august - Ft Myers Knife Club (FMKC)
august - Ft Myers Knife Club (FMKC)
ABSod Al10 lt&rdngr rF hrts rt PERXIIYSR.rtnnnt' l2ll{n S.ChflGLd .lva (Ugll), 2J nlkr Southof Erlbor Mdl or 12 Eflcr Nortt of D.trLb Pkry (SnC55Ixlrrt Tuerdry of o'oty nontt, f:30 to 7:30PM FtlWyersl{nife CIub- LastMee , Update The July meeting of the Ft. Myers Knife Club had a attendanceof 14 membersand guests.This month's door prizeswere a CaseXX Sod BusterJr. and a Buck StainlessLockback.The winner of the CaseSodBusterwas ScottBartholomewandthe Buck knife wentto Ken Rabedeau. A 50/50drawinewas held and the winner of $30 was Jim McDonnell's grandson.Congratulations to all the winners,you too canbe a winner of our monthly door prizes,50/50 and/orrafflesjust simply attendone of your monthly FMKC club meetings. Nexl meetlngDate: Aagust 3rd - Free Door PrtzesDruwlng Bring yourfavorlle knivesfor Show & Tell and share with lhe members Monthlv Gun & I{nife SltowSchedule SAPPORT YOARLOCAL GAN & KNIFE SHOW - GO THIS WEEKEND ! ! ! Aug 7-8 Aug 14-15 Aug 14-15 Aug2I-22 Aug2l-22 Aug27-29 Aug28-29 Tampa- SuncoastGun Show- Florida StateFairgrounds Fort Lauderdale- SuncoastGun Show- War Memorial Auditorium WestPalmBeach- SportShowSpecialists- SouthFloridaFairgrounds Port Charfotte- 2 GuysGun & Knife Show- CharlotteCountyFairgrounds Orlando- SouthernClassicGun & Knife Show- CenfialFloridaFairgrounds CentralKentuckyKnife Club Show- Holiday Inn North, Lexington,KY Lakeland- SuncoastGun Show- LakelandCivic Center lerry Renner/KnifeMaker He is the curent presidentof the FloridaKnifemakers'Association. He regularly attendsthe Blade Show,at which he was awardedthe 2006 Best New Maker credits.Terry'sknife designsfeaturefast,sweeping,curvy shapes,and incorporatesometruly innovativelocking mechanisms. He is the designerof the CRKT Schard andNeckolasknives.He says,"I grew up with a knife in my pocket(age6), andfeel nakedwithout one,andI'd love to seethat notion returnasa part of our valuesandtraditions." lf fCf: If you would like to receiveyour monthly newslettervia e-mail insteadoJ snail msil. Contactclub secretary,^Rz,ss Smegalal: [email protected] FMKC}VEBSITE Pres:Ken Rabedeau Q39) 466-8175-V. Pres:Bill CyphertQ39)9364746 Sec/Treasurer: RussSmegal(239)283-7253- E-Mail: [email protected] Mailing Address:FMKC - P.O. Box 706- St JamesCity, Fl 33956-0706 BENCHMADEKNIVES BenchmadeKnives - Why are they so good? BenchmadeKnives was originally foundedin Califomia in 1988.BenchmadeKnives openedshopin Clackamas,Oregonin 1990. The initial line ofBenchmadeKnives consist€dmostly oftheir Bali-songlnives. BenchmadeKnives useda combinationofoutsourcing secondhandmachineryandin-houseprocessingto producethoseBenchmadeKnives. Their passionfor quality leadto trenendousgrowtl for BenchmadeKnives. As BenchmadeKnives wasableexpandtheir productline they wereableto do more work in-house,usingn€w equipmentandtechnolory. Benchnadelnives becarnethe first knif€ makerto havelasersin-hous€. The useof non-taditional md€rials andinnovativeprocessesallowedBenchmadeknivesto makeMer knives.The Benchnade loives philosophy- "Make it cool, nnke it solid, mnkeit happenanddefinitely makeit Benchmade.'BenchmadeK:rives combined customknife makersknowledgewith Benchmadelnives innovationsandin l99l tley rcleasedtheir DesignerSerieswith several customknives. The commitmentto quality and innovationled to severalyearsof incrediblegrowth. Benchnadelnives moving into theh own 35,000squarefoot building in 1996with modemequipment.The equipmentusedin producingBencbmadeknivesnow includes modernlasos andmachinec€ntersthat can achievetoleranc€sof.00005". Most ofthe Bencbnadelrrives Droductsare handassemblc.dfor a fit and finish that is normally arsociatedwith customlxrives. Benchmade*nives warrantsto the original ownsr that the knife will be fiee from defestsin materialsandworkmanship.Benchmade lnives will without charge,repair or replaceat tlrcir optioq any lnife retumedfor Wananty work andfound to be defectiveby Benchmadeknives.The knife mustbe shippcdby owna, prepaidandinsured,togetherwith a descriptionofthe problemandmust be accompaniedby the original bill of sale,your chrge or credit receiptor any satisfactoryproofofthe original dateofpurchase. Benchmadeknives alsooffers LifeSharo.This is a servicefor Benchmadeknives customerswhereBonchmadelinives will resharpen your Benchmadeknife. Simply ship yow knife to tle Benchmadeknives address:LifeSharo.300 Beaversrc€kRd. OreeonCity. Oregon97045.Make sur6you insureyour shipment,includeyow shippingaddress,andretun shippingf€esof $5 for the fint knife and $2.50for eachadditionalhrife. They will also inspecttle lnife for any warrantyrepairsand"tune" your knife. Benchmadehdves usesa wide variety ofmaterials to makethe handlesand liners for Benchmadeknives.The handleson Benchmadehives alsocomein many shapesandsizes.Peoplehavedifferent sizehandsandlnives fit diffoently in eachhand.Benchmadeknives designsenoughgrip and sability in eachmodel sothat it will still be fimctional in a lot of different hands.Likewise, with their liners Benchmadelinives usesdifferent materialsto producetheir superiorBenchmadeproducts.
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