The Telco Report
The Telco Report
THE TELCO REPORT INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION PROGRAM MAGAZINE “Siberian Dream” No. 16, August 15-31, 2005 PUBLISHED SINCE 1969 E2ENDEZ6OUS)NTERNATIONALDU3PORTETDELA4mLmVISION TH)NTERNATIONAL3PORTS4ELEVISION#ONVENTION /#4/"%2'RIMALDI&ORUM-/.!#/ WWWSPORTELMONACOCOM TELCO REPORT The only publication dedicated to international television programming information Founded in 1969 by Richard S. Clark PUBLISHER ALEX PAEN MANAGING EDITOR LAWRENCE DUNN EDITORIAL STAFF THOMAS MOORE LLOYD ADAMS JONATHON BARBATO TELEVISION EDITOR ANDREAS KARRER EDITORIAL & RESEARCH CONSULTANT IN THIS ISSUE Vol. XXXVII No. 16 August 15-31, 2005 URANIUM MINES Page 2 Reports on the recent increase in the mining of yellow cake uranium ON THE BEACH Page 3 Follows the summer adventure of three recent graduates TEMPLE OF LETO Page 4 Looks at efforts to reconstruct an ancient temple in Turkey MARGARET BALIAN BUSINESS MANAGER ALEC CAST CONTROLLER ON THE COVER: “Siberian Dream” profiles super-model Irina Pantaeva, who grew up in a remote Siberian village in a family of shamans and artists. Distributed by CS Associates, Watertown, Massachusetts. CHRISTINE LO PARCO PRODUCTION BRIAN PEÑA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR PHYLLIS LEONG Printed in the U.S. by Telco Productions, Inc. Santa Monica, California THE TELCO REPORT (ISSN 0142-730x) is published twice per month, 24 times per year by Telco Productions, Inc., 2730 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90403, USA. Telephone 310.828.4003. FAX 310.828.3340. Application for second class postage permit is pending at Santa Monica, CA and other mailing offices. THE TELCO REPORT receives no commission or fees on any program sale or transaction. MAJOR EVENTS October 15-16 October 17-21 October 24-27 November 16-19 November 21 December 8-10 January 24-26 (2006) April 3-7 (2006) MIPCOM Junior MIPCOM SPORTELMonaco BCCW 2005 International Emmys Middle East Broadcasters NATPE MIPTV Cannes Cannes Monte Carlo Seoul New York Beirut, Lebanon Las Vegas Cannes WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE WORLD OF TELEVISION PROGRAMMING? Wouldn’t you like to know? Please send me information about subscribing to The Telco Report NAME COMPANY ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP THE TELCO REPORT 2730 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90403 USA Telephone 310.828.4003 Fax 310.828.3340 [email protected] Forward & Intelligence URANIUM MINES 90516001 TELENOVELAS AT MIPCOM 120 mins. HS Media Consult, Dettenhausen, Germany is producing Yellow Cake, a documentary about the uranium ore that is minedthen refinedfor use in nuclear power plants. Program reports on the opening of new mines as a result of the upswing in interest in nuclear power, contrasting that with a former mine in eastern Germany where the environmental clean-up cost seven billion Euros. CONTACT: HS Media, Dettenhausen, Germany. Tel. 49-7157620008. Fax 49-757-620008. E-mail [email protected] WHO’S BURIED IN NAPOLEON’S TOMB? 90516002 52 mins. Eye 2 Eye Media, Hilversum, The Netherlands is producing Where is Napoleon?, an investigation of whether or not the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte are actually buried in the famous tomb in Paris. Program uses the latest DNA techniques and 3-D facial reconstructions to positively identify the occupant of Napoleons tomb. A trailer is currently available. CONTACT: Eye 2 Eye Media, Hilversum, The Netherlands. Tel. 3135-646-0360. Fax 31-35-646-0361. E-mail [email protected] Reed Midem, Paris has announced the launch of Telenovela Screenings in conjunction with this years MIPCOM. Scheduled for Sunday, October 16, the screening will take place at the Noga Hilton Hotel in Cannes, and will features programs from TV Azteca (Mexico), Televisa (Mexico), Globo TV (Brazil), Tepuy (Spain), Telefe (Argentina), RCTV (Venezuela), RCN (Colombia), Artear (Argentina), Venevision (Venezuela), and Caracol (Colombia). CONTACT: Reed Midem, Paris, France. Tel. 33-1-4662-1777. Fax 33-1-4662-1797. E-mail [email protected] ANIMATED CHARACTERS 90516007 10 x 26 mins. Armada Productions, Versailles, France is seeking broadcast partners for X4 Mag, a television magazine focusing on four-wheel drive vehicles. Currently in production, series will present events, trials and new models of four-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles, for both on and off-road use. CONTACT: Armada Productions, Versailles, France. Tel. 33-13953-2222. E-mail [email protected] 52 x 13 mins. Ohm: TV GmbH, Cologne is producing Edebits, an animated series for children. Set in a scientific base in the Antarctic, program follows the adventures of a eleven-year-old girl and some computer-generated characters that suddenly come to life. CONTACT: Ohm: TV, Cologne, Germany. Tel. 49-22-1759-1455. Fax 49-22-1759-1456. E-mail [email protected] OF MEN AND SHARKS 90516008 FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE 90516003 90516006 2 x 45 mins. Transglobe Pictures, Madrid is producing Man vs. Shark, a documentary chronicling the bloody history of confrontation between mankind and sharks. Two-part series reveals that many shark species are under threat of extinction due to human activity. CONTACT: Transglobe Pictures, Madrid, Spain. Tel. 34-91-6326160. Fax 34-91-632-6867. Web JESUIT IN CHINA 90516009 2 x 45 mins. Hilvan Creaciones, S.L., Malaga, Spain is producing Traveling...Andalusia, a travel series showcasing the people and places of Andalusia. Program host and tourguide is Andalusian native Juan Mejas. Faction! TV Gmbh, Cologne is producing The Foreign Mandarin, a profile of a 17th century Jesuit missionary, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, sent to China with the specific mission of converting the Chinese Emperor. Program reveals that Schall von Bell refused to carry out his mission, for fear of starting a bloody civil war CONTACT: Hilvan Creaciones, Malaga, Spain. Tel. 34-675605422 or 34-675-605427. E-mail [email protected] CONTACT: Faction! TV GmbH, Cologne, Germany. Tel. 49-221952780. Fax 49-221-9527877. E-mail [email protected] BALTIC DRAMA RUDOLPH HESS ANDALUSIA 90516004 90516005 13 x 22 mins. 24 x 42 mins. Arteta, Vilnius, Lithuania is producing 42, a family drama about the life of a 42-year-old man who has experienced historic and personal upheaval. CONTACT: Arteta, Vilnius, Lithuania. Tel. 370-240-3263. Fax 370-231-9570. E-mail [email protected] The Telco Report 90516010 2 x 52 mins. SHK, Paris is producing Rudolph Hess, History of a Mystification, an investigation of one of the most bizarre incidents of World War II. CONTACT: SHK, Paris, France. Tel. 33-1-4554-7979. Fax 33-14554-7980. E-Mail [email protected] Page 2 August 15-31, 2005 Entertainment/Drama LOVE STORY, COLLAPSE OF COMMUNISM FILM FROM FINLAND 0516012 0516017 112 mins. Based on a true story, For All Eternity dramatizes the life of Fanny Ebner, a Swedish woman who, in the 1930s, travelled to China to marry the man she loved. Film tells a powerful tale of love and devotion, set against the upheaval of World War II, the Chinese Civil War and the Cultural Revolution (112). An epic yet humorous saga combining themes about love, death and communism, The Last Soviet Movie focuses on a writer from Brooklyn, revealing the truth about his ancestors, who were major participants in the Russian Revolution (79). CONTACT: Eastwest Dist., Vienna, Austria. Tel. 43-1-524-9310. Fax 43-1-524-931020. E-mail [email protected] SEARCHING FOR A MIRACLE 0516013 95 mins. Telling the story of a young woman intent on learning the fate of ancestors and locating a famous Rabbi, A Miracle in Cracow is a journey of discovery and redemption. CONTACT: Cinema-Film Ltd., Budapest, Hungary. Tel. 36-1-2520078. Fax 36-1-252-0078. E-mail [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHED AFFAIR 0516014 117 mins. The well-ordered life of a young woman is quickly unraveled in AntaresThree Sides of Love; first by a brief but torrid love affair, then by the photographic record of her passion. CONTACT: Sola Media GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany. Tel. 49-711479-3666. Fax 49-711-479-2658. E-mail [email protected] BROOKLYN THEATER 0516015 90 mins. Centering on a theater director from Spain preparing to stage a play in Brooklyn, The Other Shoe follows the interaction of three unique communities that intersect and interact along Broadwayartists, Dominicans and Hasidic Jews. CONTACT: ZZJ, S.A., Seville, Spain. Tel. 34-95-468-9371. Fax 34-95-468-0096. E-mail [email protected] BATTLING DEPORTATION 0516016 20 x 42 mins. Set in Lithuania, Hostages tells the story of two Russian brothers, long-time residents of Lithuania, who are slated for deportation. The brother take eight native Lithuanians hostage as a protest, with tragic results. CONTACT: Arteta, Vilnius, Lithuania. Tel. 370-240-3263. Fax 370231-9570. E-mail [email protected] The Telco Report Set in Finland, The Icebreaker is a coming-of-age story about a 14-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a professional hockey player. Dealing with the separation of his parents, the boy looks to his hockey coach and the game itself for direction and stability (62). Who Will Comfort Viivi? tells the story of a 17-year-old whose boyfriend moves away to London. Desperate to go visit him, the girl tries to track down her mother, who is off traveling around with hippies (58). A vivid a colorful film about three children, Freakin Beautiful World takes place during a few lovely summer days in Helsinki. Film dramatizes themes of friendship, freedom and responsibility as the three friends cope with problems caused by experimenting with drugs (94). CONTACT: Raija Urrila & Filhos, Penafiel, Portugal. Tel. 351-916892265. Fax 351-255-729069. E-mail [email protected] MISSING PERSONS 0516018 13 x 50 mins. Created by award-winning director Paul Ruven and acclaimed novelist Tomass Ross, Vanished is a new dramatic series focusing on a police unit specializing in missing persons. CONTACT: Holland Harbour, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel. 3110-233-1400. Fax 31-10-233-1401. E-mail [email protected] ON THE BEACH 0516019 87 mins. Set along the picturesque shore of Lake Balaton in Hungary, Szezon follows the adventures of three young graduates who set out seeking adventure and summer employment at a hotel beside the lake. CONTACT: MDC International, Berlin, Germany. Tel. 49-30-26497900. Fax 49-30-2649-7910. E-mail [email protected] UNDERCOVER COP 0516020 13 x 55 mins. Following the adventures of an under-cover cop from the gritty streets of Warsaws Praga district, The Officer is a crime series about infiltrating organized crime. CONTACT: Telewizja Polska S.A., Warsaw, Poland. Tel. 48-22547-8191. Fax 48-22-547-7583. E-mail [email protected] CAREER CHANGE 0516021 65 mins. Focusing on a flight attendant who gets dumped by her boyfriend, Fly Robin Fly follows her attempts to create a new life for herself with the help of a tattoo artist. CONTACT: HRT/Croatian Television, Zagreb, Croatia. Tel. 385-1616-3684. Fax 385-1-616-3692. E-mail [email protected] Page 3 August 15-31, 2005 Art/Architecture RUBENS 0516022 PICASSO IN MALAGA 30 or 40 mins. Paying tribute to the master painter The World of Peter Paul Rubens surveys Rubens work in the Palais des Beaux Arts in Lille and the Vienna Museum of Fine Arts and visits various locations in Antwerp, the city where the artist spent most of his life. 0516027 60 mins. Looking at some lesser-know aspects of the life of the modern master, Sea of Light: Malaga and Pablo Ruiz Picasso explores Picassos work with Spanish refugees in the 1930s and 40s. Program also follows the process of building the new Museo Picasso in Malaga. CONTACT: ORF Program Sales, Vienna, Austria. Tel. 43-187878-13030. Fax 43-1-87878-12757. E-mail [email protected] CONTACT: Hilvan Creaciones, Malaga, Spain. Tel. 34-675605422 or 34-675-605427. E-mail [email protected] URBAN ARTISTS HERMITAGE AFFICIONADOS 0516023 6 x 8 mins. Presenting vignettes on the cutting edge of arts and design, Urban Arts includes segments on award-winning architect Zaha Hadid, artist Thomas Hirschorn, fake celebrity photographer Alison Jackson, Agnes B on international street art and the Mori Modern Art Museum in Tokyo. 0516028 5 x 25 mins. Saluting the dedicated and colorful staff that work at the world famous Hermitage in St. Petersburg, HermitageNiks, a Passion for the Hermitage reveals that all the museums employees, from the art director to the floor attendants, all share a strong devotion to the Hermitage and the many art treasures displayed there. CONTACT: Urbanation-SPTV, London, UK. Tel. 44-20-7713-3321. E-mail [email protected], Web CONTACT: Illumina Films, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel. 3120-624-8395. Fax 31-20-330-8155. E-mail [email protected] SKIN AS CANVAS TEMPLE OF LETO 0516024 57 mins. Looking at tattoos as both traditional and fine art, Skin Stories gathers stunning images from the hotspots of Pacific tattoo: Rotorua, New Zealand; Apia, Samoa; Oahu, Hawaii and the beaches of California. CONTACT: 10 Francs, Paris, France. Tel. 33-1-4874-4377. Fax 33-1-4874-4295. E-mail [email protected] OUTSIDER ARTIST 0516025 54 or 90 mins. Telling the story of Antonio Ligabue, Shaman and ForeignerA. Ligabue, describes how the Zurich-born artist was adopted into a family in Northern Italy through a bureaucratic mistake, growing up as an outsider. Film reveals that despite many obstacles, Ligabue went on to become a great artist. CONTACT: Blauer Reiter Film, Berlin, Germany. Tel. 49-30-69531124. Fax 49-30-3069-4516. E-mail [email protected] BRAIN DRAIN, NOISE FESTIVAL 0516026 Noting that mega cities such as London, New York and Shanghai are attracting more than their fare share of artists and architects, NoiseBraindrain looks at the pros and cons of this concentration of talent (50). NoiseThe Best Young Creatives from the Global Festival showcases outstanding young artists, designers and more from the Noise Festival. CONTACT: Noise Festival Ltd., Manchester, UK. Tel. 44-79-39858222. E-mail [email protected] The Telco Report 0516029 52 mins. Focusing on the reconstruction of an ancient temple in Turkey, The Goddess of the Frogs follows attempts to rebuild the Temple of Leto. Program describes the efforts of a French team of archaeologists as they piece together the ancient monument using the original blocks, 80% of which were recovered in 1962. CONTACT: Idee Originale, Grenoble, France. Tel. 33-476-152143. Fax 33-476-512-555. E-mail [email protected] MONK AND ARTIST 0516030 55 mins. Travelling to Mongolia, Buddhas Painter focuses on the life and art of Purevbat, a Buddhist monk. Program notes that prior to the communist take-over in the 1930s, fully one-third of Mongolias adult male population were Buddhist monks. CONTACT: Poorhouse Int., London, UK. Tel. 44-207-292-9180. Fax 44-207-292-9188. E-mail [email protected] HISTORIC BRIDGES 0516031 6 x 52 mins. Visiting significant bridges in Europe, Central America, Asia and the Middle East, Bridges Gone Adrift looks at bridges as a mirror of the civilization that built them. Series surveys six bridges that reflect the course of human history, illustrating mans willingness to either bring people together or tear them apart. CONTACT: L’Envol Productions, Paris, France. Tel. 33-1-40465460. Fax 33-1-4326-6338. E-mail [email protected] Page 4 August 15-31, 2005 Index Forward & Intelligence page 2 42 (Arteta) Edebits (Ohm: TV) Foreign Mandarin, The (Faction! TV) Man vs. Shark (Transglobe Pictures) Rudolph Hess, History of a Mystification) Traveling…Andalusia (Hilvan Creaciones) Where is Napoleon? (Eye 2 Eye Media) X4 Mag (Armada Productions) Yellow Cake (HS Media) Entertainment/Drama page 3 Antares—Three Sides of Love (Sola Media GmbH) Fly Robin Fly, (HRT/Croatian Television) For All Eternity (Eastwest Distribution) Freakin’ Beautiful World (Raija Urrila & Filhos) Hostages (Arteta) Icebreaker, The (Raija Urrila & Filhos) Last Soviet Movie, The (Eastwest Distribution) Miracle in Cracow, A (Cinema-Film Ltd.) Officer, The (Telewija Polska S.A.) Other Shoe, The (ZZJ, S.A.) Szezon (MDC International) Vanished (Holland Harbour) Who Will Comfort Viivi? (Raija Urrila & Filhos) Art/Architecture page 4 Bridges Gone Adrift (L'Envol Productions) Buddha’s Painter (Poorhouse International) Goddess of the Frogs, The (Idee Originale) Hermitage-Niks, a Passion for the Hermitage (Illumina Films) Noise—Braindrain (Noise Festival Ltd.) Noise—The Best Young Creatives from the Global Festival (Noise Festival Ltd.) Sea of Light: Malaga and Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Hilvan Creaciones) Shaman and Foreigner—A. Ligabue (Blauer Reiter Film) Skin Stories (10 Francs) Urban Arts (Urbanation-SPTV) World of Peter Paul Rubens (ORF) The Telco Report Page 5 August 15-31, 2005 r 6 % , 20 atio VA 05 n T) 9, E a In sa rl di v y v B € 7 by A idu e 60 ug al r € 2 ir (+ ust egi 0 d 1 1 st 0 The future is brighter when you make the right choices The TV industry is now full of choices, and each brings fascinating opportunities. As new revenue streams come into the business, can you afford not to attend MIPCOM, the world’s audiovisual content market? Just think of the opportunities. Like meeting 11,000 producers, distributors, broadcasters, advertising agencies and digital/mobile platforms providers from all over the world. Or hearing about the key issues that are changing your business from the people that are driving them. Catch the opportunity to put your business on a whole new revenue basis over the coming years. Choose your future at MIPCOM Book a stand – it’s the best way to showcase your products or services exactly the way you want – or register as a participant to benefit from the 5-day market activity and highly focused conferences. Plan a brighter future, call your representative today. Further details can be found at 17-21 October, 2005 • Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France •