September 2010 - Kete Hamilton
September 2010 - Kete Hamilton
N.Z. Netherlands Society (Waikato) Inc. PO Box 9252 Hamilton September 2010 Van de vice-president Aangezien de voorzitter nog altijd van haar vakantie geniet (althans dat nemen we aan, geen nieuws is goed nieuws!) is aan mij de eer om dit keer een stukje te schrijven. We zitten midden in de winter en dank zij de nachtvorst genieten we van heerlijke zonnige dagen. Mijn tulpjes, ze zijn nog heel klein, staan voorzichtig boven de grond. Helaas heb ik niet de groene vingers van mijn ouders georven en heb het niet eerder aangedurfd om tulpen te poten. Afgelopen herfst was er een aantal piepkleine tulpenbolletjes over nadat alle goede exemplaren verkocht waren na het eerste Tulpen Festival. Ik bedacht dat ik daar niet veel aan kon verprutsen en alles wat het kon kosten was een zak potgrond en een beetje moeite. En nu staan ze boven de grond! Ik hoop dat ze ook een paar tulpjes zullen produceren.... Dat brengt ons naar het ‘Tulip Festival’ dat voor de deur staat. Het bestuur werkt samen met de ‘Tulip Festival Trust’ en de Daffodil Society om er weer een succes van te maken. We hopen dat het elk jaar een beetje groter groeit en zo Hamiltonions laten zien dat we trots zijn op onze nederlanse cultuur. Wies van den Berg Vice-president Dutch Connection, Museum update The new museum trust, the “Te Awahou, nieuwe stroom” is up and running. The trustees include the Foxton council and Arjan van der Boon for the Dutch Connection. For the Dutch Connection it is full on fundraising time, the main project at the moment the tile tableau which artist Anneke Borren is making. The Waikato Netherlands Society is sponsoring tiles as well as other Societies, the Federation will discuss their participating at the next ANCM in October in Wellington. If you want a tile with your family name on it in the tableau you have to be in quick, there are only so many available. A great way to have your family name preserved for next generations to see. Reina Vijselaar, who did a wonderful job in creating the website for our Festijn in 2008 is working on a new and very extensive website for the Dutch Connection. Reina and husband Peter moved from Morrinsville to Waimate a few years back but is still very much involved in the Dutch community. 2 There are great gifts from people towards the collection to the museum, such as a bridal gown, antique furniture and there are discussions to have the Dutch street organ “De Lieve Stem” on a long term loan. There is still a great deal to be done with fundraising but these are exiting times for the New Zealand Dutch emigrants. The Dutch Connection will be at the Hamilton Tulip Festival with a stand inside the Pavilion and is more then happy to bring you up to date of the latest news. You can become a friend of the Dutch museum for a $5.00 donation. Talk to them at the festival. Hallo beste vrienden, Hier zijn we dan weer met de laatste nieuws van de FSN. Het is nog volop winter en ik hoop dat U allen niet al te veel last heeft met de nodige virussen die rond gaan. Zo te horen heerst de swine flu in de Waikato en zijn er vele kinderen ziek met het een of het ander. Zelf heb ik ook in de lappen mand gezeten met de griep maar ben er nu aardig overheen. Sinds de AGM heeft de committee alweer 2 vergaderingen gehad en een volunteers meeting. De volunteers meeting was erg gezellig en we hadden een goede spreker van de Cancer Society, die veel uitleg gaf tussen de verschillen van de Cancer Society en Hospice. En mensen kwamen dan ook met de nodige vragen. Het was voor allen een leerzame morgen. Onze volgende volunteers meeting is geboekt voor woensdag 22 September 10 uur in Netherville Hall. Onze guest speaker voor deze morgen is Jos Jongenelen en zijn topic is safety in en rond het huis en over ACC. Verder is er ook weer een spelletjes dag geweest en die werd deze keer gehouden in Netherville en was als altijd weer heel geslaagd geweest. Nou de voorzitster en her deputy zijn beiden overseas dus is het even rustig. Verder is er niet veel meer te melden. Wens ik al de zieken van harte beterschap en tot de volgende keer. Hartelijke groetjes Ria Smits. The NZ Netherlands Society Waikato together with Netherville retirements village are presenting a 2 hour show with Doetie Keizer Tuesday 21 September 2.00 pm Netherville Hall Entry $5.00 per person Incl. coffee in the interval. Show is in the English language Sacks in the staffroom In this one-woman show, which is suitable for audiences from about 30 to 90 years of age, I have successfully combined my singing, story telling and accordion playing skills and made sure there is a great variety of items in the show. I have been singing for 20 years in bands, choirs, concerts, competitions (winning awards and trophies) at weddings, anniversaries and music clubs. My story telling and piano accordion playing skills have always been well received by family members, friends and students ( I have been a school teacher for 20 years) The majority of the funny stories in the show deal with language misunderstandings. Doetie Keizer 3 Programme Saturday 18 September 10.00 10.30 11.30 12.30 13.30 14.30 15.30 Opening by the patron of the Hamilton Tulip Festival Trust Sir Henry van der Heyden St. Joseph Singers from Morrinsville St. Joseph Singers from Morrinsville Waikato Dutch Folk dancers Auckland Dutch Dancers The Fore Fathers, Barbershop quartet from Tauranga The Fore Fathers, Barbershop quartet from Tauranga Music in the Pavilion by Piet van der Werf, WERFSOUND from Tauranga Koos Brasser, electronic organ from Rotorua Outside the Pavilion Bill Beetz with the Dutch street organ “De Papagaai” Pavilion, Central Court Every hour a performance of 15-20 minutes A flower show by the Morrinsville floral art group Flowers and bulbs on show from professional growers Exhibition Hall The Waikato Netherlands Society with coffee, cake and cold drinks. Craft stalls and demonstrations. Photographer with Dutch costume photo’s Gouda Cheese Shop The Dutch Connection 4 Hamilton Tulip Festival Sunday 19 September 10.30 11.30 12.30 13.30 14.30 15.30 16.00 Singer/accordion player Doetie Keizer Singer/accordion player Doetie Keizer Waikato Dutch Folk dancers Auckland Dutch Dancers Hamilton Scottish Dancers Hamilton Scottish Dancers closing Food stalls outside the Pavilion Piet Melis, kroketten Monavale Blueberries, icecream Marty Lenferink, rookworst, cold snacks Mark Brik, oliebollen and poffertjes Jeanette Distelbrink, stroopwafels Janny Deteler, suikerspin Zingara Artisan Bread & Pastry, sauerkraut, German sausages The tulips are in flower in the Victorian Gardens along the Cobham Drive. Daffodils in the Hillside Lawn. Fresh Flowers for sale, tulip bulbs to order. 5 Talk now to your favourite Holland Agent CALDER & LAWSON "We aim to be innovative and competitive, providing a service which exceeds clients expectation and utilises our staff's considerable travel experiences." CALDER & LAWSON TRAVEL 455 Grey Street, Hamilton East Phone: (07) 856 9009 Fax: (07) 856 2333 website: RIKKEN WERFSOUND FOR ALL YOUR ENTERTAINMENT Hallo alle Rikkers, Dat natte winterweer is ideaal weer om te kaarten! Dat was te zien aan de enorme opkomst op de Rikdag van Juni, 23 spelers! Er werdt flink gestreden voor de meeste puntjes. In juli was het wat rustiger, maar even gezellig. Sorry, ik kan geen uitslagen geven, die zijn bij Toon en Riet van Rijen en zij zijn momenteel in Holland. Vandaar dat de volgende Rikdag (22 aug) gehouden wordt bij Klaas en Ria Kuipers, 165 Lamb St. Cambridge. Tel 07 8273633 Er schijnt een nieuwe Rikgroep te zijn in Lauriston Park, Cambridge. Onder leiding van Piet Melis. We zien er naar uit om in de toekomst een locale competitie te hebben tussen de twee groepen. Nou, ik zou zeggen: "Hou je warm, wear your gumboots". En we hopen op een goede opkomst in augustus, vriendelijke groetjes, Ria Kuipers. Piet v.d. Werf Phone 579 9166 229a Fifteenth Avenue Tauranga 3112 Sound Hire Bingo Meetings Receptions Weddings Specialty Dutch Repertoire [email protected] Vandaar “Opa, waarom hebt u zo’n lange baard?” “Omdat Oma altijd de stropdassen voor me uitzoekt.” [email protected] Graag nodigen wij u uit voor een bezoek aan onze nieuwe website. U kunt op onder andere het volgende vinden: Nederlandse kranten; Online Shop met Nederlandse producten; Een overzicht van winkels met Nederlandse producten in uw buurt; Links met Nederlands georiënteerde websites; Neem gerust contact met ons op via het contact formulier voor suggesties en vragen. Het Dutch ‘n’ Deli Team 6 ROTOTUNA RETAIL CENTRE Crn Thomas and Horsham Downs Road 07 855 4433 & 245 Cambridge Road 07 856 6633 HAMILTON Hans, Addy and Brian Nieremeijer [email protected] Mail orders taken Iedereen kan oud worden. Het enige wat je daarvoor moet doen in blijven leven. Groucho Marx Country Meadow Herbal Clinic Riet van Rijen Dip. Herbal Medicine Prof. Member NZAMH Herbal medicine provides a gentle, effective natural treatment for many conditions such as: · Winter colds and flu · Urinary & prostate problems · Digestive & liver dysfunction · Respiratory conditions · Insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression · Support and relieve for arthritis. Etc. Services and treatments: Consultations, health and dietary advice, Iridology readings, Bach flower remedies. Remedies in stock: Medicinal tinctures A variety of medicinal herbal teas Fish oils, zinc, vit. B, & anti cholesterol supplements Natural Herbal Creams, ointments, lip balms and massage oils For appointments, health advice or herbal products ring: 07- 8238388 Coffee culture. PART 1 If you are in town these days you see almost more coffee shops than pubs! Coffee now is a totally different cuppa than we had on our farm 50 years ago. At nine o’clock, after we ate (we just ate, everybody knew it was breakfast at that time of the day; we never had lunch or dinner too for the same reason) mother went to the kitchen to grind the Weduwe Van Nelle Roodmerk coffee. Yes we where faithful to the Weduwe, others believed Douwe Egberts was the man. The Weduwe lived nearby in Rotterdam and Douwe, I take it, was all the way from Friesland. We also had a Van Nelle coffee grinder on the wall. It contained one whole pack of coffee and had a square glass cup to catch the material. The grinder was likely saved up from the coupons you found on the back of the coffee and tea packets. Then she took the octagon, aluminium coffee pot. When they are new they are nice and shiny just like the whistle jug but after a week they changed appearance. We used VIM to clean them and VIM foamed and could not scratch so it was advertised, well apparently it was rather the opposite. The coffee, a whole square glass cup, got tipped on the bottom of the pot and cold water got added. And of course, we added one scoop of Buisman. That came in a little tin pot with razor sharp edges and a flimsy spoon. Buisman was created in the time that coffee was expense. It was made from burned chicory roots (witlofwortel) and gave extra aroma. The lid of the Buisman tin had to be firmly pushed on. Buisman was like concrete if it absorbed moist and rendered that little spoon useless, a chisel became 7 Novotel Taunui & Ibis Tainui Hamilton SPECIAL RATE Novotel Taunui Hamilton from $139.00 per room per night Ibis Taunui Hamilton from $99.00 per room per night For bookings phone 0800 450 050 Email [email protected] Subject to availability Valid until 31 December 2010 handy. Then some kind of a plunger with a hollow stick was placed on top of the coffee. I do not want to inform you where the water came from but it was from around the farm. In the winter the pot was placed on the stove we had in our farmhouse. In the summer it got placed on the grey enamel kerosene one wick cooker. After half an hour or so it boiled. The liquid was pressed upwards through the hollow stick. You could see the bubbling through the little glass percolating knob on top of the pot. That was the time the full cream milk got heated. For that we had a special cooker with a special lid. We took one of those to NZ, the most useless item we took. Ours is SOLA, stainless but mother had a grey enamel 3 litre milk cooker. This also went on the stove in the winter and in the summer on a two wick’s kerosene burner, also grey enamel. This brought the milk on the boil in 15 min. By then it was 9.45 hours. Coffee time was at 10. This was to make sure the coffee and milk were well boiled! At 10 the liquid got poured in cups with a saucer from all kind of sizes, material and colours. The coffee went through a strainer. In spite of that you could find later plenty of sludge in your cup and some of it stayed on the bottom, the rest likely was consumed. Why there was never a milk strainer in our house, perhaps was not invented, I don’t now but coffee strainers and a matter of fact, tea strainers were made for just that purpose. It would have been a big help to stop the well formed firm skin diving in your cup. “For the extra aroma” mother shouted! Then you had to try to scoop that by product from over cooked milk on your saucer if you could get it all. There was also a biscuit, a Maria biscuit. We where Protestants and had plenty of Catholic neighbours and friends. I always wondered why we just had to eat that bis8 www. cuits. It could have been the price of course. My sister had to do the dishes in our household and how she ever could scrape the rubbish and stains from the cups and saucers I don’t know but perhaps with the help of VIM. The coffee had to stay for 10 minutes on the table, we had plenty of time and it was also another family gathering with the eight of us, sitting on all kind of chairs around our large table. Taking the cup on your lips before the 10 minutes could result in third degree burns to your lips, tong, removed your tonsils and left a nice scar on your downpipe. Another point was that after 10 minutes waiting we all had to remove a skin now formed on top of the brew. Spoons were needed not only for stirring the sugar in the coffee…… This was the way aunties, mothers of friends and neighbours made their coffee. Yes, making coffee or as it is now, creating coffee, came a long way since. And the moral of the story: You did not get sick from drinking coffee made from all kind of water but more of all, IT WAS CREATED IN SILENCE! Hamilton City Councillors Maria Westphal(Marijke) Peter Bos MBE(Mil)ED West Ward East Ward To contact: Tel. 07 849 6803 Mob. 021 341 782 Email: To contact: Tel. 07 854 0621 Mob. 021 285 7019 Email: [email protected] [email protected] She has recently been invited to join the Advisory Board of the NZ Netherlands Foundation which is looking at ways to keep that heritage alive and relevant and is keen to help with this project. With the upcoming local elections I thought it would be a good idea to tell you a bit more about our Dutch City Councillors Marijke Westphal and Peter Bos. Both are Trustees in the Hamilton Tulip Festival Trust and very supportive for our “Dutch” activities. Marijke Westphal Marijke was born in Bakhuizen, Friesland and came to New Zealand at the age of 2. Her parents wanted a better life for their children after living through the war in Europe. She has lived most of her life in Hamilton though the family first settled in Te Poi where her father worked in the dairy factory. Her parents were well known as owners of the wool shop in Hamilton for nearly 25 years. Marijke was brought up on the values of honesty and hard work and has always been proud of her Dutch heritage. She says that her parents worked hard all their lives and instilled a strong sense of the importance of family in their children. Their Dutch culture was never forgotten and Fries was spoken in the home. While many second generation Dutch Kiwis were not as culturally aware she believes that there is a revival of interest among the subsequent generations that is taking place now. This has occurred for a number of reasons such as changes in attitude towards immigrants, the multicultural nature of New Zealand where heritage and culture is celebrated and the ease with which we can travel overseas nowadays. Peter Bos Born in 1945 in Eindhoven Peter emigrated with his parents to NZ and they were send to a remote rural area as part of Government policy. His parents, like many others, did not come for themselves; they came for their children. It was hard work as many of you experienced yourself and his father told him “Daar waar stront is, daar is geld, Pietje” This Dutch statement is the equivalent of: “where there is muck, there is money” In other words, never to be too proud to take on a job. Peter is married to Jan with 3 sons and 2 grandsons. He is a 4th term Councillor and was responsible for the vegetable gardens at Netherville Retirement Village being utilized and established by the residents on Council land. He lives by his motto “straight talk, hard work”. Peter proposed at the Festijn 2008 in Hamilton that some 10,000 tulip be planted in the Hamilton Gardens to highlight the contribution the Dutch immigrants have made to NZ. Last year was the first of Tulip Festival and a great success, and with more entertainment and tulips this year designated to be a popular attraction for Hamilton. Peter would also like to see a register where Dutch people can leave their histories and help others to find their roots. This is part of what the Dutch Connection can achieve with the help of us all. Still plenty to do for the Dutch in New Zealand and we need people like Marijke and Peter in the council. 9 Ted Ruys (ANZ11F) Lex Immink (ANZ11F) Trevor Dodunski (ANZ11F) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] a/h 07 855 9315 a/h 07 855 0200 a/h 07 855 4087 For all your Insurance Needs Large or Small Commercial Medical House & Contents Travel Life & Disability Marine Car Industrial Members of the BrokerWeb Group Hamilton office, 1138 Victoria Street ph 07 839 0515 fax 07 839 0606 Te Kuiti office, 163 Rora Street ph 07 878 3408 fax 07 878 3409 Waikato Dutch Folkdancers Klaverjassen Voor zaterdag 26 juni was de Morrinsville club uitgenodigd om bij ons te komen spelen voor een vriendschappelijke wedstrijd. Zoals gewoonlijk is het weer een fijne en gezellige dag geweest. Degene met de meest gehaalde punten was natuurlijk Tonny v d Broek met 10934 P. Tweede werd Jan Overdevest met 10452 P en op de derde plaats kwam Jaap Vethaak. Op zaterdag 17 juli hebben we in combinatie met de Morrinsville club, deelgenomen aan de jaarlijkse RINGIN competitie. Bij deze gelegenheid werd Simon Genet de winnaar met 10912 P, met als tweede Tonny v d Broek met 10075 P en Jan Overdevest kwam als derde aan met 9692 P. Zaterdag 14 augustus hebben we weer een leuke dag gehad in Morrinsville. Alles met elkaar waren er maar 22 spelers. Met de hele dag regen was het goed om binnen te zitten met vrienden en met heel veel lekkers te eten. Ook hier kwam Tonny v d Broek weer als eerste aan met 9935 P. Kees Zegwaard werd tweede met 9899 P, en Maria Kanters met 9871 kwam op de derde plaats. Martien v d Aa kon met 6693 P ook nog een prijsje winnen. Dinsdag 17 Augustus zijn we weer begonnen met onze oefenavonden na een korte vakantie, omdat er nogal wat leden op vakantie waren. Ook nu zijn er nog een aantal overseas, maar dat gebeurd ieder jaar dat we rond deze tijd weinig mensen hebben om te oefenen. We moeten echter een paar weken goed ons best doen, want op 6 September hebben we een optreden in Founders Theatre voor een “Citizenship Ceremony” van Hamilton City. Dan natuurlijk hebben wij onze optredens voor het “Tulip Festival” op 18 en 19 September. Begin October hebben we dan nog een paar optredens in Morrinsville, dus zoals U ziet hebben we nog een paar drukke maanden. Verder heb ik weinig te melden. Wij hopen vele mensen te zien op het “Tulip Festival in de Hamilton Gardens en natuurlijk hopen we op goed weer. Groeten en tot ziens Jos Jongenelen Donderdag 12 Augustus hebben we afscheid moeten nemen van Bill Verhoef. Het was goed om te zien dat bijna alle leden van de club tegenwoordig waren bij zijn begrafenis. Woensdag avond, voor we begonnen met kaarten, is er een minuut stilte gehouden in zijn eer. Simon Genet The Soccer World Cup final at Lauriston Park 10 Committee NZ Netherlands Society Waikato PO Box 9252 Hamilton President Vice President/Secretary Treasurer Entertainment Committee member Committee member Kitty Kanters Wies van den Berg Kees Zegwaard Tom Beuker Lou Nouwens Anneke Bloemink 07 855 5532 07 827 9395 07 823 3407 07 887 6602 07 855 2184 07 827 6643 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Editors Koetjes & Kalfjes Ineke Zegwaard Anneke Bloemink 07 823 3407 07 827 6643 [email protected] [email protected] Website Federation Affiliated and other clubs Klaverjas & Rummikub- Hamilton President Martin van der Aa 07 854 0638 Klaverjas - Morrinsville President 07 889 5221 [email protected] Waikato Dutch Folkdancers President Jos Jongenelen Treasurer Ada Jongenelen 07 827 3313 07 827 3313 [email protected] [email protected] Hamilton Tulip Festival Trust Chairperson Ineke Zegwaard Secretary/Treasurer Marijke Westphal 07 823 3407 07 849 6803 [email protected] [email protected] Friendly Support Network (FSN) President Ria van Vugt Secretary Ria Smits Treasurer Jan Dekkers 07 834 3233 07 829 8391 07 827 9007 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Never Too Old Club Te Awamutu Ohaupo Hamilton 07 871 6002 07 823 8388 07 854 6216 [email protected] Netherville Retirement Village Inc. - Hamilton President Barry Collins 07 854 0131 [email protected] Tasman Village Society Inc. - Morrinsville President Murray Fowler 07 889 4595 Harry van de Laar Bep Captein Riet van Rijen Maria Kanters Agenda 18 & 19 September 21 September 5 December Hamilton Tulip Festival One woman show Doetie Keizer Sinterklaasfeest 11 If undelivered, please return to: NZ Netherlands Society (Waikato) Inc. PO Box 9252 Hamilton 12