SAINT EULALIA PARISH Arlington/Winchester MA (50 Ridge Street, Winchester, 01890) PHONE: 781-729-8220 FAX: 781-729-0919 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: Facebook: ALL ARE WELCOME! July 13, 2014 Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am (Family) 11:00am and 5:00pm Daily Mass: 9:00am Monday-Friday Sung Morning Prayer: 8:30am Major Feasts Rosary: Monday-Friday, 9:30 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7:30 pm Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00-3:45pm and by Appointment The mission of St. Eulalia Parish is to strive to be disciples committed to carrying out the mission of Jesus in our own time and place, through the celebration of Word and Sacrament, the formation of community and service to the world. ST. EULALIA PARISH FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIESAND ACTIVITIES Readings for the Week of July 13 Sunday: Is 55:10-11/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9 Monday: Is 1:10-17/Mt 10:34--11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9/Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5/Mt 12:14-21 Next Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19/Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30 SCHEDULED MASS PRESIDERS FOR WEEK OF 7/14-7/20 THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 9:00 am Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Rev. James Savage Rev. Ronald Gomes Rev. James Savage Rev. James Bertelli Rev. Ronald Gomes Rev. Ronald Gomes Rev. James Savage Rev. James Bertelli Rev. James Savage Rev. James Savage JULY 13, 2014 FIRST COMMUNION DVDS If you ordered a First Communion DVD and have not yet picked it up, please do so in the parish office as soon as possible and check off your name on the list. PLEASE NOTE there are two boxes, one for May 3 and one for May 4. Be sure to take the DVD from the correct box so you’ll get the correct pictures. If you did not pick up the First Eucharist certificate, it is also available on the table. PRAYER SHAWL REQUEST If you wish to request a prayer shawl, please fill out this form and place it in the OSR box. You may also contact our Pastoral Care Coordinator Barbara Mahoney at 781 729-8220 ext. 16. Name of Recipient: ____________________________ Your Name: _________________________________ Your phone number: _________________________ Through the waters of Baptism we welcome into our parish community the following Children who were recently baptized: William Tocio Grey Allen Jean Sokkar Johnny Patrick McClosky Page 2 ST. EULALIA PARISH FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIESAND ACTIVITIES Our annual outing to Tanglewood will take place on Sunday, August 10, leaving St. Eulalia's parking lot at 10:30AM by motor coach and returning around 8PM. The program is all Tchaikovsky: Polonaise from Eugene Onegin, Andante Cantabile for cello and strings, Variations on a Rococco theme for cello and orchestra, and Symphony #6, Pathetique. The conductor is David Zinman, with Yo Yo Ma, cellist. A box lunch is included with a choice of asiago roast beef, sedona chicken, tuna fish, or cordoba turkey sandwich, with chips, cookie and a bottle of water. Tickets are $86 per person, and must be paid with your reservation made with Laura in the parish office. Please fill out the reservation form below, indicating the choice of sandwich for each person attending, This is always a wonderful event, so don't miss out! Tickets are limited. ___________________________________ Please complete and drop in the OSR box or bring to Parish Office as soon as possible but no later than August 3rd. JULY 13, 2014 MARIAN MILE Join us as we walk around the Parish grounds praying the Rosary. We meet on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm in the Prayer Garden in the rear of the Church building. This is a great way to exercise both physically and spiritually, or if you wish you may just sit in the Prayer Garden and enjoy the evening. During inclement weather we will meet in the Church. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM If you enjoy working with young people, enjoy sharing your faith, AND value the Eucharist, this might be the year for you to volunteer your services to our lower grade Religious Education program (Gr. K-6). We are in need of the following teachers: Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 (1) (2) (2) (1) Sunday, 10:15-11:15am Sunday, 10:15-11:15am Sunday, 10:15-11:15am Wednesday, 3:30-4:30pm All lesson plans and teacher support are provided by a Grade Level Coordinator. Please call Stephanie Rogers in the Office of Rel. Ed. for further information (781-729-8758, ext. 26). Name____________________________________ Telephone_______________________________ Total number attending___________ Indicate number beside each choice of sandwich: Asiago roast beef______ Sedona chicken______ Cordoba turkey_____ Tuna fish______ Serving the Spiritual Needs of Grieving Parents OUR YOUTH MINISTER ON CATHOLIC TV Our Youth Minister, Jared Blake, will appear on "Your Catholic Broadband Network" This is the Day program on July 29th to share the experience of Catholic HEART Workcamp. Tune in at 10:30am LIVE on CatholicTV and Page 3 Losing a child under any circumstance is horrific. Focusing on the spirituality of the grieving process can help tremendously. Please join us. All are welcome. St. Anthony Shrine Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents One-Day Spiritual Retreat: August 2 For more information or to register, Call (800) 919-9332 or (617) 542-8057. For other Emmaus locations and programs, see or email [email protected]. 100 Arch Street, Boston, MA 02110 ST. EULALIA PARISH FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIESAND ACTIVITIES FOOD DRIVE Next weekend, July 19-20, our parish is holding its monthly food drive. Please leave food bags in the stairwell on the Pepper Hill side of the church. Checks payable to St. Eulalia or cash should be left in an envelope marked “Food” and placed in the OSR box. This month the food will be allocated to Woburn Council for Social Concern. Last month’s collection to Bristol Lodge resulted in 45 bags of nonperishable goods and a sum of money. Your generous support of our Food Ministry Program is deeply appreciated. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP GROUP Our regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 15th at 7:00pm in the Msgr. McGann Conference Room. All men of the Parish are welcome for an evening of fellowship. JULY 13, 2014 OUR READING GROUP. FALL 2014. Group meets in the Parish Center at 7:30 PM unless otherwise indicated. August 6 'EDGE OF SADNESS' - Edwin O'Connor; 1962 Pulitzer prize novel about an Irish-American priest, a recovering alcoholic, his friendships, temptations and his spiritual growth. September 24 - "HOME" - Marilynne Robinson: This 2008 novel revisits the 1950s Iowa town of Gilead, where a prodigal son returns home and the local patriarchs face age and illness. October 22 - 'LOVE, ANTHONY' - Lisa Genova: 'Winchester Reads' novel about autism on October 14 at McCall Middle School. December 3 - 'THE LOST YEARS' - Mary Higgins Clark: This murder mystery about a scholar who finds a letter from Jesus to Joseph of Arimathea includes a sensitive portrayal of Alzheimers. NAZARETH ACADEMY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Nazareth Academy in Wakefield, MA – the only all-girls college preparatory high school on the North Shore - is accepting new and transfer student applications for the 2014/2015 school year. Nazareth is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and is a member of the National Catholic Educational Association. To learn more about Nazareth, the application process, or to schedule a visit to the school, please call us at (781) 246-7600 or visit our website at SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH PARISH FALL FESTIVAL SAVE THE DATE AND MARK YOUR CALENDAR ‘CAUSE YOU’LL BE SORRY IF YOU DON’T!!! EXPECT SOME SURPRISES! Page 4 ST. EULALIA PARISH FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIESAND ACTIVITIES PLANNING AHEAD: PAJAMA DRIVE DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER JULY 13, 2014 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Our Pajama drive will begin October 5th here at Saint Eulalia! We hope to collect as many new pajamas any size (infant to teen) and any season (winter or summer) as possible for our most vulnerable children. We will distribute the collected PJs to the Department of Children and Family Services in Arlington that provides services to surrounding towns. A receptacle will be in the foyer of the church beginning October 4th through November 1st for your pajama contributions. St. Eulalia has always been a caring community for those in need and we thank you in advance for your help. In the Second Reading today, Paul says, “The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat and will bring me safe to his heavenly Kingdom.” Our goal on earth is to help our spouse get to heaven. The world is not about our heavenly goals and seeks to ruin our marriage. Restore, renew and rekindle your marriage at an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are, September 19 - 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at CONTINUING RITUALS CATHOLIC APPEAL UPDATE Parents, bless your children each and every day — not only when they sneeze! Make that a part of their bedtime ritual. Beginning at an early age, share meals with your children, pray with them each day, and bring them to Sunday Liturgy. These experiences will form the lasting memories of their childhood that will endure long after they are grown and on their own. Heartfelt thanks to the 297 families who have made pledges bringing us to 114% of our monetary goal for the 2014 Catholic Appeal. However, additional pledges from 6 more families will bring us to 100% of our goal for the number of pledges, and will result in a significant increase of the rebate to our own parish. We appeal especially to those families who have contributed to past Appeals, but have not yet done so in 2014 to make a pledge at this time. You will be helping not only the ministries of the Archdiocese, but also of our wonderful parish. Pledge forms may be found in the booklet rack in the foyer of the church, or you may donate online at Will you be one of the six families we need to reach 100%? St. Eulalia Parish, Winchester MA is our Facebook page Page 5 PARISH SCHEDULE SUNDAY, July 13 10-11am—New Family Gathering MONDAY, July 14 NO VOTF UNTIL FALL TUESDAY, July 15 10:00am—Fatima Prayer Group 7:00pm—Men’s Group WEDNESDAY, July 16 THURSDAY, July 17 FRIDAY, July 18 SATURDAY, July 19 SUNDAY, July 20 LITURGY AND PRAYER EVENTS SUNDAY, July 13 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Juliana Anulacion Mary T. Gallant Month’s Mind Vincent Albano MONDAY, July 14 9:00 AM Margaret Kievitt TUESDAY, July 15 9:00 AM Francisco Palisoc—Good Health WEDNESDAY, July 16 9:00 AM Cosmo Uttaro THURSDAY, July 17 9:00 AM Sr. Damian Powers—Good health FRIDAY, July 18 9:00 AM SATURDAY, July 19 4:00 PM Joao Ramos SUNDAY, July 20 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. James W. Savage, Pastor Rev. James Bertelli, Senior Priest Rev. Ronald Gomes, Senior Priest Cheryl Pongratz, Director of Operations Louise Cocuzzo, Pastoral Associate Barbara Mahoney, Pastoral Care Coordinator Laura MacMullin, Parish Secretary Jared Blake, Youth Minister Donna DiFonzo, Director of Rel. Ed., 7-11 Stephanie Rogers, Coordinator of Rel. Ed., K-6 Barbara Doherty, Religious Ed. Secretary Parish Pastoral Council RCIA Program Prolife Committee Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Norman Ziemer Marie McCann Rita Krant William and Patricia Lowney Phone Extension 24 12 29 16 10 15 19 26 18 [email protected] PARISH INFORMATION NEW TO THE PARISH—Welcome to St. Eulalia Parish. If you are a newcomer, please introduce yourself to a member of the parish staff. Registration materials are in the foyer of the Church, or you may call the parish office at 781 729-8220 to register. ANOINTING AND PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK—Both sacramental and pastoral services are offered by the Pastoral Staff of the parish to the sick, hospitalized, homebound and all who are in need. To arrange a visit please call Barbara Mahoney at 781-729-8220 ext. 16. The parish offers a special ministry to the hospitalized at Winchester Hospital. The Catholic Chaplain at the hospital is Mary Beth Moran, 781 756-2295. Page 6 Parishioners of St. Eulalia SACRAMENT OF INITIATION— Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith should call Louise Cocuzzo at 781 729-8220 ext. 29. Infant Baptism is celebrated the second Sunday of each month. To register, please call Louise Cocuzzo. MARRIAGE—Engaged couples planning marriage are asked to contact Father James Savage at 781 729-8220, ext. 24 to make arrangements for the wedding. A program of marriage preparation is offered to all couples. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION—Saint Eulalia Parish offers a full program of religious education from kindergarten to adults. Please call the Religious Education office at 781 729-8758 for information.
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Rev. James W. Savage, Pastor
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