June, 2014 - Northminster Presbyterian Church
June, 2014 - Northminster Presbyterian Church
The Vine & the Branches June, 2014 VOLUME 58, ISSUE 6 Northminster Presbyterian Church Staff Pastors Dr. Andrew Ross, Pastor Worship Services; Seniors Ministries Rev. John Cheek Associate Pastor Ministry Staff Music Kate Kelly Dr. Stardust “Dusty” Johnson Business Manager, ext. 236 Director of Music Ministries Stephanie Ravicchio Worship Arts Intern Organist; Assistant Director of Music Ministries; Men’s Choir Director Wendy Van Epps Julia Hollis Office Secretary, ext. 249 Director, Contemporary Music Sally Wiger Gloria Day Ministries Coordinator, ext. 247 Director, Choraliers Chris Yamanaka Arlene Sturm Director of Media Ministries and Information Technology, ext. 240 Director, Bell Choirs Sheila Yamanaka Building and Facilities Team Dr. John Brobeck Communications/Outreach Coordinator & Pastoral Assistant, ext. 222 Congregational Care & Visitation; Deacons Patti Gabrys Rev. Mary Beth McSwain Associate Pastor Publications Editor, ext. 229 Worship Arts Dr. Pete Seiferth Associate Pastor Children and Youth Small Groups; Young Adults (25-40); Spiritual Formation & Family Ministries; Joining the Church. Director, Children’s Ministries, ext. 223 Frank Crandall Building/Facilities Management Jonathan Bellah Ezekiel Rurambira Marty Wiger Church Office Hours Kathy Mallgren Monday Monday--Thursday: 8:00am 8:00am--4:00pm, Friday: 8:00am 8:00am--3:00pm Andee Coppel Assistant Director, Children’s Ministries, ext. 223 Rev. Ken Skodiak Associate Pastor Sue Brobeck Director, Nursery Youth Ministries (grades 6-12); Men’s Ministries; College/Career; Mission Outreach 2450 East Fort Lowell Road Tucson, AZ 85719 ■ 520-327-7121 ■ www.npctucson.org email: [email protected] Kaylee Ross Youth Ministries Assistant, ext. 248 Dr. Richard Rowley Pastor Emeritus Northminster Christian School Staff Mary Krongaard, Director, ext. 227 Hannah Moen Lori Storey - Mary Bitar Assistant Teacher, Three & Four YearOlds Assistant Teacher, Two Year Olds Assistant Teacher, Second/Third Grade Lauren Rajchel – Ruthy Tellez - Rachel Brinker - Lead Teacher, Two Year-Olds Lead Teacher, Four & Five-Year-Olds Lead Teacher, Kindergarten Michele Ross - Amy Burton Lead Teacher, Three & Four Year-Olds Eva McClaughry - Anna Johnson - Office Assistant/ Assistant Teacher, Four & Five Year-Olds Curriculum Specialist Elsa Sanchez - Assistant Teacher, Second/Third Grade Assistant Teacher, Kindergarten In this issue: Pastor’s Notes 3 Family Ministry Team 11 Northminster News 4-5 Northminster Christian School 12-13 Welcome New Members 6-7 Children’s Ministry Congratulations to our Graduates 8-9 Music Ministry 10 The Vine & The Branches Northminster News 20-21 Prayer Corner 22 14-15 Prayers for Military 23 Youth Ministry 16-17 Celebrations and Prayers 24 Women’s Ministry 18-19 June Birthdays 25 June, 2014 Schedule of Events & Calendar for June June Scripture & Sermons 26-27 28 2 Pastor’s Notes Why This Summer Is CriƟcally Important to Your Child Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruc on of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 Dear friends: This verse was important to me in my efforts to raise my kids and be a good Dad. Don’t be shocked by this, but there were many moments when I enjoyed teasing my children … or deba ng with my children … or challenging my children … or (you can fill in the rest of less than so or nurturing behaviors here?) … There were mes I would mumble to myself “What isn’t easy for them makes them strong.” Yeah, maybe … So my wife, Michele, made me memorize this verse. The goal of Father’s Day, and really Father’s Life is not exaspera on, but bringing our children UP … not down! So allow me, please, to share with you why this Summer is cri cally important for how you and I can raise up our children and teens. A major study of young people aged 13 to 17 found that today, more than ever, our kids are very much growing up like we are, only just a genera on ahead of us. While much is wri en about genera onal differences, teenagers today are closer to adults in their a tudes and values than was true twenty years ago. The authors of the study have commented: “Religious communi es must stop thinking about teenagers as aliens or others” (C. Smith & M. L. Denton, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers, Oxford University Press, 2005). Here are five findings of Smith and Denton’s research that speaks good news for churches like Northminster as we pray The Vine & The Branches and seek to be a church that raises up children in Christ: Church makes a difference! For young people who par cipated in the broad life of a congrega on, the study found they generally had be er performance in school, were more willing to volunteer in the community, suffered less from substance abuse and were stronger in their selfpercep on. Much of what you will read about in this issue of The Vine & Branches is about how we are inves ng in our children and teenagers. And that makes a world of difference! Parents make a difference! The research showed that parents are s ll the single most important influence on their children’s lives. Our Family Ministry Team is working hard to think of ways we can support you moms, dads and grandparents in skills that relate to teaching the Bible and founda ons of the Chris an faith to our kids. We need to work together as a congrega on to grow in our faith as we hope to develop our children. Quan ty and variety make a difference. The research points out that more is be er. The more ac vi es and opportuni es a church offers its children and youth the more likely it is that lives will be changed by these experiences. Now let’s not misunderstand — some mes too much can be too much! But broadly speaking, this means to me that what we are doing throughout the Summer … and throughout the year ma ers in how our children are growing up in Christ! Children’s and youth ministries, with a variety of experiences, classes, mission opportuni es and mentoring rela onships — must be a high priority for us! Caring adults make a difference. I’ve told some of you about Ralph, who was a 60-something youth worker in my own youth group when I was in June, 2014 high school. He was a quiet, introverted aerospace engineer who came to youth group, helped with youth trips, and was just always there. I remember him to this day as a wonderful example to me that being a Chris an is something that changes you throughout your whole life … Kids and teens are impacted by caring adults who are there for them, who are not their parents — they’re just there because they care! Faith makes a difference. Many young people today (as with many adults) believe in what has been called “moralis c therapeu c deism” – which simply means there is an overall belief in God, and that this faith is somehow good for you and basic morality. A concern among experts is that this kind of vague faith is replacing a biblical, well-ar culated faith that is unique to our Chris an tradi on. I share this with you to emphasize how important it is that folks like Pastor Ken, Kathy Mallgren, Kaylee Ross, Andee Coppell and each of our wonderful children and youth leaders are guiding and teaching with a biblical faith that is grounded and orthodox. Now let me back up. Summer, I think, should be a me to rest … to restore … and to have great and stretching experiences. But Summer is never really me OFF! It’s me ON to have some great opportuni es to talk, to pray, and to grow together in Christ. I invite you to join with me in praying for our Vaca on Bible School this month. Pray with me for our Family Ministry Team. Pray with me for our youth groups and children’s classes. Pray that more and more we are exactly that church that is bringing them up in the training and instruc on of the Lord! In Christ’s love, Andy Ross, Pastor 3 Northminster News NEWCOMERS RECEPTION! Sunday, June 1 12:15 12:15--1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone’s welcome! Come have a light lunch with us and learn more about the Northminster family. It’s free and no reservations are required. WEAR RED TO WORSHIP ON PENTECOST! SUNDAY, JUNE 8 We celebrate the birthday of the church, as well as the gi of the Spirit given at Pentecost. We encourage you to wear red to symbolize the fire of God’s Spirit. If you would like to be a part of this amazing ministry, or if you are in need of transportation to attend worship services at Northminster, please call the Church Office at 327-7121, and a team member will contact you. P astoral Partners Training Thursday, June 19, at 5:30pm in the Church Library What is “Pastoral Partners?” Pastoral Partners is a ministry in which members of the congregation are trained and equipped to provide encouragement and care to those who are shut-in or for some other reason would benefit from increased pastoral visitation. Each Pastoral Partner is assigned one to three members of the congregation as care-receivers. What do Pastoral Partners do? After receiving training, a Pastoral Partner commits to pray for each individual in her/his care on a daily basis; telephone each care-receiver at least twice per month; and visit each care-receiver at least once per month. We have this ministry simply because Jesus tells us that we need to minister to all those in the body, including those who, because of health or logistical problems, have a hard time participating in the fellowship of the congregation. We currently have a need for one male and one female Pastoral Partner to be members of our team. A training session is scheduled for Thursday, June 19 in the Church Library. If you’d like more information on how to participate, please contact Mark Lattanzi at 270-0762. Market on the Move takes a break during the hot summer months, and will return in the fall. For more information, please visit their website: https://the3000club.org/index.php/tucson/locations. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 4 Summer SONshine Bags The Deacons are hosting "Summer SONshine Bags" again this July. We welcome members of the congregation to pick up a bag or two, fill them with devotional items, word search books and other fun things to be given to our shut-in members who may be in need of some cheer. The bags may be picked up in the Rowley Courtyard following all worship services June 15 and 22. A list of suggested items will be furnished with each bag. All you have to do is fill the bag and return it to the Church Office no later than July 6. The bags are delivered by the Deacons. Thank you for your support of this Deacon project. Blessings, Spread some cheer! Linda Carey Deacon Member Outreach Committee Immediate Needs: >Skilled mason to help lay block >Skilled irrigation person to help install drip irrigation Future Needs: Garden enthusiasts >To help with NPC plot >To assist in overall maintenance during summer months. Friday Backpack Project: Many people in the congregation have done wonderful work with Cragin Elementary and we are thankful for their ministry. We have been asked by the church to lead a team to further expand this relationship with Cragin and the surrounding neighborhood. Our Mission: To help Northminster individuals and groups become more involved with Cragin Elementary School. Several projects are in the works: Cragin Elementary Garden Project NPC is part of a team constructing a community garden at Cragin Elementary. Cragin staff, students and families will be planting and maintaining individual garden plots. Northminster will also have a plot. How can YOU help? The Vine & The Branches A program in which students from low-income families are sent home on Fridays with enough food to help families get through the weekend. Next School Year Projects: Fall Supply Drive: Items will be collected to benefit both the students and staff at Cragin as a new school year kicks off. Adopt A Grade: NPC groups will help provide support with whatever is needed (tutoring, supplies, clothing, etc.) throughout the school year. Does all this sound exciting? Would you like to be part of this team? Come join us! We welcome your help! Yours in Christ, Terry and Maggie Reed 520-834-3623 [email protected] June, 2014 5 Welcome New Members! Join us in welcoming our new members who joined Northminster April 7, 2014. Fabien Karumege Chidandali was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in a town called Bukavu. He was the fifth of twelve children in his family of seven boys and five girls born to Chidandali Zakayo Mukungulo and Rebeca M’Tebura Kararo. He received a high school diploma and D6 in education and psychology. For six months Fabien was an elementary teacher. He also attended one year at the University of Bukavu and then four years in Bible school, becoming a deacon in 1992. Fabien was ordained in 2004 as a Pentecostal pastor to the French-speaking refugees of Deliverance Church, Nairobi, Kenya. He is married to Nshimire and they have seven children. The family came to Tucson in 2010. Fabien currently works as the head custodian at St. Francis in the Foothills Episcopal Church. Lemy Pass Kamba was born in what is now known as South Sudan. He sought asylum in Kenya and came to Tucson on July 17, 2013. Lemy took religious studies classes at Nations University, Nairobi campus, where he earned an Associate degree. He is married to Macele Bonyeme and they have two children, Shekinah and Chris. Lemy enjoys playing Soccer in his spare time. He is also a teacher and preacher for the Bethesda African Fellowship and is an evangelist as well. Esperance Maranatha Karumege was born in Bukavu, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and was raised in Nairobi, Kenya. All of her earlier education was in Kenya and now Esperance is a senior at Rincon High School. She enjoys dancing, cooking, singing, fashion design and she especially enjoys listening to Christian music on KLOVE radio. Esperance loves God and her family. Phanuel Ushindi Karumege was born in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His family sought refuge in Kenya when Phanuel was three weeks of age and lived in Nairobi for nine years. Then his family moved to Tucson where Phanuel has lived for four years. Sports he enjoys include football, soccer, basketball, and track. Phanuel says he would like to be either a football player or a car designer/engineer. He also plays drums regularly for the Bethesda African Fellowship. Rehema Divine Karumege was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Fabien and Nshimire. She grew up in Nairobi, Kenya. Rehema graduated from Rincon High School in 2013 and is now attending the University of Arizona, majoring in Political Science. Gospel music is Rehema’s favorite. Bradley Alan Luky was born and raised in Manitoba, Canada. After taking one year of Pre Med at the University of Manitoba, Brad moved to Sedona, Arizona where he currently resides with his wife, Holly, and daughter, Stella. While living in Sedona, Brad started his own business as a remodeling contractor. He met his future wife, Holly, in Sedona, and they were married in October of 2007. Just this past fall in September 2013, they gave birth to their first daughter, Stella. Brad and Holly enjoy spending time both in Sedona and Tucson visiting family and are very active members of their community through dance, theater, and new parent activities. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 6 Holly (Dorushka) Luky was born in Illinois, though she moved around often throughout her childhood. She graduated from the University of Arizona in 2002 and continued her education in San Francisco at the California Culinary Academy. In 2004 she moved to Sedona, Arizona where she began a career in publishing and met her husband, Bradley. In October of 2007 Holly and Brad were married and just this past fall in September, 2013 they gave birth to their first daughter, Stella. Holly and Brad enjoy spending time both in Sedona and Tucson visiting family and are very active members of their community through dance, theater, and new parent activities. Mireille Adjo Messan was born in Togo, West Africa and attended school there. Mireille, whose nickname is Mimi, moved to Tucson when she was four and attends La Cima Middle School where she is a seventh grade Honor student. Mireille sings in the school choir and her favorite class is Mathematics. She speaks Ewe, an African language, as well as English. Mireille tells us she is a Prayer Warrior. Tina Ahoefa Messan was born in Togo, West Africa and lived there for 28 years. She moved to Tucson about eight years ago. Tina is married to Kodjo and they have two children, Mimi and Moses. She completed high school in Togo and, when she relocated to Tucson, she took classes to prepare to become a patient care technician at St. Mary’s Hospital. Currently, Tina works with the Beacon group, where she enjoys helping people with disabilities. When she lived in Africa, Tina was a prayer minister and she brought people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ through her witnessing. Currently, Tina is a leader in the Bethesda Fellowship, serving in women’s ministry and providing counsel and prayer to couples planning to marry. Nshimire Mulumeoderwa was born in Bukavu, located in Democratic Republic of the Congo. She lived in Kenya for nine years and came to Tucson in 2010. Nshimire is the wife of Fabien and they have seven children: Fidel, Rehema, Esperance, Jordan, Phanuel, Rebecca and Elijah. Nshimire studied fashion design at Pima College and enjoys sewing and making clothes. She likes to sing and also volunteers in various ways. Class 101 Discovering Church Membership Saturday Class July 12 from 8:30am to 12:00pm, followed by a light lunch and meeting with Session in the Grundstrom Room from 12:00 to 1:00pm. Become better acquainted with Northminster through Class 101 - You’ll learn more about our church and how you can connect with people and our ministries. This class is your first step to becoming a member of our Northminster family. Register to attend through the Church Office or online at our website: www.npctucson.org. There is no charge for the class or materials. Nursery care is available if requested by July 3. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 7 CONGRATULATIONS Northminster Christian School Kindergarten Rosa Lynn Armendariz Gianna Garcia Jacob Petersen Jacob Bloom Angelina Iskandar Calista Pomonis Aldon Burczynski Lillian Johnson Alex Rossini Krista Coppel Ryder Lyman Alyssa Tellez Joshua Cusick Isabella Parks Reegan Wilson Northminster Christian School Third Grade Christopher Bloom Joshua Potts Ricardo Rossini Fifth Grade Adam Seger Whitmore Elementary, Tucson, AZ Middle School Julia Glunt Marana Middle School, Marana, AZ Logan Johnson Tortolita Middle School, Tortolita, AZ Samantha Weidman Rincon Vista Middle School, Tucson, AZ Jared Woodrich Mansfield Middle School, Tucson, AZ High School Teresa Carmichael Sabino High School, Tucson, AZ Franklin Terry Comey Palo Alto High School, CA Will Kelly Basis, Oro Valley, AZ James Matthew Dwyer C.D. Hylton Senior High School, Woodbridge, VA Amanda Johnson Mountain View High School, Tucson, AZ Ashley Johnson Mountain View High School, Tucson, AZ Chase Meade Marana High School, Marana, AZ Daniel Pintor Tanque Verde High School, Tucson, AZ Carly Snyder University High School, Tucson, AZ Ryan Tanner Salpointe Catholic High School, Tucson AZ The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 8 To All Our GRADUATES! College Maggie Cusolito Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, University of Arizona Lisa Marie DeLong Administration of Justice (AAS, AA), Liberal Arts and AGEC, Pima Community College Liam F. Doorley Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, IL Tim Hollis EMT School William A. Madson Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Cynthia Marie Mallgren Bachelor of Arts in Animation, Southwestern University of Visual Arts Amanda Parvez Associate of Arts with emphasis in Sociology, Pima Community College Kelli Ross Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Grand Canyon University Frank G. Walter, Jr. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences, Northern Arizona University Emily Weaver Master of Education, Human Relations, Northern Arizona University *We apologize if any names were inadvertently omitted. And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight... -Philippians 1:9 The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 9 Music Ministry Join the Summer Choir Summer Beginning June 15 15,, at 8:30am CHOIR When: Time: Where: Service: This year Summer Choir is beginning in the middle of the month, on Sunday, June 15, Summer Choir meets Sunday mornings at 8:30am to prepare an anthem for the 9:30am Traditional service of worship. The anthems are generally “lighter” in style and are intended to be learned in one rehearsal before the service. No week-night rehearsal or long-term commitment is required. If you’ve thought you might enjoy singing in the choir, but committing to an evening rehearsal was difficult, this is an opportunity to join in singing God’s praises in our worship. Even if you have never sung in a choir, you are welcome to drop in on a Sunday morning and join in the singing! You will be warmly welcomed. Singers ages 14-90 are welcome to participate on summer Sundays. Sunday mornings, beginning June 15 8:30am; sing at 9:30am service Fellowship Hall 9:30 am Traditional Service Joining for the summer is easy Summer Choir practice begins at 8:30am in Fellowship Hall. Just arrive five to ten minutes early to pick up the music for the day’s “summer” anthem and to be seated. Then join in the singing! Thanks to all our musicians! Thank you, thank you to all those who participate in our music ministries. Some ministries take a summer break beginning in May or June (i.e., Men’s Choir, Choraliers, Steeple Bells, the Sanctuary Choir). These groups resume in the fall. The Contemporary Praise Team and the Kaleidoscope musicians continue year-round. Summer choir begins its ministry for the 9:30am Traditional service June 15 and sings through mid–August. The sincerest of thanks is expressed to all those who praised the Lord with music during this past season. A complete list of names will appear in the July newsletter. Sing forth the glory of His Name; make His praise glorious! (Psalm 66:2) The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 10 We ins pire, youth, Ou r M issio Statem n ent: nur ture a nd equ and th ip child eir fam ren, b il ie e s to c o disciple s of Je me life-long sus Ch and lov rist, who lov e God e othe rs. First Sunday Summer Worship! Dear Friends, This summer, NPC's three worship services will remain at 8:00am, 9:30am, & 11:00am. However, summer is a great time of year to shake things up and try new things! WHAT'S NEW? For June, July and August, (June 1, July 6, & August 3) the first Sunday of each month will center on worshipping together in the Sanctuary. Children and youth will not attend Sunday School classes or Worship and Wonder. We will still have nursery care available during all services. WHY? Families with children will be able to attend the service of their choice together on those Sundays. On those days, we will have the sacrament of the Lord's Supper - and it is important that children and youth have a regular chance to see it, learn about it, and experience it in worship. COMMUNION. We will be sure on those Sundays to make worship as accessible and understandable as possible for children and their families. We will be sure to have special ways to engage and welcome, so that this can be a positive experience for everyone! Whether we have young ones in our family or not, we can all be especially welcoming and understanding of parents and guardians who worship as a family! HOW CAN KIDS PARTICIPATE IN COMMUNION? It is the job of NPC's Session to ensure that parents are equipped to teach their children about the meaning and practice of worship and communion. One opportunity for parents to learn more about this will be in September in our yearly Bridges workshop. In the meantime, here are some guidelines. WHEN IS MY CHILD READY FOR COMMUNION? Parents are the ones to determine readiness of their children to receive communion. While children going into third grade (about eight years old) have been encouraged to stay with their parents in worship - this is not a hard and fast rule about when they are ready to take communion. Think more in terms of maturity. Does your child understand what the elements of bread and cup represent - and that it more than just a tiny snack? Can they share an understanding and age-appropriate acceptance of Jesus' Last Supper? Can they be appropriately reverent? Too much silliness may show parents that they may not quite be ready...and that's ok to wait until they are ready. WHAT ABOUT KIDS WHO ARE NOT READY? We will be sure to be sensitive of kids who aren't ready for communion by offering a brief blessing, and small token they can have (like a sticker) so they feel a part of the worship that is going on. Jesus said it best, "Let those kiddos come to me - and don't get in their way!" What a blessing we share in the next generation of God's faithful followers! Pete Seiferth The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 11 *To use the online method of ordering, Mozilla Firefox is the browser of choice. If you prefer, you may contact Trina at 1-800-777-4362, ext. 134 and she will personally take care of your order. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 12 Northminster Christian School News Summer fun! School is out, but there are lots of fun things to do with kids in Tucson. It may be steamy outside but that should not stop you or your family from enjoying spending time together in some really cool places this summer. Here are some of my favorite things to do with kids in Tucson: Vacation Bible School at Northminster! The theme is a Western Rodeo and is sure to be lots of fun! Catch a movie at a local movie theater. Theatres Take a family hike! Go somewhere where you can swim at the end, such as Seven Falls. Check out both the Reid Park Zoo and the frequently run some of the classics. They cost as little as $1 per movie and cater to children. They have specials on drinks and popcorn, also. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. They offer early morning and evening programs for summer. a classic book or two such as Charlotte’s Check out the Wild West Show at Trail Dust Pick Web, The Chronicles of Narnia or Box Car Kids Town. and read it as a family. Splash for free at the splash pads at Brandi Take time to read a family devotion guide with Fenton Park. your children. Check out Bookman’s calendar for free movies, Tour Northminster Christian School and sign story times and more family fun. your child up for a full year of fun and learning! Join the summer reading program at your local branch of the Pima County Public Library. Whatever you do this summer, remember to come to church and Sunday school! We have an awesome program at Northminster and regular church attendance is important for your child (and you). If you desire for your children to be lifelong Christ followers, setting healthy habits now lasts a lifetime! Enjoy your summer together as a family and keep Christ in the center! A fond farewell to these dear Northminster Christian School staff members and friends who are leaving to pursue other opportunities. We are so grateful for their wonderful service to the school, and each of them will be greatly missed. Northminster Christian School registration is open for the 2014/15 school year! Our fullyaccredited education program offers preschool classes for ages two to five, as well as Kindergarten through third grade. Please call the school office at 327-7121, ext. 227 to set up a time for a tour this summer. Barbara Burczynski, Administrative Assistant, Northminster Christian School Dianne Jarvis, Lead Teacher, First Grade. Karen Steele, Lead Teacher, Second/Third Grade. Mary Krongaard, Director The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 13 Dear Children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our ac ons. -1 John 3:18 Alex’s Lemonade Stand … Free the Children … Kids Saving the Rainforest … Hoops of Hope … Coat-a-Kid … The Ladybug Foundation … Care Bags 4 Kids … FUNDaFIELD … Sheltering Books … KidKnits … TeenangelsLA … Care Bags Foundation … OneChild ... A ll these charities listed above have at least one thing in common. They were all started by children! These amazing kids have not only taken their communities by storm, but in many cases, the world. I don’t know about you, but I am beyond inspired by these young people, many of whom were only eight or nine years old when they became determined to cause change in our world. Who of you, at age four, started what would become a nationwide campaign to raise money for cancer research by setting up a lemonade stand? Alex Scott did. How many eight-year-olds do you know that have founded a charity dedicated to feeding and housing a nation’s homeless population? Hannah Taylor did. When you were 15 years old, were you committed to exposing and stopping child sex trafficking around the world? Cheryl Perera was. I know I wasn’t thinking about these things as a kid. But our children are far more aware of what is happening in our world than most of us were as children. Kids Out ‘N About, fondly referred to as KONA, takes kids entering grades 3-5 into our community to take action. In past summers at K.O.N.A., we have shopped at the grocery store for the Deacon’s Pantry, seeing how we can get the greatest “bang for our buck”. We have made sandwiches at Gospel Rescue Mission, prepared and served a meal at Primavera, made no-sew blankets for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at TMC, packaged boxes of goodies for troops in Afghanistan and bags for NPC Deacon’s Summer SONshine Bags. Oh, and we also get to have a bit of good fun, too! Do you know a third, fourth, or fifth grader that would like to join us this summer to discover that you are never too young to make a lasting and amazing difference in this world? Are you aware of an organization in Tucson that would be a perfect opportunity for our kids to visit? Would you like to help kids learn just how mighty they are when they step out into the world in Jesus’ name? Please give me a call at 327-7121, ext. 223 or see me in the Children’s Courtyard. Andee Coppel, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries Empowered by their families and communities, children and teenagers are more active in making a difference in our world than ever before. At Northminster, we have an incredible opportunity to provide such empowerment to children the same ages as many of those mentioned above that took a stand against the injustices they saw in their communities and the world. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 14 Sign up TODAY! Pick up a registration form in the Church Office, at the Welcome Center or download a copy online at npctucson.org. SonWest Roundup is for all children age four - to those who have completed fifth grade. Free to attend! Children will be encouraged to support a mission project benefiting Heifer International. June 8 VBS Setup PARTY! Immediately following the Kaleidoscope worship service, help transform our campus into a wild Western town: the Sanctuary as SonWest Town Square, the Parlor into a nifty Cowboy Tack Room, the Children’s Courtyard will become a super Pony Corral, and more! It’s a great time to help with the VBS ministry and meet some special people, too! We’re bringing in pizza for lunch and would really appreciate your help. Meet Andee or Kathy in the Children’s Courtyard. First Sunday Worship Experience June 1, 1, July 6 & August 3 New this Summer! Sunday morning children’s programming will not be offered the first Sunday of the month so that families are able to worship together at the service of their choice. Services will be modified to give our children an experience of worship purposefully created for them! Holy Communion will be offered at all these services with an alternative blessing for those not quite ready to take part in this sacrament. Three days of creative fun for children age four (by July 1, 2014) through those entering fifth grade! Students choose three electives to explore each day. Preschool & Kindergarten children get creative with music and movement, fun foods and art exploration. New This Year! Friday, July 25, 5:30-6:30pm, parents and friends are invited to a special Show & Tell event showcasing what we’ve created during the week. Registration Opens June 15! Forms will be available in the Children’s Courtyard, the Church Office, or for download online at npctucson.org. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 It’s a real Celebration Sunday as our young cowboys and cowgirls share a bit of what they experienced at SonWest Roundup, including a favorite VBS song, at each worship service. During the 9:30am hour, our kids have fun at a live petting zoo with ponies, Western games and snacks, and other surprises. All VBS children will gather in the Music Rehearsal Room at 8:30am for voice warm-up. 15 Youth New Members class POSTPONED! Look for information on a new date coming soon! First Sunday Worship Sunday morning youth programming will not be offered June 1, July 6 and August 3 so that families are able to worship together at the service of their choice. Services will be modified to to give our children an experience of worship purposefully created for them! Youth Sunday school is becoming Ridiculous this summer and we want you to be silly with us! June 1 - First Sunday Worship - Worship with your family June 8 - "Super Hero" Sunday - Come dressed like a super hero June 15 - Blast from the Past— Bring your best “"retro" look June 22 - Too Cool for school - What would a "hipster" wear? June 29 - Aloha , It’s Hawaii Sunday - Grass skirts encouraged Holy communion will be offered at all services with an alternative blessing for those not quite ready to take part in this sacrament. You won’t want to miss a single week! Please Note: We’re extending our Sunday school hours for maximum fun-ness! Summer Hours are 9:30 9:30--10:50am Come to camp this summer! You’ll look at the life and teachings of Paul and learn about a better way to view your life. Cost to attend: $340, plus the cost of two meals. Scholarships are available! Register today! Pick up a registration form in the Mid High Room. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 16 1SZMRİ3R9T7YRHE] .YRI 7XYHIRXWIRXIVMRKXL XL KVEHIWMRXLIJEPP[MPPIJ1SZI SRYTijXS1MH,MKLERH 7IRMSV,MKL7YRHE]WGLSSP ERH=SYXL+VSYTGPEWWIWSR XLMWHE] Senior Hig h Mid Hig h Saturday, June 28 Sunday June 29 Gail & Chris Staring's Residence Sarah & Rob Hom’s Home 4:30-7:00pm 3:00-5:30pm For students entering 9th grade thru young adult. End your summer with a whirlwind of fun! Includes Six Flags admission, dinner on Sunday night, travel expenses, and sleeping accommodations. Meals Monday & Tuesday are extra. Pick up a registration form in the Youth Room! The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 17 Left to right, 2013 Moderator Miriam Kennedy, pictured with 2014 officers Susan Stockton, Thelma Bambauer, Beth Martin and Jeri Adkins Spring Gathering Report It was a wonderful turnout, as sixty women gathered May 1 for the Annual Women’s Ministry Spring Gathering in the Fellowship Hall. We heard an inspiring presentation, “My Story” by keynote speaker, Marie Chantal Muhimpundu. We also enjoyed a delightful potluck salad luncheon. At the meeting, new officers were installed for the upcoming 2014-2015 year. The new officers are: Beth Martin, Moderator Thelma Bambauer, Vice Moderator Jeri Adkins, Secretary Kathy Mallgren and Miriam Susan Stockton, Treasurer Kennedy (pictured below) were each presented with Honorary Life Membership Awards in appreciation for their service. Special door prizes were won by Pat Price, Miriam Kennedy and Mary Wolfe. It was an afternoon filled with good friends, good food and good fun! Our sincere thanks to all the women who attended, as well as those who worked so hard to make this event so memorable. Thanks also to our officers who have completed their terms of office. Well done! The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 18 Each year, Northminster Women’s Ministries donates funds raised through the three gatherings held at NPC by the Presbyterian Women’s Committee, along with donations from these other women’s groups on campus: Abigail Circle, Mom-2-Mom, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Ruth Circle. We were able to give $1,000 to the Miracle Center, a faith-based, privately funded, non-profit program in Tucson that provides a safe and nurturing environment for adults who are homeless or at risk for homelessness due to overwhelming life circumstances. $1,000 was also given to TMM Family Services, Inc., in Tucson. TMM was previously known as “Tucson Metropolitan Ministry” and began in 1974 as a social services outreach of various local churches, the United Way, and other entities. Seeking guidance from God and in partnership with various faith congregations, TMM’s mission is to: ■ Serve at risk children, families and seniors ■ Develop appropriate services utilizing volunteers and professionals ■ Act as a catalyst for positive change ■ Engage congregations to expand community outreach ■ Develop new and ongoing resources for quality ministry $246.75 was raised through the Birthday Offering this year. What is the Birthday Offering? The Birthday Offering is a PW offering collected in the spring of each year to celebrate the blessings in the lives of Presbyterian Women. The offering funds up to five projects that are not included in ongoing General Assembly mission support, such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. No giving guidelines are suggested other than “give as you are blessed.” 2014 RECIPIENT - After reviewing numerous proposals, the Creative Ministries Offering Committee chose Blue Corn Mothers Alliance of Northern New Mexico to receive the sole grant from the 2014 Birthday Offering. Gifts to the Birthday Offering allow this ministry in Albuquerque to offer culturally-appropriate services for Native American women who have experienced domestic violence. The nationwide goal for the offering is $500,000. The following women’s groups continue meeting throughout the summer: WOW (Women of the Word) Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am in the Grundstrom Room. WOW is a curriculum-based Bible Study for women of all ages, which meets The group is currently studying Elijah. Crafters - Tuesdays at 9:30am in the Multipurpose Room. The Crafters were able to raise a total of $10,000. from proceeds of the December Craft Fair and the March Rummage Sale. These funds are donated to various Tucson organizations that assist women and children. Thank you to all who purchased items to help make these sales so successful! Quilters - Wednesdays at 9:00am in the Multipurpose Room. This year, with your generous support, the Quilters have donated $2,500 to benefit women’s and children’s ministries in Tucson through sales at the December Craft and Quilt fair. At the recent Spring Quilt Sale, $745 was raised through purchases by Northminster members. Thank you so much! The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 19 New Series this Fall: “Our Story” will keep us on the same page for worship & discipleship classes as we use the FaithWeaver curriculum. Everyone - from toddlers to teens and adults will study the same Bible Point in age-appropriate ways. Lessons are designed to encourage faith development beyond Sunday, so faith grows all week long. Would you be interested in leading a home study group or Sunday school class? Contact Pastor Pete Seiferth at 327-7121. We will be holding training for leaders of children, youth and adults on August 23 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.. Like us on Northminster’s Facebook page is the go-to spot for all things Northminster! Check out exclusive daily posts including event photo albums, behind the scenes pictures, NPC news flashes and event information as well as a variety of other inspirational and interesting entries. Don’t miss out, “like” our page today! www.facebook.com/npctucson. Simplify your life! Give online - it’s an easy convenient, secure way to keep up with your Northminster pledge, even if you’re away this summer. Just visit our website for details: www.npctucson.org. Did you know that July is National Ice Cream Month? GET THE SCOOP! An event for everyone in the family. Toppings Galore, door prizes and fun for all ages! JOIN US Tuesday, July 15 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall *Dairy-free and Sugar-free options available The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 Bring the whole family for an evening of making your ow n ice cream sundae creation and fun! 20 Northminster Staff Updates I am pleased to introduce you to our Summer Worship Arts Intern! Stephanie Ravicchio is a member of Northminster who has grown up here. Stephanie has spent her past few summers in Tucson when on college break. You may have seen her helping with worship by singing in the contemporary service, with music for Vacation Bible School, and chaperoning KONA (Kids Out ‘N About). Most recently, Stephanie sang a solo at our 5:30pm Christmas Eve service. She just completed her junior year of college at Point University in Georgia. She is majoring in Worship and Music Ministry and is prayerfully considering attending seminary after graduating from college in 2015. After speaking with one of her professors, she was granted permission to have a Northminster worship internship as part of her college education. She will be offered two credits towards a worship internship and will spend 10-12 hours a week with us for 12 weeks. Stephanie will be experiencing what day-today worship ministry feels like at Northminster under my supervision. This experience will include learning about all aspects of worship life at Northminster with a particular focus on our 11:00am Kaleidoscope service, working with children and youth, and eventually leading worship herself. Stephanie has already begun her internship and will serve with us until August 7. I encourage you to welcome Stephanie and to pray for her as she discerns God’s calling on her life to ministry. Welcome, Stephanie! Pastor Mary Beth McSwain Hello friends! I am so excited to be working with Northminster this summer, and particularly in the worship aspect! As you may know, my degree is in Music with a specialization in Worship and Music Ministry, and this internship will aid in preparing me for that! I have such a heart for music, and to spend an entire summer dedicated to it is going to be fantastic! (Can you tell how excited I am with all of the exclamation points?!?!) I can’t wait to get to know this church better, and that includes you! I love meeting the members of my family, so don’t be afraid to stop and introduce yourself – and don’t be afraid if some random young woman with a giant smile approaches you…that’ll be me! Again, I’m so incredibly excited about this internship, and so thankful for NPC for the opportunity. ~ Stephanie Ravicchio Welcome to our new staff member, Jonathan Bellah, who joins our NPC Building/Facilities Team. Wishing you all the best…We will miss you! Sadly, we must say goodbye to the following Northminster staff members, leaving us this summer: Kate Kelly After being employed six and a half years at NPC and doing an incredible job as both Business Manager for the church and Pastoral Assistant to Andy Ross and Mary Beth McSwain, Kate and her family are relocating to Pennsylvania to care for her mother. Thank you both so much for your dedicated service! The Vine & The Branches Graham Renkema, An invaluable member of our Building/ Facilities Team for the past four years, Graham and his family are moving to Minnesota where his wife, Kristin, will begin a postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Immunology at the University of Minnesota. Graham will be pursuing his career in drafting. June, 2014 21 r e n r o C r e y Pr a The Prayer Garden is a special place at Northminster for people to come together to pray. Come see the Prayer Ministers in the Prayer Garden after any of the services of worship Sunday mornings. They are there to pray for you and encourage you. Dads: If your sons or daughters didn’t drop out of school, got good grades, didn’t have any behavioral problems, stayed away from drugs and didn’t run away from home, chances are a loving father was involved. Fathers are the anchor of the family bringing stability when life gets a little tough. Fathers provide leadership. Fathers who are involved in their families’ lives provide direction. Loving fathers are like a rudder on a ship, guiding the family through good times, times of chaos and uncertainty, through the calm seas and the rough ones. Even though fathers sometimes seem to be in a secondary status to mothers, fathers are just as significant in the development and emotional well being of a child. Fathers offer spiritual, emotional, financial and social well being. The physical presence of a dad in a child’s life will never lose its importance. Our Heavenly Father can’t always catch us when we fall, but He is always there to pick us up, provide direction and let us try again. When we make mistakes, He doesn’t hold it against us; He forgives us and helps us learn from them. When we get hurt, He hurts. Our Heavenly Father comforts us when we cry, disciplines us when we lose our way, and we bring delight to Him when we succeed. When God mentions, “Let’s make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;” I believe that He knew how important fathers would be. Dear Heavenly Father, You have made all things with wisdom and love. You are mighty. We are so thankful for Your love. Father, we ask that You would bless those fathers who have worked hard to take on the difficulties and stress of work, marriage and children with both joy and sacrifice. Only by Your strength and guidance is this possible. Be with those fathers and step-fathers who have taken on the demands of fatherhood and have earned their family’s love and trust. Be with fathers who have lost a wife or child; bless them and bring them comfort. Be with those fathers who parent alone. There are men who have no children, but provide fatherhood to children as mentors offering guidance and friendship. How wonderful is that? Only by Your love and grace. When times get tough or money becomes short, please be with those dads. When fathers get hurt or sick, and providing for their family becomes difficult, this is a frightening time. Please give them Your strength, wisdom and courage, and help them live in Your truth as they struggle though these times. Fathers can’t do it all and sometimes they fail - even messing things up horribly. Help the families through these times and let their response be “Dad, we still love you.” Give fathers a heart like Yours. Bless all the fathers of the world. Bless them, Father, and strengthen and encourage them. Let their behavior reflect Your love and grace and let their lives bring glory and honor to You. In Jesus' name, Amen. Dan Meinke New! The Northminster Prayer Team invites you to attend a Prayer Vigil in the Thursday, June 5 from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Grundstrom Room We hope you’ll join us for this time of prayer. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 22 1st Lt Travis Allen, USA Son of Robert & Sharon Allen Cpt Timothy Ashcraft, USA O’ryan Hewey Begay, USMC Lt Scott Bennett, USCG Uncle of Timothy Hollis Pvt David Binker, USMC Ens David J Blunier, USCG Son of Ruth Blunier Pvt Taylor Bovey, USMC Son of Kathy Johnston PFC Bryan Brenner, USA Grandson of Joy and Chuck Mabee SMSgt Robert Carrillo, USAF SSgt Michelle Chase, USAF Family friend of Bob & Claudia Howell Sgt Joseph Colwell, USAirNG Robert Davis, Jr., USA Sgt Marco Deleon, USA Jim & Julie Crane’s son-in-law SSgt Leander Denetso, USMC Lisa Bolton’s brother Capts James & Rachel (Ott) Fagan, USAF SSgt Sean Ferguson, USA Lt Cmdr Jennifer Forbus, USN Capt Lawrence Gibbons, USN PFC Stephen Gibbons, USA AB Laura Grainger, USAF Bonnie Thompson’s niece 1st Lt Dean Hall, USAF Family friend of Amina Sonnie Maj Mick Harper, USAF E3 Brian Higgins, USN Brother of Julia Higgins MSgt David Hollis, USAF MSgt Marnie Jewell-Johnson, USAirNG Lt Col Karl Johnson, USA Husband of Marnie Jewell MSgt Kirby Johnson, ANG Son-in-law of Greg & Linda Meade SSgt Barek Kamps, USMC E3 Maxwell Wetzel Kerry, USN Charlie Wetzel’s grandson Christal Kimmel, USAF E3 Alexander Kohlhepp, USN Capt Bill Kostan, USAF SPC Geoffry Kroska, USA David Larsen, USMC Lt Ryan Larsen, USMC Lt Sean Larsen, USMC Stephanie Larsen, USMC LCpl Steven McArthur, USMC and Jacob McArthur, USAF Reserves Grandsons of Dale and Joan McArthur Sgt Jared Moxley, USA Terri Soukup’s nephew Pvt Benjamin Mussack, USA Juanita Mussack’s grandson MSgt David Neve, USAirNG Lt Christopher Parks, USA Sgt Tiffany Parks, USA Lt Col Adin Pfeuffer, USMC Elmer & Lorraine Pfeuffer’s grandson Sgt Daniel Pritchard, USA Spc. Richard Rice, USA Lt Leon Richards, USA Cpl Nicholas Russian, USMC Grandson of Paul and Billie Nix Cpl Eduardo Saenz, USMC Son of Sherrie Price Capt Ty Schott USAirNG Miriam Kepner’s grandson PFC Christopher Shelton, USA Friend of Heather Matchett Pvt David Sorte LCpl Graydon Staring, USMC LCDR Marc Stirton, USNR– Aviator Jane Ray’s grandson HT1 Michael Strohmeyer, USN Seaman Andrea Taylor, USN TSgt Anne Marie Taylor, USAF Fred & Nancy Utter’s granddaughter Jacob Thoman, USAirNG Capt Barry Tucker, USAF 2Lt Samuel Wharton, USA Dick & Polly Wharton’s grandson AB Michael Wright, USAF Harold & Wilma Wright’s grandson Alex Yazzie, Special Forces Raymond Yazzie, Jr. USMC Please keep us informed of changes by contacting Wendy Van Epps in the Church Office 327-7121. or email [email protected] The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 23 A big shout out of thanks to all who helped make our Annual Northminster All-Church Picnic happen! Many thanks to those who brought yummy side dishes and desserts to share and to those who lent a helping hand before, during and after the picnic! Celebrations of Joy! For the birth of Jonathan Jasper Constant on May 7, 2014, to parents, Danielle & Michael Constant. For the generous giving by our congregation, raising over $12,100 through our Yucatan mission trip fundraisers: Greens & Chimis, Meals for Missions and Raise the Roof, and Pour the Floor. For our new Summer Worship Arts Intern, Stephanie Ravicchio. For the marriage of Deanna Cusolito and José Trejo May 24, 2014. Prayers of Sympathy We offer our sincere Christian sympathy to the family and friends of: Harold Dorenbecher, who died May 7, 2014 (husband of Jean Dorenbecher). Lynn Carter, who died May 11, 2014. Mary Duffy, who died May 16, 2014 (mother of Maureen Duffy.) The Sacrament of Baptism † If you would like to schedule a baptism, please contact the Church Office at 327-7121. We are now scheduling for July 20. Northminster’s Birthday Fund Happy Birthday to all our friends celebrating a birthday in June. This year, as part of your celebration, why not consider making a donation to Northminster’s Birthday Fund in honor of your birthday or a loved one’s birthday? Please contact our Business Manager at 327-7121, ext. 236 if you’d like further details. Remember the church in your will...a legacy gift that lasts! Please help us keep in touch! If your address, phone number or email address has recently changed, please notify the Church Office at 327-7121, or you can record the change on the Welcome Card in your Sunday bulletin. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 24 June Birthdays June 1 Robert Cavanaugh June 11 Helen Reynolds Kate Dickerson Charissa Kamps Jacob Thoman Blandine Hourobia Bill Pansing Eric Wager June 12 June 13 Barrett Williamson Anne Edwards June 14 Georgina Lambert Pat Anderson June 6 June 15 Carolyn Leon Kaylee Ross Jim Larsen Daniel Stockton Amalia Matchett Kay Juhan Barbara Laing Helen Dotson Wally Rickards June 25 Joshua Rurambira Marty Wiger June 26 Barbara Addison Carson Clark Kathy Foss Nice Umeneza Jane Criswell Jamie Lynch Kathy Zillman Suedell Frazelle Vicki Balentine Ellen Lance Karen Davison Shayla Sliffe Michelle Nuriddin Kjersten Erickson Allen Carstens Robert Lee Janet Grubbs Mark Dickerson Martha McElroy Barbara Lovett Sara Lombardi Mike Popovich Akhtar Parvez Chelsey Meade Arlene Sturm James Wicht Courtney Boney June 16 June 17 Jack Bolton June 18 Maggie Ruvalcaba June 8 Matthew Brophy June 19 Julie Gibson June 27 June 28 Russ Amling Anne Krepps Stan Walker June 29 Rob Bacon Pam Edgar Frank Crandall Judy Hoerr June Foltz Pierre Manirakiza McKenna Ernest Carol Dorushka June First Beth Willems Susanne Sutherland James Stewart Nancy Gardner Rachael Walker Walt Morgan Jessica Munoz Tucker June 10 Henry Hansen Monette Jeter June 7 June 9 June 24 Pamela Reed Ken Dorushka Richard Easterday June 5 Rose Carmichael Charlotte Boggero Rae Vermeal June 4 June 23 Irene Larsen Charles McElroy June 3 Joelle Boeve Bonnie Overstreet June Hager June 2 Birthstone: Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone. Birth Flower: Rose June 20 June 21 Jackson Lee Victoria Soyannwo Ramona Miller Florence Winslow Ana Rossini Carol Bacon Maggie Barton June 22 June 30 Tirzah Avitia Happy Birthday to You! Irma Kiser Greta Van Vorce Jan Hayn If you don’t see your Birthday listed, please contact the Church Office at 327-7121 so we can update our records. The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 25 Sundays: 7:45am 8:00am 8:15am 8:30am 9:15am 9:30am 10:45am 11:00am 11:15am 2:00pm 4:30pm 6:00pm Tuesdays: Nursery Opens - CE Room 2 Contemporary Worship Service Sanctuary Worship & Wonder (age 4-grade 2) CE Room 9 Adult Bible Study Library The Gathering Parlor Traditional Worship Service Sanctuary Classes for Children & Youth: Bible Blast Classes: (age 3-grade 5) CE Building Mid High Sunday School Mid High Room Senior High Sunday School Senior High Room The Gathering Parlor Kaleidoscope Worship Service Sanctuary Middle Eastern Presbyterian Worship Grundstrom Room Worship & Wonder (age 4-grade 2) CE Room 9 The Gathering Parlor Bethesda African Worship Service Fellowship Hall Cornerstone Senior High Youth Group Senior High Room The Source College Age Gathering Check our website for events! 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 4:30pm Wednesdays: 9:00am 9:15am 10:00am 7:00pm 5:30pm Quilters Multipurpose Room Mom 2 Mom Parlor Women of the Word (WOW) Grundstrom Room Contemporary Praise Team Rehearsal Sanctuary Thursdays: 8:00am 12:00pm 6:00pm Mondays: 5:00pm Morning Exercise Group Music Rehearsal Room Deacons Food Distribution Mid High Room Crafters Multipurpose Room Pilates Exercise Group Senior High Room Middle Eastern Presbyterian Fellowship Caridad Kitchen Meal Outreach Fellowship Hall Morning Exercise Group Music Rehearsal Room Men’s Power Lunch Bible Study Grundstrom Room Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) Mid High Room Alcoholics Anonymous Multipurpose Room As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him. ~Psalm 103:13 Our complete calendar is always available to you online. Visit www.npctucson.org and click on calendar. It’s available 24/7, and is updated regularly. Save it to your favorites and be sure to stop by often! The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 26 June 2014 Sun 1 Holy Communion First Sunday Summer Worship! Mon 2 Yucatan Mission Trip Returns Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 6:30-8:00pm Prayer Vigil, Grundstrom Room 12:15-1:00pm Newcomers Reception 8 11:00am VBS Setup Party Fri 6 8:00am July V&B submissions due Sat 7 Chiapas Mission Trip Departs 9 1:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 10 11 12 13 14 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 9:00AM-12:15PM 6:30pm Deacons Meeting 15 Summer Choir Begins! 16 Chiapas Mission Trip Returns 17 18 19 5:30pm Pastoral Partners Training 20 21 23 11:30am PWCT 24 6:30pm Session 25 26 7:30am July V&B Mails 27 28 4:30-7:00pm Senior High Pool Party VBS Celebration Sunday Father’s Day 22 MID HIGH YOUTH CAMP 29 3:00-5:30pm Mid High Pool Party 30 The Vine & The Branches June, 2014 27 Northminster Presbyterian Church 2450 East Fort Lowell Road Tucson, Arizona 85719-2417 NON-PROFIT ORG. Paid US POSTAGE Tucson, Arizona PERMIT NO. 927 Sunday Worship-Series for June: “I Am a Person Who Worships And Believes” Contemporary: 8:00am Traditional: 9:30am Kaleidoscope: 11:00am June 1 Luke 17:11-19 I Say Grace June 8 John 16:4-15 I Rely on My Super Power June 15 Romans 8:14-17 I Trust My Heavenly Father June 22 Psalm 100 I Worship the Living God June 29 Luke 11:1-13 I Am a Person Who Prays Church Office: 520-327-7121 The Vine & The Branches www.npctucson.org June, 2014 email: [email protected] 28