June 5, 2016 - Nativity of Our Lord Parish
June 5, 2016 - Nativity of Our Lord Parish
Na t i v i t y of Our Lord C A T H O L I C C H U R C H Congratulations Class of 2016! Nativity parishioner Deacon Michael Daly (far right) to be ordained with Deacons Nativity parishioner Michael McClellan (far right) left), Deacon Michael Daly (far & Matthew Northenscold (3rd from left), his classmates to be ordained and classmates on May 28 May 28 Nativity parishioner Deacon Michael Daly (far right) to be ordained with Deacons Michael McClellan (far left), Nativity School Year-In -Review Inside Matthew Northenscold (3rd from left), and classmates on May 28 parishioner 10th Sunday in Ordinary Nativity Time | Sunday, June 5, 2016 Matthew quail to be ordained a transitional deacon• [email protected] may 14 Stanford Ave. at Prior Ave. South • St. Paul, MN 55105 • (651) 696.5401 • www.nativity-mn.org Facebook.com/NativityStPaul @NativityStPaul NativityStPaul Cover Art Nativity School 8th Grade graduating class of 2016 / photograph by Michael Murray Photos Wanted! Have any great photos that you took at Nativity? From weddings to Donut Sunday, we’d love to highlight the vibrancy, faith, and beauty of our parish in the bulletin and other print publications, on the website, and through our various social media outlets. Please send photos to [email protected] and let us know who should get the credit. Thank you! Music Organ Recital - Sunday, June 12 This is a rare (and free) organ recital not to be missed! Dueling organists Patrick Henning of Nativity and Jeff Patry of Sacred Heart in Robbinsdale will present a stunning array of organ music next Sunday at 2pm that will leave you wanting more! Featuring music by Canadian composers, a contest of National Anthems, and culminating in a spirited arrangement of John Philip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever, you won’t want to miss this chance to hear music that will definitely send you home humming. Sports Women’s Slowpitch Softball To all women of the parish: Spring has sprung and it’s time to dust off your softball gloves. If you are 21 years or older and would like to enjoy some fun, fellowship, and a beautiful summer evening, come join us and play slowpitch softball. We play at Edgcumbe field (Jefferson and Griggs Sts.) on Friday evenings at 6pm. Come for a game or the whole season, and all levels of experience are welcome. Also, all parishioners are invited to come and watch the games! Please email Gloria at [email protected] with any questions. Mass Readings Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1-8; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7-8; Mt 5:13-16 Wed.: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1-2, 4-5, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Sat.: Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 — 8:3 Mass Intentions M Tu W Th F Sa 8:15am Sr. Agnes VanDen Broeke, OCD Peggy Todd + Mother Marie-Ange Barrett, OCD Daniel & Lucy Foley Jim Kolar Frances McMorrow + 5pm Christopher Ernster Michael Ernster Baby Crow + Pegge Searles + Ginny Sullivan + - Respect Life June Meeting - June 13 June's Respect Life meeting will be the 2nd Monday of the month at the home of Karen McCann. We will meet from 78:30pm, including praying the Rosary from 88:30pm. Newcomers are always welcome, dessert will be served, and you’re welcome to come and go as you are able. Respect Life Book Discussion - June 20 The next book we will be discussing is Mark Crutcher's compelling 320-page expose of the American abortion industry, Lime 5: Exploited By Choice. A unique and uncensored look at our nation's most wrenching social issue, it’s a must-read for anyone seeking the truth about abortion. We will meet Monday, June 20 from 6-8pm for a potluck at the home of Karen McCann. Call Karen to RSVP by June 19 at [email protected] or (612) 964-4522 or to get a copy of the book for $5-8. Archdiocese Catholic Watchmen Rally - June 16 All men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally, as Jeff Cavins will present Jesus Walking in Me: The Choices I Make at 6:30pm on Thursday, June 16 at St. Hubert’s in Chanhassen. The rally is an opportunity for men to draw closer to Jesus Christ and invest in fellowship with other men. There will be time for Adoration and Confession and dinner will be provided. Registration is not required, although a free will offering will be collected. Questions? Contact Susanna Bolle at [email protected] or 291-4411. Rest Moments of relaxation and peace are vital, and allow God the space to reach into our lives. How can you find the rest that renews you and strengthens your spirit? Open a window and listen to the birds singing. Throw a ball with a child. Look through an old photo album. Take a nap. Call a friend. Breathe deeply. Take a leisurely walk. Stop in to a quiet church for a moment of prayer. Stare at the sky. Hum a spiritual song. Take a bath instead of a shower. Turn off your cell phone. Plan a do-nothing Sunday. Jesus, help me to find moments of peace and rest in you. General Information Masses of Thanksgiving - Saturday, June 11, 5pm Please join us in congratulating the newly ordained Father Matthew Northenscold as he celebrates a mass of thanksgiving with the parish next Saturday evening. All are invited! Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell (pictured) Mass Times Lord’s Day Mass Saturday 5pm; Sunday 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am (Steiner Hall), 11am, 5pm Marriage Banns Daily Mass Mon-Sat 8:15am, Mon-Fri 5pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday-Friday 7:45am & 4:30pm, Saturday 3:30-4:30pm Emergency Anointing of the Sick (24 hours) (651) 696-5401 (press 1) Prayer Line 9-11am & 6-7pm Mary Kay McQuade (454-7431), Bette Hoffman (699-8249) Lannan Parish Center Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Fri 8am-Noon 1900 Wellesley Avenue - 696-5401 (phone) 696-5458 (fax) Website www.nativity-mn.org Email [email protected] School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue 699-1311 Staff Contacts Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell Parochial Vicar Father John Powers Permanent Deacon Deacon Russ Kocemba Parish Business Administrator Laura Barr Parish Secretary/Assistant to Pastor Leah Driscoll Principal Kate Wollan Early Learning Center Director Nicole McGie Faith Formation Director Randy Mueller Director of Music & Liturgy Patrick Henning Director of Nativity Choir Rob Pontious Pastoral Care Coordinator Nancy Shatek-Suek Development/Communications Director B.J. Kranz Facilities Director Bill Beltz Communications Manager Isaac Huss Pastoral Council Chairman Mark Bergeron Liturgy 696-5401 696-5440 696-5401 696-5423 696-5401 699-1311 696-5437 696-5454 696-5430 653-3655 696-5444 696-5441 696-5434 696-5425 785-7742 Content Submissions Online Submissions Text content can now be submitted online for the parish bulletin, online calendar, social media, and email newsletter at Parish.Nativity-MN.org/Content-Submissions. Images must still be sent via email to [email protected]. Publishing Deadlines Content is typically required by Monday at noon for the following Sunday’s bulletin, while digital content requires at least two business days prior to desired publication. Publishing is not guaranteed, and is generally granted on a first-come, first-served basis, giving priority to official Nativity events. Bulletin submissions can also still be sent to [email protected]. –Isaac Huss, Communications Manager and Bulletin Editor The following couples are preparing for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Please keep them in your prayers. Saturday, June 11, 2016 Erin Lauer & Andy Paulsen Saturday, June 18, 2016 Katie Herbeck & Connor Flanagan Saturday, June 25, 2016 Maura Scanlon & David Hartigan To be married at Nativity, the bride, groom, or one of the parents must be an active, registered parishioner for at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding. Contact Leah for more information at [email protected]. Email Newsletter Nativity is pleased to announce the launch of a parish email newsletter which will be delivered on a weekly basis on Thursdays. The newsletter will highlight events of the upcoming weekend and connect to helpful resources on the web. Visit parish.nativity-mn.org/email-newsletter to sign up. Adoration Adorers are greatly needed: Monday 10am Tuesday 11am Wednesday 1pm Thursday 4pm Saturday 11am Please call (763) 755-7706 to sign up for a peaceful hour with Jesus! A Year End Review 2015-2016 Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School Aswebringthisschoolyeartoaclose,itisimportanttoreflectontheprogressmadeonthe NativitySchoolStrategicPlan.Theinitialplanwaswrittensixyearsagoatthetimeofthe school’saccreditationrenewal.Thegoalsoriginallyidentifiedhavebeenmetormodifiedto meettheever‐changingneedsforschoolexcellencetoday.Severalnewobjectiveshavebeen identifiedoverthepastsixyearswiththeprimaryfocusonfulfillingourschoolmission. Nextfallwewillhaveoursitevisitfortherenewalofouraccreditationstatusforthenextseven years.Wehavespentconsiderabletimeduringthe2015‐16academicyearconductingourself‐ studyandreframingourstrategicplan.Ourstrategicplanhighlightsgoalsandobjectivesand identifiesreasonabletimelinestomeetthosegoals. Catholic Identity Strategic Direction “Explore strategies that promote respectful interaction among students by connecting our Catholic teachings to personal behavior.” Nativityimplementedthe“VirtuesinPractice”curriculum,createdbytheDominican SistersofNashville,ingradesK‐5duringthe2015‐16schoolyear.Thisthree‐year curriculumfocusesonadifferentvirtueeachmonthandhighlightsadifferentsainteach monththatembodiesthevirtuethroughtheirlife.Thisyear’soverarchingthemewas CharitywhichfitwellwiththeHolyYearofMercy. ThisyearthestudentslearnedtheFiveFingerPrayerformpresentedbyPopeFrancisto assistwithhelpingchildrenformamorepersonalprayerlifewithChrist. Academic Strategic Directions “Adoption of a new standardized test to better understand the academic progress of our students” Studentsingrades3‐8tooktheNWEAMAPtestlastfalltogetabenchmarkfor performanceandthisspringtodeterminegrowthduringthe2015‐16academicyear. Nativitystudentsperformedexceptionallywellinmathandreadingthisyear.Nativity studentsperformedinthe95thpercentileorhigherlastfallrelativetootherstudentsin thesamegradeacrossthenation,thankstothecommitmentofourteachers,students, andparentsformakinglearningahighpriority. Overthepastyearourteachershavecreatedlearningtargetscalled“ICanStatements”to keepaclearobjectiveforstudentlearningbycontentarea. Technology Strategic Direction “To better utilize technology to enhance instructional practices throughout all content areas” Thankstothegenerosityofourparentsandparishionersatlastyear’sNativityCountyFair FundANeed,ourstudentswereabletoexploreengaginglearningexperiences,includinga mobileSTEAMMuseumandPlanetariumintheschoolauditorium,threecross‐grade‐level buddyengineeringactivities,andtheintroductiontoroboticsinourintermediategrades. TheLegoRoboticsprogramincludesWeDo2.0andEV3Mindstormkitstofacilitatecritical thinking,collaborationamonglearners,andobjective‐drivenmissionsfocusedon engineeringandsciencestandards. Ourtechnologycurriculumwasupgradedtoincludebasicprogrammingandcoding.This foundationwasusedtosupportanewextracurricularCodingClubforstudentsingrades threethroughsixwhichwasdesignedandimplementedbyagroupofNativityparents. OnecriticalobstacletothefuturesuccessofourtechnologyinitiativesatNativitySchool wasresolvedthispastyear.Lastsummer,Nativityupgradedthetechnological infrastructureofourwirelessnetworktobettermeettheneedsofourstudents.The opportunitiesareendlesswithmorelearningexperiencesdependentontechnology throughiPads,Chromebooks,ortheuseoftechnologytosupportinstruction. Strategic Direction on Developing the Whole Child “Encourage students to become self-advocates for their learning” Nativitystudentsinfifthandsixthgradesparticipatedinapilotprogramfocusedon developingperseveranceandmotivationtobecomethebestversionofthemselves.This programcalled“REACH”isfacilitatedbytheSearchInstituteofMinneapolis. “A Juicy Blucy Revolution!” Your high achieving A+ Neighborhood Restaurant 1811 Selby Ave. 651-493-1865 www.thebdp.com St. Paul Automotive Complete Domestic & Foreign Auto Service & Repair Computerized Alignments Chassis Dynamometer Trucks & RV’s www.stpaulautomotive.net 910 Randolph Ave. 651-298-0956 Wills, Trusts Probate 651-255-6823 $2.00 OFF [email protected] The Brennan Group MICHAEL SKILLRUD All UPS Shipping Gerald D. Brennan, CIMA® James R. Seidel, CFP® Lynn L. Kittelson Financial Associate 651-287-9417 (with this ad) Jerry Brennan, Parishioner “The Purposeful Management of Wealth” Nativity Parishioner • [email protected] 651-222-2019 www.bairdfinancialadvisor.com/thebrennangroup [email protected] Robert W. Baird & Co. MN License 40316377 | CA License OK47535 | WI License 2615003 1043 Grand Ave. St. Paul 952-857-5502 www.theupsstorelocal.com/1782 GARAGE Auto and Light Truck Repair Phone 690-2050 1521 Randolph Ave. The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! COME FOR THE LIVE MUSIC, FOOD, BOWLING AND DRINK SPECIALS, AND OUR FREE SHUTTLE TO ALL WILD AND VIKINGS HOME GAMES! 492 Hamline Avenue S. Saint Paul • (651) 698-4347 Fenske Law Office Midway Chamber 2015 Small Business of the Year • 995 W. 7th Street Saint Paul • (651) 228-9925 Jeff Fenske, Attorney (651) 288-0800 B USINESS • E STATE P LANNING • R EAL E STATE 239 Cleveland Avenue North | www.jfenskelaw.com | [email protected] HAPPY HOUR FAMILY A boutique fitness studio changing lives Robert J. Schestak, DMD one body at a time through Pilates, Barre, Spinning, functional training and more. BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR FIRST CLASS As Always, OR TRAINING PACKAGE Welcoming New Patients www.definingyoufitness.com 370 Snelling Ave S Saint Paul, MN 55105 Cleveland at St. Clair Suzy Levi, Owner 651-699-3212 Nativity Parishioner 518034 Nativity of Our Lord Church (B) DENTISTRY 11-5:30PM Daily • 10PM-Close Monday-Saturday HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • ELECTRICAL • Service • Replacement • Gas & Oil Peter Kelley, D.V.M. & Teresa Nolte, D.V.M. 651.644.2100 St. Paul 1834 St. Clair Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55105 651•699•5058 731 N. Snelling HAS YOUR HOME BECOME A BURDEN? We are two nice, honest local guys who buy houses. • No costly repairs or updates • No intrusive house showings • No inspection needed • No costly realtor commissions 651-484-3326 3096 N. Rice St., St. Paul www.kathhvac.com www.jspaluch.com Midway Animal Hospital Twin Finch YES - We can buy quickly and pay CASH! Paul & Dan | 651-797-4227 | www.twinfinch.com | [email protected] For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 612-867-1798 tes Estima Carbone’s Pizza Same Day Service New Doors Openers Free Parishioner Owned Daily Lunch Specials Soups • Sands. • Salads Wed. Spaghetti Dinner Family Owned for 42 Years 651-486-0000 1698 Randolph 698-0721 Bob Lawrence Insurance and Retirement Services Parishioner paintingbyjerrywind.com Grand and Fairview • 651-698-0694 www.bobongrand.com Auto • Home • Life • Bank • Health • Business Stephanie Wells - Parishioner 651-699-6140 THOMAS LIQUOR “You’ll Love the Taste and the Price” Highland Office Brian Glendenning Wedding/Party Cakes 699-9292 1279 Randolph Ave. Realtor® Nativity Graduate 651-690-8441 “Sellin’ or Buyin’ ...Call Brian” John Griep • Steve Woog St. Paul’s Finest Wine Selection Grand at Prior P.J. Murphy’s Bakery 699-1860 Offering hospice and home care. 651-789-5030 www.ourladyofpeacemn.org Chris Jensen Parishioner 551 Snelling Ave. S. (at Randolph) 651-695-1111 “We Love Our Seniors” • New breakfast & lunch menu selections • Voted 1 of the Top 10 Breakfasts in City Pages • Owned & operated by Tom & Sheila Casper www.randolphgriddle.com 651-592-1584 www.homeloansbychrisjensen.com NMLSR ID 294654 [email protected] Located at Randolph & Hamline • 651-690-0993 BIRTHRIGHT Aligning Smiles for a Bright Tomorrow Crisis Pregnancy Center Seeking Compassionate Volunteers. 3 Hour Shifts - Day, Eve, or Weekend. Dr. Aamodt Parishioner Complimentary initial exam for children & adults Orthodontic Specialists We offer Traditional Braces, Clear Braces & Invisalign Eagan • 2130 Cliff Road, Suite 220 651.405.1055 White Bear Lake • 4790 White Bear Pkwy 651.426.3873 651-646-7033 299 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul www.Birthright.org/StPaul www.SmileShaping.com Our Burgers Are Divine 393 Selby Ave., St. Paul The Neighborhood Choice 651-789-0545 696-0855 www.RedCowMN.com RESULTS Garden Center Fresh Cut Flowers 945 Randolph Ave. St. Paul, MN Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Leitner’s 2100 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Landscape Products Center U Cart Concrete W. 7th St. & Randolph Ave. 291-2655 Pat McGill, CRS BURNET 651-695-4311 Independently Owned and Operated By NRT, Inc. Living and Working Complete Catering Service “We Specialize in Funeral Lunches” 651-221-0093 • Reasonable • Efficient • Unique PARKWAY AUTO CARE • Complete Auto Repairs • ASE Certified Technicians 651-698-3208 1581 Ford Parkway at Snelling Regina’s Candies 2073 St. Clair Ave., St. Paul 55105 651-698-8603 1905 S. Robert St., West St. Paul 55118 651-455-8864 Making Quality Candy Since 1926 Your One Stop Bunny Shop!! www.reginascandies.com FUNERALS from $1850 CREMATION from $750 651-315-8214 crescenttide.com 1991 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 PARKWAY MOBIL • Full & Self Service Gasoline • Touch Free Car Wash • Convenient Store 651-699-1668 2005 Ford Parkway at Kenneth Waters Plumbing LLC Parishioner-Chris Waters 612-801-6649 Commercial - Residential - Remodel Licensed - Bonded - Insured FAMILY DENTISTRY RICHARD C. EHRMANNTRAUT, D.D.S. 91 N. Snelling 646-3735 Home of Kamikaze Buttermilk Pancakes/ Sourdough French Toast With Pecans, Blackberries & Bananas Clair’s Automotive “The New Generation of Service” in the Parish American & Foreign Towing Awesome! Grand & Fairview • 698-2346 Hrs. Mon.–Sat. 6 AM–3 PM Breakfast Served All Day Long Try Our Tex-Mex Breakfast Dale Frable - 651-698-5632 1341 St. Clair Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55105 518034 Nativity of Our Lord Church (A) www.jspaluch.com 651-690-4243 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 612-867-1798 Parish Calendar · June 6-12, 2016 Monday, 6/6 Tuesday, 6/7 Wednesday, 6/8 Thursday, 6/9 Friday, 6/10 St. Ephrem St. Norbert Saturday, 6/11 Sunday, 6/12 St. Barnabas 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time NELC closed Rosary for Conversion Marian Chapel 8:45am Rosary for Conversion/ Grandparents’ Rosary Marian Chapel 8:45am Heritage Room Relics on display for June: NCCW Final Year-End Board Meeting Rectory 7-8:30pm St. Justin Feast Day: St. Paula Frassinetti St. Anthony Padua St. Romuald, Abbott St. Aloysius Gonzaga Ss. Peter and Paul 6/1 6/11 6/13 6/19 6/21 6/29 Children's Liturgy of the Word Gathering Room 9:40am Rosary for Conversion Marian Chapel 8:45am Rosary for Conversion Marian Chapel 8:45am Rosary for Conversion Marian Chapel 8:45am Adult Faith Formation Book of Isaiah Study Gathering Room 8:45-10:15am Father Matthew Northenscold’s Mass of Thanksgiving Church 5pm Men's Club End-of-Year Meeting Rectory 6:30-9pm NCF's Rock the Plaza School Plaza 5-10pm Organ Recital Church 2-3pm For more information about Nativty’s relics, visit Parish.nativity-mn.org/blog. 8:15am Mass Servers Charlie Nelessen Charlie Nelessen Maisie Mische Maisie Mische Teddy Lawder Joseph Michel Joseph Michel Maggie McConville Maggie McConville Aidan Mir 8:15am Mass Lectors Gix Ubel Janelle Peine Diane Reisdorfer Elizabeth Heaney Bill Turley 5pm Mass Lectors Barb Bowman Dave Hrbacek John Sondag Jonathan Jay Tim Huberty 5pm Mass Servers Will Hoppe Will Hoppe Lauren Hennessey Lauren Hennessey David Ek Aidan McGill Aidan McGill Annie Hostetler Annie Hostetler CJ Peine Please note: Beginning July 3, the weekly schedule for lectors and altar servers will no longer be published in this space. The schedules will continue to be distributed to liturgical volunteers when they are released, and subsequently posted on the website at parish.nativity-mn.org/ altar-server-schedule. 7am 8:15am Aidan Tegeler Sully Bluhm Gavin Reeder Charlie Thuente John Thuente Robbie Thuente Gix Ubel Joey Utvik John Jaschke Sunday, June 12 9:30am Altar Servers Michael Iverson Rory King Lectors Rick Johnson Ciaran Kelly Teddy Lawder Aidan Mir Dave Altman Larry Gallatin Grace Anderson Becca Atkinson Eleanor Friar Nora Graf 11am 5pm Anthony Rumpza Peter Thompson Jack Stupka Michael Stupka Will Treacy Nick Tucci Dave Altman Dave Hrbacek Pat McGuire Paul Timmins
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Lannan Parish Center Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Fri 8am-Noon
1900 Wellesley Avenue - 696-5401 (phone) 696-5458 (fax)
Website www.nativity-mn.org Email [email protected]
School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue
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1900 Wellesley Avenue - 696-5401 (phone) 696-5458 (fax)
Online www.nativity-mn.org - [email protected]
School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue
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