The Circuit Rider - First United Methodist Church, Burkburnett
The Circuit Rider - First United Methodist Church, Burkburnett
FREE Breakfast On Holy Ground Every Sunday Breakfast on Holy Ground 8:00-9:00 am Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: (940) 569-3348 Website: E-mail office [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Liz Talbert [email protected] FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 301 East 4th Street PO Box 896 Burkburnett, TX 76354 THE CIRCUIT RIDER Come join us! 8-9 am every Sunday morning in fellowship hall. Our happy hearts serve free pancakes, bacon & juice/ coffee and a short message. If you or your family would like to serve in this Ministry. Please see Jack or Shannon Miller. 940-569-3348 AUGUST 14th AFTER WORSHIP We will have a potluck luncheon after worship on Sunday, August 14th. Bring a dish, a friend and plan to stay, eat and fellowship with us. We will celebrate August Birthdays too. The Circuit Rider FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF BURKBURNETT,TEXAS AUGUST 2016 Camp Bridgeport 2016 10th Annual UMM Garage Sale Report The United Methodist Men wish to thank the members of the congregation for donating treasures, doodads, and whatchamacallits to the sale; allowing the use of space; and, shopping at our sale this past week. Twenty-three members helped deliver, set up, set out, price and put up, clean up and return items used in the sale. The UMM would like to give a big shout out to: Alan, Barbara, Becky, Carolyn, Charles, David, Dianna, Donna, Harold, Hubert, Jack, Joe, John, Judy, Margit, Lee, Rodney, Roger, Shelly, Sue, Terry, and Tim. A special shout out is to Bill Pickett, who donates storage space for the sale each year. Thanks Bill! Many people ask “what happens to the leftover stuff?” after the sale. We donate many items to the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store, the Airman’s Closet, Child Welfare Board, Friends of the Library, and Faith Mission. The Bible speaks of turning water into wine, and feeding the five thousand with a few fish and loaves of bread. The garage sale provides a similar modern-day miracle. The men brought four trailer loads over from the shed for the sale; we took two trailer loads back to storage; and delivered three trailer loads to Boys and Girls Club Thrift Store. You do the math. The sale raised in excess of $2500 with more still coming in. Money will be used to support UMM missions. Thanks again and God Bless all of you! First United Methodist Church of Burkburnett Policy on the Open Carry of Firearms No person may enter any property of the First United Methodist Church of Burkburnett, Texas with a handgun that is carried openly. If a person enters the property with a handgun that is visible, ushers and/or staff will not place themselves in danger by blocking, restraining, or other action(s), but will immediately call Law Enforcement. Signs will be posted as required by law. This policy from the Trustees takes effect immediately. The policy is printed here for your information and the required signs will be placed at all entrances to the church in the near future. IRS Warns Taxpayers of Summer Surge in Automated Phone Scam Calls; Requests for Fake Tax Payments Using iTunes Gift Cards WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today warned taxpayers to stay vigilant against an increase of IRS impersonation scams in the form of automated calls and new tactics from scammers demanding tax payments on iTunes and other gift cards. The IRS has seen an increase in “robo-calls” where scammers leave urgent callback requests through the phone telling taxpayers to call back to settle their “tax bill.” These fake calls generally claim to be the last warning before legal action is taken. Once the victim calls back, the scammers may threaten to arrest, deport or revoke the driver’s license of the victim if they don’t agree to pay. Contact TIGTA to report the call. Use their “IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting” web page or call 800366-4484. Report it to the Federal Trade Commission by visiting and clicking on “File a Consumer Complaint.” Please add “IRS Telephone Scam” in the notes. If you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS directly at 1-800-829-1040. Children’s Learning Center Corner School begins, Tuesday, September 6th. We will have registration and meet and greet, Wednesday, September 10th, from 9am – noon. Enrollment is at 24, two classes are full, with three day week/three year olds having one opening. We are excited with a brand new year and all the excitement it brings. We were able to add to our weekly curriculum with one of our student’s mother volunteering as a certified sign language teacher! We ended the year in the black and for that I am truly thankful. On my wish list for CLC, I would like to turn the upstairs center room into a miniature city of Burkburnett, I’ve shared this with Jesus and now, our church family and we shall see where God leads. I want to welcome Pat Strahan to our CLC family this year! Thank you Pat, God has answered our prayers. Thank you church for all you do for CLC, we are truly blessed! Blessings, Maria Hickey, Director and Teacher, Margit Bale, Teacher, Stephanie Bavousett, Teacher Prayer is held in the prayer chapel (next to the office) every Tuesday Morning at 9:30 am. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us in this scheduled and intentional prayer time. It lasts 30 minutes. Adult Bible Study is held right after prayer, lasts one hour. It is led by Roger Watson. Women’s Walk to Emmaus October 13-16 in Burkburnett The walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through other believers. The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with the prayerful discernment and invitation from a sponsor. The Emmaus leaders prayerfully consider each applicant and in God’s time, the person is invited to attend a three-day experience of New Testament Christianity as a lifestyle The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others. Call the church office or speak with Pastor Liz if you are interested. If you would like to speak with someone about the Emmaus weekend here are some names you can contact: Deb, Sue, Shannon, Lizann, Shelly, Maria, Margit, Tami, Georgianna, Barbara, Becky, Liz and many others, just ask. C4 CAMP BRIDGEPORT 2K16 A special thank-you to all who devoted all your time and energy into C-4 camp at Bridgeport, TX . We had such wonderful volunteer leaders in this camp. These people took time away from their jobs and families to help last week. We had lots of campers who were eager to learn and spend time away from home. We had our special memories both good and bad. Thankyou to all who helped with the sponsorship of our Junior Counselors. We could not do this without them. We had one child go home with a fever and it ended up being leukemia. Prayers are needed year round for camp even though it occurs only in the summer. Thank-you for being a giving church with loving hearts. Patricia Veal Co-director of C4 Camp Lunch -August 18th @ 11:30am Make plans to join us for a covered dish lunch, fun and laughter. Come, bring a dish and a friend! Or don’t bring a dish, we always have plenty! If you would like your newsletter via email in color, please contact the office. PROJECT PROM My name is Addison Lobaugh and I am currently a junior at Burkburnett High School. I have started an outreach program aimed at high school girls who would like to attend their school’s spring formal, but may not be able to afford a dress, shoes and jewelry. Prom is such a memorable experience and every girl deserves the chance to feel beautiful and enjoy a night they will never forget. Phase 1: Dress Drive: The drive will begin this fall and go through March -Gently worn or new dresses (all sizes) (formal, cocktail, bridesmaids) *I will provide any mending, cleaning or tailoring necessary -Gently worn or new shoes (all sizes) (strappy sandals, pumps, heels) -Handbags -Jewelry -Unused make-up *Donations can be made church office. Should you need your donation picked up, please contact me and we can arrange that as well. Phase 2: Reaching out: If you know a girl you feel could benefit from Project Prom please pass along her information to me. This is a completely confidential process and every girl that we match with a dress shall remain anonymous. Contact info: Addison Lobaugh Cell: 940-867-7200 Email: [email protected] FUMC FUND RAISER @ RED RIVER HARLEY DAVIDSON SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th 11:00am-2:00pm US 287 at City View Dr. Wichita Falls. Price: Donations accepted, 1st United Methodist Church of Burkburnett will be serving Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Chips & Drinks. Donations will support Breakfast On Holy Ground Ministry. If you want to help prep for the event, please come at 9:00 am. To help cook come at 10:30. Our very own Bob Veal will be there playing our favorite music. Come on out! If you can help us prepare and or serve please call 569-3348 or 224-3927 Sun Mon August 2016 Tue 1 7 8 am Breakfast on Holy Ground 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 6:00 pm FISH 14 8 am United Methodist Men 8 am Breakfast on Holy Ground 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 11:45 am Lunch 21 8 am Women’s Fellowship with 8am Breakfast on Holy Ground 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 3:30-8:00 pm Youth Back to School Party 1096 Schmoker Road 28 2 3 6 pm Youth @ Kecks 6 pm Prayer in Chapel 6:30 pm Bible Study 9 9:30 am Prayer Chapel 10 am Bible Study Thu 4 11 6:30 pm Scouts 10 9 am- noon CLC Meet & Greet 6 pm Youth 6 pm Prayer in Chapel 6:30 pm Bible Study 15 16 17 18 6:00 pm Finance 6:45 pm Worship Committee 9:30 am Prayer Chapel 10 am Bible Study 4-5:15 Zumba 6:00 pm Youth 6 pm Prayer in Chapel 6:30 pm Bible Study 11:30 Lunch Social 22 23 24 25 4-5:15 Zumba 8 6:00 p Trustees 6:00 pm Leadership 9:30 am Prayer Chapel 10 am Bible Study Council 4-5:15 Zumba 6 pm Youth 6 pm Prayer in Chapel 6:30 pm Bible Study 29 30 31 9:30 am Prayer Chapel 10 am Bible Study 4-5:15 Zumba 6 pm Youth 6 pm Prayer in Chapel 6:30 pm Bible Study 8 am Breakfast on Holy Ground 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 6:00 pm FISH Remember in Your Prayers Wed Diane Bejessie Tommy Cobbs Danny Cremeens Dwight Gaston Ashley Gonzenbach Ray & Shirlene Hatcher Carl Miller Lorraine Paulsen Bill & Martha Pickett Judy Schmidt Lyn Seebo Aubrey Tillery Roger Watson Armed Forces Jace Beason Marc Beason Dalton Bond Adan Donaghey Lloyd Kocurek Caleb Pellikan Dillan Asa Tyler Connor Williams Justin Williams CHURCH & ITS MINISTRIES Youth & Leaders Breakfast on Holy Ground Fri 5 12 6 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry Sat 6 9-11 am BISD Project Back to School 13 RRHD Fund Raiser for Breakfast on Holy Ground 11-2 pm Come Support ! 19 20 26 27 4-5:15 Zumba Project Back To School Rally Free School Supplies & Backpacks Saturday, August 6 9-11 a.m. Burkburnett Community Center 735 Davey Drive Come for fun, school and community resource information, free giveaways, and immunizations for eligible children. Free school supplies and backpacks for BISD students who qualify for the Lunch Program. For specific information, call (1-877-541-7905) or visit Anniversaries 1 3 12 25 25 31 Keith & Mandy Smail Carl & Mary Dixon Brandon & Kim Box Patrick & Emily Birk Mason & Michelle Wiese Jeff & Audrey Ash Birthdays 2 6 6 8 8 10 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 17 17 19 19 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 28 27 31 Jenzen Jones Morgan Summers Debbie Walton Larry Box Tom Talbert Linda Ellett Joey Green Lee Seman Samantha Summers Kelly Bolen Georgianna Greenway Melynda Inman Marc Beason Tom Ridlehuber Kyle Holzheuser John Liffick Ronni Jalowy Lindsey Miller Claude Adams Lana Stallings Mary Cheney Marilyn Keck Skye Nielsen Leo Tulagan Patsy Armstrong Devon Jones Kyle Marshall Juanita Keck Larry Gauthier
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