DEXTER - The Eastern Gazette
DEXTER - The Eastern Gazette
Front Cover FREE Established 1853 *****ECRWSS***** U.S. Postage Paid Dexter ME. Permit No. 97 Local POSTAL CUSTOMER Your HomeTown AdVantage 800 287 2295 • ga ette@easte nga ette com 1-800-287-2295 [email protected] 17,000 Circulation • Copyright 2015 The Gazette, Inc. Volume 163 No. 44 October 30 - November 5, 2015 Delivered by U.S. Mail to every residential and business addresses in: Abbot, Atkinson, Barnard, Beaver Cove, Blanchard, Bowerbank, Brownville, Brownville Jct., Cambridge, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Derby, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Ebeemee, Elliottsville, Exeter, Frenchtown, Garland, Greenville, Greenville Jct., Guilford, Harmony, Kingsbury Plt., LaGrange, Lake View Plt., Lily Bay, Maxfield, Mayfield, Medford, Milo, Monson, Orneville, Parkman, Ripley, Sangerville, Sebec, Shirley Mills, St. Albans, Wellington, Williamsburg, Willimantic. Twin brothers, Cody and Chase, jumping in the leaves! Rachael Darrah Photo Accep ng New Pa ents ● Oral Seda on for relaxa on ●Orthodon cs ●Comprehensive Restora ve Den stry Steinke & Caruso Dental Care, PA Don’t forget to “Fall Back”! Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 1 at 2 a.m. Dover Audiology flyer inside! Daniel L. Steinke, DDS, MAGD Hillary S. Caruso, DMD, MAGD 207-564-3455 Visit us at Trick-Or-Treat! See pages 10 & 11 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 Page 1 Between the Rivers, LLC recognized by PCSWDC for Natural Resource Conservation SHIRLEY - Each year, the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) selects a cooperator from our county to receive the Outstanding Cooperator of the Year Award. Cooperators are farmers, foresters, landowners and contractors who have been actively involved in Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) programs, which are aimed to address and improve natural resource concerns on their properties. This year, the PCSWCD selected Between the Rivers, LLC, located in Shirley, to receive this great honor, for the extensive work they have done with forest land management and natural resource education. The PCSWCD recently held a tour and award ceremony at Between the Rivers. During the tour, participants were given an opportunity to explore the work being done on the property, learn about what was involved in the work plan and see the results firsthand. Additionally, Between the Rivers founders and operators, Ray and Barbara DuCharme, were on hand to discuss the educational programs they provide, in which students are directly involved in carrying out some of the work involved in their management plan to sustainably care for their forests and the wildlife that “BETWEEN THE RIVERS” was recently named the 2015 Outstanding Cooperators of the Year by the PCSWCD. Ray and Barbara DuCharme, founders and operators of Between the Rivers were presented with this award. relies on the forest for its habitat. All participants enjoyed the tour followed by a delicious luncheon, and joined together to congratulate Between the Rivers as they were presented with this well-deserved award. For more information about the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District, our Outstanding Cooperator in the Pine Crest Business Park of the Year Award or any of our at 42 Engdahl Drive, Dover-Foxprograms, please contact us at croft, ME 04426. (207) 564-2321 ext. 3, [email protected] or visit our office ,W¶V7LPHWRJHW\RXU+HDULQJ7HVWHGDW 'RYHU$XGLRORJ\¶V1RYHPEHU(YHQW 6HHRXULQVHUWLQ7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Dover Audiology Let the conversation begin ZLOOKRVWD 6LHPHQV)DFWRU\5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 7XHVGD\:HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU 6FKHGXOHDQDSSRLQWPHQWWRVHHWKH6LHPHQV5HS DQGUHFHLYHRϑ6LHPHQV5HFKDUJHDEOH +HDULQJ$LGVDQGDIUHHEDWWHU\FKDUJHU Not hearing as well as before? Could be your hearing has changed ... could be your hearing aid needs attention. Call for an appointment to have your hearing and hearing aid re-tested. Dover Audiology &KULVWPDV /RDQ6SHFLDO 5DWHVDVORZDV $35 Borrow up to $2500 payable over 12 months. SEE US TODAY, start your Christmas shopping tomorrow! Disclosure: *Annual Percentage Rate. Sample payment: $84.92 per month for each $1,000 borrowed. Assumes a repayment term of 12 months at 3.5% Annual Percentage Rate. Membership eligibility is required. 3LWWV¿HOG1HZSRUW ZZZVYIFXPHFRP Chris Clukey MA, CCC-A 859 West Main St. Dover-Foxcroft 564-3337 Open Monday through Wednesday 9 -5 and Thursday 9-4 FREE Hearing Aids For Qualifying Seniors. Call for Details. Use The Eastern Gazette: BE HERE NOW Delivered Every Week By U.S. Mail To Every Address - Circulation 16,168 Page 2 October 30 - November 5, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Local school groups to perform original theater DAIRY-AIRE COMPOST by appointment )5('&$52/6+(5%851( 7RZQ)DUP5RDG'H[WHU0( WRZQIDUP#DROFRP DOVER-FOXCROFT - Two classes from area high schools will be performing original theater pieces on Tuesday, November 3 at the Center Theatre in Dover Foxcroft. The groups are a senior English class at Piscataquis Community Secondary School and the drama class at Penquis Valley High School. Both groups have been working for the past two weeks with professional theater artists-in-residence brought into the schools by the Maine Alliance for Arts Education, as part of its program Building Community Through the Arts. The purpose of the program, in which whole classes create a theater piece together through improvisation - without writing a script - is to help students engage creatively with each other and with their curriculum, and to give students who may not be otherwise involved with the arts the community-building experience of creating and performing together. The class from PCSS, working with theater director Jeri Pitcher from Readfield, has been creating its piece relating themes from the students’ reading of Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe to their own experiences. The students in the Penquis drama class, working with mask theater artist Beverly Mann from Belfast, report that their play’s theme is “two teen-aged girls, breaking rules, living life and learning lessons.” The performances begin at 7 pm. Admission is by donation, with all donations going toward the continuation of the program at the two high schools in 2016. This year’s program has been supported by grants from the Piscataquis County Fund of the Maine Community Foundation as well as the Maine Arts Commission, the Jane B. Cook 1983 Charitable Trust and the Robbins-de Beaumont Foundation. For more information visit the Center Theatre’s website, www. November 7, 2015 9:00am - 2:00pm Knights of Columbus Hall, Dexter Grandma’s Attic! Baked Goods! Crafts! Books! Evergreen Baskets! Plants! Handmade Ornaments! Ticket Auction! Silent Auction! Yarn and Cross-stitch Materials Bean Bag Toss Game and more! 62) /// F 9 F 3URFHHGV%HQH¿W7KH:DUP+RPHV)XHO)XQG+HOSLQJWKRVHLQQHHGWRVWD\ZDUPWKLVZLQWHU 2XU/DG\¶V.LWFKHQ'H[WHU)UHHPHDOHYHU\6XQGD\)UHH&RPPXQLW\0HDOHYHU\0RQGD\LQ'RYHU)R[FURIW Re-elect Michael A. Blake Dexter Town Council $XWKRUL]HGDQG3DLGIRU E\7KH&DQGLGDWH Dexter Town Council Needs Adam D. Briggs Vote on November 3 $XWKRUL]HGDQG3DLGIRU E\7KH&DQGLGDWH 0DNH<RXU9RWH&RXQW MARCIA Delaware Dexter Town Council $XWKRUL]HGDQG3DLGIRUE\7KH&DQGLGDWH Vote For Experience Peter Haskell Dexter Town Council $XWKRUL]HGDQG3DLGIRU E\7KH&DQGLGDWH DEXTER: you have a choice. Vote Tuesday, November 3 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 ‘Give a Dog a Home’ offers new hope for canines by Mike Lange SEBEC – Aggie, a terrier mix with one eye eagerly tries to jump on a visitor’s lap. A German shepherd named Dallas prances around the yard with his playmates, despite the loss of a hind leg at the age of eight weeks. Maxine, a mixed breed female playfully nuzzles her owner, looking for attention. All of these dogs and 40 others have one thing in common: If they would have stayed in Texas, chances are they wouldn’t be alive today. Jen Cope, a native of Great Britain, arrived in Maine on July 2 with 63 dogs after buying Eugene and Sue Sutton’s All Breed Groom and Board on Downs Road in Sebec. The home and business was perfect for Cope’s rescue service which started 2,200 miles away in San Antonio, Texas. “Some people might think I’m a crazy dog lady,” she said with a laugh. “But this is my passion. In Texas, if a stray dog is not claimed in three days, they’re put down. It’s a brutal system.” Cope’s journey to Maine started after she served 12 years in the British Army and spent five years in Iraq, working as a security specialist for a subcontractor. “I took a trip to San Antonio to visit friends in 2007,” she said. “I liked the area, so I bought a home there. It was so nice not to live out of a suitcase anymore.” Copy adopted two dogs; and after getting them healthy after a life from abuse and neglect, made her want to do more. “So I started the nonprofit rescue in 2010,” she said. “In 2011, I applied for and was awarded 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status. I saved seven dogs and then moved 45 minutes south to the country town of Devine so I could expand the rescue.” One day, a friend of Cope’s found the Sutton’s business listed online. “It was a perfect match,” she said. She also retained the Suttons’ former businesses, renaming them Royal Treatment Boarding, Grooming and Daycare. “Give a Dog a Home – German Shepherd Dog Rescue,” however, is Cope’s passion. She had 43 as of last week, and all but 10 are available for adoption. “Some I just can’t part with,” she noted, as Aggie rolled on her back for a belly-scratch. Mona Flint, a friend and neighbor of Cope’s, helps out with the rescue center as much as possible. “I do everything from mending fences to babysitting and bathing,” she said with a laugh. “Jen puts all her energy into this.” Adoption fees run from $150 to $450 and all dogs are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. “They don’t need anything but their annual checkup,” she said. If any of the animals show signs of illness, Cope rushes them to Foxcroft Veterinary Services. “They’re outstanding,” she added. An animal welfare agent from the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry has also inspected and issued a shelter license to “Give a Dog a Home – German Shepherd Dog Rescue.” Since her arrival in Maine, 25 dogs have been placed, mostly in the New England area with three going to Canada and a few others to families in New York and New Jersey. About 90 percent of her placements go out-of-state, Cope said. “When someone from out-ofstate wants to adopt, we encourage them to come up to Maine and spend a few days with the dog to make sure they’re compatible,” she said. “They usually are, simply because when I bring them up here, it’s not a restrictive environment.” Transporting dogs from the Lone Star State, feeding them and providing health care is costly, Cope acknowledges but said that she’s delighted with her new Continued on Page 4 Barb’s Village Square Restaurant )ULGD\ %DNHG6WXIIHG+DGGRFN3RWDWR9HJHWDEOH5ROO 6LUORLQ6WHDN3RWDWR9HJHWDEOH5ROO 6DWXUGD\ (JJV6WHDN+RPHIULHV7RDVW 6XQGD\ (JJV%HQHGLFWZLWK+RPH)ULHV 7XHVGD\ +DGGRFN%XUJHUZLWKFXSRI6HDIRRG&KRZGHU :HGQHVGD\ &KRS6XH\ZLWK*DUOLF%UHDG 7KXUVGD\ 0HDWORDI3RWDWR9HJHWDEOH5ROO See us about Private Parties 15 Stetson Rd., Corinna 278-2799 • Tue. - Sun. 7 am - 2 pm (Closed Mondays) Fri. 7 am - 8 pm FALL FAIR October 31, 10 am - 1 pm Brownville Junction United Methodist Church Church Tables: Crafts - Gift Baskets - Food - Books Nearly New - Rummage-Christmas Items Lunch served starting at 11:00 menu of Sandwiches, Pie, Coffee and Punch LADY AND THE TRAMP – Jen Cope holds Tramp, one of 43 dogs at her Sebec dog rescue center. (Eastern Gazette photo – Mike Lange) Make Your Vehicle Last Longer BROOKS TIRE & AUTO 1-800-339-7149 • 207-924-7149 • 207-924-5884 • Route 7, Corinna Road in Dexter SHUKRXUIRUWZRPHQ :HKDQGOHSDLQWLQJÁRRULQJLQFOXGLQJODPLQDWH VKHHWURFNVSDFNOLQJLQVXODWLQJGHFNLQJ ZLQGRZGRRUUHSODFHPHQWPHWDOURRÀQJ VLGLQJPRUH (YHU\WKLQJWRGRZLWK\RXUKRPH )UHHHVWLPDWHVDQGUHIHUHQFHVDYDLODEOH &DOO6WHYH Diane Parola, Sheila Walker and Barbara Herring of The Dexter Tennis Court Project Committee are very happy to report that the Chris Theriault Memorial Tennis Court rebuild has been completed! The installation of a major donor sign as as well as all landscaping is planned for next spring. A grand opening ceremony will be planned at that time as well. We would like to thank the following individuals, businesses and organizations for their contributions to this $80,000 project. It was extremely rewarding to see our community come together to bring the life-long game of tennis back to Dexter. Peter and Paula Lunder Family Plummer Memorial Foundation The Reny’s Charitable Foundation Bud’s Shop ‘n Save Lawson’s Landscape Construction C.M. Ellms and Son S & G Construction, Inc. Sebec Fence Maine Tennis and Track Jason Langlais Dexter Lumber Co. Page 3 Reggie Cobb Barbara Herring Susan Vafiades Hillary Davies Scott Hilkert Nicholas Brandon Donald Holsapple 45th Parallel Corp. Gordon Canning Jr. H.L. Tillson & Co. Sharon Grant Sunshine Club, Inc. of Dexter Sebasticook Family Doctors Mike Stevens Plumbing Dexter Family Practice Dexter Redemption Center Betty Whitney Geo. E. Howard & Co., Inc. S.H. Electric Shirley B. Carter Post #42 V.F.W. Joseph Cowherd in memory of Chris Theriault Jill M. Sampson in memory of George & Isabelle Sampson Benita & Jerry Rudmin in memory of Chris Theriault, George Sampson & Jud Wark Francis & Sandra Bush in memory of Jackqueline Chadbourne Dick & Joanne Hall in memory of Jeff Parola and Chris Theriault John & Diane Parola & family Rich & Martha Pfirman Kevin & Katherine Graham AE Robinson Oil Co. James J. Lubas Bangor Savings Bank HH Brown Shoe Co., Inc. Bob Fritsch Victor D. Andrews, D.D.S. Town of Dexter Virginia Wark in memory of Jud Wark Ridge View Community School Booster Club Dexter Regional High School Booster Club Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union Employees of Maine Highlands FCU )5('&$52/6+(5%851( 7RZQ)DUP5RDG'H[WHU0( WRZQIDUP#DROFRP *5$66)('%(())$//5281'836$/( %HHYHV$YDLODEOH:KROH6LGH+DOIVLGHV%XUJHU Located In Dexter, ME Organic Certified Forage and Pasture Committed to Health Benefits for Land, Cattle, Food Assurance of Respectful Cattle Life and Harvest Local Processing; Your Money Stays in our Community Most of our animals are born here. Their job is to be happy and grow healthy. They harvest more than 70% of their own forage and deposit 90% of that nutrition back on the soil to grow more food. Solar Powered – Wholisitc Protein Top of Maine Farm – Restoring Land-Health-Economy Harmony H OME DECOR Christmas Open House Friday & Saturday, November 6th & 7th 6QHDND3HDNRIRXU &KULVWPDV,WHPV RQ1RYHPEHUQG SAMPLE Ou HOME MADEr Treats! &RPHVHH:KDW·VQHZWKLV\HDU 7ZLQNOH/LJKWV6QRZPDQ +RPH'pFRUDQG&+5,670$6'pFRU Don’t forget our IN STORE SPECIALS Route 7 • 96 Newport Rd. • Corinna • 278-2782 Page 4 October 30 - November 5, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage POTATOES, SQUASH, TURNIPS AND BEETS STILL AVAILABLE!! 'H[WHU)DUPHUV0DUNHW Anyone wishing to purchase potatoes or squash after Nov. 1, please call 943-2605. Feel free to trick or treat in costume at the Dexter Farmers’ Market this Saturday (10:00-1:00) as we celebrate our last market of the season. We will have goat milk and cheese, pickles (on sale for $3 a jar!), jams & jellies, handknitted hats & mittens, crocheted market bags, farm fresh eggs, plus delicious BBQ pulled pork, chicken, sausage and brisket. Thank you for the support as we work to reestablish the market, and we’ll see you next year! We would like to thank everybody for a great year and wish you all the best! Open Mon.-Sat. 9-4, Sun. 10-2 226 Medford Rd., MILO • 943-2605 Dexter Dover Area Towns in Transition 1 Mile From Green Bridge On Left Side Of Road, Look For Sign 6@SDQ2S#DWSDQŞ ,%SN"KNRD2@SSN"KNRD Local history books on sale! Never too early for Christmas! +$33<+285 0RQGD\)ULGD\WR %HHU:LQH(WF2)) The Merrill Slate Quarry of Brownville $9.95 Schoodic Lake Revisited $18.95 83&20,1*(17(57$,10(17 2FWREHU +DOORZHHQ&RVWXPH3DUW\ 3UL]HVZLOOEHDZDUGHG 1RYHPEHU +RUVHVKRH7RXUQDPHQWV 5HJLVWUDWLRQDW1RRQ7RXUQDPHQWDWSP On sale at LaGrange General Store, The General Store in Brownville Jct. and Indian Hill Trading Post in Greenville, select outlets and Bill Sawtell at 965-3971. 2FWREHU )HL!QNVM!@MC 1RYHPEHU1HFGS.TS2SQ@HFGS 1RYHPEHU -NM/QNƥS ^rɭǻrNJNJrNDǢħrǻDĵĵǢݵŗ˚ȕƻǢ FOOD - ENTERTAINMENT - POOL TABLES - DARTS - HORSESHOES GIVE A DOG from Page 3 home in Maine. “People’s attitude toward animals up here is so different,” she said. For more information, visit www.giveadogahome-sanantonio. org or email giveadogahome@ Girls Rec basketball sign ups for grades 3-6 will be held Tuesday, November 3 from 5 - 6:30 pm at the Town Hall. Boys Rec basketball sign ups for grades 3-6 will be held Thursday, November 5 from 5 - 6:30 pm at the Town Hall. $15 sign up fee. Any questions call 270 -0195. (DDATT) “Dead River Rough Cut” Two Maine woodsmen observations and stories from the 1970’s. Friday, November 6, 7 pm Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter FMI: 924-3836 or [email protected] NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON PUMPKINS NOW AVAILABLE! Pick your own BEETS for pickling & canning. APPLES & CIDER AND OUR OWN REAL MILK Don’t Forget our CORN MAZE CARROTS NEW RED POTATOES YUKON GOLDS, RUSSETS, SHEPODY, NORWIS & KENNEBECS FALL SPECIAL 5 BAGS FOR $50! Weekends Noon to 6 BRIGGS FARM WE NOW ACCEPT WIC 115 Crawford Road, Dexter Rollins Orchards 924-3456 Rt. 94 Garland • 924-3504 M - Sat. 9-6, Sun. 12-6 PROPERTIES BY NORM COOKSON REALTY For 30 Years, Norm Cookson Realty has sponsored the Dexter Fire Department Coloring Contest Bull Moose Lounge ATV Trail Accessible Moosehead Trail Motor Lodge 300 Corinna Rd., Rt. 7 Dexter 924-7286 • 11 AM - 1 AM Daily NEW MENU! DAILY SPECIALS Now Serving Homemade Breakfast 7 Days a Week, 5 to 11 am Live Entertainment on Weekends! Function Hall & Catering Ask About Room Packages Room & Ride Packages NEW! In cooperation with Nag-A-Bon Acres of Stetson Horseback Trail Rides &RPH6HH0HO6WDQKRSH·V0XUDO ,Q2XU,QGRRU3RRO$UHD H O M E S H O M E S C O T T A G E S C O T T A G E S L A N D 2015 FIRE DEPARTMENT COLORING CONTEST WINNERS FOR THE 30th YEAR NORM COOKSON REALTY SUPPORTS FIRE PREVENTION AWARENESS! Pictured at the prize presentation are from left to right: Lucky the Clown, Alexandria Steigerwalt, Madison Thomas, Aubrey Ladd, Adelea Gudroe, Lydia Jensen, Lexi Wintle, Elizabeth Roberts, Amelia Greaves, Macey Deering, Steve Bailey Missing from Photo: Addyson Wyman, Quentin Rich, Tyler Swift. Norm Cookson Realty has sponsored the Dexter Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Week for the past 30 years. Each year we hold a coloring contest for the SAD 46 pre-school thru grade 4. The first and second place winners from each class were given stuffed Dalmation dogs. Special thanks go out to Lucky the Clown who helped entertain the kids. ALL ENTRIES WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE WINDOWS AT NORM COOKSON REALTY FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS 175 SPRING ST., DEXTER 924-7902 OR 924-3594 Check our window display, stop for a FREE catalog. Is your property on the internet? It is if it is listed with us HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 - 5, SATURDAY 9 - 4, SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT L A N D The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 DOVER-FOXCROFT - Dover Cove Farmers’ Market will be joining in on Dover-Foxcroft’s town-wide Halloween BooNanza. They will be in the Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce’s parking lot from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Halloween offering free hot apple cider, pumpkin donut holes, and perhaps a surprise or two. Halloween is the last chance this year to get to Dover Cove Farmers’ Market. Farmers have brought in most of their harvests and planted their garlic. Orchards are pressing cider. It’s time to stock up on squash, potatoes, onions, carrots, and cabbage. Debit, credit, and EBT cards are welcome, and EBT shoppers are eligible for fruit and vegetable purchase incentives through a USDA grant. Kata hd i n Gardiner 621-6328 • Newport • 355-0117 10 Lb Bag Boneless Chicken Breast $ 1.49 Lb ($14.90 a Bag) Fresh Ground Chuck 85% $ 4.49 Lb 5 Lbs or More: 3.99 Lb $ KVHC Pharmacy Opening November 4th Katahdin Valley Health Center (KVHC) is proud to announce the opening of our retail pharmacy. KVHC will offer services to all community members, serving both existing patients and non-KVHC patients alike. We will begin serving the local community on November 4th. Transfer Your Prescriptions to KVHC Pharmacy Our KVHC Pharmacy Care Team is ready and standing by to assist you with the process of transferring your prescriptions to our pharmacy. Use any of our four easy methods to transfer your prescriptions to KVHC Pharmacy today! In Person Online We will need: (PHU\·V MEAT & PRODUCE Tues. - Fri. 9 to 6, Sat. 9 to 4, Closed Sun. & Mon. Page 5 Phar m ac y 74 Grove Street, Dexter HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. All proceeds benefit Kiwanis community programs FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • Healthy C lues om Va s itie un m Dover Cove Farmers’ Market last day of the season October 31 t:PVS/BNFBOE1IPOF/VNCFS E-Mail while supplies last t:PVS$VSSFOU1IBSNBDZT/BNF and Location Mello Gold Hams $ Whole - 2.49 lb. Center Cuts - $3.99 lb. Ends - $1.99 lb. Halves - $2.69 lb. t:PVS1SFTDSJQUJPO/VNCFS-PDBUFEPO :PVS1SFTDSJQUJPO#PUUMFTPSUIF name/dosage of your prescriptions). Phone *ORDER YOUR FRESH LOCAL TURKEY FOR THANKSGIVING TODAY We Accept MC, Visa, Discover, EBT Cards and Food Stamps Welcome Fall Clearance on ducts all Bush Hog Products We look forward to serving you in the future.We are conveniently located on the corner of Florence Avenue and Bangor Street in Houlton, just inside our KVHC health center. For more information, please visit our website at or call us at 207-521-0620 or toll-free at 1-866-366-5842. Hurry in for best selection Boneless Sirloin Strip Steak SAVE $10000 $3 300 Any In-Stock Merchandise: Rotary Cutters, Scrapper Blades, Harrows and much more! Harvey Farm Equipment LLC 1251 Bangor Road • 564-7561 • Dover-Foxcroft $ Open 8 AM - 7 PM, Fridays 8 AM - 8 PM Fresh Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breast 10 Lbs. or More HAR MON’S Heating Oil $ 1.68 Stop by or call: 943-2561 or 1-800-564-3835 Bottom Round Roast Beef Round Ground Chuck Cube Stew Steak Beef 3.98 Lb. 5 Lbs. or More $4.38 Lb. $4.38 Lb. Petite Boneless Boneless Boneless Pork Sirloin Great Lakes Pork Sirloin Pork Sirloin Roast $1.68 Lb. Cutlets $2.38 Lb. Country Style American 31/40 COOKED TAIL-ON 1 LB PKG. $9.98 Ea. Cocktail Shrimp $3.98 Lb. Beef Round $ Ribs $2.38 Lb. IGA 16 OZ. THICK SLICED OR Special Cut Sliced Bacon $3.98 Cheese 3 Lb. Block $8.98 Follow us on facebook for unadvertised specials! Ea. ROLLINS ORCHARDS US Utility RUSSER RUSSER Deli Sliced STELLA Deli Sliced McIntosh 3BagsLb. Apples 2/$3 Virginia Baked Cooked Salami Provolone Cheese Iceberg Salad Mix 31 M Main i St Street,t Milo Lb. Ground Fresh Daily Lb. Ham $ 98 Lb. 4 DOLE CLASSIC 12 Oz. continues to offer automatic and will-call heating fuel services to the greater Milo, Brownville, LaGrange areas from our office here in Milo. The Harmon’s Fuel Oil business office on Main Street is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for orders, payments and additional heating services. 7.98 BONELESS BEEF Rt. 7 Dexter 924-5000 SNOW WHITE 99¢ FRESH 8 Oz. Mushrooms HATFIELD Family Pack Thick Sliced Bacon HATFIELD 16 OZ. PKG. Chunk Liverwurst HATFIELD 16 OZ. PKG. Jumbo Meat Franks 2/$3 $398 Lb. $498 Lb. HUNT’S 15 Oz. Manwich $1.00 TUTTOROSSO 24 Oz. Pasta Sauce $1.00 HUNT’S 13 Oz. Snack Pack $1.00 CAMPBELL’S 10.5-11.5 Oz. Red & White Label Soup $1.00 Ea. CHEF BOYARDEE 7.5-14.75 Oz. Can or Microwave Pasta $1.00 WISHBONE 8 Oz. Salad Dressing $1.00 IGA 15 Oz. Pie Crust 2/$5 PILLSBURY 15.25 Oz. Cake Mix $1.00 PILLSBURY 18.4 Oz. Brownie Mix $1.00 IGA 9-10.5 Oz. Microwave Popcorn $1.00 NESTLE 4.27 Oz. Hot Cocoa $1.00 BEST VALUE 64 Oz. Apple Juice Cocktail $1.00 RICE A RONI 4.9 - 7.2 Oz. Dinner Sides $1.00 CHOIBANI 5.3 Oz. Greek Yogurt $1.00 $388 Lb. HOOD 32 Oz. $268 Ea. Country Cream $1.00 $268 Ea. WAIST WATCHER OR ADIRONDACK 12 Oz. Six Pack Six Pack Sodas 2/$3 PRICES GOOD FROM NOVEMBER 1ST - 7TH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. IGA 12-16 Oz. Frozen Vegetables $1.00 FIND US ON FACEBOOK. Page 6 October 30 - November 5, 2015 COMPASS email: [email protected] COMPASS is primarily intended as a free of charge listing of special events sponsored by local volunteer civic, literary, fraternal, service and religious organizations. Listings should be 30 words or less. E-mail items to [email protected]; or mail to The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930; or drop them off at our Dexter office. The DEADLINE FOR COMPASS ITEMS IS MONDAY at 5 pm. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 FEEL GOOD PISCATAQUIS EXPO - Monson Community Center, Monson. 10 - 3 PM. Free. 343-0171. HALLOWEEN PARTY - Sebec Village Reading Room. 6 - 8 Pm. Barbara 564-3232. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 VETERANS DAY TRIBUTE SINGALONG led by Lew Dow and the YesterYear Music Makers. Dover-Foxcroft United Methodist Church. 876-8013. RIPLEY HUNTERS BREAKFAST - Ripley CGrange Hall. 5 - 8 AM. $7/adults, $3/10 and under. KID’S HALLOWEEN PARTY - Parkman Grange. 1 - 3 PM. $3 to benefit MS Society. Sue Manchester 277-3942. HALLOWEEN PARTY - Cambridge Town Office. 4 - 6 PM. All ages. Trunk-A-Treat, Games, hay Ride, etc. Sue 277-5926. GRIST MILL MUSEUM - Dexter. Open for Trick or Treat. 5 - 7:30 PM. DOVER-FOXCROFT TRUNK OR TREAT - Living Word Assembly of God Church. 4 - 5:30 PM. 564-2586. THREE RIVERS KIWANIS HUNTERS BREAKFAST - Kiwanis Headquarters 24 Gerrish Rd., Milo. 5 - 10 AM. $8/adult, $2/age 12 and under. Bob Ellison 279-0481. HUNTERS BREAKFAST - Dexter Grange, 6 Church St. 5 - 9 AM. $6/adults, $3/age 6 - 11, Free/5 & under. MILO REC HAUNTED HALLOWEEN - Milo Town Hall. 5:30 - 8 PM. By donation. Pumpkin contest, Hayrides, Haunted House, etc. 5TH ANNUAL TRUNK OR TREAT - New Hope Baptist Church, Dexter. 5 - 7 PM. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Cash for candy in Dexter DEXTER - Sebasticook Family Doctors is redefining the phrase “put your money where your mouth is.” This Halloween, trick ortreaters can bring in their excess candy and receive $1 per pound of all unopened and/or wrapped candy in the original wrapper. Limit is 5 pounds of candy. Candy will be collected at Sebasticook Family Doctors Dexter practice, 29 Church Street, November 3 and 4, from 3 to 5 p.m. Along with cash for the candy, children will also receive a new toothbrush and a prize. The candy will then be shipped to troops overseas. “‘Ditch the candy,” that’s what we’re saying. Visiting your dentist twice a year and brushing daily are great preventative measures, but doing away with excess sweets altogether would really give your teeth a healthy boost,” says Dr. Chris Kammer, who started the Buy Back program in Wisconsin a few years ago. “Kids can still have all of the fun of trick-or-treating, and now their piggy banks will benefit as well. The practice chose to participate in the Halloween Candy Buy Back help parents that want to limit the amount of damage that can be done to their children’s teeth. We want to encourage and teach preventative care not last options to save your smile,” he added. Births of local interest DOVER-FOXCROFT – The following births of local interest have been reported to The Eastern Gazette by the staff of Mayo Regional Hospital. A son, Elijah Nikolas Pacheco, to Nicole and Jason Pacheco Sr. of Bradford on September 01, 2015. Wt. 6 pounds 15 ounces. A daughter, Elianna Joy Mozsgae, to Dawn and Steven Mozsgae of Dover-Foxcroft on September 05, 2015. Wt. 9 pounds 1 ounce. A son, Tripp Winston Thibodeau, to Kristi and Anthony Thibodeau of Sangerville on September 30, 2015. Wt. 6 pounds 1 ounce. A daughter, Sophie Ava Thompson, to Brandy Reynolds and Keith Thompson of Dexter on October 07, 2015. Wt. 5 pounds 6 ounces ReStyled SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY - Charlotte White Center, Dover-Foxcroft. 1:30 - 3 PM. Pre-register 564-4346. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dexter. Bible Study 9 AM, Fellowship 9:30 AM, Service 10 AM. “The Freedom of Choice” Pastor Robert Herring. 1ST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF DEXTER - Next to Buds. 10 AM worship. Meeting downstairs for winter. Speaker Rev Mary Edes. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH - 130 Spring St., Dexter. Reformation Sunday. 10 AM. 924-7419. Specializing in Quality Womens & Childrens Apparel & Accessories Open Tuesday - Friday 10-5 Saturday 9-2 Fall & Winter Items Arriving Daily 10% OFF With This Coupon (Offer expires 11/30/15) 55 Spring St., Suite 2, Dexter 924-3900 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 BENEFIT BAKE SALE - Local Extension Homemakers group. At Cambridge Town Hall. 10 AM. MOUNT KATAHDIN SENIOR CITIZENS MEETING - Brownville Community Church. Noon. ELECTION BAKE SALE - Dexter Town Hall. 8 AM - sold out. GFWC/Dexter Women’s Literary club. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 ST. AGNES LADIES GUILD ADORATION & MEETING - Church Hall, 238 Detroit St., Pittsfield. Adoration 6 - 6:45 PM. 7 PM Meeting. SANGERVILLE KNIGHTS ATV CLUB MEETING - Sangerville Town Hall Community Room. 6:30 PM. [email protected]. 557-1018 Sue McAvoy. KIDS BIBLE CLUB - New Hope Baptist Church, Dexter. Wednesdays 5:30 - 7 PM. Kids K - 5th. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 FINANCIAL AID NIGHT - Center Theatre, Dover-Foxcroft. 6 PM. TCTC & DRHS Juniors & Seniors invited. Rte. 7, Dexter Rd., Corinna 207-278-3704 Farmstand Open Every Day 10-5 Macs, Cortlands, Delicious, Honeycrisp, Empire, Macoun, More Varieties Coming! 3LFN8S$SSOHV&LGHUIRU<RXU+DOORZHHQ(YHQWV ApplesThe healthy, tasty snack choice SWEET CIDER, MAPLE SYRUP AND OUR OWN FAMOUS RASPBERRY JAM! NOW TAKING BUSHEL ORDERS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 DDATT’S FIRST FRIDAY MOVIE - Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter. “Dead River Rough Cut” 7 PM. 277-4221. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 40TH ANNUAL CRAFT FAIR - East Sangerville Grange. 9 AM - 3 PM. $1/at door. BAKED BEAN & HAM SUPPER - BJHS Alumni/American Legion Building, Brownville Jct. 5 6:30 PM. $7/adults or $6 if you bring item for food cupboard, $3/under 12. 965-8070. MIRACLE TREE EVENT - Pat’s Pizza Banquet Rooms. Dover-Foxcroft. 10 AM - 3 PM. $1/adults, Free/under 12. And Sunday, November 8. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR - Our Lady of the Snow’s, K of C hall Sangerville Rd., Dexter. 9 AM - 2 PM. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR & LUNCHEON - Shirley Town Hall. 10:30 AM - 2 PM. Luncheon $5. FREE HUNTERS SUPPER - Grace Bible Church, 40 Douty Hill Rd., Sangerville. 6 PM. Calls for information taken on day of supper. 876-2240. CHICKEN & BISCUITS SUPPER - Sebec Village Reading Room. 4:30 - 6 PM. $7/adults, $3/under 10. Barbara 564-3232. TURKEY POT PIE SUPPER - LaGrange Full Gospel Assembly Linda’s Food Cupboard. 4:30 PM, 6 PM singspiration. $5/person $10/family donation. 285-3825. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 TURKEY TROT & WALK - Community Fitness, Guilford. 11 AM. $15/registration or frozen turkey for runners, traditional thanksgiving meal items for untimed walkers. By donation 11 AM - 1 PM. 876-4813. COMPASS is sponsored weekly by: 897 West Main Street Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426 564-8401 Your partners in better health 7KDQN<RX The family of Gerry Marshall would like to thank each and every person for their sympathy during this hard time. We wish we could do this in person but there are so many to thank for flowers, food and donations to the Gerry Marsh Entrepreneurial fund C/O Sebasticook Valley Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 145, Newport, ME 04953. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Barbara and Children The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 FORUM The Eastern Gazette welcomes Letters to the Editor from readers in our coverage area addressing issues of local public interest. All letters must be signed with town of residence noted beneath the signature, and a daytime telephone number provided for verification purposes. Unsigned letters, letters with fictitious names, letters without verification information, or letters that are not addressed exclusively to The Eastern Gazette, may not be considered for publication. Partisan political letters will not be published in the final edition of The Eastern Gazette prior to any election. All letters will be considered based on space available, standards of taste, and libel. Editing for space and clarity will be at the discretion of the Editor. Letters may be e-mailed to [email protected] or mailed to 97 Church Street Dexter ME 04930. Letters must reach The Eastern Gazette by 5 pm Monday for consideration for Friday publication. “Dover-Foxcroft Voters to Decide...” To the Editor: On November 3rd Dover-Foxcroft voters will have a municipal ballot to consider in addition to the State and County ballots. Article 2 pertains to the upgrade of the hydroelectric facility and the installation of rooftop solar panels at the former Moosehead Manufacturing site. Article 2 asks Dover-Foxcroft voters whether the Town supports the participation of these renewable energy projects in the State’s Community Based Renewable Energy Pilot Program. This program was created by the Legislature to encourage investment in renewable energy projects throughout the State. Projects in this program are able to sell electricity to utility companies at an increased rate so that the projects can generate enough revenue to make these private investments in renewable energy feasible. While these renewable energy investments are being made by the owners of the Mill Redevelopment Project, the Town is the owner of the hydro facility and as such, the PUC requires the Town’s legislative support in order to participate in this program. Without the participation of the hydro and solar projects in this program, the completion of these projects is unlikely it would be a missed opportunity for securing this substantial private investment in our community. Article 3 pertains to the ability of the Town to ensure that it can maintain continuity in services in the case of position vacancies or in transition periods. While State statute speaks to the Town’s ability to make some deputy appointments, it does not cover all instances that might affect the Towns ability to deliver services. The “Ordinance to Clarify and Establish the Appointment of Deputy Municipal Officials” will allow the Town to appoint an existing employee as a deputy to a municipal official and have them sufficiently cross trained so that they can fulfill the duties of the position in the same manner that the primary official would do. This type of assurance especially in terms of a local construction project, would be very important in terms of keeping the project on track without delays which could add to the cost. Finally, Article 4 seeks authorization for the town to refinance some existing wastewater debt. The Town has been able to secure re-financing for wastewater debt twice over the past three years reducing some of the loan interest rates from over 3% and 4% to below 1%. This has saved the Town several hundreds of thousands of dollars over the original terms of these loans. The Town is now pursuing a similar type of refinancing on existing debt at an interest rate of 2.5% to a rate below 1%. There have been some last minute issues that have been raised in terms of the Town’s ability to proceed with this refinance however, authorization to continue to pursue this cost savings remains very valuable. Your support on these items is critical to encourage investment in renewable energy projects, improved service delivery, and cost savings on our existing debt. I hope you will take the time to consider the importance of these items on the ballot and come to the polls and vote on November 3rd. Jack Clukey, Town Manager Dover-Foxcroft Page 7 INSPECTIONS AUTO - BIG TRUCKS - TRACTORS TRAILERS - MOTOR HOMES MOTORCYCLES BROOKS TIRE and AUTO Call 1-800-339-7149 • 924-7149 • 924-5884 P.O. Box 126, 2 Park St., Milo (207) 943-5070 Kent Ladd, Owner Web: e-mail: [email protected] A local Maine company specializing in generator sales and service since 1997. We service most makes and models. Factory Trained Sales & Service for Kohler, Generac & Cummins Generators. Heat Pumps/Air Conditioners R 12 YEA ND A PARTS OR LAB TY! AN WARR WE INSTALL UNBEATABAT LE PRICES! Upgrade and $ave with an economical heat pump. FREE ESTIMATES • FLAT RATES• 24 HOUR SERVICE Plumbing • Oil • Natural Gas • Propane “.... how do they get any work done....” To the Editor: The Piscataquis County Sheriff ’s Office is asking for your support on Nov 3 at the ballot box. Voters will decide on borrowing money to build a new Sheriff ’s law enforcement center. The current Sheriff ’s Office was built in the 1890’s to provide housing for the Sheriff, who at that time was expected to live in the jail. In the 1980’s it was renovated to provide office space for the Sheriff’s patrol staff and administration. Even then, it was an old house with narrow staircases and hallways, and was cramped for space. Law enforcement has changed much since 1990 and this space has long outlived its purpose. The current office has no space for files, processing evidence, interviewing suspects or victims. In fact, deputies scramble to find a vacant office in the courthouse next door. For example, when an elderly or disabled person wants to see the Sheriff, the investigators have to vacate their work area so that they can meet in private. Or consider the indignity of parading a victim around the courthouse trying to find a quiet place to talk. The current building has safety issues and if one was to be on the 2nd floor or in the basement when a fire hit you have no place to go. Employees are crawling around and over ductwork so they can access the stored case files because there is no place else to store files. I’m very proud of the work our employees do; they work with diligence and make the best of a very poor work environment. But we have reached a point where things are untenable. As law enforcement becomes more complex, we need to provide the tools for them to do their work with efficiency and design. The proposed building is a very basic and efficient building. To build any public building in our time for $610,000 is virtually unheard of, but demonstrates that every effort has been taken to provide an affordable, efficient, law enforcement center that can meet the needs of our county for the foreseeable future. The payments will be spread over 10 years and represent less than one percent of the county budget. Anyone who has toured the current office area has come away with two basic conclusions: how do they get any work done and what a difficult environment to work in. We love this county and are proud to serve to the best of our ability. Your support at the ballot will enable us to serve you in a much better capacity. Bob Young, Chief Deputy Piscataquis County “ 310,000 KW of hydroelectric generation...” To the Editor: How many times have you driven over the bridge on main street and looked at the water flowing over the dam and wondered why it no longer generates electricity? Five years ago the state established the Community-Based Renewable Energy program that provides increased pricing from utilities to enable small projects to obtain funding. Unfortunately, when Mayo Mill applied they were informed that the program had been filled. This past legislative session as a member of the Energy Committee, I sponsored legislation to expand the program to allow small projects to be included. Together with legislators from both parties a revised bill was designed to provide an opportunity for the Mayo Mill Project. The legislation gained two-thirds support in both the House and Senate and became law on October 16th. The Mayo Mill application to the Community-Based Renewable Energy program will re-start 310,000 KW of hydroelectric generation with an annual output of 1.4 million KW and add an additional 86,000 KW of rooftop solar generation. There are no municipal commitments or obligations to Dover-Foxcroft. Vote on November 3rd.... State Representative Norman Higgins 207-949-9379 Pittsfield, ME • Katahdin Valley Health Center Opening Soon Katahdin Valley Health Center proudly announces the opening of our Brownville Health Center. The KVHC Brownville Health Center is conveniently located at 180 Main Road, and will begin seeing patients on December 7th, 2015. KVHC is a Federally Qualified Health Center dedicated to providing affordable, quality health care to the communities we serve. KVHC will provide comprehensive medical and behavioral health services beginning December 7th, as well as a wide variety of patient support services. KVHC Needs Your Input! KVHC cares about the needs of the communities that we serve. Our Community Needs Survey lets us know more about the population we’re serving, and what YOU feel are the most important healthcare needs in your community. KVHC will identify new services and needs for your community through this survey. This is just one of the many ways that KVHC is dedicated to YOU, our patients. Our goal is your good health. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 1-866-366-5842 or visit our website at Page 8 October 30 - November 5, 2015 Weekly Rates ★★★ PLEASE BRING IN YOUR USED MOTOR OIL ★★★ BROOKS Tire & Auto 924-7149 or 1-800-339-7149 Corinna Rd., Dexter • B.L. Grant & Son 7HUU\'*UDQW&HOO -DVRQ'*UDQW&HOO 'R]HU([FDYDWRU6HUYLFH *UDYHO6FUHHQHG6DQG/RDP&UXVKHG6WRQH 6HSWLF6\VWHPV,QVWDOOHG &RULQWK0DLQH 419 Moosehead Trail, Newport, ME 355-3333 For The Highest Quality Of Eye Care And Surgical Needs. NOVEMBER SPECIAL Dr. Kiran Jones Frames of the Month 30% OFF Bellagio Frames & SuperFlex Frames Dr. Ian Jones Exclusions May Apply. Not in conjunction with Insurances. WE PARTICIPATE WITH THE FOLLOWING INSURANCES: Medicare • Mainecare • Anthem • Cigna • Aetna • Harvard Pilgrim Martins Point • United Healthcare • AARP • AND MANY MORE ALSO ACCEPTING: EyeMed and VSP Vision Plans NOW ACCEPTING: CARE CREDIT! Call: 355-3333 or 487-6655 to make your appointment. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Study highlights Moosehead Lake Region’s assets and challenges by Mike Lange GREENVILLE – Billions of dollars are spent each year marketing communities and tourist destinations, but the vast majority of the expense is wasted. Why? According to a study by Roger Brooks International, people are exposed to more marketing messages than they can absorb. Therefore, the best way to get your message across is finding something “that really sets you apart from everyone else and then build on that as a foundation. This is the art of branding.” The Brooks study was formally introduced at the October 21 Greenville Board of Selectmen’s meeting by the Moosehead Lake Brand Development Team, a 17-member committee charged with developing a plan to encourage more visitors to come to the area and enhance the year-round economic opportunities in the region. The Brooks study recommended that the Moosehead Lake region be branded as “America’s Crown Jewel.” But development team chair Amanda Hunt said that Brooks also cautioned that “you don’t just roll out a brand. It’s more than just logos and slogans. It’s the essence of who you are what you want to be known for.” Brooks has made 42 recommendations which can be rearranged or prioritized, Hunt said. “But Roger also stated that you can’t leave any of them out. If the pieces don’t come together, the puzzle won’t be complete,” she said. Some of the recommendations include: Recruit additional retail, dining and outdoor experiences into Greenville and Rockwood; Develop a community profile and opportunities brochure; Develop free, robust Wi-Fi access at the pavilion and a radius of one-quarter to one-half mile radius of downtown; Improve access to public restrooms in downtown Greenville and Rockwood; Contract for the manufacturing and sale of branded gear; Relocate the Greenville visitors’ center downtown and build a mobile information center; Install retail “blade” signs on downtown stores and add benches and more downtown beautification; Raise $7 million for development and marketing of the brand. While the funds needed to fully implement the branding initiative raised a few eyebrows, Hunt said that not all of the money needed to be raised in the immediate future and that the committee plans to apply for grants along with private donations. She also pointed out that there are several signs that residents support improved marketing efforts. An online survey of nine questions created by Brooks last year drew 1,400 responses “and that was Roger’s third-largest response he had ever received from a survey, and he’s worked in 45 states as well as some foreign countries,” Hunt said. Committee member Sally Johnson told the audience that the Brooks study revealed that “70 percent of retail business is related to ‘curb appeal.’ You cannot underestimate how important it is to convey that welcoming feeling – flower boxes, nice quality signs, and peaceful lighting.” Public restrooms are also important, Johnson said. “If someone has to drive somewhere to go to a restroom, chances are you’ve lost them because they’re not coming back and shopping again,” she said. For more information, visit the Branding link at FREE Workshop to Maximize Social Security Benefits! Pertinent, FREE, informational Social Security Planning Workshop to maximize benefits: Wed, 4 Nov 2015, from 6-7pm in NEWPORT. If you are 58-67 years old, you can’t afford to miss this workshop! Seating is limited – call today for location and to RSVP: (207) 968-2078 * Located in the Former Office of DR. FLINT REID H.A.Higgins&Son, Inc. FOUNDATIONS & SITEWORK ONE CALL - WE DO IT ALL FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES CONCRETE &OUNDATIONSs&LOORS 3LABSs&ROST7ALLS Katahdin Valley Health Center Welcomes Erica McDougal, LCSW KVHC welcomes Erica as the newest member of our behavioral health team. Erica was born and raised in Northern Maine, and completed her Bachelors and Masters in Social Work from the University of Maine Orono. Erica has a long history of providing quality mental health services to patients of all ages and a particular passion for providing access to mental health services in rural areas. Erica has worked for the past 5 years at MAS Homecare of Maine. During her time at MAS her role evolved into that as the Clinical Director of Mental and Behavioral Health Services. 6XOOLYDQ·V 2UFKDUG 3XGGOHGRFN5RDG&KDUOHVWRQ RU 2SHQDPSPGD\VDZHHN 3<20DFV&RUWODQG 2SDOHVFHQW7RPSNLQVNLQJ 5HGDQG*ROGHQ'HOLFLRXV (PSLUHDQG%DOGZLQ 5HDG\3LFNHG0DFV &RUWODQG:ROI5LYHU 2SDOHVFHQW5HGDQG *ROGHQ'HOLFLRXV DQG:LQHVDS SITEWORK 285-3404 Fax: 285-7190 %XCAVATIONs$RIVEWAYS 3EPTIC3YSTEMS 'RAVELs,OAMs3TONE Stop into one of our convenient locations. We are YOUR Community y Pharmacy. Spring Street Greenhouse Open to serve all your floral arrangement needs. Erica brings a history of thinking “outside of the box” to problem solve barriers to needed treatment for our community members. She is looking forward to the opportunity to continue her passion of providing quality care to the members of our communities, and shares KVHC’s vision of providing quality, affordable care. From weddings to funerals or ‘just because’ stop in or give us a call. Erica will begin seeing patients at KVHC’s Millinocket clinic in November, and KVHC’s Brownville clinic opening in December. For more information or to reserve your appointment now, call KVHC today! 0RQ)UL6DW We are here for you! Mike and Susan Laferriere 325 Garland Road, Dexter, ME 04930 1-866-366-5842 Dexter - 37 Church St. - 924-6259 Corinth - 689 Main St. - 285-7289 Newport - 44 Moosehead Trail - 368-5230 (207) 924-2161 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 PCEDC seeks Myrick Award nominations TIRES We Sell for Less, Make Us Prove It! Call BROOKS 924-7149 • 1-800-339-7149 Best Prices in Central Maine! mid maine metal Roofing & Siding Supply, LLC See our in store Á\HUIRUPRUH Great Renys Deals! 4thYear!! Ladies’ Cardigan Sweaters Men’s Fleece & Flannel Lined Jeans by Jenny $16.99 to $ $ Values to $42.00 Tough, Warm Work Gloves... Long Sleeve Polos 19.99 $19.99 Stay Warm! New Arrivals! ! Just In Ladies’ New Arrivals! 14.99 Stay 6DIH Stay Dry! Winter Nits Men’s & Ladies’ 32 North Stabilicers Winter Pac Boots Wool Blend Socks For The Entire Family *Waterproof 4.99 5HPRYDEOHDQG¿[HGOLQHUV Gold Medal Halloween Paperware Halloween Candy Flour Fun Size $ Butter Squared $ 17 Ounce Poly Rake Liquid Hand Soap $ 48” 2.99 $ 6.99 5ʑʜ\ɡ $ʙZʋ\ɡ)Ⱦȭɏ ʙ /ʋ\ʋZʋɨ, QɛȯȭHɡʝɠ ȿʑʢʧLȪɏ ɭKʋUȰHɡ Boulevard 24” X 36” Ribbed, Solid Mat 4.99 $ Our Reg.$1.99 Our Reg. $2.99 each Earth Friendly dly y Made in Maine! 99¢ 2 for 5.00 Our Reg. 99¢ “Traction” costs less at Renys. White Whole Wheat or Self Rising Twix or Snickers Peanutt 79¢ ...At Renys Best “Their” $69.50 Values to $40.00 Seal Rite Window Film Kits 6.99 $ 3 Piece Window or 1 piece Patio Door Our Reg. $7.99 Real Organic anic All S Size izes s!! 100% Cotton n Sheet Sets $ 29.99 Our Reg. to $39.99 Thank you for Shopping Renys! 16 Great Locations throughout Maine Become a Maine Adventurer at DQGEHWKHÀUVW to know about our specials! Bath - 207-443-6251 Belfast - 207-338-4588 Bridgton - 207-647-3711 Camden - 207-236-9005 Main Store - 207-563-5757 Underground - 207-563-3011 Dexter - 207-924-7524 Ellsworth - 207-667-5166 Farmington - 207-778-4631 631 Gardiner - 207-582-4012 2 Madison - 207-696-4405 05 3LWWVÀHOG 61 Portland - 207-553-9061 Saco - 207-282-1233 Topsham - 207-373-9405 05 Wells - 207-646-1566 photo by: Ben Magro DOVER-FOXCROFT – The Executive Committee of the Piscataquis County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) is seeking nominations for the Warren “Pete” Myrick Community Service Award, to be presented at the annual meeting of the PCEDC on December 14. The Myrick Award is given to recognize a Piscataquis County resident, business or organization who exemplifies Pete Myrick’s concern for and commitment to education, economic development and/or civic leadership in the region. Myrick, a Guilford resident who died in 2002, was a longtime educator in School Administrative District 4 and one of the founders of PCEDC, serving as the council’s president in 2001. Previous Myrick Award recipients were: Owen Pratt, retired Dover-Foxcroft town manager (2003) Merlene Sanborn, director of the Penquis Higher Education Center (2004) Roger Merchant, Piscataquis County Cooperative Extension Service (2005) Edwin Treworgy, retired educator, long-term member of the MSAD 41 School Board, and member of the Three Rivers Kiwanis in Milo (2006) Tracy Michaud Stutzman, executive director of the Maine Crafts Association (2007) Sherry French, office manager for WDME Radio (2008) Rhonda Taylor of Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union (2009) John Simko, town manager of Greenville and former president of PCEDC (2010) Thelma Regan, executive director of Piscataquis Valley Adult Education Cooperative (2011) Bob and Barbara Moore, owners, Bob’s Sugarhouse (2012) Dennis Green, former Select Board Member, Brownville (2013) Richard “Dick” Brown, CEO, Charlotte White Center (2014) Criteria to be considered in determining the award winner will include the overall impact of the candidate’s accomplishments, the duration of the candidate’s engagement in community service activities and the breadth of involvement in the community. The award is not given to recognize anyone solely for job performance, but seeks to acknowledge those who go above and beyond in donating their time to community service. Nomination packages must be received by Friday, Nov. 6. The package should consist of a 1-2 page letter that details how the candidate meets the award criteria in the specific areas of education, economic development and/or civic leadership, as well as any supporting documentation. Nomination packages may be emailed to Christopher Winstead at [email protected]; or mailed to Christopher Winstead, Executive Director, Piscataquis County Economic Development Council, 50 Mayo Street, Dover-Foxcroft, Me. 04426. Page 9 10-26-15 to 11-01-15 You care about how much we know, but... Do you Know how much We Care? FREE Quotes Rt. 7, Newport • 278-2520 1/'5''75(14#..;17424+0)241,'%65 Metal Roofing, Trims and Accessories ★ Colored steel at $2.35 Ln. Ft. ★ Galvanized $2.15 Ln. Ft. ★ Energy Star rated on most colors ★ New Products: Decra & Edco ★ 24-48 Hr. turnaround time ★ 21 colors (8 in-stock) to choose from ★ Custom Cuts SNOW PLOWING Driveways, parking lots, etc. Sanding available Herrick Excavation Inc. Call Zac at 343-1694 6HDVRQV)ORUDO*LIWV &0RRVHKHDG7UDLO1HZSRUW Dr. Badeen welcomes family nurse practitioner Lisa Starkweather, FNP-C, to the SVH Family Care office in Newport. Ms. Starkweather is available for appointments on Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as same day appointments. Ms. Starkweather also sees patients at the Pittsfield SVH Family Care office. Dr. Badeen is available in Newport Tuesdays through Fridays. Pittsfield / 487.5154 • Newport / 368.4292 • Clinton / 426.0976 470 Somerset Avenue 8 Main Street (Triangle Plaza) 1309 Main Street %HKLQG(PHU\·V0HDW0DUNHW 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ6\PSDWK\ :HGGLQJ(YHU\GD\)ORUDO1HHGV 7LP8QGHUKLOO3&)PPIG 8 Main Street, Newport • 368.4292 A department of Sebasticook Valley Health Page 10 October 30 - November 5, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 Page 11 TIPS FOR A SAFE HALLOWEEN Try to Trick and Treat when it’s still light outside. Stay well lit. Carry a flashlight so you can see, and be seen easily. Plan a route in advance. Stick to paths that you and your child are familiar with to avoid getting lost. Make sure all costumes are short. Children should wear clothing short enough to prevent tripping. Children should wear their masks on top of their head when walking, and pull them over their face when they reach the door. Ladd Brothers Engineworks Al Benner Mobile Homes Norm Cookson Realty American Legion Dexter Berg Activewear Bishop Concrete Briggs Farm Brooks Tire 4 Seasons Floral & Gifts Chamber’s Garage Dewitt-Jones Realty Dexter Lumber Dexter Print Shop Harris Drug Store Sweet Peas Floral Foxcroft Veterinary Services Gerry’s Used Cars Gilman Electrical Supply Guilford Motors Harmon’s Heating Oil Bud’s Shop ‘n Save C&R General Store C. M. Ellms Dexter VFW Dexter Sales & Service Earl Gerrish & Sons Inc. Hartley’s Hight Chevrolet Buick GMC Ingraham Equipment Dexter Family Practice Kings Appliance & Carpet Lovell’s Guilford Lumbra Hardwoods Macomber Electrical Services Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union Morrison’s Garage Newport Eye Care Newport Fireworks Perkco Supply Plum Creek Pool & Spa Place Steinke and Caruso Dental Prouty Auto Body Piscataquis Sheriff’s Office Varney Agency Dexter Rowell’s Garage S&G Construction Seamans Electrical Services Sebasticook Valley Federal Credit Union Mid Maine Metal Theriault Property Management Ted’s Master Cleaning The Nor’easter BB’s Tattoo Tillson True Value Dunkin Donuts Abbot Hill Apartments Town of Dexter Town of Milo Varney Chevrolet B. L. Grant & Son A-Plus Motors C. L. Lancaster Foundations Community Pharmacies Corinna Auto Body Country Club Polaris Davis Brothers Furniture Dexter Car Wash & Laundromat Dexter Discount Tire H. A. Higgins & Son JD Raymond Timberlands Lane’s Collision Center Numberall Stamp & Tool Petals Plus Rent A Center Road Runner Taxi Spring Street Greenhouse The Crafty Space Van Johnson Electrician Varney Ford Page 12 October 30 - November 5, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Residential or Commercial 3DWFKLQJ)XOO\,QVXUHG)UHH(VWLPDWHV Paving, Excavation, Hardscaping and Snow Removal Services Call 368-2050 or 416-3534 Bud’s Shop‘n Save SAVE THE DEPOT RECEIVES DONATION - Maine Highlands FCU employee Jen Wohlfeil presents a check to Save the Depot representative, Amber Whitman. Employees of MHFCU dress casual twice a month and donate $3 each as part of the Caring for Community program. A different local non-profit is chosen each time and the total collected is donated. Employees dressed casuallu on October 23 for the American Legion in Brownville. Newport Chiropractic Center SUPERMARKETS Dexter Winter Hours of Operation Sunday ............... Monday .............. Tuesday ............. Wednesday ........ Thursday ............ Friday ................. Saturday ............ 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am - 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm Triangle Plaza, Newport • 368-4318 Dr. Michael Saulter Specializing in the initial treatment & management of painful conditions of the neck, shoulders, back, hips & extremities. • Neck & Back Pain • Headaches • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caring for you naturally with: Manipulation ~ Exercise ~ Nutrition Most insurances include Chiropractic Coverage and are accepted. Visit our new website at: WE HAVE IT! Effective Nov. 1, 2015 Holiday hours may vary and will be advertised. • • • • • Here at Marden’s we have the best bargains to get you fired up! Lifelux Series Ultimate 8 Element Duraflame 950 Electric Fireplace Stove w ith R emote C ontrol Extra Large Room Infrared Heater • Supplemental W/ Air Ionizer heat source for System, Deluxe up to 400 sq. ft. Wood Cabinet • 1,500 watts and Remote • 4600 BTUs Marden’s • 3 heat setting including 500 watt eco setting • 9 hour start and stop timer • Digital thermostat with remote Price • Stylish wood cabinet 7999 $ Sold at Home Improvement Store for $133.99 Have you been looking for the perfect laminate for your project? Close-Out Laminate from well known manufacturers First Quality Many colors to choose from Marden’s Price Starting at . . . $ 1 19 sq. ft. Marden’s Price 99 89 ALL $ HALLOWEEN NOW 50 % off Excluding Candy Hurry in for best selection • Remote powers heat and adjusts flame effect • Easy set-up & charming design Sold locally at Home Improvement Store for $169.99 Get your bulbs in the ground before it’s too late! MIXED TULIPS (25 BULBS) MIXED NARCISSUS (20 BULBS) MIXED HYACINTHS (10 BULBS) now only $ 99 2 · 564 WILSON STREET, BREWER 989-1750 · Store Hours MON - FRI 9 to 8 SAT 9 to 5 SUN 10 to 6 REMEMBER OUR 30 DAY NO FUSS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE with RECEIPT We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct errors. Prices are for in-store purchases only. • Work Related Injuries • Tendonitis & Muscle Injuries • Sports & Recreational Injuries Platform Lifts Power Trowels Cement Mixers Post Hole Diggers Tow Behind Grills Penquis Rental • • • • • • Rototillers Paint Sprayers Woodworking Skid-Steers Heaters Chippers • • • • • Wood Splitters Floor Sanders Excavator Bush Hogs Leaf Blowers Residential & Commercial Snowplowing & Sanding Need to remove snow or push back snowbanks? We can help. Serving Piscataquis county for over 30 years. Call 564-2476 for reservation 1123 W. Main, Dover-Foxcroft AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Good insurance is no replacement for good planning, and we are here to help you protect yourself, even before you have problems. You can request an online Auto Quote at, or call us during our normal business hours. +RZDUG,QVXUDQFH$JHQF\ 242 Moosehead Trail, Newport ♦368-2568 • 800-708-2568 Main St., Dover-Foxcroft ♦564-7194 • 800-244-7194 Lower Main, Dexter ♦924-7461 • 800-675-7461 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 SVH Breast Cancer Awareness Walk raisese $8200 PITTSFIELD - Sebasticook Valley Health Women’s Health spearheaded the twenty-first annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on October 17. The walk raised $8200 and continues to receive donations. It is through the generosity of the communities that SVH is able to use the money to help patients that are un-insured or underinsured, receive much needed breast care services Jen Castonguay, RT-R (CT), said that she was thrilled with the turnout for such a cold, damp day. “The money brought in by these dedicated walkers shows how communities come together to help their neighbors, friends and relatives. Through early detection screenings, SVH has helped patients on the road to recovery experience positive outcomes. Some of these patients would not have had their mammogram if the money had not been available to them. At SVH, we work with all health care providers in our service area so that their patients can get the care they need.” “The largest amount of money raised by a single walker was Margaret McLeod. Margaret supports the walk annually and this year Margaret’s total was more than $1300. The company with the largest amount of money raised was Sebasticook Valley Health, showing that our employees support this cause both emotionally and financially. Team Tawnya of Plymouth and Kleinschmidt Company of Pittsfield were very close as second and third place team totals.” Terri Vieira, president and CEO of SVH, senior vice president, EMHS shared, “ I continue to be humbled by the generosity and commitment of so many, employees and community, in supporting SVH in its goals of providing care to our communities. The employees at SVH are dedicated to ensure that our patients have access to important healthcare services and receive the best care possible. Every walker participating showed the concern that the SVH communities have for each other and through fund raising continue to commit to keeping each other healthy. On behalf of the entire SVH family I thank you for your continued support.” PUBLIC NOTICES dKtEK&KsZͲ&KyZK&d WZKWZdz&KZ^>z/ ZĞĂůĞƐƚĂƚĞůŽĐĂƚĞĚĂƚƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐŚĂƐďĞĞŶĂĐƋƵŝƌĞĚďLJƚŚĞdŽǁŶŽĨŽǀĞƌͲ&ŽdžĐƌŽŌ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚĨŽƌĞĐůŽƐƵƌĞĚƵĞƚŽƵŶƉĂŝĚƚĂdžĞƐ͘dŚĞdŽǁŶŝƐĂĐĐĞƉƟŶŐďŝĚƐĨŽƌƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐƉƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐ͗ ǁĞůůĞLJǀĞͲ>ĂŶĚŽŶůLJ͘ϮϱĂĐƌĞнͬͲ;DĂƉϯϳ͕>ŽƚϮϬͿ KīƐƐĞdž^ƚʹ>ĂŶĚŽŶůLJ͘ϰϮĂĐƌĞнͬͲ;DĂƉϯϰ͕>ŽƚϭϴͿ ϱϯϯƐƐĞdž^ƚʹ>ĂŶĚŽŶůLJ͘ϯϭĂĐƌĞнͬͲ;DĂƉϯϰ͕>ŽƚϭϳͿ ϵϭϵtĞƐƚDĂŝŶ^ƚͲƵŝůĚŝŶŐͬ>ĂŶĚ͘ϯϭĂĐƌĞнͬͲ;DĂƉϯϳ͕>ŽƚϰϱͿ ϲϭ>ĂŶĐĂƐƚĞƌǀĞʹƵŝůĚŝŶŐͬ>ĂŶĚ͘ϭϳĂĐƌĞнͬͲ;DĂƉϯϳ͕>ŽƚϮϳͿ dŚĞďŝĚƐŵƵƐƚďĞƐƵďŵŝƩĞĚĂƐĨŽůůŽǁƐ͗ůůďŝĚƐƐŚĂůůďĞŝŶǁƌŝƟŶŐĂŶĚƐŚĂůůĐůĞĂƌůLJŝĚĞŶƟĨLJƚŚĞ ƉƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƌ͕ƚŚĞƉƌŝĐĞďŝĚĨŽƌƚŚĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͕ƚŚĞƉƌŽƉŽƐĞĚƵƐĞŽĨƚŚĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞĞƐƟŵĂƚĞĚƟŵĞ ĨƌĂŵĞĨŽƌƚŚĞƉƌŽƉŽƐĞĚƵƐĞŽĨƚŚĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJƚŽďĞĂĐĐŽŵƉůŝƐŚĞĚ͘ŝĚƐƐŚĂůůďĞƉůĂĐĞĚŝŶƐĞĂůĞĚ ĞŶǀĞůŽƉĞƐĂŶĚĚĞůŝǀĞƌĞĚƚŽƚŚĞƚŽǁŶŽĸĐĞƩŶ͗:ĂĐŬůƵŬĞLJ͕dŽǁŶDĂŶĂŐĞƌ͘ ŝĚƐĂƌĞĚƵĞĂƚƚŚĞƚŽǁŶŽĸĐĞŽŶEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭϴ͕ϮϬϭϱďLJϰ͗ϬϬWD͘ŝĚƐŵƵƐƚďĞĐůĞĂƌůLJŵĂƌŬĞĚ ͞WZKWZdz/͟ĂŶĚƚŚĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐŚŽƵůĚďĞŵĂƌŬĞĚŽŶƚŚĞŽƵƚƐŝĚĞŽĨƚŚĞĞŶǀĞůŽƉĞ͘ WůĞĂƐĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞŽŶůLJŽŶĞďŝĚƉĞƌĞŶǀĞůŽƉĞ͘ŶǀĞůŽƉĞƐƐŚŽƵůĚďĞĂĚĚƌĞƐƐĞĚƚŽ͗dŽǁŶDĂŶĂŐĞƌ͕ dŽǁŶŽĨŽǀĞƌͲ&ŽdžĐƌŽŌ͕ϰϴDŽƌƚŽŶǀĞŶƵĞ͕^ƵŝƚĞ͕ŽǀĞƌͲ&ŽdžĐƌŽŌDĂŝŶĞϬϰϰϮϲ͘ dŝƚůĞƚŽWƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐ͗dŚĞdŽǁŶŽĨŽǀĞƌͲ&ŽdžĐƌŽŌ͛ƐƟƚůĞƚŽƚŚĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐďĞŝŶŐƐŽůĚŝƐďĂƐĞĚŽŶ ƚŚĞĂƵƚŽŵĂƟĐƐƚĂƚƵƚŽƌLJĨŽƌĞĐůŽƐƵƌĞŽĨŽŶĞŽƌŵŽƌĞŵƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůƚĂdžůŝĞŶƐ͘ŽƉŝĞƐŽĨƐƚĂƚƵƚŽƌLJůŝĞŶ ŶŽƟĐĞƐĂŶĚƌĞůĂƚĞĚĚŽĐƵŵĞŶƚƐŵĂLJďĞĞdžĂŵŝŶĞĚĂƚƚŚĞdŽǁŶŽĸĐĞĚƵƌŝŶŐŶŽƌŵĂůďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐŚŽƵƌƐ ƵƉƚŽƚŚĞĚƵĞĚĂƚĞĨŽƌďŝĚƐ͘ŝĚĚĞƌƐƐŚŽƵůĚďĞĂǁĂƌĞƚŚĂƚƚĂdžƟƚůĞƐĂƌĞŶŽƚĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌĞĚƚŽďĞ ͚ŵĂƌŬĞƚĂďůĞ͛ƵŶĚĞƌƚŚĞDĂŝŶĞdŝƚůĞ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ͘dŚŝƐŵĂLJĂĚǀĞƌƐĞůLJĂīĞĐƚƚŚĞƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůďŝĚĚĞƌ͛Ɛ ĂďŝůŝƚLJƚŽŽďƚĂŝŶďĂŶŬĮŶĂŶĐŝŶŐƚŽƉƵƌĐŚĂƐĞŽƌŝŵƉƌŽǀĞƚŚĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͘ ŝĚƐǁŝůůďĞƌĞǀŝĞǁĞĚďLJƚŚĞŽĂƌĚŽĨ^ĞůĞĐƚŵĞŶĂƚƚŚĞŝƌŵĞĞƟŶŐŽŶEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϮϯ͕ϮϬϭϱĂƚϲ͗ϯϬ WDĂƚƚŚĞŽǀĞƌͲ&ŽdžĐƌŽŌDƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůƵŝůĚŝŶŐŝŶƚŚĞŵĞĞƟŶŐƌŽŽŵůŽĐĂƚĞĚĂƚƚŚĞĂďŽǀĞĂĚĚƌĞƐƐ͘ dŚĞŽĂƌĚŽĨ^ĞůĞĐƚŵĞŶƌĞƐĞƌǀĞƐƚŚĞƌŝŐŚƚƚŽĂĐĐĞƉƚŽƌƌĞũĞĐƚĂŶLJŽƌĂůůďŝĚƐ͘ Page 13 Affordable Care Act Enrollment Assistance Do you need Affordable Health Insurance? Katahdin Valley Health Center will be hosting meetings on the Affordable Care Act, with Certified Application Counselors available to answer questions about the Act. Light refreshments will be served at the meeting. November 17th, 2015 - 5:00 pm - 7:00pm 50 Summer St., Millinocket Application Counselors: Megan Day and Tina McNinch Kara Ohlund from Maine Community Health Options will be available to answer general questions about insurance. November 18th, 2015 - 5:00 pm - 7:00pm 30 Houlton St., Patten Application Counselors: Megan Day and Tina McNinch Certified Application Counselors are also available to answer your Affordable Care Act questions Monday through Friday at 1-866-366-5842 extension 325. ATTENTION: RIPLEY RESIDENTS 6WDUWLQJ2FWWKH7RZQRI5LSOH\ZLOOSURFHVVYHKLFOH UHUHJLVWUDWLRQVEHWZHHQWKHIROORZLQJGD\VDQGKRXUV 0RQGD\DPWRSPDQGSPWRSP 7XHVGD\:HGQHVGD\)ULGD\SPWRSP 6DWXUGD\DPWRSP 1HZYHKLFOHVUHTXLULQJQHZSODWHVRUSULYDWHVDOHWUDQVIHUVSOHDVH SD\H[FLVHWD[DW5LSOH\7RZQ2൶FHEHIRUHJRLQJWR6W$OEDQV WR¿QLVKWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQ$Q\TXHVWLRQVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH7RZQ 2൶FHDW LEGAL NOTICES SEALED BID The Town of Garland will be conducting a sealed bid sale for a tax acquired property. Devisees of Aaron Thompson 7 Paul Rd. Garland, Maine 04939. Only Singlewide Trailer, NOT land. Property information can be found at the Town Office Tues., Thurs., Fri. from 10 am - 4:30 pm or Wed., from 10 am - 6 pm All property bids must be bank check or money order for 10% of your bid. Bids need to be turned in by December 9th no later than 6 pm. The remaining amount is due within 20 days of bid being accepted. Trailer must be removed within 90 days of the date of the sale. No minimum bid required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¿UVW $OOSHUVRQVPD\DSSHDUWRFRPPHQWRQWKHDERYHPDWWHUVGDWHG DW'H[WHU0DLQHWKLVWKGD\RI2FWREHU .LP0+XJKHV7RZQ&OHUN Page 14 October 30 - November 5, 2015 Lupo Construction, Inc looking for Experienced Carpenters General Construction Workers wanted, experience in concrete, steel & wood would be helpful. No phone calls, please. Apply in person. M-F, 8-1 Route 2, Etna 8&$1,1& +DPPRQG6W%DQJRU0( HELP WANTED FULL-TIME & PART-TIME U-Can Inc. is looking for employees who are interested in working with Adults with disabilities. The applicant will need to pass a background check and provide DSP, CRMA, First Aid and CPR Certifications. Training can be provided. Only caring individuals who can follow directions and work a flexible schedule should apply. Applicant must have reliable transportation and provide a recent insurance card as well as be able to provide clear writing skills for written documentations. Please call 945-4033 for further details. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS CORINNA - 3 bdrm, washer and dryer hook-ups, references required. Security deposit and first and last. Heat and hot water included. No dogs. $775 per month. Call 327-1609. SANGERVILLE – 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 2nd floor. Includes heat, water, sewer, trash removal. $725 per month plus security deposit. Call Lynn at 207-270-5073. DEXTER - Single apts. No pets, no smokers. Security deposit. FOR NEW IN-TOWN DEXDEXTER - Small one bedroom TER APT TENANTS - 50% off home with shed in town. $450/ 1st month, 10% off for next 5 month plus security. 991-4144. months. One and Two BedDEXTER - 2 bedroom mobile rooms. All utilities included. home for rent. Water, sewer, plow- NO PETS. Call now for more ing, and lawn care included. No information. 924-6867. DEXTER - Mobile homes available. Will owner finance. Homes stay in the park. Call 207-9462085 or visit us online at www. pets. $600/month plus deposit. 277-5056. ECHO LAKE/PUFFERS POND - Waterfront camp located at 90 Snowgoose Lane. 100’ of water frontage. Two bedroom, one bath. Dexter, Maine. $129,000. Call, (207) 485-5844. POSITIONS AVAILABLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE CNA CNAs Full-Time/Day Position Day & evening shifts and part-time nurse Housekeeping/ Laundry CHARLOTTE WHITE CENTER (See Elana) Per Diem - Flexible Hours Shift & WeekendDifferentials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lease contact: Please contact: Dexter Health Care Dexter Health Care 3OHDVHFRQWDFW-DVRQ$\OPHURI (DVWHUQ0DLQH'HYHORSPHQW&RUSRUDWLRQDW MD\OPHU#HPGFRUJ+DUORZ6WUHHW%DQJRU0(RUFDOO Mayo Regional Hospital BILLING REPRESENTATIVE :HDUHVHHNLQJDQH[SHULHQFHG%LOOLQJ5HSUHVHQWDWLYHIRURXU SDWLHQW¿QDQFLDOVHUYLFHVR൶FH3RVLWLRQLVIXOOWLPHZRUNLQJ DP SP ZHHNGD\V )ROORZ XS RI GHVLJQDWHG XQSDLG LQVXUDQFH FODLPV &RPSXWHU DQG HOHFWURQLF ELOOLQJ H[SHULHQFH DQG NQRZOHGJH RI LQVXUDQFH DQGRU SDWLHQW UHFHLSWLQJUHPRWHDQGRUFDVKGHSRVLWSUHIHUUHG0XVWKDYH H[FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGLQWHUSHUVRQDOVNLOOVDQGZLOOEH UHVSRQVLEOHWRFRUUHVSRQGZLWKSDWLHQWVLQUHIHUHQFH WRWKHLU DFFRXQWRUELOO7KHVHRSSRUWXQLWLHVR൵HUDFRPSHWLWLYHZDJH DQG EHQH¿WV SDFNDJH WKDW LQFOXGHV *URXS KHDOWKGHQWDO OLIH E UHWLUHPHQW SODQ ZLWK HPSOR\HU PDWFK WXLWLRQ DVVLVWDQFH DQG D JHQHURXV SDLG WLPH R൵ SURJUDP 6HQG UHVXPH WR MOHRQDUG#PD\RKRVSLWDOFRP DQG FRPSOHWH DQ RQOLQHDSSOLFDWLRQDWZZZPD\RKRVSLWDOFRP(2( Katahdin Valley Health Center New Openings Due to our continued growth, KVHC is recruiting for: Millinocket/Brownville Clinics Family Medicine Physician General Dentist Houlton/Patten Clinics Optometrist Pharmacist FNP/PA Excellent Salary and Benefits package including generous amounts of paid time off. Visit for more details about these positions. Please contact Michelle LeFay at 207-528-2285 or [email protected] with questions or to submit a resume. Katahdin Valley Health Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 Hibbard Skilled Nursing Center RN - NURSE MANAGER Day Shift / Monday - Friday LICENSED NURSES Full-time, Part-time and Per Diem, Day & Evening Shifts Come join our dedicated healthcare team! We offer weekend and shift differential with an excellent benefits package for full time employment. Visit us for an application at: 1037 West Main Street Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 EOE Hibbard Skilled Nursing Center 1037 West Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft, ME 564-8129 We are taking applications for CNAs Full and part-time, day and evening shifts. We offer weekend and shift differential with an excellent benefits package for full-time employees. Visit us for an application. – E. O. E. /RRNLQJIRUKLJKO\PRWLYDWHGOLFHQVHG 6$/(6$*(17$662&,$7(%52.(5 25%52.(5WRMRLQRXU5HDO(VWDWH 7HDP:HOOHVWDEOLVKHGFRPSDQ\ZLWK RYHUOLVWLQJV&DOO'RQQD-RQHV RZQHU%URNHUIRUDQLQWHUYLHZ 'H:LWW-RQHV5HDOW\RU GRQQDMRQHV#JPDLOFRP Downeast Horizon’s Children’s Workers Needed Join a growing team who are making a difference in the lives of children with Autism & Cognitive Disabilities in community and group settings. Immediate need in the Dover-Foxcroft and surrounding area. Up to a $13 per hr starting wage, paid training, mileage reimbursement. Up to a $250 sign-on bonus. For more information call 1-855-894-3599. To apply, please visit our website at: E.O.E Bryant Apartments. 924-3371. Please speak slowly & leave clear message. CAMP FOR SALE SPA & HOT TUB HOT TUB AND SPA SERVICE. We repair all brands of spas and hot tubs. We also repair steam and sauna. Call 277-3540. Please leave a message. AUTO FOR SALE 2000 SATURN - 145,000 miles. Good sticker till March 2016. New trans, runs great. $2200 OBO. Must sell. 683-6942. MOVING SALE MOVING SALE - Sharp stereo system 5 disc CD changer, double cassette, AM/FM, record changer with amp system in cabinet with two large speakers. Dining room set -table with 3 leafs, 6 chairs, glass front china cabinet and serving buffet. Love seat recliner, blue and tan, very good condition. Two glass front book cases. Please call 924-5512 anytime! POSITIONS AVAILABLE Dietary Department Part-time Cook/Aide Please apply at: Dexter Health Care Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 Vegetable Pickers Wanted mid-July through October Thomas Farms Corinth 285-3483 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage GARAGE SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 10/30 & 10/31, from 9-4. Half way between Dexter and Guilford on Rt. 23 off Jackman Corner Rd. Tons of stuff! FOR SALE COW MANURE for next year’s garden! $25/pick-up truck and loaded onto your truck. 924-6248. October 30 - November 5, 2015 HILLSIDE PARK APARTMENTS, DEXTER Immediate 2 Bedroom Vacancy. Vouchers Welcomed! Rent starts at $626.00. Income limits apply. Coin-op laundry available on site. For applications, visit; or contact us at Maine Development Associates 1-800-639-1747 TTY 711 / 800-437-1220 We are an Equal Opportunity Organization DEXTER - Firewood for sale. Mixed hardwood. Cut, split 16”, and delivered local. $220 a cord. Call 270-1892. $EERWW+LOO$SDUWPHQWV Free Delivery & Set-Up Included s-/$5,!23s$/5",%7)$%3s3).',%7)$%3 314 Main Road, Holden NORTH VIEW APARTMENTS DOVER-FOXCROFT We are now accepting rental applications for a brand new non-smoking Elderly Community, 62 years of age, or older, or disabled, tentatively ready for occupancy the middle of September 2015. One bedroom and one bedroom accessible apartments available. Rent is 30% of your adjusted income all utilities are included. Income restrictions do apply. For more information and an application, please contact Realty Resources Management 1-800-338-8538 TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity Park Street Village Milo 1&2 Bedroom Apts. NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS 989-1070 or 800-287-1071 Send E-Mail to [email protected] with questions or comments. Accepting Applications Ask about Rental Assistance SAVE!!! Buy Now & Equal Housing Opportunity FIREWOOD Page 15 LOT MODEL CLEARANCE SALE! %HDXWLIXOEUDQGQHZ%5%$DSDUWPHQWVIRUUHQWRQ$EERWW +LOOLQ'H[WHU&ORVHWRWRZQDQGORFDODPHQLWLHV,QFOXGHV KHDWHOHFWULFZDWHUVHZHUDQGVQRZUHPRYDO$SDUWPHQW KDV:'KRRNXSVWZRKHDWVRXUFHVDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJDQGD RQHFDUFDUSRUW:HZLOOPRYH\RXIRUIUHHZLWKLQPLOHVRI $EERWW+LOO6PDOO3HWVRNZLWKGHSRVLWPR'HSRVLW An equal opportunity provider and employer SERVICE DIRECTORY SANTOS BUILDERS FURNACE REPAIRS and CLEANING Home Building & Remodeling • Decks • Additions • Siding • Roofing, etc. Call us for all your construction needs! FULLY INSURED Frank Santos Over 35 yrs experience Call 876-3713 DOORE Energy Inc. Oil SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS: 0255,6),5(3527(&7,21 2”x1” 3 Months $ 120 ACCEPTED! ,QVSHFWLRQ6DOHV6HUYLFH RI¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUVNLWFKHQ VXSSUHVVLRQV\VWHPV RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED )UHHVLWHHYDOXDWLRQV Dexter, Maine • (207) 907-6849 S-H ELECTRIC Greg & Casey Macomber 343-1781 1-800-287-2295 WYMAN CONSTRUCTION PAGE’S BUILDING Stump Grinding David 924-5142 Maine Stump Removal Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems Land Clearing Dexter - 924-5902 Garages, Siding, Roofing General Carpentry, Camps - Insured CertainTeed - Extended Warranty 683.5525 Jeff McKenney Harmony Residential • Commercial Industrial • Wiring Garland, Maine Fully insured 924-3405 C.L. LA NCASTER 5HPRGHOLQJ1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ6LGLQJ 'RRUV:LQGRZV7ULP0XFK0RUH )UHH(VWLPDWHV²,QVXUHG &DOO5RQ RU LQIR#UHUD\PRQGFRQVWUXFWLRQOOFFRP # BILL HASKELL & SONS, INC. Water Wells FOUNDATIONS 924-5423 FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS & SLABS Free estimates - Fully Insured 207-745-3509 [email protected] SANGERVILLE 3XPSLQJ7DQN5HSODFHPHQWV 7DQN5LVHUV6HSWLF6\VWHP,QVWDOODWLRQV Ask for Carrie Sullivan Masonry Brick - Block - Stonework Chimneys - Chimney Lining Residential ~ Over 40 years experience ~ Charleston 285-3572 Cell: 570-2482 UPHOLSTERY LICENSED ARBORISTS Tree Removal & Pruning Residential Utility Line Clearance Residential & Municipal Emergency Services CROUSE BUILDERS Building Quality Homes for Over 30 Years Reliable References - Insured 876-2783 Sangerville 631-9587 Cell Lyford & Lyford Builders Metal and Asphalt Roofing Decks, replacement windows, and siding. All phases of construction Over 30 years of experience Call Gary for a FREE estimate, 943-3596 BALL INSURANCE, L KIMAUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL .L.C. • LIFE & HEALTH • FINANCIAL SERVICES • 35 Hudson Ave., Guilford ME 04443 (207) 876-9777 (877) 844-3388 * Registered Representative offering securities though United Planners’ Financial Services of America, a Limited Partnership. Member FINRA, SIPC. FIREWOOD Unseasoned $225/cord Cut, split & 2 cord loads delivered free in local area. Good Wood. certified measure. Doug Thomas • 277-3017 • fi[email protected] Timberlands 2”x1” 3 Months $ 120 - Land Clearing - Competitive Stumpage - Timber Harvest - Lump sum payments - Grinding - Advance payments Choose from: 5/4 Decking, V-Match Siding, Clapboards, Log Siding. Also available in Pine. Hemlock Dimensional Lumber. Bagged Cedar Shavings Foster Painting Co. 25 years of Quality and Reliability LEAD CERTIFIED INTERIOR • EXTERIOR FULLY INSURED (207) 368-5078 ARROW TREE SERVICE (207) 564-2186 or (207) 717-2901 Jim’s • Painting • • Power Washing • Dexter, ME 270-2562 Specializing in Hazardous and Hard to Access Trees TREE REMOVAL & PRUNING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL LAWNMOWING 1-800-287-2295 Certified Logging Professionals Licensed Professional Forester 16 Bolstridge Rd, Corinna • Robert Goodwin 277-3196 JD Raymond CEDAR IS OUR SPECIALTY 278-3539 270-0524 SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS: <2'(5·66$:0,////& Stop by the Mill or Give Us a Call RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Fully Licensed & Insured - Free Estimates Dover-Foxcroft 207-564-8290 It’s cheaper to redo than buy new! 876-4580 *UDQWV3UD\V 6HSWLF6HUYLFHDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ 277-3733 • Furniture • Marine Complete Pump Installation Water Softeners Call DOUG Free Estimates Kennedy Plumbing Engstrom & Tumosa inc. State of Maine Licensed Arborist Locally Owned Fullyy Insured 564-7400 [email protected] We Work Weekends Tree Removal and Pruning at Discounted Rates Emergency Tree Removal - 24/7 Fully Insured Free Estimates Get that tree before it gets you! A Proud Veteran Serving Central Maine 717-TREE (8733) Page 16 October 30 - November 5, 2015 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Chieftan Heights - Greenville Greenville Hylands - Greenville Milo Heights - Milo Pleasant Park - Milo Garden Apartments - Milo Forrest Haven - Jackman These apartments are available with Rental Assistance or Section 8 to applicants who are low income families and low income elderly (age 62 or older or disabled of any age). Low income for two people is $35,100 per year. These apartments include heat, electric, water, sewer, maintenance, on site mail, on site laundry and some include cable TV. Rental amounts will be 30% of adjusted income. To apply contact Sarah Lavigne at 1-800-370-4001. Tenant selection criteria must be met. Equal Housing Opportunity The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage FIREWOOD HELP WANTED WANTED DEXTER - Firewood. No we are not out of business. Sawed, split & delivered. Call for prices. Stan White d/b/a M & S Firewood. 9246217. LOOKING FOR energetic responsible person to work at least one day a week and as needed for substitute work. Background check is required. Childcare facility in Ripley. Call Tricia 277-3435. PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying top $$$ for all old coins and paper money. I have the books to show you the value. IE silver dollars $18 and up. Any silver coins 1964 and below paying 10 times face value or numismatic value. IE 1877 Indian cent $500. Also seeking pocket watches, old banks, Civil War items, gold and silver. I am not a dealer. I do not melt coins. Ralph 207- DEXTER - Firewood sawed, split & delivered. Good wood, call for CORINTH - Webmaster/Crebest price in area. Allen 270-0198 ator/eCommerce sight building, experienced. Great opportunity or 924-3480. to show off your skills. 207-4330347. Apartments 1&2 bedroom apts. Eastville Village Newport Ask about Rental Assistance NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity EXPERIENCED people to list on Ebay and other sites. Part time plus. Detail orientated a must. 285-3346 or 207-478-5717. Corinth 207-433-0347 DOG RESCUE GIVE A DOG A HOME, German WANTED BUYING SALVAGE Vehicles. Shepherd Dog Rescue (501c3, Call Mert anytime at 924-7933 or nonprofit) has relocated from Texas to Sebec. Saving German 717-3939. Shepherds and Wirehaired TerriBUYING VINYL record albums. ers from Kill Shelters. Meetings Good prices paid for quality re- are appointment only, giveadogacords. Most interested in Blues [email protected]. Check out our and late 60’s early 70’s Rock. website to see available dogs. Must be in very good condition. http://www.giveadogahome-sanPrivate collector. Corinth 207- 433-0347 Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS An equal opportunity provider and employer Silver Lake Housing 52 Park St., P.O. Box 103, Milo 207 943-5225 e-mail: [email protected]. dewittjonesrealty com website: www dewittjone Best wishes to Norm Cookson in his retirement. From all of us at Dewitt-Jones Realty. Good Luck HUNTERS! 30 Summit Rd., Dexter Subsidized Rental Assistance Available To apply call 924-5504 Dial 711 for TTD/TTY Elderly applicants must be 62 years of age or older. Handicapped/disabled applicants may be under 62. NOTICES 1 John 5:11-12 God has given us eternal life..whosoever has God’s Son has life, whoever does not have His Son does not have life. New Beginnings Bible Church, Silvers Mills Road, Dexter.Sunday School 9:30 am, Church 10:30. Silver Lake Housing, PO Box 516, Dexter ME 04930 We are an Equal Opportunity Organization APARTMENTS FOR RENT MLS# 1225405 Brownville: Great recre- MLS# 1214390 Brownville: Located in the ational camp on 4.5+/- acres. Location is the key. Snowmobile and ATV trails very close by. Located in the heart of four seasons recreation. Hunting, lakes nearby, hiking or just come up and enjoy what Maine has to offer! $25,000 heart of the 4 seasons recreational area with trails going right by the property. 3 bay garage with living quarters above. Living space is studded up & wired. Public water and private sewer. Schoodic & Sebec Lakes a short drive. $49,900 MLS#: 1064083 Ebeemee: Recreational people take notice! This older camp is located in the heart of the recreational area. Hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and ATV enthusiast this is the spot for you! Located in low tax rate. Heated with wood stove. Some TLC needed! $38,000 MLS# 1241205 Long A Twp: Custom built home w/wood interior, 1st floor bdrm and bath. Screened in front porch overlooking above ground pool & horse shoe pits. 1 car garage, storage building & bunkhouse! Short drive to the lakes in the area. ATV trails at the end of the driveway! $119,000 DEXTER: 58 Main St., spacious 1BR downstairs apt., separate entrance and covered deck, $560/mo. Heat & trash removal included. Newly renovated 1BR upstairs apt., $555/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. DEXTER: 79 Maple St., 2BR downstairs apt. Heat, hot water and trash removal included. $610/mo. Available early September. One year lease, references and security deposit required. $200 move-in bonus when you mention this ad! 10 ACRES Call 343-1447 email: [email protected] MLS# 1239572 Atkinson: Single fam- MLS#: 1074017 Orneville: Cozy cabin in ily home with two bedrooms and one bath. Rural the “Maine Woods”. Perfect location for those outCountry Living could be used as a starter home or doors enthusiasts! Great hunting & fishing area. great place for hunters. $35,000 Boyd Lake a short drive. Cabin has power. $42,900 THE QUARRY PINES Waterfront PO BOX 1, BROWNVILLE ME 04414 MLS# 1229580 Elliotsville: Located on Lake Onawa. 2 bedroom camp. Walk out on the dock and see Borestone Mountain! Great fishing and crystal clear water are all right out the door. Comes furnished, chemical toilet & small building could be converted into a bunkhouse! $114,900 MLS# 1227268 Lagrange: Hunting camp on 4.6+/- ac. lot which borders Dead Stream. 2 bdrms., sleeping loft up & spacious L/R. Needs kitchen. Open back porch has sink area & room for your grill. Stream ftg. w/small dock, dug well & pit privy. Seasonal R.O.W. road, no power available. $35,000 Price Reduced 50 ACRES MLS#: 1207864 Sebec Garrison style home on 50 ac. 5 bdrms., 3 ba., sunny eat in kitchen w/pantry, dining rm., lg. living rm. w/woodstove & den/office/sewing room. Det. MLS#: 1233332 Medford: Privacy with 50± 4 car gar. w/overhead storage. Positioned and Acres on a year round maintained road. Drilled well and power. Bath has a chemical toilet, bathtub & lav. Easy access to the recreational trails. Great potential with this property. $54,500 plumbed for solar power. Managed 40 ac. wood lot w/trails, stream frontage & private pond. Sebec Lake, Garland Pond & ITS trails all nearby. Nice distant southern views. $189,000 “Your Home Town Realtor” APARTMENT OPENING IN NOVEMBER We are now taking applications for 1 & 2 bedroom subsidized housing, 62 years of age or older, handicapped or disabled regardless of age. NON-SMOKING!! 207-965-2291 TTD 1-800-437-1220 Featured Property Hartland 127ac $164,900 Fantastic hunting camp or off the grid home. This 127ac parcel has open pastures that are planted with clover, alfalfa and chicory that really attracts wildlife. The entrance to this saltbox is lined with maturing white pines. Home is wired for a generator, and electric is at the street. Has gas refrigerator and stove. Let us find your ideal property. Agents in Dexter & Bangor. Maine Properties Realty 86A Church Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 (207) 924-6600 Opening available for skilled agent. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage BUSINESS October 30 - November 5, 2015 BUSINESS BUSINESS JEFF ANTHONY: Computer expertise that won’t break your piggy bank! Now serving DoverFoxcroft. (207) 619-1235. www. for rates. FOXCROFT ANTIQUE CENTER located at 8 River Street, is open for business this fall. Wednesday - Saturday, 12-5 or call for appointment. 924FREE WORKSHOP to Maxi- 4562. mize Social Security Benefits! ROYAL TREATMENT Boarding, Pertinent, FREE, informa- Grooming & Daycare is OFFItional Social Security Plan- CIALLY OPEN. Located at 187 ning Workshop to maximize Downs Road, Sebec. Call for an benefits: Wed, 4 Nov 2015, appointment, (207) 564-8838. from 6-7pm in NEWPORT. MAINTAIN IT - Handyman If you are 58-67 years old, services, all types. Now acceptyou can’t afford to miss this ing requests for plowing. Ralph workshop! Seating is limited- Wayne Perkins Sr., Owner. Dexcall today for location and to ter, Dover-Foxcroft, Milo, and RSVP: (207) 968-2078. other area towns. Call 564-0462 COME IN AND BROWSE around - Antiques, beds, kitchen and dining room sets, small appliances, pots, pans, heaters, hand tools, plumbing pipes, motorcycle jacket, ski boots, Christmas Gifts and a 1 year old 125,000 btu gas heater for house. All can be seen at L & G Thrift Store, 461 Main Street, Corinth. Open Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 am - 3 pm, closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. E %X 924-6867 or 717-5386 07 SUBARU FORESTER 4 cyl, auto, loaded, 106k … $8550 07 FORD FOCUS SE 4 dr auto, loaded, 116k ……… $4590 06 NISSAN ALTIMA 4 Cyl, Auto, Loaded, 122K …… $4990 05 ESCAPE 4x4 V6 Auto 4Door Loaded 130K ………… $4650 04 GMC ENVOY I6 auto 4x4 loaded 127k ………… $4350 04 F550 4x4 V8 diesel auto 9’ dump ………………… $7550 03 9-3 SE CONVERTIBLE loaded motor & trans 103k $4990 03 IMPREZA 4 dr sedan AWD auto loaded 98k from CA $5550 03 MONTE CARLO SS 3.8L Auto loaded 96K ……… $4990 03 ELANTRA GLS 4 cyl auto loaded 94K ………… $3990 00 9-3 SE CONVERTIBLE 4 cyl auto loaded 140K $3990 98 CAMRY LE 4 cyl, Auto, Loaded, New Paint, 119K … $3990 “A.A.” 24 HOUR HOTLINE: 1-800-737-6237 REBUILD YOUR CREDIT All you need is $1500 Income Proof of Residence Proof of Employment Call Marcus 487-5111 Need Work Done On Your Fisher Plow? +DOO·V$XWR5HSDLU Bring it in for professional Fisher Plow service. (formerly Mike’s Transmission) 55 Church St., Dexter 924-3062 NOW BUYING USED FISHER® PLOWS Your Authorized Fisher her® Snowplow Dealer SALES & SERVICE Full Service Garage General Auto Repair • Shocks/Struts • Diagnostic Testing Custom Welding/Fabrication • Unlocking of Vehicles 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield For more info go to Honest, Reliable Service You Can Depend On! Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday, Saturday by Appt. DETROIT MOTORS 33&AMILY-OTORS 17 South Main St., Detroit Visit us on the web at 257-2629 CHECK OUT OUR INVENTORY 1118 Dexter Road, Corinna • 924-7373 BUY HERE & PAY HERE Full Service Mechanic & Transmission Specialist on Duty 2012 Nissan Versa BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS or 279-9818. Page 17 Vehicles For Sale for as little as $500 Down and $40 A Week! 2010 Pontiac Z6 We Are a Full Service Dept. $45/hr. GERRY’S USED CARS 1$'$ 266 Newport Rd., Corinna • 278-2205 1$'$ • Oakland - 465-9566 • Skowhegan - 474-6700 • Veazie - 990-2206 2006 Kia Sorento[1$'$$VNLQJ NEW Ask about our 2 Year, 30,000 Mile Extended Warranty Just off Exit 157 on I-95 Visit us at 368-4300 • 1-800-613-3673 We Care About You Before and After the Sale $avings You Can Count On 2015 Ford F-150 Platinum 4x4 Crew Cab 2015 Ford Fusion Titanium Hybrid 2016 Ford Mustang Convertible California Special 5.0 Varney Price $ 29,295 11328, 5.0 Engine, Heated & Cooled Leather, Twin Panel Moonroof, FX-4 Off Road Pkg., Locking Rear End, Tow Pkg, Park Assist, Technology Pkg, Plus Much Much More, MSRP $62,980 Call for Pricing 34890, 2.0, Auto, Air, PW, PDL, P. Seat, Heated & Cooled Leather, Nav., Sync, Alloys, Heated Steering Wheel & Much More, MSRP $34,890 4230 – Call for Pricing 2015 Ford Fiesta S 2015 Ford Focus S 2015 Ford F-250 Crew Cab Diesel Varney Price $ Varney Price $ 12,995 30458, 4cyl, AC, CD, Power Locks, Tilt Steering, CD, Plus Much More 2014 Ford F-150 S/Crew 4x4 N5625, PW, Auto, PL, PS, Tilt, Cruise, Sync, CD, Air VARNEY PRICE $ 31,995 2014 Ford Fiesta SE HB 30348A, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, CD, PW, PDL, Plus More 2013 Ford Focus SE N5587, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise Control, PW, PDL, Leather, Sync, Plus Much More VARNEY PRICE $ 11,995 2015 Dodge Charger AWD N5704, 3.6 Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, CD, Alloys, Plus Much More VARNEY PRICE $ 12,595 VARNEY PRICE $ 26,995 16,495 30512, 2.0 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, CD, Power Windows, Sync, Remote Start, Plus More, MSRP $19,535 2015 Kia Sorento AWD 2014 Chrysler 300 N5703, Hemi, 5.7, Auto, AWD, Heated Leather Seats, Navigation, Loaded N5649 Blowout Deal!!! VARNEY PRICE $ 20,995 2013 Chevrolet Sonic LTZ 30486B, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise Control, CD, PW, PDL Leather, Plus More VARNEY PRICE $ 10,995 VARNEY PRICE $ 26,995 2014 Hyundai Tuscon AWD N5702, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, CD, PW, PDL, Heated Leather, Reverse Camera VARNEY PRICE $ 21,995 Varney Price $ 42,595 11239, 6.7 Diesel, Tilt, Cruise, CD, Tow Package, Locking Rear End, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards, Upgrade Tires, Plus Much More, MSRP $51,610 2014 Toyota Tundra 4x4 D-Cab 11333A, 5.7, Auto, SR-5, PW, PDL, Tilt, CC, AC, CD, TRD Pkg., Only 11,000 Miles VARNEY PRICE $ 33,995 2014 Ford Mustang Conv. N5646 V6, Auto, AC, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, CD Alloy Wheels & More VARNEY PRICE $ 2013 Ford Escape SE 4x4 N5677, Power Windows, Power Locks, AM/FM, Tilt, Plus More! VARNEY PRICE $ 18,995 *Prices subject to change without notice. Price includes all applicable incentivies. For trade assistance must trade 95 or new car, truck or SUV. Must qualify for incentivies. Tax and Title extra. See Dealer for complete details. 19,695 Page 18 October 30 - November 5, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage M-F 8 to 6, Sat. 8 to 5 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield 1-800-427-5115 (207) 487-5111 Shop 24-7 @ Just Off I-95 - Exit 150 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Dbl Cab 4x4 LS 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 LT Z-71 #14222, 5.3 V-8, PW, PL, PS, Sunroof, Navigation, Rear Entertainment, HD Tow, Rear Camera, MSRP $62,840 Sale Price - $37,495 Rebate - 3,500 Varney Price $ 33,9 33 ,995 ,9 95 Or Lease $ 297/M/Mo 297 /Mo /Mo. M. 39 Month Lease, 36995 Sale Price, 10k/Year, .96 APR, 3900 CCR, 22495 Residual, 1500 Down Cash or Trade + 1st Month Due @ Signing #14235, 5.3 V-8, Rear Defogger, PW, PL, 20” Aluminum, Tow Pkg., Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $39,465 Sale Price - $56,995 Tag Sale - 1,000 Varney Price $ 555,995 55 ,995 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Crew w 4x4 4 4 LTZ 2016 Chevrolet Suburban 4x4 LT #14133 V-6, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Aluminum Wheels, MSRP $41,515 #14246, V-8, Auto, Luxury Package, Max Tow Package, Rear Entertainment, MSRP $66,630 Sale Price - $37,495 Rebate - 2,250 Tag Sale - 2,250 $ 660,995 60 0,995 Varney Price Varney Price 2015 Chevrolet Trax AWD D LT $ 332,995 32 2,995 2015 Chevrolet Impala LT #1312, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $24,820 #14167, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $30,995 Sale Price - $28,495 Rebate - 1,500 Tag Sale - 1,000 Sale Price - 22,995 Tag Sale - 1,000 $ Varney Price 221,995 21 1,995 Varney Price 2016 Chevrolet Cruze LT $ 225,995 25 5,995 2016 Chevrolet Equinox AWD Varney Price Varney Price $ $ 33,9 33 ,995 ,9 95 24,9 24,9 24 ,995 95 Or Lease Or Lease $ #1326, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, PS, Remote Start, Rear Camera, MSRP $22,265 $ 289/Mo 289 /Mo /Mo. /M M. 233/Mo 233 //Mo. Mo M. 27 Month Lease, 20995 Sale Price, 10k/Year, .96 APR, 2225 CCR, 14026 Residual, 1st Month Due @ Signing 2012 Ford F-150 Crew XLT #1327, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, PS, Rear Camera, Cruise, A/C, MSRP $29,230 2014 Hyundai Sonata Varney Price 2012 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4 LT Varney Price $ 29,995 39 Month Lease, 27900 Sale Price, 10k/Year, 2.28 APR, 1050 CCR, 16953 Residual, 1500 Down Cash or Trade Plus 1st Month Due @ Signing Varney Price $ 14,995 $ 26,995 14153A, V-8, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, HD Tow 20000 Miles PP2597, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise P2503A, 5.3 V-8, Power Windows, Power Locks, P2503A Tilt, Cruise, HD Tow 2014 Nissan Juke 2013 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ 2014 Hyundai Santa FE Varney Price Varney Price $ 18,995 P2641, AW P2641 AWD, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Tilt, Cruise $ 15,995 14084A 4cyl, Auto, Leather, Power Windows, 14084A, Power Locks, Power Steering, Tilt, Cruise All prices include rebates, business and dealer incentives. Tax and Title not included. Varney Price $ 20,995 P2720, AAuto, AWD, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, P2720 Power Windows, Tilt, Cruise The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage October 30 - November 5, 2015 Page 19 Ask About Our 7 Year 125,000 Mile Certified Protection! %HVW3ULFHV 1R'RZQ)LQDQFLQJ %8,&. /$&5266( &+(9<&58=( 6 3 /($7+(5681522) 9(5<&/($1 +$57/(<·6 35,&( '2'*( '$576;7 9(5<&/($1 21/<0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( $8725(027(67$57 21/<0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( '2'*( $9(1*(5 *0&7(55$,1 % *5$1' &$5$9$1 $87232:(53$&.$*( 21/<0,/(6 /2&$/75$'( 21/<0,/(6 &/($1/2:0,/(65($'< )257+()$0,/< 6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( 0,1,&223(5 &+5<6/(5 6 6 6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( 9(5<&/($1)81&$5 21/<0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( &/($1&(57,),(' 21/<0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( -((3 &+(52.(( )25'(6&$3( 6 $ 6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( $872$:'/2&$/75$'( 75$,/+$:.21(2:1(5 /2&$/75$'( 21/<0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( +$57/(<·6 35,&( :+2/(6$/(9(+,&/(6²62/'$6,6 *0& ;&5(:&$% 1,66$152*8( $:'. .,$628/ $ /2&$/75$'($872 )5217:+((/'5,9( 21/<0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( '2'*( 5$0 '2'*( 5$0 6 $ 6+$53+(0,%,*+251 9(5<&/($1 6/7;+(0, /2:0,/(6 +$57/(<·6 35,&( +$57/(<·6 35,&( .,$63257$*( ):'. 75$,/(575$,/%/$=(5 ; &+(9<&2%$/7 . %8,&.&(1785< . We’re Turning Your Dreams Into Realities! 6WHYH+DUWOH\ 2ZQHU $GDP)ULHQG 6DOHV0DQDJHU $DURQ+DZHV 6DOHV0DQDJHU 6KDZQ5LFKDUGV 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 7RQ\)UDQFLV 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH =DFKDU\*LJXHUH 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH $OOSULFHVLQFOXGHGRFIHH Call Us! 888-630-5794 30 Main Street, Newport Back Cover Dr. Calder has been involved in evangelism since 1975. For over 40 years, he has preached in hundreds of churches and held meetings in several foreign countries. Thousands have been influenced by his teaching and preaching. Come and listen to his life-changing message! Dell, Susan, and Richard Hyssong travel full-time as the awardingwinning Hyssongs. Their energetic family ministry combines vocal harmony, humor, and brass instruments to delight audiences with their Christcentered message. The family’s classical musical background, along with their harmony and specific chord structures, lend them a unique sound. LOCATION: Ridge View Community School 175 Fern Road, Dexter ME 04930 DATE: November 8, 2015 TIME: 6:00 PM
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