February 22, 2009hot! - The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
February 22, 2009hot! - The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The Week Ahead Sunday February 22 Second Collection Education Fund/Maintenance Fund Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast & Donuts Connor Center 11:30 am Safe Environment Training Board Room/Connor Center 5:00 pm Youth Group Youth Room Tuesday February 24 7:00 pm Christian Initiation Connor Center Wednesday February 25 Ash Wednesday 7:00 am Senior High Prayer & Coffee Will’s Coffee Shop Thursday February 26 7:00 pm Parish Council Connor Center Friday February 27 5:30 pm Lenten Dinner Connor Center 6:00 pm Vietnamese Stations of the Cross Cathedral 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Cathedral Saturday February 28 9:00 am First Reconciliation Cathedral Sunday March 1 Second Collection Maintenance Fund Coffee & Donuts (R.E. Board) Connor Center 11:15 am St. Vincent de Paul Connor Center 2:00 pm Rite of Election Cathedral 4:30 pm Rite of Election Cathedral 7:00 pm Rite of Election Cathedral Parish Collections February 14 & 15, 2009 Operations Maintenance/AC Fund For the Poor - St. Vincent de Paul $11,688.00 $3,078.00 $76.00 First Reconciliation & Banners will be Saturdays, February 28 and March 7, 2009 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, beginning in the Cathedral. The Book Club’s reading selection for February is Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey by Rachel Simon. The discussion date is February 28, 2009 at 10:00 in the home of Rose Templeton. For more information or questions call Dianna Robayo, 528-2268. Safe Environment training will be held today Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 11:30 am in the Board Room, Connor Center. To sign up or for more information, contact Faith Reilly at 523-3057 or [email protected]. Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, February 22, 2009 Readings & Responsorial Psalm Ritual Song Hymnal #1090 Sunday February 22, 2009 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 43: 18-25, Psalm 41, 2 Corinthians 1: 18-22, Mark 2: 1-12 8:00 am All Souls 10:00 am Betty Novak (Mary Jung) 11:45 am Anna Tran Thi Sau (Da Hoang) Monday February 23, 2009 St. Polycarp Sirach 1: 1-10, Psalm 93, Mark 9: 14-29 7:30 am Peace & Safety of Our U.S. Military Tuesday February 24, 2009 Sirach 2: 11, Psalm 37, Mark 9: 30-37 7:30 am Rita Brost (McGuigan Family) Wednesday February 25, 2009 Ash Wednesday Joel 2: 12-18, Psalm 51, 2 Corinthians 5: 20—6: 2, Matthew 6: 16-18 8:30 am Mary Kay Burgess (Margaret Keaton) 12:00 noon Teresa Hafer 6:00 pm Edna & Earl Berry 7:30 (VN) Vincent Thursday February 26, 2009 Deuteronomy 30: 15-20, Psalm 1, Luke 9: 22-25 7:30 am Phanixco Nguyen Van Hoa (Hoang Family) Friday February 27, 2009 Isaiah 58: 1-9, Psalm 51, Matthew 9: 14-15 7:30 am Mary Saturday February 28, 2009 Isaiah 58: 9-14, Psalm 86, Luke 5: 27-32 8:30 am Cal Williams (Al Smith) 5:00 pm Mary Kay Burgess (Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poolman) Sunday March 1, 2009 First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9: 8-15, Psalm 25, 1 Peter 3: 18-22, Mark 1: 12-15 8:00 am Bill Jewel (Utona Jewell) 10:00 am Intentions of Cindy Foley (Margaret & Art Eckroat) 11:45 am Phanixco Nguyen Van Hoa (Hoang Family) Religious Education Update: The R.E. classes are supporting the SUPERBOWL OF CARING for January and February 2009 – please bring $1.00 and 1 can of soup to class on Wednesdays. The canned food will go to the OKC Regional Food Bank and the dollars collected will be given to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday February 25, 2009. The Mass schedule is as follows: 8:30 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm in Vietnamese. All Masses will be in the Cathedral. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 22, 2009 OLPH YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES February 22 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Youth Group “Mardi Gras Party” Youth Room Bring new items for Catholic Charities basket: baby bottles, booties, onesies, pacifiers, baby lotion, baby shampoo, Q-tips, baby wipes, small packages of diapers, (or gift certificates for diapers), receiving blankets. March 8 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Youth Group Youth Room March 22 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Youth Group Youth Room Scripture & Prayer every Wednesday at 7:00 am at Will’s (NW 43 & Western) all Senior High students are welcome! No meeting during Spring Break, March 18, 2009. Attention Confirmation 2 candidates! There is a Confirmation Retreat March 7, 2009 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm in the youth room, Mercy Center. This retreat is required. Contact Faith Reilly, 523-3057 or [email protected] for more information. Catholic Foundation Scholarships are Available! The Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma offers college and graduate school scholarships in the following areas: Undergraduate degrees in college or university of your choice Graduate degrees in college or university of your choice University of Oklahoma Medical School Nursing School of your choice St. Gregory’s University One year scholarships, renewable for up to four years are available to qualified Catholic applicants through the foundation. You may receive an application packet from your high school counselor, pastor, DRE, youth minister or the Foundation Office. If you have any further questions please contact Toby Boothe, Catholic Foundation Administrative Assistant, 405-721-4115 or [email protected]. You may also download an application from cfook.org. Completed applications are due April 17, 2009. PANCAKE BREAKFAST TODAY! George Washington's Birthday Members of our Oklahoma Council (No. 1038) Knights of Columbus will serve pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, and hash browns -- as well as breakfast fruits for lighter dining and donuts for the kids, TODAY Sunday morning, February 22, at Connor Center from 8:45 am until 11:45 am. Breakfast will be served after 8:00 am Mass, continuing after 10:00 am Mass and until start of the 11:45 am Vietnamese Mass. Cost is $5 per person. The Knights give back everything they net from these breakfasts, plus a lot more. Our Knights seek to live the principles of their order: charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. It's Washington's Birthday today, come celebrate with us, enjoy breakfast and support a good cause. Membership applications will be provided to those interested. For more information about the Knights, contact Our Lady's parishioner and Council No. 1038 Deputy Grand Knight Pat McGuigan, 528-2002 or fellow Knight Michael Spidell, 843-5104. Our Lady’s Lenten dinners and Stations of the Cross begin Friday, February 27, 2009. All are invited to have a light dinner from 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm in Connor Center followed by Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral. The hosts of the dinners are the boards and committees of the Cathedral parish. There is no fee. February 27 PTO March 6 RCIA March 13 Parish Council March 20 Choir March 27 Youth Group April 3 Confirmation 1&2 The youth mission trip for 2009 is to Chicago, June 13-21. We are sending 18 high school and 6 adults from our parish. Please keep this mission team in your prayers as they plan and prepare for mission work this summer. If you would like to support our Young Neighbors mission team, the cost is about $600.00 per person for the week. This includes meals, lodging, work supplies, transportation and insurance. We are very grateful for whatever you can do to help support this ministry. Thank you, Faith Reilly, 523-3057 or [email protected]. The 30th Annual Mexican Dinner benefiting the Mount St. Mary Key Club is scheduled for Sunday March 8, 2009 from 11:00 am until 3:00pm at Mount St. Mary High School cafeteria. All are invited to enjoy dinner catered by Chelino’s, the cost is: children 12 and under $5.00 and adults $10.00. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 22, 2009 Bishop John Carroll School is working on their 2008-2009 yearbook. We need your support! We are producing our first hardcover book and would like to help keep the cost affordable to our families. Your support will help us in our effort. We welcome business ads, family ads, well wishes for graduates...any thing you desire. The DEADLINE is March 2, 2009, so don't delay! Ad sizes and prices are as follows: Business card size - $25 1/4 page - $50 1/2 page - $75 Full page - $125 ***Discount for parents and grandparents or relatives of 8th graders on a Full size page are $100. All camera ready art should be emailed to BJCS art teacher Carolyn Rossow at: [email protected] If you have any questions concerning your submission please contact Lisa Edmonds at [email protected] or you may call Lisa at 818-6678. Checks should be made payable to Bishop John Carroll School. Thank you for your support!! *********************************************************************************************************************************************** “In the Father’s Footsteps” Bishop McGuinness High School will again be the location for the 13th Annual “In the Father’s Footsteps” Men Conference Saturday, February 28, 2009. Please join men of all ages in this wonderful day of learning, reflection, fellowship, reconciliation and celebration of the Eucharist with Archbishop Beltran. We will have 4 speakers that will cover all aspects of being “Men of Honor.” Register today on line at www.catholicmen.net or with a brochure found in the entrance to the Cathedral. “Dead Man Walking” author Sister Helen Prejean will be the guest speaker at the Annual Dinner for the Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Sister Helen’s book, nominated for a 1993 Pulitzer Prize, was on the New York Times Best Seller List for 31 weeks. The film adaptation received four Oscar nominations. Sister Helen is the founder of “Survive,” a victim’s advocacy group in New Orleans. She also continues to counsel not only inmates on death row but the families of murder victims as well. The event will begin at 6:00 pm on Saturday, March 21, 2009 in Connor Center. Sister will be available at 5:00 pm to autograph books and meet attendees. All are welcome to attend. The cost is $40.00 for adults and $17.50 for students. Reservations may be made by calling 239-2454. St. Patrick’s Ball – tickets and corporate sponsorships are on sale now for the 2009 St. Patrick’s Grand Marshal Ball scheduled for Saturday, March 7, 2009 at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day while you bring hope to homeless families. All proceeds of the Ball benefit a new day center for the homeless sponsored by Catholic Charities. Contact Jane Moon, 526-2319 or [email protected] for details. Come and See Weekend will be March 28-30, 2009 at Conception Seminary College is a trip for young men in high school who would like to visit a seminary. This is an excellent opportunity to meet seminarians who are discerning their call to the Priesthood. This visit is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Vocations Office and is free. Please contact your pastor or the Vocations Office, 405-721-9351 or email [email protected]. John Michael Talbot Concert Singer John Michael Talbot will perform in concert Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 7:30 pm at Epiphany Church, 7336 W. Britton Road. Tickets are $15.00 in advance or $20.00 the day of the concert. Proceeds will help rebuild the monastery destroyed by fire in 2008. Tickets are available at Epiphany Church, Office of Worship (Pastoral Center), St. Thomas More Books (OKC), Sacred Heart Gifts (Edmond), and Mardel Stores (4 metro locations). The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 22, 2009 Irma’s and Bishop John Carroll School invite you, your family and friends to come enjoy a great burger all day after the pancake breakfast today SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2009, FOr Bishop John Carroll School Family Day. Irma’s Burger Shack in the Plaza Court (1125 CLASSEN DRIVE) will donate 10% of sales back to us. Just tell your server you are from Bishop John Carroll School!
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