for The Record n Schoolcraft Faculty Now at 22 Roger Babson ` ` t
for The Record n Schoolcraft Faculty Now at 22 Roger Babson ` ` t
S P E A K I N G for The -1 Tlie Norlhville Record-Novl News-Tliiirstlay, January -50, 19GJ Section Two — Page Six n Record S t a t e L i b r a r y F a c i l i t i e s N e e d ef^^f:,:x^~'ir-rmmr:''^'r;?T^ ^••^5>:';:'...':v'^;-'-::':v:V^ Hazing of Ihe half-eenlury year old building that form erly served as the First Church of Novi was start ed this weelt. The white, picturesque building, which stands next door to the Baptist parson age on Novi road across from tile post office, has been sold lo William and Aubrey King, B o o s t By BILL SLIGER both members of Ihe Baptist church which was establish ed in 184G. Aceoi'ding to liie brolhers, Ihe property may evcniually become the site of an electri cal repair shop. The present Baptist church is located at the .snulhcast corner of ll Mile and Taft roads. iVIrs. W. D. Flint, 27757 Novi road, recalled Tuesday that the building was built in the summer "about 1914." She and her fKNyear-old husband, who is now living at the Whilehall Conval&scent Home here, are the oldest members of Ihe church in both time and age. i\Ir. Flint lias been a mem ber fof- 00 years, and she has been a member foi' approxi mately 60 years. In 1912, Mrs. Flint recalled, the church burned to the ground. "I went down lo see it. Mr. Flint went down first, because he was on the school boai'd and there was a meet ing in the school house (nearby)." She said the fire was caus ed by lightning which struck the belfry during a "terrible" electrical storm. "I thinii they could have saved it. But all there was left standing was the chim ney. It was a beautiful build ing," she said, "much nicer than this (old church being razed) church." While a new Baptist chui'ch was being built, members of the congregation met in the Methodist church. The Bap tist minister at the time was the Hev. H. A. Huey, she said. The old church was vacat ed two years ago in favor of the new building at Taft and 11 Mile road. LANSING - More tiiaii liair{.?2.i) million il all ai'eas of (lie The State Boai'd ai'gues that viding public higher education thy stale in tei'nls of individual Micliigan'.s population had noj state oi-ganizcd librai-y sys- library needs are left out in for their college age youth. income. libi'aiy .service at all in ]%2 tems which qualified for tile the cold so far as financial The states he listed were New assistance is concerned. Sta Yoi'k, New Jersey, Pennsyl Micliigun is one of 13 stales and one million mni'c had in pi'ogi-am. iii the iiatloii in wliicli aver adequate sei'vicc. Recoi'ds of This would call for specific tislics seem to support this vania and Massachusetts. age income reported in the (he Stale Library Board also gi'ants for individual librai'ies contention. b y J A C K VV. H O F F M A N The now policy at MSU is to .show that more coiinlie.s iiad and book sysiems which serv The Board notes that about limit eni'ollments from appli WGO ceiisiis averaged $li,000 0r iiiorc aimually. The iialioiial no service than I'eceived ser ed areas of high population. ,?2.5 billion is allocated annual cants from these four states. Liquor flowed and .spirits .$200,000 grant, so lots within average was .fS.TOO. vice. were high on that October the city wer^ auctioned off to Intent of the detailed plan ly for public sei'vices in Mich- Hannah said an ovei'load of In a time wlien knowledge proposed by llie MLA and igan such as sewei's, water, Eastern region students would A good part of the hike in 1.3 — the day they laid llie help raise additional money. But funds I'oi' the project con is inci-easingly imporlani, this Slate Board is to encoui'age police pi-otection, health, edu not benefit the Univei'sity pop- avei'age income as compared cornerstone. is eonsidei'ed a sad situation, improvement of the quality of cation and welfare benefits at ulation. A few hours earlier men tinued lo lag and construc with a state level of less than indeed. Conscquenlly, a plan libi-ai'y service and e.xpansion all levels of govei'nmenl. The $4,000 some 10 years ago was and women of considerable tion slowed painfully. Weeks is pi-oposed to the 'l;egislalui-e of this sei-vice lo ai'eas not Boai'd believes its pi-ovince Legislators have objected to due to the fact that the num means had joined with those turned to months, months to which would make the valuable [ |,o\v reached by libraries. should get more than $13.2 mil Ihe number of out-of-state stu- ^e,- of working women increas- who seldom had fond enough years until nearly a decade benefits of books available to Last year's allempt 10 gel a lion of this public sei'vice ex dents, particularly fi'om New ed shai'ply during the period. on Ihe table to watch as the later the first occupants of Vol. 9, No 39, 14 Pages, Two Sections/ Novi, Micliigan, Tilursday, February 6, 1964 York, for several years. Today, census figures show 20 .symbolic stone was cement the house prepared to make 10c Per Copy, .$4.00 Per Year In Advance mof-e people. stale aid foriiitila i'0r libraries penditure; and thai the public There have even been threats the move. At present the stale directly tlirougli llie Legislature (lldii't sorely needs services of li of decreased apporpriations if percent of Michigan's married ed into place. Had the mansion been The setting was one of de women ai'e working. supports only $1.5 million of gel far. There was liiile ap braries. some method were not found pressing squallor that prompt completed perhaps the ride the $13.2 million needed to op- parent liitcrest voiced by llie to cut down out-of-state eni'oll ed Ihis feminine eye of pi'o- up the dirt road, across the ei'ate libi'aries at their existing public, and oilier legislative ments, which legislators befcssioiial appraisal: It is open sewer and past the piles love). The difference comes proposals wliiclI drew more at- A decision 10 set a flexible lieve ina'eased Michigan costs. quota system 0ii oiil-0f-slalc Ihe "very dirtiest hole I ever of repulsive debris and con fi'om local soiu'ces, penal fines ieiilioii gained precedeiicc. students from ccrtalii areas at Basically, the legislatoi'S us material would saw for^a place of any trade struction and federal funds. This year advocates hope Michigaii Stale Uiiivcrsily or respeclabilily of inhabi have been less depi'essing. The plan pi'oposcd would more individuals will provide sh0uld iilakc many incInbers ed the same ai'gumenl Hannah But for the family which tants." double state su]iport over the local support foi- libraries and 0f the Stale Legislaliire liappy. has cited. They said New Now Willi symbolism and first called it home, the inYork .and sevei'al other states next thi'ee years. The cost will write or call their Sena the chilling reminder that terioi' was equally disturb would average about 37 cents tors and Repi'esentatives about A recent announcement by did not pi'ovide sufficient pub not all enjoyed the luxuries ing. It was without plumb MSU President John A. Han- lic education, and the influx pel- person pci' year, or about the library bill. of gracious living behind ing, plastered walls were nah was basically what some here of Eastei'n students was 50 YEARS OLD — This 50-year-old church was sold recently and is legislators have been attempt due to the cheaper tuition rales Di'.' Ei'ic J. Bradnei', presi them, men and women laugh slill damp and smelly, woi'kbeing lorn down to make Way for a electrical repair shop. It is located ing for several yeai's. here as compared to private dent of Sichoolcraft college, I'e- ed and waxed serious, al- men continued their quiet but across from the Novi post office. irritating duties, and the tei'nately, as they lifted glas.sEastern institutions. ports that 22 of the necessary Hannah said studies indicat es to their lips in l(i mag furniture was hardly ade Published by The Northville Record, Inc., 101 N. ed four Eastern slates wei'e While legislators likely will 47 faculty membei's are now quate. nificent toasts. Center Street, each Thursday. Entered as second not' doing Uicir share in pro be pleased with Hannah's de und(;i' contract, and . (.hat the II would be many more The joyous occasion mark Fingers are crossed but first college catalog 'will, be cision, it is also possible it class lilatler at the U.S. Post Office, Northville, A plan for the development of Novi, on the ed the of disturbing months before the house was there's still little evidence available early in March, could result in heavy pressure L a s t D a y Michigan. drawing boards for several years, will have to wait finished. Indeed, the work delays in planning and it - G o o d w I I I P i c k - u p - for all other Michigan colleges that realization of a Novi The number of applications marked Ihe beginning of has never completely stop a few more weeks — possibly months —- for final and universilies to set similar community park is any for admission lo Schoolcraft what would prove to be a ped. From one family to an-, approval. The next visit of Goodwill quotas. N A T I O N A l E.OITORIAl To Register Gcillege has reached 805 ac lengthy and arduous con other has fallen the task of closer than it was several "Every reporter is not an ogre. (Actually, I Industries pickup tf-ueks to changes, additions, redecor ltlonlhs ago. Action on the village master plan was delayed Nortliville is scheduled for The altei'nativc to this pi'es- cording to Norman Dunn, reg- struction period. have known a few who are only mediogre.)" Ironically, llie man who ating, and remodeling. Monday. Goodwill trucks col sure i'oi' a quota system could jsti'ar. Of these, 71)2 applicants SUSTAINiNG M E M B E R Monday evening in an attempt to resolve disagree 4 Days Away threat of the show an interest in full-time According to Eltlery be the imposing perhaps more llian any oili Yet. despite early incon "To all reportel-s be honest." lect household discai'ds of ment over lot sizes suggested by the plan. A 35-year-oId Novi driving east on Pontiac .lacques, chief spokesman clothing, shoes, hats, toys, wrath of the legislative purse- pi'ogi'affls, while 123 are apply er, was responsible for luin- venience amid a sordid setSUBSCRIPTION RATES: "When a reporter calls, don't tell him you Monday marks the final day string holders. ing for pai't-time college pro ing the building from |)apei' ling, despite wars, despite most types of furniture and $4.00 PER YEAR IN MICHIGAN. S5.00 ELSEWHERE man was killed and a -for local citizens deterirltl-ail "apparently at a Both the village planners left to the ordinance and sub-' that Novi village residents may are busy. He expects you to be busy, and the day grams. As the college pi'epai'es di'cams into reality never oc gutting by fire, despite death ,j, ,!, ,!. other household discai'ds. register for the spring election, Wixom woman serious and councilmen, meeting in division rules and regulations. high l-ate of .speed" ined to secure a park for he finds you aren't busy, he's going to have a bet Each individual would un for opening in August, it is cupied it himself and, in and painful meinoi'ies, des Advertising Manager Donald Golem Clerk Mrs. Mabel Ash said this ly injured in a car crash joint session at a public hear when he lost control of Novi, the state highway To arrange for a Goodwill doubtedly deny it, especially completing plans for a pro- fact, failed to live long pite major overhaul',' the ter story than the one he was looking for. SolneManaging Editor Jack Hoffman However, Heslip pointed out week. The village offices will at the end of the month when gram for medical laboratory enough lo see its first in white sandstone walls that Industries ti'uck pickup, ask ing recessed froin an earlier that lot sizes were included in department is still undewest of Wixom late Fri the car. It careened off times they ask for — and expect to get in 15 min Supel'inlcndent Robert Blough be open until B p.m. on that the operator foi' toll-free En bills I'oll in, but Federal statis assistants, details of which habitants occupy the yet un give it its name still stand date, agreed to another recess the plan because it is these day night. the road, west of the cided as to whether or not tiay. utes — information that nornlally would take two Publisher Willialll C. Sliger terprise 7002. finished rooms. as they did in IBOO when tics show Michigan is a weal- are soon being released. of the hearing until Monday, factors upon which the suggestit should part with some Wixom city limits, and days to compile . , . talk him into giving you 20 John and Abigail Adams first Designed by an Irishman The clerk pointed out that Pronounced dead on ed ultimate population of 80,000 February 24. of lillle distinction named called it home. ci-ashed into trees and 56 acres of its property minutes." many citizens of the commun arrival at Pontiac Gen people is based. A change in James Moban, who emigrat Obviously, the only Presi brush on the north side here for a park facility. ity have failed to I'egister — On that day, following a pub- lot sizes, he implied, would "Don't tell a reporter how to wl-ite his stol-y— ed to the United Slates short dent never to occupy Ihe even though they have been eral hospital was Gorof the highway. iic hearing on another matter. change the pi-ojecled ultimate The land is boiiiided by l-96 ly before the War, the house mansion w h o can I'ightfully it's better to let the editor discover that his re reminded by mail and by pre don G. Hileman, 48145 the plaiiiicrs and councilmen P''P"la"'"?, size and hence afon ihc south and Novi road on earned for Its architect a be called its creator and who vious newspaper announce Cedarwood in Echo 'Val porter doesn't know how to write." Both Hileman and the the west. ,$500 prize. stood with the others in 1792 will sit down with developers feet also the numbei's and sizes ments, pf the new constitution ley subdivision. woman, an occupant in and laud owners to discuss the of projected schools, elc. Original plans called for-a on that day they laid the "Don't be too quick to claim you've been Last fall the department indial requirements. inaster plan tvliere it deals llcslip adniittcd that the plan cornerstone, had far reachthe car, wore tossed, Geoi'gian style mansion of cated a willingness to part with misquoted in a story. Most of the time a repoller Reported in "fair" Notices wei-e mailed in De with residential dcvelopincnt. Included maps that are misthree slorics befitting a gen ing vision when he wi'ole: clear of the wreckage the land since it had been deMIDNIGHT VISITOR — Pulling up to Grand River avenue on Seeley writes what you say, rather than what you think BAB.SON PARK, Mass. - 1 the beginning of the United tication and ;h'calth of the peo all highways will be free 0f r believe ii) one God and'one tleman of class, but because cember, reminding citizens condition at the same "The doubts and opinion as it catapulted into a lermincd that the Detrolt-ToleOfficials have expressed the lending, and that it calls for road at midnight Sunday, Merrill C. Johnson, 43, of Livonia, lost conyoii'said, or what you later wish you had said." have a fi-iend in [,akc Wnle.-;, Nations Oi'ganization, which I ple. It Is (juite liltely that elrl- lolls-, that the new slate constitution hospital Monday was ' chui'ch"; • but if is the family lis' first rightful Occupant of others ... have oceaslom do expressway would not be hope that some kind of agree- kinds of residential develop-second tree. The car routed through Novi and that Florida, Mrs. William Jones, feel sui'e is here to slay. ployment wiirtome from three This book shows clearly tfiat arid home' which lIiust estab feai'cd cost of construction ed no change in my senti permits voter. registi'ations to trol of his car when the accelerator stuck and the vehicle roared across Finally, the author consoles the official who, who specializes in aiilbenlic nnment will be reached before ment that appear to different sources: (1) govei'niilent, I'e- i'eligion in many of its pi'Jmi- lish this failli — it cannot be might force postponement iil- ments on Ihe subject. They « remain on- tlf(r"l'ol!ii'..Only if Hazel .Burns, .39, 3356 remained' upright. the property here probably Granci RTVer and plunged through the front window of the Active Saw the vote' lo' eitherfecuiiiraeiid (liflil lliose cqllei^ foi; jij pre,-, try as he might, still finds himself and the news- liqucs.'Some time ago she gave This book iilso siiggcsls how quii'ing pei'5pniiel\to ' run it'; tiyc forms was a kind of "ma left to legislation or church toge'her, ho persuaded llo- have always been, that the Maple' road, Wixom. the citizen has voted within a could be made available to the '' ihc sun, tile inonii, and the Works, coming to rest finally inside the'^business office. Neither Johnadoption or disapproval of the sent village zonliig. .paper in a perfect state of blissless incompatibihty. me a book, which I have ju.-;! slars were sufficient lo give (2) .education',''calling for teach gic". There gradually, fplloty- organization. Let me add, in ban lo lop off the lop floor. plan ought to be prosecuted period of two years. Tlie accident took community. She reportedly suffered plan is made. Final approval son nor his IS-year-oid companion, Billy Negle, also of Livonia, were Actually, the only real conHis aflvice: save your money, buy the news- fini.'^hcd looking over. It is on- free light, heat, and someday ers and doctors;' and (31 cbn- cd the rise of many d'itiereilt closing,' that !• feel the fulure With that floor, officials Willi ail the dispatch the na place at approximately Previously, the time limil leg injuries and severe In light of this position in or dlsappi'oval must come cci'n of Bond and the councillllled "The lli.sloi-y of sliuction, creating demand for denominations. Along the. way must depend also on courage had'estimated the cost ture of Ihc case will admit, seriously injured although the boy Was treated for shock at St. Mary .:paper and run it the way you think it should be kind." and was priiiiod many, I perhaps free power to cverywas four years. head cuts. formal proposal, the village from the council upon the rec- men Is that the master plap 11:05 p.m. on Pontiac those wJio have a trade. — , between . the "quackecy" and self-conli'ol such as mark- at $400,000. Wilhoiii il, llo- and that Ihe public buildings hospital. A workman is shown here holding the canvas that was hur ' body. council verbally accepted the oinmendation of the planners. may adversely affect agree run! -•. many ycai's ;igo bcf(ji-L' Ihc ban hoped the inilial grant in size, form and elegance,.. Notices were mailed to all trail, six-tenths of a riedly thrown up to cover the gaping hole. According to state proposal for purchasing the 50 with which il started and \he ed the pioneers of -old. We do 1i ' As r go out at night and look l.unc' 01 phoiogi'aphy. township and village electors several hundred church de not Ilavp lo fight wild,animals of .$200,000 would sufficiently should look beyond the preSpecifically, the councilmen ment by developers lo pay for mile east of Old Plank acres. police out of the Bright at the heavens I am lmpi'essed ^ Howt|vill these buildings, benominations we have acquired for our "very existence; but wi; cover conslruction costs. SL-iil day." who have not voted, continued The I j o n k firs! impn'.'-S'.'.s ms that llie suggested mini the new sewer system. If the fear ,. , While on my magazine-reading kick this weelt. financijd'.' My guess today today — there developed what do have other tilings to face on post, Hileman was road. Later, however, the stale de But even without Ihe third President Washington their i'egistratioii, reinstated v.'iii, Ihe (n-,.:,i courage the '^^^ "'^l ^f. mum lot sizes in the plan may plan "frightens" the develop t ran across a lest for that frustrated feeling. cided thai it would be wiser to which take courage. Failh in floor, of building the loolied beyond the day when their i'egistration, or recorded peopi.- ,-,! !on;--ago davs, when ""l;>-^',thc' source of evei'ything. would be thai the community is called "theology". be too restrictive and perhaps ers away from Novi, then Novi . How do you accept a set-back? postpone sale of the property mansion exceeded the inilial he nroDosed the White House. a change in address within a vef-y few of the c o m m o d i t i e s , f o o d ; but^ that some would i.ssue so-called "munici Let mo make it clear that God will help-US to succeed. discourage developers from could be faced with a general until after highway plans are -Just check the appropriate box affer each of ex'sled which we Ihink impoi'- dav the moon and the slars pal bonds" to provide the It's O n Sale N o w period of two years. subdividing vacant property tax to pay for the sewers, drawn — just in case any last here — particularly in the area Bond ponted out. the following qucstioils and see yourself as others tani today. The skins of ani-i will likewise play a gi'eat I'ole funds necessary lo build hospi The notices warned these vot tals, schools, and other com minute changes in the route to be served by the new sewer No^mnls pi'ovided clothing lo keupl"! "^f '-^""^ More lhan .'iilOO,fl00 in payase you. After a reversal — Yes ers that their registrations as munity facilities. These bonds should be necessary. system that was begun yester- ment annually is required for •^".P-ople w.irni dav and night. ] ""^ ^^.''^ a qualified voter will be can I'. Do vou keep talking about your "l'otten would be sold to the people day in the South-central part the next 15 years. And If the Tlicvcul down their own nvai-lf/'^ intelligently interested m Plans for the north-south celled "unless you apply for a theyWe would pay a very low in luck" to anyone who will listen? ( ) ( ) Ibv irc-cs 10 provide lu::.l. Their I ^""^-V' " of the community. surely developers do not pay it, the highway, Jacques learned, at continuation." terest rate; and would be per 2;,' Does it take you several days — or longer onlv need wa.s for food: andj"''" "''^ '"O"" community itself can be forc the lime, would not be comIn defending the plan, Plan fectly safe. They would be re ed to foot the bill, he pointed Ihc' essential, for producing | >'^="'^ exploration, Unfortunately, some wives pleted until January 1. — to snap back. That is, does your work ning Chairman Arthur Heslip oul. deemed gradually through la.\have registered while their food are seed lo grow it and i Basing the future on the past, suffer as a l-esu!t of the fruslration? () ( ) However, Ihe Novi attorney emphasized repeatedly that the ation. Whether we are living husbands have not, or viceoffspring lo coiiliniie the bar- 1 should say thai within 75 learned this past week that plan represents a guide only Max Sheldon, realtor attend3. Do you vocifel-ously "l-ationalize" it vesting of il . . . bolh of which years there may be no stock under .socialism or communism vei'sa. "There are quite a few plans for the highway are still The council's thinking behind — that it does not constitute a ing the meeting, told village the people provided. exchange, and even "over the on some other "ism," taxes Novi village councillnen lingness to participate. with alibis like "Jones has always had it in for people who will not be eligible Platters of jazz are sell mazoo was conti'actcd to make incomplete aiid that the dcwill be unavoidable. Last June about 8 0 percent qualifying Ihe resolution was rigid suggestion that cannot be officials lhat the decisions of Their idea of the funclicui of counter" trading may be for-^ III .short, municipal bniiil.s to vote," she emphasized, un me" or "It's all politics al-ound here"? ( ) ( ) ing like hotcakes at North the jackets for the records. partihent still is not iii a posi agreed Monday evening of the Novi citizens who at that it would be futile and ex changed. a developer as lo the kind of government was to educa'el bidden. I hope I am wrong; | may be the safest investment less they are registered with The jackets, which will con- tion to sell the property. to meet with officials of tended a village necessity hear pensive lo lake further action 4. Can you enjoy a good meal? ( ) ( ) and to protect people from! but 1 fcol that almost every-, even today, I do not iiieaii thiit homes he can build profitably ville high school this week the village by Satui'day." The planning board and its lain a picture of the band '•5. Do you gl-ow listles.s and lose your sickness, Ho.spilals were almost I one may bo working for the j (here are nut oilier safe in— and that's music to the along with names of each mem Actually, no money will Walled Lake to review ing voiced approval of lateral without Walled Lake first com consultant, he said "had to ai'e dependent upon public de mands. Both township and village change hands even if the ac cost statistics for the pro lines to be connected to the mitting itself, ' ambition for projects? ( ) ( ) non-existent, and people .sent; .!,'overniiienl under some sort; voslinenls, liul I should plaet start somewhere" so it set up registration can be taken care ears of the nationally ac- ber, failed to arrive before quisition is made. Money pro jiroposed NoviWalled Lake Sevei'al weeks later when lo one were trealwl as if ihcyjof socinlLslic system. This'municipal bonds used for the suggested residential lot the records, the director con posed sewer systelll for 6. 'Do you ti-y to analyze llie causes of the He urged planners and the of at the same time, she said. claimed Stage Band. asked when and if the Walled sizes. Continuing, he said the were in a dI (Dw.cli-.ii.; would not provide 'oppcriuniiy - iniildings as ihc most acceplatinued, so the records are be- vided for a park in the will of the lake area — both in sewage disposal system. council to consider these de ; set-back and seek ways to pl-evenl it Lake council planned to call As time weni on, kiniilios|for investment, other lhan in.ble. Toll road bonds iuiiy be the late Mrs. Mary Power is The hearing was held so Novi 'e4 C/iov/irNai'a Siwrl Coupe board recognized that condiMembers of the extra- ing sold without jackets with Novi and the city of Wall citizens in the lake vicinity for a vote on the proposal — as lions will force changes In the mands in suggesting lot sizes •from recurring? ( ) ( ) Riadiiall;' sliirled lo uni'e into'the form of buildings. These all right for a reasonable lime the undei'standing that they'll now held by the conservation and offered lo assist Novi of curricular band report required — a spokesiilan said department. II merely will be could air objections to con group.s. Ihii.s m;irl-:in!.; perhaps would be primarily for the ed- in(o (he fulure, but uliiinateiy ed Lake. 7. Are you satisfied anyway if you al-e plan. be delivered as soon as they ai-ficials by giving them the bene sales of more than 200 rive. transferred to the highway de struction of an internal sewer city officials were waiting com fit of his experience in this •convinced that you acted wisely.' ( ) ( ) Host for the joint meet partment, since money is owed system around the southern pletion of plans and cost esll- Furlhermoi'e, the chairman area. long-play records that conThursday, February S 8. Call you see any liunlpr at all in the pointed out that the master RCA is making Ihe records to that department by the con- ing will be the council of edge of the lake. males by the county. Rotary club meeting, 12 noon lain jazzy renditions by the available on a local distribu servation department. situation? ( ) ( ) Walled Lake.' The meet Subsequently, the village However, the county had al plan is neither zoning or re- Sheldon predicted that the local student musicians. Sai-atoga Farms restaui'ant. zoning, that it is the zoning of tion basis only. Hnwevei', if •9. Do you lake il out oil others thi-ough Boai'tl of commerce regular The park issue has been with ing is slated t;) take place council adopted a resolution to ready indicated that bolh the a community which ultimately average price bracket of hous Rpcoi-ded in December, the the record sells exceptionally llie village and township for a go ahead with special assess plans and cost estimates had es In Novi will be about $18,000 meeting, 7 p.m. • humiliating or shouting at Ihcnl? ( ) ( ) on Wednesday, February ment procedures - - once more been provided — and that the decides what can and cannot with an average of 2'/i 10 3 well, Williams said, there's a Novi school annual open record went on sale locally long lime. II began when Mrs. AiAI^RlAGE 10. Can yoli forget alioul il after a be built on a certain piece of 19. just last week -- even befoi-e good possibility that il will get indication of intention is made next step was up to Walled lots per acre. He predicted an house, 7 p.m. Power died in late 1957 and CCUNSEIOR land. recoi'd jackets were available an RCA label and be distribut . reasonable length nf time? ( ) ( ) average lol size of about 100 nebekah Drill Club, 8 p.m., willed that her 200-acre farm A decision lo hold ihe joint by the city of Walled Lake. Lake. X 120 feet. - and ali'eady tlie disc has ed nationally. The corl-ect ailswei's are NO to questions 1, lOOF Hall. at 10 Mile and Wixom roads be meeting grew out of a study He argued that if Ihe devclsparked plenty of favorable session held by Walled Lake made into a pai'k in honor of oper is "really interested" in :2, 3, 5 and 9, YES to the othei's. Presently, it's culled a "loMoiiday, February 10 Councilman Donald Young comment. her children, Ella and Louie officials Thui'sday. Attending subdividing or developing land, said lhat a few years ago he cal interest record". Gii'l Scout Troop No. m, 3:30 How to score yourself: 10 right answers — the session were Walled Lake he will go beyond the master favored fewer homes to the p.m., leader's home. According lo Band Director The recoi'd itself contains 46 Power. •you cheated; no one is that perfect! 8-9 right — city councilmen, the recenlly plan and look at the zoning to acre — and that he still pre Township board regular meet- Robert Williams, several prolllminutes of jazz, slow and fast But debts forced the sale of established Walled Lake Sewer nothing (well, almost nothing) can throw you. 6-7 learn about the restrictions. fers the larger lot for himself ing, 7:30 p.m., village hall. inenl jazz enthusiasls suggestarrangements, Latin American the land and the remainder of Study committee, project en right — your "frustration tolerance" is above av— but that he now realizes that Tiiesday, l''ebriiary ll ed the record after hearing the tunes, and an arrangement by Ihe inoney — $08,285 — was On tile other hand, councilgineers froin Johnson and An others may not want one acre erage. Emotionally, you can afforiJ to take calcuSureshot Jr. Rifle Club, 7 to band perform over television Williams. II spotlights perform- turned over to the stale. Ef- derson, Inc., Oakland County men and Village Attorney Hoor one-half acre lots. eai'lier this winter. 9 p.m., Novi school. • laled risks. 5 right — cJon't feel bad; the majority ward Bond pointed out that cvances by nearly all mcinbers forts lo use llie money for park Department of Public Woi'ks development outside Novi was I.O.O.P. Regular meeting, 8 en though a master plan is not lie agreed with Crupl that of people react in about the same way. 3-4 right — The TV appearance was of Ihe band. blocked by action of Represent- repi'esentatives, and Novi Vil p.m., lOOF hall. rigid, il nevertheless is an in- some method 0t designating relage Adiriinisti'ator Harold Ackpi'oinpted by praise from pppii- The Stage Band was organ alive S. James Clarkson. you're a trial to friends and family. 2 or less Ground-breaking ceremonies were held Wednesday, February J2 dlcalion of the kind of develop sidcnlial areas without specifyley. lar radio disc jockey Jim '64 Choc/a Nora Stat/on tV/ifidt right — get out of town! You're driving every Girl Scout Troop No. 913, Rockwell, who heard about the ized as ail exti-a-cuirlcular act yesterday for the long-awaited construction of mciit lhat is envisioned. Accordiiig to Ackley, detail Ing exact lot sizes should be body — including yourself — cra2y! 3:15 to 5 p.m., Oi-ehai;d Hills band and visited Northville lo ivity at the high school for ex cd costs of the sewerage sysa sewer to serve at least a part of the village of worked out for Ihc (nastcr plan. And, accoi'ding to Boild, le ceptional band students. Its 2 0 school. (See you next week. I'm leaving town.) listen to a performance. tcin will be oiitliiicd at tlie Novi and Novi township. gally it "clouds the title" of meilibers must be of good Councilmen Phillip Anderson Girl Scout Troop No. 1027, February l9 meeting, botii for New brakes match this power, too. .Bigger, to dissipate ' ,-' '^'ou don't nei;.id a bit' car to get big performance. Not any the owner, and developers lend said he strongly opposed any The ground-breaking ceremonies were slat GOOD 3:15 to 13 p.m., Novi school. Jerry McKciizic, former standing in the high school uidily see why when you check the 'C-1 Chevy IT. heat faster. Self-adjusting, to save you money. Other eiisy- .' Nov! aiid Walled Lake. more. You'll quid Approx. to avoid situations that pos plan that restricted the numGirl Scout Troop No. M9, 7 drummer for Sinn Kenton's symphony band, and each ed to begin at 11 a.m. on Nine Mile road at the While Ihe village council Current sibly can result in legal en ber of lots per acre, and InConsumer Goods ... I ;_.(__ r........ nf_nv(rn_ /in I'll rnnlHf«D l'Mrt1l|^Q TlnlMnfurtn nr\n d-nn i n-n n-nA f..ll..to_18:30• p.m.. \. Orchard Hills band, also vlsitcil N0rt|ivillo member must audition lor vet agi'ced that i'evlew of cost fig railroad crossing, east of Novi road. tanglement. Furthermore, he sislcd lhat his objections on Yield STOCKS school. for a listcii aiid wound up eran menibors and wlii the Novi police continued their ures can he Ilelpfiil, they con Following the ground-breaking ceremonies, pointed out lhat the county zon this matter at the previous 3 Now in Discount Field Boy Scout Troop No. 54, 7:30 playing with Ihe groiip. ''He unanimous vole of all members investigation this week of a tended that the malter has ... .. _ ..-nb.H-,;uDb ing coordinating group usual hearing be included in the min If you've got a mountain to climb or a truclt to the group of dignitaries journeyed to Saratoga 10 9:15 p.m., eommunily build had liotlilng bill kiiid words and the direclor before being burglai'y late Sunday night at been postponed long enough tdeal Puckage Investment for Inaecesaories to cuatonlizo it just nbout any way, these are the engines th»t can leave either ly disapproves zoning change utes. Lakeview Restaui'ant, 2215 No and that action on the part of ing. lor 0iir kids," Williains siiid. accepted. come and Capital Gain PossibiiiFarms restaurant, 42050 Grand River, for re you'd like, And a whole lot of fun to look forward one .safely behind you. In fact, this new Chevy It requests that (10 not conform vi road. Board of education regular ties. to. At a very low cost. Test drive Chevy IC »(: Walled Lake is imperalive. freshments and lunch. Besides Its appearance on l)ael<s a wallop everywhere but in your wallet. with the community's develop Although tlie planners and your Chevrolet dealer's soon. You'll like itl meeting, 8 Orchard Hills On Oecember M, the Ken Stolen were: .'J78.CG in cash, councilmen appeared to be on Adams agency of Detroit television, the band has been 14 quarts of wine, eight car- Genei'ally speaking, Novi of Construction of the sewer trunkline, which ment plan. THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS Chevrolet • Chevelle • Chevy H • Corvair • Comttes school. ficials have been disappointed opposite sides on the issue, featured ill numerous publica bi'ouglit in a mountain of re will extend from south of Seven Mile road NAME — toils of cigarettes, and seven Willi Walled Lake tor its "t'cct Tliursilny, Fcbriiary 13 Village Presiilent Joseph Cru- they adnlitledly were in agreecording equipment, the direcl- tions, and il lias performed at bottles of beer. STRiEET through Northville and into Novi as far as 10 Rotary club nleeting, 12 noon or said, anti taped a perfoi-mdragging" — particularly in pi suggested lhat areas dcslg'^ ment as lo the purpose of the McmhiT—ncirii!' stuck ExchahHc the National Collegiate Jazz CITY Saratoga Fai'ms restaurant. Entry was gained by break view of the fact lllal il \ias dated as "residential" in the plan but they differed as to Mile road, is slated for completion by August 1, anco. Adams sent the tape to l>iiii!idclplii»-»ailimorc Stock STATE Rcbeknh regular nlccllng, 8 Ihe RCA Victor offices at Chi Baiid Festival, before profes ing a window just south of the Walled Lake that initially proplan not specify lot sizes, ln- the interpretation of that secaccordiljg to R. J . Alexander, Oakland county Eifciiuiige sional bandsmen ill Detroit, p.m., lOOF Hall. rear door, said police who have posed the sewerage system and stead, he suggested lhat an lion of the plan concerning re cago where the disc was cul. DPW director. • DON BURLESON and on numerous occasions lor taken several sets of finger- in view of the fact that Novi For additions 0r c0rrccti0iis, avei'age lot size bo substltul- sidential development and popNORTHVILLE Hotel Mayflowor Plymouth prints. 560 SOUTH MAIN STREET plt-asc call Fl-9-2792. has already indicated its wil Meiinwllile, a firm In ICala- local area fuiiclions. ed and that specific sizes bc| ulation density. Pleldbrook 9-0033 TEIEPHQNE Glonvlow 3-1890 Some months ago Norlhville School Superilitendent Russell Alllerman gave me a copy of School Management magazine. It contains numerous articles dealing with school administration. But I suspect the stoi-y meant for my eyes is the one entitled "How to Deal with the Local Press". It's cleverly and expertly written by a schoolemployed director of community i-elations who forillerly worked as a newspaperman and had once seiVed as a prilicipal and teacher. The author's "common sense rules" are equally applicable to all public officials. And he uses a reverse twist type of humor to uncover the sensitive areas in a newsinan's arlnor, thus leaviilg the press with food for thought, too. Here are a few excerpts that i lil<ed best: (A telephone call to the author frolli a re porter) —- "I just talked with one of the principals to ask if he is in favor of corporal punishillent as a means of disciplining students." "What did he leil you?" "I'm not sure. I have three pages of quotes which I'lTi trying to translate: but I think he's eith er for it or against it." (Another phone call a few minutes later from the pluncipal) — "A reporter just called to ask my views oll corpoi'al punishineilt as a discipiiilal-y measure." "What did you tell him?" "I'm not sure. I'll have to read the paper to find out." Schoolcraft Faculty Now at I 22 Novi Motorist In C r a s l i N e a r Wixom Roger Babson W h a t W e C a n E x - p e c t i n 7 5 Y e a r s ' 't'' To Discuss Sewer Proposal - V o v i Northville 'V"'^'^' ''^^f^' Band P l a n big new V 8 power big new self-adjusting J o i n t M e e t i n g Novi Calendar brakes Break For CHEVY n by Chevrolet Burglars Hif Novi Qro<ery Andrew Ce Reid ; Written liK/iiirics liiviieil & Company (tf^m about everything empt when I say 'you can live better for less with Consumers Power natural gas service'," RATHRURN &a them at your Clieordd Showroom CHEVROLET SALES, INC. Ground Novi Sewer 1 Three elects Cities erbp Art In Officers e i i a o were Elcclcd \VilIi:nii Mr.iidi of Piviiuiulh. ])i'fsi(l..'nl: Wiiii:mi i':..; Ill Smiili Lynn, vicoiiir : llinaki Miir!;i;iii Hi ',V:i. ^'r: Mi's. I-'. ! i l l . - I ' ii I'lyiiiwiiih. I'l'rnnliii,, .iiitl :'lrs. J. WV-ii.; I i\ 111!.,-! nir:i.-.'.|.H:nil- V,f;., >••'• •<.,:;. V i c i ' . j i l i ' ( ' a : , t ' i.-,:ii I i. :i. : ai ;in,' Xni'.hville .-.'ll-.'il >i:il'ni. IvaikMi ,\.iai ! . liaii nrd '.-i:M ia ,'.i:'''.h linSp'Ml. (•V;:''ll,:r; i <• ; a; a' ''• la'i'.-. . an:: .\i : (',.: li.-iVc :;.ai o'.l)cr 1 hiliir. a.'iy, 2. and i'-'iaiI ;i',ai.ili:;i;-'a-:. r.r."' X-.v. an-.l ^li;: [•'ili ' (.1 Sn'i.ri: r.aiil, Nr: ;a\ a.ia C .a . ia-pn.; ,,. )'K,,i-.a:h, ^ ^i' iVlr. a n d M r s . ' R o n a l d Weber .Sii.-ii'on l'"loroncc i.cwis ;ind i^dnald Vernon Wclier e.\x'luingI'd wt'dding vow.s Saliii'day aflei'iiiion, .iannary '1. al llie The Nortliville Record—Novi News—Tiiiir.sday, Fel)iu;u-y (i, titlil i'rosljvlerian Cliiirch of Niirllivillo. ' 'i'lip bride i.s the daugiiloi' of Mr. ,and MiK. l.aVci'iie 14. i.ewi.s of Soiilli I.,yon. I\lr. Wel.)cr is (lie sain of iMr. and Mrs, Vorn011 Weber of l.ivonia, 'i'lie bride woi'e a gown of v.iiile satin brocade willi longi .sleevc.s, a filled bodice, and an' .'V-liiicd sixirl, iler veil of sill; illusion v.'as held in place wilii a crown designed by llie bi'ide and made of I'ose point lace and seed pearls. .She canacd a boii(|nct of while I'oses cenlered around a white carnation, iMrs. CiD'tis Underbill o( Northville was matron of hon or and Miss Edna Minor of Lin coln i^ark was Jiiaid of honor. They wore sti-cel length of red velveteen and red sat in with white fur hats and maleliiiig fur muffs decofated with i-td sweetheart roses and holly, -. Assisting llio brideg."oom was Curtis-Underbill, the best man and (lary Weber. Ushering the guests was Waller Holmes of Dearborn. The • newlyweds are malting their home in Ypsilarili wheve Ihc bride is a junior at Kaslern Michigan iiniversily. Mr. Web er is working al Dodge Tap and Tool, l.ivonia. to U-M Sveech Professor • QUALi'lT DRYCLEANING • ALTERATIONS «DVL WORK «Rl--\VnAVING tTUX RliNTAL Section One — Page Two VALENTINE'S DANCE — Members of the Northville Ne'/tfcomers club are busy (Baking preparations for a public Valentine's Day dance slated for Februaiy 14 at the VFW hall beginning at 9 Meetiiig this past week to make decorations for the Newcoiners-sponsored dance are (I to r) Mrs. Sandy Richards, Mrs. Elsie Loeffler, Mrs. Jane Kaake and Mrs. Helen Ledgerwood. They're Engaged J^".i-i^jmii- y (hiemll Pa^i^s .... . $2.59 Lee RsdGs-s Jeas^i Lee BIh $4.79 Coveralls denim $4.79 Tuesdays and Wednesdays Only Lmed JACKETS ,..$6. • DENIM ZIPPER STYLE • DENIM COAT STYLE your PERM SPECIALS 25% OFF choice TEEN PERMS^special $7.50 NORTHVILLE, U.S.A., seellls just tile right place for visitors to this country to view a normal, "apple pie" slice of Alrlerica. Most recent visitors from afar were Mr, and Mrs. Joseph A . Hayes and their four children who spent several days here last week visiting fainily enroute from Abadon, Iran, to Charlevoix. Their hosts were Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Atchison and the RichartJ W. Amblers. • Mr. Hayes, who is with Esse Oil company, has worked in the Middle East for 20 years. The falriily spends between-assignraent leaves at a hoine overlooking Lake Michigan in Char levoix. Mrs. Hayes confided it re quired 91 to bring the family possessions home — not too sur prising considering they have a youllg teen-age son and three daughters. boxes A University of Michigan pro. fessor of speech will be the guest speaker lomoi'row al a meeting of the Northville Wo man's Club. He is L. I.alVIoiit Okey, associalc proi'ess0r of s|)eecli. His iopic will be "The Rfglil lo Road -4 Voiir FiiHi Freedom." The meeting will get undci-way at ,'2 p.m. in the public librai-y biiilding. Okey, tiorn Dccenibei' ,'iO, 19011 iiv Benton City, Missouri, Sandrii I'Cay Garner and W. beige blouse. Her, accessories the mothers wore" white carnaSandrock, former were navy blue. ' ' lions.. • • •' • ' ' ivas graduated from high scho Grove ol in 1928, after which lie enter classmates at Centi'al Michi The bridegroom's :. iliolhcl' Sonie 150 guests atlentied a ed low'S' Stale Teachef-s Col gan university, wei'e united in woi'e a di'iiSE of powder, blue I'cceplion following (he wed marriage at Freeland; Michi with a shawl collar.: ilerfac- ding at (he Memoi'iai 1'ark lege. ' - • • Hajr In Freelaiid. • • cessories were powder L;itcr, he attended (jornell gan S'dturday evening. College (Iowa) and received The wedding ceremony look Mrs, Ross Pepple of Liilla, The newiyweds will live in the bachelor of arts degi'ee in place in St. Mallhews Luth Ohio, grandmother of the bi'ide- Midland while the bridegroom L. La.Munl Okey piv.-.-i-.'l -1 gi'oom, wore a cranberry col- finislies school at Centi'al Mich1940. In 194G he received the de eran Church. gi'ee of masler of arts and in The bride is the daughter of oi'cd crepe suit with a lace igan universit.V. The new Mrs. ia.'ji the doctor of philosophy Mrs. Ida Garner of Frceland overhlousc and black ;iccessoi'- Sandrock formerly was a stu dent at Cenli-al. degree, both fi'om the Univei'si- and the late Mr. Gaf'iior, and ics. ly of Michigan. the bridegroom is' the son of Altar flowei's were while Mr. Sandrock was gi'aduaied He also did graduate work al Mrs. Coy P. Sandrock of North glads, the bride carried a while from Northville liigh school in the Uiiivei'sity of Coloi'ado. Center sti'cct, Northville and nosegay, the inaid of honor a 1900, while his bride attended Professor Okey was a luaell- Mr. W. G. Sandrock of Farm I'ed and white nosegay, audiFreeland high school. ing fellow in .speech in iMC and iiigton. became a lecturer the follow Ciiven in mah'iage by her ing year. In 1948 he was ap bi'other, Richai'd Gai'ner of pointed nn instructor until he Fi'eeland, the bride wore a was promoted lo an assistant floor length gown of white slip professorship in 1952. per .satin with an overblouse of Saiidra K. Pliillips He served in the ineUical while lace. The skirt was slight-; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pllilllps corps, U.S. Navy Reserve i'roin ly boll shaped, and the finger-! I of 401 Hiver street announce l9i2---15. tip veil was held by a satin | 1 the engageinent of their daugllDr. Ol-.ey is n member of the rose. You save tv/o ways on our stuidy work 1 ker, Sancli'a Kalherine, to Don Special Association of Ameri Sheila Sandi'ock of clotlies! They're priced low to slart with, ald C. O'Leai'y, son of Mr. and ca, Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Al Northville, sister of the bride-' Mi's. I^ati'ick O'Leai'y of Deand last much longer on the job! pha Phi, Congregational Chur room, was the maid of honor. troit. ch of Ann Arbor (trustee), and She woi'e a floor-Iengtli gown COTTON WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS Sandra is a senior student at the Michigan Speech associa of American Beauty bi'ocade. the Harper Hospital School of IN FOUR COLORS tion. The skirt was bell shaped. Her, Nursing and will graduate in ) Pant sizes to 50 Shirt sizes to 19 headdi'ess was a pill boxj I September. She attended Ladycrown with a shorl head veil.j ! Big Yank Big Yank wood high school. also in American Beauty red. | PANTS $3.65 SHIRTS $2.79 The couple plans a May 30 The best man was Mr. Tomi wedding in Our Lady of VicDickie Dickie Spearing of East Detroit, a! tory Catholic Church. PANTS • $3.98 SHIRTS $2.98 classmate of the bi'idegi-oom. 9 « Ushers were Mi'. Ralph Lee of Eleanor Nielseii Ml. Pleasant and Mr. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nielsen of Darling of Northville, both Hazel Park have announced classmates of the bridegroom. the engagement of their daugh CyiKhia Alaric Allen For her d:iiighter's wedding, ler, Eleanor, to Lt. Micllael the bride's mother woi'e a holi Madigan of Northville. day blue knit di'css with a Mr. and Mrs, Gi'ant W. Al len of 19530 Clement road an The couple is planning a Juiie Big Yank Blue Denim nounce the engagement of their G wedding, after which they daughter, Cynthia Marie, to will be living in Valdosla, GeorRobert J. Hartman, son of Mr. gia. and Mrs. Lyle llartman of Miss Nielsen is a January 19G4 graduate of Eastern MichDickie Denim Brightoii. igan university where slle was Miss Allen is a senior at affiliated with the Zeta Tau Northville high school and Mr. Alplla sorority. She presently Hartman is a gi'aduate of is teaching al Hazel Park juil Brighton high school. He pre ior high school. sently is attending Flint Jun Mr. Madigan attended MiciiWhol bolter time to come in ior College. for a new hairstyle or a spe. igan Stale and Eastern Michi ciol trcatmeni? Our skilled, No wedding date has been gan universities and is now in Ovefo//s . . the United States Air Foi'ce. experienced siylists give you set. unmatched personal alienie<2 reg. size tion. 1963 A M T Auto C L E A R A N C E ! unline(d Nursing T o w n Program By Jean Day Tlie Tiuc-t,' Cities Arl Cliili Lik'cicd new oifict'i's ior llii' yeai- lit (lieir .l;iiui;iry 1-1 ineetiiig. Jackefs O u r Tlie Norlliviile Recorcl—Novi Newrs—Tliurstlay,-February G, 1954 Section One — Page Tlii-ee AMT MODEL KITS . . . STOCK — CUSTOM — A D V A N C E D CUSTOM Regular $2.00 SALE $1.59 Regular $1.49 SALE $1.19 A M T JUNIOR CAR KITS . . . Regular $1.00 SALE 79c The gifls had a chance to coiTlpare school on the Persian Gulf with Amerman school here as they visited class with Ricky Ambler. 'I • T H E KALIN S. JOHNSONS of Novi road already have received an enthusiastic letter from Mexico City from their young houseguest, Raquel Gracia de la Fuente, who spent her "summer" vacation here in December and Jamiary. Raquel attended Amerinan school, and Mrs. Johnson relates that one of the highlights for her was becoming a Service Girl there. As a farewell, Raquel donned her Spanish dancing costume and did a castinet dance for Am erman Spanish classes. Twelve-year-old Raquel had used some of her precious 55-pound luggage limit to bring the costume. (In the luggage going home was a prized Barbie doll and outfit? sewn by Mrs. Johnson.) Raquel visited the Johnsons on a Michigan Council of Churches exchange prograln. * * 111 CREATIVE DANCING is promising to be big en[oyment for the mite-size crowd., The first such Northville class of five-to-ten year olds began climbing "to the stars" last Saturday under the direction of Mrs. Lola L. Alexander, who is teaching classes in her home on Spring drive. Mrs. Alexander received her dance tl-aining at the Mary Wegman school in Dresden, Gel-nlany. She also .studied in New York City under Blanya Holm who works \n'ith professional lnodern dancers for the theater. , , Mrs. Alexander taught professional dancers at Carnegie Hall before coming to Northville 20 years ago. She resumed her career a few years ago, teaching creative dancing to capacity classes in the Livonia adult education program. She.also has been teaching body conditioning classes in Plymouth. Her new classes in her holne are limited to 10 in a group, with 10 lessons in the series. Enl-ollment is still open in the present classes. Mrs. Alex ander may be reached at FI-9-3173. * * * A BUSLOAD OF F U N is in store for a group of friends in the Northville Estates area who.have plans to "do the town" on a bus Friday evening. The bus is to pick up each of the dozen couples participating at their doorsteps, taking them first to the Top of the Flame for cocktails, then to the Clam Shop for dinner. The desire for a pre-Lenten get together prompted the gay plans, the original idea of the William Tuckers, who had participated previously in Mystery bus trips. Helping organize the outing are the Ted Marzonies, who hope to add more couples by bus time — "the more the merrier!" CAPERS WITH TAPERS is the title of the demonstration-talk to be given by Mrs. William B. Crump at the 12:30 p.m. (sharp) Monday meeting of the Northville branch. National Farm and Garden club at the home of Mrs. Paul Schuiz, 46675 West Seven Mile road. Mrs. Crump will make artistic decoratiolls for candles, as well as caildles theinselves. Assisting th? hostess are Mrs. Douglas Straith, Mrs. Charles Altrnan, Mrs. Edward A>;gove, Mrs. Dennis Schwarz and Dr. Irene Sparling. >ti * * MOTPIER'S CLUB will hold a business meet ing at 8 p.lri. Monday at the home of Mrs. George Murany, 46842 Grassmere, Assisting hostesses al-e ' Mrs. Harold Wright, Mrs. John Canterbury Mrs Grant W. Allen. * * * MR. AND MRS. JACK L. DEWSBURY have returned to their home at 20391 Woodhill road • after admiring their newest granddaughter Jac queline Kay Allgaier, who was born Jailuary 14 to Mr. and Mi's. Roy Allgaier (Nancy Dewsbury) of Buffalo. The Allgaiers also have three other daughters. NEW STORE HOURS . . . DAILY FRIDAY NEW 1964 MODELS NOW I N ^ O C K After School Appointments for Teens OK'd AAU Sets Play News Around Northville CrcaUve Hair Slylillg — Hair Coloring — Penils. 141 E. Main FI-9-3420 •We'll Cash Your Pnyrol! Check > Northville •Plenty of Piirkiiit; In Rear Salon W. Main Rene' Northville 349-0064 ICKEY'S PlyImouth Await 3"Day ri-M6>3 4 NORTHVILLE Join W o r l d D a y of P r a y e r Show 59c : mm. Do YOU Know T A K € Where You ^ Can Buy? RED • L A P H A M S H Alteration Service to win SAVE AT Personal Plltlngs Men's — Ladles' -- TUX RENTAL ~ ( ^^tUf'^Vinm w NOBTWVItI,P 120 E. IVlnln Authorised Gamble Store 117 E. Main FI-9.2323 Northville Pay Consumers, Phono & Edison Bills at Stone's 9 9 9 " T O M Y V A L E N T I N E " . . . S A Y IT WITH CARDS FROM OUR COMPLETE SELECTION. We have a selection of Valentine Qreetings to suit every taste. February 14th! P A C K A G E OP CUT-OUT VALENTINES...29c-39c-59c INDIVIDUAL...2 for 5c VALENTINES...25C ea. CANDIE.S VALENTINE GIFTS FOR E V E R Y O N E ON YOUR LIST S T O N E ' S • H € A R T Here's how heron Hand her this Valentino of romantic red satin. It's filled with the finest candy a heart could wont. Wonderfully fresh Fanny Farmer Miniatures-*; do::cns of delicious, delightful flavQi'sl Slio'll love Ihem and you. From 75t to $S.7S ' HOP IN AND Mrs. Joan Wniker ; O 0 0 R.^j^-J I M R > A R T T''i'"s T p R p 131 E . IHAlN W o m e n Players V HUNTING — FISHING --- HOBBYCRAFT 43220 Grand River Novi FI.9-2962 Jean lees SNAPPER D E P A R T S V I E I M T - S T O R E Schoolcraft Tile .State Boai'd of Nursing, ing vnted unanimously lo gi'.mt lias gi-anlDci Selioolci-atl col-1 ii.s approval. Tlii.s ap))i'ovnl lege tentative appi'oval for tlio.' giiai'aiilecs that studenl.s gradopening of the Practioal Nurs lulling from the program will ing progi'ani of Schoolcf'aft col be eligible to wi'ito the .slate lege. board examination.s lor licenAfter reviewing the planning •siire as pi'actical nurses. of Mi's. Harriett Sattig, Direc Mrs. Sattig is now develop tor of Nursing Education of ing plans for the curriculum. Schoolcf'aft, the I3oai'd of Nui'.s- After these plans are complet ed, final approval will lie giv en. Mrs. Sattig is also inter viewing students interested in enrolling in the program. Those who have not made application may call Mrs. Sattig (GA 7GG20) for furtlier details. Rehearsal for the children's drama. Hansel and Gretcl, is The new college buildings on ivell undei'way by tlie Ply Seven Mile and Haggerty roads mouth branch of the American include a Nursing Education Association of University Wo Laboratory. The Practical Nur men. sing Program will combine cla.ssroum and hospital exper The play will be staged al ience during the entire year. SENIOR GET-TOGETHER — The newly organized Senior Citizens' Plymouth high school on Feb Students in the program' will club held a dinner meeting last week at Northville Scout-Recreation ruary 22. begin to spend some time in All members of the cast are the hospital from the thii'd or building. Some 50 men and women played card games and visited reheai'sing twice each week following the dinner. The group was organized through the efforts of fourth week of college. All in and members of other commit struction will be given by col the Recreation Department. Kenneith Conley, recreation director, and fle tees are equally busy, a spokes lege faculty, both in the hospi Mrs. Robert Prom and Mrs. Duane Marshall of the Jaycettes assisted • j: man iiaid. "Sets are being con- tal and on the campus. ALMOST BUT NOT QUITE — Carrol Crupi of sti'ucted, costumes sewed, finalists with Carrol wei'e (clockwise, beginning at the dinner meeting. The group wi|l i11e,et again at the Scout building props gathered and made rea The fii'st class of practical Novi (second from left standing) was a top conwith the Novi girl): Michelle Giba of Silver Spring, next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Area resident? 60 years or older are invited dy for the big performance." nursing at Schoolcraft will be tender for the Miss MSU crown Saturday at the Maryland; Holly VanDenBrink of Elmhurst, lllito attend. In the pictureabove are club officers: (I. to r.) Mrs. Mary The following AAUW mem limited to 30 in number. Al university's annual J-Hop, but she was edged out nois; Gayle Krepps of Dearborn; Judy; Joyce Slessor, vice president; Mrs. Emn^a Reid, treasurer; Mrs. Percy Anbers have been chosen by Di though there is a large num by Judy Smith of Birmingham (lower/right). Car Dragash of East Grand Rapids; Martha VanAken rector Mi'S. C. H. Heiney, Jr. ber of applicants, there still gove, secretary; and Mrs. H. A. Boyden, president. , as players; remain some openings, since rol is the daughter of Novi Village President and of Coldwater; and (center) Pamela Harbison of Margaret Smith, Hansel; Mrs. Sattig has not made her Mrs. Joseph Crupi of 23790 Maude Lea. Other Wayne. Knowles, Gi'etel; Glorea final selection of students, Heino, father; Marion Maas, Tiie tuition for the entire 12 stepmother; Katy Devereoux, months' course is $iOJ for both David Lane, 18-yeai'-old son cron • Kappa Epsllbn fraternity ed many nice gifts. wicked witch; Irene Truesdell, residents and non-residents. of Mr. and Mrs. Hai'old Lane at Hope College. David is a Ill ,ii > j, forest fairy; Shirley McKeon, Other include uniform, of 20172 Whipple drive, has senior at Hope and is major It's been a busy week for the black cat; Faye Weber, Trudi; shoes, watches, etc., costing been presented with the Hop- ing in mathematics. C. E. Langtields, 501 Faii'- and Jean Fronk, story book approximately $119, bringing Women of Northville .will change Valentines in tokens of port of the migrant ministry, tunity lo know America throuwood Award at the University brook. Mr. and Mrs. Langfield lady. • • • recreational, centers, and pro gli homo life, as a part of an the total cost of the Practical unite with hundreds of thous- sincere friendships. ands throughout the world next All persons interested in join- grams of assistance toward re American family. This year in of Michigan where he is a Mr. and Mrs, Louis Nagy of left Miami last week to attend The play, recommended for Nursing program to $220. ., freshman. David is a 1963 grad- 40049 Frederick street recently a business meeting in Chicago. children between the ages of Final details for the clinical week on observance of the 78th ing this worldwide prayer fel- sponsible citizenship. an effort to broaden the prouate of Northville high school, vacationed in Oxnard, Califor- They returned to Northville for 5 and' 12, will feature a candy affiliation of the Nursing Ed World Day of Prayer, lowship are invited to assem They will be used to extend gram among college and uni f « • nia where they visited their the weekend and then left Wed cottage, lollipop fence and, of ucation program are now in Prayerful kinship will take ble with the Presbyterian and hospitality to the more than versity students, a special gjft Raymond (Butch) Castei'- son and family, Mr, and Mrs nesday for New York and more course, the witch's terrible the making and will be announ place Friday, February 14 — Methodist women in the North- 00,000 students coming to this will be used overseas to help line, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Michael A. Nagy. Mrs. Nagy business before returning to oven. ced within a short time. Christian work the same day as children ex- ville Methodist Church at 1:30 county from all over the strengthen Casterline of Northville, has is the fol'mer Ann Yei'kes of Florida. Mr. Langfield is lookp.m. world, giving them the oppor there. been pi'omoted from private to Northville. Chairmen for the event ai'e ing forward to several weeks of corpoI'al at the Howe Military The senior Nagys also visit- fishing in the Keys and tile Mrs. Richai'd Somers of the School in Howe, Indiana, , Methodist Church, and Mi's. ed a soil aiid his,wife. Mi;, and Bahamas aboard his yacht. . * * Donald Karr of the Presby Mi's. Leslie Nagy in Saiita terian Church. During the month of Feb- Clai'a, Califol'nia. Mi'S. Nagy Mayor A.- M. -Allen, owner of The theme for the 1964 serruai'y, the National Society, is the forlher Bstty Wilson of Allen Monument Works in vice is "Let Us Pray" and the Daughter's of the American Northville. Leslie Nagy is en- Northville, attended the annual ANNOUNCING service was prepared by Dr. Revoliition is conducting a vig gaged in engineering woi'k and convention of the National Mon Madeleine Barot, executive sec orous campaign to make all gurrently is working on the ument dealei-s in Louisville, retary of the Department on "CoIoviJlcial" Kentiicky this week. Amei'icans, particularly our Titan IIL ' the cooperation of Men and 1' . • • school childi'en more conscious C * !!• Women in Church, Family and Tlie marriage of Colonial and Provincial of our American liislory (past Mrs. Frank (Mary) K'ocian Tom N. Bailey, BT2, is home Society of the World' Council of is hereby announced by its creators, BRUCE and present) thi'oligh tlie ob- of Seven Mile: was honored at on vacation until Saturday with Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. and BEVERLY McALLlSTER. servailce of American History a baby ,sllo\ver last Saturday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. li-a In using passages from the iTlonth. The piirpose of this ob- evening by Mi's. Louise Killer K. Bailey of Novi road. He will Old and the New Testaments, sei'vance by the Daughter's at her home! Among'(hose, at^ go to Norfolk, Virginia before To view the marriage, you are cordially Dr. Bai'ot will unite the countof the Amei'ican involution is tending were Mrs. JWin Kre'i- being' shipped to the Meditcrinvited to attend the Premier Showing as less number of Christian peoranean. to safeguard through knowledge el, Mrs. Wayne Claypool, Mi's, being presented in the Park Lane Estates pie who participate in the ser , , • » * and appreciation oiir Ameri- Chuck Bishop, Mi's. June Atchi model, located on Clare Boulevard, off vice in a new experience in can heritage. son, Mrs. Cui'ly Strange, Mi's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller Sheldon road, just norlh of Ann Arbor road prayer as "a struggle — an act « » « Debout, Mi'S. Steve Macko, of West Grand River aveliue in Plymouth, Michigan. of faith and repentance — and David R. Nash, son of Mr. Mrs. Arlenc Atchison, and Mrs. left recently for a six-weeks a committment to service." visit with friends and relatives and Mi's. Richai'd Nash of 430 Frances Frampton. In continuation of past ef The model home is open for your in- ^^>^ Dubuar, Northville has been Ice cream, cake and coffee in Florida. forts in the mission of the spoction, 50 take ihis opporiunlty to be <^\":> elected pi'esident of the Omi-i were served and Mary receiv church, the gifts collected as among the audience and witness the wed- fx^'^^ii Mr. and Mrs. Hari'y G. Ricllan essential part of the obser ding of these tv/o distinct periods in dec oI^jS* ardson, 814 West Main street; vance will go toward sustain orating. visited their daughter. Donna ing 12 Christian colleges for February 1, at Michigan State women in Asia and Africa. university in East Lansing. Bruce and Beverly McAllisfer The gifts will make possible Her Floriculture Forum pre House of Decorating, Northville ft;.;^ the ti'anslation, printing, and sented its 17th annual flower distribution of Christian litera show, "Shangri-La in Bloom." ture to women and children in Donna Richardson was one of many parts of the world. A foi'mer stage star with the Director Robert Wall remem- the student designers for the They will lend assistance to Lyon Theater Guild of South bered her from her starring show. • the present program among Lyon will join Northville area role in another melodrama >» • » Indian-Americans and the sup actoi's in a three-day pei;foi'- "Aaron Slick", which he directmance of "The Drunkard'' in ed at South Lyon two years Mr. and Mrs. Walter Couse of West Seven Mile road acPlymouth next weekend. ago. P-TA P L A Y — Night Hawk and Watching Face, star performers with cepted an invltatloii to attend She is Mrs. Joan Walker, "As rehearsals progress the eighth annual Presidential the Millan Theatre Company, rehearse for the upcoming performance who is preparing this week for Wall said this week, "it is ob- Prayer Day in Washington, of "The Invisible Indian Chief" to be presented at Northville higK fun and frivolity as the hilari vious that Joan is going to add D.C. Wednesday. President and school at ] and 3 p.m. Saturday for elementary and junior high school another stellar part to her long ous Miss Soindle. Mrs. Lyndon Johnson presided pupils. The play, based upon a Micmac Indian legend, is sponsored by STORE Sevei'al other Northville area chain of stage successes." over individual; meetings for the Northville P-TA. Tickets may be obtained at the door or by calling " residents will appear in the Advance reserve seats may men and women. Mr. Couse play, lo be staged by the Ply be obtained at the Melody participated in the Governor's FI.9-1389. mouth Theater Guild next House in Plymouth, but Wall Prayer Day last fall in Michi points out that Saturday night's week Thursday, Friday and gan and is now assisting in ar Satui'day evenings in the Ply- performance (February 15) Is rangements for a Mayor's V A L E N T I N E The Norfhville RecoriJ mouth high school auditorium. almost sold out." Prayer Day in Detroit. ^ » • Her foiilinine "Jekell-Hyde" The Novi Nev/s routine is nothing new tor the C A N D Y H E A R T S Mr. and Mrs. George HanPUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY BY chai'jniil'l jnotller who doubles ley of Chigwiddcn Lane and THE NORTHVILLE RECORD, INC., iDi as a meat packer during dayMr. afid Mrs. Crispen Ham- N. CENTER ST„ NORTHVILLE, MICH, ligilt hours. mond of Timber Lane will at 98 As one of the mainstays of tend the ''world's largest potTO S E C O N D CLASS P O S T A G E P A I D AT the South Lyon group during luck dinner" Saturday at Cobo NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN its short two year existence, hall in Detroit. The occasion Mi'S. Walkei' acted lead parts, is the annual tribute to adult built scenery, and sewed cos boy scout leaders on the S4th SUBSCRIPTION RATES birtliday of scouting. The tumes. • V A L E N T I N E CANDY TREATS 94,00 PER YEAR IN MICHIDAN speaker will be Jim Whittaker, As Miss Spindle in "The tb.aO EIQEWIERE E V E R Y T H I N G Y O U NEED FOR first American to climb Mt. Drunkai'd", shf; lias an excelYOUR P A R T Y . . . ^ NAPKINS Everest and a former boy lent opportunity to show her scout. « CUPS ^ DECORATIONS adept skill at cliaraclerizalion. William C. Sliger, Publisher ! •|v!.i-.-r--..,.- ...l,vi;i,..:.( I , SMOKED 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. '9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for G U N S E L L REXALL D ^ C D R U G S Corner E. Main and Center Sts. FI-9-1550 139 E . M A I N S T O R E Open Fri. & Sat. til 9 P.M. NORTHVILLE fhe I^ort.hvilie Record—Nov! News—Tliiii'sday, Febriuiry fi, Section One — Page Four 3-For Sale-Real Estate 3--For Sale-Real Estate THESE W A N T A D S 5—For Sale—Household 6—For Sale—Miscellany 9 - W a n t e d To Buy 15—for Sale—Autos ' 15—For Sale—Autos 15—For Sale—Autos 15--For Sale—-Autos • ,15—For Sale—Autos 15—For Sale—Autos The Nortliville Kecoi'd—Novi News—Thur.'day, Ifebi'uai'y 0, Jfiflil Section One — Page Five 15—For Sale—Autos r***************** ***********J SET OF 19()0 or later edition-of 1950 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 6 2 PIECE sectional couch, pinlc- l{EI'O.SSl!;S.SED 1962 FORD 2-DOOR 15—For Sale—Autos cylinder, standard ti'ansmis6—Business Services ish-brown, good condition $55FIREPLACE WOOD. FI 9-25C3 Encyclopedia Brittanica for 1 0 6 1 Tempest, < 1 door, auto or FI 9-2991. high school refei'ence work, al sion, call GE 7-9536 after 5 or best oiler. FI 9-1025 after Auloniatic. Radio and iieater. matic. $9.(i7 weekly. No mon H3tfc PETS, adorable loy poodle so u.scd late model typewriter, p.m. p.m. 1061 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 NEWSPAPERS BIGGIiST LITTLK ey down. Plumbing - Heating JOHN MACH Ford Sales CONVERTIBLE, 8, one owner, 15US1NESS IN TOWN MAHOGANY secretary desk, pups, AKC wormed and papei' electric or inanual, good condi 1962 RED CORVAIR spider, 4 Call: Mr. Adams, Co-orditl'ained, l silver male, l while tion. Wi'ite Box 2 4 9 care of the NEW INSTALLATION I'adio, like now, low mileage, NORTHVILLE FI-9-l403 speed, excellent condition. Call 72 X 34. $jO. FI 9-0409. FOR T H EPRICE O F O N E iiator PA 2-4131. 1958 MERCURY female, GL 3-4474. 3,7tt Norlliville Record. " REiVlODELING Multi-List Realtor heater, power glide, power after 6 p.m. 591-6567. THE.SIi: CARS WlLt. KlSALLY SPINET PIANO BARGAIN 4-DOOR SERVICE WORK bi-akes and steering, $135 down, 5 o O o T V Gift Stamps PROVE TUlilR WORTH UN Wanted: Responsible party to PUPPIES free' to a good home Every Sale a THE N O R T H V i L L E R E C O R D Electric Scwcr Cicaning DER THE ROUGHEST CONPower steering and bi'akc-s. take over low monthly pay phone 437-2927. Pleasant E\-pericncc E.J. ALLISON CHEVROLET Inc, H6ex 10—Miscellany yVanted Eleciric Pipe Tliawing With the purchase of any used UinONS! 3-For Sale—Real Estate W A N T A D Real sliai-p. ments on a spinet piano. Can 199 Plymouth Rd, Plymouth $8950. In lown. Fine loca car at Allison Chevrolet dur T H E N O V ! N E W S Ally old used car ivill perform be seen locally. Write Ci'edit ST. MATHEWS Public paper ALFALFA hay 6 0 cents bale, With the purchase of any used ACREAGE $495 GL-3-4603 tion. Older iiomc in spotless ing the month of February! GLENN C. LONG Manager, P.O. Box 215, She! phone GE 8-4283 - 13350 Nine drive. February 8 atid 9. Please well u'licii iiio iveailicr is heaii- car at Allison Chevrolet dur T*r • • R A T E S condition. Tliree bedrooin, on used cars 43300 7 IVIiie Ud. NorUlvUJc Indiana. H6-8p byville, Mile Rd., South Lyon. HC-7p bundle papei's. For pick-up 624lil'tii. T H E S O U T H L Y O N H E R A L D ing ihe month of Februaryl 1960 FALCON 2-DOOR We have a lot full of many porcli, liardwood floors, mod 1962 FORD COUNTRY IS Words 85c Piione Floldbrooit 9-0373 1196 Br 624-3969. WHITE LONG shuttle portable 1962 C H E V R O L E T new used cars for you to ern i'ui'nace. Compleie kit lS(i2 FORD FALCON WAGON. We have a lot full of many (Minimum ClIarge) FROM ENGAGEMENT and wedding SEDAN WAGON Heater and Automatic. $15.95. GE 7 sews like new. FURNITURE Upholstering pf N O R T H V I L L E dodge; dart J.T. CON T H E W H I T M O R E L A K E N E W S chen, Sepai'ale dining I'oom. 4-DOOR BELAIR choose from. S5c charge for box reply Pleasant 5-room iioiiiG, 2-Dr. Stick, i-adio, heater. A new used cars for you to 5321. HGp ring set, phone GE 8-45031 1 - Help Wanted all types. Work guaranteed • • « VERTIBLE. Bucket seats, ra Automatic, radio, heater, white- !;liarp one owner car. $9.1 down, Be Per Word over 15 JOHN MACH Ford Sales reasonable. Ralph Duart. HC|: choose from. ..Power glide. Runs liJte new. w.nlis, powei' steering. Wliite with Springs i-elied, cushions rcJstuf$]I,500. Three bedroom, TV., 21" Console, Zenith, $70, dio and heater, VVSW tires, 1959 FORD '.2 TON PICK-UP. NORTIIVILI.!: Uc Discount on Rerun isame ad FI-9-140;i fed. For free estimate'call GE one year warranty. Excellent condition, Priced to 2-500 phone GE 8-8951. HGp FEMALE BOXER, 0 mos. HOUSEKEEPER for 1 adult, m i O FORD V2 TON PANEL. wlieel covers and back-up iights red ti'im. ' vertisement iJ consecutive. 2 modern 4-becii-oom homes, modei'n, Full basement. Well '1)2 FORD OALAXIE HARDTOP sell. .'j!05 down, $1595 housebroken, shots, papers, Ph 7-2412. Donald Reed, 01500 560 S. Main Northville built and clean. Veiy good 10c per lino extra for bold face, fiiii ba.senients, 2-cai' gai'agNICE CAR APARTMENT size refrigei'ator 437-2933. 2-Dr. Honest, 3,000 miies, 8, One owner. Sharp. Low mile HGcx widow with no smoking pre Rambling Way. H231fc neighboi'hood, F.H.A. Real WAS $1695 age, V-B, automatic, power FI-9-0033 capital letter:! $20; gas stove $10. Call GE 7E. J. ALLISON CHEVROLET Inc. ferred. FI 9-J834. -: •-• : • > : LOW PRICE $1695 automatic, power steering, TAKE SOIL away the Blue bargain. bi'ake.s, heavy duty suspension. NOW $1575 2674. HOcx • 199 Plymouth Rd, Plymouth --REl'OSSESSED CLASSIFIED DISPLAY beautiful gold, ww tii'es, red -$195 down. Lustre way from cai'pets and BABYSITTER. Mature, reli cast of Noi'thvilie $175 or Did Cnr Doivii 1960 Chevi'olet, 2 door. No •U(l CHRYSLER NEW YORK GL-3--4603 40" ELEC. stove with deep- upholstery. Rent electric sham able, own transportation. Call ali vinyl interior. $l!]5 down, ?i5,995. Terrific value. 3 RATES suitable for development. Custom Built Homes . ? 5 i ) . 5 0 Per iVloiiiii well, chrome table and chairs, pooer $1. Dancer'.s, South Lyon GR 4-2567. 9 a.m.-5 jlm. \ E. J. ALLISON CHEVROLET Inc. money down. $8.88 weekly. one year warranty. bedi'oom I'anch. Top condi ER. Fuii power, One owner. KEPO.SSESSED Display Advertising On Call: Mr. Adams, Cn-ordisingle iron bedstead & springs, . 4 1 ATTIC ROOMS - CABINETS 199 Plymouth Rd. Plymouth m2 PONTIAC CATALINA HGcx •;^8 To Choose From 1957 Chevrolet Hardtop. No tion. Beautiful landscaping, R U S S R O M A N Want Ad Pages , . . ONLY $1395• • • nalor. PA 2-4131. sola bed, leatherette coucllADDITlONS J O H N money down. $ G . G O weekly. half acre, Ti'ees, quiet sti'eet. EXPERIENCED mechanic " & CONVERTIBLE GL-3-4603 11.25 per coluom indi. •jl^tNo Money Dowll bed, overstuffed chair, ileeds LUGGAGE Trailer, good tires all ai'ound man, aftei'noons. No RECREATlON JlOOMS 29800 Grand River Call: iMr, Adams, Co-ordiJust east of Plymouth. 1961 MERCURY Like n e w in eveiy I'cspect, 8, O H.IO per celumn Inch for ). Phone 437-9126. HGcx •^Take Over Paynlent 1963 FORD HARDTOP reupholstering, o'dd lainps, 437Save money, deal direct - REPOSSESSED CIIEVIE II HARDTOP NO nator. PA 2-4131. heavy wof-k. Full or part time. Farmington, Michigan uvcnl* auto. Power steering & braltes. consecutive rerun of same ad L I T S E N B E R G E R • « • ;560 S; Main Northville METEOR 800 Work myself 2107. HOcx BEAGLE puppies, purebred, 9 Vel-air Shell Statioii, coi'ner 10 2-Door. Radio and heater. 1 0 5 8 Thundorbii'd. No mon VA, Radio and heater. Automa $23,500. Exquisite panel W W tii'es, radio, lienter. Just Call Mr. Adams, FI-9-0033 weeks old, good hunting stock Mile and Orchard Lake roads. KE-5-8855 tic tians. and WSW tires. Real siiai-p, automatic, radio, $li)95 — .$105 or old car down. ey down $10,46 weekly. 1963 FORD PICK-UP PHONE ling. Near new. Two fire GR-6-1210 132 West Diililap Coordinator HGcx Fai'mington. phone GE 7-7652. Call: Mr. Adains, (io-ordi- JOHN M A C H Ford Sales STRAUS iieater, whitewniis, etc. Radio and Heater. places. Spacious i'anch. Three NICE CAR — $1495 6—For Sale—Miscellany One year warranty, FI-9-2720 NORTIlVILLIi: FI-»-M03 FI-9.1700 ONE A D. . . O N E C H A R G E 2-4131. PA-2-4131 nator. PA FARMALL tractor model 1 3 0 bedi-ooms. Full basement. COOK, all ai'ound m . < j n to wofk Y A . REPOSSESSED FI-9-200S lacl CHRYSLER HARDTOP OR JOHN MACH Ford Sales Single bottom 16 plow, 2 row nights. Noi-lhville Pifeeria, 149 $1295 - REPOSSESSED Reci'eation room. Off BradS P R I N G S A L E N O W WAS VARIETY OF HOMES Windsor 2-Di'. Really a sharp • BOXER, AKC registered, l ' 6 2 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2 NOnTHVILr.E FI.9-I403 cultivator, snow blade, disc and 1057 Foi'd Hai'dtop. No mon C O V E R S THIS ENTIRE A R E A 1959 DODGE 4-DOOR GE-7-2011 ner. NOW $1195 low mileage car, 8, automatic, EAVESTROUGHS AND 1961 FORD 2-DOOR A HOME FOR Y O U ZERO DN.--TAX ADJ. ONLY year, all shots, children's pet, 5 ft. rotary lawn mower. FI 9- E. Main, Northville., .349-0556. Daoi- Sedan. Automatic trans. GUTTER WORK Radio and heater. Automatic. ey down. $5.40 weekly. -<il.50 01- Old Ciir Down Radio and heater. Automatic. • • » Some pmls. less than rent YOUNG WOMAN lfl'-v^O'to do ^ O n V2 Ton Picl(-ups dog house included. 349-2701. rnwer steering, bi'akes and 1 9 0 0 CHEVROLET 2-DR. COR Radio ar:d IN "64" Iieater. WSVV'tires. 3092. Call: Mr. Adains, C0-0rdiAluminum in colors, also $44.53 Per Muntli ' $39,400. Far below duplica Call MANAGEMENT BROIiEH pleasant telephone work. No windows, radio, heater, whiteVAIR 700. One owner, Shai-p. JOHN MACH Ford Sales galvanized. Free estimates. Clean. Low miies, TOY POODLES, silver, male, FIREWOOD - 16", 18", 20' JOHN MACH Ford Sales iiuior. l'A 2-4131. "THE S A R A T O G A " tion cosl. One aci'e rolling experience nccessai'y. Work ELLIS 3—For Sale—Real Estate I960 C H E V R O L E T Radio, heater, power glide, NOlmlVILLE -For Sale— ^vaiI tires, just . . . $1405. $195 NORTHVILLE 4 monllis, AKC house broken, Fl-9-M03 Licensed and insured. HURRY — $10,95 FI-S-1403 DEADLINE ' • -f I V . . lawn. Trees. Best residcniial and ' 24". Delivered. FI-9 fi'om oui' office. $1,25 per liour. 20720 Middiebelt at 8 Mile whitewails. $95 down. $10,900 down, one year waiTanty. V2-TON PICK-UP 1960 OLDS HARDTOP BAGGOCT ROOFING Farin ProfJuce trimlned, shots, and wormed. 2367. ai'ca. Every modern feature. 20lf Apply 10-12 a.m. only. Oakland GR-6-1700 '63 GALAXIE 500, 2-dr., lastFI 9-2G23. 1959 CHEVROLET Custom Built llancb Home AND SIDING 1902 CHEVY II NOVA HARD 1859 FORD 4-DOOR, 8 TUESDAY NOON $100 D O W N Quality, spacious 8 I'oom Hills Menloi-ial Gai'dens, coi'n •' Radio, heater. Truck in excel' O FORD 2-Door Sedaji., Stick E. J, ALLISON CHEVROLET inc, 2-Door, radio, heater, automa C 5,500 back, light red intef'ior, Fl 9-3119 TOP. One owner. 7,000 actual On Your Land BELAIR 4-pOOR ; Automatic, radio, heater, real FIRST and SECOND cuttings S P R I N G - S T E P i-anch. See it on Thornapple 40 ACRE FARM FOR SALE er of 12 Mile and Novi I'oad, 199 Plymouth Rd, Plymouth rfiift. Radio and iieatei', WSW 'lent' condition. tic, power steering and power 69.59 Mo. plus Taxes miles, white with red interior, aifalin, mixed hay and straw. tlean, one owner. $745. $45 dn. miles, bought new December. to close estate located oil Grislane. Novi. Cushion HEATING SERVICE. Get' rea GL-3-4603 tire.s. V-«, power'glide, radioj JieatPi-ice $2105. 438-4194.- ' HGp brakes., i-adio, heater, power glide and GR 5-8552 after 8 p.m. O n Your Lot wolfi Road between 9 and 10 Large C0vere(l Front Porch 1958 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP It, ,ii l—Card of Thanks $995 dy for winter: Vac-deaning Shoos SALESMAN WANTED Dealer,; 'Whitewails, power,;i|i'altes. TRANSPORTATIOf^, , 40tf 195!) DODGE 4 door hai-dtop, whitewails. $195 down. 3 bedrooms, brick ranch, 40 Edenderiy Hills. % acre Mile' road. Also available as 8, automatic, power, good solid and repairing, •• experienced. $6,85G F U L L PRICE JOHN M A C H Ford Sales 14 VARIETIES - Buy direct, er in Northville or Plymouth ; 'r'^ j f Extra clean. , atitoinatic transinission, rad lots, paved roads, sewei's, iildustrial site. $22,000 cash transportntibn. > Needs siiijht U S E O U R W A N T A P S NOUTIlVILLJi:: FI-9-1403 SPECIAL — $495.". 1;.. save — we sell only what we NANCY RICHARDS Hat and I wish to express lliy lilaily ft. wide, fuil bsmt., over 1000 To qualify you'll need car and E. J. ALLISON CHEVROLET Inc. Reasonable. GL 3-SC34. . > 20tf No Down Payment io, heater, power steering, Contact Perry W. Richwine, hills, trees. Refined rural set Sew Kit party, priced $3.98 tllanks to nly lieighbois and sq. ft., ceramic tile, 20' iiv. desii'e to iiiake at least $100 grow. Cider. Honey. WAS '.$995 bfady work, has cracked windCARPENTER AND t 1961 1/2 TON 8' IpSS per nlontll full price only $395. Fiesta 199 Plymouth Rd. Plymouth . . t«l ni» iliow ym each. New Hudson Methodist many frientis for the flowers rm. Will buiid witliin 50 miles ting. Off W. Seven Mile road Administrator, Box 376 Ply weekly I'ight from start; Write '02 DODGE i,i-TON PICK-UP. Bashion's Grandview Orchard CABINET WORK GL-3-4603 NOW . . . . . . . . . . $850 '.shield.. Sacrifice as is .. $345. Antdu'i m o i t umformbl i F L E E T SIDE BOX Rambler Inc., 1 2 0 5 Ann Ar mouth Michigan. Phone GL 3 edge o f Noi-lhville. of Detroit. Modei and office Church basement. Sat., Feb. 8, J957 DODGE 4-DR. HARDTOP and cards and other ads of Rawleigh, Dept. MC'B-76H-ll4, 3 Bedrm. Aluminum lilsul. •)»». Ortho.V.nt wlh MtluV-8 engine, Sweptline. 8 'ft. box, bor Rd., Plymouth, GL 3Counter Tops, Tile Floors, 40245 Grand River -?I50 or Old Cnr Down 0180. H42tfc fi cyl., sticic, radio, heater, v * * 2 3 C 2 . 1 G Mile Rd., 2 blks. E. •in Sprl n g-Sl i p C i n h l o n I h a l 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. H5-6cx Jtindness during my stay in the Siding. Copper pluinbiiig, Illinois. 39 8 $125 Genei-al Repair. Clean. Low miles. mtl on octunl loytr ot oltloom hiilwsiii, yoFreeport, ur .?3C.C2 Per nlontii _3600. truck in exceiient condition. of Telegraph. One acre. Fine ['esidential hospital. Duratub, 3-pc. Bath, Double OVERSTOCKED, dairy cattle CHIHUAHUA puppy, female, fMt mil lha wrfoM. S80 liyltl for llio whRESPONSIBLE olo 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN lnWIN KlNNE 16—Btisiness Services white woman ONLY $1295 fomlir. i-inonallMtl, in.lic.liomo iirvico. area. Plymouth Hills. Am l957"MERCURY, turnpike cruibowl sink installed. Com- calves and feeder pigs. Kilter 9 mos. old. AKC Lit. Reg. $50. Gvofanfetd. Mrs. Don Gidcoinb hGp 447 West Lake, Soutil Lyon Good .solid car $ 1 2 5 to assist with housework and $1095 C & L H O M E S , INC. Y o u can ALWAYS 50 CABS TO ser, 2 dor, runs .?175. Phone herst Ct. .$4950. plete wiring with fixtures. Farm, Phone GE 7-2120. 8275 N. Territorial Rd., DexT«wraaititnilOrfho-Vtni Phone GE 7-7801 1958 FORD STATION WAGON 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE . . . . . . . . . $2595 children, one or two days a CJIOOSE FROiVi. 437-2209. H G p fepraitnlnllvo In • • * 'Sfl FORD PICK-UP I want to thanl< each and KE-7-3640 KE-7-2699 Walls and ceilings Itisulatcd. H5-7cx PLYMOUTH H43tfc ter. Ph. 426-3891. HOOVER SERVICE week. References and own Body roimh as a cob $ 7 2 MATTRESSES & J30X springs, V-8, automatic, radio, heater, power steei'uig and brakes. New • W drywall ready to deceveryone for visits, flowers and 1950 FORD pickup new tires, Prompt service. Phone collect. standard and odd sizea of best FULL PRICE ;$28? GL-3-1020 transportation needed. Call FI BLACK miniature poodle pup1952 FORD 2-DOOR JOSEPH SIMCHAK 1959 DODGE ALL MAKES AND iWODELS profit b y spai-e. Car like new. One year warranty. $99 down. orate. Model: 28425 PontlBC APPLES, popular varieties pies, AKC Registered. 12 weeks cards, while in hospital and at runs good, phone GE 438-4971. All makes vacuum cleaners grade material. See our retail 9-0532. ' GL-3808 GL-3-S093 ."itirk. I' u ns okay. Body fair. open Saturday and Sunday, 409 ADA ST. SOUTH LYON AT COMPETITIVE PIIICES. llome. Also the doctors and Trail 2 Mi. north of Ten 1959 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN $795 HOcx serviced — free inspection and showroom at Six Mile and Ear'.i'l DODGE PICIC-Uf. V8. 1/2 TON PICK-UP Iii.side needs help $ 7 2 Dutch Hill Orchards, 5842 Pon- old. $50 apiece. 437-2228 South Mm^~slTTlR, live in or own • Phone 437-2587 Mile, South Lyon. nurses at Atchison hospital. estimate — free pickup andhart road. Two miles west of v-8, 2-door, standard trans., radio, heater, jet black. A real Lyon. 37tf tiac .Trail, South Lyon. BANK RATES transportation. Call 453-0931 or FULL PRICE $345 his m i s t a k e Harley J. Cole. 1950 CADILLAC CONVERTI delivery, reasonable i-ates. Pontlac Trail. Adum Hock Bed* s)iaiip car. ..,, , Radio, heater. Truck in excelH41tfc POODLES.-Puppies, miniature 453-3040. COBB HOMES BLE. If ypu like comfort and Empire 3-2072. A. F. Wai'd. •2 BIG LOTS TO SERVE' YOU ding Co. Tdephono GE 8-8855. lent condition. 1959 CHEYROLEJ: jHARDTOP 2,DR. $895 -I wish to thank all of my FRESH eggs from Hollow Oak and toys, sold with temporary 7 - F o r Rent RESTAURANT drlVe-in help GEneva 7-2808 H5p South Lyon. ' ' : , tj Ycssir, it's the fedcljIJer^lijsISci DODGE Vi TON PICK-UP 'TWO To, CHOO.'^E FRpw(,iV-a, automatic, radio, heater, power '03 DODGE >/!-TON P,JCK-UP. luxury be sure and see this shots. Also winning dogs at friends for the lovely cai'ds I Farm; candled, graded, whole wanted. Bel Nor Drive In. F l NORTHVIULE-NOVr AREA Sweptline. 3 ft. box, Epojoiny C. like new used car. Factory PIANO LESSONS for begin $795 Wiieii You Dc'al \yifi! ' ' . 3' box, big US: h.p, six, body 38 , steering and braitea. SO.montiis to finapce, one year warranty. received wllile in the lIospital. sale, retail, case lots deliver- Stud. GR 4-2604. ^ equipped, full power, radio and neis - GEORGIE RICHARDS, 9-1530. . 23t£ For Lease: Commercial : ONLY $1495', NORTHVILLE and ..motor exceptionaily. good, P I A N O TUNING , Mrs. M. Weston. ed. Phone GE 7-2474, HCcx CLOPAY Window shades, $1.19 UPPER unfurnished iapart DIE .MAKER. Journeyman, ali heater,' qutoillatlc,. whitewails. BM degree. 349-3049; 'I; 1962 C H E V Y Jr4,p,00R SEDAN . . . . . . . . .$1195 37tf building in city. Will I'einodcl RENTALS fires, fair.' $1095.' $95 down, one, ,1955 C H E V R O L E T Only $ 9 5 down.' and up. Cut to size free while (^OR RENT Commercial. HAY for sale, phone GE 7 7 1 7 9 Automatic) radie, hetit'er,. hi-ga? ihilcJage. One year warranty. arouiid experience. 'Steady ment m town, FI 9-0127. ' George Lockhart '64 DODGE, i/:i-TON PljilK-UP. ye:ir 1 M'ai'J'anty, We wish to express our sin to suit tenant. Excellent retail location, 38'x after 3:30, John Devei'eaux, you wait. Gambles, South Lywork. Bathey Manufacturing, E. J. ALLISON CHEVROLET Inc. SPANNOS I U E COMPANY ''/2 "TON PICK-UP cere thanlts to the many I N C O R P O R ' A T ' E D i INTERNATIONAL LI70 , 1961 p L p S CUTLASS 2 - b ' d O R ' S E D A N . . . . .$1495 i Fully equipped. Like'new. IWl'hlber of the Piano • 3-5 I • : • 1 • HtfcWALLPAPER hanging equip Plymouth. 3 bedroom brick ranch type 89'. 66425 Eight Mile Rd., South on. • • ' ' 30tC , Automatic',' radio, 'iieaterj power steering, one owner, low milement at Northville Hardware, fricilds and neighbors, Drs. Ro home, utility room and gar 199 Plymouth Rd. Plymouth ceramic tile kitchen sinks, CAIJ; Af^P; pRASSlS Technicians' Guild'' ' FULL PRICE $1770 t t o T N o ; ' . ! , . ; . ' , ' Lyon. • HGp complete bathroom vinyl asph-, TERMITES!?? $595 107_ Cent_er._ FI 9-0l3l. 1711 age.. Excelleiit .condition.': • .if) i i .' •: • binson and Atcllisoii, Caster- age. In the city. On West Seven Mile road, iServlcIrig Fine "Pianos- In' . jReeonditipiieil near real duals. 874 W. Ann" A'rJior poad-alt. All types o f floor ojvar' B E D R O O M S Protect your home from ler vei'y nice 4 bedroom, j cojly 2; Iine's and Itev. Kinde who as This Area for SOYcarS • 1960 CHEYf^OLET 4-DR; SEDAN. .$895 ' , r;,.t :,$»-$95dn.,' GL-3-2,500--i. 1 APPLES ing. Free estimate. FHA terms mites. For inforiilation call 2 BEDilOOM older house. $65 l2-Situations Wanted sisted us during the illness and years old. On lot 104x1000' All Cars and "Trucks Total Rebuilding; it-Required 3 bedrooin, 2 baih, ti'iV-U. ,AutQmatic. par in, exceliint 'cbii'ditiJn, '•' ' ' ' ' a month. Novi area. FI-9-25G9. • LOT NO. 2 . I I •! : •• a 0 Down. GE 7-2831. available. Spies, Mac's, Delicious, WineSouth Lvon. Lumber death of our motller. Special levcl, carpet and drajlcs, - ?25,9oo. : ; ,. \ WITH Bill f o o t Chev.v Inc. carry a 1-Year G-W 675 W. AnijArlidr'Road' 1960, FORD GALAXIE 500 V-8 . . . , $795 saps, Jonathans, Rome .Beau- OE.;r-831l. C iU'i - -I Htfc before,9 or after 3 in after IRpNINGS in, niy home. '502 thanks id 'the Tremper Cii-ele beaulifully landscaped. Fl^. nooli.-] PLYM(it/Til'^rS27IS Grand River FarmlagtM GL-3-2504 Warranty Retail store building w t h 2-door sedan, •nutomatic, )rndio,'n'eat"el-,'one''owh6r,'exceilejlt conties; and Others. HAVE .flS.OOO 10 invest in land E, R.'s WESTERN SHOP of the First Methodist Church rii;hce.,FI-O-llGS. ;!',' '4ltt _i.<-i:.-i )j! A';>v L E A S E KE-S-353(i --GR-4-05M NEW, modern office and store offices on second floor. Ex ditioiii bank' ! I^atos,:one year W'aITiuity. ' " ' conli'acts. Reasonable discount i W l M I L L E R ^ EATING PEARS Shu-ts, Lees, Levis, Leath for;the splendid lunch served Older home with 2 lots, • '..V _ I cellent location, Totar rental for good security. Write Bo.'c 251 er goods, Jewelry, Tack, space tivailablc. Excellent lo BABYSITTING in your home after,'the service. new I'oof and fui'nace, 4 : PURE SWEET CIDER WHEN YOU SHigiP;' PODjC^E S^les & Service 1960 CORVAIR 4.D0OR; SEbAI^ . . . . . . . . . .$995 1959 CHEVROLET ,IjOcx cation with plenty of parking. days. GE 8-4601, value $ 5 0 0 per month. Full care of Northville Recoi'd, OPTION rooins down and 3 lai'ge bed (THREE TO CHOOSE FROM). ./l,uto)natic, riidio,- heater. l3anit Harley J. Cole SQUASH HONEY Boots. Hals', 'for the'Whole FI; 9-178(J.''i - C 15tf BE SURE TO SHOP 127 Huffon Sl. price, $33,000, $8,000 down, IMPALA HARDTOP Northville, Michigan. Family. •. . BABYSltTING i-in n^l -fhome, rooms and bath up. $12,ij00 Mrs, D. J. Stark rates. OIle'yew VftiTanty. .QPEN EVERY DAY $250 per month. US AND OUR 'new i FI-9-0660 117 N. Lafayette, South Lyon PARTLY FURNISHED apart- pllone 437-2430. . ^i:; HOcx • Mrs. Harry D. Shafer terms. • BILL FOREMAN standard transmission. Real ANNOUNCING Mr. Stove, hair 1959 ei^EVROLET BELAIR 2.DR. SEDAN . . .$695 T O BUY GE 7-2821 ment, 117 Fairbiook, NorthSERVICE DEPARTMENT UP T O stylist now at Gertie Tf-oller's 4 Bedroom on 2.8 acres in ORCHARD STORE clean. No rust. C'cyl., radio,-heater,'automatic,'' ' Trade - 4 bedrooin, 2 bath 30tf l 3 - L o s t NORTHVILLE Beauty Salon, Novi. Featuring beautiful section. Rec. room Mm W. 7 iVUle FOR THE BEST DEMI FI-9-1358 ROTO-TILLER 3 horse with yllle. 3---For Sale-Real Estate house in town for nice 2 bed1963 C H E Y IMPALA 2-DR.,HARDTOP . . . $2395 H e tried to seIl newest '04 hair styles.. Also MILFORD FINANCE-CO. $795 2 car garage, swimming 3^ iVIIIea W. of Northville on 7 IVUall le implements, $150 or best of- VERY NICE 3 room unfurnishroom small house iu counv-8, automatie, radio,' jieater, power steering, poiver brakes, specializing in teen-age styling. pool, $42,500. fer, Joseph Cybart, 9762 Mat ed apt., in newly built apt. BILLFOLD, brown,,, probably SEE ALLISON CHEVnOLET 135 N. Center Stop at White Barrels 9,000 Iiiiles, full factory guarantee on car. 3G months to finance. Open Monday, Tuesday and NEW tri-level on % acre lot, try. building, 1 or 2 adults. PI 9-in business section, return pap thews,GE 8-4014. H52tfc li'OK THE BEST BUY ON his house himself R U S S R O M A N FI-9.3320 ; Beautiful buildlfig site on Friday evening 6-9. Wednes garage, family room, 3 bed STRAW and marsh hay. Bill MUFFLERS and XaU Pipes. 1515 or FI 9-119G. 35tf ers, reward, Call GE: 7-9536 af Doctoi's' Clinic, complete QUALITY USED CARS. WE Homer road off of Edward Edwards, Dexter. 426-2782. day 9-9. FI 9-2194 for appointroom, $13,900, $1,000 down on with equipment plus 4 I'oom 29800 Grand River llAVE A LOT FULL OF FINE 1' H6cx ROOMS, kitchen privileges ter 5. Gamble Store, South Lyon. vyithout the help Hines Drive and Reservoir ment. land contract. MA 4-276C. 32tf apartment for sale to setlle Farmington, Michigan 36tf Hlltfc FI 9-0712. •i* Bob -Cenn Clarence DuCharme USED CARS PRICED TO FIT Rd. ANY BUDGET. YOU CAN estate. CARPET Laying, Repairing. I B C HOMES -V, ,1963 Briarcllff Red, with Heater, Reclining Seats, Automatic SEASONED fireplace wood, FURNISHED apartment, gar- 4—Found of Northville Realty Farmington GR-6-1210 KE-5-8855 Lot 0n Maxwell street off Make over, stair carpets shift M O R E CLASSIFIEDS $18,500 NOW $12,500 34955 PLYMOUTH RD. Transmission, Windshield Washers, Carpeting and Light Group BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT 32715 Grand River 5 bedroom l'ri story, brick apple wood, cow manure, rail age, adults only. 248 S. Center ALLISON CHEVROLET oi 7 Mile road. 135' x 259' ed, re-stretching. Sewing and DO some work and save fireplace, cai'peting, lV-i baths Near Wayne Road (Includes Cargo, Glove Box, fwo Courtesy, Parking Brake 37tf road ties and top soil. KE-8- St. KE-5-353<S . - GR.4.050n YOUH RELIABLE CHEVHOYou'face five dangers when only - $3,300. binding. Work guaranteed. IN HOTEL parking lot man's up to $p,000; $0 down on your and full basement. Phone GA-7-1'250 ' Warning and Back-up Lights). 560 S. Main Northville 0548. 20tf APARTMENT, furnished, Ill ON PAGE SIX LET DEALER FOR 42 YEARS. you iry to sell your house GROSSMAN Free estimates. Call GEneva tinted bi-focals, GE 7-2602. lot - No payments for 6 2 Bedroom duplex. Each FI-9-0033 INSULATION approved for W. Main. FI 9-1522. 8-3179. H-14tfc yoOrself; You may. ,0 H6cx - mos. Models — Doane Rd. Nice lot on Fairland. side rents for $75. $14,900 electric heat. Blower rental lOc SLEEPING room for gentle at SiWer Lake and 6300 Ponwith $2,000 dn. - $100 a RETIREES 1. not know the market, a bag. Gambles, South Lyon. man. FI 9-0527 before 3:00 p.m tiac Trail Sat. and Sun. GE- 121 E. Lake St. South Lyou 5—For Sole—-Autos Htfc A DOLL HOUSE 2. be harassed by a parade month. GE-7-5m •8-4128. Evenings VI-2-0073. 1205^Ann Arbor Road — Plymoolh — GL-3.3600 l-ROOM cabin, semi modern, 111 pei-fect siiape is jusX what of curiosity seekers, 200 W. Dunlap, Facilities Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PERMANENT antl-freeze al suitable for bachelor living, FI the ciocloi- oi-dered, and here 3. hove to cope with bargain for doctor's clinic on main l06(r"ENGLISH Ford,-good conGambles from $1,49 a gallon. 9-0716. APPLES ,38 it is. All asbestos sided 2-bcdh"untei;5, floor, includes office, 4 ex H44ttc UPPER apartment, 3 ropinsdition. FI 9-2851. i-oom ranch, tile ititchen and 4. expose your family to amining rooms, lab . room, Mcintosh, Nortlicm Spy, Red 1 9 5 9 RAMBLER Classic-Sta AUTOMATIC CANVAS - ALUMINUM and bath, refrigerator, electric Now is the time N O R T H V I L L E S U P E R S E R V I C E <nc Mobilhe^t doctor's office, dispensory, Delicious, Jonathan, Golden bath, plastered oait floors, gns \ 'fiprils from strangers, stove, heater and hot watertion wagon stand'ard transSPECIAL LOW WINTER Delicious. x-ray room with darit rooin, YOU CAN lit., aulo. liot water, s. and s., 5. neglect your job to play mission, radio, heater. Onjy FIBERGLASS OIL HEAT furnished. Pay own electricity, RATES FROM ; will move the right party into this 3 bedroom Ijrick excellent landscaped. DEPEND ON (Next to Krogcr's) all clinic equipmeiit includ $5 down. Fiesta Raiiibler Inc. M o b i l salesman. $65 per month. FI 9-l5l8, 1 2 0 Special Utill^ Mcintosh $2.00 US FOR: ; and frame home — living room — dining area Also YOUIt ONE-STOI' DKY CLEANING ed. Nice apartment pn 2nd 1205 Ann Arbor Rd., PljfNEW HUDSON S7,!I00 - $300 DOWN IS THE SAFEST W. Cady, Northville. • Courteous floor. kitchen — full basement -— gas furnace — city; , , -(\ND 2I-IlOUR LAUNDRY SERVICE mouth, GL, 3-3600. Sporting Goods $60 MONTH NORTHViLLE REALTY-profesROOFING COMPANY Service PEARS 2 BEDROOM furnished apart PrX, Cli'iining lIggrs 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sal. 9-6 water and sewer, $11,500. - REPOSSESSED - \ COMFORT SYSTEM YOUR • Exiierl On a land contract. No red tape siondls who have contacts, SOUTH L Y O N ment, near town. FI 9-1473. C A L L COLLECT , Closed Sunday No job too big or t ( ) 0 1 9 6 0 Ford, 2 door, autontaRepairs knowledge, and experience in CIDER and HONEY 38tt HOME C A N HAVE , ., nrtY CLEAN .. 10 LBS. «.00 small. All types roofing and 1960-CUSTOM M E R C U R Y 2-DR. Radio, heater, for FREE ESTIMff tic, No Money down. $7.^6 7 acres, comer 9 MUe & selling houses, will: ED FITZGERALD, BROKER and NOTARY PLYMOUTH AREA UPPER 3 rooms and batli, .STKAIM I J N I S I 1 •FOR CARS & TRUCKS...We Carry DIES^ FUEL eaves troughs. . 6 GARMENTS Z5t weekly. ' Rushton, Includes 3 bedCorner Nov! Rd., 10 Mile automatic transmission, power steeling, . Pbone 66S-3146 -- 437-2850 Ponliac 'rr.-iil and Territorial ltd. GIs partly furnished. Private en Call: Mr. Adams, C0-or^i•ROAD and WRECKER SERVICE room home. $15,000. 1. help you, the owner, set Fl.9.2034 power brakes, whitewall tires IP995 FREE ESTIMATES trance. $60 a month including nator. PA 2-4131. •TUNE-UPS...FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY ICids Wanted > -a, fair market price, Call any time Day 0r y.'illo ?,f I T . S'«tl»n-0|>p. State JJispltal garage. No including utilities. 624 S. Main Ann Arbor NO-5-9126 To iielp fill up the -1 bedi-ooms 2; suggest highlights that 196Q SUPER R A M B L E R 4-DR, WAGON. 6 cyl. Fl.9.3350 Evenings GE 7-2068 C A R L H . J O H N S O N 5--For Sale—Household Adults only. No pets. FI 9-3078. 4J122 W. 7 MILE 349-97C9 or FI-9-13J3 5 Acres zoned comm., directly across from the Lincoln plant, in this exceptional hi'icit Cape WE ALSO H A V E i make your house more •.[stick sllift. Radio, heater. It's nfaw... .$695 REAL ESTATE BROKER two" modem houses both rented. Ideal for business and income. Cod. 2 bedrms. 3 BEDROOM home; lV.i bath, bath up, 2 saleable, SEVERAL : 120 N. Center NurU1vllle fireplace, carport, oil heat, tile .Terms. bedi-ms. bath dn. Sepai'ate din 3. find just the right buyer, 1960 iCHEVROLET BELAIR 2-DR. Automatic, •Wild Bird Feed Fl-9-ZOOO or FI-9-0l57 ' BEAUTY Counselor products floors. Stove furnished. $110 a "ri^-MONEY-DOWN" A A A WRECKER "try before you buy" Skin care Tadio, heater ,$795 7-Room mod. brick ranch, % acre, 2-car att. gar. All l.irge ing I'm. with window waii. Lge. 4. make a skilled sales SPECIALS ! month, 41100 W. 10 Mile, Call D O Y O U H A V E idtchen with buiit-in oven and and make up — Free Demon Complete Landscaping Service . 'presentation, , rooms, built-ins, carpeted, family room. FP. Spacious liviIig. GR 4-1175. between 1 and 4 1959 0LDS 2-DR. HARDTOP. Automatic, radio, range, fuii bsmt. Gas f.a, lit., 5. handle the complicated stration. Call 437-5271. 39tl •Medium Scratch 1961 English Ford j p.m. Another 6-room home en Gr. River zoned comm. (iGx200 lot. s. and s. on a iai-ge niceiy land• A M F AUTOMATIC ' heater, pow. steering and b r a k e s . . $ 2 9 5 A SERVICE negotiations, , , Complete Tree Service UNFURNISHED apartment 4 1959 Mercury Wagonj UPHOLSTERED Rockei's from .' Ideal isK a business or small factory. ocaped lot. 6. help the buyer find \ rooms and bath, kitchen stove 1959 Ford 4-Poor 0.9S to $69.95, large selection. 196ir:METEOR CUSTOM 4-DR. Automatic, radio, PIN SPOTTEgS •Cracked Corn $10,500 - ZERO DOWN financing, '• 6-ix»m brick rimch, 1 acre, 2-car att. gar., lai-ge rooms. F.P. oO''''""'o* T O SELL? and space heater furnished, 1959 Ford 2-Door ) Gambles, South Lyon. ."-heater, whitewall tires -....$1395 HERB DRYER, OWNER all (izftt 7. take care of the references required. Call FI 9- 1956 Chrysler 2-Dooi; Needs Uttle finiEMng. Htfc COUNTRY LIVING bothersome details 2, 3, 4 , 5 3447 for appointment. 1957 MERCURY 4-DR. HARDTOP. Alitomatic, TELL YOUR M E S S A G E OPEN 24 HOURS ELECTRIC stove 2 yrs, old, \ Hardtop : a-room, 1-floor, custom built, brick, l^k acres, two-car att. But still all city conveniences $85. Excellent condition. FI-9•Sunflower Seed .power steering and brakes. R & H -$245 TUNE-UPS - MUFFLERS •-- SHOCKS TO SELL YOUR HOUSE QUICK IN THIS SPACE BY gar. Complete finlslied bafsement. BuIlt-ins. 2 F.P.s. Many other arc yours if 040l. 38 ER . . . AND FOR ITS FAIR JOHN MACH Ford Sales •MECHANIC ON DUTY features.. MO.OOO.OO. YOU ASSUME Rent CALLING FI-9-1700 OR GE-7-2011 1957 FORD STATION WAGON, 6 cyl.-Stick shift. BEDROOM FREEZER, stove, refrigeraNORTHVILLE FI.9-1M3 Nov! Rd. at Grand River PI-9-0100 8(500 NAPIER FI-9-inl v . ..,> the present GI intge. of $11,150 MARKET VALUE, CALL US . . . S. LYON-WHITMORE AREA 9-iwm farjii home on 11 acres, 24-30 basement barn, many "Radio, heater. Good tires .....".$199 132 S. CENTER tor, washer, dryer, 2 piece on this excellent 3-bedrm. bricis SPECIALTY other buildings, modem house, 2 F.P.s, 2-baths, room for spa- lancli iiome. Piastered oait couch, Singer, bed, dressei's, FLOOR SANDER and edger 1962'MERCURY CUSTOM 4-DR. Automatic, ra cioua lirifig, near expressway. etc. Make offer. 349-0166. rental, Gambles, South Lyon. 5 0 0 0 T V Gift Stanjps ! floors, auto. lit. and hot water, HOMES FEED C O M P A N Y 39 dio, heater, whitewall tires, power steering Htfc MONUMENTS 30 acres W. Nine Mile, 20 acres W. 9 Mi., 10 acre parcels s. and s. lV.!-car gar., nicely Plymolilh With the purchase of any uSod '^nd brakes ...$1695 WESTINGHOUSE washer and 13919 Hiiggcrty 7-ROOM house, automatic lieat Northville A s p h a l t Paving CSiubl) Rd. Mfmy more vacant parcels. .Also Lots m and near landscaped, 100x250 ft. lot and Gl^-5490 to perpetuate cherished memories car at Allison Chevrolet durdryer; knotty pine bar; fire 320 N. Lafayette, So.itil Lyon, all you need is $1,200 to take Harrawood's Sales •NorthvlUe. FOR 1962'COMET CUSTOM 2-DR. Radio, heater, auing ihe month of Febru^ryl place mirror; pictures, coffee STANDING ALWAYS phone 7-2339, Dr. Griswold. over pf'esent payments of Trucking & Excavating Company table; utility table; throw rugs, „tomatic, whitewall tires $1295 WE NEED LISTINGS TO FILL OUR INQUIRIES FOR PROP II3tfc IN LOVING TRIBUTE PARTS & SERVICE $90 MONTIi We have a lot full of maay steel ironing board; electric ERTY IN THIS AREA, CALL FOR ANY PROPERTY YOU Chnoja hero a beautiful family memorlol POR ALL IVIAKES including taxes and ins. new used cars .for you jio 1961 COMET CUSTOM 4-DR. Automatic, radio, bar-be-cue pit, never used; ALU WORK F U L L Y G U A R A N T E E D TRANSFEREES MIGHT HAVE TO SELl,. In ageless granite or marble 8 W a n t e d to Rent choose from. i •.CENTURY MOBILE TRAILERS 16" console TV, needs tubes; S.ATURDAY — 7:30 P.M. heater, whitewall tires $999 •-- FREE ESTIMATES drapes, W h.p. motor; com Approved VA & FHA Broker 1961 FORD 2-DOOR, sticte 8, NEW & USED furniivee: AMBULANCE SERVICE mercial meat grinder, scale CASH in 24 HOURS WANTED TO RENT G O R D O N ' S R a d i o - T V Service one owner, like new, 2:f,000 and meat trays. Must sell. FI for your equity Furnished or unfurnished miles. Beautiful red with black ROAD-AID WRECKER SERVICE 122 W. IWAIN NORTHVILLE 27520 Five Mile, Livonia Private Sales All Day SatunJay house. 3 or 4 bedrooms with interior. $195 down. You can rely on ouf cotinsel in choostino RUSS R O M A N 9-0ll3. \ Phone OA 7 3 2 0 0 or KE 7 9 4 1 0 Gfand RIvef at Novi RfJ, FI-9-2610 GEORGE L. CLARK, REALTOR family room, Will pay top m EAST MAIN - NORTRVILLE, MICH. MAYTAG washer, wringer Q friemorlal of enduring beauty 29800 (;irand River 3 4 9 - 7 0 7 0 OPEN SUNDAY - WE SWAP E.J. ALLISON CHEVROLET inc. Norihville's Oldest H. CburcJj, Salesman ~ Ph. FI-9-3!ifl5 type, like new $35. Can be FARM CENTER STORE rent. 580 South Main Norttiville Fl-V-OTZO Farmington, Michigan seen at 340.-High St., NorlllDr, J. KIleder 199 Plymouth Rd. Plymouth, , . . Eeal Estate Office . Office PHONE FI-9-3470 GROSSMAN 9010 PopUro TroU GL 3 1 5 0 0 Ext, 279 GR-6-121Q KE.5-8855 GL-3-4(M3 " > villc. 1<S0 E. MAIN 349-1515 V* Mile North o( 7 MUt APPEAR IN W e Todays Best Buys PONTIACS f**********************^^*****^ Need SPECIAL FOR SALE es. Farm NORTHVILLE APPLES r************^,^^,^^„^^^^^ W e USED TRUCKS Need Berry K •• it Viqk-mk'' ' iti'^Bahk Rates ^New Rambler Sfafion Wagon LOANS ONLY $ RATHBURN'S 2295 BILL ROOT CHEVROLET, Inc. r********r************-******** ^mm FARMS ORCHARD STORB F I E S T A RAMBLER anil JEEP T H E S E S E R V I C E S A R E J U S T FOR A BETTER DEAL ON A $300 A P H O N E C A L L A W A Y South Lyon Econ-O-Wash BETTER USED CAR SEE WEST BROTHERS f OX TENT & AWNING W e a R. ELY & SONS %m\h Lyon Econ-O-Wash HERBS STANDARD SERVICE Need CREEN RIDGE HURSERY 7—-For NORTHVILLE LANES GORDON'S Radio-TV Service USED CARS AUCTION NORTHVILLE Don Merritt Realtor Allen Monument Works REALTY \ 16—Business Services Baptists Plan Tlie-NorUiville-Record--Novi News—Tliursday, February 6, IflGl Section One — Page Six TRADE IN your old sl;ate.s H T S sisates sliai'pened, Clamiilos, New HiKlson. w;irz of Delroil were ,Suiid;iy ncll, Maudie St. Onge and Car South I>yon. llltfc '^'•'s. II. 1). Ilcndorsnn 'j Ml'. ;m(l Mrs. ,iuni(;,s VViion- evening visilor.s al (he hiinie <ji The fdVl'' of Novi and New olyn McC'ollum. The Mai-ch EXPERT UPI10L.STEKIi\G -liu.s iiri- tin- p:Hciils of a now Dr. and Mr.s. Harold lleiider-r Hudson ;itlciided the Albion meeling will be held at tlie on Fonda .street. enliii-O'lHe of Yoiilli Irainiiifi home of Mi's. Olive Clappison Ihrow pil- daiif.;lik'r, ,Jucly Aniiulle,.son lium 25% discotml. lows Willi e;icli Jul). Fiue c.sti- ,1:iiiiku\ I'.ii in Annapuli-s ilos- Krisiine l.iu'.soii speiil the till- Cluirdi and Ohureh related at Novi and Twelve Mile road. Dr. Dwighl Slater, who lias Meads, Evangelical Union of served as niedic;il missionary Soulh America, Bra',!il, Feb IIlate. GL 3-;ni!)l). 3-llf |iit:il in Waynt-. She weighed 8 weekend with the children ol vnealicn -Satiirdav. February I. Novi Cub .Scouts in two different African couii- ruary 11). liijiind.s mill il'i: iiuiiee.s. The her sister and hrollier-in.kiu. Tlu re ;iie over (1(10 inleresled Pl^ltbOlNilI. L.,111.-; iji. ju JU'deniiis h;ive lour othci' chil- Mr. and Mrs. Roheit Maffel in in till' Work and .'id have been February 7 79 Cub Scouts Iries, will kick off the sixili A missionary "birthday" pol nature, luniiture ur lissionarv conference itick supper will be held on Noi'lhville, while the Mallels drdiciiled III the service. Thy and their leadei's will attend annual mi.": mouth Finaili.-,.- Cu., l'.-:i:iMi'.:L , droll, .liminy, HDiiiiy, Denny visited tile kilter's sister's liiiii- ,'ill L;iit. Ii.irl; in time lo alliMid Shrine Circus in Detroit. Sunday wilh an address al Ihe Wednesday, Februai'y 12, bc;iihI Valerie. Ave. PIviii. iiilli .'i.iiDii!/ I ily the Bruce Weiidl;imls in llie call iiikir p.-irly in Ihe even- Unifoi'ni day marks Ihe lie- Fii'sl Baptist Church of Wix- g.nnlng at C:30 p.m. I ginning of Cub Scout week om. RUBBISH uiid iii;lit li:iu!iii(;. i Alle,- ilii'ir inid-.sea.son vnca- Lansing. According to Rev. Wai-i-en, 111' .'i! iXi V.' Hud.son. I which runs thi'ough Fcbruai-y The .service will begin al all attending the supper will be FI-3-,1i;H. 421f lion. .SiKUd.'i Wiiito and Judy Gregory Larson, wiio is al- Wediv.'.'-day is Ihe last liulinii reUimed lo their .slud11.1 During Cub Scout week the 11:10 a.m. seated al a table repi'esenting INCOME TA.X relurn.s prepar- je.s ;il the Uelroii Hihie College, tending Houghton College in tile for Ihe .sillily group. Family Scouts will have a display at According lo the Rev. Ro Ihe month of their birthdays. ed. Mrs. F. R. I.anning, 211, .Sue l-'Cepperl iindcrweni a U.P, spent liie weekend with ii'';!il suppers al the church will Frisbee's i-efrigci'atioii and ap bert Warren, pastor of the Mis. Mei'le Gidley, chairman his liarents, Hir. ;ind M^'s. '.s'.ii'l l-\'iiriia!'y 12 at G:45. N. Wing, Norlhville. l''l D-liOGl. I i„;,i<,r (iperalion at .St. Mai'y'.s' pliance store. church, the confei'cncc will con of the mission board, is in Hiiii;; ijassiii),' dish and own Lewis i.arson. ^ 3iilf hii.-:pii;ii in Livonia on Monday.' tinue through I'^cliruary l(i, rt, i\^jNTiNu"TII7^>M^^rL^ She and her .si.sler, Noel, ai'e Mr. and Mrs. Tlmniiis Maca- l.'ihle sei'\'ice also milk for the l^ebi'uary 8 is scout sabbath wilh Sunday sci'vices at 11:10 chaf'ge. 11, interior and exit-rinr Also wal j huiiie on die term break ll'om louso and eight oilier couples children. Colfee will be furnish- and February I) is scout Sun a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and at Tlie Congo was the Hrst coun had a polluck dinner at Ihi" id. day. On these two days cubs washing. Roy IlnlUa. I^h. FI P E.M.U. home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, .'Miiid;iy l''el)i'uary 9 is Roy will be attending the synagog 7:30 p.m. niglitly except .Salui'-, try in which Dr. Slater used 316(1 2C,i t Mr:i. Marie l.aKond celehi'athis sui'gical skill to help meet Mcdol Elilio Clinu in Berkley .Saturday even- Scon; Sunday in all cliui'elies. or church of tlleii' choice in days. on Sunday at CASH FOR Land Conlraels lj"lliday The conference will feature Ihe African's physical needs ing. They are'all nienil)ei's of Allriid cliiirch in uniform, full unifoi'm. Many dens will Edmund P. Yerkes. Attornev,! H'" '""'<' "f I"'' and daughE n j o y r e f r e s h i n g c o m f o r t World Day of Praver, Feb- be attending together. Februai'y 11 dil'fei'ent missionaries rep and also lo present the Chrism E. Main, Northville. I'h I l'"r-in.i:iw, Mr. and Mrs. Raya square dancing club. counresenting eight different tian message of hope and for Mi-s. Roy Scliram and IrH' I'u'.'ir,' II. Tlic Novi WSCS will 10 Ihi-ougli Februai'y 22 the 349-3-Mn, ]4|;^-:"i;iid. Approximately 2-5 ' rel ti'ies. They will include: giveness to them. atives were present for the buf- granddaugliler, iVlary BiM'h. meet wiili llie United Chui-ch Cub Scouts will be taking oi-With this beautiful humidlflor, you enjoy more comfort with IN.SUrUNCE - Fire, Thefl, Lia-., el dinner. Mr. and ?vlrs. Rudy i)Olh celebrated tlieir b'rili- 'vv-imcii in Norlhville al 1:30 dei's for CheiTydale Farm cash —Rev. Slaler, representing However, in 19G1 political less heat. Fresh, properly moistened air makes you feel com bility. Aiiloimiliile M.-.s 1' r Thiel of Jielroit were also pix'- days on .Sunday. Mary who is pin. ew butler crunch candy at $1 the Conservative Baptist For change forced him to leave the fortable at 4" to 6° lower temperan o w oimi y eign Mission tiociety, Africa; Kivu Pi'ovincu of the Congo. Lonninc, 214 .V, Win;;. Worth seiit. now 11 yeai-s old made out Ih.: N'lvi fSaplisl Church News per box. ^ a 4»?k{JC tufes. So you save fiiell It also pro—Don Vinkemulder, Inter- Realizing that it would bo FT 'i-:«iiiJ ?.nn Mr. and Mrs. Geoi-ge .Scli- menu and cooked ;ind served l''i ;.:lay, February i-i the tccts your homo and furnishings from ^i^t^ ' vai'sity College Ministry, WesAl the Pack iReeting Friday some lime before an effective liie dinner. The ifarvey IJiisli Yi.'.nh Club will have a ValenSEWING Machine Vacuum^ damage. Come see it! family of Farmingloii was also-lm:- p;iriy at llie church a( 7 January 31 the following re Ici'n Michigan iinivei'sity; Feb spii'iliial ministry could be carsweeper expert .service. Spec-.'lEI'S TALK CAl^S ceived awards: Gary Cotton, ruary 9 (7:30 ji.m.); I'ied on in that ai'ea, he went * Beautiful Walnut-Grained Finish t Automatic Humiilislfii • 2-Spci:J pi'esenl. In'.-liiek. iaiizing on Electrolux and KirFan • Wiishablo Vaporizcr-FiHor • l/(.ilcr Level Indicalor • Automa'.'. Brenda Coburn, daiigliler ol i Wednesday of Ibis week ill- wolf badge, gold arrow, 4 silver —Abi'ahaiTl Kuiihjoonlij, Inde lo the Ivory Coast with his 'jy parts and service. All other Sliutolf « Operating and nelill Signal LlBhts • llasy-Rolling Casters Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Coburn! lerriiiiletl Ihe study of Docti-ine arrows; Tom Ritter, l silver pendent Faith Missions, India, wife and family to reopen a inakes. Vacuum sweeper ho.shospital lhal had been closed • Evaporates up to 16 gals, of water a day. _ . of Dixon Road, is spending for a few'iveeks study of "Soul arrow; Joey Greene, wolf bad February 10; es excliangod with your use her mid term break from Winning" at Ihe \yedne.sday ge; David Longacre, wolf bad- —Rev. and Mrs. George Dee, because of lack of pei'sonnel. able hose ends $4.95. GE 7-!i:!21 K E A T I N G C.M.U. al Mi. Pleasant, with! night .service, "Hour of Pow- go; Steve Pclchat, 1 silver ar Evangelical Alliance Mission, Dr. Slaler has conducted a IM.'life Southern Rhodesia, February row; Jim Kehr, 1 silver arf'egular Bible teaching minisher parents. i cr." li'y botll for the staff of AfriSunday visitof-s at the hoiiiej Thursday night this week Ihe I'ow; David Lutz, bear badge; 11; EAVES FI-9-0373 Northville of Mr. and Mrs. .Joe (iardi-lia; men and ' boys of Ihe church Pat Dye, lion badge, gold ai'- —Elias Hatcher, Missionaf'y can workers at llie hospital 43300 Seven Mile Rd. wol'e Mi's. Gardcila's sister will I'llay basketball at the row; Rlchaf'd Josephson, lion Aviation Fellowship, Mexico, and for Ihe patients, A number badge, gold arrow; Tom Van Februai'y 12; have become Christians as a and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Cominui'iity hall. l''ebi'iiai'y 12 the quiz team Sickle lion badge; Jim Robert —Rev. Alex Leonovich, Slav result of their stay at the hosA very successful dealer who Frank Mayville of Detroit. son lion badge; year pins: one ic Missionary Service, Ii'on enjoys the confidence and loy Mi'S. Will Flint is on the sick of Ihe Daptist chui'ch in Wayne year pins, Gregg Budlong, Curtain counlrios, February pilal. 475-0328 Dr. Slater will be in the will be here in Novi chiii'ch lo list this week. Mr. Flint is still alty ot the large number of Ronnie Cai:)ipbell, Steve Pel- 13; United States for a year of fur customers wlio patronize his a patient al Whileliall KesI give .'1 quiz denionsli'alion. l'>id;iy night single fellows chat, Bob Waugli and Tom —GoTdon Dunn, China In lough before he returns to mis dealership said recently that Home. Van Sickle. Two year pin Jim land Mission, Singapore, Feb sionary work either in the Conbuying a cai' was Inuch like Mr. and Mrs. .lames Lewis and girls past the high school Robertson. K o c i a j i ruai'y 14; go or the Ivory Coast, West getting married. The dealer and their 16 monlh old daugh age involving five churches will —Rev. and Mrs. Harold Africa. ter Pamela arc neweomer.s to meet at Novi Church for the plays tlie role of mothei--in-law. Novi Girl Scouts E x c a v a i i i i c ; Fonda street in Novi. They j first course of their progresUlien he explained it all it came from Nebraska and Mr. sive dinner and then go on to Troop No. 913 under the leadDigging Trellching makes .sense, tuo. The biggest Lewis is manager of the Te!:a- the .S;riem and Fai'minglon ei'ship of • Faith Gookson will be starling a new troop next W i x o m A r e a N e w s difference ijetwceii the two is CO Station at Novi road and churches. Bulldozing week. Co-leader will be Bar dial diiorce is ea.sier wheii you M-S6. .Saturday evening at 6:;iO the bara Alexander. The girls lhal The Wixom Planning com Beamish and Teresa Purcell at Grading buy liie ear. Mr. and Mrs. .lack I\Torris tlaptisl ^'Voulb of Novi v;ill al will fly lip this week are Joan mission will meet at the Wix St. Mary's Chui'ch of Bedford Dl-ains Dug & Repaired and children attended the wed-1 tend a - banquet at Ihe Fii'st Nelson, Sally Wharton, Donna om City hall on Mojlday, Feb on Saturday, Februai'y I and Wlien a pi-ospeelive buyer ding of Mi's. Morris' niccc.i Baptist church in Walled Lake. Robertson, Jo Ellen Frei'e, Bon ruai'y 10 at 8 p.m. the reception at Bonnie Brook GReenleaf 4-8770 firsl falls in love with his Bonnie Boundy in Detroit Sat-'Dmi Lonie is the youth speak- nie Secrest,. Pally Ary, Gail Mi's. Charles Thomas hosted Golf Club. • bride-lo-be he may be overurday evening. . i cr. Brooks, and Harriet Needliam. Ihe knitting club on Tuesday. ! wlielmed wilii her beautiful Denise 'Voung daugh.-;r of Mr.-Louie Angerman is coiiI appeai:iiice. Or he may be Allen deer who is in the sor-j Monday, evening appi'oxii thinking of what a great help vice has been transferred froni:jiiately 75 youth and teen club Approximately 30 girls are the Jack Youngs returned fi'oin fined lo his llome wilh a slight I MUSIC S i y D i O i she'l! be to him later in an Fort Knox, Kentucky lo Fort | members attended the f'oUor registered for Junio r Red Florida from a two weeks va- stroke. Cai'son in Colorado. . t skating party al Island Lake. Cross. The course will continue cation. St. Williams teen club held • PIANO and ORGAN I ecniifmiicd and pi'actical way. The Wixom Chamber of Com- iis regular meeting Monday; Vll'*/-,-*' • INSTRUMENTAL ; Whatever apiJi'oach he uses, Mr. aiid Mrs.' Gerald; Cecr,; A'ondily evening l'\'bruary 10 for two more Tuesdays. 505 N. Center ri-ii-n.^s0 I Iko romance passes into theand cliildi-en have moved to ,SI. | people oij the calling program Junior Scouts No. S50 has merce met at the city hall on evening at 7:45 in the parish ,.-.r:.^*' >• j lioneyinoiiii and settling down Louis, Missouri where Mr. Will meet at the church for a been organized under the lead- Tuesday evening, Februai'y 4. hall and after the meeting they Mi's. Robert Grossc is in danced with a live orchestra singe wl'.en die owner forms Geer is an engineer at Mac- ():()() suijper and then go on ci'ship of Margot Slewarl. iheir calling assignments. I Pontine Osteopathic hospital, until 11 p.m. F. J . W E i N B U R G E R jsoirie clefinile opinions about Donald Aircraft Co; The Senior ScpuUi will have Ponliac. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harrison his bride a few months later. Niivi liebokahs Sunday compaily al llie home their meeting Monday Feb Mrs. Joseph Sladnik is con drove to Warren Sunday to ft,.- .. ^.. Building .Manufaciurers make aulonio- of Mr. and Mrs. James H;i:is FullNlegVec team practice ruai'y 10 at 3:30 at the home ot fined to her home wilh a dose visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles k ^ ^ ' S , of West Grand River were Mr.! mr, uiju irna. v^iiaiic:3 r^.-. .. biles in sint every taste and al B:00 at their leader, Mrs, Cook. of flu. Hcssing. and Mrs. Tom Damour of De-j Within the next month more need and if a buyer is coiinsclContractor Mrs. Lottie Chambei's, Mi', Mr? P e r r y Paige of Beck die i;^l)i.'kah ball. p.A^^ troops will be oi'ganized. Jean I ed iKuicslly ill (lie time nf pur- If'oil. RESIDENTIAL - COM.MERClAL cliase lie should avoid soinc Mr. and Mi's. Cecil Dieterl j Uegillu,-.meeting is sclledul- Longaere's Bi'ownie Troop will and. Mrs. Gilbert Willis, Mr. road and Mrs. Waller Tuck, Mr. and tiac Osteopathic hospital. f,„- Tliiirsdav, Februai'y 19. be meeting at the Orchard Hills INDUSTRIAL •lias had sui'gei'y in Pon-.'V7ii;-..;: : w,, '' . -7?^ obvious niistakes. His beaiiti- of Texas are visiting the kitN. Mrs.i The. Rebekahs ai'e having a school. Marlene MacDougall's Mrs. Robert I'rombiy, Mr. and — also — fnl liridc may (urn oiit lo be ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.; 0 V I M l Cm.G.A.N Mrs. Fred Waara, Mr. and NORTHVILLE LODGE Iluncheo 1 and hat sale Feb- Bi'ownie Troop will also be REMODELLNG - ADDI'I'lONS e.vpensive to maintain .so he Earl Clappison. Mrs. Wesley McAlec, Mr. and NO. 186 P. & A. M. ALTERATIONS should know this bcfnretiiiiid, Mi's. Eliza Lee of Detroit is ruary !) from 11 a.m. to 2 held at the Orchard Hills scho Mi's. Gunnar Metalla, Mr. and H.egu,ai MjciJig the house guest of her sister- p.m. Tickets inay be obtained ol, Edna Miller's' Brownie troop NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON Or she may have faiilts thai Mrs. William Wilko, Mr. and Second Monday of each Monti) Phone GE-8-8310 in-law, Mrs. Gerlie Lee for a!f,.om Florence s'cntz^ meeting will be held in the diin'l show up duriiIg the coiirtMrs. Eldon Blaize attended the Donald Green, W.M. 211tf( few days this week. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE Novi School. ship. R. F. Coolman, Secy. Mi's. Daisy Weston of Deli'oil Tliere were 18 Rebekahs pre- Girl Scout Troop 1027, The wedding of Officer Lawrence If you buy your new car was a visitor al the home of .sent al the Rebekah Club meet Golden Wings patrol worked on ZONING ORDINANCE OF T H E FLOOR SANDING from our large variety of mod Mi's. Al Prilchai'd on Monday ing Monday after the luncheon their Scouts Own. Treats were First ciass laying, saadii-s', els available we'll do our best of this week. and business meeling they play- fui'nislled by Dahna Kozak. VILLAGE OF NOVI finishing, old and new floors. lo see thai the "marriage" I'e Miss Janice Davidson and ed bingo, Troop 1 4 9 got started last George L. Claf'k Own power. Free estimate's. mains just as pleasant an ex- Miss Sharon Allen sponsored NOVI, MICHIGAN Wednesday at 7 p.m. They IJIiii' Star Mothers Work KU.nranteed. perieii'-e as the "courtship." an open house house warming elected the following troop lead H. BARSUHN And as mother of the bride, Sunday afternoon from one loj Novi Chapter 47, Blue Star NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing ',tL Pn. GE-«-;!(ilK, i! no that she performs the duties four, for Mr. and Mrs. .lames; Mothers numbef-ing 11 mem- er Diane MacBride, Sheryl DorGrowing With Nprfhville will be held on a proposed Amendment to the Zon cali EL-n-SVr.j rnllf-el expected of her well and el- Allen al Iheir new home in bers and.;! visitors inet at the sey, Patty Erwin and Jo Ellen Sleinberger. They also elect licieiUly. ing Map of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of .Norlhville. home of Mrs. Al Prilchard on ed Bai'bara White as scribe and 1(50 E. MAIN ST. Dennis Paquelle, .son of Ihe Monday. The visitoi's were Mrs. Annette Skellenger as treasur Novi to include the following change: A l u m m u i n Sidiiig William Paquettes, is taking Kalhi'yn Bezaii'e, Mi's. Eliza er. Donna Lee Rock was inTo rezone the property described as follows: his final examinalioii prepai-j ot Detroit and Mi's. Daisy vested, Meeling closed at 8:30. ing for entrance into liie U.S. vVesloii' also of Delroil. Aluminitm Trim Beginning at the point of intersection of the E./W. BE SURE...INSURE Novi Boy Scouts Air Force. Thursday Februai'y 13 Mes'74 line of Section liS and the westerly right-of-way Novi Boy Scouts troop . 5 4 Mi's. Robert Button and Uev. dames Earl Clappison, John Guaranteed 30 Years line of Novi Road. Said point being distant 50.0 Ronald Button of Davison were Kla.serijer, George Webb, Al have a new scout master, Mr. & J o h n s o n John M a c h F o r d , Inc. recent visitors at the Ray V,'ar- Pritclilird and Fi'ed Mandilk, John Tymensky. They have feet measured 88° 14' 00" W. along the E./W. Vi I'cn home. will go shopping for the veter sent in their new charter with line of Section 15 from the E. Vi corner of Section Roofing - A i l K i n d s Real Estate & Insurance 26 boys and 14 adults register Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warren ans in Ann Arbor. 15; thence 88° 14' 00" W. along said E./W. V4 and family attended the eon- They are also going lo give ed. I'hey will have a live dis 120 N. CENTER NORTHVILLE FI-9-2000 ROOFING REPAIRS 17—Special Notices line of Section 15 1289.10 feet; thence S. 02° 32' play at the Mobil Gas Station cei't at the Waterford High ;i George Washington parly for CHARLES F. CARRINGTON CARL H. JOHNSON 00" E. 130.60 feet to a point in the northerly school Fi'iday evening. Ward 'l-E and 5N. Monday, on the weekend. TIley will Hght-of-way line of 1-96; thence S 83° 29' 50" E. Aluminum Storm '/OUR STATE Representative Word has been received here Febiuary 17. They will serve have their equipment and tents SERVICE Paul Chandler, has offices at of the death of Rev. Elwiii pie. ice cream and cookies. set up and several of the C O M P L E T E along said northerly right-of-way line 709.78 feet; SSfl-'iO Five Mile I'oad, Livonia Stringer I formerly of .New Volunteers for this parly are scouts will be there. Windows thence N. 84° 06' 37" E. 562.53 feet to « point in and his phone is GAI'field 2- Hudson) at his home in Ann iUesdaines Klasoi'ner, Webb, the westerly right-of-way line of Novi Road. 31G0. If iliei'e is any way he Arbor. He had a fal;d heart Clappi.son, Mandilk and WyGALE att. ' Thence N. 10° 10' 55" E. 117.56 feet; thence N., can be of service, he would attack Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marr Novi Chapter has adopted welcome the opportunity. 02° OS' 50" E. 77.18 feet to the point of begin 3311 of Livonia were the guests of \\';ird HE and plan lo buy ning. Said property being a part of the N.E. V4 Ihe ialter's parents, Mr. ;indi(|,-,-i|K-s for their room. ALCOHOLICS anonymous, Mrs. Alfred Gow for dinner at of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 15 T. 1 N., R. 8 E., Villie-chapter has three rneinmeets Tuesday and Friday Country House in Detroit S;il 23283 Currie Rd. lege of Npvi, Oakland County, Michigan, from an bers on Ihe sick list, Elva Pen evenings. Call GL 3-1579 or FJ urday evening. R-l-F ZoniiAg District to a CT, Thoroughfare Com 9-1113. Your call kept confiden- The Junior high had an open GE-7-2446 tral. 2Glf house al Novi School last mercial zoning district. Thursday evening. A movie was shown on the aclivilies of Said parcel is located at the northwest corner the Junior High studcnls. pf the 1-96 Expressway and Novi Road. The evening WSCS circle will This hearing will be held at 8:00 o'clock P.M. meet Thursday, February 1 3 — PI-IOTOGRAP.MY — al the home of Lillian Killoen Eastern Standard Time at the Village Hall, locateij on Milford road al 8 o'clock in EMERGENCY HEATING Social • Weddings • Candid • Commercial Take a break soon . . . to be sure you'll gel a brake when at 25850 Novi Road, February 24, 1964. the evening. Mcliiodist Cliiircli News CALL AFTER 5 P.M. you wanl if. Drive up and lel us check your brakes, adjust Monday evening Ihe Uible All Maker ---- 24-Hour Service NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a copy of 254 Linden FI-9-0477 Northville or reline if necessary, so you'll have prompf, positive brak Study group meet at the liume GL-3-0«0 the proposed Amendment to the Zoning Map may NITES GL-3-2»r4 of the pastor. Rev. Websler in be examined at the Village Office at the Village Hall ing action, when you need to stop fast . . . safely, surely. during the regular office hours until the date of the Public Hearing. ELECTRIC C O N T R A C T O R Viv.n and save money this winter! ml m Is fir^GViMA r~. Yout Citizens' Man 'k Insurance & Northvilie Photographic Service TAKE NOW IN THIS AREA t e Carol Child Care Mature, l-eliable women will stay wllile you're away...don't leave your children with amateurs CALL . . . 476-4476 OFFICE HOUU.S: Monday liiroiigli J-'iiduy 9-5 I'.M. Siitiirdiiy 9-12 Niion STATE LICENSED BONDED •Wiring for Liglit and Power • Fluorescent Lighting , • Sales and Service for Delco Morpr^ •No Job Too Large or Too Small.' P H O N E FI-9-3515 D e K a y 431 VnilKLS ' I . E l e c h ' i c NORTHVI^Q^^ -JOHN A SAFETY MACH BRAKE' SERVICE DEPT.- NOVI VILLAGE COUNCIL Mabel. Ash, Clerk NOVI VILLAGE PLANNING BOARD Eugenie Choquet, Secretary NORTHVILLE 5 Our Want - A wizard made the dif- set shots and a fast break led ing ihe final frame, the Mils- tight defense, they spi'inled up lang:-i regained the lead, .'17-35, and down the courl ti'ading ferclice I''riday llight as by Greig. Northville broke, how on the slrehgth of Bishop's baskets until Northville edged the visiting Lakers froln ever, as Ihc IhirtI period open three jump Grcig then out front, 23-19 al the end of West Bioomfield swamped ed. Jim M;i/.L'I wilh four and went on a scoring binge as Ihe half. A second half zone tempor Captain Dan Bishop with a West Blooinfield piiiled away. Norlhville 57-42, Bisliop's 15 points led the lo arily befuddled the visiloi's, field Riiul put Ilia home lc;ini Although West Bloombill they finally solved the deout front, 29-22, bifigcst ni,-u-- cal ailack. field's Dan Gi-eig is no g n of Ihe n'ght. It wa.s a .see-.';aw affai/' as Greig assumed Ihe higlI post. And West Bloom•yVizal-d of Oz, he had a The advanl;igo w;i.s .short liv lhr;ui(,'h llic fir,sl qiuo'ler. Do\m bag full of tricks that daz ed, however, a:; lilooin- jby five, Longridge's cliai'ges field'.s 1,7-point surge carried it to a 35-31 lead at the end of zled the Mustangs, A 5'- I'ield tallied 13 limes l)elnrc|look Ihe lead, 7-6, fell beh nd he stanza. ;he Muslang.s could renisler a' 10-7, then liung cluio a.s Lance 10" guard, he led his de point. Hahn .scored at llio buxzer. Greig then sparkled. He termined teammates to Truiiiiifi liy four point.s enter Wilh both teams playing a • broke away from his man on I three successive occasions lo backboard supremacy as[ wipe oul the local cage:s' 37-35 he poured 28 points lead. throufh the nets, well When he wasn't on Ihe scor over half of Northville's ing end, he led the fast break, passing off to teammates un total. der the basket and hauling in His bnskelball antics vault vital rebounds. In their anxie ed the Lakci'.s info sole pos ty to catch up, the Mustangs session of third place in Ihe began fouling as the seconds Wavne-Oakland Confei'encc wilh licked away. a 6-3 slate. They ti-ail once In olli^er league conlc.'jts Fri bcaien Clarksinn by Iwo games day iiiglil, Clarkslon reboundand .second place Bloomfield cil from its defeat at Ihv liaiids H'lls by one. of Holly by Iroiineiiig IVlllford, As a result nf flic Nlss Fri 81-50; Bloonil'ielU llills sub.stiday night, Norlliville sliiIned a luted freely iu blitzing liriglinolch from a fie fnr third in lon, G5-48, and Holly lusl 10 liie loop to a Ihree-way lie f0r PRESSURE — A West Bloomfield eager reaches Clarenceville 53-46. fourth. Tlie local cagers are high to block this shot by Northville's Lance Hahn. NORTHVILLE n0w coifrling a 4-5 leagiic rec F G P Although the ball arched over the defender's finord. 0 ger tips, the shot Was off tai-get. It vifas largely 0 0-0 Holly, Northville's next op Milne 8 because of the Lakers' tight defense like this that 4 0-0 ponent and recent victor over Mazel 0 0 0-1 Clarkslo nls one of the teams Wickc 1 Northville lost. Krug 0 1-1 vying for sole possession of fourth place. 3 1-1 7 Irasland 8 4 0-0 Hahn The Mustangs corrected ma 0 0 0-0 Fi'ench ny of Ihe erroi's thev made Ihe BASKETBALL B A L L E T . — Tripping lightly like a member of the Royal 15 7 1-1 Bishop previous week against Bioom Ballet is NorthviMe's Dan Bishop. He just flipped a basketball netward, for relaxation a n d pleasure field Hills, but slill they could St. Germain 1 1-1 3 but the ball rolled off the rim for no score. Racing a West Blooinfield 19 4-5 42 not pull off a win. The visitor's strategy work WEST BLOOMFIELD eager for the rebound is Mustang Jerry Imsland (34). 0 2 2-2 Melzian ed to perfection. 0 0 0-1 They employed a pressing Alix 5 0-1 10 FOLLOW THIS GUIDE TO man-to-nian (iefense all the Williams Colts Win 2 • 1 0-2 way to keep Norlhville bottled Moller t o H o s t 3 1 1-2 up. And whal's inoi'e, tl^ey out Hacht 0 0 0-0 rebounded the Mustangs IjlrquHull F O O D and F U N In Final Greig 12 4-7 28 gh boai'd position and slleer aggi'esslveness. Jones 1 O-O 2 2 2-4 6 It was evident early that Hargrcavcs 24 9-19 57 Cooch Dave Longridge's ctjgu's were having difficulties. Norlhville 9 14 8 ll - 42 With Iheir hopes loi' a Wayne- point mai-gin. West Bloumfld 10 9 16 22 - 57 Oakland Conference title dash It was a bi'uising battle in The Nortlivijle Colls made a Only by virtue of West Bloomed ais the result ol' three which tempers threatened lo third period splurge stand tip field's missed scoring oppoi'in the final frame last Friday unities wei'e they able to ta|5e TOM WICKE — Sturdy sums up this cager's forte. JACOB ROOM slraiyht league encounters, tin explode. t i l l s i d e Norlhville Mustangs will en With this in mind aild in night when . they- edged West a 23-19 halt time lead.. A 6' 2V2" junioi-, Wicke is hard to move under the Moving men through the hoop. He gives the AAustangs the potential to beat • SALES MEETINGS gage Molly toinorrow night on view of Holly's bitter defeat, Blooinfield, 63-60. 416^,1 PtYMOUTil ROAD PUMOUTH, MICH. 53-46, to Clai'cnceville last Behind by 9 30-29 oount at post, the Green and Whjts Ihe i-oad. • CONFERENCES HoIJy, Northville and Clar- Friday, Norlhville will have lo the' half-, dhe Colts • picked u{) worked lis center free under most teams off the boards. Wicke's bruising tac momenlum as they cOlitrolled the hoop, but he missed easy tics vifere utilized on the gridiron last fall, When he enceviile ai'e now knotted lor be at its aggressive best.' dog shots. i fourll) place in the loop with Wit a home court advantage, the boal'ds.i i'' > • ' lettered as a defensive end. He's also an avid fish • Equipped with Stage, Screen, Chalktco. Holly will be hustling to But' 'West • Blooinfield came When Northville shifted: ir^io erman, espiicictlly for trout. He is the son of Mr. identical, 4-5 slates. back strong ip the fiiial period, a zone defense ill the secojid btjard, Sound System, Electronic Air If the local cagei's hope to win. ,and Mri. Aujgust Wicke of 120 Fairb/rook. alvage llie basketball season, Main points of concern foi' oulficoririg the Colt.'i, llJ'ie. T^ie half, the Lakers countered wilh Filters. win over Holly is a must. To Coacil Dave Longridge's cag- I'uliy'felli'Shorl as Northville lose would drop them into fittli ei's are Holly's two top scof'- played; It 'safe, ' : • • Comfort is the keynote with Captain Chairs, place' and possible Into sixth, ei's. Jack Bennett and Torn Fa- Sparking the l,ocal attack T h e y Suffer Heavy Loses depeiiding on tile outcome of gan. Hcnnetl, one of the best was Ron Ashe'i'; 'who not only Teak Flooring and Birch Paneled Walls. the Clarenceville game Friday outside shots ill the confei'ence, played a good flbif'gaiilc'but •^•110 Norlhville matnlen were local wrestlers forfeited 10 Call The Old Lamplighter at has been tlie backbone of Ihc also contributed 14' points. Nine behind Ule oJgW hall liiat Thu '.s- points.' niglit. If the game is anything like team. ot his iotal'vyere sporea.Iil the day ' before their lnat(ih w^lh GL 3-4301 Plymoolh, Willow Run thus avenged a the previous'encounter between Game time will be approxi fil'st quarter 'to keep' Northville Willow Run even began. previous loss here tv,fo weeks Mich. these two teams, it should be mately 8:15. in the game. ' \. ' ' The Mustangs'lost'(tip al'rtjy, ago when Northville won by a a slam-bang affair. iji ti. II "You — a man! Squire Secret of ; Northvijlo'15 suc 31-19, ti'ecause two meil failed decisive margin., SlaiiUings Northville won that one at cess was balanced scoring. Be to scale "down to iriake the HOME OF Cribbs you are a 8-l sides Asher's 14, Steve Evans wisight limil. As £i result, the In going down lo defeat, the home in the last second of Clarkston SINGLE FEATURES rascal!" Bloomfield Hills 7-2 scored 15, Larry Schwab, 12 play. Mustangs put up a battle witli With Holly ahead G2-60, and West Bloomlleld G-3 aild Jolin Jameson, 10. Junior Jerry Burns leading the ~ONE~WEEK"~ 4—5 only seconds remaining, IMus- Northville pack. A heavyweight, he pin Northville Road at Five Mile Road - GL-3-2200 Wed., Feb. 5 thri; Allhougli there was a point tang Jim Mazel hit a jumper Holly 4-5 iled his man in just 12 seconds spread of only three points, the Tges., Feb. 11 to tie it up. hi the final second Clarenceville 4—5 of the firsl period. local cagers played solid ball. SMORGASBORD Every Thursday 5:30-9:30 p.m. 3-6 of play. Lance Halln netted a Milfoi-d Sharing the spotlight with Tliey lilt on 25 field goals to fpul shot to provide the one Brighton 0-0 Burns was Bob Fislier, wresli17 for WeM Bloomfield, but NorlbvlUq's varsity wrcstl• DINING • DANCING • COCKTAILS or be (op CQnl(;n(l- iiig in the 138 pound class. He the visitor's made up ground ing team i 5 M T H E F A L L E N SAVED al the free throw iiiie, convert- er for the (iiiadrangHlar raeejt upended his man to likewise DANCING Tuesday thru Saturday ing 26 lo Norlhviile's 13. IropUy In Farinington' Ssiitiiii;- contribute five points lo his andjiiStfor' presented by the team's total. OPEN SUNDAYS BANQUET FACILITIES Coach Alex Klukach noted ilay. PLYMOUTH Three Mustangs held their John Macll Ford 43 37 the improvement of his cagers, The Miistangs will compete Thursdiiy Nile Owls . I t f l Ml T H E A T E R GUILD 42 38 singling out Evans for his stel against matmcn from So.iilh- men to a draw. TIley were Wayne Door,.& Ply. - 55 29 Paddock Bar field, Catholic Central anil Wayne Ritter (133 pounds), Schraders , 52 32 Deans Ti'ading Post 40'/.: 39'/.: lar play. ; 49 35 Vita Boy Cliips 34 46 Fliickey Ins. • Norlhviile's next battle will hest squad Oiir Lady 01 S0r- Russ Nichols (112 pounds) SEE and Arty Forth (145 pounds). Thomson S & G. 40 3G Shoebridge Paving 34 46 be against Holly Friday on the rows. 42390 Preliminary battles will gel 33'/:; 46'/.: road. 46 38 Good Time Party Atlas Engineei's Although the local matlnen A RUSTIC RETREAT tiqdcrway at 2 p.m. with have won only one match this 12'/.: 67'/.i Eagles 4l 43 G. E. Miller ,Ser. Ann Arbor Rd. -- Mad Agnes "Her voica finals slated 10 liegi)|i ii,t 1 year, lliree of them are unde •200 Scores: Folino 234, 604, Norlliville Lanes •39 45 Plymouth, Mich. plin. Operated on a tuiiriiu,- feated. Bob Orr and Russ Nich haunts me." D & D Hair Fash. 34 50 Juday 234, Thomson 233, EastWALTDlSNEyS ^Phone 453-6400 nienl basis, the wlniiers. of ols liave unscathed records 31 53 -land 225, 222, 613, Wilkins 220, White Boutique Broadway After Dark (lie nftcrnooii cvijtcsils Will while Burns has suffered two Perfection Cleaner 25 59 213 , 625, Hansen 218,'Stanfoi'd •-- the base brido Iiicct at night. Afterniibn Idsr draws. Team Hi. Series & Single - 215, McArthur 215, L. Bezaire • Featuring PRIZE BLACK ANGUS BEEF crs will compete at night f«i[ 214, R. Bezaii-e 214, Fi'alick Schraders ^400 - 869. — I am stared const hitioii honorfi, Ind. Hi Series: M. Schnell - 213, 206, 611, Ezell 210, 209, AND OTHER SCENES A rophy will be prf;seifle(| Jimmerson 209, Williams 205, The Norlhville frosh are inak556. DANCING DINING and DANCING TOO STUPENDOUS TO Ind. Hi i^ngle; E. Karsch- Hacketl 202, Schriiidt 202, Mui"- ing a habit ot winning squeak 10 Ihc winning team, .Wed, thru Sat. DESCRIBE i;lcket3 for Ihe qvcijJ,, gootj ray 201. ers. nick - 21G: . fealuring BANQUET FACILITIES Latest win was at Lutheran for both (lie u][(cri)0i|ii and Sr. lliiiisc Ltagiie DAN BAILEY Waterford Bowling League West January 28 by the marg- t^c evening matf;hcs, will S()ll Briggs Truckiiig ' 51 37 45 35 In of 53-51. al- tlie doer f0r SO-fcijijls foi; 40, Dunn Stoel Five Wayne Door •& Ply. 48 Larrys Rest, 4-1' / :! 35'/.: For the second time in one adults anil 2S-ei;i)l|i ff)r stuT a o T 48 40 Ramscys Bai; Davis ( S i Lent 4 4 36 month, the Orange and Black, dents. Bail|Cys Daijce Stu, 47 41 ear insurance buy^alhey MfgCo. 4 2 3 8 won wilh cool play under prcs47 41 Fisher Siloes ' famoua low .'ates 42 38 sure in the final mohients of 47 41 Fiesta Rambfor Thomson's S(;G. and top seivice. 42 Northville Record 42 38 the, game. It beat Milffiril Fi'bydls Cleailers 46 42 38 Highland by a point in the last Cont|ct me today! 4^ Diiim Steel Walt Ash Shell 44 46 Anlerican Packag. 40 40 second of that gaine. Gnievyek's 42 Dunn Steel Aces 39 41 STEAI< H O U S E & C O C K T A I L L O U N G E Tl-ailing by oile point will) 51 Cloverdale Dairy 37 lglciDcii by OUENA VS I TA Diltfltulion Co., Inc.' 36'/.: 43'/.: just 20 seconds to go. NorthS)H03Wi l D i ! nefl ' r (i d ucl l ( i n j , D I V E R T I S E M E N T S 52 Van Bui;en Elec. JWanlcas Louflgfi 36 and^ RelilofJeiiftg 26800 Pontiac Trail South Lyon RAUL F. 35 45 ville's Jim Long was fouled. 53 Suburbaiiitcs North. Mens Sllop 35 Disney's "Islands of the Sea" Phone GE.7-2038 North. DPW 2 8 5 2 FOLINO He convorled both free throws, ^00 Scores;. 'Arscnaull 247, Cartoon IT COSTS NO MORE •-FISH & CHIPS...?!.00 every Friday Night 2ld S. Cciite: Nightly Showings 7:00 and 9:00 Seats NOW on SALE 224, '639, Thomson 235, Taylor 200 Scores: Wai-kup 246, Wat- givi^ng his team a 52-51 lead. son 221, Simmons 217, Dobbs TO HAVE THE BESTI at "Enjoy Good Food in a Pleasing Atnlospllere" Lutheran, West, pressing for 227,'" 204, 612, Puckett '224', Fl-9.n89 Sot. and Sun. Showings 1:00213, Fennimore the209, winning bucket, missed a .FHA Finoncing Available Wendland 224, Bering 223, 219, 215, • BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS 3:00-5:00-7:00 and 9:00 Lobdell, 208, 204, Bathey 208, shot and once agnii) fouled p ggiosa 629, Lightfoot 2^8, 211, C24, • COCKTAILS for fast, couftBous service colli Box office open 12:30' MELODY HOUSE Light 217, T'alik 216, 205, Wink- Chrlstensen 206, Swan 204, Jim Long. He made one of the. two STATE FARM merson 202, Knapp 201, Ack• DINIHERS PLEASE NOTE QL-3-3636 or 349-0715 fi'ce Ihi'ows lo give. Norlljville Icr 213, Gad'ioli 212, 203, 200, MulvilAitomttiloliiartnnCiimianjr 1:00 Showings Sat. and Sun. Komc 011M I 1 emtmingign, lllitNli a two-point victory. »|25 015. \ Kitchen''212, Eddington man 201, Dely 200, It was a nip and tuck affaii212, Bezaire 211, Nitzel 208, My- Norli)villc Womcns Lcngiic 51 33 all the way with Norlliville ei's 208, Evaas 208, Herring- Oakland Paving •DINING ROOM • C O F F E E SHOP ONE W E E K ADVANCE RESERVATIONS 50 34 lagging one or tyvo points beton 205, Cook' 205, Bezaire 205, Del's Shoes •COCKTAIL LOUNGE Wed., Feb. 12 thru ' CALL ELLEN MURDOCK Levy 204, Eastlaild 204, Ham- The Spinning Wheel 40 38 hind. f 1-9-0210 Aild although Lutheran West mohd 204, McArtllur 204, Ack- Hayes S & G. • 40 38 NORTHVILLE GL-3-5587 Tues., Feb. 18 . man 204, Snow 203, 202, Wal- Blooills Ins. 46 38 controlled the boards", the focal PLYMOUTH THEATER decker 202, Calkins 200, Robin C. R, Elys 45 39 freshinen gi'abbed off tile re BOX 62, PLYMOUTH, MICH. Now Showing thru Tuesday "THE PRIZE" son 200, Boiler 200, Malisahn Nor. Sand & Gravel 43 41 bounds when it counted most. AfVfTA URBUUA FI-9-9760 Starring Paul Newman and Diana Baker 42050 Grand River Novi Center Jim Zaytl and Foi'N6rlhvillfe' Lanes' 42 42 200. • ; Show Times Weekdays, Sat. and Sun. 7 and 9 o'clock (4 Miles West of Farmington) ward Glenn Delbert paced Cal's Gulf 37 47 Jr. ltoiisc Leagiic A T THE Special Sai. and Sun. ^\atinoe "THE INVISIBLE BOY" Sundays Open Dally except Mondays Thomson S'&'G. 34- 26 Joliil Macll Foi'ds 33 51 Coacil Madden's cagers' attack P L Y M Show Times at 3 and 5 o'clock on]'/ OUOM m lii'iii'ii'te O U T H HIGH 33 51 wilh 15 points apiece, Robt. Cole Bl(irs. 52'/.: 27 W Grantland Refg. 11 A.M. - 1 A.M. 10 A.M. 10 P.M. AUDITORIUM 34 Myers Staiiilard Oil 32 52 ' Bfiekiiig llieril up'was ilevyV.FlW. 4012 f 46 S!t«),«::S5S>,srst*)/ 35 200 Scores: A. Ritchie 213, comdr Steve Gallenlilid, who Judov Oil GoJ. 45 • Coming Next - Walt Disney's "SWORD and Iho STONE" TBCHNICOUOR Tram WARNIsn BHQ3. 8:15 P.M. sgorcd 13. 37. E. l^^nkow 205. ^('•<)liil^Slhle Ills, '43 Bine Out Feb. 13,14,15 Thunderbird Ads Inn THE Eye Touriiiey Bgwling DRUNKARD ma Standings Frosh Win By 2 Points mmsTmmsnmms fiiiCMioofi fmmi 18 SCENES E4 Mal^at^ll Cotvr P & A am\mm %W C A L L FI 9 - 1 4 0 0 . . . A S K FOR " S E R V I C E " Use 7 Saratoga "YOUR LOCAL FORD D E A L E R " 117 WEST M A I N - Tllo Nortllville Recor(I.--Novi News—"Phur.sday, T'ebruary (I, lOM Section One — Page Seven m Farms Tlio Korllivillo nmiRi—Niivi N(nv.s.-Tliin-.sciny, Fpiji'iinry f\ i(l(i-l Seclioii One — i'^age Eigiil. 'gue m i i i c N o v i junior Iligii school people awjire of citizenship re youlh. addressed himself lo the question, -Where have we is one of two schools elect sponsibilities'.' G. What can we do about been — where are We going?" ed to sponsol' next year's raising the level of citizenship Dr. Loving affirmed the dig school citizenship confer in school'? nity and worth of each individ 7. What arc our responsibili ual and discu.ssed Ihe individ A trip from Beirut to Bagh ence. Gaylord high school ties as citizens lo ourselves ual's responsibility as a citi was the other school elect dad via interesting and coloiiul zen of a dynamic world. and to others? motion pictures await travel- ed. "The conference," explained 8. How can we be more ef ad\'enture enthusiasts Tuesday The election took place fective as individuals nt hoine, Slewart, "gave us an oppoi'lunity to share withother scho at 8 p.m. at Northville high at the school citizenship in school and in our communi ol iieople, some young and ty? I school auditorium. confel'ence held at the some not so young, the prob Black, C. Harold Bloom Agen Glen Allen, secretary of the lem of making our environ cy, A. G. Laux, Fred Caster- Novelist John Weld will pre M . E . A . Camp in Battle Slate Administrative Board, ment a better place'to live. We line, A. M . .Mien, Lapham's sent and narrate ihe I'ourth in Creek last lnonth. spoke on " A Citizen's Respon learned nol to the cogita Men's Shop, Detroit Federal the current series of ti'avel Speaking for the school, Novi sibilities to A c t " . tive tools of problem solving .Savings, George Clark, Rach films presented by the Rotary Principal Samuel Stewart said: el Hill, John Panics, Russell club. He emphasized that "citizen and critical thinking in paving "Novi junior high school feels the way toward a better Palmer, Cal's Gulf Service, H . Although the performances honored in being elected and ship requii-es a knowledge of world." Lorne Dyer, M . D . ; have been sold on a season' is looking forward with enthus and concern for the problems Richard H . Juday, Manufac ticket basis (six films for $5), iasm toward raising the level of human existence followed by turers National Bank, Glen individual tickets may be pur-- of citizenship in our .school and dii'eclivo actions." He cited H. Cogsdill, Harold L. Sear- chased by non-season ticket planning an effective confer several elections where a min| ority of citizens made decisions fos.s, R. Douglas Lorenz, Ho holders for ,?1.,')0 each at the ence for next year." for all citizens. ward F . Mitchell and George door. Stewart attended last monlh's R. McCollum. coiifei-ence with lliree Novi stu Dr. A. Loving, mayor's com Weld films a journey to the land the pre-Biblieal days start dent council officers, Grc,i!g mittee for aclion for Deti'oit ing at the eastern shore of the Carr, Bill MacDcrinaid, CharREYNOLDS All FibrO'^OIass FuIIy.i Pat HenMediteri'anean and focusing on laine Uulaud aiid Autoniallo Water Coiiilitlonofs (Patstrueiures which date from the scliell. entod) Willi our LIFETIiyiE GUARANTEE Twenty-nine schools from all Stone Age. He explores the * FREE PRESCRIPTION acainst Rust, Corrosion, and Leaks will parts of Michigan were i-epcoastal cities of Beirut, Byblos. solten inoro watof and romova mors iron, • DELIVERY resented, with approximately Sidon, Tyre and Tripoli. for loss oporallng cost, titan any other 150 junior and senior high water soltenorsovofmado, I EMERGENCY Re visits Ihe place where school students in attendance. Your present softener fan probably be Tlie Nnrlhville Players ^ PRESCRIPTION Noah's Ark is said to have converted Into a Reynolds Automatic. . The program included small Guild is ready to lake the ; SERVICE Investlcato-Nooblleation. touched afler tlie flood, where discussion groups and guest coat right off your back! Factory sales, Installation, and servica Cain is said io have slain Abel, DAY NITE speakers followed by buzz ses Wfill, nt leiist llic cosiuin(W0 servica all makes) the place where tlie whale is FI-9-0850 FI-9-0512 sions. Topics were selected ing cominitiee would appre supposed to have vomited J o from concerns voiced by the ciate it if persons flwniiig R E Y N O L D S nah, YOUR HEALTH IS people present. They included: old, rcady-10-bc-disearded lop Water Conditioning Coniiiany OUR BUSINESSI c0nts niid overcoats would Weld is hailed as one of the 1. The problem of school d0na(e tiicm lo the players top performers In the field of drop-outs. condi/ionina since J93? group. film leclui-ing and his "Beirut 2. What is good citizenship. The c0ats will be allcred to Baghdad" film is called the 12lOOCIoverdaIa,Dgtfolt4,iyiIcii,, 3. What is it we believe. fiir pcri0d men's costuming most interesting and colorful WEIis1er3'3S(l9 4. How to develop belter hu AL LAUX, R. Ph. in tlie Guild's production 0f of all historical films by spon man I'elations? 134 E. Main Northville •;.l*rlMti.:l!l5hi;end:r;idli(;'b^ , East Lynne on Fcbriiary 20, sors of the travel film series. 5. How can you get more 21 and 22. Pers0ns with coals 10 d0nale are asked to call Judy l5rown at 404-1)520. I Thursday, F e b r u a r y 6, Section Two -— Page One Tuesday The jiiiniber of prospective charter members of the Norlli ville Cli;imber of Commerce climbed lo -!0 Tuesday night. Meeting at Detroit Fedeial Savings conference room, bnckei's of Ihe pi'oposed organiza tion counted .'!;• new member ship applications — thus spark ing confidence that Ihe goal of i2ri charter members will be realized. SMILES A P L E N T Y - - Laughter and squeals of delight filled the air this past week as more than 300 Northville public and parochial school children headed for Detroit and the famous Shrine Circus. Local area Shriners picked up the tab for the fun-filled adventure as they have for many years past. These excited gals crowd around Shriner Albert E. Hackett of Eight Mile road as the bus prepares to leave Main Street elementary school. Deadline for businesses, in dustries and professional or ganizations to become charter members is Tuesday, Februai'y 18. Membersliip Chairman John Macauley e.vpi'essed confidence that the goal w-ill be reached by deadline time, suggesting that the number may even climb higher lhan the goal. Some lifl more membership cards were distributed to those present at Tuesday's meeting with instructions to "get Ihem filled out" by next Tuesday's 8 p.m. meeting. A l l interested persons are invited to attend that meeting Macauley said. At this week's meeting, a suggestion that chui'ches be given honorary memberships was taken under advisement by temporary officials. Latest of those oi'ganizalions and persons to api)ly for char N E V A -MARY l.O\'n:VViai. the Walled Lake .Methodist past ,32 years w,as employed ter menlbei'sliij) ai'o: Charles R. E l y , Jr., The Miss Neva Mai'j' i.oveweil. Church, Hickoi'y Lanes Civic at the Ford Plant here. Record, Delbert Other survivors include a Northville retii-ed Plymoiiili .schoui loacli- Association, Walled Lake Ro er, died Monday, i^'ebi-iiary 3 tary, and the Michigan F a r m son, .John of Northville; a sis ter, Mrs. Irene Stuart of L i at lier Iloine at ;iG5 f-'acific in Bui'eau. He is survived by Ilis wife, vonia; and a brother, Clyde Plymoutll. A resident of this area for Anna; two sons, Stanley and Hinman of Northville. Funeral services wei-e con30 years, slie was born on July Wilbur, l)oth of Detroit; one 6, 1092 in Soulii Lyon to Lloyd (laughter, Mrs. Gertrude Walk- duci-;d yesterday, Februai'y 5 W. and Ada (Rolxson) Love- jcr of Wixom: 12 gi-andcbildren from the Castei'line Funeral jand 10 great gi'andchildien, Home with the Rev, S. D. Kin A workshop in sludy skills well. She was a nicmiier of the I Funeral tervices were con- de, pastor of the First Metho and habils will highjight a Fli'st United Pix-sbytcriaii 'diict'.;d fi-om the Walled Lake dist Church of Northville, of- meeting of the Junior High School P-TA on Mondaj', Feb Church of Plymoutll and she j Methodist Cliu:-ch on Monday, lic'ating. Burial was in Rural Hill ruary 1,3. was retired ff-om the Plymoutll ;t-'ebruary 3. with the Rev. E i t lis Hart officiating. Cemeterv. teaching staff. The meeting will get under • Survivors include a brother, Burial was in 0;\k\'ie\v Cem way at 7:30 p.m. in the com A L B E R T GEORGE TAIT Dr. Ashton W. Emery of Wa- etery, rtoyal Oak. munity building. tei'foi'd; one niece, Marian EmAlbert G. Tail, 84, a retii-ed Speaker for Ihe occasion will WAI.TEIl M . HINMAN ry of WatJrtord; and a n;!phfarmer, died Tuesday, January be Herman Dick, an educator ew, Jack W. Emery of Denver. Walter M . Hinman, ,SO-ycar- 28. at East Lawn Rest Home in the field of "Method of Stu Colorado. old lifelong resident of North- following an illness of two dy Skills" at Eastern Michi Funeral .••x-ivi-.e.-: will be held i ville. died i\l(.':iriay. i'ebruavy years. He lived at 9095 Can gan uni\'ersily, and who also today (Thiij-sday) from the i ,i at liu' Ui'.ivi-r.sily liospilal in ton Centei' road, Plymoutll. is working in the field of ed Sehi-ader r''une.i'ai ilome of i-'ly- j Ann Arbor. Born July I. 11)79 in Nankin ucational pyschology. inoutli bcRiniiin;^ at i |i.m.. Horn ill Niinliville !(nvn.sliip township, he was the .son of Parents and students of the with the Kev. Honry J . Walcli I on April 3), 1!J05. he was Ihe James and Alma Tail. His fifth and sixth grades of both officiating. ..'-•on of Chaiics and I'.iina (Mur- v.'ifo, Maude, preceded him in elementary schools are invited Burial will be in ll'.i.' .Sinilli ;gani Hinm.'iii. Ilis ivifi-, l^atii- death on June -1 19G2. ryii. .-survives him. Lyon cemetery. He is survived by one daugh ! ivlr. fliiinuin lived in Norlli- ter, Mrs. Dorothy Gates, Do.ville :.ll his life inul for the; l;i!il; a sister, Mrs. Eleanor \Viil:aiii i i . -Snii li William H. Smith, 7) of 27I,S Tavlor of .Massilon. Ohio; a Lake Ridge, liickorv n ; i ' : . V. gmndchiid, Wivlcy Gates of 0m, died Friday. .Janiii'i-y ; . l Duliuit; .•111(1 Iwd great erandSt, Joseph's Ho.'.'piuii. riii;.',..' A |i)p p'.rlrniici' nil ('i:i!!r,-!l chili'ren, Wesley and Dennis. after a long Funeral services 'were con .Michigan Univrrsily's iiidooiBoi'n in Detroit m\ April 17.; triick team U Tom Darling of ducted Fcbru;iry 1 from the Caslerline Funor;il Home, with 1889, ho lived in Wixom ;!-J Northville. years, moving there from Pon-i Conch Lyle BiMinetl lists Dar the Rev, S. D. i'Cinde. pastor tiac. He was employed as an' ling, who runs the 4-il)-yard of the First Methodist Chui'ch, engineer for the United Status i dash, as one of iiis outstanding officiating. Burial was in Riverside Cem government. prospects for the indoor season eterv, PIvmouth. Mr. Smith wa.s a member of jii.^t underway. to At MI F-TA B o y W o r l d H e r e WATER SOFTEKERS Needed ZIPPY SALES — With his faithful companion, "Zip," al his side, 11year-old Bernie Bach zips through his egg sales route, learning something about the private enterprise system while adding a little money Michigan's oldest and largest wafer to his college fund. company... Speak Meeting to join with junior high school parents and students for the program. Refreshments will be serv ed. LAST 3 DAYS - Thurs., Fri. SALE ENDS FEBRUARY You're never ton young to learn something about the privale enterprise system. Just ask ll-year-old Bernie Bach of I'Jorlhville Estates, typ ical of a good many young sters who aren't content with picking up their information on business from textbooks. Soil of M r . and Mrs. Bernard Bach. 21255 Suinmersidc Lane, the Amennan School student look over the egg route of aiiother youngster late last Aug ust and lias siiicc greatly in creased the sale of eggs. His route now includes some '10 customers in the subdivis ion and along Nine Mile road. He sells about 80 dozens of eggs per week — and that's an increase of nearly 60 dozen since August! Another youngster, lO-yearold David Wright, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold L . Wright of 19850 Weslhill, al, 0 is building a little "egg nest." for the fu ture. He sells cloje to iO dozen of eggs each weejt in the Taft Colony area. And now, cxplii ns Bernie, a schoolmale nam ;d Gretchen Johnson plana tp, launch an egg sale business this week to help raise monejj for a sum mer trip to Mexico where she hopes to visit th^! Mexican ex change student Who recently was a guest hereJ Bernie and David buy their eggs fi'om M r . ahd Mrs. Wil liam Linlner, who opei'ale a giant chicken farm west of South Lyon. He's visited the fai'm, knows something about the operation,; and hence can confidently assurei his customers top gradp fresh eggs. The eggs are ^delivered to Bernie's home — usually F r i day morning — a?ld, according to the young salesman, it's cash upon delivei-y or lie doesn't get the eggs. After school on Friday, Ber nie loads the eggs into his wa gon, and with his dog Zip tag ging along, he pulls the wagon through the subdiyision, delivering the eggs door-to-door. If the weather is bad, Mrs. Bach lends a hand by transporting her young business executive in tile family station wagon. The selling job lakes about two hours to complete - - biit he's learned that it takes a lot of eggs lo earn a dollar. Even so, "it's fiin," says Bernie. Most of the money he earns is put into a bank account — an account he hopes will be sufficiently large to someday help pay some of his college expenses. Bernie plans to keep up his egg sale business until he be comes a junior or senior high school student. When that day comes, his sister, Stephanie, 8, will take over the route. She's already anxious to get started. And then there's his 2'/'j-yearold brother Greg, so it's a pretty sure bet that this little experience in private enterprize will continue a few years. Bobbin with "Strengthen Americci — Scoytiiig C o n M a k e SALES ZOOM — Unloading a box of eggs that he'll put into his little delivery wagon, Bernie points with pride to the sales increase of nearly 60 dozen of eggs per week since last August. Robin! Preliminai-y plans for a disc jockey dance were revealed this week by the Northville Junior Chamber of Commerce. A Jaycee spokesman said the dance will be held on Saturday, February 22 from -8 to 12 p.lTl. Highlighting the event will be the appearance of Robin Seymour, disc jockey of Iladio Station WKNR. Seymour will bring along "live talent" and give away records. . . • Sponsored by the Jaycees, the dance will be held in the community building. the FIRST STOP - ~ First stop on his egg sales.route is the home of .the next-door neighbor, Mrs. Clarence Hinck, who buys a dozen fresh eggs. O F F E R F R E E N D S E . OLD-FASHIONED, . . RAILROAD KEROSENE-OPERATED We Saliate Boy Scouts on their L A N WITH T E EVERY SUBSCRIPTION NORTHVILLE Plpnonth are right N NEW TO THE RECORD o r NOVI NEWS Dealers trading hot R Il8ij4l H o v a o o u T a op amirhioa now! ONE Y E A R SUBSCRIPTION O N L Y $4.00 Per Year ($5 per year out of state) • N O T E —. This offer is for limited time only - Sponsored by These Area Business Firms in Appreciation and Recognition and applies to present non-subscribers fo The Record or News. Of the Role Scouting Plays in Strengthening America LANTERNS will also be given to present ELLIS Old Man Winter is not going to slow down Plymouth Dealers this year. They're doing something about it-trading like it was midsummer. They've got a hot, successful car and they're hot to keep it that way. And when you combine their midwinter deals with the fact that your present car is worth much more now than it will be later on, you end up with sizzling savings. GIB 200 S. Main St. B E R G S T R O M , GUNSELL INC. NATIONAL CARRINGTON & JOHNSON CASTERLINE F U N E R A L BANK CLOVERDALE FARMS HOME RITCHIE BROS. Lauhdry & Dry Cleaning DEL'S SHOES — Official Scout Shoe Store GAMBLE STORE DETROIT F E D E R A L SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. E-JAY LUMBER • B r i g h t red enamel finish. Lanterns make quaint conversation piece. Really useful, too. Complete with clear glass chimney and cotton wick. tall. 9%" DAIRY D & C STORE HOME FURNISHINGS subscribers who renew for 2 years. D E P A R T M E N T STORE G. E. MILLER SALES & SERVICE STONE'S Norlliville DRUGS NORTHVILLE DRUG CO. SCHRADER'S AUTIIOIIIZtO DEALCH8 ^ f e C H R Y S L E R Motuiia caiii'uiiArioH BRADER'S C. R. E L Y & SONS MANUFACTURERS Now's a good time to buy from a Plymouth Dealer! C. HAROLD BLOOM A G E N C Y ELECTRONICS MART T H E N O R T H V I L L E 101 North Center Street FI.9-1700 R E C O R D Northville 1964 The Northville Record—Novi News—Thursday, February G, 19G4 .The Northville Record—Novi News—Tliursday, February 0, 1964 Section Two — Page Tlireo Seciion Two -— Page Two from A the P r e a c h i n g - T e a c h i n g M i s s i o n W i l l be h e l d at OUT ST. J O H N ' S E P I S C O P A L R C H U R C H E S P A S T O R ' S S T U D Y 574 S. SHELDON RD., PLYMOUTH by the Reverend M. E. Rickert Willowhrook Community Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST C l n i R C H O F CHRIST. By all slandards of our the perpetuation of an csWherever you stand, con SCIENTIST OF NOVI OF WIXOM secular world, .lesus Christ lablished custom, .some peo templating the moaning of mm W. Ann Arbor Trail Eleven Mile Road and Taft North Wixom Rd-. Wixom ; ftcv. !hi\ifl T. ilavie.s. Itecior was a failure! He possessed ple refused lo accept Him. "the Ci'oss" to Christ, the Piymoulli, Micliigan Church Plume F l !i-M77 Rev. Robert Warren i t ."-! .Shi'ldnn Rd., Plymouth unpleasantness of not being no properly. After years of Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Rev. Paul E . Barnes, Pastor Phone iVlArkel 1-3823 It is a sobering fact lhat So:i!h oi .-^iin .\rlHir Tr.nil accepted by others or the self-giving service to God Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Norman Brewer, Youth Pastor'.Sunday: tlie people who rejected and man, during which time Christ, and thus separated difficulty you have in ac Wednesday Evening service Id a.m., Sunday school. cr.:; or.: Suiidii;,: g l ,i-oioii He ministered to thousands themselves from H i m , rob cepting all people, it is pos 8:00 p.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. ll:10 a.m., Junior church .Siiiiiiay .Soi'Viccs: of people, be had only bed themselves of tile im sible, in view of the victory Reading Room, 873 West II a.m.. Worship hour (nurs (gi-ades 1-6). V":-!') Holy Cominuninii. eleven intimate followers. As pact of His "goodness." The of the risen Christ of Eas Ann Arbor Trail open daily 11:10 a.m., Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion ery, birth thru 3 years). ter, to discern some perti a religious leader, he had f'ich young I'uler 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Beginner Church (pre-school "went 6:30 p.m. Senior Youth. (."ird Sunday). Morning Pi'ayer established no organized away sorrowful" because nent things about "accep Evenings 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 thru kindergarten). V/ednesday: and Sermon (Other Sundays). congregation nor erected a He rejected Christ. Judas, tance" or "rejection?" Primary Church (first grade 7:30 p.m.. Mid-week Bible p.m. ChuiTli School Classes for all chui'ch building. He was in i'ejecting Clirist, became Wednesday 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. ihru third grade). study and prayer service. First, the "right" or the ages including High School stucrucified as a criminal upon so emotionally borne down "Best" is not always ac Sundays 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m., Youth groups. 8:30 p.m.. Senior Choir. dL-nl.s. Nursery for little chilthe instigation of religious by the error of his way that cepted by men. Though Man's discovery of the reali Youth club (6-Blh grades) drcii. leaders. The prophet Isai he look his own life. On the Christ did no sin and only ties of "Spirit" will be the Teen club (9-12 grades). !l:firi a.iii. lir)i\- (.(immnniDn f'lltST METHODIST CHURCH theme Ihis Sunday at Christian ah described it accurately other hand, Zaccheus, in ac that which was good, men Teacher iraminp cm.s.scs. I'lsl iSiin(!:iyi. Mornini.; Prayeri UK! West Dunlap, Northville Science churches. when he said, "He was des cepting Christ, found new rejected H i m ! and Si-riiion (oilier .Siiiuiays).! 7:fll), Eveiiliig .service. Rev. S. D. lCinde, Minister pised and rejected of men." moral and ethical insights -Golden Text: "Teach me to Church School classes up! Wcdricsci.ny: Second, to reject anyone :01l.. r i ! ; - i i l ! . Res.; Fl S-IW do thy will; for thou art my and power. The apostle Paul llirou/;!) lilt- !llh gr.-ide. i\'iir-s-j 7::!0 p.m., Midweek Pr;iyer i Tliursday: Why did men reject Him? experienced the transforma is to limit the effecliveness God; thy spirit is good; load erv for lillle cliildreri. ! meeting. gopdness For the same reason lhat tion of his life from haired of lhat person's 9:00 a.m. Coffee Time WSCS me into the land of upright fi:,^ p.m.. Senior ciioir. Cn?iBT men reject one another to to love because he accept upon the "rejector's" life. ness" (Ps. 143:10). Related !st Tuesday — ?::iO p.m. Spiritual Life Study Group. .S'.';?:') Mci'mldcn Saiem day. Some people are inter ed the spiritual reality of NO person is ' totally bad! 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Norlh- readings will include this se Workers conference. E V E R Y person has some I'liSiiir H . L . .Sii:cinore ested in other people only Christ's presence. .'ird Tii'..'S{|ay - 7 p i n . ; ville-Plymouth WSCS study ses- lection: "Faith, advanced to good in him that can help .Sunday: up to the point where they ! sion in the Chapel. Nursei'y •spiritual undei-standing, is the \'<-ra V'aiighan Circle. il:!.') a.m., Sunday .school. can get from those "other" provided. Next week, another seas another! When anyone re .evidence gained from Spirit, Calling 2nd Monday. ll:.'(f) a.m.. F'reachini;. people what they want. Sunday: on of Lent begins. During jects another, he robs him which rebulces sin of evei'y 6:00 supper, 7:00 calling. R p III.. Niglil ser\ ice. Some people wanted only the weeks that follow, many self! 8:45 a.m. First Worship Ser- kind and establishes the claims Wednesday: food and licalth and, when people, in commemoration I vice. Thiid, until one accepts of G o d " (Science and Health (1 p.m., Bible Clas.s. Jesus had supplied their of Chl'isl's disposition to Christ, he absolutely cannot ST. JOHN'S .-\;\!l-ni(:.\N i 0:45 a.m. Church School. A With Key to the Scriptures by needs, Ihey left Him. They "stedfastly set ills face to love God :nbr his fellow men Li;TIII':itA\ CliUit(.:iI i class for everyone. Mary Baker Eddy, p. 23). K M M A N U K i . B.-iPTIST were not interested .in (lie go lo Jerusalem," will face as God loves! To accept ;tev. C. Fox. 23225 Gill Roudj 11:00 a.m., 'Second Wor.ship CHURCH spirit wliicli prompted II m toward the f-emombrance of B ( l . Freedom R d . & Gr. River. Service. Lounge for paiChrist is to accept God, for PRIMITIVE BAPTIST Pastor Sel(!L>m0ir lo give himself for "the Cress." Among the God is in Christ and Chi-ist GR 4-«5«4 ents with babies. Nursery for CHURCH V.'. G I\lile near Ilaggcrtv Some people rejccled Je-us many remenibranees which is God! To accept God is 0:30 a.m., Mof-ning Worship. pre-school cliildi'en. Junior 6075 West Maple Road 3315 Mark I'wain. Detroit liS because of what Ho s a d . "the Ciuss" should bring lo accept- God's spirit-power 9:45 a.m., Church school. Church in Fellowship hall. '/a mile west of Orchard Lake T!lf:;iiy G-:i3f)9 Having "itching ears," Ihey to mind is the fact lhat men of love, for God is love! 11 a.m. Lale service. 4:00 p.m. Pastor's Confirma 11 a.m., Sunday morning ser wanted to hear only what so despised Christ that Ihey And, lo accept God's love ll) a.m., .Siindjy school, all ,\'iirsi;rv tliiruu; servict.s. tion class. vices. Elder Levi Savior and ayes. they wanted lo hear. Be rejected Him and, in tlieir is to accept others, for God Sr. M Y F Mid-Winter Insti other elders will speak. cause they were conl.cnt to indifference and deliberate- loves all people! II a.m.. .Mornin.i,' Worship. N()V1 .MF.THODtST CHURCH tute at Ann Arbor. live in a spirit of suspicion ness, they crucified Ilim! 6 p.m., na;)!ist Training Un-- Rev. R. Lal'ero Webster Monday: S A L E M CONGREGATIONAL Fourth, for a Christian, the and hali'cd in relation lo The ti'agedy is that in every ion. O E 8-8701 7:15 Boy Scout Troop 731. CHRISTIAN olhei's, tliey lost inlerest in heart, where there is not important thing is not )/vhe7 p.m.. Evening service. Sunday: Tuesday: 7961 Dickenson, Salem Christ when He said, "Love the love-of-God-in-Christ, the ther people accept him. In 7:30 p.m., Mid-wcelc prayer 9 a.m.. Worship service. 12:00 noon WSCS Chapel Mo Jack Barlow, F I !)-2586 your enemies; do good lo reality of His crucifixion fact, Christ wai'ned His fol service, 10 a.m.. Church school. ments of Meditation. Sunjday: them that despilefuliy use is being re-inacted today! lowers lhat they weiic sent 11:10 J r . Choir practice. 12:30 p.m. AVSCS Luncheon 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. you." Again, some people This is a good time to re oul as "lambs in the midst SAI.EM B..\I'TfST r i l U l i C H 7:00 M Y F at church. in Fellowship hall. 11 a.m., Sunday school. rejected Christ because member that Jesus said, of wolves." And, i'emember, .-{ex L . Dye, Paslor Wednesday: 1:30 p.m. WSCS Genei-al 7:30 p.m.. Worship. they did not want to assume "Thou shall love the Lord He Himself was not accept !i)JO Chubb fid.. Salem 7:30, Senior choir rehearsal, Meeting and Pi'ogram. any of the responsibilities of Ft ;)-2337 thy God with all thy heart, ed! at church. Wednesday: T i n : FIRST P R E S B Y T E R I A N discipleship. They did not and with all thy soul, and .'Siinilay: WSCS meets third Wednes 3:45 p.m. Carol Choir re CHURCH OF N O R T H V I L L E What is important is that want to be told, as they put with all thy mind, and with one accept Jesus Christ and, 10 a.m., Sunday school. day of each month at 11:30 for hearsal. Rev. Lloyd G . llrasurc i l , "what to do." And when all thy strength and thy in accepting H i m , present a n a.m.. Worship service. luncheon and meeting. 5:00 Harmony choir relieasal. East Main and Church Sts. Christ exercised His spirit neighbor as thyself" and witness for Christ which will 0:30 p.m. Young People. WSCS evening circle meets 7:30 Sanctuary choir rehears Sunday: strength lo the jioint of "In as much as you have enable and enduse others to 7:30 p.m., Evening service. second Thursday of each mon- al. ••9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Church "breaking" tradition because done it unto the least of Wednescla.\': (h at 8 p.m. accept — not him — but Thursday: Worship and Church School. He believed man's welfare these, my brelhren, you Ciirist and that person, then, 7:30 p.m.. Prayer mseling 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. WSCS Spii-6:00 p.m. Bell Ringei's was more important than have done it unto me." August 12 - 16 - 7:30 revival in truth, will accept him! itual Study Group in tlie Chap- 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship. meeling.s. Dr. Herbert Noe. F U L L SALVATION UNION el. Nui'sei'y provided. Monday: 51630 W. Eight Mile R d . speaker. 3:45 p.m. Melody choir re 7:30 p.m. Scoilt Troop 755. Janie.s F . Andrews, Gen. Pas. hearsal. Tuesday: Saturday: 8 p.m.. Evening OL'Il I.ADV Ol VICTORY Friday: 12:00 Noon, Rotal-y .service.;sn 1:30 p.m. World Day of Pray8:00 p.m. Church School Suiiikiy: -iM (i.m., Sunday Nor!iiv;;it, hiichii.'.m er Services in the Sanctuary Council. Scliool: 3:30 p.m. Worship Ser Fi A service for all women in the 8:00 p.m. A . A . Rev. r'ad.e.- ..-.-.j Witlsloeii vice; 8:00 p.m. Evening Ser community. Wednesday: vice. Sunday; 12:00 Noon Women's AssocThe Rev. Leslie G. Warren, the pai'ish hall each evening to 7:00, 8::ia. .'!;:."* and 12:1-5. iation. Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral afford the people an opportuni ORCHARD i m X S ST. PAUL'S E V A N G E L I C A L Moly Day !\;i>"5«: -3:45 p.m. Childi'cn's Choir. of Detroit, will take pai't in ty to meet Canon Warren. BAPTIST C H A P E L LUTIffiRAN CHURCH 6:00 a!rn., 6:i)0 a.m. and special Ash Wednesday obsei'7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir. The public is invited to at^ Orchard Hills School & CHRISTIAN D A Y SCHOOL 7:30 p.m. vances a l St. John's Episcopal tend. Thursday: South of 10 Mile, Novi Corner High and E l m SIrccts Week Day M::.sse.s at 8:00 a.m. Church, Plymouth. 6:30 p.ili. Men's Club. Rev. Fred I'raschel, Pastor Nortliville, Michigan Confe.s.sioi-.s: Friday: The church is located a l 574 The Rt. Rev. Richard S. E m 10:00 a.m. Sunday Scliool. Chiirch F I 9-9804 Saiurda.vs at 10:30 a.m. to '4:00 p.m. Harmony Choir. South -Sheldon road. 11:00 a.m. Worship Pars0nagc F I 9-3140 rich, Bishop of the Episcopal 11: if) a.m. 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 8 p.m. A.A. . 6:00 p.m. Training Union. Services will include Holy Diocese of Michigan, will make Rev. B. J . Pankow, Pastor p.m. 7:00 p.m. Worship. Communion at 6:30 a.m. and his annual visitation to St. Thursday: Thiirsriays at 4:30 p.m. lo WlLLOWBROOK at 10 a.m. Following the cai'ly John's on Sunday and will ad3:30 p.m., J r . Choir i-ehear5-in COMMUNITY CHURCH ST. W n X I A M ' S sei'vice a simple breakfast will minister the Rite of Confirma sal; 7:30 p.m.. Sr. Choir. Siipdays, before the 7: Evangelical United Brethren Rev. Leslie G . Warren CATHOLIC CHURCH be served lo the school stu tion to a class of candidates Saturday: Mass. Mcadowbrook at Ten Mile Rd, Wailed Lake, Micliigan dents and others who care to that will be presented by the 9 a.m., 1st yr. Confirmation Rclieioiis Instructions: Rev. Marvin E . Rickert, MIn. Father Raymond .tones slay. class; 10:15 a.m., 2ild yr. ConRector, the Rev. David T. DavGrade School: M i grades ev Phone GR 6-0626 ery Saliirday 0:30 to'i0:30 a.m. Assistant Father John Hoar firmation class. The Imposition of Ashes will ies. Friday: S t . P a u l ' s P l a n s 6:00 p.m. Box Social and en High school: 9-12 grades ev Sundav Masses: be administered to those per The service will be held at 3:30 p.m.. Junior Fellowship. tertainment. ery Thursdav 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. 7:30,' 9:00, 11:00, 12:00. sons who desire it following 4:00 p.m. and will be followed Saturday: Sunday: Nnvena Services every Wed- Weekday Masses: the reception of tile Sacrament. by a reception in the Parish 9:15 a.m.. Senior Catechism. Until further notice 7:15 and 8 a'.m. Morning Worship. nR.=r!ay evening ai 7:30 p.m. Canon Warren will assist the Hall. This will afford members 10:45 a.m.. Junior Catechism. 8:00 p.m. Organization Meetings; 9:15 a.m., Sunday school and rector, the Rev. David T. Dav-of tlie congregation an oppor A Communion sei'vicc on Ash Sunday: Holy Dav Masses: tunity to meet Bishop Emrich Bible classes. Our I,Hdy'.s League on tile 9:45 a.m., Sunday Chui-ch Wednesday, February 12, al ies, a l the 10 a.m. service and 7:30 and 9 a.m., 5:30 and B 10:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. and to gf'cet members of the Tuesday of each month will give an addi'ess. 7:30 p.m., will be the first in school with classes for prip.m. Monday: class. al R:lin p.m." mary, junior, youth and adult. a series of eight special Len On Ash Wednesday evening 8:00 p.m. Voters' Assembly. St. Vincent DePaul Sncieiy, First Friday .\la.sses: Bishop Emrich came to Mich11 a.m., Sunday Church ten services at St. Paul's Evan- at 7:30 p.m., a preaching-1. and 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday: every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. gelieal Lutheran Church, High school with classes for nursAdiill instniclion Monday at Holy Name iVIen';; cluli on 7:30 p.m. Sunday school and E l m Sti'eels, Norlhville. ei'y and kindei'garlen. will continue on Thursday and'^P' ^^^^ Eecon'd Tuesdays bi-monthly. 3 n.m. Teachers' meeting. cesan Bishop. 11 a.m.. Church Worship. Services will be held on the Friday evenings. Canon War Wednesday: Youth Sunday will be obseiV- following five Wednesdays al ren will be the missinncr, and CHURCH OF 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday. REORGANIZE!) CHURCH c4 and youth of the Junior the same hour, and also on the subjects wiih which he will THE H O L Y CROSS Service with Communion. O F .lESUS CHRIST O F nigh and Senior High depart Maundy Thui'sday at 7:30 include: (Episcopal) I.A1TER DAV SAINTS ments will share in the leading and on Good Friday at 1:30 Ash Wednesday, "Why Am I Rev. Peter Tonclla, Vicar 316711 .Schonicraft at Bradner (jf. the Service. P L Y M O U r n CHURCH Hef'c?"; Thursday, "Like FaOrchard Hills School p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Livonia, .Michigan OF C l m i S T 7 p.m.. Senior High Fellow tiler. Like Son"; and Friday, 10 Mile and Quince, N0vi RicliartI Pomeroy, Pastor "The Suffering Christ in Re- 'I Live M y Own Life". 9-101 Sheldon Road ship. F I 349-1594 Ucnild Fitch, Associate P.nstor lation lo His Captors" will be Plymouth, Michigan Monday: A question box will be avail Sam Clapham, A.ssoc. Pastor Sunday: PRINCIPLES 9:30 a.m., Sunday school. 8:00 p.m. Annual Congrega the first sermon topic. Each able whef'e individuals may de11:00 a.m. Church service. Siiiiday .SeiTices. succeeding sermon will also 10:30 a.m. and G p.m.. Church. tional "Report" meeting. posit any questions that they Holy a.m.. Church school withCommunion — 3rd Sunbring into focus the i'elalion would like to liuve answered by 7:30 y.m., Wednesday ser Wgdnesday: of interest for all age day of month. between the suffering Ciirist the missionef'. Also, a brief fel-' 7:30 p.m.. Adult choir. Nursery during morning ser- vices. groups. and one or more persons who lowship period will follow in \''ces. II a.m.. Worship .service. came into contact with Him. FIRST CHURCH O F CllRLST Tuesday: 7 p.m., Wonsliip seITice. It will be emphasized tilat in SCENTIST 7:30 p.m.. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday: t Goodwill P i c k - u p ' S E E lilte manner Christ still reach33825 Grand River 7:30 p.m. Prayer service. es out lo people loday offer Farmington, Mich. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The next visit of Goodwill T H I S IS T H E LIFE Sunday seiVice 11 a.m. | Qldiislries pickup ti'ucks lo ing them the wonderful bene OF N O R T H V I L L E SAI.EM FEDER-ATED EVISItV SUNDAV fits of His salvation which He Sunday school 11 a.m. Pastor Robert Spradling Norlhville is scheduled for CHURCH earned by His suffering and Wednesday evening s6rvice Res.: 234 High Street 10 A . M . , Channel 2 Monday. Goodwill trucks col Rev. Elwood Chlpchase, Pastor death. 8 p.m. lect household discai'ds of cloth8037 McPadden, Northville Sunday: Reading Room Church Edi» 'ing, shoes, hats, toys, most 10 a.m., Bible School. Offfce: F l 9-067-I 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. fice, Tues., Thurs., and Sat.i types of furniture and other Sunday: household discai'ds. 11 a.m.. Junior Church (ages from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m., Morning Worship. To arrange for a Goodwill In Nursery church, birth to 3 4-9). Nursery for babies and E V A N G E L I C A L L U T H E R A N dustries truck pickup ask the years, Prlmai'y church, 4-8 toddlers. 6:30 p.m.. Baptist Youth Fel operator foi' loll-free Entei'CHURCH O F Tlffi years. prise 7002. El'U>llANy 11 a.m., Sunday S(;h00l hour. lowships (iunlor and Senior). 7:30 p.m.. Evening service. A Mission 0f Ihc UCLA 6 p.m.. Youth Fcllowiship. Rev. John W. Miller, Paster' Junior, 3rd-7lh grades; Inter- Tuesday: T H E B I B L E Prayer Worshipping at 41650 5 Mile liiediale, 8th Ihi'u high school 1:30 p.m. I.,adies' Rd., N0rthville. G L 3-1191 '. grades; Senior, high school meeting. Wednesday: S P E A K S Sunday: and college. 8 9:45 a.m. Church School. ' 7:30 p.m., Hour of Prayer. 7:30 p.m.. Evening service. 11 a.m.. Morning Worship, Monday: 8:15 p.m.. Sr. Choir practice T O Y O U Sunday, 7:15-8:45 p.m.. Pioneer girls. Thursday: 8:30 The Service. Pilgrim, 8rd-6lh grades; Col 3:45 p.m. CSloir practice(Jr.) FUNERAL HOME CKLW 9:45 Church School. onist, 7th-8th grades; Explor 1st Monday, official board • P l U V A T l ' OFF-STREET P A R K I N G 8M KC 11:00 The Service. er 9th-l2th grades. meeting, •AIR CONDITIONED CHAPEL 3:00 - 5:00 Luther League. - . S u n d a y 9:45 a . m . Wednesday: 3rd Monday, Clirlstian Men's R,iy J. Ciisterlinc ffcd A . Cjistcflinc 7:00 p.m. Annual Cliui'cli' 8:30 p.m.. Adult-youth choir. Fellowship. 1893-1959 Difeccor "HOW DO Y O U 7:30 p.m.. Hour 0f Prayer. 3rd Tuesday, Missionary Cir- School Pi'ogram and White gift 2'1-Hour Ambulance Senice FJeldbfook 9-0611 service. MAINTAIN HEALTH?" S:,10 p.m.. Teacher training. cle. .ST . .inITN'S EPISCOPAl, CHURCH live: mm, fiirnet. Rev, mn Warren At St, John's fy."n MiSSIONER THE REVEREND LESLIE G. WARREN Canon of S i . Paul's Cathedral, Detroit A s h W e d . , F(2b. 1 2 , 7:30 P.IW. "WHY A M 1 HERE?" T h u r s d a y , F e b , 1 3 , 7:30 P.IVI. "LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON" F r i d a y , F e b . 1 4 , 7:30"P.IW. "I L I V E M Y O W N L I F E " BRIEF FELLOWSHIP AFTER SERVICE THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED CITY OF W I X O M INDUSTRIAL TYPE TRACTOR WITH FRONT BUCKET LOADER BID INVITATION The City of Wixom, Michigan will receive bids up to SiOt p.m.,, Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, February 11, 1964. Thf City Council reserves ihe right to accept or reject any or al bids in whole or in part and to waive any irregulorities. A d dross bids to "Pearl Willis, City Clerk, City Hall, Wixom, Mich igan," In a sealed envelope, bearing ihe inscription: Bid fo New Industrial Type Tractor. MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS TRACTOR Ford 4000 Heavy Duty Industrial Tractor - Model 41401 Transmission — 4 speed and reversing transmission Tires - Front 7.50x1(5 8 ply,- Roar 14.9x24 6 ply Hydraulic System - - Live hydraulic system, 3 point linkage Power Take-off — 540 rpm LOADER (To be installed on new tractor listed above) Ford Industrial Loader Bucket - Model 19-132, 7/8 cu. yd., 72" wide MOWER Ford 907 Industrial Flail Mower, 6' in-line mower, 33 blades SWEEPER (6' angel sweeper) XXX Sweeper wiih hood, hydraulically driven (sweeper fo be one which can be attached to Ford Industrial Loader) Price Sweeper and Mower separate from Tractor and Loader, TRADE IN Subject to trade In 1-1959 Ford 1841 Industrial type trac tor wiih front .loader and metal cab. Backhoe mounting bracki ets and attaching kit to be removed from this tractor and in stalled on the new tractor, PEARL WILLIS, CITY CLERK CITY OF WIXOM, MICHIGAN N O T I C E to Speak T o w n s h i p Episcopal N o r t h v i l l e o f T a x p a y e r s T h e paymenf of 1963 R E A L PROPERTY T A X E S m a y be m a d e b y c h e c k o r m o n e y o r d e r , payable to A l e x M . L a w r e n c e , T r e a s o r e i ' , at fhe T o w n s h i p O f f i c e , o r m a i l e d , l o c a t e d a l 16860 F r a n k l i n Road Northville, Michigan o r p a i d i n p e r s o n to t h e T o w n s h i p T r e a s u r e r at the Manufacturers National Bank, Northville, Tuesdays and Fridays, until F e b r u a r y 28, 1964. F o r y o u r c o n v e n i e n c e , T a x e s m a y be p a i d at t h e M a n u f a c t u r e r s N a t i o n a l Banlc, N o r t h v i l l e , M o n d a y thru F r i d a y until F e b r u a r y 28, 1964. Thank you, Alex M . Lawrence Treasurer O N E Y E A R AGO January 31, 1963 --Norlhville's board of edu cation voted to give probation Qi'y support to a proposed northwest Wayne county child guidance clinic. The board de cided to help undei'write the : proposed clinic by giving them .25 cents in July for each pupil living in the Northville school district — ,11450 plus — if by then, the clinic appears to be "a gi'owing concern." blocked efforts of the Downs to buy the land directly from tl]e county. - T h e orchestra of "lastminute" tradesmen — carpen ters, painters, electricians, and moving men — have begun tun ing up for a fast-paced finale at the new Northville high school. Working together Ilandin-glove for the next month or so, to hang doors, install glass, lay tile, and install furniture and classroom equipment, they will round up the major jobs remaining before opening day. Of BCOHPmCS - 1 0 5 Casterline 7 ^ ^ mwer to tfie first question is, ^ 'you m live better for less witft Consumers Fpwer t^ntmi gas service" —Mayor A. Malcolm Allen was elected a regional officer of Ihe Michigan League's Re gion III at the annual meeting of Ihe group in Highland Park. " — A n ice storm snapped elec tric wires and left them dang ling like dollar-size 4tli of July spai'klei's, in blue-gi'een and oiange bi'illiance until the cui'rent could be shut off. —Like a boxer who through swollen eyes has watched an opponent sink to the canvas, Norlhville's aching but hap py cagers headed home F r i day night after winning a 00-46 slugfest a l Miiford. Then on Saturday, the Mustangs drop ped a 05-63 tliriller lo Willow Run. —The Scout-Recreation Build ing fund drive came almost within sight of its goal when Joseph Bujak, superintendent of, the Ford Valve Plant, pre sented a check for $1,000 to A.- R . Clarke, treasurer of the committee. The goal is $12,000. F I F T E E N Y E A R S AGO Tqtal receipts now stand at January 28, 1949 $11,400. —Gef'ald V. Harrison, form — Next Wednesday evening planners of the proposed Norlh er Northville high school prin ville Swim Club hope to con cipal and now principal of vince some 300 area families Farmington high school, re that it would be mighty nice cenlly was appointed lo serve to take a I'elaxing dip in a as a member of the North Cenlral Association of Colleges heated pool. and Secondai'y Schools. — An improved Northville —Seventy-eight children were five overwhelmed a game them Clai'kstoil team in a return vaccinated to protect match at Ciarkston 50 lo 43 to from small pox. Six high sclloeven its W-0 conference rec ol pupils wei'e included in the group. ord at 4-4. - H . A. Willis of Northville —The E l y Oil Kings, Norlh won a prize In the nation-wide ville's representative in the "You Jutlge the Dogs" conGarden City Senior Hockey test sponsred by the Purina League, seem bent on recompany. vei'sing last season's dismal —After being in the bakery finish in the cellar. With a 7-1 record, they now business in Norlhville for more stand atop the league, which than four years, Elimar Ifveris comprised of Northville, sen, proprietor of the "Home Belleville, Garden City, Ypsi- Bakery" closed his doors Sat lantl, Beltemp and Plymouth. urday night. He had been in —The South Lyon Herald, the bakery business for more owned by William Sliger who than 20 years, 14 of which were also publishes the Norlhville spent with the Awrey Bakery Record, Novi News and the in Detroit. —Sunday's Detroit News car Whitmoi'c Lake News, was jud ged the best weekly newspaper ried an article about a forth of its circulation class in Mich- coming painting exhibition to gan at the 95th annual meet be hung at the Scarab - Club ing of the Michigan Press As in Deti'oit and mentioned a sociation in East Lansing last Northville artist, M r s . Joseph Sands of Napier i'oad. weekend. —A cleaning agency has been set up in Northville to corresF I V E Y E A R S AGO Janiiary 29, 1959 pond with the Gould Dry C)e.aner.s of Plymouth. The - O n e of the area's, best agency' is located in tile foi'mknown Industrialists atld bene er taxi office, at 118 West factors, Edward C. Hough, 06, Main street. president of the Daisy Manu —Louis A . Kompathy, Defacturing company, died at his 1411 West Ann Arbor trail resi troit attorney, will present the Presbyterian Men's Club their dence, —Novi will officially meet its charier as a member of the new village manager, Fred E . National Council of Presby Olson, and other village offic terian Men. —While other groups talk of ials in a special public pro gram tomorrow (Friday) at combining running and hai'the Novi Community building. ness racing on one track, North —The complex sale of 2.1 ville Downs Saturday was acres of River street property granted permission to conduct by the city to Northville Downs a trotting meeting for 54 days is finally nearing completion. fi'om August 1 to October 1, Purchase of the land, which 1949. —A meeting was held at the is owned by the county was proposed nearly two years ago. Scout Building to discuss the In a drive sparked by the late opening of a youtil center for Mayor Claude E l y the city the youth of the village. '.I-AH n. OF THE CHURCH DETROIT FEDERAL SAVIiNGS hjIpRTHVIlLE T W E N T Y - F I V E Y E A R S AGO January 27, 1939 SUN GOLD WITH THIS C O U P O N SLICED W H I T SAVE lO'-KROGER R A I I < , ^ . S A N D W I C H E S S • • • m ' S A V E ! 6 © L P M E D A L f l S A V E 2 3 = - B E T T Y C R O C K E R WHITE, Y E L L O W O R DEVILS C A K E M I X E S . . o u r % % ^ ' ^ S 29' ' Coupon valid at Kroger In Detroit and Eaitern Michigan thru Saturdoy, February per family. V A L8,U A1964. B L E limit C O Uone F * Ocoupon N FOOD g A W I T H THIS C O U P O N & ^3 P U R C H A S E - S W I F T ' S S H O R T E N I N G . S A V E l O ' - K R O G E R C R U S H E D O R Si M O O TT H H B U i T ? S 18-OZ. JAR o • • ! W I F r N I N G • B O R D E N ' S ELSIE O R O L D F A S H I O N EDD--SS AA V V E U P T O 10= ^h. B O R D E N ' S i c e C R E A M GAL. CTN. o • • . • • KRAFT'S A M E R I C A N OR P I M E N T O V E L V E E T A C H E E S LB. LOAF E m a i • ^•:.^ • Coupon valid at Kroger In Detroit and Eastern Michigan thru Saturday, February 8, 1964. limit one coupon per family. • • • • • l a ^ f j ^ . i i i j e i j f p • • • • • • W I T H THIS C O U P O N & *3 P U R C H A S E C O U N T R Y C L U B I • • FRESH PACKER'S LABEL C R E A M STYLE C O R N . C U T SAVE 10' C O R N 3 3 OR SAVE 21' 10' R KROGER OR TRELLIS S P I N A C H WHOLE KERNEL CORN £ k O ^ fifi^ 10-OZ. PKGS. 9-oz. PKOS., S V L L B U T T E R 10' s IRISH P O T A T 0 S S . . . = » . 10" • • HUNT'S T O M A T O JUICE fCLOi ^ O BUTTERFIELD WHOLE, DICED OR SLICED FRENCH GREEN BEANS 10' SAVE B'-BORDEN'S HI-PROTEIN LO-fAT MILK OR I BUmRMILK • OAU CTN. • • • Cuupuii vnlid a l Kroger in Detroit and Eiistcrii Michigan liiru,. Sii'tiuday, Fcbruhi-y 3, 1004. Limil one coupon per family. . : 37' FRESH ICEBERG • WITH THIS COUPON & $3 PURCHASE KROGER FRESH ALL WHITE A H G • H G I A N T 72 SIZE C A L I F O R N I A E D • R A D E " A " I A . ' O U R N A K N I S G T E L E T T U C E L A R G E E G G S I • I • • Coupon vnlid al Kngtt In Detroit end Eaiism Midiison ihtu 3 S HEADS 9 • _ Sciurday, February 8, 1964 llmii «no coupon p«r fanilly, H • • • J M I i t W T J J i l s t e i l l Jel j j f • • • WW THIS COUPON & $3 PURCHASE I DOZEN FRESH • • I S —Mrs. Thomas Blackett announced that Elmer Weldrick of Detroit, well known in horse circles, has leased the Northville Riding and Hunt club from the Blacketts. — Sam Stremlch, manager of the Norlhville PennlmanAllen theatre, came forward this week with the announcement of a 10-cent show every Wednesday and Thursday in the village theali'e, beginning Februni'y l and 2. [ SLICED SPECIAL L A B E L - S A V E 20= —"There is no reason to feel that we can't run the full 10 months, if we figure close l y , " asserted Superintendent R. H . Amerman this week as examinations went forward in the high school and administra tive matteis took shape for the opening of the second semester next week. —A. C. Carlson is the man responsible for the young boys' Drum and Bugle Corps that now has 43 members. It was all started in the summer of 1937 by a group of boys who played baseball. The baseball team earned money by having boxing shows, grub stakes, baseball collections and donalions lo buy baseball suits. g & '3 P U R C H A S E - B O R D E N ' S RHUBARB. LB. i K A N D E D U • . • L I Q U I D S VINE-RIPENED " T E R G E N T [ VAI..U>(BliiE:iCOUPdN I 1 0 0 E l t T R A i/'fific S T A M P S • fiO C l T T R A <f JP.L C T A I M P C I • S A V E I 14* • Dcirsli and Eoiisrn Michlgon ihru 2 964. timir one coupon p«r family. B Ce Harold Bloom A g e n c y Ince COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE K XATi R nH i i Pr S^ n tiww oo E A VAtue VALUE ^S iTHAi M l UAUILITY UnMEOWNERSII WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE • J Of 100 CT. PKO. I AUTO PIRE I'LATE CLASS I KROGER TEABACS , RICHARD F. L Y O N , Manaqer FI-9-1252 108 W . M a i n Northville I . I I Coupon valid al Krogor in Oolioil snd Eoiloin Michigan ihru Solurday, Fdbrunry i, 1964. oay, ronrunry 0, ivos. w e 1 0 0 E X T R A VALUE S T A M P S . 5 0 E X T R A vA%e S T A M P S ! 5 0 E X T R A vmue S T A M P S i W(1K JHIS WITH IHIS COUPON. AND PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE.! AND PURCI1ASE E OF KROCER OF 2 Qz. JAR I OF 2 moi. COT-UP FRYERS or VASELINE HAIR TONIC i < ^kcs. FRVIR. PARTS or , PECAN HONEY R O U S w f » valid »inK n H i nin tlolroit . . . . | ^ roASTIHS CHICKENS Coupon valid af Krogor In Otiroil Coupon al Krogtr and Eoitiirn Michigan Ihru Satur- ^\ I and Eailern Michigan Ihru Safur- # ^ | 4 Coupori valid ai^lCrogsr In 0<fr6ii | Michigan ihru Sflturday, February 6, 1964. doy, "W | | and Eailsrn cay, unruary u, IV04. ^ | """^ February """'""y 8, 1964. "«"f X u a V ' I'M ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ 1 ivmK 5 0 E X T R A VALUE S T A M P S WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE _ I | OF ANY PK<;. BUIK LINK P p R K SAUSAGE I Coupon valid ni Krogor In Dolroit and Eailtrn Michigan Ihru S o i u r - ^ ^ | day, Fobrunry " " " " " ^ 8, °' 1964. ^ i B S O Q H D B I H l H i H k S i tm mm mpmwmimmtmmmmiAimmummmmmmimmm Xm mmmmmmmmm^»m Immi'm mlrn'mm M s f M i R i i M i i l i i m M M i M s n i m f M m n i m — O f f i c i a l P r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e N o r l h v i l l e C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g — 'nie Nortliville Record—Novi' News—Tllui'sdoy,. FcbruaiT C, 1904 Section Two — Page Four Tlie Northville Record—Novi News—Thursday, February 0, 1904 Section'Two.-^'Page Five Tlie i-egular meeting of (lieons and Ihe niei'ils of hiring an- details of color, etc. and iuiit Norlliviile City Cuuncil w;is oliiei' liolice officer, i l was mov pripp bi(i. Unanimously car called to ordci' by Mnyor Allen ed by Carlson, supported by ried. on Monday, .ianuary G, HWil, Ambler that the city manager Repoi't from City Manager on 8:00 p.m. at llie Norlliville Cily hire ;ni additional policeman Traffic Control Signs al Inter Hall. with no changes in the pi'esent sections: Present: Allen, Amliler, Caii- hours of police officers and ali- Tt)t! City Manager presented lerliury, Carl.son ;ind Ke.sler. lliorize a subsequent ti'ansfer his report and it was moved of funds fi'om the Public Im- by Carlson., s(ippoI;ted by Kes Absent: None. Tlie minute.s of Ihe previous pi'ovcment Fund for this pui'- ter to authorize t'lie purchase meeling and .Special Meeling pose Unanimously carried. of 39 signs for signing of strocl Report on Fui'niture Bids were approved willi one eui-i'ection. and Subsequent Investigation: The cily manager I'ead his Moved by Ke.sler, siijjporled by Carlson that bills in tlie rcporl on the bids submitted and summarized the findings of following aliioiints be paid: General .?i0,253.0l) Mrs. Carlson and himself. Water Cily Hall Con. Other Govemnient Unanimously cairied. not wish a re-appointment). easement (before the next installed along with a "Do Not Unanimously carried. Council meeling). Enter" sign on tlie cast side of Consider Exiension of Coun The City Manager reported same entrance as soon as pos ty and School Tax Date to Feb-there is lo be a Work Session sible. riiaiy 14, lUG'l: on Tuesday, January 7, 19C4 A l M r . Allen's suggestion, the Moved by Ambler, supjiorlcd at 580 S. Main street on ques city manager is lo negotiate by Kester to cxiend the penal tions regarding the Water De Willi Bob Cole to clear City ly date for payment of County partment, The City attorney liroperly sidewalks of snow. M r . Canterbury asked that and Sfliuol taxes lo February is to attend this session. Randolph street west of Wing 14, 19G4 from .lanuary 19, 19G4. The status of the Oakland street, be cheeked for salt dui'Unnniniously carried. (This County Sewer is lhal bonds ai'c ing stoi'my weather. intersections in the Cily of matter lo be put on calendar to be sold Januai'y 7 and within There being no further busi Northville and to aulliorize Ihc for coiisideralion next October weeks, construction will be ness, the meeting adjourned at transfer of funds for same 19G4). started. l l p.m. from tlie Public Impi'ovemeiit • Resolution Authorizing City's A "No Left T u r n " sign west Fund. Unailimously carried. Respectfully submitted Coiilractor on Orcliard Drive Marlha M . Milne Report from City Attorney Slorni Sewei' Job lo Tunnel of the entrance lo the Parking Lot on E . Main street is to be City Clerk Regarding Liability of Employ Faii'brook Street: i,l82.I(i Moved by Ambler, supported 2,078.50 by Kester that Doubleday Bro ees anc( Members of the Rec Moved by Canterbury, sup 89,;i,'i Ihei-s be designated as the sue- reation Commission: ported by Carlson to adopt a eessfiil bidder for office furni The City attorney has subniil- resolution allowing the D'Angle I n W i l l o w b r o o ! < ture foi- the New Cily Hall and te^ a leltel- containing all ques and Pollicelli Construction Coniniiinicalion.s: tions porta^ni^^g to Recrealion Company lo make a cut Mrs. George Aines G R 4-0830 cuperating at home after undei-A commnnieation from the that M r .Potllioff qnd Mi-s. Michigan I\ltmieipal League Carlson ai-e lo go ahead and •pepartnlent and asking advice tliroiigli llio I'^airbrook Street going surgery at Children's hos Celia Beach, Sophie Martin, pital in Detroit. was I'ead announcing tlie dale finalize quantities based on unit 55 to iyhelher the present cov right-of-way for purpose of in Betty Gai-ner, Phyllis Berardi, of the nexl Region III meeting prices. Unanimously carried: " erage is sufficient. The city al- stalialion of Orchai'd Drive Mary Jo Andrews, Marion Vel- Mrs. Fritz Grensing Si', and as Thuf-sday, February 27, 190-1 After a tentative decision has toi'nqy is to meet with Mr. Lit- Storm Sewer. Unanimously ap ing and Allie Carter were all her daughter Carol spent sev been made on library fiivniture tell regR^•d,i.l^g matter of em proved. at Allen Pari;. guests at a party given by eral days here last week visit be submitted a repoi't should ployees',' etc. Consideration of Requesl The resokilion as so worded L A N D M A R K R E M O V E D - - - W o r k m e n began razing this large, t w o Helen Moloney Thursday after ing the Fritz Grensing Jrs. of to tlie Township of Northville. Fi-om City Hail Conti'aeloi' for Pi'esojltation by the City A l - is lo insure lhal road will be Mallott drive. s t o r y h o u s e l o c a t e d at t h e c o r n e r o f M a i n a n d H i g h s t r e e t s . O w n e d b y noon. Extension on Completion Date: Inasmuch as it appeal's that Igrnoy of an Agreement Per put back in Ihe same condition M r s . Edward Moloney and Orson A t c h i n s o n , the property will be cleared f o r future development. The Cily IVlanager reported there would be no advantage mitting Hyatt Construction Co. in wliich i l was found. The re Dr. and Mf's. Ricliard Hen her daugliter Dennell are plan T h e house w a s o r i g i n a l l y o w n e d b y C h a r l e s H a r r i n g t o n . F o l l o w i n g h i s he had talked wilh M r . Denye.s, to the Cily of Northvilie requii'- to enclose the Stream up to quest is subject to appiwai by derson of Meadowbrook- road, ning to spend sevei-al months are happy to announce the birth the ai'chitecl, and he felt that ing sealed bids fnr Librai'y fui'- South Side of the Deal St. Ihe county. w ife's death, Harrington married the family maid, Stella, and the couin Europe this spring. They will the gi'anling of the extension nilure for the new building, it bridge; Petition for Annexation by of a son, Michael Owen, on spend part of the time visiting pie raised h i s c r i p p l e d s o n W i l l i e . L a t e r w h e n t h e house was t h o r o u g h l y should wait until the next meet was moved by Canterbui'y. sup' Moved by Amblei', supported Resolution of Property Locat January 20 at Florence Crit- Mrs. Moloney's father, M r . remodeled it became the home o f F r e d Simmons. Oldtimers recaHed tendon Hospital in Detroit. His ing. The city manager is meet ported by Ambler that such rc- by Carlson to adopt a resolu ed-at 900 Scott Avenue: Enlmanuel Amorgan at his y e a r s a g o t h a t H a r r i n g t o n w a s a g r e a t h u n t e r a n d at o n e t i m e k e p t a birth weight was nine pounds ing wilh the architect on Tues quirements of the Purchasing tion granting permission to Petition was read by the home on Samos, day, January 7, 9 a.m. for a Ordinance are iiereby waived Hayatt Construction Co. lo clerk from A. M . and Inga A l and two ounces. Dr. and Mrs. herd of deer fenced i n his yard. Bradley Goyt, son of M r . field meeting. and the cily manager and Mrs. enclose water line to tlie south len asking annexation of prop E . L . Henderson of Detroit, Report on Activities ot the Carlson are authorized to ar side of the Beat Street Bridge, erty at 900 Scott Avenue, and M r . and Mrs. Owen Bel and Mrs. Kenneth Goyt, of McMallon Circle, celebrated his Pohce Department: In U n i f o r m range for purchase ol said ll- subjeci to the approval of meth Northville, Michigan to the City linger, of Walled Lake are the seventh birthday with a family grandparents. A statislieai repoi't as pre bi'ai'y furniture and tliat the od of doing the work by theof Nortliville. Bridgeport, Calif. — Marine party Sunday. "Plymouth's Exclusive Camera Shop Since 1945" pared by Police Chief ICing price of same does not exceed Mayor, City Engineer and the Moved by Kester, supported Private Fii'st Class Fi'cderick M r . and Mrs. Robert McKeKaye Reiss was hostess to was discussed. A similar re Ihe price given by the Wayne City Manager. Unanimously by Ambler to approve petition on had dinner at the Pandora Respected f o r L . Runsti'om, son of M r . and the Tliursday Bridge Club last port will be given to Council County Librai-y. carried. or annexation. Unanimously Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fred J . Runsti'om of 4343 Q u ality and Service week. Marilyn Davies, a guest each month. There are two items to be carried. (Allen abstaining). Moved by Kester, suppoftWest Five Mile road, is serving M r . and Mrs. William Gould player, won tjie prize. Consider the Hii-ing of an Ad ed by Canterbury that the con- checked in consideration of There is to be a letter writ with the First Mai'ine Division's ditional Police Officer to bring li'acl for Libi'ary shelving be above: size of culvert and iften to tlie Northville Township entertained M r . and Mrs. Sam M r . and Mi's. Ralph Morse First Regiment, First Battal uel Glass and M r . and M r s . Pei'sonnel to that of 13G0: of Mooringside drive had din ion at Camp Pendleton, Calif. awarded lo Spealcer and As the structure being built is of Board of Trustees expressing After discussion as lo I'eas- sociales, subject to working oul sufficient strength to support the hope that this annexation William Dean Tuesday at a ner at the Hillside Inn in Ply He recently participated in dinner in honor of Mrs. Glass' traffic, and check the expan- is agreeable to their body and mouth .Saturday evening. cold weather training at the birthday. siofi joints. hope they see fit to approve Mrs. John Williams of Gleii Marine Corps Mountain War M r . and Mrs. Ronald Jen Ridge Court and Mrs. Geoi'ge Appointment to Board of Retlie same. L e g a l N o t i c e fare Ti'aining Center, Bridge nings attended a dinner dance Ames of Mooringside drive both Miscellaneous: view: port, Calif. The ti-aining stress given by the Burroughs Corp. Vinceiil Cariiana Moved by Canterbury, supMr. Kester asked regarding notice be given to all interest students in the professional ed instruction on living condi An Approved Adininislrator ed parties as sho.wil by tJ^?portetl by Allen that Cllarlcs Barnhardt Sjirings. Tlie City at Roma Hall Saturday even nursing program at Henry tions and combat operations Camera Shop 17201 Five Poinis, recoids in this cause by deCarrlggtoft be appomted to the Attorney hopes lo be able to ing. Foi'd Community College in nder extreme cold and snow. Detroit do, Michigan livering a copy of ord?r to vacancy on the Board of Reget together with people con Michael Grensing, infant son Dearborn have eai'ned places It was highlighted by a twoSTATE O F M l C l l l G A N each ot them personally, or by view to. fill the expired term cerned with Ibis property re of M r . and Mrs. Fritz Gren on the Dean's list of honor day operation against a mock 882 W . A n n A r b o r T r . Plymouth GL.3-5410 Pr0bale C0iirt mailing such copy to each of of Stuart Thomson (who did garding the abandonment of the sing, of Mallott drive, is re students. I enemy. them by registerec( or certified C0unty of Wayne mail with return, recoipt de No. 527-5-ll In the Matter of the Estate manded addressed to their repf B E R T R A M M E N E A R De spective last known addresses as shown by the files and rec ceased, Notice is hereby given that ords in this cause. ^11 creditors of said deceased And it is further Orderecl are required to present their that public notice thereof be claims, in writing and under given by publicatioa'of a copy, oath, to said Court at the Pro-of this order once each week Ibate Office in tlie City of De for three successive weeks preA N N O U N C I N G troit, in said County, and to vious to said day of hearing In serve a copy thereof upon Vin- the Novi News a newspaper ccilt Caruana, Administrator printed and circulated in said, wilh will annexed of said es county. tate, at 17201 Five Points, De Donald E . Adams P a l a c e Q u a l i t y F a b r i c C a r e S e r v i c e s N O W troit 40, Michigan on or be Judge of' Pro))ate fore the 3lst day of March, CERTlFlCATlON A . D . 1904, and that such claims I Opal Roberlson, Dep.uty will be heard by said court A v a i l a b l e i n t h e N O R T H V I L L E A R E A before Judge Ernest C. Boehm Register ot the said Probate ill Court Room No. 1301, City Coui't, do Hereby Certify that County Building m the City of I have cornparcd the. foreg9J.n& Detroit, in said County, on thecopy with the origii)al rijcord A N E W O N E S T O P C L E A N I N G A N D L A U N D R Y 31st day of March, A . D . 1964,tiiereof, now remainil)g in, this at two o'cloclc in the afternoon. office, and have found the S E R V I C E N o w y o u t o o c a n e n j o y t h e c o n v e m e n c eof Palace Quality F a b r i c same to be a correct IraiJiS:. ]?a|ted January 20, 1904 ci'ipt thereof, and the wllo)<? of C a r e S e r v i c e . O n e p h o n e c a l l b r i n g s a c o u r t e o u s P a l ace Quality Fabric Care Ernest C. Boehm such original record. Judge of Probate s p e c i a l i s t t o y o u r (loor. H e -will p i c k u p y o u r c l e a n i n g , ( i r a p e r f e s , l i n e n s , s h i r t s , I do Ilereby certify that I In Testimony Whereof, blanket.s, p i l l o w s , l a m p s h a d e s . . . o v e r 2 9 ' F a b r i c C a r e s e r v i c e s i n . i l l . ^iave compared the foregoing liave hereuiilo set my hand and copy with the original record affixed the Seal of tlie Probate thereof and have found the Court at Pontiac, this IGth day, SA'nsi<.-\criox (uj.ak.^nteed o r money refunded same to be a correct trans of Januaiy A . D . 1904. cript of such original record. Opal Roberlson S P E C I A L S A L E 1 5 % O F F D r a p e r y C l e a n i n g Sale ends F e b r u a r y 8 Dated January 20, 19G4 Deputy Register of PI-obate. Allen R . Edison Court » g u a r a n t e e d eveil hellilines Deputy Pf'obate Regisler Oakland County, Michigan •, Exclusive Adjust-a-drape fold finishing Published in Norlhville Rec 36-38 ord once each week for llii-ee % P r a p e r i c s restored to exact o r i g i n a l size ^ceks successively, within Loretln Shccliaii • P l c t t s h a n d b l o e k c d a n d set i n soft folds thirty days from the date here Adininistratrix of. ' 30-38 2055 Taylor Detroit, Micliigaa M E N L O O K B E T T E R i n a Palace Quality laundered shirt Edmiinil P . Ycrkcs, Atly. STATE O F MICHIGAN C r u s h p r o o f I ' r c l i c h F o l d shirts h a v e t h e k n a c k o f m a k i n g m e n m E . Maiii Probate Court l o o k W e l l g r o o j n c d . . . . a n d f e c i a t ease, Nariiivillc Coiinly of Wayne No. 530-127 STATE OF MICHIGAN m N o c o l l a r p o i n t cui-1 • C o r r e c t starch o r Ilo starch, In the Matter of the Estate Probate Coiirt • S m o o t h flawless i r o n i l l g • M i s s i n g buttons replacedof M A R Y M A D E L O N S H E E Coiinly of O.iklaiid H A N Deceased, No. 78,672 Ifl the Matter of the Estate Notice is hereby given that of. M I N N I E F . l\IcCARDLE all De-creditors of said deceas(^ P E N N Y B R I G H T S P E C I A L S H I R T S c(?ased. are required to present theif I R O N E D L A U N D R Y S E R V I C E At a session of said Court, claims, in writing and un,(jlei; l)eld at the Court House in theoath, to said Court at the l^roCity of Ponliac, in said Coun- bate Office in tile C % of De only apound O each, only 1 1 c ly, on the IGth day of January troit, in said County, and to. serve a copy thereof upon LoA . D . 1964. PIGICED UP and D E L I V E R E D When included i n bllndle Present, Hon. Donald E . retta Sheehan, Administratrix •, E v e r y t h i n g w a s h e d s p a r k l i n g of said estate, at 2653 Taylor, over 3 0 lbs. Adams, Judge of Probate. clean Winifred A . Mummery, Sue-Detroit, Michigan on or be ( O N L Y 23c in. S M A L L E R cesser Administratrix of said fore the 2nd day of April, A . D . K Fluffy^ s o f f ; d r y i n g BUNDLE) OTHER ITEMS estate having filed m said 19G4, and that such claims will t Eilph item carefully folded IRONED O N REQUEST be heard by said court, before Court her Final Account and her final account as guardian Judge Frank S. Szymanski in Court Room No. 1211, City of Thomas W. McCardle, who was Administrator ot the above County Building in the City pf l';iiii('c- 0 i u 1 ! l t v 6 N l v S T ( ) P . s e r v i c e s Detroit, in said Cou|ily, on the estate, and petition praying 2nd day of April, A . D ; 1904, at for the. examination and allow |-pUS|;i-IOLD. A R T I C L E S . . . D R A P E R I E S . . . C U R T A I N S . . . SLIP two o'clock in the afternoon. ance 'thereof! the determina Dated January 20, 1904 qpVERS .... F A N C Y BEDSPREADS . . .FINE T A B L E LINENS . . . tion of the legal heirs of said Fi-ank S. Szynlanski estate; assignment of the resi W OOL B L A N K E T S . . . S l ^ A G R U G S . . . P I L L O W S . . . L A M P SHADES Judge of Prabatp due of said estate; and the I do hereby cel'tify that I . ; . F U RCLEANING & G L A Z I N G . : . F U R A N P W O O L E N STORAGE discharge of said Thomas W. have compared the foregoing P h o n e E n t e r p r i s e 6 1 9 0 . . . W I N D O W S H A D E S . . .A N D M A N Y O T H E R S . McCardle and Winifred A . copy with the original record Mummery as Adiilinistrator thereof and have found the T o l l Free N O W PERSONAL ARTICLES . . . COMPLETE L A U N D R Y SERVICE . \ and Successor Administratrix. saiile to be a correct transIt is Ordered, that the 17lhcript oif such ovigin^^l rpcoi'^!. SPECIAL SHIRT L A U N D E R I N G . . . D R Y CLEANING . . . MEN'S F A S T S E R V I C E day ot February A . D . , 1904 at Dated January 20, 1964 S y i T S . . . D R E S S E S . . . SWEATERS . . .K N I T DRESSES . . . M E N ' S ten o'clock in the forenoon, at Allen R. Edison p i c k - u p said Probate Court in the liATS'... T I E S . . . G L O V E S . . . EVENING A N DW E D D I N G GOWNS Depl^ty Pi'o'bale I^pgister T w i c e a w e e k Court House in tlie City of Publishea in NprlhvUle 1^c„ , JIMTHEK. C O A T S . . , SUEDE JACKETS. Ponliac, Michigan, be and is Old once each week for three delivery hereby appointed as the lime weeks sucqessivqly, Witlliji tljirgpd Ela,ce for liearhig said pe- ty days from the date libreof. tliio'n; 3G-36 It is further Ordered thai With smolce still rising from cigareilcs, .social sludies pup- cliaiits read: over 17 years of age lo pur- business. memos that it is unlawful lo tile scorcliing government re lis of Mrs. William Sliger point "Dear Sirs: Our eighlh grade chase tobacco supplies provid Such iiicideiils give rise to sell cigarettes, beer or wine to port on cigaretles, an eighth out, eilher from home or area .social studies class has been ed they liavc notes from Iheir fears of niercliants who point minors," Duvall pointed out. grade .social studies class has stores. di.'scHSsing and acting upon the parents. out that reslricthin 0f cigarette But he also noted that pil decided to help bury the ashes. Although Police Chief E u subjecl of smoking among minAt leiisl one store has scrap sales in their stores iiiay r e ferage runs liigli in cigarettes. Alarmed by the growing gene King .s.ympalliizes with ors. We are sure it has been ped this policy since the gov suit in "bad business" unless, Many business places also iiccordiiig to one hnsinessmaii. provide number of boys and girls who the request of the stiidt.Mils, he liroughl to your attention that ermncnt rijport was issiicii. cigaretle machines Ray Garrod, owner of E . M . B . the cominunily hacks the ban.and unless these are watched begin smoking as early as jun- points oul that the pj'ohlem of the Michigan state law states lor liigli .school age, the North- smoking among leeiiagers is it is illegal lo sell cigarettes Grocery on Main strcol, slates Ed Barnes, manager of Iheclosely youngsters are able to vilic students (his past week primarily a jiareiilal responsi to minors. We would appreci tliat he has never sold cigar Kroger store, notes the related obtain eigarcttcs. "It's tough sent letters to local business bility. "We just can'l go around ate it if you would abide by ettes to children under age —pi'obiom of shoplifting. He says to keep an eye on 'em all the men urging them to help en- arresting all the kids we seethis law and sell cigarettes on wilh or without notes. He says the tlieft of cigarettes from the lime," a service station opera force Ihe state law i'cstricting .smoking. II just isn't practi ly lo those who are of age." he strongly opposes smoking by counters of his Noi'thviUc store tor adds. the sale of cigarettes to min-c a l . " Reaction to this letter has persons under 17. is amazingly high and that this At any I'ate, the junior high ors. Lee BeGole, chief of the Novi varied. However, another grocer tells possibly may be one .source of school students are viewing the A similar letter was sent tc police department, says he Some merchanis, until re- of an experience a few years cigarettes used by youngstei's. smoking habits of their 13 and with A & P Manager Don Duvall 14-year-o|d classmates the Northville police depart has used the law sparingly, eeipl of the letter, had been liack when he refused to sell and then only in llic case of u'illing to sell cigarettes to mi-cigarettes to a minor who said that his store makes a alarm. And they're expressing ment. According to Principal Don "smart alecks". "II was a foi'- iiors who could supply notes came into his store with a definite effort not to sell cig tlieir opinions — in hopes that the community will help them ald Vanfngen, the students' re golten law before the govern from their parents This policy note from his parents. The par arettes to minors. "Our cashiers are constantly enforce an old law with a new quest concei'ns a law which ment's i'ccent report," he adds. is based on an old law, since ents became furious and threat The letters sent lo the mei'-repealed, which allows persons ened to stop patronizing his reminded by company policy meaning. everybody lias known ahout but ignored for a long time. The ruling specifically slates thai it is unlawful for anyaiie to sell " S u p e r - R i g h t " Q u a l i t y , C o m p l e t e l y C l e a n e d , G o v ' t . Bmspected cigarettes lo a person under 21 years of age. "We know llial some of our kids smoke," says Vaiilngen, "bill school regulations forbid liie iisc of cigareilcs wilhin the school buildiiigs or on the school grouiuLs only. "Off the school grounds, stu dents do as they please and some of them to smoke." W H O L E F R Y E R S F R Y E R P A R T S Apparently, no one seems to have any difficulty procuring 18. T O P T O B O T T O M — N o r l h v i i l e ' s n e w c i t y h a l l Is t a k i n g s h a p e f r o m its t i p t o p t o i t s l o w e s t l e v e l . T h e c u p o l a s h o w n b e l o w w i l l b e s e t a t o p the c e n t e r o f t h e E a r l y A m e r i c a n d e s i g n m u n i c i p a l b u i l d i n g . I n t h e r e a r a n d at t h e l o w e r l e v e l o f t h e b u i l d i n g t h e p o l i c e d e p a r t m e n t w i l l h a v e its f i r s t j a i l f a c i l i t i e s i n m a n y y e a r s . T h e r e a r e t h r e e c e l l s w i t h o n e I s o l a t e d f o r w o m e n o r c h i l d r e n . T h e b u i l d i n g is s c h e d u l e d t o b e o p e n f o r p u b l i c u s e o n A p r i l 1. T h e f i r e h a l l is b e i n g r e a d i e d f o r o c c u p a n c y OPEN Every Evening JIL 9 of engines a n d equipment later this week. L e g s Y o u n g R e a d e r s S p e a k • • • B r e i s s t s U p with Ribs Attached n O n M i n o r s ' S m o k i n g Dear Editor: Our eighlh grade social stud ies class is ti'ying to discour age smoking minors. A Michi gan compiled law slates that a "minor may not use tobacco in public. An officer can ar.-est upon complaint." This law also slates tliat it is "unlawful to fui-nish minoi's under 17 with tobacco in any form, cigarettes. ti(is L a w CUT-UP SPLIT OR QUARTERED etc., without wl'itten consent of| a parent or guai'dian." | A non-smoker saves on an avel-age of $200 a year and does not have as great a risk of getting cancer of the lungs or lips. Truly yours, ath Grade Social Studies Class Northville Junior High K I N G OF R O A $ T S ! AI.LGOOD SLICED "SUPER-RIGHr B a c o n "SUPER-RICHT" |j, LB. M A T U R E BEEF ^ Thick-Sliced Bacon A R I B R O A S T "SI^PER.RIGHT" CELLO ROLL Sausage.... 3 Pork 4th. and MIXEDr^.OARK AND LIGHTTurkey ALSO SBI1VING BREAKFAST, LUNCH liiid SANDWICHIi;S. HOMOGENIZED Rolls 5th R i b ] lb boneless 6 9 FROZEN Cod MILK FIRST ..'•'•IT'^ Fillets. . 7 5 i i RIBS c 79 l b 3 RIBS 'Yz O A L G L A S S - OPEN D A I L Y TfL 1 ) P . M . C L O V E R D A L E 134 N . Center F A R M S - D A I R Y Northville T FI-9-1580 Spec/a/ Value!—iOHA O A M T O E "Super R i g h t " Center R i b C u t "Supor-RighJ" Qualify P S O R K L O I N 7 R i b Portion R O A S T Loin P o r C h E V E L L E ! mAUm} s u p e r s p o r t s b y C C H E V R O L E T W E E T P E A S : . YOVK ^ CANS Q 7 : 3 h o l e 9 a v e Com « f 2 4 C o n s f O C o r B a S i z e f ^ A p p l e s 1 0 4 9 ' VorietiieIs Svptr Spgd CgnvtrllDI*. *Oplmal at cxlm mt, 560 S O U T H M A I N STREET E V R O L NORTH YILLE E T S A L E S , 3 9 M i x e s Swiss Style C h o c o l a t e , Double D u t c h C h o c o l o l r C h o c o l a t e Fudge, W h i t e o r Yellow ^ 6 7 9 ' REP. PKG, S a W n e s e e 'b^^ 1 9 m 4c Off 2 LABEL 9 r:..l AfrP—OUR FINEST fiUALITr T o m a t o IrST. H-pZ. 4 CANS J u i c e R E P E A T 8 9 AfrP—OUR FINEST QUALITY A p p l e S A L E 1 PT. 9-QZ. . 4 MBS 8 S a u 0 First Q u a l i t y , Seamless Mesh 9 ' Glamcflon SAVE I6ct JANE PARKER A p p l e P i e 0 • , COLDSTREAM PINK dNLY 3 9 ' ^ • • . 2 lHP. CANS Lsaier QugnMiioa SoId at Reg. Prices Y 3 5 » A v i i 9 9 ' 9.0033 N I O 9 ' N S 9 9 * I N C . Fleldbrook » ^ a k e SPECIALI JANE BARKER SLICED H 9 l u p s S a l m o n C s Pillsbur/s C o r n this N e Except Miiihrgprn, Qrilsn.^r A>P(>rpgui Three R g T o m a t o e s ARISTOCRAT Sec Ihnii ut your 'Chcnrah'l Showrnmii n DOZEN S h o r t e n i n g P I E R F O R M E R S Chevrolet • Chevelle • Chevy n • C o r v a i r • Corvette a 'I 'i ^1 -i I , ^ ' 2 ^ ' WHITE BEAUTY W h a t ' s s o s u p e r a l b o u t t h e C h e v e l l e M a l i b u S u p e r S p o r t s ? Inside? P r o l i t bucket seats. A l l - V i l l y l lllterior. Airlmeter, rear axle, smtereiJ-metallic b r a k e linings md sportaoil pi'essui'e a n d water temp gauges. Flooi'-mouilted styled simulatecJ w a l n u t steijring Wheel, t o name jtiat sti'aigllt-liile shift lever for Powerglide* o r spol'ty 4a few of them. Speed* stick shift. • Outside? Spocial moldings a n d wheel coVers, S S ideHUnder the hood? L o t s of choice. T w o Sixes—stilndaid tificatiou. A c t u a l l y , about a l l that's.7iat super a b o u t 120-hp and optional 155-hp*. V8'.s, from standthese M a ) i b u SS Coupes a n d Convertibles is their price. ai'd 283-cu.-in. up to (youVe i'eading i t I'ight!) A n d the best way to find o u t w h a t e v e r y t h i i i g 827-cu.-in.* T i ' y one to flatten o u t hills! else is that makes them so super-is to drive one. Y o u r Chevrolet dealer can take clire of that.' Options*? l^leetric tachonictcl-, Positi'action 9 4 r lOIXA #RAND d r e a m 6 VINE-RIPE. Vegetable C l i e e r i o r n CHOCOLATE COVERED ICE CREAM BARS U S Ccilifdrnia S w e e t K e r n e l CANS lb l WESTERN RED-DELICIOUS R P "A" 113 W H O mfjM Brond—Grade G o l d e n T H c N A&P A K lb. 2 R R I C S Bochcrounc. new Chovelle fiilalitiu Super Spcrt Coups,- foreerinind, Chevollo Mallliu O End Portions ~ 1 0 0 % Nyiorl Guairanteed Run-Resistant! Sizes 9-11 R«9ul(ii: JLfingtht The ITDrHlvIIIe Hecord-Wovl Nevys-Miursday, Tebruai'y t, 1904 Section Two — Page Six Michigan Mirror C M U Honors Local B S P E A K I I 4 C for The By B l L L Record last weeic end. It was the 96th annual convention of the Michigan Press Association and lo look at MSU's Kellogg Center you'd swear that everyone of the 350-member newspapers had half a dozen representatives on hand. Press conclaves usually attract an array of excellent speakers and porsonaliiies. This year was no excepilon. The roster included: Virgil Partch, cartoonist creator of "Big George"; Ford Motor Company's vice president and Ford Division general manager, Lee A. lacocco; Whit Hobbs, senior vice president of Benton & Bowles, Inc., one of the nation's top advertising agencies,- Dr. Leroy G . Augonstein, professor and chairman of biophysics at M S U ; and Governor George l?omney. Romney gave a brief address, but the highlight of his appearance was his introduction of his all-Democratic ad ministrative board. g T u r LANSING - Even seasoned observei's of the State Capitol arena will need a scoi'ecai'd lo tell the players in nexl year's legislative game. SLIGER Lansing was jammed with newspapermen i This will be especially true in the Stale Senate, which had a considei'ably high tuI-novei' in the past four years. Now inany of tlie relatively new mcmbei-s of the upper chamber arc sel ling their sighis on higher goals. The creation of an appellate court in the new Constilulion is drawing the eyes of at least two Senatoi's who have ali'cady announced their intei'esl in one of the nine seats still lo he set down in districts. New C0ngrcssi0ual district.? also arc a big drawing card. At least foiir and possibly more Senators arc viewing a job in llic Wnsliington House. Three others are known to be eilhei' retiring or seeking a higher slate office. n o v e r S cludes several school ieficliers. and a number of oilier ciiy, township and county officers who mnsl this year choose which public office they wish 10 inainlain. The possibility of new dis tricts in the Stale Legislature also could open the door for major fights for these positions and the loss of still other incuiTibents. e e n i n Best estimates are that Mich igan's more than 30 four-year inslitulions could shai'o $8 or 10 million a year under the aid to education pi'ogi-am, if homebasod funds wci'e avail able. If speed kills, as has often been said, a slatislical survey by Hie State Highway Depart ment weuld indicate ilii> roadway slaughter will coutiiiuc oii Educators viewed Gov. Geor tlie rise. ge Romney's budget I'cquesl in In the past Hi years, the their ai-ea with relative opti average speed on Michigan mism, but will be keeping an highways has increased from especially keen eye on the Leg- 48 miles per hour lo 56.9 miles isialui'c this year whei'e ap- per hour. The survey shows pi'oprialions are concerned. Michigan's avei'age speed has Romney's recoininendations been increasing every year caine closer to Hie higher ed- since 1950. In 19113 the average ucatioiI requests tliaii finy [ire. jumped nearly one mile per hour, from 56.1 to 56.9 inil.s vious budget proposal. per hour. The special interest ui bud geted funds comes as Hie I'cThis average, however, in sull of fedei-al action on the cludes all vehicles. Busses $1.2 billion aid lo education bill. rank nearly as liigh as passenThe Congress pi'ovided a one- ger cai's In avei'age speeds, third matching system under but li'ucks travel al a consid the act whef'eby slate, local or erably lo>ver pace, with just private funds must supplement less lhan a .'iO miles per hour the Fedci'al aid. average. '.. ,.' -. IX': -IJiiff.' Student Two area young men were installed recently as officers of Tliela Chi Fraternily, Epsimotor vehicle speed, but rath- lon Mu chapter of Eastern er to indicate the trend of tra- Michigan university. vel in the slate. Tliey are Raymond W. DoekDepartmenl officials conduct sen of 480 Oi'chard drive, the survey with radar machines Northville, who was elected set up al 25 daylime and 10 fraternity historian, and Da nighttime locations, using the vid F. Lulcllka of South Lyon, same posts each year to elim who was elected vice presi dent. inate variables in the lest. S e n a t e M o r e than two-dozen officials of N o v i , neigh boring communities and O a k l a n d county were p r e s e n t last w e e k W e d n e s d a y f o r g r o u n d b r e a k i n g c e r e m o n i e s f o r the l o n g - a w a i t e d s e w e r t r u i l k l i n e . The ceremony, complete with digging operafion.s b y a g i a n t p o w e r s h o v e l a i l d c e r e i n o n i a l h a n d shovels for township, village and county was h e l d j u s t r, t.A. ' !.... railroad officials, o f f N i n e M i l e r o a d n e a r the C & O tracks. S i n c e the c e r e m o n y , construction work has b e g u n o n the l i n e b o t h i n N o v i a n d i n n e i g h b o i ' i n g I ^ o r t h v i l l e . C o n s t l u c t i o n is e x p e c t e d pleted by A u g u s t to be c o m 1. T h e line will extend f r o m south of Seven M i l e l'oad t h i ' o u g h N o r t h v i l l e a n d i n t o N o v i as far as 10 M i l e l-oad, w i t h a l a t e r a l l i n e to C e n t e r stl-eet o n Nine 1964 J A C K W . H O F F M A N I question my wife's '-pecul Allowing that peculiarities iar" habit of re-arranging exist in all households, the furniture throughout the strange goings-on in tliis writ If reminded me of the days whon Governor Williams liowse two oi' three times a er's home probably are charhad an all-GOP board. week. Nor Is her decision lo actei'islic of those carried on repaint a new bedroom a elsewhere. Therefore, it has Romney took advantage of the opportunity to not-soTo have nine potential vacan different color, just a week occui'red lo me that perhaps gonfly chide his board for some of their past remarks. He cies this early in an election after our arrival, unusual. I am tile person in the year, when petilioii filing is said he was afraid fo leave his choir during a board meet wrong orbital flight. still months away, is a I'arily ing for fear someone would be hurt in the rush to fake So where previously I may Take for instance Hie male but perhaps a sign of the times. over. have screamed and filled the feline that moved into Hie Political campaigns seem to air with some unkind words, The governor noted that his board had threatened The average is pulled up house a few months back. The concern of Micliigan's begin eai'lier each successive l sliall hereafter in silence not to meet with him again "without witnessess" and he sharply by passenger cai's, at Like most cats, he eats and various colleges and universielection year. nurse injuries suffered by about 58.4 miles per hour, and surmised there were enough present at the press luncheon. sleeps a good deal, scratclies House changes also will be ties was summed up well by stumbling into a chair in Hie business busses at 56 miles per hour in the furniture and the chil Then he introduced the board. Lt. Gov. T. John Lesincaine closer to the higher ed- John G. McKevitl, dark of night or by silting Ihe 1963 sludy. dren, and of late has taken ski was absent and Romney suggested that someone many, but this figuf-e is less and financial officer for the on the edge of a bed llial The "fast driver" category to midnight treks around should "look in the lobby at the magazine stand." He said firm because fewer members Univei'sity of Michigan. isn't there. And I shall, like the neighborhood. is also 0n tlie upswing, the sur 'It remains lo be seen wheth that Auditor Billie Farnum was preparing a report on exec in that body have coniiaitted any considerate husband, Common trails of Hie cat themselves. One element in the er the Legislature pi'ovidcs the vey showed. Tlie porceniagc of utive office expenditures "which he'll probably release on keep a can of paint at ready llouse, liowever, will cause an funds necossai-y lo attract the all veliicles wliicli oNcecded 65 family I will concede. November 2" and he reminded Lynn Bartlelt, superinten in my dresser drawer. Bui common sense tells me automatic di'opoul of al least a Federal grants over and above miles per hoiir last year was dent of public instruction, that he had determined where 211.5 per cent, as compared to that a cat wllo catches wa And our five children shall cuiTent appi'oprialions, or whedozen members. and upon what subject the Governor could speak. hereafter have free reign to Tlie new C0nstituti0n i)r0hi- Iher it considers the Fedei'al 15.8 per cent the previous year. ter dripping into the bathFinally, he sympathized with Road Commissioner John draw hop-skotch lines on the Michigan's speed survey is room sink is peculiar, or at bits a LcgisIat0r to be on the contributions as an excuse for Mackie. "He's taken credit for building • many roads in side of the house, lo keep payroll of another govcrninent- cutting back on state monies," not designed lo draw conelus least the animal is impi'opbumble bees fresh by plac Michigan," noted the Governor. "But now he doesn't know ions about the total effect of erly trained. Anyone knows nl unit. House incmbcrship in he said. a cat ought lo have the cour ing Ihem next lo the jar of whether fo fake one leading to Lansing or Washington." tesy to ask for a glass. salad dressing in the refrig lacocca hod a million statistics dealing with his favor erator, lo sleep under Hie bed Even so, the drip catching ite subject, automobiles. instead of on top of it, to antics of this cat could be They were interestingly presented and gave you "the drag precious blankets with overlooked as the normal other side" of the horsepower and speed controversy. The them throughout the house, I'eaclions of a water-starved young VP admitted that Ford has had its share of criticism to store pebbles and'rocks in animal or of an animal with for entering racing competition again. the car seat, to hit eacli othT a x e s a t L o c a l L e v e l a psychological problem. er with blocks, and to sleep However, a few weeks back But lacocca is convinced that "total performance" is late on school days and rise upon returning home late more than on advertising slogan. He knows that auto reearly on Saturdays. BABSON P A R K , Mass. - selves for doing this, but if we have entirely too much debt. In from work I found the cat sponse saves lives and he had a host of statistics to prove Most citizens are deeply inter insist on such a luxury — in efficiency, politics-playing, and curled up in Ihe same sink ftiat more auto accident deaths occur at slow speeds in Then when they remove corruption have enjoying a cat-nap, com ested in the federal tax cut cluding scllool bands, school outright vehicles of comparatively low horsepower. games, and other spread into too many munici pletely oblivious fo the drip, me from these normal surnow on its way through Con football roundings to the safety of gress. But almost every com amusernenls — we have got lo pal governments, from wliich drip dripping of water from One of his examples was ihe Pennsylvania Turnpike Shadynook Haven I shall mentator — in the newspa pay the cosls. Don't blame your a considerable number of vol- the defective faucet. Pitched during World War II. A record of auto fatalities was set pers, on the radio, and on TV lown fathers for such addition ers may be secretly profiling. from his liUle cubicle, the read and re-read the lessons during a two-year period of low speed restriction thai is of Freud and contemplate the I have said before, and l indignant animal waited for — points out the f a d that while al expenses. unequaled before or since. intricate mechanics of the federal taxes will be i-educed, As far as highways are con- say again: 'flic basic soliition me lo climb into bed behuman mind. And if Ihe public is slightly confused by the' wide state and local taxes will con cei'ned, federal and slate out of our local tax problems lies fore retui'ning lo Hie sink, this variety of models (Ford once produced one model in one lays are taking care of more in honest and efficient manage- time to sleep on his back, tinue lo climb subslanliaiiy. color --- black), think about the poor engineers, said lacoc Relating this slrapge prac Most supplies, materials, and and more of the work of con inent with wisely eiicouraged ca. He noted that one assembly plant could produce cars D R . L. E . R E H N E R services which yoiir city must struction. Some cities with growth and careful assessment. tice to friends later I was' It is morally unhealthy for suddenly made aware of rny for a full year without duplication. biiy cost mere today thaii ever highly efficient managers have >--- O P T O M E T R I S T silortcomings when before. More is dcinandcd, and actually reduced highway ex voters lo gel unearned wages, own The reason: how many two and threa-car families penses. Labor cosls are being uneai'ned subsidies, unearned tllesB friends inquired, most 350 S. llarvcy St. - Plyinoiitii — sad but true — more is hove you ever seen with two identical cars? he Opposite Cciitral Parking Lot wasted, These arc the reasons lowered through the use of housing, and other unearned matter-0f-faclly, "does lacocca ended his address with an innovation that yoiir city fathers have lo liikc I'oadbuilding and maintenance benefits. Often, pohtically am sleep with his mouth open?" - HOURS machinei'y; and with very low bitious forces support such II is obvious to me now should teach me a lesson in the merits of being more local tax levies. Monday, Tiicsday, Thursday prompt. I often feel, however, that municipal interest i-ales, your measures just to get votes. tliat whal I formerly considJ P . M . to 9 P . M . To the first 50 newspapers registered for the conmany methods of holding down road department can borrow Such pi'actices can be extreme ered abnormal behavior is Wednesday, Friday, Satiirday money quite cheaply. ly dangerous. They are al the no more nor less than com community expenditures are i g vention he reserved a new car of their choice at their lo A . M . to 5 P . M . Despite the low municipal in very root of increased costs mon pi'actice. nored, wliile fresh soui'ces of P H O N E GL-3-2056 local Ford dealer's agency. For inslance, no longer can revenue are not used lo the full. terest rales, most commlinilies and constantly higher taxes.' "Drive it for a week," invited the vice president. "If For example, liigher tax rales you like it, I know a man who can get ii for you wholesale." might not be necessary if your B O Y S O O U T S O P Mile. GROUNDBREAKING — Numerous county and ficials of Novi hosted guests f r o m neighboring l o c a l a r e a o f f i c i a l s w e r e o n h a n d last Week f o r t h e c o m m u n i t i e s as w e l l as o f f i c i a l s auspicious g r o u n d b r e a k i n g c e r e m o n i e s for N o v i ' s c o u n t y a g e n c i e s a n d the c o n t r a c t i n g f i r m . a n d officers of f i r s t s e w e r s y s t e m . B o t h t o w n s h i p a n d v i l l a g e of- A l V a E R B O A M A Y O R ' S P R O C L A M A T I O N - r Northville Mayor A. Malcolin Allen has proclaimed the week of F e b r u a r y 7 t o 13 as B o y S c o u t W e e k . In d o i n g so he u i ' g e d " o u r c i t i z e n s to r e c o g n i z e t h e service being performed patriotic for our c o m m u n i t y by v o l u n t e e r S c o u t l e a d e r s ; to e x p r e s s t h e i r a p p r e c i V o l . 9, N o , 4 0 , 14 P a g e s , T w o S e c t i o n s a t i o n to the r e l i g i o u s b o d i e s , s c h o o l o r g a n i z a t i o n s , Novi, Michigan, Thursday, February 13, 1964 1 0 c P e r C o p y , $4.00 P e r Y e a r I n A d v a n c e veterans associations, fraternal groups, and service c l u b s Who s p o n s o r o u r C u b S c o u t P a c k s , B o y S c o u t Troops, and E x p l o r e r units, and help the C i t y o f Northville to be represented adequately great national Scout J a m b o r e e le n o v i this at the summer." N e w s P u b l i s h e d b y T h e N o r t h v i l l e R e c o r d , Iilc., 101 N . O N B - T W O - A C T I O N - - A s t h e p o w e r s h o v e l bites a n o t h e r C e n t e r S t r e e t , e a c h T h u r s d a y . E n t e r e d as s e c o r l d e a r t h a h u i l d o z e r s c o o p s e a r t h b a c k i n t o the s e w e r t r e n c h . class i l l a t t e r at the U . S . P o s t O f f i c e , chunk of Northville, Michigan. WATIONAl 6 EDITORIAL i n N o v i t o Roger Babson Adman Hobbs was a riot. A high-voiced Harvard man, he ate a box lunch during his speech, which was' appropriotely entitled "Something to Chew On - in Addition to Chicken". He was brutally frank and a little rough on nijv/spapers and adults. It would be impossible to report his graphic expressions from memory, but I've asked for a copy of the speech for future publication. Dr. Augensfein left us with a few thoughts to chew on, too. A thirty-ish looking man, he talked about popple living until they're 300 . . . if they want to, or if there's room on earth for Ihem. He said the decision would be up to us, but ho-thought we ought to know about It. In particular he noted that one day scientists will be able to "grow" new kidneys, or other body organs. These organs would be "brand new" . . . you might say custom made . . . and would be for superior to "used transplants". And to insure Ihe right physical start in life, he spoke of inoculations for prospective mothers that would guarantee a physically perfect baby. Dr. Augensiein also described experiments whh "flat worms" ihat suggest the possibility of transferring knowl edge. He explained how the worms had been trained to curl-up at the flash of a light. This was done by giving them on electrical shock immediately following the expo sure to light. And after several hundred shocks, the worms would curl at the sight of the light without the following shock. It seems these worms have fhe remarkable ability to grow a new head (and botlom side) when they are cut in two. And alter fwo worms are grown from one divided worm, both of fhe worms curl at fhe flash of light. Now if you're following me (and I correctly followed Dr. Augenstein) this moans that knowledge learned by one worm had been transmitted into Iwo worms. The human application of this is a little frightening. But I think it means that there is hope that knowledge can bo transferred, not that humans can be sawed in haff. Most importantly, however, fhe young doctor was try ing to fell us that science only discovers and that if is up to ihe people fo decide where the emphasis shall be plcicod . . . how for we should go in "playing G o d " . He noted that politicians decide when they approve federal budgets . . . and that our emphasis now lies in space. But he wondered aloud if fhe people know that such a choice exists. And he asked the press to pass the word locality wei'e adding a suf ficient number of economically stable families. Most cities thus expanding sllould be able to raise enough tax money from the addition of new prop erly to prevent the necessity of increasing the rale of taxation. Why shouldn't the outlying sections which are experienc ing the big growth pay the advanced costs? City and lown workers' pay generally has increased be cause of rising living costs; but is it fair to compare these wages with those of production woi-kers in industrial plants where output has increased al most as mucil as pay I'ates'? I think nol. In a good many cases, lowii employees have not upped ilieir prediielivily, afid some are periinps cveii goldbrickiiig on their jobs. Lois of siicti workers conldn'i gel work in indus try. Wli0 would hire iheni? You can see, in localities whei'e the welfare rolls are made public, that the N E T cosl of honest old-age assistance and other charily work is nol exceptionally bui-densome. The Federal Government and the State reimbui'se the local treas urer for most of these expendi tures. More important, most of the money remains in the business sti'eam of the communi ty. Even afler paying the required taxes foi' welfare out lays, most merchanls, landlords, and service dealers are better off in terms of nel fiaanciai results. Along with hav ing the satisfaction of Ilelping desei-ving people, they Ijcnefil, in turn, from the expenditures of llicse people. I have expressed myself many times on school cosls. We iTiay as well face the fact that we parents have turned over most of Hie job of bring.'ng up our children to school le'achei's, baby sillei's, and TV. Wc should be ashamed of our- Y O U A N D A T O M I C F SUBSCRIPTION RATES: J4.00 PER Y E A R IN M I C H I G A N . 15.00 ELSEWHERE Advertising Manager Donald Golem Managing Editor Jack Hoffman Superintendent Robert Blough Publisher William C. Sliger W h e t h e r l e s s y o u t h a n h a v e $ 1 0 0 or thousands—to invest—le.irn about Mucuiil Funds—and what they may do for you. o r C o u n c i l P o s t s S i x c a n d i d a t e s w i l l s e e k a village official in his capaci ty as an appointed member of three N o v i village council the village planning boai'd. He seats n e x t m o n t h , a c c o r d - was appointed to that board i n g t o . , C l e r k M r s . M a b e l last year. is the senior councilman. He has sei'ved in his council ca Resident of Wixom for 17 pacity since the incorporation of the village nearly six yeai's years, city councilwoman for ago. He also was a member of seven years, employed in an f<oester has been an unsuc- the charier commission. Ash. administrative capacity, for cessful candidate for nearly a Andei'son was re-elected in 20 years with the Ohio Bell T h e c l e r k said that the half-dozen village and town 1962 lo a two-year term, runf o l l o w i n g p e r s o n s h a d f i l - ship offices here. His latest bid ning behind Councilmen Don- Telephone company in Tole ed n o m i n a t i n g p e t i t i o n s b y for election came two years aid Young and Ray Harrison. do, Ohio, is president of the Social service l a s t S a t u r d a y ' s d e a d l i n e : ago when Councilman Ander Harrison was the leading vote- Sunshine son edgc^d him out for the two- getter in that election. Group, and a member of the I n c i i i m b e n t s Jpsfa^h C r u p i , -year, cpunflil .seat.. Crupi -and -'Lenheiser - were Crossroaab'Presbylerian Chu v i l l a g e " pj%sideili; Pfillip Miss CIloquet currently is a elected four years ago, two rch, Walled Lake Eastern A n d e r s o n , a n d D e a n L e n - secretary of the planning com- years after the incorporation Stars, Novi Rebekah Lodge, h e i s e r ; M i s s E u g e n i e C h o - mission and she is a former of the village. They and Miss and the Wixom Goodfeilows Choquet defeated tlie then iii village cQuncilwoman — the quet, H e r b e r t K o e s t e r a n d only woman 'ever elected to cunlbent councilmen, Russell Association. F r a n k -Mobarak. public office in tlie village. She Button, Dil-k Gi-oenenbei'g, and Two of;-.; tlie terms of office served as- -councilwoman for Dicron Tafralian, for the tlli'ee are for fol3r years, one for two two years, between lOCO and seats. y e a l i , - with the two longest 19S2. She was not a candidate Previous to their eleclion, tei'ilis going to the two candi- for re-election at tlie conclus both Crupi and Lenheiser were dates with the greatest num- ion of her first term of office. among the top five favorites Lottie E . Cliambers her. of, Votes and llie Ihii'd seat Of the tllree incumbents for the city cliarter commis to the candidate with the third seelting re-election, Anderson sion which was automatically Upon my election, I will engreatest number of votes. scrapped ^because city incorp deavor, with the support of the City Council, and the citizens oration had failed. Novi's spring election will be The slate of six candidates of Wixom to continue the held-on Monday, March 9, Plan A i d Course will be the smallest since in same level of civic and IndusOf the six candidates, only ago trial development as program A standard Red Cross First corporation. Two years Mobarak can be considered a newcoiner to Novi elective of Aid course will be held in the names of l2 council candidates med by the founder's of the f i c e - - although Koester has Novi School library from 7 to appeared on the ballot, four City of Wixom, and carried on never been a successful candi 9 p.m., Februai'y 18 through years ago the ballot included by my predecessors of this Mai'ch 31. Classes will be Ileld eight, and six years ago it in high office, such as continued date. road improvement programs, cluded l l . Mobarak actually already is every Tuesday. additional civic development, and further sewer studies. Photic or mite today, Invcslmenl Securities A N D R E W C . REID & C O . Member Detroit Stock Exchange l'hil:ulclpliia — fialtimore Stock Exchange DONALD A. lJUni.ES0N, KclircsentatIvo W,AVFLOiVEIJ HOTEL tiI.-3-i8Jil - IF NO ANSWER GL-3-l!)77 E N E R G Y Meet M a c h i n e s gl-eatly incl'ease t h e p i ' o d u c t i v i t y of the m e n w h o w o r k i n i n i i u s t i ' y . T h e y h e l p m a k e possible higher wages, shorter h o u r s a n d our c o u n t r y ' s supei'Jor l i v i n g s t a n d a r d s . T h e enel'gy the machines use, electric powei', is one of the lesser costs of pl-oduction. Nevci'theless, i t is a pal't of t h e t o t a l , c o s t of the fliiished p r o d u c t . M i c h i g a n d o e s n ' t c o n t a i n m u c h n a t i v e coal, o i l o r gas—not n e a r l y enough t o p r o v i d e a l l the enel'gy necessal-y t o r u n our great i n d u s t r i e s a n d p r o v i d e for the needs of the state's raol-e t h a n 8 - m i l l i o n citizens. S o fuel m i l s t be i m p o i ' t e d a n d i t s t l ' a n s p o r t a t i o n costs m o n e y . A b o u t h a l f of E d i s o l l ' s cost of c o a l is i n the ti'anspoi'tation of it, litei'ally b y the t l ' a i i l lonrl boat load. '^'hI i I n c o n t r a s t , u i „ . . . . . i i i , processea to r u n a n a t o m i c energy p o w e r p l a n t , is measui'ed b y the p o u n d . S o i t s t r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o s t is a n insignificant f a c t o r . G o i n g a step further, t h e E n l ' i c o F e r m i A t o m i c P o w e r P l a n t , near M o r l r o e , has a s p e c i a l k i n d of n u c l e a r reactor, a bi-eeder l-eactor. I believe t h a t this t y p e of reactor, w h i c h produces mol'e fissionable m a t e r i a l t h a n i t consumes, is one of the most i m p o i ' t a n t projects of its k i n d i n the w o i l d . A s D r . Fei-mi s a i d i n 1945, " T h e c o u n t i ' y w h i c h fii'st develops a b-^cder r e a c t o r w i l l h a v e a great c o m p e t i t i v e a d v a n t a g e i n a t o m i c e n e r g y . " •It-is good t h a t M i c h i g a n is the site for this k i n d of research a n d developm e n t w o r k , a n d t h a t the p o w e r i t produces w i l l be distl-ibuted o v e r our^ lines. I t ' s one of the w a y s b y w h i c h we seek to ovel'come h i g h e i ' genei-^'" - g, costs a n d p r o d u c e electl'ic energy at as l o w a cost as possible. A n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of o u r service t o y o u is p r e p a r i n g fol' the futul-e i n this w a y , b y p i o n e e r i n g a n d p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n the reseai'ch a n d d e v e l o p m e n t that) are so m e a n i n c f u l t o y o u , to o u r state, our n a t i o n a n d to the wol'ld at lal'ge Sinceriily, Mra, Enrico Fermi and Walker t. Cialer at Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, October 13, I'M, The plant ia named in honor of the Walker L. Cislor, Prosidont late, famoua Italian-American phyaiciat. DETROIT EDISON O P E N H O U S E — P a r e n t s a n d s t u d e n t s t u r n e d o u t b y the hundreds this Rast w e e k f o r o p e n h o u s e p r o g r a m s at O r c h a r d H i l l s a n d Novi s c h o o l s . J e r r y R a c e a n d h i s f a t h e r (left, s t a n d i n g ) i n s p e c t a c l a y m o d e l of a r c h i t e c t u r a l W i z a r d r y m a d e a n d s h o w n b y J o h n L y o n (left), D a v i d B r a n c h (seated) a n d J i m H u n y a d i , w h o is n o t i n the p i c t u r e . T h e dis play was one of m a n y that d r e w parents' attention. Wesley McAtee Resident of Wixom for 10 years, married with five cliildren, was elected mayor of Wixom two years ago, was candidate for village pi'esidenl in 1957 and mayor in 1958, is past president of Wixom P - T A , was member of the city charter commis sion, village ,,.ji3pprporation cowm'itt(i6,1S''ffii!fhbdr of (nv-" ic association and Masons, owner of an office supply and a recently opened book and card shop, both located in Plymouth. Your next two-year period. Paving of both Charms and Maple roads should be completed dur ing the next fiscal year, Resident of the Wixom area siilce 1943 and of the city since 1954, retired froln Detroit Police . Department after 25 years service, was elected Justice of the Peace for two-year term upon adoption of the Wixom charter and re-elected to a four year term in 1960, organized the Wixom Goodfeilows association in 1958 and 1las been active in the group since that time, elected president of the Wixom Chamber of Commerce in li)63, member of Lulhel-an CIlurch. Candidates we cannot impose our ideas on the citizens. Instead we must discuss them with the citizens at public meetings and then I feel we have barely scratch be guided in our decisions by ed the surface of the parks the opinions of tliese citizens. and recreation program inaug 2. We must do everything urated during the past two within our power to attract in years. The delight of tlie chil dustry and residential develop dren and the increased interest ment to Wixom. Only with an of the adults convinces me increasing tax base can we that the broadening of this pro hope to provide adequate funds gram is a bit of our tax dollar for additional public improvewell spent, ft obviously is a tystep in the rigllt direction to 3. Wliile Wixom presently My inlentions are to appoint ward a good physical fitness has a good police department, a Senior Citizens Planning and program. we inust recognize that even Activities Committee. Tile city MUST during tile something good can be made I feel any issue of a con next fiscal year adopt a sal better. Witil 25 years of past troversial nature shall be ary schediile for its municipal experience in police worli, I brought to the public before employees. believe I can be of assistance the enactment of any resolu Citizens serving on the plan in tilis area. Specifically, I be tion for amendment to the City ning commission, zoning board lieve our department should Charter, lake advantage of the excelI llave not contemplated the of appeals, parks and recrea lent courses offered to police tion commission, and other replacement of any of the Ad officers by Michigan State uni ministrative Staff who are pre boards and coillmission necesDepartment. Furthermore, it sently fulfilling the obligations sai7 for smooth operation of the governmental machinery seems to me that our high of their respective offices. must certainly be comiilended way safety program can and for the fine cooperation that sllould be improved. Wesley McAtce they iiave given this adminis4. Although the Chamber of Commerce has done a great Unlike most incumbent can- tration. deal in aiding the city's recrea d'dales running for an elective tion programs, I believe more office, I believe it is more es William Welkc community effort is needed. sential to tell tlie voting public If elected to tile office of We need more citizen particiwhat the candidate hopes to accomplish in tile next two mayor, I shall endeavor to ad pation and fiilancial contribu years ratlier than dwell on the dress myself to these six lJia- tions to provide adequate and wholesome recreational actlviaccomplishments of the past. jor areas: l . Altllough most of us will lies and projects for our youth. The continuation of our road 5. In my opinion the position program is liigh on the list of admit tilat many improve goals to be achieved in the ments are needed in Wixom, of inayor requii'es the fulltime of tile man who fills the job. Only then, can the citizen T o w n s h i p A s s e s s m e n t be confident of smooth-running government and be sure he.iS: getting a 'dollar's worth vi work for a dollar's worth of \ e a r i n g C o m p l e t i o n lax. I am in a position to deTile assessment program un agreed to develop plans for a vote full-time to tlie job and derway in>Novi townsliip is ex- storage building to be located dius will,be able to see that pectud to be coinpleted within in tile township park at Walled the people get thciir money's a montil, township board mem- Lake. Its purpose as envision worth at all limes., 0. A good mayor lias lo glye bei's learned nt tlleir meeting ed by board members would be for llousing township equip the people Ilis ear al all limes. Monday. Assessing work is being done ments such as tractors, spray Only then can lie be sure-of the public pulse, be sure that by Lahman Bower, assessor of ers, etc. the various city departments Commerce township. Nearly Officials estiiiinted the cost all properties within the town- of the building at between ai'e doing tile best job possible. I always have been avail ship have been inspected, he $2,500 and ?3,000. able lo the people as their told members, and data con will continue to Tile board also discussed but judge, and cerning these properties lias been recol'ded on a card sys- took no action on plans for do so as inayor in connection liiring a full-time lifeguard for Willi all city business and aftern. fairs. In oilier business, the board the park. W i x o m e l e c t o r s w i l l go to the p o l l s T u e s d a y i n '.vhat m a y p r o v e to b e o n e of the h o t t e s t i f n o t c l o s e s t G o v e r n o r p r i m a r y r a c e s i n the h i s t o r y o f t h a t c i t y . C i t e s 7 a . m . a n d c l o s e at 8 p . m . i n the c i t y h a l l . E l e c t o r s Polls for both U - H a u l A letter of congratulations has been received by tlie U Haul Trailer - Corjtqrfttion' which Will soon open a factory in Novi, from Governor George Romney. A copy of the letter, for warded to The, News, reads: "Progress of your company which necessitates larger fa cillties at Novi is a gratifying developinent iii Michigan's ex pansion. "Your requirements for ad ditional manufacturuig space indicates Michigan is a good location for industry." The new U-Haul plant is lo cated on Seely road, just north of Grand River. According to a spokesman for the firm, the building is about 30 to 60 days away froin occupancy. The exterior of Ihe 120 X 105 foot building has been completed and woritmen are presently working on tlie in terior. Estimated cost of con struction is $105,000. The plant reportedly will serve both as a factory for the manufacturing of trailers and as an office-relail outlet for trailer rents. Wixom precincts will open at of b o t h p r e c i n c t s w i l l v o t e i n t h e s a m e b u i l d i n g , b u t in separated areas. . '" M&it of the ekftiwi Iuvet generntcd by the runoff for (lis miiyor's post where Ihe in cuinbent is battling two other inunicipal officials l0r noniinntion. ".gainst rouncilwoman M r s . John Chambers and J P V V i l liam Welke, both of whom-are equally determined lo win a place on the Api'il election bal lot. All three candidates are veterans of past Wixom elections Mayor Wesley McAlee, who and have been waging an in is determined lo retain a muni- creasingly active campaign as cipal job acquired in an elec- the primai'y draws closer. lion two yeaf's ago, is pitted Tllree weeks ago, tlie mayor tossed a bombshell into the ring by declaring that Mrs. Chambers should disqualify herself because she has two years remaining on her fouryear council term. Dog Clinic Area dog owners were rcinindcd this week of the ra bies vaecinalioiI clinic for dogs scheduled for Saturday. The cliiiic will be held frem l to 4 p.m. ut the village hnll. Charge fur vaccinations al the ellnic, conducted by the coiinty, will be two dolInrs. He claimed that if she is elected mayor, tile people will have no opportunity to elect a replacement for tile unexpired term on the council. He sug gested an amendment to the cliarter, requiring such a candidate resign from Ilis (or her) council post. On the other hand, McAtee has been on the receiving end of indirect criticism from his opponents because he is un able to devote full-time to the job while operating businesses in a neighboring community. In the only other contest in the primary, tllree men are battling foi' the single fouryear justice of peace post now held by Welke. They are form er Wixom Mayor Joseph Stadnik, Elwood Grubb, a claims adjuster, and Harry Wimmer, a i-etired delective from the Detroit police department. Although three council seats will be up for election next spring, there is no primary competition for the posts since only five candidates — three of Ihem incumbent.s — are seeking election. They arc: lnciimbcnts Oscar Sluimons, Fred Beamish and Gunnar Mctlala, Gene Kohlhorst anil Donald Nissen. According lo City Clerk Mrs. Pearl Willis, a total of 727 per sons are registered lo vote in llie eleclion — or about 46 fewer lhan were registered for the previous election. S T E E L G I R D E R S U P — Novi's new j u n i o r high school began to t a k e s i g n i f i c a n t s h a p e t h i s past w e e k w i t h t h e e r e c t i o n o f s t e e l g i r d e r s . In t h e f o r e g r o u n d o f t h e p i c t u r e is a r o o m w i t h i n t h e e d u c a tlonal plant w h i l e the taller framework g y m n a s i u m is i n the b a c k g r o u n d . of the Tlie reduction in registration, she cxplaiiicd, is primarily the result of new registration regulalions established by the new stale constitution which permits voter registrations to remain on llie rolls only if the citizen has voted within a two year period. 1'rcvlously, the requirement was for four years.
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