parish ministry and organization contacts
parish ministry and organization contacts
319 Grayson Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Phone: 770.963.8992 Fax: 770.963.1710 Parish Center 770.963.8992 Deacon Terry Millinger | Facilities Mgr. Deacon Bob Riddett Deacon Jose Ortiz Sr. Louise Sommer, CSJ | Outreach Alma Martínez | Parish Secretary Janet Volion | Bookkeeper & HR Mgr. Richard Clawson | Liturgy & Music Director Kathi McKenna | Liturgy & Music Associate Gloria Kennerty | Safe Environment Amy Titshaw | Custodian Barbara Baez | Nursery Faith Formation 770.962.2765 Diane Maguire | Director Rita Schieber | Initiation Coordinator Beth Hodgson | PSR Coordinator Vickie LaClair | Secretary Communications & Youth Ministry 770.963.1251 Kelly Schreckenberger | Director Preschool 770.962.1676 Wendy Guillory | Director Ministerio Hispano 678.240.3066 Cristina Corbin | Coordinadora Counseling Services Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC, NCC 404.444.8956 En español: Dunia Lobo, MA, LPC 678.787.9543 ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH + SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD + PAGE 1 Sacraments From the Pastor’s Hand SATURDAY VIGIL EUCHARIST 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish). SUNDAY EUCHARIST 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 3:00 p.m. (Spanish), and 5:00 p.m. (Youth). A nursery is available during all Masses. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST Monday-Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and Friday at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish; September-May) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CONFESSIONS Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS follows the restored rites of the ancient Catechumenate. THE CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF CHILDREN Age seven and older takes place in a community of young inquirers who prepare for Baptism, Con:irmation and Eucharist during the Octave of Easter. THE BAPTISM OF INFANTS Is celebrated on the :irst Saturday of the month (English) and last Saturday of the month (Spanish), except during Lent. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING Saturdays during 9:00 a.m. Mass and upon request. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples contemplating marriage should contact a deacon or priest at least six months before their desired wedding date. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS Those interested in ministry as a priest, deacon, sister or brother should contact a parish priest. At the very heart of parish life: Christ Renews His Parish and Small Christian Communities Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreats are held twice a year for men and women. For more information, contact Deacon Terry Millinger at 770-963-8992. x308. Merry Christmas! And a Blessed Feast of the Epiphany to you all! The Christmas Season is full of wonder-:illed Feasts: Holy Family, Mother of God, Holy Innocents, Epiphany, and next Sunday’s Feast: Baptism of the Lord ~ which acts as a cusp, linking us back into Ordinary Time to again recount the Paschal Mystery ~ that is Jesus’ life and ministry, which ultimately is manifest in his dying and rising and ascension back to the Father. Today’s Feast of the Epiphany is a literal recalling of the story of the Magi, foreign dignitaries representing all the world, who came from afar to worship the Lord Jesus; and so we pray with the Psalmist today: “Every Nation on Earth Will Adore You Lord!” More mystically speaking, though, the Feast of the Epiphany is one of the :ive great “Theophanies” or “Manifestations” of God’s thunderous presence made known in Jesus; all together they are: His Birth, His Epiphany, His Baptism, His First Miracle at Cana, and His Trans:iguration. Jesus is indeed, then, the reason for the season! And all the efforts by so many, are well and worthy expressions of our thankfulness and praise to God for all He has done for us in His Son, Jesus! To acknowledge just a few who have moved me over the last several weeks: the Choirs and Musicians, Liturgical Ministers, Organizers of the Children’s Pageants, The Festival of Nativities organizers, the Church Decorators, the Guadalupe Feast organizers and participants, Las Posadas participants, the Knights of Columbus for their yard work and parking assistance, the St. Vincent de Paul Angel Tree organizers and participants, the Parish Christmas Video participants and creators, the Generous Givers of gifts to both parish and priests, and as always the dedicated efforts of an incredible Staff. With Father Rey, from the bottom of our hearts, “Thank You!” A most Blessed Christmas Season to you all! The Christmas Concert by the combined forces of our parish liturgical music program is today, Epiphany Sunday, January 3, at 7:30 p.m., followed by a reception in Cogswell Hall. For Catholics, the Christmas season continues well into the new year—long after our neighbors have taken down their lights and mulched their trees! Keep Christmas alive in your heart as we celebrate the Epiphany together in song. ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH JANUARY 3, 2016 PAGE 2 MASS INTENTIONS JAN 3 SUN: THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD RECENT COLLECTIONS In-Pew Offertory December 20…….$28,244.35 Electronic Giving December 20……..$15,180.00 Total Offertory December 20……$42,424.35 Debt Reduction…………………………......$10,705.05 8:00 a.m. Mass: Dot Brand 10:00 a.m. Mass: All People of the Parish 12:00 p.m. Mass: Ronald & Laverne Langowski 3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Cristina Corbin 5:00 p.m. Mass: Christopher Downey JAN 4 MON: ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, RELIGIOUS 9:00 a.m. Mass: John JAN 5 TUE: ST. JOHN NEUMANN, BISHOP The Second Collection Next Week is for our sister parish, St. Thomas d’Aquin in Thomassique, Haiti. Your gifts to this Fund—over and above your regular offerings is greatly appreciated— Thank you for your good stewardship! Electronic Giving allows your weekly or monthly parish offering to be debited automatically from your bank account or charged to a credit card. Try it today! Visit or call Janet Volion at 770-963-8992 x304 for more information. 9:00 a.m. Mass: Alice McCafferty JAN 6 WED: ST. ANDRE BESSETTE 9:00 a.m. Mass: Don Sailors JAN 7 THU: ST. RAYMOND OF PENYAFORT, PRIEST 9:00 a.m. Mass: All Souls JAN 8 FRI: CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY 10:00 am Mass: Veronica Brooks 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Expositon of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Sheila Shaw Please Pray for Our Sick: Robert Barnard, Marcia Bassett, Frank Colon, Angela Donovan, Betty Fitzpatrick, Lilly Gibbs, Tom Gillis, Christy Jewell, Barbara Levinsky, Beatty McCaleb, Tim McNamara, Dale Messick, John Plasman, Adam Reynolds, Steven Robinson, Bob Speltz, Vickie Speltz, Leonard Sabbat, Ginny Schulte, Gary Schuster, Caroline Wright, along with their families and caregivers. JAN 9 SAT: CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY 9:00 a.m. Mass: Alex Gostola 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass: Mary Carol Hall 7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish): Lucy Ortiz JAN 10 SUN: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00 a.m. Mass: Dot Brand 10:00 a.m. Mass: Nancy Corrigan 12:00 p.m. Mass: The Kinlade Family 3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Mariela Villa 5:00 p.m. Mass: All People of the Parish To add or remove names, contact Alma Martínez, parish secretary, at 770.963.8992 x300 or [email protected]. Unless we are told otherwise, names remain for one month. Great Expectations! Expectant mothers, enroll for prayer support during your pregnancy! Your name will be listed here as a way of thanking God for the gift of your child and supporting you in this special vocation. Enrollment forms are available in the literature rack or contact Vickie LaClair at [email protected]. Please Pray For Jennifer Beal, Bethany Burgoon Loria Rico, Jessica Lemieux and Merline Simon. Pray For Our Men And Women in Uniform: Gratia Akakbo, Matthew Blaker, John Brassell, Ryan Bullard, Matthew Burke, Nicholas Burns, John Campagna, Juan Canet, Carmen Cataliotti, Brandon Crocker, Joseph Crocker, Olayiwola Kugblenu, Mariana Lacuzong, Brian Moranor, Wesley Phillips, Bryan Alexander Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Peter Saragnese, Patrick Seidel, Tim Smith, Jon Swindler, Phillip Turner, DaMaris Vanzandt and Timothy Wilson. To add or remove names on this list please contact Elizabeth Rodriguez @ [email protected]. This Week at a Glance Sun, Jan 3 Mon, Jan 4 Tue, Jan 5 Wed, Jan 6 Th, Jan 7 Fri, Jan 8 Sat, Jan 9 9:00 am Cursillo Ultreya 9:00 am Adult Bible Study 11:00 am Alpha & Omega 4:00 pm CRHP (Men) Rehearsal 7:30 pm Raised in Christ Prayer Group 9:30 am Woman to Woman 10:00 am Choir 7:00 pm Haitian Support Group 5:30 pm Children’s Choir 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm CRHP Woman 7:00 pm Ladies of St. Lawrence 7:00 pm YAM 7:00 pm Haitian Adoration Group 7:00 pm CRHP Alumni 7:30 pm YAM (sp) 7:00 pm Mass (sp) 7:00 pm Escuela de la Cruz 9:30 am Parish Pastoral Council 3:00 Divine Mercy Group 4:00 pm CRHP (Men) Rehearsal 4:00 pm Lectors (sp) 4:45 pm ESL Classes 5:00 pm Apostoles de la Palabra 8:00 pm CRHP Men/Women (sp) 8:00 pm CRHP Women (sp) ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Faith Formation Christmas Break: Life Teen, The EDGE and PSR will not meet through the Christmas break. All programs will resume Sunday, January 10. Adult Faith Formation Parish library Looking for inspiration to start the New Year with or be a better parent on this Feast of the Holy Family? We have numerous books by popular Catholic authors to help you form or enhance your faith relationship with God and family. Our collection, located upstairs at the end of the hallway in room 209, has been computerized and you will now need a library card to check out materials. Contact Diane at [email protected] to sign up for a card. We also now have a children’s collection across the hall. Adult Faith Formation Booklet will be inserted in the Sunday bulletin on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 10. DeSales Companions resumes meeting tomorrow, Monday, January 4 at 10:00 a.m. in the Divine Mercy room. Woman to Woman resumes meeting on Tuesday, January 5 at 10:00 a.m. Men’s Quest resumes meeting on Wednesday, January 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Divine Mercy room. Young Adults resume meeting on Thursday, January 7 at 7 p.m. in the Divine Mercy room. Faith Formation Enrollment Happy New Year! The Faith Formation year has passed quickly and it’s time to start planning for 20162017. February 1 is the beginning of the 2016-17 Faith Formation Enrollment Process. If your family is not receiving parish mailings you may want to verify your parish registration with the parish of:ice so your faith formation enrollment is not delayed. Please contact Vickie LaClair at [email protected] with questions on the enrollment process and check our parish website for information on our faith formation programs. Catholic School Families Parish Verification Forms now being used by all archdiocesan Catholic Schools for admissions, and then again every year for tuition purposes, describe “active” Catholics as: (1) registered in the parish; (2) participating regularly at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days; (3) have a parish Time & Talent commitment on file for the current year and are participating in at least one parish ministry; (3) have a parish Treasure commitment on file for the current year and are contributing on a regular basis; and (4) are pledged and contributing to the current year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Those who do not meet these criteria are “registered but not active” and are not eligible for discounted tuition. Please do the right thing now so that Fr. John is able to check “active” when your verification form crosses his desk. PAGE 3 Youth Ministry Conϐirmation Students who are in their second year of sacramental prep and will be con:irmed this April will meet next Sunday from 6:15-7:30 p.m. in Johnson Hall. The regular Life Teen Sunday night program will resume Sunday, January 17. First Year Conϐirmation Youth (high school freshmen and those older teens who will receive the sacrament of Con:irmation in Spring 2017) will have two mandatory meetings this spring: Sunday April 24 and Sunday May 1. Mark those dates on your calendar now and start considering who you will ask to be your sponsor and the saint name that you will choose. Catholic Heart Work Camp meeting for parents/campers on Wednesday, January 27 at 6:30 p.m. in Johnson Hall for all campers, including both those currently registered, and those still interested in attending camp this summer in Knoxville, TN June 5-10, 2016. We still have spots available, however, space is limited. Let your heart be captured by God’s love through service to others, make new friends, have amazing fun, and participate in service that changes communities. Reserve your spot at camp on the youth ministry website, Spring 2016 Youth Ministry calendars are posted on the youth ministry website, Wednesday Night Gospel Study will resume on Wednesday, January 13 at 6:15 p.m. in Johnson Hall. All high school students are welcome to attend. ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH JANUARY 3, 2016 PAGE 4 Around the Parish The Ladies of St. Lawrence will meet for their regular business meeting on Thursday, January 7 at 7:00 p.m. in De Sales Hall. The activities for 2016 will be discussed. Email Tina Moon [email protected] for more information. Shawl Ministry will meet in Cogswell Hall Saturday, January 16, 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. We welcome all who knit or crochet and would like to do so for a very worthy cause. Any questions or to request a prayer shawl for someone please call Miriam Schaefer at 770-978-4730. Toiletries Collection Aid Gwinnett and the Living Room appreciate your hotel toiletry items. Leave donations for Sister Louise at the Welcome Window. A Grief/Bereavement Support Group will begin on Tuesday, January 19 at 7:00 p.m. and is open to anyone who has experienced a loss. The Group will meet weekly for 8 weeks in the Divine Mercy Room. Pre-registration is preferred. The support group is offered at no cost to attendees and is sponsored by Wages and Sons Funeral Home. To register please call Barb Kennedy at 678.427.4116 or Sister Louise at 770.963.8992. Catholics Returning Home If you, or a friend or family member is thinking about returning to the faith, be assured that a warm welcome awaits! Sessions begin January 19 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 208. For more information, call Eleanor Lashley at 770.338.4376. We miss you and are not complete without you! Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a retreat designed to help us renew our Christian faith and bring members of the St. Lawrence community together in Christ. CRHP gives you a 34 hours away from your busy schedule to bond with parishioners and deepen your relationship with God. The next CRHP Women’s Retreat is January 30-31; the Men’s Retreat is February 6-7. Join us! For more information contact Deacon Terry Millinger at 770.963.8892. Give yourself the gift of spiritual renewal! Cancer Support Group is here for you. All who are in treatment, survivors and/or caregivers are welcome. Call Joyce Todman at 770.339.3018 for more information. PARISH MINISTRY AND ORGANIZATION CONTACTS Education & Faith Formation…………..John Mangano…….770.714.1035 Finance Council .................................. David Wilkins………7/237.0926 Pastoral Council…………………………..Brad Power………….7/871.9230 Stewardship & Administration...Aloysius Blay Jerboh…..470.535.0887 Justice & Peace Outreach ................. John Franco .... ……… 404.433.9167 St. Vincent de Paul Society................................. .. ........................................................... 6/215.4514 Night Shelter Ministry ......................................... Betsy Podriznik............................. 7/962.7285 Haiti Sister Parish Committee .......................... David Schreckenberger………...6/613.3861 Respect Life Committee ...................................... Ray & Linda Bland ....................... 7/910.9034 AIDS Ministry .......................................................... Sr. Louise Sommer ....................... 7/963.8992 Family Promise ...................................................... Dennis Reich .................................. 7/339.6324 Liturgical Worship & Spirituality .. Mark Winsor………...770.339-6868 Art & Environment Team................................... Robin Ramsey ................................ 7/365.2134 Cantors ....................................................................... Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Adult Choir ............................................................... Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Life Teen Band ........................................................ Andrea Drath ................................. 7/963.4917 Children’s Choir (2nd -8th gr.) ............................. Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Cherub Choir (4y.o.-1st gr.)................................ Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Family Choir (once/month) .............................. Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Resurrection Choir (funerals) .......................... Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Instrumentalists..................................................... Richard Clawson........................... 7/963.8992 Sacristans ……………………………….. …………... Robin Ramsey………....………… 7/365.2134 Altar Servers ............................................................ Kathy Donnelly ............................. 7/318.5494 Lectors ....................................................................... Jane Riordan................................... 6/377.5588 Eucharistic Ministers ........................................... Drena Jakubowski........................ 6/714.7414 Ushers......................................................................... Stefano Righi ................................. 7/277.3390 Martha’s Minions ................................................... Ellie Hubbard ................................ 6/377.6462 Sound Technicians ................................................ Tom Galucki ................................... 7/822.9710 Wedding Coordinators ........................................ Loretta Graves ............................... 7/265.9755 Adoration of Blessed Sacrament………………Barbara Baez….……………………7/963.8992 Vocations Committee……………………………………………………………………………7/963.8992 Woman to Woman………………………………….Diane Maguire ............................... 7/962.2765 DeSales Companions……………………………....Diane Maguire ............................... 7/962.1676 Sponsors for Christian Initiation………………….Rita Schieber ............................ 7/962.2765 Christian Initiation Team…………………. ………...Rita Schieber ............................ 7/962.2765 Adult Education Volunteers .................................... Diane Maguire ......................... 7/962.2765 Religious Education Volunteers ............................ Beth Hodgson .......................... 7/962.2765 High School Adult Volunteers ................................ Kelly Schreckenberger ........ 7/963.1251 Middle School Adult Volunteers ............................ Kelly Schreckenberger ........ 7/963.1251 Catholics Returning Home ....................................... Eleanor Lashley ...................... 7/338.4376 Vacation Bible School ................................................ Beth Hodgson .......................... 7/962.2765 Parish Library Assistants ......................................... Diane Maguire ......................... 7/962.2765 Baptism Preparation Team ..................................... Terry Millinger ....................... 7/963.8992 Sponsor Couples for Engaged ................................ Bob and Joy Hernandez ....... 6/985.0125 Pastoral Care & Community Life ………Sara Clifford 404.545-5369 and Gerardo Jauregui 678.707.4302 Small Christian Communities ................................. Trudy Turner ........................... 4/234.2891 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) ........................ Terry Millinger........................ 7/963.8992 Welcoming Committee .............................................. Brad Power .......................... 7/871.9230 Ladies of St. Lawrence ............................................... Tina Moon ................................. 7/995.5339 Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) .................................. Sr. Louise Sommer................. 7/963.8992 Knights of Columbus .................................................. Tony Annarelli ........................ 7/318.1892 WEDS/Marriage Encounter .................................... Bob & Joy Hernandez ........... 6/985.0125 Cursillo/Ultreya ........................................................... Glenn Zipfel .............................. 7/822.9134 Annulment Case Sponsors ....................................... Terry Millinger........................ 7/963.8992 Wellness Ministry ........................................................ Sr. Louise Sommer................. 7/963.8992 Lazarus (Funerals & Receptions) ......................... Mary Lee Payton .................... 7/513.4736 Helping Hands............................................................... Sr. Louise Sommer.................7/963-8992 Charismatic Prayer Group ....................................... Maria Joyce ............................... 7/757.0933 Cancer Support Group ............................................... Joyce Todman ......................... 7/339.3018 Bereavement Group ................................................... Barb Kennedy .......................... 6/427.4116 French-Creole Charismatic Prayer Group......... Jocelyne Labossiere………….7/674-5462 Young Adult Ministry (YAM) .................................. Diane Maguire ......................... 7/962.2765 Care for the Troops………………………… ................ Elizabeth Rodriguez ............. 7/241.6498 African Community of St. Lawrence……………...Cornelius Ani…………………...4/396.0192 Shawl Ministry…………………………………………….Miriam Schaefer…………… …7/978.4730 Divine Mercy……………………………………………….Ethel Foster…..………………. ..6/376.9656 Parroquia San Lorenzo Solemnidad de la Epifanía del Señor Página 5 Anuncios en Español Del Escritorio del Párroco Feliz Navidad! Y una Bendecida :iesta de la Epifanía a todos! La Navidad está llena de :iestas grandiosas: La sagrada familia, La Madre de Dios, Los santos inocentes, La Epifanía y la :iesta del próximo domingo: El bautismo del Señor ~ que actúa como una transición, que nos conecta nuevamente con el tiempo ordinario en el recuento del misterio Pascual ~ que es la vida de Jesús y su Ministerio, que en última instancia se mani:iesta en su muerte y resurrección y la ascensión hacia el Padre. La Fiesta hoy de la Epifanía es recodar literalmente la historia de los Reyes Magos, dignatarios extranjeros que representan a todo el mundo, que vinieron de lejos para adorar al Señor Jesús; y por eso rezamos hoy con el salmista: "Que cada nación en la tierra te Alabe Señor!" Sin embargo, místicamente hablando, la :iesta de la Epifanía es una de las cinco grandes "teofanías" o "Manifestaciones" de la presencia atronadora de Dios manifestado en Jesús; todos juntos son: su nacimiento, su epifanía, su bautismo, su primer milagro en Caná y su trans:iguración. Jesús es, entonces, el motivo de la temporada! Y todos los esfuerzos de muchos, son expresiones bien y dignas de nuestro agradecimiento y alabanza a Dios por todo para que lo ha hecho su hijo, Jesús! Les dejo saber de algunos que me han conmovido en las últimas semanas: Los coro y los músicos, los ministerios litúrgicos, los organizadores de los concursos infantiles, el Festival de los pesebres y sus organizadores, los organizadores de la Fiesta de Guadalupe y todos los que participaron, los que llegaron a las posadas, los caballeros de Colón por su trabajo de yarda y la ayuda con el estacionamiento, a San Vicente de Paul y sus organizadores y participantes en el árbol del Ángel, , los participantes en la creación del video parroquial, las generosas donaciones de regalos a la parroquia y a los sacerdotes y como siempre los dedicados esfuerzos de un personal de trabajo increíble. Con el Padre Rey, desde el fondo de nuestros corazones, "¡Gracias!" Una muy Bendecida Navidad para todos! Catequesis No tendremos catequesis durante la temporada navideña, reanudaremos las clases el Domingo 10 de Enero para los programas de Life Teen, EDGE, y PSR. Concierto de Navidad: Sera el día de la Epifanía del Señor es hoy, Domingo 3 de Enero a las 7:30 p.m. todos están cordialmente invitados a disfrutar de una noche llena de canciones para mantener la navidad viva en nuestros corazones al mismo tiempo que celebramos la Epifanía juntos en una canción!!! Tendremos un compartir al :inal del concierto. Los esperamos. Reunión Arquidiocesana Cristo Renueva su Parroquia, será el sábado 22 de Enero del 2016. Tendremos el placer de recibir a los líderes y sus familias de 22 Parroquias del área metropolitana. Bienvenidos a nuestra Parroquia!! Bautismos: Las fechas de para bautizos cambiaran a partir del mes de Enero del año 2016. El nuevo horario será los sábados a las 12:00 mediodía. Las clases serán los días martes dos semanas antes del bautismo. Recuerden tener en cuenta estos cambios para planear el próximo bautizo de sus hijos. Así los Bautizos del mes de Enero serán el sábado 30 y la clase pre bautismal será el martes 19 a las 6:30p.m. Una registración previa debe hacerse en la o:icina del ministerio Hispano. Quinceañeras: Las familias que deseen celebrar la quinceañera de sus hijas, ahora tiene más opciones, pueden ser en una misa individual, los días Sábados. Previamente habrá un retiro de quinceañeras. Este retiro cubrirá las quinceañeras de febrero-mayo, junio-septiembre, Octubre -Diciembre. Existen algunos requisitos: Ser miembros de la parroquia, haber recibido el sacramento de la Eucaristía y con:irmación o estar cursando el programa de formación de fe. Mayores informes en la o:icina del ministerio Hispano. Registraciones para el programa de Catequesis periodo 2016-2017 Estas comenzaran a partir del mes Febrero hasta Junio. Para todas las familias que desean participar en el programa de ( formación de Fe y/o preparación para sacramentos). Es un requisito el que las familias esten registradas activas en la Parroquia y si han cambiado de dirección recientemente o son nuevos en el area deben asegurarse que este cambio se haya hecho en las o:icinas parroquiales para asi no tener retrasos en el proceso de matricula. View Our Parish Supporters @ ES!! INSURANCE View Our Parish Supporters @ 4117 © 2015 Diocesan Publications, inc. H