- Kete Hamilton


- Kete Hamilton
Nieuwskrant van de Federatie van NZ Netherlands Societies
ISSN 2230-3456
Augustus/September 2011 Vijftiende Jaargang - Nummer 5
New Plymouth
Palmerston North
Pa g i n a 2 :
Va n d e Vo o r z i t t e r
Va n d e N Z Net h e r l .
S o c i e t y Wa n g a n u i
Pa g i n a 3 :
Te mp l eto n F l a x
Mill Heritage
Pa g i n a ’ s 4 & 5 :
D u t ch C o n n e c t i o n
Van de Voorzitter
fter some minor teething troubles, access to de Schakel and club news letters on
the website have been made more user friendly with a “Newsletter” button.
We have had our 2011 both of The Federation Klaverjas competitions. First to be held
was the Federation Cup Klaverjas Competition, which was organised by the Wellington
Klaverjas Club. Manawatu (Palmerston North) Club was the overall winner and the second place-getter was Christchurch and received the Windmill trophy - congratulations
to both teams. The Ring in Klaverjas Competition was held on the weekend of 16/17
July but I have no results final results as yet.
This week I witnessed the presentation of their Dutch citizen ship to a dozen people.
The oldest one to be in his nineties; once a Dutchman, always a Dutchman. More
people seem to get closer to their Dutch heritage again. It is easier to be in contact with
the Netherlands with cheap telephone calls, text (smsjes ) messages, BVN TV, e-mails
and when you hop on the plane, you can be in the Netherlands the following day.
Kees Dorresteijn
Van de N.Z. Netherlands Society Wanganui
Pa g i n a ’ s 6 & 7 :
Beste Leden en Lezers.
5 0 Ye a r s I n Ne w
Zealand, part 3
ven een berichtje vanuit Wanganui. Ook wel genoemt de River City en inderdaad
de rivier loopt midden door de stad en mond uit in de Tasman Zee. Er is heel wat in
dit water waar de Wanga mensen zich vermaken met wandelen, fietsen. Ook word er vis
menige gevangen, zoals cod, kaiwhai, haring en als we het echt treffen een scholletje, wij
zelf eten meestal 1x per week zelf gevangen vis.
We hebben een zeil club, roeien word ook veel gedaan. Met een moter aan de boot kan
men een heel eind de rivier op. De Waimarie is een plezier stoomboot, die regelmatig
de rivier op en neer vaart. Zo zouden we wel door kunnen gaan over onze rivier die de
Wanga’s zoveel plezier geven. k’ Zou zeggen als de kans er is voor jullie rij niet zomaar
Wanganui voorbij. Het is de moeite van ‘t stoppen waard. Zoals de logo het hier zegt.
lt’s worth the journey.
En er is nog steeds een Hollandse club. We zijn klein, maar vinden het fijn, om af
en toe als Dutchies bij elkaar te zijn. Op de laatste bladzij van de Schakel vind je ons
contact nummer. Bij de een of de ander is er altijd wel een kopje koffie klaar.
Zaterdag 13 of 20 Augustig 12 uur s’middags lunch met elkaar bij Angora. Corrie zal
een ieder hier over bellen. Ook moet er het een en ander over de Schakel worden
Woensdag 26 October om 10 uur is er een Koffie morgen in de Marist Hall Peat Street,
tegen over Cullinane College. A.u.b. iets mee brengen voor bij de koffie $2.-pp voor
de huur van de zaal. Blijf je voor lunch neem dan je broodje mee. Zoals gewoonlijk is
er biljarten, klaverjassen, Rummicup of gewoon een praatje. ‘k Wens jullie ieder een
gezellige winter verder(ja toch, lekker bij de kachel, een pan Hutspot, Erwtesoep of
Siepelsju (hasjee) zeggen wij in Friesland.
Zelf ga ik naar warmere oorden (hoop ik)., om ons eerste achterkleinkind te bewonderen
en te verwennen. Tot de volgende keer.
Hartelijke groeten ook namens bestuur en leden aan alle Hollandse Kiwis.
Pa g i n a 8 :
H e n k d e n H a r to g
Pa g i n a 9 :
M e e r b e r i ch t j e s
Pa g i n a 10 :
U i t d e Ne w s l et te r
Ne d e r l . A m b a s s a d e
Pa g i n a 11 :
D e We g K w i j t
The editor always acts in good faith when publishing material supplied by others and does not accept any liability for inaccuracies or for
unsubstantiated statements, and reserves the right to hold over any material which could discredit the name of the Federation, or which
contravenes any New Zealand laws pertaining to that material or which due to lack of space, cannot be placed in the current or requested issue.
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 2
Templeton Flaxmill Heritage Museum
n 1985 prior to the Templeton Family reunion to be held in Riverton, Southland I was taken to visit many of the
family historical sites. One site was a farm shed at Otaitai Bush which was once part of the Templeton flaxmill, a
good part of the original machinery was still in place such as the stripper [which strips the vegetation from the blades
of flax] at the back of the building, but motors and the scutcher were missing. [The scutcher dresses the fibre from the
stripped flax removing all the unwanted material which is called tow].
Following the reunion in 1986 much discussion about restoration of the mill took place within the family spear-headed
by The Hon. Hugh Templeton.
This Flaxmill was originally sited at the mouth of the Waimatuku River and operated by the five Bennett Brothers
till about 1909, [Richard Bennett being my Grandfather hence my interest in this mill.] In 1911 William Templeton
brought the Otaitai Bush property complete with the flaxmill which was moved to the present site. Over the years
this mill was a profitable business operated by three generations of the Templeton family till a decline in flax based
products which had been replaced by synthetic material forced the mill to close in 1972, the family then through hard
work converted the swamps and sand hills into very profitable farms.
The Templeton Family Heritage Trust was established in 2000 and much hard work began, motors to be sourced and
the building brought up to Council building code standard suitable for the public. One piece of vital equipment needed
to have a full working museum was the scutcher. Desmond Templeton was fortunate to locate one at Otanemomo,
near Balclutha that his father once operated, once this scutcher was in place the flaxmill was again fully operational.
On Sunday 14th November, 2004, Clutha/Southland M.P. The Hon. Bill English officially opened the Templeton
Flaxmill Heritage Museum which is recognised by the Historic Places Trust and is the only working flaxmill still on its
original site.
This is a family operated business with Desmond Templeton at the head assisted by his wife Janice, sons Ewan and
Vaughan and other family members.
April 2011 saw the family gather again to celebrate 100 years on the land at Otaitai Bush; I had the privilege of being
invited to join this amazing family and watch the flaxmill operating again. The final product fibre and tow from the
processed flax is sourced for experimental and scientific purposes as to possible future uses as well as being in demand
for art and craft work.
The species of flax found in the South is Phormium Tenax. The Maori name
for flax is Harakeke.
The Flaxmill Museum is on the Southern Heritage Trail, many school groups
and visitors pass through the doors where they are given a comprehensive
history of flax and a demonstration of how a flaxmill works.
Viewing is by appointment; please contact one of the following:
Desmond Templeton, Ph: 03-234 9922/Mobile: 027 408 7870
Vaughan Templeton, Ph: 03-234 8463/Mobile: 021 337 994
Email: [email protected]
Compiled by: Leona Smid [nee Templeton]
While in the district a visit to Te Hikoi, Southern Journey Cultural Museum
and Visitor Centre, Palmerston St. Riverton is well worth a visit. For further
Ph: 03-224 6211, Email: [email protected] - Web: www.tehikoi.co.nz
If you are interested in machinery a visit to Thornbury Vintage Tractor
and Implement Club Inc. is a must. For opening hours contact during the
Thornbury Enterprises. Ph: 03-224 6211 At other times phone any of the
Bob Anderson Ph: 03-224 6198.
Stan Knowler
Ph: 03-234 8210
Winston Saxton. Ph: 03-224 6207
When in Invercargill visit the Bill Richardson Truck Museum, 35 Inglewood
Rd. This is a private collection open by appointment only. I understand
this is the largest collection of trucks in private ownership in the Southern
Hemisphere. For viewing contact Ian Ridd by calling Mobile: 027 436 1654.
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 3
Promotional Trip Through The South Island
verything is going very well with the Dutch Connection – Ons Museum en Cultureel Centrum. We’re making
good progress with the new Te Awahou – Nieuwe Stroom Trust (TANS), which we joined in 2010. If you’d like to
receive the next TANS Newsletter – which has stories about the Nederlanders in New Zealand – send an email to
[email protected] . You’ll get an update of where we’re at. We’ll also email you our initial Exhibition Designs,
which were finished just a few weeks ago. Everybody thinks they’re stunning!
To tell Dutch people in the South Island more about the Dutch Connection, we decided on a road trip to visit the
main cities there. Until now we had only been to Christchurch a few times, to talk to the members of the Club there.
Lots of Nederlanders elsewhere were not aware of what we’re establishing in Foxton. We were well received in Nelson,
Blenheim, a shaky Christchurch (at 3am with a 4.1 quake), Dunedin, Balclutha, Invercargill.
Right now, we’re in Invercargill. We’re enjoying a balmy 2 degrees, but at least it is dry!
We kicked off our tour in Nelson on 15 July, together with our Ambassador, Arie van der Wiel. We started at the
Abel Tasman statue where the Nelson Mail took some photos for a newspaper article. After that there was a Nelson
Provincial Museum lunch to talk about activities for 2012 (370 years since Tasman’s discovery). At 2 o’ clock the
presentation started, and everybody was impressed with what was displayed and explained. The meeting ended with a
meal of mutton bird and crayfish, kindly brought by a Ngati Tumatakokiri representative (the tribe that met Tasman
in 1642), Doug Huria.
One of the VIPs who attended was Deputy Mayor Ali Boswijk, who is married to the son of Eelco Boswijk senior who set up
Nelson’s local coffee institution (and a hive of Dutch Activities for many years ) ‘Chez Eelco’. Other VIPs included Addo
Mulder who organised the Tasman statue, and Robert Jenkin who set up the Tasman diorama for the Takaka Museum.
After Nelson we left for
Christchurch, where we had
a bigger crowd of some 40
people. The Ambassador
had joined us again, so that
he could show his support
for both the Museum
Project and for the people of
Christchurch who are going
through difficult times.
One of the highlights of
the Christchurch trip was
receiving a Hindeloopen
clock for the Huiskamer in
our Museum from Truus
Ouwekerk She will also
organise a Koffiemaand session
in November, together with
Tiny de Winter. One of the
things we wanted to achieve
with the South Island Tour, is
to sign people up to organise
Dutch Coffee Get-Togethers in
November, and talk about the
Dutch Connection and do
some fundraising for us. We
achieved that goal splendidly
in all the cities we visited.
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 4
The Dutch Connection - Promotional Trip Through The South Island - vervolg
The South Island will come alive in a typical Dutch way in November. You can read more about Koffiemaand in the next Schakel.
In Dunedin we had a session with Olga Kitchenman’s coffee group, and in Balclutha with Peter Homan’s Klaverjasclub.
On both occasions we received items for our Museum Collection, including a hutkoffer that travelled with Gree
Dekkers on the Waterman, and correspondence with Nederland from Balclutha through familie van Rooijen who also
gave us a matteklopper! It looks like we’ll get the materials for a Dutch barbershop from Invercargill, where a ‘Kapper’
set up shop to introduce the latest European hairstyles in the 1950s.
We still have one more presentation to make in Blenheim, in café Raupo, which is owned by Marcel Roos. It is a very
stylish building that serves an excellent coffee, so we’re looking forward to that.
The purpose of this trip was not to collect money or items but rather to promote the Museum. But the best thing
was that we’ve made a lot of good friends who will remain involved with the Museum. We’re making our Dutch
Connections come alive!
The next stage for our Promotional Tour will be the North Island. Keep an eye out for us. We’ve got lots of exciting
For now – Thanks to all those wonderful Dutch people in the South who showed us what Southern Dutch hospitality is all about!
Kees Zegwaard and Arjan van der Boon
(From the South Island, in a camper van that gets icy on the inside at night. As our breath freezes on the windows… Cold – But fun.
And very rewarding!)
(For more about The Dutch Connection, the trip and more photos please check out the website: www.dutchconnection.org.nz)
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 5
50 years in New Zealand by Kees Dorresteijn - part 3
he night of my first football practice, was a great experience for me to learn about one of New Zealand’s most
important sports activities. When we arrived at the Featherston football clubhouse, I was introduced to the two
coaches. One was the local doctor and the other coach was a dentist. For a warm-up we went for a run around the
football field. The first thing that struck me was the height of the goal posts, and when I got closer I noticed a heap of
straw tied around the bottom of the goal posts.
The biggest surprise came
when I saw the football, that’s when I went over to the bloke who had taken me to football
and asked him what they had done to the ball, because I said , that I never seen such a funny shaped ball. This was
all of course before the days of television. He looked at me and said, that I had told him, that I had played football in
Holland. I said that we played with a round ball, not an egg shaped ball like this one. Then he clicked and laughed,
and said, that I had played soccer and that was a girl’s game, that’s where they cuddle and kiss each other when they
score a goal. Then is when I found I had to learn how rugby foot ball was played and where my place would be in the
team. I was to be a lock and they showed me my place in a scrum and when I was told how a scrum was formed, first
the three in the front row and then the two locks. I was to put my arm around the other lock and then the scrum would
bend down and the two locks put their heads between the bums of the players in front and with my other hand, I was
to get hold of the player in front where ever I could get hold of him. It made me think at first if I had got myself in the
wrong team of players.
A couple of days later I went to the local shop to get all my football gear, boots, shorts and jersey, with the right team
Some weeks later, a friendly, pre-season friendly match was organised. A team from Upper Hutt police training school
was going to play against our team. I was to watch the first half and play in the second half. I said to the coaches, after
I had watched the first half that I was not going to take part in the second half. It looked to me more like a battle
field than a game of football. One of the players had knocked out one of his front teeth and several had bloody faces
and grazed legs from the hard surface, because we had not had any rain for a long time and the ground was as hard as
concrete. The coaches said that I would be all right once I warmed up and if anything happened to me they would fix
me up between them seeing one of them was a doctor and the other one a dentist.
So I did go on to play in the second half and I touched the ball once. I had seen in the first half, that the game was a
bit like passing the parcel, except everyone wanted the ball and it looked like both teams were on top of the player that
had the ball. More about the football later.
Around this time it was also that I decided to take a trip into Wellington. It was on a Thursday and I wanted to do
some shopping and exploring. I took the train from Featherston to Wellington and my first port of call was going to
be at the Netherlands Embassy, but to my surprise I found a notice on the door that said “Closed: Hemelvaartsdag”
(Ascension day). This is something that is not celebrated in New Zealand like in the Netherlands, neither is Pinksteren
(Pentecost). This is an advantage for the staff working at the Embassy to get a few extra days off during the year. After
I spent some time in the city, I was ready for a nice cup of coffee, but I could not find a single place where one could
buy a cup of coffee. So before I got back to the railway station I thought I would call in at the Waterloo Hotel and try
my luck for a cuppa.
The Waterloo Hotel was in those days one of the biggest buildings in Wellington. When I asked if I could buy a cup
of coffee, the lady said to me “You mean you want a pot of tea, Sir. I said that this was not what I meant, but it looks
like, that is what I will have to settle for. I got on a tray a nice big pot of
tea, enough tea for two cups, cup and saucer, milk jug, sugar bowl and
even a biscuit. All in all it was a good alternative.
By playing football, I soon made some friends and one day I was asked
by the person that had picked me up for my first training session, to
come with some other fellows of the football team to go to Wellington to
see a couple of American singers. If I remember well, they were Jim Mc
Daniels and Bobbie Vee. Bobbie Vee sang “Rubber Ball”. Six of us piled
in an old Chevrolet, which had bald tyres, with some of them the canvas
showing. I was sitting in the back seat and on the floor were about half
a dozen flagons filled with water, because to get over the Rimutaka hill,
we had to stop several times to top up the radiator which was leaking
water. Sometimes it looked like we were in a steam engine when the cap
of the radiator was removed. On the way back we had to stop at a service
station, not to get petrol but to fill up the flagons with water again.
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 6
50 years in New Zealand - part 3 - continued
The car did not have any working indicators or a brake-light; the driver just put his arm out of the window and gave the
traffic signals, which was quite legal. Those days, there were many old cars with lots of defects on the road. To get a new
car, was very difficult, with long waiting lists, even if you had the cash to pay for it. When you were lucky enough to get
to the top of the list for a new car, you had to have a trade-in. That gave the car dealer extra revenue. New cars had a set
price and sometimes second hand cars with low mileage and in good condition were sold for more then the price of a
new car of the same make. Another way to obtain a new car was if one had overseas funds. One needed about half of
the price of the car you wanted to purchase in overseas funds. When I first arrived in New Zealand I was approached by
a car salesman if I had overseas funds. At that time I could not quite follow what he was on about and I did not want to
drive around in a new car while lots of people were on a waiting list for years to get a new car. I decided to buy a second
hand car when I had saved up enough money. It was a mark two Ford Consul, it had done 57,000 miles and it had just
one owner. All these particulars were always very important when buying a second hand car.
I enjoyed my time playing football, although I must say I was not much of a rugby player, but the friendship was
excellent and on the weekends, if there was no football, I went with some of the team mates, speed boating, fishing or
catching flounders in Lake Wairarapa with a drag net, etc. I remember going to the pictures the first time, it was called
the flicks then, the name of the film was Suzy Wong. It was a naughty film, but it was heavily censored and it had big
write ups in the papers, because New Zealand was not ready yet for seeing too much flesh or bedroom scenes. A lot later
a lady from Australia (Germaine Greer) used the word “bullshit” in public and she got fined eighty dollars. Although
in the pubs and in the work place, plenty of swearing was heard, so long there were no females around. Before the
film started the Queen would appear on the screen and God Save the Queen was played and everybody would stand
to attention. Lots of advertising before the main film and there was also a half-time break so that you could buy an ice
cream or have a quick smoke.
Back to some more football experience. As the competition started, so did the rain and the football field in Featherston
soon became a mud pool - at the end of the game it was sometimes hard to see who the players were in your own team.
It reduced the injuries, except for some players with mud in their eyes. When we played at home and the game was
finished, we were quick to get to our changing room and have a shower. There were only four big shower roses and then
with two teams at the same time, that could be a bit cramped at times. It was no use to wait that some of their team
mates had finished, because after about ten minutes the hot water would run out.
At the end of the first football season, our team had a return game with the team that had visited Featherston at the
beginning of the season (my first game). A bus full of players and supporters went to Upper Hutt. I can’t remember
much about the game, but the social after the game was interesting. First there was a post mortem about the game, by
the two captains and some other speeches and jokes by the coaches. There was a big spread of food on the table, like
buttered bread, saveloy sausages, with plenty of tomato sauce, pickled onions in malted vinegar, cakes and plenty of
beer. I was not used to many of the above ingredients except for a few cakes. After one glass of beer, I found it more
interesting to watch some of the blokes how they could down so many glasses of beer. The result was of course on our
way home the bus driver had to stop the bus a couple of times to
let several blokes off the bus to relieve the pressure. They would be
standing in a row on the side of the road while other traffic would
sound a friendly toot.
We had our end of season social with the handing out of the
trophies and the speeches regarding the quality football some had
presented, the great tries that were produced. My name was not
mentioned, because I had not done anything worth mentioning.
I still received a cup for the most improved player, from knowing
nothing about rugby foot ball to get to know a little bit.
After the milking season on the farm, we agreed that I would be
better off to go back to work in the building industry and I went
back to Carterton, the same place were I started after my arrival in
New Zealand. On the Friday evenings I would still go to the farm
for our usual meetings with the family of the five brothers. Friday
evenings had been a get together for the brothers over the twelve
months I had been in NZ and I more or less became part of the
The farming family had also enlarged their own family by another son since my arrival.
“De Schakel”
To be continued
Augustus/September 2011 - 7
Henk den Hartog (1931 - 2011) - Flower Man Extraordinaire
efore immigrating to New Zealand
for the Dutch horticultural companies
Bothof in Utrecht. Upon arrival he
New Zealand. After some odd jobs,
German Embassy in Belmont, Lower
of Wellington Hospital.
He imported Pokon en Chrisal from
was no such product for sale in New
he was invited by Turners & Growers
the Flower Division. (Harvey and
inspiration sources to develop the
famous, successful Kiwifruit.) By
has increased the sale of cut flowers
that by the end of the 70’s cut flowers
corners, by greengrocers and grocery
3 million to 20 million. Henk den
Flora, in the origin of the Northern
organisation of National Flower
Henk was the winner of the 1999 Floriculturist of the Year Award, because he
voluntary flower promotion levy scheme for the New Zealand market’.
in 1960, Henk den Hartog worked
Van Staveren in Aalsmeer and
could not find work in this field in
Henk designed the garden of the
Hutt and maintained the gardens
the Netherlands, because there
Zealand at that time. In the early 70’s
to work for them as Manager of
later son Jack Turner were the great
Chinese gooseberry to the world
determination and pertness Henk
in New Zealand to such an extend
were also being sold on street
shops, and the sales had grown from
Hartog played a rol in the Southern
Flower Growers Association and
Growers conferences.
was ‘instumental in establishing the
Through Henk’s determination and nagging for a Dutch auction clock to stimulate fair auctioning of flowers in New
Zealand, only after his retirement Turners and Growers installed a ‘Dutch Clock’, which has been officially put in use
by the then ambassador de Bijll Nachenius. During this ceremony ‘the old Turner’ tipped Henk on the shoulder with
the words: “Henk, you’ve got it now, at last. We should have done this years ago. Turner died in 2005 and the flower
division at present is called Floramax, with André van der Kwaak the national director. Henk still is closely associated
with André and Floramax.
Henk de Hartog was one of the founders of the Flower Council of New Zealand. For over 17 years Henk was active
in the management of the New Zealand Nursery Association and he still has an advisory roll in the Flower Promotion
New Zealand organisation.
Henk is de ‘father’ of the New Zealand bulb growing industry. In his early years in New Zealand he imported bulbs
from Holland, which’s quality suffered from the transport and primitive cooling methods. To prevent more quality loss
he was advised by Dutch bulb organisations to grow his own bulbs in New Zealand with Dutch material. To his wife’s
horror, he imported a container of planting material, a bulb-planting-machine, with which he started growing bulbs
near Gore (South Island). Subsequently this prompted more Dutchmen in New Zealand to carry on this initiative and
still the Netherlands is the big inspirator for innovation in the bulb growing industry and other horticultural activities
in New Zealand. Nowadays New Zealand bulbs are being exported all over the world, also into the Netherlands to allow
this country to present fresh flowerbulbs throughout the year.
To keep in touch with the latest modernizations in this field, Henk den Hartog, who did not have a computer at home,
visited yearly the HortiFair in Amsterdam to come ‘home’ with innovative ideas for the New Zealand horticultural
development; also after his retirement. Personally, many times he took groups of New Zealanders in this branch to
the Netherlands on so called learning trips, like his Horti-trips to the Floriade 1992 and 2002. For years he has tried
to inspire and encourage the New Zealand government and industrial horticultural organisations to participate in this
world show.
At present New Zealand produces yearly about 70 million flowers and related articles, a for this country acceptable
amount, which however sharply contrasts with the Netherlands, growing 9 billion and exporting yearly 8 billion of these
products as top producers of technologically excellent products of constant high quality.
Henk believed New Zealand still can learn much from the ‘Low Countries’ at the other side of the globe.
For his dedication to the flowers related trade between the Netherlands and New Zealand and all of the above, on his
80th birthday, 10 July 2011, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands decorated Henk with the medal and
ribbon of the Knight of the Orde of Oranje Nassau, a Dutch Royal decoration, signed by HM Queen Beatrix.
Henk had been ill for some time and sadly passed away on Friday, 29th of July.
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 8
Nog wat berichtjes
ij zijn Kees (62) en Marianne (58) de Rooij uit Numansdorp. Onze jongste dochter Susanne woont sinds 3 jaar
in Auckland met haar NZ echtgenoot en dochtertje Madelief van bijna 1 jaar oud.Wij proberen haar elk jaar een paar
maanden te bezoeken en tegelijk jullie prachtige land te verkennen. Maar reis en verblijf vormen een aanzienlijke
belasting op ons budget. Daarom zoeken we een manier om wat goedkoper in Nieuw Zeeland te verblijven.
Wellicht dat er leden zijn van uw club die ook op een wat goedkoper manier naar Nederland willen om hun roots te
leren kennen of familie bezoeken.
We zouden graag met hen in contact komen en misschien kunnen we tot een eventuele woningruil besluiten, maar we
zijn ook tevreden met een vakantiehuisje of een camper.
U zult begrijpen dat we erg graag onze kleindochter Madelief willen zien opgroeien, maar dat de bezoeken aan NZ op
deze manier erg duur zijn.
Ons huis is beschikbaar, wij wonen in een familie huis aan een doodlopende singel in een plattelandsdorp 20 km ten
zuiden van Rotterdam.
Het dorp ligt aan het Haringvliet, het water tussen Zuid-Nederland, West-Brabant en Zeeland.
Er kunnen hier 4 tot max.6 mensen slapen. Ook hebben we een auto ter beschikking en 2 fietsen.
Met de auto zijn we vanuit ons huis in 20 minuten in Rotterdam, in 1 uur in Utrecht of Antwerpen en in 1,5 uur in
Brugge, Brussel of Amsterdam.
Goed bereikbaar dus, maar toch ‘in thé countryside’. Foto’s van ons huis en Numansdorp willen we graag opsturen.
We hopen van harte dat we zo twee families blij kunnen maken aan de
uiteinden van de wereld.
Heel veel dank voor uw moeite om deze mail te lezen en we hopen dat er een
mogelijkheid is voor U om onze woningruil-wens binnen uw club kenbaar
te maken.
Hartelijke groet uit Holland ,
Kees en Marianne de Rooij
Van der Goessingel 29
3281 SL Numansdorp
email: [email protected]
Op reis? Neem een betrouwbare house-sitter!
Gaat u op reis en wilt u uw woning veilig achterlaten?
Hebt u (huis)dieren en zoekt u betrouwbare verzorgers?
Wilt u dat de brievenbus wordt geleegd en de tuin er
verzorgd bij ligt?
veertigers, zorgzaam, betrouwbaar, actief,
niet-rokend, passen graag op uw huis overal in Nieuw
Zeeland. Wij zijn dol op dieren en hebben ruime ervaring
in de verzorging ervan. U kunt uw (huis)dieren met een
gerust hart in hun vertrouwde omgeving achterlaten. Er
wordt goed voor ze gezorgd!
En als u wilt, onderhouden wij ook graag uw tuin. We
beschikken over meer dan dertig jaar ervaring als hoveniers
en boomverzorgers. U kunt onbezorgd op reis als u weet
dat thuis alles goed geregeld is.
Neem gerust vrijblijvend contact met ons op om nader
kennis te maken.
Referenties aanwezig.
Vriendelijke groeten,
Erika en Marco
mobiel tel.: 021-1284422
email: [email protected]
Going away on holiday or for business?
Worrying about your pets or your home?
No need! Reliable house-sitters available!
Professional couple, non-smokers, active, will take care
of your home and garden where ever you are in New
Zealand. We love pets and are experienced caretakers.
No need to worry about emptying the mailbox, watering
the plants or mowing the lawn. We have over 30 years
of experience in garden maintenance and tree care and
bring our own equipment.
Enjoy your trip, knowing everything at home is taken
care of in the best possible way by experienced housesitters!
Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.
References available.
Kind regards,
Marco and Erika
cell phone: 021-1284422
e-mail: [email protected]
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 9
Overgenomen uit de Newsletter van de Nederlandse Ambassade
Nominations for the Heineken Prizes 2012
Dutch participation in the 2011 New
Zealand International Film Festival
‘Flying Anne’ is the all-Dutch production and is a short
documentary that takes us into the world of the 11-year-old
Tourette’s sufferer Anne who can’t help twirling around
or licking random objects.
o you know anyone who has done outstanding
scientific research? Nominate them for a Heineken Prize!
scientific Heineken Prizes recognise and reward
unique achievement in the fields of biochemistry and
biophysics, medicine, environmental sciences, history and
cognitive science. Previous prize winners include Nobel
laureates such as Sir Paul M. Nurse, Thomas R. Cech, Jack
W. Szostak, Eric R. Kandel and Elizabeth H. Blackburn.
Presented simultaneously with the Heineken Prizes are
the Heineken Young Scientists Awards. These awards
are intended for talented young Dutch researchers
whose outstanding work sets an example for other young
scientists and scholars.
Nominations for the 2012 prizes are now being accepted,
please check the website for the application form.
Vakantie in Holland
his years New Zealand International Film festival
– taking place from 14 July until 20 November – will
contain one Dutch documentary and five co-productions
with Dutch participation.
‘My Reincarnation’ is a Dutch co-production and entails
an epic documentary - 20 years in the making - which
traces the relationship between a Tibetan Buddhist master
and his Italian-born son.
‘Position among the Stars’ is a Indonesian-Dutch
documentary that encapsulates an amazing amount
of what shapes the world today by observing the intergenerational struggles of one Indonesian family.
‘My Joy’ will take you on a Kafkaesque journey deep into
the literal and metaphorical back roads of darkest Russia.
‘Animation Now 2011’ is a selection of images that have
been chosen to make the most of that wonderful, vertical,
silver-white wall of cinema screen.
Finally, ‘Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow’ is a Sophie
Fiennes documentary that draws us into the monumental
wasteland being created by German painter and sculptor
Anselm Kiefer in the grounds of an abandoned silk factory
at Barjac, in the south of France, and shows us the artist
at work.
For more information about the time and
place where
these productions will be played, and to book tickets,
please visit: www.nzff.co.nz/
Komfortabele appartementen te huur, volledig ingericht met TV,
telefoon en internet; 45 min. van Schiphol en Amsterdam.
Huur, 1 pers. €32euro per nacht.
Huur, 2 pers. €42 euro per nacht.
incl. lakens en handdoeken.
Korting bij een langer verblijf en 60+ korting.
Zendmast in Lelystad
Brochures en foto’s:
Ria Luikink-van Uum
Moezelstraat 12
8226 LA Lelystad
Tel: + 31 320 254316
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.luikink.nl
“De Schakel”
Augustus/September 2011 - 10
A van der Heyden
42A King Street
Hikurangi 0114
ph. (09) 433 7437
email: [email protected]
Mocht U op de een of andere manier de weg
zijn kwijtgeraakt en/of wanneer U hulp nodig
heeft dan kunt U bellen:
The Federation of
New Zealand Netherlands
Societies Inc.
was founded in 1966
26 Katavich Pl., Mt.Roskill Auckland 1041
Rita van Pelt
ph. (09) 620 4226
Cor Tamis 418 1667
P O Box 9252, Hamilton 3240
Wies van den Berg
ph. (07) 827 9395
e-mail: [email protected]
P O Box 1526, Rotorua
Frans Schaeffers
Ph. (07) 347 0194
12 Dorset Road
Riekie Dijkstra
Ph. (06) 345 2420
email: [email protected]
Upper Stuart Road RD 13, Hawera 4673
Truus Roodbeen
ph. (06) 764 8496
63 Anakiwa Street, Palmerston North 4414
Elly Zentveld
ph. (06) 354 6644
14 Timms Place, Masterton 5810
Harry Wientjens
ph. (06) 377 0051
P O Box 30060, Lower Hutt 5040
Dawn Dorresteijn
ph. (04) 938 2378
email: [email protected]
Toos van Hof-Wijdeveld
Ph/fax 835 0494
Corrie Kokshoorn 332 1234
Tini de Winter 352 5317
Olga Kitchingman 473 8216
Jos Jongenelen 827 3313
Willy Kleijburg 854 0868
Bep & Chris Heuting 319 6036
Gretha van Brakel 358 8421
Jo Bos 350 3097
Ina Kroese 347 0251
Anneke Meerkerk 357 4273
Jo & Roel Hoogenberg 761 7172
Paula en Ton Klaassen 477 0514
Mary Boonen 232 8621
Cis Huijs 344 1121
Sien v.d. Veeken 437 7947
Piet & Cathy Verkuylen 437 0822
Guus & Riki Karels 438 3388
If you have copy for “De Schakel”
please make sure that it reaches
the editor no later than
21 October 2011
De Schakel will be available on
the Federation’s website in the last
week of October
ISSN 2230-3456
P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8140
Marina McGurk Wylaars
ph/fax (03) 323 4465
“De Schakel”
It is governed by the National Council, a body
of the Affiliated Societies, who meet once a
year at the Annual National Council Meeting,
which is held usually in October and each
year in a different centre in New Zealand.
The day to day well being is in the hands of
an elected committee comprising, at present,
of the persons listed below:
Kees Dorrestein
26 de Menech Grove
Avalon - LOWER HUTT 5011
ph. (04) 938 2378
email: [email protected]
Elly Zentveld
63 Anakiwa Street
ph. (06) 354 6644
e-mail: [email protected]
Harry Verwey
1A Hendon Place
West End - Palmerston North 4412
ph. (06) 357 3578
email: [email protected]
Margaret van Herpt
34A Wainoni Road
ph. (03) 980 0564
e-mail: [email protected]
Tonny van der Storm BA
PO Box 75
Ph. (03) 465 7048
e-mail: [email protected]
Reina Vijselaar
P.O. Box 61
Waimate 7960
ph. (03) 689 7380
e-mail: [email protected]
Augustus/September 2011- 11