Welcome Guests Thanksgiving in April Today at Conejo... Randy
Welcome Guests Thanksgiving in April Today at Conejo... Randy
VOL. XLVIII, No. 17 Welcome Guests The members of the Conejo Valley Church of Christ welcome you to our assembly. We are pleased that you are here and pray that you will encounter God as you worship with us. We invite you to join us for our various Bible classes at 9:30 a.m. During our worship services, we have a 2s/3s class and Children's Worship for ages 4 through 5th grade. Look for the dismissal time in our Order of Worship. Randy and Rhonda Lowry Guest Teaching We are very pleased to welcome Randy and Rhonda Lowry, the president and first lady of Lipscomb University in Nashville, who will be bringing the Word to us today. The Lowrys were long-time leaders and members at Conejo Church before beginning their work at Lipscomb in September of 2005. Randy’s sermon message, based on Matthew 28:1-6, is titled “Now, What’s Next?” and will explore how Jesus’ resurrection continues in the lives of His followers as life is breathed into their daily journeys. During our Bible class hour, Rhonda will be teaching our auditorium class with a message titled “Sustaining Newness on Our Journey,” from 2 Corinthians 5. Church Celebration Sunday Today is a special day of celebration to honor God’s work and your faithfulness over the past several years. The day will include lunch in the Backyard. The Habit truck will be serving burgers, fries, and sodas at noon, to complement the salads, side dishes, and desserts that we bring. We will also reveal the results of the Dunk-a-Minister fundraiser, with Andy, Jack, or Zach visiting the wet side of a dunk tank. You don’t want to miss this! Today at Conejo... 9:30 a.m. Bible classes for all ages, Rhonda Lowry teaching Adult Auditorium Class 10:45 a.m. Worship Service, Randy Lowry Guest Preaching 12:00 p.m. Church Celebration April 27, 2014 Thanksgiving in April My wife, Carrie, grew up in a home in which gratitude was strongly emphasized. As a result, she cannot not send a thank you note after she has received a gift. As a parent, Carrie has always carried the banner of gratitude in our home, carefully inculcating the values of saying “thank you” and expressing appreciation whenever appropriate. Such values certainly have roots in Scripture as a whole and in our Christian faith in particular. God’s people, the Israelites, were repeatedly instructed to remember what the Lord had done for them in bringing them out of slavery in Egypt. The Psalmist summoned God’s people, “Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples.” Prophets like Hosea reprimanded Israel for forgetting her Maker and Redeemer by lapsing into idolatry and mistreating the vulnerable. In the New Testament, the Good News of what God has done and is doing through Jesus Christ repeatedly evokes gratitude and thanksgiving. The birth of Jesus was accompanied by a song of praise: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace...” In his teaching, Jesus connected gratitude with generosity, saying, “Freely you have received; freely give.” “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” Paul writes in one remarkable outburst of appreciation. This brief survey provides ample grounds for what we are seeking to do today as a congregation of God’s people. As we look back over the years in the life of our church family, we can see God’s providence and gracious hand. Though we would never claim that our deeds have somehow “earned” us what God has so bountifully provided, we always want to practice gratitude, express appreciation, and be thankful to God for his work within us, among us, and despite us. Today is about returning thanks to God, completing the loop that begins with divine grace and ends with human praise. Today, we gratefully celebrate how—during the long recession that began in 2008—God provided sufficiently for the needs of individuals and families at Conejo through your generous sharing of your resources on at least three different occasions. Today, we gratefully celebrate how from 2011-2013, God provided for many much-needed improvements on our facility through your generous giving during our annual special offerings. Today, we gratefully celebrate God’s blessing and protection as we’ve sent multiple short-term mission teams to work with the City of Children in Ensenada, Mexico, Amor ministries in Rosarito, Mexico, Made in the Streets ministry in Nairobi, Kenya, and the ministries of the Metropolitan Church in Panama City, Panama. Today, we gratefully celebrate God’s increase in the work of various church planting efforts we support, including those of our number who went Conejo Clipboard in 2011 to work for the renewal of the Camarillo Church of Christ. Today, we celebrate the ways God continues to lead us into our next phase of ministry, service, and outreach. In all these things, may God be praised, through Christ our Lord! Love in Christ, Raul and Betty Alvarado Guest Teaching Next Sunday, May 4, we are pleased to have with us Raul and Betty Alvarado, the missionaries we support in Panama. Raul will be preaching for us at both services, and Betty will be teaching our adult auditorium class along with Raul. The Alvarados lead the dynamic ministry of the Metropolitan Church of Christ in Panama City, a ministry that blesses and strengthens dozens of churches through the country of We Are Praying For... Pregnant Moms: Hannah Parmelee (June), Dorothy Andreas (August). Praises: Odalis Rivera (friend of Rosie Patenaude) – breast cancer. Betty Demuth (Kathy Cocke's sister) – breast cancer, also cancer in hip and spine. Robin Zolares (friend of Karla Chismar) – cancer. Steve Hewgley – battling cancer. Carol McNutt's results from PET scan came back negative for cancer. The baptisms of Gabrielle Antonio and Miranda Brawner on 4/18. The birth of Lyzette Victoria Daringer daughter of Phil and Staci, and little sister of Wyatt and Raquel, on 4/2. Devote yourself The safe delivery of Cruz Vicente Castillo, son of Pedro and to prayer, being Shelly, and little brother of Maya, on 3/31. The engagement of Josh Horton and Cassie Thomas. watchful and New Members: Bert, Sarah, Adria, Kyla, and Jayden Ballard; thankful. JB Bre. Colossians 4:2 Those Grieving: The family and friends of Patty Gilmore (friend of Sheryl Sanders) – following Patty's death from ovarian cancer. The family of Joy Rhoades – following the death of her mother, Flo Willett. The family of Kathy Cocke – following the death of her mother, Katherine Burgner. The family of Pam Isaac – following the death of her mother, Odessa Castle. The family of Samantha Dencer – following the death of her 19-year-old niece, Jenifer Benga, in a car accident. The family of Gary Scott – following the death of his brother, Greg Scott. The family of Daphne Green – following the death of her father, Harold Nutter. Those Fighting Cancer: Mona Edwards (sister of Char Hurley) – diagnosed with breast cancer. Sandy Dawson (Mother of former member Tara Morrow) – stage 3 reproductive cancer; recovery from surgery, chemotherapy to follow. Carol McNutt – completed chemotherapy for uterine cancer; treatment for neuropathy. Mary Bell (Alexis Lasiter's mother) – rare form of lymphoma; completed chemo treatments and considered to be in remission. Dana Sheehan (friend of Lisa Scott) – completed chemo for breast cancer. Shawna Hawn (Daphne Green's sister) – completed chemo for breast cancer; prayer for her strength to return and that she is able to handle her depression. Marlene Michaels (friend of Lisa Scott) – in treatment for Adenocarcinoma (non-smoker's lung cancer); metastasized to the brain. Connie Roberts (friend of Penny White) – recovering from recent surgery; continuing chemotherapy. James Hawn (Daphne Green's brother-in-law) – lung cancer. Susie Baston (Cindy Randolph's cousin) – cancer in spine. Various Concerns: Julie Waters -- recovery from outpatient surgery on 4/21 to remove a stone in each kidney. Caye Randolph (Susie Lindley’s and Loyd Randolph’s sister-in-law) – has returned home; continues to receive antibiotics daily to combat infection. John Mattheis (Donna Mattheis' nephew) – stress issues. Eric Sanders (Ed Sanders' brother) – recovery from stroke. Sharon Gatchell (Sheryl Sanders' mother) – bedridden with severe lumbar spinal stenosis; facing major back surgery. Lowell Tate (Christy Guilbault's grandfather) – recovery from stroke. Betty Brown – recovery from fractured hip. JB Bre – healing for shattered right wrist. Victor Ngatia (6-year-old Kenyan) – recovery from surgery. Karla Chismar – job situation. Bert Ballard – dealing with inner ear issues, vertigo, and dizziness. Hadley Strecker (Heather Phillips' ten-year-old niece) – recovery from spinal surgery. Nancy McChessney (Daphne Green's neighbor) – battling MRSA infection in her spine. Edith Schwartz (Miriam Gunderson's sister) – Parkinson's Disease; prayers that the doctors can adjust medications for maximum benefit. Those in the Armed Forces: Ricky Nutter (Daphne Green's nephew) – deployed to Afghanistan with the Army; Josh Budde – stationed in Virginia with the Navy; Ricky Vasquez (Rosie Patenaude's son) – stationed in Japan with the Marines; Nathan Reeves (Janie Condley's grandson) – stationed in Texas with the Army; Derek Willis (Tim Willis's nephew) – stationed in Pennsylvania with the Army; Michael Warford – stationed in San Diego with the Navy; J.D. Burnham (son of Jan Williamson/nephew of the Scotts) – stationed in Northern California with the Navy. Missionaries/Mission Efforts: FriendSpeak Ministry at CVCC for the Thousand Oaks community. Julie Broyles – WEI in Cambodia. Raul & Betty Alvarado – mission efforts in Panama. Charles & Darlene Coulston – Made in the Streets Ministry in Kenya. Scott & Kim Lambert and Kairos – church-planting ministry. Tom Bonner (Tami Williamson's father) – mission work in Albania. David & Danna Willis (brother of Tim Willis) – mission work in Samoa. Conejo Clipboard Panama. Both last summer and this summer we have been blessed to get to send short-term mission teams to share in ministry with the Alvarados in Panama. And the Angels Rejoiced! On Friday, April 18, Gabrielle Antonio and Miranda Brawner were baptized into Christ. Gabrielle was baptized by her uncle, Steve Kliest; Miranda was baptized by her dad, Greg Brawner. We rejoice with you and your families. May God honor your decision to surrender your life to Christ and sustain and strengthen each of you so that your life of faith will be a source of great joy and blessing to others. Pepperdine Bible Lectures Mobile App There are only two days until the 71st Annual Pepperdine Bible Lectures begin on Tuesday afternoon, April 29. Download our mobile app to keep track of schedule changes, take notes in the sessions, track your favorite speakers, and link to the live streaming lectures in the Fieldhouse! This year promises to be one of encouragement and inspiration! Visit www.pepperdine. edu/biblelectures for more information. King’s Kamp 2014 – Secrets of the Kingdom With summer soon upon us, it’s time again to think about Bible camps. King’s Kamp provides an opportunity for kids to learn more about God, His Son, His Word, and His creation in an enjoyable atmosphere of Bible camp. The dates for Kamp are August 3-9. Boys and girls entering 4th through 8th grades in the fall of 2014 may attend. The cost is $299 by June 1 postmark, $325 by July 10 postmark, or $350 after July 10. Kamp is limited to the first 120 campers to register. There are brochures and registration forms available on the information table. Women's Ministry BABY SHOWER! Short-Term Mission Opportunity Julie Broyles, our missionary in Cambodia, recently sent a request for volunteers. The need is for a group of 4 to fly to Cambodia around Monday, June 23, and begin teaching Wednesday, June 25 for 4-weeks, leaving around July 23. Retirees as well as college students often volunteer. See Char Hurley for more information. Women of CVCC are invited to an Alice in Wonderland inspired tea party in honor of Hannah Parmelee & her baby girl-to-be on Saturday, May 17, at 11:00 a.m. at the home of Loretta Katch. Attendees are kindly encouraged to wear a lovely or whimsical hat (are you becoming curiouser & curiouser?). RSVP to Scarlett Lani at [email protected]. Youth News Dunk-a-Minister The winner if this year’s Dunk-A-Minister Fundraiser is… Zach Lunde! Please join us after the service for a church lunch. At 12:30, Zach will get dunked! After he is dunked, the dunk tank will be open for anyone who wants to cool off. It is only $2 for a dunking! No YOUTH NITE this Week We will not meet at the church building on Wednesday night this week. Instead come join us over at Pepperdine for the evening session at the Bible Lectures! Pepperdine View – Just for Teens Each year, the Pepperdine Bible Lectures includes Pepperdine View, a daily afternoon program for teens. Coordinators Christian and Kathrine Pimentel of Cedar Park, Texas, have arranged for a service project on Thursday and a trip to the beach on Friday. Visit www.pepperdine.edu/ biblelectures for more information. High School Guys, Guns, and Guts Retreat This Saturday and Sunday, May 3-4, our high school guys will head out to the desert for some “man-time” activities. We will shoot guns, sit around a bonfire, and sleep under the stars! This is a great time for our guys to grow closer together and share in some fun activities! Please contact Zach or Jack if you are planning on attending. Summer Mission Get Your Passport Our High School Summer Mission this year will be the week of June 29 to July 4. Please mark that date and make plans to join us. We will be giving a lot more information over the next couple of months, but wanted to let you know the date right away. One important thing to note: everyone who goes to Mexico this year must have a passport. Please start the process to get one soon if you plan to go and do not have one currently. If you do have a passport, please check the expiration date to be sure you can get a renewal, if necessary, before June 29, 2014. Mark Your Calendars: May 3-4 May 16-18 June 29-July 4 July 20-26 August 2-9 HS Guys, Guns, and Guts Retreat Springfest in Bakersfield, CA High School Amor Mission Trip Teen Camp King’s Kamp Children's Ministry Upcoming Events May 3 - 4.................HS Guys, Guns, and Guts Retreat May 4....................Raul Alvarado Guest Preaching Thank you to all of you who were able to come For May 11......................Infant Dedication out and help yesterday at our church work day! It Sunday, was great to work together on some spring cleanMay 17....................Baby Shower for Hannah Parmelee April 20, 2014 ing, painting and maintenance work. Thank Attendance at May 16-18....................Springfest in Bakersfield, CA you for your time and dedication to Conejo! 8:00 a.m. assembly: 98 Work Day, Thank you! 10:45 a.m. assembly: 270 This Week at Conejo Total attendance: 368 We have a Bible class at 9:30 for those chilMONDAY, April 28 Contribution: $7,687.75 dren who are outgrowing the nursery but are 7:00 p.m. Men's Group at the home of Mike Rivas 2014 Weekly Average: not ready for the 2s/3s class. Our dedicated TUESDAY, April 29 Toddler Class teachers are $10,807.59 Susan Pratt and Pam Isaac. Pepperdine Bible Lectures Weekly Budget: These ladies are both experiWEDNESDAY, April 30 $10,000 9:30 Toddler Class enced grandmothers (having 15 grandchildren between the two of them) and have taught this class together for many years. Come and visit or talk with Susan or Pam if you feel your child might be ready for this class. It's Rattlesnake Season! As the weather warms up, the snakes come out! Please do not allow children to play in the flowerbeds in the front or at the back of the building. The playground must be checked before children are allowed outside. Thank you! Pepperdine Bible Lectures THURSDAY, May 1 Pepperdine Bible Lectures FRIDAY, May 2 Pepperdine Bible Lectures SATURDAY, May 3-SUNDAY, May 4 High School Guys, Guns, and Guts Desert Retreat Making Waves – Children’s Program Pepperdine welcomes families with children of all ages to the Bible Lectures, April 29-May 2, 2014. Making Waves, a VBSstyle children’s program for ages 6 months through 11 yearsold, is offered during the afternoon and evening sessions. It includes Bible stories, worship, Scripture memorization, crafts, and games. Visit www.pepperdine.edu/biblelectures for more information. VBS Planning Easter Verse Recitation Matthew 28:5-6 It’s time to start planning for this summer’s VBS. If there is a particular area in which you’d like to work, please speak with Leslie Stephens, and she will hold that spot for you. VBS is June 24-27, 9:0012:00. Thank you! Church Office 141 Duesenberg Drive #11, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 • 2525 E. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Fax: (805) 371-1384 • Website: www.conejochurch.org Elders Rick Marrs Michael Murrie Tim Pownall Mike Rivas Chris Stivers Stu Warford Tim Willis [email protected] Rene Heard/Tina Scruggs Office Managers (805) 371-1381 office [email protected] Zach Lunde Youth Minister (805) 300-0818 cell [email protected] Leslie Stephens Children's Minister (818) 645-5675 cell [email protected] Andy Wall Minister (805) 331-0187 cell [email protected] Jack Williamson Youth and Family Minister (805) 331-0183 cell [email protected]
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