24th Sun OT 2011 - St. Joseph`s Parish


24th Sun OT 2011 - St. Joseph`s Parish
1540 Mill Street, PO Box 60, Lyons, WI 53148
Phone: 763-2050; FAX: 763-9377; Email: [email protected]
On line at: www.st-josephsparish.org
Parish Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m.; Holy Day: 7:00 p.m.
Tri-Parish Weekday 8:30 a.m. Mass Schedule: Tuesday - St. Joseph’s
Monday & Wednesday - St. Charles; Thursday & Friday- St. Mary’s
Parish Priest: Rev. John Baumgartner
Administrative Assistant: Tami Koenen
Director of Religious Education: Rita VanSchyndel
Ken Baumeister, 2012 ................................ 763-2055
Rev. John Baumgartner, Parish Priest ..... 767-9079
Scott Betzen, Trustee (Treasurer) .............. 767-9733
Julie Caufield, 2013, Secretary.................. 763-9273
Bill Corcoran, 2013, Chairperson ............. 248-3081
Kathy Gabriel, 2012.................................... 539-2071
Dan Haacker, 2013, Vice Chairperson .... 723-3875
Sandy Jenkins, 2014 ................................... 723-3907
Betty Lou Peterson, 2014 ........................... 661-4121
Bill Peterson, 2012...................................... 763-5623
Rick Tinder, Trustee (Secretary) ............... 767-0499
David VanSchyndel, 2014 .......................... 275-5030
Parish Council
Meets on 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Finance/Administrative Services
Jim Schaefer, Chairperson 763-6624
Meets on 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Human Concerns
Julie Koenen, Chairperson 763-2390
Meets on 2nd Tuesday, 1:00 p.m.
Prayer & Worship
Rachelle Haacker, Chairperson 723-3875
Meets on 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Christian Formation
Lenora Seitz, Chairperson 763-6647
Meets on 2nd Thursday, 10:30 a.m.
Buildings & Grounds
Pete Peterson, Chairperson 661-4121
Meets on 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Parish Life
Bill Corcoran, Chairperson 248-3081
Meets on 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
St. Joseph's is a Catholic Parish rooted in rural Lyons, Wisconsin.
Our members seek Christ’s peace by following His teachings and by
sharing together in a lifelong journey of spiritual growth. In response
to the gospel’s call for justice and compassion, we reach out and
share our resources with all those in need.
We believe that each person is blessed and gifted by the Holy Spirit.
We encourage everyone to respond to their baptismal call by sharing
their time, talents and treasures.
CONFESSIONS: First Saturdays from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
or by appointment.
BAPTISMS: Arrangements must be made in advance, allowing time
for an instruction period prior to baptism.
WEDDINGS: One member of the couple must be a registered,
practicing and contributing member of record for at
least 6 months. (Parish Council – October 20, 2005)
If you have a concern that needs immediate prayer, give it to
the PRAYER LINE by calling Julie Koenen at 763-2390.
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please remember in your
prayers our parish members
and friends who are ill, in
nursing homes, hospitalized
or homebound. May they continue to
receive the Lord’s blessing:
Florence Casper, Kristin Sanders,
Brian Strickler, Mark Eschenbacher,
Jon Martin, DeNiene Harris,
Eden and Eme, Millie Hapka,
Eric Behling, Ed Biedrzycki,
Agnes Ehlen, Claire Cowan,
Aaron Deutsch, Don Wagner,
Jim & Gloria Crowley,
Dick Gutkowski, Scott Peterson,
Edith Doyle, Jeff Doyle, and
Maggie Schoenberg.
Names in the above list are added at the
request of the person named or a family
member. Names are not removed until that
person or a family member asks us to do so.
Communal Anointing of the Sick will
take place after the 5:00 mass, here
on September 17.
Those wishing to receive this
sacrament should move to the
front pews immediately
following mass so Fr. John
may easily anoint them.
Leaflets will be in the front
pew to aid you in the service.
Formerly Schlitz Vinyl & Carpet
Gary Ketterhagen, Owner
Our Mass Intentions
This Week
5:00 p.m. ...........Pep Brickner
9:30 a.m.............For the people of St. Joseph’s
TU 8:30 a.m. .....For the people of St. Joseph’s
Next Week
5:00 p.m. ...........William Mangold
9:30 a.m.............available, call the parish office
TU 8:30 a.m. .....For the people of St. Joseph’s
Isaiah 55:6-9
Philippians 1:20-24, 27
Matthew 20:1-16
The deadline for filing
Abuse Survivor claims in the
Milwaukee Archdiocese Bankruptcy
is February 1, 2012.
More information is available at:
St. Francis deSales Annual
Sunday, September 18
Serving 11:30 - 5:00
Come join us for a day of
fun, food and friendship
Pig Roast Dinner Tickets:
Adults- $10/ Kids 5 to 12- $5
Under 5- Free
Carry-outs available
Silent Auction, Kids games
Big Cash Raffle
Entertainment by “Wise Guys”
Watch football on large TV
Children’s Church Leaders
REP Catechists and Helpers
High School Students Welcome!
Call Rita if interested.
New lectors will have training on Saturday, September 17 starting at 9:00. New
lectors should come with a Scripture reading they have prepared already so they
can practice using the microphone effectively. We will also talk about preparation. They may take one of the Missalettes on the counter in the priest’s sacristy
so they have a source for practicing the Sunday readings when they are scheduled. We should be finished before 11:00.
New Eucharistic ministers will have a training session on Saturday, September
24. We will begin at 9:00 a.m. and should be finished by 11:00 a.m.
Please pay close attention to notes that came with the new liturgical ministry
schedule. We will not have training sessions at this time for those Eucharistic
ministers, ushers and lectors who are not new this fall.
If these dates and times do not work for you, please call Lenora at 763-6647 to
arrange other times.
September 11, 2011
Three months after the September 11, 2001
attack on the United States, President
George W. Bush signed into law a bill
designating September 11 as Patriot Day.
Not to be confused with Patriot’s Day, an
April holiday in some New England states celebrating the first shots fired at
Lexington and Concord, Patriot Day honors the nearly three thousand people
who lost their lives on the morning of September 11, 2001. Flags are flown at
half-staff throughout the country, and a moment of silence is observed at
8:46 p.m. Eastern time, the minute the first plane struck the North Tower of
the World Trade Center in New York.
While Memorial Day and similar state observances honor those who have
given their lives in service to their country, Patriot Day is unique in that it honors first responders as well as the many civilians who died on that day.
WHAT ABOUT ANNULMENTS? Thursday, September 15 - 7:00 p.m.
St. Roman Parish, 1810 W. Bolivar, Milwaukee
Those who have been divorced may have so many questions about how they can
get on with their lives. Fr. Bernie Sippel, a specialist in the Archdiocese
Marriage Tribunal, will be able to answer questions with his presentation on
marriage annulments. Need directions? Call St. Roman at 414-282-9063. This
program is free of charge and light refreshments will be provided. Brought to
you by a seven-parish Evangelization Consortium.
Get credit towards tuition for your students attending CCHS next year or years
from now! Now you can purchase Scrip online, through the Development Office
and in person on Mondays between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. outside Georgean
Selburg’s office (Enter Topper through the set of orange doors closest to
McHenry Street. Saving money for high school tuition has never been so easy.
Scrip is a gift certificate or gift card that looks just like the ones you’d purchase
at the stores. It is used just like cash. It is purchased by CCHS from the Great
Lakes Scrip Center at a percent discount between 2% and 20%. It is sold to you
at face value - a $10 card costs $10. Then you shop at your grocery or department stores, gas stations or go to restaurants. We also offer Gooseberries cards in
$20 or $50 amount. After $50 in profits are earned for CCHS, you may leave
100% profit in the school, or accumulate 50% in family tuition credit. After $100
in profits are earned for CCHS, you may leave $100 profit in the school or accumulate 80% family tuition credit.
Congratulations to:
Marci O’Neill and Jeffrey Rueter
On celebrating the Sacrament of
Marriage on September 10, 2011
at St. Joseph’s
Whitney Covelli ....... September 10
Michael Eulgen ........ September 10
Betty Park ................. September 10
Wendy Zeman .......... September 10
Melissa Fritz ............. September 11
Peter Gauger ............. September 11
Ed Gurske ................. September 11
Ryan Meinel ............. September 11
Monica Glowacki ..... September 12
Ray Leffelman .......... September 12
Tom Terry ................ September 12
Barbara Held ............ September 13
Aaron Henningfield .. September 15
Tami Koenen ............ September 15
Adam Tinder ............ September 15
Carter Behling .......... September 16
Irene Mangold .......... September 16
Benjamin Travis ....... September 16
Monthly Financial Report
August 31, 2011
Envelopes, Offertory
Bulletin Ads
Total Receipts
Arch. Assessment 1st Q.
Total Expenses
(Expenses) over Receipts
Faith in our Future Rec’d –60% $947
Loose Collection ............. $255.25
Envelopes ..................... $2,519.00
Human Concerns............. $130.00
Total ............................ $2,904.25
September 11, 2011
Saturday - 5:00 p.m.
Host 2 ........................ Dawn Fischer
Host 3 ................ Mary Henningfield
Cup 1 ............................ Joyce Clapp
Cup 2 ........................... Teresa Smet
Lector......................... George Byrne
Server...........................Claire Schilz
Server.................... Spencer Spiewak
Usher .............................. Peter Smet
Usher ................................ John Falk
Sunday - 9:30 a.m.
Host 2 .................... Kathy Hegeman
Host 3 .......................... Lenora Seitz
Cup 1 ...............................Jean Uhen
Cup 2 .............................Neil Martin
Lector.......................... Karen Martin
Server...................... Andrew Zeman
Server........................... Luke Betzen
Usher ........................ Tom Fincutter
Usher ....................... Andy Fincutter
Counter ................... Russell Koenen
Counter .......................... Ruth Albee
Saturday - 5:00 p.m.
Host 2 ......................... Julie Koenen
Host 3 ....................... Marie Koenen
Cup 1 ....................... Walt Anderson
Cup 2 ................................Pat Curtis
Lector .........................Elaine Phelps
Server .......... Gracelyn Henningfield
Server ........... Theresa VanSchyndel
Usher ................................ John Falk
Usher ........................... John Koenen
Sunday - 9:30 a.m.
Host 2 ................Betty Lou Peterson
Host 3 ...............................John Park
Cup 1 .......................... Russ Koenen
Cup 2 ........................ Sandy Jenkins
Lector .......................... Lenora Seitz
Server ....................... Sarah Haacker
Server ........................ Alex Haacker
Usher ............................... Jim Ehlen
Usher .......................... Dan Haacker
Counter ..................... Marie Koenen
Counter ......................... Linda Ehlen
Children’s Church returns next week
Children’s Church ....... Rita VanSchyndel
Cycles of Faith - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This will be a weekend of memorials. Wreaths will be laid; there will be moments
of silence. The names of the dead will be proclaimed and stories of their lives will
be told. Commentators will voice their opinions and newscasts will replay the
sound and video from that awful Tuesday morning ten years ago when four planes
crashed out of a bright, sunny sky. Two of the planes hit the Twin Towers of the
World Trade Center in New York; one struck the Pentagon in Washington, DC;
and the last came down in a Pennsylvania field as passengers rushed the hijackers
who wanted to turn that plane into a bomb as well.
Ten years ago, on the Sunday after the attack, we heard the story of the prodigal
son. This year, the cycle of Lectionary readings brings us the parable from
Matthew of the unforgiving servant. As we hear this parable we feel a certain
sense of justice as the servant, a despicable character without compassion, is
thrown into jail by the master who had once forgiven his huge debt. While we
might momentarily rejoice in the just outcome of this parable, we are immediately
skewered by the words of Jesus, who says to us, "So will my heavenly Father do
to you, unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart."
We hadn't bargained on this outcome to the parable. We are caught in the same
trap as the ungrateful servant. And where does that leave us on a day such as this,
when we remember those whose lives have been lost and believe the perpetrators
to be as despicable as the servant in the Gospel? Jesus does not make life easy for
us. As our Savior, he redeems us not only from the sin we inflict on others, but
also from the sin we inflict on ourselves. Learning to forgive even the greatest
sinners is the call of every Christian.
©2011 Liturgical Publications Inc
This Week’s
Meetings & Activities
7:00 p.m. - Buildings & Grounds
8:30 a.m. - Mass
1:00 p.m. - Human Concerns
7:00 p.m. - Prayer & Worship
6:45 p.m - REP Classes Begin
7:00 p.m - Parish Council Meeting
Parents, mark your calendars! The
Life Teen Registration meeting will
be Wednesday, September 21 at
7:00 p.m. in Andre Hall at St.
Charles. This is for parents of all high
school teens. If you have a junior or
senior who would like to be
confirmed this year, plan to attend
the mandatory confirmation
meeting following the 7:00 general
Our first Life Teen mass and night
will be held on Sunday, October 2
starting with mass at 5:00 p.m. at
St. Charles. Teens, we look forward
to seeing you there!
Questions? Contact Jim and Kathy
Martin at 767-1525 or email at:
[email protected]
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
You Can Save Your Marriage
Attention couples in need of healing! There is hope and help. Retrouvaille is a
program that can help rebuild your marriage by providing tools to help get your
marriage back on track. It gives you the opportunity to rediscover each other
and examine your lives together in new ways. Retrouvaille has helped tens of
thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels, including disillusionment and deep misery. The next program will be held on the weekend of
September 16-18 at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere, WI. For confidential information and to register, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit www.helpourmarriage.com
Are you considering serving the
Church as an Ordained Deacon?
The Church calls men to be deacons
“in-service” to the People of God.
There will be a discernment
program this fall as a series of six
sessions. If you are a man (married
or single) that feels this call and
wants to know more, please
contact the Office for Diaconate
Formation at 414-758-2207 or
[email protected]
New Horizons Separated/Divorced
Friday - Sunday, October 14-16
Schoenstatt Retreat Center
This healing weekend is designed to
help each participant embark on a
new phase of life. It is an
opportunity for divorced persons to
pause and examine their lives - their
strong points and weaknesses, their
hurts, disappointments, joys and
frustrations. It is a weekend of
involvement. The cost of $150
includes five meals and lodging for
the entire weekend. Financial
assistance is available. Registration
deadline is October 7. For more
information or a registration form,
please contact Annette in the
Nazareth Project office at 414-7582201 or visit the website:
St. James - Mukwonago
Country Christmas
Art & Craft Fair
November 5, 2011
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
New Vendors Welcome!
Call 262-363-0903
to reserve a space
The Catholic young adult group, Lolek, together with Family Life Council and
in collaboration with the Nazareth Project of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are
co-sponsoring a Rosary and brief Pro-life Prayer Service at the grave site of
over 1,000 aborted babies buried in the Children’s Section at Milwaukee’s Holy
Cross Cemetery.
All are invited: Sunday, October 1, noon to 12:30 p.m. at Holy Cross Cemetery, 7301 West Nash Street, Milwaukee. The Children’s Section is located in
the northwest part of the cemetery, just south of the cemetery administration
building; enter on West Nash Street.
October is designated Respect Life Month by the Catholic Church, and this site
is a most fitting place to gather to ask for the Lord’s Healing Mercy, and for a
Culture of Life to take hold in our hearts, our parishes, and our country.
Let us not forget those who are buried here, and let us rededicate ourselves to
protecting the unborn and their mothers.
For more information: https://sites.google.com/site/lolekyoungadults/Home or
call 1-414-218-3769. If you would like to know how so many aborted babies
came to be buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, visit www.lifesitenews.com and
search Milwaukee Cemetery Unborn.
All parishioners are
welcome and encouraged
to attend the
Parish Council Meeting
on Thursday, Sept. 15th!
Sitting in church
doesn’t make you a Christian
any more than
standing in a garage
makes you a car!
Redemptorist Retreat Center, 1800 N. Timber Trail Lane, Oconomowoc
Arrive 9:30 a.m. Registration; Depart 3:00 p.m.
Presenters: the Redemptorist Staff
Cost: $15
Reflect on the goodness of God and the gifts God has so generously bestowed
on each of us. The day includes a conference, individual reconciliation, lunch
and celebration of the Eucharist.
To register: call 262-567-6900 or online at www.redemptoristretreat.org