Diapositiva 1 - ProBarranquilla
Diapositiva 1 - ProBarranquilla
Reasons to Invest in Barranquilla 2014 RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org UBICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Strategic Location • • • • • • • State of Atlantico Area: 3.388 Km ² Population: 2.432.003 (2014) Capital: Barranquilla GDP: COP$ 18.282 Thousand of Millions (2012p) GDP per Capita: 10.342.736 (2012p) • Barranquilla • • Area: 166 Km ² Population: 1.212.943 (2014) Participation in the National GDP: 4% (2012) www.probarranquilla.org • • It offers a preferential location for accesing new markets with which Colombia has concluded trade agreements. National and International Integral Connectivity in transport: • • • • • • • • • Sea and river transportation Air Transportation Terrestrial Transportation Trained, qualified and certified human resources. Real Estate Spaces to supply National and internacional markets free of natural disasters. Industrial Parks Free Zone Business Center, Health, Commerce and Entertaiment. Integration and Commitment by Public Sectors, Academic and Private. www.probarranquilla.org UBICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Estrategic Location • • • • • The estrategic location of Barranquilla, can provide to the 7.000.000 people living in the Caribbean region. Barranquilla is strategically located in the heart of the Caribbean, 100 km away from Cartagena and Santa Marta. The city is located 1 hour away from Central America and 2 hours away from Miami by air. Barranquilla offers a platform to serve a lucrative market of 1,300 million consumers in 47 countries in Central America, United States, Canada and the European Union. Maritime connection with 122 countries and 459 ports worldwide www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org Port Conssesions S.P. Bocas de Ceniza S.P. del Caribe Zona Portuaria Terminal Las Flores COMPAS Michelmar Monómeros Vopak Siduport Quintal BCT Riverport Palermo Puerto de Barranquilla Port Magdalena Puerto PIMSA Km. 29 Km. 0 Km. 22 www.probarranquilla.org Deepwater Port Area S.P. Bocas de Ceniza Zona Portuaria Terminal Las Flores S.P. del Caribe Depht: 60 feet Km. 0 www.probarranquilla.org Proyecto de Navegabilidad por el Rio Magdalena Magdalena River: Navigability Barrancabermeja – Bocas de Ceniza • Distance: 652 kms • Permanent Dragged of the Navigable Canal • Minimum Depth: 7 ft. Year 2015 // US$200 millions Puerto Salgar – Barrancabermeja • • • • Distance: 256 kms Coatings edges Levees channelization Partial closures of side arms in shallow waters Year 2019 // US$400 millions www.probarranquilla.org Rio Magdalena, Arteria Fluvial de Colombia •Volumes of cargo by transport o Land: 92 % o Ferreous: 7 % o River : 1 % • Comparative growth (Last decade) o River Transportation 0.5% o Colombian Economy 4.3% Magdalena River • Watershade: 257.000 Km o 22.9% National Territory o 13 Departments/ 129 Municipalities o Contribute 80% of the GDP • 40% decrease in freight rates www.probarranquilla.org INFRAESTRUCTURA PORTUARIA • Manage 65% of the cargo of the Barranquilla´s port area . • Barranquilla’s port manage 86% of Colombia´s steel. • • Sociedad Portuaria Regional Barranquilla 100 Extensión del puerto Hectáreas Canal de acceso (Profundidad) 32.81 pies. Cantidad 6 Muelles Calado Máximo 32 pies Cantidad 18 Bodegas Cubiertas Capacidad 50.408 mt2 Cantidad 14 Patios 126.737 Capacidad Mts2 Cantidad Maritime connection with 122 countries and Granel solido 459 ports worldwide. Granel líquido 15 shipping compalies end up at its dock with Capacidad Grúas Pórtico Cantidad Capacidad 8 Bodegas 27. 904 Mts2 2 2.250 m3 4 access to the east coast, the Caribbean, north of Europe, Central America and Asia. • Annual containers manage capacity of 200.000 teus. For 2033: 420.000 teus. • The first Colombian port with foreign trade 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA ERA EN ELPORTUARIA ATLÁNTICO INFRAESTRUCTURA Vopak Investment • Extension of the dock. • Floating dock in the Magdalena River, based on • US$ 6 the piling. million • Extension of 8.400 M3 twich will reach a capacity of de 37.300 M3 • Terminal port especialized in logistic, liquid, bulk products, services , barges, vegetable oils and minerals. • Receipt operations, loading and unloading of ship, storage of products and drum-filling of products. www.probarranquilla.org Barranquilla Container Terminal • BARRANQUILLA, CORAZON LOGISTICO DEL CARIBE Proyectos Portuarios Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta & SSA International • It is the only terminal port especialized in containers at the Barranquilla’s port with 3 STS Panamax Gantry Cranes. • • • • 1 dock: LOA: 182 meters Wide: 35 meters Software implementation of Spinnaker and Mainsail Tideworks. • • Strategic global partners. e.g. Manzanillo International Terminal in Panama: Manage more than 40% of cargo of trans-shipment to Barranquilla • • Storage Yard: 40.000 Square Meters. Investment: $ 40 Million Dollars www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA ERA EN ELPORTUARIA ATLÁNTICO INFRAESTRUCTURA • It aims to carry out a new port in Barranquilla specializing in the handling of coal and other bulk cargo. • It will be located near the mouth of the Magdalena River, just 3.25 Km of Bocas de Ceniza. • The scope of the project involves the construction of a Multipurpose Port, specializing in coal and solid bulk, highly efficient direct loading docks and through. • The Port in the first phase expected to reach a movement of Three (3) Million Tons per year. • It considers to have 2 docks located on the Magdalena River. • Depth: 40 feet (12 meters) www.probarranquilla.org INFRAESTRUCTURA NUEVA ERAPORT EN ELPORTUARIA ATLÁNTICO FACILITIES Port Infraestructure Shipping Lines Europa Norte Costa Oeste Costa Este Mdeiterraneo Oriente Caribe Costa Pacífica Cono Sur Fuente: Proexport Colombia. www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org SERVICIOS PÚBLICOS CONFIABLES Utilities www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org Barranquilla has a world-class IT infrastructure •Barranquilla’s backbone is the point of entrance of 5 international submarine cables that connect Barranquilla with the rest of the world. •Cables currently available: •Panamerican Cable •Arcos 1 Cable •Maya 1 Cable •SAM-1 Cable (Telefónica) •CFX-1 Cable (Columbus Networks) •By switching directly to the submarine cables in Barranquilla, the companies may reduce their costs and experience higher redundancy levels. www.probarranquilla.org BPO Barranquilla, Potencial RECURSO y Oportunidades HUMANO Trainning Initiatives to the Productive Industries • The Secretary of Education of the Mayor’s Office created the “Universidad a tu Barrio” project, which provides opportunities to low income young people to study higher education carreers. • The Higher Education Centers – CEDIES (Spanish abbreviation) objective is to guarantee the progressive training of 10,000 young students every year. • The CEDIES are established in 23 high schools venues, and carreers related to technology, port logistics, tourism, accounting and/or business areas, are included in this program. www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA ERA EN EL ATLÁNTICO The BPO sector is a iniciative of Barranquilla and the state of Atlantico Contac Barranquilla • Initiative between the Ministry of Education and Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce in order to train 1,000 public school students in English. • The program consists of 300 hours exclusive to language learning, and certify students in B2 level. (Common European Framework). • Latest 100 hours would be devoted to skills training contact center. www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org INCENTIVOS TRIBUTARIOS Industry and Commerce Tax Exemptions Municipality Beneficiaries Barranquilla New Industrial Companies Galapa 40 permanent jobs Time of Exemption Mode of Exemption 5 years 100%: Two first years 75%: Third year 50%: Fourth and fifth year Galapa New Industrial, commercial and services companies 60% employees resident of Galapa, and 40% that are hired for a period of more than 10 months 10 years 100%: Two first years 80%: Third and fourth year 60%: Fifth and sixth year 40%: Seventh and height year 20%: Ninth and ten year Malambo New Industrial, commercial and services companies 40 (60% residents of Malambo) 10 years 100% Sabanagrand e New Industrial, commercial and services companies 50 (40% of qualified manpower has to live in Sabanagrande) 10 years 100% Soledad New Industrial, commercial and services companies 5 years 100%: Two first years 75%: Third year 50%: Fourth and Fifth year Pto. Colombia Barranquilla Tubará Jobs Created Malambo Sabanagrande 25 www.probarranquilla.org INCENTIVOS TRIBUTARIOS Incentices of the Free Zones Tax and Financial • Rental differential rate of 15% (33% outside the zone) • Exports from Colombia and the rest of the world to free zone enjoy free VAT exemption. • The sale of goods between users of Zone no VAT due. • Income tax exemption for members of companies to distribute profits. • Excellent use of cash flow by not paying taxes, but when needed • Access to credits with BANCOLDEX • Dividends received by members of the business users increase by 27% www.probarranquilla.org INCENTIVOS TRIBUTARIOS Incentives of the Free Zones Customs • Non-payment of customs duties (duty and VAT) on goods purchased in another country (equipment, raw materials and freightand logistics, office, etc), while in Zone. • • • • • • • Exemption from value added tax VAT for products purchased in or out of Colombia Partial nationalization of goods. Unlimited storage of foreign goods. No obligations to import. Retirement to Colombia of raw materials and intermediate products for partial processing. Completion of temporary imports Sale of goods to warehouses (In Bond) www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org Free Trade Zones Parques I 5 5 Established Free Trade Zone 1. PIMSA 2. PI Metro Parque 3. PI Parque industrial La Trinidad 4. PI Zona Express 5. PI Rio Norte 6. PI Marisol 7. PI Vía 40 8. Alma Carga 9. Gran Central de Abastos 10. Frio Frimac (Cadena de Frio) 11. Zona Industrial La Loma 3 12. La Maria 13. Colfrigos (Cadena de Frio) Under Construction 1. Europark 2. GalaPark 3. Parque Industrial Moore 4. IP Los Volcanes 5. PI Clavería Projects of Free Trade Zones 1. TLB- Terminal Logístico de BAQ 2. ZIGA- Zona Ind. de Galapa 3. PIPCA 4. Parque Industrial de Tubará 5. Desarrollo Industrial SITUM 6. Marentus 7. La Fontana 2 8. Green Park 34 9. Oikos 10 10. Ecociudades 11. Steel City 12. Pasadena 13. Parque Internacional del Caribe 14. PI del Caribe 2 15. PI California Permanet Free Trade Zone 1. ZF de Barranquilla 2. ZF La Cayena 3. ZOFIA Waiting to be declared Free Trade Zone 1. ZF del Rio 1 7 6 13 12 11 3 6 5 13 1 2 4 8 7151 2 14 3 3 1 12 4 8 9 10 11 9 1 Ubicaciones Aproximadas www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA ERA EN EL ATLÁNTICO • Is the only Free Trade Zone located next to a port, which is owned by Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Barranquilla, with internal access to the port. • Located 15 minutes from the Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport. • Tax Exemptions: Income tax 15%. Do not charge or pay VAT or duties. • Lease of warehouses and yards to industrial and commercial business, which sales priority are the external markets. • • • • • Total Area: 1.000.000 m² Productive Area: 713.238 m² Cost: USD$8,50 – Rent Warehouses – Square Meter 50 years in operation USD$3 – Rent Area – Square Meter www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA ERA EN EL ATLÁNTICO • • • • Located in Galapa 2,5 Km. from Barranquilla. 9,5 Km. From the ports Area. A 9 Km. From the Ernesto Cortizzoa International Airport. • • Total Area: 1.200.000 Square Meters. Productive Area: 781.000 m² (27 blocks with 406 lands, 2,100 m2 each one) • • Cost: COP$ 450.000* Location: Depending on Availability *Montly fee without increase. www.probarranquilla.org BARRANQUILLA, CORAZON LOGISTICO DEL CARIBE • It is a project that is dedicated to strengthening of the Materials Construction cluster. • It has the Alfa Group factory, the largest ceramic plant in the country and its distribution center for the domestic market and the North American market • • • • • • Total Area: 1.125.005 Square Meters. Urbanizable Area: 845.496,93 Square Meters (15 Blocks). This free trade zone is located 26,5 km from the port. It is located 18,5 Km from The puerto de Aguas Profundas. Approximate construction time: 4 Months This free zone has a scale service, fork lift, crane, and also all publics services. Private security with security cameras and alarms. • Costs: • • • Rent Warehouses: COP$ 14.000 $7,5 USD Sale Land: COP $390.000 (USD $3.7) Square Meters Built COP$1. 190. 000 www.probarranquilla.org Un creciente número de proyectos industriales, portuarios NUEVAcomerciales ERA EN EL yATLÁNTICO Free Trade Zones The clinic will offer advanced technology and a networking monitors to facilitate the review of diagnostic images of his / her patients. As special services, CLINIC PORTOAZUL will possess clinical laboratory, gastroenterology unit, cardiology unit, respiratory therapy unit, physical therapy and ophthalmology unit. www.probarranquilla.org Barranquilla has the best Shopping mall in the Region 1. Barranquilla has more than 20 Malls. 2. People who live in the Caribbean Region come to the city to shopping. 3. The first PriceSmart store in South America is located in Barranquilla 4. Cases: 5. New Malls Nuevos Centros Comerciales www.probarranquilla.org 44 Business Centers 4 5 7 4 3 3 7 2 5 1 2 1 1 6 9 3 6 2 4 8 Approximate locations Established 1. Las Américas I 2. Las Américas II 3. Inverfin 4. Centro Ejecutivo 5. Míx Vía 40 6. Santa Clara 7. Ocean Tower 8. Plaza 74 9. Smart Office Under Construction 1. Green Towers 2. Torre Atlántica 3. Torres del Atlántico 4. Blue Gardens 5. BC Empresarial 6. Atlantic Tower 7. CE Buena Vista Business 1. Las Américas III 2. BAQ Trade Center 3. Buró 51 4. CE Puerta de Oro www.probarranquilla.org NUEVAand ERAcommercial EN EL ATLÁNTICO New and advanced medical centers Health Care Center Established: 1. Centro Oftalmologico Carriazo 2. Clínica General del Norte* 3. Clínica Oftalmológica del Caribe* 4. Clínica La Asunción* 5. Genavie 6. Clínica Portoazul 2 6 1 3 5 1 2 4 Under Construction: 1. Clínica Iberoamericana 2. Clínica Misericordia Norte * Clinics with expansion plans in the coming years. Ubicaciones Aproximadas www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Contents 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org Hotels Hotels Category 5: 1. SmartSuites Hotel 2. Hotel Estelar 3. Hotel Sonesta 4. Hotel Dann Carlton 5. Hotel Barranquilla Plaza 6. Hotel Country Intl. 7. Hampton Inn by Hilton 8. Hotel Windsor Hotels Under Construction: 1. Hilton Garden Inn 2. Holiday Inn Express 3. BH Hotels 4. Hotel Four Points by Sheraton 5. Hotel Oxford 6. Hotel Washington Plaza 7. Hotel Royal Washington 2 5 2 3 7 4 1 4 1 6 4 23 5 7 1 3 8 56 6 Hotels Projects: 1. Movich Hotels 2. Sonesta Suites 3. Hotel Country Intl (exp) 4. Hotel CEEC - Terranum 5. Hotel Marina Puerto Velero 6. Hotel Barranquilla Plaza (exp) 7. Hotel City Express Ubicaciones Aproximadas www.probarranquilla.org CALIDAD DE VIDA • Located in the Center – Rosario – Barrio Abajo sector. • It comprises three structures • The Caribbean Museum, the Modern Art of the Caribbean Museum and the Film library of the Caribbean www.probarranquilla.org CALIDAD DE VIDA Culture and Entertaiment Some of the biggest events in the Region are: (Carnaval de Barranquilla) -UNESCO, describes the latter as an Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity with over 150 years of tradition-, among others. • BarranquiJazz • Plataforma K • Carnaval de las Artes • Sabor Barranquilla www.probarranquilla.org • It will be the largest in the Caribbean, with the highest international standards in water services in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. • 32 hectare of terrestrial use. • Investment $10 million USD • 500 sailboat mooring • Nautical charter services: diving, fishing and walking • Sailing School • Social Club: Hotel, cottages, restaurant, bar, pool, spa, gym, tennis courts, volleyball, golf court www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA ERA EN GESTIÓN PÚBLICA Institutional support from the Mayor’s Office and the Governor’s Office, as well as the different entities in the public sector that guarantee businessmen having a wide range of services for the optimum establishment of their businesses. www.probarranquilla.org Rio Magdalena- Arteria Fluvial Magdalena River, Waterway of Colombia •Volumes of cargo through transport o Land: 92 % o Railways: 7 % o Fluvial: 1 % • Comparative growth (Last decade) o Fluvial Transport 0.5% o Colombian Economy 4.3% Magdalena River • Watershed: 257.000 Km o 22.9% Homeland o 13 Departaments/ 129 Towns o It contributes 80% of GDP • 40% decrease in freight rates www.probarranquilla.org BARRANQUILLA, CORAZON NUEVA LOGISTICO ERA EN ELDEL ATLÁNTICO CARIBE First Port Corridor of Barranquilla ( Under Construction) • It will connect the Pumarejo Bridge passing through the industrial and port zone with Barranquilla’s mayor Ring Road, avoiding trucks enter the city • The route will go from The Pumarejo Bridge where will the seconf driveway behind the free trade zone of barranquillita, util 46 avenue, it will arrive to via 40, there wil be a urban to • Investment: US$ 200 millions www.probarranquilla.org Circunvalar de la Prosperidad Ringroad “Prosperidad del Atlántico) www.probarranquilla.org New ‘Pumarejo’ Bridge of Barranquilla • Promote commercial trade within the country and the departments of the Coast and Venezuela. • Articulate terrestrial mode connectivity with the maritime and fluvial mode • Dual Carriageway, each in three vehicle lanes, cycle route and a sidewalk. • 10.000 tons barges - 15.000 tons, and 7 mts depth • Investment of $560 million USD Starts 2015 and will be finished in 5 years www.probarranquilla.org • Total Area: 75.500 m2 EXHIBITION CENTER (2015) • Build Area: 34.500 m² • Pavilion: 8.000 m² columm-free • Future Expansion: 8.000 m² • Height: 14 meters • Capacity:16.000 people TOURISTIC BOARDWALK (2015) • Lenght: 580 meters • Two levels of stores, restaurants and casino BUSINESS CENTER (2016) • Area: 85.000 m² • Four Towers for business and hotelier use. 20- 25 Levels. CONVENTION CENTER (2017) • Capacity : 4.000 people Investment: USD $ 124.661.24 Public Private Partnership: www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org APOYO INSTITUCIONAL Corporate Commitment ProBarranquilla, the Investment Promotion Agency of Barranquilla and the State of Atlantico. A private institution sponsored by more than 90 companies and with a strong support of the public sector. Services (confidentiality and free-of-charge) • • • • Streamlining of steps in private and public entities. Set up of agendas and logistic support to visits our city. Contact with suitable suppliers or costumers. Recruitment and selection of the right human resource. Information • • • • • Legal, tributary and labor regime. Imports and exports regulations. Steps for the establishment of new companies. Costs of utilities. Availability of lots, warehouses, offices, apartments, among others. www.probarranquilla.org www.probarranquilla.org www.probarranquilla.org Strategic Sectors BPO & IT Steel & Iron Logistics & Transportation Building Materials Chemical & Plastics www.probarranquilla.org Supported Investment Opportunities Baseline:293 January- December 2013 350 293 300 243 250 216 200 173 182 188 174 143 150 110 114 100 100 77 52 51 36 50 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Investment Opportunities 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Information Request www.probarranquilla.org Investment by Sector Baseline: USD$706 Millones Inversion por sectores Hotels and Tourism 5% Business Machine and Equipment 10% Transportation 21% Consumer Products 11% Metals 15% Building and Construction Materials 11% BPO&IT 13% Healthcare 14% www.probarranquilla.org Investment by Countries Baseline: USD$706 Millones Inversión por Origen United States 19% Brasil 14% Chile 29% Colombia 38% www.probarranquilla.org Employment 2004-2013 Enero-Diciembre 2013 90 3.256 3.500 3.110 80 79 70 2.457 70 67 60 62 68 3.000 75 70 2.378 2.121 60 2.500 62 2.000 50 40 30 1.307 865 30 1.500 813 1.000 710 20 471 500 10 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Supported Employment 2008 2009 Unsupported Investment 2010 2011 2012 2013 Installed and Reinverstemt www.probarranquilla.org Employment by Sector Baseline: 3.256 Building and Construction Materials 7% BPO&IT 6% Leisure and Entertainment 8% Hotels and Tourism 10% Consumer Products 43% Metals 12% Healthcare 14% www.probarranquilla.org Employment by Countries Baseline: 3.256 Empleos por Origen Chile 14% United States 24% Colombia 62% www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Contents 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org COLOMBIA EN MARCHA FDI in Colombia US$ Million 2000- 2012 Fuente: Banco de la República-Balanza de Pagos www.probarranquilla.org 2010 2011 3.061.296 1.448.355 1.113.056 2009 1.257.923 2.102.407 1.919.179 1.612.462 1.287.369 1.077.545 2003 1.148.226 2002 1.225.284 2001 922.282 475.434 633.488 2000 720.608 494.004 684.435 1.000.000 494.868 696.555 1.500.000 605.255 1.073.058 2.000.000 487.905 730.439 Miles de US$ 2.500.000 1.431.367 2.048.994 3.000.000 2.701.028 Imports 2.453.013 Exports 3.500.000 3.166.198 Exports-imports State of Atlántico 2000-2013 Comercio Exterior del Atlántico 500.000 0 2004 Main exports destinations 2012: • • • • • • EEUU 18% Venezuela 11% China 9% Ecuador 8% Brasil 7% Perú 4% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2012 2013 Main Imports Destinations 2012: • • • • • EEUU 25% China 18% Brasil 6% México 4% Argentina 4% www.probarranquilla.org COLOMBIA EN MARCHA Free Trade Agreements Fuente: Proexport 2014 www.probarranquilla.org COLOMBIA EN MARCHA Double Taxation Agreements - DTA Fuente: Proexport 2014 www.probarranquilla.org COLOMBIA EN MARCHA International Investment Agreements - IIA Note: The International investment agreements (IIA) include Agreement Investment Treaties –BIT (agreement) and free trade agreements- FTA- with investment section.(Chapter) Source: Proexport 2014 www.probarranquilla.org RAZONES PARA INVERTIR EN BARRANQUILLA Content 1. Strategic Location 2. Port Infrastructure 3. Utilities 4. Human Resources 5. Tax Benefits 6. Economic Centers 7. Quality of Life 8. A new era in Public Management 9. Corporate Commitment 10. A Dynamic Colombia 11. Recent results www.probarranquilla.org GDP: Atlantico 2005-2012 pr 16.640 16.514 13.711 2005 14.708 2006 17.492 18.282 16.136 16.643 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011pr 2012pr Fuente: DANE Value in millions of pesos • National Conntribution: 3,9 % • Distribution: o 21% Business Services Establishments o 16% Other Social and Community Services o 15% Manufacturing o 14% Trade, Hotel, Food and MRO www.probarranquilla.org NUEVA RESULTADOS ERA EN ELRECIENTES ATLÁNTICO Average annual unemployment rate 2013 (December) 18,0 16,0 14,0 15,6 16,1 15,0 16,2 15,6 14,1 14,513,6 13,6 11,8 12,912,0 12,0 10,0 11,2 11,4 11,3 10,9 12,0 11,8 10,8 10,4 9,6 10,6 9,2 8,0 8,2 8,3 8,0 2011 2012 2013 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 www.probarranquilla.org NEW ERA IN THE STATE OF ATLANTICO Rate of unemployment (December 2013- February 2014) Barranquilla Bucaramanga 7,4 8,1 Bogotá 8,4 Valledupar 8,5 Cartagena Sincelejo Riohacha Medellín Montería Santa Marta Manizales Neiva 8,7 9,6 9,8 10,1 10,4 10,6 10,9 11,0 Villavicencio 11,4 Tunja 11,5 Pasto Ibagué 11,8 12,8 Popayán 13,5 Cali 13,5 Florencia 13,6 Quibdó Pereira Armenia Cúcuta 13,7 14,5 15,7 15,8 Fuente: DANE. Elaboración Fundesarrollo www.probarranquilla.org Rankings Internacionales “By 2025 it is estimated that 60% of global growth will be generated by 600 cities. On that date, 136 new cities would enter the top 600 and Latin America will be the source of 8 of them, including Cancun and Barranquilla” 2011 www.probarranquilla.org www.probarranquilla.org
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Diapositiva 1 - ProBarranquilla
Projects of Free Trade Zones
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