thecommu nic ator - Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
thecommu nic ator - Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
We are thankful for: `` “Welcome Christmas! Bring your cheer! Cheer to all Whos far and near! Christmas Day is in our grasp! So long as we have hands to clasp! ATTENTION ALL “WHO” WILL LISTEN!!! Join us for Worship in the Gym on Sunday, December 7th at 11am for the Presentation of “The Grinch that Stole Christmas” followed by a Who-ville Feast. Service led by SWAG Youth. We will also share Communion with the Whos. Kids will be invited to visit the Grinch for a Christmas Treat during the Who-ville Feast. All are welcome for this Who-tastic Day for all!! “Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! Maybe Christmas... He thought" Doesn’t come from a store.” “Maybe Christmas"Perhaps" Means a little bit more!” Francis Asbury United Methodist Church THE COMMUNICATOR FRANCIS ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 725 ASBURY ROAD PO BOX 67 CANDLER, NC 28715 828.667.3950 [email protected] December 2014 Volume XXX Issue 6 Growing Spiritually, Praising God and Reaching Neighbors… Rooted in Christ the Foundation IN MINISTRY Minister Lay Leader Music Director Organist Admin. Asst. Custodian Nursery Ushers: Greeters: Veranita Alvord Charlie Kooles Jess Mills Kevin Bryant Danya Sellers Glenda Shook Amy Dayton Pam Hall Jean Jones Emily Malloy Betty Wilson The Darby Family– Jim, Anita, Anna & Ally District Superintendent—Dr. John S. Boggs Resident Bishop—Dr. Larry M. Goodpaster CHRISTMAS FOR NEEDY FAMILIES AT ENKA MIDDLE You can help by choosing a stocking or 2 from the bulletin board across from the Ladies Bible Class. Please record your choice(s) on the Master List. Please return wrapped items with stocking(s) by Sunday, Dec. 14th. FAB Women are hosting an ADVENT TEA Sunday, Nov. 30th at 3 o’clock in the Fellowship Hall. Our Speaker is Rev. Jessica Dayson Dayson of Piney Mountain Davis Chapel UMCs. Music will be provided by our own Jess Mills IV with guest Soloist, Soloist Linda Henley. Henley The food, message and company will be delicious. Please RSVP at 665665-7877 by Monday, Nov. 26th ALL LADIES WELCOME!! The Francis Asbury Choir will present “Love Came Down at Christmas” Sunday, Dec. 14th at 5pm Please bring Sweet & Savory Finger Foods for the time of Fellowship afterwards. WOW CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Monday, Dec. 1st 11:30 am CHRISTMAS EVE All the ladies of the church are invited for a wonderful time of fellowship at Ryan’s Steakhouse on Brevard Road. CANDLELIGHT SERVICES Grinch Christmas Play Practice Wed, Dec. 3rd 5:30-6:30pm Dress Rehearsal Fri, Dec. 5th at 6pm SWAG Youth Delivery Service Open for Business Nov. 30th 5 PM & 11 PM Join us for Carols & Cocoa in the Fellowship Hall Sunday, Dec. 28th at 11am Hey FAB GirlsPlease don’t forget to bring your 15 items for the Gift baskets for the Ladies at First Step Farm by Sunday, Dec. 7th! FAB CHRISTMAS GATHERING Friday, Dec. 12th Appetizers begin at 6pm at the home of Veronica Crook. Don't forget to bring a tasty dish to share, a wrapped Christmas ornament for the ornament exchange & make a donation to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund!! ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME!!! Holly Jolly Christmas SWAG Youth will meet at the Church on Friday, Dec. 5th at 5pm to go to Black Mountain for "Holly Jolly Christmas" for dinner and to hangout. Yummy desserts following at the Jackson's home. Bring a WRAPPED $10.00 gift (nice not gag) for the fun exchange. The family of Walter Russell, uncle of John & Walter Russell, who passed away on Oct. 20th. And the family of Mary Merritt, mother of MC Shipman, who passed away on Oct. 30th. Our Deepest Sympathy & Christian Love to these families. Acton UMM Christmas Tree Sale starts Saturday, Nov. 29. Trees 6’-7’-$30; Wreaths-$20. Discount for Pre-orders. Free delivery within 5 miles of Acton UMC. Call Ken Baughn 275-6453; Tony Wilson 230-4676; Jim Young 665-1616. Calling All Donators and Givers! This CHRISTmas season Emily Malloy and Paige Stack are teaming up with AHOPE's Homeward Bound and are creating a "Street Store." Founded in January 2014 and created by Max Pazak, the first Street Store was done in Capetown and now people all over the world are creating Street Stores – Stores created on the Street where the needy can come browse through the donated clothes and "Shop" for FREE. This Street Store has become a big hit and Emily and Paige are creating one on the Streets of Asheville. They need clothes, shoes, purses, scarves, gloves, hats, and coats by Dec. 10th. To volunteer or know more, please contact Emily Malloy or go to The Street StoreStoreWhere people come Hang Up & Help Out Welcome to Pat Parker who joined FAUMC on October 26th. Please see Pastor V to become an official member of FAUMC. Congratulations to Tammy & Keith Henry on the arrival of granddaughter, Sophie Addison Bishop, who was born on Oct. 20th to Brandon & Lauren Bishop. Congratulations to Walt & Arlyn Martin on the arrival of granddaughter, Grace Annalyn Kriner, who was born on Oct. 23rd to Evelyn & Gary Kriner. SnipSnip-it from Sandy: I say a little prayer before I start typing out my Snip It. I pray for inspiration, I pray for God's words, not mine. I had almost completely written out my ideas for this newsletter, but when I re-read it, it was just depressing. There's been too much sadness lately. I prayed again for inspiration. Then it came...directly to my door. It was after 8:30 p.m. and it was Michael, our neighbor. He's a smart, friendly, happy guy. He was voted as the Homecoming Representative for the Jr. class! He's 17 and is usually in the bed by 8:30. He is obsessed with running! He runs 2 or 3 times a day! He sometimes gets up and runs before school! He runs because he wants to be physically fit and because he enjoys it. **Please note, if you ever see me running, it is because I am after a thief or because a large, growling, wild animal is chasing me!** Michael was on fire. He was on fire for Jesus! He had had kind of an epiphany about his life and suddenly, he wanted to share Jesus with everyone! He wanted everyone to "get on the Jesus train!" as he said! He said that he had been calling himself a Christian...but he really wasn't one. So, we began a short discussion. He said that many that are acting immorally are so bold, so strong in their beliefs! He said that Christians should be bold and strong about their beliefs and he is right! How can you call yourself a Christian and still be compromising your beliefs of right and wrong? I hugged Michael as he left and thanked him for sharing his happiness in Jesus with us. He thanked our family for everything we had done for him. Afterwards, I prayed again and then the holy spirit broke in and took over my here it is. People are constantly bending what they KNOW is the truth, what they KNOW is right and wrong to fit their agenda! I know all about this bending of the truth thing, because I used to do it myself. I used to pray, "Oh God, I am at a fork in the road. Show me which path to take!" Deep down I knew what I needed to do. Did I do it? Nope. And Satan smiled. I kept on with my deceitful ways until God convicted me. He showed me that the road to Hell could be paved with good intentions! He showed me that my new good works would not get me into Heaven. He kept putting people and circumstances in front of me until I could finally see the truth! He convicted me so harshly that I fell to my knees in gratitude finally realizing that Jesus DIED FOR ME! Yes! He DIED FOR ME! And then God smiled! How many times had I heard the story of that little baby being born in a stable and laid in a manger? How many times had I heard about Jesus' miracles? I could even recite the final 7 phrases that Jesus said on the cross. I had heard all the stories for years. But it wasn't until God took me down to nothing that I realized that JESUS DIED FOR ME! All I had to do was to accept him and this free gift! It was that easy! Now that I am a CHRISTian, I also feel that it is my duty to stand up for Jesus. Sometimes that means hurting the feelings of another that is still trying to bend the truth. Everyone says that "God is love" and that Jesus said, that we should "love one another!" That is all true, but don't you remember where it says God is a vengeful God? Don't you remember when Jesus turned over the tables in the temple because the people were making a mockery of his father's house? I truly believe that if Jesus were standing here today, he would still say "Love one another" but I also believe he would say, "Go and sin no more. Go in peace." Am I without sin now? Of course not. I am human and I still mess up everyday. But I know now, that this precious, perfect baby became a man. And that man's blood was shed for you and me. It is an unfathomable gift when you think about it! So as we enter into Advent, I want you to stand up for this little baby born in the manger. Do your very best to love others, be giving, don't judge, be kind, but to also stand up for God and his divine ways. If you have a dilemma or you are at a fork in the road...make sure that you take the path that makes God smile! If something seems questionable, then maybe you should rethink your choices. I pray tonight that these words touch you deep down to the rawest of your feelings and if you don't believe that Jesus Christ died for you and that he can forgive you of ANYTHING that you have done wrong, then I urge you to confess your sins to him, pray, talk to a friend, talk to me, talk to a Pastor. Make sure that you know the peace that passes all understanding and to keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. In his name...Amen! Biggest hugs ever! xoxo Sandy If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Olivia was born on Christmas Eve in 1997. She weighed 9 pounds and was 21 inches long. She arrived in beautiful, healthy flesh at Crawford Long Hospital in downtown Atlanta, GA at 6:17 in the evening. After her birth and before it closed, Joe went to get me one of my favorite meals at the time— tomato & corn linguine and chocolate chip cheesecake from a restaurant named Mick’s which was right across the street from the hospital. 17 years later, the name of the hospital has changed to Emory University Hospital Midtown. Mick’s no longer exists as a restaurant and my favorite meal is presently chicken biryani with rice and naan (an east Indian dish). Olivia has changed, but she is still “in the flesh.” Things change over time, hospitals change names, so do restaurants, street names change and so do people’s favorite meals. But there are some things that stay the same. That Jesus came to us “in beautiful flesh” is what we celebrate this Christmas Season. This fact stays the same…year after year after year. When somebody says “in the flesh” they are indicating there is somebody here for real. There is somebody living and breathing, a real presence, a life, a person who has been announced. This season, we continue to announce that Jesus has come “in the flesh.” This is the classic, standard, never changing Christmas announcement. He is born! Jesus is the presence of God embodied and made holy or sanctified in a human merely being. His birth to Mary and Joseph long ago never changes and continues to be a sign to us of “God with us in the flesh, live and in person!” Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift! Make sure you meet Jesus “in the flesh” sometime this Holiday Season…look for him in someone you help, a stranger to whom you show kindness or hospitality. Look for Jesus “in the flesh” of those with whom you live, listen for him in the Choir’s music, reflected in faces lighted by candlelight at 5 and 11pm on Christmas Eve and perhaps even disguised as the Grinch, he himself! Merry and Bright to You! Veranita DECEMBER SU DAY 30 TUES MO 2014 WED THURS 2 3 3 4 6 Fellowship Hall Reserved: LC Group 6:30PM Gym Reserved: Crook 11:30–1 Welcome Table Volunteers Needed 5:30 Grinch Practice 6:30 Choir Practice 4:45-6PM WorkWeight Day Watchers SWAG Christmas Card Delivery Begins 11:30 WOW Christmas Lunch at Ryan’s Steakhouse 7-9 PM BVA in Gym 6-7 Community Meal at Montmorenci UMC 7 Advent 2 8 9 10 9:30 Coffee/Snack 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship in Gym: Grinch Play 12 Whoville Feast 2:30 Pisgah Villa 5:30-9:30PM BVA in Gym 6-7 Community Meal at Montmorenci UMC 6 Fellowship Hall Reserved: LC Group 6:30PM Gym Reserved: Crook 11:30–1 Welcome Table Volunteers Needed 6:30 Choir Practice 14 18 15 16 17 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 1-3 Hope to Home 5PM “Love Came Down at Christmas” Cantata/Finger Foods 12:30 Staff Christmas @ 6 Fellowship Hall Reserved: LC Group 6:30PM Gym Reserved: Crook 11:30–1 Welcome Table Volunteers Needed 21 22 23 24 6-7 Community Meal at Montmorenci UMC 6 Fellowship Hall Reserved: LC Group 6:30PM Gym Reserved: Crook Welcome Table Closed 29 30 31 7-9 PM BVA in Gym 6-7 Community Meal at Montmorenci UMC 6 Fellowship Hall Reserved: LC Group 6:30PM Gym Reserved: Crook Advent 3 Advent 4 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 28 ABCCM Sunday 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship in Fellowship Hall Carols & Cocoa Chocolate Lounge 5:30-9:30PM BVA in Gym 6-7 Meal at MUMC 667-3950 FRI 1 Advent 1 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 3PM Ladies Advent Tea Francis Asbury United Methodist Church SATURDAY 5 6 5PM SWAG Youth Holly Jolly Outing & Christmas Party 6PM Grinch Play Dress Rehearsal 7-10:30 Breakfast @ Reeve’s Chapel 11 12 13 4:45-6PM Weight Watchers 6PM FAB Women Christmas Party at Home of Veronica Crook All Ladies Welcome 7-10:30 Breakfast @ Pleasant Hill Habitat 1-5:30PM in 19 Gym 9PM Club Gravitopia Gym & Fellowship Hall Reserved 20 Trip for SWAG Youth & FROG YA 4:456PM WW Glenda Faye Shook Peggy Milroy Lila Malloy William Wilds R.D. O’Donnell Bill Moody DeeAnn Henderson Kathy Brown Christopher Davis Olivia Tarpley Lily Deel Gwen Rand Joan Shuford Brandi Turner Jacob Bratsch Ally Darby Happy Anniversary to.. 25 Merry Christmas 26 CHURCH OFFICE IS CLOSED Christmas Eve Candlelight Services At 5PM & 11PM NEW YEAR’S EVE 1 2 5 6 7 10 19 21 21 24 25 25 26 30 31 31 27 7 9 26 28 30 31 Dewey & Paula Davis Wayne & Linda Miller Bob & Virginia Harrell Dick & Connie Green Walt & Arlyn Martin Robert & Bettie Smith CHILDREN’S CHURCH TEACHERS 12/7: No Children’s Church 12/14: Jenny & Bryce Shook 12/21: Veronica Crook 12/28: Cindy & Adam Crook ACOLYTES: 12/7: Russ & Rafe Conner 12/14: Sydney Roberts 12/21: Bryce Rudisill 12/28: Adam Crook