Annual Report 2015 - Lufthansa Technik AG
Annual Report 2015 - Lufthansa Technik AG Annual Report 2015 2 / Rubrik / Jahresbericht / 2015 2015 Lufthansa Technik Group at a glance 2015 2014 of euros) (all figures quoted in thousands 5,099,1454,336,848 Revenue 445,234422,780 s Result from operating activitie taxes Earnings before interest and 454,398380,157 (Adjusted EBIT) 318,580319,925 Earnings before tax (EBT) 148,421117,644 Investments 103,03593,218 Depreciation on assets 4,454,5093,897,765 Balance sheet total 20,289 20,085 r) Employees (average over yea 1,317,0951,186,142 Personnel expenditure 2 / Facts and figures / Annual Report 2015 2015 Foreword from the Executive Board Ladies and Gentlemen, For Lufthansa Technik, 2015 was a special year – the company celebrated its 20th birthday. In the course of the past 20 years, the former engineering operations of the Lufthansa Group have become the world’s market leader in MRO services, with 31 technical maintenance organizations operating all over the world and well over 20,000 employees looking after around 3,700 civilian aircraft. We have done a number of things in the year under review to begin the next chapter in this success story. We have achieved significant increases in both revenue and earnings, maintaining our international growth curve. Examples include the opening of a new aircraft overhaul site in Puerto Rico, focused on the markets of the Americas, and the expansion of capacity of our site in the Philippines. Construction work has also begun for a new wheels and brakes workshop in Frankfurt, representing an investment of around 60 million euros in our German and European home market. The market for MRO services saw positive development overall, with 6.9 percent growth, but broken down this includes growth within Asia of almost 12 percent, contrasted with only minimal growth of 2.5 percent in the largest market, North America. The core market of Europe, too, reported below-average growth. At the same time, a growth in MRO capacities is resulting in sustained intense pressure on prices in the MRO business. Aircraft, engine, and equipment manufacturers are also increasingly forcing their way into the market as competitors. This is having a noticeable impact on our company. For this reason, in 2015, for example, we restructured our sales organization with new products and services to focus even more strongly on strong, growing markets such as Asia and America, and we have begun to establish new industrial partnerships. The agreement to establish a joint venture with the engine manufacturer, General Electric (GE), is an important example of this, as is our cooperation with Honeywell. Antonio Schulthess (Human Resources, Aircraft Systems and VIP Services), Constanze Hufenbecher (Finance), Dr. Thomas Stueger (Products, Services & IT), Dr. Johannes Bussmann (Chairman of the Executive Board) (left) In 2015, then, we reached important milestones along the road of the successful ongoing developmentof our company. We will continue to pursue this path this year. The company’s success in 2015 is largely thanks to the ability and the commitment of its employees. We thank them all for what they have achieved. We also thank our customers for the cooperative partnerships which continue to characterize our relationships. Annual Report 2015 / Foreword / 3 2015 The Lufthansa Technik Group Reflecting on the importance of Lufthansa Technik AG’s global network, this report presents financial information for the Lufthansa Technik subgroup. In the 2015 financial year, the consolidation group consisted of the parent company, Lufthansa Technik AG, and 22 other companies, both within Germany and abroad. In this report, we present the parent company, Lufthansa Technik AG, along with those production operations from within the worldwide network listed below. 4 / The Lufthansa Technik Group / Annual Report 2015 Lufthansa Technik AG, Hamburg: Established in October 1994 as a subsidiary of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Lufthansa Technik AG is the parent company of the engineering business segment of Deutsche Lufthansa AG and the global Lufthansa Technik Group, and comprises a total of 54 companies. Lufthansa Technik is the foundation of Deutsche Lufthansa’s top-tier engineering image and numbers more than 800 other airlines and commercial aircraft operators among its customers. Revenue in 2015 was 4,482 million euros. With 10,637 employees, the heart of the company is its overhaul, development, and logistics center in Hamburg, birthplace of engineering operations for the newly reestablished post-war Lufthansa in 1955. Today, some 6,608 people are employed here for Lufthansa Technik AG alone. The focus is on the overhaul of wide-bodied aircraft, the maintenance of engines, equipment, and components, the fitting-out of large executive aircraft, and the field of research and development. Servicing is conducted in Frankfurt, where 2,722 employees are based, and in Munich (483 employees) and Berlin (328 employees). Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Corp., Sun Valley/California, USA: Established in 1912 and a wholly owned subsidiary of Lufthansa Technik since April 2002, this company offers landing gear overhaul services in Sun Valley, USA. Revenue for the year under review was 55 million euros, with an average workforce of 317. Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey GmbH, Alzey: This company has been very successful for the past 25 years, especially in maintaining turboprop engines from Pratt & Whitney and CF34 turbofan engines from General Electric. Revenue was 326 million euros in the year under review with an average of 480 employees. Lufthansa Technik Budapest offers overhaul and maintenance services for Boeing 737 Classic and Next Generation aircraft as well as the Airbus A320 family. Founded in 2000 as a joint venture with Budapest Airport Plc., which holds a share of 15%, Lufthansa Technik Budapest generated revenue of 32 million euros in the year under review with an average workforce of 434. 2015 Lufthansa Technik Component Services LLC, Tulsa/Oklahoma, USA, offers a wide spectrum of aircraft component maintenance services from its five bases in the USA, particularly for customers in North and South America. The company generated revenue of 49 million euros and had an annual average of 279 employees. Lufthansa Technik Landing Gear Services UK, London/United Kingdom, specializes in the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of landing gear. The company was formed from the English Hawker Pacific Aerospace site and renamed in March 2011. Revenue of 60 million euros was achieved with an average workforce of 277. Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services GmbH, Hamburg: The logistics subsidiary specializes in logistical services such as procurement, warehousing, and transportation of materials. The company generated revenue of 230 million euros and had an annual average of 746 employees. Lufthansa Technik Maintenance International GmbH, Frankfurt: This company, which was formed by merging Condor Cargo Technik and parts of the maintenance division of Lufthansa Technik, has been the competence center for maintenance services for non-Lufthansa Passage customers since the beginning of 2009. In the fifth year of operation, revenue of 29 million euros was achieved by an annual average of 637 employees. Lufthansa Technik Malta, a joint venture with Air Malta, which holds a share of 8%, has been offering maintenance and overhaul services since 2002, focusing on Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, A330 and A340 aircraft. An annual average of 531 employees generated 53 million euros in revenue. Lufthansa Technik Philippines Inc., Manila/ Philippines: Established in 1999 as a joint venture with Macro Asia, the company services and overhauls aircraft, engines and equipment for the fleets of Philippine Airlines and other customers. Revenue of 154 million euros was achieved by an average of 2,471 employees. Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, Aguadilla: The company was newly established in the autumn of 2015 and offers overhaul services for the A320 range of short-haul aircraft for American customers. The company’s revenue for the first year of operations was 9 million euros, with an average of 148 employees. Lufthansa Technik Sofia OOD, Sofia/Bulgaria: This joint venture with the Bulgarian Aviation Group (24.9%) specializes in maintenance of aircraft from the Airbus A320 Boeing 737 ranges. An annual average of 943 employees generated 51 million euros in revenue. Shannon Aerospace Ltd., Shannon/Ireland: The maintenance portfolio of Shannon Aerospace is focused on the overhaul of short-haul aircraft for European customers. The company, established in 1992, generated revenue of 79 million euros in the year under review, and employed an average of 482 people. Annual Report 2015 / The Lufthansa Technik Group / 5 2015 Status Report 54 holdings new procedure gate.control Lufthansa Technik is the world’s leading provider of maintenance, repair and overhaul services for civilian commercial aircraft. Focus is on organic growth and strategic partnerships. Positive order situation and development of dollar market bring higher revenue and adjusted EBIT than in previous year. 31 technical maintenance organizations 6 / Status Report / Annual Report 2015 Business activities Lufthansa Technik is the world’s leading MRO provider Lufthansa Technik is the world’s leading provider of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for civilian commercial aircraft. 31 technical maintenance organizations around the world are part of the Lufthansa Technik Group. The company has a direct or indirect stake in 54 other companies. The service spectrum of Lufthansa Technik is distributed across seven product divisions: Maintenance, Aircraft Overhaul, Engines, Components, Aircraft Systems, Innovations, and VIP Aircraft (completion and maintenance). Its portfolio encompasses products and product combinations with a variety of structures – from the repair of single components to consulting services, to the fully integrated support of entire fleets. Through the development of new products and services, Lufthansa Technik assists airlines in many ways, including making it possible for them to introduce new aircraft models into scheduled operations and to operate them in a fuel-efficient way. Lufthansa Technik focuses on innovation and cooperation With gate.control, Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services, a Lufthansa Technik subsidiary, has developed and patented an innovative procedure for the identification of materials used in aircraft during the international repair cycle. The product has been developed to provide optimal support for older aircraft until the end of their operating life. This minimizes the steep increase in costs for customers typical of the last phase of an aircraft’s life cycle. Furthermore, Lufthansa Technik continues to build on cooperation and collaboration. In the field of cabin completion, the subsidiary Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services will work together with OHS Aviation Services in the future, a specialist in interior completion for executive jets. The collaboration will provide a one-stop solution for cabin services. Working together with Airbus Corporate Jets, Lufthansa Technik is extending the Elite concept for pre-assembled cabin cooperation modifications for the ACJ319. A luxurious, with integrated cabin concept for short and Mercedesmedium-haul aircraft is being developed Benz by the VIP division in conjunction with Style Mercedes-Benz Style. 2015 ??? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? BQN ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? overhaul ? Lufthansa Technik operations ? Lufthansa Technik stations ? Lufthansa Technik sales offices GEnx-2B GE9X component services for Airbus A350 Boeing 787 Status: December 31, 2015 Lufthansa and GE Aviation have agreed to establish a state-of-the-art operation for the overhaul of the new GEnx-2B and GE9X engine models. The joint venture is due to commence operations in 2018. In the field of component services, an agreement has been reached with Moog, an OEM supplier for components in the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787, whereby Lufthansa Technik is to be an authorized service center for Moog aircraft components. Profitable expansion through organic growth and through partnerships and corporate acquisitions will be an essential goal of Lufthansa Technik in the coming years. Annual Report 2015 / Status Report / 7 2015 Status Report 800 customers rund 27 3,680. new customers in 2015 supported aircraft 375 new contracts Market and Competitors Lufthansa Technik responds to demanding competition with partnerships and innovations Lufthansa Technik supports around 800 customers around the world, consisting mostly of airlines and aircraft leasing companies, but also of VIP jet operators and public sector customers. The most important market for the company remains the region of Europe, including the states of the former CIS. In 2015, this region had a 66.0 percent share of total revenue, slightly lower than in the previous year. Asia/Pacific’s share remained stable at 7.1 percent. The Middle East and Africa had 6.7 percent. The share of total revenue in the America region rose to 11.1 percent. Total revenue from leasing companies and VIP jet operators decreased to 9.1 percent. The demanding competitive situation, largely attributable to OEMs and the restrictions they impose on access to intellectual property, is being successfully countered by Lufthansa Technik via partnerships with these OEMs and, increasingly, via the company’s own innovations, which make the company itself into an active OEM. 8 / Status Report / Annual Report 2015 In view of the law on equal access for men and women to leadership positions in both private and public sectors, relevant leadership levels, target figures, and target data for promoting the cause of women have been the subject of intense discussions, and targets have been named. The Supervisory Board has defined a target of at least 30% women for the Lufthansa Technik AG Supervisory Board and at least 0% for the Executive Board. The deadline for achieving this target has been set at 31 December, 2016. The Executive Board has defined a target of at least 3.2% women in the first tier of management below the Executive Board. The Executive Board has defined a target of at least 3.2% women in the first tier of management below the Executive Board. The deadline for achieving this target has been set at 31 December, 2016. On the reference date, 31 December, 2015, the targets had already been fulfilled for both the Supervisory Board (31.25% women) first tier management (3.3%). Women made up 3.7% of second tier management. 2015 Development of business operations Important contracts extended and new contracts agreed During the period under review, the number of aircraft supported under exclusive agreements rose by 12 percent to 3,680. This means that, worldwide, every ninth commercially operated aircraft is supported by Lufthansa Technik. The 2015 financial year saw the successful acquisition of 27 new customers and the signing of 375 contracts, representing an annual contractual volume of 3.1 billion euros for 2015 and the following years for Lufthansa Technik. This includes, amongst others, several contracts with low-cost airlines, e.g. engine contracts with Jetstar Pacific and GoAir. Important contracts covered, amongst other things, component services, e.g. with Finnair, Europe’s first operator of the Airbus A350, and with Air Europa Lineas Aéreas for its Boeing 787 fleet. In South America, Lufthansa Technik expanded its market position in component services through several contracts with Avianca Holdings Group and Azul Linhas. Frontier Airlines was acquired as a new customer in North America. In autumn, Lufthansa Technik installed a new cabin interior and new inflight entertainment in the last of a total of 80 long-haul airliners from Lufthansa Passage. At the same time, the installation of the FlyNet broadband internet connection was completed. After two-and-a-half years, the largest modification program to date in the history of Lufthansa Technik was thus brought to a successful conclusion. Annual Report 2015 / Status Report / 9 2015 Status Report Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, Aguadilla: Puerto Rico Global capacity being extended in line with demand Capacity is being significantly extended to fulfill growth in demand, particularly in Asia and America. 2015 saw, for example, the first two Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico overhaul lines enter operation. By 2017, five lines are planned. The capacity for aircraft component maintenance was extended at Lufthansa Technik Components Services in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Lufthansa Technik Philippines commissioned additional hangar space for the overhaul of Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 aircraft. Since the third quarter of 2015, this site has also been authorized, as part of the Lufthansa Technik Development Organization, to carry out smaller modifications in-house, further increasing efficiency in processing customer orders. Tulsa USA 10 / Status Report / Annual Report 2015 The company was newly established in the autumn of 2015 and offers overhaul services for the A320 range of short-haul aircraft for American customers. The company’s revenue for the first year of operations was 9 million euros, with an average of 148 employees. The North American subsidiary, Bizjet, will extend its focus to the repair and overhaul of engines starting in mid 2016, to become an Engine Excellence Center. Bizjet’s VIP Completion operations, on the other hand, will be closed down by mid 2016 in response to sustained negative business development. Philippines 2015 Annual Report 2015 / Status Report / 11 2015 5.1 billon sales revenue 500 400 300 200 100 Revenue development 2011 2012 2013 2014 Lufthansa Technik Group (in millions of euros) 2015 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2011 2012 2013 2014 11 2012 2013 2014 2015 93 4013 4180 4337 5099 2015 Revenue and result Positive order situation leads to further revenue growth Lufthansa Technik increased sales revenues to around 5.1 billion euros in 2015 (+762 million euros, +17.6 percent). Revenue from companies within the Group rose over the previous year to 1.8 billion euros (+179 million euros), essentially as a result of the large Lufthansa Passage modification program. External revenue from outside the Group grew by 21.8 percent to 3.3 billion euros. Around 75 percent of revenue growth was achieved by Lufthansa Technik AG. Alongside the successful implementation of the growth strategy, the US dollar exchange rate also played a supportive role in revenue development. Other operating income of 317 million euros was around 108 million euros higher than in the previous year. All in all, Lufthansa Technik generated total income of 5.4 billion euros (+19.1 percent). Total operating expenses rose to 5.0 billion euros (+20.6 percent). As a consequence of the higher modification volume and the increase in overall performance in the equipment aea, material expenses rose to 2.7 billion euros (+23.3 percent). Personnel expenses rose by 131 million euros over the previous year to 1.3 billion euros. Amortisation and depreciation, at 103 million euros, was also higher than in the previous year (+10.8 percent). Other operating expenses rose due to growth and currency issues to 895 million euros (+29.7 percent). +762 million euros sales revenue 12 / Status Report / Annual Report 2015 2015 Annual Report 2015 / Status Report / 13 11 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 305 304 371 474 380 454 Segment result rises further Due to growth and resulting from the successful implementation of several SCORE measures along with currency-related special balance items, Lufthansa Technik achieved an adjusted EBIT of 454 million euros (+19.5 percent). Special pension items also influenced result growth the previous year. The EBIT of 448 million euros exceeded the previous year’s very strong result by 3.5 percent. In long-term comparison, Lufthansa Technik thus achieved a very strong result. Adjusted EBIT development Lufthansa Technik Group (in millions of euros) 500 400 300 200 100 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 454 5000 4000 million euros Adjusted EBIT 3000 2000 1000 2011 2012 2013 2014 14 / Status Report / Annual Report 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 Segment investments rose to 148 million euros (+25.4 percent). Substantial investments took the form of the purchase of reserve engines for Lufthansa Technik Airmotive Ireland Leasing, primarily to expand the Group fleets; of the construction of an aircraft overhaul hangar for Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico; of the construction of a new wheel and brakes workshop in Frankfurt; and of technology and innovation projects within the business area’s growth strategy. ( 2015 +19.5 percent 2015 Annual Report 2015 / Status Report / 15 2015 Balance sheet ASSETS December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014 (all figures in EUR thousands) Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Repairable aircraft parts Equity-accounted financial assets Other financial assets Receivables and other assets Non-current assets 51,38551,867 1,045,668965,790 1,315,7731,017,541 132,074113,769 31,43426,175 215,776224,301 2,792,1112,399,444 Inventories Receivables and other assets Cash and cash equivalents Assets held for sale Current assets 483,172444,454 1,161,1021,040,165 16,55612,294 1,5681,407 1,662,3981,498,321 4,454,5093,897,765 LIABILITIES December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014 (all figures in EUR thousands) Equity capital Provisions Financial debt Liabilities Non-current provisions and liabilities Provisions Financial debt Liabilities Current provisions and liabilities 16 / Balance sheet / Annual Report 2015 822,824501,954 538,253693,678 28,74135,785 46,1431,454,274 613,1382,183,737 342,111277,682 18,57716,676 2,657,860917,716 3,018,5481,212,075 4,454,5093,897,765 2015 Lufthansa Technik Group Profit and loss statement for the financial year 2015 (all figures in EUR thousands) 2015 2014 1. Sales Revenue 2. Other income 5,099,1454,336,848 316,591209,009 Total operating revenue 5,415,7364,545,857 1. Personnel expenses 1,317,0951,186,142 2. Cost of materials 2,655,6632,154,078 3. Amortization and depreciation 103,03593,218 4. Other expenses 894,710689,639 Total expenses Result from operating activities Income from equity holdings Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Reconciliation items Earnings before interest and taxes (Adjusted EBIT) 4,970,5024,123,077 445,234422,780 2,5709,996 447,804432,777 6,594-52,619 454,398379,157 1. Net interest result 2. Trading and hedging activities -36,490-25,162 13,8920 3. Financial debt as valued on balance sheet date -106,626-87,690 Net financial result -129,224-112,851 Earnings before tax (EBT) 318,580319,925 Annual Report 2015 / Profit & Loss Statement / 17 2015 Notes on consolidated group financial statement December 31, 2015 I. G eneral notes on accounting and valuation methods 1. Application of IFRS In addition to preparing single-entity financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (“HGB”) and/or regional GAAP, Lufthansa Technik AG and its subsidiaries also prepare financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) within the framework of consolidation. These IFRS single-entity financial statements form the basis for the consolidated financial statements presented here for Lufthansa Technik AG and its subsidiaries. These statements have been included in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. The auditors have issued the respective inter-office opinions to the Group. The use of IFRS serves to enhance the international comparability of the annual financial statements. All standards applicable to the 2015 financial year have been observed. 18 / Notes / Annual Report 2015 The 2015 annual financial statement has been prepared according to the same accounting and valuation methods used for the previous financial statement, issued for the period ending 31 December, 2014. Due to the Group-wide hedging policy, the provisions of IAS 39 have only been applied to a limited extent in the IFRS financial statements of Lufthansa Technik AG. 2. Changes to the reporting standard The Lufthansa Group decided to replace the CVA as central controlling indicator with the EACC (“Earnings After Cost of Capital”) with effect from 2015, as part of the value-oriented corporate management policy. As an absolute value added indicator, the EACC is determined on the basis of Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) in the period under review. The primary profit indicator, as of the 2015 financial year, is the Adjusted EBIT. This adjusts the EBIT for earnings effects arising from the evaluation and disposal of fixed assets and for evaluation effects arising from pension provisions and impairments. The introduction of the new controlling and profit indicators also have an effet on the structure and explanation of the earnings performance. In the course of this change, the following changes in the profit and loss statement have been adopted in order to further clarify the essential result indicators. Results from holdings will in future be reported as a component within EBIT. The earnings effects arising from the valuation and realization of financial debt, previously reported in operating earnings, are now reported in other financial items, whereby they are indicated together with the associated interest and currency acquisitions in a single earnings row. The unscheduled amortization and depreciation of financial assets, previously reported under other financial items, are now presented in the operating result, as are unscheduled amortization and depreciation of other assets. Furthermore, earnings from the sale of short-term financial investments, previously reported as other operating income, will be reported as of 2015 within the interest result. 2015 Company 3. Consolidation group The consolidation group for 2015 consists of Lufthansa Technik AG as parent company, along with the following 22 domestic and foreign companies: Holding (%) Lufthansa Technik Immobilien- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, Germany 100 Hamburger Gesellschaft für Flughafenanlagen mbH, Hamburg, Germany 100 Lufthansa Technik Objekt- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, Germany 100 Lufthansa Technik Logistik GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 100 Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 100 Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey GmbH, Alzey, Germany 100 Lufthansa Technik Maintenance International GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany 100 JASEN Grundstücksgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Grünwald, Germany 100 Lufthansa Technik Airmotive Ireland Holdings Limited, Dublin, Ireland 100 Lufthansa Technik Airmotive Ireland Limited, Dublin, Ireland 100 Lufthansa Technik Airmotive Ireland (Leasing) Limited, Dublin, Ireland 100 Shannon Aerospace Ltd., Shannon, Ireland 100 Lufthansa Technik Landing Gear Services UK, Hayes, United Kingdom 100 Lufthansa Technik North America Holding, Corp., Wilmington, USA 100 BizJet International Sales & Support, Inc., Tulsa, USA 100 Lufthansa Technik Component Services LLC, Tulsa, USA 100 Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Corp., Sun Valley, USA 100 Lufthansa Technik Budapest Kft, Budapest, Hungary 100 Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico LLC, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico 100* Lufthansa Technik Malta Limited, Luqa, Malta 92 Lufthansa Technik Sofia OOD, Sofia, Bulgaria 75.1 Lufthansa Technik Philippines, Inc., Manila, Philippines 51 *) consolidation in 2015 financial year Annual Report 2015 / Notes / 19 2015 Notes to the consolidated financial statement December 31, 2015 4. Group (Consolidated) financial statement Lufthansa Technik AG is exempted from the obligation to prepare a Group financial statement and a Group Status Report. The company is included in the Group statement of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. The Group financial statement is prepared on the basis of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It is deposited with the Amtsgericht (Court) of Cologne, HRB 2168. 6. Other financial assets 8. Inventories (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Shares in Spare parts for aircraft 441,030422,483 affiliated companies 18,47218,767 Raw materials Loans to and supplies 1,4911,438 affiliated companies 8,1752,385 Unfinished goods, Holdings 4,5624,212 works in progress 40,65120,533 Other loans 225811 Total 483,172444,454 Total 31,43426,175 9. Current receivables and other assets 7. Non-current receivables and other assets II. Notes on balance sheet (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 5. Equity-accounted financial assets Trade accounts receivable 645,663537,048 Other assets with a residual term Trade accounts (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 of more than one year 3,5632,094 receivable from Other receivables from affiliated affiliated companies 265,500316,984 Shares in companies with a residual term Trade accounts joint ventures Equity 78,72467,997 of more than one year 47 receivable from holdings 18,37321,137 Shares in associated Deferred tax claims 212,209222,200 Other assets 231,566164,996 companies Equity 53,35045,772 Total 215,776224,301 Total 1,161,1021,040,165 Total 132,074113,769 20 / Notes / Annual Report 2015 2015 10. Equity capital The capital stock of Lufthansa Technik AG amounts to 220 million euros, divided into 44,000,000 no-par-value shares. Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft is the sole shareholder. 13. Non-current liabilities (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Liabilities to affiliated companies 22,0771,430,604 Other non-current liabilities 8,28011,003 Advance payments received 6,2726,583 11. Non-current provisions Provisions for deferred taxes 9,5146,084 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Total 46,1431,454,274 15. Current liabilities Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 438,502560,891 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Other non-current provisions 99,751132,787 Trade accounts 14. Current provisions Total 538,253693,678 payable 464,280425,121 Advance payments (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 received and deferred income 178,517125,727 Provisions for other Other liabilities 2,011,538366,089 personnel expenses 10,5938,511 12. Financial debt Income Other current provisions 331,518269,171 tax liabilities 3,525779 Total 342,111277,682 Total 2,657,860917,716 Financial debt relates to non-current liabilities to financial institutions. Annual Report 2015 / Notes / 21 2015 Notes on consolidated group financial statement December 31, 2015 III. Notes on profit & loss statement * 16. Sales revenue Sales revenue breaks down as follows: 18. Other operating expenses (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Personnel expenses 1,317,0951,186,142 Cost of materials 2,655,6632,154,078 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Amortization and depreciation 103,03593,218 Group companies 1,843,1851,663,779 20. Financial result Miscellaneous other Non-Group operating expenses 894,710689,639 companies 3,255,9602,673,069 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Total 4,970,5024,123,077 Total 5,099,1454,336,848 Other interest received and similar income 6,7825,705 19. Income from Interest paid and equity holdings 17. Other operating income similar expenses 43,27230,866 Trading and (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 hedging activities 13,8920 (in thousand EUR) 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 Financial debt as valued Income from Currency exchange on balance sheet date -106,626-87,690 other holdings 15,12916,954 differences 73,21530,793 Total -129,244-112,851 Expenses arising from Miscellaneous other assumption of loss 12,5596,958 operating income 243,376178,217 Total 2,5709,996 Total 316,591209,009 * Figures for the previous year have been adjusted in accordance with the new reporting system 22 / Notes / Annual Report 2015 2015 IV. General notes on the financial statement 21. Number of employees 22. Supervisory Board and Executive Board On average throughout the year, the Lufthansa Technik Group employeed 20,289 people (previous year: 20,085 employees). Members of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board of Lufthansa Technik AG are listed on page 24/25. Hamburg, February 8, 2016 Lufthansa Technik Aktiengesellschaft Executive Board Dr. Johannes Bussmann Constanze Hufenbecher Antonio Schulthess Dr. Thomas Stueger Annual Report 2015 / Notes / 23 2015 Supervisory Board and Executive Board Supervisory Board Carsten Spohr Chairman of the Executive Board Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Chairman Dietmar Stretz Head of the Transportation Division, Multi-service trade union ver.di Hamburg region Employee representative Deputy Chairman (until August 31, 2015) Cornelia Doerries Secretary of trade union ver.di Employee representative (until August 31, 2015) Frank Goertz Logistics manager Employee representative (since August 31, 2015) Karin van Hall Administrative officer Employee representative (since August 31, 2015) August W. Henningsen Former Chairman of the Executive Board of Lufthansa Technik AG (since August 31, 2015) Anke Hess Aircraft electronic technician Employee representative Prof. Dr. Jochem Heizmann Member of the Executive Board, Volkswagen AG Simone Menne Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG Frank Hartstein Employee representative Deputy Chairman Secretary of trade union ver.di (since August 31, 2015) Anka Haetzel Officer, Process and Quality Management Employee representative Bernard Meyer Managing Partner Meyer Werft GmbH Hauke Brockmann Member of the Hamburg Works Council Employee representative (until August 31, 2015) Li Hai President & CEO China Aviation Supplies Import and Export Group Corporation, Beijing Michael Nilles CIO Schindler Group & CEO Schindler Digital Business AG (since August 31, 2015) 24 / Supervisory Board and Executive Board / Annual Report 2015 2015 Janine Peltier Secretary of trade union ver.di Employee representative (since August 31, 2015) Jobst D. Siemer Chairman of the Supervisory Board ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH (until August 31, 2015) Torsten Schmidt Member of the Hamburg Works Council Employee representative (since August 31, 2015) Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Juergen Weber Graduate Engineer Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Weynell Head of division Employee representative of executive managers (until August 31, 2015) Executive Board Dr. Johannes Bussmann Chairman Constanze Hufenbecher Finance Antonio Schulthess Human Resources, Aircraft Systems and VIP Services Dr. Thomas Stueger Products, Services and IT Sigfried Trissler Aircraft mechanic Employee representative Burkhard Walter Industrial clerk Employee representative (until August 31, 2015) Annual Report 2015 / Supervisory Board and Executive Board / 25 26 / Bericht zur Lage / Jahresbericht / 2015 Imprint Lufthansa Technik AG Weg beim Jaeger 193 22335 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49(40) 50 70-36 67 Fax: +49(40) 50 70-85 34 Email: [email protected] Internet: Editorial contact: Dr. Jens Krueger, Corporate Communications, Lufthansa Technik AG Design/Production: Jespersen Communication, Hamburg Photos: Jan Brandes, Sonja Brueggemann, Gregor Schlaeger
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