About This Calendar - Shorewood School District
About This Calendar - Shorewood School District
Shorewood School D i s t C a l e n d a r r i c t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 A Tradition of Excellence www.shorewoodschools.org visit the new website for up to date information 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 1 8/20/12 8:48 AM About This Calendar Things you should know . . . School Visitors This calendar is brought to you compliments of the Shorewood School District parent organizations: Visitors are welcome in all Shorewood schools. All visitors are asked to stop sign-in at the school office to introduce themselves before proceeding to other parts of the building. Lake Bluff PTO Atwater PTO Intermediate School PTO, and High School Parent Association We have done our best to be accurate and include the dates and events that affect the greatest number of people. However, some of the dates are submitted as much as a year in advance and unforeseen conflicts can occur. Please pay attention to building newsletters and fliers and the district web site: www.shorewoodschools.org, for date changes or additions. The calendar is only one of many services that the parent organizations provide for our schools. Our children, staff members, and parents all benefit from parent organization activities. See the parent organization pages at the end of this calendar for a list of activities and contacts. Thank you to Julie Thauer for designing the cover and your hard work on the calendar. Also, thank you to photographer John O’Hara for the use of your photos on our cover. If you wish to VOLUNTEER in your child’s school in any capacity, you must fill out a Request to Volunteer and a Volunteer Disclosure form (available in school office or on website). To insure the safety of our children, we will run background checks on all volunteers. Immunizations Wisconsin law requires all students in kindergarten through grade 12 and children enrolled in child care centers to be immunized. Each Shorewood student must have a record of immunizations on file or must submit a signed waiver claiming health, religious, or personal conviction reasons for not being immunized. Consult your doctor or local health department for a list of the required immunizations. Change of residence/phone Please notify the appropriate school office immediately when you have a change of address, e-mail or phone number. Advance notification of any change helps ensure that you will be contacted in the event of an emergency. Work Permits Available in the Student Support Services Office (963-6942) or SHS’s Asst. Principal’s Office (963-6949) during regular office hours; bring original social security card, one other form of ID (state ID, birth certificate, passport), letter from employer and note from parent giving permission to work and $10 cash. The Shorewood SEED Foundation (Supporters of Excellence in Educational Development) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving excellence in Shorewood’s public schools. For information, see: www.shorewoodseed.org Board Leadership Board Members Stephanie Snyder, 962-3145 President: Melissa Nelsen, 964-1842 Kathy Rehbein, 332-3272 Scott Yanoff, 852-9599 Treasurer: Sue Kohlenberg, 332-7715 Sarah McEneany, 961-1026 Tracey Grabowski, 963-0257 Secretary: Laura Gough, 964-1367 John Florsheim, 961-0902 Beverly Goldberg, 961-8850 Alec Fraser, 962-2275 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 2 8/20/12 8:48 AM School District of Shorewood 1701 E. Capitol Dr., Shorewood WI 53211 Shorewood Superintendent Director of Instructional Services Martin Lexmond 963-6903 [email protected] Shorewood School Board [email protected] Rob Reinhoffer, President Colin Plese, Vice President Ruth Treisman, Treasurer David Cobb, Clerk Michael Mishlove, Member 963-6972 906-5359 967-0330 964-3230 967-8797 School Board meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the SHS library unless otherwise noted. Agendas and board packets are posted on Board Books (http:// bit.ly/kEheBL) and are also available from the Superintendent’s Office. The Board also meets as a Committee of the Whole on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m in the SHS Conference Room District Offices Personnel/Employment: Kim Grady 963-6901 [email protected] Operations and Maintenance: 963-6918 Recreation and Community Services: Deb Stolz 963-6913 x4 [email protected] Fitness Center 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 3 961-3100 District Program Administrators Advanced Learner Kirk Juffer, 963-6972 Athletic Services Bill Haury, 963-6952 English Language Learner Services Tim Kenney, 963-6962 Nutritional Services Mark Boehlke, 963-6911 Policy Development Deb Stolz, 963-6913 x4 Safety Services Mark Boehlke 963-6911 Special Education Services Anthony Strancke 963-6951 Student Support Services Matthew Joynt, 963-6921 Summer School Mark Harris, 963-6920 For More Information Auditorium Box Office 963-6940 Kindergarten Screening: Lake Bluff 963-6972 Atwater 963-6962 Open Enrollment 963-6903 Registering for School Contact school principal’s office Reunion Information 963-6931 Business Office Director of Business Services: Mark Boehlke 963-6911 [email protected] Business Services Coordinator: Karen Gonzales 963-6911 [email protected] Nutritional Services The Shorewood School District, through the food service management company, Taher, offers a lunch meal program in all schools. Menus are published on the district web site. Lunch including milk or juice: SIS/SHS Breakfast SIS/SHS Lunch Atwater/Lake Bluff Lunch Milk/Juice/Water only $1.30/day $2.70/per day $2.40/day $.40/day Point of Sale System (NutriKids) The automated system eliminates meal tickets and cash in the lunch line. Each student will have their own account. See the District Website (Family Resources/Food Service) or contact Nutritional Services at 963-6914 for more information. Free or reduced meals are available for qualified families. Applications will be available at registration and are available in school offices or on the district web site. They must be completed for each child in a family and returned to the Nutritional Service Office. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year. 8/20/12 8:48 AM Shorewood High School Shorewood Intermediate School 1701 E. Capitol Dr. 3830 N. Morris Blvd. Attendance963-6922 Attendance963-6959 High School Office Requests for Homework Matthew Joynt, Principal Mark Harris, Ass’t Principal 963-6921 963-6922 963-6921 963-6920/6922 Student Support Services 963-6942 Jennifer Runde, Counselor Mandy Kluck, Counselor 961-3177 961-3179 New Horizons Charter School Dr. A. Anderson, Psychologist Health Office Athletic Department Work Permits 963-6933 963-6937 961-2888 963-6952 963-6942 Intermediate School Office Anthony Strancke, Principal William Haury, Dean of Students Julie Wells, Guidance Counselor Dr. A. Anderson, Psychologist 963-6951 963-6951 963-6951 963-6951, ext. 6308 963-6937 Attendance: Parents are responsible for reporting their child’s absence. Call 963-6959 after 4:00 p.m. the day before or before 9:00 a.m. the day of the absence. Homework may be requested at the same time. SIS Daily Schedule (except Wed.) 7:45 - 8:15 Advisory 11:35 - 12:26 Hour 4, 7th 8:18 - 9:09 Hour 1 11:51 - 12:26 Lunch, 8th SHS Daily Schedule (except Wed.) 9:12 - 10:03 Hour 2 12:29 - 1:20 Hour 5 6:45 - 7:30 Zero Hour 11:28 - 12:13 Lunch 10:06 - 10:57 Hour 3 1:23 - 2:14 Hour 6 7:35 - 8:28 Period 1 12:18 - 1:11 Period 5 10:57 - 11:32 Lunch, 7th 2:17 - 3:08 Hour 7 8:33 - 9:26 Period 2 11:16 - 2:09 Period 6 11:00 - 11:51 Hour 4, 8th 9:31 -10:24 Period 3 2:14 – 3:07 10:29 - 11:24 Period 4* Period 7 *Announcements will occur during Period 4. SHS will be dismissed at 2:15 every Wednesday Please refer to SHS’s website for the complete bell schedule details including Wednesday dismissal details. Contacting Staff Members by Email All district e-mail addresses are: the first initial of the first name, followed by the complete last name, followed by @shorewood.k12.wi.us SIS will be dismissed at 2:14 every Wednesday Please refer to SIS’s website for the complete bell schedule details including Wednesday dismissal schedule. Greyhound Sports, Grades 7-12 Bill Haury, Athletic Director, SHS and SIS, 963-6952 Schedules are posted seasonally on schedulestar.com. For a direct link to Shorewood’s schedule, see the district web site: www.shorewoodschools.org, (Schools/SHS/Athletics). All schedules are subject to change. Two exceptions: Mark Harris, SHS Asst. Principal: maharris@ Justin Olson, Band Teacher: jdolson@ 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 4 8/20/12 8:48 AM Atwater Elementary 2100 E. Capitol Dr. Tim Kenney, Principal 963-6962 Main Office 963-6962 For all of the following Atwater telephone numbers, dial 963-6962 followed by the appropriate extension. Attendance ext. 5531 Guidance Counselor Psychologist Health Office Early Education Center ext. ext. ext. ext. 5507 5132 5121 5369 Atwater School Hours (except Wed.) Morning Jr. Kindergarten8:15 - 11:00 Sr. Kindergarten8:15 - 11:30 Grades 1-6 8:15 - 12:10 Afternoon Jr. Kindergarten Sr. Kindergarten Grades 1-6 12:30 - 3:15 12:30 - 3:15 1:00 - 3:15 AT will be dismissed at 2:15 every Wednesday. Please refer to Atwater’s website for the complete bell schedule details including the Wednesday dismissal schedule. Attendance 1600 E. Lake Bluff Blvd. Don’t be Tardy! The bell rings and students are admitted to Lake Bluff and Atwater at 8:15 a.m. All students must be in their seats ready to begin class by 8:20 am. The doors will be opened earlier if the weather is inclement. Parents are responsible for reporting their child’s absence to the attendance secretary. Call between 3:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. if your child will be absent for the morning, a full day, or tardy; call between 12:00 and 12:30 p.m. if the absence is for the afternoon only. Do not leave messages for teachers on the attendance answering machine. Please notify your child’s teacher as far in advance as possible if an extended absence is planned such as a family trip or extensive medical treatment. Lake Bluff Attendance: 963-6972 ext. 7975 Children must be 4 years of age on or before Sept.1, 2012 to be eligible for kindergarten. Bring proof of residency and a copy of the child’s birth certificate and immunization record. 963-6972 963-6972 For all of the following Lake Bluff telephone numbers, dial 963-6972 followed by the appropriate extension. Guidance Counselor Psychologist Health Office Early Education Center Reporting Absences Atwater Attendance: 963-6962 ext. 5531 Dr. Kirk Juffer, Principal Main Office Attendanceext. 7975 Students are expected to be out of the building by 3:30 p.m. except for scheduled group activities or special assigments. Kindergarten Registration January 15, 2012 6:00 p.m. Lake Bluff and Atwater 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 5 Lake Bluff Elementary ext. ext. ext. ext. 7810 7872 7976 7973 Lake Bluff School Hours (except Wed.) Morning Jr. Kindergarten Sr. Kindergarten Grades 1-6 8:15 - 11:00 8:15 - 11:30 8:15 - 12:10 Afternoon Jr. Kindergarten Sr. Kindergarten Grades 1-6 12:30 - 3:15 12:30 - 3:15 1:00 - 3:15 LB will be dismissed at 2:15 every Wednesday. Please refer to Lake Bluff’s website for the complete bell schedule details including the Wednesday dismissal schedule. Contacting Staff Members by Email All district e-mail addresses are: the first initial of the first name, followed by the complete last name, followed by @shorewood.k12.wi.us 8/20/12 8:48 AM A u g u s t S u n day M o n day T u e s day W e d n e s day Football Begins Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 5 6 Boys Soccer Begins 12 19 26 Girls Volleyball Girls Cross Country beginsto Boys Volleyball begins 7 T h u r s day 13 F r i day 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 SHS & SIS Registration 14 Sa t u r d a y 1 Girls Swimming Begins Tennis Begins SHS & SIS Registration 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 30 31 Freshman Orientation 7pm 20 21 AT/LB Registration 7:30-1pm 27 AT/LB Registration 1-7pm AT/LB K4/ New Family Picnic 5pm AFS Welcome Picnic, Hubbard Park, 5pm 28 Bright Beginnings Parent/ Student Visit 9-11am 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 6 2 012 29 Bright Beginnings Parent/ Student Visit 9-11am 8/20/12 8:48 AM S e p t e m b e r S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 2 Labor Day 9 16 23 3 10 Bright Beginnings Preschool 9/10 & 9/11 begins with 1 Hour Sessions Rosh Hashanah (sunset) T u e s day Rosh Hashanah AT Picture Day SRAC Mtg 17 24 2 012 W e d n e s day T h u r s day F r i day Sa t u r d a y 1 First Day of School AT/LB First Day Coffee School Board Mtg 7pm LB Picture Day SIS Open House Band Parent Mtg 7pm SHS Band Rm Yom Kippur (sunset) 4 11 Bright Beginnings Parent Orientation 6:30-7:30pm AT/LB Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) 18 25 5 12 19 VHE Pool Closed (evening) Yom Kippur 26 6 13 LB PTO Mtg 8:30am SHS Picture Retake Day AT/LB Parent Orientation AT Mr. Z’s Sale Begins 20 LB Original Works Starts SHS Open House 27 AFS Info Night 7pm, SHS Conf. Rm 7 AT PTO Mtg 8:15am AT PTO Back to School Picnic 5-8pm 14 Rec. Activity Night, 7-9pm, (Gr. 7&8) SIS Picture Retake Day LB Back to School Picnic SIS PTO Picnic 21 28 SHS Senior Pictures Due to Copperdome 8 VHE Pool Closed 15 VHE Pool Closed LB Beautification Day 22 29 30 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 7 8/20/12 8:48 AM O c t o b e r S u n day M o n day T u e s day 1 Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm SHS Youth Options Apps. Due AT Mr. Z’s Sale Ends W e d n e s day 8 SIS Book Fair 10/8-10/12 15 21 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 8 4 AT ELL Potluck, 6-7:30pm SIS Outdoor Ed Sess. 2 LB Innisbrook Sale Starts 10 LB PTO Mtg 8:30am 16 17 22 23 29 WCKE Testing Begins LB Picture Day Make-Up AT Mr. Z’s Pick-up 2:30-5pm 5 AT PTO Mtg 8:15am SHS Homecoming Parade & Football Game 6 SHS Homecoming Dance 13 Parent/Teacher Conf. 8-11:30am, No Jr. K LB Original Works Ends 18 SIS Parent Visitation Sa t u r d a y 11 All Schools No School 12 VHE Pool Closed All Schools Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) Parent/Teacher Conf. 12:30-8pm, No Jr.K SHS PSAT, Plan & Explore Tests Master Works Concert 7pm, St. Roberts School Board Mtg 7pm 28 3 LB Book Fair 12-6pm SHS Last Day to Drop Classes F r i day AT/LB Walk to School Day SIS Outdoor Ed. Sess. 1 9 School Board Mtg 7 pm 14 T h u r s day 2 SIS Outdoor Ed. Sess. 1 7 2 012 19 20 Rec. Dept. Dive-in-Movie, VHE Pool, 6:30-9pm (Gr. 7&8) 24 All Schools No School 25 All Schools No School 26 27 AT Monster Mash 5-8pm LB Movie Night LB Innisbrook Sale Ends 30 SEED Halloween Party 3:45-5pm 31 Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 8/20/12 8:48 AM N o v e m b e r S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm SHS Fall Drama Show W e d n e s day 4 Boys Basketball Starts 11 SRAC Meeting Girls Basketball Starts Boys Swimming Starts Wrestling Begins 18 SIS World Festival of Cultures LB Alterra Pick-up 25 F r i day LB Alterra Sale Starts SHS Fall Drama Show 5 AT Picture Retake Day 6 LB PTO Mtg 8:30am 7 AT PTO Mtg 8:15 am Sa t u r d a y 2 Shorewood Connect’s Yard Clean-up Day SHS Fall Drama Show Rec. Activity Night, SIS 7-9pm (Gr. 7&8) SEED’s Sprecher Event SHS Fall Drama Show 8 3 9 10 Election Day 12 SHS Band Concert 7pm 13 AFS Returnee Night, SHS Youth School Board Mtg 7pm 19 AT/LB Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) 14 SHS Orchestra Concert, 15 16 Fitness Center’s Turkey 17 7pm Trot 20 All Schools No School 21 All Schools No School 22 All Schools No School 23 26 End of Trimester 27 School Board Mtg 7pm 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 9 T h u r s day 1 End of Quarter Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information Girls Gymnastics Starts Ice Hockey Starts VHE Pool Closed T u e s day 2 012 Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break VHE Pool Closed 28 VHE Pool Closed (Evening) 24 Thanksgiving Break VHE Pool Closed 29 30 8/20/12 8:48 AM D e c e m b e r S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 2 Athletic Booster Club Arts & Crafts Fair 10am-4pm SHS Arena/ North Gym T u e s day 2 012 W e d n e s day T h u r s day 4 5 AT Book Fair Begins 11 7th Grade Concert School Board Mtg 7pm 17 18 24 All Schools No School VHE Pool Closed Winter Break 30 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 10 All Schools No School VHE Pool Closed Winter Break 12 SHS Northshore Financial Aid Night 7pm SHS Chamber Orch. & Singers, Kingo Lutheran Church 7pm 23 6 7 8 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 SHS Career Day 10 16 Sa t u r d a y 1 3 9 F r i day All Schools No School VHE Pool Closed Winter Break Christmas Day 13 LB PTO Mtg 8:30am AT/LB Report Cards Go Home 8th Grade Concert 19 VHE Pool Closed (evening) 25 AT PTO Mtg 8:15am Winter Choir Concert 26 All Schools No School Winter Break Kwanzaa Begins AT Book Fair Begins All Schools No School Winter Break All Schools No School Winter Break 31 8/20/12 8:48 AM J a n u a r y S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm T u e s day Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 6 W e d n e s day 1 All Schools No School VHE Pool Closed Winter Break New Year’s Day 7 2 013 T h u r s day 2 All Schools No School Winter Break 8 20 VHE Pool Closed 14 AT/LB Kindergarten Registration 6pm 9 21 No School/All Schools Martin Luther King Jr. Day 27 5 10 11 12 16 SHS Exams 18 19 AT PTO Mtg 8:15 am Rec. Activity Night (Gr. 7&8) 7-9pm 17 SHS Exams 23 AT/LB/SIS Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) 24 VHE Pool Closed (evening) VHE Pool Closed 25 LB Pizza Orders Due 26 VHE Pool Closed 28 SHS 8th Gr. Orientation 29 AT Winter Sing, Gr 4-6, 30 AT Winter Sing, Gr 1-3, 31 AFS Dessert Night, Village Center 7pm 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 11 4 AT/LB/BB Open House 22 School Board Mtg. 7pm (Lake Bluff) 3 LB PTO Mtg 8:30am LB Pizza Sale Starts 15 SHS Exams Sa t u r d a y School Resumes School Board Mtg 7pm (Atwater) 13 F r i day 6:15-8:30pm 6:15-8:30pm 8/20/12 8:48 AM F e b r u a r y S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm T u e s day W e d n e s day F r i day 4 10 11 17 18 24 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 12 25 Sa t u r d a y 1 SHS Winter Drama Show 2 LB Pizza Pick-up New Trier Jazz Festival Science Olympiad Regional SHS Winter Drama Show 5 12 SIS Science Fair AT ELL Presentations 6pm LB Book Fair Begins School Board Mtg 7pm (SIS) 19 All Schools No School Presidents’ Day SIS Show Circle T h u r s day Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 3 SHS Winter Drama Show 2 013 26 Orchestra Benefit Concert 7pm School Board Mtg 7pm 6 AT Dining Around The World LB Family Dinner AT/LB Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) 13 SHS Winter Drama Show LB PTO Mtg 8:30am LB Book Fair Ends 20 7 14 8 SHS Winter Drama Show 9 15 16 21 End of Trimester 22 23 Band-o-Rama Concert 7pm 27 AT PTO Mtg 8:15am AT Movie Night SHS Winter Drama Show Rec. Activity Night, SIS 7-9pm (Gr. 7&8) SIS Show Circle SIS Show Circle 28 All Schools Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:30-8pm, No Jr. K 8/20/12 8:48 AM M a r c h S u n day M o n day T u e s day Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm to Drop Classes W e d n e s day F r i day 4 Sa t u r d a y All Schools No School 1 Parent/Teacher Conferences 8-11:30am, No Jr. K SHS Youth Options Apps. Due 5 6 7 AT PTO Mtg 8:15am District Art Show Opening Reception, Village Library 6-8pm Track & Field Begins 10 T h u r s day Annual District Art Show March 6-April 9 Shorewood Village Library shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 3 SHS Last Day 2 013 2 8 SHS AFS Showcase 9 SHS AFS Showcase 11 School Board Mtg. 7pm 12 13 LB PTO Meeting 14 SEED’s Swing With 15 16 18 20 21 End of Quarter 22 23 29 30 Shorewood Event Softball Begins 17 19 SHS Band Concert Boys Tennis & Golf Girls Soccer Begins 24 25 Boys Tennis All Schools No School Spring Break Passover Begins VHE Pool Closed SIS Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) 26 All Schools No School Spring Break All Schools No School Spring Break 27 28 All Schools No School Spring Break All Schools No School Spring Break VHE Pool Closed 31 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 13 8/20/12 8:48 AM A p r i l S u n day M o n day All Schools No School Spring Break Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm 7 Jugglefest, SHS Aud., 1-3pm T u e s day 1 School Resumes Parent Band Mtg 7pm T h u r s day F r i day Sa t u r d a y 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 School Board Mtg 7pm 15 AT Idol Practice 3:30pm 21 W e d n e s day Spring Elections 8 14 2 013 AT Idol Tryouts 2:30pm 16 LB PTO Mtg 8:30am AT Idol Tryouts 3:30pm Jazz Band Concert 17 SIS 6th Gr. Orientation 22 AT PTO Mtg 8:15 am LB Spring Photo Day 18 LB Flower Sale Begins AT Idol Rehersal 3:30 23 24 AT Family Dinner 5:30pm & Idol 7pm Rec. Activity Night, SIS, 7-9pm (Gr. 7&8) LB Rummage Sale 4-7pm 25 LB Rummage 9am-12pm 26 27 State Solo & Ensemble Festival SHS Prom 28 4/29 - 5/3 LB/AT Screen Free Week 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 14 AT Book Fair Begins 29 LB PJ Read-a-Long 6-7:30pm 30 Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 8/20/12 8:48 AM M a y S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm 6-10 Staff Appreciation Week T u e s day W e d n e s day AT Family Fun Night LB May Day Celebration Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 5 2 013 6 7 T h u r s day F r i day 1 LB Night Hike 2 AT Book Fair Ends 13 8 Shorewood School Distirct Art Week 5/14-17 SHS Spring Musical 14 SHS AP Art Night School Board Mtg 7pm 19 20 9 AT Art Extravaganaza Boys Basketball Begins Baseball Begins SHS Chamber Orch. Concert, NSPC, 7pm SRAC Mtg 26 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 15 16 AT ELL Activity Night, 6-7:30pm SIS Gallery Night SHS Spring Musical 22 28 School Board Mtg, 7pm 10 11 AT Rummage Sale, 9-1pm SHS Spring Musical 17 LB Artists In Us SHS Spring Musical 23 18 SHS Spring Musical 24 25 Snow Make-Up Day or All Schools No School 29 Spring Band Concert 4 AT PTO Mtg, 8:15 Rec. Activity Night, SIS 7-9pm (Gr. 6) AT Rummage Sale 5-8pm SHS Spring Musical SHS Scholarships & Awards 27 All Schools No School VHE Pool Closed Memorial Day 15 21 3 LB Flower Sale Ends LB Student Interest Day LB PTO Mtg 8:30am 12 Sa t u r d a y 30 Elementary Band Concert SHS NHS Induction 31 LB Awards & Hot Dog Day LB Sock Hop 8/20/12 8:48 AM J u n e S u n day M o n day Wednesday Dismissal AT & LB - 2:15 pm SIS 2:14 pm SHS 2:15 pm Dates are subject to change, please refer to the district website: shorewoodschools.org for the most current information 2 Choir Benefit Concert T u e s day W e d n e s day T h u r s day F r i day Sa t u r d a y 1 3 9 2 013 4 10 SHS Exams 11 SHS Exams 5 LB 6th Gr. Recognition 6 AT/LB Half Day (11:30 Dismissal) SHS Springfest/Locker Clean-out SIS/SHS ELL Night 12 AT June Fair 7 SHS Senior Dance 8 13 SIS 8th Gr. Recognition 14 15 SHS Exams Last Day of School SHS Graduation School Board Meeting, 7pm 16 Rec. Dept. Summer 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Programs Begin 30 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 16 8/20/12 8:48 AM J u l y S u n day M o n day T u e s day 2 013 W e d n e s day T h u r s day F r i day Sa t u r d a y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 17 8/20/12 8:49 AM Mission The mission of the School District of Shorewood is to provide a liberal arts education that prepares students to embrace the challenges of the future. We will foster a love of learning and the acquisition of knowledge and skills that will serve as the foundation and catalyst for a lifetime of learning. CORE BELIEFS • Every member of the school community is valued for his or her contribution to the School District. • The care and education of all children are the first obligations of the entire community. • The family plays a vital role in the education of the child. • All children want to discover and deserve to reach their potential. • An effective school culture demonstrates high expectations, open communication, cooperation, tangible support, accountability and shared responsibility. • An effective learning community is based on continuous professional growth of all community members. • In an effective learning community, everyone works to establish and maintain positive relationships built on respect and dignity. • A safe, orderly, healthy and clean environment enhances learning. • Learning is memorable and powerful when all school community members are active, involved and find personal meaning in the experience. • Rich, nurturing experiences give children a greater • Quality education recognizes children’s unique emotional • Children will become increasingly responsible for their • Quality education incorporates authentic, real world opportunity to succeed. success as they mature. • Our community is strengthened when diversity is valued. 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 18 needs and accommodates the multiple ways they learn. learning experiences. Quality education prepares children to work collaboratively and to be caring, con tributing citizens of a democratic and global society. 8/20/12 8:49 AM Vision of the School District of Shorewood The School District of Shorewood will guide a diverse student body toward wellness through a balanced curriculum delivered by caring staff members in an inclusive environment. A student from the Shorewood School District will integrate all seven components of wellness and: • ...will be intellectually aware, continually seeking to expand knowledge, confidence & skills as a lifelong learner (cognitive wellness) • ...will be physically fit and able to care for self through physical activities/exercise, nutrition, understanding risk and making healthy lifestyle choices (physical wellness) • ...will understand how to find personal satisfaction and balance in both work and other areas of life (occupational wellness) • ...will be able to develop and maintain strong relationships that are interconnected and directed toward strengthening the individual, the family and the community (social wellness) • ...will be able to recognize and accept his/her feelings; will appropriately express and manage emotions (emotional wellness) • ...will appreciate the interdependence between self and nature; will enhance the environment though good stewardship of individual living space and the larger community (environmental wellness) • ...will have an appreciation for the meaning of life, working toward finding a place in and contributing to society (spiritual wellness) 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 19 8/20/12 8:49 AM Shorewood Recreation and Community Services 1701 E. Capitol Dr. SHS Administration Building 963-6913 x4 The Department offers year round programming for infants through senior citizens. Recreation Bulletins are delivered three times per year to Shorewood residents. The Bulletins are also on the school district website: www.shorewoodschools.org The Department offers community swim for youth through adults year round. Schedules are available in the Recreation Bulletin, posted in the pool area and on the Recreation Department’s voice mail recording at 963-6913 x1. Facility Rental Interested in utilizing school district facilities for a meeting, children’s party or other event? Contact the Recreation and Community Services Department for rental information: 963-6913 x4 Shorewood Community Fitness Center Our mission: To promote the vitality, health and well-being of youth, student-athletes and adults. Located on the campus of Shorewood High School, 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI. Phone: 961-3100 The Shorewood Community Fitness Center offers members a complete line of strength training machines, cardiovascular machines and free weights. The professional and caring staff insures all members receive a complete individualized fitness program. Additional information including hours of operation, membership rates, classes, etc. is located on the district’s website (www.shorewoodschools.org) under the Recreation Department. Bright Beginnings Preschool Bright Beginnings classes are held at both Atwater and Lake Bluff for 2 1/2 through 4 year old children. The child centered curriculum offers a balance between socialization and academic activities based on the District’s curriculum recommendations for early education. See the Recreation Bulletin or the district’s website for more information. Milestones Day Care offers all day supervision for Bright Beginnings students, 7 am - 6 pm. SIS Activity Nights Activitiy Nights for intermediate school teens are planned and supervised by the Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department. Activity Nights will include a variety of activities, dances and trips. Parents are needed to chaperone. Information on activities is listed in this calendar, in the Recreation Bulletin and on the district website: www.shorewoodschools.org. Senior Citizen Pass A pass which will allow Shorewood Senior Citizens to attend SHS home athletic events free of charge is available from the Recreation and Community Services Department. The pass is also good for SHS Drama productions (except the musical) and other district events. Call 963-6913 x4 for more information. Call 964-5545 for information. 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 20 8/20/12 8:49 AM Shorewood High School Parent Association (PA) Shorewood Intermediate School PTO Co-Presidents: Co-Presidents: Debbie Eder 332-0319 email: [email protected] Joanne Lipo Zovic 962-7388 Lindy Florsheim 807-5918 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] The SHS Parent Association, (all SHS parents are members), offers a vehicle of communication between school and families. We support many beneficial activities and communications, such as the district calendar, post-prom, and educational parent forums. In addition we provide meals from time to time for our teachers and staff in appreciation of their good work. We also host several forums to address relevant issues for high school parents. We welcome your support of our organization both through the donation of time and financially. The PA sells student directories and accepts direct contributions to fund the activities listed above. Parent Forums are scheduled at 7:00 pm in the SHS Library throughout the year. Dates will be announced as the events approach; please check SHS’s website for updates. If you are interested in assisting with Teacher Appreciation Events, School Related Programs, the Senior Dinner Dance or the Post Prom Committee, contact any of the co-presidents information or direct inquiries to the email listed above, or to: Mary Gorman [email protected] Julie Bradisse [email protected] Stephanie Snyder [email protected] Welcome The SIS PTO would like to welcome all new and returning students and their families back to school! For those who may not know, the PTO is an organization of parents and teachers of SIS. The PTO’s goal is to foster a nuturing and caring environment that strives for continued parent involvement in helping build a better educational environment for our children. Please come along and join us - we need your ideas and your energy! Stay Connected SIS sends an informational e-mail to parents every week. These communications contain information crucial to our school community. If you haven’t done so already, please provide your e-mail address to SIS by contacting Rebecca Cook at 963-6951 or via e-mail at [email protected] SHS Parent Association 1701 E. Capitol Dr. Shorewood, WI 53211 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 21 8/20/12 8:49 AM Atwater PTO 2011-2012 Atwater PTO Chairs 2012-2013 President Christin Wille Past President Melissa Nelsen Treasurer Kristin Yatso SecretaryOpen VP Programs Lannette Brockman VP Membership Lisa Kovalcik VP Ways and Means Tracy Nickolaus 967-1056 [email protected] 964-1842 [email protected] 963-6334 [email protected] 967-9844 [email protected] 967-0411 [email protected] 967-5949 [email protected] Programs ACE Coordinator Art Liason Artstravaganza Atwater Idol Back to School Picnic Career Day Dining Around the World Monster Mash Movie Night PrinciPALS Safety Turn Off TV Week Walk to School Day Winter Sing Coleen Tutton Sarah Hammond Anne Schmitt Diane Gulbronson Melissa Nelsen Coleen Tutton Shay Donelan Carol Plankenhorn Open Shay Donelan Courtney Erickson Marya Kelly Becca Simenz Pam Miller Anne Schmitt Lora Caton Shay Donelan Courtney Erickson Adrienne Widell Maryellen Shea 906-8066 640-6696 961-9280 899-5818 964-1842 906-8066 906-9811 964-4015 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 906-9811 455-6304 967-9433 332-7528 332-9981 961-9280 332-0150 906-9811 455-6304 961-9361 906-9550 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tony Vondracek Kim Mackowski Diane Gulbronson Cari Giles Celeste Stroh Kristin Yatso Becca Simenz Melissa Nelsen 839-5248 332-6144 899-5818 906-9340 967-1174 963-6334 332-7528 964-1842 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ways and Means Art Project Book Fair Box Tops Campbell’s Coffee Sales Culver’s Entertainment Books 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 22 Family Dinner Flower Sales June Fair Mr. Z’s Pictures/Yearbook Rummage Sale School Supplies Shorewood Shares Spiritwear Deidre Prosen Carmel Sweet Pam Miller Lannette Brockman Shay Donelan Christin Wille Regina Kenney Christin Wille essica Butler Melissa Nelsen Kristin Yatso 332-3385 962-8196 332-9981 967-9844 906-9811 967-1056 897-0329 967-1056 467-3072 964-1842 963-6334 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] J.D. Optekar Shannon Dardis Jackie Sprinkmann Tracy Nickolaus Tracy Miller Maria Rath Monika Roth Anna DeWeerdt Renae Aldana Christin Wille Becca Simenz Shawn Brown Kristin Yatso Courtney Erickson Carol Plankenhorn Beth Tsuchyiama Dawn Hellmann Sarah Cruikshank Holly Gamblin Sarah Hammond Anne Schmitt Maureen Scribner 967-9980 531-3924 963-6962 967-5949 332-6264 962-6603 331-4350 967-1729 967-0306 967-1056 332-7528 906-1448 963-6334 455-6304 964-4015 967-9779 303-6008 699-6864 616-1071 837-6696 961-9280 962-5989 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Membership Atwater Times Beautification Bulletin Board Directory Library Coordinator Lost & Found New Family/K4-5 Picnic Playground Equip. PTO Grants Publishing Center Room Parent Coord. Staff Appreciation Volunteer Coord. Weekly Newsletter Wishing Well 6th Grade Recognition 8/20/12 8:49 AM Lake Bluff PTO 2011-2012 2012/2013 Officers and Program Chairs Co-President Co-President Treasurer Secretary Sarah Rock Kristin Fraser Rachel Dickman Ben Kemp 431-6384 962-2275 962-6216 324-8900 687-1500 465-7573 763-5969 Ways and Means Membership Arts Committee Beautification Copy Pool Display Cases First Day Coffee Health Screening Library Aides SB Reporting School Directory Pictures Staff Appreciation Website Coordinator Yearbook Student Interest Day Kathy Papineau Screen Free Week Michelle Waite Hot Dog Day OPEN National Walk to School Rachel Javorski Amy Vuyk OPEN OPEN Sarah Keefe Sarah Rock & Kristin Fraser Kelly Tetting Joy Peot-Shields & Anjum Alden Colin Plese Colleen Patzer Carolyn Curran Amy Diliberti Sara Kaufman Tabitha Dahl 967-4849 336-5674 431-6384 962-2275 962-5467 962-7789 332-0324 906-5359 967-0762 332-1653 906-9188 719-4044 916-1015 Book Fair Box Tops Milk Lids Tyson Labels Coffee Sale Flower Sale Lake Bluff Loot Family Dinner Market Day Original Works Pizza Sale Rummage Sale School Pak Spirit Wear Innisbrook Laurie Hansen Cardona Sarah Rock Sarah Rock Sarah Rock Sarah Wang OPEN Liz Escobar Joy Peot-Shields Katie Ellis Sue Froelich & Janet Reinhoffer Sara Kaufman Cliona Draper Davida Amenta Janet Reinhoffer Kathryn Kamm 906-1817 431-6384 431-6384 431-6384 967-7345 963-1520 962-7789 332-2745 964-5779 963-9672 719-4044 906-9379 967-0152 963-9672 967-9063 Programs Bulletin Lunchroom Movie Night Night Hike PJ Read-a-long Co-chair Back to School Picnic 6th Grade Recognition Spelling Bee Sock Hop Spring Tea 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 23 Nancy Appel OPEN Vashti Lozier Jen Damm Julia Holmes OPEN Ann McKaig OPEN Sue Froelich OPEN Lisa Menon Co-chair OPEN 963-9899 431-4767 897-7147 906-9334 964-5779 403-3700 8/20/12 8:49 AM Assessor 847 2720 1-800-721-4157 Clerk/Treasurer’s Office (tax payment, voting) 847-2601 Customer Service 847-2700 Department of Public Works (garbage/recycling pick-up) 847-2650 Manager’s Office 847-2702 Planning and Development Department (Permits) 847-2640 Senior Resource Center 847-2727 Shorewood Library 847-2670 Shorewood/Whitefish Bay Health Department 847-2700 Shorewood Police Non-Emergency 847-2610 EMERGENCY: Fire - Police - Ambulance 911 Village Trustees Guy Johnson, President Ellen Eckman Don Ford Patrick Linnane Michael Maher Jeff Hanewell Thad Nation Village of Shorewood [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Shorewood Celebrates 4th of July and National Night Out Volunteers to help with these fun and positive community activities should contact Village Hall at 847-2700 Community Groups AFS Intercultural Exchange Sonja Ivanovich 962-7285 Brian Schulteis 963-6921 *Exec. Board meets first Thursday of the month in the SHS Library at 7:30pm Friends of Atwater Beachwww.friendsatwaterbeach.org Village Websites Shorewood Girls Softball Village of Shorewood - www.villageofshorewood.org Little League www.shorewoodtoday.com Shorewood Public Library - www.shorewoodlibrary.com Shorewood Business Improvement District - www.shorewoodwi.com Shorewood Historical Society - www.shorewoodhistory.org Shorewood Foundation - www.shorewoodfoundation.org The Shorewood Village Board usually meets on the first and third Monday of the month at the Village Hall. Contact the Clerk’s Office at 847- 2601 for an agenda or visit www.villageofshorewood.org Bonnie Adams [email protected] www.shorewoodlittleleague.com Shorewood Basketball Assoc. Dan Zens 964-0231 Shorewood Foundation - www.shorewoodfoundation.org Shorewood Historical Society - www.shorewoodhistory.org Shorewood Kickers Soccer - www.shorewoodsoccer.com Shorewood Men’s Club - www.shorewoodmensclub.org Shorewood Players - www.shorewoodplayers.com Shorewood Swim Club - www.shorewoodswimclub.com Shorewood Table Tennis Club - www.shorewoodtennisclub.com Shorewood Woman’s Club - Barbara Hill 2012-13 Shorewood Dist. Calendar.indd 24 964-8448 8/20/12 8:49 AM
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