World Doll Day
World Doll Day
upecitll <Report Mildred Seeley's The Second Saturday in June BY BARBARA CAMPBELL rod, poke, push! That was Mildred Seeley's approach to educate and persuade me to present her beloved dolls to the readers of Doll Craftel: In 1989, she and Vernon invited me to their home in Green Valley, Arizona and our distinctly individual passions became a partnership to promote the unique history and exquisite beauty of antique dolls. Diligently, with humor and verve, Mil authenticated Doll Crafter s mission to inform dollmakers and collectors. Our col laboration and friendship continued for eleven years, as she wrote and I edited her articles and books. Using Doll Crafter S' might, we nourished what can stand as Mil's most lasting and generous legacy, World Doll Day. The Seeleys weren't alone in pro pelling the collection, reproduction and artistry of dolls into a world wide industry. However, Mil was and will remain the one person who 32 - DOLL CRAFTER - May 2002 Doll artist, Darlene Lane, presents Mil Seeley with an Artist's Edition of Carissa," during a World Doll Day celebration at Mil's Arizona home in June 2001. Darlene said,ihe 'Carissa' edition was being made for a UFDC lunch eon gift. I felt it would be my last chance to celebrate this special day with Mil and I was touched by her joy in receiving the little doll because she had them all-Brus, Ats, Jumeaux, Two A Marques-yet she loved her simple gift." there are those that are unaware of the Seeley's contribution to the doll world. This hope springs from the desire to maintain the standards for doll collection and reproduction at the level advocated by Mil and Vern. To accomplish such a goal, there must be a constant flow of newly dedicated and enthusiastic supporters. So, for the purpose of enthusing the newcomers and renewing the vigor of the converted, here is the story of World Doll Day. May this day of celebration thrive through the efforts and endeavors of the world wide doll community, thereby hon oring a couple that assembled and shared a doll collection worthy of the greatest museums. We start with the letter Mil and Vernon sent to friends and associates in 1986. As you will understand, their words resonate even more soundly than when written . The Letter: "So, you haven't heard of World Doll Day? This is not surprising. As of an hour ago, I hadn't conceived the idea. Bob Isbell, who does my printing, says shared so much, so passionately, so unconditionally. (Well, one provi sion-"Oo the research !") Passion is the human equivalent of nature 's force, like gale winds and ocean tides. Like love. Like Mildred Seeley. Barbara Campbell Since 1989, Doll Cl'ujier s read ers have been blessed by an unprecedented association with the expertise of dol l collector, restora tion expert and author, Mildred Seeley and her husband, Vernon Seeley, a master mold maker. Hopefully, among today's readers World Doll Day, June 12, 1999. Back row, L to R: Margaret Banker, Connie Fitzpatrick, Pam Hand, JoAnne Spencer, Barbara Cowherd. Front row, L to R: Georgia Valdez, Mildred, Judy Stiver. The No. I Doll Crafting Magazine - 33 JoAnne Spencer and Mil ready to serve Tea and Cake at World Doll Day, 1999. that when I ask for something to be done by tomorrow, "I'll make it hap pen', This is what l would like to do with World Doll Day - make it hap pen. I need only one thing - C O P ERATION! I need cooperation of evety doll collector, every magazine editor, doll newsletter, doll shop, 34 - DOLL CRAFTER - Moy 2002 library, dollmaker, mother, grand mother, father, grandfather, and all the stray aunts and uncles. The first World Doll Day is the Second Saturday of ./une 1986. I am getting a doll ready to give. If you don't have a child to give a doll to - find one. There are many children with no dolls. Give a doll to a grownup child in the family or just a friend. Think of it this way, and ship a doll to another country. I have always felt that the common doll could be an instrument of world understanding. From the time I first started writing books on dollmaking, I had the hope that dolls would help make friends allover the world and develop a little love among all. World Doll Day will also be a day for doll exhibits. It is my hope that all libraries will have a special doll exhibit; museums will publicize their doll exhibits and have special exhibits at this time. Magazines will put out special editions. Doll stores will put on selling campaigns weeks ahead. Dollmakers will make special dolls for World Doll Day. There will be doll competitions with World Doll Day awards, p laques and trophjes . The logo is made from artist, Boots Tyner's doll representing a child. The child carries a German bisque doll to represent this doll col lector's gift. Feel free to copy the logo or have more made. Everyone can join the fun, as there are no fees, no permission needed, no obligations, nobody owns the day, no club, no company. It's a free-for-all. Take up the day, its ideas and fly with it. Let's do it now- World Doll Day. If you think World Doll Day is a good idea, then appoint yourself a committee of one to do something about it-only then can it become a rea 'li ty. Would you tell five people, ask them to tell five people and each of them tell five more and so 011. World Doll Day's birthday is June 14, 1986. Sincerely, Mil and Vernon Seeley ps. This letter may be copied, and copied, again and again, lIntil the world knows about World Doll Day. In June 1990. Doll Cra/ier pub lished a column written by Mil Seeley promoting World Doll Day. This coming June, that column will have been published for 12 consec utive years, often accompanied by reports and pictures of World noll Day celebrations. It was illustrated with the official logo to generate interest for giving and receiv ing dolls in love and friendship. I want to acknowledge and thank Marti Nelson, Anita Ladensack, Colleen Seeley, Boots Tyner and Darlene Lane for contributing time, photos and effort to complete this report. Some of Mil's dolls on display with their all-original costumes for World Doll! Day, 1999. We called ourselves Mil's Gals, and gathered once a month at Shandele with Mil, as a study group to discuss dolls and doll related issues. This was a day we all looked forward to, being with Mil and hearing what she had to say was always a treat for everyone. Mil touched so many people thru the years and left a legacy with her books. I shall miss her friendship and our afternoon tea and doll discussions. Marti Nelson Address correspondence /0 Barbara Campbell. 28112 Vernon Ave.. Ocean Park, WA 98640. Please include a stamped. self addressed envelope for a reply or email: bobbsoup@paci/ieuom. •:. World Doll Day, 2001. Back Row, Lto R: Marti Nelson, Mildred, Darlene Lane, and Connie Fitzgerald. Front Row, Lto R: Georgia Valdez with Kieta, Anita Ladensack, Reba Ashmore, Judy Stiver. i he No . I Doll Crafting Magazine - 35