February/March - Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce
February/March - Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce
LEADING BUSINESS February/March 2016 WORKING TOGETHER TO TRANSFORM OUR REGION Problem solved. IN ELKHART: 574-293-0681 Janilyn Brouwer Daub [email protected] No matter how complex the legal challenge, our attorneys are up to the task. We’ll help you make the right moves and find solutions that work for your business. With fewer twists and turns. Joel D. Duthie [email protected] Andrew G. Helfrich [email protected] Glenn E. Killoren [email protected] Alice J. Springer [email protected] J. Scott Troeger [email protected] Uncommon Value Timothy A. Weaver [email protected] ATLANTA CHICAGO DALLAS DELAWARE INDIANA LOS ANGELES MICHIGAN MINNEAPOLIS btlaw.com Rubik’s Cube® used by permission Rubik’s Brand Ltd. www.rubiks.com OHIO WASHINGTON, D.C. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2016 Board of Directors page 7 GOLD SPONSORS Working Together to Transform our Region pages 8-9 Michiana Forty Under 40 page 10 Payroll & Employer Services Member Celebrations and Business Awards pages 10-11 News About Our Members page 12 Legislative Positions and Chamber Advocacy page 14 SILVER SPONSORS 4 President’s Report 12 Ambassador of the Month 13 New Members and Anniversaries 15 Calendar of Upcoming Events A PDF version of “Leading Business” is available at Elkhart.org, and articles are posted on the Greater Elkhart Chamber’s Facebook page. “Leading Business” is the bi-monthly magazine published by: “Leading Business” benefits from contributions by member companies. 418 S. Main St. | Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 293-1531 | Elkhart.org All rights reserved 2016 Please submit news releases, article ideas, inquiries, and requests for information on advertising to [email protected] or call 574-293-1531 ext 138. Permission from the Chamber president is required for any reproduction, reprint or reuse of the content of this magazine. ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 3 Now it’s real. Plan to engage. While the mayors’ support is important, the private sector needs to be involved, too. Community leaders have been proposing and supporting improvements in this community. The original Horizon Project, the SoMa initiative, and the Wellfield Gardens focus on a more livable community. Continuing support of the Elkhart Jazz Festival and other downtown events make Elkhart an attractive place to call home. If things continue to go right, the world will change in Elkhart County. Over the past decade or so, our community and its leaders have been making important, incremental improvements for our quality of life. Now the forces have come to a head and are ready to go. There will be a community action plan. It will have buy-in from the community. It will be partially funded. In 2013, your Chamber noticed that Elkhart was losing population at the same time the number of commuters into our community was increasing. We launched the 500 Families vision to get people talking about making our community a more attractive place for professionals to live. After years of work, everything has come together. In this issue of Leading Business, you will learn more about the Vibrant Communities Initiative and the Regional Cities Initiative. Hopefully you participated in the Vibrant Communities kickoff event on January 26 and plan to take part in the follow-up meetings. While all this was going on, the generous, communitychanging gift came to the Community Foundation of Elkhart County. After conducting an extensive community listening tour, the Foundation announced that quality of life would be a key focus of grants. Quality-of-place is vital to attracting a more diverse economy. In the old days, Chambers and economic development pros would attract a company to town. The company would attract workers. The workers would move into neighborhoods around the company. Everybody was happy. When community leaders started talking about re-engaging the next phase of the Horizon Project as the Livable Communities Initiative, our community was ready. When Governor Mike Pence launched the Regional Cities Initiative to attract talent, we were a step-ahead for completing an application. It has not worked that way for a long time. Now, companies won’t come to town unless they are confident they can find the talented workforce they need. The talented workforce does not move to a community unless they want to live there. Talent moves to a fun, active community and finds work when it gets there. As you know, the South Bend – Elkhart Region won a Regional Cities grant to help build quality of life. The Community Foundation is working on quality of life. The Vibrant Communities action plan will prioritize community projects. Whether Elkhart County had great fortune-tellers or we were just lucky, our communities have been talking about and investing in quality of life for a long time. About 15-20 years ago, Elkhart Mayor Jim Perron started the RiverWalk in Downtown Elkhart, a project that was further developed under Mayors David Miller and Dick Moore. The renovation of the Elco (now Lerner) Theater was started under Mayor Miller, then completed and enhanced under Mayor Moore. Mayor Tim Neese has said he will continue the city’s quality-of-life projects. 4 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER After years of work, everything has come together. So what will all this collaboration look like? What will the product be? Will Elkhart and the county build more multiuse paths? Will they develop river access? Will developers focus on new housing? The answer is up to you. Plan to be engaged in important community conversations and action plans. With your help, your community is about to transform. LOANS for any inspiration production construction ambition If you can dream it, Lake City Bank has a loan for it. Because we take time to understand your business, our experienced bankers can help you make your business grow. After all, Lake City Bank is known for service. Known for stability. And most importantly, known for loans. Call (888) 522-2265. Drop in. All loans are subject to credit approval. lakecitybank.com ELKHART.ORG Institution ID#431669 | LEADING BUSINESS 5 Focus on Chamber Councils A Ambassadors ambassadors Annual Golf Outing The Ambassadors are a group of professional representatives, employed by Chamber Member Investors that serve as the public relations arm of the Chamber, reaching vibrant and visible out to businesses as an extension of the Greater Elkhart Chamber. Ambassadors work to connect businesses, strengthen membership, and enhance the image of the Chamber. For more than 50 years, the Chamber has provided a networking opportunity for members, their clients and guests with a day-long golf outing on a championship level course. BENEFITS: • Excellent networking opportunities, business leads and visibility • Increased exposure to the Chamber and its initiatives • Eligibility for individual and council performance awards The 2016 Golf Outing will be held on Monday, June 27 at Elcona Country Club. As an Ambassador representative for your Member Company, you can generate leads and visibility for your business, and represent the Chamber to the business community. Participation is limited to a maximum of 38 council members, with one representative per Member business. Applications for consideration are accepted on an ongoing basis, and new council members are added quarterly as openings become available. A waiting list will be maintained when the council is at maximum capacity. Council Co-Chairs: Loretta Salchert, Ribbon of Hope Anji Metzler, First Call Staffing Council Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday 4:00 pm For more information about the Ambassadors Council, contact Council Liaison Ginger Lyons at (574) 293-1531 x 134 or [email protected]. 6 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER The goal of the Annual Golf Outing Council is to plan, coordinate and execute the Annual Golf Outing for 288 golfers. INVOLVEMENT • Recruit additional volunteers to serve on the council and to assist at the outing • Secure sponsors for various portions of the outing, including: Hole-in-one sponsors Event sponsors Meal sponsors Tee sponsors Council Chair: Steve Brown, Old National Bank Council Meeting Time: (Feb - June) 4th Thursday 4:00 pm For more information about the Annual Golf Outing Council, contact Council Liaison Denise Polachek at (574) 293-1531 x 132 or [email protected]. majoritybuilders.com Greater Elkhart Chamber 2016 Board of Directors Front Row (L to R) Cynthia S. Gillard, Warrick & Boyn, LLP; Dina Harris, Indiana University South Bend; Deb Alwine, Concord Mall; Martin Madden, Overhead Door Company; Board Chair Brian J. Clark, Sanders Pianowski, LLP; Anne Lowry, Reach360; Patsy Boehler, ETHOS Science Center; Jan Farron, BABSCO Supply Inc. Back Row (L to R): Rhett Fisher, Ancon Construction Co., Inc.; Andy Kominowski, Kruggel, Lawton & Company, LLC; Ken Himes, WasteAway Group, Ltd.; Shane Blotkamp, Majority Builders, Inc.; Michael D. Marston, Botkin & Hall, LLP; Andrew J. Asma, KeyBank; Kyle Hannon, Greater Elkhart Chamber President; Matt Leliaert, Leliaert Insurance Agency Inc.; Alice Springer, Barnes & Thornburg LLP; Scott Schmucker, Crowe Horwath LLP; Vince Turner, MutualBank; Steven Eller, Beacon Health System; Steve Brown, Old National Bank Not pictured: Laurie A. Beam, Vitracoat America Inc. I t ’s a l l i n t h e DETAILS ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 7 Working Together to T Regional Cities and Vibrant Communities are putting the Elkhart area at the forefront of new economic development The way business gets done is changing at a global and local scale, and there’s no stronger sign of that in Elkhart County than the confluence of the Regional Cities and Vibrant Communities initiatives. Regina Emberton, president and CEO of the Michiana Partnership, sees it in her daily work for the regional economic development alliance. “It’s a national trend. The millennial generation is demanding more in amenities from the places where they live,” said Emberton. “There’s this transition to more of a work-life balance. Millennials are willing to switch careers and move to places (that are attractive to them).” Dallas Bergl, CEO of INOVA Federal Credit Union, says the question executives are asking when considering expansions is: “Does your community have the town my workers want to live in?” Bergl is in the perfect position to know. Besides his position at INOVA, Bergl serves on the Regional Development Authority, which was formed in the midst of Regional Cities of Northern Indiana’s successful application for a $42 million economic development grant from the state of Indiana for quality-of-place improvements. He also is co-chair of the Vibrant Communities initiative in Elkhart County, which aims to identify new projects and programs while sustaining existing amenities. While Regional Cities and Vibrant Communities are connected by their focus on quality of place, they function in vastly different spheres. Written by Terry T. Mark, director of communications at the Elkhart County Convention and Visitors Bureau. 8 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER Transform our Region The Regional Cities of Northern Indiana’s proposal brought together proposed projects that have a regional impact within the Elkhart-St. Joseph-Marshall county region and are prepared to proceed in the narrow two-year window in which the funding is available. Regional Cities projects must also abide by a strict funding formula that includes a 60-percent investment from private sources, 20 percent from local government entities and 20 percent from the $42 million pot of grant money. Among the projects included in the RCNI’s proposal is the Market District development in downtown Elkhart, which features a natatorium/ community center, athletic fields, retail and residential spaces. Which projects will actually receive Regional Cities funding will be determined by a five-member Regional Development Authority. Bergl and Pete McCown, president of the Community Foundation of Elkhart County, are two of the RDA’s five members. Emberton sees the Regional Cities as a “broad approach” to fostering development, with efforts such as Vibrant Communities employing a strong focus on each community. The Vibrant Communities initiative is bringing together each of Elkhart County’s communities, from the cities to smaller towns to unincorporated rural areas, to identify the best parts of those places and envision what would be make them even better i.e. parks, arts programs, technology infrastructure, community events, etc. The Chamber is hosting two upcoming events regarding Regional Cities. John Affleck-Graves will be the keynote speaker at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting on March 4. Regina Emberton and Pete McCown will be the featured speakers at the YP Luncheon on March 24. Vibrant Communities launched January 26 with a countywide kickoff, but the real work will go on at Community Conversations planned in late February and continuing with focus groups. The aim is for Elkhart County’s cities, towns and incorporated areas to formulate plans that are best for each area but complement what’s happening around the county. “That diversity, if well done, will be a strength for our community,” said Bergl. Just as Regional Cities encouraged collaboration between leaders of neighboring counties, Vibrant Communities hopes to bring neighboring cities and towns to be each other’s biggest boosters. “People set up barriers in their mind, but we need to help overcome that,” said Bergl. Vibrant Communities planning is especially critical as the Community Foundation of Elkhart County prepares to award quality-of-place grants. Helped by the sizable gift left by David Gundlach’s estate, the foundation anticipates about $100 million to $150 million in grant-making over the next decade, said McCown. “It would be helpful to have a decadelong, multiple-constituent process to inform that (grant decisions),” he said. The foundation, along with the Elkhart County Convention and Visitors Bureau, are the co-sponsors of the Vibrant Communities initiative. “This is a unique opportunity for our community,” said Gina Leichty, co-chair of Vibrant Communities with Bergl. “We have the resources … to really bring about transformative change (in Elkhart County).” Join the Vibrant Community Conversations COUNTYWIDE: Monday, February 22 10 AM-Noon or 6:30-8:30PM ELKHART: Tuesday, February 23 5-7 PM* NAPPANEE & WAKARUSA: Tuesday, February 23 7-9 PM GOSHEN: Wednesday, February 24 6-8 PM* MIDDLEBURY & BRISTOL: Thursday, February 25 6-8 PM *Times and location subject to change; please visit vibrantelkhartcounty.org ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 9 Business Recognition Award Fairbanks Beautification Award The City of Elkhart and former Mayor Dick Moore received a Fairbanks Beautification Award from the Business Recognition/ Beautification Council for the Prairie Street Overpass Project. Kem Krest has received a Business Recognition Award from the Business Recognition/Beautification Council. Founded in 1979, Kem Krest began operations as a company managing the chemical line of products for General Motors. Now 26 years later, Kem Krest is a Supply Chain Management Fulfillment and Aftersales service organization employing over 250 employees in six locations in the US and Canada. They have received recognition as the GM Supplier of the Year and as a Top Minority Owned Business by DiversityBusiness.com. The core value of Kem Krest is IMPACT, and through volunteer committees, their employees have spearheaded initiatives and annually donate over 700 volunteer hours. Michiana Forty Under 40 is a partnership between our local Chambers, recognizing 40 regional business & professional leaders who have achieved success before the age of 40. This recognition shines the spotlight on 40 of the area’s most talented and dedicated young executives, professionals and leaders who demonstrate career success and community engagement. The 2016 class will represent the tenth Michiana Forty under 40 class with 360 leaders already receiving recognition. Criteria for consideration: 1. Initiative and dedication in pursuing their career 2. Proven success and achievement in their job/career 3. Investment in others through their involvement in civic, charitable and/or religious organizations 4. Passion for their community, giving back because of that passion 5. Under the age of 40 on May 1, 2016 6. Live and work in Michiana (LaPorte, St. Joseph, Elkhart, Starke & Marshall counties in IN; and Cass & Berrien counties in MI) 7. Nominees may be eligible in these and other industry sectors: education, health care, business/professional, social services/ not-for-profit, government/public service, financial services, attorneys Visit www.elkhart.org/news/forty-under-40.cfm to nominate someone. Nominations will be accepted through March 4. The celebration of the 2016 Class will be held on May 6. Budding Businessman. THANKS TO JA AND LEMONADE DAY. Across our region, too many kids don’t gain the basic financial skills needed to maximize their success. Junior Achievement’s volunteer-delivered pre-kindergarten through high school programs foster work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills. In partnership with educators, this experiential learning empowers young people to dream big and reach their potential. Learn how you can help inspire kids to a brighter future. Call Menessah Nelson at (574) 293-4530 or visit www.jani.org/elkhart-county. “Join me in supporting the important work of JA and Lemonade Day in Elkhart County.” Amish S. Shah, President / CEO Kem Krest 10 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER Member Celebrations Ruoff Home Mortgage celebrated the grand opening of their new location off County Road 17 at 901 Parkway Avenue, Elkhart. They make the process of securing a home mortgage simple and straight forward - with no hidden costs and no surprises. www.ruoff.com h c a e R s U p Hel NS! $ O I T A N O D n i K 50 Partner with Goodwill and the Community Foundation of Elkhart County through the Foundations Challenge Grant Program. For every dollar raised, CFEC will contribute toward the Goodwill job training programs in Elkhart County. We can receive both monetary and new tangible donations. Mention the Elkhart Community Foundation match grant for your donations to count towards our goal. Donate online at: http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GoodwillCommunityMatch or Mail your donation to: Goodwill Industries of Michiana, Inc. 1805 West Western Avenue P.O.Box 3846 South Bend, IN 46619 For more information contact: Katie Paceley (574)472-7379 207200 KERAMIDA, Inc. celebrated their 10-year anniversary as a Chamber member at their new Elkhart office location. KERAMIDA, a full-service environmental engineering and consulting firm, provides innovative, creative solutions to environmental issues faced by municipalities, industry, law firms, and insurance companies in the areas of due diligence, site remediation, compliance, permitting, health & safety, and sustainability. www.keramida.com www.Goodwill-NI.org ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 11 NEWS ABOUT OUR MEMBERS 1st Source Bank announces the addition of Al Kreske as a business banker and assistant vice president in Elkhart. Kreske joins the bank with more than 10 years of banking experience. The Elkhart County Board of Realtors raised $30,000 at their annual holiday auction. Items are donated by realtor and affiliate members and purchased back during the auction. Proceeds benefit local charities, including the Salvation Army. Rieth-Riley Construction Co. received an Indiana Construction Association Gold Summit Award in the category for highway, heavy and utility prime contractor with more than 300,000 hours. Rieth-Riley won for its use of stop work safety and stand-down techniques and its unique worker identification program, which recognizes less experienced employees and integrates them into experienced work groups. South Bend International Airport (SBN) and Griffen Plumbing and Heating, Inc. have completed the The Elkhart Truth has won five awards in the Local Media installation of a geothermal heating and air conditioning Association’s 2015 Advertising and Promotions Contest, a system in the SBN terminal, replacing a traditional boiler competition that recognizes the top advertising initiatives system that was nearly 20 years old. SBN was awarded throughout North America. Awards include: First place for an Airports Going Green Award honorable mention for Best Multimedia Wellness/Medical Product, Third place for the geothermal conversion project by the City of Chicago best ROP Advertising Section, Third place for Best Cover Department of Aviation. Design, Third place for Best Business Publication, and Honorable mention for Best Ad Series. General Motors’ Fort Wayne Assembly Plant built its 7 Faegre Baker Daniels received a perfect score of 100 percent on the 2016 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), administered by the Human Rights Campaign, and designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBT Equality. Mark Noeldner has joined Horizon Bank as market president of North Central Indiana which includes Elkhart County. He has an extensive banking background and specializes in commercial lending, problem loan resolution, and credit administration. millionth pickup truck in December with the customer purchasing the blue double-cab 2016 Chevrolet Silverado helping with the build. Thad Naquin, Greg Fink and Tracy McDonald from Tom Naquin Chevrolet went to the plant for a tour and a brief time on the line alongside members of UAW Local 2209. The law firm of Tuesley Hall Konopa LLP announces the addition of Peter J. Gillin as partner. Gillin advises business owners and investors in the areas of corporate law and contract law issues. Eric Pianowski is the new Executive Director of Loveway Inc. Therapeutic Riding Stables. Melinda Aven, wealth management advisor, and Amy L. Dowd, director of selection and development, with Northwestern Mutual, have earned the Chartered Life Underwriter professional designation from The American College. Candidates must complete a minimum of eight courses and 16 hours of supervised examinations. Submit your company’s news and information to [email protected] Ambassador of the Month Famed Aviator Charles A. Lindbergh’s personal 1939 travel trailer has been donated to the RV/ MH Hall of Fame and Museum and is now part of their historic RV collection. The custom-built trailer is in its original condition. 12 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER Lori Swihart, WSBT Radio Group “Developing relationships, celebrating success and learning about people, different environments, and new industries – all reasons I became an Ambassador last year. Networking opens doors for me every time I attend a Chamber event. It’s an opportunity to introduce The WSBT Radio Group and to build professional and personal relationships. Recently I helped a Chamber Member celebrate a 40 year anniversary. It was moving to hear them talk about their many years of service to the Elkhart County community.” ANNIVERSARIES JANUARY/FEBRUARY/MARCH 50 YEARS OR MORE KeyBank1923 Matzke Florists, Inc. 1934 JJ Babbitt Co., Inc. 1939 Northern Indiana Public Service Co. 1939 Martin’s Pet & Garden Center 1943 Frontier1944 Elkhart General Hospital 1952 Shaum Electric Company, Inc. 1946 Warrick & Boyn, LLP 1947 Anderson Silver Plating Co., Inc. 1950 Elkhart Clinic LLC 1958 Northern Box Company, Inc. 1953 The Horton Group / Cassady Neeser & Brasseur 1948 40 YEARS Penske Truck Leasing Co., LP 30 YEARS Red Roof Inns Welch Packaging Group Inc. 25 YEARS Agdia, Inc. Meridian Title Corporation TCU Insurance Agency Teachers Credit Union 20 YEARS Billings Funeral Home, Inc. Sherwin Williams Tenneco 15 YEARS City of Elkhart Jackie Clindaniel Kem Krest 10 YEARS Adam’s Cake Shop Begley’s Automotive Group, Inc. Conte Equipment Sales Inc. Flexible Concepts, Inc. Quality Asphalt Paving, Inc. Sorg Jewelers Teksource 5 YEARS Bright Ideas, LLC Cornerstone Environmental Health & Safety Inc. JJAMCO: Construction/Fire & Water Restoration Kuert Concrete, Inc. Red Lobster Sew Creative Threads Soil Solutions Co. - Elkhart Tile Redi, Ltd. 1 YEAR 1st Source Insurance Alta Equipment Company ATI Physical Therapy Elite Kitchens, LLC J & A Business Solutions, Inc. J & R Cleaning Service Justin Maust My Dad’s Place Friendly Tavern New York Life Insurance Company S.T.A. Roof Techs The Art of Design (TAOD) NEW MEMBERS Belle Tire Forge Industrial Staffing Shoe Sensation Charlie’s Butcher Block Four Winds Casino Resort US Healthworks of Indiana belletire.com 2624 Cassopolis St Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 808-4735 Mark Schneidmiller Tires: Sales & Service charliesbutcherblock.com 1900 Berry St, Ste A Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 264-6034 Kevin Crouch Restaurants Elkhart SCORE 592 elkhart.score.org 418 S Main St Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 293-1531 Ext:115 Tom Morris Business Consultants Non-Profit Organizations forgestaff.com 2525 W Lexington Ave Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 293-5900 Lukus Handshoe Staffing Services shoesensation.com 3701 S Main St, Ste 1238 Elkhart, IN 46517 (574) 875-5567 Angela Brewer Shoes: Retail fourwindscasino.com 11111 Wilson Rd New Buffalo, MI 49117 (269) 926-4500 Scott Brewer Casino ushealthworks.com 700 E Beardsley Ave, Ste 100 Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 206-8010 Don Happ Occupational Medicine Monteith’s Best-One Tire & Auto Care monteithtire.com 2503 Cassopolis St Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 970-6145 Andy Peters Automotive Service & Repairs RENEWING MEMBERS Our thanks to members who recently renewed! Accelerators, Inc. Accident Fund Insurance Company of America Agdia, Inc. Alick’s Home Medical, Inc. All About Fitness Allegra Print & Imaging Alphagraphics AMS of Indiana, Inc. Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Ancon Construction Co., Inc. Arnt Asphalt Sealing The Art of Design (TAOD) Barnes & Thornburg LLP Bennington Bent Oak Corporation Bethel College Better Way Products, Inc. Biomet-Hibbard Broderick Chiropractic Center Brown & Brown General Contractors, Inc. Bruce Carter Associates, LLC Bull Moose Tube Co. Burston Marketing, Inc. Business Development Corporation (BDC) Buzzi Unicem USA The Centre, PC - Comprehensive Plastic Surgery Champion Manufacturing Chase Cira’s Express Mini Mart Coffee Time/Water Time CommunityWide Federal Credit Union Concord Community Schools Conte Equipment Sales Inc. Continental Industries, Inc. Cope’s Carpet Cleaning, Inc. Cornerstone CPA Group, LLP Creative Financial Staffing Cripe Design Crystal Valley Landscaping Cutters Foam Fabricating, Inc. D & S Totally Mobile DECA Environmental & Associates Dec-O-Art, Inc. Dermacenter MD Dometic Group Duncan RV Repair LLC Paul D. Eash Attorney at Law PC Eastlake Terrace Senior Living Center EFP, LLC Elcona Country Club, Inc. Elkhart County 4-H & Agricultural Exposition, Inc. Elkhart County Government: Board of County Commissioners Elkhart Emergency Physicians, Inc. Enerco Corporation Factory RV Surplus Farmer Tank, Inc. Fasnap Corp. FastSigns Fidelity National Title Dr. Donald C. Findlay First State Insurance Flags International FM Stone Commercial Gaska Tape Inc. G-Diamond Transport, Inc. Geneele Crump, LCSW Goshen Buick GMC Hyundai & Goshen RV Supercenter Harrison College Headsight, Inc. Helman Sechrist Architecture Hoffman Sharpening Corp. Holiday Inn Express Hop’s Quality Detail & Window Tinting Horner Investment Group LLC Images Jewelers, Inc. Indiana Oxygen INOVA Federal Credit Union Integritas Search LLC Interra Credit Union #4571 Irvine Shade & Door, Inc. J & R Cleaning Service J2 Marketing JJ Babbitt Co., Inc. Just In Time Transportation, Inc. KERAMIDA Inc. Kibbechem, Inc. KIK Custom Products Kimi’s Hair Designs Brian J. King, DDS, PC Kruis Mold & Engineering, Inc. Kuert Concrete, Inc. La Esperanza Lake Michigan Mailers, Inc. Lawmasters, Inc. Leliaert Insurance Agency Inc. LeMaster Steel Erectors, Inc. LESEA Broadcasting TV/ Radio Lindahl Photography, Inc. Lithotone, Inc. Mach I Packaging Inc./Dynamic Packaging Solutions Mail Management, Inc. Majority Builders, Inc. Maple City Dispensing Maple City Fire Protection, Inc./Koorsen Fire & Security Marbach, Brady & Weaver ELKHART.ORG | Martin’s Pet & Garden Center Menno Travel Mishawaka Sheet Metal LLC MITO Corporation Montessori School of Elkhart, Inc. Myers Trust Real Estate Network Solutions, Inc. New Paradigm Brewing Co., LLC Oak Ridge Estates ObeCo, Inc. O’Leary Paint Once Upon a Child Overhead Door Company Peoplelink Staffing Solutions Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians Quad 4 Plastics, LLC Quality Wine & Ale Supply LLC R & R Regulators, Inc. Ranch Fiberglas, Inc. Raymond James & Associates Red Roof Inns Regal Mold & Die Republic Services Reschcor Robert Weed Plywood Corp. Rollie Williams Paint Spot, Inc. Royal Excursion RSM US LLP Salem Insurance The Samaritan Center Service Specialties SERVPRO of North Elkhart County StateWide Windows Staybridge Suites Stifel - The Elkhart Group Target Marketing TCU Insurance Agency TecServ Environmental Inc. Terry’s Cleaning & Restoration Texas Roadhouse Tile Redi, Ltd. Tom Naquin Chevrolet-Nissan-Cadillac- Workhorse Custom Chassis, Inc. Trinity United Methodist Church Urology Associates US Signal Company USI Midwest LLC Valley Screen Process Co. Victory Construction, Inc. Vista Manufacturing, Inc. Welch Packaging Group WNIT Television (PBS) Yoder, Ainlay, Ulmer & Buckingham, LLP LEADING BUSINESS 13 Northern Indiana Coalition of Chambers 2016 Legislative Positions The Northern Indiana Coalition of Chambers works together on issues of importance to the Northern Indiana Region. The SixCounty coalition has identified these four Regional priorities for the 2016 Legislative session: Transportation and Infrastructure funding Indiana’s transportation system is facing a funding crisis. The costs of road building and maintenance continue to increase, while an adequate funding stream has not been found. At the same time, vital projects like the completion of US 31, remain in limbo. Lawmakers must address the funding shortfall for state and local projects and maintenance. Unless a better funding source can be identified, lawmakers must adopt any or all of the proven funding streams. Among the local priorities are: • Support increasing the state fuel tax and indexing for inflation. • Support that all money raised through fuel tax is directed to construction, repair and maintenance of roads and highways rather than being directed to the general fund. • Support the completion of US-31 to a limited access highway between Indianapolis and South Bend. • Support the upgrade of US-30 to freeway status. • Supports improvement of US-33 from Fort Wayne to the US-20 Bypass, including passing lanes at key bottleneck points. • Support additional studies and funding for the South Shore Rail Line to reduce travel time between North Central Indiana and Chicago. • Support additional funding to enhance and expand air service and facilities at the South Bend International Airport. • Support tolling of other limited access highways throughout Indiana to generate new revenue for construction, repair and maintenance of State’s transportation network. Local government funding Return the home-rule concept to Indiana government. If the legislature determines a local funding option is good for one community, it should be available to all communities. When thorough public debate has happened, local governments should be allowed to determine the source, the duration and expenditure of local taxation without seeking additional approval from the state or federal government. Specifically: • Grant all Indiana communities the same local revenue producing options currently granted to only a few. A local food and beverage tax is an example of a local tax used by some communities, but not available to all. • Uncouple the state-mandated use of the local option income taxes by empowering local governments to identify the area of greatest need. • As options for reducing tax impacts are reviewed by state government (such as Business Personal Property Tax repeal), state government should also ensure that comparable replacement revenues are included in the tax relief package. • Provide more transparency in collection of local income taxes to ensure all revenues return to the County of origin. Alternatively, let the local government collect the tax, like they do with the wheel tax. Education and Workforce Development • Support re-evaluating the A-F Grading of schools in Indiana • Ensure that private and or charter schools receiving public funds adhere to the same regulations and admission requirements as public schools. • Provide for state testing for Career Ready Expectations. • Support maintaining access to a strong dual credit systems in Indiana High Schools. Economic Development • Support the continued focus and expansion of the Regional Cities initiative as a tool for enhancements throughout the state • Support the protection of economic development tools and innovative programs such as tax increment financing (TIF) districts, enterprise zones, and tax phase-in’s for local government entities • Support the expansion of high quality broadband internet connectivity to rural areas while maintaining affordability. • Support the vital RV industry by removing harmful barriers to fair competition, like the Indiana sales tax charged to out-of-state customers. The Northern Indiana Chamber Coalition is a Coalition of Chambers of Commerce from Elkhart, Kosciusko, La Porte, Marshall, St. Joseph, and Starke Counties in North Central Indiana. 14 GREATER ELKHART CHAMBER New mayor, new council, new challenges Part of the Chamber’s purpose and work product is advocacy. On behalf of the businesses and organizations in the Greater Elkhart community, the Chamber engages elected officials from city hall to the Indiana Statehouse, to the nation’s capitol in Washington, DC. At Elkhart City Hall, many of the elected officials have changed. New Mayor Tim Neese will be implementing new priorities, as he replaces former Mayor Dick Moore. For the Chamber, the transition is a smooth one. The Elkhart Chamber worked closely with Tim Neese during his years as a state representative. The Elkhart Common Council will be new territory for Chamber advocacy. The Chamber has a good working relationship with long-time council members Brent Curry, Brian Dickerson, David Henke, Mary Olson and Brian Thomas. Starting 2016 the Council has four new members: Adam Bujalski, Dwight Fish, Pam Kurpgeweit, and Dr. Richard Shively. To make sure business issues are given due respect, the Chamber will be working to make sure the new Council members know the kinds of information we can provide to help them govern. For state lawmakers, Elkhart County does not have any new faces for 2016. The popular Third House Town Hall Series meetings began January 23, and will continue on February 11 and March 12. In addition, the Chamber will be co-hosts of a Chamber trip to the Statehouse on February 9. To keep connected with our federal officials, the Chamber is also planning to participate in DC Fly-In this fall. Learn more about the Chamber’s efforts with the Advocate video on our web site, Elkhart.org. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY - OSHA 10 Hour Voluntary Compliance Training 8 am - 4:30 pm Matterhorn Conference Center 9 Career Day presented by Education/Career Development Council 9 - 11 am Pierre Moran Middle School 9 Statehouse Drive-In 11:30 - lunch and program begin at Indiana State Chamber Indianapolis 910 Social Networking Event 12 Third House Town Hall Meeting 11:30 am - 1 pm Greater Elkhart Chamber 17 Transforming Your Safety Culture: OSHA Council Breakfast 7:30 am Matterhorn Conference Center 18 Business Success Online Today Seminar 8:30 - 10:30 am Greater Elkhart Chamber 18 Healthy Eating for 2016 Luncheon hosted by Women’s Council 11:30 am - 1 pm Primrose, 820 Fulmer Rd, Mishawaka 23 Lean 101 Workshop 8 am - 5 pm Greater Elkhart Chamber 23 Small Employers: How to Prepare for the Future of ACA 8 - 10 am Matterhorn Conference Center 25 Cheers for Charity benefitting Habitat for Humanity hosted by Young Professionals Council 5:30 - 7:30 pm Miles Lab, 3763 E Jackson Blvd 8 10 - Hosted by Our Place on Main 126 S Main St, Elkhart TUESDAY March 15 5 - 7 pm Sponsor a 2016 Biz-Ness Event MARCH 4 Biz-Ness After Hours Chamber Annual Meeting 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Crystal Ballroom at the Lerner Theatre Contact [email protected] OSHA 20 Hour Voluntary Compliance Training 8 am - 4:30 pm Matterhorn Conference Center Imagination Pro Media provides the sound system for all Biz-Ness events. 11 Third House Town Hall Meeting 11:30 am - 1 pm Greater Elkhart Chamber 15 Biz-Ness After Hours 5 - 7 pm Cressy & Everett Real Estate, Our Place on Main, 126 S Main St 16 Active Shooter: OSHA Council Breakfast 7:30 am Matterhorn Conference Center 17 Happy Hours Networking hosted by Women’s Council 5 - 6 pm McCarthy’s, 333 NIBCO Pkwy, Ste A 22 Career Day presented by Education/Career Development Council 9 - 11 am North Side Middle School 24 Regional Cities Update Luncheon hosted by the Young Professionals Council 11:30 am - 1 pm Crystal Ballroom at the Lerner Theatre OSHA Council Breakfasts Transforming Your Safety Culture Wednesday, February 17 7:30 - 9 am Active Shooter Wednesday, March 16 7:30 - 9 am Matterhorn Conference Center 2041 Cassopolis St, Elkhart Member Cost: $10 per person Open to all Elkhart Chamber members. Register at Elkhart.org or call (574) 293-1531 Registrations must be made in advance. ELKHART.ORG | LEADING BUSINESS 15 Cordially Invites You to Attend Our ANNUAL MEETING Join us and celebrate the 2015 accomplishments of the Chamber. Our guest speaker, John Affleck-Graves, will provide an update on the Regional Cities Initiative moving forward. Friday, March 4 John Affleck-Graves, Executive Vice President, University of Notre Dame John Affleck-Graves was elected as the University of Notre Dame’s first lay executive vice president by the Board of Trustees in April 2004. A native of South Africa and a naturalized U.S. citizen, he holds the Notre Dame Chair in Finance in the Mendoza College of Business and has won numerous teaching awards. The author of more than 50 refereed publications, AffleckGraves specializes in the study of initial public offerings, valuation and asset pricing models, and shareholder value added methodology. He has been actively involved in the Regional Cities Initiative Application process, and is Chair of the North Central Indiana RDA. Lerner Theatre Crystal Ballroom 410 S. Main St. Elkhart 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Individual Seats: $60 Tables of Eight: $650 (with preferential seating and company mention in program) Limited seating Make your reservations today! Register at www.elkhart.org or Call Denise at (574) 293-1531 ext. 132
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