2010 Annual Report - Boulder County CareConnect


2010 Annual Report - Boulder County CareConnect
Promoting the security, comfort and independence of seniors and
adults with disabilities since 1972.
2010 Annual Report
Dear Friends,
Boulder County CareConnect is proud to present, with gratitude,
our 2010 Annual Report to the clients, volunteers, funders and partner
agencies that make our work possible.
In 2010, the volunteer-powered Safety Net Services of
CareConnect touched the lives of over 2,500 individuals in Boulder
County through our mission of supporting the security, comfort and
independence of older adults and adults with disabilities. Our additional
programs and services reached tens of thousands of individuals. A skillful
turn of the wrench, an escorted ride to the medical center, groceries
delivered when you can’t get out – these simple but invaluable acts by
our volunteers are the mission and meaning of CareConnect.
In 2010, Medical Mobility rides have reached over 4,000 a year –
up from barely 600 in 2008. Fix-It requests jumped from less than 500 in
2008 to over 1,000 in 2010 – keeping over 50 volunteers installing grab
bars, repairing furniture and a host of other home maintenance tasks.
Carry-Out Caravan grocery orders have jumped 14% this year – with
over 180,000 pounds of groceries delivered through programs based in
Longmont and Boulder.
In 2010, Boulder County CareConnect services expanded to
include IceBusters snow removal assistance in Boulder and a pilot
YardBusters program to assist older adults with the maintenance outside
their homes.
This past year also saw new challenges appearing on the horizon
– the senior population in Boulder County is expected to double to over
77,000 by 2020. And we are only beginning to feel the impact of 80
million Baby Boomers entering their 60’s – often with too few retirement
resources to get by without some help.
And, like everywhere else, the economy is hitting hardest those
who have the fewest resources; 40% of CareConnect clients get by on
less than $10,000 a year and 80% of our clients are low-income – living
on less than $21,000 a year.
However, we have good reason to believe that, together, we can
meet these challenges. In spite of harsh economic times in 2010, our
donors, private foundations and local governments are helping us grow
to where we can meet steadily increasing service needs.
Our goals for 2011 are to expand our outreach and fundraising
efforts to the Longmont communities, as well as to increase our units of
completed service by ten percent for all Safety Net Service programs.
So, to end as we began, our heartfelt thanks to all of you who
have brought us this far and welcome to all those who will enable us to
move effectively into the future in meeting the increasing needs of older
and disabled adults.
Richard Varnes
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Jennifer Tallman, Chair
Sheila Powell, Vice Chair
Kathleen Charles, Secretary
Mary Malina, Treasurer
Michael Allen
Jan Berg
Barbara Bronk
Jerry Comer
Tricia Hoyt
Tania Leontov
Martha Meshak
Sara Meshak
Susan Moratelli
Ashley Stewart
Jennifer Tallman
Board Chair
Statement of Financial Activities
Income Type
Balance Sheet - 12/31/10
Private Grants
Individual and
Corporate Donations
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts receivable
Grants receivable unrestricted
State and Local
Prepaid expenses
Federal Funding
Net property & equipment
Special Events
Assets held by others
United Way
Total Assets
Investment Income
Other Revenue
In-Kind Contributions
Total Revenue and
Other Support
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued expenses
Total Liabilities
2010 Revenue
Net Assets
Board designated operating
Net investment in fixed assets
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and Net Assets $240,315
2010 Expenses
Programs - 85%
Management - 6%
Fundraising - 9%
Total Expenses
Changes in Net Assets
Fix-It Increase in Clients Served
Provides fall prevention, minor home
repairs, energy kits, snow removal and
yard maintenance to seniors and adults
with disabilities. Fix-It volunteers
completed 1,074 home repair jobs for
910 unduplicated clients in 2010.
Volunteers installed 398 grab-bars for
more than 348 clients - a 70% increase!
2009 Fix-it Clients
2010 Fix-It Clients
Carry-Out Caravan
Provides free grocery shopping and delivery to
seniors and adults with disabilities. Carry-Out
Caravan volunteers delivered more than
180,000 pounds of groceries (4,363 grocery
orders) to 260 unduplicated clients in 2010.
“Honey, I’ve been a Carry-Out client for six years and
those volunteers mean the world to me! Some of the
volunteers visit me regularly and even come to bring
holiday treats. I just love them all so much!”
- Mary, Carry-Out Caravan Client
*Photos by Valari Jack
RSVP 55+
Volunteer Program
Promotes the importance of seniors and
their contributions to the community by
recruiting volunteers for Boulder County
nonprofits and government agencies. In
2010, CareConnect reported that 977
volunteers age 55+ contributed more
than 129,000 hours of time to our
Additional Resources
50Up! is CareConnect’s monthly TV talk
show focused on improving the quality of
life for older adults in Boulder County.
File of Life is a free emergency healthy
information magnet; this is a coordinated
effort between CareConnect and Boulder
County emergency response organizations.
Holiday Fruit Baskets are delivered by 150
CareConnect volunteers each winter to
1,000 of Boulder County’s most vulnerable
Medical Mobility Increase in Rides Given
Medical Mobility
2009 Rides Given
2010 Rides Given
Ride with a trusted friend! Medical
Mobility provides volunteer-escorted
medical rides to seniors and adults with
disabilities. Begun in partnership with
Special Transit in 2008, Medical Mobility
has grown to 85 drivers providing 4,052
rides in 2010 - a 57% increase over 2009!
“I was nervous to get injections for macular
degeneration but the volunteer comforted me. The
gentleman was wonderful, we laughed the entire time.
Laughing keeps me going, I hope I can laugh the rest of
my life. Bless your hearts, I love this service.”
- Dorothy, Medical Mobility Client
Supporting Foundations, Governments & Businesses
Boulder County
Boulder County Aging Services Division
City of Boulder
City of Longmont
Corporation for National & Community Service
A.V. Hunter Trust, Inc.
Anschutz Family Foundation
Bright Mountain Foundation
Caring for Colorado
Castruccio Family Foundation
Collins Foundation
Coors Foundation
Dawson School
Denver Foundation
El Pomar Foundation
EnCana Oil & Gas, Inc.
Jackson National Community Fund
Jared Polis Foundation
Lynn and Helen Clark Fund
Mark Vann Foundation
Nonprofit Cultivation Center
Rock Bottom Foundation
Rose Community Foundation
The Allstate Foundation
The April Fund
The Community Foundation of Boulder County
The Longmont Community Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Zonta Foothills Foundation
Workplace Giving
Foothills United Way
Mile High United Way
United Way of the Bluegrass
In-Kind Donations
24 Hour Fitness
Bart’s Music Shack
Belvedere Belgian Chocolate Shop
Boulder Blooms
Boulder Housing Partners
Boulder Kind Care
Boulder Rock Club
Colorado Litho
CorePower Yoga
Daily Camera
Domino’s Pizza
Great Wave Acupuncture
Valari Jack
Kroenke Sports
La’au’s Taco Shop
Lemon & Scratch Baking
Local Table Tours
Longmont Housing Authority
Velina Lujan
McGuckin’s Hardware
Mountainside Wellness
Namaste Solar
North Boulder Liquor
Ozo Coffee
Peak to Peak Paragliding
Sprouts Market
The Fitter
Businesses & Corporations
1st Bank
4580 Restaurant
Bacco Trattoria
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Blue Parrot Restaurant
BNSF Foundation TX
Boulder Community Hospital
Burnt Toast
Casa Alvarez
Crist Mortuary
Dignity Care
Family Links, Inc.
Golden West
Homewatch Caregivers
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
Johnson Kightlinger & Co.
Just Give
Kho’s Asian Bistro
Lark Burger
Leenies Southern Cafe
Lexmark International
Liquor Mart
Martinos Pizza
Medically-Based Fitness
Murphy’s South
Nepal Cuisine
Old Louisville Inn
Oracle Corporation
Pioneer Inn
Royal Neighbors of America
Sakura’s Japanese Cuisine
South Side Walnut Cafe
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Sunrise Assisted Living
The Sink
Vic’s Espresso
Vincent, Romeo, and Rodriguez, LLC
Walnut Cafe
Wells Fargo
White Wave Foods
Lani Abbott
Sharon Ackerman
Glenn Aderhold
Marlene Adsit
Suzy Ageton
Mieko Akima
Laura Geary Alexander
Janice Allan
Diane Allen
Mary Allen
Cynthia Allison
Norma Ames
George & Anna Anast
Beverly Andersen
Ardele Anderson
Beth Anderson
Gordon Anderson
Joy Anderson
Marilyn Anderson
John & Martha Andrews
Margaret Archibald
Carolyn Arman
Eileen Armstead
Chris Armstrong
Larry & Rosemary Arp
Marge Arras
Cynda Arsenault
Tommie Atanasoff
Irina Avetissian
Janet Axelrod
Nancy Bailey
Mark Bailhache
Daniel & Vicki Baker
Shirley Baker
Richard & Gwen Ball
Anne Ballinger
Clark Ballowe
Esther Bannick
Margaret Banse
Kenneth Barhite
Louise & Stephen Barnes
Lois Barnhart
Edward & Janeen Barre
Mildred Barrick
Mary Bartola
Marilyn Barton
Evelyn Bashor
Carol Baskin
Barbara Bateman
Sam Baum
Leonora Beach
Heather Beadle
Pauline Beaman
Orion Beaver
Harold & Ingrid Becher
David Becker
Daryl Beffie
Mandy Behbehani
Jeanne M. Belanger
Bill & Jeannette Bell
Robert Bell
Robert Bencomo
Edward E. Bennett
Lee Bentley
Natalie Bentzen
Christine Berg
Ann Beringer
Einar & Virginia Berlin
Shirley Bernstein
Trishul Betancourt
Jill Betzold
Leena Bhagat
Roberta Billingsley
Betty J. Bingham
Betty S. Bingham
Maxine Birt
M. Sue Black
Sama Blackwell
Marie Blair
Judy Blakemore
William Blank
Bernard & Joan Bloom
Joyce Bogard
Leslie Bohm
Jeanne Bohn
Bette Bonds
Harriet Boonin
Bernice Booth
Mary Bork
Shirley Borkovec
Adele Borowsky
Alice Mae Bowen
Helen Braccio
Alice Brackney
Irene Bragg
Francine Brandt
Krystle Brandt
Peter Braun
Patricia Brazee
Dawn Briardy
Laurie Brock
Barbara Bronk
Bettie Bronk
Catherine Brose
Paula Bro
Gloria Brown
Ronald Brown
Margaret Browning
Virginia Bruce
Jesse Brundage
Frank & Shelly Bruno
Jenny Bryant
Laveta Bryant
Lyn Buckner
William & Shirley Bulla
Doretha Burdick
Elena Burton
Rosemary Burtscher
Michael Byrnes
Michele Byrnes
Connie Cage
William Calder
Charlotte Caldwell
Joe Callahan
Ronald Calvert
Bill Cameron
Christine Cameron
Anna Campbell
Jancy Campbell
Sambingo Cardosa
Winifred Carline
Bonnie Carmody
Suzanne Carnegie
Linda Carter
Helen Cartin
Alex Carver
Lavonne Casteel
Cynthia Casterella
Marian Castle
Rich Castro
Karen Chaffee
Sandy Chamberlain
Sharron Chapman
Kathleen Charles
Kit Charles
Aphrodite Chellos
MarFn Cheshes
Beatrice Chicoine
Nancy Chin-Wagner
Beth Chisholm
Mary Chokran
Andrew & Estelle Churgin
Angela Cicero
Jerald Clark
Kathy Clark
Noel & Pauline Clark
Elaine Clarke
Bonnie Cleary
Anne Clelland
Fran Clemens
Elizabeth & Brian Cleveland
Martin Cobin
Richard Coble
Wilma Cocannouer
John Coffin
Pamela Colley
Leigh Collings
Kathy Collins
Nancy Coolehan
Jerry & Susie Comer
Max & Barbara Coppom
William Corn
Jacqueline Cotsho
Dixie & Milton Cox
Judith Cox
Eleanor Crandall
Theodore Crane
A. Suzanne Crawford
Herb Crede
Sadie Crocker
William & Rhonda Crosman
Jim Crowder
Carol Crutchlow
Alice Cuba
Linda Curry
George & Mary Curtis
Mary D'Attilo
Bonnie Dahl
Joanie Daly
Catherine Daniel
Bill Daniels
Julie Daniels
Peggy Darby
Arlene Davis
Angeline De La Torre
Helene de Rosiers
Kevin Dean
Teresa DeAnni
Bobbie Deaton
Peggy & Mike Deese
Laura DeGroot
Dennis Dellwo
Nancy Deluisi
Joan Denz‐Ott
Martha Derda
Diane Deschanel
Richard & Estrella Deters
Walter DeTTwiler
Arlene Devore
Marian Dilly
Prudence & John Dings
Tony DiRenzo
Ann and Mike Ditty
Emily Ditty
Ed Dloughy
Robert Dobransky
Joe Dodds
Lucille Dondelinger
James Donkin
Amanda Donovan
Janice Donovan
Daniel Douglas
Carol Downing
Catherine Dreher
Peter Dreher
Maria Driscoll
Betty Duane
Will Duane
Carolyn Dulchinos
Shelley Dunbar
Ruth Duncan
Jeremy Durham
Renee Durland
Luis & Ursula Eades
Viola Ebeid
Gudrun & Hans Eck
Linda & Bruce Eller
Jo Eleanor Elliot
Janice Ellis
Sandra Ellsworth
Lois Elms
Janet & Willis Elrod
Becky Esposito
Karyn Evans
Kay Evatz
Anna & Colin Ewing
Malcolm Ewing
Maureen Ewing
Yvonne & James Eyk
Harry Faber
Thank You to Our Donors!
Patricia Fagler
Kay Faklis
Suzanne Faulkner
Marie Fay
Laurie Faye
David Feasby
Richard & Feist
Michael & Rebecca Fellows
Susan Fernie
Dorothy Field
Richard & Alyssa Finer
Laura Fischer
Marty Fisher
Meg Fitzmayer
Marina Fleming
Jay Fogelhut
Janet Folden
Lynne Foley
Mary Jane Foley
Patricia Follendorf
Julienne Foster
Nancy Foster
Peg Fowler
Beverly Fraser
Evelyn Fraser
James Fredell
Cerina Freeheart
Judy French
Rocky 'Vance' French
Ellen Friedlander
Karen Friedman
Leona Furnari
Betty & Anthony Gabriella
Dolores Gagne
Barry Gallucci
Rose Garcia
Tess Gardetto
Richard & Melinda Gardner
Myra Garnett
Stan Garnett
Rosemary Gearhart
Rose Geary
Dave & Marjorie Gehant
Joe Geiger
Jeanette George
Sarah Gibson
Priscilla Gifford
John (Jeff) Giggenbach
Jeffrey & Brenda Gilb
Peter Gilman
Meredith Gindi
Marianne Giolitto
Namino Glantz
Doris Glodo
Millie Godsey
Ann Goldstein
Gene & Janet Gollin
Gerald Golter
Michael Gonzales
Sarah Gonzales
Jane Gorman
John & Robin Gossard
Jared Gottlieb
Angela Green
Lauren Greenfield
Alice Greer
Dorothy Gregorovic
Carol Grever
Hylah Groat
Peter & Sheila Groel
Joan Grojean
Leota Grooms
Lesli Groshong
David & Rita Gross
Ann Gruidel
Judy Gunkler
Christel Gurule
Jean Gyder
Lita Haack
James Hahn
Jerry Hahn
Peter & Rachelle Haid
Ruth Hajet
Laura & Ira Hale
Linda Hale
Katherine & Roy Halee
J. Edward Hall
Louis Hall
Joyce Hamilton
Martin & Susan Hammer
Wilma Hammit
John Hammond
Jaclyn Hampson
Pamela & Michael Hampson
Muriel Handwork
Beulah Hansen
Regina Hanson
BB Harding
Ed and Alice Hardy
Eileen Hargis
Leona Hargrave
Gayle W. Harms
Shirley Harper
Claudia Harris
Muriel Harris
Burgette Hart
Charles Hastings
Norma Hatzenbuhler
Frank Hauke
William G. Hauptman
Hiba Hawi
Melvin Hayden
Linda Haynes‐Lucas
Carol & Bill Hayward
Stacy Heilman
James & Linda Heitstuman
Linda Hellmann
Judith Helmuth
Virginia Helton
Morten Hempel
Miriam B. Hendrickson
Gregg & Billie Hendry
John Heneghan
Judith & Carl Herbet
Edna Hern
Betty Herrell
Maryann & Thomas Hesemann
Lenora Hines
Sandra Hines
Shirley Hirschfeld
Ray Hockedy
Ann Hodgson
Eleanor Hoffman
Pearl Hoffman
Sara Hofmockel
Nola Holmes
Donna Holmgren
Ethel Holt
Jenny Hoover
Virginia Hopper
Peggy & Victor Horst
Elizabeth Horton
Donna House
Jean Housepian
Kathleen Howard
Margaret Howell
Tricia Hoyt
Helene Elynor Hruska
Cheryl Huan
Jo Hubly
Bernice Huff
Dr. Thomas Huffman
Jackie Huffman
Martin & Janet Huisjen
Ms, Flower Hund
Doris Hung
Bob & Eileen Hunnes
Betty Hunt
Claire Bowen Hunter
Judith Hunter
Clarence & Phyllis Hurlburt
Ray Hutcherson
Jessie Inglefield
Geoffrey Isaak
Nancy Israelson
Jan Jackson
Sherelyn Jackson
Sonia Jacobs
Bruce & Anne Jacobsen
Wilbert Jacoby
Betty Jacques
Eric Jaeckel
Connie Jandro
Andrea Jansky
Allen Janss
Marian A. Janss
Charles & Jane Jenkins
Sue Jenkins
Patricia Jensen
Chris Jewell
Margit Johansson
Jeanne John
Anna Johnson
Jill Johnson
Michael Johnson
William Johnson
Carol Johnston
Dixie Johnston
Mary Alice & Richard Johnston
Nancy Jones
Loretta Joosten
B.J. Julka
Felicia Jurjover
Harold & Annie Kahler
Kenneth & Diana Kahn
Else Kalfas
Serene Karplus
Mae Katschky
Carolyn Kauffman
Alice Kaufman
Ravinder Kaur
Evelyn Kautzer
Evelyn Kaye
Jim & Rebecca Kean
Ginny Keefe
Sally Keeler
Terry & Sylvia Keepers
William & Helen Kehres
Jane Keirsey
Wilda Kells
Richard, Sally & Caroline
Mary V. Kenny
Linda Kerske
Elizabeth Kihm
Danielle Kiley
D. W. King
Jean King
Marilyn King
Wanda King
Laurence Kinney
Sandra Kirkman
Ruth Kliger
Gloria Klug
Kaspar Knutsen
Kirby Koeller
Midge Korczak
Richard & Helen Kraft
Andrew Kramer
Annie Krasovec
Dorothy Kratzer
Karen Kreutzberg
Linda & Richard Krumpeck
Henry Kugeler
Sally Kuisle
Lauren Kvamme
Stan Kyed
Lucy Lagemann
Tedi Lamach
Judith Lance
Margarete Landau
Susan Landau
Roger Lange
Florence Langley
Poul Larsen
Annette Laughlin
Phyllis & William Laughlin
Toby & Wanda Laurie
Judith Lawrence
Barbara Layton
Rachel Leber
Guadalupe Ledezma
Greg & Gladeane Lefferdink
Gretchen LeGault
Patricia Lehman
Tania Leontov
Lisa Lesniak
Edna Lesser
Dorys Lester
Mary Lester
Danielle Levin
Debra Lewis
Evelyn & Barry Lewis
Fran Lewis
Peggy Lewis
Robert Lewis
Sidney Lewis
Robert & Anna Liberatore
Olive Liguore
Gary Linden
Mahlia Lindquist
Marta Lindrose
Clare Lindsay
Rosangela Linhares
Patrice Li0le
Eleanor Livingston
Catherine Lo
Connie & Gary Logan
Russ Lombardy
Rosanne Loukonen
Jean Lovell
Jim Lovett
Janet Lowery
Nancy Ludlam
Mary Ludwig
Velina Lujan
Eileen & Bill Luther
Marty Lyman
Ellen Mac Queen
Kevin MacInness
Robert Macrae
Keiko Maekawa
Fay A. Magee
Kathy Maggio
Helen & Robert Majzler
Elaine Maldin
Richard Male
Mary Malina
Don Mallory
Jeffrey Mangus
Clarice & Joe Marcantonio
Mary Marcotte
Lynn Mareth
William & Susan Marine
Cathy Marinelli
Mary Jane Marlowe
Ruby Marr
David A & Dorothy Marshall
Joyce Martello
Lisa Marti
Antoinette Martin
Cheri Martin
Cecilia Martinez
Betty Matson
Terry & Jack Matthews
Mary Matz
Priscilla Mc Cutcheon
Cintra Mc Ilwain
Leta Mc Kinney
Gerald Mc Nutt
Vesta Mc Reynolds
Irene McArdle
Cleveland McCarty
Marjorie McClellan
Bob McClendon
Sharon McClew
Chris McClure
Gail & Michael McCormick
Ron McCoy
James & Barbara McDermid
Ed McDevitt
Zoe McFarland
Fred McGehan
Bonnie McKinney
John McLaughlin
Anne Mclellan
Jay McMahon
Anthony McNamara
Joan Mecham
Joan Mecom
Catherine Medal
Michelle Medal
Mariagnes Medrud
Martha Meshak
Sarah Meshak
Jean D Messimer
Nina Meyers
Raymond Meyers
Ann Millard
Barbara Miller
Carol J. & Charles Miller
Chip Miller
Kay Miller
Thomas Miller
Emil Milner
Nadine Mitchell
Sheyda Moaddeli
Anne Marie Mokritsky‐
Gloria Monsma
Betsie Monteith
Patricia H. Moore
Ruth Moore
Carol Moremen
Jo Morgan
Pam Morgan
Katherine Morris
Ron & Joanne Morton
Magdeline Moseley
Paula Mosman
Willa Mues
Bea Mulcahy
Carrie and Curtis Mulder
Lindsay Murdock
Chip Murphy
Isabel & John Murphy
William Murray
Eva Jean Musser
Henry Nason
Jeanne Nauenberg
Mary Jane Nazzaro
Dorothy Neal
Kathryn Nelson
Paul & Elizabeth Nelson, Jr.
Ed & Marcella Neumann
Verna & Ray Newman
Ellie Newton
Coleen Nichols
Soren Nicholson
Susan Noe
Judy Nogg
Liesel Nolan
Bob Norris
Kay Norris
Janice Nowlin
Terry Nylander
Betty O'Brien
Elsie O'Neill
Michele Obermeier
Martha & George Oetzel
Amy Ogilvie
Nadine Ohman
Shirley Oldemeyer
Marylyn Olson
Joy Om
Mary Anderson Oniki
Florina Opran
Todd Ordal
Juan Ortega
Gilbert Ortez
Patricia Orton
John Osborn
Roger Osborn
Joseph Osborne
Anna Marie Osso
Lauretta Oudeman
Bonnie Pace
Geri Packard
David Paine
Ilga Paluch
Barbara Ann Parker
Steven Paskin
Linda & David Patryas
Barbara J. Paul
Kathey Pear
Robert F. Peck
Carol E. Peeples
Thomas Perea
William Perkins
Marsha Perlman
Alice and Walter Perls
Kathleen Perrret
Hazel Perry
Stanley Persky
Betty Peterson
Kenneth Petitt
Maryann Petraitis
Jean Petruzzi
Angela Phillips
Barbara Phillips‐Mayer
Alexandra Anne Pierce
Robert & Patricia Pierce
Kay Pilia
Barbara Pingrey
Jeanne & Laurence Pinneo
Harry Poehlmann Jr.
Karolina Poetsch
Lorna Yule Pollard
Jennie Pollizzano
Patricia Pope
Audre Porterfield
Dale Portschi
Velma Post
Dave Potts
Bill & Joyce Poust
Sheila Powell
Dorothy Prentice
Joy Princeton
Constance Pringle
Gary Propp
Rose Marie Proskey
Jim Pruett
F.M. Przestrzelski
Gerard Rademacher
Mary Rafter
Christina Ramey
Carmen Ramirez
Ophelia Ramirez
Roger Rankin
Tara Raposo
Edna Redder
Eve Reid
Helen Relford
Lillian Rese
Sharon Rhoades
Carol Rice
Lawrence Rickman
Michael Riedeman
Edgar & Ruth Riehl
Gordon Riggle
John Riggle
Curtis Riggs
Maureen Rimar
Almina Ringdahl
Dorothy Ringler
Don Ritchert
Ralph G. & Evelyn Marlene
Virginia Robbins
Janet and David Robertson
Marvin & Joan Rocho
Jeannine Roe
Marcella Rogers
Maria Raquel Rojas
Joan Roman
Edna Romero
Karen Roney
Beverly Rook
Jack & Rita Roseman
Judy Rosen
Lynn Roseth
Richard Roth
Teresa & Larry Roth
JoAnn Rothe
Warren Rovetch
Gloria Rozzo
Phyllis Rubin
Kelli Rucker
Carol Rudolph
Constance Rule
Robert T. Rumfelt
Donna Ruske
Ena Russell
June Russert
Robert Ruston
Barbara Sable
Emilien 'Duke' Sablo
Merle & Ruth Sachnoff
Dorothy Sanazaro
Roman Sanchez
Flo Sandahl
Denise Sanders
Winnie Sanders
Hines Sandra
Joseph & Paula Santoro
Lisa Saturday
Bernice Sayre
Majorie & Bob Schaffner
Sharon Schilling
Thomas & Jeannine Schlatter
Jane Schleimer
Beth Schmal
Dick & Fran Schneider
Jason Schroeder
Rosella Schroeder
Margaret Schuetz
Fred Schulerud
Arnold Schultz
Phyllis Schwartz
Marion Scott
Marjorie Scott
Shirley & Gayle Scott
John & Marlene Seader
Betty Sebenik
Beverly Seeds
Robert Seese
David Segelhorst
Barbara Seitz
Joel & Marion Selbin
Frank and Linda Selto
Janie Shackel O'Donoghue
Beth Shaw
Les & Peggy Shaw
Maggie Shearon
Sara Sheldon
Luella Shellhorn
Ollie Shepherd
Adam Sher
Don Shields
Clyde Shindledecker
Lorraine Shiner
Paul Shippey
Kathy Shively
Jimmy Shook
Dorothy Short
Barry Siff
Patricia Sikora
Marilyn & Don Silver
Anita Simon
Harriet Simons
Madeleine Simons
C. J. & Mary Simonsen
Betty Skipp
Carol Skjonhaug
Dorothy Smith
Imogene Smith
Jane Smith
Yolanda Smythe
Howard Snyder
Marie Sollod
Hy Solomon
William Sompayrac
Francis Sonitzky
Ethel 'Dee' Soppeland
Darlene Sorensen
Charles & Heather
Jerrie Spencer
Kathleen Spring
Florence Spurgeon
Ralph & Jane Stangl
Frances Starck
Irma Starr
Charles & Lyra Mayfield
Jane & Mike Stein
Jay & Lynn Stein
Ruth Stein
John Steinbaugh
Herbert Steinert
Anita Stevens
Neil & Debbie Stewart
Todd Stork
Don Strankowski
Gloria Stranlin
Doris Sullivan
Fred Svoboda
Harry Swank
Jon & Catherine Swanson
Richard Sweetman
Gary Symes
Micki Syroid
William Taggart
Ryan & Jennifer Tallman
Joanie Tanous
Ellen Tate
John Tayer
Cynthia Taylor
Douglas Taylor
Jim D. & Teena Taylor
Patricia Taylor
Walter Taylor
Irene Tennant
Phyllis Terrones
Norma & Todd Thaler
Kristine Theriault
Mary Jo Thomas
Betty Jane Thompson
Mack Thompson
Nancy Thornton
Lynn & Cliff Thygesen
Charlotte Tieman
Lloyd & Barbara Timblin, Jr.
Klause Timmerhaus
Dawn Tindall
Edith Toliver
Eddie Torres
Beth True
Ed Trumble
Tom Trumble
Joanne Turner
Trudy Turvey
Jack Twombly
Calvin & Carolyn Tyree
Carol Umstead
Wendy Underhill
Marianne Underwood
Joe Van Andel
Ruth Van Cleave
Maxine Van Den Berg
Julia Van Domelen
Josie Van Haute
William Vanderminden
Mai Vang
Richard Varnes
Amelia Vasquez
Edward and Mary Vejvoda
Lorraine Vigil
John Villafranca
Josephine Villegas
Connie Visser
Pho Vo
Karen Vogt
Ingrid von Payne
George & Camilla Voorhis
James Waddell
Phyllis Wadlow
Joe & Becky Wakefield
Dick & Sonja Walberg
Stephen Walker
Helen Walker‐Hill
Lisa Wallace
Pauline Wallace
U. Todd Walsh
Claire & Marcelle Walworth
Lois & Gordon Ward
Violet Ward
Marie Wargo
Chez Warner
M. Joan Warner
Jerald & Sharalyn Warren
Arthur & Edith Wartburg
LaNell Wasaff
Juanita & Simon Waters
Judith Watters
Janet Watts
Norma Wawro
James Wawrzyniak
Penny Webster
Kathryn & Will Wehner
Sara & Jeff Weil
Tron Welch
Joan Welsh
Teri Wenz
Shirley & Wayne Werner
Diane West
Norman Wettlaufer
Nancy Whetstone
Grace Whyte
Frank Wiley
Ann Williams
Arnold & Millie Williams
Forrest Williams
George Williams
Jim Williams
Stuart Williams
Hayden & Jonathan
Tammi Willmarth
Marlene Wilson
Velda (Lu) Wilson
Eileen Winans
Mary Winnike
Doris Winslow
Daniel & Kathleen Witt
Bea Wittington
Sarah Wold‐McGinsey
Allan & Marta Wolfe
Daniel Wolfson
Joyce Wong Kroll
David Wood
Eve Wood
Claire Woodward
Carole Woolman
Sonya Wytnick
Nguyen and My Nga Xinh
Jeremy Yazinski
Lee Young
Patricia Youngson
Karen Yust
Alan Zacharias
Wendy Zalcberg
Julie Zapiecki
Edward & Sandra Zeigler
Soledad Zubia
Boulder County CareConnect Staff
Front Row: Carolyn Rindels, Jan Koeller, Jaclyn Hampson, Mary Wilson, Rebecca
Yenney Middle Row: Allison Dellwo, Judy Nogg, Emily Ditty, Maggie Shearon,
Marina Fleming, Rachel Ingraham Back Row: Richard Varnes, Aaron Fields
• We believe that volunteers are the heart and spirit of our organization.
• We believe in the interdependence of all beings.
• We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with compassion, respect and care.
• We believe that everyone deserves to age well with dignity and independence.
• We believe that the diversity of all individuals enriches our community.
951 Arapahoe Ave. #10
Boulder, CO 80302
[email protected]