Vihta Vuori VihtaVuori Ni00 & N300 Series MATERIALSAFETYDATASHEET April 2009 The following Ni00, N300, 2N and 3N series powders are manufactured by VihtaVuori and distributed by Hodgdon Powder Company. 20N29 3N37 3N38 Ni0S Nll0N133- ~ N135 - N140 - N150 - N160 "- N165N310 - N320 N340 ' N350- 6231 Robinson Street' Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 * Phone (913) 362-9455 . Fax (913-362-1307 * ~ @ Fonner date: 26.4.2007 Date: 17.11.2008 Trade name N-Powder Code of the preparation Ni00-, N300-,2N-,3N-series, N32C, 20N29 and 24N41, B7T-and B19T-propellants The intended uses of the chemical Propel!ant for ammunition. 24610 1.2.2 1.2.3 Standard industrial classification (SIC) Use categories (UC62) TOli: 296 KT1:36 1.2.4 The chemical can be used by the general public 1.2.5 The chemical is used by the general public only 0 0 1.3.2 Contact infonnation: Street address EURENCOVihtavuoli Oy Ruutitehtaantie 80 FI- 41330 Vihtavuori Postcode and post office Post-office box Postcode and post office Telephone number Telefax Y code +358-14-3779211 +358-14-3771 460 FI14922233 Ta!ephone number +358-14-3779211 Te!efax +358-14-3771643 EURENCOVihtavuoriOy, FI-41330 V!HTAVUORI FINLAND ler code ingredient .1 CASnumber or 2.1.2Nameof the 603-037-00-6 !nd !Nitrocellulose ! 122-39-4 IDiphenylamine ! ! ! -98-3 Diethyidiphenylurea ,centraiit~.J.L._...._..._._.- 2.1.3 Concentration 90-99% max. 2.0 % max. 6.0 % 2.1.4 E; R3;R1 T; R23/24/25; R33;N; R50-53 EY -nro: 204-539-4 HTP 8 h= 5 mgfm3 (skin), HTP 15min= 10 mglm~ (skin), LD50=300 mg/kg (oral Xn; R22-52/53. LD50=420 !J:)J 2.1.5 There 2.1.6 2.1.7 according to Annex 3 of the decree A substance not dangerous has been indicated as confidential Other information ......-...-..........--.--. has been a request for confidentialityof a substance .-.---...--..-..- .....--...-..-..-. Warning symbol, R phrases and other data on the ingredient 0 0 ---...-----. Page 1 Trade name: N-POWDER Date: 17.11.2008 Former date: 26.4.2007 "",,,,,,,,...,,,,-,,.,,,,,,,,,,,--,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,_.,,,,__,,m,,, "'''"'''<m"."""_"_m._"..."" ,,,,..,,-","-",,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,," Risk of explosion ,",._",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,, ".", shock, friction,fire or other sources of ignition. Harmful """,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,-,,-~ if swallowed. Danger of cumulative effects. Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause longterm adverse effects in the aouatic environment. 4.1 Special instructions 4.2 Inhalation 4.3 4.4 Move patients to fresh air. Heating can release hazardous gases, nitrogen oxides (NOx). In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Remove from exposure, lie down. Oxygen or artificial respiration if needed. Seek medical advice. Skin contact contact Avoid skin contact Wash off Immediately with soap and plenty of water. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, 4.5 Ingestion 4.5 information to doctor or other trained pemons giving fimt aid Induce repeated vomiting. (only if the victim is conscious) Exposuring to 5.1 oxides (NO,) may cause symptoms of poisoning after several Suitable extinguishing media Recommended extinguil1hingmedia, water. Also other endothermic extinguishing media are posslb!e. 0.2 Extinguishing media which must not be used for safety reasons 5.3 Speciai exposure hazards in a TIre In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes which may contains nitrogen oxides (NOxl. Evacuate to safe areas. for and protective suit. Wear self..contained breathing 5.4 5.5 Other instructions Can only be extinguished by effective cooling. Bums without auxiliary oxygen. Very fast, deflagration like may turn to explosion. At risk of fire peopk?shali evacuated to a safe distance. 6.1 ft2 Pemonai precautions in casesomeof the powderhasrunout of the package:Removeall sourcesof ignition Usenon-sparkyequipment,seekprofessionaladvice. Environmentaiprecautions 6.4 Risk of explosion. up in case some of the powder has run out of the package .use non-sparky equipment, seek advice. Other instructions 1.1 Handling 6.3 Methods for Keep out of children. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Handle and open containers with care. Do not smoke. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. Ensure adequate ventilation. Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. Avoid exposuring to the product and read the instructions before use. 1.2 7.3 Specific Store in original containers. Keep in a Incompatible with acids and bases. uss(s) cool place. Trade name: N-POWDER Date: 17.11.2008 Former date: 26.4.2007 ",..>m ~",,,,.>m>m,,'-~,,'~>m ",.", ""-"' >m~ 8:1.1 HT? values iL1.2 Organic dust 5 mg/m2 Other limit values 8.1.3 Limit values in other countries 8.2.1 Occupational exposure controls ~....... 10 mg/m2(15min) Ensure adequate ventilation.Wear personal protective equipment Respiratory dust or continious skin protection >m-'''''-.................................. contact. in risk of inhalation of Wear half mask witha partide filter P2 (European Norm EN 143 ::: former DIN3181) in risk of dust Hand protection Eye protection Skin 8.2.2 Protective clothing. recommended antistatic and non-flammable material. Environmental exposure controls Wear suitable protective gloves in risk of direct skin contact Wear protective 9.2.2 poinilbomng range 9.2.3 Flash 9.2.4 flammability (solid, gas min 165°C Extreme risk of i Lowerexplosive limit - 9.2.EL2 Upper limit 9.2.6 Oxidising 9.2.1 Vapour pressure 9.2.8 Relativedensity 1 Water solubility Insofuble 9.2.!:L2 Fat solubmty (solvent-oil to be 9.2.10 Partition coefficient n..octanolfwater 9.2.11 - Organic dissolvents: esters (e.g. acetonitrile) -Trade name; N-PQWDER Former date: 26.4.2007 Date; 17.11.2008 ~"""-"'"""""' ""-,""".,._"""...'_m,w'_'_'-"'_~'_'m",'w,__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,~__~""""m', "~----- """,,,,,_,,,,,m,. mm.m..""~,,,,''''''''~-"_'_--"''""''"''''-''' 9,2,12 density \3.2,13 Evaporation rate 9.3 Other information Ex '!G.'! Conditions to avoid Stable at norma! conditions, long -time heat exposure decreases stability. Materials to avoid Incompatiblewithacids and bases, Degradation can cause explosion. Hazardous decomposition proch.Jcts Nitrogen oxides 10.2 10.3 11.2 No data avai!able, Irritation and corrosiveness 11.3 Sem.itisation 11,4 Sub-acute, sub-chmnic and prolonged May cause skin and eye irritation. No data available. No data avaiiable. 11.5 data on effects on humans May cause skin irritation. cause irritation of the mucous membranes, 11J) Other inforrnaticm on health effects 12.1.1 Aquatic toxicity 2.1.2 12.2 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause !ongmtermadverse effects in the aquatic environment Toxicity to omer organisms No data available. Mobility 12.3.1 Biodegradation 12.3.2 Chemical degradation No data available. Incompatib!e with acids and bases:may cause degradation. decreases stability. 12.4 Bioaccumulativepotential 12.5 Other adverse effects Dlsposa! of unused products, waste and contaminated accordance with local and national regulations. 14.1 UN number 14.2 Packing group Long -time packages must heat exposure be done in 0161 """_"'''''''',m ", ",."" "-''''''''-'-'-'''''''''''''-''''''''''' m'''' ~ ", " ,..."._-~~,..,-,..__......... .-.,, m._._Page 4 Trade name: N-POWDER Former date: 26.4.2007 Date: 17.11.2008 _''''''"""m""" """"..""m__''W__~''m"""."",,.m''''''_._m''''""''''-'''''''''''--''.''''_''~'m_'''' code "" ADR 1.3C Packing instructions: 14.3.2 Risk 14.3.3 Name 14.3.4 Other information "m""""""-"'''''''''''-'''''--'.'''.'''''''''''''...,.".""""."..--- P114 (b), special packing provisions PP50 andPP52 according to bm of freight Powder, smokeless 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 14.5.1 1.3C Packing instructions: Correct technical name Powder, smokeless Other information P 114(b), special packing provisions PP50 and PP52 14.5.2 ICAOIIATA class FORBIDDEN Correct technical name 14.5.3 Other information 15.1.1 Letter code of the warning symbol and indications of danger for the preparation E - Explosive Xn - Harmful 15.1.2 Names of the ingredients given on the warning label Nitroce!lulose, Diphenylamine, Diethyldiphenylurea 15.1.3 R phrases R2 Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition. R22 Harmful if swallowed. R33 Danger of cumulative effects. R52153 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. 15.1.4 S phrases 81/2 Keep locked-up and out of reach of children. 835 This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. 15.1.5 Special regulations on certain preparations 15.2 Nationalregulations 16.1 List of the relevant R phrases R1 Explosive when dry. R3 Extremerisk of explosion by shock, friction,fire or other sources of ignition. R22 Harmful if swallowed. R23/24/25 Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. R33 Danger of cumulative effects. R50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms. R52153 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticenvironment R53 May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Trade name: N-POWOER Date; 17.11.2008 ""mm"."."m, ~m'~"m"'m."".... Former date: 26.4.2007 """ , 16.2 Training advice 16,3 Restrictions on use 16A Further information 16.5 16.6 ,. ".~~~_."" """""" """"""''''-'''''''''''_'_'.~m,...m- ""-."'''''''''''''''."." ",,,,.,,,,,,,,,,...,, ,,.,,,,,,~.. The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge at the date of its publication, The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification, since the conditions of the operations mentioned are beyond our control, The information relates only to the specific materia! designated and may not be valid for such materia! used in combination with any other materials or in any process unless specified in the text EURENCO Vihtavuori Oy discJaims any liability for loss or damage resulting from the use of these data, information or suggestions, Sources of key dam 1.I$8d information which has been added, deleted or revised 1.1. 87T- and 8 19T-propeHantsadded 2.1.3. NitroceHulose concentration 80-98 % revised-> 90-99%
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