oremus - The Church of the Nativity
oremus - The Church of the Nativity
The Church of the Nativity MASSES Sundays 08:00, 09:30, 11:30 AM and 05:00 PM Saturdays 08:00 AM and 05:00 PM (Vigil) Weekdays 07:30 AM and 05:30 PM Holy Days 07:30 AM, 05:30 and 07:30 PM BAPTISMS 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month (contact rectory 2 months in advance) PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Steven D. Otellini PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. John Mary Chung PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Clement Davenport PERMANENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Dominick Peloso Rev. Mr. Thomas Kelly WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Rev. Kevin Gaffey Rev. Paul Maillet, S.S. Rev. Gladstone Stevens, S.S. IN RESIDENCE Rev. Gregory Haake, C.S.C. WEDDINGS Saturdays 11:00 AM and 02:00 PM (contact rectory at least 6 months in advance) SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Monica Hickam • (650) 804-2390 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Opus Dei priest) 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM (parish priest) (also by appointment) 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration 210 Oak Grove Avenue v Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel: (650) 323-7914 v fax: (650) 323-3231 www.nativitymenlo.org Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time FIRST READING In this You glorified us whom You had summoned. Wisdom 18: 6-9 PSALM Blessed ... the people He has chosen for His own inheritance. 11 August 2013 Psalms 33 SECOND READING Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much.” Luke 12: 48 Hebrews 11: 1-2, 8-19 GOSPEL For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. Calendar Luke 12: 32-48 SCHEDULE OF MASSES AND INTENTIONS WEEK OF 11 - 17 AUG SAT 05:00 PM Priest’s intentions SUN Masses Priest’s intentions MON 07:30 AM John and Malia Peavler 05:30 PM † Donald Fina TUE 07:30 AM † Dr. Giles Miller 05:30 PM † Frances Galea WED 07:30 AM † Fr. Kenneth Kong 05:30 PM The Gilsdorf family, living and deceased THU 07:30 AM The Neylan and Cardine families 05:30 PM † Bennie Sylvestri 07:30 PM † Mary Piersol FRI 07:30 AM † Mario and Tina Mondin 05:30 PM † Al Pearce SAT 08:00 AM Fr. Clement Davenport; Lucienne Woods; † Olga Silvestri; † Sean Rush SUN MON-FRI MON-FRI TUE THU SAT SAT SAT SAT 07:00 PM 07:10 AM 05:10 PM 06:00 PM 06:00 PM 06:15 AM 07:40 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:30 PM Holy Hour for Priests Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Cenacles of Life Rosary Perpetual Help Novena Men’s Prayer Group Morning Prayer Confessions (Opus Dei priest) Confessions (parish priest) 11 AUG (Sunday) 12 AUG (Monday) 07:30 PM Legion of Mary (Tuesday) 07:00 PM Fatima Mass and Celebration 13 AUG 14 AUG (Wednesday) 15 AUG (Thursday) 16 AUG (Friday) 17 AUG (Saturday) 01:00 PM Feast of the Assumption Infant Jesus of Prague Society Please pray for those in need of physical or spiritual healing Parish Office Hours 09:00 AM-04:00 PM Monday-Friday H oly Day of O Electronic giving is offered through our website www.nativitymenlo.org or call the parish office for a paper form b l i g a ti o n 15 AUG (Thursday) THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION Thursday, 15 August 2013, is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and a holy day of obligation. Masses will be on Wednesday evening, 14 August 2013 at 05:30 PM (vigil), and Thursday at 07:30 AM, 05:30 and 07:30 PM. Parish OfferINGS WEEK OF 27-28 JUL TOTAL: $9,030 Annual Appeal Progress: 2013 Appeal Goal: $30,511 $127,900 Saints and Observances SOLEMNITY, FEAST, MEMORIAL • OPTIONAL MEMORIAL • OTHER 13 AUG (Tuesday): POPE SAINT PONTIAN AND SAINT HIPPOLYTUS 14 AUG (Wednesday): SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, Martyr (1894-1941) Polish Franciscan priest who was imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. On 31 July 1941, in reprisal for one prisoner’s escape, ten men were chosen to die by being locked up without food or water. Maximilian offered himself is place of a young husband and father, where he was the last to die, enduring two weeks of starvation, thirst, and neglect. 15 AUG (Thursday): FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION “Therefore, just as the glorious resurrection of Christ was an essential part of this victory [over sin and death] and its final trophy, so the struggle shared by the Blessed Virgin and her son was to end in the glorification of her virginal body ... Hence, the august Mother of God ... the whole-hearted companion of the divine Redeemer ... gained at last the supreme crown of her privileges -- to be preserved immune from the corruption of the tomb ... to be carried up body and soul to the exalted glory of heaven, there to sit in splendor at the right hand of her son, the immortal King of the ages.” Pope Pius XII Ministry & Group News COMMUNITY WELCOME OF NEW CHILDREN Sunday, 18 August 2013. Calling all children new to the parish in the last two years and those expecting a child! The Nativity Community is invited to a Welcome Celebration for these children and expecting parents on the grounds of Nativity Church. Those being welcomed will receive a special blessing. Please come and introduce yourself to our new young members. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to the rectory at 650/323-7914. PRAY TO END ABORTION Prayer groups will be praying outside the old Chevy’s at 2907 El Camino Real in Redwood City on Saturdays as that is the site of a new Planned Parenthood. • first Saturday: 09:00 AM • second Saturday: 10:00 AM • third Saturday: 12:00 PM (noon) • fourth Saturday: 02:00 PM Call Eileen at 650/799-4722 for more information. FATIMA CELEBRATION On Tuesday, 13 August 2013, we will have our next celebration of the Blessed Mother’s apparition at Fatima, Portugal. We will have a Mass at 07:00 PM, followed by a talk on the message of Fatima, rosary candlelight procession around the church grounds, and healing Benediction. Please join us and bring your family. For questions, contact Deacon Dominick Peloso at 650/269-6279. You have never strayed too far for the Father’s forgiveness and grace. GROUP STUDY ON “THEOLOGY OF THE BODY” COMING SOON Our culture’s messages about the nature of men and women, marriage, sexuality, and vocations have created much confusion. Blessed Pope John Paul II gifted us with amazing insights into these topics, in a series of teachings called the Theology of the Body. Nativity will be hosting a facilitated group study on the Theology of the Body. We will be hosting information events shortly with more details. Stay tuned for more news on this exciting, transformative study series! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please come to visit our Lord during the week, as the church is open 24x7 and He awaits you. Also, everyone is encouraged to sign up for one hour. This will ensure your weekly meeting with Jesus. You may sign up for any hour. Please consider the following hours which currently have no one assigned. Our Lord wishes to speak with you, and you have much to say and ask of Him: THU: 10:00 PM (Prayer Partner) SAT: 11:00 AM Please call 650/269-7794 for more information or to sign up. Pregnant? Need Help? Please contact the Juan Diego Society (408/258-2008), the Gabriel Project (800/910-0191) or Community Pregnancy Center (650/964-8093). Announcements OUR PARISH FAMILY Please keep all of our newest members in your prayers, as well as those who have preceded us to the Father. BAPTISMS • Sophia Claire, daughter of Armando and Mayra Argueta MARRIAGES NEW PARISHIONERS DEATHS • Thomas Meagher NATIVITY THURSDAY GROUP The Nativity Thursday Group provides an opportunity for seniors and others to get together every Thursday in the O’Hare Center. There is a Scripture Group at 11:00 AM, Mass or the Rosary at 12:00 PM and then we socialize. Coffee, tea, and dessert are always provided and members usually bring their own lunch. Once a month students from Nativity School join us for lunch prepared by their parents. We celebrate many holidays with a special lunch. We welcome new members to join us anytime during the year. Please come on the first Thursday after Labor Day, 05 September 2013, when we resume our regular meetings. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY CELEBRATION The Archdiocese of San Francisco will be celebrating Marriage and the Family on Saturday, 17 August 2013 from 09:30 AM-12:00 PM. It will begin with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cordileone, followed by speakers, sharing, and resources. Please call the parish office at 650/323-7914 to register by August 12th. For more information about this event please call 415/614-5586. In The Community HOPE AND HEALING AFTER AN ABORTION Has an abortion left you with a broken heart? Hope and healing are available now. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats renew hearts broken by abortion. A confidential retreat will take place 16-18 August 2013 at the Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, offering a loving and supportive environment, where women and men can reconcile painful post-abortive emotions and begin the process of renewal and healing. Rachel’s Vineyard is therapy for the soul. For confidential inquiries call Christine at 415/260-4406 or email [email protected] or visit their website www. rachelsvineyard.org. OREMUS BROWN PAPER BAGS NEEDED! Do you have extra brown paper bags at home and wondering what do with them? The Nativity Conference of St. Vincent de Paul will gladly take them off your hands. As a result of the recent ordinance pertaining to brown paper bags at grocery stores, the St. Vincent de Paul Nativity Conference is now running very low of these bags. We need paper bags to pack food items for families we deliver to in the neighborhoods we serve. You may drop off your extra paper bags at the food pantry located in the basement of the rectory. Thank you. INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE PRAYER SOCIETY Consecration of Infants and Children to the Infant Jesus with special guest, Father Michael Pintacura, on Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 01:00 PM. The Infant Jesus of Prague Prayer Society is pleased to welcome Father Michael Pintacura who is the U.S. Vice Postulator for the Cause of Canonization of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi. Father will share the life of Blessed Taigi as a wife, mother, and mystic. Blessed Taigi is also the protectress of mothers of families. We invite all mothers (including expectant), infants, and children. Father Pintacura shall conduct the Consecration of Infants and Children to the Infant Jesus. To be blessed by the Infant Jesus is a grace-filled gift to treasure for all your family. This is furthermore the perfect welcome of all children new to the parish. Each month, on the 17th day, our prayer society begins the first day of the Infant Jesus of Prague Novena, a litany, prayer intentions/ thanksgivings, and concludes with adoration. Our Lord answers all prayers. It is how God answers that is most compelling. Let the Word made flesh, the Infant Jesus, open your our heart, mind, and soul to receive and trust in His Divine Plan for your life. Our 24-hour Infant Jesus Prayer Line is always open to receive any prayer request and thanksgivings. Please call 650/281-3339, contact Anne Delaney, O.F.S., or write to pray2infantjesus@ aol.com. We give glory to God through our gratitude. CELEBRATION OF THE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS At the special request of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, that is, the Traditional Latin Mass, is being celebrated each Sunday at 11:00 AM at Star of the Sea Parish, 4420 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco (at 8th Avenue) and will continue each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation on a regular basis. A Daily Mass is also planned to begin in the coming weeks. Mass for the Assumption is scheduled at 05:30 PM. First Friday Masses are at 06:30 PM, with confessions at 06:00 PM. There are other special Masses on the schedule. Ample parking is available behind the Church and in the Laurel School parking lot, entering through the gates on 8th Avenue. The Roman Missal of 1962, published by Blessed John XXIII, is being used. Daily Latin-English Missals are available for sale at the rectory. For further information, please contact Father Mark G. Mazza, the Pastor, at 415/751-0450, ext 16 or go to sanctatrinitasunusdeus.blogspot.com THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS From the Holy See Each month His Holiness asks for general and missionary prayer intentions. For August 2013, the Holy Father’s prayer intentions are: General: Parents and Teachers That parents and teachers may help the new generation to grow in upright conscience and life. Missionary: The Church in Africa That the local Church in Africa, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, may promote peace and justice. Ministry & Group News (cont’d.) RCIA FOR 2013-2014 BEGINS SEPTEMBER 16TH Adults interested in Catholicism are invited to attend the 20132014 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Nativity. We will meet Mondays, 07:30-9:00 PM in the O’Hare Center, beginning 16 September 2013. This faith formation series is for adults who have never been baptized, or were baptized in another faith, and are now considering becoming Catholic. We also welcome Catholics who may not have received all the sacraments of initiation, those who’ve been away from the faith and who wish to return, and those who just want to “brush up” on their faith. The classes are led by two specially-trained parishioners, with frequent assistance from St. Patrick seminarians and parish priests. After a few weeks of informal inquiry, we will embark on several months of classes, prayer and discussion in preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil, Saturday evening, 19 April 2014. We will accept new participants throughout September and October. Please see the brochures in the vestibule for more detailed information. Contact Charlotte Pace at 650/325-6978, Tim Kennedy at 650/321-4818, or Msgr. Otellini at the rectory 650/323-7914. We look forward to welcoming you. CATECHIST OPENINGS Help our children be all they can be. Become a CCD teacher/ catechist and use the talents God has given you to help teach our faith. Our program is in need of the following: • 5th Grade Teacher • Substitute Catechists • Assistants for Grades 3-6 If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Hickam. Have a wonderful rest of your summer and blessings to you all, Mrs. Monica Hickam 650/804-2390 [email protected] NATIVITY SCHOOL OF RELIGION NEWS Registration has begun for Nativity’s Children’s Faith Formation Program. Children who attend public school in 1st through 8th grades should be enrolled in Nativity’s School of Religion for ongoing faith formation. Mrs. Hickam will be available outside Church after all the Masses the weekends of 10-11 and 17-18 August 2013 to register your children and answer any questions about the program. She will also be available after the 08:00 and 09:30 AM Masses on 25 August 2013. Classes for grade levels 1-6 and the Sacraments Class are held on Sundays from 08:15-09:15 AM and continue on into our 09:30 AM Mass with our Children’s Liturgy of the Word. There is space for students at all grade levels 1-8 and high school students who have not yet received the Sacraments. Please come by the table or call/email the CCD office if you need any forms or have any questions or concerns. Just a reminder: First Reconciliation/First Communion requires 2 years of instruction before a child is eligible to receive these Sacraments. Children who attend public school should be enrolled in the School of Religion starting in Grade 1 and they are encouraged to continue onto the next grade level after they receive their First Communion, through the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. The CCD Confirmation Preparation program is also a twoyear program as required by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Children should be enrolled as soon as they enter the 7th grade, as well as those older students who have not yet been confirmed. Students who attend Catholic high schools that do not have a confirmation program should enroll in this class. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings 07:00-08:00 PM. For more information, please go to the link on the parish website (www. nativitymenlo.org) or call/email the CCD office. CONTACT YOUR STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER! (Excerpts from a letter by William Donohue, President, Catholic League) Dear Members of the California Assembly: Congratulations on passing AB 349, the bill that was passed unanimously on May 30 to prevent child abuse in the schools. A related bill was passed in the Senate the day before (SB 131), and it will now come before you for a vote on August 14th. It, too, deals with child abuse in the schools, but unlike AB 349, it is flagrantly discriminatory: it does not apply to the public schools. Does anyone doubt that a bill that applied only to the public schools, exempting all private ones, would be roundly condemned? So should this bill. The bill you passed, AB 349, applies to combating future cases of sexual abuse in the public schools. However, the Senate bill applies to abuse that took place in the past, and would only apply to private schools: it would suspend the statute of limitations for one year, allowing lawsuits to be filed in cases of sexual abuse that allegedly occurred as far back as a halfcentury ago. Now if the abuse took place in a public school, and it allegedly happened before 2009, the victim is out of luck—the bill says it is officially too late to matter. Moreover, no state agency is subject to a lawsuit if a claim for damages isn’t made within six months of the alleged abuse. In other words, no one who was abused in a public school before 2009 can sue the teacher, the school, or the school district, but if someone was abused in a Catholic school when JFK was president, he can sue the teacher (if he is alive), the school, and the diocese. This is indefensible on the face of it. It is hardly a secret that this bill is targeted at the Catholic Church. Today, there is no institution in the nation that has less of a problem with the sexual abuse of minors than the Catholic Church. Indeed, in the last six years, the average annual number of credible allegations made against over 40,000 priests is 7.0. So why the need to target the one institution that doesn’t tolerate sexual abuse? The statute of limitations was already suspended in California for private schools in 2003 (as usual, the public schools got a pass), and it resulted in nearly 1,000 claims totaling awards of $1.2 billion. The big winners were the attorneys: they took at least a third of the money for themselves, and in many cases grabbed more than half. Approximately 90 percent of California school children attend public schools; outside the home, they account for the lion’s share of sexual abuse cases of any institution in the state. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year more than 500,000 cases of child abuse are reported in California. According to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, thousands of cases of sexual abuse in the public schools are reviewed annually; action is taken in approximately 800 of those cases. Perhaps the biggest gap between the way the Catholic Church handles this problem today, and the way most public school districts do—including those in California—is the mandated staff training programs on the prevention of sexual abuse that takes place in Catholic schools nationwide. Just last month, the findings of a survey by the Bay Area News Group of 94 local school districts were published. “Fewer than half the districts in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties that responded to the survey said they offer their employees the sort of training that experts encourage and the law suggests: annual instruction in how to recognize signs of sexual or other physical abuse, and clear reminders of the legal requirement to report to the authorities even the suspicion of mistreatment.” It also learned that “only 29 districts said they have provided annual training about abuse and the law to all employees.” It is important to note that training is not mandated by law in California, as it is in all Catholic schools. Indeed, even nonteachers in Catholic schools must go through a program like Virtus, used in Los Angeles, that addresses such issues as “Good Touch/Bad Touch”; “Establishing Healthy Boundaries”; and “Creating Sacred Spaces.” The facts speak for themselves. Going after the Catholic schools today for cases of abuse that took place decades ago, while exempting the public schools—at a time when there is a serious problem with the sexual molestation of minors in the public schools—is irrational, discriminatory and grossly unjust.
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