unwanted by breeder - Associated Humane Societies
unwanted by breeder - Associated Humane Societies
UNWANTED BY BREEDER – HE WAS BORN WITH 5 LEGS NEUROLOGICALLY-IMPAIRED CAT GIVEN UP BY FAMILY Story & Photos Page 12 Story & Photos Page 13 cover WALKS ON HIS WRISTS DUE TO DEFORMITY VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THROWN FROM 3rd FLOOR Story & Photos Page 12 Story & Photos Page 13 ANIMALS in the NEWS DRIFT NETS CALLED “WALL OF DEATH” FOR MARINE LIFE ANIMALS CAUGHT IN PET TRADE PAY WITH THEIR LIVES LEGAL PETITION SEEKS CRACKDOWN ON AQUARIUM FISH CAUGHT WITH CYANIDE Several conservation groups have filed a legal petition to prevent the import of tropical aquarium fish that are caught overseas using cyanide. The practice of “stunning” fish with cyanide kills or injures tens of millions of tropical fish & causes widespread destruction of some of the world’s most important coral reefs. Wild reef fish are caught in the Philippines, Indonesia & other countries by PHOTO: YELLOW TANG BY SNICKERS79 squirting cyanide directly on to reefs to stun tropical fish which kills as much as 75% of all nearby fish on contact, as well as coral. For information on the legal petition & this case, e-mail [email protected] PHOTO © Save Our Seas Ltd./ Tom Campbell/Marine Photobank Fishing nets are cast out by fishermen but many are forgotten and become the graveyard for thousands and thousands of marine life. The heartwrenching picture of a sea lion caught in a gill net is a pitiful reminder that beneath the ocean’s calm surface, there are thousands of miles of “ghost fishing” nets that snare and kill marine life. The abandoned nets are thrown into the water by fishermen. Those nets are fishing 24/7 & are killing everything from fish and crustaceans to mammals, sea lions, dolphins & turtles. And they will continue to snare and kill wildlife for decades. There are an estimated 25,000 nets discarded annually in the Northeast Atlantic alone. The nets can weigh up to 10,000 lbs. The nets also drag across the ocean floor, destroying habitats and coral reefs according to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Assoc. (NOAA). The NOAA recommends affordable reception facilities for the nets because fishermen find it too expensive for disposal costs. California’s Sen. Ben Allen will author legislation (SB1114) to protect California’s marine wildlife by ending the use of deadly driftnets off the California coast. This is also a world-wide problem that is choking the environment. This is an important issue that most people do not see – they see only the peaceful, serene movement of ocean waters. Sadly, most of the gut-wrenching efforts can be seen on video with very little in the way of pictures to memorialize the dramatic rescues by divers. Many enterprising groups are now working on developing uses for driftnets, i.e., sunglasses, carpeting tiles, etc. There are many fine organizations devoted to solving this international problem: Turtle Island Restoration Network, Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, Earth Island Institute & many more. HAWK WARNING! KEEP PETS UNDER CONTROL Concerned animal lovers have witnessed the large number of Hawks appearing on the East Coast. They have been seen at a feral cat colony, wildlife areas, pigeon groupings, etc. Small pets, cats/kittens are in real danger. These are the pets that hawks can swoop down & grab.Do not leave your pets outside without supervision! A recent live stream video of an eagle’s nest in PA shows a dead cat being fed to two eaglets. It is not known if it was dead or alive when the eagle caught it. PHOTO: WIKIPEDIA/GREG HUME 2 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 JERSEY CITY RESIDENT PLEADS GUILTY TO TRAFFICKING TURTLES OVER THE INTERNET Tortoises & freshwater turtles are being stolen from the wild all over the world to be sold into the exotic pet, meat & traditional medicine trades. Patrick Elfers had been selling them over the internet. He would stuff the live creatures in tube stocks to restrict movement & then ship by commercial carrier. Elfers was ordered to pay $30,450 for the care & feeding of 40 turtles he forfeited under a plea agreement. There are thousands of turtles that have been seized in this growing practice of trade in endangered species. U. S. District Court Judge Stanley R. Chesler also sentenced Elders to five years of probation. He had been facing up to 5 years in prison. TROUBLING QUESTIONS ABOUT AFRICAN GREY PARROTS IN THE WILD BIRD TRADE A new study from the Wildlife Conservation Society & TRAFFIC notes Singapore’s role as a leading transit hub and serious discrepancies in the way the trade has been recorded. Published in ORYX, the study is the first of its kind & describes Singapore’s prominent involvement. It also emphasizes trade record discrepancies. Close to 86,000 birds traded from 2005 to 2014 could not be accounted for after arrival in Singapore. Of all the species, the African Grey Parrot tops the list of species imported to & exported from Singapore. Almost half of the African Grey Parrots imported during the study period were reported to be wild-caught. There is a potential for illegal trade. In 2012, Singapore was spotlighted for allowing imports of tens of thousands of parrots, mostly falsely declared as captive-bred, from the Solomon Islands, but in fact, laundered from the wild. For more information, visit traffic.org or contact [email protected] or [email protected] Pictured above is Mickey, a resident of Popcorn Park available for sponsorship in the Wildlife Club (see page 8.) He was turned in when his owner became engaged. Mickey wouldn’t tolerate the intrusion into his relationship with the woman and became aggressive to the boyfriend, which made keeping him a risky affair. BEATING ANIMALS TIED TO PINATAS HAS COME TO AN END The 100 year old tradition of tying live animals to pinatas & beating them with large sticks has come to an end. The fiestas in the city of Citicum, Mexico were held to honor Saint Bartolo. Children were encouraged to hunt the streets for iguanas, possums, ducks, & more to be ruthlessly beaten & killed. The festival will still take place but no animals will be injured or killed as part of the celebration. ECUADOR DECLARES SAFE AREA FOR MARINE LIFE Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, declared that 1/3 of the waters surrounding Galapagos Islands will become a no-take zone. Over 15,000 square miles, (about the size of Switzerland), including the islands of Darwin & Wolf, will have protection for sea turtles, dolphins, sea lions & whale sharks. GIBRALTAR’S ANNUAL BALLOON RELEASE HAS COME TO AN END For over 24 years, the Gibraltar Group released balloons as part of the spectacular festivities of the day. A growing number of credible national & international organizations has shown the results of how helium-filled balloons harm animals & the environment. Marine animals, as well as birds, become entangled by the strings or ribbons attached to the balloons. Sea turtles confuse deflated balloons with jelly fish & they ingest the material, leading to stomach or intestinal blockage & eventual starvation. FEDERAL APPEALS COURT REINSTATES 120 MILLION ACRES OF CRITICAL HABITAT FOR POLAR BEARS PHOTO : ALAN WILSON A federal appeals court upheld the U. S. Fish & Wildlife designation of more than 120 million acres as critical habitat in Arctic Alaska for imperiled polar bears. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling reverses a 2013 lower court decision that shot down the habitat designation. This is according to the Center for Biological Diversity, one of 3 environmental groups involved, intervened in the case to defend habitat designation against challenges from oil companies & the State of Alaska. BON APPETIT ANNOUNCES NEW ANIMAL WELFARE REFORMS Bon Appetit Management Company (BAMCO) is a food management company that runs more than 650 dining locations at colleges, universities, museums, corporate headquarters, stadiums & other venues according to the HSUS. It was one of the first big food sellers to switch to cage-free eggs, crate-free veal & gestation-crate-free pork & to make plant-based foods a priority. BAMCO has now updated its animal welfare policy to include the following: • Eliminating tail docking of dairy cows within its supply chain immediately • Increase percentage of chicken meat it purchases from suppliers that use healthier breeds of chicken known as “slow growing”. Commercial breeds use genetically manipulation to grow so fast, and routinely suffer from lameness & even heart attacks at a few weeks of age. • Eliminate the inhumane growth promoter “ractopamine” & move to group sow housing; to eliminate farrowing crates; add enrichment for all pigs & eliminate tail docking & castration or to use painkillers during procedure. • Shrink portion sizes of meat it serves & offer more meat-free ANIMALS in the NEWS US FISH & WILDLIFE RESTRICTS TRADE IN CAPTIVE BRED TIGERS IN U.S. A new rule under the Endangered Species Act, means that captive “generic” tigers (of unknown genetic background) are no longer exempt from certain permit requirements. Anyone selling tigers across state lines must now obtain an interstate commerce permit or register under the Captive-bred Wildlife Registration program regardless of whether it is a generic tiger or a pure subspecies. Permits will only be issued if traders can demonstrate the transaction will benefit tiger conservation. According to TRAFFIC, there are believed to be about 5,000 tigers held in various facilities in the U.S – much more than the total population of wild animals in Asia. Currently, no national system exists in the US to monitor how many there are, who trades in them & what happens to their parts when they die. fashion with compassion CLOTHING MADE FROM PINEAPPLE LEAF FIBERS Pinatex (http://www.ananas-anam.com/pinatex/) is using tropical fruit waste to create fashionable, durable, attractive & even biodegradable faux-leather products. Pineapple leaf fibers have been used to create a natural textile & are the by-product of the pineapple harvest. No extra land, water, fertilizer or pesticides are required … and this will also bring added revenue stream to the farming communities. SUNGLASSES PRODUCED FROM DISCARDED FISHING NETS As was graphically depicted in the last issue of the HUMANE NEWS, and again in this issue page 2, fish nets pose a serious threat to marine PHOTO COURTESY : BUREO mammals who become trapped & tangled in their webs. In 2015, one company collected 110,000 pounds of discarded fishing nets from oceans across the world. Bureo was a Los Angeles start-up company by three friends focused on solutions for the growing plastic pollution. They created the world’s first, (and only), line of sunglasses made of 100% recycled fishing nets collected by Net Positiva, a recycling program in Chile, which also runs Bureo. The nets are recycled through a zero-waste process using no chemicals. The frames are made from 100% recycled fishing nets & premium Carl Zeiss polarized lenses. Funds from the sale of each product are used to support coastal communities that are most affected by these forms of waste for positive impact. http://shop.bureo.co/collections/bureo ARMANI TO NO LONGER USE REAL ANIMAL FUR! Giorgio Armani announced that the Italian fashion house will ensure all of its products — such as those from Emporio Armani and Armani Exchange — no longer use real animal fur, including rabbit fur, beginning with the group's Fall/Winter 2016 collection. www.ahscares.org 3 SOCIETYNEWS DNA GENETIC TESTING AVAILABLE FOR YOUR PET More Society News on Page 16 2016 SAVE-A-LIFE SWEEPSTAKES RAISES FUNDS FOR AHS The Society has collected some great prizes for the 2016 Save-A-Stray Sweepstakes. All funds raised from this program help the sick and injured animals that come through our doors. We count on our supporters to help make a difference. This year, more than any previous year, our Res-Q Fund continues to be depleted. We use tons of food each week to feed the domestic animals waiting for adoption, the wildlife, exotic, farm animals and birds that enjoy Popcorn Park. If you are on our current mailing list, you should be receiving a sweepstakes package within a few weeks. If you need more booklets, just e-mail [email protected] Below are this year’s fabulous prizes: Approx. Retail Value 1st Prize 2016 Ford Mustang V6 Coupe, 4 passenger sports car, automatic transmission, rear view camera & many other amenities! 2nd Prize Amazon Gift Card $29,140.00 $2,000.00 3rd Prize Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 $499.99 4th Prize Amazon fire TV stick with voice remote $49.99 You may wonder about your dog’s history and what his descendants may have been. Over the years, breeders would cross breed to eliminate unwanted traits in a particular breed. Now on the market is the Wisdom Panel so you can find out “Fido’s Traits”. The test uses a saliva sample from a cheek swab; not from blood. Within 2-3 weeks, you will receive the Wisdom Panel which includes your dog’s ancestry, key breed history, appearance & behavior & Statement of Authentication. The computer algorithm performs over 7 million calculations using 11 different models from a single breed to complex combinations. It will cost about $ 75 with a 3-4 day turnaround. For more information, contact them at 888-597-3883 or [email protected] Maggie is an 8 year old mixture who was brought to AHS when her owner was moving. She has been with us since Aug. 2015 & even with the passage of time, it has not been easier for her to assimilate into the kennel with noises, barking, etc. Maggie was chosen for a DNAS test & among the results were that she had German shorthaired Pointer in her ancestry. Maggie enjoys walks with kennel staff & volunteers but would love a bit of peace & quiet in a new home. (Tinton Falls). COLLEGE STUDENT DESIGNED AHS NEW T-SHIRT! MONMOUTH MALL IN EATONTOWN HOLDS BUNNY PHOTO FUNDRAISER FOR AHS Our thanks to the Monmouth Mall in Eatontown for having a fund raiser for AHS at Easter time! Pet owners were invited to have a picture of their pet with the Easter Bunny with a portion of the proceeds being donated to AHS. We recently received a generous check – for which we thank the Monmouth Mall and for people who brought their pets for pictures. Many dogs were a little leary of the long-haired, furry creature! The Easter Bunny posed with Zipper who has no fear of the giant rabbit. 4 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 Jessica Bock designed a logo which AHS will include as our latest t-shirt design. Jessica is feeding Seven during her tour of Popcorn Park. Jessica Bock, a college student, has spent many years as a girl scout and volunteer donating supplies, and Popcorn Park has a special place in her heart. She is now a graphic design student at Fairleigh Dickinson University and has taken a class on Social Responsibility. Jessica needed to choose a non-profit and design an awareness poster … Their lives are in our hands. and she contacted AHS to do a design for Popcorn Park. Her artwork was outstanding …. and we Jess made up the hand & the chose to use it on the back of a t-shirt! When we saying: THEIR LIVES ARE IN needed some type of illustration for the front, she OUR HANDS also designed artwork for the front of the shirt. AHS is in the midst of ordering t-shirts for those who wish to purchase them. More details to follow. Since June 1998, AHS has been the driving force to outfit every law enforcement K-9 with a bullet/stab resistant vest through our Vested Interest Fund. The Society has donated almost 2,000 vests to K-9s in NJ and hundreds across the country – many of which have been featured in the HUMANE NEWS. Thanks to the thousands of donors, civic groups, school kids, law enforcement supporters, etc., the Vested Interest Program has been a successful, ongoing effort! If you would like to make a donation, just earmark your check/donation to the Vested Interest Fund or donate online at ahscares.org SOCIETY NEWS More Society News on Page 16 AHS DONATES K-9 VESTS TO CAMDEN COUNTY POLICE OFFICERS’ K-9 PARTNERS The Camden County Police will be presenting the officers with a free combo vest donated through the generosity of our subscribers! Camden County Police Officers Dennis Smith and K-9 Ghost, Officer Joseph Olivo and K-9 FIOS, Officer Will Ramos and K-9 Recon and Officer Joseph Cella & K-9 Moose. The Vested Interest Fund continues as we receive requests from various law enforcement agencies to provide protection for working K-9s. If you know of any department who has a K-9 officer, please pass along our information to them that we will give them a protective vest. There is no cost to the department or the municipality. PHOTO COURTESY: CAMDEN COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Officer Dennis Smarth and Ghost Officer Joeph Cella and Moose Events Calendar ROUGHNECKS MOTORCYCLE CLUB TO VISIT POPCORN PARK JUNE 4TH! Officer Joseph Olivo and FiOS Officer Will Ramos and Recon ROCK 2 ADOPT TO BE HELD JUNE 11-12!! For a rocking good time for animals, Popcorn Park will be having the Rock2Adopt concert June 11-12. Come visit for the music, kids will have games, face painting, and much more entertainment. This fantastic event takes months of hard work, so please come and enjoy the day! For an update on all the plans for that weekend, visit ahscares.org and click on Events or rock2adopt.com. ◆ Forked River Anniversary Celebration September 17-18, Popcorn Park ROUGHNECKS MOTORCYCLE CLUB IS HOLDING ITS ANNUAL PET FOOD DRIVE FOR POPCORN PARK! Please stop by & meet the Roughnecks at Petco, 1391 Hwy. 35 in Middletown and PetSmart at 2101 Hwy. 35 in Holmdel every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. through June 4th. For more information, call 609-693-1900 or e-mail [email protected] ◆ Annual Gift Auction October 8th – B.P.O.Elks, Washington Avenue, Toms River Please check Events at ahscares.org for a regular listing of many events supporting AHS/Popcorn Park near you! www.ahscares.org 5 Happy Endings AHS ALUMNI TRAINING FOR SEARCH & RESCUE PHOTOS SUPPLIED Francis (top) joins Doug who is involved with Search & Rescue training. AHS Lacey alumni Francis, now Kenny, (with pointy ears), is absolutely loving life with his mom, Allison, and dad and best buddy, Doug D’Atrio of Barnegat! Update below is from his proud mom, Allison. "So Francis is now Kenny and has been such a great addition to our family! Doug and Kenny have been the BEST of friends since the minute they met. They love nothing more than to play hard, work hard, and rest up to do it all over again! Kenny just started Search and Rescue training with Hanlon’s, (Doug has been certified for about 2 months now), and is doing amazing! He really loves to work and we were all a little surprised how quickly he caught on and how well he's doing. We could not have asked for a better match for Doug and are so thankful that we were the lucky ones to be able to bring him home. We really could not be happier with this guy! Hope you enjoy the pictures - I had a hard time picking which ones to send you. :o)” Doug waits patiently as Francis decides to sit in a basket oceanside …. A CANINE VICTIM OF CANCER HELPED BY NEWLY-ADOPTED DEXTER TWILIGHT & SMOOCH FIND LOVING OWNER IN BRICK TOWNSHP After over a year of waiting, Twilight & Smooch, have a lifetime commitment of love with Thomas Stone of Brick! Twilight & Smooch were brought to our Tinton Falls facility when their owner could no longer care for them. The family had them for 6 years and although the pair was sad, they had each other to lean on. They are a bonded pair & photos of the adorable pooches were sent all over the internet. They are housebroken, will sit, stay, hug, kiss and down. Due to their size, visitors were reluctant to take the exuberant fellas outside. It was almost a year when the bonded friends finally found some happiness! Thomas Stone of Brick, NJ met the pair and they bonded right away! Congratulations to Twilight & Smooch and their new-found family! 6 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 PHOTO SUPPLIED Dexter has put new life into Buddy, a cancer victim. Although Buddy was thought to be rapidly deteriorating, Dexter had given him new life! Dexter was only an 8 month old pup when his owner surrendered the Shih Tzu because there just wasn’t enough time to care for the dog ... along with kids, etc. Within a few weeks, Rachelle St. Phard of Hightstown adopted this youngster. Dexter joined his older brother, Buddy, who had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the month. Since the family expected to lose Buddy quickly, they wanted to have another dog in the home. They recently sent us a follow-up: “Apparently, getting a new brother has prolonged his life! Dexter & Buddy spend time together chasing after & trying to get that “special” toy from one another. Although he was named after Chewbacca, Chewie was aptly named as he loves to chew on everything! We love having him around. Thank you for letting us have him in our home”! Happy Endings KODA & MAYA THE MALAMUTES ADOPTED TO MAYS LANDING HORRIBLY NEGLECTED POOCH CELEBRATED 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN NEW HOME Koda & Maya with the Harringtons of Mays Landing, NJ We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our beautiful friends Koda and Maya have finally found the home of their dreams! It was a long, tough road to get here, but well worth it in the end. These beautiful malamutes were turned in back in November when their family could no longer afford to care for them. They both had medical conditions that needed tending to and it was unfortunate that these conditions were neglected for so long. Koda had a large tumor on his neck to contend with but fortunately, it turned out to be benign. Maya was not as fortunate though as we discovered that she had a torn cruciate ligament in her hind leg which required extensive surgery to repair. Thanks to our Res-Q Fund, we were able to get both Koda and Maya the treatment that they needed to go on to live long, healthy, happy lives. Once Maya was recovered from her surgery, it didn't take long for this sweet and loving pair to get noticed. A nice family came along and fell in love with them and finally, Koda and Maya have the wonderful home that they deserve. Congratulations Koda, Maya and the Harrington Family of Mays Landing, NJ, and may you bring each other joy and happiness for many years to come! Cookie suffered for at least 4 years when the owner decided to surrender Cookie to AHS. The untreated skin, bacterial & yeast infections, & a heavy flea infestation were a horrible sight. Her ear canals were difficult to treat & on top of that, she had luxating patellas in her hind legs. It took many months for Cookie to start on the mend but last year, Cindy Bloom opened her heart and her home to the needy lass. We recently got an e-mail from Cindy about Cookie after her most recent visit to her vet: “He was a very nice vet & seemed very knowledgeable. He said that Cookie was adorable (of course, what else could he say). Cookie told him her whole life story & then some – if only we could understand her, she really would give us the total scope on just how things went down. He agreed that Cookie will get no further hair regrowth on her back but thought that she looked great. He PHOTO SUPPLIED thought that once she was surrendered to Popcorn Park, her life was back on track & that your group & my vet did everything that could be done for her. No new findings but that, in my opinion, is a good thing. My sister Deb got Cookie an anniversary present for our year together & Cookie & me both look forward to taking it for a spin. She will have to walk one way & will get a ride back on the return trip so that I don’t have to carry her home when we walk to the park”. What a great home Cookie has found! Left: For years, Cookie had a bacterial & yeast infection that was left untreated. Above: Although there is very little hair regrowth on her back, she still has firstclass accommodations while she enjoys outings. JOHNNY DEPP THE BOXER FINDS GREAT HOME WITH VETERINARIAN AHS was contacted to pick up an emaciated stray Boxer from the Police Dept. The bones protruded along his back, his ribs were visible & it was obvious he had not eaten in a while. We called him Johnny Depp. His picture and story did not go unnoticed – Kelly J. Weimer, DVM at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital followed his stay at AHS & then expressed a desire to take him into her heart & home! We have just received an update to share with our subscribers: “I wanted to send an update on my sweet boy, Milo (formerly Johnny Depp). He is so well behaved but still full of adorable energy. He’s amazing with my sassy, bossy older female Boston. We’ve already easily tackled a skin infection & an ear infection & he’s the perfect patient. I am head over heels in love with this dog & feel so incredibly lucky to have stumbled upon him! (p.s. This boy loves to eat & is up to 60 lbs.!). Thank you for saving him so I could return the favor!” The once-emaciated Johnny Depp, now re-named Milo, shares his home with veterinarian, Dr. Kelly Weimer, as well as a sassy female Boston Terrier. PHOTOS SUPPLIED ahscares.org 7 Join the POPCORN PARK WILDLIFE CLUB The “Parkway Sheep” include Reeba, Sheeba, North and South. Our Tinton Falls shelter had gotten calls around Labor Day 2015 about two goats wandering the southbound lanes of the Garden State Parkway. About a month later, they were reported on the Northbound side. AHS Animal Control Officers spotted them and devised a clever way of corraling the two so-called goats, (actually sheep), and bringing them to our shelter. The white sheep, Reeba, was clearly the mother of the black one, her daughter Sheeba. She looked rather thick in the middle, and there was a reason. Shortly after her arrival, she gave birth to two white lambs, both male, and now named North and South. (See the photo at left.) The little family has recently moved to Popcorn Park where they are now available for sponsorship individually on the Wildlife Club. Reeba, Sheeba, North and South are a tight-knit little herd, and determining strong distinctions in personality is not an easy task. So we offer you their sweet faces and hope one will inspire you to sponsor him or her. South Reeba Sheeba North You’ve heard the saying, `Cold hands, warm heart”, but probably not `Hard shell, warm heart.” Did you know that almost all our turtles had been pets? Once they were a source of fascination, loved, maybe even cuddled. They have a wonderful life with us a huge pond, waterfalls, basking rocks, but we wonder ... wouldn’t they still like a little human appreciation? Sadly, our turtles only have 3 sponsors. They deserve a few more, don’t you think? If you have cold hands or a warm heart, there’s a coupon just for you. 8 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 PARK WILDLIFE CLUB POPCORN If you haven’t yet been to Popcorn Park, come down and visit! Our unique sanctuary caters to wildlife, farm animals, exotics and birds that have been abused, abandoned, exploited, injured, handicapped, etc. The park is open daily from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. On Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day, Popcorn Park closes at 2 p.m. so that staff can be with their families. Our current admission fee is $5 for adults, and $4 for children under 12 and senior citizens. If you would like to support one of our residents, the donation cost is only $4.00 a month, for which you will receive a color photo of your animal and an update every 4 months, (which includes a holiday card), a membership card, plus free admission to Popcorn Park with presentation of your card. For a copy of the Popcorn Park Wildlife Club booklet to help you choose the animal you wish to sponsor, order on Page 21, or sponsor online at www.ahscares.org and click on Wildlife Club.There is no required time limit – you can sponsor for as long as you’d like. Any donated funds that exceed the care given for a particular animal will be applied to the care of other Popcorn Park residents. Here’s our beautiful Peggy, basking in the sunshine in the doorway of her little house. Life wasn’t always easy for Peggy. She was dumped in a park in Maryland, (read her full story in the Wildlife Club online), rescued by a so-called sanctuary, but when injured with a broken leg, they refused to treat her. Peggy finally found her way to Popcorn Park where all her medical needs were tended to and she became healthy. But as with some others of our animals, she is in need of sponsors. As Peggy is a very sensitive pig, that hurts. Do you have some extra love you could share with our porcine beauty? We know she’d be just over the moon about your finding her special. JUNE 2016 Name of animal(s) sponsored: __________________, ________________, __________________. _________________ NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________ # OF ANIMALS _______ X $4.00 each = TOTAL $ ____________ CATS & KITTENS Timmy - one of a gang of kittens that were allowed to run loose and be in danger. He was rescued by AHS, given all necessary shots, neutered …. & is now waiting for the crowds to arrive! Helloooo? Anyone get the message? I’m ready to go home! File 26103-NM (Forked River). Someone may be looking for this elderly long-haired gent. He is over 12 years old and was found as a stray. No one has inquired or visited. He has been at AHS for several weeks & would love to find a peaceful person who loves pussycats. File 141908-NM (Newark). Essence has been waiting for a chance at a new home for over a month. Won’t you visit with a 2 year old gal who has a winning purrrrsonality! File 142066-F (Newark). They were very young kittens abandoned behind a cemetery and a kind man brought them home. Recently, the man passed away & Midnight & Mika came to Popcorn Park. Both have had medical issues which were addressed. Mika had an eye problem which has been cared for. Midnight was found to have a severely damaged left hip that may have been congenital or injured as a young kitten. Midnight will have to undergo orthopedic surgery thanks to our Res-Q Fund, but they need to be together. If you are interested in the pair after their recovery, please contact [email protected]. (Forked River). Maxy has been chilling out waiting for feline fanciers to arrive. If y ou would enjoy having this big boy in your home, he’s been waiting. File 142449-M (Newark). Meet Padme. I am only 8 months old. I love to swish my tail and wait for a loving hand to stroke my fur. Please visit with me and I know we can make a purrrrfectly meovelous connection. File 8575-SF (Tinton Falls). Phoenix & Brimstone are beautiful & bonded sisters that would love a great home to grow up in. They are not even a year old & can be seen playing & rolling around together all day. They love people & do not have much shyness about being handled. They would easily transition into a loving home. File 25658-SF & File 25659-SF (Forked River). Mikko & Mako were surrendered at AHS in Newark & have made the trip to Popcorn Park in search of a new beginning. They enjoy their free roam area but if one loses sight of the other, they go straight to their feline companion to give a pawshake & check in. File 24967-NM & File 24969-SF (Forked River). www.ahscares.org 9 newark DOGS Another stray in search of a scissor! Grooming shops in Newark must have gone out of business! This adorable poodle got a spa day & is much happier for it. File 142414-M. When his owner passed away, Owen was brought to the shelter. He loves taking walks with the volunteers but doesn’t appreciate other dogs taking walks at the same time. Owen would be a great addition to a home without other dogs. File 140751-M. Willow is an adorable beagle who is hunting for a home. She had no tags or microchip to help reunite with her owner. Have you ever seen a Weeping Willow? Come and visit. File 142453-F. Penny is a calm 2 year old lass who is hungry for human companionship … not a toy or treat. She prefers other dogs at a distance for now. File 141972-F. Hmmmm – an unusual mixture that some may say has Rhodesian Ridgeback in his ancestry. Come in and meet 2 year-old Jax & we can try to figure it out together …. and perhaps you may want to adopt. File 141597-M. AT NEWARK 124 Evergreen Ave. Just off Rt. 1 & 9 near Newark International Airport 10 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 Brownie is a people-focused pooch who wouldn’t eat treats, rawhide or food from the food bowl. Her owner became ill and had to surrender the 3 year old. Brownie is brokenhearted at their separation & needs to know that someone will care. File 140753-SF. Meet Angie …. or should we call her “angel”. She is a wiggler who wants to let you know that she welcomes meeting new friends. She sits on command & showed no interest in toys or treats. Angie just wants a head scratch & body rub. And she’s well mannered around her food bowl. File 141262-F. Not even a year old & he needs to make a new life. Someone allowed this lad to run loose and without any identification. The search is on for a new responsible owner. File 141974-M. newark DOGS Baloo is a snuggly pup who just wants human companionship. No toys … no treats …. just you and him sitting on a couch watching Lassie …. or hiking in the woods. It is your pleasure that he will be concerned about. File 141650-M. Only a year old & on a search for acceptance that could lead to a wonderful lifelong relationship. If you treat me with kindness & love, I will be yours to have & to hold. File 142532-F. Sadly, many people don’t have the interest in keeping their pets groomed. Underneath that hairy exterior there’s a handsome Maltese type looking for love. File 142533-M. This sweet cuddly mixture of Staffie & English Bulldog waits for walks & treats. She’s a gorgeous gal with a personality to match. She’s a young lass who shares her food bowl, toys … and her heart. File 142293-F I am quite a handsome mixture. Less than a year old & I am hoping to be someone’s permanent fixture. File 142551-M. Maddie is a 1 year old Cane Corso who is calm, gentle & would love to meet with you. Someone who is experienced with handling giant breeds would be great. File 141956-F. It is believed that this GENTLE senior soul had an uncaring life. He has two sores on his hindquarters from sitting on a hard surface for years. When he met the volunteers, he constantly cuddled & hugged them for security. Forget the toys or rawhide. He just wants to cuddle. File 142258-M. Adoption Center Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (973) 824-7080 E-Mail: [email protected] I was found as a stray & I am waiting for an offer of adoption. Won’t you come & visit me …. please don’t hesitate. File 142557-F. View More Orphans at http://ahsnewark.petfinder.org or “Like” us on Facebook at AHS-Newark Branch www.ahscares.org 11 COVER STORIES Continued from Page 1 UNWANTED BY BREEDER – HE WAS BORN WITH 5 LEGS He was only a day or two old when the owner/breeder brought the Maltese pup to the AHS Newark shelter. He had no use for this newborn boy who had an extra leg growing near his tail. Due to his very young age, he was placed in foster care through our Tinton Falls facility to help him during his earliest days of life. He is growing stronger and at some point, he will be seen by a specialist to determine if/when surgery is required. Due to his tender age, we will wait until Snow Baby is old enough to withstand whatever is needed and also neuter him. For more information, contact AHS at 732-922-0100 or e-mail [email protected] Snow Baby was a bottle baby when given up by his breeder/owner. He has a small leg growing out of his body by his tail. A handsome boy who is now waiting for “a new leash on life”. For information, contact AHS at 732-922-0100 or e-mail [email protected] WALKS ON HIS WRISTS DUE TO DEFORMITY It is unclear how this deformity occurred but he could have been confined in a very small crate. Young Fozzie was found wandering the streets of Newark alone. Due to the deformity of the legs, he went to the AHS Medical Dept. where x-rays were taken. Luckily there were no broken bones & they found very lax tendons in all four legs. The condtion is most severe in the front legs & he gets around by walking on his “wrists”. Fozzie was sent to Popcorn Park to meet new people, make new friends and plans for getting him back on his feet! The young gent went off to Pet PT in Cherry Hill to meet with Dr. Russell Howe-Smith for orthopedic issues. As we go to press, we are unclear as to the best direction to take with his condition. We are unclear if this deformity has come from Fozzie being onfined in a very small crate or if he was born with it. Either way, we will fix it and give him the best chance possible at living a long, full, healthy life. He has a warm and bubbly personality and it's obvious that he never really had the chance to be a puppy. All he wants to do now that he is safe and cared for is walk around and check out his new world, play, and wiggle himself up into your lap. He is an absolute doll and we are happy to help this sweetheart get back on his feet. We will be counting on our Res-Q Fund yet again to help Fozzie on his road to recovery, so if you are able to make a donation toward his care, it will go a long way to help him and others in need. For more information, call Popcorn Park at 609-693-1900 or e-mail [email protected] From time to time, updates, pictures and videos will be included on Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter Facebook page. Please “Like” us and check it out. New stories, videos and pictures are included daily. 12 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 Fozzie’s first spa day and he loved it! He enjoys the soft bedding and plans are now underway to correct the deformity so Fozzie can be back on his feet! COVER Cinnamon is a young male kitten who was brought to the AHS Newark shelter when his owner was perplexed by the neurological symptoms that their kitten displayed. They decided to release the beautiful kitten to the Society. We have brought him to Popcorn Park and we will monitor Cinnamon who has what many refer to Cinnamon’s most favorite pastime is being held as the “wobble by staffers. syndrome”. There are many reasons that this could have occurred; i.e., if the mother had been ill, or possibly Cinnamon had an ear infection, etc. but he has no pain, according to the vets. In speaking with his caretaker, Jay Cat Morris, Cinnamon is doing fine but seems to be most at peace when being held. That isn’t a difficult prescription to take! Cinnamon would love a lifelong home but needs to be placed with proper security. For more information, call Popcorn Park at 609-693-1900 and e-mail [email protected] File# 26140 (Forked River) STORIES Continued from Page 1 NEUROLOGICALLY-IMPAIRED CAT GIVEN UP BY FAMILY The “wobbler” cat loves attention & brings out his purrrrsonality! VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THROWN FROM 3rd FLOOR As soon as Delilah arrived, the Medical Dept. took over to ascertain if there were any injuries. She is a lucky lass who survived with no major problems after being thrown from the 3rd floor onto a concrete sidewalk. Delilah loves other animals and people. She is being socialized so that her cruel past is just a memory that has disappeared. Sadly, domestic violence has been in the news recently and some horrendous brutality to animals. The AHS was contacted by the Irvington Police in regard to a domestic violence situation which involved a pup. When the Animal Control Officer arrived, the Police was in discussions with the owner. The man brought his pup to his girlfriend’s apartment and he left and did not return until 7 a.m. the next morning. In her anger, his girlfriend through the pup out of the 3rd floor window onto a concrete sidewalk. Although the boyfriend and the Police attempted to gain entrance, the girlfriend refused to answer the door and the matter was reported to the spca. The pup, whose name is Delilah, was brought to the AHS Medical Dept. where a complete work-up was started. There was an injury to the neck, possible inflammation to the spine, internal parasites and an upper respiratory ailment along with some scrapes and scratches. Delilah is presently being fostered to monitor her physical condition. For more information on her, e-mail [email protected] www.ahscares.org 13 forked river DOGS Somewhere someone may be missing their German Shepherd. Wilma was found as a stray … but no one called or visited and she wore no i.d. tag or a microchip that we could trace. Another orphan waiting in the wings to find acceptance and love with a new family. File L26141-SF. This handsome Brittany Spaniel is a mature gent with some extra weight. He had obviously been someone’s beloved pet, but no action was taken to trace their missing pet. Now he is with us and hoping that he has happiness and contentment in his senior years. File L26093-M. Meet Chulo, a 3 year old Siberian Husky, who is housebroken …. and doesn’t appreciate cats. The neutered gent was surrendered to AHS & now he is seeking “a new leash on life”. File L26060-NM. I was found standing on a corner …. waiting for traffic to stop. Thankfully, a good-hearted ACO stopped to pick me up. Here I am waiting for someone who will include me in their family. They call me Mr. Pibb and I’m hoping you File L26057-M. Baby is an adorable “pocket” Pit that was surrendered by her owner. She was obviously bred & no longer needed by him. Baby needs to find someone who will devote their love & affection on a lass who is hungry for direction. File L26054-SF Ginger is a 6 year old Bullmastiff who would best be adored in a home with no other animals. She may have not been properly introduced to kids or other animals or she may have been in a home with none of those distractions. Now Ginger waits to be top dog in your home. File L25887-SF. We call him Rufus and we aren’t sure about his ancestry. Perhaps some Mastiff …. some St. Bernard … but also a very hopeful heart. The big boy needs an active lifestyle with walks, hikes & he’d love to get to know you. File L26077-M. AT FORKED RIVER Humane Way at Lacey Road - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Phone (609) 693-1900 E-mail: [email protected] Exit 74 off Parkway: Turn left & go 7 miles. Make right on Humane Way View more Orphans at http://ahsforkedriver.petfinder.org or “Like” us - Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter on Facebook 14 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 No – this isn’t Leo! He is still with us but this is Patty an owner surrender to a rescue who contacted Popcorn Park. The 2 year old Tibetan Mastiff is a high maintenance lass. Come & meet her -- we are open 7 days a week. File 26072-SF. tinton falls DOGS This 6 year old gent is a mixture in his ancestry. Now he is waiting to find that spot in your heart that he would be a perfect fit. We call him Happy … but you can call him yours. File 8685-NM. Linus is a 1 ½ year old Shar Pei who is waiting for adoption. Shar Peis are a distinct breed with special issues concerning care, diet,etc. Be sure to familiarize yourself with any breed that you would consider adopting. File 87080-N, Shilo is an all-around good guy just waiting for the chance to show you how great he can be as a devoted companion. File 8149-NM Ozzie & his brother Jackson are a bonded pair that will not leave each other’s side. They came in badly in need of grooming. This is an important part of owning these two.The 2 year old gents would light up your life if you light up theirs. Opening your heart & home to this delightful duo will make a great addition for you! File 8534-NM &File 8535-NM. Nico is a 1 year-old Rottweiler and one of several Rotties waiting for homes. The young gent is hungry for companionship, affection, and attention & he would be your devoted protector. File 9239-M. Bailey is a great guy who has some Pointer markings & Labrador looks. If you enjoy the great outdoors – hiking, walking - and would love a constant companion, check out this 9 month-old gent. File 87078-M. Meet Pedro who was given up by his family. He was adopted out to a great home but they discovered that he has separation anxiety …. serious separation anxiety. He would be a terrific companion who either stays at home or has other people in the home so that he always has company. File 6847-NM. We saw how his owner treated her upon leaving Princess at the shelter. Getting hit in the head is not a nice way to say good-bye to the family companion. We are waiting for a family who will cherish this 2 year-old lass and enrich her life with love & acceptance. File 87103-SF. AT TINTON FALLS 2960 Shafto Road, on Route 547 - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Phone (732) 922-0100 Fax: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail: [email protected] 2 Miles from Rt. 33-34 Circle, Parkway Exit 102 (So.) Parkway Exit 100B (North) View More Orphans at http://ahstintonfalls.petfinder.org www.ahscares.org 15 You’ve helped a lot - thank you! CALMING COLLARS DONATED BY COMPANY TO DE-STRESS DOGGIES PET FUSION.COM DONATES 50 MEMORY BED INSERTS Rhonda is convalescing on the memory bed after having had an amputation to her front leg. She is in Tinton Falls. File 8045-F. Our thanks to Christopher Roost, Director of Product Experience at Pet Fusion.com, for donating 50 memory foam bed inserts. Pet Fusion.com is an online pet store that sells a variety of pet supplies & attractive pet furniture! The foam beds came at a great time as Rhonda was resting up for amputation to a front leg. CAMP BOW WOW OF EATONTOWN DLEIVERS TRUCKLOAD OF PET FOOD Rocket is a handsome 2 year-old gent who is feeling very relaxed now that he is wearing a Calming Collar! File L25789-NM (Forked River). When some of the dogs waiting for adoption had difficulties dealing with shelter environment stress, our Facebook page (Associated Humane Popcorn Park) asked for some Calming Collars. To our delight, Deborah Mendez at Calming Collars donated three collars at no charge! First on our priority list was Rocket who is a calm, mushy & lovable guy when he is outside with friends & volunteers. As soon as he is put back in his run, he is anxious & stressed. Calming Collars just clips on our collars & the herbal blends work naturally to calm the pet. The collars are filled with a blend of natural herbs specifically developed to help with hyperactivity, stress, anxiety, fear of loud noises, separation anxiety & more. For more information on Calming Collars, go to their website at www.calmingcollars.com HAND-MADE POPULAR TOYS MADE & DONATED BY THE ARC MEMBERS ARC members made a special card for AHS/Popcorn Park All of us at Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park would like to send out a huge and heartfelt Thank You to the wonderful people at The ArcOcean County Chapter. The Two staffers from Camp Bow Wow delivered a wonderful donation of Arc in Lakewood, NJ is an pet food & treats for Society orphans. organization that helps individuals with The AHS Tinton Falls shelter was visited by Camp Bow Wow of intellectual and developmental Eatontown with a truck load of supplies for shelter residents. If disabilities. These kind and compassionate individuals came up with a project to you are looking for doggy day care or a boarding facility, check give some enjoyment to some of the animals here at AHS- Lacey. They collected them out at http://www.campbowwow.com/eatontown socks, paper towel tubes, and other supplies and came up with two toy ideas for our birds and cats. Our birds got paper towel tubes stuffed with straw and cheerios and they literally could not stop "talking" about how much they liked them! They enjoyed playing with them for hours and had such fun. The cats got socks that were decorated and then stuffed with cat nip. To say they liked them is an understatement ..... they absolutely loved them and could not get enough of them! As you will see in the pictures, both the birds and the cats had the time of their lives playing with their new toys and our staff even had a great time watching them all rolling, chewing and playing! Thank you again to the wonderful students at the The Arc, who also made us a beautiful card to go along with their gift that they all signed, and thank you to the staff at The Arc, Chrissy, Carrie Duncan is one of the popular birds at Popcorn Park. Oreo came to AHS in December 2015. Having his He is enjoying a paper towel tube stuffed with goodies! and Kathy, for assisting the students in the own catnip sock has given him a world of pleasure! project. Our animals also send out a chirp, meow, File L25914-NM (Forked River). and big thank you!! 16 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 NEWS FROM NEW YORK NEW YORK STATE Senate Bill 410 recently passed the Senate & is now under review by the Assembly. It would double the fine for abandoning an animal from $1,000 to $2,000 and would also continue to carry a possible penalty of up to a year in prison. The penalty would apply to owners who abandon & stop providing care for their animals as well as to those who fail to retrieve an injured pet when found in a public place & they are notified of its whereabouts. STATEN ISLAND Richmond County District Attorney Michael McMahon has announced the formation of an Animal Cruelty Prosecution Unit in Staten Island. The stated purpose is to investigate & prosecute crimes against animals, increase awareness of animal abuse, educate the community about available resources that could prevent neglect, abuse & injury to animals & develop and facilitate relationships with Staten Islanders & veterinarians to encourage reporting of animal abuse. ALBANY The Albany County District Attorney’s Aimal Cruelty Task Force (ACT) unveiled a TV public service announcement which encourages residents to stop domestic violence by calling 911 to report animal abuse LINDENHURST A $2,000 reward is offered for the perpetrator(s) involved in abandonment of a German Shepherd found with its muzzle taped shut. The dog was found by police on Montauk Highway. The Babylon Animal Shelter is now caring for the dog. POUGHKEEPSIE The Poughkeepsie Police Department has added a new member to its K9 team – a dog named Kiah. The Police Department decided to welcome a pit bull to the team. Kiah was rescued from a Texas animal shelter after her previous owner was arrested for animal cruelty. E-Cigarette Warning Cases of pets poisoned by e-cigarettes have leaped 400% since 2013 in Michigan. The cats and dogs ingested the liquid or inhaled the vapor. Please help us save lives ... Yes! I want to support the many life-saving efforts of AHS and Popcorn Park through a donation of $ _______________________ ❑ Please find my donation enclosed. ❑ Apply to ResQ Fund ❑ Please charge my donation to my credit card: ❑ American Express ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover Name on Card: ______________________________ Exp. date: ________ Card# _____________________________________ 3/4 digit sec. code: _______ Your signature: ________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________ Please send all donations to: Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park PO Box 43 Forked River, NJ 08731-0043 JUNE 2016 NEW YORK According to the NY POST in an anonymous interview, a resident grabs pigeons while sitting on a park bench & markets them for $5 each. He catches the pigeons, puts them in a dark garbage bag & allegedly brings them to poultry markets but would not name them. According to Elinor Molbegott, counsel for the Humane Society of NY, it is a Class A misdemeanor & punishable for up to a year in jail & a fine of up to $2,000. NEW YORK CITY New York City launched an Animal Abuse Registry which will contain the names of anyone convicted of certain animal abuse crimes after last Oct. 2nd. The Health Dept. is reaching out to city district attorneys so they can alert people convicted of animal abuse to register for the list. Health Dept. officials will conduct a brief interview of the abuser to determine whether he/she is required to register. Abusers will remain on the registry for 5 years. If they have been incarcerated, the five year period starts after release. The campaign for the registry started back in 2011 when a Queens bodybuilder Milan Rysa tossed his 50 pound dog out of a window to its death. CAUTION: This registry should not give people a false sense of security. Many abusers & irresponsible pet owners rarely get taken to court & face conviction NEW YORK CITY Declan Garrity, a 24 year old Barclays analyst, was charged with torturing his roommate’s cat by allegedly beating & burning the cat over a period of 3 months. The kitty was suffering from broken ribs, legs, burns & teeth & claw damage & is being treated by a vet. Garrity is no longer employed by Barclays & is due back in Manhattan Criminal Court on April 28th. AROUND THE WORLD IN SWITZERLAND, IT IS ILLEGAL TO OWN JUST ONE GUINEA PIG … & MORE ANIMAL ENCOMPASSING LAWS! It is forbidden for people to keep just one guinea pig as the highly social animals can be prone to loneliness & need each other’s company. But that’s not all!! If you own a single cat, it must be let outside or be able to see other cats from the windows. If you want an indoor cat only, you have to have two. You can only become a dog owner after taking a course involving 2-3 lessons & follow up with practical training. Parrots are also covered. They will be considered victims of abuse if they don’t live or interact regularly with others of their species. Other European countries have similar laws, including Sweden. Pet fish need to have a full day/night cycle provided for them. If a guinea pig passes away, Priska Kung is one of a few matchmaking agencies available to pair PHOTO COURTESY HELENA RUIZ up guinea pigs. IRELAND Effective March 31st, 2016, it is compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped & registered with an authorized database. All details are to be kept up to date on your pet’s microchip database. AFRICA According to TRAFFIC, faced with unprecedented levels of poaching & wildlife trafficking, a conference of African countries has agreed to take bold new steps to implement a continent-wide strategy to combat illegal wildlife trade. Vultures are on the edge of extinction due to poisoning related to ivory poaching & traditional medicine trade. Proposed interventions include increased budgetary support for law enforcement & the development of appropriate legislation to control, ban or restrict use of toxic chemicals used in the indiscriminate killing of vultures, elephants, lions & other wildlife. www.ahscares.org 17 junior BEACHWOOD GIRL SCOUT TROOP 235 COLLECTED DONATIONS FOR POPCORN PARK HUMANE NO. BURLINGTON CTY. REGIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL “PAWS FOR A CAUSE” ANNUAL DONATION DRIVE Girl Scouts from Troop 235 brought in loads and loads of blankets for the comfort and care of orphaned animals waiting for adoption. We always need more blankets! Diane & Richie Brown brought a huge supply of much-needed items from the fund raising annual dance “Paws For A Cause” In order to learn more about animals, Girl Scout Troop 235 of Beachwood visited Popcorn Park to see the refuge as well as the dogs and cats in the shelter. Heading the troop was Mary Allen Huegel who assisted the Girl Scouts in their efforts to bring donations for the animals. There were blankets, dog and cat food, pet treats, detergent & other cleaning supplies. A big thank you to Girl Scout Troop 235! Diane & Richie Brown recently brought a huge donation of dog and cat food, wet food, toys, paper towels and cleaning supplies from students at the Northern Burlington County Regional Middle School in Columbus, NJ. Every year, Diane organizes a “Paws for A Cause” for Popcorn Park. All students who donate items during their annual dance receive free passes to Popcorn Park. Our thanks to Diane and to all of the students who help to make this a wonderful and thoughtful annual event! OAKHURST BIRTHDAY GIRLS CELEBRATE A PARTY WITH A PURPOSE Mimi Fillian (l.) and Emilie Peters, two 11 year old birthday girls, celebrated for animals at AHS Tinton Falls shelter. It was a Birthday Party With A Purpose! When 11 year old Mimi Fillian and Emilie Peters of Oakhurst celebrated their birthdays together, the generous, hard-working girls had a special task in mind. They asked guests to give donations to the Associated Humane Societies in lieu of gifts for themselves. After their celebration, Mimi & Emilie brought in a huge number of wonderful animal gifts, pet food, PetSmart gift cards so that the resident dogs and cats had their own celebration! Our thanks to the birthday girls and to all who helped by donating an item for our orphans. 18 HUMANE NEWS June 2016 BAR MITZVAH PROJECT WOWS POPCORN PARK!!! The Forgosh Family of Manalapan brought an astounding collection of donations to help animals at Popcorn Park. Vinnie, our famous celebrity, met the wonderful family. Ryan Forgosh was going to observe his 13th birthday with a Bar Mitzvah celebration. Several months ago, Mom went into high gear with plans to make it a magnificent project to help Popcorn Park. With the AHS Wish List in hand, Mrs. Forgosh contacted suppliers, held a Pampered Chef party, a book sale & much, much more. As a result of Mom’s efforts, over $3,000.00 was collected in Ryan Forgosh celebrated his Bar Mitzvah with a funds, checks, Purell products, HUGE collection of donations – thanks to kong toys, blankets, treats, Mom’s efforts! food, kitty litter, nyla toys, collars, leashes, sheets, doggie bags …. and so much more. Congratulations and best wishes to Ryan ... to all companies and individuals who donated for this happy occasion ... and to Mom, whose efforts made her son proud. And if you see a woman sacked out on a beach chair in her Manalapan backyard, it just may be Mrs. Forgosh! CONSIDER IMPACT ON ANIMALS WHEN BEING A TOURIST The mild weather makes planning desirable for a weekend getaway, vacations & enjoying time with family & friends. Many never consider the impact on animals in our decisions. Making a list of where to go … what to see on your trips should be a thoughtful concern about animals. You can take steps to cut thoughtless animal cruelty and at the same time, educate others as to your decisions. HORRIFIC ABUSE AT HAVASU FALLS IN GRAND CANYON Visiting roadside zoos is thought to be an enjoyable distraction as you travel along in various areas, motoring the highways on your vacation. CALLING ON TRIPADVISOR TO STOP PROMOTING ANIMAL CRUELTY TO TOURISTS PHOTO COURTESY: SAVE FOUNDATION/StopAnimalViolence.org This is the condition of just one of the many horses and mules used as pack animals at Havasu Falls, often left to die in the canyon when unable to go any further. Each year, 20,000 tourists visit Havasu Falls, a remote part of the Grand Canyon. Eyewitness accounts report pack horses being punched, kicked, starved, denied water, forced to work for long periods of time without rest and pushed off the sides of the mountains when injured. A petition has started to demand that the Havasupai Tribal Council establish a minimum standard of care for the horses & mules. There is a flood of heartbreaking stories that visitors have reported. There are reports of horrifying and violent situations for these animals. Unless there is a boycott of the Havasu Falls tours that use pack animals, it is unlikely that things will change. Log on to https://earthnetwork.news/2016/04/26/petition-save-the-pack-animalsat-havasu-falls-in-the-grand-canyon-arizona/ You can also learn more, check out photos and videos and find what efforts are being made locally to address the situation at havasupaihorses.org TICK WARNING! Keeping your pets free from ticks is a family affair! Ticks can threaten your petowning family. Lyme disease can be transmitted to you and your dog or cat. Please have your veterinarian check your pets for Lyme’s disease and be sure to administer flea & tick control for them. Use a lint roller right after being in the woods. Ticks are an epidemic this year! Check us out! - We’re social! Stay in touch and up-to-date on AHS’ activities and the animals we shelter, defend, and protect. Please stop by .... AHS website: ahscares.org Facebook: ‘Like’ Us at Newark: AHS-Newark Branch Tinton Falls: Associated Humane Tinton Falls Forked River: Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter Popcorn Park Refuge: PopcornParkAssociatedHumaneSoc Instagram: ahsnewark PHOTO COURTESY: CHAZ MCGREGOR. TripAdvisor Inc. is the world’s largest travel site & it makes its profits through the sale of tickets to venues that force wild animals to entertain tourists. According to World Animal Protection, it sells these tickets through Viator, a travel/tour booking company it acquired in 2014. TripAdvisor continues the sad cycle of wildlife cruelty & exploitation by promoting cruel attractions. If you can ride it, hug it or have a selfie with the wild animal, chances are it is a cruel venue. Be an animal friendly tourist. Log on to http://www.worldanimalprotection.us.org/wildlife-notentertainers/what-you-can-do. A petition calling upon TripAdvisor to stop the suffering in cruel attractions is also on this site. KIRSHNER WILDLIFE FOUNDATION FINED FOR ANIMAL MISTREATMENT According to PETA, the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture has ordered the “notorious” Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation in Oroville, CA to pay more than $5,000 in fines for chronic violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Documented violations include subjecting animals to temperatures of over 100 degrees with no cooling measures, failing to provide veterinary care to a tiger that had an eye injury & a lynx that had limb pain. The roadside zoo has been cited for failing to have an environmental enrichment program for two lemurs, allowing 2 grossly obese exotic cats to languish, providing bears with only filthy brown water to drink, & storing moldy food in open containers next to bleach, paint & car batteries. 50 MONKEYS FOUND STARVING AT SOUTH AFRICAN GARDEN CENTER KEPT FOR CUSTOMER ENTERTAINMENT Nearly 50 starving monkeys kept in cages were rescued from the Little Falls Garden Center in Johannesburg, South Africa, where they were kept as entertainment for people who would visit to buy plants. The International Primate Protection League rescued them. Some were so malnourished that bones protruded from their fur. Many were suffering from rickets. The monkeys will be nursed back to health at the sanctuary north of Pretoria. Newark: AHSNewark YOU Tube Forked River: Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter www.ahscares.org 19 Why A Cat? Meet Tootie – one of several kittens allowed to wander until AHS rescued them. She’s a laid-back lass who would love to be your companion. File 26101SF (Forked River). I’m only a kitten … but you must think I’m a scaredy cat. There are lots of cats here so it is hard for me to stand out in a crowd. If you want a scaredy cat who would love to be a real mush, please come & meet me. I’m here – 24/7! File 142326-M (Newark). Every year, June is celebrated as Adopt-A-Shelter Cat Month and if you are thinking about adopting a cat, now is the time! Your participation in this effort will hopefully give a wonderful home and lots of love to an orphaned cat or kitten that is at the AHS through no fault of its own. There are many wonderful reasons to bring a cat into your home, ie; ◆ They clean themselves … so you don’t have to; ◆ They use a litterbox … so you don’t have to walk them; ◆ Put some cat toys, catnip, empty box, a windowsill & watch them as they experience the joy in living; ◆ A cat in your home and on your lap will help by significantly lowering your blood pressure; ◆ Stroking a cat has been shown to release “feel good” endorphins in the brain; ◆ A cat can save your life …. and you can save a life … or two ... that are waiting for a home. ◆ If you work, they won’t mind; if you live in an apartment, they won’t mind; if you work many hours, they won’t mind. Have we convinced you? Visit any of our shelters – Newark, Tinton Falls and Forked River. Adopting a cat for $25.00 includes a rabies inoculation, a feline distemper shot, free spay/neuter, collar, identification tag, microchip and cat carrier! Quite a bargain for a lifetime of love! Pictured above is Zayn, who wants to find a life filled with catnip toys, an empty lap to sit on, and a bottomless food bowl. It has been a long time since he has shown his contentment with a few purrs. File# 25862-NM (Forked River) Oyyyy – Given up after 14 years! Momma is a Norwegian Forest Cat whose family was moving so she was brought to AHS. This is a really crummy way to spend your senior years and we would love to find a wonderful home where she can retire in peace, love and comfort. File 141818-SF (Newark). I know I don’t look my age ….. but I sure am feeling it when no one comes to meet me. I’m 10 years old and surely have many, many loving years ahead to share with you. Please come and meet me and help MEOWT! File 9363-F (Tinton Falls). 20 HUMANE NEWS It was Christmas Eve 2012 when a very friendly “unferal” cat was found homeless. Charlie has been with us all that time & enjoys the free roaming area like he owns the place. But when people walk by, with or without a dog, he runs up to the fence to introduce himself & flop on his back. It appears that he is trying to sell himself to each person that passes. He has waited far too long for the home he dreams of. File 22176-NM (Forked River). June 2016 Farley loves to hang out in free roam and watch the birds outside. The 6 year old fella would love to sit at your window so he can watch the world go by. File 9364NM (Tinton Falls). Gosh, I thought all my troubles were behind me …. but I have been here so long I am worried! Still waiting in the Waiting Room …. and in the Waiting Room of Life! File 142315-F (Newark). SECURE YOUR PETS’ FUTURE IN A WILL When a Bloomfield resident met an untimely demise, a friend from Oak Ridge contacted AHS concerning her friend’s two dogs. They had been a source of comfort & companionship but her friend had no knowledge of what to do with the dogs nor what her friend’s last wishes were concerning Billy & Snowball. The friend had contacted several animal agencies but had no luck Snowball & Billy were brought to AHS when their in finding someplace for owner passed. There were no instructions & no them. When they contactone would help to find a place for the twosome. ed AHS, we took in They are now at Popcorn Park waiting for someSnowball and Billy who one to give them a loving home. Pet owners – be were bathed, neutered, sure you advise a friend, relative, co-worker what and are now available for your last wishes would be for your pets. (Forked adoption together. If you River) have pets, it is important for you to consider what will happen to them in the event you are no longer able to care for them. Arrangements should be made for such an occurrence. At the very least, you should advise a close friend, relative, veterinarian, etc. as to what you desire concerning the future of your pets. For a copy of What Will Happen to Your Pets?, Fill out coupon below or e-mail [email protected] Order here! ORDER FORM JUNE 2016 If you are interested in receiving any of the items listed below, please include the coupon along with the required donation, and mail to: Associated Humane Societies 124 Evergreen Ave. Newark, NJ 07114-2133 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Share-A-Pet Booklet AHS/Popcorn Park License Plate Frame What Will Happen to Your Pet?/Pets In Wills Arbor of Love Brochure ZoonooZ (sample copy) Princess Memorial Booklet (incl. S&H) Princess Memorial Video DVD (incl. S&H) Pet Alert Decals (2) Wildlife Club Booklet AHS/Popcorn Park Color Brochure Small Coloring Book Elephant Coloring Book Zoological Society Brochure Allergy Proofing Booklet $2.00 $9.95 ea SASE-#10 SASE-#10 $1.00 $5.00 $15.00 $2.00 + SASE $2.00 $1.00 2/$1.00 $3.00 SASE- #10 $2.00 Name ___________________________________________________ ! NEW on the Market Landfills & oceans are growing with garbage which is also destroying animals due to failure of waste management, plus the recycling rates of plastic bottles remain dismally low. AND NOW …INTRODUCED ON EARTH DAY! JUST water bottles are a paper-based bottle and the caps are made from sugar cane. It is sourced from the Glens Falls watershed in upstate New York & goes on sale nationwide. It is made with 82% renewable resource. To order, call (214) 675-7426 or visit http://www.justbetter.com Cats Incredible Litter has a “smell squasher” which will prevent ammonia from ever forming, according to the ads. When ammonia forms in your cat’s litter box, it is toxic to your cat & to you. Comes in Lavender & Unscented. For more information, log on to www.lucypetproducts.com AROUND THE USA TEXAS According to AWI, the infamous horse slaughter plant was demolished – one of the last three USbased plans used to kill horses hauled to it from across the country & Mexico. WISCONSIN On March 1, 2016, Gov. Scott Walker signed SB97/AB141 into law. The bill allows domestic violence victims & others at risk to include their beloved pets on temporary restraining orders. CONNECTICUT Rep. Diana Urban proposed HB 6310 “An Act Concerning Animal Advocates in Court Proceedings” which would permit a veterinarian with the Dept. of Agriculture to be appointed as an advocate for an animal whose welfare or custody is the subject of a civil or criminal court proceeding. HB 6310 would provide an advocate in court for an egregiously injured animal. It would enable to animal’s injury to be identified as a red flag for future violent behavior. KENTUCKY A bill that would forbid owning, training or selling a dog to be used for dogfighting has passed a House Committee. Kentucky already outlaws dogfighting but the House legislation would also make it a class D felony to own, train or sell a dog for dogfighting. MASSACHUSETTS On March 2nd, the Boston City Council passed an ordinance that bans the sale of puppies, kittens & rabbits in pet stores. The Bill also bans the sale of these animals on public grounds, in parking lots & outdoor markets. By adding outdoor sales ban, the new law simultaneously addresses the issues of unscrupulous “backyard” breeding & shelter overcrowding. The measure was signed into law the same day by Mayor Marty Walsh. Address ____________________________________ Apt. ________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ Enclosed is $ _____________ in ❑ check ❑ money order Please charge my donation to: ❑ Visa ❑ Master Card ❑ American Express ❑ Discover Card # ____________________________________3/4 digit Sec.Code _____ Signature __________________________________________ Exp. ________ PENNSYLVANIA H.B. 869 (Bizzarro) would prohibit people convicted of a first or second degree misdemeanor or a felony, from further caring for animals they have harmed by requiring them to forfeit the animals to shelters or other organizations dedicated to preventing animal cruelty. The House Judiciary Committee approved the measure & it now goes to the full House for consideration. www.ahscares.org 21 Pet FOOD ALERT Austin Clark – A great man who loved animals & lived to be 105! Dawn Polacik-Sievers - NJ A loving cat named Precious who now lives deep in my heart Eileen Clericuzio – NJ A beautiful girl named Angie Bob Florentine - NJ Our good buddy Otis Carol Mould – NJ Carol Fisette International Matex Tank Terminals – Bayonne International Matex Tank Terminals – New Orleans My sister Mary Ann Pote Vern Fogg – CO Alma Brekke Allison Lacko – NJ Mary Ann Basileo – NJ Crestwood Chorus – NJ Alice McGovern – NJ Judith & John Roddin – NJ Gordon Holmes – FL Ronald Biesada Patricia Bolt – NJ Mauro Pappagalli John & Diane Carver – MD Richard & Linda Bolmarcich – NJ Your Wall Family – Caitlin, Devin, Corey & Julia – We love you & will miss you – NJ Carol Fisette John & Kristiane Krzykowski – NJ Brian & Amy Dellaella – NJ Carol & John Buckland – NJ Marty & Geraldine Costello – NJ Laura Kline – NJ Audrey Keim Dennis & Barbara Fornari – NJ Barbara Borab – NJ Marsha Lau – NJ John & Lois Bulakowski – N J Susan Gawron - NJ Charles Patrick Desfosse Marjorie Cunningham – NJ Margaret Steinhauser - NJ Cheryl Welch Kimberly Cullen – NJ Roselyn Barash Joyce Bartick – NJ Eleanor Weisenberg – NJ Leonard & Toby Rudolph – N J Leonard & Lynnette Seader – NJ Steven & Barbara Weber – NJ Karen & Henry Ross – NJ Genia & Howard Beeferman – NJ Nikki, Calico, Frankie & Takoda Alanna Garrison-kast – NJ Gloria Barnes Evans Judith Mekles - NJ Mauro Pappagalli Michele Raucci – PA Nestle Purina voluntarily recalled select lots of Beneful & Purina Pro Plan wet dog foods because they may not contain the recommended level of vitamins & minerals. The recalled wet dog food was 10 oz. tubs under the Beneful Prepared Meals, Beneful Chopped Blends & Pro Plan Savory Meals brands. For more information, call 800-877-7919. Smallbatch Pets Inc. has voluntarily recalled one lot of frozen Dog Duckbatch Sliders as a result of potential Salmonella & Lysteria monocytogenes contamination. Sold frozen in 3 lb. bags. For more information, call 888-507-2712. Fromm Family Foods is recalling three of its canned dog foods because they may contain elevated levels of Vitamin D. They are Fromm Gold Chicken Pate Dog Food, Fromm Gold Chicken & Duck & Fromm Gold Salmon & Chicken Pate. Carnivore Meat Company is voluntarily recalling a single limited lot of Vital Essentials Frozen Chicken Patties Entrée for Dogs. The FDA notified Carnivore Company after selecting & testing their product as part of a national collection initiative that one of the samples tested positive for Salmonella. Pam Licursi Albert & Louise Licursi – NY Madeline Selft Emilia Rykowski – NJ John Bulakowski Frank & Jean Van Gelder – NJ Elizabeth Almeda Latshaw Antoinette P. Matthews – NJ Drake, Wags, Shotsee, Skipper, Anna, Toby Diane Ryan – FL My parents, Kitty & Tom; my beloved cats, Lexie & Raspie & all the other awesome pets that have graced me with their presence. Tom McTaggart – PA Michael A. Perrella (aka Mikie). We love you & miss you Mikie. Mikie loved animals & especially dogs with his beloved Adrian, Stella & Cinderella. It is fitting to make this contribution in Mike’s memory. J & L Perrella-franceus – NJ Buster & Maximillion Lambert Sherri Lambert – NJ Study Casts Doubt on Pet Food Labels According to Veterinary Practice News, 10 pet foods tested in a Chapman University’s Food Science Program study contained a meat source not listed on the label, raising concerns for allergy suffering cats & dogs & a call for greater oversight. The study, published in the Journal Food Control, also could not detect the listed meat in 7 of the 52 samples. In three cases of wet cat food, wet dog food & a dog treat, the absence & addition of meat sources may indicate intentional or accidental substitution. Pork was the most common undeclared meat in 7 out of 52 samples. Some samples claimed to contain beef actually had none upon testing. YOUR CHILDREN’S CAST-OFF STUFFED EASTER TOYS SHOULDN’T BE GIVEN TO PETS If your young children have thrown aside the stuffed animals they received during the holidays, do not give them to your dog as a play toy. Many stuffed animals contain flame retardant materials & mite control. It is highly toxic & if your dog ingests the stuffing, it is a horrible death that can be avoided. Stuffed toys sold as children’s playthings aren’t manufactured to stand up to the chewing that a dog can do. If your pet enjoys stuffed animals, substitute play items made specifically for pets. Selma Perlstein Susan Ifrach – NJ Marguerite Downer, a long-time animal lover & loving mother & wife Dianne Seymour - NJ MOVING?? Put your OLD address or mailing label below, and fill in you new address. Send entire coupon to us. Thanks for the update! JUNE 2016 A donation as a memorial to a loved one will go a long way to help Society orphans. There are many ways to make a donation. The Society will notify a bereaved family with a card IF A FULL NAME & ADDRESS OF THE FAMILY AS WELL AS FULL NAME & ADDRESS OF DONOR is included. Due to the high volume of requests, only gifts of $50.00 or more will be printed in a timely manner. NEW ADDRESS Name June 2016 City, State, Zip (please print) address city Address 22 HUMANE NEWS name state zip NEW JERSEY LEGISLATION Humane News Published by the Associated Humane Societies Over A Century of Caring 1906 - 2016 EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 124 Evergreen Avenue Newark NJ 07114-2133 Phone: (973) 824-7080 FAX: (973) 824-2720 E-mail: [email protected] MONMOUTH COUNTY BRANCH: 2960 Shafto Road Tinton Falls, NJ 07753-7608 Phone: (732) 922-0100 FAX: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail: [email protected] OCEAN COUNTY BRANCH & POPCORN PARK ZOO Humane Way & Lacey Road P.O. Box 43 Forked River, NJ 08731-0043 Phone: (609) 693-1900 FAX: (609) 693-8404 E-mail: [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Contributing Editors Roseann Trezza Jeanne Balsam Sandy Hickman Deborah Beyfuss Karen Powell Cruelty Investigation Editor/ Photo Editor Scott Crawford Popcorn Park/Photo Editor John Bergmann Judy Bohs, Dee Hobson, Photography Editors: Marcela Garcia Mangan, Jay Cat Morris, Lindsay Papa, Sarah Sangree, Kim Tamborra, Linda Wells Circulation Editors: Carole Goss, Beth Stio Information contained in this publication should not be used as the basis of decisions by any reader without referring to applicable laws, regulations and/or professional advice. The HUMANE NEWS has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of materials in this publication but the HUMANE NEWS will not be responsible for loss or damages caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretations of the publication contents. S977 which would prohibit possession and transport of parts of threatened animals has passed both houses and now goes to Gov. Christie’s desk. S978 has passed both houses. The bill prohibits possession and transport through the PA, NY, NJ airport and port facilities. The measure now goes to Gov. Christie’s desk. A.2949 (Andrzejczak, Bruce Land) would provide diamondback terrapins protection afforded by the Endangered & Nongame Species Conservation Act. The bill designates the diamondback terrapin as a nongame indigenous species subject to the same laws, rules & regulations governing other nongame indigenous reptiles in the state. Once it becomes law, it would be no longer legal to catch or take diamondback terrapin in NJ. It would require the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to investigate & determine management measures for the continued viability of their population. The bill passed the Assembly 71-0 and now heads to the Senate. www.ahscares.org JUNE 2016 - Volume 47, No. 3 Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation may be obtained from the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by calling (973) 504-6215. registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement. Charitable Registration #-CH012-6200, Tax Exempt # 221 487122. NEWS FROM NEW JERSEY TOMS RIVER Several groups and animal activists including Popcorn Park staffers contacted the municipality & offered to take the beavers in a non-violent manner. The wellpublicized effort did nothing to dissuade the State DEP or Fish & Wildlife who did not visit the scene. The DEP issued permits to a private fur trapper who killed 12 beavers using the Conibear traps. Four of the animals were killed on a “nuisance” permit. For the entire story, visit http://unexpectedwildliferefuge.org CAMDEN COUNTY The Freeholders adopted an ordinance banning the sale of dogs & cats bred in pet mills & offering a Resolution offering enforcement services to any county municipality that passed “Norman’s Law”. Since that time, 19 boroughs have passed Norman’s Law: Audubon, Bellmawr, Berlin, Brooklawn, Cherry Hill, Clementon, Gloucester Township, Haddon Heights, Haddon Township, Laurel Springs, Magnolia, Merchantville, Pine Hill, Runnemede, Somerdale, Voorhees, Waterford & Winslow. BAYONNE The Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation (BEOF) & WomenRising are partnering to bring a support group to Bayonne for victims of domestic violence. If you are in need of help, please call BEOF for information and/or support groups. Please call 201-437-7222, Ext. 23. If you are experiencing domestic violence problems & have pets, please e-mail [email protected] All information will be kept confidential. Thanks to Dr. John Wnek, of Project Terrapin, who is a teacher at Marine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science in Manahawkin. PHOTOS SUPPLIED Project Terrapin is an environmentalist organization based in the Barnegat Bay, founded in the early 2000s by Dr. John Wnek. The organization works with the public, using education and research to protect the northern diamondback terrapin and its habitat. As featured above, a law has been introduced to protect diamondback terrapins which are native to NJ. They inhabit the coastal salt marshes along the Atlantic Coast & Delaware Bay. Each year, hundreds of terrapins are killed by cars, particularly in the summer months when the females are actively searching for suitable nest sites. Habitat loss also poses a major threat to the populations. WAYNE John Varcadipone, 23, was charged with beating a 6 month old Siberian Husky to death with a kitchen chair. It is alleged to have been a domestic violence situation by terrorizing the unnamed woman by beating her dog to death while she hid in the next room. Varcadipone had been sentenced to 3 years probation laslt May on drug charges. Charges of animal cruelty had not yet been filed ... VOORHEES An argument between neighbors over noisy pet birds led to the death of of Michael Taylor, 52 during a knife fight over Taylor’s pet birds. David P. Giordano, 65, was sentenced in Superior Court to 8 years in prison for aggravated manslaughter. www.ahscares.org 23 THE HUMANE NEWS 124 Evergreen Ave. Newark, NJ 07114-2133 JUNE 2016 Deliver to Addressee or Current Resident Join! the SHARE-A-PET PROGRAM PAID Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PERMIT NO. 5116 ASSOCIATED HUMANE SOCIETIES, INC. The unique SHARE-A-PET PROGRAM was established in 1978. The animals are chosen for various reasons so that you can select from the homeless dogs or cats featured each issue. We also give our Share-A-Pet parents the choice of receiving photos, reports, etc. by mail or through your e-mail. In the last several months, many of the animals on the program are featured in their own personalized videos! For the $10.00 monthly donation, you will receive a color photo and report three times a year, a membership card, free admission to Popcorn Park, can visit your pet for walks, etc. All funds gathered under this program are applied directly to the care of these animals. Any funds exceeding the need for a particular animal are applied to the care and welfare of other shelter animals. You can view and sponsor all Share-A-Pets on our website at www.ahscares.org You can also order our most recent edition of the Share-A-Pet Booklet (see Page 21) The staff has undertaken an effort to take videos of many of our Share-A-Pets, and posted them on YouTube. Videos can also be seen on our Facebook pages (see Page 19 for the Facebook list). Then you will be able to view your Share-A-Pet “live”! Emerson of Plainfield Benson of Newark Deep cuts had deliberately been made to this young pup to incite other dogs for a blood-thirsty fight. The injured dog was thrown over a fence into a private backyard where he was found huddled in the corner. Asst. Director Scott Crawford rescued the pathetic, frightened dog in a late-night call and then brought the dog to Animal Hospital of Linden for emergency care. The deep-cut wounds were the deliberate result at someone’s hands. He was frightened & timid & it took a younger pup named Fortune to bring Benson out of his shell. Fortune has since been adopted & the staff is now working with Benson who has a fear-based reaction to his existence. He is going through obedience training and meeting new and more people and other dogs to build up his confidence. Humans destroyed the loving nature of this dog and our efforts will be to restore his confidence. In the meantime, he will be included on the Share-APet Program. He will be able to meet his sponsors on a slow, gradual basis as his disposition improves. (Forked River). The salesmen have stopped showing up ….. we had to build a special box for FedEx to pick up our mail … the pizza man told us that the Chinese restaurant will deliver …. packages from Amazon are left at the front desk …. all because of Emmie! Last August, our ACO would see the lonely, thin pathetic figure chained up behind a fence. After a tether/temperature ordinance passed in Plainfield, the owner did not want to comply with the new ordinance and gave up on the mild-mannered miss. While at AHS, she has been in the Administrative Offices where she enjoys all coffee breaks and lunches with the staff. Her weight gain has made her an imposing figure to people who decide they would rather send an e-mail than make the trip to the Administrative Office. Emmie is available for adoption … but she has been with us for so long, we have placed her on the Share-A-Pet Program. Sponsors can meet with her after being properly introduced; take her for walks …. & she always enjoys treats! (Newark). Living life at the end of a chain is how this pathetic dog existed day after day. She is now at AHS in Newark and waiting for “a new leash on life”. SHARE-A-PET JUNE 2016 Name of pets sponsored: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ NAME ____________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________ Benson suffered deep cuts along his neck & humans have destroyed the trusting nature of this dog. # OF ANIMALS _____ X $10.00 EACH = TOTAL $_________
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