here - Italian Heritage Center
Benvenuti al bollettino d’informazione Italiano PRSRT-STD US POSTAGE PAID Italian Heritage Center PORTLAND, ME PERMIT NO. 333 40 Westland Avenue Portland, ME 04102-2418 To: ED L T IA A R D E AT M Message from the President... There are many things happening at the Center in the next couple of months. We will have a by-law amendment vote at the March General Meeting. The proposed amendment is explained elsewhere in this newsletter. Remember that associate members can not vote on by-law amendments. You will need your card to vote so be sure to bring it to the meeting. Elections will be held in May for one director position and the position of Activities Director. The Nominating Committee comprised of Ilene Cavallaro, John DiBiase, Jim DiBiase, Barbara Pleggi and Dianne Procida will present a slate at our April Meeting. If you have an interest in one of these positions please contact one of the committee members. Ron White’s new work schedule has made it necessary for him to relinquish his duties as our Sergeant of Arms. I want to thank Ron for doing a terrific job. I am pleased to announce that Chris Grassi has agreed to assume Ron’s duties. Do not forget that our anniversary celebration is in March. It is going to be a great time. See the details in this newsletter. I hope to see you at the Center soon. Marty Joyce, President The Senior Luncheon on Wed. March 16th Board Meeting/General Assembly Meeting The Board meeting will start at 4:00pm on March 3, 2011. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm. Lunch will be served at Noon. The cost is $8.00 members/$10.00 non members Call Marilyn DiBiase at 774-1998 for reservations. It is important that you call so that the staff is prepared. General Assembly Meeting will start at 6:30pm. Please call 772-2500 ext 15 for dinner reservations. Reservations must be made no later than March 1st. This is a members only dinner and meeting, you will need your key card when paying for you meal. Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Banquets Complete Facilities / Reasonable Rates for up to 500 People “Satisfaction is our Commitment” Kimberly McDonough, General Manager (207) 772-2500 Italian Heritage Center Newsletter March 2011 Officers & Board of Directors Officers: Directors: Martin Joyce III President 838-3581 Robert Lax 892-2932 Marianne Reali Vice President 934-2506 Frank Reali 772-5831 Steve Caminiti Treasurer Tom C. Ferrante 899-1048 Vincenza Dunn Recording Sec. 774-5003 James Cavallaro Nikki Cox Membership Sec. 829-5604 Carmela Reali Diane Aikins Past President 807-6274 Activities Director 772-5831 636-2443 Committee Chairpersons Parliamentarian Joseph Aliberti Membership Marianne Reali Administrative John Hughes Scholarship Pat Capozza & Advertising Darlene White Facilities Steve Corey Finance Steve Caminiti By-Laws Paul Connolly Cultural Paul Andriulli Activities Carmela Reali Health & Welfare JoJo Ricci Charity Nancy Thurber Sergeant of Arms Chris Grassi Mary Jane Robichaud If there are any changes or you have questions on your membership please call the IHC Membership Secretary at 772-2500 ext 18 MEMBERSHIP Proposed members to be voted on at the next meeting Regular Anthony & Mary Irace Thomas & Carol Noonan Italian Name Irace Pueviti/Silano/Zamjaglione Brenda Grindle Aceto Cammy Reali Patty Schools Dorazio Dominic Distasio Brooke Mullis DiFiore Marianne Reali Rosemarie Perron Toppi Fran DiBiase John Bonnetti Bonnetti Nikki Cox Associate Sponsor John Irace Nikke Cox Also, if your phone no. has changed in the last 2 years please email or call us membership@italianheritagece Sponsor Donald & Melissa Levesque Cammy Reali Olive LaChappelle Fran DiBiase Donna Keites Jim Cavallaro Any concerns on these candidates for membership or any other membership concerns or updates please contact Marianne Reali or Nikki Cox at 772-2500 ext 18 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Scholarship applications for those who will be attending accredited institutions of higher learning during the 2011-2012 academic year, will be available March 3, 2011 on the IHC website. Members and their dependents are eligible to apply. Completed applications must be received by 5pm May 3, 2011. Please call Pat Capozza at 207-892-9576 or Mary-Jane Robichaud at 207-743-3937 if you have any questions. IHC T-shirts Get them before they are sold out! The NEW IHC T‐Shirts will be available for purchase in La Cantina Would you like to sponsor a Scholarship under your name or family name? Our scholarship fund is running low and we are in need of a sponsor or sponsors. If you are interested please contact President Marty Joyce THANK YOU!!! ALFIO, “The Voice of PASSION” Will be at the Italian Heritage Center for the 58th Anniversary Dinner Show Saturday, March 19, 2011 PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR ITALIAN HERITAGE CENTER BY COMING TO THIS IMPORTANT EVENT. A Chicken Parm with penne dinner will be served along with Salad and Dessert. $40.00 for members $50.00 for non members. Happy hour 5:45 – 6:30 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm ALFIO – 8:00 pm Proper dress required. Call Cammy 939 8570 to reserve your tables. Everyone is invited to attend this WONDERFUL EVENT! Alfio pays tribute to his fellow countrymen on “CLASSIC REWINDS”, ALFIO, an accomplished musician and songwriter, has included a few songs he wrote such as “Voce Pura”, a beautiful song written for Luciano Pavarotti after ALFIO met and dined with him in late 2005. Sung in “pure voice,” this song is a loving tribute to the Maestro. ALFIO is a mesmerizing performer whether sitting at the piano, with the band, orchestra or simply using the microphone and his voice. He often has the crowd singing, dancing and sometimes even moved to tears. One thing is clear when he’s on stage: he LOVES to sing and wants everyone to enjoy listening to the songs as much as he enjoys singing them. From the Membership Secretary: PROPOSED BY-LAW AMENDMENT I would like to thank the membership for their patience dealing with the new software. We had a few bumps in the road and hopefully things will continue to run smooth. Please if you have any questions about membership call the IHC @ 772-2500 ext. 18 and leave a message. It makes it difficult when I get information third hand. I will promptly answer your question or concerns. You can also call me @ 829-5604 in the evenings. The following proposed by-law amendment will be voted on at the March General Meeting. Please note that associate members cannot vote on by-law amendments. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast is necessary for the amendment adoption. ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 3. MAXIMUM CONSECUTIVE TERMS. Currently says, “Directors may serve maximum consecutive terms in office as follows: Primary Officers: Two consecutive two year terms; Elected Directors: Two consecutive three year terms; Activities Director: One three year term.” Proposed change: Activities Director: Two consecutive three year terms. Sincerely, Nikki Cox SOMETHING NEW FOR SATURDAY NIGHTS Saturdays are for dancing! Why don't you invite some NEW friends to come to the Cantina this Saturday and listen to some Dean Martin, Connie Francis and Frank Sinatra. from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Bottle of Wine special Come join us in the Cantina and have some FUN. “What the Catholic Church Teaches About the Bible” An Adult Faith Formation Class Taught by Father Michael Seavey Thursdays, March 10, 17, 24, 31 6:30-8:00 PM Italian Heritage Center Father Michael Seavey will teach a four week introductory class in Catholic Church teachings regarding the Holy Bible. Presenting official Catholic Teaching documents and methods of explaining Bible texts, Fr. Mike and class will explore the development of the Old and New Testaments. The classes will also present how Truths of our faith are drawn from the texts of these sacred Scriptures. This is basically the same class Fr. Mike taught at St. Peter’s Parish Hall in December of 2009, and is intended to be accessible for all adults interested in learning basic teachings regarding the Bible. Although there will be a few extra Bibles available at the classes, people are encouraged to bring their own Bibles, and the Catholic translation New American Bible is recommended. Coffee, hot tea and water will be available. There is no fee for this class, but each week class attendees can donate to a designated charity to be announced each week. For the first class, March 10th, St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen will be the designated charity. FROM THE DESK OF THE IHC BUSINESS MANAGER: Beware the Ides of March! The senior lunch will be held on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 and we will be serving baked haddock. We typically would hold the senior lunch on March 9, 2011, but in observance of Lent, this being Ash Wednesday, we will have the senior lunch on Wednesday March 16, 2011, so mark your calendars! Lounge specials for March are, by popular demand, Schmitt Sohne Riesling, $3.50 per glass, $15.00 per bottle. It is a German wine that is light, sweet with peachy with granny smith apple tones. For the monthly red wine bottle special is Michele Chiarlo Barbera d’Asti Le Orme, this is a robust full bodied red wine from the Piedmont region of Italy, bottle price only $15.00 which is a great value. Bring your friends down Friday night for these great wines and try our cheeses served at our weekly happy hour; the food comes out at 7:00p.m. Many of our members and my friends, and friends of my friends, and people I don’t even really know, ask me a lot of Wedding questions! By the way, I love answering these questions, and in light of this I am going to write some pointers down for the next few months starting at the beginning stages. We will go through the dos and don’ts and some basic guidelines and etiquette tips. Ready? After becoming engaged, telling your parents, family and friends is the natural first step. Those becoming engaged with children from a previous marriage should of course inform them first. Many people publish their engagement announcements in the newspaper, typically the hometowns of the brides and grooms to be. Information should include career and educational credentials and your parent’s names. It is not necessary to publish the actual date, simply saying, “a Fall Wedding is planned’’, is acceptable. There have been some unfortunate cases where actual Wedding dates published in a major newspaper alerted the wrong kinds of people that these houses would be empty on that day. Mailing out personalized engagement announcements is traditional, but use caution. Etiquette wise, any person you mail an engagement announcement to should also be invited to the Wedding. Set the date next. Consider budget, season, locations, and those who need to travel from afar. Work and school schedules need to be considered, as well as, planning receptions around major holidays or family events could cause difficulties for some of your guests. A church or synagogue wedding should be booked twelve to twenty four months in advance. Pick up a journal, or start a wedding website. There are many websites,, for example that offer great free, yes free, planning and organizational tools. When I am asked if is to too early to book for 2012 or 2013, it is a simple answer…definitely not! Get your date, your church or chapel, and then book the Italian Heritage Center for your reception! Is your head spinning yet? Stay tuned for next month as we start booking vendors and making plans! Maybe we will shop for some dresses…, I am really jumping ahead! Or am I? Kim McDonough Italian Heritage Sock Hop Friday, April 15, 2011 Dinner is: Hamburgers and Fries to be served at 6:30 pm Show starts at 7:30 pm With the TALENTED ITALIAN HERITAGE SINGERS Carlo, Jim, Karen, Paul, Tony, and Vini, $15.00 Members - $20.00 Nonmembers Call for tickets Cammy 939 8570 Dust off you saddle shoes, your poodle skirts and your old leather jackets and join the IHC Singers for an evening of Song and Dance The Italian Heritage Singers have been performing together since 2007. Shows include a 50's sock hop, show tunes and Christmas fare. Singing in Italian and promoting the Italian culture through performance is a top priority. Members of the group, Jim Cavallaro, Vinnie Fiero, Carlo Giraulo, Paul Andriulli, Anthony Barrasso and Karen Pacillo, have a variety of performance backgrounds. Paul, Anthony, and Carlo have performed with the Lyric Theater and Karen Pacillo appeared here last year in our fund raiser for Maine Children's Cancer. For the past six months the men of the group have been appearing at Anthony's Italian Kitchen on Middle Street in Portland in a tribute show to the Rat pack. NEWS FLASH – NEWS FLASH – NEWS FLASH The Italian Heritage Center is now Looking for teens between the ages of 14 – 17 To go to Lettomanopello, Italy this summer 2011 We are starting a CULTURAL Exchange with this town and next summer, we will be hosting students from Lettomanopello. We will be going on July 20th – August 1st, 2011. REQUIREMENTS: Parents must be members of the Italian Heritage Center a ly n O f ew s !! eft l ts po For more information, please call Cammy Reali 939 8570 This will be a trip of a lifetime for these kids. Cost is approximately $1,800 per student. NEWS FLASH- NEWS FLASH – NEWS FLASH During his resent visit to the United States, the Mayor of Lettomanoppello, Italy, approached Cammy Reali and asked her if she would organize an exchange program between American students and students from Lettomanopello. Near the Adriatic coast, about 21 miles west of the city of Pescara, is the town of Lettomanoppello, known in the local dialect as Lu Lette. The town's population is about 3000. Marianne’s Thought of the Month: TODAY IS TOMORROW WHAT YOU WORRIED ABOUT YESTERDAY We are on the move again Come join us !!! We are going to Alaska on Celebrity Infinity Sep 2-9, 2011 Inside cabin w/air from Portland $1872.76pp Ocean View cabin w/air from Portland $2062.76pp Balcony cabin w/air from Portland $2272.76pp Call Cammy 939 8570 for more information. The price is going up so book early!!! Inside cabin w/air from Boston $1647.86pp Ocean View cabin w/air from Boston $1837.86pp Balcony cabin w/air from Boston 2047.86pp Day Location Arrival Departure Friday, September 2, 2011 Seattle, Washington -- 04:00 PM Saturday, September 3, 2011 At Sea -- -- Sunday, September 4, 2011 Ketchikan, Alaska 07:00 AM 04:00 PM Monday, September 5, 2011 Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska 06:00 AM 10:00 AM Monday, September 5, 2011 Juneau, Alaska 02:30 PM 10:00 PM Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Skagway, Alaska 07:00 AM 06:00 PM Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Alaska Inside Passage 06:30 PM 10:30 PM Wednesday, September 7, 2011 At Sea -- -- Thursday, September 8, 2011 Victoria, British Columbia 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Friday, September 9, 2011 Seattle, Washington 06:00 AM -- Book Review - Karen Pacillo (an IHC member) A THREAD OF GRACE by Mary Doria Russell Set in Italy during World War II, this novel tells the tale of the willingness of the Italian people to help hide both Jewish refugees and Italian Jews. It speaks to the humbleness, humanity and courage of the Italian people as they put themselves in danger to protect those who were being unfairly targeted. It also gives insight into the partisans who were standing up to the Germans. The author uses memoirs and interviews with Italian Jewish survivors. While it is a work of fiction, it gives insight into the lives and times of the last year of of the German occupation of Italy and the struggles the citizens faced during this powerful time. Enjoy! Upcoming Concerts Wednesday March 2nd - 7 pm - Music in Our Schools Concert - special guests the Chorus from the Hall Elementary School - under the direction of Jayne Quinn-Sawtelle. Deering High School Auditorium Sunday, May 1st - 2 pm - Spring Concert at the Italian Heritage Center - we will be performing many of the songs from our recently recorded CD for members of the Center and the general public. Band CD The IHCCBand CD is now available for purchase - $12 each or three for $30. The music is a sampler of the many music genres that the band performs . Members can purchase the CD from Domenica Cipollone at the monthly member meeting in March or by contacting her via e-mail [email protected] . The recording for this CD was funded in part by a Maine Arts Commission grant to help the band publicize itself. Band Exchange with Nepi Italy Fifty new friends from Nepi will visit Portland August 16 - 21, 2011. The IHCC Band is planning to host them as warmly as they hosted us. We are currently working hard to raise funds to cover the cost of housing, food and transportation for our Italian guests. The recent decision to host the visitors in our homes means that IHC members can step forward to offer to welcome overnight guests into their homes. Those interested in hosting are encouraged to talk with Domenica Cipollone at monthly membership meetings or e-mail [email protected] Contributions: Please make out your tax deductible check to "Friends of the IHCC Band" and send to Richard Capozza, President, 9 White Rock Drive, Gorham, ME 04038. Friends of the IHCC Band is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Watch the Band website for updated photos and reports on our experience Mon 7 14 21 28 Sun 6 13 20 27 29 22 15 30 23 16 Senior Luncheon Noon 9 Ash Wednesday Senior Lunch is next week. 2 1 8 Wed Tue Bible Study 6:30830pm 31 Bible Study 6:30830pm 24 Bible Study 6:30830pm 17 Bible Study 6:30830pm 10 3 Board Meeting 4:00 pm General Meeting 6:30pm Thu 26 La Cantina Music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin & more 19 The IHC Anniversary Dance w/ special performance by ALFIO 12 La Cantina Music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin & more 5 La Cantina Music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin & more Sat Reali [email protected] Thanks, Cammy please, email me at: would be nice to be able to send you a notice. So me their email address. When something happens it It would be wonderful if everyone would please send E-MAIL STAY IN THE LOOP 25 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30pm DJ Bobby Queen 18 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30pm DJ Jon Shannon 11 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30pm DJ Bob Wilson 4 Karaoke in La Cantina 7:30pm DJ Liz Kinsman Fri March 2011 In Memoriam Carleen Aceto George Conicelli Sr. & Thomas Conicelli Richard Lorello John, Sr. & Maria Aceto Charles & Delia Dalfonso Eleanor Marshall Josephine, Antonette & Rose Aceto Donald E. Daniels Antonio Marzilli Joseph A. Aliberti, Sr. Rocco Dell'Aquila Rocco Marzilli, Sr. Peter & Linda Anania Charles & Madeline Di Mauro Emilio (Leo) Micucci Pierina DiPietro Axelson Joseph R. Di Mauro Sr. Joseph & Josephine Palmacci Richard L. Bailey Carmine P. DiPietro Mary & Thomas Paolino Rose Vacca & Louis D. Bennett Gierino & Grace DiPietro Joseph R. Pappo Joseph & Angelina Caminiti Joseph DiPietro Alphonse & Margaret Pizzo Michael Caminiti Agnes & Antonio Doria Al, Frances & Marty Pizzo Francesco & Angelina Capelluti Gaetano & Rose Fiandaca Armando Polito Joseph A. Capelluti Giro & Rosina Fornisano Donato & Angela Polito Profenno Lundy Capelluti Sam Fornisano Arduino & Celeste Reali Orlando J. Capelluti Andy Gedaro Theresa (Suzie) Ricci Joseph A. & Marion G. Capozza Maria & Antonio Gedaro Rocco & Mary Risbara Doris (DiPietro) Capozza Betty Jane Gedaro Anthony A. Sesto Francesco & Anna Teresa Capozza Jim, Louis & Joe Gedaro Settimo Trivellin Francis R. Capozza Rose Germani Leo John Thiboutot William M. Caprio Antoinette Ferrante Gignac Edward & Henrietta DiPhilippo Andy & Evelyn Carlista Nino & Connie Giordano Lauorina & Carmine Ferrante Gasper & Anna Carlista Joe & Fannie Grimaldi Rocco & Patricia Toppi Michael & Mariana Ciampi Frank P. Lapomarda Antonio Dell'Aquila Guy & Anna Ciccarelli Donald Lefebvre Anthony "Tony" Colello Frank Lorello In appreciation to Our Joan B. Bartlett Charlie Ferrante Thomas MCabe John Caminiti Louis Germani Gerard Moore Paul & Mary Connolly Teresa Lefebvre Beth A. & Frederick Leone Anthony J. DePaolo Guy Martini Madeline Fornisano John & Marilyn DiBiase Elma Marzilli John & Betty Paris Josephine Capelluti Maria Marzilli Priscilla B. Smith Guy & Anna Marie Ciccarelli Mary Gedaro Alice V. Pappo Frank and Adrienne DiDonato Rosalyn Langella Grace Caminiti Thomas Joan Pio Martelle Garwitz If you are a Lifetime member and would like to have your name listed under Life Members or have a family member who is a deceased member and would like to have their name(s) under the In Memoriam section of the newsletter, please submit $5.00 to the IHC c/o Darlene White. Thanks you The IHC is coordinating with the St. Peter's Church Centennial Celebration and the first of their dinners is going to be held in the Monsiqnor Dimingo Hall on March 26, 2011. This dinner is going to be put on by the men of the Holy Name Society. They are promising a fantastic meal for family and friends. Health and Welfare If you know of any IHC members who are ill, or recently deceased (including family members), and would like the IHC to send them or their family a get well card, sympathy card, or mass card Please contact JoJo Ricci at 831-8775 Y D E M HT CO IG N LA CANTINA Friday Night Entertainment 7:30pm - 11:30pm Last Call 11:30pm Closing 12am March 4th - Liz Kinsman March 11th - Bob Wilson March 18th - Jon Shannon March 25th - Bobby Queen Saturday Night Entertainment Music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin & others 7:00pm - 10:00pm Please Patronize Our Sponsors ACCOUNTANTS RONALD L. TALIENTO 797-2831 Certified Public Accountant The River’s Edge 23 Bridgton Road, Westbrook, ME 04092 Albano Recycling & Waste Services, Inc. No job is too small - Fully Insured P.O. Box 8473 Portland, ME 04104 (207)761-8301 E-mail [email protected] INSURANCE 7739647 550 Washington Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 Italian Bread & Rolls • Pizza Shells Since 1949 Bob & Steve Mathews, Owners P.O. Box 567, 2331 Congress St. Portland, ME 04112 (800) 286-5352 780-1677 fax 780-6377 Michael S. Reali, Vice President E-MAIL: [email protected] Employee Benefits / Retirement Planning Lite, Miller High Life, Shipyard, Geary’s, and the Largest Variety of Wines in the Area Asset Management Property & Casualty / Individual Financial Services NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Budweiser, Bud Light, Busch, Natural Light, Michelob, Michelob Light, Michelob Ultra, O’Doul’s, Heineken & other fine imports, Polar Beverages, Snapple, and Arizona Tea, plus the World’s Best Wines Frank Gaziano, CEO 10 Free Street PO Box 599 Portland, ME 04112 T: 207.775.6177 F: 207.775.5688 86 Main Street PO Box 3160 Auburn, ME 04212 T: 207.784.1535 F: 207.777.5208 CONTRACTORS SAM GRIMALDI AND SON DIMILLO'S FLOATING RESTAURANT Long Wharf 772-2216 Steaks, Seafood, Italian Food Jetport Plaza 405 Western Ave P.O. Box 9241 South Portland, ME 04116-9241 Phone: 207-871-9355 Fax: 207-871-0186 Web site: Email: [email protected] DJ DAN DIBIASE CALL 885-5217 WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES KARAOKE AND VIDEO AVAILABLE DISCOUNT FOR EVENT'S @ I.H.C. Large Italian Library of music CELL 939-8824 773-6905 Travel Agency Charlene Marinaro 799-0538 Facts & Figures, Inc. 401 Western Ave South Portland, ME 04106 207 775-6211 [email protected] General Excavating, Site Work, Septic Systems, Utility Work, Foundations, Demolition, Grading and Drainage T.A. NAPOLITANO, INC. Electrical Contractor P.O. Box 2301, South Portland, ME 04106 Commercial, Residential, Industrial MARKETS & DELICATESSENS ANANIA'S VARIETY STORES EDUCATION 774-4639 774-8104 347-7450 606 Washington Avenue, Portland, ME KAPLAN UNIVERSITY 1227 Congress Street, Portland, ME Accredited / Two-year Associate Degrees 265 Western Ave, South Portland, ME 04106 Wendy Burbank, Director of Admissions E-MAIL: [email protected] 323 Broadway, So. Portland, ME Sandwiches – Pizzas – Catering COSMOTECH, SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY DIPIETRO'S ITALIAN SANDWICHES 171 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, ME 04101 772-4084 Celebrating 60 Years in Business 39 Mechanic St. Westbrook, ME 04092 Hair/Skin and Nail Services Available to the public day and night classes Scholarships available 775-0251 9 Custom House Wharf, Portland, ME 04101 “We Ship Lobsters & Seafood Nationwide” RADIO SHACK 892-8438 Mary Russo Taliento 23 Bridgton Rd, Suite 7 Westbrook, ME 04092 (207) 856-2200 (207) 856-6035 (Fax) CRITTER SITTER Quality and Personal Pet Sitting For All Furry Friends Fran Aceto 54 Hillis St. Portland, ME 04103 (207) 749-5077 [email protected] DREAMING UP THE IDEAL RETIREMENT HARBOR FISH MARKET ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Edward J. Doyle Financial Advisor 26 State Street • Gorham, ME 04038 Member SIPC 839-8150 Printers North Windham Shopping Center Mike & Neil Esposito, Owner dale rand printing FUNERAL DIRECTORS REAL ESTATE CONROY-TULLY CRAWFORD FUNERAL HOMES 172 State Street, Portland, ME 773-6511 AGENCY 1 773-8198 104 Washington Avenue, Portland, ME 04101 1024 Broadway, South Portland, ME “PORTLAND’S ONLY INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND FAMILY OPERATED FUNERAL HOME” JONES, RICH & HUTCHINS 775-3763 DIRECTORS: David C. Jones, Robert N. Barnes 199 Woodford Street , Portland, ME 04103 “A TRADITION IN CARING” 883-5135 x316 Lou & Carmel Croce 152 US Rt. #1, Scarborough, ME 04074 “We'll Bring You Home” home - 829-3124 E-MAIL: [email protected] Fax - 883-9791 MICUCCI WHOLESALE FOODS HARBORCITY REALTY 502B Woodford Street, Portland, ME 04103 775-1991 Jean Germani-Russo, Owner “Selling Greater Portland For Over 20 Years” E-MAIL: [email protected] HEATING OIL BREGGY OIL & PROPANE SERVICE, INC. 84 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101 772-4631 Propane Service "60 years in Business" GIROUX Energy Solutions 797-7111 343 Warren Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 Fax 797-7466 Propane-Biofuel-Certified K-1 Family Owned & Operated Since 1959 WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICES TROIANO WASTE SERVICES, INC. P.O. Box 3541, Portland, ME We Recycle 878-9511 33 Allen Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 Fine Italian Cuisine The UPS Store NAPPI DISTRIBUTORS, PORTLAND Containerized Waste Disposal Catering: 774-3975 With 41 Locations Amato’s Bakery: 774-3544 Check your local phone directory for an Amato’s nearest you It’s Real Italian Open 7 Days a Week! SERVICES BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS A.R. Breggia AMATO'S SANDWICH SHOPS "Home of the Original Italian Sandwich" BRUNO'S BAKERS BOTTO'S BAKERY RESTAURANTS 767-2070 fax 767-6158 DIANNE PROCIDA, Realtor® 207-450-9792 Prudential Northeast Properties 386 Bridgton Rd, Westbrook, ME 04092 Email:[email protected] REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS DIBIASE APPRAISAL SERVICES, INC. 891 Brighton Avenue, Suite 2 773-0617 P.O. Box 10110, Portland, ME 04104 S. Philip DiBiase, MAI, SRA "Appraising All Property Type" E-MAIL: [email protected] 961 Riverside Street Portland, Maine 04103 Phone: 207-797-7573 Toll Free: 1-800-MICUCCI Fax: 207-797-4103 E-mail: [email protected] Iannetta Osteopathic Manipulation Joshua Iannaetta D.O. 632 US Rt. 1 Scarborough, Me. 04074 Phone: 207-883-1003 Fax: 207-883-5322 Make Your Own Wine CORKERS Winemakers Supplies - Winemaking Classes 39 Mechanic Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 207-591-4104 Paul Andriulli Jim Cavallaro GLENN MORAZZINI, LCSW Counseling & Psychotherapy for Individuals & Couples late adolescents & adults ***30 years of experience *** fully licensed 251 Main St., Yarmouth, ME. 04096 ( 207 ) 846 -4880
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