SHOES." Confectionerjr - Atlantic County Library System


SHOES." Confectionerjr - Atlantic County Library System
A Shooklng Calamity
Lately befell a railroad laborer, writes
Dr. A. Kellott, 01 Williforci, Arkansas.
•'HIB foot was liaHly orusbod. but BuolcUU'B Arnica Salvo quickly cured him."
It's simply wonderful for burns, boils,
piles, and all ekin eruptions. It's tho
world'o champion bonier. Oure'guavanteed. 25 o. Sold by Crowoll.
- ,
The only newspaper
printed in Hammonton
Ohas. Woodnutt
(Claims collected.)
Commissioner of Deeds
Insurance & Heal Estate Agt.
Office at residence, 405 Bollovno AVO.
Matilda 0. Gage, Administratrix of James
C. Gago, doconsecl, by direction of the Surrogate of the County of Atlantio, liorehj gives
notice to tho creditors of tb« said Jamca 0.
O^gt^ to bring in thoir debts, domande, and
claims against the estate of tho said decedent,
under oath, within nine months from this
date, or they will bo forever haired of an;
action therefor a^aintt said administratrix.
Dated July 30th, A.D. 1900.
' Administratrix.^
Tbo Egg Harbor City boys camo to
Hammoniob,. last Saturday, confident
of tho ability of thoir ag«rcgatioa to dofeat the county champions ; but they
learned something about playing ball
before the game was half done.
Bettor than1 a Rono, Organ, or Mnaio Box, for It ataga and talka na well aa p.laye, anl '•
don't cost as much. Itroproducca thexnusloof nnylnstrnment—bund or orchestra—tclla
Qtorles nnd sings-rtbo old familiar hymns na well as tho popular songs—it Is alwaya ready.
."•'._; XVJ-: -" - Sen that Mr. Edison's signature, is on every machine. Catalogues df Ob dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO* \3S Filth Ave.. Mew York.
Hero is tho score :
Cordery,2b....1 2
J. Jeffoiaon, 8b
2 2 2
2 2 0
3 1
„. 2
Angolow, o2 1
— 0 1 2
Herbert, Ib
1 1 10 0
0 0
Soull, rf
2 0
12 14 27 11
Egg Harbor City
Both, of
0 1 0 0
Woleelffor, 2b,
0 0
. Praecb, If
0 1
Conn, p
Morgcnweck, as... 0. 1
, Enstou.SD ............I 2
Well equipped 15F
BAPTIST. Rev H F Loomis, pastor; Sunday aervicofl : Preaching 10:30 Sunday-school
11.45, Junior 0. E. 3.00p.m., Christian Endeavor 6.00,-ProachiDg 7, 00,___Weekday prajor
meeting-Thnrfiday_evening-17.30.________ ^
—in all branches
Business Cards
- . . ' . . - Posters , ,_
-• Dodgers
D.D., rector.
Sunday mass 10.30 a. m.
I beg to call your attention la my nddreaa offer my prolculonnl services. ' ,
• ' Tatlcnta implying (or treatment. I promise
~intc]Hccnt~nncl'cSrcfiir-t refitment.—Mycrpert*'
cnct» In trcutlnc Dtnriuicn of tlip Ilpnplratory
-Organs hnfl bt-cn vnrlml iind-nmpie.
—,I rod wurrnnUHl by my success In tho put,—
In promliilnB-to nil, btnpflt. and In very many
cahca, posltlvo and laatlng cures. All conaultatlona arc- Btrlctly private &nd confldcntlal, and 3
my leea are (airly moderate. Penonnl Icttan -
Earned ranB..;Hnm-10,-B-H--2-Two-base hits ..J Jefferson, Peterson,
Conley. Herbert
_Total baao hlls...Ham 17, Ell 9
-8tolen_base3...Cordery, Conloy_a. .
Euston 2, Dippy
Conley to^Cordery
8truclToat~J Jefferson. Angolow. Uelser,
Herbert 2, Soull, Tell, Morgeuweck,
PiSscli7~WIniberB 3 r
Left on bates...Ham 5, £H1
Umpires...Baird and Goetz
Tlme...l b, 40 m
Rov. Edwin C
Alcorn, rootor. Celebration of Holy Eucharist
IBI and 3rd Sundays al 18:30j.m. OthorBnndays, 7:30 a.m. MorningTPfayerTT'ifanyyaEif
Sermon,2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30a.m.
Evensong 7:08 p.m. Sunday School9:30a.m.
Friday Evensong, 7.30. Saints Day .Colobra;ion,7:30 a.m. Special services in Advontand
paator. Sunday services: class 9.30,a.mpreaching 10.SO .Sunday-school 12.00 noon>
Staled proposals will be received by
Epworth League 1.00 p. m., preaching 7.00- the Committee on Bridges of the board of
Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings7.SO' Cnusen Freeholders, at. the office of Joseph
Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m.
Thompson, Real Estate and Law Building,
Mission at Pine Road.
Atlanuc City, N. J., on Monday, Octobe-22,
PnESDTTEniAN. Rov.WK McKinney, pastorj 1900, at 11 o'clock a. m., for tho construction
Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a ;m.,Sun- ol tw9_8tcel bridges, one to span the-canal at
Mills, in the Township of Mullica,
day-school 12.00 noon, preaching 7.WL-p-^n. Pleasant
nd/tltho other to span the stream'near Henry
-CU-E—prayer—meeting—Tuesday,—T 30 p Sv
1's store,
. . at English Creek, in tde ^'own*
Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. V
~sbip. of Egg Ilaibor, Atlantic County, New
Missions atFolsom and Magnolia.
Specifications may be had upon appli
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Silio Contin! the undersigned. Tho right to reject
_ ' •"-•'-;10.30a.m. Jr. C.E., 3:30 p.m.
C. E. Seo'y anyijirairbldsHBTrcsorved.
M. L.JACKSON, Chairman Com.
at 3-30.
Hammonton, N. J., Oct. 4,1900. mvKnSiLisT. Sunday School, 12:00 noon
Jr. Y.P.C.U., 4 p;m. Y.P.C.U. at 7:!>0 p.m.
Sociables alternate Thursday evenings.
Sealed proposals will bo received by tho
Mrs. Charles Smith, president. Miss A. M
Bradbury, cor secretary. Mrs A L Jackson, Committee on Bridges of the Board of Chosen
rpo_seo'.j; Mrs P S Tllton, treasurer
•__ _ Freeholders, at tho office of Joseph Thompson,
Heal Estate. und-L»w Building, AtUuUo City,.
. J., on Monday, Oatobtr 22, I960, at eleven
o'clock a. m., for the conotruction of eight
CLERK. J.L.O'Donnell.
hundred feet, more or less, of trlro cable and
eecUr post-safety fence or railing on cause-ray
MADSDAL. George W Swank, Jr
at approach to drawbridge at Tuokahoo, N. J.
JUSTICES . 0. W. Premey, Chat Wooduutf Specifications can be had on application to the
JOB II Qurton, E L Caufman
undeisigned. Committee reserves the rUht to
COSSTADLES. Goo Bcmihoujo, 0 C ComboB, rejoqt any or all bids. M. L. JACKSON,
B II Shackley.
Chairman Committee.
OVKIISBBII IlionWAYn . Elias A . T o«lyn.
Uammtnton, N. J., Oct. 6, 191)0.
OvBRSKisnorTDE POOR. Gea.Dernahoute.
NIOHT POLICE . J. n .Oarton.
ATTOHHEY. B II Chandler.
Fine CniEPs. 0 W Austin, II M Phllllpt
VoLUNTBBn FIRS Co. D. B. Cunnlnphnm,
Notice- is hereby i;lven that the several
president;Chan. W. Austin, secretary.. Meets Boards of Registry and Klooiion of Atlantic
ftrd Monday evening ofeaoh month.
County will meet on Tuesday, October 10,1000,
Independent Fire Co. Meets firit Wednes- ut tho p'nen where the next election in their
day evenlnR In each month.
district will be held, at 10 o'clock In tho mornTOWN COUNCIL.
Michael K Dover, Ohm. irg, and remain In seislon (recess from 1 to 2
B \V Balobolor, J E Watkl», W D DePuy, o'clock) until V o'clock In the evening, for the
0 O Hurley, Andrus K Holinnn. Moots last puriiuse cl making up from the oanvuislng
hooks tno lists or registers of the nairtes
Saturday eve each month.
roMJencon, anil street numbers, If any, of all
BoAno or EDUCATION. 0. F. Osgood,pre»I- persons in their reipectlve oleotlon districts
dent; D. S. Cunningham,clerk; Ednin AdauK, entitled to the right of suffrage therein at tho
J L O'Donncll, Mrs J II Ranioin, M i n n A n n a n«lt oloutlun, or who shall personally appeal
Premoy, Mrs E A Joslvn, Thiiman C Elvlns, before them for that purpose, who shall ho
,Dr J A Waas. Mentn flrnt Tuoid&y evening shown to tho satisfaction of such llonrd nf
enoh uiuiilh.
HiiKlstry and Kleetlon to have lugally voted
IIoAni) or HIALTU. M. L. JaoVion, Pronl- In that cleo Ion <ll"lrlot nt tho Inct |irrcoJlii(;
lent-;—Drr-Oh«rle»—Cunnlnghauir—ln«)«>«liir-t- -olootioTrth«reln-fotH»-«n«u»b«f-of—tlmjjouoral.
.lohn T. Kronoh, J. 0. Anderaon, Wu. C u n - Aiieuihly, "r wh» shall bo shown liy tho >01ningham, Oeo. IleinBhoune, JOB. II.Qartoii,
davll In wriling of some voter In t h n t ulealliii
Jlslriot to bo a legal voter thuroln.
Ami notion In hareb;' Airlhir jjlv.'n t h a t the
AiiTKAHS Onncii or'.MiiriiAl, PIIOTHCTMII. talil Jliinnl of Registry and Kleotloii will al«u
on Tuesday, October 80th, IUIIO, ut tho
D S Cuiinliighiiin, M A j A II Davis, Hco'y.
Mdetit flrat Tueadny uvuiiing I n oaoli montli in place 'if tliulr former meeting, at the li.iur of
1 u'elouk in tho afternoon, and remain In BCS.
Hoohiinlcn' H u l l .
ilnn u n t i l V o'clock In the evening, f i r tho
WINHLOW I.onoB, i.O.O.P.
Win. Ilcrnc purpoio of ravlnlng and oorroetlnK Ilio orliclhoiiin, N . U . i A V. W. .Solloy, Hoo;otnry. nal reglniorv, or adding thereto th«t numon of
MooK WodnoBilny ovon, In Odd Kollowi Hull. ull pin-noun entitled to the right nf inilfragn In
H I I A W U I I I I K I N T n i n c Imp 0 K M.
J M Dial nliv:tliin illptrlet at tho next eleallon who
Ilnnniitt, Hnvlitm i Ohoo W A u n l l n , O h l o l o l nlmll iippeur In person before tluiin, or nlm
HmMirdi , M t o t o v e r y T u e n l u y ' t n l o o p In Hod ihitll I"- nliuiTii '-y the written afl.ltl.ivlt (n ho u
le^ul v i i l o r thoroln, and oforaidng tlierofri'in
Monn' H u l l .
M, I). TATI.IIR Loixji:, V. A A . M . J. M. Ihu niiinn ol any perron who, aftor u fulr
Thuyor, W M i i n i e r ; Al"i»<> II. I)itvl>, Mon'y. I ' p l i i ' T t i i i i l t y to ho hoard, nhall bo flhowu nirt
Jiulruid 4tli 1'rl'Uy n||jliU In M n n n n l o Ilnll. In hn 1'iiutli'il to vote Ihcrrln ky rnaion nl
iioi|.riinl'li!ii"ti or utlierwlso.
J n . O u i i n n )|HITI>I> A H K I I K I A M M R U I I A K I O H .
Ami iintlcu U Unri'by lurlUor glvnn, that tho
V K Whlttlcr. O c m n . j A T l.oliloy, Hnoni|«ry, (Imiuly llnnrd of ICIoolloi.s will ho In soniiliin
Mttotiovory Krldiiy nvo In Moohai'lcn' Hall.
In l/ie rniirt IIIIIKO ut Mny'n l.nncllnu nn Tliurn( l u x . I). A . H I I H H M . I . I'nnT, ( I . A . I t , o A ilny, ^uviimher 1, I Kill, HIM! Hniurday, N«vIioonard, Cloiiiinuiiilor| W. K. II. Ilruilhiiry, Mi.lirr ;i, IVIIII, I'nV the |iurpn»" nl rnvlnuiK ami
A d j u t a n t i II. 1' I M n n l l . i J . M Mnot.i l i i l u n d .-i-iniollni; 'lio alVirenalil mglsnir ol vnlom, li.y
8ril Hnturtluy n l ^ h t i i In M u u l i n n l n i i H a l l .
n r i l n r l i i ^ n r u n o i l tlior'-rmiu t h n iiuinu «if liny
II<'|-HIIII \ v h i i n l l n l l bu p i l o t . u to lUo natlflfaotlon
W A U A H ' H llici.iRr C O U T H . I'ronldo,it, M
Nollln Ilnl'uy | H i i o r t l n r y , M i n n Kvn Dnrlnw. n( mild Iniard lor liny iiuiliie ii'it to Im tilitllluil
tn v n t " in tin' next i i l e i i l l n i i In I h u i i l m i l l i m i l l n ''3n.l mid 4lh Htilnr.luy ovon, Moolmnlon I l n l l .
trli'l v.) i'in hn In r c ^ l u t ' i r m l , mi'l ul mli|ln|{ In
Ur.n, 1). A. K I I H H H L I . ('A)ir H U N K or VI-,TKII
A K H . N U . U . ()u|n., WlllliiiiiO lllir»rd| Kin unlit l o g l n l r r a din 11.111101 in any p n r n n n nr |>nrHiilllt w l i n nhrtll prove In ( l i u ijiltlfJliollmi nf
H n t f f t . , l l n i r y O l,«>i)liur<l M u n t u !llitl itlhl 11
imlil lli.iiril, by nllliUvli nr iitliiiiivfiiii, him tho
Mtnidiiy ov««, Muiiliwulofl' H u l l .
ilt;lil In vii'o m tho ol iultij{ nl'iiiMnn.
l.llllo IU M n Ominnll, N». 27, I), nf I'.
Alul tintliui IA hqi-uli. luilliiil- K l v t M i I h u t t h u
Mrn lil* ll'iwln, I'oiMiliiiiitiin | M r n Dnrrlii A n o x i i;iMiur<il uleolloa w i l l Im Imlil nil 'liniiKlii.y,
Kliii.','lt',ul K. Aluotn M luy«r'<ilttiri: In Unit N i i v i n n l i u r 'I, IUIIII, ooniiniiiiuliiK nl II n'l-lmli In
riH, cull or phono UH— Mo»'n H u l l . ''
tin ini>iiilii|{ and otiinlug ul '/ n'l'lmik In llui
Iliiiiio l.miiin, No. 12, M n i n i . n nT HUHOII. IWlllllllrtW u r i l i y Miimiir, I f r n n o U M n N m n y | I I . M , , \Viu
liiiiin In nnoiirilunon w i t h mi n u t i f tint |n|flnMin.ill M.iniM 2nd iiii'l I l l i T l i n r i i l n y nl/^liln In liituriMil I ii» Hi iilo ul 1 N n it , l i i i » i i y , o i i t l t l i M l " A n
not In mimUm olriillotm ( n i v l n l u n uf I M I I M )
llmlr linll.
n p p r i i v n i l A p t l M , ItlUil, mill i h » u u p | i l D i n u i i t
lluninonu Oricitiilunllonn.
209-0 Jlollovuo Avo.
I'liono ()-.')
llitmin'iiiinii I,nun und llul|.lhi|i AnnnMitlliMi
Thu D u i i n l y lluiird ol1 Kliiiitlniin,
\V. It .'I'lllnii Aenrotnry
Mntitu nvory Inl
.IAMI-M I), IIOIITinV 1IIK, (Mi'iniiii.
Thiirmlny In Irlriiuimi't H u l l .
IIAItUV H.Nlllll.l.. (l,Mir«l,.ry. '
J O H N T. KHICNllll.
. I t l H l O r i l II A M Mil..
W . l l . Ilitrnrliiiiiiio, i n n r n i n r y . Aluoln nvory
nllko III' I h u l.'nllllly l l n n n l i i l I l l i ' o l l i i l i n , l l n y i
l i t M n n i l n y I n Klrmniiii'i H u l l ,
l . i u l i M l l K , N. J . > M u p l i i n i l l u l '111, I D I K I .
('.••lilo's H u n k , W. H. TIlKni .'nnlilnr.
a specialty. If we
cannot do your work
when you want it done
we'll tell you so,,
and finish it
when we promise to
If you are in the market
for some fine Mackerel,
DR. E. B. JO2VE8,
1300 South Broad Street, • Philadelphia,
-which may MCletjogla deaCTlblni; your one. ^
We are handling Sucrene
reasonable in price, and
makes a better quality
of milk th an does gluten.
If you are looking for a
good oat feed, it.can be
had here for
95 cents per 100 Ibs.
Schedule in effect June 30,180O
Han. Qun.
-Acc_ Acc^ Ace. Et. Ace. £*-• Ex. Ace. Ace.
p. m. a m p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a. m. a.m.
4 :«) 8 15
438 821
4 <X 8 31
4 55 8 4.1
6U5 8 M
5 16 1105
522 010
i 80 0 1H
•5.W •II 22
83X 1) 26
5 45 9 a;)
550 •9 59
b o.'i ID U7
623 10 20
OSS 10 37
tilb ^ua
Ace. Ace. Kxp. Ace. Aec. Ace Ae.
arm" ii.ih. a. m pna: p.m p.m
4 m
3 0< 1050 0 41;
730 840 10 W 1 SO 8 SO
3 IG 10 58 6 52 ........ ..Oamden „ ;.,. 722 830 10 32 1 42 0 2L>
11 10 7 02
7 C 8 8 19
1 S» (I 06
11 1C 7 12
70(. 8 12
1 23 8 M)
11 'M 7 23
647 861
1 lit •H«
6 34 748
11 SS 7 S7
1 00 - W
11 4-1 7 J2
02- 7 40
1255 5 2ii
11 BH 7 51
li 18 725
1247 5 20
•1157 •75J
:.....Anceia«. «.. 0 12 7 11
1242 514
1202 8 fO ...Vlnilow Jc.(l'n). .. a 08 7 11
1237 5 |!)
..... 600 70'l "f'oO 12 30 . on
s'j'i 12 Oe 8 OS Hatnmontou
B <2
8 10
-8-27 ...... ..;.Epg'Haruor......'..
(HO ^'sii
4 27
".".'.' 8 4»
» 01
Atlantic City
«20 Tis
4 15
• Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on signal.
1 47
4 51
0 38
5 Co
7 15
721 '»•"- 562
« 18
I. 41
rt 5'l>
iTw 830
f :«• 503
8C(! 465
8 18 4 44
s-w t"8fl
761 4 17
7-10 4-4I&
» If
H (17
N &4
We are selling Wheat—it is fit for milling—-_
at ^1.40 per 100 pounds
Atlantic €?£% R.
Saturday, Juno 30,1000
hunt) Ac
p,m a.m.
P "?•
500 8 00 6 IS 0 30 ') 40 ft 411
n ai fl 42 ._ 5 60
6 12
6 ID
6 :»!! II HI II fll
6 27
0 -M R 6ft II 10
0 53 7 12 n 21
S 40
0 Sd 7 1(1 « 2S
5 44
7 05 7 M 0 W
7 01) 7 ill (I 415
U <N
7 IB 7 S.ri (I 411
c in
7 17 7 4d'll SI (I IK
n in
7 21 7 67 I) fill
fTl'U S .
0 if,
7 ,n H Oh
o .'iu « S8 7 41 8 11
7 51 K '.'I.. _. U -10
0 17
H IV> H U:l|7 ,'ll
0 SO
H 16 K Mi" I I
l'..iii|H.pi i>.m
121B tl 15
\fett Colllngmood,...
Hnddon UH«1,I
1 12 1141
Luurcl FprlnKi.
I 26 o 6ft
1 W
....SVIlllaniMown Jono,...
Cedar Brook
44 7 14 H
Bluo Anchor
4H 7 1H
...Wliulnw Jm.r. (I've)...
I ....
•1 1*6 7 'M
H ail
7 41
N 10
H 20
K«K Hotbor
..IlrlKMitlne June
iruijiri'SU O..|<>
02S8 11
6 18 7 50
Hi (I i:t
Q 18
5 07 7"80
s :vi
1 IV.
4 HO
4 2fl 7 (XI
i7 ft 67
11 A5O
11. ."
I 2 (6 4 U
I'l15 1»
S 15
7 nl 508
W 7 -14 fl 01
< 41
Real Estate and
Insurance Agent
i ? 'ft 4 ait
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds,
W ri«k.<tA7 acconiiii'i'liitimi ii]> Irnvt'ii Ilumuionlon at '.':^0 p.m., rmchlnff
llliilny U|iKx|in..i l i u v » Atlantic 0:!Klpln.; KpK llnrbor f':J!Vj llninmonl.,1. .I'll. I'liMailrlphla ~:M.
uiiilny nlKlit "x|.r---' u|i Inivi-n Atlunllc 0:30, 1 IKK M>il«ir fl:V.', Hammonton ><;, i. ..-liliiu I'hii.i,
il»un, li-urri 1'hllailii. at ,1 p.m., ilituinionlon .1:41, Kgjj II I. r 'li.-il, PlMMiilvlIlK 4:05,
nn<t Atlantic
V rrkilaj iluwn r.«pn-M lriiviA l l n n l l o I ' l l y r_':li.V
I' 111:4.1; W l u n l u
11:21; lluiimontun I I :
KIISON J . W I ' i f l , .1
J.A.SWKIOAIIK, ni.n.Mil|i|.
':': I'ci: Hnrli'irli:!'.1;
(I ,, I'.... i i . i An'-nt
•The Electric Light, Eeat'& Power Co.
and Embalmer
Philndolphiu, weekly, nnd
the llopiibliciui, a year
l!nlr'» ciin b« lind on dpplicntion.
Twolltn St., botwooti railroads.
Hammonton, N. J.
All arrangements for burials mado
and carefully oxooutod.
The New York Tribune,
'I'lii' l , c H ( l l i i ( v j N a l l o n u l 'Kvi'"1''^'"" N«\VHI)IIIUM , l l . n r o n ^ l i l y up to
diiln, IHK) iilv.'riy/i u "l.uimih mlvoont" .MI. I nupjiortor of l t > ' | > i i l > l l o . > n |nuu'l|i on,
u l l l m i n i u m flin nioiil nillivliln n u w n of
'liioliidlni; illHciinnliiim, rorron|ii>iidniioo unil
urn, l i i l l l l i u i l , i:.llliiiliiln, r(!|iorU from ull
ol'tlio work, n l n . , tilo., nnil will noiiiiniind
t l u i i i | ; l i i r n ) , ln<.nlll|;finl, vnlnr who Imn tlm
. ,
ll'» tiny . »f l«'m«, • nnd
(1OV»I'||I|J 11IIWII
Always a Good Stock
npncoliOH of tho uliliml; |i»lll.litnl ln,\ I-Huntlona of tho lunil\vlii|; j>v<>Knifln
ItHolf to tlm p n i n f i i l iMinnnil nl' nvnry
trito IntorontH of Inn noiinti-y nl lionrt.
ol' t l l l l
ooiilitliiit uM l M i ) n > r t < u i l luiiili:n wnr nnd
ol.lnir calilr, IIIHVII n l i l c l i ,i|i[Mnrn in th»
Jlnlli/ 'J'liliunt of I'luno di»t,<', iilno iliMiiiinMo und fonilicn iiniTunponiliiiioo, nhnrli
iitovlnii, nli'Kiinl linH'-ldiin lllunUi)'l"i'"i
liiiiiKUiiiiii ll.niiin, I n d n n l i l i i l Inl'ilriniiUon.
fiinhliiu iiiiliiii, iif(i'lniilturul n i i i U n i n , mid
(immiroliiumlvn und nillultln Iliiivnoliil mill
innifuit, roporln.
UoKiilnr niilinoilptloii prlou, $ l.ftO i> yimr,
AVo fnrnlnh It, with Mm
liu i?" pur jiuii 1 .
This spano Is devoted to the Interests at
—the Young Peoples SocIfclleK'ortho various"
Churches. Special items of Interest;, ana
announcements are solicited.
Carriage & Wagon
If ye Cannu speak o'good, •
Take care, and fee nnd fret
Earth has nil too much o' woe.
And not enough o' weal.
Impairing done.
Hollo v u o A v o u u o ,
Hammoutou. : : N. J.
Itrfiulnr nulmoilptUi" prloo, VI por yoar
Wo fiirulnh It w i t h tlm
for Ijl.'jli pur j n u i .
Ilammonton, N, J.,
Justice of tho Poaoo.
Miinil nil iii(lnni| with UMI oitiili, to
Ollloo, Booond nnd Ohorry I3tu.
Hoyt & Sou, Publishers, Hanmiontoii, N. J.
jrith-an order for— ^: , - - = : = ^r
Give me your order for a good Bill Heads, Envelopes,
-tetter or Note H;eads, 7"
Nttiue Cards,
Koad Wagon, or Farm Wagon.
Book or Pamphlet Work,
Cards, Posters, Dodgera,.
or anything in the printing
Ljtf: ye canna Bpeak o' good
For there Is grief and woe enongh
Oalhia terrestrial ball
If ye Bbonld feel lite picking flaws,
Ye better go
.And read the book that tells ye all
About the mote and beam...
Dlnnn lend a ready ear
To gonslp or to mrlfe,"
Or, perhaps,'twill mute for ye
.. Unafunuy.tiling of llfo..
-Oh^dlnua add UiolhTB' woe,
Nor mock It with your mirth.
fintgtve ye kindly sympathy
To BUflerine ones of earth.
._. .Topic,.. VPflu 1.- tb B _ misalfjnajguti^thft hgJIJMdg atorejk
Increase their truck business, which
secret ot bis success." 2 Tim. 4 :
1-8. Leader, Miss Ada Mortimer. seriously interferes with our-farmers
Y. P. C. U.,—Univereulist Church :
Please publish this as a reminder
Meets Sunday evening, at 7:00. >
that there are two sides to this shield.
Topic, "Post Office Mission Sunday.
Seed sowing."
Matt. 13: 3-8 ;
Eccl. 11; 0; ActsT: 8.
A cordial Invitation la oxtow&d to all was staled in tho REPUBLICAN thnt the
Italian Colony had purchased the Fruit
to attend thcso nicotines.
Growers Union property. I contradict*
ANThU. Aollvo mnn of good clmrnotcr tho statement, as only private parties
to do vw and rollrot fn New J«r«ey are interested in'tho transaction.
roroldojtnbll«lied mnnufacturlDg wliolesalo
boiiBo. 1000 ii.voar.BUro puy. Honaiity more
K <"l,'"irlouo0 rct>l"red- Our referoncp
President of Italian Colony.
-tionJn-the-price of-ironj-I
will hereafter shoe your
horses at the old prices—•
Printers of the Republican
and The~Echo.
206-8 Bellevue Ave.
4 New Shoes
for $1,00, casli
Phone 6-3
: : if. J.
Justice of the Peace,
Hammonton, N. J.
Win, H. Bernshouss,,
Office at Residence, Middle Road.—
SelolffSttfash Store
Stoves, Stove Kepairs,
Wood Pumps,
;Iron Pumps,
PumpKejpairs," Z'.'_'I
Nails, Glass, Putty, etc., etc.
Will cut glase to size.
. Buccessor to R. p. Biokford.
8 to 0 pounds .
10 to 11 pounds
. .OS"
12 to 18 pounds .
14 to 15 pounds
.^ .
16 to 17 p o u n d s . . .
18 to 19 pounds
. .10
20 to 24 Epunds
'. ,.
, : . ..12:.,,
__25 to.2ILpoundB -—.
SO to 84 pounds .
85 to h() pounds
40 to 44 pounds .
45 to 50 pounds .
.24 i..',..
50 pounds and over 60 o. per 100
Dp. H, 0^
The wagon will "rnn every day daring*
hot weather. Ico can bn had every day
except Sunday, from 7:00a.m. toCrOO)
1212 Atlantic Arenue
p.m., at myo^Qoo, corner Orchard Bt.
Domocrate try to poke fun at the
aud Railroad Avenue.
laboring man bocaaso ho Is askod to Will answer telephone calls .
anywhere in the County.
TOIO for a full dinner pail. But they
cannot point to a single measure tboy
N, E. cor. Third and Market Sts
have ever passed for tho bonoflt of tho
(Now Jersey Trust Bulld'g)
Telephone 341.
Cnimlon, N. J. American vrago-oarner.
Attorney for Hnminoiitoii.
Tho candidate who wants to get tho
for Now Jersey,
crowd ID Kansas this year speaks In
tenders his services.
the ovunlni;.
Too ninny people arc
Pension vouchers executed.
busily ut work to make afternoon meetHammonton. N. J. "
ings a auccoaB In tills campaign.
Veterinary Surgeon
Matthew Jefferson
Lyford Beverage
Iff of as?y: Public
Only the choicost.
Tho Hopublicau party la the
-that put lot mu;—TI16 Democratic party
lu t|io party that promiHos only
Funeral Directors
All buainoes in thoir lino
promptly und carefully
w attended to.
Embalmingji Specialty
Office nnd Residence,
.208 Touch Street, '
Phono J-TI
Shoos mado to Ordor XH my
Specialty, and full
tmtififuction is guaranteed. '
i n l i i (I tinTlmri'iliiy, nnil
kunwn frti 1 n<«\rl.y'«lxVy ynnvn
III (ivniy iinrl, nl' I I n - Unltod
Htntii.i mi 11 i m l l i m i v l family
nowH|iit|M>r of i hi' li
claim for f»rmurii nnd
It oontnlim nil l l u i nioul l i i i n
nowB of tlm I>nili/ 't'ribuna up Uv
hour of going to |inn:i', linn I ' n U ' i l i t l u I n K
rniidlnff for oyory iiininbni' of i.lm lunilly,
old nnd yoilliKi iniulcnl, r o p o r l n whloli
III (i noooptfld IIH u l l t l i o r l l V by I ' I I I I U H M mill
countr^jWtirolmntM, ivnd In nliiiiu, up to
ilivlo, lntortinthii{ n»<l Iniiti'iiollvo,
having made^fextensive addi-J
tionp to our material.
Second St., near Pleasant,
• fie careful that ye mnke nae strife
\V1' meddllae tongue and brain.
. .For ye will Und enough to do
If ye bat look at hamoA
We are better equipped
than ever to do your
-Y.JP. 8, C.E.j—Presbyterian Church:
ME. EDITOB : I was a good deal inMeets Tuesday evening, at 7:30.
terested In the propofled new road to
Missionary topic, led by_0ommittee._. Alston ;-.but I think there are two dieY. P. S. C. JS.j^BaptjstJCliurch-i—T—— ^advantages—in-the plan,—andr~in~nmy
Meets Sunday evonine, at 6:00. .
opinion, the farmers of Hammonton
Topic, "Paul the missionarv; the will have all the disadvantages and
secret of his success." 2 Tim. 4 : none of the advantages.
First, it will add a good deal to our
1-8. Leader, W. O. Hojt.
Jr. 0. £„ Sunday afternoon at 3:00 : already heavy taxes, the rate per 100
Topic, "Paul the missionary; the being very high now, nnd if it is much
secret of bis success." 2 Tim, 4: higher, even the great profits from small
fruits will be eaten up.
5-8, Leader,'Mabel Small.
Second, what- induces the people of
Epworth League,—M. E. Church :
and neighboring towns to bring
Meets Sunday evening, at 6:00.
, Qnljrj the Boost t
York .
fy u Mlliy ln y> K v
' ' Weekly
|fl|", ""
t|,(, Illt0ht' "„„„„ „„
I ' n I i l l M l i D i l Motiduy.AVoiliniiiiliir i"»l Krltluy. I" 111
icullt.y u lino, friiiili, ovu-
Other people fiavo (heir faults,
And BO have yo, hs well,
Bu t al 1 yc chunce to see or bear
Yo have no right to toll.
. Jv... Wm. A. HOOD & SON
The Tribune
, New York, the weekly
edition, and the
Republican, for $1.25
A pile of good reading
for a little money
Office, 101 Railroad Ave.
NO. 41
The criminal record of the American
armyHn the"Philippine8*-cannot,it ia
said, be equaled by an army in Europe.
Tho official report shows that during a
period of less than eleven months, with
an average of 21,078 enlisted men,
there were 12,481 cases of court-martial
—an average of thirty-eight a day. further_8ho_W8 that from IWOL
to twenty—A.maricai>~6oldior8~p6r~daywere brought before the police courts,
cha"r^e7i"with~narnn6en~oirSageB^ And
still wo are told by supporters of the
administration-that- tho-cantBen~ls~Bn~
aid to temperance and morality in the
army.— Union Signal,
°UB medical advlco free. ----- _ -----
n l l l l l H I I I I I I I I I U l l l l l l l I l M Hill!
prices charged, always.
We'wUl; iiQt'dojcheap—
work, and can't afford
to do good work
for nothing
A drop in the price of
SeedR^ei •
Owing to the increase in
the quantity of Seed Bye,
-the-price onTitisrlower..:We are now BeUing~goT3d~
iclean Seed Rye at"
65 cents per bushel.
Philadelphia's Eminent....
Honicsopathid Specialist.
S 8 .24 10 2
J 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 x—12
Egg Hiffbor~nna)~0-ir~o—2—1—0—0-0 —-8-
Tho ladlqn have taken this space for Ono
ypar, and are responsible for joll that It
and all Diseases of the Threat and Lungs successfully treated.
Breder, rr... .......
..... 0
Dippy, rf ...
... ,0 .
Peterson, c
VOL. 38.
llrothers nnd
Ilokomo Fonoo Miioliine Co.
tint lionl OnminoultU Ifunoo
on thu murkot lo-dny fur the money.
For nomotlilngoUonpor,
Dealer in PuintH, Oils,
Tho Chandler Fonoo
lu nil i-lgl'l.
T Imvn n lui'KO ntook of
,, John T, Froijch'H
Puro Oil PaintH,
Hut for uonornl imrpoiion
thnru In nothing oqiml to
'***• Tho Wovon Wiro Fonoo;
which I Kimrniitoa to ho
tho li»nt iiivlnt over noltl.
Huoond ikiul 1'lononnt, Htrontn, '
Stood Death Off.
K. K. Mtmtfny, n luwvor of Henrietta,
Tox., onoo foolod a grave-dlggor. llo
»tty» : "My hrothnr wnn very low with
malnrlal fnvi'v niul Juutulloo I porauadcd him to try Kloocrlo Hitters, nnd ho
wftH ,aoon ninoli tiultur, bur, continued
thoir lino mull ouilroly enroll. I nm
Btiro Klootrlo hlr.r.orn mwud his llfo."
Thin romody uxpola mitlurlu, Itlllsdlnoano
Kurnin unil puilllea th» blood ; aldu dlKoutinn,' r«{ftiliilo« llvor, kldnoya, and
bownln, oiwm coiiHtlpiitlon, dynpojislu,
nurvoiia (llfinaHim, hlonoy tronbloB, and
fotimlo oonivlikiiiu ; nlvtm imrfoot houlth.
Only fiO otH., ut OrowoU'o.
Horiin hlirli, Hull Btrotifr, Vl(r, Dog,
UMI! Olilokiui Unlit. (Jdoln iiuioh limn
tlmn iv ]>lnlcot fonoo.
Wovun OH till) ground liy
A [(out for tlin
Bread & Cakes
Arlltz Building, Ilammonton,
IlooniB 25-^7 Ron! Bst. & Lnw B'Ul'fr,
AtUntlo Clt.y.
Ofllolul Town Attorney.
AlxvayH the ht;sl
In Hammouton
every Friday
rrnotloo In nil Oourtn of tho Btnto.
Money for firHt. mortpnge tonne
. JT. &.,
Cor. Second nnd Bellevue,
Offloo Dny»,—Kvory wi*lc-dny.
RoohurRofoi' oitriiotlnjj with gun, nhon
toxth nrnordoriul.
Oil Stoves
A. H. Phillips Co.
Fire InsuranccT
Mortgage Loans.
Corroupniuleucu Holloltod.
No. 2f> Third Street,
1111(5 rUlniitlu Aruniio,
Atlantic City, N. J
Bwy lUibiiiirllmrii out nf Allmitlo Coiinly will mill J i f t i t i i n t i i l i > thu ulmvn.,
t<ady Eleaftor'B aupper. Then, later.
WUH to iL'im out of bur
Warning Note* Collins the Wicked to
(Jraiiildaughter'a hair la coldon ond curly, and signal to me, waiting outside In the Solitary Confinement I* More to Bo
. Bepentance,
Dreaded than tha Onllow*.
Qrundmother's hair Is scnnty and crray; lane. And later still Parson Dnbney,
HE best ChrisOranddnughtcrV) voice IB heard lote and who loved us both and sympathized Tho punishment which the regicide
tlan action Is ahlBread
with us rather than with Sir Reginald,
mated by aspiraOroodmother'a thoughta ore.not of to- was to make pretty Mistress Marget my murdering King Humbert Ia worse
than death. In Italy the penalty of
wife. . . - . - - .
' . . , . . . . . death Is abolished. But the punishThe world
Golden and gray,
"And BO It all happened, without let or ment awaiting the regicide Is worse
thinks because II
Both on one Hpray,
hindrance, save when my body ser- than death. Ho will inevitably be conSnow ft December—blossom .of May.
Is lost that God
vant's horse TVOS mired In the slough demned to penal servlture, aggravated
is lost.
Granddaughter's eyes are azure a« back of the lane.
He should, have by ten years of solitary confinement A
The love of.rJie
watted In the lane proper, but he
loaves leads ta
Dimpled her chin and blooming her thought he heard voices and sounds of man condemned to this punishment,
tho loss of the
before being placed In his cell. Is shut
horses' hoofs coming, and, knowing
Proudly she boasts she'll soon be "turned that he must not be found there, he up in the "secret cell," about six feet
long by three wide, and half lighted. A
The devil has
Grandmother's 80 next Saturday week.
few inches above. tho floor is a plank both arms around the moderate drinkand
Show us a. fault in our busi- .
Day after day
about half n yard wide and slightly in•some minutes for him, when we would clined, which serves as a bed. The food er.
Gold turns to gray,
arid1 we stop it at bnce, no
fain have hurried onward. But this was Is bread and water, passed through the
LIHcs lie scattered and roses decay.
matter. how profitable.- •_ We._._.
after I had .placed the ladder under- little window called tho^'spy" byrthe unpopularity._____________________________________; _____
Grandmother sits In the-coalent "corner,
The wo.-ld is barren to the man who don't believe a fault can ever
neath my lady's window, mounted It, Jailer, the door being always kept rigTelling quaint tales (n nursery rhyme, irled off the guarding bars with the
cultivates self only.
be really profitable.
.'AJ1 about "Two Shoes'.' -rand "Idttle stout stave which old Simeon had fur-' orously closed.
The ascent of Christ maps out the
absoJack Homer."
Wonderful tales of "Once on a Time." alshed me, and. received my darling In lute silence; if he breaks the rule he Is. true ascent of man.
They said our .Ague Cure
my arms. My heart beat so, In going subjected to other punishments—nameModeration in sin Is as possible as
Golden and Gray,
•down the ladder, thnt 1 'feared she ly,, the strait-waistcoat irons, and moderation In hanging.
Youth will be caywas too bitter and powerful for ,
Down In ihe meadow the lambs art at would hear It and think me timid. Yet strait-bed. A prisoner who attempts
The- "most practical preaching must the weak digestion of malarial
ness ."" ~ " ~ " ~ - — • - - ;
--.neared" the bottom, Insisting thnt sue strait-waistcoat and nt night In a sort
Tho world robs Itself of Christ when
my..It mo-before I set her down; and I of suck, in which he •cannot move.
' Granddaughter
' the world Is ' ll
lt-rob8-Hlm-of-Hl8-<»vlnlt>v-- ---- — —
--._. - _______ _ . . _ . - _ .______________________ 1 _____do-notrthlnkshe noticed the rttpld-beat^
Just as a place for frolic and fun.
Many men fan the flumes of theli It's cost us thousands of dolng
punishment of the "secret cell" for a
Grandmother's volume of lilfe'g nearl,
lara to' do it. but we have cor-ool themr;rr
hcftrt-be«longer or shorter time he is removed to
The hypocrite uses truth, but as the rected it. •
Granddaughter's book Is barely begun. rapidly then, as the bright color coming the cell where he must remain for ten
and'going In the face which looked so years. Its size depends on the con- vehicle In which to mix lies.Time will not tlw, no better medk
'air and sweet In the moonlight testl- struction of the whole prison. These
Nitrht -follows day,
It makes much difference whether cine under the sun for every
Gray was once golden and gold will be 11 ed clearly.
cells are only lighted from the corridor life Is a station or a terminus.
form of malaria-than-jhis-new
"AnHe~~f6or6r tire~ladder I set" hei and are senerntly - about _twp y_ard.s
Ho speakB=wcll whose hearers <lb not
St—Louis Globe-Democrat.
lo'wn,"Tind'^Biind'n'n'd 'hand we "raced' aqunro.. T ne
'fhi> usual plank hear-the-footsteps-of-passlng-tluie,—— Malaria and AgueZCure.
across the greensward, over the foot and bread and water the food. In winA
jrldge old Simeon had managed to ter. a-alngle-blanketJs allowed at_nlght_
eave open and unguarded"foF~us7Trncl jmence Is still enjoined; the only con- througlra-verj^small leak of
Practical Chcm'uti,
Lowell, M«».
MISTRESS MARQET out into the lane. _There, Jlftlns^her cession Is the door being opened a few -DYKEMAKING IN HOLLAND. dear form In my arms, I swung her up inches. The food Is given only once in
Ayer'i Hair Vigor
Aycr't SanapariUa
Aver't Cherry Pectoral
jefore me, and. away we galloped, after the twenty-four houra. If the prisoner Where Half-Inch of Water Is Uetweun
'« Pill»
Ayer'i Comatone
the short Interval of waiting for my Is sick the doctor can have him rethe Country and l.catructlon.
lervant, of which I have spoken. Half moved to the prison Infirmary, where
Pew people have any deflnlte underan-hour-inter-we-stood-bcf ore-Parson-.
standing, of 'the constant wrestling and
I Mistress Morget—preftyiilhTtress Dabney in the gray, old vicarage, and a beTirkept imrseparate chamber.
Permanently Cured Dj
Marget almost everybody called few moments afterward Iliad the right Prisoners In. solitary confinement struggling that Is carried on In Holmay
aer—could help loving her. . I, Thomas .o call pretty Mistress Marget my wife.
Thero are tho common enemy
Dawtry, a plain and simple squire of Then, a hurried kiss, a tear or two on work. They ore condemned to abso3
the realm, loved her better than all the Mistress Morget's port, and we were on lute Idleness nnd absolute silence; very of the* people, who are In hourly peril
world. But pretty Mistress Morget was our way back to the hall, where Mis.
J mu pttardm. Epllnir. S^uml. Rt. Vll°£D«n,
not for me, or so, at least, her father tress Marget was to live on, the same go mad or die. The extra punishment quence.
JD.blUlr.Elb.a.Uon. Dn.n.lI.lII,INi:.IXl,
Holhad Informed m&. Ae for me, I had long as ever In all things save that slender
i 831 Arch Street, Philadelphia, wneta un.
land Is fully demonstrated by the popusince decided to abide by this decision gold band on her finger, until my retutn cuffs are joined by chains to similar
lar sowing that the safety of the counonly so long as circumstances com- Iroin the wars. And then—ah 1 sad for
seated on a bench the shape of an ass' try may be Jeopardized by only half an
pelled me. Whenever fate offered mo i man to leave his wife on the wedding buck.
.At night, still-in Irons, he can lie Inch of water; the truth of the saying
trin shadow of an opportunity I meant eve—my body servant had summoned
qn-lijs-plank,_lny-varleta-and-tlieyimaited for ine
'•~' '"ff'T/r,* 'Jiitjji'rthotwltli-"
-with her. Mistress Margct, as i nacT aide In the lane. I could but kiss my case resembling a coffin without lid. At
everjl reason—save spoken words—to darling once more, uh me! but so ten-, the foot the sufferer's feet ore-fastened standing the gravity of the situation,
believe, would be by no means unwill- derly and lovingly, se« her safely upj In a kind of stocks. order, of go about their dally oecupaAJonsvwlth
perfect* coolness.
the. ladder, withdraw It from beneath, the governor the prisoner may not be
The opportunity came when my aer window, wave'her a last tender moved and his Jailer has to feed him.
Statistics of Newspapers.
sweet lady's father was called away to farewell—and' now, beshrew me! but This punishment is only exercised on bad acted unkindly by placing so much
total number of copies of newsof the country below the water level,
fight for his king and country, King mine own eyes were wot—and take my
papers printed throughout the world In
Charles andjxranle England. I, _who departure,--.-But—befow-I ..crosnwl_the.
one year Is l?.000,000,000.....-To...print.
longear*to" lght~for"king" arid 'country foot bridge once more 1 threw the atout
ttcse'rcqufrcTTfif,240tons"o"f papefr<«
A Bird Story.
also, dared the laughter and the jeers of stave that had Herved our turn HO well
A charming story of an incident con- ten performed by her; layers of siihd 1.749,077,000 pounds, while It would
my comrades to stay behind a Httle and 'or from me Into tlio thick of the hedge, nected with the great fire In Chicago U
and clay are thrown up on the banks take the fastest presses SX\ years to
and I once more clinked gold with old told In one of our exchanges. A family a\n\ the people take advantage of these print a slnple year's edition, which
n In order that he might In' per- living near the lake shore hod n large embryo embankments. They assist would produce a stack of papers nearly
fectly forgetful of all that had happen- number of pet birds. They had built tho formation by putting mats of wil- fifty miles high.
ed that night. Then the soft darknvoR an aviary, n long, narrow room with low on tho deposits to strengthen them
Much Commoner.
of the lane, with the moon well under gloss windows reaching from celling to and bind the earthy 'suliHtanccH, and
"Junt think of It!" he exclaimed.
a kindly cloud, a sharp command to the floor. Passera-by often stopped before Inter they drive piles at the back, and
waiting varletH, a tearing gallop until the house to watch the pretty creatures BO In time form the high dykes which "Seven cities claimed the poet Homer."
morning, and we were well up with Sir fluttering about, to hear their songs, or prevent overflows.
•"YcB," replied Miss Cayenne. "It'<
Reginald and his men, and nothing but, to nee them bathe.
For something like 400 years the peo- different nowadays. Every city claims
wars and lighting before us for many
One afternoon, In tho week of the are, ple have been lighting the waters and at least seven poets."—Washington
long months.
a cloud of fluttering - wings moved reclaiming the laud; but even when
But my heart was bravo and light- wearily up tlie street. Presently these they have snatched a tract of territory Btar.
some within me, even though I hud left, birds, most of them canaries, caught from the water the light Is not done.
There Is a kind of knowledge from
my dear wife of an hour behind me. sight of the aviary with Its happy deni- The work of draining these polders or
in un y pt>i-Hun:i uhrlnk. It IB that
Kor It IB easier, perhaps, to leave OIHI'H zens. Straight toward tho windows low lands must go on Incessantly or which
which InvnlvcK certain dutli.'H and ri>wife than OUO'H Bweethettrt, especially they flew, nomc of them against the the efforts of the piiht would be quick- oponulblimrH that thry aru not willing
when the sweetheart'i) father fnvorH n glass ItHi-lf.
ly nullllled. The greatest work of the to uec'i'iit.
richer mnn, and I knew, also, that I
Tho Indies of the house were quick to kind wan tho draining of tho HunrlcOIITK u Cold In On* l>»r.
won a brave and skillful fighter, and I take In the ultuatlou. They hurriedly mor Mcer, or Haarlem liitfe, the result T«*» I . ATo
X A T I V H l l l K I M O Q U l N I N I TjHII.HTS. AH
hoped that before Sir Reginald or I miw Bhut their own birds Into n compart- of which was an udilltUm of -Il,(l7, r i dnu'ul-ii rnfiiml Hi" in 'liny If It fulls m euro
pretty Mistress Margct again hlH heart ment of the aviary, and them threw the acres to Holland. A eiimil \vos due E W. (liioir»'H Hlciiniurn la on oach box. Wa
would have warmed toward mo on this wlndown wldo open, retiring from night ori,.|i-..llll|f (||e Mlllll'lelll I l l l i l - Illlll II l l v l i f
Borrown nro often like clouds, whlcii,"
account. For Hlr Reginald [oven a that the spent travelers might feel frc« was built on the Inner side, then on-,
thoui;h black when thoy nr« panning
bravo man and a good lighter, always. to enter.
glues were planted to pump the w a t e r over UH, wlion they nre, punt become
And In tho end It all turned out even
Aftur a few minute*, tlrat one and out of tho lake. It took four veiirs lo an If they wore tlm Kiinne-ntn of Odd
then another fli-w Inuldc, where they complete the work; HOO.OOO.IMM) tons of thrown off In purple and gold uloim
s ten I my lovely lady, If It BO pleased as I had hoped.
Bottled down, ttnntlng, grateful for reu< water wow pumped out and UK; cost tha ukV.
fate,. And no nooner had her father ridIt Troubled the Cuntonicr.
and Hiifcty. It WIIH some time before was $120,000,000. Tho ground WIIH then
den away, at tho head of bin men, than
no«*« Ttiiaf
"A funny thing occurred horn the they attempted to cat or bathe. After Intersected by canals for driiliinj?c_piirI mudo for tho hall, and nought out old
WentTorOno llundnid Doll'iri Itoirari fat
Hlincon, the gardener. Sir Reginald other day," siild a barber as ho wan Iho BtriiiiK«fB hnd,catoii of tlu> blrd-se<''l POHOS and In two years the laud was ny<m oof Outiirrli tlmt ounml b i anrod by
being cultivated.
had novor forblddim my visits—ho was putting tlio llnlnhlng louche^ on a Hat- and restexl, tho other. birds wcruullnw
V?J.t'(JiiKiii!V& Co., P.OPH., Tolndn, O.
evening hair cut. "A follow to (Miter, anil It wan delightful to hem
Hut the people of Holland have In
Wo, thn tindornlif mid, have, known I' .J. Oliotoo wlso a man to tempt fata In nuch a in-day
In to bo shaved who was HOIIIC- tho ehonm of songs which III-OHO wlu'ti vluw an undertaking which putt* t b n t no» lor tlie In 118 yoivrn. And bellovo li'mpoimminer; bo had merely taken euro that I'amo
fedlr l.oiior>Mo In "U IIIII«|IICBI tun untlium
what under tho liillmtiirtt of Intoxiof tho Haarlom luko 'entirely In t h e unit nnnnnlnllr nlilc to flurry out nnx oMI«»I bud no chance of nolltnry Huceoh will cants. Ho took his place In I he ehnlr, tho home birds mid the straiiKerH met.
m (In by tlii-lrllnn.
. _ . ,
This Incident Is- vouched for by one shade. This IH nothing leini than t h tlon
VIart A TIUIAX, WhoK-mlo DroBslnlB, Toledo,
my dear liidy. I know now that tin
draining of tho /uyder 7ce. which IIIIH
iljicly IQIounor lllitwctl, who tilled, an mid all proceeded well till I had nlmved of tho ladled who wnn a witness to It.
an area of 1,11(15 flquaro miles. The'Ini- WAI'-MINO.
I)nii(i;lrU, Toledo, Ohio.
boot uhe might, tbo plum of th« done 1110 Hldo of his face, when ho nlopprd
I -ino iHinknu Iniorwilly, cottial
lady of tho miinor to her duiightar, MU
dir, iilly upon tlio liloort nnd mnnoiw jur" 'Hold on,' ho crlciljs 'I want t h i n Tho full title of this originally oh- tho conntructlon of an rmlnuiUinciit Init
fnoofl of til • ryntmn. IMo -, 7Bfl, I>«. bottle. Hold
trees Murgflt, favorod not my null, « thing 'iipliilned.'
nil 1> uKKli-tn. Tdntlmmiliiln free.
ncnre, iii'crrt society of HhiilltuilK Up- from mainland lo mainland; It would lirIInll'B
I nought not to huvo, Hpoccli with her or
ynmlly I'lll" »f tlm bout.
"I nuked him what WIIH tho, matter,
with my liuly. Old Hlmenti I hiul boon mil ho replied: "Thi'1'o'n a lly on my penru to bo l-llii-Cluien, or l-IIo- he thlrty-llvo miles long anil 'JKI feel
al\vuyn In! ilnlnit Kirnt
friendo with ovor Bluett, un a child,
work hut wo' I'nli nlwnyn lio ilnliiK
.•lieek, and you havo nhavrd tho lather
had played In tho ffimlmiH with uwou mil whlslinru off, lint tho fly didn't olheni ii. Our iiowHpiipera truiiHlatn It I h l H emhiiiiKment, whleh would Hervc1 BoiiiothlnK that beloiiKu «i our coiidlllonH. To bo rillniit, In miffcr, to limy,
Mlntrnnn Mnrgol. I know ho wan (ay move. Now, wlint'ii Iho mailer w i t h ItlKlileoiui Ilnrmoiiy I'MHtn; to bo con- UH a road for railway and genernl (nil
slHlenl It nhoiild bn Righteous Harmony lie. The work of draining and reclaim wlinii wo cannot net, In micoptnhlo to
friend "'Hi would help mo. I know -loo lilmV
/ •
llnxers. mi th» short form of tho name,
that h« iuli;ht Hjienk w i t h hlH lady whom
"I told him thero wan no lly on him,
I might not miwntchod and unguarded. *)ilt hn pointed to tho mirror and mild: lloxei-H, In nlniply tho third element of mid thi> total I'o^t of tho iiiidertnlilii!;
1 do not ticllovo IMno'N Cuio lor' (NiiiAiunptlon
lu-inll rdtinl for rouuliH nuil ciildw.— loiirl l f .
To old Hlimtmi I told Iny iitory. und You think I cun'Oioo him, I ain't no tho full title. I meant! "righteous;" ho would lie !f7fiO,000,00<>.
Trinity riprliiK*, I""!., I'eU 1ft. lOUl).
tni«ted for hlH aid.
Irunk Hint I can't iieo a lly.'
(ltrl'« l'.«nuy on lloyu.
ehiinn, lln< dellnltlon iflven by Welln
And thcrtt w n n . t h o chink of Hold bellolllK
f'lii' 1 ' 1 ' to work und furred to
"I turned to thotfliuiii,and there ntnod
At a recent school e x a m i n a t i o n for
tween UH when wo purled,, filbolt my tho fly on tlio mirror, and In mirli a po- \Vlllliinm, In hln "Hj'llablc Dictionary glrlu t h i n composition WIIH Immleil In do your lii-nl will breed In you tonipni'Hi'lf-i'ontrol. illllK<»io«, ntnuiKth
luck of K<>'d wan tho runiioh why Hlr rttlon that from my cuutomnr'H runuo Of tlin OliliiflHii I.nilRiiuKi'," 1H74, p"Ke1 by a girl of li!, »ayn a Mlnnoilrl paper; niinii,
will mi'' n liiinili'nii vlrtiuin which
ItcglnnM lind mild nuy, upon my nuking of vision It nooimxl to bo on lilH cheek. I in'J, In iin follown; '"Tho list, to doiibli "Tho hoy In not an aiilnial, yet he can nf
will imviir Idinw.
up tho hand, to grunp In Iho hand, boxfor his dniiKhtm-'n hand. And for gold
fin aftorwnrd mild that hn had fell t h a t | ing, llntlcurfB, athletic, vigorous." It In bo heard quite n dlnlniicii. When a liny
I»KII do not npot.runiuH
iii-xt to hl'i lovo for protty Mlntrofin Mnr- fiy tlcldlna him ull the^t^u^. mid wonliollern ho opeilH hlu big month Ilk
H'H1'!" nn unoviinly dynil upa
gct—old Hlinnon would do moro thiin dor«d how I could nhnvo "iii'utoX. II mid
frogii, but glrlH hold their IOIWK unill
nioiit of UH wolilil do for tho niiko g,f life. not 01)1 Its logn off."—-Now York World. tho lOngllnti IniiBunKo It) tho fur Ifliuit thoy lire nnolien to, and then they un poiiriUKin. Hold liy nil ili'iiKKliI".
t h a t foreign Joiirnnln line our term
That ovmilnic I happened to 1m walkreBpodtablo and toll Junt bow U
Diint tliou woll to ho dliKiiiiitiint Wlinii
without Iriinnlntlon. It oeenrn In (ler- Bw«>r
Ing In (ho '""" Junt un old Hlimion nlno
wan, A boy thinks hlnmelf clover b(' Oort linn iflvini tlimi thn whnlo Iron,
Tho Ilinnniio (?) YOIIIIK liiitly,
man mi "din lloxers," ,ln Itiilliin an "I iiaunu
(illinium nf runifurt KI'»Wriillli! oil) to lull" ttlii nil'. And a lloto
ho con wudo wluiro tho water In IliK nilnil11,">o
"You criiol, wlckod boy, to kill Hint Dotoi-B," nnrt In Hpaniiih an "'loii noxhiKNiliHo Hn iilirfi'lH thi) wlliuV
punned between UH. Olri'HImmm nlnn Indoop.
to lilnw dnwn « tnw l«uV(m'f
lira."— 1/ondon fJoten and Querlen.
ntrueleil mo nu to whora I could llnd hnrmlnitn, llttlo bird."
culled n hunhnnd, but tho Ki'<>wn-ii|
"I wnn Jim' KoliiK I" offer It to .ycr,
certain Impleimmtn and tooln n ImMnr
Mrl. \VI"»li)W« noolhlnil nvillp liir vllllilion
lady, fur lor put do W!HKH In yoi' eolleel<«llili'K< ft"''" 1 1 * ^^ Kiin^ rcuiiiunu liifUiiiuu.
and a ntout nlnvo iiniimK ijimn which (Ion
lion. nilMya |>nli(. (Miia>( wind rolln. Unc, ii tiutlla.
1 mti[ht noiid Inter on, pun-haunt. And
There In no word In the Ohlnene liin"Oh, you ifitiiitrmin I l l t l o fellow. stint
1 KHVII to Hlmeon tho pncluiK« of a cor- thny'rit
wonuni cry It Klvcn iiunn ( I n n
KIIORO that eonvoyn no I n t l n i n l l n n of
It In tho vuln nndonvnr to ninko ourJunt
tain driiK, which my friend, Die rhlriirwlmt wo torin public spirit, nor In them lo think of BOino otlier iixcune lii'/il«|e> nnlvna whut wo nro tint Hint IHIII
KI-OII, hn<1 given nfo. Mlnlronn MnrKi't
ntrown lilnlnry wllli no ninny lirnliou
t aynotiyni for patrlotlnm.
und llvon luCt III thn ruiiuli.
WIIH to BOO that tlilo dniH wnn dropped Children and fooln nro vory iipt to
into tlio fliiaon of alo nont up for tho
_ catcst folly that ever grow on tni
planet is. the tendency to borrow troubl
mi "
. . .
i tsua Ia the lignt of the world ana* of
heaven. What though this earthly house'
ttnun i-iiiiTlMn* .THHIIU him nri»imi«d « Imnu
Grave of the Author of Nursery Pit*
sorrow is so evident that we need to
of many mansions. Jesus is the anchor
making especial preparations for its com that always holds. Jesus is the'fountain
tie* HUB Long Been Neglected.
that is never exhausted. Jesus .IB . the
A correspondent Informs me that the
Pleached by Rw. Or. Talmago.
como a favorite. The cry of that chil evening star hung up amid the gloom of
tomb of John Newbery, In Waltbam
strikes deeper into the heart tlm'n thecr the gathering night.
. .
St Lawrence churchyard, la likely to
of .all the others. You think more abou
Subject: Thickening: Gloom — Grovrlng it; you give it more attention, not becaun and backbiting of enemies, They will call
suffer the fate that overtakes all such
. Old Without Religion a Dlllnal Proi- it is any moro of a treasure than the ot] you no more by evil names. Your good
monuments unless properly and regupeel—CoiwoHnjr SnffgflBtlonfl to Tholo era, but because it is becoming frail. Tlicr deeds will not longer bo misinterpreted or
larly cared for. \
ia something in the check, in the eye an your honor filched. The troubles of earth
Wlio Havo Failed Ltfo'i Meridian.
in the walk that makes you quite sur will end in the felicities of heaven. ToI have not seen It since I visited the
A Yorkshire clergyman, -the other
[Copyright IBixU
that the leaves of the flower are going t ward evening! The bereavements of earth day,. visiting a poor man who had just quaint and quiet little village In the
WASHINOTON, D. C. — In this sermon
will eoon be lifted. You will nqt much
Dr. Talmaee discourses upon the invita- medical attendance are ineffectual. Th longer stand pouring your grief in the lost his little boy, endeavored to con- summer of 1895, when I was collecttion given to Christ to stay overnight in pills" becomes fpeble, the complexion lighl tomb like Rachel weeping.for her chil- solo him. The poor man burst Into ing materials for a life of "the philthe Oriental village, and "makes some con- er, the step weaker, the laugh fainter. Nc dren or David mourning for Absalom. tears, and In the midst of his sobs ex- anthropic .publisher of St. Paul's
solatory suggestions. The.'text is Luke
romping for that one through Iml Broken hearts bound up. Wounds healed. claimed: "U 'twarna ng'n flaw A Churchyard," Immortalized by Goldrxiv, 29, "Abide with us, for it its, toward .more
and • parlor. The nursery is dartencd by Tears wiped away. Sorrows terminated. should. ha' liked to have t'Uttlo beggar smith In his '"Vicar of Wakefleld," by
an approaching calamity. Thn heart feel No more sounding of the dead march. To- Btopfed,"
Dr. Johnson In "The Idler," by WashTwo villagers, having concluded their
mournful anticipation that the sun ward evening. Death will come sweet as
errand in Jerusalem, nave started out at with
is going down. Night speeds on. It is to- slumber to the eyelids of the babe, as full . Prof . -Simon J. Brown, the new astro- ington Irving In "Bracebrldge Hall"
the city gate and are on their way to ward evening.
rations to a starving soldier, as evening nomical director of the Naval Observa- and by many other writers who have
Emmttus, the place of their residence. .You_have long rejoiced in the care of
hour to the exhausted workman. The eky
recognized the Influence of the .first
They go-with a'sad"Heart. Jesus, who mother;
you _,have done, every wilI tnkc. on _ its'Isunset' glow, every.-cloud tory at Washington, ^occasionally Jnj.—•—- bad-bccri-^heirTidmiration'and "their joy; make her last days happy; you have run n fire psalm, every lake a glossy mirror, duiges In a bit of humor. On one occa- publisher who-wrote,-odlted,- compiled
and published books for "all those llthad been bandy massacred and entombed. with quick feet to wait upon her every the forests transfigured, delicate mists
As, 'With sad face and broken heart, they want. Her presence has been a pcrpetua climbing the air. Your friends will" an- sion a colleague came Into his office, tlo masters and misses who are good
pass on their way a stranger accosts blessing in the household. But the frui nounce it, your pulses will beat it, your und, finding the professor standing, or who Intend to be good."
them'. Thev tell Him their anxieties and gatherers are looking wistfully at tha joys will ring it, your lipa will whisper it, SOW: "Is - I t possible you work' that
We have traveled a long way since
bitterness of eouli He in turn talks to tree. Her soul is ripe for heaven. The "Toward evening."
way? I cannot, stand standing." Newbery and Goldsmith co-operated
them, mightily expounding the Scriptures. gates are ready to flash; open for her en
He-throws over'them the fascination of trance. But your soul sinks at the though'
on that famous list of books of which
intelligent conversation. They forget the of separation. You cannot bear to think
Brown, quickly; "now, do you know, I "Goody Two Shoes" .and "Tommy
time and notice not the objects they pasa that soon you will be called to take the
cannot stand sitting?"
may be taken as the _best exam-_
_.and_beforoitliey_are_awftrclhave_come_in •last-look-at-that-face,~which-from the-firet
but If-lt were only^for the "fact"
—'front of their-house,—They -pause, before_ -hour-has-looked—uppn-you-with-affection _j
the entrance and attempt to persuade the unchangeable. But you see that life is 'ARABLE OF THE GREAT SUPPER the other. day. asked one of the lowez that Newbery was the first to give the
' :;£_ B trangerio_lnrry^with them. -Thev-presa^ -cl>birig,-and
-the-gravo-will - soon- hide^hei
Luke-H-: 16-24
r ~— grade classes-thls question: - •What U ^•Rhymes and Jlngles-of-Mother.Goose"-'
upon Him tn"eir hospitalities. Night "is from your sight.
You sit quiet: you fee!
Imagin- to the world In collected form bis memcoming on, and He may meet a prowling heavy
hearted. The light is fading from Read .Matt. 22 : 1-14. Memory verses:
wild beast, or be obliged to be unsheltered the ghy;
ary line passing from 'one pole to th« ory should ever be kept i
the air is chill. It is toward
frorn tlie dtny. Ha cuiinot go muuh farther
ilren wherever i they
otliur, oil. wulcb the earth revolves,
now. Why not stop there and continue evening.
words of the text ore pertinent^ to Golden Text : Come; for all thlnga are proudly answered a pupil. "Yes," sak may be found. their pleasant conversation? They take usThe
from the fact that we are ncariap DOW ready:—Luke 14 : 17.
the examiner, well pleased, "and couk -Newbery's' original collection—of —
Him by the arm,-a'nd they insist upon His the allevening
of death. I have heard it
coming in, addressing Htm in th'e words. mid
bang a bonnet on It?" "Yes,' sir. Mother Goose melodies nas, moreover,
that we ought to live as though each
"Abide with us, for it is toward evening. moment
wcre-to be our-last.—I-do-not-be- TopIo-;-Extend!ng Calls to Blessedness "Indeed! And what kind of a bonnet? an added Interest, for thure Is- every
- to believe- that- Goldsmith -had. •lievp
"An lmaglnary-bonnet,-slr." The -visit areason
pleasantflocialtiesare enkindled.—They-rc- in ronpprnpH wo nilghf nlwnya f^ hft renfly,
ln: the editing, annotating and.__
wice-in-the-presence-of—this-stnxngcr-guestr but
we cannot always be thinking of
The Supper:
e asks a bfessing upon the bread they eat, dcathrfor-we-havc-duties-in-lifer-that-deA certain man made a great supper
Neither In London, at.vthe scene of
- - - ~
our attention.
Mrs. Gladstone, It IB sold that the
denly and with overwhelming power the mand
\Vhen a man is selling goods it Uffiis V certain king...made a marriage least young member of Parliament said to his labors, "over against the north, door
thought' flashes upon the astounded peo- business
of St Paul's cathedral," nor at the- corto think of the bargain he is (Matt. 22 : 2).
ple—it is the Lord! And as they sit in making;- when
man is pleading in the The marriage supper of the Lamb (llev. hia bride: "Do you prefer to_know ner of St-Paul's-churchyard, nor at
breathless wonderr looking upon the resur- courts, it is hisa dutyto
think of the in- 19 : 9).
nothing and to be free bf all r'csponsl Canonbury house, Islington, .whererected body of Jesus, He vanished. The
terests of his clients; when a clerk is addThe Called:
. interview ended. He was gone.
| blllty, or will yon hear everything and he and-Goldsmith lived and worked toing
He bade many (16).
With many of us it is nqright sunshiny
day of prosperity. There is not a cloud mind upon the column of figures. He who to, every one that thlrsteth, come ye be bound to strict secrecy?" Mrs. gether, nor at his birthplace, Waltnam
up his life with thoughts of death is
Gladstone was far too true a woman &L__Lawrence,-Ja -there- anything—of
—-in-the-sUy, nota-lcaf-rustling in^the-forest,- fills
no chill in the air. But we cannot expect far fronrbeing~the~hig6esretyle-of Chris- reach the gospel to the whole creation ' not
.the second alternative, prominence to keep his name In remem-'
all this to last. He ia not an intelligent
(Mark 16 : 15).
and she never betrayed tb« trust re- brance.
man who expects perpetual daylight of say nt night. "I wish I might die before
A claim to have been the originator
posed In her— a course which naturally
ioy. The sun will after awhile near the morning! He is now an infidel.
But there are times when we can and me to say (17).
compelled her often to appear Indiffer- of the Mother Goose collection was
horizon; the shadows will lengthen.
. • While I speak many of us stand in the ought to give ourselves to the contempla- he hath sent forth her maidens (Prov. ent or Ignorant of wha* was going on. made about thirty years ago on behalf
tion of that eolemn moment when to the 9 :. 3).
very hour described in the text, "For it is »oul
time ends and eternity begins. Wcmust ent forth his servants to call them Indeed, at one time stories of Mrs. of Mrs. Goose, or Vergoose, the mother- .
toward evening." The request of the text go through
thnt one pass. There is no that were bidden (Matt. 22 : 3).
Gladstone's obtuseness were widely in-law of Thomas Fleet, a printer who
i« appropriate for some in every'commucurrent In society. In 1885 an Indis- flourished In Boston, U. 8. A., during
nity, for with them it is toward the even- roundabout way, no bypath, no circuitoue
The Summons :
ing of old age. They have passed the meCome; for {ill things are now ready creet lady asked Mrs. Gladstone hexw the eighteenth century. - The absurdity
admirridian of life. They arc sometimes star1
.her hnshnnd wa«-bearlng-up-nnder-th« of this contention was amply
out ^
their hands
ome, eat ye of my^ bread (Prov. 9 : 5). many vehement attacks made on him. strated by W. H. Whltmore, the presto keep us back, but no
not, however, like others to remark upon
haye_rnade ready^-'-..come-tO-the mar- "I do not think he Is much affected by ent city reglstrarrof Bostonrln:hhrp~re-~
—Jf_othcrs_ - suggcst-their- approximation jmploration on -their pa
reast (Matt. 22~: 4).
faceto a
toward vc^frable appearance, they say, They might offer large retainers, but riage
death would not take- the fee.- The breath I, THE. DECLINATIONS_(.vs.- 18-20).• " W h a i - - ^ - ^
published In 1892; but
do, indeed, notice that they cannot lift
all with one consent began to bath." "He IB like a kettte, then," re- ancient superstition and modern myths
quite as much as once; they cannot walk heart Will stop. You may hang the couch They
ake excuse (IS).
alike die bard, and there are thousands
quite so fast; they cannot read quite BO with gorgeous tapestry, but what does They
light of It, and went their plied the lady, "which sings when full n America to-day who cling to the Idea
well without spectacles; they cannot so death care for bed curtains? You may waysmade
easily recover from a coupli or any occa:hat. Mother Goose was an American
lional ailment: they have lost their taste art, but what does death care for pictures? The mind of the flesh Is enmity against It may not have pleased the wife of the ady Instead of a nom de plume borfor merriment; they are surprised at the You may fill the house with the wailings God (Rom. 8:7).
rowed by Newberry from Charles Perquick passage of the year; they sav thnt it of widowhood and orphanage. Does death 2. Ill-founded :
of humor.
I have boucht afield(18).
seems but n little while ago that they mind weeping?
ranlt's "Contes de ma Mere 1'Oye."-"
Bdward HanLon, ex-champion oars- London Chronicle_________-•..........________,._ ..... ......
;__J™. S-i' ?Mi»,M>CJ'^-arc goins -a ,liltle~.dojvn- . ..Listen. lo_raul!a.-battlo-shout-witli:jn;s* Every One- that hath left houses,. ...or
hillj there is something in their health, fortune, hark to mounting Latimer'fl fire
man of tSe wofTdi relates a gbooTstorj
lomething in their vision, something in eong; look at the glory that hath reft the No 'man that hath left house ..... or of how he delivered a speech after
their waik, somethinR in their changing dungeon and filled the earth and heavens lands (Mark 10 : 29).
I have bought Jive yoke of oxen (10). winning his second race In England. Herr Boom-Boom'a Way «o Keep cobu
associations, something above, something with the crash of the falling manacles of
. beneath, something within to remind them despotism and then look at those who Lo, we have left nil, and have frCowod His first victory bad found him unprethat it is toward evening.
have tried to cure themselves by human .thee (Mark 10 : 28).
The great want of all such Is to havn prescriptions/ attempting to heal gan-, He forsook nil, and rose up and fol- pared. He was ready for his second
with a speech, composed for him by- a
lowed him (Luke 5 : 28).
Jcflus abide with them. It is a dismal grenc with patch of court plaster and to
thing to bo Retting old without the reju- stop tho plague of dying empires with the I have married a wife (20).
newspaper friend, neatly, copied out on
venating influence of religion. Whe,n wo quackery of earthly wisdom. Nothing con If uny man — hateth not his own
paper and stored away for use In hi
itop on the down grade of life nnd nee apeak pence to the »oul. nothing can un- wife (Luke 14 : 26).
t mt it dips to the verge of the cold river, strap our crushing IniraciiH, nothing can There IH no man that hath left house coat pocket. When the crowd outsld«
tho club-house Insisted npon seeing an<
we want lo behold some one near who overcome our opiritnnl foes, nothing can
or wife (Luke 18 : 29).
will help us across it. When tho sight open our eyes to «ce the surrounding
III. THE EXTENSION (vs. 21-21).
hearing the winner, he was helped on
loses its power to glance anil gather up, homes and chariotx of sulvation that (ill 1. Prompt :
upon a window ledge by hla friends
we need the faith that can illumine. When all thu mountains but the voice nnd com- Go out quickly (21).
we feel the failure of the ear, we need tho mand of Him who utoppcd one night .at Go quickly, and tell his dlsclplea (Matt. and held there by tho coat-tnlls and thi
logs. The crowd cheered him wildly
clear tone" of that voice which In olrlon ICninmiiH.
28 : 7).
tl'vs b'viUc up the ni'rnci' of thn dr:>(
You ought, to lit- willing to cxclmnco hp.. ..iirose quickly, nnd went unto Ho was too confused to speak. They
with endencci of mercy.
When the- ..nx .your body that IIIIH hciutuchcti and aide---,
11 : !!!)).
chared him again. He throw out his
men of death how down whole forests of I aches ami weaknesses innumerable, Hint
itreriKtli mid hrauty nround u» nnd wo linips M 'i the utonc bniiau or featora with
Into the HtrcetB and lunetf ..... tho handjn tt K ea t u re of helpleraness, and
are left in solitude, we need the dove of the thorn or tinmen on the fiiiicru) pyre highways nnd hedged (21, 2,1).
moved his lips In some Inaudible mum
divine mercy to uing in our brunches. of fcvcra. for nn incorruptible body and m YVhoHoevor hellevoth on him nhould not Die of apology for his Inability to deWhen the almilovvH liciiin to fall and w« eye that blinks not before the jiutpor K«tc:i
n vcr a speech. They could not hear on
foci tliut the day in fur apent, we need und the Krcnt white throne, llut betv/rc i
wllleth that nil mon should bo acilount
._.„„_+„,, tllc
»,,„ At. »v . .t
moat of nil to mipplicixto- the bcni'flcvnt thnt and thin there in nn hour ahout which Who
saved (i Tim. 2 : 4 ) .
n»lBe that they were
of the
no Hum nhoult! be reclclvaa or foo!hur<ly. 3. Generous :
but they eneour
"Abide with II'H, for it in toward evening. ' I doubt not your courniro, but 1 tell you
In.'...the poor and mnlmrd nnd aged him with
generous applause
The ri'ijui-Ht of tju- text in on appropriate, that you will want wnuiitlmiK bcttur tlm.i
exclamation for all tlioHo who nro up- n BtroiiK arm, a Rood aim and n trunly
'1 '"
h fl
mmcliing tho gloomy hour of temptation, Hword when you come to your Inat Im'tlc
tlnm to bu Hood Vim, will n/'i-il II lii-tt/'r F-nlm limn n|.y y
'.- tin' iiiuljiiuil, till! imno, tn^ -One— freimy-of oialury,
nuturcd wlu'ii ovrrytliinn
, or to bu havn in your wurdroho to keep you
blind (Luko 14 : 13).
eloquently and smiling his tbnnka. The
liumhle whni llu-ro in nothing to pulf UN in that place.
iin, or forgivinn when wo Imvo not hi'en
noisy and go<xl-natured crowd cheered
unnniloil, <ir Imnrnt when wo have no In- fcronce. It' may bo bright day when you
Why will yi> dlo, O IIOIIHO of Inrnol? him to tho echo, and hlti frleiul.s drew
ducement to fraud. Hut yon Imvo foil the pimh
olf from tlio nlnnet, or it niny bv
Kzok. :i3 : 11).
him In from his precarious position on
grapple of (immi trniptittinn. Your nature iliirk
nt HOIII« tiinu (jiuilu'il nnd gronneil innlvr from tho fomit. It niny bo npring, nnd My tiuppllcutlon to Onil IH for them tho window Ipdffc. "You carried thai
the infrriinl powrr. You feel that llui devil your noiil niny H" out luniiMK tho hloHHoniH,
crowd along In style," they congratu1. "It la hot, eh? Abcr meln InvenWIIH uftcr you; you niiw your Olii-inlinii
orchnrdu HwiiigniK tlurir eenieiM in
Toplo Kor tlm Qunrtitr: Tlio Omit lated him; "whn/t did you nay? VYe tion vlll goep me cool like sodn vanser,
tinu-OH retreatinu; you fo:. i-il llnit you npplo
It niny bo winter mid tho cnrlli Worker nl Hln Worlc.
couldn't hear you." "V(^B, give us on yet!"
would fuil in tho nwful \m-ntlu with 'niii the,a wny.
HIIOW Hhroud. It may ho autumn and
(lolden Text for tlio Qunrtnr : Who Idea of your speech," the reporters put
nnd hu thrown Into Out diiHt. Tim ulnmu in
thlckunod. Tho Unit iiidicutloim of tlir year—dcud nntiirn lai(l out In atntu. It wont ulmiit (li)liiK Kdnil.—Ada 10 : 38.
In, drawing out tholr not* books. Hannight WITH B<-i'ii. In nil tho trembling of limy li« with your wifn'w hnnil in yoniyour mini, In all tho Infernal Biingentlonn of liuiul, or you may bo in n HtrniiKu hotel NTKHNATIONAI, UOM10 I t K A D l N l l B Ian took tho.mniumcrlpt from his pocket. "Iloro'B tho wlioln thing," ho aaldBnUn, In all tho mirgiiiH up of tumiiltiKiiui with n uei-vnnt luithful to tho liinl, It
Mori.—l.tilcn 14 : 1B-24. rnrublc of tlio "do you want It all?" "Well, rather,"
pumlnnii nnd oxoitomcntu, you full with mny ho in tho mil train, uhot nlf tin Ki'eiU
awful i-iii|iliinila that It WUM townnl cvi-n- Hwileh and tumMing In hnin rovorhorutloi
Tiii-M.—I'rov. U : 1-10. WlHdoin'ti call. thoy annwerwl; "that upocch mode 'o
Ing, In tlio tumptcd hour you need to nnk diiwn Iliu enilinnUinent ciunli, enmht
Wed.—Mull. 22 i 1-10. I n v l t n t l o n dc, hit."
.TcuiiB to nhldo with you. You can Imtt
I linow not tho tinio, I linow not tho nplncil.
buck tlui inoiiHtcr that wouhl dovoiir you; nioilo,
7 : H-14. I t u f u i n i K lo
you can uiihoruo tho din that, would il.l tmlitritctcd awav, anil wu nhull eoinn down IH-IU ki-n,
To (tin I'oliH. .
you down:
down; you rnu
ran nlianiun
nhaniun tin- Imtllcux lo tho llmi! when wo hnvo but ton ilayi.
Kl'L-.-lnn. (15 : 1-1~, HeflUii'l'ii i'i'|('i'(o(l, At h'niectliiK of nn nutngrnph fioclcty,
with which you nnlit tlia liciid nf hi>lim>tri| left, then niiio duyu, Ilien oiuht duyu, I lien
iilminlimUon. Who hdlpitil I'nul ulinkc llui novitn duyn, nix duyn, livo ilayn, 'four duyn, l.ninli,
compoHcd of young women, In Chicago,
lirn/cii Hilled limit of 1'Vlixt Who nctcil thi'iio dnj'H, two (ln)'H, Olio dny. Thou
onu particular celebi'lty who luul reMnn.--Hi.v. 1!2 i H-17. l''n-n I n v l t n l Ion.
Illic n goiiil imilor when ull the crew Innvlril lioiirx,
- ••three hmiln. two lioun,, no hiiin-.
niiillied olidunili! to nil re(|iientn for hln
lloh-cin llui Alrilitcrinnciiii Hlilpwreuk? Who I'lieii only
inliiuleii lull llvii inn uitoH, four llonii of lln- Inlcrniilloiiiil llllilo Item).
helped III.- ninrlyi-H to hn linn win
le mlnulen, threo
wnn nliiiont unnnliiKiiiHly
word of ivciintiillou would |im-« iinfii«lmnl uilnuto, Thou oulv nccomlH lell fiiur xee- Illl! Annnrllilloii.)
Vdteil to bo n "menu old tlilnif." 'I'he
tlm wlthcH iif thn ntiilui and put out the oniU, thivo Hceonim. two HiM-niidH, 0110 nee.
• ono Klrl who hnd not rimcurreil In tho
LKHHON H U H I t O U N n i N d H .
und. (limul Tho eliuplei' of lite einledl
' I Ifcnenil roiiileinniilloiiNiiei-t.-d Hint llui
\\liini Iho ni^lit of tho ooiil
on Tho hook cloiiedl Tlio puluvH lit reatl Tho There nr« nn Inlci'VenliiK cvdiiln.
ri.ACIO. -At Moinc iiiiniunoil |Uu'r In othei'H did not know how to innini|;c Ililn
nnd nil Ihii'ilcnir.oiiH o( iliu IIIICIIM cniiii' i i|i foot throiiuh with tho iniirnoyl Tho
Ing upon Iho wliidH of pci-ililioii, who hundu clnneil fmni all world No word on I'ITCH, nl tho IKIIIMO of n illh'n''l»t |)i,. purtlciilnr Hon. "I'll Hhow yon," Him do,,
, typ
KIIVII Htruniitli to tho KoiilV Who KIIVC Iho llpnl No Inouth in tho iiimtriltil llnli- I'hiirlni-en IV. 1).
'I'IMIO. (In n Mulihmh, prniirlilV nciu- clnrod, nnd forthwith wroto mid innllml
eiilnuieiiN to tin- ln-iutl' Who linilio the eoinl>ei| huitk lo lio iindlHhoviiled by any
n|iell of Inlenml iiiii'hniiliii t .|itt' Ho whn human |IIUII|H. Tho luuneleu iitlll, Tho Ihe elono of .liinilnry, ymr of Itnino IN.'I, to Illl! celclil'lly n rci|llent coinpoiicd of
lii-aril lliu ici|iir,il. ,,r tho villn, ( ci-», "Al.ld,. luirvi-n nliUi Tho lunt(ti tit ill. Tho toiitpi" -Hint In, A. II. Ill), ItnliliiKon lilnri'ii ll only two wurdii, They w(!i'<>, "Autow i t h IIM, for It |H tmviml «VI<II|IIK." One ntlll. All ntlll. You ini|[lit put tho ulolh- lulnr, 111 Mnreb of Iho nnnm yeiir.
Bi'iiph, plcniiii," At thu mut n-Kiilnr
ol Iho l u r l H til li'rm,,.,, WIIM nil,,,.),,,,) nl,,| ouiiopo to hreiiat and hour no mmnil. You
I'A MALI.I'M. J ' A H M A U M . -Tim [nil nhlo
tho ulrl nppcnrod trliiiiipluuitly
I ho nutwnrlin worn tnliou liofoio nluhl niiiiht put it iqieulilnn liuinpot to tho eur, if Iho nmirliim- (if thn Uliut'ii nun ( M u l t .
H nlli!iit of hitler pnpor (ivor her
Iho |II<H|(. K |II K ni-iny |,ly ,!,,„,„ thlnlilnu but you could not wulto tho deufnerm, No !- : 1-M) rciicinhlcH tliln ono, lint .(hat
Unit Ihmi wnn hut lltllo In d,, in llu- motion. No Ilil'oh. No lite. H I I I I I H l l l l l WIIH iilteri'd In Iho leiiuilo on TiHinliiy bond. It wnn Iho reply of tlio culolirlty.
iiiiirning, nuil Hint tho Hohliciy In Iho furl
i-nrlh w i t h many of yon tho evenltlu if I'niiHlon weoU. unit lion n illr'nri'iil |l(> neeineil ropnmuliflil. All ho \vroto
could IHI ciuiily niiido to nuireiulor. llui In On
' 'iVn'n; "You mum IIP promicd for tliui'."
Iho Impplcnt pnrt nf tlln twonty-l'oui- tnirpuMo,
llui n U h l , thi-oii K h n hack nlul
You unlliei- about tho nliuiil, You
111")1 rm-iipml Into tho country, 1 t h u hoiUH,
w i l l ) hln nlunnt'ii'i! followliiK.
talk nnd IUUKU and IUIIK. You rucimnt Iho
'J. "roam., pootn—how In dot? |xV)in
.. Ilio Iic'hli-Kllifl
H-nli-Kliut-nriny "limim upon dny. You plan for tlm inunnn-, You
.* ' \
• poom dor moro I vorliw dor cuolor I
lint [omul llmi thi'li- i,|-,.y havo uuiheii and ruiiartooii, Alnlil all (lie
Iml linn ii'iiln,
In, hut
Autlijulty or ill"
WIIH KOIIO, Ho whou wu aro
nmmiiltoil liy loll of tho dny that In tho |(nnl ful whleh
««ln|"- Now York World.
urn iimmiiltc
Tint Krlp IH Ki'iK'i'nlly 'inippo«('(l to h»
"Illll thu Oninliltir'n nlwiiya up to
U'inplntloii Ilivrii In nlwnyn iionio neerul yon run, and an you talm out youi- \(-nleh
•tall' by wliloli wo nilulit K«t oil'. (Jml or look nl tho donooiid!i>|t null yoi! thrill
If a mnn iiiectu alx girls In tho couraa
will not nllnxv nn to lio toinptod nhnvf with tho tlinuiilit t l m t . l t irt..liuvai-d',uveii. Icnl .loiirnnl nliowii thnt rpldomlcn ol
"How no?"
of tlio Ony, flvo toll him that ho la "rvo)
what wo aro ulilo,. but with nvcry toniptn- Ing. Ho .(loath comen to tho dlnelplo.
tho itlnviJ>;o m>t o"}y broUo mil HO lonii
"Hln wrddtiiR cnnln nro nil Qiioima menu."
lion will lirlnii a wuny of rnrnna ''that we
What If tho Him of llfo In about to nrU un (Ifty yonrti nko, but tllnl thwy oo
my ho
Iin nlilo
nliio lo
lo' I)Ixutr H.
.Icniiu la tho dnynpi-liiK ( |O iu nil hl||li, thn ciirnid nl It-nut 71W ycnni HMO, tin of Ilraria/Vl'lilladolnhio Nor(h AmorTho lunyrr
U In oiiltl of uoiiio fniullloa thnt vrhorj
. .... of... tho tn»t U
lnt porpolunl inornliiu of ovory minionicd
all '
tlwur null n liouno UKKT nlwnjr* wreck It
((•ili-H. \YJiRt..!(. thri \lnrliin!»u coinciij Handbook of Illrnch llntlnir tin- iipl.
dumlci from 11711 to 1(174 lu t«u
$un(idy school lesson.
t. 1
i t -
. of the W. R. 0. to-night
we endeavor to tell you ;
[Entered assecond olaaumatter. J
SATUBDAT. OOT. 13, 1000 '
SATURDAY. GOT. 13, 1900
Mail Time.
prefer. to^show. you some new goods, conBisting of
Ladies' gold filled watches at $10.50
Silver Chatelaine Watches, $4.50 to 6.50
Ppr President,
Wish-bone Biooches, 50 cents to ^2.50
Chain Bracelets, J2 to 2.75
oJ Ohio.
Gold filled Bracelets, $5 to $6
For Vice-President,
Ladies' Stone Rings, 14-k, $3 5 • - 1
-Baby Ring, solid gold, 50 cents...
"" "
of New York.
Ladies' Lorgnette Chains, $1.50 to $5.50
•,-- For Congressman,.; :—
YotT cannot appFeciafe our"stbck' aM prices
i . until you inspect them.
of Atlantic County.
* Also bear in mind we examine eyes /
For Assemblym&D,
and give properly fitting glasses. :; '
rush to the aid of the' man who. fays «I
A man mfty feel some anxiety about his family s
future, but if he deals with the* matter in a resolute
and practical way, he will at once secure a pqlicy
—of-Life-Insui-anie in The -Prudential, which .affords.
"The" 'besTmeiSroP^roteofing theirfuture—
-.-— -—-——-Wiite^fbrparticularsr - -^ ——-——in*
3~—A» 1 litHurunce Co
Home Office.
of America.
Newark, N. J.
''V •bRTDEN.Pres't. ED&AB-B.-WARD, 2d Y.P.frCoun.
D^AKn; Vi^Pres't.- FORKE3T-F. DRYMN, Bec'y
GEO. B. TRUNGERi-A88t.Supt.I-WmiamstownrN,-J^
Charles t. Abbott^
por County Clerk,
_^J JLowis P. Scott. ,
For Coroner,
Lewis H. Smith.
.and the
• 0:07 A.M.
5:24 P.M.
papers each week), for $1.25 a year
to any address in this county, or $1.50 6utside.
HOBEBT STEEL, Jeweler & Optician
New^stock of
Our stock of Fine Stationery is complete—
"" ,
Real Irish Ljnon at 25 cents a box
National Bond at 18 c.
Belfast and other favorites at reasonable rates
^ftr Wbrdrabout Books:-
7 —^
Good booris by popular .authors, neatly bound, that usually
sell for, 25 cents, we have here at 15; also, paper bound
books at 5 to 10 cents.
Notions, Fancy Articles, Pocket-books, Tissue Paper,
Crepe Paper, Bye Shades, Fancy Crayon, Account
Books, etc.
millinery and Dry Goods.
Ready-to-wear Hats, trimmed and untrimmed hats, Velvet,
Ribbons, Laces, in fact, anything in the Millinery line that
is necessary. Call and examine for yourself.
We Want You
to become a customer. W« carry the Guest line of
MeatH ever brought to Hammonton,— fresh all the
time. If you aro not acquainted with us, cdrne in.
You need no introduction. Once you deal with UB,
wo are aure of you as a customer, BH we treat all
alike, make no exceptions, and show no partiality.
\Vngon Btopfl right at your door, or take your order
and deliver at nny time.
^Per8onB,-oalling f or
letters will please state that it ha
been advertised.
We don't hear as jmuch._obout_th_e_
tariff as we did foiir years af?o. What
is the reason ? It is because it baa
demonstrated its- power- to-oiabe-the
country proapurous beyond'precedent.- """"
Now ccunos'ttie" tteo for
Remember, voters, it is a Republican
measure, and was opposed, tooth and
nail, by tho Democrats I That Is tho
kind of service the Republican party Syrup Tar, Wild Cherry
has been rendering tho country. Conand Hoarhound
trast your' condition with what it was
positively cures.
under the Cleveland regime. Does any
one care to have a return of that period
If you want
of depression ?
of any kind
come and BOO UB.
Bryan saye that tho present prosperity of tho country is "(in ununual and
Wo recommend
unnatural stimulation," Is it not bettor I
to continue tho party in power capable, Q u i n j ne an(l Cantharides
of producing unusual stliuulation.rathor
Hair Tonic, ftuo
than change tor one which produces |
Are you interested in Monuunusual stagnation ?
Quinine and Grape Sap mental work ? If so, please
When Mr! Bryan Is onuagod in mak-1
for the Hair.
consider the merits of
ing a calamity speech, tho toot of a
White Bronze,
factory whioile IB every bit as^annoying |
Something bettor m ovorv WV than tho
to-Wfu-afr-tho-UUB of im
—boat of marfale-Of-gjaolU, and munh
Box Pui>6\'B tt Specialty;
Tho mottt remarkable significance In
loeu uxpoimlvo. Don't buy a .
Photographic Supplies.
Mr. Uryaii'B letter of acceptance U> the
Monument, lloiwlstono, or Marker
Democrats, Is the silence upon 'evoryV
until you HOC our doalgnaand jirlcon.
thing and uvury subject In which Arner-\l Prescriptions receive our careJ. S. THA.YEB, Agent,
Icau workiugmcn a« a class have an J f u \ an(J prompt attention
at his liloyclo Storo,
Coughs and Golds.
Real Estate & Insurance.
nil 1'ronlduiil. Inn' 1 l » la a u'l!ur Cft8° °'
coiintliiK your clilvHuui buforo thuy aro
hatched V
In well equipped for any kind of
-Ohas, Cunningham, M,D.
Physician and Surgeon.
W. Booond tit.. Iluiiiiiumton.
Working Night and Day.
Thg l>unlaBl nnd inl K lill«mt llttlu thing Onioo Uouri, 7;:>0to 10:()li A.M.
1 jOl) t,o ll :00 aud 7:0(i t,<» H:IIO r.H.
tluil ovor wan in ado In l>r. KliiK " Now
Mlo I'llln. Tlioso i)lll« olini)«o vrimUmion
Into BtrfliiKtli, llotlunMiiODB Into (innrKy,
lini|ii.fiti( Into moiital jiowor. 'i'lioy'ro
Wd!!<1nrfiil In l>iilldlii|{ un the houllh.
A iullivusortinont of hand nnd inacnln
OAJwiSfi ota i>or box. flold by Orowoll.
made,—for work or driving.
Wo would bo pleased to hayo you give ue a trial, then tt inline for* *-•'•"' '
make your own compiiriHon IIH to quality, pricon, etc.
.iKvorythinij that 11 Meat Market should have,
Wo liavo our now Block in.
Buckwheat Cakes
At Eokhardt's Market.
Try our Smoked Moata, cspooinlly tho SUUHUBCH.
LAUD. Our hird in ubnolutcly miro,
«:>ur Kook Hill Print IJuttor io a winner,
mid onco tried, alwayo jjfled. ^
240 Bullcvue Av«.
«: E^p^i«^~.^^^^^C^:K«*«^
Trunks, Valises, Whips,
Hiding SaddloH, Note, oto.
Hammonton, N . J .
Briot's-Mince Meat
Ruinlor'a Grocery.
N(ixt to I'ooploH Uault. Hammonton.
Illoynln Siindrlua and Koi»iiilnir.
Bring orders for
Job Printing
to this office.
•Or. Humphreys'
SpoclflcH euro by nctlnK dlrootly n»on
tho dUouiio, without oxcltiim dlaordor t»
nny otlior fiat ot tlio oyHtora.
1— I'nrtir*. (MniirnlliiiK, IimimmntlOTio. .UO
•J— Worint, Wen m Koroc. Worm Oollo.. , ,'J5
4— IHnrrlKio. »C Clillilrnn or Adulta ....... 'JO
T—Oouilii, OoliK, HronohUli ............. ,U(I
fl— NcurnUI". Toollmolio, Foocaohn ..... " ,'J5
0-llaadarhai rlok llondaoho, VdrtlffO, . ,'JH
proiiod iir 1'ttliifnl I'nrlod*....
l'J_\Vlill<-«, Too 1'rof n«o l'«rlo.1« ......... .'JO
l.'I-Oroiip, l.orv'ulll". ll»arunoM..,,,,
14-HnllllliinMi, ICrj«l|)oln», Kruplloni,, .'Jtl
1 a— Hlinuiualliin, IthoumAUo I'oliii ....... 'JS_
lO-lMoUrlo, OhllU. Varcr »nd >o»o ...... US
ID-Onlnrrli. lafluoiu*. Oold In tbo lload ,'J5
UO-Whooplna-C'cuih ............. . ........ 'J9
UT-llldner l>U<iili«ii ............ ...' ....... .90
rr W«»«in«m. Wetting Jlod ..... US
77-Urlp. I
•uuM of Ml BIM*M* «l yuur
Dr. Muni
10 contfl u pound. ,
MAUrY tnd ul>«t)"4 Mt^iAUq"^"!!'mUtUor*.
: . . 7:25 A.M.
'4:08 P.M. •
Eard -St.;
Uaminotiton, N. J,
CO'uSpany meeting next Monday ni?ht.
Miss Bertha Miller was liouio
' from the city over Sunday.
8@~ Ed. Tbayer has accepted a clerk
drug store.
BSf John E. Hojt has bcenselected
President of his class in Ursinus College.
BOy*1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erwin will
tnovo from Philadelphia to Hammontoa
figy- The Bed Men will pay a frater^nol visit j,qJ,hjjrnte_atMays Landing,
and Furniture
Orowell's Pharmacy
J. EA8TAEROOK haB returned from
his northern trip, and Is now ready to
'•call. Mu.lUO mnrevuuAvo..Umnmuatun.
Carpjts, Mattings,
A Trunlon Democrat tried to commit
sulcldo becuUHu hlw wife wouUCuot conBunt to mortgage their homo to obtain
| U. A. O A ill'MIC 1.1,
mouuy to but on Uryua'a election. On
O. A. Campbell Co.,
November, thl« dlaajipulntud Trontonluu will bu ulad Hint hu IB utlll aliye,
to lomi on mortiuiKO. I'nrllrii luivlnn
and that hit) wilu hud moru BUIIHO than Monoy
lioimch lit runt, »r |iroi>orlli>» tat «»l" <>r uxfltmiiKO, w l l l c l o w u l l to cull,or wrltdli".
t)IIIfi(i, IMVI AllnntloAvo.,
A l l n n t l o Clly.
' — ' "".. llHiiiiuoiiton, N,J
ttryan HAVH ho will lulio but one term
UP . ' . ' • '
7:10 Ai-M12:20 P.M.
. . 8.53
-Gulseppl Eintaiina
-------- BSy?- See local paga.for R.R. time.
B®« Don't trust our railroad time
•tables this week. - . - ---r '--*
£§?- Edward Wilde and family have
moved to Camden.
E®- Look out for n ball game next
tiie 20th.
Pavolo Cappuol • •
Bakers Coco Cream Co
Mrs Harry L. Conover
Samuel Emme.12
T H Richards
'Mrs Eliza Z Porhftm
Mrs Lizzie Scott
Cartano Tomosello
H Doerr '>
Mrs Emma Wenner
Mrs W G Wood
Mr Rev A Stagg •
0:45 A.M.
Ben. Super. Jangbter.of
Fred. Warner, died very suddenly at
Her remains were brought to Hammon,y.—Serviced
were held in the Baptist Church, conducted by her Pastor, H. P. Loomis,
assisted by Bev: W. K. McKinney.
Mrs. S. had many friends among the
young people here.
—®~ Listot-unoalled-forlettersjn the
Hammonton Post-Offlce, on Saturday
Oot. 13,1900. • .
Philadelphia weekly Press
Mails: will clQBo atjihe Hammonton
Post Office as follows:
GENTS' AVANTED —to soil Fire Clay
Coofclng Vesscl»._ Ex_cluslve_terrltory.
Big Profits.
. Rosevlllo, Oblo.
ES5" Our fruit growers are harvesting
tboir lato pears.
• CSJ" Edw. Bernshouse was injured
•while handling ice, and Is still under
-the doctor-'aiare.
$SF The Woman's Belief Corps will
Bnpper onrelection night
Particulars later.
»|-\RI>KRH left with Wra. F. Bnnselt & Son
\J for Cut Flowers rxnd Ueslgus..
, wcddlnpR, decorations, etc.; will receive
•careful intention.
HS8- Mrs. W. -II.- H. -Bradbury will
;spond tho winter with her three eons in
WaBhington, D. C.
J}iir;.A... McKinley & ...Itopaproir Club
meeting to-night, at 7:30, la tho old
post office building.'
Ejgy Hammonton jurymen, save Geo.
Fiedler, escaped tho murder trial which
began on Wednesday.
-rV roomc with closelc, reception bnll.bntl),
lioi nnd cold water, nnd pnnlry. Inspection
iuvltcd. 1'rlco, JlCOn.
W. H. ELI,IH, Fnlrvlow Avo.
8Sf Miss Nellie DcPuy Is employed
by Marks Brothers, Philadelphia, as
instructor In embroidery.
CQf^lio Election Board began their
«anvues for voters, Tuesday. No post*
poncmeiit on account of tho weather.
aSS" Tho old post offlco buildlnR has
l)oou rcnlod ns Ucpuhllcan bcad-quar•turs, aud will bu open day and evening.
r p I U l K K LOTH In one for m»lo. IM x 1(11 ft.,
.1 oor. Thlnl nnil 1'nitt Hm., Iliunmontun.
A flnu local Ion fur n rcnldrnrai. A biirualn
for Bomn onn. Adilrnno (). M. OOOK. M.I).,
Myrllu Avo., Ilultlmoro, Aid.
Btay*8»niu men who appear "to think
Ihoy "own I ho town" makoa fusa when
It comes to pay taxes on a houno or two.
J6S~ If wo may judge from campaign
buttons, Hammonton will go nearly
•solid for MuKiiilay & itooaovolt, next
Murk B, I'rcenoy lias oiitorod tho
l Depart men tot' Harvard Collogo.
All Hiinimontoii wIshcH him the fullest
•iiioanurS of sucnoss.
rpWO-H()HHK T l t l C A l ) rowidi Mnolilno
JL n n i l l i l r n n l n r Wood Huw f(ir HU|H.
I'flni', JWI,
mo of tho lowur grades of tho
•CJoutral Hciliool aro HO crowded that tho
l<u]illa ciui bo nccommndatud only on
uttorimto Imll-tlnyH,
Our pntrnnii'hn.^a kupt us BO
bmlly nniuplud with Job work, thin
week, (hat wo wuro uimhlo to- correct
^lii) railroad time tnhUia.
Bttr Doiintloim IVoin the public, (or
tho rollol of the Giilvcnton oiinurors,
will bo rccolvfld at Ucd Men'a Hall on
Mm unlay next, liOlh limt,, nt a p. in.
iftriOd " AH " »lll liny u l u r u « d o i i l ) l a l . n t ,
•iPtM/Vf on K,,n(. rhIrili'MtiuiKi, 100 x UUfi
"VI, liiiUiilonuiloii, In MiifirfirhuliOHl mn(
nlnirohiiB. Uo»uii|lnuit onioo.
The Buvonty - olnhth Annual
tiK of tho Hynod of Now Ji-iany
,*» II I bo held In tbii Vlrnt rrrnbylnilnir
Oliimih, Allnutlo Olty, on Tiiundiiy
next, Oot. 10th.
,,.T"""ro with tho A. H. l'lillll|>H Co..
Ull 6 Atluntlo Avo,, Allnutlo <Jlty.
McKinley and Roosevelt Club
10,000 Loaded Shells on
U)B OlTlCOrfl of ib
Hammonton and Mullica SundaySchool
Asgociation last week, we unintention
ally omitted of Bobert Steel
Second Vice-Prcsidents
JSSy Th'e~prdoip6ii use 'of Dr. Hum
phreys' epecj'iQc "77" breaks up cold
that "hang pp." All druggists, io eta
Ilumpbreya' Medicine Co., cor. Wm
John Sts., New York.
JSgy-Coal has become very scarce
find high in price, and from.nowBpapc
accounts we can eee no: prospect of
-eettltment ot the miners' strike whic
causes the famine. Wood is ecacce in
this section. .
RS5* On Saturday next, Oct., 20th
there will be a game of base-ball ~be
tween two nines of Hammonton men
for the benefit of the members of th
regular club. All are invited to com
out and have a good time.
.CSf Jadson A. Whittler and slater
Miss;Mary, will be residents of Atlanti
City, having - p"acked: thelr~honsehold
"goods this week, lor
" removal. For" tho
The old Republican Club met in
Jackhon's Ball on Tuesday evening
and reorganized into n McKinley &
Roosevelt Cluby with the following
officers :•.
-President, E. W. Strickland. '
Vice-Pros^ W. R. Seely.
Secretary,}. L. O'Donnell.
Treasurer, Thos. C. Elvins.
The Club banner and a lot of litera
ture are expected to-day or Moud ay
It is planned to have a flag raising
some evening next week., A meeting
will be held to-night at 7;30, at their
new headquarters — the old • PCS'
Office" buiiding, lt~which lurthei
plans for an active campaign will b(
made. The membership list received
a large number of names, and mor
are being added to the lists in thi
hands of the "hustling committee."
-—-All over eighteen years of age are
invited to join..
Gunning Coats,—price $1 up
We have on hand some Breech-loading Guns.—••
. * . .Prices range from $8.50 to $25
Quoits, for 5 cenls per pound.
Gunning Lrggingp, 75 to 80 c . •
, Pocket Knives, a nice line, at all prices.
" -
..•-•' •
• A
.. .
We .can furnish you with a
Good 8-day Clock for $3.
-__.. i -
_ -
.. . . _ _ . . - -'.. .
. r-,
Call and see them.
o_. tiisxa
Bell evuerAvehnef "
not bu a Whittier residing hero.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tuesday evening, Oct. loto
The- foil owing -sales of" Hammonton
the W, C. T. U.'".wiirjgive*oni"6jBte.
supper and entertainment in Jackson', real estate were recorded in the Count;
.Hall. Supper jrom six to eight o'clock Clerk's office at May's Landing, for
Supper tickets, 25 cents, including en mb~nth~or~8ejjte'm6er:
tertainment.—Entertainment alone, 5 c.
The M. E. Sunday School rally Eanoro, $2135.
Marie Ilanere, Adm. to Domlnlco Cumpa
was postponed, on account ot the storm
until to-morrow, at the. usual Sundaj nella, J2135.
Matlle .Pinto et al to Placldo Tomasello
School hour. /Special interesting exer 8125.
~ ~~
cises have been arranged. Every mem
Deftltt C Moore ct ux to Mrs Mnrlnn 1
bar is urged to attend. Friends are Lehman, 8150.
John T French et nx to John O Anderson
cordially invited.
etol.tieoo. _
.^ ___ZZIZ~1—
Jos I Taylor et nx to West Jersey <S BeaSST The postponed Epworth Leagu
FUxilroad Co.,860.
social, to be held in the M. E. Church shore
Pletro lannozella to Vlncenzo Bngllvo,
on Monday evening nest, 15th in at. 861.60.
promises to be very entertaining, as a Pletro lannozella etnx to Carmine A liar
good programme has been arranged tlnoet ua.S24(l.
Howard M Holland to Mary E Swift, 81714.
Befrcshments will be served. A silver Joseph
H North; Jr et ur to Hammonton
offering will be taken, for a good cause 'Loan & Building Asso., $570. ' .
Jallua Hehmarin et ux to Qeo W Behmann
All welcome.
We are oflfering a great Bargain in
It is goods that sold formerly for
75 cents and $1, and we are selling
it for 50 cents.
In Vests we have only sizes 3 and
'4, but in Pants, we have 3, 4, 5, 6.
order.—one 10-roomed at J12 per moutb
three six-roomed, with Croat porches, at g
per month. Apply to
_^-mT._^^==:^,, B,
The Executive Committee of the
Atlantic County C. E. Union, met at
Atlantic City on last Friday evening,
Reports of committees were heard, am
a committee appointed to fix a place
for tho April convention. Tho State
was cleared up. -'-•jjQyOar young friends from Egg
Harbor City and elsewhere were doubtless satisfied with their game of baeo-bal
last Saturday. The score was 7 to 1
in Uatumpntou'a favor, and tho visitors
were beard to say "this settles it: we
won't try it again." It was a gamu o
skill, and tho best players won. '
CQy- Shaumunkin Tribe of Red Men,
and Littlo lla-lla Council; will give a
supper and entertainment on Saturday
evening, 20th Inat., for tho benefit of
tho Gat'vcBton sufferers. Supper will bo
served in their hall, for 15 cents ; tho
entertainment in Ublon Hall, for 10
cents, or reserved eoat for 15 c.
William Colwoll showed us a hill
of sweet potatoca rained on his (arm.
Tho short topn ami flue tubers weighed
cloven pounds and four ouocea.
inxv grminil. nnd wo
jadly alluotcd by tho dry weather. Mr.
O. ea>H there woro some hills hotter
,lmu this ono, but tho labors did not
hang to tho vino.-
The following is from an accounl
^J 'The- First Bornt" copied
from the Newark Sunday Call of Oct. 7.
It appears that one of the principal
actors in the Keu Century Theatre was
omitted from the cant after the first
evening, and
"The part of Chou Wang was taken
_up..wJ.LbjmJx..P_ fewjjours' notice on
Tuesday n ight TyTVfctprlii^ro.. .^TKla
young actor deserves credit \ for the
manner in which ho portrayed the part.
Taking into consideration the difficulties
with which bo was surrounded, he dis
played remarkable ability. lie came
Dearer to being one of ttuv author's
ideals than any other actor in the piece.
Mr. Moore bus heretofore been seen
only in low comedy parts. Ho Is nn
Intelligent actor, and his work stands
Jut in strong contrast to his surroundings. IIu has inr hiui the making of an
excellent actor.
At W. E. Block's Store.
Gunning Season
will soon open, and you want to be prepared
when it comes.
Let us fix you up.
ere was an Important change
n railroad train time last week. On
the VV. J. & S. R. II., up trains now
wive Ilammontou at 0:00 and 9:CO (ox); 12:30and 4;08 p.m. Down trains
ruuch tins station at 5:40 and U:17 a.m.;
12:08, 2:44 (oxp.), 5:43, and 7:30 p.m.
Un the Reading, up trains loava at 5:07,
8:09 (cxp.), 8:50, and 0:38 (esp.) a.m.;
4:53, 0:00(uxi).). and 7:05 (oxp ) p. ni
Down traiua, 0:10 a.m.; 3:47 and
5:45 (uxp.), 0:40 and7:60 p.m.
Mr. Edmund liraddock, Master
of lliu State Orange of Now J.THHV, and
Mr, U. L. GtllliiKharu, .Suite Lvuturor,
IOIIMO. siiiHj u yiMir, Bnr« |>uy. HdiicMty inoi|i
.hint ox|nirl(iit(U) r^iinln-tl, Our rrfr'ninm'. will gtvu uddrcflhut) In llaiiimniitoii on
any tiunk in ivny ulfy. Knolonithuir.uddi'ttHNcif
M t u n i p r d (invi-li'pu. MniiulUolurcrii,Ilrdllour. Monday, Oct. 2'.!ud, at, ouu o'clock p.m.,
It 11 Drurliorn Mt,.(;liUmii().
n Firemen's Hall, Mam Koud, on
U Is expi'clcd that Prof. N. O. grange topics. Fnramtb, with their
will ulvo tho conclusion of wlven, Roue, and dauuhuirn, and all who
bin doHcrlptlou of the Passion Play, a» ire InLureutud,, lire cordially Invited.
ho naw It, on Sunday evening, October L'hu topic la one of vital Intel eul. to the
21ut. lly rtiqucHt of many who duxlro unnlng commuully, uud a lull attendto hear thin lecture, a union nu'utlng uico lu doHlrod,
Black and Smokeless Powder Shells
always on hand.
. A. Cordery.
A N T K l l . Active limn of good olmriintur
to ili'llvi'i' mitt oullool In INOW JiiiHdy
ViroUl t'HIiilillHhi'il lininiirnoUirliiu wlidlrmild
will bu held, probably In lliu Methodist
Church, to wliloh everybody In cordially
In vl tdil.
B6T Tho W, O, T. U. will nlvii an
oyuter nuppnr lu JnukHOii'a Hull, on
TuuHilay, Oct. Kith. A plmmlni< pronrnininu lor uiitnrtiilninimt hub IHOII
urraii|{(:d, with the hunt local tiiliint, lor
both voniil and limtrumuntiil miinlo.
Tlokula lor tmppor ami imuirUltimoiit,
Un cunUi ; lor uutnrlnliiinoiit iilonii, 5 o,
Muppnr niirvud Ironi 0 to H.
W" ntatud, two wvuku iUJ"i that
tho Fruit Growurn 1 Union property had
boon purcluiHud by the Italian Colony.
Tho buitlmiDH waa doiio by novoral
olllcora of ilia Colony, In the nuoluty'a
Hlnco tlion, ut a muuttng, lliu
Colony Tiil'unnd to ouuotlou tliu purchiioo,
uiul thruo of tho niumlwru liuvo tukun It
on thnlr own account,
Liint Saturday was a modul dixy,
uunshlno, warm as Huiumur.
Kundiiy wan cloudy, growtnu cooler,
.loiuluy and Tucnday, {xuirlng rain
mcli ot thn ilnio. Wodnvnday, throiill i i H — i i l u r i i i i l i i Hiinhlihui and cloiulii noHtly lliu latuir.
Thuroday, bright,
vlth uinrcury down to forty.
ilr and cool,
V A flight of Terror.
"Awlul itiixmiy \Min loll for t lie widow
f tln> bruvn (leu, Itiiriiliuin, of Mnoluu',,
lulno, viHuii tho ili)utoru itfttd dim would
lie from pninunoni.t befoin niurnlnu,"
ml ton Mm. H. II. Lincoln, wlu> AtltmTled
ior that fcailul nluhl, bill nliu IIOKKU.I
ur Dr. Klnn'n Now Dmouvory, nlnoli
uul nioio tlmu nnouDavad lior Ufa, nml
urod hut ol ooiinunuitlon, Atlnr tiiklnir.
ilio «l«j|)t nil ntt(lit. Fiul'li'i'i utio niuii'uly
lined lior. '1'liln iniuvulliiun nnHllolno
n ({unrniitnad to euro till lliiout, olicat,
uiul UIIIK dlnouBon. Only M) oln. wiul $1.
Trail bullion 1'iou, Ciowolt'u I'
Orders for hand-loaded Shells will be carefully filled.
Something to Eat,
Evaporated HorHoradirih,—tho best and
ccononkinnl wuy of buying Horseradish''.
ceiitn per bottle.
Canned ApparaguB—15 o. per can.
Wo have a (look of nice young ChickeiiH,
. nnd can (ill your order for Dressed Chickens
in u whort time, if wo do not have thorn
' in the market when you aro in.
or- auoiun UC.OU&HI.
Bobby Flashout— Yes, mamma; and
papa Is the worm. Isn't he?— Puck.Eond-Parent— Remember,-— toy—son.'
the man who' drinks never gets ahead.
gOn : jwho ha8~iiecn out Uie night :be-~
)—He'doesn't-eh?— Tnafa-all-youknow about it— Philadelphia Record.
Teacher— How dare you laugu at me,
you young rascals? Chorus of pupils-^
But we're not laughing at you, sir.
Teacher— Well, then. I don't know
what else there Is to laugh at—Tit-
:nse to put ray arm around her waist."
_^hjcjiEO^PostT~ ^~~~~
171 :
The censorf
ihoold-like to telegraph borne tliat the
sommandlng general Is an idiot! Censor
—I regret to inform you ttrat we can
permit the transmission of no mill-.
tary secrets.—Life.
... .
Friend-Why do you have such mlsipelled and nngrammatlcal signs In.
row frcrat_wjndow7_ Sharp_ trrid£5inan_
"-People think Tin a dunce, and come
i to swindle me. Trade's Jnst'boon)tag.—New York Weekly.
Fond Father—Tommy, I've Just received from Santa Claus a telegram
laying he hasn't watches enough this
rear to go round. Tommy (reflectively)
—Well, Jnst wire hlmjo_call hero early
In the evening.—Jewelers'^Weekly;*
Pluaher—Did Miss Gayglrl make any
remark when you banded her my bouqruet! The Messenger—Yes: she1 said:
"Oh, tho dear, dear flowers!" "Humph!
That florist must have sent the bill
Uong with the bouquet."—Paris Araerl,«m Messenger.
A Necessary RcqulBlte.—Dorothy had
never seen any pumpkin pie until her
Brst visit to tho country, and to her
rrandmother's asking her If she'd have
k piece tho little girl replied: "No, I
thank yon. I never cat pie without a
roof on It."—Judge.
Attorney-You t a n sue himforbreach
—>f prftnil0", miyii't" >'"> It Heeinn to mo
preposterous to claim $250,000 dnmigcs. Fair Client—I want to get so
heavy a Jn^Binent agalnHt him that
troll JiiHt have to marry mo—tho scountrelJ-Now York World.
A Crafty Fellow.-Flrst dlrl-Tlicre
toes Mm. Newlywed; her hiiflbnnd lu no
careful of her henlth that ho will not
allow her to K« shopping on a wet dny.
Bccond (Jlrl—Hum! He probably fears
iho might get near enough to (he conntern to buy Hrum-thliiR.—Judge.
Merchant—And why wouldn't tho
:ustomor buy (hat tiger Hldn? Ofllcn
Hoy—lie. Hiild It wntm't genuine. Mer:hnnt—And .lldn't yon innlte It nppear
plniiHlbli) to him that It WIIH ge.nulno?
Ollleo Hoy—Why, of conriie. I oven
told him t h a t I nhot Iho tlgor niynolf,—
Pllejfende. Illnetter,
"Now, Hlr, i-nn you explain why you
ran uwny after lielug enllird on thin
luryV" iiHlied the, IndlKiiiii)! JlldR". ./"I
rouliln't help It, Jlnlne," iinhl the (reinblliiK Jiir.viiuui. "I heard HOIIIO one
lay HoinelhliiK nlmnt hniiKliiK (ho Jury,
tnd I inn upponcd to capital
melit." Itiiltlmore Newn.
llurlon U'H no ai«o. I've Uled. to
Binlio up w i t h I'Vi-Hon, lint It In evident
that lie IH .lelernilneil never to Imvo
inytlilng inol-o to do, w i t h ine.--^Ooltle—
Hut )ou ilon'l KO al him In Hi.. I'licht
ivny, perluiiiH, llurlon I prnlwd liln
ftnhy, and he didn't way a word In reIponne. -Itonton 'I'rnniK-rlpt.
Htm Always lln«
WIIHe Hay.'pii. In every worfl In tlM
dictionary 7
I'M No, I KIIOMH n u t , my non, IQvcr)
lltlln while n new one eonieii Into Urn*.
Willie- Whnl'n (he liuit word, tlw-n
' pa?
!•«•-I don't know, <lo nnk your moth
Mown. ,
Odds and Ends.
—London Illustrated Nowa.
educatlon. McNalr Is another of the
familiar Scotch names Introduced Into
the Cherokee nation by fills Scotch infusion. The McNalr who came over,
after Culloden "was a Highlander. One
of his descendants lives on a magnificent-estate of-1,500 acres In ;the beautiful valley of the Grand-River. Duncan Is another Scotch name' found
among the Cherokees. The head and
front of Cherokee opposition to American citizenship is a Duncan, whose
claim to Cherokee citizenship would
not be guessed by any physical characteristics. He is Scotch in looks and
Scotch in his love of a controversy.—St
Louis Globe-Democrat
THE ITEM. ' . -"
Four miles from Bath, England, IB a
Clierokeea come well by their stub- mysterious
monument known as thi
bornness, their shrewdness and their Three'Shires Stone. From it yarn -can
Somersetshire, Glouceslove of controversy. As Indians they
and Wiltshire.'
bad these traits to begin with. As the tershire
The French.Government considers its.
result of a strong infusion of Scotch postal system rather in the light of a
blood they added to the strength of tho, source of revenue' than as a public
service, which Is-obvious from the fact
It cleared about 93,000,000 francs
It Is Scotch history that after the that
($17,949,000) nroflt through It last year.
battle of Culloden many Scotchmen
In Arkansas a man has planted red
left their native land rather than ac- birch, native willows and soft maple
miles along: a stream to precept English sovereignty. .If Is Chero- venttwo
the washlne of the banks.
kee history that numbers' of tlicst^
A fruit tree progagator has produced
sturdy Scots found-homes and wives a seedless apple. These new apples Tire
with tiie Cheroke nation before tbe superior In flavor to the qrdlnary klflds.
prices are being paid for the trees.
enforced migration of the tribe from High
From very early times Europe was
Georgia to tho Indian Territory. Jolm astonished by the .wonderful things
'Ross was one of these Scotch exiles which came from the Chinese—the silk,
tea. soloes, the great Ideas and Invenwbo accepted Cherokee citizenship, lie tions.
• .
Health authorities^ estimate' that_10
r v
of 'Coo-Is co"o-ee.' " WbTeu tUe"nation per cent, of /tne men who go to Cape
moved to tbe territory one of the dis- Nome never come back alive.
Even the common potato is good medtricts into which the reservation was icine
for rheumatism. 'A decoction of
divided for government purposes was potatoes 'used as a fomentation will
named "Coo-ls-coo-ee." Ross founded give oerfect relief.
A, Chicago firm has set up'xa line of
a family which became powerful in automobiles
to carry paSertgers beCherokee'councils. He and his son tween Its store and one of the'railroad
were ..frequent .visitors to- Washington stations for 5 cents.
auH~Hna~nrnc'lr~to-do—with—tho-treaty- —A—Motldo—man—has—purchased—3
of swamp land near Swan
inaklng which g\ye to the nation the acres
Bridges,, and will tur"n it Into a breed•posltiffk It -holds I'n.Its-re- Ing -place- for alligators.;—These reptileslation vWith tbe UnitedJUates. A uV. are becoming scarce, owing to the acof Nortnern-huiitiiiB and au llli-ii?
fieeaduiil Of Road, the Scotch exile. ls^ tivity
Is a steady demand for alligator skin,
one of the officers of the nation to-day. the speculator hopes to do well.
The Indians are not an Important poThe Adalrs are another Influential
In this country,- but there
Cherpkee^cian establlsTiecTby n'Scolch- litical-factor
Is a county. In—Nebraska—Thurston
man who came over after the battle of .county—where they hold the balance
Culloden. As the deiccnHant8.rdf"AU-" of "power between- the partles~and - are
nlr by his Cherokee wife grew up they cultivated accordingly by the polltl3.-^Theyljiumber about _1600, ami were Bent away to American colleges <iomyrisa
• " Mabel—I hear the world Is coming to
on end November 16. Maud—O, for
goodness sakes, and I haven't anything
fit to wcarl^-Ohfo -State Journal.
Weary Walkec—Dat's almighty, short
. etump ycr smokuV. Dusty Rhodes—
Tcp; I like 'em dat way; ycr don't hav
tcr drjiw do smolco so far.—Phlladel
phla Recorder.
Mrs. Nelghbors-^But Isn't your son
rather young to Join the army? Mrs
Malaprop—Well, he Is very"young, bu
then, you see. ho Is only going to Join
tho Infantry.—Ex.
.' Freddle-^Wbat Is circumstantial cvl
• denee? Cobwigger—As n general thing
Ifs the theory of an expert which Is
. proved_to be entirely-wrong.wben:the
truth comes out.—Judge.
• Tit for tat: "'I guess^—" "Oh
flon't guess. You Americans always
guess, you know." "No, I don't know.
''Vou English always know, don't you
know."—Chicago Tribune.
--.Customer (emerging : f rorn bargajncounter crush)—Help! liy leg Is
broken. Floor-walker—You will find
lepartmenk: sir.... on. .the
floor. In the rear.—Judge.
Mrs. Fla'shout-Yes, liobby: airttt
beautiful silk dresses of mine come
.... Automobile -talk: "He-has, ft great
faculty for putting the cart before the
horse." "Oh. I wouldn't say that; say
he has a habit of trying .to make the
wheels run the motor."—Automobile
"Why don't you teach her to ride a
bicycle? You'd find It lots of fun." "I
Son't need to. We've reached a point
Infusion of Blood from Across the fieu
Charm and Tact.
One of the most popular as well,aa
diplomatic, representatives which the
Pope has ever. sent to this country la
Archbishop Martinelll. Although lead.tag a most .secluded life at the papal
'legation at Washington,- his popularity
extends throughout the United ' States.
He was sent to America In 1890. In
him are united the most lovable quail• Ues of the Latin race. Taqtful and posBessing a knowledge of the traditions
of the-pedple among whom be lives, he
IB ever'careful against offending. The
"Infinite pains, too, ' that he takes - In
, small matters, his' neVer falling amiability and unselfishness endear him
^ both 'to the people of his own church
and those of other communions who
Monslgnor Martinelll was educated at
. Rome under Cartllnal .SeplaccI, of the
Angelica, being ordained ns a • priest
March 4, 1871. .He Is a member of the
Order of St. Augustine, to which his
-forotheiv ^Cardinal. Martinellf,
donned the liablt In 1S03, also belonged.
Mttslc and Music.
Entertains with laughter thrills!
Interests each day with banter, •
Tqnlc's'cure for mortal Ills.
Honest fun that, charms and pleases,
Saya the world of Keith's ereat bills,
Keith's has no superior as a play
house..'..When a public theatre holds
a thronged audience In the gallery that
never makes the slightest outbreak In
the-way of comment of any'description,
save that of enthusiasm In applofise,
that theatre can be-«rltlcally said to ^
refined and 'first-class In every der \tnent of theatrical etiquette.
. • - ' . ' " PUBLIC LEDGER.
It Is not hard to see why B. F. Keith
wants another theatre in Philadelphia.
The present house Is entirely too small
to. accommodate the audlenc'.-s that
gather at his entertainments. Yesterday the people not only filled the seats
but all the standing room, and the sale
of tickets had to be stopped until some
of the_ earlier comers had left,
• .
''That most popular of all Philadelphia's theatres—Keith's, where the
temperature Is always right, the-audiences are always correct, the shows always clean and good, and the attendants always courteous and well-behaved.
Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney
disease la the most fatal.- In fact, unless early and correct treatment is applied, the weary patient seldom survives.
Being fully-aware-of-this, Mrs.-Pin!cham, early-in_her-icareer,-gaye_exThV Deacon—Do you ever stop "to" -'- Wife-(sternly)—Well, sir!'-What's the
haustlve study to the subject, and In producing- her great remedy for woman'o
think that each time the clock etrlkei matter with you?
Husband—Why, m'dear, to shee zhe Ills — Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — was careful to see that It
rou are one hour nearer eternity?
elgnor lived for some years In tbe Au- The Printer—No; I think I am on« gosh turned up an' you waltln' up f •contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that
fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in hargustine community In Ireland, where lonr^nearer, pay day.
me Jush took my breazh away.
with the laws that govern the entire female system, and while theze
tie ^became familiar with the English
Wife (icily)—Too bad It didn't take mony
are many so called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega*
language as It Is spoken by our Irish
Even Later. "
'away your stagger, too.—Philadelphia table Compound is the onljr one especially prepared for women.
cousjns, and his accent still suggests a He had been talking and talking and Press.
The following letters will show how marvellously successful it is:
slight brogue.
alking and talking until the poor girl
leucorrhbea, falling-of tho womb, and
r—- - Aug. fl,-1899.
In 1889 Archbishop Martlnelll "was ivas so tired and sleepy she didn'l
" DEA.B MBS. PINKHAM : — I am fail- kidney trouble. I also had a pain'
Heroic G-lrl—What has become of
elected to the post of prior general of I enow whether It was this week or lasl
standing or walking-, and soaisn"fg^nrfi7'ffiar"ln"78rKT~waTco"nTirure^
'best' Sunday, and the that handsome man 'who cheered ' so lost thirty-five or forty pounds. I times there seemed to be balls of fir»
this office for a term of twelve years. :lock on the mantel was holding up Itt loudly when I "rescued the little boy have a yellow, muddy complexion. in front of 'me, so that I could not soo
777 Tie! tired,: and have bearing down for about twenty mmutes: TeTfTS»
n..[.jnnriii,- either .In .pity-or. In protest.- •Fi from drqwnlirgT
gustlnen Is more popular or more wide-1 jally it occurred to the young man that
girl who three months; sometimes I am trou- as if I had had no sleep for two weeks.
ly loved, and none surely have a more I m evening call had Its limits, .at least anda, proposing • to the
bled with a white discharg-e, and I also Had fainting spells,was down-hearted,
n ,a latitude where the nighty were nol screamed and fainted. —New . York have kidney and bladder trouble. . . and would cry."—JlRS. BKIITHA. OFKB,
potent influence.
Weekly. f
lx months long.
I have been this way for a long- time, Second and Clayton Sts., Chester Pa.
"Bless me," he exlalmed, starting up
and feel so miserable I thought I
His Personal Rights.
That |s the best sermon which makes iuddenly« "it certainly must be time 1
"DEAR Mns. PISKHA^I:—J cannot
"Now Umt you are wealthy, Mr. Com- would write to you, and see if you find
.living easier Monday morning.
language to express the terriblo
tvos ggoing homo."
monstock," said the man who dealt In could do me any good."—Miss EDNA suffering-1
havo had to endure. I hod.
The Beatitudes are moro-than-beai ~»0l> 'Hsbo-Batdlira "da~zea~kIrttT of- tr "peaigfecs~an"or" tbe"~ llker'"you'" veally'
Sept, 10,. 1809...' -female—fri-oii-b-1e,-~-^
ivay,-"lt must be a good deal later thai) should adopt a coat of arms.""
" DBA.B Hits. PINKHAM: — I have also liver,8to"mach,
lhat"—Detroit Free Press.
"I'll do as I durn please," retorted used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable kidney, and bladIf there Is -any person whom you disMr. Commonstock; hotly; "If I want to Compound according ^tp directions, der trouble. . . .
Divorce In Madagascar.
like, that Is the one of whom you should
I tried several docnever speak.
A husband In Madagascar may di- go around In my shirt sleeves that ain't and can say I have n6Tfclt~so well tors, also .quite a
irorce his wife for the most absurdly
of patent
taking1 your medicine a more miser- number
able person you hover saw. I could medicines, and had 1 ,
Dlfilcnltles of Latitude.
not eat or sleep, and did not caro to despaired of ever *
loor of his house, and In tbelr presenci
"Social conditions In thesu Dutch re- talk with any one. I did not enjoy getting well. At
last I concluded to.
Those who have real merit are seldom slve his wife a small coin and pusl publics were not all' that could be de- life at all. Now, I feel so well I can- try
Lydia E. Pinknot be grateful enough for what you
proud of It, and often they are uncon- ue r out, saying, "Madam, I thank you sired, I fancy."
a m a Vegetable
scions ot it
j ?o ,, An underdone dinner will amplj
"No, indeed. Just , Imagine June
woman's friend. Thanking you a Compound, and now, thanks to your
brides occurring In wJntorl"—Detroit thousand
medicine, I am a well woman. 1 CUD
There Is prudery. that can't bo do- | lufltl( * hlm times, I remain,
not praiso your medicine too highly
ecrlbed any other way than to call It | » My parents may come between us, Journal.
bonest hypocrisy.
•for I know It will do all, and even
Miss EDNA FnBDKnicir,
•ho faltered. "If they do," ho exclaimmore, than it is recommended to do
The B«at Prescription for Chill*
The man who can stand It to be alone
I tell every suffering woman about
Fever Is • bottlo of Oiiovi'a TADTBI.ZM
will do tho work that will stand And he pressed her still closer to bit and
your Vegetable Compound, and urge
CHILI.TpMIO. It la Pimply Iron and quinine In
» toAteleia form. No euro—no Day. 1'rlco DOc
taken five bottles of. Lydia E. Pink- them to,try it and seo for themselves
brcnat—Philadelphia necord.
ham's Vegetable Compound and cannot what it will do." —MBS. MAB* A.
No. Manchester, Ind.
To commiserate Is something more praiso it enough. I had headaches,
than to give, for money la external to
NMiond CUy Hank of I.ynn, J8000. I
a man's Helf, but he who bestows comwtiloliwlll be paid to any IIOFson who cnn flnd lh«l the above tcitlmouUl letur*
paualon communicates his own soul.
aro not genuine, or wore jmhllflhcd bcfora obtaining the writer's special nerNot a Complete Job.
AH vegetables are better to be seasoned when they are ready for the table. Never let them stand after coming
oft the fire. Put them "Instantly Into a colander, over a pot of boiling water,
if. you have to keep them back for dinner.
" -
Electric Sparklets.
Her Fiance.
Ma&—Now dat she's got so rich 1
s'pose she's shook Billy Casey dat used
ter be her"steady comp'nyr"
Kit^Not much. She lets him take
Tare of her roll now.
Mag—Git out!
Kit—Dat's right I sez to 'r: "la
Billy yer steady comp'ny yet?" and she
irawed 'erself upran' sez:—"Mr. Casey
Is my financier."
Borrows—Easy, Is he?
Co him once and asked him to lend me
$2. It seems I spelt "two"-t double o,
and forgot to cross the t. He sent me
?100.—Philadelphia Press.
In broiling meat over coals never allow them,to smoke the least. , After
the coals have burned down somewhat
throw on a-handful of salt to deaden
the blue flame that arises. If the dripping from-younneat takes-fire Temove
from the stove to cool for a-few minutes. Don't try to blow It out, as there
Is dancer of burning the faqe.
Etc (after the fiftieth piece)—I could
just die playing the banjo.
She (ambiguously)—I could just die
listening to you.
Lore's Labor Loct.
• Softlelgh— I—aw—have weally put In
the- -en tiah—day-^atrrTraw—hawd:. labor,
doncher know.
Miss Cutting—Is It possible!
Softlelgh— Yaws; not — aw1 — manual
iaborr but bwain- work, -doncher- know,which Is the— aw—hawdest of all.
-Miss -Cutting—Yes( -It-must— be— for
you.—Chicago .News. '
Useful Hints.
—-eaTrltnower-shouid~be--tied—up—ln~aTho First EngUeh Settlers In That Fni» Newaboy Returns a $5O Diamond and
net or a piece of white mosquito ,netPERPLEXED.
Land \vere c o n v i c t * ~
_____.-.-.-., ji..neTyBbQy-wjio_
The* drawn
Look carefully through this vegetable
land, the enthusiastic accounts given bj has hla stand on TBS~Inter^X)cean~corKi:ew One Another.
tbe explorers of the: eastern shores ol nor, In Chicago Is In a state of Indecision The ships that pass In the.Bight .do for worms. Just the color of .the stalk.
Australia aroused no little interest, and. as to whether the old adage, "Honesty not trouble us; It Is the ships tnrit pass
Black lace will resume much of Its
when the independence of the American Is the best policy," Is true.
n the daytime, whose signals we • can pristine beauty If washed In thick suds
soap. The lace must be alNemorowsky
States bad been acbieved, stimulated o
not read, that perplex us. Here Is a lowed oftotar
.dry ..without, rinsing, ns the
desire on tbe part of many to underlain.' In the mud on the sidewalk one after- case motioned by the Chicago Trlb- tar Imparts a slight stiffness which If
what Bacon calls "tbe heroic work ol noon last week, and, stooping down, he one:
very desirable.
.colonization!—o£-the-great- virgin-con- -plcked-np ft dlamond-cnrrlngv—Anxious- —"Why.-bow-do-you-dor1•••know Its value, he darted off to a Snilllngly the
tinent in the southern seas.
and brown derby hat held out his hand
In office, a bill passed Parliumcnt au- proprietor what It was worth. That .o the little woman In the gray trnvelThe American Tin Flato Company
thorizing tho transportation of offend- gentleman, after a careful examination, ng dress.
that they will start the finishers across the seas, and Viscount Byd- pronounced the stone worth $50. Learn- "Well, this Is a surprise."- returned announce
department of the N|les, Ohio, tin
uey, the !»3cretary of State for the Col- ing how the boy hod procured It, he he little woman, Hlmklng him by the mill. Tho employes say .they will not
onies, Mcleqted Botany Bay as a suitable offered, In case no claimant appeared, mnd, and. saying to herself, "I ought return unless the scale Is elKncd, and
attempt will bo made to start with
site for the now punul settlement. H« to give him $25 for tbe gem.
:o know this man. Where linve I mot an
non-union men.
Neinerowsky went back to his corner, ulin before?"
appointed Captain Arthur Philip, H. N.
Five coal mines at Oak Hill, Ontario,
an the comraanderof tliecipcdltou and with visions of wealth floating before "It Is about n year since I saw you, were
tied by a strike for the union scale
first Governor, and on May 17, 1787, him. He took a policeman Into his I think," b* said.
of tto ccntH per ten ag-ulnat CO cents now
the flotilla set sail, having on board a I confidence.
"Y—yes, I believe It Is," she anTho United Stateo Circuit Court of
miserable contingent of But male con- 1 "Say," he said to the olllcer, "If you swered. "By the way—er—whore nro
Appeals, at San Francisco, has quashed
vIctH, 102 female prisoners. NW marines, find any woman around here looking- you living nowV"
the Indictments against ten men who
with ten ofllcci-B, and a few mechanics for a diamond earring, I've got It It ".l':iuie old. place," he replied, wnv!:!S were arrested during tho Coour D'Alene
mlno utrlko laat year, for l-.iturferluK
and others, amounting altogether to ought to bo worth $10 or $10 rowiuxl, hln hand.
with tho United States malls. It wna
1,017 souls. It will be always a mattei badn't It?"
She hadn't made any progrcBB. Hho •h.own
that.the mop did not Know that
"Sure thing," said tho officer, "and I'll tried again. "What nro you doing these tho train
for regret that the colonization of
which they Intcrfurad wltiAuitialla should have originated lu can- take a cigar on It"
carried tho mulls.
vlctlsm; but as Sydney Smith pointed
"Oh, Ju»t the Rnme old bunlnoRH," he
out a few years later, under thht Infam- woman appealed to tho odlcer. "Oh, snld, airily, ns before. "Wasn't It too
ous term were comprised most d.f- pollcemad," she exclaimed.. "I've bnrt., the wny they truntml you?"
fet-ent degrocH and species of guilt. lost -"
"You mean Hint—that time-—"
"It's all right, nm'am," said tho of- "Yes, that tlray, jrou know. It wns
Many of tho offenders a century ago
wore tninaportod for trilling brenchcti
ennal Bgryleo Is to -bo
n Rhnme, wnml't
or tlio law, wlilcli no ono would now
yen," Hlie rejoined. "It wns too maintained between Cincinnati and
Hho ImHtened to NomoroWHky and hud. I t — I t WIIH a nhnino."
elude In tho category of offonsc'a, much
Tho rubber annually made up Into
U'HS of c'rhucH. 8trango IIH It may seom gave a little Hquoal of dullgbt when to "It WIIH, Indeod. Well, 1 am very glad golf
balln la emfllclent to Insulate tin
to Hiiy BO, tho new policy was conceived her (inoHtlon ho. produced tho earring.
to have met you iiKfllu. <'!oo«l day."
Atlantic cable.
"You're nn honoHt hoy, and deserve a
J. J. Thomson hn» discovered
lu a Mplrlt of philanthropy, and murkcd,
"Thank you. Oood dny."
In a HOIIKO, a beiu'llooiit revolt against reward," Hbo Hnld, at tho nami! tlmo "I don't t h i n k I could have been tulH- hodleH smaller than atomn and thene ho
HID inorcllcRH Hoverlty of tho criminal producing u fat pookothook. Nomor- taken," ho muttered, nn he walked culln
The Mediterranean nqimdron of tlm
oWHlty'H oyoH KllHtoncd a« Hho loolc out alniiK; "and yet
Kreneh navy hi IxtlnK equipped \vltlt
Tho liberality of tho Kovurnniont IIIIH n roll of blllH, but hlH hopen foil IIH tilio "I wonder, now," mused the llttln wlri'li'HH teloKraphy InntrumcntH,
A jr.,000.000 municipal telephone plant
liiido'wiMl Hyilnoy with 1111 oxlciit of daintily tlHhod out a ipmrter from tho woman In tho grny traveling mill, an
helnur Initialled In tho city of Lonpai-ku, public gnnloiiH, and rocroatloi'i bottom of tho pncUolbook and placed olio hurried down tbe street, "If I ever IH
which In eitpeeted to iiorvo 40,000
ri'HurveH which fi;w ovon of 'tliu J!i'''.it It In hla hand. "I \vlnli you aold papora did meet that man before, and !'•' irlvo •ubiicrlliern at 11 nnmlnal rule.
ICiiropoun cHlcii can oi]iml. lu tho in('t- lift my way," nhn HiulltiiKly nald. "I'd worlds to know who tho poop
ropolltan area thoro iiri! fi.'Ml IICI-OM not patronize you. OiMid-by," and off oho that treated ro« BO badly, and .. h •»
apart for Much pm-pimoH, lu addition, a trlppi'd.
and where they did III"
NeineroNVHky loolced nt tbo quartor
imiKHlllccnt n'urrvc. Hltliatrd alxtccil
inllort (V)iitli of the city, lint ncccHidhUi with dlHgiiHt. .liiHt (hen tho policeman
Tlio Itonnon for It.
Jodopli Jiiffi'l-Hon ban ulvon 11(100 towby railway, him (icon dodh'iiled to tho ntrollcd up niul remarked: "A 10-contor Ho hnd conio Into lh« oil!™ to nrciii'u tril dm ri'llcf nf tliti (lalvc'iitoii inirfr-irui.
nttiMi(lml Hi'biiiil In <)|ilvi.|itou vhcn
city an n national park. Itii urrn In
a KIIIIIO llcttiiH". llcforo nmUliiK apliny, and Ilia curlier nnci'i»ji:cii
ntl,<'l'JO IICroH, 1111(1 It H I I I T I I I I I I l l H tlltt pll 1 - you ir> (ronlM for younielf."
plication lid did coiiHldrnilili- hlinvInK in nici'i!
III n ilritinatlc cantor WITH niuiln In
turcHipid, bay (if Port llacldiiK. It hi
about what luck I HI hud iihrayH liail and ,hat Itiwn.
covorod wltliHplonilld vli'Klu fonuit, (imi \\tir MrltUh Troop. Wnnr Henrlrt, how much Ki'filtt'r It \VUH In lie t l i U nvii- Jdlin Ildiililnn, who wan fur mnrn Hutu
'oily yuai'n till) ni'uanlxl at llni'lK'Mtcr
tlm Hconory In cliariuliiK. A not IUT \MK^
Keveral reiiHoiiH aro urgeil by Helen. IKIII. Ilrlclly, IHI niadu tlm clerk tired.
1'lMKlnnil, illml n'rcuily In lilii
p:irl>, Hltuiiti'd ton inlli'ii to tliu north of title and i n l l l t n r y oxperla In favor of
l l o wan uiiki'il the iniiml ijiieMllona :!ittli(i(lral,
ilKlitli.'th ycni', I l l n hint prrfdi-iiiani'ii
Hyilnny. mill liuown fin KnrlnK-Kiil I n f a n l r y Hiilillciti wearing Hearlel coaln. WhiMi ho ii|i|illi>(l fur tho lleeiine.
ill Hid Cdtllcilnil uritun WIIH a "i(>ml
OhiiHo, In aliio dedicated to the pnblle. Hcarlet ntTordii tbe bi'Mt atluliialile pro
"Wliiit'n your iminoY"
iinrch'' on till! nccattlnn of HUT diMitli of
It>i aren la !in,!t(K) ncrcn. Thn Hyilnny tociloii itKalniit I he oxtro'tnoii of heat
Dukn of H^xc-Colnn-K.
"How (ilil nro yotiV"
Botanical (Jardeini are innMi tho oldoHt and cold to whirl) iioldlem am Iliiblo "NVlmt'n your mot liei-'Hiiml<li-n nanioV" Whitn I'lnipdi'vi- Wlllliini di-lvcn In M^r.
III by l u l l dlllriTH nn liland IhiiMit In the llrllltih colonloii. Tliey to be ex polled. The darker tho color "Wlint's your fatlici-'H nanm'/"
lyi'lcii, wliunii d u l y It In in iirrrnt IM-I'am fnrly acrcii In extent, hltnatcd w l t h - protecting n warm body the more ra;>- "Wlii-rti ilo j-oii llvii?"
mini wliu throw Jiitturu Into thn IIHIHM'-*
lu tlxi (loinulu MiirroiiiidlnK Kami Cove, lilly radiation pnieecdH. 1 W i t h refer"Hay, look licrc," mild tho Imntor 111 CMITllll.'l'.
one of the nioiil rhai-iuliiK liulnntii of t h a enoo to proloellou froiu ttnV^iin, m-arh't liolil, "wluit'H nil t h i n iiomiemin fur, anyn
liarbor, and the anchorage of tho tiiluxi u far higher place t h a n any of w n y V Wllnt illiriiriincn tluvii It inakn
Auiitriilliin «(]unilrou.- -1'nll Mall
Iho lilneii, i;reciiH or drabn and olbcr wliiM'ti 1 l l v i i n n i l all tlmtY"
nhadoi oflen IIHOI! fur i n l l l l i n y cliithlni;. ".liint'In nmilnt (he ronincr In (tli<|ioiiliiK
In l.'hlna u iloelor'a fuo varlea f i a m 0
• Alllioiigh ncarlot Iti more .•oim]ilciioii'i of tbo runinlnii wln-n you nro returned," rt'iiln to a (|uiir(or.
t h a n Rray, when tho Him iihlnea directly replied Hid clerU without lookliiK i>l><
A |Kiiiny will liny t w n i i l y tlnien aa
on tlm lioopii It blum tho night, and In
And three or four in tho loom, w i t h inicli iioui liiliini-iil In the iihap.i of oatA UlK<*ullo Ulnp.
au In.tin; .foi-ii) of I t, '
A inap 1117 (Vet II|K|I mid 2m (m\ comieiiueiitly more illlllcult to hit. It In Itrrnt iinUlndni'Hii, lunched Imnilily. •
'I'linrii lira no nniilicn nor fiomi In Alauloli|(, iihOWlUK th<| I'lllhvuy Hyntiilil ol » dlallnct adviinlMKe t h a t men Hhnnlil Unliolt Kreo 1'ri'IIH.
(a, lint thoro u i o toiidti.
tlio United Hliitoii will Conn u renmrlc. bulk hirgn In t h e doclnlvo H(ii|(eii of an
Wiiliien elonii the nlreel^ of (,'amieii,
cleunent town In (ho world.
iil>bi routurn ill Iho I'arhi HMM) lOxhl- oncoiinler, and there IH no color which
A ludy writer niiyn n lilnn on (lie foro
Chlm-im drink In iniulo of liuuli'n
onablei them tn do thin HO elToctlvoly liouil ilon^tei) ri-vrrenco fur I ho ln|«l
In lilnnil wllli ileo and IVimuni" I.
mi Hciirlol. Thcroforo, ovory hclenllllc led, IYrlia]m It diiini, but Hie avnniK' lenh,
Meat him hrnn prenerved In a. froKoii
coniilderatlfin JuHtllloH Iho retention (if Klrl iloeim't euro for Hint iityle of Intel Itutu
for t h l r l y yuain, foiiml purWbat wo iiot'ii l» nioni uiiwrlttvii
ocmrlot an tbo buut uiilforni for IriKiiu. , loctilul ruvvrunco.
tcdtly enlal.lii at thij end «f that tlitin. I
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comfc pound is Especially Successful in
Curing this Fatal Woman's Disease.
Everybody has these visions
and is the better for them, tho'
never realized. Fond desires become a fact by having a policy
in the
um-ya.t-DM Cheatnut titrvct, 1'tillu.
H I I N I ) I'OK I ' K K l f I1ODKI.HT.
Out of Iho^Ordinary, *
With fifteen children In tho family, Henry Moore *nd wife of Monroe ITaklo,
Ohio, manage not to In) lonrflomo. Anldc from thli tlioy koop tolerably buay In
keeping up the haunohqld on ?1,CO a day. How thoj do It la ono of the B«-rrot«
of mnklna both end« lucot, Uut.they did It when there were novontocn children
In tho houia ami when the father earned q«lr 91.20 a day. Mr. Mooru work*
In a paper mill. Ho mixes the lirown piatn that la rolled arAl preoowl Into tihetto
and turned out an wrniiplnff paper, At present he jero ?1.00 a day. Mr. Mnor«
liaa reduced economy to n ncltnco. Until recently ho only inuilu nix und urnthird cents a day for each raoinber of bin family. Thn rhlldniu aro all healthy
and happy, too, and according to tbe word of tho fatlutr, got plenty to cat. Th«
family eata three or four loavM of lirend at a meal. Colfco mint bo made by
th« gallon; noiip by tho IcettK-ful, and a largo kottle at that. Tlm number of dl«hc»
that are uaed la alnrmlng, and to look at them would make tlm OTITOBO html ulrl
Klftvvn llr«Iy children In one honae at ou« tlm* H(!M^a)'>cwlln(, aa a Kenaml
propoultlon. The Mooivn are fond of children, however, au'J they hnvu got lined to
the stork a coming. They ham liren married twenty-four year, and tho oi<lc.t
child, Nora, la nmriVd and 28 y«ar* old. In their order, th« ohlldren. living
and dead, are; Norn. 211 (married)! Hertha, ai; I.nry, M; John, l»i Harry. ITj
Delia, 10| Ha.ol, U; M>u<l, in ( Deffanny, la (d«ad); Frank,-11 j Amy, 10; Ohoroy, l> (d.-nd); Aiiatl». H; Archie. 0; Itogor, H; lOTalloe, 4; Iliins.,11, B| Cheater. 1
(dciid)! nnd the hnby, a wroka oM and not r»t numcds Herat™ la an adopted
The Moore home li • flro-room frame house In tho heart of'Muwoe Kails.
Iimldo overjrthliig In ne.t and clean, though tho rur»l.hli.0. aro mo.Jr.t, «• would
1,"! n0""
" Hi"","
, ""T1™ 'mi>" "W-
°0r« '" »«"^««'« °t
pleaRa.ntinann.ira. Hlu, lias her hands full In looklna aftor the children Rt nlrtit
<o IN I they are nil In and ,.f.. » 0,,e urchin Is ml.n|,.a . *,„<* mU8t be
r y r o r k to
"^ th" ntm» ot « h » lltlle on« «'»«>'• out
eiiroaalilldrun or WOIIMH.
Homovm thorn offaatilally
itml without pitln or anlioynnoo. At) yoiim' nn.
lirokou rfiaord of nuononfl.
It In do rninmly (or all
worm trnulilun. Kntlrnly
viiRdl nhlo. ann. nt (1ni(tRlnlH,
___ oountry Bti»rtm or liy mull.
1C. A. H. I'KKV, llahlmorr, ftl<l.
linn linn uiw,1 liy inllllonnnr imnhon ror
Itirtr Uillilmi vrlitln Teolliluif fur IIVIT Fifty
Y«r«. II wHitlira Iliu iilifl.l, .nil.,,, n,i
Kllinn, «lli)r> All i>i>lii. iiurni wlnil inillu. 011,1
• Ilio l»«t rviiimly for illnrrluuu.
Tvvanty-flva C«nt« • Dattl-,
>J&S&> an£9SWM*fJss-t«
!• Only Hovon Year* Old, bnl
Welttlm I HO I'oundn.
County, Ark., hoiiHtH ono of the
henvleHt hMi'l" In thu United States for
her veiirii. .She Is Klinar Spear and
nge IH only 7. OfHplle thin Hho
w u I K It a
pounds. Her htght
IH Rl Ineheiit. 101mar Is pliejiomennlly Btrong and
can readily lift a
man weighing 200
pounds and carry
hlmacroHHa room.
Hho vnjoyn oxcollent health nnd
tier mind IH aa
bright an her body
In iilinoriimlly dr.vcloped. If |,,,r ,tI.UA11 M .u A "
pn>Ni>nt i-nto of Krowth und develop
nient l« maintained Him will probably
lie thu lni-K.-iit and hcnvlent woinuii In
The iit.iiiiiieli hull to work hnrd, Krlii'lInir tho food w<i crowd Into It. Muk.i Itn
work eiuiy by iihewliiK lluiiinan'o I'oDnln
n«iliiui,>ii, 11.41;
^euppopsflilly Pronpouton Clnlma.
Onn leiinin l a e l t i i i n l l y hi-nl umoiiK
Ilioiin \vlni liuve none, und lni|vmi>lly
tho taiiltiirn.
That A1.IUH
Book lloimi.T«».
For Ladles.
N. if.
Onrtnr'i InU I.<ii0
licnt Ink tlmt, nun !>„ niiulo. lt n o ,u rou B.
mure th«u iH)or •lull inn lit to wnto wftli.
Vim*. IH. H. B.
A piiiilm wlileli eulilvntim tlm nplrlt
of Ki'atltu.le In n ptialm which w« ouuht
oflon to read. If wii' more itrnlnful
li.ith our Joy mid our ntreiiKtli would ho
Inei-eiiHeil. (li'iitltlldo In horn In hem-tit
taku tho tlmo to count up pait
' tf««lni« >|
.I..I.. u.
Tho r«al worth or
our tta.uu and
•ho«* cunipur««l
wthnr mitkaH Utt4.4»o
to O3.UO. W. .t. Hi.
Urc««. mtVtrB And icUIUrt
of intn'i 93.oo.nil l.l.Ml .IHM.
la Ih. world. W, m.kt .nd
irll liior. |.1.00 .ml I.1..VI
•li«>«« tn.Q tny olh.r two
ui.uur.uiunrt In th« U, H.
la XH7U.
\°\ $5'for NhocH wiicn you
KHAN01V mnr« W. I. I»n,,uln< M unit
^^^__ SHOE.
Your di*Ur ihoul.l fcirj, i[ . , *• |lr« on* dt«Ur
nnr.t) *«i.i..
* woi.
nikiitlilpi* un<ir*l1(i1. 'ittt Hi\t
(• «(|it>l tn «t Kii.l t.1 thut* of
olhtr in«kt». They fll llk« cu»oinuiitla ihofi, Thnr will ou|.
»*r |wi» (>*lrt nf oiti«r tii*X*««l
lic MMII H!<•••, lhk| tmv« no rv|v.
Ulloii, Vim nn »»f»|» rrrom.
t m
They ulw.i)•« tixlk who never think.
AITiii-tluii IH Ihe liroailent haiiln of |j
Kiiod life.
Titk^ ».<> •ttl,.(l«itrf In.til on Win* \V, U
I)t>\i|l»* •ho«« will) itmu« «na pile* •)»((!imt on Wll»m.
1( rt>unl<«ltr (^Upuiji*li),»in for you, ••nil »I!ml (a
r*i'l(irf. «ni;IiUtii( •frfMMkiul 3A<i. «ilr* fur c*nU««.
HI«U klnit oM««lhtr, •(••,»inl wl.llli, 1'Uln or en it tu«.
Our »lio«« win M«rti you •nrwhtt*, (Vit>ii.>vw4 /W*.
W. L. OOUQLAS SHOE CO., Drflollon, Mait
Mm. Dr. lUrolJ'i I'nuala l(affiliating Wofarft
Itttnit* linpiilneM Itt |lHHi»mii1fl of Hltlloti* v\uto«u
'1'lii'iv ti t'oflltivuly n<> other lunifily k n o w n t t m t will
tin Ihu work no 'lulrhlj- KII.| n«ft'lv. Nvvi<r luti) u fal|.
in«, Thu inoni ofmttitMttt »!«•*•• ivl|«v«'<l In n fvw iluyn,
N o i H t n . i l H i i u u r i i r l n l u i r « i i t n r * w t t h (M^tipulton.'niw
in tint 0 InlctiH fHif* Ui'Ht(M tliroii|(h <"»rt» i 'HM'H"it'M('«,
1 ixillnvo Itiiinlrviln \yhoiu I it«vi*r •«'«>, Km> t'oittl.
«luntUI nitvlti^. All kU«UNM» i>uimiiiHUy t liruiiihllv
•ml (^trilttU<ittt«lly MiiRnoivil, 1U nmtloruincti. lltxi
Mn, Dr. IU10 Id lUmtily IXi,, 2M N, llth Ml,, 1'UUjw
One of the arausIn'R things of ttila
A Shocking Calamity
tho statement made by Mr.
Lately, befell a railroad laborer, writes
"His foot was bally crushed, bat.Buck
lin'B Arnica Salvo quickly ciirod him."
It's simply wonderful for' burns; boile,
piles, nnd all skin eruptions. It's tho
world'" champion healer. Cure guaranteed. 25 o Sold by Crowoll. • '
The only newspaper
printed in Hammonton
a year, post-paid
his tuilitury "cxporienco has tnuglit bim
than a Piapo, Organ, or Undo Box, for it slugs and talks as well as playa, and
that tho life of si. soldier Was a danger- Better
don't cost as much. It reproduces tho m rule of any instrument—band or orchestra—td
qtories and sings—the old familiar hymns aa well oa tho popular eongS—It is always ready:
ous one
Sco that Mr. Edlaon'a slgnatarola on every machine.' Cata. It ia safe to predict that free silver • '>**—'•
logues 6f oil dealers, or NATIONAL PtJONOOgAPH CO«>35 Fifth Ave.. New York. ,
will never again find place lo a Democratic platform ; but '^jj^sill tafee that
Chas. Woodnutt
party a long timu to overcome the
finanjtTSTIOE of the PEACE
(Claims collected.)
cial heresy.
Commissioner of Deeds
Prosperity, patriotism, and victory
Insurance & Heal Estate Agt.
• •
Office at residence, 405 Bellevue Ave. • aroin the air.
Will Col. Bryan please say whether
and all Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs successfully treated.
be thinks it is right to disfranchise the
Matilda 0. Qngo, Administratrix of James colored American citizens of North and
0. lingo, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of tho Count; of Atlantio^J»irehy.giyM SoutliCarolWa, Louisiana, and Missisnotice to tbo creditors of tbg said James C. sippi, in the interest of tho Democratic
G»go- to bring - in- their debts, demands, and
claims agaioat tho ostato of tho sni^J decedent, party ? A. plain and straightforward
under oath, within nine monthe from this statement from the colonel would let in
Pblladclpbla's Eulncnt—.
date, or they will bo forever bat rod of any
a flood of light upon bis pretensions
Homoeopathic Specialist.
action therefor against saii administratrix.
with respect to the application of the
Dated July 30tb, A.D. 1900.
> '
I beg to call your attention to my addrcea
and to offer, my prolcsalonol scrvloca.
Duclaration of Indepeadence to the
Administratrix. 3
Patients npplylnz for treatment. * promise
Malays of Luzon.
IntelllECUt and careful treatment. ' My oxperl*
The .New York World charges that
cncc In treating DISCU^L.U of the Itcnplratory
OrffahB hftfl bcvn varied atid oniplo. *— •
cess in New York, impossible.. -The
World is altogether too hard on the
in till branches-—'Pamphlets,~
Business Cards
. ,• . Envelopes
. . . -\.
prices charged, always.
We will not do cheap
work^ 15d can't afford
to do good work
for nothing
a specialty. If we
cannot do your work
when you want it done -,
we'll tell you BO,
and finish it
when we promise to
The Tribune
New York, tho weekly
edition, and the
Republican, for $1.25
A. pile of good reading
for a little money
The Press
Philadelphia, weekly, and
the Republican, a year
for #1.25
AddreBH, call or phono UH—
208-Q BolitWo^Avo. Phono fl-.l
In'promhlng to all. bcnrOtraail It) very, many
cases, positive ana lasting cures. All consulUvmy leea are ralrlyMncxlorato.
be assigned to ihe gentleuiuu wfao-made
11.46, Junior.C. E. 3.0U p.m., Christian EnMr. Bryan's sneers at the fall dinner
doavorS.OO, Preaching 7.00. Weekday prayer
meoting Thursday evening 7.30. __ '_ __ pail will not efface . the memory 'of the
T).D., rector.
Sunday mass 10.30 a. ra. Currency is now going west and
Sunday School 3.31) p.m. Vespers at 4 p.m.
EriscapAi.,TBi"..M ARK'S." __ ReT^EdwirLO south to move the crops. Never before
Alcorn, rootor. Celebration of Holy Eucharist did it have such a job of moving'to
1st and 3rd Sundays at 16:30 a.m. Other Sun^,
day?, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litnny,and perform.
Sermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30a.m.
Mr. Bryan will omit all allusions lo
Evonsong7:Ct) p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Friday Evensong, 7.30. Saints Day Celebra- the Tammany Ice Trust daring bis
tion, 7:30 a.m. Special services in Adventand campaign lour in New York.
-----------MeTnoDisT EPISCOPAL. Rov.W.N.Ogborni
pastor. Sunday services: olass 9.30, [•0 BRIDGE BUILDERS.
proaching 10.30 Sunday-school 12.00 noon>
Scaled proposals will bo received by
Epwortb. League ".00 p. m., preaching 7.00- Ihe Committee on Bridges of tho Board of
Slant Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.30- Chosen Freeholders, at tho office of Joseph
PrayormeetingThursday 7.30 p. m.
Ihc-mpsioD, Bcal Estate and Law Building,
Mission at Fine Road.
Atlantic City, N. J., on Monday, Octobo-22,
PRESBYTERIAK. Rev-WK McKinnty, pastor, 1(00, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the construction
Sunday services: preaching,10.30 a .m., Sun of two steel bridges, one to span the canal at
day-school 12.00 noon, preaching 7.00 p.m. Ploasani Mills, in the Township of Mullicn,
C. E. prayer mooting Tuesday, T.30 p.m. and tbo other to span the stream near Ilonry
Scull's store, at English Creek, inthe.TonnChurch prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p.m.
ihip of Egg Haibor, AUantio Connty, New
Missions atFolsom and Magnolia. •
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Sllio Contini Jersey. Epeolfieationg may be had apon nppli
Pastor. SnpdoySchnol nt 9 o.-m. Preaching at cation to the unucrsigned. The right to reject
at 3-30..
nsALiBT. Snnday School, 12:00 noon Haramonton, N. J., Oct. 4, 1900.
Jr. Y.P.C.U., 4 p.m. Y.KC.U. at 7:"0 p.m.
Sociables alternate Thursday ovcnlogs.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
Mrs. Chariot Smith, president, . JH>« A M
Brndburjr, cor >eeretary._ Mrs A L Jaokson, Committee on Bridges of tho Board of Chosen
at the office of Joinph Thompson,
rco seo'y; Mrs P 3 Tilton, treasurer
Real Estate nod Law Building, Atlantic
JU.,on~&iuttd»j,,QctpbpxJ?2,Jl_fl|>P1 at clfivsn
MUNICIPAL,o'clock B. m., for the oonntrnctlon of eight
CLERK. J.L. O'Donnell.
hundred feet, more or less, of wire cable nnd
oodar post safetv fenoi or railing on causeway
MinsnAij. Georgo'JV bwank, Jr
at approach to drawbridge at Tuokahoo, N. J.
JPBTICEB. Q.'W.PreBs«y..ChaBWoodnatt SpociDoatloQs can be bad on application to tbo
JoiTI Garten, E li Caufman
undersigned. Committee reserves the right to
CONSTABLES. Oeo Bernihonie.C C Oombcs, reject any or all bids. M.L.JACKSON,
E U Shaoklej.
Chairman Committee.
OVERBEEB IIionWAYB. Ellaa A , T o«ljn.
Uarumt,ntOD, N. J., Oct. 5, 1UOO.
OvBRBEBRor TQE PooB. Oeo.Bornshouse.
ATTORKET. E H Chandler.
FIBB Gnisra. 0 W Austin/H M Phillips
VOLUHTEEB FIRE Co. D. S.Cunningham'
Notioo Is hereby civen that the several
president; Ohns. W. Anatln, eeoretary. Meets Hoards of lloglsuy and Klcoilon ofAtlintio
Ard Monday ovenlng of each month.
County will meet on Tuesday, O'toher 18,1000,
Independent Fire Go. A(coU flrst Wedne«. nt the p'uoo where tie next election in their
day evening In eaoh month.
dltirlot will be held, at 10 o'clock la the mornTOWN COUNCIL.
Michael K Boy or, Ohm. '.*, and Kjoiuin in session (recers from 1 to 2
E W Batohelor, J E Watki», W D DePuy, o'clock) until U o'clock in tbo evening, for the
0 0 liar ley, Andrua K Holman. Meetg last urpose ol making up from the ojnvmalug
uoks two lists or registers of the names,
Saturday ovo each month.
Boinn or EDUOATIOH. 0. F, Oigood.preil- residences, and street cumbers, If any, of all
In their respective election districts
dent; D. H. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adaai,
J L O'Donnell, Mrs J H Itanium, Mlag Anna entitled to the rl^ht of suffrage therein at the
election, or who shall personally appeal
Prefeoy, Mr> E A Jotlyn, Thoma« 0 Elvln«, n/iii
Dr J A Waal. ' Moots first Tuesday erenlng lii-forc them for that purpose, who shall hn
to the sMlifaotlon of such Bourd of
e n oil month.
Registry and Kltietlun to Imve legacy vot«il
DoAnn or HEALTH, M. L. Jaolunn, I'resl- In that election district at the last prrceillu);
dent | Dr. Chorloa Gunnlnghain, Inspector j lection therein for u member of the General
"~ lift T.' ITonUtr; J. 0. Andm'auu, Win. Ontpr ur will) slinlHKrchmtti—by the nffl
a, Deo. Botnabouae, Jon. 11.Oorton.
Writing of noino voter In i h n t olooltui.
dlatrlot to ha a legal voter th,iroln.
And notice In lierob." furlli-:r (jlvcn that the
Board of Ueglntry and Klrotlnn will «lio
meet on Tuesday, October SUili, IUOO, at tbo
1) 6 C u n n i n g h a m , M A ; A H Davis, Heo'y. plaae
u( their funnor meeting! at the hour of
Meet' A r a l Tuoadny evening In enoh month In I o'clock In Iho afternoon, and remain In ieaMoohnntoa' Hull.
olon until U o'olook In iho evening, f< r iho
Win. liorno purpoio of reviling and correcting Iho ni\f\ho'iino, N. O.| A. V. W. Hetloy, Heorotnry. nal reglaleri, iir adding therein the Damoa nf
Meota Wodneadny eyes, In Odd Hollows Hall, nil perainia entitled to tho right of aufTrago In
f i i A w u u N K i n TIIIDH Imp 0 H M.
) K that election dlatilot at the noit election who
llu»«ott, Hiictmn j Ohna W Aualln, Chief o( ilin.ll apjiear In jiorgun boforo them, or nho
Uuoords . M e e t o v a r y Tuendny'ialeeplu Hod shall bo (hotrn ',y the written affidavit to ho a
legal voter therein, and oferaalng thorofrnm
Mont' Hull.
M. 11. T A Y L O H I.onori, If. A A . M . J. 8, tho name of any porton who, after n fair
Tlmj", W M n c t o r ( A l n n x u l l . Dovl« ( Beo'y. opportunity to he heard, lhall ho «honn not
Inilnuil 4th Friday nlfliti In Mnn<Hito JInll. to bo entitled to viito therein ky reason ol
non-r^rjnlunoe or othtirnlao.
J n . O u n n n U N I T K ' I I ' A H K U I C A M MHOIIAHIO/I.
And nollco la hereby further given, that the
I' It WMlllor, Couu,| A T I.olilky, HcoroUry. Uouuiy Hoard of Klootloi.B will he in aeaslnn
Moetaevery Vrlilay ave In Hoohanlfln' Hall,
In iho oourt hoiiao at Mny'n Tending on Thura( I n n . 1>. A. KiiHHiil.i. I'ONT, U A . l t . 0 A tlny, Novninhor 1, 1UIIU, n n d Haturdny, NuvI.eoiiunl, G n m m u n d a r | W. H, H. Brndl<ury, onihCT it; 1UOU, for tho imrpnau ol'rovliliiK and
A d j u t a n t * H. If. K d n n l l . Q . M. Montn I n l a n d corrnotlng (ho uroruauld r«gUtur of vntora, by
3rdHaturday n l K h t a l n Meohnnlegllall.
nrdnrlnit ornMod ilinr<ilr»i» Iho name of any
WOMAN'S KB UK* Giuim., Mlat pamun irho nhull ho nlnit,ii to Iho antlnfnoMon
Nolllo Del'uy j Hocretnry, Mlai Km Cnrlaw. of auld hoard for nn; ciiuia not tn ha intlllod
lit vnto n. thn n e x t olcoilon In the olrolluit illa2nd and 4th Kalurilay oven, Mechanics Hall.
Iriot vlinto hi) la reiflnturod, null uf H d d l i . g to
O n n . D. A. HIUIHHM. CAIII* Hi>«» nv VKTBH fluid rofilaiurit ih|i nuinoa of any person nr [x
A B U , N o . 1 4 . Uft|'C., \VlllliunU OKT.irdl "
niinn who rtiull provu to thn rutl'ir.icll'iii of
Hcr«i., Hurry 0 I.nuiinrd, Mi>«J« 2nd tin
• nld Hoard, hy itlllilnvlt or otticrwlsn, h u a tho
Monday oven, M«cliunlo>' Hull,
right li> vi. D ni the u n n x l n g oloollon,
I.lltlo ll» II» Oounoll, No. 37, D. of 1'.
And nntliMt In hnr<ibv further glruii Ihnt tho
Hm Ida IJowIm, 1'doalninlnn) Mm Onrrlo A mix: |/ni.«r«l olonlloii w i l l ho Imlil on 'l'on»'l.
Klnir, K . o l H. Maetn Munday ovotiliitflil 11 nil NovodilHir n, ll)0i), ooniinnnotng itt (lo'rlnck Id
Moil's Hull.
tl'ii illuming iiml ulunlnii at 7 o'uluuk In tlio
DIIIIIII lioliqK, No. 12, (inIBl,i> nf IloNiiii, evening.
DOIIO lu iinoiirilnnon \rlth itn uot i.f tho Ir^HWorthy Muster, VranoU M o N u m y | U.H., Win
Mimilt Menu 2nd nnd .||li Thnmdiiy n l g h t n III lattira nl tlio Mliilo uf Now Jnrnoy,outlt|o(l " A n
t a t o r o f ^ n l n i M clniiloiir) ^riwlnlnn of IHUti)
Iliolr lin.ll.
. ,
i(|iKrt»il AprlH, IIW1I, OlMl ' I h u lupplement
Uiiainonit Orffnnlisatloni),
ihoroio. ...
. .
Iliimmnntnn I,nun nnd Hulldliiir Amonlntlnn.
Th'n UiiuntJ Mnnrd uf l'',lnol|on»,
W. H .Tilton iioorctnry. Moot* ovcry lat
J A M I v H I). H O I I T I I W I O I C , Oli'mnii
'I'liiiridiiy In li'lroinnn'i Hull,
I I A K H V li.Hnlll,!,, Htcruti.ry.
'" '
J O H N 'I'. I'lllCNl'UI.
W»rkliiK"l<"i'« '•""" Riu1 HudilliiK
W. II. Ilom»h<i'>»<i, s o o r u i n r y . Moslp over/
0111 rn uf |hn Oounly l l n u r i l ol Ulrollnriii, Muya
III M u i i d n y lu 1'lrnliK'li'n M u l l .
l,,iiidliiK, f. J., H o p l u n i h u r 2», lUOII.
r,j..p|o'« H u n k , W, It, 'i'lllnn nuithlor
-.. -
Penonai letton p
1308 South Broad Slroct. -Philadelphia,
If necessary send for Srmptom Blank
which may usjst you In'dctcrlblng
your ct»o.
YOL. 38.
Tholadlen have taken thin space for ono
year, and are responsible for ,nll that 11
may contain.
That cigarettes are poisonous Is a
scientific fact. A physician made a
solution of all the nicotine from ooe
cigarette; one-half of it was injected
ID to a' full-grown frog, from tbe effects
of which the frogdied^lmoatinstantly-f
frog, With the same result. The poison
of the cigarette is as deadly to a human
A drop in the price of
. Seed Bye. • •'.
Owing to tEe^increaae in_
the price oh it is lower.
""We"airriiovrBelHng goodWOPfcs—Pimmaca rpnnlting from Ita use
clean Seed-Bye-at—
well .-.known to-physicians.—The
65 cents per bushel.
will rooelvo fall profcwlonal attention, soil g
If you are in the market
for jome fine Mackerel,
call on us.
t3chedul& in effect June 30,1800
Son. Sun.
Ace. Ace. Exp. Ace Ace. Acc Ac*
Acc. Acc. Acc. EX. Acc. Ex. Ex. Ace. Ace.
a.m. n.m. n. m p. ro. p.m ».ni. fjn
p.p. a m p.m. p.m. ?.U1. pjn. p.m. n. m. a.m.
Son 1060 6' 45 ...;.:.niH»d el »Ma ;.:;:;. 730 840 lii-40 1-60 B80 II CO JTsc
4.30 8 15 BM)
'• 722 880 1032_ 1 42 «22! 040 622
4 37 ..... a MI 1058 II B2 ....M« HCamncn «
438 823 G08
7 e» 810
131. titKJ U2li 009
4 47 ......
11 10 7 02
4 4S 8 31 020
7 0>i S12
1 S!
|i 18 000
4 51
4 & 8 4S 028
647 8 VI
1 12 S 1S! 1)07 o41
...... 11 20
505 8 S3 CS8
861 527
S 16 90S
62^ 7 4 0
11 41 7 JJ
12 K 52I> &4S 821
5 22 9 10 6 59
1?42 514 •KJO •5W
•1157 •70* ......... »^ncora.-......«. 0 IS 715 _
»531 •922 7 15 ""!!. •M7
1202 S (K) ...Window Jc. (!"»»)•- 6 O.S 711
5 38 '•920 7 21
_ vO.1 R O ) 465
3 « 12 Of; SOU ...-Hammonton..... 6 00 70 ) ft 60 li!SO
5 45 » 3.1 7 SO
li « * )b 444
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8 111 M
6 18 ......
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JEM H«rbor_
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025 ......
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604 10OT
,, «.»•-« 4271 751 4 IT
R 4S ........ ..AUccon. .......... ...... (580
0 23 10 SO
820 "n is
4 I5l 7 40 405
4 1ft
63.5 1037
* Stops only on notice to conductor orngent, or on eternal.
-JBHTJTCHINSON. Qen'l Manager.
6 1*!
Atlantic Cit^ B. H.
^Saturday, June 30,1800
p. m.
p. m
8 25 S
in sr JO 23'
(i t'S:
iu t-u;
ft 6fi
8 fli 8 2S
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f 41)1
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K i l |« 60
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V'r«t ColllngMTOoi)
1 l<4 6 30
(1 Si fl DO D 01
nuddon Ilelghu
'1 12 B 44>
n < i B 5 8 U ID]
5 10
Laurel Springs
Zfl 0 6S
0/137 IB II1M
.Clemen ton..
6HII 1
8li 7 01' M
86U7 IfllliW
1 Bit 7 10 ....WlllUmatown Juno..., t,'/!
7 OT 7 28 U »l
Ordar Brook
1 41 7 14 „
7 09 7 «1 0 4 6
Illuo Anchor
!« 17,
1 487 1H,
7 13 7 H5 0411,
7 17 7 40 « 61 8 18 I 68 ,7 23! ...Wnnlow Jnnr. (I'to)... 6 18i
6 07|7
7 21 7 67 0 60l8 2212 05|7
7 f.H; B 15
f7298 M
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4 I'll
7 f l SOS
Klwood M
7 3 7 808 7 OH
6 S'.'
7 44 r, 01
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ECU Utibor
-| I 49|
14 7 l»|
a .10 858
o n
K 10
8 0.1 8 IVI|7 »
42" 7 no| 7 05 U I'>H
7 "I 020 R 158 4117 Jl n 65'
Week-dny nccommodAtlon up lcav«*n Ilaiunnuitou at 2^10 p.m., rent-hint; FbllAdrliililii nt :i:65.
Bnnday Up Kiprru Icnvcn Allautlo 0:30 |»u.; Kpg Harlwr 0:S'.'; IIAmuionliMi7:OH, riii|udrl|ili:u 7;."A
Sunday night exprcaa up (raven Atlnnllo D:^o, KKJT Knrtjor M-, Ilammontoii livoo, n;Achlni: IMtlln. ln:&'l.
WrcV-dny exprr<» down, Icitrn Phllailit, ut 3 p.m., n>iniuonton .'Ul, t'.gs Ili>tl»r I':." I, IM'Viujtrlllo 4:03,
nn'l AllanUc4:19.
Werkdiy down ntprmu li-avcs Phllnda. 10:4Sj \Vlnilow 11:21; Ilinmionton ll:'.'i, ]',•„• lli.rl.,r 11:1'.';
Atlantic (,'lly 12.0JS.
•at $1.40 per 100 pounds
1245 (1 15i
6 10
fi -17
S 40
5 6-1,
II P«i
(I 18
II 19
KDSON j. WKI:KH,(iin.iv-siiiRi-rAKi'iit
The Electric light, Eeat & Power Co,
of HanimoiUon,
Rates cim lie hnd on fipplication.
The New York Tribune,
IJ<MH||II(; National UoiniMlvun NtnvHpaiior, tlioroiiKbly »i' to
diitn, nnil nlsvnyH n nr.i«unoli mlvonxui nnd mip)iortor uf Itvimtilloim i.rlnc,li> ..•«,.
will ooninln tlm moat, rollablu nowa of
Mi)iiilny.W«(In.'Hiliiy uud KiUluy, In In
roulUyn lino, fresh, uvo.
l(lo lllUint
Dm ilnyn of Umio, niul
oovnrlnu IKIWB of tho <itli»r tliritv. It
ountulim nil linportnnt forol^u wnr mid
otlior cnlilo nnwn wlilrli it|ipitnrit in tho
Daily Tiibune of muno ilnt.n, U!M> iloiiiiiBtlo nutl fofulKti ooiTuapouduiioa, nlnirt
ntorluu, olo|{iuit, linH'-tniio Illiirtriiilniin,
IniinoroiiH ItutiiH, liuluotrlnl luforiniitloii.
fauhloi) ii»l «'D, n«rlntiltuinl niuttorn, ana
comprolioimlvo nnd riilliiblolliiunolitl nnd
iniirfiut loporln,
llepulur nnlmorlptlnii prlon, »1. DO u year.
Wti fnrnlnli It. with tho Itepuliliitun
for ft! pur year,
Puhllnhnd on Tliitriiiliiy,
Idiown for iinurl.v hlxly
In ovftcy purl of OKI U
Htntori nn u futnlly
iifiWupupor of lln> hlHliflntl
oliu* for rarmtini niul yllloKon. It oontnliiH nil the ini'«i lii)|iort:>nt
uouornl nown of ll|n Dailn '/Vi'huno up to
uuur (if fiolnc to in-oiiii, Imn (.'tit«\li>liilnK
roadlng for ov«i-y momhor of Iliu lunlly,
nlil nnd young, mniknt rnpuriii wlilolt
ivro lU'.onjitod (viiniitlioilty liy furnmrtt niut
(lonntry iiii'ralintitH, mill In oloiin, up to
ditto, IntoiTBtlnn ivud Inntrunttvi).
Itigulnr (lulinorlptloii prloo, ifl per your
Wo furuleh It.wltli tho llei
fur iJil.'Jft jit«r J'tin'.
Hand all onloi'H, with tho onnh, to
Hqyt & Son, Publishors, Hammonton, N. Jtiiihtioi-lhuri) tint nt Atlantic County will udd Uft tontii to tlio nlxivo..
Meeta Sunday evonine, at 6:00.
Topic, "Our stewardship." Luko-12:
42-48. Leader, -Miss Blanche
Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 3:00:
" Topic, •"Doing God's will." Luke
12 : 42-48. Leader, Elizabeth
Epworth League,—M. E. Church :
W» H.Bovnsliouss®
Topic, "Our Btewnrdnhlp." Lnko 12:
42-48.1 Leader, Mies Etbel
Y. P. C. U.,—Uolversiiliet Church:
Moots Sunday Dvoaing, nt 7:00.
Topic, "Our homo nnd town charities." ICor. 13; laa. 41: 0.
Insurance Agent
A cordial invitation IB extended to all
to attend those meoUnus.
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds,
Office, 101 Railroad Ave.
Matthew Jefferson
N. 1C. oor. Third ana Market1 Bts.
(Now Jersey Trust Build R)
Telephone 841.
Civimloii, N. J.
Attornoy 1'or llammoiiton.
Win. A. HOOD & SON
and Embalmer
Funeral Directors
Tvfolttn Ht., botwoon rallronda.
llarnmontoti, N. J.
All arrnugontmitn for luuiulu made
and oariifully oxocittod.
ltiolti(l|p(( (llnnuunlonri, corroapomlriDca and aiinoohon of tho iibloat polltloitl lon>lIITH, lirllll.vnt uilltorlnln, ruportu from all Hootlona of tho land tilidwlnr/ pidgroHH
of tho -work. f|lo., oto,, mid will commend Itself to tho cuioful pnnmnl of nvory
il, Intulllgoiit votnr who lins tho true IntoruntH of luu country at liuiirt.
same physician who experimented upon
the frogs says that instead of fancy pictures which accompany cigarette packages, each one ought to bear a abull and
crosPtiones, and be marked "poison,"
tho earne as other dnnnerous-drags.—
The Classmate.
We are handling Sucrene
Young People's Societies.
••_JDairy Food. It_is_. ^_
space la devoted to tbe Interests ol
reasonable in price, and This
the Young Peoples Socletlwi of the various
Chutches. Special Items uf IkHeresi, uud
makes a better quality
announcements are solicited.
of milk than does gluten.
Y. P. 8. C. E.,—Presbyterian Chinch:
If you are looking for a
Meets Tuesday evfcnint', at 7:30.
Topic, "Our stewardship." Luke 12:
good oat feed, it can be
42-48. Leader, Mies' Blanche
had here.for
95 cents per 100 Ibs.
Y. P. S. C. E.,—Baptist Church :
We are selling Wheat—
All biittjncBH in their lino
promptly and carefully
attended to.
Embalmtnga Specialty
Always a Good Stock
Office and
208 Poach fcjtreot,
ShooB made to Order in my
Specialty, and full
(jutiufuction IH guaranteed.
House. Sign, Carriage
£opairing done.
Uollovun Avoiiuo,
Huimnoiitcm. : : N.J3
Iltuninonton, N. J.,
Juotloo of tlio Poaoo.
O/Uoo,Hoooml uud (Jlicrry tlto.
Doulor in 1'iuutH, Oilo,
I liiivo ix lui|(0 atonic of
John T. Vrcnoh'ri
I'nro Oil 1'niutH,
wliloh I ((tiiiruutoo to bo
tlio bunt pnlnt'ovor pold.
Hfluoml ixiul I'lciiouut htroota,
Why an Independent will This Year
Vote for McKinley
elevation of this people and the development of the vast vegetable and mineral We are better equipped
resources of these rich lands.
than ever to do your
Isellre_memhfir_ojir_w]ir with Mex]cp,
It seems proper -to .preface ^
meat by eaying that four years ago I
worked and voted for Bryan. I ad- received the surrender of the Mexican
mired his great' ability add wonderful claim to Texas, New Moxic<v A rizona,
energy and endurance as a man. I .California, Oregon, -Washington, etc. having made extensive addibelieved, in tbu main, ID the doctrines This was under President Polk, a Dem- tione to oiir material.
of the Democratic platform, especially ocrat. I remember how tbe Whigs
the4b.enJ-'parairionnt'-Us8ue.of--16-toJ., .oppoaed.tb.e^.a.r_aodJthe_taklnfi_oftbJB.
and the double standard of gold and .worthless" territory. I remember the with an order for
miveriTSaTTTieneve~io H still;-^ --purchase— of— Alaska— by~a_Republican.
Since 1896 we have had a. war with government, and bow the purchase was iBill Headi^ Eiovelopes,
f and ¥ll"tte= pebple=have beetfBS"
or -Note "Heads,
one man in patriotic efforts, hopes, and eternal cold, worthless for civilized man.
Business or Name Cards,
Onr BUCCC88 seemed miraculous to the partinacity for a little strip, a tew rods
civilized world, and astoDished our- wide, claimed by Great Britain. Who
Cards, Posters, Dodgera,.
ago, that South
selves. We .were^urjconecious, before, thought, a few years
of our superior' power and resources to Africa,~includfog" T,h"e^Orange and the
any other nation on earth, save perhaps Transvaal terrtory, was worth- fightinK
oner~The—great—superiority-of-1"the for?— Ibey_did-not__known_theu_the_;
men behind tbo guns" proved tbe untold wealth in diamonds and gold
power of education and liberty in a concealed in its soil. Who knows tbe
. Printers of tile Republican
and The Echo.
people. \Vitbio abuul three months, riches of the Philippines ? Who will
Spain was prostrate at our feet. She deprive our citizens from developing
206-8 Bellevue Ave.
Phone 6-S surrendered ber East and West Indies this-.wealth.and enjoying its blessings ?
Hammonton, :.:. N. J.
to us, — gave us a clear title to all she Much precious American blood has been
possessed in those i8lands,-oxcept-Guba^ u,nrM«-Vingnhpd thnrn jn mpinlfllnjrig.
which was to be independent under our our sovereignty. Are not those who
fostering care. In mercy, we gave to advocate surrender thus encouraging
Spain 820.000,000 for her public prop- the enemy at war with us ? Our preserty in aud sovereignty over Jhese tige as a nation is far greater than ever
extensive possessions. : Besides these before : where would it be it we should
numerous islands, small and large, we surrender that country to the Tagals ?
have .duriag the same time acquired We would be a by-word among nations.
Successor to R. D. Bickford.
sovereignty over the' Sandwich Islands, Surrender ? Never I
I think that tbe doctriue of the gov& most important gruup,Guam, Tutilla,
. 1*
ernment, that the~Conatitution does not
and others.
CQyepacq.uIred, territory until Congress
now has heop
and stands as tho "paramount" issue, so determines, is wfongTHtsd intiriia the"
8 to
10 to 11/pounds ,
viz : Shall we retain tbb eoyereignty of criticism of Us opponents. There ia no
tile Pmlippino, Isluoda ? No queatiou doubt lu my mind but the Supreme
12 to 13 pounds
14 to 15 pounds
baa been raised as to other acquired 'ouri will decide that the Constitution
.10 to 17 pounds
territory. Mr. McKiuley says, Yes ; goes where our sovereignty goes,'where
18 to 19 pounds
Mr...Bryan Bays, No. _ Thai-Is the COQ- the llag permanently goes.
20 to 24'pounds
tfollfflg "qnestioirr nccordiog-'to-BryaD,-.15
anu OQ it tho votor at tho coming elec- and gives it its powers,— not Congress "~ 25T6"20"?Qunds.IT
30 to 84 pounds
tion must express his answer by voting the Constitution. Porto Rico is part of
govtor onu or the other of Ihu Preaiduutiul
40 to 44 pounds
erned (or ought to be) by tbe Constitucaudidalca.
45 to 50 pounds
Mr. Bryan advised thu conUrmalioa
50 pounds and over 50 o.' per 100
ot the treaty with Spam, and the pay- -to free intorcource and trade between
wagon will 'run every
ment nmdo for this sovereignty. Why P.>rto Uico aud other parto ofthe Umled
did ho do no, it it was not dumruble to States Is as wrong aa to obstruct trade hot weather. Ice can bo hnd every day
hold it V A half-civilized tribe Inhab- between tho states. So with slavery in except Sunday, from 7:00 a. m. to6KX>iting a part of Luzon, baa rebelled tho Soulo Islands. No slnvtrfv can exiht p. m., at my office , corner Orchard &V'
a^aiuat tho eovorei^uty of tho United undor the sovereignty ol thu United and Railroad Avenue.
States, nnd ho advocates a surrender to Slates-. When tho Tngal war is over,
them on thu ground that govoruuiunta and tho Supremo Court has determined
tlerlvo their just powers from tho con- tho question, aud tho Government has
sent of the governed. Hits auy Btutua- had time lo correct the doing
man over belbtu applied thin principle to justice by paving the manturR for ihuir
'uncivilized tribes ? Did our tutlioru, slaves, and freeing ilium without war or
who enunciated tills principle, uvur oilier uxpunM'., then tho beneficent prinapply it to iho Indiuu tnbeu of our owu ciples of this government will bo carried Only the choicest.
country ? lluvu the clvilUod uationa oul in these Islands, and will bo appreover recognized thu right ol euvayo and ciated by tho people everywhere Iho
barbarous tfibea to hold and govern Iho United States In known. It IB rcatiniiixlltnu lu
land they may occupy, iw agaiiiBl thu bio lo
rulo of civilized man V 'It la absurd to ohungNiti in fiocloty.
any Una eavui^ory should rule In any
Mr. Bryan iloen not Boom to regard
country, In preference to civilization. tho Buproiuo Court with very high veMo gnvornnient, In any Just uonuo, IIIIH spuet. lie Ihlnks It IB uHHUinlng loo
n rlulit to nxlrtt, that la not bused upon much wliun It enjoltm tho londers of a
Alwayn tlio bcal
the iirlnclpluHof OHlabllnblng jUHttcu nnd mob Irom cointuitliug grout
protuollng onll^htunroont and juat lib- Ho callH U "governing by injunction,"
erty among all Its people. Our luthtiru ThlB BtnncltB otriwgly of nraruhy, which
nuvtir thought to apply this principle lo In ihu groatuut munaco L know of lo all
IndluiiH, aliivea, wonuiti, or children. civil KDVui'Diuunl, and ihu uumt to ho
It cflrtiilnly suuiun Btruinlng tliiii prin- (Irt'iu)ed. Ho xityn ono acctiHiiil of i-.rlnu)
ciple to iitmurdily, to apply It lo the In tried hy jury, but tho .Tudgo irlen tho
Ttiguln of Lur.on.
Injunction euite. When ono throulonti
Hut tboy urn al war with ua, Will It lo coiniiill crltnu, ho In uouipullud hy Iho
Cor. tiooond and Bellcvue,
not Im Ignoble, yea, liil'iunoun to aurreii Judgu lo glvu hondM to Uoop Iho punco,
Uur to them under apparent cotnpulalouV or g<> to prlnon. Ho with Injunction
(Shall we luliu down our Hug and nlcullc When ihroutn ui'd iiiiulo to duotioy proplluimnonton.
out ot one ol tlio rlcbont countrlen ol the orly or cominil crime, hy the mob, Iho
world,,to which we luwo u clear title, Coilrtn havo enjoined lliein, anil 1 liopo
nnd leave It to unclvlll/.ud iniui lo prop- Will ulwayit protuol • Ihu people Irom Lh
ugiito hia low coiulilloim and ountu ilio carryliiK out ol' nuoli vx'latlonn ol rlgli
world, or diuuharge iliu duty lluit Uod ami good order by Injunction.
nnd natiuu huve plueod upon UN, uud outicu ol' prevention In butler limn a
devoto the land to liberty and eullght pound uf euro." I itiu decidedly Utfiilniit
eiunl clvlli/,ullou V
Mr. llryau In thlu runpaul, 1 cnnnldur
High man lu tho propor Riiardlan ot thin (|iumllon almont equal tp Ihu "parlow man, nnd it In bin d u t y to I'duciilo inoiinl" (iiuiHtlon, lu Imlh of which I am
ixiul eluvuto hint for hln own ixiul the iii;ulimt Mr. llryau, tvnd lliiiceloru I utn
vyorhl'ti uooil. Wo «auiioL ohlclc tho compollud lo voto agalt)Ml him.
A. .1. ICiNd,
roiiiionnlblllty to taku cixro of thooo
HiuuincmUm, N. .1., Out. Ill, IIKHI,
luluiuln that bavo provldontliklly lallon
Into our liandu. They will doiibtleun Im
JSo. af» Third Street,
n grunt blountna; lo un, no woll nn to thu
Thn voto on Novmnboi- (Ith will dopooplii thorn, IIH well un to tlio w6rld ut elilo iho lonuih of thn war lu thu 1'ldllnlargo, which will be bonellllod by iho ' pluou,
Wm, H. Bernshous©,>
Prices for the Season
Bread & Cakes