Weekly Bulletin for 10-11-2015
Weekly Bulletin for 10-11-2015
Saint Dorothy Catholic Church 241 S. Valley Center Avenue • Glendora, CA 91741 626-914-3941 • www.stdorothy.org Schedule of Masses Saturday: Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. (Life Teen Mass) Children's Liturgy of the Word: 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Masses Holy Days: See Bulletin Weekdays: (Monday–Friday) 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. Sacraments Baptism: Rev. Mark Warnstedt, Pastor Rev. Dan White, Associate Pastor Msgr. Norm Priebe, Retired Deacon Steve Marsh Deacon Phil Luevanos Pre-Baptism Classes are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00p.m. Parents and Godparents must attend the pre-Baptism class before scheduling Baptism. Marriage: By appointment only. At least six months advance notice is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30—4:30pm Funerals: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.—5p.m. CHURCH HOURS: Monday-Friday: 6 a.m.—5 p.m., Saturday & Sunday: 7 a.m.—6 p.m. • Page Two ST. DOROTHY CHURCH October 11, 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters, I saw this reflection by Fr. Kenneth E. Grabner, CSC in Living with Christ, published by Bayard, Inc., and wanted to share it with you. ALL IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD “You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21) How wonderful to receive an invitation like this! But the man Jesus invited was rich, and his wealth prevented him from doing what Jesus asked. This gospel story prompts us to ask if there is something that keeps us from following Jesus. Perhaps Jesus asks us to let go of our anger and our fear or our selfishness. These are all things that would keep us from following him with free and loving minds and hearts. The rich man refused Jesus’ invitation and so lost the chance to change his life. Of course, it would have been hard for him to give up his wealth, just as it may be hard for us to give up our particular attachments. But Jesus tells us in this gospel that what is impossible for us, is possible for God. Lord, I trust in your power to help me follow you as you will. Peace, Fr. Mark. Question for reflection: What item, person or possession keeps you from following Jesus? UPCOMING EVENTS: October: Respect Life Month Continues—See p. 8 October 11: Ministry Fair After All Masses—See p. 3 October 14 & 21: Liturgical Formation Night for New & Returning Liturgical Ministers at 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Church—See p. 3 October 17-18: Team Xtreme Pumpkin Patch After All Masses on the Field—See p. 5 October 18: Financial Presentation/Commitment Sunday at all Masses October 18: World Mission Sunday & Special Collection—See p. 3 October 20-21: Knight of Columbus Fundraiser at Ray’s Tepeyac—See p. 8 October 24-25: Respect Life Ministry's Baby Shower for Crisis Pregnancy Centers—See p. 4 November 1: All Saint’s Day is Celebrated on a Sunday This Year. Masses will be at Regular Times. November 2: Feast of All Souls Mass of Remembrance at 7 p.m. in the Church—See p. 3 November 6-8: LIFE Teen First Year Retreat—Please keep our teens in the Confirmation program in your prayers November 11: Veteran's Day—Parish Office and School Closed. Mass Times: 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Church closed after Mass. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MINISTRY FAIR THIS WEEKEND AFTER ALL THE MASSES Our Ministry Fair Weekend provides an opportunity for parishioners to offer their time and talent in service to God and St. Dorothy's. Information regarding many different ministries and requirements that our parish has to offer will be available. Please visit our booths. Inquiries are free—the rewards are heavenly! FEAST OF ALL SOULS BOOK OF REMEMBERANCE NOVENA OF SOULS This year we are compiling a Book of Remembrance for all our family members and friends who have preceded us to the Kingdom. If you would like to have the name of a friend or family member listed in the Book of Remembrance and in our Novena at Masses from November 1-10, we ask that you PRINT the names on the All Souls envelopes and return them to the collection basket or Parish Center. All Souls envelopes are in the pews & by the doors. TOGETHER IN MISSION Do you have an unpaid pledge to Together in Mission? Did you forget to pledge? It’s not too late to do so. Our parish goal is $88,700—10% of our annual 2014 Sunday collections. Currently the amount pledged by parish families is $82,329.50 and amount paid is $73,054.50. We still have $15,645.50 to reach our goal. We have received contributions from only 291 families out of approximately 2450 families registered at our Parish— only 11%! I think we can do better. Envelopes for the Together In Mission campaign are located in the pews. TOGETHER IN MISSION 2015: Parish Goal: Amount Pledged: Amount Paid: Balance: $88,700.00 $82,329.50 $73,054.50 $15,645.50 Page Three NEW & RETURNING MINISTRY TRAINING DATES Interested in becoming a Lector, Usher or Eucharistic Minister? New ministers must have received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation). All new liturgical ministers must attend the Liturgical Spirituality Sessions with Kathy Lindell on Wednesday Oct. 14 and 21. There are multiple practical training sessions that follow. Please register for one of the sessions listed below. All sessions will take place in the Church. For more information or to sign up contact: Pam Wagner at 626-914-3941 x.107 or [email protected] Usher Training: Tuesday Oct. 27 OR Thursday Oct. 29 6:30-7:30pm Eucharistic Minister Training: Saturday Oct. 24 OR Saturday Oct. 31 10:00am-Noon Lector Training (each session limited to 10 lectors): Tuesday Nov. 3 6:30-8:30 PM OR Thursday Nov. 5 6:30-8:30 PM OR Saturday Nov. 7 9:30-11:30 AM OR Saturday Nov. 7 1:00-3:00 PM WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Next Sunday we will have a special collection for World Mission Sunday. Just as our young church here received support in the 19th century from Catholics in Europe, so too, the growing churches in the developing world today also rely on assistance. Let us pray that our Sunday Eucharistic celebrations will give rise to a deeper missionary awareness among all Christians. Envelopes are in the pews. Please be as generous as you can. LITURGICAL FORMATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING MINISTERS October 14th and 21st from 7:00-9:00 p.m. In the Hall In our efforts to go from “Good to Great”, especially in our celebration of the Eucharist, we are offering two (2) nights of liturgical formation/education/training. These nights are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED opportunities to participate in our liturgical ministry for both new and returning Liturgical Ministers. This formation is for Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Lectors, Musicians and all involved in Sunday liturgy. These nights are hosted by Kathy Lindell. Kathy served for over 15 years in the LA Archdiocesan Office for Worship. She is currently an adjunct staff member in the Diaconate Formation process for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Kathy developed the first liturgical ministry certification in the Diocese of Orange and currently aids in the development of education for liturgical leadership in the Diocese of San Bernardino. Page Four PARISH OFFICE AND SCHOOL DIRECTORY PARISH OFFICE: 626.914.3941 Rev. Mark Warnstedt Pastor ext. 100 Rev. Dan White, Associate Pastor ext. 108 Deacon Steve Marsh ext.151 Vicky Petteruto, Parish Business Manager ext.117 Front Office ext.100 Marguerite Rudolph, Parish Secretary ext.100 Jeanne Talley, Accountant ext.103 LIFETEEN: ext.110 SCHOOL: 626-335-0772 Carol Burke, Principal ext.202 Kathy Jasso, School Secretary ext.200 Tina Gonzales, School Accountant ext.218 Diana Bouz/Katie Murphy Daycare Directors ext.225 RELIGIOUS ED: 626.335.2811 Bernadette Martin, Director of Religious Ed ext.104 St. Vincent De Paul ext.127 St. Paul's Guild Gift Shop ext.129 ST. DOROTHY CHURCH October June 28, 11, 2015 BABY SHOWER FOR CRSIS PREGNANCY CENTERS The Respect Life Ministry will be collecting donations for our local pregnancy centers the weekend of October 24 & 25. These centers, which rely entirely on donations, help women with unexpected pregnancies choose life. You may drop your donations off in the vestibule or at our table outside church after any mass. Items needed include diapers, formula, layette items, new or gently used clothing (newborn—3T), & baby toiletry items. A larger donation of a new car seat would be greatly appreciated as babies cannot be discharged from the hospital without one. Gift cards to Target, Wal Mart, & Babies 'R Us are also helpful. It takes courage for a woman in an unplanned pregnancy to choose life so let's help support these women & the centers that serve them. Please contact Cindy Lamberti with any questions at 626-914-2101. October 10-17, 2015 Saturday Sunday 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Tuesday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Thursday Friday Saturday 8:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Solester Watts, Jr. † James Bennett ‡ Jane Misko † Cody & Kris Holloman ‡ Paul Kohorst † Parishioners of St. Dorothy’s Frank Macias † Pat Shea † Joseph Egan † Pillar Fiorio † Parishioners of St. Dorothy’s Calixto Tagayun † Zan Gormley ‡ Connie Salazar † Parishioners of St. Dorothy’s Thuy Tien ‡ Calixto Tagayun † Dario, Del & Dennis Macias † ‡ Special Intention † Rest In Peace DEACON STEVE PRESENTS A TOUR OF OUR CHURCH Learn purpose, history and interesting facts about our church Sunday, October 11 at 1 p.m. in the Church All are welcome! Hosted by RCIA— Contact Elaine Wanstrath with any questions at 626-733-1937 WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers: John Corsini ♦ Betty Dingus ♦ Lana Nichols ♦ For those born into eternal life: Matthew Bachman Barbara Bland ♦ Mary Ann Monaco ♦ ♦ Lord, hear our prayers. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Five RELIGIOUS FORMATION/EDUCATION Faith Formation: Classes have begun and are being held at the at designated times and places. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your family’s and children’s attendance please stop by the Office of Religious Formation located in the parish center. Religious Education Children’s Choir: is being held in Music Room 4 on Sunday mornings. Please call Michelle Clum at 626.905.1835 for times and more info. Parents of children who made their First Holy Communion: on May 2, 2015: Please pick up your child’s First Communion certificate and group picture at the Religious Education Office in the parish center (if you have not done it already). Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser: Team Xtreme will be selling pumpkins on the weekend of October 17 and 18th this year. We will be focusing on pumpkin sales this year instead of our annual carnival. There will be no vendors and no special activities. SAINT DOROTHY’S SCHOOL UPCOMING DATES: October 14 – Grades 6-8 attending Holy Missionary Mass October 15 – Student Council Buck-a-Jeans Day October 17 – JUMP Retreat October 19 – Make-up day for school pictures October 19-23 Student Council Red Ribbon Week BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Please save the Box Tops for Education Labels found on various grocery items. They are worth 10 cents each. Please drop them off in the school office. TARGET RED CARD Please designate St. Dorothy School on your Target Red Card. Target will donate 1% of all purchases to the school. Go to target.com/redcard/tcoe to sign up. Dario Milian & Esmeralda Ortiz October 24, 2015 LIFE TEEN YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmation Registration has closed. Please call the Teen Center for inquiries about late registration. TONIGHT 10/11: SNOT Night Tonight at Sky Zone. $15 and parent signed permission slip required. We will have extra permission slips after 5 p.m. Mass. THIS WEEK: Adoration every Monday from 8-9 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel. NEXT WEEK 10/18: LIFE Night in the Parish Hall following 5 p.m. Mass The Teen Center is located in the basement of the Parish Hall. We are open Monday—Thursday from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Contact LIFE Teen at 914.3941, x110 or e-mail us at [email protected]. STEWARDSHIP How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is preferable to silver.—Proverbs 16:16 Collection for the Weekend of October 4: 410 Envelopes: Loose Online Giving (18 Users) TOTAL $13,988.00 $ 2,115.50 $ 550.00 $16,653.50 Reserved for Maintenance Fund: $ 3,000.00 PUMPKIN PATCH Team Xtreme middle school ministry will be selling pumpkins the weekend of October 17th and 18th after all masses on the field. Come get your pumpkins for Halloween while supporting your parish community! X 6th, 7t h&8 Grade th rs TREME YOUTH GROUP † Sunday, 10/11: Regular Class † Sat. & Sun., 10/17 & 10/18: Community Service—Pumpkin Patch Anyta Doyle Building @ 615pm—8:00pm Michelle Feghali, Coordinator [email protected] ADVERTISING PAGE ADVERTISING PAGE PAGE EIGHT ST. DOROTHY CHURCH RESPECT LIFE MONTH October is Respect Life Month within the Catholic Church. The purpose of Respect Life Month is to help us open our hearts and reflect on how God might be calling each of us to witness the sacredness of human life and assist in pro-life efforts. Each week we will feature “snippets” from a respect life article. While abortion may be the most talked about life issue, the call respect life does not end there. Respecting life means to stand against the death penalty, care for the poor, defend life until natural death, and work to end instances where all life is not treated with dignity. This week we will look at the death penalty. THE DEATH PENALTY & CATHOLIC TEACHING For people committed to upholding the sanctity of human life, the death penalty can present a challenge. Properly understood, however, Catholic teaching against the death penalty is both persuasive and eminently prolife. In his 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae, Blessed Pope John Paul II explained that “the Gospel of God’s love for man, the Gospel of the dignity of the person and the Gospel of life are a single and indivisible Gospel.” CAIN AND ABLE In the first chapter of EV, Blessed John Paul II presents the story of Cain and Able to illustrate that God’s mercy embraces even a murderer. The story of Cain and Able shows that, through we reject and betray God through our sinfulness, his love for human beings is always faithful, merciful, compassionate and patient. Writing about this passage, Blessed John Paul II observed, “Not even a murderer loses his personal dignity and God himself pledges to guarantee this.” We must never lose our conviction that even the worst offenders are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Certainly, one of the principle failures of the death penalty is that it denies the opportunity for repentance and conversion by cutting short the efforts of the Holy Spirit to transform the condemned person’s soul in this life. 2016 ST. DOROTHY CALENDAR SPONSOR NEEDED We are looking for a business to sponsor our 2016 calendars. The name of your business is prominently displayed on the calendar each month for an entire year. There are 2477 registered parishioners at St. Dorothy’s. Contact the Parish Business Manager, Vicky Petteruto, at 626-914-3941 x.117 for more information. October 11, 2015 HOMELESS SHELTER DONATION DRIVE The Annual St. Dorothy Winter Homeless Shelter is Dec. 17—Jan. 1. Help us welcome for the holidays our brothers and sisters in Christ who have no where to go. Please donate your slightly worn clothing to our shelter clothing boutique. Our “store” like atmosphere allows our guests to pick our clothing that not only fits but they feel good about. Men’s Clothing Needs: New: White T-Shirts, Boxers, Briefs, White Socks Slightly Worn: Jean Pants, Casual Shirts, Sweats, Tennis Shoes, Jackets Women’s Clothing Needs: New: White T-Shirts, Underwear Slightly Worn: Jean Pants, Casual Shirts, Sweats, Tennis Shoes, Jackets Misc Items: Gloves, Caps, Blankets, Duffle Bags, Back Packs, Flip Flops, Belts, Purses, Wallets, Rain Covers (Plastic Ponchos), Umbrellas For more information on donating clothing, food, supplies or cash donations, please contact: Gaetano Modica at 310-420-9724 or Ben Prestia at 626-963-1556. KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS FUNDRAISER AT RAY’S TEPEYAC The Knights of Columbus will be having a dine out fundraiser on Tuesday, October 20 and Wednesday, October 21 at Ray’s Tepeyac. Present this bulletin at the time of purchase and Ray's Tepeyac will donate 20% of the proceeds on any non coupon or discounted order to the Knights of Columbus. The Knights in turn will share the donations with St. Dorothy and St. Louise Churches. WHERE: PHONE: WHEN: TIME: Ray's Tepeyac Restaurant 1055 N. Azusa Ave, Covina 91722 (626) 967-1200 October 20-21 11:00 am to CLOSING