was absent.
Legislative Days the award will be
given to her at our February meeting.
Congratulations to Dawn!
Phil &
Norma will be attending Legislative
Days and will be taking some
Windriders t-shirts to auction off at the
Chinese Auction on Friday night of
Legislative Days. Phil explained to our
new members what happens at
Legislative Days and why ABATE is
working to repeal the high handlebar
Windriders has 48 members. Members
who need to need are Dallas Almond,
Roger Graffunder, and Debbie Busch.
Jeff McGirr renewed his membership.
Our new members are Gennea Danks
(3yr) and Kasey & Bill Bindert. (3yr) A
big welcome to our new members! To
renew your membership, send $25 for
one year or $60 for three years to
Windriders ABATE,
PO Box 289,
Huron, SD 57350.
Phil made a motion to adjourn the
meeting and Norma seconded his
out his written report. Ron made a
motion to accept Phil’s report and Todd
Minutes were taken by Shelley and
seconded the motion.
typed, edited, and sent to the Freedom
STATE REP REPORT: Phil said that
Flyer by Phil.
Dawn Meyers is our member of the
year. Since Dawn will be unable to “LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE”
a t t en d th e a w a r d b an qu e t at
On to chapter news. 2014 was rough
but we did shine here & there. The
Greetings Fellow riders. Hopefully booth at the swap meet paid for itself
you`ve all brought the brass monkies & gained a couple members.
in tonight. With a -30* wind chill and
the snow going sideways it`s almost The membership poker run gained 10
painful to recall the last blissful ride members & 2 renewals which is pretty
before all hell broke loose. I good since that is about a quarter of
remember a perfect night, no wind, our membership.
following. Zzen ABATE will again have
the front end motorcycle wheel
roulette for a raffle and prizes for the
little traffic & no bugs. Then mother
At this point I would like to thank our
nature is there with the bitch slap.
supporters; The Davis Bar, The Shore
So now that we`re socked in(unless Sto re -S w an L ak e, H illbilly` s—
you want to look like a big blue smurf Alcester, American Legion & Beamers
with a few digits missing) this is the in Lennox and Puzzled Bar in Parker.
Mar.7, Sat,1:00pm at
Campground, Canistota.
time to be contacting your legislators,
Delare Hill won the high mileage
city councils, mayors & department
award. Congratulations. New mileage
heads about concerns that you may
started in Jan.
have regarding our way of life.
Zzen ABATE will have a booth at the
By now Legislative Days have come &
SFABATE MC Expo Bike show.
gone. If you have never attended, I
Registration is free until Mar.1 Bike
highly recommend it. Despite the
raffle & tattoo contest Sunday & live
pomp & circumstance, it is very
music Saturday immediately
informative and our presence is well
known. Both chambers officially
recognize our organization & there`s
lots of leather in the gallery. They
have seen us in session & committee
hearing for over three decades. This
is your chance to meet the people
who represent you & inform them of
any other issues you may have
besides motorcycling. You can sit in
on committee meetings that are
discussing things that are pertinent to
you. We always have to keep their
feet to the fire or they will only hear
from lobbyists and special interest
There have been some tragic events
this past year & these will affect us all
eventually. We are our own last
bastion of freedom.
State poker run books now on sale.
Next meeting Feb 7, 1:00pm, Sat. at
Puzzled Bar in Parker.
Maybe next month I`ll have a rant
worthy of Freebird RIP.
Stay warm.
We`ve played their game for years.
One example would be the hearing on
the mandatory seat belt. Hint, there
are only so many chairs in the
committee room. If we get there early
& fill those chairs with our people,
anyone who wants to speak against
us has to wait out in the hall.
Yes, the federal extortion
won$$$...So besides being the
biggest ever selfie with the governor,
we have speakers address our
members involving topics ranging
from mc education, safety, first aid,
living wills and even maintenance…
State Coordinator “Jiggs” cleaning up after
Legislative Days
ABATE of SD Supporters
The businesses and groups or individuals listed support ABATE of SD
through the Business Supporter program. Please return their support with
your patronage.
1481 Grille, Arlington (March 2015)
Puzzled Bar, Parker (September 2014)
38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2015)
Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2015)
American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2015)
Red Rock, Brandon (January 2016)
Backyard Motorcycles, LLC, Sioux Falls (March 2015)
Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2015)
Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2015)
Renegades Saloon (April 2015)
Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2015)
Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2015)
Blue Jay C-Store, Egan (April 2015)
Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2015)
Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2015)
Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2015)
Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2015)
Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2015)
Cheb’s on Main, Canton (May 2014)
TeeZers, Madison (December 2014)
Cottonwood, Yankton (July 2014)
The Baltic Lounge, Baltic (May 2014)
D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2014)
The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015)
Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (May 2015)
The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2015)
Dakota Insurance, Brookings/Baltic (December 2014)
Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2015)
Davis Bar, Davis (March 2015)
W Dees, Gayville (July 2015)
Edgar’s Old Fashioned Soda Fntn, Elk Point (May2015)
FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2015)
Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2015)
Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2015)
Howler’s Bar & Grille, Vermillion (March 2015)
HuHot Mongolian Grill, Sioux Falls (September 2015)
J & L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2015)
Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2014)
Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2015)
Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2015)
Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2015)
Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2015)
Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2015)
Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2015)
North Star Saloon, Dixon (January 2015)
Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2014)
On the Rocks, Canton (January 2016)
Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2015)
Important note: If you are participating in the ABATE
of South Dakota, Inc. State Poker Run, please add the
new business supporters listed above to your State Poker
Run booklet. If you have any questions please contact
your State Rep for more information.
The Good Times Calendar is provided free of charge to ABATE of South Dakota members and chapters. Any motorcycle related event will be listed for free, also. All dates/times/places are subject to change.
The dates and events listed herein are NOT guaranteed to be correct, as many items are supplied by sources outside of the Freedom Flyer. Events listed in bold print are official events/meetings of ABATE
of South Dakota and members are encouraged to attend. For more information about any of these events, contact the chapter, organization, or business listed with the event or see individual ads that may be
printed elsewhere in this publication.
ABATE of South Dakota 2014 - 2015
Good Times Calendar
Feb 3rd –Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles Club, Rapid City, SD
7:00 pm Mar 22nd - Rushmore ABATE Wild Game Feed
Outpost - Rapid City, SD
Feb 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:00 pm Mar 28th - 3rd Annual Safety Seminar
TREA - Rapid City, SD
Feb 7th -Sioux River ABATE Meeting
Annual Chili & Salsa Contest - Jim’s Tap
5:00 pm Mar 21st - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
Feb 7th - Zzen ABATE meeting
Puzzled Bar, Parker, SD
1:00 pm Mar 21st & 22nd - Sioux Falls ABATE/
Motorcycle Expo Sioux Falls Convention Center
Feb 9th - Black Hills Area Bikers Mtg
5th Street Hardees, Rapid City, SD
7:00 pm Mar 29th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
Feb 14th - Black Hills ABATE Sno Ball
Band - “Thunder Road”
Fireside/Oasis, Sturgis, SD
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
April 11th - East Central ABATE meeting
Family bowling
Kings Lanes, Madison, SD
2:00 pm
4:00 pm April 11th - Southeast ABATE Meeting 11:00 am
Bertz Bar, Beresford, SD
Sign up 12:30
1:30 pm April 25th - 26th Aberdeen ABATE/FM
Crusader Bike Show
Dakota Events Center, Aberdeen, SD
Feb 14th - Southeast ABATE Meeting
Pace’s Pub, Elk Point Chili Cook Off
Feb 21st –Kiwanis Pancake Feed
12 noon
April 4th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
Feb 14th - East Central ABATE
Goofy Golf, Madison, SD
Feb 21st - Those Guys ABATE
Bowling Party
Sport Bowl, Sioux Falls, SD
1:00 pm
Feb 21st- Buffalo Ridge Chili Feed/Silent Auction
Ghent, MN
Feb 22nd - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
12 noon
April 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
May 2nd -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:00 pm
May 2nd – CMA 2015 “Run for the Sun”
Huron, SD
Mar 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:00 pm
Mar 7th - Zzen ABATE meeting
Battle Creek Campground, Canistota, SD
1:00 pm
Mar 14th - East Central ABATE
Chili Cook-off/Minnow races
Teezers, Madison, SD
May 8th - 10th - Heartland STEAM
Bismarck, ND
May 9th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Hot Dog Feed &
Poker Run
May 16th - Oahe ABATE Awareness Ride
Mar 14th - Southeast ABATE Meeting
Davis Bar, Davis, SD
11:00 am May 16th - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
Mar 14th - Southeast ABATE Meeting
Davis Bar, Davis, SD
11:00 am May 23rd - East Central ABATE
Bike blessing/Ride to Egan (weather permitting)
Mar 14th - Windrider Annual Chili Contest/
Minnow Races - Red Arrow Bar, Huron, SD
May 30th - Aberdeen Camp
Dreamakers Poker Run & Dance
Wylie Park, Aberdeen, SD
2:00 pm
1:00 pm
ABATE of South Dakota Good Times Calendar
Aug 2nd - 8th - Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
June 5th & 6th - Rushmore ABATE Rally
Shade Valley Campground - Sturgis, SD
Sign Up - 9:00 - 11:00 am
Aug 2nd - BH ABATE
Black Hills Charity Poker Run
Sturgis, SD
June 5th - 7th - Windriders Wheel Jam
State Fairgrounds, Huron, SD
6:00 pm Aug 3rd - Lake ABATE Sturgis Poker Run
11:00-12:00 sign up
Hill City, SD
June 6th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
Aug 6th - Whitewood Social Hour
12:00 noon
June 12th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
Whitewood Park
Whitewood, SD
June 19th & 20th - East Central ABATE
Family Campout - Madison, SD
Aug 15th - East Central ABATE
Officer’s meeting - Schmidty’s
June 26th & 27th - Those Guys ABATE
Deadwood Poker
Aug 16th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
June 26th & 27th - Oahe ABATE Fun Run
Aug 28th-30th- Fun Run to LaCrosse, WI
Brookings, SD
June 6th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
July 3rd- Cackle Brothers Sign Up - 5:00 pm
Poker Run Melgaard Park, Aberdeen, SD
July 11th - Hofer’s Relic Run
July 11th - North Star Poker Run
Winner, SD
July 17th-19th - Aberdeen ABATE 35th Annual
Pierpont Wheel Inn
Pierpont Lake
1:00 pm
July 18th - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
July 18th - East Central ABATE
Bike Run
July 19th - Children’s Home Society Run
July 25th - Combat Vets Big Paws Canine Poker
Run & Raffle
July 25th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:00 pm
Sept 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office (Date may be rescheduled)
6:00 pm
11:00 am
Sept 12th - East Central ABATE
Pot Luck/Game Day
Scott & Heather’s - Arlington, SD
Sept 12th - Lewis & Clark ABATE
Fall Run
Sept 12th - Oahe ABATE PJ party &
6:30 pm
Sept 19th - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
1:00 pm
Sept 19th - East Central ABATE
Trap Shoot
September 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
ABATE Poker Run
Aug 2nd - 8th - Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
Aug 2nd - Black Hills ABATE
Black Hills Charity Poker Run
Sign Up - 9:00 - 11:00 am
Sturgis, SD
Aug 3rd - Lake ABATE Sturgis
Poker Run Hill City, SD
Aug 29th – North Star Nostalgia Poker
Run – Winner, SD
11:00-12:00 sign
Oct 3rd -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:00 pm
Oct 10th - East Central ABATE
Supper/meeting - 1481 Grille
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Page 22
Welcome New Members
The following is a list of new members to ABATE of
South Dakota, listed by chapter.
If the spelling is wrong, please notify your chapter
membership secretary.
Application for Membership
I wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc., and one of the
following chapters. Enclosed are my $25 yearly dues. $5 of
which is a contribution to IMPAC and $20 to the general fund of
ABATE. Canadian dues are $44 – other countries’ dues are $50
due to the high cost of postage. Dues are subject to change at
any time.
Aberdeen ........................... 511N Main St, Ipswich SD 57451
Black Hills ............................. PO Box 761 Sturgis, SD 57785
East Central ..........................21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042
Lake.................................... PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042
Lewis & Clark ....................... PO Box 255 Yankton, SD 57078
North East .............. 1707 2nd Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201
North Star .................. 33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533
Oahe ...................................... PO Box 331 Pierre, SD 57501
Rushmore ....................... PO Box 1223 Rapid City, SD 57709
Sioux Falls ..................... PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Sioux River ....................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006
South Central ................... PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356
South East .......................... PO Box 42 Vermillion, SD 57069
Sturgis ...#243 2601 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Those Guys .......... 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Windriders ..............................PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350
OAHE: Monte Hendricksen, Sharon Stoeser
Zzen ............................. 120 Zeliff Ave. Sherman, SD 57030
Address Change
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City: ___________________State: _____ Zip Code:________
Phone: __________________(Hm) __________________(Cell)
Voting District: ______________________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________
(Optional- used for ABATE Business Only)
Please send completed application with check or money
order to the chapter of your choice at their address listed
above (Membership dues or donations to ABATE of South
Dakota, Inc. or the individual chapters listed herein are
NOT tax deductible).
I agree to comply with all ABATE of SD’s rules for sanctioned
ABATE of SD events. I understand all benefits become effective
upon receipt of my membership card.
Signature _______________________________________
THOSE GUYS: Jeff Fischer, Brad & Kris Scherff
(Information on this form is intended for use of ABATE of SD and is not
sold or distributed outside of this organization)
WINDRIDERS: Kasey & Bill Bindert, Gennea
I do not wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. at this time,
or I am already a member and I would like to donate to the
Informed Motorcyclist Political Action Committee (IMPAC).
Enclosed please find a check or money order in the amount of $
_______. I understand this donation is not tax deductible and
will be used to safeguard the interests of motorcyclists in the
State of South Dakota.
Signature (required)__________________________________
Name – Please Print _________________________________
Page 23
the space as necessary.
Larger ads may be
substituted for the business card ad. Below are the
ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporters are those
prices for larger ads to be run for one year.
businesses, groups and individuals who pledge support
with a $100 yearly donation. For your donation, you Prices include Business Supporter dues (please note:
receive during the year:
normal page size is 8¼” by 10½”):
ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program
A plaque to display in your establishment
Twelve business card size ads in the FREEDOM (please indicate 1 column or 2 column. 1 column will
cover ½ of page from top to bottom, 2 column will
A $25 credit on a larger ad to be use at your cover top or bottom half of page)
A monthly listing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in the Full page - $725.00
1/4 page - $275.00
1/2 page - $425.00
Ads submitted must be black and white, camera
ready. If no ad is provided, the Editor reserves the
♦ You are furthering ABATE’s cause to promote right to create one based on the information received.
motorcycling in South Dakota.
A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Freedom Flyer,
and the individual members are not responsible for
errors, omissions, or reprint quality of submitted ads.
If you are interested in becoming an ABATE of
In the event of a dispute, the Editor may replace a
South Dakota Supporter, write:
disputed ad and/or extend the business supporter
ABATE of South Dakota, Inc.
dues by one (1) month at Editor’s discretion. Pursuant
to approval by the Board of Directors of A.B.A.T.E. of
c/o Linda Askren
South Dakota, Inc., the Editor may refuse or remove
120 Zeliff Ave., Sherman, SD 57030
any ad deemed discriminatory or against the best
E-mail: [email protected]
interests of this organization. In the case of removal,
the Board may authorize a refund.
A year’s subscription to the FREEDOM FLYER.
Business Supporter dues are not tax deductible except
as a business expense.
The above-mentioned Business Card size ad refers to a
standard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves
the right to make minor adjustments to the size to fit
Please remove the section below and mail it to the
address listed above with a check payable to ABATE of
South Dakota.
Business Name:
Contact Person:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Ad size (circle one):
Amount enclosed:
Business Card
Please mail to : ABATE of South Dakota
c/o Linda Askren
120 Zeliff Avenue
Sherman, SD 57030
1/4 Page
1/2 Page
Full Page
Make check payable to - ABATE of South Dakota
Page 24
Free to all ABATE of South Dakota members. Each ad will
be printed until advertiser requests removal by
contacting the Editor. The Advertiser is responsible for
all content and/or corrections.
FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas FOR SALE: 2006 Honda Shadow Aero 750, black,
111 cubic inch motor, many extras. windshield, 10130 miles. Always stored inside. Very
$19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666
well taken care of - must see to appreciate, a
really great bike! $3800 call or text 605-481-2718FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Twin Tour Glide-85%
Lake Andes,SD or [email protected]
original, Lots or EXTRA’S, NO frame alterations,
Accessories - bike lift, tools, doc’s, cover, manuals, FOR SALE: 2008 Yamaha Vstar 1100cc, Blue,
oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear tire/ windshield, soft side saddle bags, luggage carrier,
frame snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500. oil relocator put on June 2014, very nice looking
Located in Whitewood, SD #605-722-3859
Call Jason 605-630-2592 or Carm 605-830-2981
FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, like new,
black, windshield, leather saddle bags, driver floor
boards. I’ve converted it to heal-toe shift, but could
Please Let Editor Know of Sold Items.
easily be switched back. $6500 firm. 605-2060126; email [email protected].
FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 magazines
from 1973 to 1991. Various condition, from still in
the plastic wrapper to not so good. Very good deal
at $3.00 an issue. Call me and then come by and
look at them. Only stipulation. It’s all or none. 605391-6999.
FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brown w/gold flake, 12,000
All original w/tour pak, rear light bar,
$7,500 OBO. Call Mike at 605-352-2678.
FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas
111 cubic inch motor, many extras.
$19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666
FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Twin Cam 88 Police
Defender, FXDP. No saddle bags but the running
boards, controls & dual disc brakes are still intact.
Carbureted & fast. Needs some cleaning. Black
2ith 16” fat Apes, windshield, sissy bar, 38,000.
Warner, SD
$6,500. #605-228-6283 or email
[email protected].
FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w/Screaming Eagle
upgrade. Bike has 10,000 miles. Purple underlights
on bike w/purple spark plug lines. Purple flames on
tank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! #402340-4809 - Pickstown, SD
FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Harley Davidson boots,
(Still have the tags on them) Zipper opening with
steel toe, size 9M, $169.00 new.
Will sell for
Call Del at Hm#605-853-3233 or
Page 25
2400 W. Madison
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Page 26
Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café
13 1st Avenue SW
Kulm, ND 58456
Page 27
912 N. Dakota Street * Vermillion, SD 57069
47409 258th St
Renner, SD
Puzzled Bar
Parker, SD
11 to Close
7 Days a Week
Food Available
Page 31
Fr e e dom Flyer
Susan Let t au
1723 Main St reet
St urgis, SD 57785
Phone: 605- 720- 0263
Cell: 605- 490- 1593
Em ail:
sdfreedom flyer@gm ail.com
Ple a se con t a ct you r m e m be r sh ip se cr e t a r y w it h
a n y a ddr e ss ch a n ge . You r Fr e e dom Flye r w ill n ot
be for w a r de d t o you r ne w a ddr e ss.
N e x t St a t e Boa r d of D ir e ct or s M e e t ing w ill
be M a r ch 2 1 st , 2 0 1 5 a t 1 :0 0 pm
Am e rica n Le gion — Pie r r e , SD