2013 Winter - Glen Oaks Village
2013 Winter - Glen Oaks Village
Glen Oaks Village C o m m u n i t y N ew s l e t t e r Winter 2013 BOARD MEMBERS: Bob Friedrich, President & Chief Financial Officer; Roseann Ciaccio, Vice President; Lisa Marulli, Treasurer; Carol Carucci, Secretary; Lee Feinman, Christine Bergen, Justin Conklin, Leonard Motsinger, Mitch Jaret NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mildred Marshburn, ARM®, Editor; Roseann Ciaccio, Dorothy Grace, Associate Editors Glen Oaks Village’s newest gazebo at Union Turnpike, between 260th and 263rd Streets I this I Around the Neighborhood By Drew Englot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Living Healthy…Feeling Fine By Dr. David B. Kanner, D.D.S . . . . . . 26-27 On Board By Bob Friedrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 3 Grand Opening of the Enchanted Forest Dog Run Park By Bob Friedrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Resident Reminder…Curb Your Dog!!! By Jennifer Rickenbaugh . . . . . . . . . . 27 Dollars and “Sense” By Randy Gunther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 GOVO “Persons of Interest”- Marie Zichella By Dorothy Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Featured Homes By Mildred Marshburn . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 GOVO Employees Attend Customer Service Seminar By Mildred Marshburn . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Playgrounds #1 and 2 Receive Makeovers New House Rule for “Head-In Parking” By Jennifer Rickenbaugh . . . . . . . . . . 21 Wedding Belles and Grooms WOW Babies!!! By Dorothy Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Maintenance Department News By Mildred Marshburn . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-35 NSIDE SSUE … Mail Bag By Bob Friedrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–15 In Preparation of Winter By Frank Portella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 “Super Seniors” Mamie Raymondo Turns 105 By Dorothy Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1 GOVO Remembers Frank Stellato By Dorothy Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Important Telephone Numbers . . . . . INSERT On Board By Bob Friedrich ([email protected]) Important Political Issues Affecting Glen Oaks Village and All Co-ops This has been an extraordinarily busy year for our co-op and other co-ops in general. The failure of the NYS Legislature to renew vitally needed co-op legislation pushed the co-op community under my leadership to mount a battle that we believe will be successful. Although we have been given assurances from the Governor and legislative leaders that the J51 and NYC Abatement Programs will be renewed retroactively, there still has been no movement on the co-op tax battle. We have seen co-ops assessed valuations increase at alarmingly high rates, which leads to ever-increasing property taxes. We must do everything to protect the middle class in this city, as many of them live in co-ops. Since we are the largest garden apartment co-op in New York, I will continue to be in the forefront of this battle and the Board will continue to keep you posted on all developments. Nearby co-ops, like Parkwood Estates, have recently raised maintenance 15% as a result of these tax and water rate increases. We continue to do everything possible to keep maintenance in Glen Oaks Village affordable and are very proud of that record. Parks And Playgrounds Glen Oaks Village has one of the best Park and Playground facilities of any co-op in Queens. First, we have City-owned Glen Oaks Oval, which is completely surrounded by our community. As many of you remember, this Park was originally named Tenney Park until my 5-year effort with the city to officially change its name to the Glen Oaks Oval. In addition to this park, we have 2 beautifully lit Tennis Courts and a 3-wall outdoor Racquet Ball Court. Check out the wonderful white gazebo with seating, installed this year in the large courtyard on Union Turnpike between 260th and 263rd Streets. This gazebo is constructed of synthetic material and will need minimal maintenance in the future. After the construction and dedication ceremony last year of Tribute Triangle Park, the question was “What’s next?” Continuing our improvements and making Glen Oaks Village family and children friendly; in 2012, the Board commissioned the full reconstruction of Playgrounds 1 and 2. This project cost approximately $150,000. Meeting City, State and Federal Safety requirements significantly added to the cost. In fact, safety surfacing cost more than the play equipment. As any parent who has been there with their children can attest, this project was well designed. The success of these projects is evident by their increased usage. With the completion of Playgrounds 1 and 2 this year and Playground 3 last year, we now have three beautiful state-of-the-art playgrounds. We will be reviewing the final 3 playgrounds for renovation during our 2013 Budget process. Finally, we are so proud of our Grand Opening of the Glen Oaks Village Enchanted Forest Dog Park. This is probably the largest and most beautiful Dog Park in Queens. With its natural vegetation, K9 artificial turf and pea gravel surface, this park is a shining star and will increase our property values, making our apartments even more desirable. The cost to build this park was $55,000. That compares favorably to reports that the NYC Dog Run at Little Bay Park in Whitestone cost the city $500,000. The cost of this park will be paid over a period of 3-5 years by the annual usage fee we will be charging. Resident park users will be required to sign a liability waiver and pay $25 per year per dog and $50 for non-residents. They will then be issued a Glen Oaks Village Dog Tag that will be required for admittance to the park. The Board decided to allow Residents in our neighboring communities of Royal Ranch and Parkwood to use the Dog Park. The user fees will be used to maintain the park and pay for its construction. The park is self-monitored and our Dog Park Volunteers can be easily spotted wearing special Glen Oaks Village Volunteer golf shirts. This park is beautiful and has a wonderful sitting area for visitors who simply wish to come and watch the action. The trees and setting makes it truly look like an Enchanted Forest. 2 Capital Improvement Program Our Multi-Year Capital Construction Program that is responsible for upgrading our infrastructure has been hugely successful. The Stoop Program will be completed by 2014. Our Roof Program will also be completed as 127 of the 134 buildings that make up Glen Oaks Village have been done. Both sections of our property have now been painted. That includes doors, molding, railings, octagon window frames, bay window caps, etc. The Hot Water Heater Program in which we are installing 47 hot water heaters in all of our Boiler Rooms means upon completion of the Program, we will be able to turn off all of our boilers for at least 4 months a year, significantly extending the life of the boilers. Once these programs are completed, needed budgetary relief will arrive just in time. Basement Conversions, Terraces, Decks and Dormers Value-Added Improvements, such as basement conversions, decks and terraces continue to be done. We have not had a dormer constructed since 2009; however, this year our 20th and 21st dormers went up--with another slated to go up early next spring. In the past, we required all dormers to be prefabricated, modular units that are hoisted onto the buildings. This year, we experimented and allowed 2 to be done in conventional, stick construction. Our concern with conventional construction was the time frame needed to do the work and the disruption to nearby neighbors. We received assurances from the Contractor that both dormers could be constructed quickly, with minimal disruption. After investigating the Company’s past performance, we allowed both projects to move forward. The first dormer is located on 255th Street, opposite Rite Aid, with the second on Langston Avenue, between 261st Street and 73rd Avenue. The jobs were done beautifully and quickly, with little disruption to neighbors—in addition to being very affordable. By allowing this type of construction, we believe the competition will keep prices in check so that families that need to expand can choose this option rather than moving into a much more expensive private home. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Progressive Thinking with Conservative Financial Instincts Glen Oaks Village, under the leadership of a progressive thinking Board with financially conservative instincts, has been responsible for the success and affordability of our co-op. We recently gave consent to allow a Shareholder to add a carport beneath their terrace. We required that the construction mirror nearby garages and since this is a reserved spot, we charge the normal monthly garage fee. Our conservative financial instincts mean that our co-op does not impose a flip tax like most other co-ops. A flip tax is a fee which a Seller pays to the co-op upon sale of their unit. In some co-ops that fee is as high as 50% of the sales profit price, which means at the time of sale you hand back 50% of the difference between your purchase price and the selling price. Give the Board credit for not imposing this onerous fee. You keep ALL of your sales money. Running a co-op this size requires an enormous effort by all of our Board members. We embark on projects with great planning and thought. We are self-managed, which means the staff reports directly to the Board of Directors. Glen Oaks Village has come a long way from its past and our successes have set us apart from other co-ops. Please share your comments or thoughts with us at [email protected]. Also, please read my monthly column in the Little Neck Ledger on the 1st week of each month. You can pick it up for free in front of the Arnold Kraus Management Office at the Community News Rack. 3 DOLLARS AND “$EN$E” By Randy Gunther Controller Tax Credits The Finance Department regularly files applications in-house for tax credits that take about two years to get finalized. These are referred to as J51 tax credits. The City put this program together in the 1960’s to combat the deterioration of urban buildings. Recently, GOVO incurred over $5,900,000 in capital work that qualified for J51 tax credits. Our 2009 and 2010 J51 applications are now paying us back handsomely with J51 tax credits in two different ways. J51 tax exemptions granted us for the 2009 and 2010 applications are reducing our real estate assessed valuation by 10.3 million dollars and will reduce our actual real estate tax by $1,223,000 in the 2012/13 fiscal year alone. This represents a savings to our Shareholders of about $500 per unit, per year. In addition to J51 exemptions, we also received J51 tax abatements which are a partial recovering of the capital expenditures we incurred. The J51 tax abatements granted us for 2009 and 2010 are over $1,800,000 of tax credits--which will be spread over the next 9 years or about $200,000 per year. I would like to report that these tax credits are reducing our real estate tax burden, but they are not. The City of New York has been increasing assessed valuations and applicable real estate taxes over the last two years at an alarming rate. The J51 tax credits however, are going a long way in mitigating the City’s impact on our net real estate taxes. Bob Friedrich, along with other cooperatives in the President’s Co-op & Condo Council, has worked tirelessly in opposing these real estate tax increases by working with our politicians and various City organizations. Financial Year 2012 The year 2012 is shaping up to be a good financial year for Glen Oaks Village. Heating costs are down about $1,000,000 from budget due to a milder winter in 2011/12 and timely purchases of heating gas. Other revenues and expenses are generally on budget targets. Shareholder Real Estate Tax Exemptions In March 2012, Shareholders were assessed an amount approximating their Cooperative Tax Abatement plus their STAR exemption, in lieu of a maintenance increase. This assessment was applied to all Shareholders-whether they applied for and received their $301 STAR exemption, or not. With this in mind, it is important to apply for the STAR exemption, if you have not already. A STAR Exemption is available for everyone who owns and occupies their unit. Senior Citizen Exemptions are available to property owners, aged 65 years or older with income below $35,400 (including Social Security). The Veteran Tax Exemption provides credits to Veterans or their spouses, if they have served in a war or combat zone. All exemptions are passed onto the Shareholders, dollar for dollar, with a credit on their monthly maintenance bill. Applications and information are available in the Arnold Krause Management Office. Take advantage of the tax credit you are entitled to. 4 GOVO EMPLOYEES ATTEND CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING SEMINAR By Mildred Marshburn, General Manager and Editor As you may already be aware of, GLEN OAKS VILLAGE is the premier garden apartment co-op in New York City—a fact that we are all extremely proud of. After years of hard work by our dedicated Board of Directors, Management Staff and skilled Employees, our once transient Village has become the well-run, financiallysound, garden co-op community it is today—with 10,000 Residents, 114-acres of beautifully-landscaped grounds and an expertly-maintained infra-structure. Judged by the commendations we’ve received, it is evident that the Board, Management and Staff have each been doing their part to serve our Residents; however, there is always room for improvement. In order to raise the bar on the level of Customer Service provided, Randi Busse, a Customer Service Expert from WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. was contracted and brought in to speak to every employee—including Managers, Management Office and Maintenance Department staff. Four 2-hour informative seminars were held in our Board Room. In addition to listening to Randi’s inspirational thoughts, Employees took turns sharing their feelings on what they believed were positive and negative examples of customer service--all in the interest of increasing our sensitivity to what Residents go through when contacting our office with a problem and/or receiving a service call. In addition, each Employee left with the following pocket-size card, reminding them of the following Top Ten Customer Service Skills: 1. Think and act like the Owner of the Company. 2. Build trust and rapport. 3. Provide an assurance of help. 4. Personalize your Customer’s experience. 5. Make dealing with your Company easy. 6. A complaint is a gift. 7. Buying decisions are not only based on price. 8. Satisfaction is temporary; loyalty is long term. 9. Outstanding service sets you apart from the competition. 10.If you don’t take care of your Customers, someone else will. We all agreed that attending Randi Busse’s class was a positive experience that both heightened our awareness of the importance of good Customer Service and sharpened everyone’s “people” skills. .....Let us know how we are doing. 5 Mail Bag Letters & Emails to the Board These letters and emails are from shareholders and residents and were received after the previous Glen Oaks Village Newsletter was published. Where appropriate, Bob Friedrich, GOVO president has responded on behalf of the Board. Write or Email us at: [email protected] C.S. (6/24/11) writes: I am writing to you today in reference to your letter dated June 22, 2011. I would like to know how much the Tribute Triangle Park is going to cost to construct and who is going to pay for it. Also, who is going to be responsible for keeping it neat and such. How come the Shareholders were not allowed to vote on this and that the Board of Directors authorized this park on their own, without so much as a letter letting the Shareholders know beforehand what was going on. The letter was sent out after, how convenient of you, after the fact. This practice by the Board to just do things this way and not give us, the Shareholder, a voice is not the way to operate. I believe that this is going to be turned into a hangout for the kids and young adults, there will be vanda lism, drinking and drug use and I believe this park will not survive. I, as a Shareholder, would like these questions answered and I would also like a detailed list of the expenditures, includ ing materials and labor costs. I believe I am entitled to this information. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. Hi C.S: I am sorry that you have not attended any of our meeti ngs or read all of our memos. If you did, you would have been aware of this project for over a year. Communicating by flyers and meetings is the way a Board reaches out to its Residents. People need to make a little effort to be informed. So let’s begin with the first mention of this idea, which took place last year when a flyer was sent out to ALL Residents describing the park idea and asking for suggestions. We even asked folks to provid e names of family members that served. That would have been a perfect oppor tunity for YOU to contribute your thoughts. Although we didn’t hear from you, we heard from others and a committee of Share holde rs was set up. You could have been part of that, but you chose not to participate. Then at the Shareholders Budget Meeting this was discussed and also mentioned was that $25,000 out of our $25,000,000 budget was set aside to spruce up this area. Then we recently sent out another memo asking for name and plaque inscription suggestions. We have been overwhelmed with positiv e responses. Yours is the only one to date that doesn ’t fall into that category. But that is OK, people are entitled to their own opinions. But to sugge st that the Board has embarked on this project in secre cy is not only dishonest, but anathema to the way we operate. As far as the cost, most of it will be donated by contra ctors that have a history of good work here at Glen Oaks Village. That is because the Board as it always does, tries to keep costs under control and the idea of asking contractors to participate in this projec t is in line with that objective. The contractors have been excited to participate in this type of project. You can’t be talking about Glen Oaks Village when you say, “the practice of the Board to just do things this way and not give us, the Shareholder, a voice is not the way to operate.” I am not sure how you arrived at that conclusion since this project was plann ed by a committee of shareholders that was formed based on a flyer request that was dissem inated to all residents. It really is an outrageous statem ent and one that flies in the face of reality. Your concern about the park being turned into a hango ut is one we have also thought about, and we will take steps to prevent that from happening. However, to allow fear of the dregs of society to contro l our destiny and prevent a beautiful and patriotic park from being built will never happen as long as I am President and the current Board is in place. That type of thinking keeps communities stagnant and prevents residents from enjoying the benefits of a better quality of life. Thank you. BF to fill #) you sent out for Shareholders C.S. (7/20/12) writes: Grant Form requesting Con Ed $2M ask DA not uld SER (NY sho VO form GO the k and sending bac my use only, Please be advised I will not be VO’S business. This info is for GO not of e uld non sho is VO s GO ber and num t will I acc CON ED my electric usage, uce red to t wan If I rs. out. I believe that asking for our you not ss, the amount I pay is my busine for it. I pay my own electric and nance bill. inte ma ly nth mo my for ept lay exc be involved in my monetary out e agency agree to set aside Grant Program and having the stat A ERD NYS Hi C.S: the ing arch rese r ERDA has given, and then olutely astounding. Afte ch would be the largest grant NYS whi ts, men Your response to our request is abs rove imp rgy ene for not a loan, it is money given to ey to Glen Oaks Village to get this grant money (grant is er ord In . almost $2,000,000 of grant mon ning stun is # Ed Con ONLY way this can be done is by plain about providing a energy consumption by 15%. The uce hear a Shareholder like you com red can we that w sho to ber which will simply be used to model is formulated you would refuse to provide a num that g us FREE & CLEAR), an energy ckin sho it find I Ed. Con ntenance, we would cer tainly be be obtained via of grant. But yet, if we raised mai type looking at real data which can only this get ed to ge Villa s Oak n Gle h data when it was clearly explain in order to allow ility to understand the need for suc aggregate the total energy usage inab g and bein ce of gan nce arro orta the imp ble the arka rs understand Again, it is rem , I am thankful that most Shareholde hearing from you loud and clear. way Any le. who a as p co-o the ld provide to to our request. Thank you. BF in the letter and the benefits it wou responded in a favorable manner pily hap e hav and t gran 00 00,0 able to obtain a $2,0 6 JS (8/15/11) writes: Hi Bob: The long awaited Newsletter was delivered to me this afternoon. I just finished reading it, cover to cover; it’s another great edition. I’ve really miss ed it. It’s like reading a good book that you just can’t put down, but you also don ’t want to finish it too quickly. It’s content is very well rounded - informative, amusing , at times (especially the mail bag) and full of humanity. Please keep future issu es coming in a timely fashion. ing ts are grow re Residen o ell. m w d s n a a t in fron s tes: ar more e n ri y e w ) rd is 1 a 1 g th 0 d x /2 d. But otice mple SS (8/23 n addresse nd I have n und the co e a e ro s a b e t d o m e n o c h e ti v o would their ut ha I have n in front of egetables it ll season, b v ts a o ir p e re e th in th e s v n le o e ns and rem e be vegetab table garde k people to e sores hav e s y a g e e u e v o s y e e n th th a f c n so scaping how Many o House Rule stion is that the Land is here and e n o th s f a o e s n o e secti ugge ty cannot now th bles. My s re-read the ws. Securi I ta ro e g . g ir e to v fa a n d m u e a to ourtyard. t pott seem wing in a c ectly before ntion abou ro e ir g d m t is o n t n e a h m is w e it a lot last there n see Manag er, they did scaping ca porting to d m n re m a u rt L s t ta u ll s b a , w rts cre e road the golf ca ing from th ty drive in ri u hank you. c T e see everyth S t. a n e th e ck liked ve not s a lo h b e y w m , n o o ls A ple a lot of peo Rules year. I know our House to g in rd o cc da ave not not permitte plied. We h re a m s co g t in o n ild u es this have of b Hi SS: in the front sidents who I don’t think the Board se s e n R e f rd o a r g e b le Vegetab to a num front and sent letters plants in the and we have ibited potted vegetable proh g shift, the specifically t this time. g the evenin a n , ri m u d le b s ro rd p cision was urtya as a ar. That de s in the co rt ye ca is lf th o g m e ra g community pro ving th ue with the ecurity in the Security dri S tin t n a to ry co th lt rd to a fe t g s o re a In it w ed n ram was ve mittee decid this year and ecurity Prog r m S ie o it rl is C a h te e T a ty s ri st l. ie o in cu n tr Se ay re larce on pa ents. We m d e rise in auto ving all of our vehicles si th e n R o d ith se w a d b y ha ns I have ha be served b d conversatio n would best a ils a m e d on popular base F B r. next yea DB (8/16/11) writes: Hi Bob, I am appalled at some of the letters and comments made in the Summer 2011 Newsletter. LP, you have a problem with people smo king on the stoop - close your windows. I have awful smells seeping into my apartment (year round) from people using all kind s of unpleasant cooking spices that actually make me gag. I know they don’t have the effect that second hand smoke has but they cause me to make adjustments to my apartment so it’s comfortable for me during those times. Yes, I will agree that thro wing cigarette butts on the ground is inconsiderate and should be stopped. I have to smell the lighter fluid used to start charcoal BBQ’s. That in your lungs is not healthy either. Car fumes - I live in front of a parking lot. Should we close parking lots? Do I call Security when I get the BBQ fumes from the lighter fluid? Whe n living in a community with multiple families you have to take everyone’s rights into consideration. Give it a rest or move to a private home and put a bubble around it. ites: John (08/18/11) wr ncern: parked To Whom it may co cars when they are on ed us s er ick st e th ssary and I’d like to address completely unnece e ar ey Th . ea ar d ths, getting in a non-designate the summer mon g rin du lly cia pe ere. A simple cause issues, es t supposed to be th no is r ca ur ...o it. t appropriate. them off. We ge uld be much more wo r pe wi d iel sh nd lot without a notice on the wi my wife parked in en wh ne Ju in e at sticker on our My issue cam en there. We got th be d ha e sh ot rg the window with permit and fo it had cooked onto , at he e th sist of e us r something to as car but beca called Security fo d s ha I wa f. I of u it yo t ge nd me. Mi no way to ful and hung up on lp e he m be st to co d it , se fu ow me. He re up. Anyh to have him hang g ed in th ed no ne id el sa on t rs bu upset, car wash pe er off as even the $15 to get that stick m the glass. fro ue move the gl re to t uc od pr ial a spec me up with a that you might co s pe ho in ail m es as well as I am writing this in the wrong area ed rk pa rs ca g yin at I did. Thank new way of notif going through wh m fro on rs pe r prevent anothe you. For the person who said dog walkers look into her windows. Get a life! Also, the comment that the dogs are killing the grass. Really! Water! I think dogs should be able to be walked on the grass alongside the curb. I have never seen people walking or children playing in that area. I have noticed mor e people are not picking up after their dogs. Maybe people shou ld be screened better before they are allowed to move in. the ple violation under Hi John: suggest - put a sim u yo we t, at no wh n do tha to more often We used it did not work and ly s ate er ck tun sti for the Un e d. y we us windshiel the floor. That is wh on n d su pe rip the , or se d ca de fol ur found it effor t. In yo le litt th wi off el pe to . Security which are supposed re difficult to remove mo ch mu it g kin ma move their baked the sticker on and asks them to re t en sid Re g din en Nevertheless, often calls up the off you weren’t home. d an s thi did y the uld be happy to vehicle. Perhaps ion that works, I wo lut so a th wi up if you can come listen. BF For someone to make this commen t, “The maintenance fee is being used to enrich the Board Director s pockets” is insane. Glen Oaks Board members do a wonderful job. Get a life! It all boils down to being considerate of your neighbors. Take the good with the bad. Change what we can and lets all live in peace and harmony. Thanks for listening. 7 AP (8/19/11) writes: it will be less than a block away Hello GOVO, . It makes it even more special that rans vete our e for l oria mem a ting for crea iotic! It means a lot to me that ther I wanted to personally thank you Marine and our family is very patr a be will the ays in alw one , and is tary ds, mili wor the in his were in from my home. My father was, or re I came from! Two of my uncles I’m going home to remind me whe er myself. nev tary whe mili see the can I into ng get ethi to som will be of all of them and even tried d prou am I y. Nav the in men Marines and the other a Midship be around for the protected us and hope that I will e hav who e thos of e nam the creating something in I thank you whole heartedly for since 1989. eil it. Sincerely yours, a resident unv ceremony when you officially ts of our community feel on the Board and I know the Residen us Hi AP: of all to cial spe very is Park The Tribute Triangle Thank you for your kind comments. e. Thank you. BF plac cial spe a the same way. It is truly M.(8/23/11) writes: Hi: I thought all asbestos was cleaned out in GOVO, I thought I saw a men tion in one of your Newsletters awh does a fee of $4,500 asbestos aba ile back. My question is; why tement fee have to be paid by Res idents reclaiming their cellar for Bas requirement in the recent Newslet ement Conversion. I just read this ter received and wondered why, since we all paid an extra fee sev asbestos? Thanks to all of you who eral years ago regarding getting keep us the best co-op in the city rid of . Hi M: Asbestos has been abated in all bas ements and garages. Each shareho lder paid approximately $600 in a Spe full basement asbestos abatement is cial Assessment but the actual cost often more than $4500. When a Sha for a reholder reclaims a basement for thei for the full cost of that abatement. Tha r private use, they should be respons t is why we charge $4500. It is not fair ible that other Shareholders foot the bill reclaims a basement for their private for asbestos abatement when a fam use and financially benefits from its ily increased value. The Board determin co-op for the abatement cost. Prio ed that a Shareholder must reimburs r to the Asbestos Abatement Project, e the Shareholders were responsible for the keeps it fair and equitable for all sha full abatement cost. This requirement reholders. Thank you. BF GO Owner (8/26/11) writes: Board: This email is to address the parking on 260th St between Little Neck Pkwy and the Oval specifically. There are two major problems impacting and exasperating the already tight parking situation in the neighborhood. The first is the overgrown trees that were planted and NEVER maintained in the center of the street. They cause damage to vehicles and have caused physical pain, bodily harm, scratches and even a poke in the eye to residents and visitors; never mind the constant difficulty to “park around” them when there is limited parking to begin with! The second problem is that there are utility trucks being parked on our streets and left there ALL day/night by non-residents who may or may not be taking mass transit from Glen Oaks to other locations. This does not seem to be what we as owners are paying our maintenance and taxes for. Personally, I would rather see OUR money go to fixing this situation, than on a “family movie night” or something that seems to be more politically motivated than helpful to the community. I would appreciate your attention to this. Thank you Dear GO Owner: The trees in the medians and between sidewalks and the street are called “City Trees” and are the responsibility of the City. We are not permitted by law to prune them. We periodically send the Parks Department a list of trees needing prunning and stump removal. The City has mostly been unresponsive. I urge you to call 311 and your Councilman Mark Weprin. Street parking is not monitored by Glen Oaks Village. It is regulated by the City and our local police precinct. In regard to your complaint about commercial vehicles being parked on the street, I suggest you call the local precinct. Although you may not have enjoyed “Family Movie night at the Oval” last year and believe it was “more politically motivated than helpful to the community”, the hundreds of families that attended felt quite differently. The bulk of the costs of that event were vendor sponsored. Therefore, rather than criticizing us for this incredibly successful family event at little cost to the co-op, you should be thanking us for the creative use of corporate sponsorship. But then again, some people are never happy by anything the Board does and always sees some nefarious agenda associated with it. Believe it or not, our Board truly loves this community and simply wanted to provide a family experience for our Residents. It took a lot of hard work to do it. Sorry, conspiracy theorists - there was no secret political agenda. Thank you. BF 8 MM (08/18/11) writes: Bob: I hope all is well. It was so nice talking to you the other day. Many times, I walk around the property with friends just our grounds are. While walking early to show them how beautiful this morning, I had a few thoughts that I wanted to share with you. Since man walks, would it be possible to have som y of our residents go for e markers to determine how far one walk ed from a designated starting point? walking from some of our Residents. This may encourage more Also, I am an avid reader, I have a lot of books (mostly best sellers) in mint condition. I thought it would be nice can share books. Also, perhaps we to have a library where one can include children’s books and enco urage a literacy program where som encourage reading skills with younger e of us could volunteer and children. Just some thoughts, which I wanted to share. Best regards, Hi MM: Just recently we have thought about som e type of an activity course that would have a start point and various stations along the We certainly could incorporate distance way to do certain exercises. markers. We are reviewing this and have not made any decision about it. It will requ carefully planned route. If we decide to ire some research and a move forward with this, we will alert the community. As far as donating books, I them until our new library is completed. would suggest you hold on to That should happen soon. I am sure they would be willing to accept any book dona tions you have. Thank you. BF Unhappy Camper (9/23/11) writes: Bob: dogs...the pros and cons. How about another questionnaire asking Recently you sent a questionnaire around asking us how we felt about having I live in a courtyard and it is not a fun place to live. From my travels us to rate our neighbors, especially those of us who live in a courtyard? of people that gather every single night talking and laughing loudly. around the neighborhood, I’d say it’s the worst courtyard. There is a group new playground was built on 73rd Ave., not too far from us, because They carry on like this until it is very late, past 11pm. It’s nice to know the run all over the courtyard playing and screaming with no regard for none of these people use it. In addition to their noise, they let their kids play in front of other apartments including mine, making noise and the other people who live there or who do not have kids of their own. They to enjoy the summer breeze. The noise travels all over the courtyard disturbing everyone in their vicinity. No one can keep their windows open and it doesn’t matter where you live. gather outside talking and carrying on while they block the paths with In addition, the same goes for your maintenance men during the week. They and made noise for an hour or two??? I don’t think they would their carts. How would they like it if my friends and I sat in front of their homes window open during the day either!! It’s a no-win situation. They are like it. They are here every single day making noise and you can’t keep a 2 and 4:30. When I got home, there were not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 carts just plain rude!!! This past week they were here every single day between I will be making complaints to their union as well as contacting an in the courtyard blocking the walkways and on the grass. If this continues, disgraceful the way this courtyard is crapped upon. attorney. The people who live here have rights too!!! Enough is enough...it’s There is trash all over the place. People leave their garbage out You should also know that my courtyard looks like there are slobs living here. is all over the courtyard. Why should I have to pick up other people’s overnight, the squirrels and birds rip open the bags and then the garbage just throw their garbage on the side of their steps. I’ve even seen garbage? Why should I even have to look at it? Some of these same people downhill fast. Perhaps one solution would be to put a trash can in the roaches around here. This place sure isn’t what it used to be and is going too lazy to walk around the back and throw it where it belongs. The middle of the courtyard so people can throw their trash into it since they are the ground. Meanwhile, the trash bins are right there!! It’s disgraceful. same goes for the parking area, they throw their garbage in the grass or on anything that you can do to stop this behavior? This place looks and sounds like a ghetto more and more each day. Isn’t there there made me stand there waiting for help while they sat there and One more thing, I went to the main office for a form and the women who work until they were finished talking. Are they here to help us or to chat finished their conversation. Not one person got up to find out why I was there amongst themselves??? Hi Unhappy-Camper: on both sides. A courtyard is usually even more difficult because it often Living in a co-op environment can often be difficult. It requires a bit of tolerance the most part, parents feel safe watching their children play inside them. attracts families with children. Since courtyards are closed on all but one side for should be called and if they confirm the complaint, they will speak to However, that is not an excuse for continuous loud noise. When that happens, Security are making a mess of the courtyard. Bicycles, pools, BBQ’s, etc., are to the offending parents. I would suggest you also call Security if you believe people a House Rule violation. be neatly put away. If they are not, Security should be called and they will issue ge them to use the sidewalks and keep the carts off the grass. I will There is no excuse for Maintenance workers blocking sidewalks, although we encoura important point. have Drew Englot, Director of Maintenance Operations speak to the men on this place is looking more like a ghetto each day. Rather strong language for an You say in your email that people are putting trash out at all hours and that the ote quality of life for our Residents. Putting garbage out at all hours and isolated situation. Have you called Security about any of this? Their job is too prom it can be documented and letters written to the offending parties. People treating the place shabby is unacceptable and Security should be called so that we cannot do anything, unless we are made aware of the situation. Our staff who live in our community should not be victims of those who treat it poorly. But t quality of life. Please take the initiative and alert Security when problems and Security are ready to help and do everything possible to promote an excellen arise. Thank you. BF 9 C. (10/6/2011) writes: Bob, in desperate need of team for putting special touches to our courtyard which was I’d like to personally thank and commend the Landscaping trimmed in the finally g were hangin were that imbs w’s office, overgrown trees l beautification. Within weeks of the request submitted to Dre got a beautiful nter of the courtyard was finally replaced and to top it off, we’ve main entrances of our courtyard, the unappealing tree in the ce have been living ard were very much appreciative for a change, others whom wishing well. Although some of the neighbors in the courty in wrong places, l and complained about their issues with having plants placed in the court for twenty years had negative comments overal lived in the s have room windows. Sorry to say these particular Glen Oaks owner and wishing wells placed in spaces underneath their living what their see to ned fication really is and incoherent to change. More frighte courtyard for so long and have become ignorant to what beauti do! you that all e is too much for them to handle. Thanks so much for apartments look like inside, if a little sprucing up in the outsid Hi C: and aren’t happy unless It is really unfortunate that some people are just plain miserable Thank you for your comments. I will pass them on to our staff. cation of a courtyard beautifi the about in well. I am glad that when these folks compla they make everyone else they come in contact with miserable as d in kind to their respon but ent agreem in heads and hopefully others, don’t just nod their and can only find negative things to comment on, people like you wrong-headed comments. Thank you. BF J.V. (10/18/11) writes: Mr. Friedrich: I live in a courtyard that recently got a new bench . My neighbor told me we were getting a bench in the court, which is fine with me and I’m sure everyone else. What I could not understand is why they put it on my side of the court (the left side) and not on the other side – since my neighbor asked for it and he lives on that side of the court. Also, I was told it was a decision of the Board as to where to put the bench, that it had to face 260th St. Excuse me for being stupid, but I really do not understand that reasoning. I have no objection to the bench, that’s not the problem. Just don’t understand why it was put on the side I live on. I also wanted to know if we could get a secon d bench on the other side so it would look as if it matched and not off balance. Can you explain this to me? I would appreciate a logical answer to my questions. Hi J.V.: Believe it or not the decision to locate the bench on the left side of the courtyard was my decision. Let me put the conspiracy theorists to rest by explaining why I had the bench put on that side. Since there is more people-activity going on in the direction of 260 Street, I thought it would be better to put the bench facing in that direction. I also thought that the bench being placed on that side would get a better mix of shade and sun than the other side. But I have to tell you that I never thought anyone would complain or even care about the side of the courtyard entrance that the bench was placed on. Perhaps a questionnaire should have been sent to the residents of the court, but then again who would ever think that anyone really cared about which side of the sidewalk the bench was on, especially since the location is at the beginning of the courtyard and not on top of anyone’s window. As far as putting another bench on the other side, this can be done, but let’s first see the type of usage it gets. Most courts do not have facing benches. Never theless, I hope you enjoy the bench. BF BA (11/7/11) writes: Department. Recently, our Hello GOVO, appreciation of Donna from the Maintenance in l emai this ng writi am I well. you finds I hope this email & clogged drain. Every time I called, kitchen floor & collapsed Bathroom sink able Unst s. issue r majo e som thru apartment owner swiftly for the apartment went s to overcome those issues, dealt with my step te opria appr ested sugg s, issue the to she listened ess, prompt action, and follow-up calls. the crisis. I truly acknowledge her thoroughn with deal help to staff ned assig and ns permissio skills in managing so many roles at she has amazing work ethics and leadership that dge owle ackn and her k than to want I Overall, Donna. once. GOVO is lucky to have her. Thank you t reasons that Glen Oaks Village is one of the fines excellent employee and just one of the many Thank you BA for your kind words. Donna is an co-ops to reside in. BF A.C. (12/23/11) writes: Dear Bob, Thanks for sending me the arti cle on redistricting. I am so grateful for all you have done and still do for our Associatio n. The DVD and Newsletter about our dedication to our military veterans, past and pre sent was absolutely marvelou s. Your own Veteran father did a wonderful presentation tha t day, which reminded me of my own 2 late brothers and 15 first cousins (now gone) who served in different 1941 militar y forces. Am proud to be an AMERICAN in the best country in the world. I just want to let you and the staff know that I feel very blessed to have chosen to buy and live here in Glen Oak s Village. After spending 52 years in my original brick brownstone home, I never exp ected to find such a wonderful community and great neighbors . Thanks again and I wish you a wonderful 2012 New Year. 10 writes: D.B. (12/21/11) cation in for your dedi l al Thank you a great place Oaks Village making Glen n - Tribute Special Editio to live. Great ait to show etter. Can’t w ecial Triangle Newsl s. It was a sp nd ie fr d an ily bered. my fam ays be remem her w al ill w d day an d with ot r will be save The Newslette abilia. special memor D. (1/17/12) writes: Hi, here’s one for your Newsletter. My so called neighbor downstairs calls Security when I vacuum, when my cats run around playing, when my grandson plays with his cars, or when anyone comes in or out of my house! And yes I have 80 percent carpet!!! Why do I, as a Shareholder, have to be harassed like this? I called Management and am told to keep calling Security. She pokes on her ceiling with a broom stick at 1 AM because the cats are playing. Come on people, she has 2 kids--2 and 3 months old and let me tell you, the screaming all day and night. Why can’t Glen Oaks Village call the owners and say this is causing me stress? I love my home and take care of my grounds, ask anyone in the courtyard. I’m liked. Please someone help!! Don’t renew their lease, that’s all I ask. 2 years of hell, never had a problem before with anyone. Help! Hi D. I wish the world was as easy as snapping ones fingers so these neighbor-to-neighbor problems would go away. It is very difficult dealing with these issues when adults are involved. Of course, if we speak to your neighbor she will say you are at fault and of course you will vehemently disagree and say she is at fault. So what do we do? Call Security, and establish a record of verifiable complaints that are actionable. Wish the world was simpler, but unfortunately solving these types of problems is one of the hardest things to do in a co-op and they take a lot of staff time to handle them. BF ML (2/21/12) writes: Hi Bob, have become more user friendly. Starting y years and have appreciated how the back yards I have enjoyed living here as an owner for over twent hangout for daily baseball games. They also the back areas behind my co-op almost daily as a last summer, 10-15 young people have begun using all did it (being teens) but lately along with on the garages and doing the teenage thing. We use the backyard playground to hang out; climbing the balance and affects my quality of life. ge that gets tossed, I do feel their behavior has tipped the grass being worn out, the noise, and the garba n’t it be better for everyone if baseball would a wonderful park for baseball, have do We g”. playin ball “no say that rty prope I’ve seen signs on the restore the backyards to the rounds reserved for toddlers--so as to return and playg the and , circle the at nds diamo the to cted games were restri thoughts? A concerned neighbor.....Thank you. former lushness and quiet we all know and love. Your Hi ML: forwarded your email to Jennifer Rickenbaugh, on sense and reasonableness must prevail. I have comm rty, prope our on play to kids allow we gh Althou and speak to them or their parents to bring back aware of your concerns. We can monitor the situation them make to ger Mana ity Secur and ger Mana rty Prope of their kids. Thank you. BF ts should be doing a better job monitoring the activities the fair balance that you speak of. I also believe paren using my vehicle. By 11 at 6:50PM, preventing me from May ay, Frid on MB (5/11/12) writes: age Vill s Oak n ation with your Play Ground is the garage I rent from Gle moved their vehicle. This situ and und gro This car was parked in front of play the left ple ldren to the Play Ground. This to call Security the peo rude people who bring their Chi the and d the time, I went to my apartment und Gro y Pla the from Bob thinks something is a goo es between the noise s or submit proxy votes. When ting Mee er causing me many inconvenienc old reh Sha nd atte I B. done so why should acent area. Good Job King BO is an example of nothing can be people who live next to the adj the to g akin spe t leas at out idea he approves it, with and has worked very elming majority of Shareholders rwh ove an by ted elec is Hi MB: who r voluntee seek out voters who first say that I am not a king but a e yourself for a Board position and inat nom you t ges sug ld In response to your letter, let me wou I ily. a fam been hugely successful. affordable place to live and raise runs this co-op. Playground 3 has rd Boa the way the hard keeping our community an with y app unh encountered whereby your s Village, especially if you are so in. In regard to the incident you live they ity mun com suppor t your vision of Glen Oak the of s playground should not be can safely play within the confine entire community who uses the The al. vidu indi e erat It attracts families and children who nsid inco and but as you indicated, the car car, it was caused by a rude y could have had the car towed, The do. to g thin t garage was blocked by a parked righ the was t is an example as you say of of one person. Calling Security ch the conclusion that this inciden rea you how a condemned based on the actions sure not lly rea am good idea he approves it without to your apartment to call. I When Bob thinks something is a . vote y t prox had gone by the time you went Tha mit nd. sub or grou s play ting the Mee ctly adjacent to uld I attend Shareholder speak to many of the people dire did I rd, tion “nothing can be done so why sho reco loca the for that t at Jus nd a.” are grou t n a play live next to the adjacen by the way, there had always bee least speaking to the people who ted some big trees nearby. And plan also and ts spo king par the is why we eliminated one of it. BF one else ever complaining about IR (5/25/12) again writes: and I can’t remember you or any This is what my sidewalk grass looks like 2 days after they took the IR (5/4/12) writes: caution tape down. If this does not Not even one week and it’s get rectified this year I will be hiring destroyed already. What’s an attorney. the solution. $600 a month  maintenance for this.....  Hi IR: I am not sure if you understand how a co-op operates. If you have a Landscape Hi IR: issue, you call Maintenance not your attorney. Based on the photo you sent Not sure what you are talking about. The photo shows a stick with your letter, your threat of hiring an attorney is silly. Quite honestly, I am not with the yellow tape on it that was knocked down. What does that sure what the problem is based on the photo you sent, perhaps your attorney have to do with $600 a month? BF will know. BF 11 CS (2/29/2012) writes: I have a managed unit and must say what a great job the Board of Directors is doing as well as the workers at Glen Oaks Village. Thank you. S SQUIRREL STORIE k they are n more than one person thin EO (4/11/12) writes: dators around and I’ve see pre any e hav lly rea ’t don y the I don’t have to tell you that gers. I can’t stand them! is a paradise for the little bug ks Oa n Gle m!! the d fee and cute irrel very aggressive & m and this can make a squ the d Mary (4/12/12) writes: fee nts in ide res e som t squirrels is tha squirrel as it would attack Alv with a broom an aggressive A further problem with the off t figh y rall lite to had for years and ls” to the House Rules? territorial. I had this problem add “no feeding the squirre uld sho we s hap Per se. and I outside our hou Rita (4/12/12) writes: the TO 7 babies!!! After I threw Hi Bob, re cushion and GAVE BIRTH nitu 00 fur ($6 k ns dec hio my cus in t my nes of a All l made king another nest! ma rted sta d Did you know that a squirre ) an uth mo her ME BACK ( with a baby in cushion off the deck she CA worth) are in the garbage! to take it more than attic several years ago, I had my in one Jerry (4/12/12) writes: ped trap I en Wh tinct of about 7 miles. Squirrels have a homing ins he did not return. and 7 miles. I marked his tail d 20 of them. We Joan writes: lk to my garage I have counte wa ck blo the On on. this Thank you for taking are infested! Tom writes: problem at There is no squirrel or pigeon es. mis pre the on Hi Bob, ks haw ed We have a family of red tail I work at Queens College. p. hel can I if w Queens College. Let me kno Lydia writes: my trips to the botanical I remember feeding them on oc! Hi Bob hav ck wre can y the t so cute..too bad tha I think those little guys are ed memories! . Still one of my most treasur kid a as m mo my h wit , den gar Michael writes: Dog Highlights Boulder Prairie Hi Bob: s me of the 9-News Denver ind rem ail em s Thi o. rad ! Boulder,Colo and literally cannot be chased As a part time resident of are totally fearless of people er uld Bo of ls irre squ the Problem. BTW, ember where their ries and can’t rem Joe writes: car. Squirrels have bad memo my of d hoo the er und m t fro I just removed a squirrel nes eral in different locations. sev ld bui l wil y the So . nests are SEAGULLS. They are s especially the pigeons and bird the Donna writes: for go uld sho e ng to destroy our roofs me mention the sam sills, and are eventually goi dow win Also, while on the subject let s, dow win s, che ben feed the animals. They help y dirty our cars, ignore the House Rules and t being fed constantly and the tha nts ide res to ent em d strong enforc ke their homes nice. and air conditioners. We nee nts who work very hard to ma ide res of es hom and nity destroy the commu 12 ML (6/18/12) writes: Hi Bob, ion on teenage boys using the back I’ve written to you before to get clarificat n problem with casual use of the gree yard for a baseball field. I have no but nd, arou wing or kicking a ball space by parents and children, say thro k the same group of boys shows wee a s time this is different. At least several a ball off the buildings, making a lot up to play baseball in the back, hitting bottles and wearing bare spots in the of noise, then leaving behind empty organized play needs to be limited grass. I think this is over use, and such se me on how best to deal with this to the ball field in the circle. Please advi quality of life issue. Hi ML: which deals with this subject. We permit I would suggest you review House Rule#2 te no damage to the property. However, kids to play on lawn areas provided they crea Noise and Disturbances. If you find an they are subject to our House Rules on r accommodated on a ball field, I would excessive amount of play that can be bette the kids is also relevant. Young children suggest you contact Security. The age of the parents. BF cannot be expected to play out of sight of Mark (8/26/12) writes: Dear Bob, Kudos to you and the Board ! Since the cl security, and po ean-up, added sting of new ru les in children’ #4, we’re alread s Playground y seeing an in crease in use parents and to of the area by ddlers for whi ch it was inte you for all yo nded. Thank u do in improv in g the quality community. Reg of life in our ards, Hi Mark: Thanks for the comments. The idea of the clea combination was nup and color that of Board m ember Justin C be looking furth onklin. We will er into this playgr ound next year the last 3 playgr when we review ounds that have not been fully re you. BF novated. Thank MB (7/28/12) Writes: Hi Bob: I have a comment about the recent request for Shareholders utility acc ount numbers needed for the NYS I am all for Glen Oaks Village gett ERDA Grant money. ing the grant to see how we can cut and better use our electrical efficient, but I do have a problem and gas utilities more giving an outside vendor access to my account. With Con Edison, you can access it and make change if you have my account s and even turn off the utility. I hav e no problem providing you with a years electrical usage summary. print of my current This is available by accessing thei r website with a corresponding acc have no problem with providing Gle ount number. I also n Oaks Village or the third vendor with my usage each month. This said with both my last two years electrica , I will provide you l usage through Con Edison, and please let me know how you wou usage data sent, if we know at this ld like the additional time. On another note, my garage/parki ng lot has been closed for re-seali ng/painting for the last week (7/23-7/ no access to the garage. My que 27) - such that I have stion is {playing devils advocate}, should my rental costs for this mon the time that I cannot use the area th be prorated for . It was supposed to be completed by this past Friday 7/28/12 , but it of the job is complete. Given the looks like only part parking lot/garage area will not be completed until Tuesday (7/31/12), of 9 days. That comes to $10.16 that that would be a total I should be credited. The cost of the garage rental $35.00 divided by $1.12 x 9 days. Let me know you 31 days in July = r thoughts on both items. Thanks for your time. Hi MB: Truly amazing. You want to know if we will credit your garage account $10 .16 for 9 days of no usage because driveway, but you can’t provide your we are improving the Con Ed # to help us obtain a $2,000,0 00 grant. A priority check is in orde comment that by providing your Con r. In regard to your Ed # we can turn on or off your elec tric. Not quite sure what you are talki turn on or off your electric. In regard ng about. We cannot to your offer to provide electric usage data, let me say I have already spent to get this grant to Glen Oaks Village. countless hours trying I do not know the answer to your que stion and cannot spend any more time out an alternate method of getting trying to figure the data about electric usage. Sim ply supplying the account number so can be part of the model to calculat that the electric usage e usage seems simple. If you don’t want to participate by providing the find it astounding how some people number, so be it. I just find all sorts of excuses to make it mor e difficult for our co-op to obtain a $2,0 00,000 grant. BF k. I just want to MM (7/13/12) Writes: bathroom from a previous lea a of ling cei the on ed ckl Maintenance man Today I had a patch spa for the special care and for a ent artm Dep ce nan inte Ma thank everyone in the r damaged. great job, can’t tell it was eve named Robinson who did a 13 RN. (9/8/12) writes: Hi Bob, tenance worker stealing tomatoes from Today at about 1:30 I observed a Main and began to help himself. I opened my my garden. He stopped his cart, got out ed taking anything, but I told him that window to confront him. He initially deni a told me he is hungry and showed me I saw him do it. He then apologized and ling. stea on ning h tells me he was plan container of salt he brought along, whic back. I told him to put them all back one put he I told him to put them back so the him that I can see another tomato on and he told me he only took one. I told nce tena Main the to t rt with Security. I wen seat he put it back & left. I filed a repo who told me that there is nothing that an wom a to e Services Office and spok Regards. she can do. I do not know his name. Hi R: he ot, Director of Maintenance Operations so I am forwarding your email to Drew Engl take to that they are absolutely not permitted can speak to his entire crew to reiterate ng permission from the vegetable garden any vegetables without first asking and getti hI trusted by our community residents, whic owner. It is important that our men are this to my attention. BF believe they are. Thank you for bringing CS. (11/9/12) w rites: Bob, me again. This is going to be a good would like to news story. I thank my Land scaping crew and Vito (my Po (Enzo’s group) rter) for a job w ell done. Throug they have alway hout the year s done a great job. They are al to go the extra ways willing mile to help in any way. Please know how than let the guys kful I am for th eir continued he lpfulness. flyer I ) writes: redistricting e JF. (10/25/12 th r fo GOVO so much one of the is s s Thank you re d d a I got the day. My cation. Until lo received to g n ti vo tion. You ith a new ange in loca ch addresses w e th f o unaware flyer, I was izens! it c are good CZ. (11/19/12) writes: Good morning, Upon arriving home this past Frid ay, I heard a circuit breaker buzzing . I quickly called Maintenance Ser asked if someone was available. vices and Within minutes, Ron showed up. He found the problem, but needed fix it. He isolated the problem to daylight to keep it going overnight and returned first thing the next morning. Problem Your guys are the best. fixed. YT (10/27/12) writes: use of a great edrich, rbs In Disrepair”. Beca Cu e lag Vil ks Oa Good Afternoon Bob Fri len “G t ces to live. Thank eens Tribute paper abou e is one of the best pla lag Vil ks Oa n I read in the in the Qu Gle , ers supporting Board memb president like you and Oaks Village. Thank You the betterment of Glen for ht fig the ing nu nti you for co ONE OF MY FAVO RITE EMAILS, I HOPE YOU ENJO Y IT. BF Courtyard Shareholder (6/23/12) writes: This picture is particula rly interesting. We call it The Cowboy and His Ho rse. When the wind blo ws the horse rears up and the Cowboy is blown ba ck in the saddle. 14 HURRICANE SANDY MAIL GJ. (11/14/12) writes: I had the pleasure of meeting with Arlene Bourne when she conducted an interview with my daughter and myself regarding a rental property. She displayed great professionalism and was very caring and understanding of our situation, being homeless from Breezy Point. SM. (11/10/12) writes: Bravo! Your clean up efforts after Sandy and then the Nor’easter was spot on. As I type this 2 days after the snow a workman is restoring tiles on a roof that was ripped off. I commend you! D.R. (10/31/12) writes: I am writing to tell you how amazing, dedicated and industrious our Maintenance staff was during and after Hurricane Sandy. I could not believe that during the Hurricane they were out cutting up and moving fallen trees right after they fell. Our men worked in 60 mph winds, cutting and taking branches, etc. away so that they would not become projectiles. And on Tuesday, one day after the storm, they were all out in force again, even with a skeleton crew to work with cutting and removing trees and branches that had fallen on houses, decks, walkways, etc. Like a great army of ants, they actually cleaned up all of Glen Oaks Village in one day, as opposed to the trees that were the responsibility of NYC and will be blocking our roads for days and days. Thanks again to our great staff for their industrious work to help keep Glen Oaks Village safe and secure. RC. (11/27/12) writes: I will take this opportunity to thank you and the Board for all you do. The Maintenance staff and the girls in the office did a stellar job during and after hurricane Sandy. My home was a “safe haven” for family members evacuated from the storm surge areas of Lindenhurst and Massapequa. I could not be prouder to see our crews working right up to the storm and then resuming right after the worst was over. S.C. (11/16/12) writes: Our staff did an excellent job during and after both the hurricane and early snowstorm. It was amazing how fast Glen Oaks Village was cleaned up. I had a friend staying with me because he was out of his home due to the hurricane. He was even impressed at how well our people performed. They all deserve praise for a job well done. V.B (11/9/12) writes: Due to unfortunate circumstances that Hurricane Sandy forced upon my wife and I, we were forced to evacuate our beach community of Bayville. The only option was to stay at my father’s apartment in Glen Oaks Village, which offered us a warm and safe place to stay until the storm passed. It has been a very stressful period for us and our return home is still not possible-but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At this time, I would like to express my appreciation and satisfaction regarding the amenities in this community. Every person from Maintenance to Security Personnel was so helpful and caring. We embrace your acceptance of dogs which made this option possible. The beauty of the landscaping, the sense of community, friendliness and hard of your staff has made this transition period so pleasant. My father has often spoken of these very same issues and he has spent many years living a happy life in this community. Thank you again for making our stay here a good memory. Thank you all for the nice comments. Glen Oaks Village has made an effort to accommodate as many Hurricane Sandy victims as we can. In order to do this, the Board has streamlined its admissions process for bona-fide Hurricane victims. The board has also permitted rental leases to be less than one year for Hurricane victims in order to allow them to live here on a temporary basis while they re-build. This is the first time the co-op has ever permitted a lease for less than a year. BF 15 IN PREPARATION OF WINTER By Frank Portella Maintenance Manager It’s that time of year again! Time to store away those patio tables, seasonal decorations and cover the barbeques. We were lucky last year, but this winter may not be as kind and we must ready ourselves for whatever normal or severe weather Mother Nature sends our way. Each year, with the first cold snap, our Maintenance Services Department’ Dispatchers are bombarded with calls, complaining about the temperatures inside their apartments. While some of the calls are legitimate, more often than not, our Boiler Men come back from Service Calls, reporting open windows or radiator valves that could have just been turned “on” or “off” as the source of the problem. While our Dispatchers are always happy to help, here are some “Winter Prep” hints to consider before calling to report your apartment is too hot or too cold: • Take a few minutes and walk around your apartment to check that BOTH your storm and inside windows are properly closed. In order to retain the heat, we recommend that you check to see that (looking at each window from the inside), the first window is down, the second up, the third down and the fourth up (the window closest to the screen) should be up (down-up-down-up). This is the proper way to shut the windows so that no breeze or cold air gets through. • Check your radiator valves to ensure they are fully open. When standing in front of the radiator, turn the black handle on the valve counterclockwise (to the left). This will increase the heat produced by that radiator and should be noticeable within an hour or two. If you turn the black handle clockwise (to the right), you will lower the heat or turn off that radiator. • Feel free to turn off your radiators if your apartment is too hot. • While radiator covers look great, they steal at least 5 degrees from your apartment’s heat. • Neglecting to cover your air conditioner(s) is another reason many apartments are reported to be cold and “drafty”. Early in the season, visit your local Home Improvement Center, where you can purchase covers that can easily be installed from either the inside or outside. After taking the time to first verify that your radiator valves are open, all of your windows are closed and that your air conditioners are covered, if you feel the heat in your unit needs to be checked, our Boiler Department is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call Maintenance Services at 718-343-8400 to schedule an appointment between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday and 8 AM to 4 PM on Saturdays. To request service after normal business hours, please contact our Security Department at 718-347-6660 who in turn will contact our Maintenance Department. . We thank each of you for doing your part to conserve energy. Please also remember that the repair of leaky faucets and tubs is always FREE at GLEN OAKS VILLAGE. Call and schedule an appointment to have that leak fixed TODAY!!! 16 Around the Neighborhood by Drew Englot Director of the Maintenance Department Whether you are a first time visitor or a long time Resident, everyone that that comes to Glen Oaks Village notices our trees. There are a great variety of trees planted throughout the Village. Some of these trees are original to when the property was built; many others have been added over the years. We have flowering trees, pines trees, shade trees, fruit trees and willows. We have trees that bloom with flowers, trees that have leaves that turn purple, red, and yellow in the fall, as well as, trees that bear fruit and berries in the summer. When the neighborhood was named Glen Oaks Village years ago, the builders envisioned a community located within the city limits but with a country feel. Over the years we believe we have kept to that plan. In order to keep the community looking this way; it requires a lot of work. Because some of the trees are the responsibility of Glen Oaks Village and some of New York City, there are times that we must rely on NYC to handle a tree situation. All the trees that are located between the main sidewalk and the curb are the responsibility of New York City. All the trees located between the main sidewalk and the buildings--including the rear areas, are Glen Oaks Village’s responsibility. This is why you may notice a dead or dying tree by the curb and that it may take some time for it to be addressed by NYC. Hopefully, we address any problems with trees that are our responsibility as quickly as possible.. GOVO TREE TRIVIA: There were 897 City curbside trees bordering our property and 1,430 Village’ trees (Excluding the Enchanted Forest Dog Run area). Unfortunately, after Hurricane Sandy, 12 City trees and 60 GOVO trees were damaged by the storm and had to be removed. Our staff is constantly making observations as to the condition of the trees on the property. We notify the New York City Forestry Department about any curb trees that are in need of attention and we make service orders out for any of our trees that need to be addressed. If it’s a small job, our in-house staff takes care of the problem. If it’s a large tree that needs pruning or removal, we bring in an outside tree company to handle it. If a tree is removed, we try to plant a new tree in the same area-unless the original tree was located in a place that it should not have been (i.e., right against a building, blocking a light or sign, etc.). By continuing to plant new trees, we insure there will always be a wide variety of shapes and sizes on the property. Of course, the more trees you have on the property, the more leaves that fall. Over the years, we have improved our system of removing the leaves from the property and now do a better job of getting them off the ground before they become a nuisance. The next time you notice the beautiful trees on the property that give GLEN OAKS VILLAGE the “country town within the city” setting, remember they didn’t get there by accident. 17 Grand Opening of the Glen Oaks Village ENCHANTED FOREST DOG PARK, September 29, 2012. The Pictures Tell the Story Photos submitted by Bob Friedrich, Board President On Saturday, September 29, 2012, our Residents’ dreams of having a Village Dog Park became a reality. Please enjoy these photos, which we feel tells our story the best…. Dog Run Park Larry & Danes Dog Run Park Area prior to construction Preparing the area for the Dog Run Park Entrance to GOV Enchanted Forest Dog Park Dog Run Brown bak Dog Run Park Volunteers Lorraine Palma and Julie Sajeva Small Dog area Lined up and waiting to enter Large Dog area Clowning around with invisible dog on leash. 18 Mildred Marshburn (General Manager) with Roseann Ciaccio (VP) and Bob Friedrich (Pres) at the Grand Opening Ceremonies Left side is for Sm Dog Run Park Volunteers Special fountain for dogs and Larry & Danessa Sanzari GOV President Bob Friedrich cuts the people with hose to clean up if necessary ribbon with GOV golden scissors Setting up for the Grand Opening of the Park Dog Run Park Volunteer Jennifer Brown baked treats for the dogs. side is for Small Dogs Enjoying a cool drink of water Spectators Watching the Action is for every- Board member Justin Conklin and daughter Taylor having one, even those without a dog fun at the park Bob Friedrich looking over fence eye to eye with Wilma (brown dog) Dog Run Park Volunteer Shirts help identify Park Volunteers 19 Right side is for Large Dogs OF GOVO “PERSONS INTEREST” By Dorothy Grace Associate Editor MARIE ZICHELLA, GLEN OAKS VILLAGE’ RESIDENT & NYS HORSESHOE CHAMPION Marie Zichella, a 12-year Resident of GLEN OAKS VILLAGE is also a celebrated Horseshoe Champion. Marie is currently the 5th top Women’s Horseshoe Champion in the World. A long-time Champion of the New York State Women’s Class “B” division, Marie continues to defend this title against over 200 other New York State women. She also holds 2nd place in the Women’s Class “A” division. While never into riding horses, Marie first became interested in pitching horseshoes when she was 6 years old. She enjoyed watching her father (who was also a NYS Champion) practice for his tournaments. Besides holding the Class “B” title in NYS, Marie has won numerous other competitions throughout the United States and Canada. A member of many Horseshoe Clubs over the years, she is proud to have done well when she had the opportunity to pitch against the World Champion at the New Rochelle Horseshoe Club. Although Marie enjoys pitching against the best of them, on nice days, she can often be found practicing right here in GLEN OAKS VILLAGE, behind Building #22. If you have an interesting hobby, or know of another GLEN OAKS VILLAGE’ Resident who does something unusual and would like to be featured in our Community Newsletter’s GOVO “Persons of Interest” column, please contact us at govonyc@aol com. Glen Oaks Village WELCOMES NEW SHAREHOLDER AND LOCAL BUSINESS OWNER AMARJEET S. AHUJA By Dorothy Grace Associate Editor Please join GLEN OAKS VILLAGE in welcoming Amarjeet S. Ahuja, a new Shareholder and the Owner/Proprietor of GLEN OAKS DELI GROCERY, conveniently located on the corner of Little Neck Parkway and Union Turnpike at 253-01 Union Turnpike. Amarjeet and his staff work hard 7 days a week to serve the Residents of the Glen Oaks and Bellerose communities. We urge you to stop by and patronize the GLEN OAKS DELI GROCERY, which offers quality Boars Head cold cuts, fresh baked goods, groceries, and breakfast, lunch and dinner specials at the most reasonable prices of any store in the area. It is also a great place to pick up your newspaper, LOTTO or QUICK DRAW tickets. If you would like to call your order in ahead of time so it will be ready when you arrive, please call Amarjeet at 516263-7881 or email him at [email protected]. (Free Delivery is also available with a $15 purchase.) Let’s all be good neighbors and support this Shareholder’s local business!!! 20 PLAYGROUNDS IN SECTION I RECEIVE MAKEOVERS By Jennifer Rickenbaugh Property Manager This summer, the Children of GLEN OAKS VILLAGE discovered new ways to have fun after Playgrounds #1 and 2 in Section I received a total makeover. On Saturday, June 16, 2012, a GRAND OPENING celebration was held. A Clown and a Face Painter welcomed the children of our community; with children and adults alike lining up for the free ice cream. These playgrounds were renovated to encourage youngsters to come outside, get away from TV and the computer and meet other kids for some local, imaginative fun. New, modern equipment was installed on soft safety surfacing--with benches for Parents and Grandparents to sit and enjoy watching from the sidelines. Playground #1 was designed for 6 to 12 year olds, with Playground #2 geared more for the younger, 2 to 5 year old set. We hope you encourage the children in your life to come out and enjoy the playgrounds of GLEN OAKS VILLAGE. Next year, we plan to renovate two (2) more of our playgrounds, eventually completing renovations on all six play areas. NEW HOUSE RULE Back-In Parking and Idling of Vehicles is Prohibited at parking spots in close proximity to apartment windows. The Board established this rule in order to minimize the possibility of automobile exhaust fumes entering apartment windows. Please respect your neighbors that live nearby vehicle parking areas and park with the exhaust pipe furthest from the building windows. 21 HEAD IN PARKING ONLY M A I N T E NA N C E DEPARTMENT NEWS By Mildred Marshburn General Manager and Editor MAINTENANCE SERVICES (718-343-8400) This year, Property Manager Jennifer Rickenbaugh and Supervisor Jean Leo, along with her Maintenance Services staff, welcomed Jackie Fuentes as their newest Dispatcher. Jackie comes to us with 8 years of Customer Service experience, always smiling and ready to help serve our Residents. Again this year, the Maintenance Services Department distributed over 1,800 GLEN OAKS VILLAGE’ free Green Thumb Program vouchers, which encouraged our Residents to help enhance GOVO’S curb appeal, by planting annuals, perennials, bushes and trees. As most of us agree, GLEN OAKS VILLAGE’S curb appeal is one of our most attractive features which sets us apart, year after year, from our neighboring co-ops. While the Green Thumb Program is, indeed, a huge project, Maintenance Services spends most of their time scheduling inspections and repairs--which translates to over 22,000 Work Orders per year—a figure that does not include repairs commissioned to outside Contractors. If you have a maintenance problem, need repair work or have a question; Jean, Donna, Hillary and Jackie are here Monday through Friday (8 AM to 5 PM) and Saturday (8 AM to 4 PM) to serve you with a smile. For those of you who are computer savvy, you can also access our Maintenance Services Department online, through our website at www.glenoaksvillage.com and follow the Maintenance Department links to schedule, change or cancel a Maintenance repair. BOILER AND PLUMBING DEPARTMENTS Our Boiler and Plumbing Departments, under the direction of Frank Portella, Maintenance Manager and Boiler Lead Man, Danny Babbino, spent the better part of last summer testing sensors, replacing worn-out boiler components and maintaining Boiler Rooms, so that all of our heating and boiler equipment will be in prime condition to handle whatever cold weather this winter bestows upon us. As part of our Capital Improvement Program, Boiler Crews worked with our outside Contractor to install three (3) new separate gas-fired hot water heaters. These separate units will allow us to totally shut down the boilers during the warmer months, helping to extend the life expectancy of our 20-year old boiler systems. CARPENTRY, ELECTRICAL, PLASTERING AND PAINTING DEPARTMENTS This summer, Frank Portella was very busy overseeing the total renovation of Playgrounds #1 and 2 in Section I. In addition, the equipment in Playgrounds 4 and 5 was also refurbished.—with new coats of paint, repairs of fencing and new signage. In 2012, Frank was also in charge of overseeing the painting of doorways and railings in Section II, as well as, continuing the property-wide Building Foundation Program. Once the leaves fall, the entire Maintenance staff will be assigned to inspect our 134 buildings, which includes, but is not limited to: the twice a year cleaning of our many miles of gutters and leaders, in order to prevent unnecessary water damage and expensive plastering and painting repairs that often stem from clogged drain pipes; cleaning dryer vents to prevent fires; replacement of burnt out exterior lights that help to keep our property properly lit and our Residents safe; and replacing broken or yellowed shutters so that our buildings continue to look their best. 22 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NEWS Driveway Sealant and Re-striping Over the last 8 summers, In-House crews under Frank Portella’s direction have been very successful in extending the life of our driveways and parking lots—work that, in the past, was commissioned to outside Contractors. The Driveway Sealant and Re-striping Program does three (3) things: 1) 2) 3) Fills cracks and pot holes. Applies a top coat of blacktop sealant and Re-stripes the newly-finished blacktop, giving our driveways and parking lots a newlyfinished and maintained appearance. Every driveway and parking lot throughout the Village receives a makeover every other year. The replacement of driveways, historically, was one of our largest Capital Improvement Program expenses; however, due to the success of this program, the need for and number of total driveway renovations has been substantially reduced. . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & LANDSCAPING DEPARTMENTS Drew Englot the Director of Maintenance and Landscaping, reports that his Landscaping Crew, with the help of 16 additional summer Seasonal employees, spent the entire summer maintaining and improving our park-like curb appeal. Crews cut the lawns, edged, turned flower beds, pruned and planted new shrubs, which give our Village its outstanding park-like curb appeal. After completing his annual property-wide inspection, Drew has forwarded a list to the NYC FORESTRY DEPARTMENT, notifying them of any curbside dead or dying trees and stumps that are in need of removal, as well as, locations where new trees need to be planted. As we go into the winter, Drew’s Landscapers will apply fall fertilizer, to ensure lawns look their best next spring, as well as, begin the enormous task of cleaning our property of leaves that fall from the over 2,000 trees that grace our grounds. Once the leaves are removed a final power sweeping of the property will be done., the 4th 2012 power sweeping of the property will be done in December. Please be sure to read the notices delivered and move your vehicle(s) on the designated date so that we can clean your parking lots. We thank each and every one of you for doing your part, which helps keep our property clean and looking its best. ALTERATION SERVICES UNIT Maria Fundus, who handles interior Level I and ll renovations, reports that kitchen and bathroom applications continue to lead the list of alterations applied for. Dorothy Grace reports that Paver patios were the exterior favorite, enabling Residents to enjoy the outdoors at a lower cost than if they were to construct a deck or terrace. Due to the recent Board of Directors’ approval of conventionally-constructed Townhouses and an improved economy, there has been an increased interest in “dormering”. Between 2006 and 2009, there were 19 modular dormers installed, but no new applications until late last year. Now a new conventionally-constructed Townhouse has gone up on 255th Street and another on Langston Avenue. A third conventional dormer is slated to be completed by year’s end, with additional inquiries coming in each week. Last year, there was a change in the NYC Buildings Department code, which now allows basements to have full or 3-piece bathrooms (toilet, sink and tub/shower). Central air conditioning is another option Residents are applying for—especially with the availability of the easily-installed, in-wall systems that are on the market today. A number of Residents who have reclaimed their cellars for basement conversions have also included gas fireplaces--for both aestetics and warmth, as part of their legalization project. Please remember it is necessary to file and Alteration Agreement application and receive Board approval for your proposed renovations prior to starting any project aside from painting or carpeting. When illegal work is reported or discovered, the Resident is levied a $1,000 House “Rule Violation Fine”. For those of you who are interested in renovating your unit, the following is a list of the Alteration Agreement fees that must be submitted with your application: • Townhouse Dormer Fee: $3,000 (Dormering Contractors are required to submit either a $25,000 Construction Bond or a $10,000 Escrow check prior to the commencement of the project, ensuring additional, dormer-related 23 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NEWS expenses incurred by GOVO are promptly reimbursed. • Basement Conversion Fee: $1,500. (Residents interested in Reclaiming their Cellar for a Basement Addition are also required to pay a $4,500 Asbestos Abatement Fee.) • Level I Renovation (Single inspection required): No Charge. • Level II Renovation (Multiple inspections required): $150. If you are looking to update your unit by installing a new bathroom or kitchen, removing a wall or possibly replacing your windows, Maria Fundus (718-347-2337 Ext. 114) will be glad to assist with your interior Level I and II renovations. (House Rules require an Alteration Agreement be filed for any type of work done inside an apartment, except painting and carpeting.) For paver patios, decks, terraces or major Level III alterations requiring Architect legalization with the NYC Buildings Department, please contact Dorothy Grace (718-343-8400 Ext. 117) for information and assistance. To assist Residents who are planning a project, the following is a list of guidelines to be followed when deciding what type of contractor is required for your specific renovation: General Contractor A General Contractor (G/C) is required when constructing townhouses, basement conversions, decks and terraces, sunrooms, private entrances, lofts, cathedral ceilings, attic stairways, renovating kitchens and bathrooms and for doing light plumbing or light electrical work. You may also want to consider using a G/C when replacing woodwork or when plastering and painting your unit. Licensed Plumber A licensed Plumber is required when water, heat or gas lines are moved or altered from the original design of the apartment. Licensed Electrician Services of a licensed Electrician must be utilized when adding an electrical line or receptacle, as well as, upgrading your unit’s service from 110 amps to 220 amps. (General Contractors are not permitted to do electrical modifications.) All work being done by a Contractor must be included on the Alteration Agreement application, approved by the Board of Directors and pass inspection by Maintenance Department Management. Work not listed on your original Alteration Agreement application must be filed as an “addendum” and approved prior to commencing the work. Residents discovered doing work without the necessary permits will be subject to a House Rule violation fine. The Board requires Shareholders to submit Alteration Agreements for the renovation or upgrading of their units and we stress the fact that a Maintenance Manager must inspect all alterations. Alterations are divided into three (3) levels. Level I alterations, which are minor renovations, require one inspection. Level II and Level III alterations represent more extensive renovations and require three (3) inspections. Shareholders are also required to submit detailed plans, including Contractor’ licensing and insurance information, sketches, a description of proposed work and a $150 fee before the Board of Directors review and approve the application. In addition, most Level III alterations require legalization by an Architect (including a NYC Building Department Work Permit) and specified fees. Once a proposed renovation project is approved, the Shareholder is issued a copy of the signed Alteration Agreement and a bright green GOVO permit, which is to be posted in their front window until final inspection by a Maintenance Manager. Both Management staff and Security personnel closely monitor Level II and III renovations in order to protect the integrity of our buildings, the Shareholder and neighboring units. Upon finalization of work, Shareholders are issued a Completion Certificate for their files. Shareholders doing full renovations of kitchens and bathrooms or building terraces, are issued Dumpster Permits, which enable their Contractors to use GLEN OAKS VILLAGE’ dumpsters to dispose of construction debris. These bright yellow Dumpster Permits are included in the “approved” Alteration Agreement package. It is the Shareholder’s responsibility to ensure that their approved Contractor places this permit on his vehicle’s dashboard, making it visible to our Security Department and Supervisory personnel. Alteration Agreement application forms (and others) can be accessed by visiting our website at www.glenoaksvillage.com and following the links to “Resident Information and Forms”. 24 GOVO “Super Seniors” GOVO “Super Seniors” GOVOOAKS “Super Seniors” GOVO “Super Seniors” GLEN VILLAGE GLEN OAKS VILLAGE CELEBRATES GLEN OAKS VILLAGE CELEBRATES MAMIE RAYMONDO’S GLEN OAKS VILLAGE TH MAMIE RAYMONDO’S CELEBRATES 105 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATES MAMIE RAYMONDO’S TH TH 105 BIRTHDAY 105 BIRTHDAY By Dorothy Grace MAMIE RAYMONDO’S 105TH BIRTHDAY Associate Editor By Dorothy Grace By Dorothy Grace Bob FriedrichEditor first met the long-time Resident and very delightful Mamie AssociateBob Editor Associate Friedrich first met the long-time Resident and very delightful Mamie th GOVO “Super Seniors” By Dorothy Grace, Associate Editor Raymondo while campaigning and ringing doorbells on 260 Street four Raymondo while campaigning and ringing doorbells with on 260th Street four years ago, After some timeResident and speaking this interesting Bobmet Friedrich firstspending met the long-time and very delightful Mamie and independent lady, he did the Bob Friedrich first the long-time Resident and very delightful Mamie yearsunthinkable ago. After and spending some time and speaking with this interesting and independent lady, he did the th to say she asked Mamie her age. While expecting her th Street four was somewhere in her 80’s, Bob Raymondo while and campaigning and ringing on doorbells on 260 four Street Raymondo while campaigning ringing doorbells 260 unthinkable and asked Mamie age. While her this to say she was somewhere in her 80’s,heBob was back when she her proudly told himexpecting she waswith 101. yearstaken ago, After spending some time and speaking interesting and independent lady, didwas the years ago, After spending some time and speaking with this interesting and independent lady, he did the taken back when she proudly told him she was 101. unthinkable and asked Mamie her age. While expecting her to say she was somewhere in her 80’s, Bob unthinkable andSince asked Mamie her age. 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Today, Mamie Mamie stillher reads, By Dorothy of current events than many people half her age. An avid day. worldfound aroundMamie us and can tell you the latest onaware TV each birthday, and have to beand sharper and news more Mamie to be sharper and is always sews enjoys visits from friends and Associate Editor reader, Mamie interested in history and the on She also loves her needlepoint projects and eagerly works of current more events than many people half her age. An avid aware of current relatives. 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When asked what her secret listening to Mamie playing the piano--which they did together until James’ death in was. After attending very Happy 105th birthday partyand they threw a party in her honor. When asked what her secret was time Aide and members ofschool our GOVO Staff helped for longevity happiness, Mamie replied, “have no regrets”. the with late 1960’s. Since time, Mamie continued to lead an active life in for longevity andhere, happiness, Mamie replied, “have no regrets”. Mamie later Birthday and another celebrate flowers andbecame athat birthday cake. has She also GLEN OAKS VILLAGE. Today, Mamie still reads, sews andthenjoys visits from a and seamstress, married and and year good health, Please went join away us Mamie Raymondo aofvery Happy 105 for awish “Birthday Weekend” spent time with friends and relatives. She especially looks forward to attending Please join us and wish Mamie Raymondo a very Happy 105th her family’s many worked for many years at a happiness and cheer. her nieces, nephews and their children—and enjoyed the Birthday and parties—and another year gooddesserts health,they happiness and cheer. theofof delicious serve!!!and Birthday another good health,what happiness cheer. Jamaica, Queens, children’s birthday party they threw aand party in her year honor. When asked her secret was th company. Both her Senior for longevity andIfhappiness, replied, no regrets”. On August 11“have , Mamie, GLEN OAKS Couple” VILLAGE’S you know Mamie ofclothing a “Super Senior” or “Super who“most you would like to see recognized If you know of handsome a “Super Senior” orJames “Super Senior IfthCouple” you would to see recognized husband and you knowwho ofplease a “Super Senior”like orus “Super Senior CouBirthday. Her partsenior” celebrated her 105 in the next edition ofResident, our GOVO Community Newsletter, contact at [email protected]. in the next edition ofAide our and GOVO Community Newsletter, please contact usrecognized at [email protected]. thlike to see ple” who you would in the next Mamie enjoyed reading and time members of our GOVO Staff helped Please join us and wish Mamie Raymondo a very Happy 105 edition of our GOVO Community Newsletter, please celebrate with flowers and a birthday cake. She also listening to Mamie playing GLEN OAKS VILLAGE CELEBRATES MAMIE RAYMONDO’S 105 BIRTHDAY Birthday and another yearwent of away goodforhealth, happiness and cheer. us at [email protected]. a “Birthday Weekend”contact and spent time with her nieces, nephews and their children—and enjoyed the 25 If you know of aparty “Super Senior” or “Super Senior Couple” wouldwas like to see recognized birthday they threw a party in her honor. When asked who what you her secret for longevity replied, “have no regrets”. in the next edition and of happiness, our GOVOMamie Community Newsletter, please contact us at [email protected]. LIVING HEALTHY…FEELING FINE How Does Medicine Dictate How Dentistry is Practiced Today? is heart valve disease, clogged cardiac arteries, leaking heart valves, as well as, many others. One of the main medications used is blood thinning medication. When considering blood thinners, there are different types such as Plavix, Cumadin and aspirin. Not only do these medications affect the way we treat our patients who are taking them, but these patients must be very careful in By Dr. David B. Kanner, D.D.S. Back in the dark ages of dentistry, the years between 1950’s through the 1970’s when an individual had a visit to the Dentist, all the Dentist was concerned about was how many teeth needed to be fixed? The concept in Dentistry was that we drilled, filled and billed. This is not the case today as when you present for your primary visit to the Dentist, you are bombarded with a variety of forms--including insurance forms, financial information forms, forms asking you to tell the dentist about yourself, HIPPA privacy forms, and most importantly, the HEALTH HISTORY FORM. In the old days, the Dentist really never checked out what your medical history entailed. It did not concern the Dentist if you had high blood pressure, a heart condition, or any other malady which may affect how you should be treated. As our patient population is getting older, we are encountering many medical conditions which greatly affect the way we treat our patients. Our patients are taking a myriad of medications for diseases that were not even known about twenty years ago. The one major problem with many of these medications is that even though they are needed to preserve one’s health, they can cause side effects. I will try to highlight some of these side effects in the following paragraphs. their daily lives. A simple fall, which would cause minimal bleeding for most of us, could become a life threatening event. Patients who are taking Plavix and aspirin could still have dental surgery when taking these medications as long the procedures are performed as atraumatically as possible. Of course, if the patient’s medical condition is stable enough to temporarily stop these medications, that is the best thing to do. Cumadin is another story as a patient taking this medication must have regular blood tests, usually every two to three weeks to check their INR, which is an indication of how well one’s blood would clot. As long as the INR is below 2.4 it is usually safe to have dental procedures, including surgery performed-- but care must be taken to perform the procedure with as little trauma as possible. High Blood Pressure: Probably 30% or more of the patients presenting for treatment suffer from high blood pressure. In order to treat this malady, there are many different medications which use different pathways in order to correct high blood pressure. Many of these medications directly affect the health of the dentition. As with all medications, some of the side effects one might see are bleeding gums and dry mouth. Bleeding gums can lead to severe periodontal problems, such as bone loss. Dry mouth can cause deposits on the root surfaces of the teeth, which can result in carious lesions and periodontal problems. Diabetes: While the disease itself is very serious, it also can have effects on the health of the oral dentition. There is now research to show that diabetes can lead to severe periodontal issues which can cause bleeding gums, bone loss, as well as, tooth loss. It is very important that your Dentist knows if you are diabetic and for the patient to try to keep their sugar levels within the proper range. Allergies: It is important for your dentist to know if you are allergic to any medication which may be used in treatment or may prescribe to help cure any problem in the mouth. An anaphylactic reaction Heart Disease: There are many different cardiac problems which an individual can suffer from. There 26 to any medication used could potentially be life threatening. Therefore, all patients should keep a list of any items that they could potentially be allergic to so that they can be treated properly. is a drug used to help treat bone density in woman. Another medication in this class is Zomeda, which is used to treat pain in cancer patients whose cancer has spread to the bones. These drugs affect the blood supply to the jaws and can cause sores to develop which do not heal and in extreme cases, can cause loss of bone and hence loss of an arch of teeth. It is very important that if you are taking any medications of this type that you make sure that you have impeccable home care and avoid the need for any invasive dental procedure. Cancer: The question always is asked by patients “why should my cancer in another part of my body affect my dental treatment”? First of all, it is of the utmost importance to make sure that there are no active infections present during chemotherapy treatments, as the chemo will tend to compromise the patient and their body may not be able to fight off any infection. Also, chemotherapeutic medications can cause blood counts to drop and as a result, if any surgical procedure is performed, the body may not heal properly. In conclusion, your Dentist today is not only interested in the health of your teeth, gums and all of the oral structures in your mouth, but he is interested in your total medical health, as well. When you go to the Dentist, you should make sure that the Dentist is looking at your health as a whole and not just looking at your teeth. For answers on other issues with dentistry, you can visit my website at drkannerny.com. Bisphosphonates: Many of you reading this article may say what is this? This is a class of medications which can have severe effects on the dentition. These drugs are used in a variety of treatments. The most common of these medications is Fossamax, which RESIDENT REMINDER CURB YOUR DOG!!! By Jennifer Rickenbaugh Property Manager A Resident recently wrote to us, asking to explain what the law “Curb Your Dog” means? As this person was not clear, we thought it might be something other Residents might need clarity on. To “Curb Your Dog” means: RESIDEN CURB YO T REMINDER… UR DO G!!! By Jenn ifer Rick Property enbaugh Manager RESIDEN CURB YO T REMINDER… UR DO G!!! Do not allow it to relieve itself until it reaches the street side of the curb—Not on the bushes, our lawns (front, rear or side), our walkways or sidewalks, along buildings—whether on the side or rear R… getting into and certainly not on the grassy strips by the curbs where neighbors might step Ebefore D N I their car. (Pretend your home goes up to the curb. You wouldn’t encourage !! to “”go” inside.) EMyour!pet RESIDEN CURB YO T REMINDER… UR DO G!!! By Jenn ifer triple, for those Residents with more than one dog!!!) RESIDEN CURB YO T REMINDER… UR DO G!!! Dog feces must also be cleaned up during and after snowfall. By Jenn ifer Rick Property enbaugh Manager Property Rickenba ugh Manager By Jenn ifer Rick Property enbaugh Manager R G NT R DO E D SI Ymay “Curbing” your dog also involves cleaning up any feces yourEdog(s) behind at the curb— OU leave gh R B bau which must be picked up and deposited in a plastic bag andUplaced inckaenclosed garbage can. It is R C Ri er g ferCo-op’s. part of the responsibility of owning a dog to clean up after it—Not the (This goes double, or ni na Jen Ma By perty Pro Be a good neighbor—Always “Curb Your Dog”. Our Security Department and your Neighbors will be watching for Offenders. If you are caught violating this law, you will be fined. If anyone knows of a Pet Owner who is in need of a Serious Reminder to “Curb Their Dog”, please contact our Security Department 24/7 at 718-347-6660. 27 … Featured HOMES By Mildred Marshburn General Manager and Editor In this issue, we welcome you to tour a newly-renovated duplexed “G” apartment, owned by Pankaj and Kirtida Shah, who have lived here with their two daughters since 2010. A F T E R The First Floor B E F O R E 1 The Shah’s chose to live in GLEN OAKS VILLAGE, not only because it is located in a great school district, but also because of it being in a safe and convenient neighborhood. While they actually live on Union Turnpike, their home is set back away from the street, in a large courtyard with convenient nearby parking in the rear lot. One of the most important criteria the Shah’s had to consider when purchasing a home was finding a unit large enough to accommodate not only their immediate family, but also one that would enable Mr. Shah’s father to feel comfortable during his extended visits. As luck would have it, the Shah’s found two (2) vacant “G” units, upstairs and downstairs, which they were able to renovate into a spacious duplex. After purchasing these units, they immediately began planning their renovation project. With this renovation, the Shareholders’ main focus was to redesign the space in a way that would accommodate their needs. This was done by: 2 3 1. Incorporating the former common hallway into one large entranceway, combining both the downstairs and upstairs entrances. 2. Creating a new living room. This was done by the construction of an archway from the former living room into what was previously the 2nd bedroom. This also required closing the original bedroom door from the hallway. 3 3. Constructing a closeted laundry area. Once the bedroom doorway was closed off, the Shah’s had the novel idea of constructing a closeted laundry area in the vacant space outside their recently-renovated bathroom. 4. Opening up the closet wall in the master bedroom, the Shah’s were then able to expand their kitchen into the master bedroom space. 4 5. Expanding the other kitchen wall into the new dining room gave the Shah’s even more kitchen cabinet and counter space. A “pass through” window allows the Cook to enjoy family and friends chatting in the dining room—which is large enough to accommodate many guests. 4 28 3 3 8. Keeping with new housing trends, the Shah’s created two (2) Master bedrooms—one for the elder Mr. Shah on the first floor (which enables him to have privacy and exercise) and a second master bedroom upstairs for themselves. The Second Floor 5 A F T E R 2 7. Painting the dining room and entrance an attractive shade of yellow that changes with the light of the day. By refinishing all of the original wood floors, the look is coordinated, clean and spacious. B E F O R E 1 6. Installing new ceramic flooring, beautiful wood cabinets and stainless steel appliances which truly modernized their kitchen. 6 9. The oak stairway has been opened up and a wood railing system installed to compliment the polished wood floors. It continues the coordinated look upstairs into the old living room area, which has now been transformed into a family computer and game room. 7 10.The upstairs bathroom was totally renovated with new ceramic tiling 5 and fixtures. 11.The upper kitchen was removed and renovated. By expanding the dividing wall into the family room, a new bedroom was created. 12.The master bedroom and another daughter’s bedroom are also off the family room. 13.This year, in addition to the 2nd floor terrace, the Shah’s installed a paver patio with new landscaping so that they can truly enjoy their home—both inside and out. 8 Although the Shah’s are very happy with their new home, their one regret is that they did not replace the wood floors throughout their duplex--they only refinished them. “While they look beautiful”, Mr. Shah said, “they still creak!!!” 9 4 4 11 12 If you have a home that has gone through extensive renovations and would like to share it in the GLEN OAKS VILLAGE COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER, please contact us at [email protected]. 29 13 10 Wedding “Belles” and Grooms By Dorothy Grace, Associate Editor Candee and Mark Sheppard of Glen Oaks Village and Lori and Gregg Marin of Sanborn, New York are pleased to announce the wedding of their children Rebecca Alice Sheppard and Daniel Scott Marin on September 24, 2011 in Buffalo, New York. Rebecca and Daniel both graduated from the State University at Buffalo with degrees in vocal performance and music, respectively. The happy couple currently works for G. MARIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. and reside in Cheektawaga, New York. Congratulations and Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary to Rebecca and Daniel from your family, friends and neighbors at GLEN OAKS VILLAGE. Kevin Whalen and Cindy Pappas were married on May 14th 2012 at the Wedding Chapel in the Town of Oyster Bay. A wedding reception followed at Villa Umberto’s in Elmont, where family and friends joined them to celebrate their happy event. Kevin has been a Boiler Mechanic in the GOVO Maintenance Department since 1995. Cindy is an Elementary School Teacher with the NEW YORK CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION, as well as, a former GLEN OAKS VILLAGE Resident. The happy couple now resides in Hicksville, New York. Wedding Congratulations, Kevin and Cindy, from all of us at GLEN OAKS VILLAGE!!! On April 29, 2012, VANESSA ANN and SALVATORE JOSEPH were so excited to meet everyone that they arrived 2 months early!!! Proud parents Nicole & James Lancellotti, along with grandparents Carol and Joe Centrone and Cathy and Mike Lancellotti welcomed the twins who weighed 3 lbs. 8oz. and 3 lbs. 14 oz., respectively. Parents & grandparents are all having a great time getting to know their new “little bundles of love”. Karen & Tom McLaughlin and son Thomas announce the arrival of Thomas’ little sister, KATHRYN EILEEN, who joined their family on June 13, 2012, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz. Karen is GOVO’S Shareholder Representative who handles Buildings #91 through 133. 30 Parents, Nicole DeVerna & Giovanni Diaz welcomed son, GAVIN SCOTT on June 18, 2012, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces. Mom, Dad and his two canine “sisters”, Roxie and Gemma think little Gavin is just “Super”!!! Cindy & Kevin Whalen, announce the birth of their daughter, BROOKE HARMONY, who arrived on April 3, 2012, weighing 5 lbs. 13 oz. Friends and family attended her July 22nd christening, which was a celebrated with a party at Villa Umberto’s in Elmont. Brooke’s proud Daddy is a long-time member of GOVO’S Boiler crew, who helps keep our Residents warm each winter. 31 __________ 516-354-1127_____________ __________ 516-354-1127_____________ __________ 516-354-1127_____________ NYC 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 NYC Lic:Lic: 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 NYC Lic: 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 Lic: NYC 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 Lic:Lic: 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 NYC 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 NYCNYC Lic:Call 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 NYC Lic: 0780655 Nassau Lic:_H0423600000 Call forEstimate your Free Estimate TodayToday for your Free CallToday Today for your Free Estimate Callfor Today for your Free Estimate Call Today for your Free Estimate Call Today for your Free Estimate Call your Free Estimate Call Today for your Free Estimate Golden Hammer Home Improvements Jim Gagliardi Celebrating 32 Years of “Quality Work without Cutting Corners” “Storage” Attics • Lofts • Dormers Decks • Terraces • Kitchens • Bathrooms Basements • Closet Conversions (516) 354-1127 NYC Lic: 0780655 Nassau Lic: H0423600000 Call Today for your Free Estimate Lydon Quality Contracting Licensed & Insured Professional Carpentry Services We specialize in: Susan Sanchez - Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner • Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements • Decks, Drywall, Trim work, Doors • Windows & Custom Woodwork “Susan is the best realtor weʼve ever worked with! She is on top of her game, very outgoing, follows through and works tirelessly for her clients. Susan got us a great deal and became a friend in the process.” Complete General Contracting Services Tel. 516-322-2103 Website: www.LydonQuality.com Email: [email protected] ~ Vilas S. Glen Oaks I can help you sell your home and/or purchase your dream home. My team and I specialize in Queens, Nassau & Suffolk! Letʼs sit down for a free consultation. Iʼm your neighbor and your realtor! Office: 516-520-6200 Cell: 646-423-5427 Email: [email protected] www.homestartrealty.com 32 Floral Homes, Inc. Thinking of selling yours Your House or Co-Op? Call Marian For All Your Real Estate Needs Marian T. Marino Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Cell: 516-375-2928 Glen Oaks Village Owner/Resident Some Recent Listings & Sales Include: Langston Avenue 260 Street - 73 Avenue 74 Avenue - 76 Avenue Floral Homes, Inc. 266-19 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 718-343-4200 Floral Homes Is A Full Service Realtor Serving Your Community With Integrity and Pride For Over 25 Years. No Pressure, Just Results ... Visit Our Website At: www.f loralhomes.com BRIDGEVIEW MORTGAGE CORP. 1200 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010 Christopher Sioukas - Vice President 516-328-6300 x203 [email protected] BMC is a firm specializing in providing superior service to its clients in the New York Metropolitan area. Whether in the market for purchasing or refinancing a home please call for a free consultation LICENSED MORTGAGE BANKER, NYS BANKING DEPT 33 Great Time To Refinance Take Advantage of Low Rates SCMC South Central Mortgage Corp. 44 South Central Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 568-0545 Whether purchasing or refinancing, call today for a Free Consultation. We offer a wide variety of loan programs to suit your needs. We have access to many lenders and financing sources. As we have been serving the Glen Oaks Community for over 2 decades, Co-op lending is our specialty. We can help make your loan process a pleasurable experience. REGISTERED MORTGAGE BROKER, NYS BANKING DEPARTMENT. ALL LOANS PLACED THROUGH THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS. NMLS# 3676 34 Your full-service on-site Realtor Handling Glen Oaks Village Exclusively Since 1993 Miller & Miller Real Estate “On-Site at Glen Oaks Village” 70-43 260th Street 1st Floor (In courtyard next to Management Office) Rob Miller Fran Prezioso NYS Licensed Broker Assoc. NYS Licensed Sales Assoc. OPEN 7 DAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Call us at (718) 343-3132 Or visit us online www.glenoaksvillage.com (Click Sales Information for current Listings) 35 Glen Oaks Village Remembers FRANK STELLATO 1922-2012 By Dorothy Grace Associate Editor It is with great sadness that we write this article, informing our readers about the death of Frank Stellato, our longest employee, who passed away April 2, 2012--just a few weeks after his 90th birthday. While many of our newer Residents may not be familiar with Frank’s smiling face and genuine personality, our senior Residents will surely remember him fondly. Frank was here in 1948, to “lay the first brick”. He was the “Maintenance Department” before there was a Maintenance Department and continued to be an intricate part of GLEN OAKS VILLAGE until his 2008 retirement at age 86. For over 60 years, Frank’s work ethic set examples that challenged the best of us. While Frank’s specialty was Carpentry, he was a true “Handyman” in every sense of the word--also adept at plumbing, electrical, masonry, painting and plastering. A “Jack of All Trades”, Frank not only shared his vast maintenance knowledge with fellow employees, he did his best to instill good work ethnics in all our new Trainees—some of who now have also served GLEN OAKS VILLAGE for over 30 years, themselves. In the early years when Maintenance men worked six (6) days a week, Frank spent most of his evenings doing small jobs for war brides as they established homes here after World War II. Whether repairing household appliances, fixing a broken table or hanging curtain rods, there was no job too small for Frank. In fact, until the mid 1970’s, Frank spent most of his evenings at GLEN OAKS VILLAGE doing handyman work. If he was not painting or wallpapering, he built extra closets or bookcases to help our apartments accommodate growing families. Frank Stellato loved the people of GLEN OAKS VILLAGE!!! With his secure Maintenance job and the extra work he picked up along the way, Frank was proud of the nice life he provided for his wife and 3 children—all of whom graduated from college. Besides his home in Mineola, in later years, Frank, a devout nature lover, spent weekends at his Pocono retreat, where he enjoyed tranquil life, fishing and quietly watching the deer as they stopped to drink from the lake. While you rarely heard Frank complain, he was not without physical challenges. Not only did he have 2 hip and 3 knee replacements, he had a triple bypass, was a cancer survivor and had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands. No matter what happened to him, Frank always returned to work as chipper as ever. Through all the years and jobs, the only thing Frank lost was the tip of one finger--which he bandaged himself and completed the day’s work before seeking medical help. LLATO E T S K N A FR Although many towered over Frank Stellato, few measured up to the life he led. Our condolences to all of his family and friends. May he rest in peace. 36 REFERENCE TELEPHONE LIST IMPORTANT GOVO TELEPHONE NUMBERS FIRE DEPARTMENT Engine Company 251 QUEENS LIBRARY BRANCHES GLEN OAKS BRANCH 254-01 Union Turnpike Glen Oaks, NY 11004 256-04 Union Turnpike (718) 831-8636 (800) 347-3847 BELLEROSE BRANCH NEW YORK CITY – AGENCIES 250-06 Hillside Avenue Emergencies 911 Non-Emergencies 311 (718) 831-8644 SANITATION SERVICES DEPT. OF SANITATION ACTION 105th POLICE PRECINCT 92-08 222nd Street Queens Village, NY 11428 P.O. Box 156 Bowling Green Station New York, NY 10274 (718) 776-9090 (212) 219-8090 GLEN OAKS VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE CORPS. ARNOLD KRAUSE MGMT. OFFICE (718) 347-1637 70-33 260th Street LONG ISLAND JEWISH MEDICAL CENTER MAINTENANCE SERVICES DEPT. (718) 347-2337 70-41 260th Street 270-05 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (718) 343-8400 (516) 326-9810 GOVO SUPPLY OFFICE 74-15 255th Street NORTH SHORE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER (718) 347-6660 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 GOVO SECURITY DEPARTMENT 74-15 74th 255th Street (516) 562-0100 (718) 347-6660 QUEENS GENERAL HOSPITAL CHASE BANK 82-68 164th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 256-21 Union Turnpike (516) 883-2350 (718) 962-2501 U.S. POST OFFICE GLEN OAKS BRANCH CAPITAL ONE BANK (718) 347-3764 HSBC BANK 252-25 Union Turnpike (718) 347-7800 256-29 Union Turnpike 257-15 Union Turnpike FLORAL PARK BRANCH (718) 343-2110 35 Tulip Avenue (516) 616-5184 DIME SAVINGS BANK 253-15 Union Turnpike www.glenoaksvillage.com (718) 343-1698 37
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