SAINT EULALIA PARISH Arlington/Winchester MA (50 Ridge Street, Winchester, MA 01890) PHONE: 781-729-8220 FAX: 781-729-0919 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: Facebook: ALL ARE WELC0ME! June 19, 2016 Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Family) 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM Daily Mass: 9:00 AM Monday-Friday Sung Morning Prayer: 8:30 AM Major Feasts Rosary: Monday-Friday, 9:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:30 PM Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00-3:45PM and by Appointment The mission of St. Eulalia Parish is to strive to be disciples committed to carrying out the mission of Jesus in our own time and place, through the celebration of Word and Sacrament, the formation of community and service to the world. ST. EULALIA PARISH TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIES AND ACTIVITIES JUNE 19, 2016 A Social Justice Committee’s “Share the Spirit” interview with a parishioner who has done or is doing outreach to those in need MEDIATION IS GOD'S WORK CYNTHIA PASCIUTO AND THE COMMUNITY DISPUTE SETTLEMENT CENTER Come to terms quickly with your accuser while on the way to court, or your accuser may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, who will throw you into prison. (Matthew 5:25) Suppose a tenant stops paying rent when his bathroom faucet drips so loudly that it keeps him awake. While the landlord intends to fix the leak, he never gets around to it. After three months with no change, the landlord sues to evict the tenant. The case goes to District Court. Once in court, the judge may ask the tenant and landlord if they would like their case mediated rather than tried. The advantage of mediation is that both parties may win something, if they can compromise. On the other hand, in court, people are limited to the rules of law, cannot express their preferences, and one party loses. If the parties agree to mediation, the court clerk hands the case to the mediator. Cynthia Pasciuto volunteers as a mediator with the Community Dispute Settlement Center (CDSC) in Cambridge. In landlordtenant cases (her specialization), she often hears a tenant complain "the landlord doesn't deliver on his promises." The landlord may consider the tenant "a whiner who wants a free ride." Cynthia's first task is to bring respect into the dialog. Only when each person has really heard the other's interests can a dispute begin to move toward settlement. When the tenant spends his rent rather than putting it into required escrow, the parties need a payment plan. After all, the court doesn't want more homeless people, and landlords rely on rent. To reach a plan, Cynthia may point the tenant toward a fund for indigent tenants, to cover some of the rent. When Cynthia studied law at New England Law, she knew she did not want to litigate cases, but her negotiation professor truly inspired her. As a great communicator, the professor showed students through role plays how to diffuse heated disputes. Later Cynthia signed up for the 30-hour training at CDSC. Anyone can take this course. It builds active listening skills, empathy, resourcefulness, and faith in the process of making peace. She followed her training with a practicum of 10 cases. Still, she worried whether she could settle disputes. People were often so angry at each other that there didn't seem to be a way to bring them together. But a judge told her, "Being a mediator is God's work." It stuck in her mind. Then one day, a lawyer who knew her as a mediator agreed to take on the unrelated case of her friend. That nudged her forward. She could help people, after all, by referring them to resources they needed. Many times, the judge will assign Cynthia a case she thinks has zero chance of reaching a final signed agreement. Yet for 80% of her cases, she has been wrong, and both groups have walked away satisfied. Praying for the right words helps. Even when the mediation fails, people often say "God bless you." Cynthia teaches at Bentley University, yet she finds "God's work" very rewarding. Page 2 ST. EULALIA PARISH TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIES AND ACTIVITIES JUNE 19, 2016 The Orlando Tragedy The following is an excerpt from Cardinal O’Malley’s remarks concerning the tragedy in Orlando… ********************* As our society faces the massive and violent assault on human life in Orlando on Sunday, the Archdiocese of Boston offers and encourages prayers on behalf of those who were killed in the attack, those who were injured, and all their families and friends… The United States proudly upholds its long-standing tradition of being open and welcoming to those in need of a safe haven. Our country greatly benefits from human creativity and achievement cultivated without distinction of race, ethnicity, religion, nationality or any other differentiating characteristic. From a multitude of differences we have sought unity. We must meet the challenges of combining freedom, pluralism and unity in our increasingly diverse society if the United States is to continue to be a beacon of hope to the world… Achieving the unity which promotes peaceful coexistence means addressing those deeper forces which threaten our well-being. In all aspects of our lives, including our government, the private sector, our faith communities and our schools, we must be aware of and reflect on how we think and speak about those who are different from us. And we cannot allow ourselves to be defeated by the worst instincts in human nature, by efforts to divide us based on our differences, or by an immobilizing fear… Together let us go forward with the commitment to work for the meaningful change that will help our country and all her people to live in safety and peace." ********************* Here at St. Eulalia let us be a people who mutually and peacefully coexist with others, those like us and those unlike us – so that together we might be model what a world envisioned by the gospel can look like. COORDINATOR OR DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saint Eulalia Parish is seeking a Director or Coordinator of the Parish Religious Education for students in Grades 7-11 This position offers the right candidate an opportunity to work with a dynamic model of catechesis with the option of adapting it to further enable teens to encounter Jesus Christ and follow the Gospel. A full job description can be viewed by following the link “DRE/CRE Position” posted on the parish website Send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Page 3 ST. JEAN BAPTISTE CHURCH NEEDS YOUR CHANGE! Have you gotten a chance to take a look at the bright green cloth covering the clear collection box in the foyer of the church? The colorful cloth is a table cover from the country of Togo. It is draped over the collection box for Father Nelson’s parish, St. Jean Baptiste, in Togo. Please feel free to drop any donation into the box as you walk into St. Eulalia Church. We welcome any loose change hanging around the house (under the cushions, in your pockets, in the car)! All contributions will be given to Fr. Nelson to help build St. Jean Baptiste Church. We hope to present a check to Fr. Nelson at the end of his stay this summer. Our first goal is $5000 to fund an altar. Thank you so much for all your generosity!!! ST. EULALIA PARISH TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIES AND ACTIVITIES THE POWER OF INTENTION THROUGH PRAYER By Kevin Donovan Maybe you’re familiar with Madeleine L’Engle, the author of A Wrinkle in Time. She once described how she and some Christian friends wanted to do something to help alleviate the pain of a colleague who had been stricken with a terminal illness. In the spirit of St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians 6:2, this small group chose literally to ‘bear one another’s burdens’ and prayed that they might carry some of the patient’s pain in his final months. Evidently the Lord heard their prayers. Everyone in the group reported a swarm of aches and pains and other small troubles the following weeks. The colleague, happily enough, experienced a lot less pain over this same period and later died peacefully. Last summer an acquaintance was suffering terribly. This person was in nearly constant pain and hoping that a risky operation would provide some relief. So, in the spirit of Madeleine L’Engle (as prescribed in Saint Paul’s letter), I prayed to bear this person’s suffering in small ways and to offer them up, as we Catholics say, for a speedy recovery. Well, it seems that my prayers were heard, and just in time for vacation! So many inconveniences were showered upon me that I soon lost count. The cell phone did not work, a second cell phone was forgotten, the GPS led me to the wrong destination and was missing an adapter, the post office could not guarantee delivery of a ticket, a service that could guarantee delivery was closed in August, a third cell phone required a special document for purchase, an air mattress was too big for the tent, a train reservation was made for the wrong day, and I lost my glasses in the ocean five minutes after arriving on the beach. And that was in just the first two days! I wish I could say that I bore these little trials patiently and with good humor, but mainly I just bore them, as my wife could attest! In the end, however, a second operation did succeed at alleviating the person’s suffering. Is there a link between my plea and the happy outcome? God only knows, though I’m grateful for the way such terrible pain was relieved. I do know that faith consists of acts of confidence, consideration for those in need, and much gratitude for petitions that seem to be granted. As disciples of Jesus, we are encouraged to help one another. There are countless ways to perform outward examples of being our Lord’s willing servants, acting as He might if He were here today. Such actions provide the rest of us glimpses of what can and should be done in the service of God. I encourage you to share, with friends or in the broader community, what you have done recently that offers an outward expression of Faith and Mercy. Page 4 JUNE 19, 2016 HOW TO DEAL WITH LOVED ONE WITH DEMENTIA Understanding and responding to dementiarelated Behaviors Behavior is a powerful form of communication and is one of the primary ways for people with dementia to communicate their needs and feelings as the ability to use language is lost. Join us to learn to decode challenging behavioral messages, identify common behavior triggers, and learn strategies to help intervene with some of the most common behavioral challenges of Alzheimer’s disease on Thursday, June 23rd from 4-6pm at the Lawrence Memorial Hospital, (Gallagher Room), 170 Governors Avenue in Medford. Registration required please call 781-338-7823. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association; sponsored by Hallmark Health System, Inc. FOOD DRIVE This weekend, June 18-19, our parish is holding its monthly food drive. Please leave food bags in the stairwell on the Pepper Hill side of the church. Checks payable to St. Eulalia or cash should be left in an envelope marked “Food” and placed in the OSR box. This month the food will be allocated to Bristol Lodge. Last month’s collection to Arlington Food Pantry resulted in 41 bags of nonperishable goods and a sum of money. Your generous support of our Food Ministry Program is deeply appreciated. FRESH FOOD DRIVE Remember that during the food collection weekend each month, we are also collecting fresh fruits and vegetables. There will be a cart in the foyer where the donations may be placed before Mass. These will be delivered to St. Matthew’s Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity. WOMEN IN THE SPIRIT (WITS) “Women in the Spirit” meets every other week. The next meeting is on June 21st at 7pm in the Msgr. McGann Conference Room. All women are invited to discuss issues of faith, reflect on the gospel, and share how the Word influences our everyday lives. ST. EULALIA PARISH TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH MINISTRIES AND ACTIVITIES OUR READING GROUP (CHANGE OF VENUE) Our Reading Group will meet on June 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. We will be discussing the non-fiction book The Dressmaker of Khai Khana by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon. The book is the inspiring story of a young Afghani woman who, because of the Taliban restrictions on working women, decides to start a business in her home to help her large family survive. Any questions contact Marcia Bentley at 781-729-2616 or email at [email protected]. JUNE 19, 2016 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Times of quiet are balanced with times of contemplative music to enable private reflection. 7:30 p.m. In honor of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, come and pray along with a peaceful recorded version of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Open House Concept: come for as long or as short a time as you wish. Our church doors will be open for you. Winchester Area Voice of the Faithful Web-site: SCHEDULED MASS PRESIDERS FOR WEEK OF 6/20/16-6/26/16 THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE All Meetings are at 7:30pm at St. Eulalia Manion Hall unless otherwise indicated. All are Welcome Monday, June 20th, 6 PM: Annual dinner. For more information, please contact Frances Shawcross at 781-799-0364 or [email protected]. MARIAN MILE 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 Monday 9:00 AM Tuesday 9:00 AM Wednesday 9:00 AM Thursday 9:00 AM Friday 9:00 AM Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Join us in church as we pray the Rosary. We meet on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm. This is a great way to exercise spiritually. When the weather improves, we will resume our walks outside through the Prayer Garden. 25TH AND 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS We invite all couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2016 to our Silver and Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 26th at 11:00, which will include a renewal of vows. Family members and friends are welcome to attend. For more information and to register, please call Louise Cocuzzo, our Pastoral Associate, or parish secretary Laura MacMullin. Page 5 Rev. James Savage Rev. James Savage Rev. James Savage Rev. James Bertelli Rev. Richard Deshaies Rev. Richard Deshaies Rev. James Savage Rev. Richard Deshaies Rev. James Savage Rev. James Savage ALTAR FLOWERS IN MEMORY OF A LOVED ONE You are invited to remember a deceased loved one or a special celebration with a floral arrangement for the altar. Please see our parish secretary, Laura MacMullin, if you are interested in making this memorial. PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus' name, men. PARISH SCHEDULE SUNDAY, June 19 12:30 PM—Baptisms MONDAY, June 20 6:00 PM—VOTF TUESDAY, June 21 7:00 PM—Women in the Spirit WEDNESDAY, June 22 THURSDAY, June 23 FRIDAY, June 24 SATURDAY, June 25 SUNDAY, June 26 PARISH STAFF Rev. James W. Savage, Pastor Rev. James Bertelli, Senior Priest Cheryl Pongratz, Director of Operations Louise Cocuzzo, Pastoral Associate Mary Lou Burke, Asst. Pastoral Associate Barbara Mahoney, Pastoral Care Coordinator Laura MacMullin, Parish Secretary Jared Blake, Youth Minister Donna DiFonzo, Director of Rel. Ed., 7-11 Stephanie Rogers, Coordinator of Rel. Ed., K-6 Barbara Doherty, Religious Ed. Secretary Al DiMinico, Custodian Parish Pastoral Council RCIA Program Prolife Committee LITURGY AND PRAYER EVENTS SUNDAY, June 19 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Mel and Barbara McTighe Stephen Gray Joseph Buckley and Robert Cyr Anthony Barba MONDAY, June 20 9:00 AM Gil V Padilla TUESDAY, June 21 9:00 AM Martin Conneely WEDNESDAY, June 22 9:00 AM Martha Cataldo THURSDAY, June 23 9:00 AM Parishioners of St. Eulalia FRIDAY, June 24 9:00 AM 7:00-8:30 PM In Memory of the Tenth Leper Adoration SATURDAY, June 25 4:00 PM Ben D’Agostino and Ken Gill SUNDAY, June 26 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Available Richard T. Horigan Joseph Giurleo Mary McMillen Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH INFORMATION NEW TO THE PARISH—Welcome to St. Eulalia Parish. If you are a newcomer, please introduce yourself to a member of the parish staff. Registration materials are in the foyer of the church, or you may call the parish office at 781-729-8220 to register. ANOINTING AND PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK—Both sacramental and pastoral services are offered by the Pastoral Staff of the parish to the sick, hospitalized, homebound, and all who are in need. To arrange a visit please call Barbara Mahoney at 781-729-8220 ext. 16. The parish offers a special ministry to the hospitalized at Winchester Hospital. The Catholic Chaplain at the hospital is Mary Beth Moran, 781-756-2295. Page 6 Phone Extension 24 12 29 25 16 10 15 19 26 18 SACRAMENT OF INITIATION— Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith should call Louise Cocuzzo at 781-729-8220 ext. 29. Infant Baptism is celebrated the second Sunday of each month. To register, please call Louise Cocuzzo. MARRIAGE—Engaged couples planning marriage are asked to contact Father James Savage at 781-729-8220, ext. 24 to make arrangements for the wedding. A program of marriage preparation is offered to all couples. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION—Saint Eulalia Parish offers a full program of religious education from kindergarten to adults. Please call the Religious Education office at 781-729-8758 for information.
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