2015 - 6 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
2015 - 6 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
DE SCHAKEL Nieuwsblad van de Federatie van NZ Netherlands Societies www.netherlands-societies.co.nz ISSN 2230-3456 Oktober/November 2015 Negentiende Jaargang - Nummer 6 Whangarei Auckland Hamilton Rotorua New Plymouth Wanganui Wairarapa Palmerston North Wellington Christchurch Inhoud: Pa g i n a 2 : Va n d e Vo o r z i t te r Pa g i n a 3 : V a n d e Vo o r z i t te r ve r vo l g Va n d e S e c ret a re s e Va n W h a n g a n u i Pa g i n a 4 : Va n d e Ne d e r l a n d s e S o c i et y R oto r u a Tu l i p Fe st i v a l Pa g i n a 5 : Meer van de S e c ret a re s s e Pa g i n a ’ s 6 & 7 Va n d e D u t ch Connection Pa g i n a 8 : Va n d e V i c e P re s i d e n t N . I s l a n d Pa g i n a 9 Va n d e Ne d e r l a n d s e Ambassade Pa g i n a 10 Va n R i e k i e D i j k st r a Pa g i n a 11 : A d re s s e n S o c i et i e s D e We g K w i j t C o n t a c t E xe c u t i ve s Van de Voorzitter - Kees Dorresteijn At the time of writing, our Annual General Meeting will be upon us in a couple of weeks. It will be held in Christchurch on the 17th October 2015. The Christchurch Society is also celebrating their 50th year jubilee, some other Societies are also celebrating their 50 year jubilees; Rotorua, Wanganui, although Wanganui had to pull the curtain down for lack of members to form a committee. This meeting is one of the most important days of our affiliated groups, as this is the day that every member can put his views forward. This will also be the first time the Federation has a Trust as a member of the Federation. The Dutch Connection will be an important member of the future of the Federation, with the museum project high on the agenda. I am encouraged with the progress after a meeting at the Beehive with many of the supporting guests. It was well organised and Arjan van der Boon will no doubt enlarge on the progress of this long awaited project elsewhere in the Schakel. I remind every affiliated group to make sure that they have paid their affiliated fees to the Federation so that their delegates can take full part of the meeting. The results of the Ring in Klaverjas competition is as follows: Rotterdams: Amsterdams: 1 Agnes Stolp 2 Henk Ritstier 3 Piet Bohm 1 Ina Kroese 2 R v d Ploeg 3 H Kroese Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch Rotorua Rotorua Rotorua 10265 points. 10204 points 10144 points 10374 points 10247 points 9950 points Congratulations to all the winners and a thank you to the organisers of this event. The following is an item about the sculpture of the Zeehaen and Heemskerck. When my sister and her husband came to New Zealand last February to celebrate Dawn and my birthdays, they also decided to have a guided tour of the Beehive and the Parliament Buildings. When I asked them if they had seen the sculpture of the 2 ships, their answer was that they had not seen the sculpture. When I was invited to the Beehive meeting of the Museum project I asked some of the staff members about the sculpture and their answer was somewhat puzzling, and because the sculpture has a history to being taken out of sight, I decided to go on a fact finding mission. When the sculpture was unveiled in 1992 by the then Dutch Queen Beatrix, it was placed at Frank Kitts Park in Wellington near the place where many of us emigrants set foot in our new chosen country. Unfortunately it was there where it got vandalised and had to be taken to a foundry in Petone for repairs. It was then decided to have the sculpture placed in the Maritime Museum, but when the museum had to have a major refurbishment the sculpture was moved to the main entrance of then Events centre (TSB Bank Arena). It was placed on casters with the result it soon got wheeled from this prominent place to an out of sight area. It was then decided to have the sculpture placed at Te Papa our National Museum in Wellington. The place chosen was in the lagoon and it looked the right place to have the ships in the water and out of harm’s way. Unfortunately after a couple of years the management of the museum informed us that the sculpture had to be moved because the museum policy is to have turnover of exhibitions. The next place chosen for the sculpture was in the gallery at Parliament Buildings. In November 2006 when Prince Alexander and Princess Maxima came to New Zealand and it was blessed at its present position. Yes, the sculpture is still there although the area is closed off to the public because of a major repair job to the glass roof which had been leaking. The editor always acts in good faith when publishing material supplied by others and does not accept any liability for inaccuracies or for unsubstantiated statements, and reserves the right to hold over any material which could discredit the name of the Federation, or which contravenes any New Zealand laws pertaining to that material or which due to lack of space, cannot be placed in the current or requested issue. “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 2 Van de Voorzitter - Kees Dorresteijn - vervolg The area has been closed off since January 2015 and is expected to reopen in the next couple of months. The sculpture is at the moment completely covered with a sheet to keep it from any damage and dust, also in the same area is the stand with all the ribbons of the countries of their main colour (Orange for the Netherlands). This stand is also completely enclosed with timber sheets. The sculpture was a gift from the Dutch people to the New Zealand people,the money was raised by most of the Dutch Societies and some individual donations. My wish is that the sculpture of the 2 ships that Abel Tasman sailed around New Zealand and being the first European to discover this great country to be installed in the proposed Museum in Foxton. Van de Secretaresse - Anne-Marie Knibbeler At the time of writing, most societies will have had some form of Spring celebration. The Wellington Society is holding its annual Tulip Sunday in the Botanic Gardens, an important item in Wellington City Council’s Spring Festival events. We are so hoping for the rain to stop and for a sunny day! The Dominion Post has been running a series ‘150 year Wellington’ and a recent item was dated 1951, Tulip Sunday – it’s included elsewhere in De Schakel and I hope you find it an interesting look back in time. As Kees wrote, we are busy planning for the ANCM. May I remind all societies to pay the affiliation fee if you haven’t yet done so – they are now overdue. I am again looking forward to meeting all the delegates; we will also have some observers from the De Molen Trust – the carers of the one original working windmill in the Southern Hemisphere! Kees Dorresteijn will not be standing for re-election at the ANCM. I’ve enjoyed working with him; Kees has been a strong and supportive chairperson who has led the Federation – on and off - for 20 years in total. He has now decided it’s time to retire. Thank you, Kees, for all you’ve done for the Netherlands community in New Zealand. ANCM, Leidens Ontzet, then Sinterklaas and Kerstvieringen – clubs have plenty to keep them occupied in the next months! I wish you all fruitful and enjoyable months ahead. Ontvangen van Whanganui We would like to invite you to our annual klaverjas tournament in Wanganui to be held on the 15th of November at a cost of $20 per person which includes lunch. If you are interested please let us know and we will supply you with all the finer details, however I can tell you we play “Amsterdams”. E-mails can be forwarded to either our secretary Jane Bleackley: ja.neb@ hotmail.com or to me: [email protected] Hartelijke groeten Joop Doodeman “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 3 Van de Netherlands Society Rotorua - Douwe Visser Op de valreep nog een klein kattebelletje van mij voor de schakel: De Rotorua club had their AGM on the 9th of September. As usual it was a relaxed and cosy affair with enough members to form a quorum.All the sitting committee members were voted in again with no propositions from the floor.The secretary reminded the members that some on the committee had been there already for ages and that it was time to come up with new names. According to Anneke, our president, the affaires of the club had been running smoothly with a 50 year celebration in April as a highlight.We also had our yearly car rally,the two day walking festival,kings birthday celebration,pot luck dinners, Saint Nic and Christmas dinner. To enable us to survive as a club we hire out our beautiful club building which is becoming very popular for weddings and birthday parties.Our custodian for this is Alie Visser who received a beautiful bunch of flowers for a job well done. We also used this ocasion to nominate Dick Bos as a life member, to which every one agreed.Dick has been the handyman for the club par excellence.Every where you look in the clubbuilding you can see his handywork. We now have three life members: Piet van Etten, Wendy Heinstman and now also Dick Bos.We are and have been blessed with members who have dedicated so much time and energy to the club. VerslagTulip Fesival Hamilton - Ineke Zegwaard Hamilton Tulip Festival 2015 Zoals elk jaar was het weer spannend hoe het weer zou zijn, de dagen voor het Festival waren nat en wild, typisch voorjaarsweer. Maar zaterdagmorgen was er een bleek zonnetje en weinig of geen wind, dat zag er goed uit voor de dag. De meeste aktiviteiten zijn weleenswaar binnen in het pavilion maar je krijgt meer mensen als het mooi weer is en aantrekkelijk om ook de prachtige tuinen in de Hamilton Gardens te bezichtigen. Alles was al klaar gezet de vrijdagmiddag er voor maar zaterdag waren we er al om 8.30 om de stalletjes met hollandse hapjes zoals oliebollen, kroketten en de koffie stand met vlaaien en appeltaart de tijd te geven om klaar te staan voor de opening om 10.00. Ook het draaiorgel van Bill Beetz was er weer met hollandse muziek en trok veel mensen. Binnen in het pavilion was er elk half uur een afwisselend optreden van lokale dansgroepen of een koor. En niet te vergeten de Auckland Dutch dancers die weer speciaal voor het Festival uit Auckland kwamen om op te treden. Dit jaar was er ook een avond programma, Christchurch ToeNail Culture Ale gaf een voorstelling van de musical “De Jantjes” Zo’n 120 mensen hebben er van genoten en lekker meegezongen, fantastisch! Dank je wel! Ook het supper na de voorstelling was klasse, Jojanneke van Kooten maakt de lekkerste hapjes. Al met al was het een heel geslaagde dag, veel bezoekers, zo veel dat we al te vroeg door al het eten heen waren, iets om volgend jaar rekening mee te houden. Zo blijft er altijd wel wat te verbeteren. “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 4 Meer van de Secretaresse - Anne-Marie Knibbeler Article reproduced by permission of Fairfax NZ/The Dominion Post “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 5 Van de Dutch Connection - Arjan van der Boon Good Things Take Time… Progress Update: Dutch Connection Centre Set to Go It doesn’t seem that long ago… When the Dutch Connection museum trust went out to the Dutch community throughout the country and asked whether people wanted a place to tell their story – a national centre where they could also participate in Dutch festivities, and enjoy seeing exhibitions from the Netherlands. But the years have gone by in a flash, our project has matured, and it’s now ready to enter its final stages. De Molen in Foxton will have new neighbours soon. There’s lots of good news! • Horowhenua District Council (HDC) bought a building for Ons Museum and the other local participants (end of 2013) • A project manager and a fundraising manager were appointed (2014) to move things along • The architectural plans were finalised and approved (2015), after a consultation process involving all the participants and stakeholders in the Te Awahou-Nieuwe Stroom project • And now the new multi-purpose tourism and community facility has Building Consent (phew…) What all this means, is that we’re now pretty darn sure that the project will go ahead. And for that reason, we can start our funding appeal. We’ve had a great many contributions already! But if you can give us a little bit or a larger bit more? Please visit https://givealittle.co.nz/org/dutchconnectionmuseum# and give what you can afford? Early Funding Successes In the last 6 months, some $2 million in funding from various external organisation like Lotteries has been committed to the project. It took a lot of effort, smart thinking and organising to ‘collect’ that much money. The project team and HDC Fundraising Manager Pete Leach did an excellent job – working long days (and nights). Together with funding made available by Council, the total that’s now available for Te Awahou-Nieuwe Stroom has reached over $4 million. Unfortunately that’s not quite enough – for a project that will transform heritage town Foxton into a tourism hub for the region. But we’re almost two-thirds on our way, with the total costs estimated at just under $7 million, and more to come. Te Awahou-Nieuwe Stroom building – Design by Pete Bossley Architects The Dutch Dollar The Dutch Connection Trust has in the past received generous donations from a large number of Dutch organisations, including the Federation of NZ-NL Societies, the NetherlaNZ Foundation, and the clubs in Wellington, Waikato, Christchurch, Wanganui and Palmerston North. Well over $50,000 in total. Recently we’ve talked to a number of businesses with Dutch connections and several of them will make sponsorship in kind available to the value of some $150,000 – by discounting building, fit-out materials and labour costs (more news on that topic soon, with more funding to come). “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 6 Van de Dutch Connection - Arjan van der Boon - vervolg In 2008, HDC made $100,000 in capital funding available. And through organising the Karin Bloemen concert and the Tasman Tiles Tableau, and through generous gifts by individuals, we’ve raised another $50,000 or so. With a total of $300,000 gifted or committed, we’re well on our way to raising the $1.5 million we’ve been asked for. But we need more. We’ve already applied for ‘big’ funding of $100,000s (keeping our fingers crossed). We’re also asking for’ small’ amounts. From whoever can contribute a little, or a little bit more. And it’s easy these days. Everybody can just go online with the credit card handy, and a few minutes later? All done! At https://givealittle.co.nz/org/dutchconnectionmuseum# Indicative plans for the TANS multi-purpose facility – An innovative tourism and community hub (Pete Bossley Architects) Meeting rooms / Storage / Work area (Dutch activities) 2 Secure Art 2 Gallery: 150m Onze Plek: 380m Flexible Open 2 Space: 400 m (Dutch activities) Dutch Museum 2 380m Tasman Tableau: 3m x 5m - Delft Blue tiles Onze Plek: 2 380m What Do We Need the Money For? Exhibitions! The story of Dutch immigration into New Zealand is an untold story. In his bestselling ‘History of New Zealand’, Michael King overlooked us (unlike all the other ethnicities, which he did mention). We were the largest non-British immigrant group for many years – some 5% of the population at one stage – but we have always been the Invisible Immigrants. (Did we integrate too well?) Let’s change all that! So that our children and grandchildren can go to a place where they can find out more about Opa en Oma. A place where they can look at the spulletjes we brought over – een huiskamer en een keuken. A place where they can discover their cultural heritage and their roots. Perhaps they want to learn our language – onze moedertaal? Perhaps they just want to have poffertjes met een kopje koffie. It will all happen in the Dutch Connection Centre. Good exhibitions, to tell our story – Ons Verhaal – in a deserving manner, don’t come all that cheap. We had a Feasibility Study done that showed us that $1.5 million will give us the space we need in the building, specialised exhibition fit-out like lighting and display cabinets, and all the displays and technology that we need. We’re Viable and Sustainable Our Feasibility Study by museum expert Tim Walker also showed that we can expect some 20,000 visitors every year just into our Dutch Connection museum – Nederlanders, Kiwis, travellers and international tourists. And that we can break even in our operational costs – through the innovative partnership model we’ve set up with local Maori Hapu and Horowhenua District Council. By establishing the Dutch Connection, we will finally get a place we can call our own – onze plek. This will be a place to celebrate our Dutch identity, and what we‘ve achieved in this country. But it will also be a place to build a future with stronger connections with the Netherlands. To the benefit of our children and grandchildren, and to the benefit of two small countries that can stand stronger in the world when they can stand together. “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 7 Van de Dutch Connection - Arjan van der Boon - vervolg Please give generously. Even if you’ve given before? This our one chance in a lifetime, to create something that will benefit the entire Dutch community in New Zealand. At https://givealittle.co.nz/org/dutchconnectionmuseum# Once we’ve brought all our money together, and we’ve achieved what we set out all those years ago? Then you can attend the opening in a year’s time or early 2017… It will be a joyous occasion! Van de Vice President North Island - Albert Ruijne REPORT TO THE ANCM 2015 This is my 4th year that I am serving the Federation as N.I. Vice President. It has been a pleasure to work in the national Executive Committee. I would like to thank Kees Dorresteijn for leading the team well for many years. He told us that he is resigning as President of the Federation and that he will be looking forward to a peaceful retirement. He hopes that a younger person will be able to take over the reign. Nominations for President are now open. I have been asked by a number of people if I would be willing to be nominated as President. I have declined due to my domestic situation. Since March 2014 when my wife had a severe accident, my life took a drastic change. Since November last year I resigned from my job and moved into a retirement village to take fulltime care of my wife. This is quite a demanding task at present and I would not be able to take on anymore responsibilities. I would like a person like Joost de Bruin who is our present Treasurer to take on the Job as President. But he said he would have to think about it and would let us know at the ANCM in Christchurch. I have with pleasure, read the monthly or bimonthly Newsletters of all the clubs around the country that produce Newsletters for their members. It is with sadness to see that the Wanganui club can’t muster a new committee to continue to look after the membership in that part of our country. They certainly have done a lot over the past years to keep things going, but age is catching up to them, hence they have run out of steam. I do hope that there will be a person in the area who will take up the reigns again in the future. Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington, Manawatu, Waikato, Taranaki and Whangarei keeping things going in the North Island. All the clubs are culturally active in flying the flag in their community through one or other activity. Kings day and Sinterklaas are celebrated in all the clubs. Tulip Festivals are developing in the bigger places. I attended the Hamilton Tulip Festival for the first time and it was a great cultural event, attended by a great number of people from different nationalities. In the evening they had a visiting Dutch drama group from Christchurch presenting the “Jantjes” in Dutch. This was a new experience for me, as I had never attended a play/musical in Dutch before. The attendance was very good for a play/musical in Dutch. Wellington, Auckland and Rotorua have their own Clubhouse. These are assets that need maintenance, which are costly at times and funds have to be raised to keep things in good order. This takes a lot of volunteers to keep the ball rolling. Without the volunteers we would be in lots of trouble. Thank You Volunteers for the good work you do. “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 8 Van de Nederlandse Ambassade Have you lived in New Zealand for more than 5 years? As of 15 October 2015 you are required to prove that you have not become a New Zealand citizen when applying for a Dutch passport. As a Dutch national with a residents permit you can acquire New Zealand citizenship by grant if you have lived in New Zealand for at least the last 5 years and had the right to be in New Zealand indefinitely the whole time There is no system in place in New Zealand to cancel your existing residents visa when you become a New Zealand citizen. The Department of Internal Affiars and Immigration New Zealand do not share information regarding New Zealand Citizenship. Only when you re-apply for a residency permit after you have become a New Zealand citizen you will receive an endorsement in your Dutch passport. Because of this, the Embassy cannot determine if a person has become a NZ citizen or not, since this may have consequences for your Dutch citizenship. Therefor you are now required to prove you have not become a New Zealand citizen if you have lived in NZ for more than 5 years. You can prove this with an authenticated Letter of Denial. For more information on how to apply for a Letter of Denial, please follow the link: http://www.dia.govt.nz/Services-Citizenship-Confirm-you%E2%80%99re-not-a-New-Zealand-citizen?OpenDocument You can find more information on how to authenticate (Apostille Certificate) your Letter of Denial here: http://www. dia.govt.nz/apostille Please note: we accept e-apostille. Please make sure you bring the authenticated Letter of Denial to your appointment. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. For more information regarding dual citizenship and loss of Dutch citizenship, please refer to the following website: https://www.government.nl/topics/dutch-nationality/contents/loss-of-dutch-nationality. If you have any questions please contact the Embassy via email [email protected] We hebben een bezoekje gebracht aan Oma, ze was zo blij ons nog eens terug te zien !! “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 9 Advertisement European Solid Timber Kitsets: Sleep-outs. studios, houses, sheds, garages, cabins, retreats, granny flats, saunas, holiday homes, playhouses. Visit our website www.eurowood.co.nz or contact us on (022) 160 0342 Verslag Riekie Dijkstra Hallo allemaal. Hierbij nog een berichtje uit mooi zonnig Wanganui. Als ik dit schrijf is het 19 September ’15 en het zou nu toch echt voorjaar moeten zijn, ja af en toe een zonnige dag, maar toch nog veel regen en wind. De voorspelling is voor een mooie warme zomer. Och wat klets ik toch, dan zal het ons weer te warm zijn. Laat me nu toch even schrijven over de gezellige maaltijd die we hadden 12 Augustes in het Brick House. Al onze leden waren er op een paar na. Connie had het allemaal geregeld end at was weer goed voor elkaar. De tafel zag er aardig uit, met voor ieder een presentje vanwege ons 50 jarig bestaan van de club in Wanganui. Ook stond er voor ieder een kerse-bonbon bij ons bord. Die ons gegeven waren door de Palmerston North Club, toen ze hier waren in Junie en ze smaakten nog prima. We genoten van de maaltijd ons aangeboden door de club. Er werden bedankjes uit gereikt aan het bestuur. En natuurlijk hoorde daar een bloemetje bij. Rumbout was degene die ons tracteerde op een Birthday Cake. Leuk idee, dank je wel. Het deed ons toch wel een beetje pijn, nu dat het allemaal tot een eind is gekomen. We hebben als bestuur met veel plezier samen gewerkt. Toen tussen het hoofdmaal en toetje kwam de fotograaf van de River City Press die een foto maakte van onze groep. Daarna nog even smullen en bijpraten. We namen afscheid en dat was dan tot de volgende keer. De volgende keer was 9 September dat we elkander ontmoeten in de boodshed Caroline om 10uur zoals Vakantie in Nederland afgesproken. Er waren niet zoveel als we verwacht hadden. Maar het was best gezellig en de helft bleef nog voor lunch. We vroegen of we dan onder tussen een spelletje konden spelen, dus kwam rummy-cub op de tafel. De mannen gingen ondertussen een straatje om. Op deze manier hopen we iedere 2de woensdag van de maand bij elkaar te komen. Mocht het zijn dat je in Wanganui bent, kom dan een bakkie mee genieten. Om je op weg te helpen bel ons even, 06-3452420. Lelystad Met vriendelijke groeten Riekie. Comfortabele appartementen en kamer te huur, met TV, telefoon en internet; 45 min. van Schiphol en Amsterdam. Huur, 1 pers. vanaf €28 euro per nacht. Huur, 2 pers. vanaf €44 euro per nacht. incl. lakens en handdoeken. Korting bij een langer verblijf en 60+ korting. Brochures en foto’s: Ria Luikink-van Uum Moezelstraat 12 8226 LA Lelystad, Nederland. Tel: + 31 320 254316 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.luikink.nl “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 10 ADDRESSES SOCIETIES DUTCH CLUB WHANGAREI (INC.) A van der Heyden 2 Sutton Close, 15 Puriri Park Road Maunu - Whangarei 0110 ph. (09) 430 8487 email: [email protected] N.Z. NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE AUCKLAND (INC.) P O Box 34568 Birkenhead Auckland 0746 Ineke Knuvers email: [email protected] ph. 021 1500250 N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. WAIKATO (INC.) P O Box 9252, Hamilton 3240 Wies van den Berg ph. (07) 827 9395 [email protected] ROTORUA NETHERLANDS SOC. (INC.) P O Box 1526, Rotorua Jo Harvey Ph. (07) 348 2280 email: [email protected] N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE TARANAKI (INC.) 29c Fenton Street, Stratford 4332 Riet Weel ph. (06) 765 0343 [email protected] N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. MANAWATU & DISTRICTS 621 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North 4410 Greta van Brakel ph. (06) 358 8421 email: [email protected] NETHERLANDS SOC.WELLINGTON (INC.) P O Box 30060, Lower Hutt 5040 Anne-Marie Knibbeler ph. (04) 971 7571 email: [email protected] DE WEG KWIJT?? Mocht U op de een of andere manier de weg zijn kwijtgeraakt en/of wanneer U hulp nodig heeft dan kunt U bellen: CHRISTCHURCH (03) Tini de Winter 352 5317 HAMILTON (07) Jos Jongenelen 827 3313 Willy Kleijburg 854 0868 KAIKOURA (03) Chris Heuting 319 6036 The Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc. was founded in 1966 It is governed by the National Council, a body of the Affiliated Societies, who meet once a year at the Annual National Council Meeting, which is held usually in October and each year in a different centre in New Zealand. The day to day well being is in the hands of an elected committee comprising, at present, of the persons listed below: PRESIDENT Kees Dorresteijn 26 de Menech Grove Avalon - LOWER HUTT 5011 ph. (04) 938 2378 email: [email protected] PALMERSTON NORTH (06) Gretha van Brakel 358 8421 Jo Bos 350 3097 ROTORUA (07) Ina Kroese 347 0251 Anneke Meerkerk 357 4273 SECRETARY Anne-Marie Knibbeler 21 August Street Lower Hutt 5019 ph. (04) 971 7571 mob. 027 951 5770 email: [email protected] TARANAKI (06) Jo & Roel Hoogenberg 761 7172 WHANGANUI (06) Cis Huijs 344 1121 VICE-PRESIDENT NORTH ISLAND Albert Ruijne Bethesda Village, Villa 23 743 Great South Road Manakau City 2104 ph. (09) 262 1337 email: [email protected] WHANGAREI (09) Sien v.d. Veeken 437 7947 Cathy Verkuylen 437 0822 Guus & Riki Karels 438 2363 If you have copy for “De Schakel” please make sure that it reaches the editor no later than 21 November 2015 De Schakel will be available on the Federation’s website in the last week of July VICE-PRESIDENT SOUTH ISLAND Marian Martens 173 Walkers Road RD 7 Rolleston Christchurch Ph. (03) 347 8337 email: [email protected] TREASURER Dr Joost de Bruin 18 Bertelsen Court, Otaki 5512 email: [email protected] ISSN 2230-3456 EDITOR “DE SCHAKEL” Reina Vijselaar 9 Chandler Crescent Clyde 9330 Central Otago ph. (03) 449 3387 email: [email protected] NETHERLANDS SOC. CHRISTCHURCH (INC.) P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8140 Marina McGurk-Wijlaars ph. (03) 323 4465 email: [email protected] IMPORTANT LINKS: www.netherlandsembassy.co.nz www.dutchconnection.org.nz www.netherlandsfoundation.org.nz The Dutch Connection PO Box 60423 Titirangi, Auckland 0642 “De Schakel” Oktober/November 2015 - 11
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