Week of April 19, 2015
Week of April 19, 2015
Nativity of Our Lord Church A Stewardship Community 6 0 5 We s t S t r e e t R o a d , Wa r m i n s te r, PA 1 8 9 7 4 s i t e : w w w. n o o l p . o r g April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil:5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday 9:00 AM (October thru June) Saturday: 8:00 AM CONFESSIONS Saturday: 7:30 - 7:50 AM & 3:30 - 4:30 PM DAYTIME OFFICE HOURS~PARISH CENTER Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - Noon & 1:00 - 4:00 PM RECTORY ~ BY APPOINTMENT Monday - Thursday : 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM & 6:30-7:30 PM Friday - NO RECTORY HOURS Saturday:& Sunday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Rev. Angelo R. Citino, Pastor Rev. Msgr. William J.J. O’Donnell, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John P. Masson, Parochial Vicar Ms. Roselee Maddaloni, School Principal Mrs. Jen Boag, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Ann Marie Gervino, Director Adult Faith Formation Mrs. Barbara Palo, Youth Minister Michael Klenk, Director of Music Mrs. Cheryl Kress, Business Manager Rectory: 215-675-1925 School: 215-675-2820 Religious Education Office: 215-672-5316 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second & Fourth Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. Parents are asked to come to the Baptismal Instruction the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Conference Center located behind the church. Please call the Parish Center to register for the Baptismal Instruction. We, the Parish family of Nativity of Our Lord, proclaim that by our Baptism we have received the message of Christmas the great love God has for all people and proclaim that love to all we meet, and so to make present the Kingdom of God on earth by service to others and by working for justice and peace. Dear Parishioners, During this Easter season we celebrate God’s unconditional love for us. God is the person of Jesus became man and suffered and died so that our sins could be forgiven and we could inherit eternal life. I hope all of us take the opportunity to reflect on this act of love given to us by God. Our lives and our faith are much more meaningful when we realize that God loves us, not just all, but each and everyone of us. Do you realize and believe in God’s love for you? Do you believe you are forgiven, redeemed and destined to live on in eternity with God? The way we respond to such questions determines the way we live our lives in the joy and sorrows. It determines how we return the love to God and others. It brings hope, peace and joy to our very beings. The Easter season lasts for fifty days until the feast of Pentecost. During this time allow the mystery of God’s love for you to permeate your very being. If you do you will understand why this season is celebrated with Alleluia! God bless us all! Father Angelo R. Citino Prayer to our Blessed Mother Take my hand, O Blessed Mother. Hold me firmly, lest I fall. I grow nervous while walking, and humbly on Thee call. Guide me over every crossing. Watch me when I’m on the stairs. Let me know that you’re beside me. Listen to my fervent prayers. Bring me to my destination safely along the way. Bless my every undertaking and my duties for the day. And when evening creeps upon us, I’ll never fear to be alone. Once again, O Blessed Mother, take my hand and lead me home. Amen. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING ~ TITHING Sunday April 12, 2015 Sunday Collection: Online Giving: Total Sunday $18,462.45 $ 2,834.00 $21,296.45 Easter Collection (to date) Easter Flowers: $53,438.72 $ 3,700.00 Thank You for your support! Fr. Citino H.O.P.E. Captain for the week of 04/18 - 05/09 is Linda Conti, 215-364-9172 or 215817-9276 WEEKLY FAITH SHARING Question of the Week WHOM DO YOU SEE WITNESSING TO CHRIST? Our Parish Family is asked to pray: for all pregnant women. May God bless them with a safe delivery and healthy baby. Catechism of the Catholic Church 279. What are the essential and necessary ele- ments for celebrating the Eucharist? The essential elements are wheat bread and grape wine. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Third Sunday of Easter Tuesday: St. Anselm Wednesday: Administrative Professionals Day; Earth Day Thursday: St. George; St. Adalbert Friday: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen; National Arbor Day Saturday: St. Mark GOSPEL FOR ALL AGES: 3rd Sunday of Easter, April 19, 2015 Sunday Readings: Acts 3.13-15, 17-19; 1 John 2.1-5; Luke 24.35-48 Question from Life: What is an experience that remains important enough for you to tell the story often? Question from the Gospel: What do you remember most about Jesus? THIS WEEK AT NATIVITY SUNDAY ~ April 19, 2015 8:00 AM ~ Parish Art Show - Hall MONDAY ~ April 20, 2015 7:00 PM ~ Pro-Life - PCC-K TUESDAY ~ April 21, 2015 8:30 AM ~ Adoration 9:30 AM ~ Legion of Mary - PCC-K 7:30 PM ~ World Meeting of Families - PCC WEDNESDAY ~ April 22, 2015 6:00 PM ~ PREP 7:30 PM ~ Prayer Group - PCC THURSDAY ~ April 23, 2015 6:30 PM ~ Grief Support - MMC 7:00 PM ~ Penn Foundation - Hall SATURDAY ~ April 25, 2015 7:00 AM ~ Saturday Morning Bible Study-H Church Memorial Fund A donation has been made… In Loving Memory of: Richard Rozzelle J. Elaine Young Edward Powers Lynn Kloepfer Philomena Smolcynski John Sykes Catherine McGeehan Ellen Wholey Dot Ward George Long Arthur Tollen William Fenta Helen Moser Patricia Sykes MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY April 18, 2015 8:00 AM Doris Mooney 5:00 PM William & Anna Lennon SUNDAY April 19, 2015 8:00 AM Marie A. Lambert ~ 23rd Anniversary 10:00 AM Frank McGorry ~ 4th Anniversary 12:00 PM Elaine Banholzer MONDAY April 20, 2015 6:30 AM NO 8:00 AM Bernard Finn TUESDAY April 21, 2015 6:30 AM Mary Miksis ~ 1st Anniversary 8:00 AM Ted Mark WEDNESDAY April 22, 2015 6:30 AM Kenneth Pers 8:00 AM Margaret Wisniewski ~ 1st Anniversary THURSDAY April 23, 2015 6:30 AM Gloria Giarratana 8:00 AM Anthony Gable Jr.~ 1st Anniversary FRIDAY April 24, 2015 6:30 AM People of the Parish 8:00 AM Stella Spinosa .~ 1st Anniversary SATURDAY April 25, 2015 8:00 AM Jill Borghi 5:00 PM Robert Dee SUNDAY April 26, 2015 8:00 AM Patrick Polio 10:00 AM Dennis B. Kelly 12:00 PM Rita Sabatelli Prayer Requests ~ 9AM - 11AM Dolores 215-674-1966 MOTHER’S DAY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET CARDS are available at the Parish Office Center, Rectory, and at the doors of the church. The names of those enrolled through these cards will be placed on the altar during the month of May. A free-will offering is requested. "A support group is a healthy, safe place for you who are grieving to bring yourselves, your stories, your anger, and your bewilderment, and to know that it's likely that others will have been there and will recognize in your story, their story. And it is possible that something in your story will encourage another griever in the group". Harold Ivan Smith Nativity Grief Group Spring Session is open to any adult dealing with the loss of a loved one. We meet on Thursday evenings, in the school media room from 6:30 to 8 PM. Enter from the back of the school and follow the blue balloons. April 23 Coping with Isolation and Loneliness May 7 Spiritual Aspects of Grief and HealingMay 21 Surviving Stress as We Grieve June 4 Memories are Our Treasures For further information and/or questions, please call Dot Cassidy (215) 672-8230 or Terri Carr (215) 441-8478. UPCOMING EVENTS Please join us for Nativity’s Parish Art Show Sunday April 19 artwork available to view in the Hall beginning after the 8:00a.m. Mass until 2:30: Reception in the Hall after 12 noon Mass: Several members of our parish community will have works on display. Please join us! Meet the artists and enjoy refreshments! No charge for admission, but a free-will offering would be appreciated. PARISH MAY PROCESSION Our Parish May Procession will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM in the Church. Our school & Prep students will participate in the May Procession. We invite all of our Parish Ministries & organizations to process with their banners. We invite all of our Parishioners to join us in this beautiful tribute to our Blessed Mother. All those who wish to process with us are asked to meet in the church hall at 6:40 PM on Tuesday, May 12th. Divorced and Separated Support Group. Our parish will begin a monthly support group to offer friendship and encouragement for those experiencing the pain of separation or divorce. The group will meet the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Nativity’s Parish Hall starting May 7th. For further information, please contact Nativity Parish Center: 215-675-1925. Learn the New Testament Nativity’s Bible Study will hear about Jesus through Paul’s early Thessalonian Letter, Mark’s first written Gospel, and John’s concluding Apocalypse. Experience the heights of revelation with us as we get to know Jesus more fully. We meet at 7PM in the Parish Conference Center. Nativity’s Evening Bible Study Schedule: May 7 & 21 June 4 & 18 July 2 & 16 Aug. 6 & 20 Sept. 3 & 17 Oct. 1 & 15 Nov. 5 & 19 Fathers and Sons Evening of Prayer at St. Charles Seminary April 26, 2015 Nativity of Our Lord Fathers and Sons are invited to join the seminarians of St. Charles Seminary for Solemn Sunday Evening Prayer. Evening Prayer is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, the daily prayer of the Church, marking the hours of each day, sanctifying the day with prayer. Sunday Evening Prayer has been a long standing beautiful tradition of St. Charles that many priests and visitors hold in their hearts. As the first teachers of their children, fathers are called on to teach them how to pray and have a relationship with God. This is a great for opportunity for Fathers and Sons to pray together alongside the men of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Come out to see the beautiful Seminary campus and experience the solemn prayer of its residents. All ages welcome. Meet at Nativity at 3:45 and Carpool will leave from Nativity Parking Lot at 4:00. Dinner will be provided after Evening Prayer. If interested in coming please contact Fr. John ASAP at: [email protected] or 215-675-1925. Join us for a Day of Reflection at the IHM Spirituality Center in Immaculata, PA on April 25, 2015 from 9AM to 3PM. With the assistance of Sr. Patricia Mengel, IHM, participants will explore “Cinema Divina: Praying Through Film.” Cost for the day is $35 and this includes morning hospitality and lunch. Registration Deadline: Friday, April 17, 2015. For more information and/or registration, contact Sr. Barbara Cook at 610-647-4136 [email protected] or visit our website: www.ihmimmaculata.org/facilities/s_center.html Joyous Celebration of the Feast Day of Saint Gianna Join in the joyous celebration of the Feast Day honoring Saint Gianna Beretta Molla. On Tuesday, April 28th at 7PM. Mass will be celebrated in honor of St. Gianna here at Nativity of Our Lord Church. The Holy Rosary with prayers of St. Gianna will be prayed at 6:30PM. Rev. Dennis Gill will be the main celebrant. Venerate her relics after Mass. Join us afterward for fellowship and refreshments in the church hall. There will also be many beautiful St. Gianna items on sale at that time. Bring a friend!! Everyone is Welcome! Mothers of Children with Disabilities Retreat: Monday, May 4, 2015 at Malvern Retreat House, Bishop Timothy Senior will direct a retreat for mothers who are raising children with disabilities and also those who have adult children with disabilities. There will be time to pray, reflect, and chat with other mothers. To register contact Malvern Retreat House at 610-644-0400 or [email protected]. For more information contact the Office for Persons with Disabilities at [email protected] Protecting Our Children Joining Together to Prevent Substance Abuse in Our Community Nativity of Our Lord has partnered with Penn Foundation to offer education, awareness, and prevention strategies to address substance abuse in our community. Presenter Gordon Hornig, MSW, LSW, has over 20 years of experience working in the addiction field. As Director of Penn Foundation’s Mobile Engagement Services, Gordon meets with individuals & families in the community to engage them in treatment. Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School Archdiocese of Philadelphia Wedding Anniversary Mass Saturday, May 2, 2015 5:15 P.M. Vigil Mass Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Principal Celebrant The annual Wedding Anniversary Mass is celebrated in May to pray for and with married couples in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who are newlyweds, who have been married 25 years or more or who have married 50 years or more. Mass will be celebrated at Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter & Paul, 18th Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway. For more information please contact the Office for Life & Family at 215-587-0500. NO PRIOR REGISTRATION REQUIRED To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. “...a time to be born…” Jackson Lee Frey Cole Matthew Hauser Lorenzo James Marcelline Dominic John Murtha Jack Aidan Wiercinski “...a time to be healed…” Helene Alexander, Leticia Alfredo, Oakley Amerman, Genevieve Arber, Ann Best, Lou Borghi, Shane Boyle, Craig Brennan, Joseph Carr, Ann Campbell, Michael Christiansen, David Chubb, William Chubb, Harry Citrino, Connie Dasconio, John Delaney, Alfonso DeLuca, Lucille Deissler, Christina Davis DiDomenico, Janice Dockery, Angelo & Caroline Fanelli, Krissy Farabee, Jamie Ferrari, Sister Marie Fidelis, RSM, Jim Fuges, Mickey Heston, Betty Huf, Joseph Jenkins, Howard Kaness, Anna King, Joseph Jenkins, Robert Lawler, Ed Little, Mary Lucci, Joe Maceyko, Leon Machulski, Ann Mackey, Dan Maffei, Julia Maher, Christopher Maiorino, Virginia Mallatratt, Frank Maransky, Anne Marcinkevich, Herb Martin, Sister, Mary Martin, IHM, Dot Mayr, Ann McCloskey, Joan McDonald, John & Jinny McIntyre, Matthew McKinney, John Mikulich, Bill Miller, Bill Mulholland, Ellen O’Donnell, Mae O’Donnell, Macallen O’Leary, Lauren Pastore, Ann Marie Pearson, Lois Peck, John Pemrick, Carol Pero, Dolores Pers, Louise Pfau, Patricia Plant, Sara Reguera, Kathleen & Joseph Reichart, Barbara Renk, Lt. Col. Mark Reynolds, Jim Reilly, Margie Sarsfield, Bob Schaefer, Loretta Schmid, Dolores Selvey, Teresa Snyder, Kevin Stewart, Richard Sweeney, Johnny Tate, Frank Thomas, Kathy Tellado, Robert Tully, Bea Verbinski, ,Carol Woltemate, Miriam Yochim, Babby Cater Zimmerman & Nicole Zimmerman, Mary Zuccarelli, & all the sick of the parish. “...a time to die…” Joseph Marcinkezick, Joseph Gauder, Lois Peck, Joan DiBiase, & Sister Frances Maureen To enter into the mystery' means the ability to wonder, to contemplate; the ability to listen to the silence and to hear the tiny whisper amid great silence by which God speaks to us (cf 1 Kings 19:12) . . . we need to adore. Without adoration, we cannot enter into the mystery." (Pope Francis, April 5, 2015, homily). Join us this Tuesday in Adoration of Our Eucharistic Lord. All are welcome! PREP NEWS From the Religious Education Office: Registration for the 2015-2016 PREP year is now open. The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) runs on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM -7:30 PM for levels K-6. We also have a teen group for levels 7-12 that meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. For more information please contact the Religious Education Office at 215-672-5316, or visit www.noolp.org > PREP for detailed directions and registration forms. Faith: The Next Generation – Pass It On! Boldly go where many have gone before and pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith. The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is actively seeking volunteers. We provide all of the training, materials, and support. We are looking for volunteers to serve as catechists, assistants, and safety monitors. We are sure to have a position to meet your comfort level. It truly is an enriching experience that is a reward in itself. This program runs on Wednesday evenings, beginning at 6:00 PM. If interested or for more information, please contact Jen Boag at 215-672-5316 or [email protected]. Also feel free to visit and explore our website at www.noolp.org. PREP Student of the Month for March We would like to recognize and congratulate our PREP students who received the Gift of the Holy Spirit Award for Reverence in the month of March. Students exemplifying the gift of Reverence have a deep respect for God and for all of creation. These students try to see the true value of every person. The gift of Reverence shows itself in gentleness, tenderness, protectiveness, and concern. Kindergarten: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Nicholas Capozzi Martie Corcoran, Mackenzie Shiffer George Robles, Sophia Weissman, Kendell Goetz Jenna Mitros, Morgan Dolan, Brandan Venit Connor Kelly, AJ Dayton Megan Miller, Kelly Marie Welsh, Katelyn Barbour Bridget Gottschall, Mackenzie Earl, Nicholas Polymenakos CYO NEWS Nativity of Our Lord CYO FUNraiser BYOB GIRLS NIGHT OUT! (must be 21 or older) Where: When: Time/Cost Uncorked Artist 1414 Old York Road, Suite B Warminster, PA 18974 May 14, 2015 (Thursday) 7:00pm-9:30pm / $35.00 PP Please visit website to register: http://www.theuncorkedartist.com/eventregistration?ee=2174 Relax, unwind & uncork your inner artist today – No experience necessary! Grab your Wine and Come Paint With Us! Your painting will bring smiles for years to come! We will be painting “Summer Sunflower.” Feel free to BYOB…and a snack/appetizer to share! Please call Elena Shields at 215-275-1853 with any questions!! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING NATIVITY’S CYO PROGRAM! SCHOOL NEWS NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT Enrollment has begun for September, 2015 in all grades for new students!! Call now to schedule a tour or appointment to register—-215-675-2820, option 5 (Enrollment Office). Please consult the Admission Information page on the school website for complete directions on the documents required for admission. TEEN MINISTRY Fritz's Sticky bun sale after all Masses on Sunday, April 26th There will be plain, cream cheese, raisin and walnut available at the low price of $8/ half dozen or 1 dozen for $15 don't miss out on these yummy treats...... the teen ministry thanks you for your support World Meeting of Families Study Group Revised schedule Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Parish Conference Center April 21 Chapter 10 Chapter 6: All Love Bears Fruit “Love is our mission” for everyone – not just those who are married. Catholic marriage is a beautiful sacrament, but it is not necessary for a fully human life. In any society, many will be marginalized if marriage is seen as mandatory, as if one needs a sexual partner in order to be complete. Celibacy in the Church resists this misleading idea, insisting that life outside of marriage is also meant to be beautiful, social, and sacramental. Catholic celibacy and marriage have the same inner rationale, for in both cases, love commits us to service and joins us to the cross. A life of celibacy may be lay or ordained. Celibacy can be chosen, as in vowed religious life, or the result of being unable to marry, due to disability or circumstance. There are many ways of being celibate, each with important distinctions, but to be fruitful, they all require a similar internal motion of soul, an offering of our heart to the Lord. Wise, mature celibates and spouses practice many of the same spiritual skills. Celibacy and marriage both proclaim that sexual intimacy cannot be a temporary experiment or conditional audition. Both celibacy and marriage create solidarity between the sexes, rejecting sex in the context of what Pope Francis called the “throwaway culture.” To create communities where unmarried men and women experience joy and live their mission is something Christians need to do for one another. These teachings have further implications for family and parish life – see chapter six in “Love Is Our Mission” for details. - Christopher C. Roberts NEUMANN ADULT SPIRITUALITY MINISTRY R E T R E A T D AY C RANALE ITH S PI R ITUAL C E NTE R 13475 Proctor Road Somerton PA ~ M A Y 1 3, 2 0 1 5 9:30 A.M. ~ 2:00 P.M. Retreat Director; Sister Maria DiBello, Sister of Mercy Theme: MARY, UNTIER OF KNOTS This is one of Pope Francis’ favorite titles for the Blessed Mother and has implications for our personal conversion as well as the mercy that heals our relationships. Cost: $50 (Includes continental breakfast, lunch and presenter) Please detach and mail to: Cathy Krzywicki, 679 Stratford Road, Warminster, PA 18974 You will receive a call to confirm your reservation. Name: Phone: Make checks payable to: Neumann Adult Spirituality Ministry Due to a number of issues with our paper recycling program, we will no longer be recycling paper here at Nativity. The recycling bins have been removed. The dark red bins on the property are our trash removal bins. Please DO NOT place your paper recycling in the trash removal bins. Thank you for your cooperation. Faustina Messenger of Divine Mercy A Live Multimedia Drama with a Modern Message of Mercy Saturday, May 16, 8:00 p.m. Nativity of Our Lord Church Performed by Maria Vargo—Directed by Leonardo DeFilippis Admission $12—Suitable for Ages 13 and Up (Groups of 10 or more--$10 per ticket) Tickets available after all of the Masses. Tickets may be reserved by calling the parish office:215-675-1925 or by e-mailing: [email protected] Experience firsthand the life and message of Saint Faustina whose personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a world-wide devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy. This drama also brings audiences a riveting modern story that makes Divine Mercy remarkably relevant and urgent for our world today. The program is filled with all the elements of professional theater and runs 90 minutes. For more information about the drama visit www.DivineMercyDrama.com ARCHBISHOP WOOD HIGH SCHOOL Archbishop Wood Archbishop Wood High School is looking to fill the position of Office Manager/Secretary. This is a full time twelve month position with benefits. To apply for this position, please send your resume to Archbishop Wood High School, Office of the President, 655 York Road, Warminster, PA 18974. Deadline for resumes is Friday, April 24, 2015. Boy’s Summer Archbishop Wood High School is still accepting registrations for the Class of 2019. For information, contact the Director of Admissions, Ms. Patricia Roschetz, at 215-672-5050, extension 268. Basketball Camp June 22nd-26th 2015 9:00am-3:00pm; June 26th 9:00-am12pm Archbishop Wood HS 665 York Road Warminster, PA18974 Who: Current 3rd-8th grade boys Tuition: $135 Early Bird by June 1 $125 additional sibling $150 after June 2 Each camper will receive a camp shirt, evaluation, and workout program. Registration Info: To register for this camp, please contact Matt Funk at [email protected] to receive a flyer with detailed information about how to register for camp. Hope to see you there! Date: Time: Where: Little Flower Alums, Family and Friends come celebrate the school’s 75th Anniversary on Sunday, April 26th 1 – 5 pm for an Open House and Re-Dedication of the school to St. Therese. SISTER HELEN PREJEAN Monday, May 4, 2015 Bestselling author of Dead Man Walking comes to Doylestown to talk about life, death, and social justice. Don’t miss it! Date: Time: Location: Monday, May 4, 2015 7:00 PM Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 235 East State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Book Signing and Refreshments Following Contacts: Fran Lorie 215-489-4039; Rosemary Ramil 215-340-0238 Sponsored by OLMC Peace and Justice Ministry
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