Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule
Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule
Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 26 8:00 p.m. ~ Father Ron Saturday, April 2 ~ Father Ron Easter Sunday, March 27 7:30 a.m. ~ Father Ron 9:00 a.m.* ~ Father Andy 10:30 a.m. (Church) ~ Father Andy 10:30 a.m. (Gym) ~ Father D’Silva 12:30 p.m. ~ Father D’Silva 5:30 p.m. ~ Father O Sunday, April 3 ~ Father Ron ~ Father Regis ~ Father Ron ~ Father Andy ~ Father Andy ~ Father D’Silva *American Sign Language interpreted Mass Weekday & Saturday Masses Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m., 11 a.m. Filipino Mass in Tagalog every 4th Sunday at 4 p.m. Holy Day Masses Eve of the Feast: 5:30 p.m. Day of the Feast: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament* Exposition: Monday-Friday, 3-5:15 p.m., in the church Thursday before first Friday of each month, 6-8 p.m., with Holy Hour from 7-8 p.m. *No adoration on federal holidays Inside This Issue • March 27, 2016 Upcoming Faith Formation Events • 3 Servant Leaders for Christ Youth Group • 3 Our School is Your School • 5 Second Annual Parish Forum • 6 Thought for the Week From Pope Francis 3630 Quesada Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20015 202.966.6575 • Phone 202.966.9255 • Fax Blessed Sacrament School 5841 Chevy Chase Parkway, NW Washington, D.C. 20015 202.966.6682 The Church’s first truth is the love of Christ. The Church makes herself a servant of this love and mediates it to all people: a love that forgives and expresses itself in the gift of oneself. Consequently, wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must be evident. In our parishes, communities, associations and movements, in a word, wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy (The Face of Mercy, 12). This Month Poor Box Donations Donations collected during the month of March will benefit the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House, which provides a home for five previously homeless families and also distributes food and clothing. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Pastoral Staff Rev. Ronald A. Potts, Pastor • [email protected] Rev. Andrew Gonzalo, Parochial Vicar • [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Maurice V. O’Connell, Retired Priest • [email protected] Rev. Percival L. D’Silva, Retired Priest • [email protected] Deacon Kenneth Angell • [email protected] Deacon Donald Mays • [email protected] Assistants on Weekends Rev. Regis Armstrong, OFM Cap, Catholic University Duffy Parish Center Main Office 202.966.6575 (Monday - Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) In an Emergency 202.966.6575, Ext. 3988 (to page priest on duty) Facilities 202.449.4610 Pius X Library 202.449.3974 Ray Manning Adult Center 202.363.4512 Mr. John Navolio, Business Manager 202.449.3984, [email protected] Mr. Jay Rader, Director of Liturgy and Music 202.449.3981, [email protected] Ms. Michelle Balch, Director of Religious Education 202.449.3989, [email protected] Ms. Rosalie Days, Sacramental Preparation Coordinator 202.449.4618, [email protected] Ms. Casey Armand, Youth Minister 202.449.3985, [email protected] Mrs. Patricia Kavanaugh, Social Concerns Minister 202.449.3987, [email protected] (Office open Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., and by appointment) Ms. Emma Voelzke, Special Needs Coordinator 202.449.3990, [email protected] Ms. Kathy Gillespie, Director of CYO 202.449.3972, [email protected] Blessed Sacrament School Mr. Chris Kelly, Principal 202.966.6682, [email protected] Ms. Nancy Ryan, Director of Admissions 202.966.6682, Ext. 6110, [email protected] Sacraments Baptism • Baptismal classes are required of all parents prior to baptism. We recommend taking classes before the child is born. Group baptisms are offered every 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday at 2:00pm. For more info on requirements and procedures, visit: sacrament-rites Matrimony • All couples who are to be married at Blessed Sacrament must complete our parish marriage preparation program. Please contact one of the parish priests six months in advance of your marriage date. Reconciliation • Friday and Saturday after the 11 a.m. Mass (if no funeral); Saturday, 4 - 5 p.m. and after the 5:30 p.m. Mass, or anytime by appointment. Parish Services & Information Care Of The Sick & Homebound • If you or someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like a priest to visit, contact the parish office at 202.966.6575. New Parishioners • Welcome! Please register by stopping in at the parish office, or using the registration form available online or from the pamphlet rack at the Quesada Street entrance to the church. Bulletin Announcements • Deadline: Mondays @ 10 a.m. Send to: [email protected] Newsletter Content • [email protected] Website Postings • [email protected] Church Bulletin Boards • The parish secretary maintains the church bulletin boards. Please drop off any flyers for posting to Joan Ward in the parish office, Duffy parish center. Inclement Weather Policy • The parish center/office follows Montgomery County Schools for delays and closings. All evening activities are cancelled those days the schools are closed. Pastor’s Column The Lord has indeed risen, Alleluia. Glory and kingship be His forever. The words of the entrance antiphon for Easter Sunday express the truth and joy of the Lord’s resurrection. We ask God to renew us through His Son’s resurrection to live lives worthy as His children. In our first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Peter gives testimony to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Peter along with the other witnesses chosen by God saw the Lord after His resurrection. Jesus appeared to the apostles and the women, explained the Scriptures to them and reminded them of all He had taught them. In this way, they were able to pass from despair and doubt to joy and faith. Our faith comes to us from the apostles and is transmitted in and through the Church so that we might give testimony to the Lord’s goodness to others. In St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he reminds us to “think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” He reminds us not to lose our focus since we are bombarded on all sides in our daily life with messages contrary to Christ. We have “died with Christ” and our lives are “hidden with Christ in God.” The path of the Christian life we follow is an unbroken following of the mystery of Christ. We have the promise of sharing in the glory of Christ when He comes at the end of time. Meanwhile, we actively take on the challenge of becoming the saints we have been called to be through Baptism. In our gospel passage from John, Mary Magdalene returns to the apostles with the news of the empty tomb. Peter and John set out towards the tomb immediately. Although John arrives first, he allows Peter to inspect the tomb where he finds the burial cloths in a pile. John enters the tomb and immediately he sees and believes. For John, the sign of the empty tomb led to a full knowledge of the Scriptures. The Lord’s resurrection is the supreme blessing for all believers. We look forward to the day when the Lord will come at the end of time and we too shall experience the fullness of the resurrection. Each one of us must announce the good news to our world, “The Lord is risen as He promised.” God bless you, Father Ron Spring Faith Journey- Monday April 18 Please join Fr. Ron and other parishioners on a day trip to historic churches and sites in Bowie and Annapolis, MD on Monday, April 18 at 9 a.m. We will begin with Sacred Heart Chapel and Cemetery in Bowie where following the Revolutionary War the priests of our new nation elected John Carroll as the first American bishop and in 1789 plans were made to establish Georgetown University. Next, on to Annapolis for lunch by the water, followed by tours of Historic St. Mary’s Church and the Charles Carroll House and Garden. For futher information, contact Rita Killian at [email protected] or 202.363.5069. Faith in the Marketplace Blessed Sacrament’s first Friday men’s group will not meet April 1st due to Spring Break for the schools, but will gather April 8th. The speaker will be announced in next week’s Bulletin. 2 Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Servant Leaders For Christ Events for High School and 8th Grade teens Purple = service events; blue = social events; green = MCYM (Montgomery County Youth Ministries) events, with other youth ministry groups from the area. APRIL Sunday 17th: Sports & Games with KEEN [Kids Enjoying Exercise Now: for children with disabilities], 9am-3pm Meet at 9am Mass followed by brunch, service 11am-3pm Saturday 23rd: Faith Night at DC United vs. New England soccer game, 2:30pm tailgate picnic & games, 5:30 soccer game [with Blessed Sacrament’s Young Catholics with Disabilities group and Our Lady of Lourdes Youth Group] MAY Saturday 14th: Cup of Joe at SHARE Warehouse, 9am-11:30am followed by lunch & social time SUMMER (many more events to come) STEUBENVILLE NYC YOUTH CONFERENCE: June 23-26, Day of Service in New York followed by a festive weekend of faith and fun at St. John’s University (hosted by LifeTeen and Franciscan University of Steubenville) Spots are limited for this conference, please RSVP ASAP!!! Students must RSVP at least three days in advance & submit a permission slip for each event. Adult chaperones and drivers are always needed, please get in touch! more info and to register forregister events, contact Casey Armand: ForFor more information and to for these events, please [email protected] or 202.449.3985 contact Casey Armand: [email protected] 202-449-3985 Holy Hour and the ChristLife Program Six parishioners, including members of the Parish Council and our Director of Religious Education, received training in mid-January for the ChristLife program. This opening to the New Evangelization, already active in 40 parishes of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, is endorsed by the Archdiocese of Washington. Blessed Sacrament will host a pilot session for ChristLife in April/May and, if all goes well, adopt the program parish-wide next September. ChristLife is designed for “seekers,” whether they be regular churchgoers, Catholics who have fallen away from practicing their faith, or people who are hearing the Gospel for the first time. Father Ron believes that openness to a personal encounter with Jesus is essential to ChristLife’s flourishing at Blessed Sacrament. He asks parishioners to pray for the program’s success at our monthly Holy Hour, the first Thursday of each month. The next Holy Hour is 7-8 p.m., April 7, in the church. For more info about ChristLife, visit or contact Dave Byers (dbyers4@ or Ceil Malphrus ([email protected]). Newly Baptized Eleanor Katherine Warren Please include our sick in your prayers that they may experience healing and comfort Alejandro Arce Annielou Bayly Berman William H. Casson Linda Defendeifer Marian Middendorf Barrie & Elizabeth Montague Fredy H. Ortega Daniel Ortman Richard B. Perry Nelly Turner Violeta Turner Hope Elena Katz-Zogby March 27, 2016 Faith Formation In the light of the Easter Resurrection, let us remember those still being actively persecuted for their faith: The martyrs are the sign that God is alive and always present among us. His merciful love is manifested visibly and tangibly in Jesus Christ, who promised never to leave his Church and those who have chosen to follow him faithfully: “Behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28:20). . . .The martyrs are not only the physical presence of Jesus in a hostile world that is impervious to the Gospel; they are also man’s most radical response to God’s love. Indeed, there is no greater proof of love than to give one’s life for those who one loves. God really gave himself for us, even unto death. It is through death that we respond truly and totally to God’s love. Robert Cardinal Sarah, God or Nothing Sodality Ladies – You’re Invited! Join like-minded women for cocktails and conversation about joining Blessed Sacrament Sanctuary Sodality! April 7, 7-10 p.m. 3605 Cardiff Rd, Chevy Chase MD RSVP: [email protected] Sanctuary Sodality Monthly Mass & Meeting Thursday, April 7 at 8:30 a.m. Join us for 8:00 am Mass followed by our monthly meeting in the parish center at 8:30 a.m. Magnificat will host the meeting and provide a light breakfast. All units are asked to send at least one representative to hear news about upcoming events, including the May Dinner and induction of new members. DID YOU KNOW? Sanctuary Sodality is the oldest ministry at Blessed Sacrament? In fact, we are even older the the church building itself. In 1910, Msgr. Smyth asked two women to care for a little mission church on Chevy Chase Parkway and to prepare its small sanctuary for the celebration of Mass on Sunday morning. With this simple request he began a long and proud tradition which continues today in the organization known as the “Blessed Sacrament Sanctuary Sodality.” Boy Scout 95th Anniversary Dinner Saturday, April 30 at 6:30 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Sponsored Boy Scout Troop 90 will be holding a 95th Anniversary Dinner at the Blessed Sacrament School Auditorium. Father Justin Huber will preside over the Annual Scout Mass at 5:30 p.m. before the dinner. All Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts, as well as all past Troop members and their families, are invited to attend. For reservations, call Alan Belanger (202.436.2192) or John Higgins (301.656.7202). Reservation deadline is April 18. R est in Peace Patricia Chesen 3 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Visit Your Parish Library The Music of Easter “The Miracle,” the hit on YouTube, is just one of the many contemporary songs of Easter. However, liturgical chant, developing from the early liturgy of the church, has become increasingly popular, judging from the number of collections available. “Gregorian chant is an irreplaceable treasure of our human and Christian heritage, a truly ‘ecumenical witness to the undivided Church,’” wrote Dom Gregory Casprini. This Easter, experience the moving expression of this music as it reflects our Easter joy. Gregorian Chant and Polyphony, the Monks of L’Abbaye du BecHellouin (272.21 G862). This small book is “a music-lover’s guide to understanding and appreciation” of chant. The book describes its history and the 6th century work of St. Gregory the Great, who “was involved in the development and arrangement of the liturgy.” The many illustrations come from ancient texts and sources. Gregorian Easter, Capella Gregoriana. Chants for Palm Sunday, Holy Saturday’s Easter Vigil and Vespers for Easter make this a stunning disc. The accompanying leaflet traces the development of chant: St. Jerome (347-420) obtained the Jerusalem liturgy and this led to the first reorganization of Roman liturgy and chant. Pope Gregory then “compiled a cycle of chants for the church year.” Subsequently composers of Western music used the melodies of the early chants to develop polyphony, notably those working at the Church of Notre Dame in Paris. For more information about these and other music discs, call the library, 202.449.3974. From The Community Please join the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University for a public dialogue on Faith, Francis, and the 2016 Campaign on Wednesday, March 30 at 7 p.m. in the ICC Building at Georgetown University. Speakers will include Lauren Ashburn (EWTN News Nightly); E.J. Dionne, Jr. (columnist Washington Post); Emma Green (The Atlantic); Gregory Smith, (Pew Research Center); and Michael Sean Winters (columnist National Catholic Reporter). For more information or to RSVP, email [email protected] or visit catholicsocialthought. From The Archdiocese Annual Jubilarian Mass: His Eminence, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, will celebrate the annual Jubiliarian Mass honoring couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 51+ years on Sunday, June 19, at 2 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. To register, complete the sign-up form, available in the back of the church and in the pamphlet rack at the Quesada Street entrance to the church, and deliver or mail it to the parish office by Monday, April 11. Sponsor Of The Week We would like to thank Alyssa Crilley for placing an ad in our weekly bulletin. The Adult Center All parishioners, 39 and holding, are invited to gather in Apt. 1 in the Chevy Chase apartment building next to the church for fellowship after the 11 a.m. weekday Mass. Bring a sandwich and join the activities. For more information or for transportation, call Rita Killian at 202.363.5069. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Closed Strong Seniors: Strength & Balance Exercises Art Class with Dick Swartz Closed Closed Coffee and Conversation in the Corbett Café Join fellow parishioners at the Corbett Café, Apartment 1 of the Chevy Chase Apartments next to the church every Thursday after the 8 a.m. Mass for coffee and conversation. Chimes Chatter On your next passing by the George Washington Masonic Memorial on Callahan Drive, Alexandria, VA, think about the days when tubular chimes (similar to ours) rang from that very peak of the obelisk. Continuing Photo by Joe Bozik our series about other Deagan chimes systems within a 50 miles radius of Blessed Sacrament, a Deagan arrangement of tubes, was installed there five years before ours in February 1930. Deagan technician, E.L. Russell fitted the 20-tone tubular chimes in the upper chamber of the tower (ours have 16 tones), and the chimes operated for the next 25 years until it succumbed to “modern” technology. At a dedication ceremony of the Memorial on May 12, 1932, commemorating the bicentennial year of George Washington’s birth, President Herbert Hoover participated and presumably heard the tubular chimes in concert. In 1955, the Deagan Company offered its new generation “CelestaChimes” electronic system, smaller in scale but amplified through large speakers, and the 20-tone bronze tubes were replaced with the 32-note Celesta-Chimes. Essentially a “suitcase” size chiming system consisting of narrow metal bars of varying lengths struck by electrically energized strikers, the small tone, once started, is accepted by a microphone, and then amplified thousands of times for projection from the eight speakers mounted in the upper chamber (abandoned but still there). The Celesta-Chimes system made it possible to play tunes in any key, and permitted the playing of chords, a feature the tubular bronze chimes could not match. A still newer generation of digital chimes has subsequently replaced the Celesta-Chimes system at the Memorial in recent years. “Chime-in” with your story - Contact [email protected] 4 Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament March 27, 2016 Outreach Chapel Singers a cappella group is getting back together for a Spring season. Come join us on Monday nights from 7:30-9 p.m. beginning March 28 in the chapel to prepare our songs for performance at senior residences. Come see how music stays with all of us for a lifetime. All voices are welcome! Contact Ginny Curtin at [email protected]. Christmas Tree Committee Accepting Proposals The Christmas Tree Committee is accepting proposals from local nonprofit organizations. Applications must be sponsored by a Blessed Sacrament parishioner. For more information, please refer to the Christmas Tree Guidelines located in the school and parish offices, at the church entrances, or on the parish website. Application deadline is March 31, 2016 at 5 p.m. Questions? Contact Pat Kavanaugh, [email protected] or 202.449.3987. Tithe Proposals for 2016 Proposals are now being accepted for the 2016 Tithe Fund until Monday May 2 at 4:30 p.m. Tithe applications and guidelines are available in the parish office, church entrances and on the parish website. Proposals are limited to one per agency and must be sponsored by a parishioner. Agencies are eligible to apply every three years. Please check with your Development Office to determine if you qualify for 2016. Questions? Contact Pat Kavanaugh, pkavanaugh@ or 202.449.3987. Our School is Your School In March, the Blessed Sacrament School Youth Cantor Choir took a bus to New York City to sing during Mass at St. Malachy’s Catholic Church. While they were there, they went to see a Broadway show called Fiddler on the Roof, stayed in a hotel, rode the subway and went to the Museum of Modern Art. The entire school has worked on two different charity projects lately. The first one was to jump rope to raise money for the American Heart Association. Blessed Sacrament School raised over $2,400 by participating in “Jump Rope for Heart.” We also collected spare change for “Pennies for Patients,” and raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The class who raises the most money for “Pennies for Patient’s” wins a free pizza party in their classroom. During the Lenten season, the 3rd and 4th grades have been going to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and Church to look at and learn more about the Stations of the Cross. Last weekend, our parents attended the annual benefit for Blessed Sacrament School. This year, the theme was “Set Sail for a Starlit Affair.” A lot of items were auctioned off to raise money for the school, including a very cute Goldendoodle puppy! Auditions for the annual school Variety Show are coming up. Last year, there were lots of singers and dancers, a karate act, and many more. This year promises to be even better so stay tuned! Thank you for reading this update about some things that have been happening at Blessed Sacrament School. Lee White, 4th Grade Did You Know?? Nike is adding to its lineup of sneakers designed specifically for people with disabilities, with a fresh range of offerings for both kids and adults. They are introducing three new shoes that use its FLYEASE entry system, which relies on a wrap-around zipper to secure the shoe and features a larger opening to make it easier to slide feet in and out. “FLYEASE provides performance-ready lockdown without the need for tying laces – perfect for athletes on the go and for those who may need a little extra assistance,” the company said. For more information about how Blessed Sacrament is becoming a more inclusive community, contact Emma Voelzke at [email protected] or 202.449.3990. The Monsignor Thomas G. Smyth Endowment Fund is currently accepting applications to replace 3 board members whose term ends in June 2016. The members serve for 3 years and the board meets quarterly. The Smyth Fund was created to support and aid the school, its faculty and students (primarily for tuition relief and teacher enrichment). The mission of the Board is to act as an advisor to the Pastor in overseeing the investment and administration of the Fund assets. Annually, the Fund makes a contribution to Blessed Sacrament School, subject to specific requests by the school board, principal and availability of funds. A background in development/ fundraising, finance or investments is helpful but not required. To learn more or apply, please contact Linda Herman at [email protected] or 301.564.5331. Christian Family Movement Ministry The Bullet is Only the Beginning. Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church invites Blessed Sacrament parishioners to a dinner, film and discussion on April 6 about the impact of gun violence (spiritual, emotional, physical, financial). Registration at A Prayer For Help In Ending Violence Let us pray: Loving and faithful God, through the years the people of our archdiocese have prayed in times of war, disaster and illness. We come to you Father and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism. We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which give respect to the life and dignity of all people. Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth that they may be the peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence. Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community. We ask you this through Christ our Lord. 5 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord S E C O N D A N N U A L PA R I S H F O R U M Lead, TO LAY MINISTRY AT BLESSED SACRAMENT TO Shrine of the Most Serve Blessed Sacrament Please join us for a BUFFET SUPPER and an inspiring talk * with Fr. Larry Richards on Lay Ministries in the Year of Mercy 1911 founded * Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. in the School Gym Fr. Larry Richards Evening Program Fr. Larry is a Pastor at St. Joseph’s Parish in the Diocese of Erie and is a Nationally known speaker and author. He has had multiple guest appearances on EWTN and his talks have sold over 3 million CDs. We are excited to have Fr. Larry give our talk on “Lay Ministry in the Year of Mercy”. Blessed Sacrament is excited to celebrate its Second Annual “To Lead, To Serve” Parish Forum on Tuesday April 12, 2016 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. We will begin with a BUFFET SUPPER and the program will immediately follow. We are pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker will be Fr. Larry Richards. The parish forum will be open to all parishioners. There will be no charge for the event. Council and Commission leaders will be available to describe the many opportunities open to volunteers in 2016-17. Food and activities will be available for children in the auditorium during the program. RSVP If you plan on atten u think you might, please RSVP to Dave Byers ([email protected]) or Ceil Malphrus ([email protected]). Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament 3630 Quesada St, NW, Wash, DC 20015 u T: 202.966.6575 u F: 202.966.9255 6 u
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Pastoral Staff
Rev. Ronald A. Potts, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Msgr. Maurice V. O’Connell, Retired Priest
[email protected]
Rev. Percival L. D’Silva, Retired Priest