June 7, 2015 - St. Joseph Farmington


June 7, 2015 - St. Joseph Farmington
Where Hospitality and Love Meet
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Farmington, Missouri
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
From the Pastor’s Pen
Thank You for Standing
in God’s Presence and
Ministering to My
Family and I During Our
Time of Sorrow.
Dear Parishioners,
My sincere and heartfelt thanks for all of the love,
compassion and understanding you extended to me
during the past few months.
It was six months ago that mom had a terrible fall in
her home (I was with our Yesterday’s Kids on our trip
to Branson when I received the call)… The doctors
discovered a large cancerous tumor that caused it and
at the time, the doctor told us that at the most, we
would have about six months of life left with her… or
because of her heart, she could possibly go at any
The past six months have been an amazing
journey of faith and discovery for me and for each
of my siblings.
We never knew a heart could feel so much pain, yet
be filled with so much gratitude at the same time…
With God’s grace and the love of our family…
It has been such a bittersweet yet the most beautiful
We prayed for one last Christmas with mom…
We got it…
We prayed for one last Easter with mom…
We got it…
We prayed for one last Mother’s Day…
We got a day filled with so many blessings that we will
never forget it!
June 7, 2015 •
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Mom always taught us kids by example… and even at
the very end… Mom taught us by example…
how to die with grace, hope and dignity!
Thank you to those who took the time to drive to
Perryville to be with me during the visitation…
Thank you to those who came to her funeral mass…
I will never forget your presence…
Thank you to those who made cakes for the funeral
Thank you for the beautiful basket of red carnations
sent to both Randy and I. Mom loved red carnations.
Thank you to our amazing parish staff; Fr. Dyer, Abe,
Agnes, Lisa, Jessi, Jeannette, and Sandi, who went
beyond the call of any expectations… From making
the funeral programs… to hosting the luncheon at the
farm. Thank you for keeping everything running so
smoothly while I was away for a couple of weeks.
Thank you for the many cards, perpetual enrollments
and mass offerings…
Thank you for the many memorial contributions to the
pavilion that will be built in her memory at the farm and
enjoyed not only by my family but also the hundreds of
retreatants that come for spiritual enrichment through
the year. Thank you for the memorials given to
Cardinal Glennon Children’s hospital in her memory.
The last three weeks were a wonderful and
beautiful time of blessings… I am so thankful that
I had my priorities right and took the time to be
with mom during her final journey and with my
I sincerely thank you for being the awesome parish
family that you are… through you, I felt the very
embrace of God’s love during our hours of
We were blessed with an awesome mother!
And during the last two weeks, we've prayed that God
would lovingly lead mom safely home…
We learned that waiting can be painful…
On behalf of my siblings; Diane, Sharon, Billy,
Randy and Bruce and I, we extend our deepest and
heartfelt thanks!
We learned that God’s greatest gifts come with the
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let your
perpetual light shine upon her.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 3
Cardinal Glennon
Children’s Medical Center
Plants for the Greenhouse
at Our Annual Parish Picnic!
“Where Faith and Healing Unite.”
We will again have our St. Joseph Greenhouse this
year. This is where you can donate houseplants,
bulbs, seedlings, anything from your garden that can
be planted.
Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center touches
the lives of over 250,000 sick and injured infants and
children every year. Catholics across our Diocese
helped build Glennon, the only free-standing, Catholic
children’s hospital in America.
Please be a friend by making a gift to the hospital’s
annual Glennon Sunday Collection this weekend.
Our Parish Picnic
is Only 3 Weeks Away…
Our parish picnic is just 3 weeks away!!! We need
everyone to be involved so that we can make this
year’s picnic one of the best ever for our parish!
Please mark your calendars now for the weekend of
June 27 - 28 to be present to help with this major
fundraising event of our parish. If you need a T-shirt,
please contact Jeannette or Jessi in the parish
office by Friday, June 12!!
Early Bird Tickets for our
“All You Can Eat” Picnic Dinners
on Sale Next Weekend
Receive $1.00 off for an awesome meal
Early bird dinner tickets will be on sale the next two
weekends after all the masses. The prices for our
awesome “ALL YOU CAN EAT” Fried Chicken and
Kettle Beef dinners and our signature side of liver
dumplings will be $9.00 for adults (12 and over)
Children $5.00 (5-11) and children 4 and under are
free!!! If you buy your tickets early you will receive one
dollar off the regular price!!!
You Will Be Receiving
Your Raffle Tickets in the Mail…
Each registered, active and contributing household of
our parish will soon be receiving their raffle tickets in
the mail. We are sincerely hoping that each family will
try to sell a page of the raffle tickets and the quilt
tickets. The grand prize of our raffle this year is
$1,000, second prize $500, third is $250, and fourth
prize is $100. The quilt raffle has three beautiful quilts,
each one handmade by the hands of our St. Joseph
Do your lilies, hydrangeas, irises, flowers need
thinning? If so, we would love to have them to sell
at our greenhouse!
Our Picnic Bottle Booth
Needs Your Help
When you do your weekly grocery shopping could you
pick up a couple of bottles for our bottle booth? Our
picnic bottle booth has absolutely NO overhead and
always generates a great profit.
Every year we run out of bottles with people still wanting
to play. As long as it is nonperishable, unopened, and
hasn’t expired, we would love to have it. Please see
page 13 for ideas.
Want to Un-Clutter Your Lives?
Bring Your Items to our Flea Market
to Help Your Parish…
I recently read that people spend the first half of their
lives collecting things and the second half of their lives
giving it away! It seems the older we get, the less
clutter we wish to have. Psychologists agree that
people who live uncluttered lives are more stress free.
We certainly have a way to help you get rid of your
clutter and reduce your stress!!!
Each year our parish has a flea market at our picnic
and this booth is another one of our successful
endeavors. If you have recently done your spring
cleaning, here is a great place to bring the items from
your closets, cabinets and garages and to know that
you have given them to a great cause, your parish
family!!! No clothing items will be accepted!!!
And Finally…
“Always remember that as long as we keep the
Eucharist the center of our lives, everything else
will fall in place...of that I am confident”!!!
Blessings of Peace…Fr.Rickey
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 4
Our Pastoral Team
Mass Schedule
Very Rev. Rickey J. Valleroy, V.F. .................Pastor
email: [email protected]
Monday thru Friday..................................... 7:00 am
Friday (All School Mass Aug-May).............. 8:05 am
Sunday Observance
Saturday ............................................... 5:00 pm
Sunday ........... 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Holy Days of Obligation.......... 7 am, 8 am and 7 pm
Rev. James W. Dyer.................... Associate Pastor
email: [email protected]
Abe AuBuchon...........................Pastoral Associate
email: [email protected]
Agnes Hinkebein ...................Pastoral Health Care
email: [email protected]
Jane Ramos ....Coordinator of Religious Education
email: [email protected]
Susie Rohrer........................................Co-Principal
email: [email protected]
Shirley Bieser ......................................Co-Principal
email: [email protected]
Kari Scott ..................................Preschool Director
email: [email protected]
Lisa Cartee ................... Office / Business Manager
email: [email protected]
Jessi Howard ................................... Bulletin Editor/
................................................... Event Coordinator
email: [email protected]
Connie Grindel & Phyllis LaPlant...................RCIA
email: [email protected]
Mike Ward ....................... Maintenance Supervisor
Paul Gaines .................................. Pastoral Council
Jim Eaton............................. Financial Commission
Ed Brown ............................. Cemetery Association
Rob Grindel ........................... Knights of Columbus
Parish Business Office Hours
Monday thru Friday • 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
Phone (573)756-4250 • Fax (573)756-6938
10 North Long Street • Farmington, MO 63640
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 4 pm, Sundays 7 am or by appointment
The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are held the first Sunday of the month
after the 10:30 am Mass. Baptismal preparation
class required. Contact Abe AuBuchon.
The Sacrament of Marriage
Celebrated after meeting the bride and groom and
beginning preparation six months before the wedding,
in accordance with Archdiocesan Wedding Policy.
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays 7:30 am through Closing Prayer Service
at 5:15 pm. First Fridays of the month from 9 am
through Closing Prayer Service at 2:15 pm.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Open Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For assistance call 756-0997
Happy Anniversary
June 7, 1980
John & Shirley Bieser
June 7, 1969
Rick & Donna Conklin
June 7, 1987
Happy Birthday
June 7
Maria Adams
Barbara Boyd
Louise Brewer
June 8
Lee Roy & Theresa
June 11 cont.
June 10 cont.
Tyler Crites
Barb Schuh
Bill Sippo
Phil Brockland
June 11
Maudie Kelly
Mia Rizo Martinez
George Benedek
June 10
Tammy Benoist
Pat Beussink
Kate Busenbark
Matthew Bono
Trey Crawford III
Amy Klump
June 10, 1995
Bradley & Julie Downs
June 11, 2011
Mark & Sara Bieser
June 12, 1971
Clinton & Mary Heberlie
June 12, 1999
Jim & Mary Kay
June 12, 1982
Jim & Annette Willis
June 13, 1998
June 10, 1983
Keith & Linda Huck
Harold & Cecila
June 12
Vicki Amsden
Jack Sandweg
June 13
Kevin Brooks
Chuck Scaggs
An Ongoing Commitment
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Eucharistic Celebrations
and Mass Intentions
Week of June 8 - 14, 2015
7:00 am:
2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12
Cyntia Marler
2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135;
Mt 5:13-16
Marc Boardman
7:00 am:
Wednesday: Weekday
Readings: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19
7:00 am: Betty Moriyama
7:00 am:
7:00 am
St. Barnabas
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 85:9ab,
10-14; Mt 5:20-26
Dolores Fitzgerald
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Is 12:2-6;
Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37
Harold Rustemeyer
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt
5:00 pm: Joe Maloney
7:30 am: Brown & Scherer
9:00 am: Frances Weege
10:30 am: Parishioners
visit www.stjosephfarmington.com and click on
“daily mass readings” for easy reference.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Parish Mission Statement
We are called by our Lord Jesus Christ,
to be His church and live His gospel.
We strive to fulfill our baptismal calling
by prayer, worship, teaching and in
sharing our faith and serving others.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and
through our patron St. Joseph, we
commit ourselves to the responsible
stewardship of all God’s gifts.
June 7, 2015 •
Page 5
of the Liturgy
Saturday, June 13
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Fr. James Dyer
Charlotte Vander Bol
Extraordinary Ministers:
Adam Barnhouse, Kevin Boatright, Laura
Denkler, Ron Brooks, Sandi Brooks
Ushers: Ralph Trespasso, Buddy Bordewick, Mark
Kellogg, John Jones
Servers: D. Kelso, Z. Kelso, E. Anderson
Sunday, June 14
7:30 am Mass
Fr. James Dyer
Jim Eaton
Extraordinary Ministers:
Chuck Hayden, Rose Hayden, Jack Neiner,
Kathy Neiner, Steve Forsythe
Ed Brown, Dale Jones, Phil Roth,
Scott Watson
Servers: J. Hulsey, A. Crawford
9:00 am Mass
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Mitch Fuemmeler
Extraordinary Ministers:
Margaret Greif, Jana Dore, Vanessa Trokey,
Risha Gaines, Sandi Kracke
Don Trokey, George Kracke, Jerry Morris,
Mike Ward
Servers: E. Barnhouse, S. Heberlie
10:30 am Mass
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Helen Thurman
Extraordinary Ministers:
Phyllis LaPlant, Charles Boyd, Bill Sippo,
Isa Sippo, John Thurman
Roy Henson, James Cissell
Bob Bone, Travis Trolinger
Servers: G. Werner, A. Werner, O. Rastorfer
Monday, June 8, 2015
Brenda Donze, Linda Gillespie,
Karen Jones, Jo Rustemeyer
Money Counters
Beulah Carrow, Jackie Maloney,
Nancy Ott, Carolyn Rigdon
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Come join us for our weekly Parish Rosary
to be offered this Wednesday at 7:15 pm
Our petition for this week will be:
“For good weather for our Picnic”
Wedding Banns
June 7, 2015 •
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Adult Envelopes
Electronic Envelopes
Bann III
Bradly Proctor & Tracy Gober
June 13, 2015
In Our Thoughts
and Prayers...
We pray for the repose
of the souls of
Mary Franklin
aunt of Fran Craft and Linda Hoffman
Tom Kinder
brother-in-law of Pat Johnson
May God welcome them home, fill them with
peace and bless those who will miss them.
Page 6
Current Week
Sunday Offering
Budgeted Amount
Partners in Education
Maintenance & Repair
St. Vincent de Paul
Peter’s Pence
Secret Santa
Respect Life
Cardinal Glennon Hospital
Total for Specials
Year to Date
Thank You For Your Faithfulness!!!
Let us pray for those who share weekly
in our Eucharistic Celebration and who are
carrying the gift of life. . .
Ashley (Matt) Bono
Amanda (Bryan) Hubbard
Casey & Katie Goodson
on the arrival of
Jackson Alan Goodson
on May 19
If you are carrying the gift of life and would like the
prayers of your parish family please call Jessi in
the parish office at 756-4250.
“Then he took a cup,
gave thanks, and gave
it to them and they all
drank from it.” - Mark 14:23
Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just
before He gave Himself to us completely for our
salvation. He offers us the chance to drink from
His cup. In the Eucharist, we meet Christ
personally and, if we listen to Him, we know
what drinking from His cup means for each of
us. Often, it means our own sacrifice – giving
up some of our time, talent and treasure to do
His work on earth.
Together we pray for those who are sick. (Parishioners names are in bold.)
Please pray for: Debbie Hulsey, Rhonda LaPierre, Anna O'Connor, Hilda Hahn, Jan Blum, Paul Calbreath,
Eric Freeberg, Bob Dowd, Betty Holtmeyer, Norma Boyer, Charles Baumgartner, Pat Raymer, Chuck
Davis, Carl Pruetzel, Ken Gober, Mark Huels, Spencer Vincent, Tanner Martin, Bev Howard, Marie
Herman, Butch Turek, Michael Blocker, Wayne and Susan Hafner, Amber Gaines, Brian Barth, Charmaine
McFarland, Laura, Donna Rickus, Sue Pruetzel, Pete Dastoor, Rose Petinga, Paula Karl, Frank Roth,
Karen Hommelson, Sue Bryant, Jim Spengler and Rita Hirsch.
To add someone to the prayer list contact Pat Boatright at [email protected] or 756-4169.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 7
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Today the Church focuses on the Eucharist. Today’s readings remind us how connected to ancient
blood sacrifices we are when offering our unbloody sacrifice. The reading from Exodus describes a
solemn ritual designed so the Israelites would never forget their covenant with God.
The reading from the Letter to the Hebrews turns us from those ancient animal sacrifices, the first
efforts to worship the living God. Our sacrifice is the body and blood of the Son of God. Because of
Christ we have a new covenant.
The Gospel from Mark retells the establishment of that covenant, the familiar story of the Last
Supper. Juxtaposed with the story of animal sacrifice as it is here, we are challenged to listen with
new attention, to remember the great price paid for our salvation. Jesus gave his body and every
drop of his blood for us.
How Shall We Make A Return To The Lord?
The ancient words of Psalm 116 ring out fresh and
new in today’s responsorial psalm. When the
psalmist asks how he or anyone can make a return
to the Lord for all the good that God has done, he is
echoing our prayer of wondrous gratitude. How can
any of us ever make a return to the Lord or repay
God in any way? In this psalm we are told what we
are to do: We are to take up the cup of salvation and
“call upon the name of the Lord” (Ps. 116:13).
This primal need to give thanks and make a return
to God prompts the Church to give us this solemnity
of the Body and Blood of Christ, a celebration set
apart from Holy Thursday, when, among other
establishment of the Eucharist. That day, set in the
context of the Easter Triduum, is busy with many
symbols and actions. Today we turn our full
attention to the body and blood of Christ, given to us
in the forms of bread and wine.
The Cup Of Salvation
Jesus, in Mark’s Gospel, identifies the cup of salvation for us. It is the cup of his blood, the blood of
the covenant. This blood fulfills the old covenant, the one marked by Moses when he sprinkled the
Israelites with the blood of sacrificed animals. Now we take up the cup of the new covenant, the cup
of salvation, and we call upon the name of the Lord. How can this action make a return to the Lord?
Only this way: In this action we offer to God the only perfect gift. Alone we are nothing. It is Christ
who is the perfect offering. It is through the total gift of his body and blood that we have been
Today’s Readings: Ex 24:3–8; Ps 116:12–13, 15–18; Heb 9:11–15; Mk 14:12–16, 22–26
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Thank you from Mary Sue McKay...
“I would like to say thank you to
everyone for all the flowers, cards and
prayers when my mother took her
journey across Jordan and into the arms
of Jesus. Wow! What a glorious sight she
is seeing. I am truly blessed to have such
a wonderful and caring church family.”
~Mary Sue McKay
PSR Registration
Parish School of Religion
registration is now registering both
Parish School of Religion
“new” students and re-registering
returning students. Registration forms are available
in the back of Church or in the Parish Office.
June 7, 2015 •
Page 8
St. Joseph
Parish Picnic
Mass Schedule
June 27 - 28
Saturday • June 27
125th Anniversary Outdoor Mass
5:00 pm
Sunday • June 28
10:30 am
PSR begins Wednesday, September 2. Please
make sure your child is registered. Children will
not be admitted to class until they are registered.
Protecting God’s Children
June 15
6:00 - 8:30 pm
Parish Center
Preregister online at archstl.org
For more information contact
Abe AuBuchon at 756-4250
Please, no children allowed.
Dynamic Catholic, Alive!
The Real Presence
As we celebrate the Most
Holy Body and Blood of
Christ, we reflect on the
importance of the Eucharist
to the life of the Church. The
Church teaches that in the
Eucharist Christ is present
body, blood, soul, and
divinity. The Eucharist, which was instituted by
Christ on Holy Thursday, is the “source and
summit of all Christian life” (Compendium, 274).
How do you approach the Eucharist? Have you
gone to Adoration recently?
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 9
Yesterday’s Kids
Church Tours
Our thanks to Abe AuBuchon for stepping
in while Fr. Rickey was with his family.
St. Joseph Shrine
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Joseph Shrine
The Old Cathedral
Time for a treat...
Thanks for joining us.
We look forward to seeing you on our next
Yesterdays Kid’s trip!!
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
“Remembering Yesterday...”
Last weeks picture...
The family from our 1980 photo directory
was Dr. George Dent & Family
Congratulations to Tom Sales for
calling in with the correct answer!
Thanks to all who called in with the answer!!!
Can you identify this family
from our 1980 photo directory?
Page 10
St. Joseph
Farmington, Missouri
Where Hospitality
and Love Meet
The first person to call the office Monday morning
with the correct answer will receive
a special St. Joseph rosary commemorating our 125th anniversary.
Our parish will celebrate our 125th anniversary on June 27 with an outdoor mass at 5:00 pm.
New to the Church?
How can we help you?
I am a visitor and would like to learn
more about what our parish has to
I am not Catholic but would like to
learn more about the Catholic faith.
I would like to return to full
participation in the sacraments.
I need your support.
I am interested in joining your parish
community. Please tell me how to go
about it.
I am in need of sacramental support.
I would appreciate a call by the
Please drop in offeratory basket and our
Parish Staff will contact you with help and support.
St. Joseph’s
Little Saints
Summer Scholars!
June 1 - July 24
Enrolling Now!
This year’s themes:
June 1 - 5 ...............A Hawaiian Summer
June 8 - 12 .............Creative Artists
June 15 - 19 ...........Chefs in the Classroom
June 22 - 26 ...........Science and Sensory
June 29 - July 3 ......Little Patriots
July 6 - 10 ...............Vacation Bible School
July 13 - 17 .............Games and Sports
July 20 - 24 .............Ending Summer
with a Splash
Enroll for whichever weeks you would like!
Children Ages 3 - entering Kindergarten
For enrollment information please visit the St.
Joseph Preschool Website or contact Preschool
Director Kari Scott, (573) 756-4250
[email protected]
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 11
Vacation Bible School
July 6 - 10 • 8:00 - 11:45
Ages 3 - entering 4th grade
Please contact Mrs. Maggie Carr for Registration:
[email protected] or stop by the parish office.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 12
Picnic Bottle Booth
Our Picnic Bottle Booth has absolutely NO overhead and always generates a good profit. Every year we
run out of bottles with people still wanting to play. There are currently collection boxes outside the Parish
Office and upstairs inside the Parish Center doors. As long as it is a nonperishable, unopened, and not
expired bottle item, we would love to have it! Thank you!
bubble bath
car wash items
liquorbottled water lotions
BBQ sauce
hand soap
motor oil
strawberry syrup
marinade sauces
bath/shower gels
dish soap
hair gel
hair spray
k i d s
olive oil
chocolate syrup
Donations Needed for the Silent Auction
at St. Joseph’s 41st Annual Parish Picnic
Sunday, June 28, 2015
To have a successful picnic we need your help! We have already started collecting donations for the Silent
Auction and are looking for many more! Need ideas for what to donate? Below is a list of some items that
always seem to be great sellers. For more information or if you need an item picked up please call Dotty
Bach at 756-1357 or Jeannette at 756-4250.
Collector's Items: antiques, sports memorabilia
(autographed items, apparel, photographs),
unique/ hard-to-find items, collectible series
Electronic Items: TV, DVD/Blue Ray player, digital
camera, iPod, computer, printer, scanner, power
Event Tickets: sports, music, theater, comedy
Gift Cards/Certificates: restaurant, shopping,
home improvement, automobile, hotel, vacation,
beauty, golf
Handcrafted Items: quilts, furniture, jewelry,
paintings, woodcarvings, wood crafted items
Please Remember the Country Store
for our 41st Annual
Parish Picnic
June 28
June is here and just around the corner is our St. Joseph’s 41st Annual Parish Picnic. The Country Store
needs your help to make it the best ever. Do you crochet, knit, sew or quilt? It’s time to start those projects if
you plan to donate an item to the Country Store. Handmade quilts, pillows, afghans, lap throws, doilies,
scarves, doll clothes, aprons, etc. will help fill the tables at the Country Store. We also feature your home
canned goods, such as vegetables and fruits, jellies and jams, pickles and relishes, etc. For those of you who
will be bringing baked goods on that day, such as breads, pies, cakes etc. and fresh produce from your garden,
you might make a notation on your calendar to remind you that the Country Store is depending on you for your
generous homemade donations. Thanks to everyone who helps to make our Parish Picnic a success!
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 • Page 13
Don’t forget the Greenhouse
at St. Joseph Parish Picnic
We will again have our St. Joseph Greenhouse. This is where you can
donate indoor houseplants, hanging baskets, bulbs, seedlings, anything
from your house or garden that an be planted. Do your lilies,
hydrangeas, irises, or flowers need thinning? If so, we would love to
have them to sell at our greenhouse!
To have a successful picnic
we need your help!
Be a Part of
St. Joseph’s 41st
Annual Parish Picnic!!
If you would like to work in an air conditioned area, the dining room is for you!
We also need workers for the greenhouse, kids games, and many other areas.
Please sign up today to work at the Parish Picnic on June 27-28!
If you have never worked at the parish picnic before and/or if you would like to volunteer to work in an
additional or different area please fill out the form below and turn it into the parish office or drop it in the
collection basket or email Jeannette at [email protected]
phone number___________________________
phone number____________________________
area requesting to work____________________
area requesting to work_____________________
T-shirt size (new volunteer? Y / N) ___________
T-shirt size (new volunteer? Y / N) ____________
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Coming up
in our Parish...
When you look at
the Consecrated
Host, enshrined in
the monstrance,
do you see bread,
or do you recognize
that it is not bread
but the Risen Christ?
June 27 - 28
Parish Picnic
Eucharistic Adoration hours:
Thursdays • 7:30 am - 5:15 pm
First Friday of the month
9:00 am - 2:15 pm
July 6 - 10
For more information contact
Charlie and Rita Boyd at
756-2383 • [email protected]
We have some great
NEW CD’s and Books!!
Visit the
Lighthouse Catholic Media
kiosk in our Parish Center!!!
Visit our NEW kiosk
outside the Parish Office
St. Joseph
St. Vincent
de Paul
Food Pantry
Today as we celebrate the gift
of the Body and Blood of Christ
let us pray for those who are
hungry, malnourished and
Is there a family you know who
needs assistance? Please call
our St.Vincent de Paul so that
together we can help those
who are hungry.
A Note
from our
Pastoral Health
Care Minister,
Agnes Hinkebein, RN
If you are homebound or are
hospitalized or know of a
parishioner who is, please contact
me at 756-4250 or email me at
Open Tuesday and Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For assistance call 756-0997
Our food pantry serves people in the
St. Francois county regardless of
race, sex, national origin,
religion, or age.
Our Thanks To..
Rachael Layton
of St. Joe's Garden Club for
watering and tending to our
potted plants this week.
June 7, 2015 •
Page 14
This Week
in Our Parish...
Monday • June 8
ACTS Ladies Dinner
6:00 pm • Parish Center
Wednesday • June 10
Prayer Shawl
9:00 am • Parish Center
7:15 pm • Church
Thursday • June 11
Eucharistic Adoration
7:30 am- 5:15 pm • Church
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Friday, June 12!
Advertiser of
the Week...
This week we would
like to thank....
Vanessa L. Trokey
Coldwell Banker Hulsey
Real Estate
[email protected]
(573) 330-6261
for sponsoring our bulletin.
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The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 •
Page 15
St. Catherine of Alexandria
June 6, 2015
Fr. John Schneider
Agnes Herzog
Extraordinary Ministers
Linda Smith
Cindy Coffelt
Saturday 7:30 pm Mass
Coffman, Missouri
Founded in 1887
Canonical Parish 1919
Happy Birthday
Jessica Gegg • June 7
Dennis Herzog • June 11
Offertory Bearers
Curt & Lynette Heberlie
Mass Intentions
June 6 - John & Irene Eck
June 13 - Emile & Margaret Vogt
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Adult Envelopes ......................... $450.00
Loose.......................................... $121.00
Cardinal Glennon ......................... $10.00
My Heartfelt Thanks...
My sincere and heartfelt thanks for your
many expressions of sympathy and
I look forward to being with you next
weekend. Thank you for your patience and
understanding while I’ve been away.
This weekend, I am with my family as we go
through mom’s home and prepare to sell it.
Blessings of Peace…Fr. Rickey