Brochure - mimit central library
Brochure - mimit central library
PUNJAB LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (PLA) In collaboration with MALOUT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (MIMIT) organizes National Conference on Changing Role of Academic and Public Libraries in the Internet Era: Challenges and Opportunities on December 03-04, 2016 Malout Institute of Management and Information Technology (MIMIT) (Established and Managed by Govt. of Punjab) Green Field Enclave, MALOUT-152107, Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab Website: and www.mimitlibrary .org ABOUT PLA Punjab Library Associa on (PLA) is one of the earliest library associa ons formed in India established in 1916 by Dr. A.C. Woolner, Honorary University Librarian, Punjab University, Lahore. Another first of this PLA was the publica on of a manual en tled Punjab Library Primer in the year 1916 to give prac cal training to the new entrants to the profession. Other firsts of PLA include star ng of a first journal in library science in India en tled `Modern Librarian' in 1930. Later the journal was taken over by the Indian Library Associa on. Dewey College of Librarianship was also started by PLA in 1937. Par on of Punjab in 1947 caused a severe blow to the rich libraries in Punjab, the library community, and the PLA. The enterprising Punjabi spirit again demonstrated its strength when a group of librarians met in January 1989 to enroll new members for PLA. The poli cal atmosphere in the state was very bad, and terrorism had s ll not faded away. Even in such condi ons, as a result of the January 1989 mee ng and enrollment of new members, elec ons were held in May 1989 and the PLA was rejuvenated. Today the rejuvenated PLA is an ac ve associa on of library professionals in the state with a rich legacy for guidance, and a forward looking a tude for mee ng its objec ves. About MIMIT A Premier Ins tute of Govt. of Punjab established in 1998, MIMIT is brought up under the able guidance of Board of Governors, headed by Hon'able Technical Educa on Minister, Govt. of Punjab. It has been awarded 5th rank among all the PTU colleges in Punjab. Located in the Green Field Enclave near main bus stand, the self contained campus is a beau ful academic and administra ve building which has been magnificently and aesthe cally designed by the Chief Architecture of Punjab. It has 10500 sq. . double storied well stocked fully automated library with approximately 28,510 books of various tles including , original foreign edi ons. It has subscrip on of more than 100 printed and 5000+ e‐journals (na onal and interna onal). The ins tute offers an inspiring learning environment, which transforms our bright young scholars into talented, crea ve and disciplined professionals. About the Conference Libraries are fastly changing from a collec on of Books to a collec on of useful materials in Print, Electronic, Mul media and other formats. The library and informa on professionals are facing various challenges like Decreasing foo alls, Preference of accessing informa on through internet over the reading printed material and catering to younger SMS genera on whose pa ence level is quite low. The implementa on of new technology requires not only different exper se and training requirement for library personnel but require new types of personnel. The libraries organiza onal structure has undergone several changes in recent years in response to the drama c changes in the internet based in forma on environment. This na onal conference would try to fill the gap between the academics and the real scenario by providing an open pla orm to Senior Academicians from the Library & Informa on Science, Working Library Professionals, Industry & Publishers, Researchers and Students. It will a ract scholars and experts from diverse areas and help discuss the various Challenges & Opportuni es with the advent of Internet Technologies in the day to day func oning of Libraries. Call for Papers Academicians/ Librarians/ Informa on Scien sts/ Research Scholars/ Students and Staff of Library and Informa on Science, Informa on Management, Informa on Technology and Computer Science, and other relevant Professionals are invited to submit ar cles and research papers on the main theme 'Changing Role of Academic and Public Libraries in the Internet Era: Challenges and Opportuni es'. Following sub‐themes are not exhaus ve, rather indica ve only Innova ve Prac ces and Services Web Design and Usability Digital Archiving Transforming Library Spaces Media and Informa on Literacy Cloud Compu ng Learning Resources, Methods and Tools E‐Governance New Technologies and the Future Mobile Technologies in Libraries E‐Learning Technologies Digital/Virtual Library Services Ins tu onal/Knowledge Repositories Social Networking The Internet and Web‐based services Web/Net Technology E‐Security, Copyright and Crea ve Commons Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings with ISBN Number. Author Guidelines 1. Abstract: An abstract should not be more than 150 words men oning clearly the objec ves, research approach/methodology, findings and conclusions. Full name, address, email address and contact details of each author should be sent along with the abstract. 2. Manuscript: Full paper should be not more than 3,000 words including abstract (A‐4 size pages, typed 1.5 space and 12‐point font). Limited numbers of pictures/tables/graphs (up to 8) can be included. Manuscripts must be submi ed with the cover page bearing only the tle of the paper, authors' name, designa on, official addresses, email IDs and phone numbers. 3. Originality: Only original, unpublished work is sought. Any proposal submi ed to present iden cal or substan ally similar work already published or under review for another conference or publica on will not be considered. The covering le er accompanying the manuscript of the contributor(s) should cer fy that the manuscript has neither been published nor is being considered for publica on anywhere else. 4. Format: End notes: Place only key references at the end of the manuscript following the end notes. Arrange the reference list in alphabe cal order of author's surnames, and chronologically for each author where more than one work by that author is cited. The author's surname is placed first, followed by ini als, followed by the year and details of publica on. The name of the publica on (usually a book or journal) should appear in Italics. 5. Copyright: All author/s need to send duly filled up and signed copyright form along with the registra on form and fees. Copyright for publica on of all accepted papers will be retained by Punjab Library Associa on (PLA). 6. Review criteria: All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process. 7. Presenta on: All selected papers are to be presented formally by the authors. Each presenta on would be restricted to 10 minutes, followed by ques on‐answer session for another 5 minutes. The ar cle contributed by joint authors can be presented by any one of them. 8. In‐absten on paper submissions are accepted for publica on if the author registers for the conference and paper meets earlier specified requirements. 9. Note:‐ PLA is not responsible for any claim made in any of the papers accepted for publica on in the proceedings. The authors of each of the papers are solely responsible for the content, referencing of their papers, grammar, theories, posi ons, and terminology set forth in proceedings. 10. The complete paper should reach to (Conference Director) at [email protected] as per the schedule men on below. Important Dates Submission Registra on Fees Last Date Category Fees Rs. 1500 Academicians/ librarians/informa on scien sts/other professionals In ma on of acceptances November 20, 2016 Research scholars/students Rs. 1000 Please download Registration Form and Copy write Form from following websites:, and Note: Co-authors desirous of certification and/or participation are required to pay the full registration fees Abstract with full paper November 15, 2016 Accommoda on Accommoda on can be arranged for delegates on a first cum first serve basis in nearby hotels / Ins tute hostel provided a confirma on is received before 30th November, 2016. For delegates, registra on fee include conference kit, tea and working lunch. Accommoda on can be arranged on extra payment if confirma on is received before 30th November, 2016. The Ins tute can arrange with nearby hotels/guesthouse/clubs where accommoda on would range between INR 1000 – INR 3000 per day. Conference Patron : Dr. Jaskarn Singh Bhullar, Principal, MIMIT, Malout Conference Director : Prof. (Dr.) Jagtar Singh, Dept. of Library & Informa on Science, Punjabi University, Pa ala Conference Secretary : Dr. Iqbal Singh Brar, Librarian (SG), MIMIT, Malout Conference Advisory Commi ee Dr. H. K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, New Delhi Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, INFLIBNET, Gandhinagar Prof. (Dr.) I.V. Malhan, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala Prof. (Dr.) Ashu Shokeen, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra Prof. (Dr.) Shabahat Hussain, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Prof. (Dr.) M. Koganuramath, Central University of Gujrat, Gandhinagar Prof. (Dr.) Trishanjit Kaur, Punjabi University, Pa ala Prof. (Dr.) HPS Kalra, Punjabi University, Pa ala Prof. (Dr.) M.P. Sa ja, Re red Professor, GNDU, Amritsar Prof. (Dr.) C. R. Karisiddappa, Visi ng Professor, Dharward University, Dharward Prof. (Dr.) S. M. Shafi, University of Kashmir, Srinagar Dr. D. V. Singh, University Librarian, Delhi University, Delhi Dr. Raj Kumar, University Librarian, Punjab University, Chandigarh Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Librarian, Dev Samaj College for Women, Chandigarh FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Dr. Iqbal Singh Brar (Conference Secretary and President PLA) Ph. +91-9417093230 Emails: [email protected] and [email protected] Printed by : Vijay Packers, BTI 94175-94040 Organizing Commi ee Dr. Sanjiv Sharma, Registrar, MIMIT, Malout Dr. Manish Bansal, Dean (Academics, Research & Planning), MIMIT, Malout Sh. Kuldip Singh Dhillion, Re red Deputy Librarian, Punjabi University, Pa ala Dr. Khushpreet Singh Brar, Assistant Professor, Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib Dr. Rajiv Manhas, University Librarian, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot Dr. Bhupinder Singh Brar, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Er. Sonia Sharma, Head, Department of Computer Science, MIMIT, Malout Er. Bharat Naresh Bansal, Head, Department of Electronics and Communica on, MIMIT, Malout Dr. Gursharnjit Singh, Re red Deputy Librarian, Punjabi University, Pa ala Sh. S.S. Chabra, Re red Deputy Librarian, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Dr. Amit Mi al, Assistant Librarian, Punjabi University, Pa ala Sh. Manish Bansal, Librarian, Baba Farid College of Engineering and Technology, Deon Ms. Sukhbir Kaur, Assistant Professor, MIMIT, Malout Er. Kulvir Singh, Assistant Professor, MIMIT, Malout Er. Harkirat Singh Brar, Assistant Professor, MIMIT, Malout