Nov - Ft Myers Knife Club (FMKC)
Nov - Ft Myers Knife Club (FMKC)
Norlh lmlot Trdl North fo,rt Mfrt, bcded o I{ortmtcr 2012 ltiloir:ingrrre hdd af Snoldn fit ErrB{ue' 16,11 Edim kfdga nir* Ihcrdiy d qary nmth, d 4:fl1 &c al @ur) be*ocn llne H.nd nd 6n7q & tu FtMyers l{nife CIub - IastMeeting {Ipdats The frober 2012 meetingof the Ft Myers Knife Club had a attendanceof 13 membersand guests. This month's door prizes were a Case)O( NASCAR Knife and a tube of Super Polishing Paste.The winner of the Caseknife was Mike Milutis and tube of Polishing Pastewent to Rich Reichelt.The 50150 drawing netredJim McConnell $30.m this month. Congrahrlationsto all the winners,you too can be a winner of our monthly door prizes, 50150and/or raffles just simp$ atend one of vour monthly FMKC club meetings. This month's BEST SPECIAL KNIfiE was for your best Bov Scout Knife. The winner was BiIl Cyphertfor his Ulster Offisial Boy ScoutKnife displayedin a uniqueBoy Scoutaccentedbox. The chrb would like to thank Ken Rabedeaufor bringing his outstandingcollection of Boy Scoutsknives with original boxesfor everyoneto enjoy. The BEST SPECIALKNIFE for Novemberis: Your Best Americanlvlade Switchblade Knife. So bring your favorite American-hdadeSwitchbladeto impressthe members andthejudges.You may alsobe rewardedwith a mall pnznfrom the club. Ne nteding Dde: Nwqnher 6th - Free l)oor hizts Drmting Brtng your fm,orite btivesfor Shs)t,& TeIl and sharewith the mqnhers Novmtber's Befi Sprctal Fedure Knife is : American-MadeSwitchbladeKorfe Brinq Your best to win a h{ze MonthlyGrm& SWPIORT YOARLOCAL GUN & KMFE SEOW -GO T:HISWEEKEND !!! Nov l0-11 Nov l0-l I Nov 17-18 Nov 17-18 Nov 24-25 Bradenton- 2 GuysGun & Knife Show- BradentonAuditorium Venice - Lee Coudy CollectorsLLC Gun & Knife Show- The DOME/ 5115 SR 776 Plant City - SuncoastGun Shows- Sfrartrerry FestivalAg. Bldg. Ft Myers - Ft Myers AntiquesAnns CollectorsShow- Araba ShrineTe,rnple Ft Lauderdale- SuncoastGun Shorna- War Memorial Auditorium BS lfeClub, www.FtMyersKn lfiailing Address: ['MKC - P.O. Box 706 - St JamesCity, Xt 33956{1706 (ONLYFORNONSNTMCTED) AUGUST 12, 1958,a due that has fadd into obsourity,the Congressof the United Stdes enactedPublic Iaw 85-623,an "act to prohibit the introductior4or manufachrefor introductior4into interstrte commerceof switchbladeknives, and for other purposes,"and seirtit on to PresidentEisenhowerfor his signatwe.Under this act, nTheterm 'switchbladeknife' meantany knife havinga bladewhich opensautomatically(1) by handpreszureappliedto a buttonor other devicein the handleofthe knifg or (2) by operationofinerti4 gravity, or both." The maximumpenaltyfor eachviolation ofthis law was a $2,000fine and five yearsin jail. It is not within the constitutionalalthority ofthe United Statesto ban manufactureor possessionofa class of ite4 althougbthe individual stateshavealmostunlimited authorityto do so.What the federalgovernment may do, accordingto Article I, SectionVItr, Clause3 of the Constitution,is nToregulatecommercewitl foreign nations,and amongthe severalStates,andwith the Indian tribes." Using tle authority ofthis "Interstate Comrnerce"clause,Congressdid the very next thing to banningswitchbladeknives. In 1958only two Americancompaniesstill madeswitchblades:Imp€rial and Colonial. Both were then in Providence,Rhode Islan4 and so telling them thot they could not make switohbladesfor sale in interstate comnercewas effectively the sameastelling themnot to makeswitchbladesat dl. Up until 1954,Schrade-Walden in upstateNew York had beenthe leading manufacturerof switchblades. year York had That the stateofNew bannedtheir manufac'hreand sale"so Imperial, the parentcompanyo Schrade-Waldeqhad takenover the firm's switchbladeproduction. The GeorgeSchradeKnife Co. of Conneclicut had alsobeena major domestiosrpplier of switchblades.This firm was sold to Boker ofNew Jersey in 1956(GeorgeSchradehad died in l9,lo). Howeverboth New Jerseyand Connecticutbannedswitchblades shortly after New Yort had done so, and thus only the two Providencefirms were still in the switchblade in 1958. business Imperial Shell Switchblade G. SchradePRESTO X'ishTail Switchblade NOTE: OF COURSEAS WEALI. KNOW, THE CUTLERYFIRMS HAW FOUND WAYS TO BY PASSTHIS PUBLIC LAW...RES. i{Ofrc fuceive yow nmrthly nerlslefrE via etnoil insteadof sruil,uil Conlact the chb surdaty, RassSmegalt. meprlacomcastnet By tloing thisyou wiII savethe dab the newslettq nailing cost
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