feb 14 2016 complete - Saint Mary of Mount Carmel
feb 14 2016 complete - Saint Mary of Mount Carmel
© 2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC, © silver-john - Fotolia St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish Hammonton, New Jersey ST. MARY OF MT. CARMEL 23ST. MARY OF M SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (SPANISH): SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents should be Spanish Baptisms are held the First and Third registered and participating members of the Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. Please parish. Please contact the Rectory during the contact the Parish Office 704-5945 on Tuesdays sixth month of pregnancy to schedule for the to schedule. Preparación para el bautismo cada parent preparation program held the first 1er miércoles mensualmente después de la misa Wednesday of each month in the St. Patrick's de las 7 PM. Room at 7 PM. Baptisms are scheduled the Second and Fourth Sundays of each month at SACRAMENT OF ANNOINTING: (Care of Infirm 1:15 PM. and Elderly): The Rectory may be called at any time for the Sacrament of the Sick. (609-704SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 5945) Saturdays 3:15 PM—4:00 PM at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, before or after daily Mass, or any time R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): upon request. Parish Family Penance Service: For information about RCIA, please contact the Scheduled Advent and Lent. Rectory. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Diocesan regulations require that arrangements be made one year in advance with the officiating Priest. Those desiring to receive this Sacrament must be registered for at least six months and be participating members of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish. As you contemplate marriage, contact the Rectory. SOCIAL CONCERNS / ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY: Food distribution every Thursday 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM and in the evening from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in St. Lucy Hall (Convent Basement, French St.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ADORATION—FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH FOLLOWING THE 8:00 AM MASS UNTIL 4:00 PM BENEDICTION. SIGN UP SHEETS IN VESTIBULE OF CHURCH. PARISH REGISTRATION St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish Welcomes All (You can register online. Website address on cover of bulletin) No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish. ----------------------------------------------------------Parish Registration (Please drop in collection basket) Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ City: _____________________ Zip ______ Phone: Home: ______________________ Daytime: ___________________________ ( ) New Parishioner 1 ( ) Address Change Readings for the Week First Sunday of Lent Sunday Dt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 Monday Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Friday Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 SAT 02/13 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 4:15 pm (SJ) Req by 5:15 pm (SA) Req by Req by Req by Req by Mary Berenato Jim & Jodi Day Gertrude Presti Joanna & Bob Conn Allen J. Littlefield Atlantic Care –After 3 Program – Teachers Catherine Scaffidi Sue & Tom Henshaw Julie Rodio John Mento Family & SJHS Ice Hockey Eleanor Unagnast June Ambrose SUN 2/14 7:30 am (SA) Matilda Caruso Req by Joe 8:30 am (SJ) Santi Salvo Req by Daughter Rosemarie 10:15 am (SJ) Bobby Perri, Jr. Req by Cassidy & Connor Micklasavage Family Req by Family Jennie & Albert Lippi Req by Son Bob Rita Tropiano Req by Michael Barrientos 11:45 am (SJ) Andrea Chen Req by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Melendez 6:00 pm (SA) Carmen & Carmella Merlino Req by Anthony & Edith Merlino MON 02/15 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Req by Howard Heathcote Anne Liberto George Tidwell Sr Erma Julie Rodio Nancy & Kevin Sherwood Carol Card John Harold & Doreen Vitalo TUES 02/16 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Geraldine Monestero Parish Staff Angella Stellattoe Family Guiseppa Munno Req by 2 WED 02/17 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by 7:00 pm (SJ) Connie Polistina Ron Pagano Cheryl Perone Noto Famly Perpetual Mass Remembrance THURS 02/18 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Jack Greco Lillian Renzi & Ann Lewellen Cheryl Perone Nick FRI 02/19 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Anna-Warren Sooy & Rita Cuci Betty Ann & Chic Warren & Marie Noto Family SAT 02/20 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 4:15 pm (SJ) Req by 5:15pm (SA) Req by Req by Req by Req by Julie Rodio Lee Ann Rohs Lillian Tassone Mary Ann Restuccio Anne DeLuca Family Katie & Ben Melora Rita & Anthony Scaffidi Jo Anastasia & Mildred Benedetto Anthony & Rita Scaffidi Mary Berenato Altar & Rosary Society Sun 02/21 7:30 am (SA) Anna Turco Req by Donna & Debbie 8:30 am (SJ) Joseph Cappuccio Req by Greg & Georgeann Schenker 10:15 am (SJ) Mary & John Jacobs & Boyd Rector Req by Pauline Rector Michelle Samanic Req by Carl & Dottie Mortellite Nick Milazzo Sr Req by Family Rita Ranera Req by Family 11:45 am (SJ) Epifanio Torres Req by Carmen 6:00 pm (SA) Perpetual Mass Remembrance FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT – FEBRUARY 14, 2016 Estimados amigos: Dear Friends: Paul writes in his Letter to the Romans that if one confesses with one’s lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in one’s heart that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead, then that person will be saved. Paul is acknowledging that salvation is God’s free gift to all of humanity; and if we embrace this gift, we embrace our Lord Jesus Christ and all that He stands for. This faith which will save us is not about wandering about aimlessly, but is our conscious rootedness in the Father’s saving love, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, in the Holy Spirit who has come to dwell within us. Our baptism welcomes us to enter into the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, our Holy Father Francis invites us to enter into more fully, to embrace, our Lord’s merciful love. The cross is a symbol of God’s mercy as it was the vehicle by which Jesus gave life to the world. We might call the cross a “Mercy Tree,” as the cross is often referred to in the Scriptures as a tree; and sacred writings and music refer to the cross as the “Tree of Life.” During this season of Lent we are placing two such Mercy Trees in each of our churches. On small white discs, resembling hosts, you are to write what kind of mercy that you are most desirous of either receiving or offering. Once finished, you are to place it in the second basket provided and we will adhere it to the cross. By the end of the Lenten season, this cross should be covered with white discs bearing our desires for the Lord’s mercy and healing. With peace and joy! Fr. Tom Fr. Tom’s telephone number at St. Anthony is 561-3313. Please call before 9 PM unless an emergency HUNGERING FOR OPPORTUNITY Our journey with CRS Rice Bowl begins in Colombia, where coffee beans are changing lives! What actions can we take this Lent to change lives – at home and around the world? Visit crsricebowl.org for more. 3 Pablo escribe en su carta a los romanos que si uno confiesa con una labios que Jesús es Señor y crees en el corazón que Jesús murieron en la Cruz y resucitó de los muertos, entonces esa persona se guardará. Pablo reconoce que la salvación es Don gratuito de Dios a toda la humanidad; y si adoptamos este regalo, abrazamos a nuestro Señor Jesucristo y todo lo que él representa. Esa fe que nos salva no es vagar sin rumbo, pero es nuestro arraigo consciente en el padre ahorro amor, a través de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús en el Espíritu Santo que ha venido a morar dentro de nosotros. Nuestro bautismo nos da la bienvenida para entrar en la muerte y resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Durante este año jubilar de la misericordia, nuestro Santo Padre Franciso nos invita a entrar en más plenamente, para abrazar, el amor misericordioso de nuestro Señor. La Cruz es un símbolo de la misericordia de Dios como lo fue el vehículo por el cual Jesús dieron la vida al mundo. Que podríamos llamar la Cruz un "árbol de la misericordia," como la Cruz se refiere a menudo en las escrituras como un árbol; y música y escritos sagrados se refieren a la Cruz como "Árbol de la vida." Durante este tiempo de Cuaresma estamos colocando dos tales árboles de misericordia en cada una de nuestras iglesias. En pequeños discos blanco, asemejándose a los ejércitos, son escribir qué tipo de misericordia que usted está más deseosos de ofrecer o recibir. Una vez terminado, tienes que colocar en el segundo siempre y se adhiere a la Cruz. Al final de la Cuaresma, este cruce debe cubrirse con discos blanco teniendo nuestros deseos para el Señor misericordia y sanación. ¡Con paz y alegría! Padre Tom Fr. Tom can be reached at 561-3313. Please do not call after 9 PM unless an emergency. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Pam Angello, Stanley Burge, Matt Campione, Anna Capelli, Anthony Crescenzo, Jr., Luz Crespo, Annie Arena DiGerolamo, Thomas Eames, Frank Giglio, Sal Giorno, Rudy Giorno, Nancy Goodman, John Grasso, Ed Grimn, Keith Harrington, Howard, Taylor Hyndman, Charles Kaston, Bill Lamb, Matthew McCloskey, Kristin Miller-Ruttler, Frank Monopoli, Sara Muff, Joseph Olive, Thomas Pajic, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Joseph Salvatore, Aurelio Sassano, Debra Scannapieco, Deacon Ismael Tavarez, Jenoveba Tavarez, Cassandra Thompson, Robert Thompson, Luke Trachy, Liz Wisniewski. Please call the Rectory to add a name to our Prayer List and please let Father Tom know if any parishioners are in the hospital. After three months, the names will be removed unless you inform us otherwise. SANCTUARY CANDLE Week February 14, 2016 St. Joseph Church In memory of: Biddy Berenato Req by: Kay St. Anthony Church In memory of: Gerrie Monestero Req by: Dottie & Nancy Chapel of St. Martin dePorres Sanctuary Light In Memory of: People of the Parish PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH Leona Collins, Anthony J. DeMarco, Armando Giorno PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY: Joseph Abruzzese Eric Richison Bobb Hughes Ronald Keller Dominic DeStefano Justin Rubinski Stephen J. Kubanovich, III Timothy Haines ACTIVE MILITARY If anyone knows of someone presently serving in the military, please submit their names to the Parish Office 704-5945 to be prayed for in the bulletin. FaithFULL FOOD DRIVE 2016 As part of the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis has called upon all of us to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The first corporal work of mercy is to Feed the Hungry. At this time of the year, many food pantries find themselves with empty shelves while the requests for food are still great. In response, the Diocese of Camden is organizing its third annual faithFULL Food Drive. On Sunday, March 6, every parish and school in the diocese will be asked to bring food donations, which can be dropped off at church. Any food collected will remain at our St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. STEWARDSHIP Collection – February 6-7, 2016 ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL Hammonton NJ Now accepting applications. Tuition assistance and busing available. Be a Champion. Be a Wildcat. Join our family and call today. 609-561-8700, X 121. Or email: [email protected]. 4 1st Collection 2nd collection (debt) e-giving $14,390.00 2,592.00 1,100.00 2/10/2016 Church in Europe 2/14/2016 Special Needs/Heating 2/21/2016 Special Needs/Youth Group Please make checks payable to St. Mary of Mt. Carmel. All checks for St. Vincent de Paul should be payable to SVDP. Thank you for your generosity! KNIGHTS CORNER LITURGY AND MUSIC NEWS Here are more opportunities to pray together: Monday, February 22nd; Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle. We need you: Ushers are an important part of the Ministry of Hospitality. They greet us when we enter church, keep us safe during Mass and assist us during the liturgy. There is a need for ushers especially at the 10:15 Mass. Please, if you have a calling and want to be of service, please speak to any usher after the 10:15 Mass or call the Parish Center at 704-5945. There is an empty chair waiting for you. Did you notice an empty chair where the Parish Choir sits? That's because we are saving that spot for you! Come and visit us at our rehearsal on Thursdays at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph Church or Lisa Neglia at [email protected]. In this Year of Mercy we reflect on the Corporal Works of Mercy. One of the them is visit the sick. How can we help them? Spend time volunteering at a nursing home – Get creative and make use of your talents (e.g. sing, read, paint, call Bingo, etc.)! Take time on a Saturday to stop and visit with an elderly neighbor. Offer to assist caregivers of chronically sick family members on a one-time or periodic basis. Give caregivers time off from their care giving responsibilities so they can rest, complete personal chores, or enjoy a relaxing break. Next time you make a meal that can be easily frozen, make a double batch and give it to a family in your parish who has a sick loved one. PARISH OFFICE HOURS The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 15th for President’s Day. 5 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. VINCENT PALLOTTTI COUNCIL # 3471 MEET the 2nd & 4th TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH 7:30 PM AT RODIO HALL, PRATT STREET, HAMMONTON Worthy Chaplain - Father Neal F. Dante Grand Knight - Steven Cappuccio Deputy Grand Knight - Carl Whisler KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Padre Pio Council #14191 is a fraternal organization which helps support the church and community. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at St. Martin’s Church. If interested in becoming a member, contact Anthony Melora at 609-517-8872. Hope to hear from you soon. ALTAR AND ROSARY The Altar Rosary Society will hold Induction of new members on Tuesday 2/23/16. A mass will be held at 6:30 pm in St. Joseph's Church. Inductions will follow the mass. Recitation of the Rosary followed by our regular meeting in the St. Joseph's room ATTENTION - PALM WEAVING will be starting Monday February 29th from 1-7pm at St. Anthony’s Hall. All welcome, just bring your scissor and stapler and join us. For additional information or to place an order please call Carol Effinger 561-6633 or Pat Criscillo 567-2154. Park in rear of Church and enter through Parish Hall door. PRE-CANA WILL BE HELD at St. Anthony of Padua Hall on Saturday April 2nd, April 9th April 30th from 12-4pm. Both parties must attend. Go online to register: www.beginningtoliveinlove.org Attention all 6th - 9th Graders! MMC Youth! Text: @mmcyouth To 810-10 & receive free text reminders of all of our upcoming activities & events! We encourage all students & parents to sign up! Donations Needed! Please help our Youth Ministry by donating any great youth games such as Jenga, Apples to Apples (adult version-we have the jr.) Taboo Jr, Uno, these games could be new or used. Any donations are greatly appreciated and welcomed! Thank you! ST. JOSEPH ELEMENTARY EVENTS Awesome 80’s Party, March 12, 2016, St. Joseph Regional Elementary School Gym, featuring 80’s Cover Band, Eleven Eleven Doors open 6:30 p.m., $40 per adult ticket (must be 21+), Ticket includes dinner, soft drinks, beer Raffles, 50/50 and Prize for the Best 80’s Look Tickets: [email protected] or www.stjosephprek8.org DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS If this year, 2016, (01/01/16 through 12/31/16) you are celebrating a milestone Wedding Anniversary of 25, 50, 60 or 70 years or more, please join us in celebrating Mass with Bishop Dennis Sullivan on Sunday June 19, 2016 at 3:30 pm (a light reception will follow in the parish hall). St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, St. Bernadette Church, 1421 New Rd., Northfield, NJ. Registration forms are available at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish Office. Deadline is May 27, 2016. TAX LETTER FROM ST. VINCENT DEPAUL Anyone needing a tax donation letter from the St. Vincent dePaul Society should call their hotline number (704-7285). Leave your name, address and phone number and it will be sent to you. DO NOT CALL THE PARISH CENTER WEIGHT WATCHERS IS HELD EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 9 AM AT ST. ANTHONY HALL ON RT 206 6 DID YOU KNOW…… that for the first time in the House of Charity Bishop Annual Appeal’s history, a percentage of the monies raised will go to our Catholic schools. You can designate your contribution to the House of Charity to the Inter-Parochial Catholic School Fund (ICSF) by indicating ICSF in the memo portion of your check. All checks should be made payable to the House of Charity. For more information on the Bishop’s Commission on Catholic Schools, “Forming Minds and Hearts in Grace”, please visit the diocesan website at www.camdendiocese.org. Our Parish goal for House of Charity this year is $133,873.87. To date, we have raised $19,032.50! Called to Mercy We are Called to Mercy to serve in Charity. We are called to become instruments of God’s Mercy to those in need. We pray for inspiration to cheerfully serve with trust and faith in Him. With the strength of God and the gift of the Spirit, we pray our work will serve the spiritual and physical needs of many of our neighbors. May the work we engage in for our House of Charity enable the love of God to grow in abundance. Together, we are Called to Mercy. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY TRAINING and Certification will be offered on Tuesdays, March 29, April 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2016 from 7-9:30 pm at St. Joseph the Worker Parish chapel, 901 Hopkins Rd., Haddon Township, NJ (856-858-1313). Call [email protected] (856-5832904 There will be a Bereavement Counseling Session on Wednesday February 17th at 7 PM held at St. Anthony Church in the Meeting Room. Please use the back entrance of the church. All parishioners who have lost a loved one are welcome to attend! Any questions please call Deb at 704-5601 or Bill at 576-6221 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL Beat the Rush! On Thursday, February 18th, 2016, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Saint Joseph High School will hold an Early Registration Open House. Other Registration Dates are: Friday, February 19th ; Saturday, February 20 and Monday, February 22, 9:00am-12:00pm. Please call, 609-561-8700, X121 to make an appointment if you cannot attend any of the scheduled registration dates. Save the date!! 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Spring Open House, Thursday, March 10th, 6:30pm-8:30pm at Saint Joseph High School. 8 9 LEGION VAPOR NEWS FLASH! Foremost Insurance is now writing auto insurance in NJ!!! Call me ASAP for a quote comparison! 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