Young Believers - The Church of the Nativity
Young Believers - The Church of the Nativity
Photographs by Charlene Dorman 210 Oak Grove Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel: (650) 323-7914 fax: (650) 323-3231 The Church of the Nativity MASSES Sundays 08:00, 09:30, 11:30 AM and 05:00 PM Saturdays 08:00 AM and 05:00 PM (Vigil) Weekdays 07:30 AM and 05:30 PM Holy Days 07:30 AM, 05:30 and 07:30 PM BAPTISMS 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month (contact rectory 2 months in advance) PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Steven D. Otellini PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. John Mary Chung PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Clement Davenport PERMANENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Dominick Peloso Rev. Mr. Thomas Kelly WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Rev. Kevin Gaffey Rev. Paul Maillet, S.S. Rev. Gladstone Stevens, S.S. WEDDINGS Saturdays 11:00 AM and 02:00 PM (contact rectory at least 6 months in advance) SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Monica Hickam • (650) 804-2390 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Opus Dei priest) 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM (parish priest) (also by appointment) 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration The Sixth Sunday of Easter FIRST READING If you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right. Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29 PSALM May God have pity on us and bless us; may He let His face shine upon us. Psalms 67 SECOND READING Its temple is the Lord God almighty and the Lamb. 05 May 2013 “The city had no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gave it light, and its lamp was the Lamb.” Revelation 21: 23 Revelation 21: 10-14, 22-23 GOSPEL “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” Calendar John 14: 23-29 SCHEDULE OF MASSES AND INTENTIONS WEEK OF 05 - 11 MAY SAT 05:00 PM Priest’s intentions SUN Masses Priest’s intentions MON 07:30 AM † John Gertridge 05:30 PM † Marie Cornely TUE 07:30 AM Suzanne Lieb 05:30 PM † Barbara Cox WED 07:30 AM Benefactors of the parish 05:30 PM † Raimonda Bartolini THU 07:30 AM † Tina Macioce 05:30 PM † Frank Chandler FRI 07:30 AM † Fr. William Quinn 05:30 PM † Marie Charkins SAT 08:00 AM † Imelda Pinckney; All mothers Please pray for those in need of physical or spiritual healing SPECIAL COLLECTION: MISSION IN BALASORE This weekend Father Kuriakosa Mambrakatt, from the Diocese of Balasore, India will be here to speak at all Masses as part of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith’s Mission Cooperation Plan. Until 1990 the Diocese of Balasore was part of the Archdiocese on Calcutta. The estimated population of this diocese is 8.5 million people; one third of the people are under the age of 30. The Catholic population is approximately 30,000. Almost seventy percent of the population is socially and economically disadvantaged. Catholics in this diocese also face harassment form Hindu fundamentalists martyring Fr. Arul Doss and lay missionary Graham Stains and his two children. The blood of these martyrs has increased the enthusiasm among the priest and people. Checks for all special collections should be made out to the Church of the Nativity. In the memo line write the appropriate reference for your donation, for example: Mission Cooperation Plan. SUN MON-FRI MON-FRI TUE THU SAT SAT SAT SAT 07:00 PM 07:10 AM 05:10 PM 06:00 PM 06:00 PM 06:15 AM 07:40 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 02:00 PM 04:00 PM Holy Hour for Priests Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Cenacles of Life Rosary Perpetual Help Novena Men’s Prayer Group Morning Prayer Confessions (Opus Dei priest) Confessions (parish priest) 05 MAY (Sunday) 06 MAY (Monday) 09:00 AM 07:30 PM Bible Class Legion of Mary (Tuesday) 09:30 AM 07:00 PM Bible Study: The Creed Bible Study: The Creed 07 MAY 08 MAY (Wednesday) 09 MAY (Thursday) 09:30 AM 11:00 AM 06:30 PM Opus Dei Women’s Group The Thursday Group ICF Dinner and Meeting (Friday) 09:30 AM 07:00 PM Nativity Moms’ Group Got Love? for Men (Saturday) 09:00 AM Baptism Class 10 MAY 11 MAY 2nd Special Collection There will be a second collection at all Masses this week for the Mission Cooperation Plan. Parish OfferINGS WEEK OF 20-21 APR TOTAL: $14,689 Annual Appeal Progress: 2013 Appeal Goal: $19,299 $127,900 Saints and Observances SOLEMNITY, FEAST, MEMORIAL • OPTIONAL MEMORIAL • OTHER 09 MAY (Thursday): THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Most provinces and dioceses in the United States celebrate the Ascension on Sunday, 12 May 2013. The Holy Day of Obligation is thus deferred and observed on Sunday. “While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven.” Luke 24: 51 Why not observe this Holy Day and attend Mass on Thursday, too? 10 MAY (Friday): SAINT DAMIEN JOSEPH DE VEUSTER, Priest (1840-1885) Joseph entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In 1873, he went to the Hawaiian government’s leper colony on the island of Molokai, set up seven years earlier. Part of a team of four chaplains taking that assignment for three months each year, Damien soon volunteered to remain permanently, caring for the people’s physical, medical and spiritual needs. In time, he became their most effective advocate to obtain promised government support. Damien contracted Hansen’s disease (leprosy) and died of its complications. Ministry and Group News NATIVITY BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, 12 May 2013 is our next Nativity Blood Drive. Make your appointment on-line (https://www.sbcdonor. org/index.cfm) or call Sebastian Trucios at 650/888-5442. NATIVITY MOMS GROUP All moms are invited to join the Nativity Moms’ Group. Our next meeting will be Friday, 10 May 2013 from 09:30-11:00 AM in the O’Hare Center. Come meet other moms, share the joys and challenges of motherhood, and pray a rosary for our families! Refreshments will be provided. If you have little ones at home, please bring them along. Contact Christine Semler at 650/5944637 for more information. FATIMA CELEBRATION On Monday, 13 May 2013, we will begin our annual celebration of the Blessed Mother’s apparition at Fatima, Portugal. We will have a Mass at 07:00 PM, followed by a talk on the message of Fatima, rosary candlelight procession around the church grounds, and healing Benediction. Please join us and bring your family. For questions, contact Deacon Dominick Peloso at 650/269-6279. CARNIVAL CORNER Five weeks and counting until the biggest carnival in the San Francisco Archdiocese rolls into town. We trust that you’ve marked your calendars for the weekend of 07-09 June 2013 and plan on joining us for some family fun, but if you’re itching to get more deeply involved we can always use enthusiastic volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer a few hours please go to: nativity. Don’t be shy, this is a simple way to get involved. The only skill required is a desire to have fun! Stop by after Mass and meet one of the carnival chairs if you have questions. We’ll see you at the Carnival! Pregnant? Need Help? Please contact the Juan Diego Society (408/258-2008), the Gabriel Project (800/910-0191) or Community Pregnancy Center (650/964-8093). NATIVITY CARNIVAL: SILENT AUCTION The Silent Auction Committee is preparing for another fun and festive Silent Auction to be held in Sobrato Pavilion during the 33rd Annual Nativity Carnival (07-09 June 2013)! Please pick up an announcement flier and donation voucher in the back of the church. We are looking for gift certificates to restaurants or stores, sporting event tickets or sports items, gift basket contents, hotel stays, just to name a few. For any questions, or if you would like to help with this year’s Auction, please contact Steven Machado [email protected] or 650/228-3086 (voicemail). Thank you! PRO-LIFE MEETING San Mateo Pro Life will meet on Thursday, 09 May 2013 at 07:30 PM in St.Gregory’s CATACOMBS! 138 28th Ave, San Mateo Topics: PP in SSF campaign: Update on recent events and discussion on next strategies to pursue. San Mateo County Fair booth sign-ups: The Fair is 08-16 June 2013. A number of people have already signed up for the pro-life booth. Don’t delay; sign up now! For more info, phone Jessica at 650/572-1468. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please come to visit our Lord during the week, as the church is open 24x7 and He awaits you. Also, everyone is encouraged to sign up for one hour. This will ensure your weekly meeting with Jesus. You may sign up for any hour. Please consider the following hours which currently have no one assigned. Our Lord wishes to speak with you, and you have much to say and ask of Him: THU: 10:00 PM (Prayer Partner) SAT: 11:00 AM Please call 650/269-7794 for more information or to sign up. You have never strayed too far for the Father’s forgiveness and grace. Announcements OUR PARISH FAMILY Please keep all of our newest members in your prayers, as well as those who have preceded us to the Father. BAPTISMS • Chloe Michal Estefania, daughter of Nicolas and Carolina Bernadi • Christian Warren, son of Jason Bostian and Erin Dougherty MARRIAGES • Darren King and Carlyn Ster NEW PARISHIONERS • Sonja and Edmund Goedde • Amanda Barry and Patrick O’Neal (Campbell, Declan) • Emily Howell DEATHS • Patty Weeden • Joe Nazzaro • John Spiva • Fr. William Quinn MEMORIAL MASS: PATTY WEEDEN A memorial Mass will be held for Patricia “Patty” Weeden on Friday, 17 May 2013 at 10:00 AM. ALWIN’S ORDINATION Many of you may remember Alwin, the Stanford graduate student from India who attended Mass at Nativity Church in 2005-2006. While here he answered the call to the priestly vocation and joined The Institute of the Incarnate Word on the East Coast. We are happy to announce that he will be ordained on 31 May 2013. If you wish to send him a congratulatory card, please address it to: Alwin Anbu, I.V.E. Institute of the Incarnate Word Fulton Sheen House of Formation 5706 Sargent Road Chillum, MD 20782 FATHER DAVENPORT (ADDRESS CORRECTION) Fr. Davenport has moved to Nazareth House (245 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael; 415/446-5518). This is a corrected address for Nazareth House, plus Father’s direct phone line. We are very happy to be welcoming soon to Nativity Fr. Greg Haake, C.S.C. Fr. Greg has been living at St. Raymond’s Parish for the last three years, and will be moving out as the Dominican Fathers take over the parish. He has been studying at Stanford to achieve his doctorate in French, and will continue to do so while here at Nativity. Many of you already know Father from his time at St. Raymond’s. I know you will extend to him the warm welcome Nativity has always been known for. Msgr Steven Otellini MOTHERS DAY CARDS Mothers Day is 12 May 2013! What could be a better gift to your mother, wife, mother-in-law, grandmother, godmother, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, daughter, or friend then to be remembered in a novena of Masses in observance of Mother’s Day at the Church of the Nativity? Mother’s Day Cards are available at the entrances to the church. Put the name(s) of your loved ones who are mothers, living or deceased, on the larger envelope and return it to the parish office or put it into the collection. Send the card to your favorite mother. These names will be placed on the altar during May so that they will be remembered in a novena of Masses that will be said in their honor. SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEK Next weekend is Catholic Charities CYO Sunday. This annual second collection asks parishioners within the Archdiocese of San Francisco to live their faith by generously supporting the good work of Catholic Charities CYO. Your contributions directly support programs and services that provide relief -- help us change lives today. In The Community NATIVITY MOMS AND DADS OF YESTERYEAR Renew past friendships and make new ones. Join the Nativity Moms and Dads of Yesteryear at Harry’s Hofbrau, 1909 El Camino Real, Redwood City, on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 at 06:00 PM. For information only call Bonnie Neylan at 650/322-8645. FREE AFTER ABORTION Eight-week post-abortion healing and Bible study group. Free. Offered by First Resort. Starts Monday, 03 June 2013 once a week in San Mateo at 06:45 PM. Contact Christine Watkins at 415/260-4406 or [email protected]. “GOT LOVE?” EVENT FOR MEN Nativity is hosting a men’s event, “What It Is To Be A Man”, on Friday, 10 May 2013 at 07:00 PM. Learn the truth about authentic manhood. Back by popular demand, this talk was the most popular at last year’s Got Love? conference. Open especially to young adult, college, and high school men. Fathers and other men welcome also. Info: Deacon Dominick Peloso, 650/2696279. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE 17-19 May 2013, Jesuit Retreat Center, Los Altos. The Beginning Experience is a peer-facilitated ministry serving the widowed, separated and divorced. The program, presented over a weekend, helps those suffering the loss of a loved one; take a step towards closure, find re-kindled hope and discover the strength to let go and let God. The cost of the weekend is $260, partial scholarships available. Contact John Ferreira at 650/692-4337 or [email protected]. THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS From the Holy See Each month His Holiness asks for general and missionary prayer intentions. For May 2013, the Holy Father’s prayer intentions are: General: Administrators of Justice That administrators of justice may act always with integrity and right conscience. Missionary: Seminaries That seminaries, especially those of mission churches, may form pastors after the Heart of Christ, fully dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel. Communicants & Confirmandi Please pray for those who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday, 13 April 2013 Melanie Anderson Isabela Duffy Charles Loftus Julian Ryczkowski Ella Aspinall Kayley Ebaugh Isabella Madrigal Calista Schmidt Rami Barbari Calem Filipek Caitlin Manuel Kyle Scott Ryann Barnes Paul Ginier Isabel McDonald Iain Semler Vincent Barragan Angelica Gomez Peyton Meinhardt Moises Sikaffy Paula Barton Jessica Gomez Natalie Melgar Margaret Sonne Santiago Barton Mayra Gutierrez Carolina Noviello Catelea Spencer Arabella Pauline Bayona Gabriella Honda Magdalena O’Driscoll Matthew Taft Ellery Burton-Tillson Lauren Hughes Kennya Olguin Puentes Ray Taft Arianna Carrillo Annika Kavel Toni Olivero Skyler Trenkner-Aguirre Kate Corbett Matthew Kawkab Adam Paczuski Cody Trobough Clara Cronin Christina Kerr Sierra Pestoni Raquel Vasquez Alienor de la Barre de Nanteuil John Paul Killmond Matthew Pflaging Daniel Villa Mia DiBono Ciara Kingham Michael Pflaging Jasmine Villanueva Reno DiBono Joshua Lim Diego Rios Brian Yen Kieran Duffey Sienna Loar Anthony Riviello Olivia Zumstein Selma Ruiz Please pray for those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, 21 April 2013 administered by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Dorothy Aldridge Matthias Guegler Rianna Machado Sean Rossiter Brooke Badgett Grace Hamren Raveena Massis Kyra Sheeper Isabella Billet Madeline Holland Christine McCarthy Troy Siegler Luis Giovanni Carrillo William Joseph Hoy Hugo McMillan Kaitlin Tevarez David Clarke Gabrielle Irwin Alissa McNerney Ricardo Torres Matthew Cruz Megan Johnson Alyssa Nevarez Gabriel Trucios Gianna DiBono Patrick Johnson Maggie O’Keeffe Michelle Villagomez Mitchell Faure Sarah Beth Johnson Michelle Pineda Janai Vliegen Valerie Filloux Theodore Juntunen Manuel Porras Rio Zelaya Michael Landolfi Nikolas Robles Young Believers THRONE ASCEND TRUMPETS KINGDOM SPIRIT WITNESSES AWESOME POWER SEATED
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