ML feb-mar 2007 - Canadian Club of Belgium
ML feb-mar 2007 - Canadian Club of Belgium
The Maple Leaf February-March 2007 Éditeur responsable: Le Club des Femmes Canadiennes en Belgique Expéditeur: L’Ambassade du Canada, Avenue de Tervuren 2 - 1040 Bruxelles / Périodicité bimensuelle / No. d’agréation: P405011 « One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman ». Simone de Beauvoir Photo: Chantal Rivard, model Véronique Kenny 1 Editorial Women’s Pain Breast Cancer. We are afraid of it, and because we are afraid of it, we sometimes ignore it. We even doubt its existence. We even go as far as to deny the existence of this lump we’ve just seen on one of our mounds which gave us pleasure so many times. We are scared. Scared to die, of course, but also scared to be disfigured by mastectomy, depriving our body from all that is feminine. Strangely enough, centuries of feminine evolution and feminism have not changed the perception we have of ourselves: no breasts, not a woman. Photo: Studio Magenta And don’t you think I am pushing. I could tell you the story of this woman who denied so much the existence of her cyst that it got as big as a grapefruit. I could also tell you that this woman would rather have died before seeing one her breasts removed. I could tell you that she would see chemotherapy only as another form of baldness turning her into a non-sexual person. I could tell you so many things about her; because this is my mother I am talking about. Victim of this terrible disease in the early nineties, my mother would rather have died than stopped being a woman. We protest against the Pamela Andersons of this world, but we sometimes choose death over mastectomy. Where is the evolution, I dare ask? Thus, for the International Women’s Week, I wish we would take time to think about the nature of who we are, so that we can teach our daughters that being feminine is not only a matter of what we physically are. We are women and not because we have breasts. We are women because we feel as such. Never should the fear of losing what makes us physically different keep us from fighting this horrible disease. Never! From my mother’s sickness, I grew up to be more of a woman. So did my mother. Chantal Rivard President’s Message A “village of volunteers"… made the difference! At the CWC’s Annual Reception which took place at the official residence of the Ambassador of Canada to Belgium and Luxemburg in November 2006, the Club and Ambassador Laurette Glasgow acknowledged the generous contribution of those who had contributed to a better quality of life for the children living at Le Refuge-Les Salanganes. Amongst the supporters, we would like to especially thank Mrs. Susan McNee, spouse of Ambassador John McNee, who assured by her patronage that the Refuge projects would become reality. A special mention goes to the members of the International Church of Brussels (IPC) for their extremely generous donations as well as to the Canadian and Flemish companies and organizations sponsoring the campaign lead by the CWC’s Charities Committee. But above all, the professional guidance and contacts of Studiebureau Dirk Boydens (Bruges) and the countless hours invested by our volunteer members made the projects come true. As Barbara Choi said, it took a “village of people” to accomplish nothing short of a miracle! nes (Lillois) and the Centre de Prévention des Violences Conjugales et Familiales (Brussels). All of the above illustrates that a group of women such as ours can successfully provide the necessary leadership to mobilize a “village of volunteers” and make a difference. Congratulations to Barbara and her team for a job extremely well done! Suzie Bouchard Finally, the CWC, through its fundraising efforts, was also able to donate 1,150 euros each to the three charitable organizations which we have been supporting for many years – Les Perce-Neige (Namur), Le Refuge-Les Salanga- Suzie Bouchard on the CWC Christmas party given at her residence last december. Photo: Diane Sabourin. Report: Christmas Market 2006 at Les Perce-Neige I am acting as spokesperson for the Charities Committee, since as a Treasurer I was able to witness the final result. There are no strong enough words to express our gratitude for those of you, who by their efforts made such a great success of this Christmas Market. Your contributions were generous and participants were numerous. We therefore came up with an unexpected amount of money (to be confirmed after the Board’s Meeting) for the CAHP project, enabling twelve handicapped kids to join a regular school program. Thanks to all of you for your wellknown generosity. Diane Sabourin The management of le centre Les Perce-Neige is pleased to present this new piece of equipment recently purchased thanks to our donation last November during the Annual Reception at the Ambassador’s residence. 2 Charities News...retrospectives Pictures taken at the CWC annual reception at the Official Residence of the Ambassador, Mrs Glasgow, last November. Pictures: Dany van Nuffel Christmas at Le Refuge-Les Salanganes Photo: Barbara Choi I would like to thank you for your support and for making Christmas so very special to the children at Le Refuge. The Christmas party was magical. There was excitement and most of all, love and affection in the air! More than ever, I felt like it was a gathering of family, as our children, their children and all of us mingled together as one big happy family! Those once unfamiliar faces, have become like nieces and nephews and cousins to us all. There was a beautiful fluency of chaos. Nothing really mattered. Photo: Barbara Choi The most important thing was that we were there to shower them with much deserved attention and love. The highlight of the evening was the arrival of Santa Claus...from the Great White North! Thank you to Chantal Rivard for providing the costume at the last moment and to Richard Stead who fit the role (and the costume!) as if it were tailor-made! From the moment we arrived, the infamous question "When will we open the presents?" was probably asked a million times. However, when the moment finally arrived, each child patiently waited with their gifts in their lap until everyone had received their gifts...WITHOUT BEING ASKED! When all thirty children were in receipt of theirs, it was the unspoken cue for them to start opening their presents. There wasn't the usual frenzy of flying paper...instead, they read their cards and THEN carefully unwrapped their presents, finding soft and beautiful pyjamas and toys! There wasn't the usual comparison of gifts ...instead, each child was truly grateful for what they had received. Even the staff at Le Refuge were amazed at how beautiful and generous the gifts were! Almost immediately afterward, each child came to us and showered us with "bisous" and "merci"s. The magic of the evening was not in what they had received, but what was unsaid, what had NOT happened and the calmness of the moment. In the end, we received so much more in return than what we gave. With my sincere thanks and gratitude, Barbara P.S. A special thank you to Malena Karadarevic and her mother and sister, for travelling from Leuven to provide pizzas and crepes for the party! Photo: Barbara Choi Participating Members: (Christmas Toy Drive) Colleen Forer, Sylvia Ce- saratto, Linda Hill, Nicole Baudoux, Julie Tomé, Siobhain Sisk, Shelley Forrester, Diane Sabourin, Grace McMillan, Julie Boulanger, Sue Fenton, Cindy Imai, Nancy Evans, Laura Fuster, Marie-Claude Roy, Karen Stead, Paula Pincombe, Julie Maradyn, Julie Ferguson- Ceniti, Barbara Choi, Lia Olljum, Eva Vyncke, Ene Kannel, Segolaine de Solages, Francine Couvrette-Nadon, Denise SaintAubin & Chantal Rivard. (Christmas Party at Le Refuge) Julie Boulanger, Julie Ferguson-Ceniti, Barbara Choi, Suzie Bouchard, Nancy Evans, MarieClaude Roy, Julie Maradyn, Grace McMillan, Eva Vyncke, Karen Stead, Julie Tomé & Siobhain Sisk. 3 Charities News...retrospectives From December 11 to 17, the CWC collected children's clothing and accessories (jackets, boots, hats, mittens, shoes, etc.) at the Notre Dame des Champs school in Uccle. The school's theme for 2006/2007 is 'renewable resources', so this was a way for parents and children to participate not only in a project around the school's theme, but which also embodied the holiday spirit of giving and sharing with those less fortunate. We had an overwhelming response!! Many parents of the school commented at what a great project this was and we even collected a donation of 25 Euro. EVERY DAY my car was filled to overflowing with bags of donated clothes. The entrance of my house was filled floor to ceiling and it took 3 carloads to get all the clothes to the Refuge. The staff and children of the Refuge were delighted!! A very big Thank You to the families of Notre Dame des Champs for helping to make this clothing drive so successful! Julie Ferguson-Ceniti Dearest Barbara and all our Canadian friends, The Annual Reception at the Ambassador’s residence and the warm welcome extended by Her Excellency, Madam Ambassador, lent a particular brilliance to your thirty-five candles this year, and ushered in year thirty-six without the threat of having to suddenly blow out all of the candles at once. And so the flame of Friendship survives and keeps regenerating such energy that the Canadian Women’s Club of Belgium shines brightly with the joy of strong ties, carried forward by the enthusiasm of its Charity. Circumstances found us in the middle of the annual event wherein the previous year had begun the concentrated renovation effort at Le Refuge–Les Salanganes, of the Place du Village and later the shower-room – work that was completed this year. The Place du Village has been transformed into a circus tent under which the laughter of children is again allowed to take precedence over adult troubles. The shower-room cleanses bodies as well as souls, and the warm water gushing from the taps is a Fountain of Youth which also soothes injuries. The progress of the renovation work, shown before and after, marked your victory in images and revealed for all to see what you might often want to keep hidden – that outlay of maternal care coming from the shadows of which you are the attentive heroines. To this magnificence of generosity, you also added a separate donation that you multiplied by three, so that the two other charitable organizations that you have taken under your wing also benefited from your magnanimity. We are overwhelmed by your kindness! We are still awaiting the walls of the showers that were ordered awhile ago, but which are long in arriving; as soon as they are installed it will be in our turn to invite you and to carry out the official inauguration of the living areas transformed by your magic wand. Words cannot begin to express our gratitude, although there is one that, if it comes from the heart, says it all – Thanks! Dear Barbara and dear Canadian friends, On behalf of the whole team, please accept our respect, our friendship and the assurance of our devotion. Jean-Paul Delcorde Yours truly, Photo: Dany van Nuffel Upcoming Club Activities and Events... Club de lecture "Night after night, a troubled man protects himself by revealing his past –so many trips, so many love encounters remaining obsessive." Ah ah! Got you!!! This excerpt had you intrigued, right? So, come and discuss it with us at our next meeting on February 7 at 10h (venue to be confirmed by email). We will discuss the Belgian author François Weyergans’s novel "Trois jours chez ma mère" (I just got back from spending THIRTY days at my mother’s, and I could tell you a whole lot, but that would be irrelevant…). I suggest you come and tell us about your favourite love novel, just to get us into Valentine’s Day spirit. I bet many of you received Jonathan Littell’s excellent novel "Les Bienveillantes" for Christmas. This book was awarded this year’s « Prix Goncourt » and «Le prix de l'Académie française ». We have added a meeting EXTRAORDINAIRE and we invite all the CWC members to join us. If you do not have the time to join our Club, if you work, but like reading and sharing your ideas and opinions with our group, we will warmly welcome you. How about bringing a friend with you to this exceptional meeting on May 30, at 19h30 (venue TBC, but depending on the number of participants, we’ll probably go to Café des Voyageurs in downtown Brussels). You might think that I am quite early with this announcement, but you must know that the book has 900 pages… For more information: [email protected] 4 Upcoming Club Activities and Events... International Women’s Day (Week): Draft Program Here’s a draft of the program for t h i s w e l l anticipated week. Please note that this not final and venues are still to be confirmed. Monday, for our launchPhoto: ing cocktail, I rely on you to demonstrate your skills: painters, sculptors, authors, artists, jewellers, designers, decorators, florists etc… Contact without delay Diane Sabourin (02/657.40.23 or [email protected]) in order to plan your presentation, organize your booth or any other item. This is the opportunity for you to put yourself upfront, so take advantage of it. Celebration Day: International Women’s Day (5-9 March 2007) Jorgensen, Chiropractor Monday 5 March 18h00 – 21h00 - Launching Cocktail: 10h30 – Coffee, tea, juice, water and cookies Display of Club Members’ skills. 11h00 – Conference – Feng Shui – A presentation by a Club Member, Tuesday 6 March Nicole Baudoux. 9h00 – 17h00 A special day devoted to well-being – 13h00 – Lunch on location (caterer) “Les Thermes de Ohain - Jardin de 14h00 – Presentation to be confirmed lumière” 15h00 – 16h30 Workshop to be confirmed Wednesday 7 March 19h30 – Dining out with friends 9h00 – 12h00 (women only) Guided tour with Andrée Jacquet. La Maison Cauchie (Art Nouveau) combined with a walk in “Quartier Friday 9 March 9h00 – 11h00 – Introduction to Qi des Trois Squares” Gong, meeting in Parc du Cinquan12h30 – Lunch 13h00 – A special visit for mothers tenaire, weather permitting. and their kids at the Music Museum . 12h00 – Midday Concert at La Monnaie, followed by lunch at 14h00. Other members are also welcome. 14h30 – Light snack: Waffles and hot chocolate, at Pain Quotidien, near For any questions on this program Le Sablon (nearby the Museum) or at contact Diane Sabourin Stockel, depending how close the (02/657.40.23 or [email protected]). participants are. Early reservation for activities (events, tours etc…) will assure you Thursday 8 March Seminar on Personal Growth, at the a good place. Embassy of Canada, Conference Room 9h30 – Presentation: Back Pain and Stress – Pain of the Century, by Dr Creative Workshop Reading Group Who would like to share her interest for a creative or artistic discipline with other fellow members? Let yourselves and your skills get known: painting, sewing, gardening, cooking or other. Give us a program we could make come true, around a table among friends, in March. All that is needed for a surely fun meeting! All ideas are welcome. If you wish to organize a workshop, get in touch with Diane Sabourin (02/657.40.23 or [email protected]). The date for this event would be 29 March, unless decided otherwise by the person in charge, according to the calendar of activities and availability of the person in charge. Welcome to anyone interested in attending our upcoming Reading Group meetings. Our February book will be “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult and the meeting will be hosted at Kelly Winter’s house. The date is February 12 and the meeting begins Photo: Dany van Nuffel at 19h30 – join us for some good discussion and camaraderie. The March meeting is held on March 12 at Karen Stead’s house. The book is “The Birth House” by Ami McKay and will be presented by Diane Alarie. FLEXIPAN Demonstration Tuesday, February 13 at 11h00 Learn how to make cooking easier with Flexipan molded cookware! Join us at Diane Sabourin’s home on Tuesday, February 13 at 11h for a practical demonstration, followed by a tasting of the goodies that we prepared. As places are limited, please sign up quickly with Diane at [email protected] or 02/657.40.23. If you would like more information about the Reading Group or would like to join, please email Sandra Wilkinson (02/784.32.41 or [email protected]) or Sue Fenton (02/767.21.74 or [email protected]). We look forward to hearing from you! 5 Chronicles of a Canadian in Belgium or Falling in love with Belgium Amsterdam… A Chronicle Amsterdam is not only a scene of debauchery for men. Or should I rather write that it is not only about men’s vice since every women who wishes so, can find there her happiness, her pleasure. From erotic accessories, that would make the sexiest bunny of a renowned men’s magazine blush, to various literature and films, to soft and latex clothing and live shows that will make you dizzy with deeply buried feminine impulses, everything here can be an excuse for female pleasure. You just have to set aside your bourgeois conventional ideas and your prude anxiety to let your body see things and enjoy. You are not a pervert if you like this dimly-lit ambiance where the coloured Photo: Amsterdam’s Tourism Office lights in the windows add to the joyous feeling of the streets. Nor are you a victim of some pathology or sickness of the mind if you like to get your sight excited by images sent and messages perceived. Neither is a person twisted because she thinks this ambiance is only the beginning of an evening or a weekend, exhilarating feelings shared as she walks with the man she loves. Amsterdam must be looked at the same way you watch an erotic movie… with excitement and curiosity at the same time. You must surrender yourself to her, without violence, at your pace, following your instinct. If the thought of seeing a pair of black lace panties gives you a rash, then simply take your time. You should visit Amsterdam like you make love. The same way, I tell you. If it is in your pyjamas, under the blankets, in the dark, well start with a guided tour offered by the city’s Tourism Office. Next time you meet the Lady, you may be adventurous enough to pay a visit to her small Red Light District where lunacy and desire shine as night comes. The hell with North-American puritanism, in which we are sometimes so much caught that we tend to forget our own feminine pleasure. As you take your first steps into Amsterdam’s Red Light District, you should toss aside all preconceived ideas passed on to us, in order to give way to delight, felt by a free spirit and a body open to fantasies. If the month of February is one of love and desire and March the month of Women, then I say, let’s run for Amsterdam and accept what we pride ourselves to be: modern women who are what they are, women. And a woman, for your information, well, she gets old, she gives birth, she breastfeeds, she educates, she forgives, she runs the errands, she goes to hockey practises, she cries at weddings and she has sexual pleasure. Yes she does have pleasure! Ok, sometimes she fakes it. But only sometimes. It is then astonishing to see, in 2007, some women really putting energy into denying these erotic and erogenous parts they have in themselves. I guess women, as modern as they are, still have a lot to learn from men, who have learned, long ago, that one should not shy away from pleasure. Therefore, Gentlemen, you who are discreetly reading this paper, cleverly hidden between two pages of the latest edition of the Hockey News, why would you not take your lovely companion out for a romantic and erotic weekend in Amsterdam for Valentine’s Day? Pleasure guaranteed… Chantal Rivard Upcoming Club Activities and Events... Yoga Have you already started to put your resolutions for 2007 into practice? If you wish to be in shape, it is always time to try a new experience which will allow you to stretch and strenghten your muscles, limber up your spinal column, learn to control your breathing, while relaxing in a friendly environment. To do so, we invite you to join one of the two yoga classes conducted by Virginie Weckx, certified teacher. Classes take place on Photo: Denise Saint-Aubin Tuesdays from 13h30 to 15h00 and on Wednesdays from 19h00 to 20h30. If you are interested, please contact Denise Saint-Aubin at [email protected] or 02/779.45.26. I am looking forward to welcoming you. Denise Saint-Aubin 6 Historical Chronicle or Once upon a time... Prostitution in Brussels When talking about prostitution, Brussels per se is not different from any other place in the world. In various areas you would find, and still do find, the oldest trade in the world. Over the years, the places would change, the conditions as well, but the spirit of the job would remain. Nowadays, in Belgium there are at least 15,000 people (mostly women) every year selling or providing sexual services. However, prostitution in Belgium can be quite different in Antwerp, Luik or Brussels. Indeed, Brussels will set herself apart from certain cities due to the fact that she does not have a specific prostitution district. Therefore, contrary to what you might find in Antwerp or Luik, prostitution in Brussels is scattered all over a few streets, less concentrated. She cannot be compared to other European cities with real Red Light Districts. It then comes as no surprise that in Brussels, prostitution is not presented as a tourist attraction, unlike, for instance, in Amsterdam or Hamburg. However, even though prostitution in Belgium is not a tourist attraction, it is not illegal. Since August 21, 1948, official ruling of prostitution does not apply anymore, therefore it is no longer an offence. Nevertheless, procuring, soliciting, incitement to debauchery and advertising of prostitution are still offences. There seems to be a certain decline in street prostitution, mainly because of police intervention. Therefore, in Brussels, prostitution will reveal itself in many ways and take on various forms. There is for every taste! As I wrote previously, in Brussels, the oldest trade in the world can be found in a most scattered way, across some streets, here and there. For uninformed people, this may sometimes come as a surprise, interesting for some, maybe less for others. It is for you to see… and know about. Among all those streets, one will find in particular Aarschot Street. Located in the North Railway Station area (Gare du Nord), close to the station itself, you will find ladies working behind windows - which gives a new meaning to the expression window shopping… This is the area where tourists are usually pointed to when coming to town. Usually this street is described as a whole, even though only a part of it offers eroticism or prostitution activities. The second part of Aarschot Street is composed of small houses, which seems to be in a completely different world, as if this part was in the countryside. During daytime, almost unreal, the whole street is filled with quietness. At the end of the day, it turns into something else. The windows come alive with strange, sometimes dim lights. This ambiance alone would be good enough a reason to be curious about. However, unlike the situation in Amsterdam, I would not recommend a walkthrough to any new-comer. Even locals will not walk in the area after a certain time. Tour Photo Dany van Nuffel ists are easily spotted… If you really insist on getting a taste or a feeling of the place, just discover it at night by car, like many others do. You will then drive through the area, slowly, looking around discreetly, just so you would not see too much… Louise Avenue, this chic avenue of the past, where you can still find fancy shops and classy restaurants, also has its share of street prostitution. Here, you will find girls from Eastern Europe walking down the sidewalks. However, you might also find them from time to time behind Aarschot Street’s windows. There is also street prostitution in the Flemish Parliament area (old Hotel des Postes et de la Marine on Louvain Street). On Roi Albert II Boulevard, there are transvestites and transsexuals. On Commercants (Merchants) Street, one can find African prostitutes. There is also Stassaert Street or Cirque (Circus) Street, near Place Fontainas, where homosexual prostitution is to be found. As you can see, nothing in Brussels looks even remotely like a Red Light District. It lets you see things around, one might argue. Quite true, but don’t you go playing tourist, if you know what I mean… This being said, like many other things, it all depends on what you are looking for. Just feel the ambiance and get into the rhythm of things… Dany van Nuffel Photo Dany van Nuffel 7 Cooking for Dummies Aphrodisiac cooking - myth or reality? My article is going to be very hot and I prefer to advise my readers that I am not responsible for any insomnia or hot playful nights caused Photo: Chantal Rivard by it. Now that you have been warned, let us penetrate slowly and kindly into the subject. The Britannica Encyclopaedia says “The combination of different sensorial reactions, the visual satisfaction that offers mouth-watering food, the olfactory stimulation of all pleasant odours and the tactile satisfaction given to the oral mechanism by a delightful and rich dish, cause a general euphoria that predisposes sexual expression”. Here are some examples of food considered as aphrodisiac: anchovies, oysters, caviar, liquorice, hot peppers, curry, frog legs, ostrich meat, truffles, tomatoes, asparagus tips, hazelnuts, strawberries, celery, horseradish, ginseng and also some fresh and dry herbs like cloves, coriander, ginger, mustard, nutmeg, saffron, thyme, cayenne pepper. Not to forget chocolate that was already very popular a long time ago. For example, Casanova used to drink a couple of cups of chocolate before he began his nights. Moctezuma, the Aztec Emperor, drank his “tchocolatl” to get ready to honour his harem. Even the Marquis de Sade or the Countess du Barry were very addicted to cacao. Nowadays, an Italian study proves the ancient saying that chocolate has a positive impact on the libido, particularly on women’s libido. So have the kids taken care of outside your house, close all the curtains, wear your most beautiful apron and only your apron, cook with your loved one and let the passion bewitch you with the virtue of those recipes below. Start by putting on some nice music and a cocktail made with a spoonful of grenadine and amaretto each, one kirsch-flavoured cherry. Fill up the remaining of your champagne glass with ice-cold champagne. For those who like oysters, I propose that you eat three or four of them at the same time. Photo: To prepare an Indian coriander chicken, you will need two firm and well-rounded chicken breasts. Start by braising them in a frying pan with two garlic cloves and a spoonful of finely chopped ginger. Once it is nicely browned, add 1½ cups of hot water and 5 ml of soy sauce and let simmer, with the lid on, for 20 minutes. Take out the chicken breasts and put them in a warm oven to rest until you have finished the sauce. Reduce the juice to about half the quantity, add one cup of yogurt, ½ hot pepper, a pinch of curcuma and curry and a handful of chopped coriander. Let the concoction simmer for a few minutes, then douse your chicken breasts with it and enjoy. To finish your cooking session, I recommend a very liquid chocolate fondue. You need 1½ cups of 35% cream and a good 70% chocolate. Bring the cream to a simmering point and slowly add the chocolate, away from the heat, mixing until it reaches a smooth consistency, like a crepe batter. Serve with strawberries and make sure to take your nice apron off before eating and clean, with your tongue, all the spills that could occur. You start to get tired of all this chocolate? No problem take out a can of whipped cream, the Kama-Sutra and let your imagination do the rest. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!! Sensually yours!!!! David Jalbert (02/672.67.10 ou [email protected]) Upcoming Club Activities and Events... COFFEE MORNING Thursday, March 22, 10h00-12h30 Thursday, February 15, 10h00-12h30 This month’s Coffee Morning will be held at the home of our President, Suzie Bouchard: Avenue du Bois de la Cambre 2D, 1200 Woluwe-St-Lambert To confirm your participation, please contact Sylvie Boutin (02/356.71.56 or [email protected]) . Thank you! This month’s Coffee Morning will be held at the home of Anne-Marie Folgueras: Chemin des Garmilles 39, 1310 La Hulpe To confirm your participation, please contact Sylvie Boutin (02/356.71.56 or [email protected]) Thank you! 8 Announcements LOST & FOUND Recognize this scarf? If it looks familiar please call Martha Godon (0497/36.86.49 or [email protected]). Vacant Position: Chief Activities Coordinator An opportunity for those who would like to fully get involved in the Club’s planning and organization. The main task would be to work directly with the activities coordinators, represent them on the Board, propose and suggest the annual activity plan in September and the budget requests. That person would also have to make sure that activities coordinators produce the needed articles on time, for the Maple Leaf, send relevant dates for the calendar of activities and reminders for upcoming activities (to be submitted to the Electronic Communications Coordinator) on a regular basis. An annual report must also be prepared and presented at the Annual General Meeting, in May. All in all, this job is a pleasant way of using your positive and constructive energy and your organization skills. Quite a challenge! Happy Birthday CWC Members! Christene BOUTILIER Julie CENITI Petra DAVIDSON Sophie PÉLOQUIN Atsuko BERSMA Juliette MOLIÈRE Magali MAYENNE Carley BENTON Pam MITCHELL Sandra WILKINSON Francine COUVRETTE–NADON Diane SABOURIN Andrée RIOPEL Nancy CUMMINGS 02/06 02/06 02/08 02/08 02/11 02/14 02/15 02/16 O2/18 02/24 03/06 03/06 03/24 03/31 Trip to Mechelen, Christmas Market, CWC Christmas Party, Reading Group December Meeting and December Meeting of the Maple Leaf Team. Pictures: Ene Kennel, Diane Sabourin and Carmelita Barnes 9 Annonces CWC Membership Update The CWC/CFC is now featured on the website of the Embassy of Canada! A brief description and contact information for the CWC can be found under the People-to-People networks section in English, French, and Dutch. Here’s the link Welcome to new members: Nancy Cummings Amélie Ormandy Updates to Membership Directory: Micheline Roche has a new email address: [email protected]. Please add/update this information in your CWC Membership Directory 2005-2006. To obtain a copy or report changes/corrections, or to receive The Maple Leaf in PDF form by e-mail contact Membership Coordinator Martha Godon (02/763.09.43 or [email protected]). Photo: Dany van Nuffel Activities Coordinators Chief Activities Coordinator Yoga Parents & Tots Reading Group (En) Club de Lecture (Fr) Coffee Mornings Cultural Activities Gourmet Club Groupe de conversation (Fr) Dining Out World Cuisine Walking Excursions Creative Hobbies English Conversation Group Vacant Denise Saint-Aubin Paula Pincombe Sandra Wilkinson / Sue Fenton Marie-Claude Roy Sylvie Boutin Marie-Claude Roy Jeanne McCaul Diane Sabourin Eva Vyncke Francine Nadon Anne Thomson Gaillard Diane Sabourin Ene Kannel Information The Maple Leaf is published 6 times per year: September, October/November, December/January, February/March, April/May, Summer and sent to the Members of the CWC free of charge. We accept all articles of general interest submitted by our members. The opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Canadian Women’s Club, its board of directors or its members. Articles and advertisements should be submitted by the 1st of the preceding month to [email protected]. Small advertisements are free for members, Classified ads submitted by non-members cost 0,40€ per word, 20€ per 1/8 page, 30€ per 1/4 page and 50€ per 1/2 page. Translation/Revision: Julie LeBlanc, Carmelita Barnes, Chantal Rivard, Dany van Nuffel, Eva Vyncke Layout: Chantal Rivard Board Members Suzie Bouchard President 0476/30.77.46 [email protected] Eva Vance Vice President 02/376.54.06 [email protected] Diane Sabourin Treasurer 02/657.40.23 [email protected] Christene Boutilier Secretary 02/779.27.17 [email protected] Eva Vyncke (temp.) Electronic Communications 02/376.54.06 [email protected] Martha Godon Membership Coordinator 02/763.09.43 [email protected] Vacant Chief Activities Coordinator Barbara Choi Charities Coordinator 02/344.59.39 [email protected] Julie Ceniti Fundraising 02/345.22.56 [email protected] Chantal Rivard Maple Leaf Editor 02/672.67.10 [email protected] 10