2014-10-01-Memo - Chilliwack School District
2014-10-01-Memo - Chilliwack School District
Connect 33 October 1, 2014 THANK YOU TO ALL STAFF: World Teacher Day - In recognition of World Teachers' Day October 5, 2014 the Chilliwack Board of Education thanks ALL STAFF for your dedication! Board trustees will be delivering apples to sites on Friday for all staff to enjoy. The Board recognizes that all employees in our district contribute to the learning of our students and that it takes the concerted effort on the part of all staff to create a true learning community. The apple we will be enjoying in recognition of World Teacher Day this year is the Ambrosia apple (no spray). The Ambrosia apple, a current top favorite in BC, is a new apple, only about 12 years old. At an orchard in Cawston, in the Similkameen Valley, a new, naturally occurring tree, grew among the apple orchard. The farmer noticed that the workers favored this tree for their apple snacks, and after discovering how delicious the apple was, the tree was graphed and has been growing the Ambrosia apple ever since. Did you know that the white film you often see on apples is called “plume”? It’s a natural defense that the apple uses to protect itself when temperatures cool down. The Jonagold apple has a rather unique plume which is a waxy finish on the surface of the apple. These defenses are often mistaken for chemicals or sprays applied during the growing period. EXTENDED SPRING BREAK 2015: LOU Between SD33 & C.U.P.E. - A Letter of Understanding between School District 33 (Chilliwack) and C.U.P.E., Local 411, concerning the makeup of working time lost as a result of the extended spring break in March 2015 is attached. Please note that the provisions of this LOU apply only to school term (10 month) staff. Principals, vice-principals and managers have been asked to meet with 10 month staff to create a plan for each individual to make up the four (4) working days lost as a result of the extended spring break. The LOU includes a table indicating how many hours are to be made up depending upon the individual’s normal hours of work. Extra time is to be recorded and paid as it is earned. Employees may contact the payroll department to ask that a portion of their total pay be diverted to a second bank account. Ten month staff may make up time by attending staff meetings, after school professional development sessions or by working extra time to consult with teachers and administrators. The plan for an individual employee to make up time must be established in consultation with their supervisor. It is important to distinguish between the extra time worked for the purpose of making up the spring break time and the extra time worked for purposes of the collaboration days. Bus Drivers are guaranteed their normal base hours as described in the collective agreement. Supervision Assistants may make up four (4) hours by attending a professional development day. Casual employees are not entitled to make up time. (attachment 1) STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT DATA EXCHANGE (SADE) - To all distributed learning sites, continuing education sites and schools with grade 8-12 students: The first SADE collection for the 2014/15 school year opens Wednesday, October 1 and your error-free extract must be loaded in the Ministry of Education's online Data Exchange (DX2) by Friday, November 14. Further information on SADE is located at http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/datacollections/sade. October 1, 2014 Connect 33 … 1701 – The Fall Data Collection deadline has been extended. The Snapshot date is now Friday, October 17. Please contact Farrell Brett at 604-703-1718 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or require assistance. 2014-15 ASSEMBLY & DISMISSAL SCHEDULE - Revised (attachment 2) SD 33 BUSINESS CARDS - The Print Shop is once again printing business cards for SD 33 staff! These cards are comparable in paper thickness and print quality to the cards we were having made outside the district. The cost per card is .04 per ($4.16 per 100 cards); there is no minimum order. Please contact Kelsey Elderton [email protected] directly to place your order. See sample and Print Shop flyer attached. (attachment 3) ► HUMAN RESOURCES C.U.P.E. GENERAL LEAVE / LEAVE WITHOUT PAY: CUPE Collective Agreement - 14.10 General Leave - The Employer may grant leave of absence with or without pay and without loss of seniority to any employee requesting such leave for good and sufficient cause, such request to be in writing and approved by the Employer. Unpaid general leaves less than one (1) school year will not be granted to school term employees when students are in session except in cases of compelling circumstance. School Term Employees on a leave of absence of one (1) year or more under the provisions of this Article shall provide the Employer with written notice of their intention to return to work the following September no later than May 15th. The School District is NOT required by the collective agreement to grant general leaves. Each request will be judged on both the merit of the request and the ability for the district to maintain service to students. Circumstances that Human Resources could support as “good and sufficient cause” would be personal obligations that cannot be scheduled during non-enrolling time and would be considered compelling circumstances: 1. Wedding of a child/grandchild/sibling/parent or Graduation of Direct Family Member 2. Extension of Family Emergency Leave (serious and compelling family illness, not the flu …) 3. Competing at a National or International level elite competition. 4. Educational Leave that Benefits the District (improves service to students) 5. Other Serious and Compelling Circumstances Common requests that would not be considered compelling or could be scheduled during a nonenrolling time include: 1. Family Vacation 2. Participation in Community or Service club activities 3. Any Paid work Should an employee wish to apply for a LWOP the process is as follows: 1. Put your request in writing and complete your leave form. 2.Meet with your supervisor to discuss your request. (Your supervisor and Human Resources may need to discuss) 3.If approved book your replacement through the normal process of requesting a replacement using the Replacement Booking Guidelines Brochure. October 1, 2014 Connect 33 … (Repeat) POSITIONS OF SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Positions of Special Responsibility for the period September 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 are allocated as follows: School A.D. Rundle Middle Chilliwack Middle Chilliwack Secondary Education Centre FVDES G.W. Graham Mount Slesse Middle Rosedale Middle Sardis Secondary Vedder Middle Student Services Allocation for POSR 3.0 4.0 6.0 2.5 4.5 6.0 4.0 3.0 7.0 4.0 1.0 Please forward to Donna Dove by October 8, 2014 your recommendations for appointments or your requests for the use of these funds. C.U.P.E. SENIORTY REPORT – September 2014 (attachment 4) POSTING & FILLING INFORMATION (attachment 5) REPLACEMENT STAFF NEWS (attachment 6) ► LEARNING SERVICES Aboriginal Education SD 33 HALQ’EME’YLEM LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION (attachment 7) 2014 AEA PSA CONFERENCE – Indigenous Education and Residential Schools, October 24, 2014, UBC First Nations Longhouse. See attached flyer for registration information. (attachment 8) Curriculum & Pro-D 2014 REMEMBRANCE DAY LEARNING RESOURCES: Order FREE and bilingual Remembrance Day Learning Resources (for ages 5 to 18) at www.veterans.gc.ca. The Teacher’s Guide, available online, offers cross-curricular lesson plans and is the perfect companion to these resources. The Friends of the Canadian War Museum video: https://www.friendsamis.org/index.php/en/meet-the-friends/videos/452-musical-tribute-to-juno-beach. This 8 minute video is a resource that may be played during an assembly or classroom discussion as part of Remembrance Day programs on this 70th anniversary of Juno Beach. October 1, 2014 Connect 33 … Student Services CPI TRAINING - CPI (Non-Violent Crisis Intervention) training will be offered to school employees again this year. However, we will be shifting to a team training approach, rather than training individuals. There will be a training on the October 24 Professional Day, but there will be a requirement that at least 3 members from a school team attend. Additionally, if a school would like to book a training session for their team on another day, please contact Brenda Calendino or Glenda Gaudette at Student Services. (attachment 9) (Repeat) POPFASD ONLINE TRAINING - Course registration for fall offerings is now open. The link for registration is http://www.fasdoutreach.ca/training. Please see and share the attached poster. (attachment 10) ► HEALTH & SAFETY LET’S STAY HEALTHY DURING COLD & FLU SEASON - Some helpful hints and resources to keep students, staff and your families healthy. Congratulations Sardis Elementary Health & Safety Team for being the first to submit Health & Safety minutes. Well done! “Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility.” (attachment 11) (Repeat) TIME SENSITIVE ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED BY OCTOBER 3: (attachment 12) First Aid Attendants Health and Safety Committee Members Items for Health and Safety Agenda ► TECHNOLOGY ► OPERATIONS ► GREEN INITIATIVES RECYCLING WORKSHOPS: Attention Grades 3 – 6 Teachers - The City of Chilliwack is once again offering FREE Recycling Workshops to grade 3 – 6 classrooms. The dates for this year are October 8 and 9, 2014. Space is limited; see the attached flyer for further information. (attachment 13) ► AROUND THE DISTRICT CHILLIWACK CENTRAL ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL SOCIETY PROGRAM GUIDE – Fall 2014 (attachment 14) October 1, 2014 Connect 33 … DRIVE ONE 4 UR SCHOOL AT CENTRAL ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL – Saturday, October 4 from 9:00am-3:30pm. This FREE event is the premier fundraiser for the in-class reading program and primary playground. For every person that drives a new Ford the school will receive a $20 donation from Ford. There will be a hot dog sale as well as raffle draws to help with the fundraising efforts. ► COMMUNITY INFORMATION FRASER VALLEY TROUT HATCHERY FIELD TRIPS - See the attached for field trip information for classes from Kindergarten to Grade 12. (attachment 15) LIVE 5-2-1-0 FAMILY FOCUS GROUPS – SCOPE and the Chilliwack Division of Family Practice is looking for parents and caregivers of kids 12 and under to take part in focus groups to determine the barriers to living 5-2-1-0 (5 fruits/veggies per day, no more than 2 hours screen time, 1 hour of physical activity/day, 0 sugar-sweetened drinks), to aid in developing supporting resource materials. Please see and distribute the attached information flyer. (attachment 16) CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES: National Blood Inventory in Critical Condition - Canadian Blood Services is appealing to all eligible donors to make a blood donation immediately to increase Canada’s critically low blood inventory. All blood donors are needed, in particular those with type O and A blood. As a result of the desperate need for donated blood, CBS has extended this Friday's clinic in Chilliwack by one hour, and 25 donation times need to be filled. The clinic will now run from noon to 6:00pm at the Coast Chilliwack Hotel. Additionally, there are still 50 appointments open to donate on Oct. 13, which is Thanksgiving Monday. That clinic runs from 1:30 to 7:30pm at the Coast Hotel. In recent months extremely low attendance at blood donor clinics across Canada in combination with the constant need for blood has caused the national inventory to be used faster than it can be replenished. This has created the lowest national blood inventory since 2008. To book an appointment today, download the GiveBlood app, visit blood.ca or call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283). See the attached for more clinic dates and locations. (attachment 17) A SEASON OF READINGS AT THE ART ROOM – The Chilliwack Libraries and the Chilliwack Arts Council are proud to present three evenings of local authors reading from their works. Enjoy some refreshment as you revel in the local literacy arts! Admission is FREE, however space is limited. See the attached for more information. (attachment 18) (Repeat) CHILLIWACK ARTS COUNCIL PRESENTS – Upcoming classes for kids at the Art Room. See attached for more details. (attachment 19) CANADIAN PLANETARIUMS: Bringing Stars to Classrooms - A portable planetarium, featuring a rich digital sky with all the bells and whistles can be set up in minutes in your school. Children will take a tour of the night sky, learn about planets, stars, first nations myths of the sky, take a trip around the universe without ever setting foot off the school grounds. The stars have never seemed so close as inside the inflatable dome of an advanced Digitalis Planetarium. For complete information check out the brochure. October 1, 2014 Connect 33 … (Repeat) MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it!) – This program empowers children and families to become fitter and healthier. This FREE program is fun and interactive and supports 7-13 year old children and their families to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Sessions take place in a supportive environment and include fun 2-hour sessions twice a week for 10 weeks. Families who participate, will also receive a FREE 3-month family membership to the Chilliwack Family YMCA and will be eligible for an additional 3 free months upon completion of the program. MEND 7-13 is for 7-13 year olds who are above a healthy weight (body mass index (BMI) of 85% or higher. You can calculate your child’s BMI at: apps.nccd.cdc.gov/dnpabmi. For questions or to register for the Chilliwack Program, call Chilliwack MEND 7-13 Program Manager, Andrea Gieselman at 604-799-3732 (attachment 20) DENONI’S ACADEMY OF MUSIC - See attached for fall rates. (attachment 21) WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE CHILLIWACK CULTURAL CENTRE: Come to The Centre and reveal your inner artist. Watch potters, musicians, actors and crafters demonstrate the pure joy of creating as The Chilliwack Cultural Centre swings open its doors once again for people to come look around and help celebrate The Centre’s fourth anniversary! Constantly expanding the variety of creative opportunities available to the community, The Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society invites you to explore what is new and exciting in this fantastic venue on October 4, 2014 from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Don’t miss your chance to see the three time Tony award winning show Avenue Q, a part-human, part-puppet musical theatre experience like no other, when Vancouver’s Arts Club Theatre brings it to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre for 2 performances on October 10 & 11, 2014. For more information visit the Chilliwack Cultural Centre website at www.chilliwackculturalcentre.com. October 1, 2014 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SCHOOL DISTRICT 33 (CHILLIWACK) AND CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 411 For the 2014-2015 school year, the Board of Education for School District 33 (Chilliwack) has adopted a local school calendar that provides for a two week spring break. All schools will be closed for students from March 23 to April 2, 2015 for spring break. Schools will reopen for classes on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 following Good Friday and Easter Monday. Make Up of Lost Hours of Work In order to avoid loss of annual pay, equivalent to the extension to spring break, school term employees will be provided with the option of making up the time for the four (4) days of the extended spring break. Individual employee schedules of “makeup time” will be determined at each site. School term employees will record additional time worked on their bi-weekly time sheets and will be paid that time as it is worked. Employees will be provided with the option of diverting a portion of their total pay to a second bank account. In order for employees to accrue and bank pay equal to that lost during the extended spring break, they must schedule their additional time prior to spring break. The following table indicates the number of hours to be made up dependent upon the employee’s normally scheduled hours of work: Assigned Hours per Day 1.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 Assigned Hours per Week 5.00 20.00 21.25 22.50 23.75 25.00 26.25 27.50 28.75 30.00 31.25 32.50 33.75 35.00 Hours to Be Made Up for 2014-2015 4.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 Affected Categories of Employees Those employees who work only during the school term will be provided with the option of making up the additional four (4) days for the extended spring break. Bus Drivers will continue to be guaranteed a base of one thousand and ninety (1090) hours per school year in accordance with Article 9.5 of the collective agreement. Supervision assistants will be asked to attend four (4) hours of appropriate professional development on a professional development day. Casual employees will not be entitled to “make up” time or payment during the extended Spring Break. For 12 month employees, spring break days will be considered normal working days and employees may choose, in consultation with their supervisor, to work or to take vacation, sick leave gratuity or banked time off. Activities to Make Up Time School term employees can “make up” time through a combination of attending school staff meetings, attending after school professional development sessions (over and above after school collaboration sessions) and/or working additional daily or weekly time. The decision for how time will be made up by a particular employee will be made through consultation between the individual and their supervisor, with the supervisor having the final decision-making authority. The parties recognize the value of support staff participating in staff meetings and encourage staff to use this option for “make up” time wherever possible. Extra time worked will not be subject to “Article 10 – Overtime” provisions of the collective agreement. Agreed this ______ day of __________________, 2014 For School District 33 For CUPE, Local 411 _________________________________ __________________________ _________________________________ __________________________ ASSEMBLY & DISMISSAL SCHEDULE 2014-15 Elementary Schools School 1st Class Recess Lunch Dismissal Bernard 795-7840 8:30 10:10 -10:25 12:05 -12:55 2:20 Central 792-8537 8:45 10:10 -10:25 12:05- 12:45 2:30 Cheam 792-1416 8:20 10:00 -10:15 11:55 -12:45 2:10 Cultus Lake 858-6266 8:00 9:45 -10:00 11:40 -12:25 1:45 East Chwk. 794-7533 8:10 10:05 – 10:20 12:00 – 12:45 1:55 Evans 858-3057 8:15 9:55 - 10:10 11:50 -12:35 2:00 F.G. Leary 792-1281 8:30 10:10 - 10:25 12:05 -12:50 2:15 Greendale 823-6738 8:00 9:40 - 9:55 11:40 -12:25 1:45 Little Mtn. 792-0681 8:30 10:00 - 10:15 12:00 -12:40 2:10 McCammon 795-7000 8:15 10:00 - 10:15 11:45 -12:25 2:00 Promontory 824-4885 8:30 10:10 - 10:25 12:05 – 12:50 2:15 Robertson 795-5312 8:30 10:10 - 10:25 12:05 -12:45 2:15 Rosedale (K-6) 794-7124 8:10 9:34 - 9:49 11:45 -12:32 1:57 Sardis 858-7145 8:35 10:15-10:30 12:10 -1:00 2:25 Strathcona 792-9301 8:30 10:30 – 10:45 12:15 - 1:00 2:15 Tyson 858-2111 8:15 10:00 - 10:15 11:55 -12:40 2:00 Unsworth 858-4510 8:45 10:15 - 10:30 12:15 - 1:00 2:30 Vedder 858-4759 8:15 10:00 – 10:15 11:45 -12:30 2:00 Watson 858-9477 8:30 10:00 - 10:15 12:00 -12:45 2:15 Yarrow 823-4408 8:15 9:55 -10:10 11:50 -12:35 2:00 Updated: October 1, 2014 ASSEMBLY & DISMISSAL SCHEDULE 2014-15 Middle, Secondary & Alternate Schools School Telephone 1st Class Lunch Dismissal AD Rundle Middle 604-792-4257 8:30 11:41 - 12:16 2:29 Chilliwack Middle 604-795-5781 8:30 12:22 – 12:55 2:37 Chilliwack Secondary 604-795-7295 8:31 11:19 – 12:05 2:47 GW Graham Middle-Sec. 604-847-0772 8:20 11:21 – 12:04 2:30 Mount Slesse 604-824-7481 8:25 12:43 – 1:25 2:40 Rosedale (7-9) 604-794-7124 7:58 11:46 – 12:20 2:04 Sardis Secondary 604-858-9424 8:30 11:03 – 11:57 2:37 Vedder Middle 604-858-7141 8:30 12:20 – 12:56 2:40 Education Centre 604-792-9277 8:40 12:00 - 12:30 2:00 Fri 12:00 CHANCE 604-795-9226 8:25 11:32-12:02 1:38 Updated: October 1, 2014 Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton Print Shop Technician tel 604.792.4327 fax 604.792.5220 [email protected] sd33.bc.ca Facilities Department: 44877 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H3 Kelsey Elderton CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Klein, Sylvia (Karen) Passenger, Sandra Simmill, Judith Ware, Suzanne Connor, Leslie Allen, Sherilyn Stachiw, Randy Vurzinger, Heather Kilgour, Lesley Obirek, Dale Gehman, Dane Shingler, Leonard Clarke, Helen Zielke, Fred McInally, Sandra Birnie, Robert Fedoruk, Larry Haggerty, Gregory Townsend, R. Dean Fehlauer, Randall Kostrzewa, Richard McAlpine, Sandra Janzen, Randy Broadbent, Edward Lunner, Darlene Hume, Rob Beer, Jeffery Dahl, Donald Kirkby, Karen Ryckman, Lindsay Neufeld, Geraldine Payne, Elizabeth Ware, Jo-Anne Larochelle, Ghezlane Jardine, Laurie Mattson, Cheryl Hill, Carol Brewer, Kathryn Lillicrap, Wendy McCall, Holly Wilde, Lawrence Underhill, Brian Mills, Bruce Elias, Robert Gieselman, Richard Bilan, Ruben Albeluhn, R. Michael Gerhard, Helmut September 26, 2014 POSITION Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs Human Resources Secretary Secondary Secretary A EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary A Custodian 3 Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs Custodian 3 EA Chance Journeyperson Gardener Secondary Secretary A Custodian 3 Secondary Secretary B Carpenter Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Painter Carpenter Utility Groundsperson EA Special Needs - Braille Computer Services Technician Utility Person Secondary Secretary B Carpenter Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Elementary Secretary Painter EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Seconday School Career Advisor EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary A Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Custodian 3 Custodian 2 SENIORITY DATE 1/1/1976 9/14/1977 9/6/1978 1/2/1979 9/24/1979 9/1/1981 10/1/1981 1/6/1982 1/25/1982 12/1/1982 1/4/1983 1/10/1983 4/9/1984 5/15/1985 9/15/1985 10/1/1985 12/15/1985 5/20/1986 8/1/1986 8/10/1986 8/15/1986 9/1/1986 9/17/1986 1/1/1987 1/5/1987 1/9/1987 3/1/1987 5/25/1987 6/27/1987 7/10/1987 9/9/1987 9/9/1987 9/10/1987 9/16/1987 10/1/1987 11/1/1987 4/1/1988 9/20/1988 10/1/1988 1/3/1989 3/1/1989 3/10/1989 3/23/1989 3/27/1989 4/13/1989 5/9/1989 5/10/1989 6/23/1989 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Atkinson, E. Fritz Webber, C. Judy Bowden, Kathie Hildebrandt, Kerry Lowe, Katherine Moffat, Heather Shultz, Elizabeth Gwen Cyrull, Cathy-Lynn Sedler, Susan Bourdon, Gayle Auffray, Phil Hamlin, Susanne Galenzoski, Steve Walker, Randy Folk, Bruce Davidson, Terrance Babcock, Donna Hilts, Karen Zielke, Elayne Jamieson, Kevin Allen, Joan Wilde, Gordon Lam, Khanh Thiessen, Diane Ramsay, Patti Perkins, Traci Sigurdson, Lynne Davidson, R. Lorne Parray, Shelley Toop, Linda Wedel, Faye Dean, Laura Laporte, Lona Hultman, Cathy Kennedy, Leslie Scullion, Lewis Teschke, Heather Payment, Leslie Rurka, Mark Wiseman, Kathy Jones, Pamela Franson, Dorothy Weisenberger, Margaret Jansen, Gwen Gray, Leah Patterson, Teri Dyck, Jerrold Auffray, Michele September 26, 2014 POSITION EA Chance Accounting Clerk EA Special Needs Work Experience Facilitator EA Special Needs FVDES Secretary B EA Special Needs Education Centre Secretary A EA Chance EA Special Needs Computer Services Technician EA Special Needs Electronics/Heating Technician Transportation Clerk Journeyperson Gardener Utility Person Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 2 FVDES Secretary B Custodian 1 & 2 Custodian 3 Elementary Secretary FVDES Accounting Clerk Elementary Secretary Education Centre Secretary B Utility Groundsperson Bus Driver Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 3 Work Experience Facilitator Secondary School Career Advisor EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Bus Driver Plumber EA Special Needs SENIORITY DATE 9/1/1989 9/1/1989 9/5/1989 9/5/1989 9/5/1989 9/5/1989 9/5/1989 9/6/1989 9/21/1989 10/6/1989 10/10/1989 10/10/1989 12/13/1989 12/22/1989 1/8/1990 1/24/1990 1/25/1990 1/25/1990 2/20/1990 3/13/1990 5/3/1990 7/3/1990 7/13/1990 7/30/1990 8/16/1990 9/5/1990 9/18/1990 10/22/1990 10/26/1990 10/29/1990 11/5/1990 11/8/1990 11/13/1990 1/8/1991 3/11/1991 5/6/1991 9/6/1991 9/18/1991 9/21/1991 9/23/1991 11/8/1991 11/18/1991 11/29/1991 12/4/1991 12/13/1991 4/6/1992 6/23/1992 10/19/1992 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Davies, Sharon Younker, Shelley Gee, Karen McKay, Linda Lauter, Linda Ward, Marilyn Tizzard, Carla Cox, Maxine Finley, Kellie Moore, Maureen Elderton, Cheryl Southgate, Robert Macleod, Lynn Bessette, Susan Molsberry, Mary-Lou Dibblee, June Matthews, Elaine Stephenson, Sally Boule, Joan Goose, Sheryl Duncan, Robyn Ursel, Don Heward, Amy Gillis, Sharon Seaton, Paul Schuurman, Gail Kilvert, Lovetta Isaac, Rod Wogrin, Laurene Chambers, Karen Pohl, Donna Meek, Steve Harrison, Jacqueline Decoste, Eileen Mitischev, Peter McAulay, Anne Booker, Judith Verschuur, Sandra Jeckel, Agnes Beveridge, Jodi Carrat, Jamie Russell, Simone Olsen, Bonnie Hensel, Wendy Auguste, Myrna Muskett, Mary-Ann Reichelt, Randall September 26, 2014 POSITION EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Bus Driver EA Special Needs Bus Driver EA Special Needs Maintenance Clerk A EA Special Needs Transportation Clerk EA Special Needs Child & Youth Care Worker Custodian 3 FVDES Secretary B EA Special Needs Secondary School Acct Clerk EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 3 Supervision Assistant Bus Driver Electronics Technician Bus Driver EA Special Needs Custodian 3 EA Chance EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Bus Driver Journeyperson Cook Custodian 3 Utility Groundperson EA Special Needs Chef Assistant B Work Experience Facilitator EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary A Custodian 2 Bus Driver Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs Secondary School Career Advisor EA Chance Painter SENIORITY DATE 10/21/1992 5/7/1993 5/21/1993 7/21/1993 7/23/1993 8/20/1993 8/26/1993 9/3/1993 9/28/1993 10/1/1993 1/12/1994 2/25/1994 3/1/1994 5/18/1994 6/15/1994 7/13/1994 9/9/1994 9/12/1994 9/15/1994 9/19/1994 10/14/1994 11/7/1994 11/16/1994 11/21/1994 11/28/1994 11/30/1994 1/5/1995 2/7/1995 4/4/1995 4/12/1995 4/24/1995 5/10/1995 8/10/1995 8/16/1995 8/16/1995 9/4/1995 9/8/1995 9/11/1995 9/14/1995 9/21/1995 9/25/1995 1/11/1996 1/18/1996 1/29/1996 2/1/1996 3/19/1996 7/25/1996 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME September 26, 2014 POSITION SENIORITY DATE Turnbull, Cindy Bus Driver Kelly, Gay Aboriginal Education Assistant Ekman, Pam EA Special Needs Blaine, Ronald Custodian 1 Weber, Dodie Supervision Assistant Britten, Stacy Electronic Technician Wishlow, Kathy Elementary Secretary Hatson, Brenda Secondary Library Assistant Garcia, Alison EA Special Needs Kehler, Marilyn EA Special Needs Henschel, Brian Computer Services Technician Pehlke, Raymond Carpenter Beyer, Jason Computer Services Technician Haas, Debra EA Special Needs McDonald, Sherry EA Special Needs Ganert, Timothy Custodian 3 Richmond, Pam EA Special Needs Vander Kooi, Julie EA Special Needs Nelson, Paul Carpenter Snutch, Grant Custodian 3 Lahaise, Joan EA Special Needs Allen, Shonnet Supervision Assistant Kenis, Allison EA Chance Steeves, Kim Elementary Secretary Baginski, Diane Aboriginal Education Assistant Neels, Michele EA Chance Stanley, Susan Elementary Secretary Morris, Bradley Custodian 3 Murtha, Vicki EA Special Needs Moseanko, Beryl EA Special Needs Schmidt, Heidi Student Services Secretary/Elem Sec Sperling, Carolyn Chef Assistant A Huse, Bonnie EA Special Needs Cook, Richard Custodian 2 Robertson, Jim Computer Services Technician Michelanko, Emily Aboriginal Education Assistant Abercrombie, Suzanne EA Special Needs Payne, Elsa EA Chance Parks, Farah Elementary Secretary Baldwin, Ramona Aboriginal Education Assistant Klebe, Janet Bus Driver O'Hara, Tracey Maintenance Clerk B Joe, Valerie Aboriginal Education Assistant Paddon, Anne-Marie EA Special Needs Michaloski-Cheung, Deborah Supervision Assistant Plotnikoff, Lanny Electrician Pilling, Shelley Elementary Secretary Payne, Greg Custodian 3 8/1/1996 9/3/1996 9/19/1996 11/4/1996 11/19/1996 11/20/1996 11/22/1996 12/5/1996 12/6/1996 12/9/1996 1/31/1997 3/26/1997 4/2/1997 4/10/1997 4/14/1997 5/8/1997 6/12/1997 7/8/1997 7/23/1997 8/5/1997 8/18/1997 9/9/1997 9/10/1997 12/8/1997 1/23/1998 3/27/1998 4/6/1998 4/9/1998 5/7/1998 5/22/1998 7/22/1998 9/22/1998 11/10/1998 11/17/1998 12/14/1998 1/4/1999 2/18/1999 2/22/1999 3/11/1999 3/17/1999 4/12/1999 4/21/1999 5/3/1999 5/7/1999 6/10/1999 6/23/1999 6/29/1999 7/22/1999 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Boldt, Penny Cummings, Rita Martin, Colleen Shaw, Nicole Bergen, Patricia Percher, Corinne McFarlane, Cyril Bax, Joy McKay, Janice Covey, Julie Mercer, Barbara Sawatsky, Mike McAndrew, Diana Britton, Fay Dalgleish, Steven Lohmaier, Debra Beutler, Michael Thomson, Norene Brears, Cyndie Blackstock, Patricia Campbell, Glenda Friesen, Patricia Atkinson, Margaret Thiessen, Darryl Gill, Nancy Ouimet, Jacqueline Litster, Melanie Friesen, Kathi Moore, Cheryl August, Lori Keown, Grant Gross, Lori J Campbell, Arlene Deputan, Lisa Feldes, Vonda Lee Broadbent, Lisa Martens, Tammy Keown, Rhonda Arlt, Laura L'Hirondelle, Victoria Stevens, Marlene Roddick, Charlene Neve, Betsy Snukuts, Cindy Soltys, Korilea Vance, Heidi T. Schroeder, Duane Graham, Dolores September 26, 2014 POSITION Bus Driver EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Supervision Assistant Speech - Language Assistant Bus Driver EA Chance EA Special Needs Supervision Assistant Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs Custodian 1 & 3 FVDES Secretary B Custodian 2 Painter EA Special Needs Custodian 2 EA Special Needs EA Chance EA Chance EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs - Braille Bus Driver Bus Driver EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Human Resources Secretary Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary Aboriginal Education Assistant Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs EA Chance EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Child & Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Senior Payroll Clerk SENIORITY DATE 7/26/1999 8/4/1999 8/11/1999 8/20/1999 8/26/1999 9/9/1999 9/27/1999 9/28/1999 10/6/1999 10/18/1999 11/5/1999 12/8/1999 1/21/2000 1/31/2000 2/28/2000 2/29/2000 6/12/2000 7/24/2000 7/31/2000 8/17/2000 8/30/2000 9/13/2000 10/4/2000 11/20/2000 11/24/2000 1/25/2001 4/11/2001 5/24/2001 8/1/2001 9/28/2001 10/22/2001 1/17/2002 2/15/2002 4/25/2002 5/22/2002 6/18/2002 7/12/2002 7/31/2002 8/9/2002 8/15/2002 8/19/2002 12/19/2002 12/23/2002 1/20/2003 2/7/2003 3/4/2003 5/8/2003 5/15/2003 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Darby, Susan Scott, Lorne Haraga, Turrey Wiens, Laura Adams, Lynnette Grier, Ruth Anderton, Ruby Greentree, Carol Adrovic, Elvira Moore, Cynthia Rintjema, Darla Sumner, Laura Bond, Carol Johnson, Dennis Klettke, Tracey Mazurenko, Wendy Pack, Louise Hanuse, Sherry Mastin, Timothy Ferguson, Rick Griffiths, David Reid, Kimberley Isaak, George Tournier, James Emery, Debra McNeice, Brad Popove, Carol Paulsen, Karen Street, Deborah Chiasson, Michele Senft, Marvin Strickland, Bruce Andersen, Dale Payne, Troy Lambert, Lori Christison, Shirley Greenan, Jeanine Picco, Sheryl McCulloch, Madonna Nosov, Vladimir Kirkland, Shana Percher, Danielle Brossart, Brent Rogers, Cathy Koczkur, Glynis Robinson, Carrie Braun, James Penner, Jordan September 26, 2014 POSITION SENIORITY DATE Senior Payroll Clerk Utility Groundsperson EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs FVDES Secretary B FVDES Inventory Clerk EA Special Needs FVDES Secretary B Speech - Language Assistant Elementary Secretary Admin Office Reception/Clerk Custodian 2 EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Secretary Aboriginal Education Assistant Aboriginal Education Assistant Computer Services Technician Custodian 2 Utility Person Child & Youth Care Worker Custodian 3 Trades Helper EA Special Needs Utility Groundsperson EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary B Accounting Clerk EA Special Needs Bus Driver Bus Driver Work Experience Facilitator Custodian 2 Transportation Clerk Elementary Secretary Bus Driver Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs Computer Services Technician Secondary Secretary A EA Special Needs Custodian 1 Aboriginal Work Experience Facilitator EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Chance Mechanic 5/20/2003 8/21/2003 9/1/2003 9/15/2003 10/10/2003 10/17/2003 11/10/2003 12/9/2003 12/15/2003 12/22/2003 1/15/2004 1/21/2004 3/31/2004 4/15/2004 4/16/2004 4/19/2004 4/27/2004 5/12/2004 5/19/2004 7/27/2004 7/28/2004 8/4/2004 8/18/2004 9/21/2004 9/22/2004 9/28/2004 10/5/2004 11/18/2004 12/10/2004 12/20/2004 1/7/2005 1/7/2005 1/14/2005 1/27/2005 2/17/2005 2/18/2005 3/8/2005 3/10/2005 4/14/2005 5/16/2005 5/25/2005 5/31/2005 6/8/2005 6/27/2005 7/6/2005 7/11/2005 7/12/2005 7/13/2005 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Dryden, Linda Poff, Robyn Morford, Jade Bowie, Juan Janzen, Greta Epp, Norman DesRoches, Shelly Cornfield, Wanda Gaulin, Frances MacLeod, Kim David, Lydia Craig, Donna McKay, A. Stephanie Hryciw, Margo Shingler, Stan Chang, Adele LaFreniere, Carlene Carne, John Castro, Luis Price, Michelle Maguire, Hughena Badker, Andrew Davidson, Glenna Holmquist, Jennifer Dekroon, Monique Castro, Karen Nilsen, Barbara Libby, Paula Walker, Anita Lade, D. Rick Castro, Oscar Cox, Julia Kasper, Jeffrey Pruss, Stacey Kemick, Tonya Rempel, Allan Jamieson, Kelly Weatherford, Krista Logan, Karel Tiessen, Katerina Dahl, Leanne Clarke, Stephen Graham, Frances Braddick, Shawn Jimmie, Brenda Hrusik, Christie Bouthot, Joshua Castro, Patricia September 26, 2014 POSITION EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 2 Assistant Buyer EA Special Needs - Braille Custodian 1 Aboriginal Education Assistant FVDES Secretary B Custodian 1 Bus Driver EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs Custodian 1 and 3 EA Special Needs EA Chance Fleet Custodian Custodian 2 &3 EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 1 EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Senior Payroll Clerk EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs Fleet Custodian Custodian 2 EA Special Needs Custodian 3 Secondary Secretary A Bus Driver EA Chance Bus Driver EA Special Needs EA Chance EA Chance Accounting Clerk Bus Driver Child & Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs Software Support Technician EA Special Needs SENIORITY DATE 7/14/2005 8/2/2005 8/5/2005 8/15/2005 8/17/2005 8/19/2005 9/14/2005 9/19/2005 11/1/2005 11/2/2005 11/9/2005 11/22/2005 11/25/2005 11/29/2005 12/15/2005 1/5/2006 1/30/2006 2/7/2006 3/9/2006 3/14/2006 3/20/2006 3/27/2006 3/30/2006 4/24/2006 5/1/2006 5/9/2006 5/17/2006 5/31/2006 6/16/2006 6/30/2006 7/5/2006 7/17/2006 8/3/2006 10/2/2006 10/9/2006 10/9/2006 10/18/2006 10/18/2006 12/12/2006 1/5/2007 1/11/2007 1/24/2007 1/30/2007 2/22/2007 3/2/2007 3/6/2007 3/12/2007 3/21/2007 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME McCullough, Darrell LeBlanc, Cara Laughlin, Trina Ball, Lisa Williams, Selena Striker, Marina Westever, Patrecea Curiston, Wilma Ganzeveld, Anthony Sahlmann, Wendy Gienger, Patricia Vander Helm, Pamela Esselink, William Harrison, Rachel McKnight, Rosanne Kelly, Kim Stephenson, Bryce Gaulin, France Mothus, Amber Broekhuizen, Michael Lessard, Twyla Weber, Allison Cutajar, Christine Major, Jessica Brakic, Senad MacDuff, Marie Phillips, Shelley Winter, Sharron Marshall, Jacqueline Choumont, Stacey Laderoute, Leah Harder, Linda Desrochers, Tammy Gollin, Shelli Hamel, Penny McCandless, Kari Unruh, Michael Piper, Stacey Di Armani, Lynda Hewitt, Shannon Clark, Darlene Bradwell, Kim Touchet, Sharon Fox, Bonnie Wilton, Kristen Fadden, Chantell Evans, Krista-Lee Omeasoo, Wendi September 26, 2014 POSITION SENIORITY DATE Carpenter Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs Student Services Secretary EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Academic Upgrading EA Special Needs Plumber EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Computer Services Technician FVDES FVDES Secretary B FVDES Accounting Clerk Aboriginal Education Assistant Custodian 3 and Custodial Foreman Electrician Child & Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Chef Assistant B Secondary Secretary B Electrician EA Special Needs FVDES Secretary B Bus Driver Elementary Secretary Aboriginal Education Assistant Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Student Services Secretary A EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Secondary Secretary B Aboriginal Education Assistant Replacement Staff Facilitator Journeyperson Cook EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Child & Youth Care Worker Custodian 3 Aboriginal Education Assistant 3/27/2007 4/3/2007 4/16/2007 5/11/2007 5/21/2007 6/18/2007 6/26/2007 7/3/2007 7/3/2007 7/13/2007 7/26/2007 8/3/2007 8/7/2007 8/16/2007 8/21/2007 8/22/2007 8/28/2007 9/11/2007 9/20/2007 10/15/2007 10/15/2007 10/23/2007 10/30/2007 10/31/2007 11/2/2007 11/14/2007 11/14/2007 12/25/2007 1/7/2008 2/6/2008 2/6/2008 2/7/2008 2/8/2008 2/13/2008 2/26/2008 3/14/2008 5/5/2008 5/19/2008 6/3/2008 7/21/2008 8/4/2008 8/26/2008 9/1/2008 9/2/2008 9/3/2008 9/15/2008 11/5/2008 11/24/2008 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME September 26, 2014 POSITION Vlaaderen, Roman Utility Person Elderton, Kelsey Print Shop Technician Mills, Collin Custodian 1 Skerritt, Lolita Custodian 1 Bonney, Jeremy Custodian 3 Emmons, Dana Elementary Secretary Zondag, Inez Bus Driver Bradwell, Monty Bus Driver Wilson, Nancy Aboriginal Education Assistant O'Brien, Rick EA Special Needs Janzen, Charlene EA Special Needs Johnson, Glenda EA Special Needs Rempel, Laura EA Special Needs Croucher, Kerry EA Special Needs Fajenski, Janine EA Special Needs Wishlow, Ashley Secondary Secretary B Moores, Brenda EA Special Needs Iverson, Jason Bus Driver Sideen, Teresa EA Special Needs Surman, Charmaine Aboriginal Education Assistant Hildenbrand, Carly EA Special Needs Dhaliwal, Jasbir Help Desk Technologist Stolee, Celia EA Special Needs McSweeney, Sean Child & Youth Care Worker Arsenault, Elaine Child and Youth Care Worker Johnson, Connie EA Special Needs Fried-Hall, Laura-Lee Bus Driver Jerome, Melissa EA Special Needs Bramble, Jeffrey EA Special Needs Holmes, Robert Custodain 2 Park, Kimberley EA Special Needs Carson, Cindy Aborigianl Education Assistant Howard, Molly Aboriginal Education Assistant McCarty, Gloria Secondary Secretary A Jersak, Brandee Learning Services Secretary Stewardson, Tracy Bus Driver Neufeldt, Ruth Custodian 1 &3 Emmons-Boersma, TammySecondary Secretary B Liddle, Paul Bus Driver Seehra, Vikramjit EA Special Needs Blaschek, Emma Chef Assistant B Vezina, Melinda EA Special Needs Curle, Warren Bus Driver Brunet, Norma EA Special Needs Kirby, Heather EA Special Needs Krawchuk, Joanne Secondary Secretary B Guntner, John Bus Driver Bowen, Lisa EA Academic Upgrading SENIORITY DATE 11/25/2008 12/15/2008 1/27/2009 2/3/2009 2/9/2009 3/18/2009 4/3/2009 6/22/2009 6/30/2009 8/13/2009 8/14/2009 8/17/2009 8/19/2009 9/4/2009 9/7/2009 9/7/2009 9/30/2009 10/1/2009 10/1/2009 10/15/2009 10/20/2009 10/28/2009 11/11/2009 11/16/2009 12/2/2009 12/2/2009 12/7/2009 12/8/2009 12/29/2009 12/31/2009 1/12/2010 1/14/2010 1/29/2010 1/29/2010 2/3/2010 2/16/2010 4/1/2010 4/13/2010 4/21/2010 5/13/2010 5/26/2010 5/26/2010 6/2/2010 6/14/2010 6/28/2010 7/21/2010 8/17/2010 9/10/2010 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Wozny, Debbie Ambers, Tanise Dion, Betty Downie, Brent Currie, Josh Faucher, Marcel Rouleau, Mike Carey, Calvin Conkin, Julie Menges, Tama Dekker, Jocelyn Vandop, Sonya Shillito, Jennifer Simpson, Joan Dumont, Derek Crabtree, Christina Wilson, Derrel Radford, Leigh Elliott, Jessica Dunstan-Adams, Marc Klop, Roseva Nichols, Tom Larsen, Lara Rees, Vicki Denny, Marlene Irvine, Shawna Bjorndal, Jana Barker, Connie Klyne, Jenene Kalin, Shelley Moran, Katie Cochrane, Judy McArthur, Celisse Sjogren, Teresa Pernitsky, Jeffrey Corno, Michael Thompson, Melanie Mercer, Kim White, Shasha Gillett, David Klassen, Ken Peters, Christal Ross, Alice Mihaly, Nicole Moody, Sean Gerard, Jody Thiessen, Kelly September 26, 2014 POSITION SENIORITY DATE EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 1 Custodian 1 Electrician EA Special Needs Mechanic Mechanic Child & Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary FVDES Secretary A Custodian 2 EA Special Needs Custodian 2 FVDES Secretary B Bus Driver Custodian 1 EA Special Needs Electrician EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Secondary School Acct Clerk EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Child and Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant Computer Services Technician FVDES Bus Driver Bus Driver Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs Custodian 3 Custodian 3 EA Special Needs Bus Driver Custodian 1 Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary 10/12/2010 10/27/2010 11/12/2010 1/3/2011 1/4/2011 1/5/2011 1/24/2011 2/3/2011 2/11/2011 2/17/2011 3/15/2011 3/18/2011 4/5/2011 5/4/2011 5/6/2011 5/13/2011 5/26/2011 7/5/2011 7/14/2011 7/27/2011 7/29/2011 8/9/2011 8/11/2011 8/29/2011 9/2/2011 9/6/2011 9/14/2011 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 9/26/2011 9/26/2011 9/29/2011 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/5/2011 10/10/2011 10/12/2011 10/14/2011 10/18/2011 10/21/2011 10/21/2011 10/27/2011 11/2/2011 11/3/2011 11/28/2011 11/30/2011 12/13/2011 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Goerzen, Rebecca Litzenberger, Barb Lemon, Carlee Ahmad, Syma Henschel, Cody Gjaltema, Sasha Cruz Cortes, Jorge Slootweg, Rachel Allen, Lawrence Percy, Judy Heller, Doris Green, Rochelle Hurley, Laura-Lee Tovey, Deborah Downing, Michelle Wedel, Chris Rimschneider, Brittany Acheson, R. Luke Long, Tori Van Gameren, Grietha Shepherd, C. Nicole Small, Valerie Pauls, Jackie Sangster, Nancy Venema, Sonya Beaty, Joseph Blair, Opal Bjorge, Joseph Horin, Matthew Henao, Chris Bakker, Mark Price, Melanie Giesbrecht, Eric Szczur, Izabella Gove, Debbie Brambleby, Peter Bali, Alicia Harold, Robyn Horch, Rebecca Whitehead, Karri Watson, Karen Davyduke, Deanna Andres, Tamara Honeyman, Ben Stromdahl, Lisa Lubben, Laura De Coene, Carrie Wiebe, Robert September 26, 2014 POSITION EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs Computer Services Technician EA Special Needs Computer Services Technician Secondary Secretary B Custodian 1 EA Special Needs Replacement Staff Facilitator Secondary Secretary B EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 2 EA Special Needs Child and Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Speech/Language EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Plumber Electricain Custodian 1 Computer Services Technician EA Special Needs Computer Services Technician EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Bus Driver EA Special Needs Child & Youth Care Worker Child & Youth Care Worker Secondary School Library Assistant EA Special Needs Accounting Clerk EA Special Needs EA Chance EA Special Needs Bus Driver EA Special Needs Painter SENIORITY DATE 12/22/2011 1/24/2012 1/26/2012 2/6/2012 2/6/2012 2/8/2012 2/13/2012 2/14/2012 2/20/2012 3/23/2012 3/27/2012 3/29/2012 4/4/2012 4/16/2012 4/25/2012 4/25/2012 4/27/2012 5/4/2012 5/7/2012 5/9/2012 5/14/2012 5/17/2012 5/21/2012 5/22/2012 5/23/2012 5/29/2012 6/18/2012 7/4/2012 7/10/2012 7/20/2012 7/23/2012 7/25/2012 7/27/2012 7/27/2012 8/15/2012 8/24/2012 9/3/2012 9/4/2012 9/4/2012 9/4/2012 9/6/2012 9/11/2012 9/12/2012 9/13/2012 9/14/2012 9/14/2012 9/25/2012 9/26/2012 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Boyer, Bridgette Solomen, Elisa Maday, Cathleen Hodson, Greg Crawley, Sarah Plotnikoff, Kathryn Turman, Jacqueline Bassi, Martina Hardie, Sharla Serruys, Sandi MacDonnell, Valerie Dubois, Nicole Humphrey, Karen Herden, Patricia Holz, Kristel Morgan, Kelly Dombowsky, Tiffany Remple, Janine Flater, Mary McCullouch, Nicola Huggins, Tanya Kirkby, Amber Campbell, Deb Massey, Sheri Underhill, Eric LaPointe, Debby Wodtke, Amber Craig, Kevin Reimer, Lynette Amanda Cowdy Sutherland, Steffane Horner, H. Diane McKay, Christina Kerr, Jeffrey Anderson, Gerald Rothermel, Breanna Delagarde, Paulette Havdra, Nina Lemna, Tara Stolz, Joanne Stobbs, Shari Portier, Deana Trout, Carina Ruth, Mandy Holden, Jocelyn Andres, Evie Perkins, Tara September 26, 2014 POSITION EA Chance Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Chance Child and Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs Child and Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs Child & Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Secodnary Secretary B EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs FVDES Inventory Clerk EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Custodian 1 EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary Child and Youth Care Worker EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Bus Driver EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Booking Clerk EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs Elementary Secretary EA Special Needs EA Special Needs SENIORITY DATE 10/8/2012 10/9/2012 10/10/2012 10/15/2012 10/18/2012 10/18/2012 10/19/2012 10/22/2012 10/24/2012 10/24/2012 10/25/2012 10/26/2012 10/29/2012 10/30/2012 11/6/2012 11/6/2012 11/9/2012 11/16/2012 11/26/2012 11/28/2012 11/29/2012 11/30/2012 12/3/2012 12/4/2012 12/4/2012 12/12/2012 12/17/2012 12/20/2012 12/25/2012 1/8/2013 1/28/2013 2/4/2013 2/5/2013 2/12/2013 2/27/2013 3/4/2013 3/11/2013 3/15/2013 3/19/2013 3/26/2013 4/5/2013 4/29/2013 5/14/2013 5/22/2013 6/11/2013 6/17/2013 6/19/2013 CUPE SENIORITY DATES NAME Bernard, Tammy Wright, R,. Raven Potter, Erin Gemmell, Susan Skinner, Medina Cameron, Kerry Bartnik, Christine Becker, Vanessa Hong, Bianca Rideout, Dawn McLaren, Loretta Bye, Tamilee Hellinger, Tami Schneider, Malea Alexander, Theresa Tosoff, Valerie Sommerville, Susan Jones, Nathan Corrigan, Heather Miller, Morgan September 26, 2014 POSITION EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Painter EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Library Assistant EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant EA Special Needs EA Special Needs EA Special Needs Aboriginal Education Assistant SENIORITY DATE 7/10/2013 7/15/2013 7/22/2013 7/24/2013 8/2/2013 8/16/2013 8/27/2013 8/30/2013 9/2/2013 9/3/2013 9/17/2013 9/23/2013 9/24/2013 10/10/2013 10/14/2013 10/14/2013 10/18/2013 11/28/2013 12/30/2013 2/19/2014 To: From: Date: Re: All Sites Human Resources October 1, 2014 Posting & Filling Information TEACHING STAFF 14-108 14-109 14-110 14-111 14-112 14-113 14-114 14-115 14-116 14-117 14-118 14-119 14-120 14-121 14-123 14-124 14-125 14-126 14-127 14-128 14-129 14-130 14-131 14-132 14-133 14-134 Bernard Promontory FG Leary Bernard ADR GWG SSS Sardis Elem. Central Promontory Sardis Elem. CMS CMS Greendale East Chilliwack Strathcona ADR Bernard Evans McCammon FG Leary CMS CMS VMS MSMS Watson REPOSTED REPOSTED REPOSTED Matt Slykhuis REPOSTED Rebecca ArdiesPalansky Trish Lewis Leslie Thornton Jennifer Holm REPOSTED Ashley La Roy REPOSTED REPOSTED REPOSTED Laura Penner Kristina Daneluz REPOSTED REPOSTED Ashlie St. Laurent NQA Casey Sas CANCELLED Sonja Brose Richard Blaschek Shanelle McCormick REPOSTED CUPE STAFF 14-20 14-38 14-39 14-44 14-45 14-46 14-47 14-48 14-49 14-52 Evans Facilities Facilities SSS Sto:lo Alternate VMS Sardis Elem Greendale Sardis Elem Watson Please Note: 14-54, 14-55, 14-56 - Cancelled Debby PaPointe Mark Bakker/Erric Giesbrecht Matthew Horin Elisa Solomon Morgan Miller Mike Hawley Deanna Portier Sherry Wahl Kyla Dove Eva Zidulika October 1, 2014 Replacement Staff News CUPE STAFF PRE-PLANNED ABSENCE REQUESTS Pre-planned absence requests must be made at least 7 working days in advance. E-mail: [email protected] - include name, date of absence, school, position, shift details, reason for your absence and any special instructions. E-mails will be responded to in the order which they are received. Please review the following table for UNAVAILABLE DATES for non-urgent replacement requests: Education Assistants Clerical Staff Supervision Assistants Available days fill up quickly and become unavailable without notice. If you require emergency replacement or need to make changes to a pre-booking for the current week, please CALL 604-703-1793 and follow the recorded instructions. TEACHING STAFF CONSULTATIONS & NON-URGENT COVERAGE REQUESTS Consultations for advance booking dates and non-urgent requests must be e-mailed to [email protected] E-mails will be responded to in the order which they are received. The following days are currently AVAILABLE for non-urgent TOC coverage requests: October - 2,3,6 (PM only), 8(PM only), 10(PM only), 14(AM only), 16(PM only), 17(PM only) 27(AM only), 31 November - 3(AM only), 4,6, 12(PM only), 17, 18(PM only) 19, 20(PM only), 21, 24, 26, 28 Available days fill up quickly and become unavailable without notice. If you require emergency replacement or need to make changes to a pre-booking for the current week, please CALL 604-793-4888 ext. 1 and follow the recorded instructions. PLEASE refer to the “Booking a Teacher On Call “ or “Booking a Replacement for Education Assistants, Supervision Assistants and Clerical Staff” Brochures available at all SD33 schools. HALQ’EME’YLEM LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION School District 33 has two Halq’eme’ylem Language Teachers: Lauralee Kelly & Judy Douglas The goal for Lauralee is to teach Halq’eme’ylem Language in all Kindergarten classes in SD33 The goal for Judy Douglas is to teach Halq’eme’ylem Language in Grade 1 -12 classrooms; as booked by teachers The goal is for Judy to teach middle school and senior students in a Halq’eme’ylem credit course Many students who come from Sto:lo Nation Daycare/Preschool, and other schools or from community come with some previous Halq’eme’ylem Language background Sept – Dec: Northside Schools: Rosedale Elem., Cheam Elem., E. Chwk, F.G. Leary, Little Mountain, Central Elem., Strathcona SD 33 Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement goal: To increase the respect and understanding of language, culture, governance and history of Stó:lo and Aboriginal people for all students in order to create a better sense of school and community Jan – March: Southside Schools: Cultus Lake, Greendale, Promontory, Unsworth, Vedder, Yarrow. Bookings for instruction (Judy) can be booked Monday to Friday as per availability. April – June: Chwk Schools: Bernard, Evans, McCammon, Robertson, Sardis, Tyson, Watson Judy Douglas can be reached by email at [email protected], cell at 604-997-6240 at 604-8470772 GWG home base. Kindergarten Bookings: Classes can be booked on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings for 30 minute blocks for 5 – 10 sessions per classroom – or as needed. Please contact Lauralee Kelly at [email protected] or by cell at 604-316-5806. For further information please contact Brenda Point, District VP Aboriginal Education 2014 AEA PSA Conference Indigenous Education and Residential Schools CO-HOSTED BY NITEP AND THE BCTF ABORIGINAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION October 24, 2014 Registr ation F ee $10 Studen UBC First Nations Longhouse 0 ts $65 w 1985 West Mall valid ID ith Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 8:30 am – 4:00 pm AGENDA 8:30 REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST 9:00 WELCOMING ADDRESS AND KEYNOTE - NATHAN MATTHEW Traditional Musqueam Welcome, Dean of Faculty of Education, Associate Dean of Indigenous Education, BCTF, NITEP - Celebrating 40 Years 10:15 BREAK 10:30 WORKSHOPS SESSION 1* 12:00 LUNCH AND ENTERTAINMENT** 1:00 - 2:30 BEV SELLARS - “THEY CALLED ME NUMBER ONE” “SISTERS” - PLAY BY COWICHAN, SAANICH AND VICTORIA STUDENTS 2:30 - 4:00 WORKSHOPS SESSION 2 4:00 CLOSING REMARKS & DOOR PRIZES *workshop themes include: Empowering Teachers, Understanding Generational Trauma and Effects, Working Towards Reconciliation **featuring bannock, seafood chowder, Indian tacos, vendors, Secwepemc storytelling performance by NITEP student Kenthen Thomas Register at: http://pdce-educ-payportal.sites.olt.ubc.ca/nitep-bctf-conference-registration/ Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (CPI) Friday, October 24th, 2014 CPI (Non-Violent Crisis Intervention) focuses on early intervention and nonphysical methods for preventing and managing disruptive behavior. The goal of the program is to teach participants how to intervene in a way that provides for the Care, Welfare, Safety and Security of all who are involved in a crisis situation. Date: Friday, October 24, 2014 Location: NLC Audience: School Teams Time: 8:30am – 2:30pm Lunch: Lunch Provided If you are interested in bringing CPI training to your school, please contact Nathan Ngieng or Brenda Calendino at Student Services. REGISTRATION: Register on PD Place September 30, 2014 s uppor t i ng&t eac hi ng l ear ner swi t hFASD Lear naboutt heeduc at i onal i mpl i c at i onsofFASDandeffec t i ve appr oac hesf ort eac hi ngl ear ner swi t hFASDi nt hi ss i x par t c our s edel i ver edonl i neus i ngBl ac k boar dCol l abor at e. f or mat 6x90mi nut eonl i nes es s i onswi t haddi t i onal i ndi vi dual andgr oupas s i gnment s pr er equi s i t es ac omput erwi t hhi ghs peedI nt er net , headphones , mi c r ophone c os tf r eet oBCeduc at or s r ec ei ve c our s ec ompl et i onc er t i fic at e r egi s t r at i onopens Sept ember25, 2014, at3: 30pm PDT f ormor ei nf or mat i onaboutupc omi ngdat esort or egi s t er , vi s i twww. f as dout r eac h. c a/ t r ai ni ng br oughtt oyoubyPOPFASD Healthy hand washing habits can protect you from getting germs or spreading germs at school, work or home. Simple actions can stop germs and prevent illnesses. Cover your mouth and nose. Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze and drop it in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, cover your mount and nose as best you can. Clean your hands often. Clean your hands every time you cough or sneeze. Hand washing stop germs. Remind children to practice healthy habits daily. Please make hand washing part of your daily announcements. Here are some great video links for staff and students – from the Canadian Centre for Disease Control Prevention: www.cdc.gov/CDCTV/HandsTogether - for adults http://www.cdc.gov/CDCTV/WashYourHands - for kids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW1yodZJpG8&feature=player_embedd ed Elmo and Rosita: The right way to sneeze! To All Site Administrators From Roy Paul, Health and Safety Officer RE Site First Aid Attendant, Health and Safety Committee and Meeting Dates Date September 19, 2014 EHS 3350 - First Aid program for Employees which explains the requirements for First Aid Attendants as laid out in Section 3 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. http://www.sd33.bc.ca/sites/default/files/3350.pdf First Aid Level - Outlines the level of first aid required at your site. First Aid Attendant - *Note: These attendants are designated to look after the first aid needs of staff, not students. Site Name: Our Attendants are ____________________________ ____________________________ Primary _____________________________Secondary Please check the expiry date of your FA to ensure that is it up to date. If training is required please indicate who, and what level on the lines below. Name Level Expires Memo… Our Health and Safety Committee Members are: The Health and Safety Committee should be made up of both management, CUPE and CTA members and should be balanced. http://www.sd33.bc.ca/sites/default/files/1110.pdf Site Occupation/Designation Staff Members Name Print First and Last Our Health and Safety Meetings will take place the ______ of each month at _____ a.m. /p.m. Items for your first Meeting: First Aid - how do I receive FA at the site who do I go to: http://www.sd33.bc.ca/sites/default/files/3010_Employee_Injury_Accident_Reporting %20_Procedures_(New_2014).pdf Who are your H&S members, reflect in your first set of minutes to be posted How do I report a work place accident and what forms do I use and where are they kept? http://www.sd33.bc.ca/sites/default/files/3012_WorksafeBC_6A%20_Refillable_Form .pdf How do I report a Violent Incident. Review Routing http://www.sd33.bc.ca/staff/resources/health-safety Please return this form to the Maintenance Office by October 3rd 2014 Attention R. Paul Meeting – 9/22/14 page 2 CELEBRATE WASTE REDUCTION MONTH Workshop Dates: Wednesday, October 8 Thursday, October 9 AVAILABLITY IS LIMITED, only 8 spaces available! Open to grades 3-6 in the City of Chilliwack. The educator’s schedule will be released via email at the end of September. To book a presentation for your class, fill out any of the time slots in the schedule that apply. CCECSS Program Guide Fall 2014 Who We Are? Registration Information Located in the heart of downtown Chilliwack, Central Community School provides opportunities for children, youth and families to participate in activities daily beyond the school day. CCECSS offers an assortment of ongoing social, recreational and educational programs and services to the Chilliwack Community. Use of the facility has been made possible by the partnership and support of School District #33, the City of Chilliwack and Ministry of Children and Family Development. Registration may be done in person, by phone or email. Office Hours : Monday to Thur sday 9-11:30am & 2:30-4:30pm. -Call to book additional registration hours CCECSS would like to gratefully acknowledge funding received by the City of Chilliwack and the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Programs may be canceled one week before start date if enrollment is low. Register early to avoid disappointment! Membership Program participants are registered as society members for no extra charge. Membership benefits include voting privileges, free special events, and advanced notice of programs. Check out our Facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/CCECSS Facility Rentals (see back of page for details) School Aged Programs 6-12 years Preschool Programs 3-5 Cheer –by Fusion All Star CCECSS accepts CASH or CHEQUE only. 4-7 years Friday Night Basketball This intro to cheer teaches you the basics of this exciting sport! We introduce you to motions, cheers, jumps, tumbling, and even basic stunting! 7-10 years People Savers 5-12 years Start your weekend off with dribbling! Focus will be placed on fun game play & using skills learned by putting them to practice during game situations. Wednesdays, Oct 8-Nov 26 4:15-5pm $40 Show us your skills & work on team building in a safe, fun, non-competitive environment. Dynamic Dance 3-4 years Fridays, Oct 3-Nov 28 Age appropriate program designed to teach safety and recognize dangers which can cause first aid situations around your home and neighbourhood & how to treat them. Need 5 people minimum to run a class. Put your child on list so we can set a date. $40 Level I (5-6 yrs) -1hr, $10, Level II (7-8 yrs)- 2hrs, $15, Level III (9-10 yrs)-3hrs, $20, Level IV (1112yrs), 4 hrs, $25 6-7pm (no class Oct 24 &31) Does your little one constantly dance around the house? Then Dynamic Dance would be the perfect Red Cross Babysitter’s Course 11-15yrs opportunity for them to learn, step by step, the 6+ years basics of dance and have fun while doing it! Learn about your rights and responsibilities, how to Karate Wednesdays, Oct 22-Nov 26 3:15-4pm $45 care for a child, how to deal with emergency situa- This class in the traditional art of Goju-Rju Karate tions, and basic first aid. Wallet completion card is suitable for all members of the family. Instructed by Sensei Stephen Jasper, 2nd dan black belt. Indoor Soccer 4-5 years and workbook included. Bring a lunch & pen. Pro D Day Fridays, Oct 3 -Dec 6 4:30-5:30pm $75 Kids will enjoy this soccer program with a focus Friday, Oct 24 (no class Oct 24 & 31) on fun, basic skills development, and sportsman9:00am-5:00pm $45 ship. Thursdays, Oct 9 -Nov 27 4:15-5pm $40 Home Alone Plus Dazzling Dance 5-7 years 10+ years Dazzling Dance is perfect for your energetic child! Ready to learn how to kick, point your toes, and Kindergym 4-5 years An interactive, participatory program that is dejump? Then you’re ready for some jazz! signed to teach children to make safe choices while By Fraser Valley Rhythmic Gymnastics Gymnasts will learn gymnastics fundamentals, such as rolls, cartwheel, and handstands, and will also learn rhythmic gymnastics skills, using apparatus such as ribbons, hoops, and balls. at home alone plus basics in first aid. Bring a snack. Wednesdays, Oct 22-Nov 26 Saturday, September 27 10am-2pm 4-5pm $45 $30 Daring Dance 7-11 years Simply Magic 8-12 years Ever dared to do something new? Daring dance is Learn the basics of magic, performance, tricks, and perfect for you! A great opportunity if you are looking to experiment with different dance forms illusions. Make the impossible appear possible and polish your performance skills. It's all about hip through fun and empowering activities. Mondays, Oct 20– Dec 1 4:30-5:15pm $45 (no class Nov 10) Tuesday, Oct 21- Nov 25 3-4pm $55 hop and being creative, come bring your kids out and let them join in on the fun. (no class Nov 11) Wednesdays, Oct 22-Nov 26 CCECSS 9435 Young Road Chilliwack BC V2P 4S7 Phone: 604 792-8539 Fax: 604 792-8539 Cell: 604-819-6687 (text or call) E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://central.sd33.bc.ca/program-info Kids Knitting Spool – By Twisted Stitcher 6-12 yrs Zumba Kids 5-6pm $45 7-11 years Kids get the chance to be active and jam out to their A knitting spool knits a long cord using only 4 favorite music. Zumba® Kids classes stitches that can be turned into anything from jew- feature kid-friendly routines based on elry to a coaster or even a small rug. This class will original Zumba® choreography. We teach kids how to get their project started, how to break down the steps, add games, activiswitch colours and how to turn their finished cord ties and cultural exploration elements into something amazing! Supplies included. into the class structure. Mondays, Oct 20 Nov 17 (no class Nov 10) 6-7pm $40 Tuesdays, Oct 14– Nov 25 5-5:45pm (no class Nov 11) $45 CCECSS Program Guide Fall 2014 School Aged Programs 6-12 Continued... Cheer– by Fusion All Star 8-12 years Indoor Soccer This intro to cheer teaches you the basics of this exciting sport! We introduce you to motions, cheers, jumps, tumbling, and even basic stunting! Wednesdays, Oct 8-Nov 26 6-7pm Acrobatics– by Fusion All Star $45 Kids In The Kitchen 6-8 years Drop In Adult Volleyball 18+ years Starts October 7th Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm Drop In $2 Kids will enjoy this soccer program with a focus on Spike! Pass! Block! Set! Come out on Tuesdays for some drop in volleyball fun! fun, basic skills, development & sportsmanship Thursdays, Oct 9-Nov 27 5-5:45pm $40 Everything Starts with a Drawing7-10 yrs 6-12 yrs A class for young artists to learn up to date tech- This class covers the basics of gymnastics including cartwheels, handstands, the splits, stretching, and gymnastic warm-ups. Instructed by qualified coaches. Wednesdays, Oct 8-Nov 26 Adult Programs 5-6pm $45 niques & use of appropriate tools to create the art forms of today. Students will learn new drawing & painting techniques for popular art forms. Lessons to include modern tools such as airbrushing, electric erasers, specialized brushes etc.All supplies included. New things to learn each session. Thursdays, Oct 9-30 3:30-4:30pm 6-12 years Thursdays, Nov 6-27 3:30-4:30pm Make a main course and dessert each week to take home. 4 week sessions. New recipes each session. Tuesdays, Oct 7-28 3-4:30pm Tuesdays, Nov 4-Dec 2 3-4:30pm Sparkles– 6-8 years By Fraser Valley Rhythmic Gymnastics Fireflies supports gymnasts who want to try new gymnastics skills. Using both gymnastics circuits, teamwork activities, and rhythmic gymnastics hand apparatus, gymnasts are able to build strength, balance, and coordination. Mondays, Oct 20-Dec 1 5:30-6:30pm $55 (no class Nov 10) Ravens11-13 years By Fraser Valley Rhythmic Gymnastics equipment making learning immediate and fun! The system is built upon the fundamentals of putting, chipping, and developing a full swing! All equipment is provided. $45 Central Tween Club Starts October 2nd Thursdays, Oct 9-30 Thursdays, Nov 6-27 8-12 years Tuesdays, Oct 14-Nov 25 6-7:30pm Community Access Hours This is a free service to meet your computer and internet needs. Monday-Thursday 1:00-4:00pm 3 Hour Gym/Kitchen Rental—$65.00 To rent our facility or for rate information & inquires please contact us. $65 $65 18+ 6-7:30pm 6-7:30pm $50 $50 $45 (no class Nov 11) Birthday Parties: Why mess up your house? Come and play at ours! Call for availability. 6:30-8pm 6:30-8pm Learn how to make tasty, healthy home cooked food from scratch on a budget. 4 week sessions. New recipes each session. Supplies included. Learn the basics of scrapbooking. You choose the theme and get to make a 10 page scrapbook. It makes a great keepsake or gift just in time for the Tuesdays, Oct 7-28 holidays. Please bring 10 pictures. All other supTuesdays, Nov 4-Dec 2 plies included. (no class Nov 11) Grades 4-6 2 Hour Gym/Kitchen Rental—$50.00 Looking for something to do on Thursday evening? Check out some of the fun activities we do each week….sports in the gym, movies, crafts, games, soc hops once a month, and concession. $50 date tools & equipment to create different types of effects for contemporary artwork. Lessons include demonstrations of various art tools such as airbrushes, electric erasers, special brushes etc. All supplies included. New things to learn each session. Healthy Cooking Classes Gymnasts develop appropriate foundational skills Facilities Available for Rent and the opportunity to expand on burgeoning skills through the use of circuits, apparatus and focused Consider Chilliwack Central Elementary School activity. Gymnasts will challenge themselves to for your next workshop, meeting, or conference! build on their strength, flexibility and balance. Mondays, Oct 20-Dec 1 5:30-6:30pm $55 Available Rentals: *Classroom; *Multipurpose Room; (no class Nov 10) *Gymnasium/Kitchen; *Community Kitchen Drop In Tween Program 7 -8pm (no class Nov 11) can quickly learn basic drawing & painting using a Mondays, Oct 20-Dec 1 4:30-5:30pm $55 Scrapbooking for Kids Fireflies8-10 years By Fraser Valley Rhythmic Gymnastics Tuesdays, Oct 21-Dec 2 (SNAG) – Learn to Golf Program 6-9 yrs variety of media. Instruction includes use of up to Gymnasts take a focus on flexibility development, Tuesdays, Oct 21-Nov 25 4:15-5:pm and agility training, and works to coordinate gym- (no class Nov 11) nastics movements with rhythmic gymnastics apparatus. (no class Nov 10) 18+ Improve strength, flexibility, reduce stress, and find inner calm in a beginner welcome class. Please bring your own mat or blanket. $50 First Steps to Drawing 18+ $50 A class that will show techniques how beginners $45 Designed for new/beginner golfers. We use bright $45 coloured, age, and weight appropriate (no class Nov 11) Yoga for Beginners Learn How to Knit! 18+ You will have some warm woolies just in time for the holidays. Knit something for yourself or as a gift! The first class will focus on casting on and the basic knit stitch. Week 2 you will learn how to purl and weeks 3 to 5. The final class will focus on casting off and finishing off your beautiful handmade item. All supplies and a pattern are included. Mondays, Oct 20-Dec 1 7-8:30pm $50 (no class Nov 10) Indian Cuisine Cooking Classes 18+ Pakora ClassOct 20th $20 each Pakoras are (deep fried fritters dipped in chickpea flour batter & mixed with spinach & onions)vegetable fritters with tamarind chutney. Pulao and Raita Class- Oct 27th $20 each Basmati rice cooked with spices & veggies with Raita (yogurt) & learn how to make homemade yogurt. Mondays,Oct 20 & 27 6-7:30pm (both) $35 NOW OFFERING-Piano lessons-beginner through advanced, for children and adults. Lessons start at $15/half hour. Flexible days and times available. Call to reserve your spot! Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery Field Trips The natural way to learn A visit to the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC’s Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery is a one-of-akind experience for students and teacher alike. All programs support the Prescribed Learning Outcomes of the BC school curriculum, and our interpreters tailor everything to your group’s age and interests. Students have so much fun, they don’t even know they’re learning! Our Programs 1. It’s a Trout’s Life (Preschool, K to 2 – 1 hour) Kids join Myki the rainbow trout to discover the adventures fish face on their journey through life from egg to adult. This hands-on program includes an interactive felt board story, role playing, a hatchery tour, and drawing. $3 per child 2. What’s That Habitat? (Grades 2 to 5 – 2 hours) Students will explore the unique features of trout habitat and ways of caring for our freshwater ecosystems. Our interactive “Pollution Soup” demonstration and stream mapping segment are always favourites! $75 per class more programs k Our Programs (continued) 3. Trout Fast Food (Grades 2 to 5 – 4 hours) In this exciting program kids collect aquatic insects on-site and discover how they adapt to escape hungry trout. Microscopic study, aquatic insect identification and life history strategies are the main focus of this exploration day. $100 per class 4. ScientiFish (Grades 5 to 7 – 5 hours) Students examine the water quality of several outdoor sites and use the scientific method to form a hypothesis. Junior scientists will conduct water quality tests, collect aquatic insects and interpret data to draw a conclusion regarding the health of a freshwater ecosystem. $100 per class Remember to bring lunch and dress for the weather. Maximum class size 30 students For most programs we can accommodate up to 2 classes at the same time. The Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery & Visitor Centre is located at: 34345 Vye Road, Abbotsford, BC All prices include GST/PST 5. Learn To Fish (All ages – 4 hours) Participants learn how to become responsible anglers and respect our freshwater resources. includes lessons on the role of hatcheries, fish identification and biology, freshwater habitats and conservation, technical angling technique, knot tying and rod rigging, safety, and proper fish handling and ethics. The highlight: Catch and release fishing for trout at our on-site ponds! $100 per class 6. Hatchery Tours (All ages) Your customized tour includes information on the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and the role of hatcheries, as well as a tour of our facility and live fish displays. All content is age-appropriate and tailored to your specific learning objectives, so length of time can vary. We gratefully acknowledge funding by Vancity For more information or to book your program: Phone: (1) 604-504-4716 E-mail: [email protected] Parents & Caregivers! We want to know what you think… !"#$%&#'()%*$%!"#$%&'%()*+,-.%+,-%.,/-%+#&*0.%$,%&#'(%% /!"-./$%-)0!#.$-!%+/&)+!#1%% % !"#$%&'()#*+)#,-().*/0-()123)(#%"#-#0+245#67#%(#&.5)(8# # 1!--%,#%)2%"%&2!3/&,'%0&+,#%4'&,5%% 9-.5#2.#()*&(.#:)'44#;-$#*+-.<#$%&#:2*+#-#=6>#?&@:-$#12A#0-(5#BC#-# "())#5(%,D2.#-5E2;;2%.#*%#$%&(#4%0-4#()0#0).*()F# # • • 200%*3+,-,3%.,/%)"#-(%5*00%-(&#*3%)$-*6$0.%6,378(34#0% 9,6/)%:-,/;%"(08%#$%#%6,3<(3*(3$%4&(%=%0,6#4,3%*3%3(>$%+(5%5((')% % 60%$&,%"'!%)2.!'!#.!(%)2%5"'7+)5"724%&'%/"8!%"2$%9,!#7&2#:%5-!"#!% +&2."+.%;.!5/"2)!%;/!"%".%##/!"<+0')=+"%&'%>?@3A@B3BBCD% Mobile Blood Donor Clinics In The Lower Mainland Book Your Appointment Today By Calling 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236 6283) or visit www.blood.ca ABBOTSFORD Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly 3145 Gladwin Road Tuesday, every 2 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Saturday, every 4 weeks 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Oct 14, 28 Nov 11, 25 Dec 9, 23 Jan 6, 20 Oct 18 Dec 13 Jan 10 Christian Life Community Church Creekside Centre, 35131 Straiton Road Wednesday, every 8 weeks 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm Oct 22 Dec 17 University of the Fraser Valley 33844 King Road Thursday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Oct 30 ALDERGROVE Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre 26770 - 29th Avenue Saturday, every 8 weeks 10:00 am - 5:00 pm BURNABY NORTH Burnaby North Secondary School 751 Hammarskjold Drive Sunday, every 8 weeks 9:30 am - 4:30 pm BURNABY CENTRAL Bill Copeland Sports Centre 3676 Kensington Avenue Thursday, every 8 weeks 1:00 am - 8:00 pm BURNABY SOUTH Nikkei Heritage Centre 6688 Southoaks Crescent Thursday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Nov 22 Jan 17 CHILLIWACK Coast Chilliwack Hotel 45920 First Avenue Monday, every 2 weeks 1:30 pm - 7:30 pm * Location may change on short notice Oct 13, 27 * Nov 10, 24 * Dec 8, 22 * Jan 5, 19 Friday, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm * Location may change on short notice Call 1-888-236-6283 for update on location Oct 3 * Nov 28 * Jan 23 CLOVERDALE Cloverdale Catholic Parish Centre 17475 - 59th Avenue Sunday, every 8 weeks 9:30 am - 4:30 pm COQUITLAM Place Maillardville Community Centre 1200 Cartier Avenue Wednesday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Oct 8 Dec 3 Jan 28 Sunday, every 8 weeks 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Nov 2 Dec 28 Mundy Park Christian Fellowship 2600 Austin Avenue Thursday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Nov 16 Jan 11 Oct 23 Dec 18 Oct 9 Dec 4 Jan 29 Oct 26 Dec 21 Coquitlam Christian Centre 2665 Runnel Drive Friday, every 16 weeks 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm NORTH DELTA Richardson Elementary 11339 - 83rd Avenue Sunday, every 8 weeks 9:30 am - 4:30 pm SOUTH DELTA South Delta Secondary School 750 - 53rd Street Saturday, every 8 weeks 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Nov 6 Jan 1 SOUTH DELTA Ladner Community Centre 4734 - 51st Street Wednesday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm LANGLEY Blacklock Fine Arts 5100 - 206 Street Sunday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Langley Fire Hall 5785 - 203rd Street Sunday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Murrayville Hall 21667 - 48th Avenue Tuesday, every 2 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Oct 12 Dec 7 Oct 7, 21 Nov 4, 18 Dec 2, 16, 30 Jan 13, 27 Trinity Western University 7600 Glover Road Thursday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Oct 16 Walnut Grove Lutheran Church 20530 - 88th Avenue Saturday, every 8 weeks 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Nov 1 Dec 27 Nov 14 Jan 9 MAPLE RIDGE Maple Ridge Alliance Church 20399 Dewdney Trunk Road Friday, every 2 weeks 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm Oct 19 Dec 14 MISSION Cedar Valley Mennonite Church 8312 Cedar Street Monday, every 4 weeks 1:30 pm to 7:30 pm Oct 25 Dec 20 Nov 19 Jan 14 NEW WESTMINSTER Glenbrook Park Amenities Centre 76 Jamieson Court Thursday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Oct 10, 24 Nov 7, 21 Dec 5, 19 Jan 2, 16, 30 Oct 20 Nov 17 Dec 15 Jan 12 Nov 20 Jan 15 NORTH VANCOUVER North Lonsdale Church 3380 Lonsdale Avenue Wednesday, every 2 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Saturday, every 4 weeks 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Delbrook Community Centre 600 West Queens Road Wednesday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm PORT COQUITLAM Northside Church - Grace Campus 2606 Kingsway Avenue Monday, every 4 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary 1335 Dominion Avenue Sunday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm PORT MOODY Cornerstone SDA Community Church 1415 Noons Creek Drive Thursday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Oct 1, 15, 29 Nov 12, 26 Dec 10 Jan 7, 21 SURREY - NEWTON Mobile Ecole Gabrielle - Roy School 6887- 132nd Street Sunday, every 8 weeks 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Oct 11 Nov 8 Dec 6 Jan 3, 31 WHITE ROCK Star of the Sea Centre 15262 Pacific Avenue Wednesday, every 8 weeks 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Dec 24 Friday, every 8 weeks 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Oct 6 Nov 3 Dec 1, 29 Jan 26 Nov 23 Jan 18 Oct 2 Nov 27 Jan 22 Jan 4 Nov 5 Dec 31 Oct 17 Dec 12 Blood Donor Clinic Schedule FALL / WINTER 2014 Permanent Blood Donor Clinic Locations Vancouver 2nd Floor, 888 Dunsmuir Street Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm 4750 Oak Street Monday - Friday 11:00 - 7:00 pm Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Clinic closed to the public, Sat, Nov 1 Open regular hours during the holidays, except for Dec 24 & 31 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Open all Statutory Holidays except Dec 25 Closed SURREY RICHMOND St. Paul’s School Gymnasium 8251 St. Alban’s Road Friday, 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Oct 31 Steveston Community Centre 4111 Moncton Street Saturday, every 8 weeks 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Oct 4 Nov 29 Jan 24 Sunday, every 8 weeks 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Oct 5 Nov 30 Jan 25 Thompson Community Centre 5151 Granville Avenue Friday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Dec 26 15285 - 101 Avenue Wednesday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm Thursday 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Friday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm *Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm *Oct 11, 25, Nov 22, Dec 6, 20, Jan 3, 17, 31 Surrey Holiday Hours Dec 24 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Dec 25 Closed Dec 26 10 am-4 pm, Dec 31 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Jan 1 Closed 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236 6283) or visit www.blood.ca Book your appointment now. Keep your appointment and save a life! Like us on facebook facebook.com/BCBlood Download the #GiveBlood app App Store or Google Play Follow us on twitter #itsinyoutogive Get GiveBlood. Effective October 2014 Share your vitality BLOOD.CA WWW.BLOO The Art Room Artists (T.A.R.A) Join fellow artists and share skills and techniques, have some coffee and tea on us, and enjoy the use of our equipment and natural, well lit space. As a T.A.R.A. member you will receive: •T.A.R.A. workshops •Discounts on our regularly scheduled classes and workshops •Use of our space and equipment •Coffee and tea Annual memberships are only $15, and drop in is $5 per visit. There are limited seats available so make sure you register early. Drop in studio times: Monday afternoons 12pm - 3pm Friday mornings 10am - 1pm For more information call us at 604-769-2787, or email [email protected] The Gallery Inside The Art Room we have a 32ft gallery space available to showcase the talented art work of our community members. We host gallery receptions to celebrate the opening of each show. T.A.R.A. members will be contacted to showcase their art, and it is our hopes to arrange an annual T.A.R.A. art show. Parties and Rentals Turn your party into a fun-filled art lesson! We offer themed parties for kids, adults, organizations and businesses. You choose the theme and we will work with our instructors to ensure you get a one-of-a-kind experience for your special event. Our facility is equipped with a full kitchen, tables, chairs and more. CALL US TO BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY STAFF PARTY NOW! For more information call us at 604-769-2787, or email [email protected] Gift Certificates Looking for the perfect gift for the inspiring artist in your life? We offer gift certicates in any denomination that can be used towards our art programs. From cooking to crafting, painting to photography, and everything in between; we are always offering something new! For more information call us at 604-769-2787, or email [email protected] READY, SET, CREATE! home of the Nov-Dec 2014 Classes #20 5725 Vedder Rd. Chilliwack, BC V2R 3N4 604.769.ARTS (2787) [email protected] chilliwackartscouncil.com CLASSES WORKSHOPS PARTIES GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE READY SET CREATE! HOW TO REGISTER: In person: visit our office #20 5725 Vedder Rd. Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays from 10am -4pm. Phone: Visa and MasterCard holders can register by phone. Call 604-769-2787 during our office hours. REFUND/ CANCELLATION POLICY: Refunds are issued for cancelled courses, or withdrawal from the course due to illness or injury, as certified by a doctor. Refunds will not be made under any other circumsance, nor will credit be issued. There is no refund on membership purchases. *MEMBERSHIP SAVES YOU MONEY! Individual ($15) and Family ($25) members receive 10% off classes. Membership is valid for one year from the purchase date. For more info, and a list of all the great benefits Chilliwack Community Arts Council members receive, visit: chilliwackartscouncil.com/membership we acknowledge the financial support of the #20 5725 Vedder Rd. Chilliwack, BC V2R 3N4 604.769.ARTS (2787) [email protected] chilliwackartscouncil.com Christmas Tree Table Topper This tree will be the perfect addition to your holiday festivities. Join Steph Brubaker for a session of simple, yet elegant paper-crafting where you will create a beautiful centerpiece. Ages 13 - Adult Sat, Nov 1, 10am -12pm Cost: $25 *members save 10% Cr-After School Drop-In Use your imagination to create and explore arts and craft projects at your own pace in this supervised weekly after school drop in workshop. Ages 7 - 12 Mon, Nov 3 - Dec 15, 3:30 - 4:30pm (excluding holidays) Cost: $5 per class *members save 10% Crafty Kids Tuesday mornings join us for some crafty, sensory play with instructor Steph Brubaker. Caregivers can enjoy some free time, or stay and join in. Drop in available, but pre-registration recommended. Max. 10 kids per class. Ages 3 - 6 Tues, Nov 4 - Dec 16, 9 - 10am (excluding holidays) Cost: $5 per class *members save 10% Story Time Art Each Thursday we will create a children’s literary inspired art project, followed by a reading of the featured story with instructor Lisa Braun. Caregivers can enjoy some free time, or stay and join in. Drop in available, but pre-registration is recommended. Maximum 10 kids per class. Ages 3 - 6 Thurs, Nov 6 - Dec 18, 10 - 11am Cost: $5 per class *members save 10% Printing with Textures Instructor Yvonne Contreras will guide you through the world of collagraph: positive and negative images, while you layer items to create a unique printing block. Once printed your art will be framed, making it the perfect gift for the art lover in your life. Ages 7 - Adult Sat, Nov 8, 10am - 12pm Cost: $29 *members save 10% Pop Culture/Masterpiece Mash-up Start with a famous masterpiece and add a pop culture twist. Instructor Darlene Kee guides you in creating your own pop culture versions of masterpieces such as Van Gogh’s Starry Night among others. Ages 7 - 12 Thurs, Nov 13 - Dec 4, 3:30 - 5pm Cost: $65 *members save 10% Mixed Media Canvas Collage Artist Pat Gerlach will guide you through creating a unique, one-ofa-kind art piece on canvas using acrylic paint, paper, buttons, etc. All materials supplied, but if you have special mementos you would like to incorporate please bring them along. Ages 13 - Adult Thurs, Nov 13, 7 - 8:30pm Cost: $19 *members save 10% Handmade X-mas Ornaments In this class with instructor Steph Brubaker you will make 3 stunning unique handmade ornaments using wood, metal and found objects, along with ribbons and papers. Ages 13 - Adult Sat, Nov 15, 1 - 3:30pm Cost $25 *members save 10% Clay Charms and Characters Clayful Creations Cake Testers Custom Printed Tea Towels Handmade Gift Tags During these two classes instructor Steph Brubaker will guide you and your imagination to create unique polymer clay characters and charms using fantasy and whimsy. Ages 7 - 12 Tues, Nov 18 & 25, 3:30-5 pm Cost: $25 *members save 10% Spend the morning with instructor Yvonne Contreras and discover how easy and fun block printing can be. Design easy prints, then learn how to transfer the designs onto the fabric to create 2 personalized tea towels perfect for holiday gifts. Ages 13 - Adult Sat, Nov 22, 10am - 12pm Cost: $29 *members save 10% Poinsettia Wreath Adorn your door and welcome your guests with a beautiful handmade holiday wreath. Join instructor Steph Brubaker for this festive class where you will be playing with felt, burlap, buttons, twine and more! Ages 13 - Adult Wed, Nov 26, 7 - 9pm Cost: $25 *members save 10% Pamper Yourself Gift Basket Join instructor Patti Lawn and learn how to make homemade Shower Fizzies, Peppermint Foot Scrub and soothing Milk Bath, label and wrap up in a personalized gift basket ready for giving, or to keep for yourself. Ages 13 - Adult Sat, Nov 29, 9 - 11am Cost: $35 *members save 10% With instructor Steph Brubaker, learn to design and sculpt mini characters using polymer clay and create unique and creative handmade cake testers for the baker in your life. Ages 7 - 12 Tue, Dec 2, 3:30 - 5pm Cost $19 *members save 10% Picked out the perfect gift for that special person? Don’t stop there! Join instructor Steph Brubaker and create personalised, vintage inspired gift tags that will dress up your gifts. Ages 13 - Adult Tuesday, Dec 2, 7 - 9pm Cost: $ 25 *members save 10% Kids Cooking Club Learn about kitchen safety, safe food handling, proper usage of kitchen equipment, reading recipes, measurements, and healthy eating, all while having a fun time creating food from scratch with experienced cook and baker Dian Learn. Dec 3 Cheesy Bread Sticks Dec 10 Sweet and Savory Perogies Dec 17 Low Sugar Jam Ages 7-12, Wed, 3:30 - 5pm Cost: $19 per class *members save 10% Cookie Cottages Join instructor Steph Brubaker for a little “creative building”, just in time for the holiday season, using graham crackers, royal icing and yummy sweets. Ages 7 - 12 Tues, Dec 9, 3:30 - 5pm Cost $19 *members save 10% Images in brochure may not match the art created in the corresponding class. Every artist is individual. Serving the arts for over 50 years! The upcoming kid classes at the Art Room. To register for any of the classes please call 604-769-ARTS (2787) For the complete schedule for all ages check out our website: www.chilliwackartscouncil.com AGES 3-6 CRAFTY KIDS Tuesday mornings join us for some crafty sensory play with instructor Stephanie. 9 - 10am Cost $5 STORY TIME ART Each Thursday we create a children’s literary inspired art project followed by a reading of the featured story with instructor Lisa Braun. 10 - 11am Cost $5 AGES 7-12 (Cr)AFTER SCHOOL DROP IN Use your imagination to create and explore arts and craft projects at your own pace in this supervised weekly after school drop in workshop. 3:30-4:30pm Cost $5 KIDS COOKING CLUB Kids will learn kitchen safety, how to safely handle different types of food, proper usage of kitchen equipment, reading a recipe, measurements, & healthy eating all while having a fun time creating gourmet food from scratch. Wednesday Oct 1, 8,15,22 & 29, 3:30-5pm Cost $19 per class KIDS ART JOURNAL A fun and creative way to document your days, practise new art techniques or just plain doodle. In this series instructor Steph Brubaker will demonstrate different mixed media, paint and layer techniques. Tuesdays Oct 14-Nov 4, 3:30-4:30pm Cost $59 DRAWING FROM REAL LIFE Learn the fundamentals of drawing using pencil, charcoal, and pastels, with instructor Darlene Kee. Thursdays, Oct 16– Nov 6, 3:30-5:00pm Cost $59 MEMBERS SAVE 10% OFF ALL CLASSES More info: www.chilliwackartscouncil.com 604-769-ARTS(2787) #20 -5725 Vedder Rd. Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 3N4 Ph: 604.769.2787 Fax: 604.769.2788 [email protected] www.chilliwackartscouncil.com Is your child a healthy weight? 1 in 3 kids are above a healthy weight What is MEND? MEND is a fun, free healthy lifestyle program that empowers children and their families to become fitter and healthier through sessions that promote healthy eating and physical activity. Who can participate? Families with children 7-13 years who are above a healthy weight. Sessions run twice a week for 10 weeks. Location: Chilliwack Neighbourhood Learning Centre (46361 Yale Rd) Starting: Thursday, October 2, 2014 Times: Thursdays 6:00-8:00pm & Saturdays 10:30am-12:30pm What happens at MEND: Parents/caregivers join their children in each session to learn how to choose healthier foods and spend more time being physically active Families participate in group sessions and activities that show how small changes can make a big difference Practical demonstrations, games and tips about healthy foods, label reading and portion sizes Fun physical activity sessions for children while parents discuss their successes and challenges with trained program leaders Visit www.bchealthykids.ca for information about MEND and other programs to help you and your family be active and eat healthy. To register for MEND: call: Andrea Gieselman @ 604-799-3732 email: [email protected] MEND is… A place for the entire family A chance to meet new friends Support to make healthier choices MEND is NOT… A diet A weight loss program Someone telling you what to do De noni ’ sAc a de myofMus i c Mus i cLe s s onsI nt heComf or tofYourHome Pi ano Gui t ar Voi ce BackToSchoolSp e ci al :50% Of fTheFi r s tMont h’ sLe s s onsUp onRe gi s t r at i on