Report taking stock of port and multimodal facilities in Romania


Report taking stock of port and multimodal facilities in Romania
Report on Ports and Multimodal Facilities at
National and Macro-regional Level
Project (Code)
Document Title
Work Package
Number of pages
Archive name
WATERMODE – Transnational Network for the Promotion of the WaterGround Multimodal Transport (SEE AF/A/308/3.3/X)
Report on Ports and Multimodal Facilities at National and Macro-regional
Level – Romania
National Company “Maritime Ports Administration” Constantza, Romania
3.2 – Census
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Document Approval Chronology
Revision / Approval
Andra Zeicu
Andreea Nistor,
Simona Lascu
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Table of Contents
SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................4
OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................5
2.1 WATERMODE in general....................................................................................5
2.2 Structure of the Work Programme of WATERMODE..........................................6
2.3 WATERMODE WP3 – Census of Logistics and Multimodal ...............................6
2.4 List of partners and tasks assigned in WP3 ........................................................7
2.5 About this Report ................................................................................................9
Scope of the census in Romania...............................................................................10
3.1 Contacted facilities............................................................................................10
3.2 Facilities in detail...............................................................................................13
Constantza Port......................................................................................................... 13 Liquid Bulk Terminal .............................................. Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. Dry Bulk Terminal ...................................................................................................... 24 Container Terminal…………………………………………………………………………..26 General Cargo Terminal…………………………………………………………………….26 Ro-Ro/Ferry Terminals……………………………………………………………………...27 Non-propelled barges Terminal…………………………………………………………….28 Liquified Petroleum Gas Terminal…………………………………………………………29 Passenger Terminal…………………………………………………………………………29
3.3. Method of census…………………………………………………………………… 30
3.4 Issues encountered...........................................................................................30
Innovations / Plans for the Future..............................................................................32
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WATERMODE aims to promote the coordination between the private and public actors dealing
with logistics and spatial planning, for a better management of the multi-modal transport solutions.
In particular, the project aims at increasing the integration of the waterborne transport modes in the
logistics chain, supporting the transnational dimension in the national and local strategies for the
valorisation of the sea and inland waterways port infrastructures.
In Work Package 3 (WP3) – Census of Logistics and Multimodal, the aims are twofold:
To define a set of indicators for the evaluation of the multimodal and port facilities;
To set up a database of ports and multimodal logistics facilities in the countries of the
partners (10), accordingly with the set of indicators.
In Activity 3.1 the indicators were defined by a panel of transnational experts, to evaluate ports and
the logistics facilities accordingly with their relevant characteristics.
For the census, a questionnaire has been created which is available as a print and an online
version and the “Manual for the Census” provides instructions on how to proceed with the census.
The actual census took place in 2010 and the data has been entered into the database which is
also published on the internet site of the project ( and will be a support
instrument in the decision making process of policy makers and business operators.
This report describes the census, the facilities that were researched, gives an general overview of
the specific situation in each country / region and highlights some major findings.
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WATERMODE in general
WATERMODE has been set up to promote a better coordination between policy actors and
stakeholders to increase the competitiveness of the alternatives to road transport, especially
valorising the potentials of the water/ground multimodal logistics cooperation. To do that, project
activities have been defined to provide instruments for improving the policy coordination and
highlight potentials of water/ground multimodal transport.
WATERMODE is a project under the SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme of the European
Commission and has the Project Code SEE/A/308/3.3/x.
The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and
outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures that were not planned for these
flows. The European investments in transport infrastructures are supporting the modernisation of
the network, but their implementation is far from being achieved. Therefore public authorities and
operators need to coordinate the efforts for a more efficient use of the available infrastructures. In
the programme area the waterborne transport solutions have lot of potentialities: the port
infrastructures of the area are being revalorised, but these activities lack of a transnational
coordination to increase the optimisation of the actions and the competitiveness of the multimodal
transport solutions. Moreover, there is the need to demonstrate in what cases the ground/water
multi-modal transports solutions are more efficient compared to road transport, in order to focus
the investments
This is achieved by:
Defining a set of general indicators for measuring and recording the services of the
multimodal ground / water logistics platforms. This instrument will be addressed to policy
makers and to public and private logistics operators to evaluate the current situation,
orienting the investments for the competitiveness of the infrastructures, increase the
attractiveness of the multimodal transport solutions
Defining common strategies for implementing waterborne multimodal solutions, through the
coordination of the relevant policymakers and operators
Increasing the attractiveness of the waterways transport, by supporting the implementation
of relevant investments for the improvement of the connections between sea- / river-port
infrastructures and hinterland areas
Testing the competitiveness of multimodal waterborne alternatives to road transport, by
comparing the external and internal costs of the different transport modes on predefined
Increasing the commonality of the training procedures on safety for human resources in
ports and multimodal platforms, in order to ease the business cooperation between ports
and multimodal facilities in the area.
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To achieve the above mentioned tasks a strong emphasis will be put on promoting, disseminating
and raising awareness. Also the multiplier effect is important to the project.
Structure of the Work Programme of WATERMODE
Figure 1:
Work package structure WATERMODE
WATERMODE is structured into six work packages, WP 3 is the Census of Logistics and
WATERMODE WP3 – Census of Logistics and Multimodal
The aims of WP3 are twofold:
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To define a set of indicators for the evaluation of the multimodal and port facilities;
To set up a database of ports and multimodal logistics facilities in the countries of the
partners (10), accordingly with the set of indicators.
The indicators are defined by a panel of transnational experts, to evaluate ports and the logistics
facilities accordingly with their relevant characteristics, as position, accessibility, services offered,
multimodal connections, innovations, etc. The set of indicators is tested for the database of the
ports and multimodal logistics platform of the 10 countries involved in the project. The database is
conceived as support instrument in the decision making process of policy makers and business
operators. The set of indicators is proposed to the EU authorities as contribution to the need
expressed by the European commission (COM(2007)607) for common indicators for the evaluation
of logistics facilities
WP3 is structured into 3 activities:
Activity 1: Definition of the Indicators for the evaluation of ports and multimodal logistics
facilities - a transnational working group defines the indicators for the evaluation of ports and
multimodal logistics facilities. It defines the questionnaire to be used for the collection of the data
and produce a manual assisting the implementation of the census. The partners translate the
questionnaire into their own languages. A technical committee provides guidelines for the action.
Activity 2: Census of the ports and multimodal facilities in the 10 countries. A database is
developed for the collection and organisation of the data. Each partner collects, elaborates and
provides the data. The database is an online tool published on the website of the project. The
partners sensitise the stakeholders on the potentials of the new online tool.
Activity 3: Presentation and sensitisation - the partnership presents the set of indicators as a
good practice to the EU and national authorities. The partnership focuses on the transferability of
the model at European level. The observer partners support the action.
List of partners and tasks assigned in WP3
Participant’s name
Short name
Role in WP 3
Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität –
Austrian Mobility Research
WP-leader of WP3
FGM coordinates the working
group and drafts the definition
of indicators, the questionnaire and the report
data for Austria
Reporting on the census
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Participant’s name
Short name
Role in WP 3
sensitization of the relevant
EU authorities
draft of the guidelines for the
transferability of the indicators
in other European contexts
Venice Port Authority
member of the working group
is responsible for the (online)
Veneto Region
data for Northern Italy
Ancona Port Authority
AP Ancona
data for Central Italy
Levante Port Authority
AP Levante
data for Southern Italy
PBN - Pannon Business network
member of the working group
data for Hungary
Port of Koper
member of the working group
data for Slovenia
Business & Innovation Center of
Aleksandroupolis Port Authority
data for Eastern Greece
EAMA - Executive Agency Maritime
member of the working group
National company maritime ports
Administration CONSTANTZA
University Of Novi Sad, Faculty of
Technical Sciences
data for Serbia
Port Of Bar
data for Montenegro
member of the working group
data for Western Greece
data for Bulgaria
member of the working group
data for Romania
The status of EAMA is still unclear. Due to contractory reasons EAMA could not take part in the working group.
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Participant’s name
Short name
Role in WP 3
Durres Port Authority
data for Albania
About this Report
The present report is summarising the work done in activity 3.2 of WP3 - the census of ports and
multimodal facilities itself.
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Scope of the census in Romania
Contacted facilities
In Romania, a total of 72 port operators and logistic centres have been contacted (34 port
operators and 38 logistic centres). Out of this total number of facilities contacted, only 19 provided
the necessary information to be filled in the questionnaires.The size of contacted logistics centres
varies depending on region, accessibility and focus of the facility.
Contact table:
1. APM Terminals (Constantza)
2. Barter Trading Romania (Constantza)
3. Butan Gas Rom (Constantza)
4. Chimpex (Constantza)
5. Comvex (Constantza)
6. Constantza South Container Terminal (Constantza)
7. Decirom (Constantza)
8. Euroest Operations (Constantza)
9. European Metal Services (Constantza)
10. Frial (Constantza)
11. Global Operation (Constantza)
12. Kirazoglu Corporation (Constantza)
13. Kronospan (Constantza)
14. Midia Marine Terminal (Constantza)
15. Minmetal (Constantza)
16. Niva Prodcom (Constantza)
17. North Star Shipping (Constantza)
18. Oil Terminal (Constantza)
19. Phoenix Casa de Expeditii (Constantza)
20. Romcargo Maritim (Constantza)
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21. Romned Port Operator (Constantza)
22. Rompetrol Logistics (Constantza)
23. Romtrans (Constantza)
24. Rotrac (Constantza)
25. Sargeant Marine Romania (Constantza)
26. SICIM (Constantza)
27. Siloport (Constantza)
28. Silotrans (Constantza)
29. Socep (Constantza)
30. Tomini Trading (Constantza)
31. Transbitum (Constantza)
32. TTS Operator (Constantza)
33. Umex (Constantza)
34. United Shipping Agency (Constantza)
35. Air Sea Forwarders (Otopeni)
36. A Hartrodt Romania (Bucharest)
37. Ansett Logistics (Bucharest)
38. Aquila Part Prod Com (Ploiesti)
39. Barexim Shipping & Trading (Bucharest)
40. Cargus Romanian Courier (Otopeni)
41. Centrum Transport (Oradea)
42. CDC Logistic (Bucharest)
43. CMA CGM Romania (Bucharest)
44. Delamode Romania (Bucharest)
45. DHL (Bucharest)
46. Dumagas Transport (Craiova)
47. Euro Cargo (Bucharest)
48. Eurotrans Univers (Buzau)
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49. Ewals Cargo Care (Tmisoara)
50. FM Romania (Timisoara)
51. Galassini Romania (Bors)
52. Gebruder Weiss (Bucharest)
53. Hoedlmayr-Lazar Romania (Bascov)
54. International Benga Company (Ilfov)
55. Itk Logistic Group (Bucharest)
56. Lackner & Schwarz Romania (Otopeni)
57. Lagermax AED Romania (Bucharest)
58. Lca Logistik & Consulting (Cluj Napoca)
59. Leader Club (Bucharest)
60. Logistic Centre Galati (Galati)
61. Mainrom Line (Bucharest)
62. Medina Trans Spedition (Bors)
63. Mega Trans Logistic (Bucharest)
64. Nuculus-Ferotrans International (Bucharest)
65. Quehenberger Spedition (Pitesti)
66. Radovatrans Eurospedition (Cluj Napoca)
67. Rohel Trans International Com (Ilfov)
68. Sea Container Services (Constantza)
69. Sorceti Spedition (Valcea)
70. Transit Net (Bucharest)
71. Transport Trade Services (Bucharest)
72. Willi Betz Romania (Bucharest)
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Facilities in detail
As most part of the completed questionnaires were received by port operators and logistic centres
from the area of Constantza Port, we will make a presentation about them in the next subchapters:
3.2.1 Constantza Port
NC Maritime Ports Administration SA Constantza Mission
NC "Maritime Ports Administration" SA Constantza, has the role of port authority for the Romanian
Ports - Constantza, Midia and Mangalia (and Tomis Marina). From its position, it aims to provide
quality and competitive services to the ports customers, to offer a developed transport
infrastructure, as well as security, safety and environmental port conditions, thus encouraging the
cargo traffic and transforming the Port of Constantza in to an important transit center - by offering
the shortest transport alternative to the center of Europe and becoming a regional distribution
center - the leader - for its hinterland.
The port of Constantza and its ports-Midia and Mangalia and also the Tomis Marina are publicprivate maritime ports owned by the Romanian State which is responsible for their regulation and
function through the tasks entrusted and discharged by National Company "Maritime Ports
Administration" S.A. Constantza (MPA) and Romanian Naval Authority (RNA), both of them being
subordinated to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
Within the Port of Constantza the maritime and cargo related services are mainly carried out by
private companies in a competitive environment, applying the free market principles.
The Commission in charge to coordinate for the movement of maritime and river vessels in
Constantza, Midia and Mangalia Maritime Ports is carrying out its activity in the Port of Constantza
being responsible for the traffic coordination of maritime and river vessels, the order settlement of
arrival/departure and transit of the maritime and river vessels in Constantza, Mangalia and Midia
Ports, as well for berth allotment. The Commission works on a daily basis The day-to-day running
of the ports is looked after by. The presidency and secretariat of the Commission is carried out by
MPA who is also responsible for the daily publication on a paper support and electronic format of
the Informative Bulletin of the maritime and river vessels which contains data regarding the
maritime and river vessels identification, port operation progress and goods identification.
Authorisation of public port services is transparent, nondiscriminatory, objective and public .
The Romanian Naval Authority issues authorization for safety public services and services of great
importance for the port, such as loading - unloading, bunkering and supplying. For authorization of
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activities that use the port infrastructure, notification from MPAC is compulsory required. For other
activities that do not need an authorization from the Romanian Naval Authority, MPA SA
Constantza issues operation permits within the port area, granted in following specific procedure.
National Company "Maritime Ports Administration" S.A. Constantza (MPA SA Constantza) was set
up through the Romanian Government Decision no.517/1998, altered and completed by
Government Decision no.464/2003, through the reorganization of the former Autonomous
Enterprise "Constantza Port Administration". MPA is a joint stock company assigned by the
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to develop activities of national public interest in its
capacity of a port administration. The company fulfils the port authority function for Constantza,
Midia, Mangalia ports and Tomis Marina.
National Company "Maritime Ports Administration" SA Constantza (MPA SA Constantza) was set
up as national company in 1998, through the reorganisation of the former public interest
corporation "Constantza Port Administration" and changed its name from "Maritime Ports
Administration Constantza SA" to "Maritime Ports Administration" SA Constantza in 2003. It is a
joint stock company assigned by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to develop activities of
national public interest in its capacity of port administration.The company fulfils the port authority
function for Constantza, Midia, Mangalia and touristic Tomis ports.
In order to fulfill the port authority function and in its capacity as administration, the company
performs the following tasks :
Drawing up of development plans for the maritime ports according to the policy and
development programs elaborated by Ministry of Transport and Operational Rules for
Maritime Ports;
Coordination of the activities allowed to be performed within the maritime ports;
Implementation of the development programs regarding the maritime ports infrastructures;
Issuing permits in order to authorise companies that are developing activities of naval
transport within the maritime ports;
Approval of performing activities within ports, other than those subject to the
authorisation of Ministry of Transport by issuance of operational permits;
Providing operational, administration, repair and maintainance services for
maintaining minimal technical characteristics of the naval transport infrastructure that have
been given under concession or administration, as well as the owned property in the ports
of Constantza, Midia and Mangalia, and make it available to users in a non-discriminatory
manner, according to the regulations in force;
Establishing the order of arrival and departure for the vessels in the maritime ports, berths
allotment and issuance of berthing permits;
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Performing controls to vessels operation, forbidding or stopping them in cases specified by
regulations in force;
Rendering of services and performing of operations and works in order to fulfill the
the Romanian
State assumed
agreements and
conventions Romania took part in, such as: search and rescue, case of pollution fight and
Representing the Ministry of Transport in relation with the concessionaires of naval
transport infrastructure or safety services;
Supervision of loading and unloading, transport and transit of dangerous substances
or dangerous cargo in the maritime ports;
Rendering the hydro-technical constructions to the port operators for berthing or handling
Constantza Port Presentation
The Port of Constantza is located at the crossroads of the trade routes linking the markets of the
landlocked countries from Central and Eastern Europe with the Transcaucasus, Central Asia and
the Far East. It is the main Romanian port and it ranks among the first 10 European ports. The
favourable geographical position and the importance of the Port of Constantza is emphasized by
the connection with two Pan-European Transport Corridors: Corridor VII - Danube (inland
waterway) and Corridor IV (rail-road). The two satellite ports Midia and Mangalia that are located
not far from Constantza Port are part of the Romanian maritime port system under the Maritime
Ports Administration SA Constantza coordination.
The Port of Constantza is one of the main distribution centers for the Central and Eastern Europe,
offering many advantages, of which mention must be made of:
Multi-purpose port with modern facilities and sufficient water depths in the port basins to
accommodate the largest vessels passing through the Suez Canal;
Direct access to the Central and Eastern European countries through the Pan-European
Corridor VII - the Danube;
A hub for the container traffic in the Black Sea;
Good connections with all modes of transport: railway, road, river, airway and pipelines;
Customs facilitations for commercial operations performed through the Port of Constantza;
Modern facilities for passenger vessels;
Land availability for future expansion;
Since 1st January 2007, the Port of Constantza has become a port with Custom Facilities.
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Maritime Port
The Port of Constantza is located on the Western coast of the Black Sea, at 179 nM from the
Bosphorus Strait and 85 nM from the Sulina Branch, through which the Danube flows into the sea.
It covers 3,926 ha of which 1,313 ha is land and the rest of 2,613 ha is water.The two breakwaters
located northwards and southwards shelter the port creating the safest conditions for port activities.
The present length of the North breakwater is 3,50 km and the South breakwater is 10,46 km.
Constantza Port has a handling capacity of over 100 million tons per year and 156 berths, of which
140 berths are operational. The total quay length is 30,10 km, and the depths range between 8 and
19 meters.
These characteristics are comparable with those offered by the most important European and
international ports, allowing the accommodation of tankers with capacity of 165,000 dwt and
bulkcarriers of 220,000 dwt.
Currently, there are several projects in progress, in order to build new facilities for cargo handling
and to improve the transport connections between Constantza Port and its hinterland. These
projects are mainly located in the South part of the port.
River Port
Constantza Port is both a maritime and a river port. Daily, more than 200 river vessels are in the
port for cargo loading or unloading or waiting to be operated. Facilities offered by the port allow
accommodation of any type of river vessel.
The connection of the port with the Danube river is made through the Danube-Black Sea Canal,
which represents one of the main strengths of Constantza Port. Due to low costs and important
cargo volumes that can be carried, the Danube is one of the most advantageous modes of
transport, an efficient alternative to the European rail and road congested transport.
Important cargo quantities are carried by river, between Constantza and Central and Eastern
European countries: Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Germany. River traffic is very
important for Constantza Port, having a share of 18% of the total traffic.
Maritime Ports Administration SA Constantza has started a new investment for a Barge Terminal.
Such investment will improve the sailing conditions and develop facilities for the accommodation of
river vessels in the South part of the port.
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The hinterland of Port of Constantza supports the port regarding the produced, consumed and
forwarded goods to/from the port. It includes a vast region in the Central and East Europe.
During the last decade, Port of Constantza served efficiently the flow of goods that arrive or depart
from/to the Central and East Europe, including: Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Slovenia,
Ukraine and Serb Republic.
Although many political and economical changes have taken place in this area and have
influenced its evolvement significantly, the old transport routes using the Port of Constantza have
remained unchanged, due to the competitive advantages of the port.
Railway: The railway network of the Port of Constantza is in excellent connection with the national
and European railway network system, the Port of Constantza being a starting and terminus point
for the Pan - European Transport Corridor no. IV. Round-the-clock train services carry high
volumes of cargo to the most important economic areas of Romania and Eastern Europe, the Port
of Constantza being also an important transport node of TRACECA Corridor, providing the
connection between Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
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Each and every port terminal has direct access to the railway system, ensuring a safe and efficient
transport of cargoes. Every day shuttle trains provide fast transport of containers to the national
destinations for just-in-time delivery. The total length of railways in the port amounts to 300 km.
Inland waterways: The Port of Constantza is connected to the Pan European Corridor VII Danube- that links two of the main trade poles of Europe: Rotterdam and Constantza, creating a
navigable inland waterway from the North Sea to the Black Sea. The length of the navigable river
is 2,414 km from the Romanian terminus Sulina to Kelheim in Germany, where it connects to the
Main-Danube Canal, the Romanian sector having a length of 1,075 km.
The Danube-Black Sea Canal links the Port of Constantza to the Rhine-Main-Danube Corridor,
offering the most efficient and ecological transport alternative within the hinterland and at the same
time a 4,000 km shortening of the sea trade routes coming from Far East and Australia through the
Suez Canal.
According to European Union and United Nations standards The Danube- Black Sea Canal has a
class VI rating and is an 'F' class inland canal. The 64.4 km long and 90 m wide canal has a water
depth of 7 m and 17,5 m clearance under the bridges and the daily running of the waterway is in
the responsibility of the National Company " Navigable Canals Administration".
Located at 35.4 km from the Danube, the North Branch of the Danube - Black Sea Canal makes
the connection with Midia Port through 2 double locks at Ovidiu and Navodari. The North Branch is
27.5 km long, 45-50 m wide and a minimum water depth of 5.5 m. The easiest access to Central
Europe is provided by the good navigable conditions of the Lower Danube and the highly limited
number of locks (4 double locks only) on the sector from Constantza to Budapest.
For an active participation within the European actions and a good information about the specific
problems of river transport, N.C. Maritime Ports Administration S.A. Constantza is a corespondent
member of Inland Navigation Europe a prestigious inland transport association recognized by the
European Union. MPAC's participation in this association allows the company to actively promote
the Port of Constantza, its connection with the Danube inland waterway, its facilities and services.
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Road: The ten gates of the Port of Constantza are very well connected with the national and
European road network. The connection with the Pan-European Transport Corridor no. IV has a
strategic importance, linking the Port of Constantza with the landlocked countries from Central and
Eastern Europe.
There is a permanent concern for the upgrading of the port road network and the enhancement of
road traffic inside the Port of Constantza. Thousands of trucks benefit from facilities offered by the
Port of Constantza, ensuring a fast and flexible transport for all kinds of cargo with the "door-todoor" system.
The total length of roads in the port amounts to 100 km.
The A2 motorway, nicknamed The Sun's Motorway ( Autostrada Soarelui in romanian) is partially
built motorway in Romania wich will, upon completion, link Bucharest to city port Constanta. As of
August 2007, 152 km of the motorway's total 224 km length are finished and operational from
Bucharest to Cernavoda.
Pipelines: Petroleum terminal has 7 operational jetties. Jetties allow berthage of vessels up to
165,000 dwt. capacity. Connections between storage farms and jetties is done by a 15 km.
underground and overground pipelines network. Pipelines total length is 50 km. The Port of
Constantza is connected to the national pipeline, therefore with the main Romanian refineries.
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Air: M. Kogalniceanu Airport is the nearest airport to Constantza, located at 20 km distance from
the Port of Constantza. It is an international airport and represents an air-gateway with high impact
over regional development.
General statistics & figures for 2004 – 2009:
Traffic figures
Total traffic
(thousand tons)
Liquid bulk
Dry Bulk
General Cargo
(thousand tons)
Bulk Cargo
(thousand tons)
Gross Weight
(thousand tons)
249.090 493.214
386.282 768.099 1.037.077 1.411.414
Sea-going vessels
River vessels
Traffic by commodities 2004 – 2009:
Cargo type
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Potatoes, other
fresh or frosen
fruits and
sugar beet
Wood and
Food stuff
and animal
Oil seeds,
fruits and
Coal, coke
Crude oil
Oil products
ores and
materials for
products and
fibres, other
raw materials
of animal and
vegetal origin
Iron ores,
Raw or
Natural and
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from coal and
and ceramic
and other
and waste
Page 22 / 37 Liquid bulk Terminal
The main liquid bulk cargoes are represented by crude oil and oil products. The Oil Terminal can
operate tanks with capacities up to 165.000 dwt, being equipped with specialized facilities for
loading and unloading and connected with the pipeline system.
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Oil Terminal and Rompetrol Logistics Constanta Branch are the most important operators for
such cargo.
The Port of Constantza has a specialised terminal for the import of crude oil and other oil products
and for the export of refined oil products, oil derivatives and other liquid chemical products.
Liquid bulk can also be transshipped into river vessels to various European destinations or carried
through pipelines within the domestic hinterland. Pipelines network connects the port with the main
refineries in the country thus securing fast transportation. The oil terminal is equipped with the
most modern and efficient fire and pollution fighting facilities. Dry bulk Terminals
The Port of Constantza enjoys a top position as one of the major European bulk centres.
Dry bulk is represented by: iron and non-ferrous ore, grain, coal, coke. These types of cargo are
operated in specialized terminals located next to the river-maritime basin that can operate both
maritime and river vessels, with direct transhipment on barges. Other quantities of dry bulk cargoes
operated in the Port of Constantza are: cement, construction materials, phosphate etc.
Ore, coal, coke
The two specialized terminals that operate iron ore, bauxite, coal and coke have 13 berths, with
depths up to 19 m. The terminals can operate both maritime and river vessels, with an unloading
rate over 45,000 tons/24 hours (respectively 2,000 tons/hour/each bridge) from maritime vessels
and a loading rate into barges of 2,000 tons/hour. The storage capacity is 4.7 million tons
simultaneously and the annual operation capacity is over 27 million tons.
The port's terminals operate iron ores, bauxite, coal and coke. 250,000 dwt vessels and above can
be accommodated and river units are operated in direct or indirect transhipment.
Comvex and Minmetal are the main operators for this kind of cargo.
Chemical Products and Fertilizers
There are specialized terminal where: fertilizers, phosphate, urea, apatite and other chemical
products are operated. The terminal has 10 berths with depths up to 13.5 m where they operate
dry bulk and general cargoes. There are storage capacities over 100,000 tons and the operation
capacity is 4.2 million tons/year.
TTS Operator and Chimpex are the main companies that operate these categories of cargoes,
being equipped with dedicated areas for operation and storage of chemical products and fertilizers,
bulk phosphate and urea. Vessels up to 30,000 dwt can be accomodated and the total operation
capacity of phosphates is 30,000 tons.
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The Port of Constantza is a traditional partner for the Eastern and Central European countries with
high agricultural production that transit their cargoes towards worldwide destinations.
There are many facilities for the operation and storage of dry cereals in the Port of Constantza,
which are served by 14 specialized berths, with depths between 7 and 13 m. Both river and
Panamax maritime vessels can be operated. The storage facilities include silos and warehouses
and have a total storage capacity of 350.000 tons simultaneously.
Also, maritime vessels of big capacity are operated at sea-buoy at 16 m depth by direct
transshipment from/into river vessels.The most important stevedoring companies that operate
agribulk in the Port of Constantza are TTS Operator, North Star Shipping, United Shipping
Agency, Silotrans, Chimpex and Socep.
Chemical Products and Fertilizers
There are specialized terminal where: fertilizers, phosphate, urea, apatite and other chemical
products are operated. The terminal has 10 berths with depths up to 13.5 m where they operate
dry bulk and general cargoes. There are storage capacities over 100,000 tons and the operation
capacity is 4.2 million tons/year.
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TTS Operator and Chimpex are the main companies that operate these categories of cargoes,
being equipped with dedicated areas for operation and storage of chemical products and fertilizers,
bulk phosphate and urea. Vessels up to 30,000 dwt can be accomodated and the total operation
capacity of phosphates is 30,000 tons.
Other Dry Bulk
Important quantities of other dry bulk are operated in the Port of Constantza by the following port
operators: Romned Port Operator, European Metal Services, Decirom and TTS Operator. Container Terminals
Five container terminals operate in the Port of Constantza with a throughput that has registered an
ascendant trend over the last 10 years. The terminals are operated by Socep, Constantza South
Container Terminal, Umex, APM Terminals.
A marked tendency of containerisation and the steady growth of the container traffic in the Port of
Constantza has required the development of new container handling facilities.
A new container terminal became operational in the south part of Constantza Port-Pier IIS, being
designed to allow the accommodation of Post-Panamax container ships.The terminal is operated
by Constantza South Container Terminal. General Cargo Terminals
General Cargo
All range of services for general cargo are efficiently provided by stevedoring companies. There
can be handled food, beverages and tobacco, paper and cardboard, cellulose, rolled metals,
machine parts, bagged cement and other break bulk cargo in the Port of Constantza.
Chemical Products and Fertilizers
Chimpex and Socep are the main port operators for such type of goods, with areas dedicated to
handling and storage of bagged chemical products and fertilisers, phosphates and urea. There can
be accomodated vessels up to 30,000 dwt, while the total storage capacity is 30,000 tons for
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Food Stuff
Constantza Port offers competitive facilities for perishable cargo storage and reefer containers.
Perishable goods can be stored in adequate conditions in refrigerated warehouses and are usually
handled by specialised stevedoring companies: Frial, Romned Port Operator and Chimpex.
Timber and Other Forest Products
Important quantities of timber loaded in the Port of Constantza and dispatched over sea are
handled by Decirom, Rotrac, Romtrans and Phoenix. Specialised timber terminals handle the
cargo and store it in proper spaces.
Metallic Products
Specialised stevedoring companies that are efficiently providing handling operations for this type of
cargo: Romtrans, Minmetal, Socep and Umex.
Other general Cargo
Other general cargo important quantities are handled in the Port of Constantza by the following
stevedoring companies: Umex, Romtrans, Socep and Chimpex. Ro-Ro/Ferry Terminals
The Port of Constantza has two Ro - Ro terminals equipped to handle any type of vehicle and RoRo cargo. Exports of Romanian vehicles to Brazil, Columbia, China and Turkey are operated at
two specialised link-span berths.
In the northern part of the port, the Ro - Ro Terminal has a berth with a length of 364 m, a water
depth of 13 m has a parking space for 4,800 vehicles.
The Ro - Ro Terminal from the southern part of the port has berth with a length of 214 m, a water
depth of 13.2 m and a parking space for 1,800 vehicles.
The Ferry-Boat terminal is operated by SNTFM CFR MARFA and offers exceptional facilities for
the freight loaded in wagons, containers, trucks and transported by ferry vessels and liner services
on the Black Sea. There is suitable equipment for loading and unloading trains using the normal
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European railway standard. The terminal has five rail tracks for vessel boarding and the wagons
are operated using ship's gear.
Ferry services provide a fast and direct link on the West - East axis, within the TRACECA
Transport Corridor, connecting the European Transport Network with Central Asia. Regular ferry
services ensure the transport of different type of commodities to and from Georgia and Turkey.
There are two Ro-Ro lines, connecting the Mediterannean and Adriatic ports with the Port of
Constantza. Non-propelled barges Terminal
The need of these terminals was determined by forecast on increasing traffic of cargoes
transported by barges on the Danube - Black Sea canal, traffic referred to reach 17 million tones /
year by 2010.
The terminals for non-propelled barges and for river tugs represents an investment with a view to
improving the conditions of navigation and expanding facilitates for mooring river units in the
southern port of Constanta.
By making this investment it was achieved the demand of the traffic increase and have created
new mooring fronts for none and self-propelled barges, lighters and river tugs in the river-maritime
area of the Constanta Port.
Finalizing this investment allows users making available a mooring capacity for about 10 million
tones of cargoes.
The terminal for none propelled barges included the achievement of 1,200 meters of quay with
depth of 7 meters and the river tugs terminal included 300 meters of quay with 5 meters in depth.
The non-propelled barges terminal is located in the eastern part of the connecting canal to the
river-maritime area and the river tugs terminal is located in the western part of the connecting canal
within the braking zone of wharf 99 to 100.
The non-propelled barges terminal is designed with priority for mooring the river units with cargo on
board and has distinctly sections for mooring the tank barges, barges with dangerous cargoes and
barges with general goods or bulk cargos.
The mooring of river units is made with for or aft part in wharf and in two lines. The terminal for
non-propelled barges can accommodate a number of about 140-150 river units.
The allocation of wharfs of non-propelled barges and river tugs terminals, the monitoring of
movements and operations of river units are made by the Committee Coordination of sea and river
ships movements in the Maritime Ports of Constanta, Midia and Mangalia on the ground of port
acceptance or against the pilotage request approved by harbour master and port administration.
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In 2010, the largest marine terminal for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) in the country in the port of
Midia was inaugurated.
The total value of the investment was of 12 million euros.
The terminal operates the LPG traffic for the internal market, but also the export for neighbouring
countries like: Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary.
The terminal has an area of about 24,000 square meters and has a storage capacity of 4,000 cubic
meters. Installations comprise 10 tanks of 400 mc, unloading ramps, high productivity pumps and
automations. The terminal is connected to the railway, road and water transport network. It can
load 8 tank wagons and 2 tank trucks simultaneously.
The investment includes one berth, with 9, 5 meters depth, whose quay has a length of 120
meters. The unloading is provided with high efficiency pumps, with a rate of 200-250 cubic meters
per hour.
The installation is equipped with gas tanks, which eliminate the loss of cargo. The terminal
provides 20 jobs.
The LPG terminal in the port of Midia has the potential to become one of the most important
players on the liquefied petroleum gas market from the Central and Eastern Europe. Passenger Terminal
The new Passenger Terminal is located in the North of the Port of Constantza, on the North
Breakwater, at the passengers berth.
Destination for many Danube and also maritime cruise routes, the Port of Constantza is offering
the best conditions for berthing of both river and maritime cruise vessels, facilitated by the existing
depths at the new terminal. The existing mooring length is 293 m, the quay depth is 13.5 m,
ensuring the mooring of big vessels, with drafts up to 10-11 m.
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Located near the historic area of the Constantza city and the Tomis touristic Port, the new
Passenger Terminal has an operation capacity of 100,000 passengers/year, being the most recent
investment able to increase the activity on the Romanian seaside.
In the present, the Terminal is under the administration of the NC Romanian Ports Administration
SA Constantza.
Method of census
The activity started with a research of multimodal logistics centres in Romania. After identifying the
most important facilities, the method used for the census was carried out three phases:
1. Initial contact phase
The census started with contacting the facility by phone in order to find the appropriate person
to contact with detailed information about the census. A general description of the project
together with the census document has been sent to the contact person by fax or e-mail.
2. Data collection phase
In the second phase, the identified person was asked to answer the questions of the census.
Depending on the contact person explanation by phone and/or mail was provided in order to
avoid any double work for the facility. After answering the questions, the filled document was
sent back to NC MPA Constantza. None of the facilities has answered the questions directly by
internet. This was generally assessed as too complicate and time-consuming.
3. Completion and follow up
After reviewing all answers, missing and/or wrongly interpreted questions have been asked
again to the contact person by e-mail, an additional explanation has been provided by phone
contact. All the completed questionnaires received from the port operators and logistic centers
were translated by the WP3 team members and uploaded on the project internet site, as the
Activity Leader (FGM AMOR, Graz) has indicated.
Issues encountered
The main problem of the census was identifying the responsibles or the persons qualified to
provide the specific technical data requested by the questionnaire. Although clear information
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about the objectives of Watermode Project was given, many questioned subjects were reserved
about providing the requested data.
As regarding to the Constantza port operators, a high level of interest regarding the project and its
census was registered, but even so, there were still some subjects that failed in delivering the
information by invoking lack of time or appropriate data. In addition, getting in contact with persons
in charge of answering the questions took a lot of time, maintaining the contact even more as the
census means additional work for facility operators.
In the case of the logistic centres contacted situated in other regions of the country, the interest
was relatively low mainly because of the distance from the Constantza Port or other important
transport hubs.
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Innovations / Plans for the Future
NC MPA SA Constantza – Infrastructure development projects:
1. Accomplished:
Container Terminal on Pier IIS (Constantza South Container Terminal)
Access area of the vessels on the Danube - Black Sea. Mooring constructions. Barge
Waste Management in the Port of Constantza
Waste Management in Constantza Port represents the environmental component of the
Project on Environment and Infrastructure in Constantza Port.
The aim of the project was to achieve the alignment to the requirements of the International
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships - MARPOL 73/78, in
compliance with the national and international legislation on environment protection by
creating an efficient working framework for collecting, treating, stocking and storing of port
and marine wastes.
Four components: the incinerator, the new ecological site, the collecting-ship, the
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) & leachate treatment station (LLTP)
The incinerator and the ecological site are located in the imediate vicinity of the existing
waste site in Constantza Port. The wastewater treatment plant consists of a physicochemical unit located on the OIL TERMINAL territory and a biological unit located on Port
Administration territory, on berth 79.
2. Ongoing:
Completion of the North Breakwater of Constantza Port – extension by 1,050 m
Completion and repair works to the existing length of the North breakwater and to the entire
South breakwater were possible due to financing from European Investment Bank (loan)
and PHARE program (non-refundable). The extension of the North Breakwater with 1,050m
received the approval of the European Commission for financing through the Sectorial
Operational Programme in Transport (2007-2013).
Objective of the project: improvement of the operation conditions by decreasing the waves
agitation in the port aquatory, increasing the safety of vessels by ensuring a protection of the
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sailing lines and reducing the destructive effects of waves upon the port facilities.
The development of the railway capacity in the river-maritime area of Constantza Port: the
increase of the railway capacity for the transport of bulk dry cargo from/to the river-sea
sector of Constantza Port.
- improvement of railway operations in the river-maritime area by building of a systemized
railway complex.
- in the first stage railway lines shall be created, in order to attend the actual operators and
their 2020 traffic forecast.
- the project is in the evaluation procedure of the Financing Application
- estimated value of the project: 17,600,000 EURO
The financing of the project: Sectorial Operational Programme in Transport (2007-2013).
Road bridge at km 0+540 of the Danube-Black Sea Canal and the work related to the road
and access infrastructure in Constantza Port
The project has started up as a necessity of connecting the port with the BucharestConstantza highway through the ring of Constantza city and creating an alternative
access by the execution of a connection ring with the existing national road thus and at
creating a direct link between the North and South areas of the Port of Constantza
without transiting the town.
The Road bridge across the Canal will be located downstream of Agigea Lock, and it is
necessary for the decongestion of the heavy traffic in the area of Constantza. The Road
bridge at km 0+540 of the Danube-Black Sea Canal is included in the project
„Modernization and development of the national transport infrastructure outside the TEN-T
Priority Axes for the development of a sustainable national transport system.”
The financing of the project: Sectorial Operational Programme in Transport (2007-2013).
Estimated value: 30,200,000 Euro (without VAT)
3. Prospectives:
Construction of Pier III S’ Infrastructure dedicated to specialized terminals
The development of Pier IVS infrastructure
According to the feasibility study the project should be achieved in three development
phases, due to big costs implied in its accomplishment. The project aims the possibility in
developing new specialized terminals in the Southern area of Constanta Port which, taking
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in consideration the natural depths in order to make possible the operation of big capacity
The project estimated value is 413 mil. Euro from which:
- Phase I: 118 mil. Euro – 35 ha.
- Phase II: 155 mil. Euro – 55 ha.
- Phase III: 140 mil. Euro – 70 ha.
Once achieved, these projects will increase not only Constanta Port advantages, but also
will improve the entire transport community on national level.
Bridge over the connection canal
The project target is the accomplishment of a metallic road bridge having a single 105
meters opening and a passage over the existing railways having a total length of 590
meters (16 openings), which shall effect the connection between river – maritime area and
port of Constantza artificial island.
The project estimated value according to the Feasibility study is 36,2 mil. Euro.
Expansion to 4 lanes of the road between Constanta South access Gate 7 and the junction
of the project Road Bridge at km 0+540 of the Danube-Black Sea Canal with the road
linking Gate 9 and Gate 8, towards the Constantza Port Northern area : this infrastructure
objective is highly necessary in order to avoid traffic conflicts and congestion that occur
during periods of maximum traffic to the Constantza Port Northern area.
The arrangement and systematization of river – maritime area
The project aims the arrangement and systematization of river – maritime area, having a
surface of 1,65 mil. square meters, in order to create optimal conditions to improve the
utilization of port terrain through parcel renting in total surface of about 1,2 million square
The project estimated value: 300 mil Euro.
The arrangement of artificial island in Constanta Port
The project aims the accomplishment of new quays and port territories so various activities
could be conducted, in order to develop the artificial island potential. The existing natural
conditions permit the achievement of great depth berths, which can assure big capacity
vessel accommodation.
The project estimated value: 252 mil Euro.
Windpower plant in the port of Constantza
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Taking into account the actual trend of environmental protection by using the energy
obtained from unconventional sources and the fact that Romania is a signatory party of the
Kyoto Agreement on Environment Protection, the use of technologies producing
windpower will result in less pollution. Black Sea coast and platform represents an
advantage for such windpower installation from the point of view of location as well as
power consumption for major economic entities (port operators: oil, ore, containers).
Alternative 1:
5 wind turbines on the Northern breakwater
6 wind turbines in the river-sea area
Developed power: 27,5 MW
Estimated value: 42 million Euro
Energy produced annualy: 73,278 MWh
Alternative 2:
6 wind turbines on the Northern breakwater
6 wind turbines in the river-sea area
6 wind turbines on the Southern Pier
Developed power: 30 MW
Estimated value: 62 million Euro
Energy produced annualy: 125,812 MW.
Doubling of the Flyover over the marshalling yard in the South Area of Constantza Port
Dredging works completion in Constantza Port
Dredging works are required by:
- provision of designed depths in the fairway and port basins,
- navigational safety,
- operation of quays.
The dredging works have not yet been finalized due to insufficient funds and adequate
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Hard material (limestone, marl or rock-breaking = 1.025.000 cu.m
Cohesive soil (e.g. clay) = 750.000 cu.m
Taking into account the negotiated unit prices, respectively:
- drilling, rock-breaking and hard material dredging = 40 EURO/cu.m
- cohesive soil dredging = 4,5 EURO/cu.m
Total cost is estimated at 44,375,000 EURO.
Improvement of the road system in Constantza Port
The Northern and Southern parts of the port are facing various problems as regards road
traffic. At the moment, in the Northern area, the bulk cargo is carried mainly by pipes,
barges and rail wagons depending less on road transportation. In addition, following the
containerization progress, in the future, the general cargoes from the Northern area will be
directed to the Southern area.
The main issue for the northern part is the road accessibility to the gates. It is estimated
that in the future heavy road traffic will jam Gate no. 5. In order to solve this potential
problem, the improvment of the road network in the gate area has been taken into
account as well as the need for road repairments and modernization works.
Also, in the Southern area of the port it's possible to face road congestion due to traffic
growth, including container traffic, as the inland container transportation is done mainly by
road in comparison with the bulk cargo traffic. Besides that, the existing raod network of
the Southern area has many railway level-crossings that represent a real obstacle for future
traffic growth. Thus, in order to avoid such problem, passages and flyovers are designed
and will be built, as well as an increased number of road lanes.
“Constantza Port Road Improvement” is part of the “Internal Transport, Accessibility &
Improvement” projects presented in the feasibility study “Constantza Port Development
Project” drawn up by Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA) at the request of
the Romanian Government in February 2002. This project is part of the Short Term
Development Plan (2010).
The preliminary design concepts of road access are as follows:
- easy access in connection with the port borderline;
- alignment correction of Northern part road;
- connection of Northern and Southern part.
The improvement of the present road network has to be regarded as a long-term ecological
improvement of port road transportation.
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River-maritime sector activation and barge terminal improvement
The growth of barge carried cargo traffic in the Port of Constantza and the problems related
to the movement, mooring and staying of an important number of barges in the port basins,
as well as the perspective of a river traffic growth in the port through the facilities on Pier IIS
(Container terminal) and Pier IIIS, require full usage of the port aquatorium through
redirecting barge activity to the island water area of Constantza South Port as an
anchorage basin.
Location: island water area in Constantza South Port.
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