God called out to Moses from the burning bush
God called out to Moses from the burning bush
FEBRUARY 28, 2016 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT PARISH CLERGY Reverend J. Jerome Wild, Pastor Deacon Francis C. Lally, Permanent Deacon Reverend Richard M. Jacobs, Sunday A ssistant Reverend Francis E. Kelly, Pastor Emeritus LITURGY Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Holy Days: Daily Mass: 4:15PM 9:00AM & 11:00AM As published in the bulletin 7:00AM-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday Communion Service: 8:00AM - Saturday Confession: Satur day 3:15PM or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 7:30AM-8PM Rosary: Monday, 6:30PM PARISH STAFF Maureen Clark, A dm inistrative A ssistant to the Pastor Mare Barbuto, Coordinator of M usic M inistry Sarah Stong, A dult & Children’s Choir Director Office Hours: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Telephone: 610-666-5820 Fax: 610-666-7511 Email: star ector y@ver izon.net Website: www.stter esaofavilapar ish.com OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & YOUTH MINISTRY Erin Gauntner Coordinator of Religious Education & Youth Ministry 610-666-0167/[email protected] MOTHER TERESA REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 405 Allendale Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Principal: Chr istine Pagan Phone: 610-265-2323 Website: www.MTCschool.or g Email: [email protected] g God called out to Moses from the burning bush and said, “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” Exodus 3:4,5 LOVE GOD. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS. LOVE GOD. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS. Evening of Reflection Dear Parishioners, Jesus warns us today that God's justice will not be constrained forever. We are reminded that "if you do not repent, you will all perish" (Luke 13:3). We are given the grace of Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to bring us back to the right path. God is a loving and forgiving God. "[God] redeems your life from destruction, . . . crowns you with kindness and compassion. . . . Merciful and gracious is the LORD, slow to anger and abounding in kindness" (Psalm 103:4, 8). We can take comfort in these words, because even if we are the ones dishing out injustice and sorrow, God still shows us a way back to forgiveness. God gives us other people to help us on our way, people who show us kindness and compassion and help us to get on the right path. They are like the gardener who tells the owner of the orchard that he will nurture the tree, fertilize it, and perhaps it will bear fruit. These friends of God help us to realize our ways and nurture us back to the love of God. We are also invited to help others on their journey back to God in this season of Lent. We encourage each other and nurture each other, like the compassionate gardener of the Gospel. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company Blessings, Fr. Jerry Wild Please join Fr. Wild on Monday, 2/29/16, from 6:30PM to 7:30PM in the St. Teresa Conference Room in our School Building for an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Jesus in our everyday life. LENT PENANCE SERVICE March 14, 2016 7:00PM Visitation B.V. M. Church Trooper, PA Many priests will be available to hear confessions at this service. The Sacrament of Confession is also available on Saturday afternoons from 3:15PM to 4:00PM in St. Teresa of Avila’s Chapel. Please note that there will be no Confessions on Holy Saturday, March 26, 2016. Please join us in the Church at 7:00PM on the Fridays of Lent for The Stations of the Cross. Eucharistic Adoration Please be aware that Eucharistic Adoration will end at 2:00PM on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, due to our Parish Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. LOVE GOD. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS. Mass Intentions, Saints & Special Observances Sat. Feb. 27 4:15 PM Sun. Feb. 28 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Mon. Feb. 29 7:00 AM Tues. March 1 7:00 AM Wed. March 2 7:00 AM Fri. March 4 7:00 AM Sat. March 5 4:15 PM Sun. March 6 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Vigil Mass Ruth Ednie Third Sunday of Lent Stephen & Theresa Belyus STA Memorial Fund Members Lenten Weekday Jordan Willis Lenten Weekday Deceased of the McNichol Family Lenten Weekday Joseph Polito Lenten Weekday Vigil Mass Margaret & Henry Pointer Fourth Sunday of Lent Edward Larson STA Memorial Fund Members Sunday, February 28 Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:00 AM Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church) 7:00 PM—8:30 PM Monday, February 29 PREP 6:15 PM-7:45 PM Faith Formation Mtg. 6:30 PM-7:45 PM Rosary (Chapel) 6:30 PM Tuesday, March 1 Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 8:00 AM-8:00 PM Wednesday, March 2 Guitar Band (Church) 7:00 PM Confirmation Practice (Church) 6:30 PM– 8:00 PM Thursday, March 3 Youth Choir (Church) 7:00 PM—8:00 PM RCIA (Good Shepherd Conf. Rm) 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl (School Faculty Rm) 7:00 PM Men’s Bible Study (St. Teresa Conf. Rm) 7:00 PM Friday, March 4 Stations of the Cross (Church) 7:00 PM Saturday, March 5 Communion Service (Chapel) 8:00 AM Women’s Bible Study (School Faculty Rm.) 8:45 AM Sunday, March 6 Children Liturgy of the Word 9:00 AM Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church) 7:00 PM-8:30 PM On February 21, 2016, St. Teresa of Avila Parish welcomed through the saving waters of baptism: Gavin Brian Noll Maclin Chelian Praying With Our Parish Please pray for our recently deceased: Joseph Danko, Lawrence Wargo. Please pray for healing for: Shannon Austin, Frank Coll, Michael Conroy, Ida Farrior, Sandra Ferlaine, Barrie Gehrlein, Catherine King, Max Maertzig, Rachel McFillin, Don Pell, Barbara Ostapowicz, Esther Toner, Eli & Ella Vivian, Giulianna Hilend, Clara DaSilva, Anna Mirable, Mabel Larzelere, Helen Garcia, Larry Reber, Eduardo Rojo, Michael Semach, Robert Whalon, Jean Brosso, Connie Cane, Jeanette Collins, Marie Miller, Holly Witlin, Sinead Hughes, George Pierce, Samuel Casale, Vicki Russo, Tamara Proietto, Ron Roberts, John Bubser, Jack MacDonald, Michael Ladowitz, Emil Gaveglio, Ray Tenney, Landon Vargas, Debbie Scott, Bonnie Concannon, Raymond Girini, Bart Cahan, Maureen Cahan, Ann Mirabile, Steve Hedrick, Nancy Cantral, Sandy Orth, Marilyn Keis, Gloria DiSanto, Kaytie O’Hara, Rev. Francis E. Kelly, Jean Butera, Brooke Weidenfeld, Michael Travitzky, Julie Noble, Lahra Burmingham, Ralph Pettine, Patricia McDonald, Lauren Mendez, Anthony Jacquin Mendez, Mary Snyder, Robert Beaver, Barbara DeSantis, Diana Rava, Baby Alayna Lihn, Baby Augustus Patterson, Christine Tasker, Jonathan Auris, John Whitlin, Baby Brock Immel, Barbara Tassoni, Melissa Williamson, Nick Direnzo, Robert C. McBall, Sr., Donna Hicks, Richard Auris, Kristine Schafer, Debbie Scott, Thomas Dietzler, Chip Capinski, Janice Gilpin, Ellen Wagner, Kathy Hall, Catherine Fisher, Sr. Dorothy Sullivan, RSM, Domenic DiPaolo, Alyssa Lackner. Please pray for all those who serve our country: Vincent Bergandino, MGySgt Darin Chinavare; Cmdr. David L. Cute, Jr. USN; Lt. Craig Dziewatkowski; John Doran; Lance Hecker, Sp.Op; Cmdr. Matt Kosnar, LCPL Mikey Kirkpatrick; Capt. Thomas Larner; 1st Lt. Valerie Smith; Msgt. Timothy R. Whalon; 2nd Lt. Jaysen Satterwhite; Tony Russo. Parish Prayer List Please help us keep our Parish Prayer List up-to-date. Please contact the Parish Office at 610-666-5820 or [email protected] to add or remove names from our Parish Prayer List. 2/21/2016 Offering . . . . . . . . . $9,531.17 Snow Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,853.00 Miscellaneous Collections . . . $1,209.00 Thank you for your faithful support of St. Teresa of Avila Parish! The Rose of Life this weekend is donated by Deacon Frank & Dolly Lally in memory of Anne Lally LOVE GOD. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS. Mother Teresa Regional Catholic School is thrilled to announce the new design for our very successful PreKindergarten program! To begin, we will be offering, for the first time, a full day program! This program will run from 8:30AM to 2:30PM, 5 days a week, for 3 and 4 year old students. In addition, there will still be the half day option for 5 days, with dismissal at 11:30PM. For our 3 year-old students, there will also be a 2 or 3 half-day option. Additionally, we are beginning a program for 2 year olds (look for more details to follow). Enrollment will fill quickly so do not delay in registering! For details, please contact: Patsy Swope, Director of Enrollment Management. ([email protected]) Tours at MTC! We welcome anyone looking for a school for their child. MTC offers early childhood education starting with three year olds and continues through eighth grade. If Tuesdays don’t work for your schedule, please let us know and we will accommodate your needs. For more information please contact Patsy Swope at [email protected] or call 610-2652323 x225. Come see what exciting things are happening at MTC! Invitation to the Ministry of Altar Server Young ladies and gentlemen in 4th grade and above are encouraged to join the Ministry of Altar Server. The honor and privilege of serving in the Holy Sanctuary of our Lord offers a young person the opportunity to grow in faith and the love of our Lord! Please call Janice or Ken Orner at 610-6308427 by Sunday, March 20, 2016, if you are interested in becoming an Altar Server. Palm Weaving at STA STA Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) PREP Classes are held on Monday evenings from 6:157:45PM in the school building. Please contact our Coordinator of Religious Education & Youth Ministry, Mrs. Erin Gauntner, at 610-666-0167 or [email protected] if you have any questions regarding St. Teresa of Avila’s PREP. SOUPER BOWL THANK YOU! Many thanks to all who brought in non-perishable food items for Souper Bowl Sunday! We collected over 300 lbs. of food for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Nutritional Development Services. Your donations will feed the needy in our area. PREP SCHEDULE: Feb 29 March 2 March 7 March 8 March 14 March 21 March 29 PREP Classes Confirmation rehearsal. Meet in school at 6:30PM, dismiss from church at 7:45PM. PREP Classes, Confirmation sponsor rehearsal 7-8PM in the church. Confirmation Mass with Bishop McIntyre at 4:00PM in the church. PREP Classes with music instruction PREP Classes, staff mtg. following classes Easter Holiday—No PREP Classes Third Week of Lent—Hungering for a Healthy Start The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation of Rwanda, where we’re reminded to care for the unborn. This week we pray for pregnant mothers, that they may they may have the medical and nutritional support they need to raise healthy, thriving children. Visit crsricebowl.org for more. Our Arts & Environment Committee will be weaving palm to decorate our church for Palm Sunday. If you would like to help with this project and learn how to weave palm, please contact John Giuliani at 610-630-6064 or [email protected]. Palm weaving sessions will be held in the School Building on the following dates: Saturday, March 12, 2016 12-3 PM Sunday, March 13, 2016 1-4 PM Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7-10 PM Our next Youth Ministry Meeting will be held on Monday, March 14, 2016, at 6:30PM in our School Building. All youth grades 7th through 12th and their friends are invited to attend. Please join us! LOVE GOD. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS. Join a Ministry & Get Active at STA! STA offers many opportunities to get involved in our parish. If you are looking to get active at STA, please consider one of the following ministries: Parish Registration Team: The STA Parish Registration Team assists with registering new parishioners after our weekend Masses. Please contact Dave Matour at 610-945-6388 or [email protected] or Gerry Ellis at 610-631-9078 or [email protected] if you would like to help with this important initiative that supports the growth of our parish. Dance Chaperone Team: Volunteering to chaperone one or more of our middle school dances is a great way to help us offer fun and fellowship for our youth. Our next dances will be held on 4/8/16 and 5/6/16. Dances start at 7PM and conclude at 10AM. Please contact Kim McDonald at 610-564-3184 or [email protected] to join our chaperone team. Any time you can give will be appreciated! Greeter Ministry: Welcoming all to our celebration of Sunday Mass is the responsibility of the entire STA Parish family. Please consider offering to serve as a regular or occasional greeter. Please contact Bill Meier at 610666-7958 or [email protected] to sign up. Music Ministry: Do you enjoy singing at Mass? Has the Lord blessed you with musical talents? If so, please explore joining one of our Music Ministry Groups. Please contact Sarah Stong at 484-919-1886 if you are interested in our Adult and Children’s Choirs. For information about our Guitar Band, please contact Mare Barbuto at 610-983-32692. Martha’s Helpers: STA’s Martha’s Helpers offer service to the Lord by cleaning our church. Our main team cleans the church on Wednesday mornings in preparation for Sunday Mass, funerals, weddings, and other activities. Please contact Marie Baker at 610-539-0172 for more information. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our Prayer Shawl Ministry supports our Bereavement and Pre-Jordan Ministries, as well as other outreach. This group meets on Thursday nights at 7:00PM in the School Faculty Room. Whether you have been knitting for years or you have never picked up a knitting needle and would like to learn you are welcome to join us. Please contact Nancy Young at [email protected] for more information or just show up on a Thursday night! Surrogate Godparent Ministry: STA Surrogate Godparents work in pairs to help set up the Sanctuary for baptisms and then restore the Sanctuary when the service is complete. The time commitment is only about one hour every few months. Please contact Celie Heitzenrater at 610-783-5289 for more information about this rewarding ministry serving our youngest Catholics and their families. News & Events from around the Archdiocese & Local Area Remembering with Gratitude/Joy Sister Maureen Christi Van Winkle IHM will present Remembering with Gratitude/Joy on 3/1/16 at the IHM Conference Center, 401 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. Stipend: $40 (includes light breakfast, dinner and Mass.) Please call 610-581-0120 a week in advance to reserve a place. Bring a friend! Post-Abortion Healing Retreat Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries is offering a Post-Abortion Healing Retreat on March 11th, 12th, and 13th in Malvern, PA. This retreat is designed to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. It will help you focus on the buried emotions of the past and begin healing in a non-judgmental, safe, loving, and confidential environment. It will give you hope for your future and freedom from the pain within your heart and soul. For more information, please call Geri at 610-399-0890 or Priscilla at 215-906-6337. Man Up Philly Catholic Men’s Conference The 8th Annual Man Up Philly Catholic Men’s Conference will be held on Saturday, 3/12/16, at St. Joseph’s University Hagan Arena, 5600 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. NFL quarterback Rich Gannon, Focus Founder Curtis Martin, Camden Police Chief Scott Thomson, and missionary Fr. George Grima are among the inspiring speakers who will be featured. Please go to www.ManUpPhilly.com to register. WOMEN AFIRE Retreat From Friday, 3/11/16, to Sunday, 3/13/16, come to a beautiful retreat with Mass, Confession, inspirational witness, teaching, music, healing prayer, quiet time and Eucharistic adoration. The team includes: Anna Iatesta, Kathleen McCarthy, Anne McGlone, June Piola with music by Marty Rotella. Several Archdiocesan priests will join us throughout the weekend. Please register online at www.malvernretreat.com or call: 610 644 0400, The retreat will be held in the Family Life Center at Malvern Retreat House. Divorced & Separated– You are not alone! Divorced & Separated—You are not alone! is a free Catholic ministry offering welcome, support and direction in navigating this most stressful, confusing, and painful time. Please join us on Sundays (March 6th June 12th) from 7:15 to 8:45PM at Daylesford Abbey, 220 S. Valley Road, Paoli, PA 19301. Topics include: Anger, Depression, Loneliness, Forgiveness, Finances, Children and more. Please contact Cathy Peacock at [email protected] for more information. 2015 Contribution Statements Please contact the Parish Office at 610-666-5820 or [email protected] if you would like a 2015 Contribution Statement and have not already received one. 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