Message from the President
Benvenuti al bollettino d’informazione Italiano PRSRT-STD US POSTAGE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Italian Heritage Center PAID PORTLAND, ME PERMIT NO. 333 40 Westland Avenue Portland, ME 04102-2418 To: ED L T IA A R D E AT M Message from the President... Officer and director nominations were held at the April General Assembly Meeting .The final slate is as follows; President-Martin Joyce, Vice President-Marianne Reali, Treasurer- Steve Caminiti, Membership Secretary-Nikki Cox, Recording Secretary-Vicki Dunn all unopposed. We have five candidates for two director positions one vacated by Steve Corey who is termed out. The other vacancy created by the resignation of Dominic Distacio who has two years left on his term. The five candidates are Frank Reali and Vinnie Fiero who were selected by the nominating committee and Vinnie DiPhillippo, Thomas Ferrante and Rocco Toppi III who were nominated from the floor. The candidate who gets the most votes will fill the three year vacancy and the candidate with the second most votes will complete the two years left on Dominic’s term. Voting hours will be from 2:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. prior to the May 6th General Assembly Meeting. I urge every member to exercise their right to vote. Steve Corey was selected by the nominating to fill the President’s position, but had to say no when he was notified about some serious eye complications that will prevent him from driving at night. His doctors have prescribed that he work less, minimize stress and take some medications that will hopefully over time address his complications. Steve will continue to chair our facilities committee. I am sure that you join me in hoping Steve the very best. Marty Joyce, President Board Meeting/General Assembly Meeting The Board meeting will start at 4:30pm on May 6, 2010. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm. General Assembly Meeting will start at 6:30pm. Please call 772-2500 ext 15 for dinner reservations. Reservations must be made no later than May 4th. This is a members only dinner and meeting, you will need your key card when paying for you meal. How about a gift of IHC Membership for your friends and family members ? The IHC Board has voted on waiving the application fee for new members until the end of June. Contact Nikki Cox - 772-2500 ext. 18 or at the IHC Wed. & Thurs. 3:305:30pm Senior Luncheon on Wed. May 12th Lunch will be served at Noon. The cost is $7.00 members/$10.00 non members Call Marilyn DiBiase at 774-1998 for reservations. It is important that you call so that the staff is prepared. Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Banquets Complete Facilities / Reasonable Rates for up to 500 People “Satisfaction is our Commitment” Kimberly McDonough, General Manager (207) 772-2500 Italian Heritage Center Newsletter May 2010 Officers & Board of Directors Officers: Directors: Martin Joyce III President 838-3581 Robert Lax 892-2932 Marianne Reali Vice President 934-2506 Dominic DiStasio 854-4940 Jason Viola Treasurer 650-1859 Stephen Corey 878-2976 Vincenza Dunn Recording Sec. 774-5003 James Cavallaro Nikki Cox Membership Sec. 829-5604 Carmela Reali Diane Aikins Past President 636-2443 807-6274 Activities Director 772-5831 Committee Chairpersons Parliamentarian Joseph Aliberti Investigating Marianne Reali Administrative John Hughes Scholarship Pat Capozza & Advertising Darlene White Facilities Steve Corey Finance Jason Viola By-Laws Paul Connolly Cultural Paul Andriulli Activities Cammy Reali Health & Welfare Martha Milton Charity Nancy Thurber Sergeant of Arms Ron White Mary Jane Robichaud MEMBERSHIP Proposed members to be voted on at the next meeting Regular Jared Buzzell Kate Buzzell Gary & Jodi Berlucchi Nicole Palaza Filomena Russell Maria Ricci Joel Harden Margaret Marshall Associate Richard Murray Gunnar Myrbeck Laurie Myrbeck Betsy Hamm Richard & Barbara Labbe Margaret McCarthy Italian Name Montini Montini Berlucchi Palaza Viola Ricci Pesch Atripaldi Sponsor Mary Sacco Mary Sacco Sam DiPietro Barbara Pileggi Philip Viola Giovanna Ricci Cammy Reali Giovanna Ricci Sponsor Lucy Fournier Francis Lorello Francis Lorello Tim Hamm Thomas Ferrante Marie Pardi A note from our Membership Secretary… •If you are applying for membership, please do not send cash. •Members who are still sending in their dues are considered delinquent as of October, 2009 and ,therefore, will have to apply for reinstatement. Past Members Memoriam and Lifetime Members listed in the Newsletter Just a reminder that $5.00 is due by the end of June 2010. Please mail or drop off the $5.00 to the bookkeeper at the Italian Heritage Center. To keep your loved one’s name in the newsletter don’t forget to send in payment. Page 3 ~~Let’s celebrate Summer~~ Come to our Annual IHC Luau Friday, June 25, 2010 Come one, come all Menu: Garden Salad, Carrot Raisin Salad, Glazed Pork, Rice Pilaf, Freshly Cherry Sautéed Vegetables, Citrus Haddock, Boneless BBQ Chicken, Hawaiian Mashed Potatoes, Bread and Honolulu Cake. Music by: KINGPIN Dinner at 6:30 PM $20 Members -- $22.50 Non members Call Cammy for Tickets 939 8570 SUPPORT YOUR CLUB ELECTIONS VOTING HOURS WILL BE FROM 2:30P.M. TO 6:30A.M. PRIOR TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING ON MAY 6TH, 2010. SEE THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE FOR A LIST OF THE CANDIDATES. Page 4 Wine Tasting Saturday, May 29, 2010, 6:30p.m. Da Vinci Room Continental Wine Tour Explore the globe tasting amazing wines from all over the world! We will be tasting three white wines and four red wines which will be accompanied by imported and domestic cheeses, fruits of the season, olives, pepperoni and a freshly baked bread variety with dipping oils. We will end the night with dessert, coffee, and a special night cap. Please join us for an educational and savory evening. Member $20.00 per person Non-Members $25.00 per person Please call Paul Andrulli, 450-4440 to reserve your spot, or you may purchase your tickets from the sales office or book keeper’s office during business hours or in the Cantina in the evening. 83rd ANNUAL FEAST OF SAN GENNARO IN NYC Sept. 16-19, 2010 Best Western Hotel Little Italy The price for this trip will be $575 per person, dbl occupancy. $525 per person, triple or quad. It includes VIP bus transportation, hotel for 3 nights and baggage (1 bag each), tip for bus driver, and lunch on the way down along with beverage. There will also be a 4 Hr Tour of the City on Friday morning I will give you more details as they become available. Please call Cammy @ 939 8570 to reserve a seat. $100. deposit for trip ASAP. Seats will be assigned as deposit is received. STAY IN THE LOOP - E-MAIL It would be wonderful if everyone would please send me their email address. When something happens it would be nice to be able to send you a notice. So please, email me at: [email protected] Thanks, Cammy Reali Page 5 AUTHENTIC ITALIAN RECIPES Go through your Italian recipes that have been in your family for many years. Submit them to me at: [email protected] We will put them in the Newsletter every month with your name on it. (If you don’t want your name there, that is fine too) If you don’t have a computer and would like to submit a recipe, please send to my attention: Cammy Reali Italian Heritage Center 40 Westland Avenue Portland, Maine 04102 DiBiase for this suggestion IHC Design a T-Shirt Contest GET YOUR DESIGN IN BY MAY 31st!!! The IHC is having a T-Shirt Design Contest. We are looking for members to create a design that we can put on IHC hats and T-Shirts. So get your creative minds going and put it on paper and send it in to the IHC c/o of Nikki Cox You could win your membership free for a year!!! Contact Nikki Cox if you are interested in creating a design. 772-2500 ext 18 What a great way to promote and show your pride for your Italian Heritage! Scholarship Applications Scholarship applications for those who will be attending accredited institutions of higher learning during the 2010-2011 academic year will be available at the April General meeting. Members and their dependent children are eligible to apply. Completed applications must be received by 5pm May 4, 2010. Please call Pat Capozza at 207-892-9576 or Mary-Jane Robichaud at 207-743-3937 if you have any questions. Page 6 Marianne’s THOUGHT OF THE MONTH: "THE WILL OF GOD WILL NEVER TAKE YOU WHERE THE GRACE OF GOD WILL NOT PROTECT YOU." ~ author unknown SAVE THE DATE Future Events Friday – June 25th Luau Music by Kingpin Saturday - August 21st We’re having a Lobster Bake Friday – August 27th – Marc Macisso concert along with the Tony Boffa Band Thurs-Sun Sept 16-19th - San Gennaro Festival in New York City Saturday – October 16th IHC Columbus Dinner Dance “Roll Up Your Sleeves Halloween Blood Drive” Friday, October 22nd The Italian Heritage Center 40 Westland Avenue Friday October 22nd BLOOD DRIVE 1:00 – 6:00 PM 1pm- 6pm Friday - October 29th Halloween, Adult Party So get your costume ready! Saturday - October 30th – Kids Party 9:00 am– 11:00 am Raffles Every Hour… Chair Massages… Food & Saturday – November 6th IHC Christmas Craft Fair Friday – November 19th. Fun! Turkey Shoot Kids Christmas Party - TBD Sunday – December 12th Adult member Christmas Party noon 12:00 Friday – December 31st New Year’s Eve Italian Heritage Center Concert Band The Italian Heritage Center Concert Band has lined up many opportunities for Center members to enjoy the memorable sounds created by this group of dedicated musicians. They carry the good name and the good will of the Italian Heritage Center wherever they play. Maine Veterans' Home Wednesday June 2, 7:00 PM, 2010 290 U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, Maine R. B. Hall Day Sunday June 26, 2010 Rockland, Maine Details will be posted to the Band when available. St. Joseph's College Wednesday July 14, 7:00 PM, 2010 278 Whites Bridge Road, Standish, Maine Atrium at Cedars Thursday July 22, 7:00 PM, 2010 630 Ocean Avenue, Portland, Maine Village Crossings at Cape Elizabeth Sunday July 25, 2010 78 Scott Dyer Road, Cape Elizabeth, Maine Bath Gazebo Friday July 30, 2010 Bath, Maine IHCCB Goes to Italy August 20-29, 2010 Nepi, Italy See the details on the Italy Trip page of the Band's website Fundraising for the trip and for the 2011 hosting of the Banda di Nepi continues . Contributions and donations are greatly appreciated at any time. Mon 3 10 17 24 31 Sun 2 9 16 23 30 25 18 11 IHC Scholarship Applications are due 4 Tue 26 19 Senior Luncheon noon 12 5 Wed 7 Fri 27 20 13 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30 pm—Bobby Queen 28 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30 pm—Jeff Rockwell 21 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30 pm—Gloria Jean 14 Board Meeting 4:30 pm Karaoke in La Cantina General Meeting 6:30pm 7:30 pm—Cris Skidgel 6 Thu May 2010 29 22 15 8 1 Sat Page 7 Page 8 In Memoriam Carleen Aceto John, Sr. & Maria Aceto Josephine, Antonette & Rose Aceto Joseph A. Aliberti, Sr. Antonio G. Anania Peter & Linda Anania Rosemary Anania Pierina DiPietro Axelson Richard L. Bailey Rose Vacca & Louis D. Bennett Joseph & Angelina Caminiti Michael Caminiti Francesco & Angelina Capelluti Joseph A. Capelluti Lundy Capelluti Orlando J. Capelluti Joseph A. & Marion G. Capozza Doris (DiPietro) Capozza Francesco & Anna Teresa Capozza Francis R. Capozza William M. Caprio Andy & Evelyn Carlista Gasper & Anna Carlista Michael & Mariana Ciampi Guy & Anna Ciccarelli Anthony "Tony" Colello George Conicelli Sr. Thomas Conicelli Charles & Delia Dalfonso Joe & Betty D'Alfonso John & Sam D'Alfonso Joseph D'Alfonso Donald E. Daniels Antonio Dell'Aquila Rocco Dell'Aquila Vincenzo DePaolo Ambrose & Anna DiBiase Samuel T. DiBiase Charles & Madeline Di Mauro Molly, Santo & Thomas DiPaolo Edward & Henrietta DiPhilippo Carmine P. DiPietro Gierino & Grace DiPietro Mario DiPietro Tony DiPietro Mary Discatio Agnes & Antonio Doria Dr. John L. Esposito Luigi Esposito Lauorina & Carmine Ferrante Gaetano & Rose Fiandaca Giro & Rosina Fornisano Sam Fornisano Andy Gedaro Maria & Antonio Gedaro Betty Jane Gedaro Frank & Elizabeth Gedaro Jim, Louis & Joe Gedaro Rose Germani Nino & Connie Giordano Joe & Fannie Grimaldi Family of Luigi & Anna Grimaldi Barbara (Budroe) Johnson Frank P. Lapomarda Donald Lefebvre Frank Lorello Richard Lorello Eleanor Marshall Antonio Marzilli Rocco Marzilli, Sr. Theresa Methot Emilio (Leo) Micucci Elizabeth "Betty" O'Brion Joseph & Josephine Palmacci Mary & Thomas Paolino John A. Petrizzo Alphonse & Margaret Pizzo Al, Frances & Marty Pizzo Armando Polito Donato & Angela Polito Profenno Arduino & Celeste Reali Theresa (Suzie) Ricci Joseph A. Richio Rocco & Mary Risbara Anthony A. Sesto Marie (Grosso) Tinkham Frank & Bridget Tirabassi Frank Tirabassi, Jr. Patricia M. Toppi Settimo Trivellin Diamante & Teresa Vacca John & Anna Vacca Charles A. Vacchiano In appreciation to Our Grace Caminiti Mary Gedaro Mary McCartney John Caminiti Louis Germani John & Betty Paris Jo Capelluti Louis & Joyce Grimaldi Priscilla B. Smith John & Marilyn DiBiase Guy Martini Joe Discatio Elma Marzilli Charlie Ferrante Maria Marzilli Madeline Fornisano Tom McCabe Items for the Newsletter Do you have any news you want to share about you or you family? Send me an email or give me a call. All news items should be submitted no later than the 12th of the month to make it into the next month’s newsletter. Please include your Name, Phone Number and Email Address (if you have one) so that I can contact you with any questions. Please notify me if you have an address change, not receiving a newsletter or you are receiving multiple newsletters to the same address. Thank you, Vincenza Dunn [email protected] (207) 774-5003 Health and Welfare If you know of any IHC members who are ill, or recently deceased (including family members), and would like the IHC to send them or their family a get well card, sympathy card, or mass card Please contact Martha Milton at 937-2937 Page 9 Men’s Bocce Winners: Ed Miller, Carl Smith, John Dibiase, Pete Desarno & Rick Lorello LA CANTINA Friday Night Entertainment 7:30pm - 11:30pm Last Call 11:30pm Closing 12am Apr. 2nd - Larry Weddleton Apr. 16th - Cris Skidgel Apr. 8th - Liz Kinsman Apr. 23rd - Gloria Jean Apr. 30th - Bobby Queen A Conversation with our IHC Manager… May is a great month. Not only are outside events picking up, so isn't the weather! This is a busy month with proms, social and business events. Please help us in waking up La Cantina. Specials for the month of May ... May Martini Madness...... Tuesday through Friday, all martinis including the following flavors, chocolate, apple, blueberry, espresso, any type are $3.00, bud and miller lite bottles, are $2.00 EVERY TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY during the month of May! Please come in and support your club! Saturday, May 29, 2010 the Cultural Club is hosting a spectacular Continental Wine Tour, please attend! Kimberly McDonough General Manager Please Patronize Our Sponsors ACCOUNTANTS INSURANCE RESTAURANTS (800) 286-5352 780-1677 P.O. Box 567, 2331 Congress St. RONALD L. TALIENTO 797-2831 Portland, ME 04112 Certified Public Accountant Michael S. Reali, Vice President The River’s Edge E-MAIL: [email protected] fax 780-6377 23 Bridgton Road, Westbrook, ME 04092 AMATO'S SANDWICH SHOPS "Home of the Original Italian Sandwich" With 39 Locations Open 7 Days a Week! It’s Real Italian BRUNO'S Fine Italian Cuisine BAKERS BOTTO'S BAKERY 7739647 550 Washington Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 Italian Bread & Rolls • Pizza Shells Employee Benefits / Retirement Planning Asset Management Property & Casualty / Individual Financial Services Since 1949 10 Free Street Bob & Steve Mathews, Owners 86 Main Street PO Box 599 PO Box 3160 Portland, ME 04112 BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS NAPPI DISTRIBUTORS, PORTLAND Lite, Miller High Life, Shipyard, Geary’s, Auburn, ME 04212 T: 207.775.6177 T: 207.784.1535 F: 207.775.5688 F: 207.777.5208 and the Largest Variety of Wines in the Area MARKETS & DELICATESSENS NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS, INC. ANANIA'S VARIETY STORES Budweiser, Bud Light, Busch, Natural Light, Michelob, Michelob Light, Michelob Ultra, O’Doul’s, Heineken & other fine imports, Polar Beverages, Snapple, and Arizona Tea, plus the World’s Best Wines 1227 Congress Street, Portland, ME 323 Broadway, So. Portland, ME Sandwiches – Pizzas – Catering CONTRACTORS BASSO'S ITALIAN MARKET SAM GRIMALDI AND SON 773-6905 General Excavating, Site Work, Septic Systems, Utility Work, Foundations, Demolition, Grading and Drainage 774-4639 774-8104 347-7450 606 Washington Avenue, Portland, ME Frank Gaziano, CEO DIMILLO'S FLOATING RESTAURANT Long Wharf 772-2216 Steaks, Seafood, Italian Food SERVICES The UPS Store Jetport Plaza 405 Western Ave P.O. Box 9241 South Portland, ME 04116-9241 Phone: 207-871-9355 Fax: 207-871-0186 Web site: Email: [email protected] DJ DAN DIBIASE WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES KARAOKE AND VIDEO AVAILABLE DISCOUNT FOR EVENT'S @ I.H.C. CALL 885-5217 CELL 939-8824 894-5229 781 Roosevelt Trail (Rte 302) Travel Agency Charlene Marinaro Windham, ME 04062 Owners - Buddy & Linda Basso & Family Imported Italian Goods, Pastries, Wine, Pizza, Deli, Subs & Meals to Go 401 Western Ave South Portland, ME 04106 207 775-6211 [email protected] DIPIETRO'S ITALIAN SANDWICHES Facts & Figures, Inc. Electrical Contractor 171 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, ME 04101 772-4084 P.O. Box 2301, South Portland, ME 04106 Celebrating 60 Years in Business T.A. NAPOLITANO, INC. 799-0538 EDUCATION 9 Custom House Wharf, Portland, ME 04101 Mary Taliento 23 Bridgton Rd, Suite 7 Westbrook, ME 04092 (207) 856-2200 (207) 856-6035 (Fax) Andover College “We Ship Lobsters & Seafood Nationwide” CRITTER SITTER Commercial, Residential, Industrial HARBOR FISH MARKET Accredited / Two-year Associate Degrees 265 Western Ave, South Portland, ME 04106 Printers Wendy Burbank, Director of Admissions dale rand printing E-MAIL: [email protected] 104 Washington Avenue, Portland, ME 04101 COSMOTECH, SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY REAL ESTATE 39 Mechanic St. Westbrook, ME 04092 773-8198 AGENCY 1 883-5135 x316 Lou & Carmel Croce Hair/Skin and Nail Services 152 US Rt. #1, Scarborough, ME 04074 Available to the public day and night classes “We'll Bring You Home” Scholarships available home - 829-3124 E-MAIL: [email protected] RADIO SHACK Fx - 883-9791 892-8438 North Windham Shopping Center 775-1991 Jean Germani-Russo, Owner “Selling Greater Portland For Over 20 Years” FUNERAL DIRECTORS KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY CONROY-TULLY CRAWFORD FUNERAL HOMES 172 State Street, Portland, ME 773-6511 Beverly Bailey 1024 Broadway, South Portland, ME Portland, ME 04102 “PORTLAND’S ONLY INDEPENDENTLY OWNED Dir Line: 553-2405 Fax: 879-9801 Cell: 838-0161 AND FAMILY OPERATED FUNERAL HOME” ROBERT L. PICCONE, BROKER E-MAIL: [email protected] 775-3763 DIRECTORS: David C. Jones, Robert N. Barnes 199 Woodford Street , Portland, ME 04103 “A TRADITION IN CARING” BREGGY OIL & PROPANE SERVICE, INC. 84 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101 772-4631 Propane Service "60 years in Business" GIROUX OIL SERVICE CO. INC. 343 Warren Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 797-7111 Fax 797-7466 [email protected] 50 Sewell St. 2nd Floor Seniors Real Estate Specialist Cell: 207-838-0345 or 207-939-8821 Keller Williams Realty Edward J. Doyle Financial Advisor 207-839-8150 26 State Street • Gorham, ME 04038 Member SIPC Bus 207 449 3802 Primerica Financial Services Cel 207 632 6612 5 Main St VM 877 223 4803 Topsham, ME 04086-1216 Fax 207 449 3807 MICUCCI WHOLESALE FOODS 961 Riverside Street Portland, Maine 04103 Phone: 207-797-7573 Toll Free: 1-800-MICUCCI Fax: 207-797-4103 E-mail: [email protected] Iannetta Osteopathic Manipulation Greater Portland Market Center Joshua Iannaetta D.O. 49 Dartmouth St. Suite 1 632 US Rt. 1 Scarborough, Me. 04074 Phone: 207-883-1003 Fax: 207-883-5322 Portland, Maine 04101 HEATING OIL DREAMING UP THE IDEAL RETIREMENT Regional Leader 502B Woodford Street, Portland, ME 04103 Mike & Neil Esposito, Owner JONES, RICH & HUTCHINS Quality and Personal Pet Sitting For All Furry Friends Fran Aceto 54 Hillis St. Portland, ME 04103 (207) 749-5077 [email protected] Mark Pulsoni HARBORCITY REALTY ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS A.R. Breggia 878-9511 33 Allen Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 Office: 207-879-9800 REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS DIBIASE APPRAISAL SERVICES, INC. 891 Brighton Avenue, Suite 2 773-0617 P.O. Box 10110, Portland, ME 04104 S. Philip DiBiase, MAI, SRA "Appraising All Property Type" Propane-Biofuel-Certified K-1 E-MAIL: [email protected] Family Owned & Operated Since 1959 WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICES TROIANO WASTE SERVICES, INC. Containerized Waste Disposal P.O. Box 3541, Portland, ME We Recycle 767-2070 fax 767-6158 Make Your Own Wine CORKERS Winemakers Supplies - Winemaking Classes 39 Mechanic Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 207-591-4104 Paul Andriulli Jim Cavallaro GLENN MORAZZINI, LCSW Counseling & Psychotherapy for Individuals & Couples late adolescents & adults ***30 years of experience *** fully licensed 251 Main St., Yarmouth, ME. 04096 ( 207 ) 846 -4880
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