Dec - Ft Myers Knife Club (FMKC)
Dec - Ft Myers Knife Club (FMKC)
Deconber 20lD Meetlngs ere held at PERKINS Restaunnt, l2fl00 S. Clevelrnd Ave- (US{l), 2.5 miles Sonth of Edlson }tflall or 12 mil€eNorth ofDaniels Pkwy (SRt65). First Tuesdayofevery month, 4:30 to 7:30 PM FtMyers l{nife CIub - LastMeeti4g Update The November meeting of the Ft. Myers Knife Club had a attendanceof 26 members and guests.This month's door prizes were a Schrade Founder's Edition Stockman and a Queen Honey Bone Copperhead. The winner of the Schrade was Ken Rabedeauand the Queen went to Jim McDonnell. A 50/50 drawing was held and the winner of $45 was Dixie Smegal. Congratulations to all the winners, you too can be a winner of our monthly door prizes, 50/50 and/or raffles just simply attend one of ysUI monthly FMKC club meetings. This month's attendancemade for a full house in our Perkins room. Members brought a variety of knives for trade, sell or show & tell. It was a enjoyable evening for all. Also during the meeting we picked up a new member, Laruy Smith from Ft Myers. Welcome abroad Larry !!! This month also brought back Terry &Pat Nicholson from Tampa. They displayed many beautiful knives for the members to see andlor purchase.Thanks again to them for driving from Tampa. Next meeting Date: December lst - Free Door Prizes Drawing Bring yourfavorite knivesfor Show & TeIl and shure with the members Mon Gun & Knife ShowScltedule SUPPORTYOARLOCAL GUN & KNIFE SHOW - GO THIS WEEKEND! ! ! Dec5-6 Dec10-12 Dec 12-1,3 Dec 19-20 Dec 19-20 NOnCf: Tampa- SuncoastGun Show- FloridaStateFairgrounds Parkers'GreatestKnife Show- BridgemontEventsCenter- Sevierville,TN Ft Myers - SuncoastGun Show- Lee Civic Center Port Charlotte- 2 GuysGun & Knife Show- CharlotteCountyFairgrounds WestPalmBeach- SportShowSpecialists- SouthFloridaFairgrounds If you would like to receiveyour monthly newslettervia e-moil instead snail mail Contact club secretary, Rzss Smegal at: rlllllllllllllllltrlrtrllllttllttlttlltlllllrlrrttttltlllltlttrtrl I I I I : NOffCE TO ALL MEMBERS: The club hasa newURL addressfor our Web Site.Our resi-! dentweb siteperson,Mike Mikutis hadto changeour old web site.Changesarebeingmadeto ! enhancethe site for your usageand enjoyment.Pleasebe patiencewith us as we update.j Rememberthatyou canalwaysview and/ordownloadthe latestclub newsletterfor your use. r : he newsiteis: I r r r r r r r lrl r l r r r l r r l r l rr lrr r l l r l r r r l rr r r r r lr l r r l r ll l r r l r lr r r a a a t aal FMKC\[IEBSITE (239) 466-8175-V. Pres:Bill Cyphert(239)9364746 Pres:Ken Rabedeau RussSmegal(239)283-7253- E-Mail: [email protected] Sec/Treasurer: Mailing Address:FMKC - P.O. Box 706- St JamesCity, Fl33956-0706 ilo!L rlrat. t\!qm. erberknives andknife sha4renersare someofthe mostwell-lnown modelsin the industry.Formdedseventyyeas ago,today Gerberoffers highjuality tnives, sharpeners,and accessories.Specializingin multi tools, fxed blade knives, and pocketknives,as well assharpeningkits and otheraccessories, they are a well-lmown narnein t}e world ofknives andcutlery. Gerberbeganalmost accidentally,by JosephGerber,an advertisingexecutive.The first knives were kitchen cutlery setscommissionedas a gift for his advertisingclients. Thesehighquality knife setswere soonoffered throughAbercrombieand Fitch catalogs, and Gerberquit his advertisingjob to run GerberLegendaryBlades full-time. Gerberknives continueto be manufacturedin Portland,andtodaythey arethe secondbiggestmulti-tool manufacturerin the country. Today, Gerberis especiallywell-known amonghunters,who favor their knives as hunting knives. There are many knives designed particularly for hunting purposes.One of the most popular Gerberhunting knives is the Freemar Hunter, with a polishedwooden handleandhigh-quality grip for ruggedoutdoorusC.The Freemanknife is relatively short,so it is recommendedfor skinning smaller animals. GerberFirestormknives are a little larger, so they are better suitedto larger game.Theseare usually the most widely usedof all huntingknivesbecauseoftheir versatilelength.The bladehasa tantotip, andis surgicalstainless. The Harseyfixed bladehunting knife (discontinued)featureda relatively long 5 l/4' bladein stainlesssteel with a total lengthof l0 1/2". The Magnum Camo Jr. is a2 314"blade htife, known for its durableand exfra-sharpedge,as well as a fiberglass-reinforced handle.PopularGerter lcrives are both folding blade and fxed blade,in a wide rangeof styles.Other tools, suchas the Flik multitool, also remain quite popular with those who alreadyuse a selectionof Gerberknives. Today,there are over 120 different knife designsfrom which you can choose.They specializein kitchen cutlery, hunting and tactical lmives, so you're sure to find a loifo suitablefor any purpose. Gerberis knoumfor high-quality materialsandthe latestt€chnolory. All ofthe handlesare specificallydesignedto hold up to a lifetime ofwear no matterhow you usethe knife. Even after sevendecadesof lnife manufrcturing,Gober remainsat the forefront of knife technolory. The vast majority of Gerberlnives featurehigh carbonstainlesssteelor surgicalstainlessblades,which arelnown for being easyto sharyenandhold a very sharpedge.Many experiencedhunterscan feel a changein how the knife cuts as it begins to grow dull, which allows them to easilyidentify when it's time to shaxpentleir Gerberknife. Many Gerberknife sharpeners areportable,makingthem a good choiceto take alongwith your Gerberhunting knife for outdoor activities.The rangeof Gerbersharpeners, including ceramicanddiamondsharpenenthat will fit in your pocketor comewith a pocketclip, will makeit easyto sharpenthe stainlesssteelbladeto a very sharpedge. GerberFirestorm n I Gerber Freeman Hunter ,- GerberSharpener
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