25e Anéla / VIOT JUNIORENDAG 6 maart 2015 Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Voorbereidingscommissie 25e Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag Guusje Jol Lieke Verheijen Tiffany Boersma Gudrun Reijnierse Maaike van Naerssen Jet Hoek Suzanne Kleijn Lennie Donné Prof. dr. Tom Koole Radboud Universiteit Radboud Universiteit Universiteit van Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam Universiteit Leiden Universiteit Utrecht Universiteit Utrecht Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (bestuurslid Anéla) Correspondentie: [email protected] of Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag 2015 t.a.v. Jet Hoek Universiteit Utrecht Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS Trans 10 3512 JK Utrecht De Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag 2015 is mede mogelijk gemaakt door: www.anela.nl www.viot.nl www.benjamins.nl www.ru.nl/cls/ www.ru.nl/ www.ru.nl/radboudintolanguages/ www.ru.nl/nederlands/ 1 Inhoudsopgave Voorwoord 3 Plattegrond campus Radboud Universiteit 4 Abstracts: plenaire lezingen 5 Abstracts: mondelinge presentaties sessie 1 t/m 4 6 Programmaoverzicht Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag 15 Abstracts: mondelinge presentaties sessie 5 t/m 6 17 Abstracts: posterpresentaties 21 Publishing in DuJAL – for all presenters (of posters and oral presentations) 24 E-mailadressen 25 Adres en routebeschrijving 26 Plattegrond Nijmegen 27 2 Voorwoord Van harte welkom in Nijmegen op de Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag 2015! Deze dag is een gezamenlijk initiatief van Anéla (Association Néerlandaise de Linguistique Appliquée), en VIOT (Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing). Wat kun je verwachten van de Juniorendag? • • • • • • De Juniorendag wordt dit jaar geopend door Guusje Jol van de organisatie van de Juniorendag 2015. Vervolgens houdt Prof. dr. Asli Ozyurek (Max Planck Instituut voor psycholinguistiek) een plenaire lezing over multimodale taal, communicatie en cognitie. ’s Ochtends en ’s middags zijn er parallelle sessies, georganiseerd naar onderzoeksgebied, met mondelinge presentaties door MA-studenten en promovendi uit Nederland, België en Duitsland. Tijdens de parallele sessies zijn er presentaties van de genomineerden voor de Anéla-scriptieprijs 2014. In de middagpauze kun je posters bekijken tijdens de postersessie. Om je alvast wat wegwijs te maken, zullen de presentatoren hun posters vooraf in een posterpitch aankondigen. Aan het eind van de dag staat een tweede plenaire lezing op het programma. Prof. dr. Hans Hoeken (Radboud Universiteit) geeft een presentatie over hoe verhalen onze meningen en ons gedrag beinvloeden. Na afloop is er een borrel in de foyer van het Gymnasion. Tijdens deze borrel worden de scriptieprijs en de posterprijs uitgereikt. Kortom: het belooft een sprankelende dag vol interessante lezingen, indrukwekkende posters, en mooie prijzen te worden! Tot slot willen we in dit voorwoord benadrukken dat we erg blij zijn met de financiële bijdragen van Anéla, VIOT, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, John Benjamins, Radboud in’to Languages, Centre for Language Studies van de Radboud Universiteit en de afdeling Nederlandse taal en cultuur van de Radboud Universiteit. Daarnaast willen we de presentatoren bedanken voor hun bijdragen: zonder jullie was deze dag niet mogelijk geweest. We hopen dat jullie posters en praatjes aanleiding geven voor mooie artikelen in het tijdschrift DuJAL! We wensen jullie allen een leuke en inspirerende Juniorendag toe. 3 Plattegrond campus Radboud Universiteit Gymnasion, Heyendaalseweg 141, 6525 AJ Nijmegen zalen GN 1 t/m 3 = op begane grond zaal GN 4 = op 1e verdieping Gymnasion 4 Abstracts: plenaire lezingen Eerste plenaire lezing, 10:10-10:55 GN3 Grounding language: multimodal language, communication and cognition Prof. dr. Asli Ozyurek (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) Most research on language and its processing takes speech as its domain of investigation to understand our ability use produce and comprehend language. In this talk, I will show that the hand gestures speakers use also constitute a part of the speakers’ linguistic message and are comprehended by the listeners as a unified multimodal utterance where speech and gesture mutually constrain each others’ interpretation. I will also show that the eye gaze of the participants, as an index of perceived communicative intent of the speaker, further modulate the semantic integration between speech and gesture as evidenced by behavioral as well as neuroimaging studies. I will also briefly discuss how such an approach might provide new insights into language acquisition, bilingualism and autism-new projects launched recently in our lab. A multimodal approach to language provides a more ecological, grounded model of language use and its relation to cognition in context. Tweede plenaire lezing, 16:00-16:45 GN3 Narrative impact: How stories influence our opinions and behavior Prof. dr. Hans Hoeken (Radboud Universiteit) Stories are much better in attracting and keeping people’s attention than expositions or lectures. Our preference for stories seems to be the result of their entertainment value; they provide us with a pleasant and seemingly innocent pastime. However, recent research has shown that stories (in the form of television series, Harlequin novels, short stories) can influence people’s opinions and even behavior. I will present a number of studies that aim to uncover the mechanisms of narrative persuasion. These findings reveal that both the choice of characters and the strategic deployment of language are important for bringing about these persuasive effects. It also shows that stories on fictional events can have important consequences for real life decisions. 5 Abstracts: mondelinge presentaties Sessie 1 – 11:00-11:30 GN The acquisition of the Dutch pronoun ER and the French pronoun EN Sanne Berends et al. (Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, UvA) GN1 The goal of this exploratory and comparative corpus-based research was to find out whether relative syntactic complexity is reflected in the emergence pattern of prepositional and quantitative pronouns in Dutch (ER) and in French (EN). In recent literature it has been claimed that syntactic complexity accounts for the fact that some constructions appear later in monolingual acquisition than others (see Jakubowicz 2002 and later work), or are acquired later by monolingual children acquiring language X than by children acquiring language Y (Sleeman and Hulk 2011; Van Dijk and Coopmans 2013; Strik 2009). To link the results to the previous studies, the languages under investigation were French and Dutch. Five hundred and fifty natural data files from seven Dutch and seven French children - aged between 1;0 and 3;0 - were investigated in the CHILDES corpus (MacWhinney 2000). Preliminary results show that in Dutch the prepositional pronoun emerges at an earlier age than its quantitative homophone, while cross-linguistically the French quantitative pronoun emerges at an earlier age than the Dutch quantitative pronoun. Both of these findings are in line with the relative syntactic complexity hypothesis, more results will follow shortly. References Jakubowicz, C. (2002) Functional categories in (ab)normal language acquisition. In The process of Language Acquisition. I. Lasser 165-202. Frankfurt: peter Lang MacWhinney, B. (2000). The CHILDES Project: Tools for Analyzing Talk. 3rd Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Sleeman, P. and Hulk, A.C.J. (2011). L1 acquisition of noun ellipsis in French and in Dutch: Consequences for linguistic theory. In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011: selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ Utrecht 2011. Strik, N. (2009). “Derivational contrasts in Dutch and French”. In Linguistics in the Netherlands 2009, Botma, Bert and Jacqueline van Kampen (eds.), 91 ff. Van Dijk, C.N. and Coopmans, P.H.A. (2013). On the acquisition of daar and er. In Linguistics in the Netherlands 2013. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 6 How a virus/beast affects our opinions (or not): the role of extendedness in metaphorical framing Gudrun Reijnierse, Christian Burgers, Tina Krennmayr & Gerard Steen (UvA en Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) GN2 Empirical studies investigating the claim that metaphorical frames can influence our opinions show mixed results: some find that metaphors influence opinions (e.g., Thibodeau and Boroditsky, 2011, 2013), others find no such effect (e.g., Steen, Reijnierse, and Burgers, 2014). These contrasting findings raise the question under which conditions a metaphorical framing effect may or may not take place. In this study, we examined one possible condition: metaphor extendedness. We increased the number of sentences expressing the metaphorical frames ‘Crime is a virus’ and ‘Crime is a beast’ in two short texts about a crime problem, and investigated whether extending the metaphorical frame influenced participants’ opinions about solving that crime problem. We found no influence of metaphor extendedness for the ‘Crime is a virus’ frame, but a trend for the ‘Crime is a beast’ frame: the more extended the metaphorical frame was, the more participants reasoned in line with that frame when they had to rate solutions to the crime problem. In this paper, we will discuss possible explanations for these findings as well as implications for future research on metaphorical framing. References Steen, G.J., Reijnierse, W.G., & Burgers, C. (2014). When Do Natural Language Metaphors Influence Reasoning? A Follow-Up Study to Thibodeau and Boroditsky (2013). PLoSOne 9(12): e113536. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113536. Thibodeau, P.H., & Boroditsky, L. (2011). Metaphors we think with: The role of metaphor in reasoning. PLoSOne 6(2): e16782. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016782. Thibodeau, P.H., & Boroditsky, L. (2013). Natural language metaphors covertly influence reasoning. PloSOne 8(1): e52961. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052961. The productivity of diminutive formation in Dutch: The exceptional case of /ətjə/ Tiffany Boersma (Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, UvA) GN4 In Dutch the diminutization of nouns depends on phonological properties of the stem. The Dutch diminutive has five allomorphic forms. Which allomorph is used depends on the phonological properties of the noun. Specifically, the type of consonant, the length of the vowel and rime of the last syllable appear to be important. The current study investigated adult sensitivity to the morphophonological rules involved in diminutization. Use of the 7 morphophonological rules involved in production and perception were studied in 43 Dutch university students using both real and pseudo-words. The following four rules, that determine allomorph selection, were tested: vowel length, number of syllables and stress, place assimilation, and presence of obstruent. When testing real words, adult speakers were highly accurate both in production and perception of the diminutive (mean 98.5% correct). However, when pseudo words were tested, performance on the two rules for diminutive formation involving the /ətjə/ suffix, vowel length and number of syllables and stress, was significantly worse than on the other rules (production: 67%, p < .001, perception: 87%, p < .001). The replacements for /ətjə/ given by the participants were /pjə/, /tjə/ or /kjə/. These allomorph choices adhere to the phonological rule ‘place assimilation’ with the final stem phoneme. Participants thus may base their allomorph selection on ‘place of articulation’ rather than on phonological features such as vowel length, number of syllables and stress. These findings point towards /ətjə/ becoming less productive than the other diminutive allomorphs. 8 Sessie 2 – 11:30-12:00 GN Prosodic and lexicosyntactic cues in turn prediction by Dutch and English toddlers Imme Lammertink (Radboud Universiteit) GN1 Successful speech coordination during conversation requires adult speakers to predict upcoming speaker changes with lexicosyntactic and prosodic information. Here we examined the weighting of these cues for the prediction of upcoming speaker changes (turn-prediction) in Dutch and British-English toddlers. We tracked the anticipatory eye-movements of 21 Dutch and 20 English two-year-olds, and 16 Dutch and 20 English adult controls as they watched videos of dyadic puppet conversation. Target sentences were controlled for lexicosyntactic and intonational cues to turn completion (incomplete=hold and complete=yield), resulting in four types of target sentences (fully incomplete, incomplete syntax, incomplete intonation, and fully complete). Cues conflicted in two conditions (incomplete syntax and incomplete intonation) to test for their relative primacy. We found that Dutch and English toddlers and adults used both lexicosyntactic and prosodic cues in their anticipation of upcoming speaker changes. But, when the cues are pitted against each other (incomplete syntax and incomplete prosody), listeners weigh lexicosyntactic cues over prosodic ones. We found no overall differences in the use of the cues for turn prediction between the two languages. The results raise new questions regarding the interaction of pragmatic cues and lexicosyntactic/prosodic ones in childrens’ conversational predictive processing. Hyperbole Identification Procedure (HIP): an introduction Kiki Renardel de Lavalette & Britta Brugman (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam) GN2 In comparison to metaphor, metonymy and irony, hyperbole as a figure of speech has so far received little scholarly attention. Moreover, no generally accepted definition of hyperbole yet exists nor have hyperbole scholars attempted to develop a valid identification procedure of hyperbole ‘in the wild’. However, in order to conduct empirical research into hyperbole’s structures and functions, the ability to identify hyperbole in authentic, naturally produced language is imperative. Therefore, along the same lines as the Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit (MIPVU) (Steen et al., 2010) and the Verbal Irony Procedure (VIP) (Burgers et al., 2011), our objective is to develop and validate a reliable method of hyperbole identification: the Hyperbole Identification Procedure (HIP). The identification procedure is based on a new definition of hyperbole since previous definitions are either circular, too broad or too narrow (e.g. McCarthy & Carter, 2004; Dumitrescu, 2012). We define hyperbole as “an utterance with an evaluative expression that is more extreme than justified given its ontological referent”. Our study covers the conceptualisation and operationalisation of hyperbole, and validation of the identification procedure by applying the HIP to a 9 corpus of Dutch economic news. The identification procedure will constitute a valuable tool for hyperbole research. Linguistic relativity of motion events: walking down the cline Pablo C. Bernabeu (Tilburg University & Radboud University) GN4 Linguistic relativity is the effect of linguistic patterns on behaviour.1 The expression of motion events has been one gateway into that question: do speakers of different languages talk of motion equally? In this, languages have been divided into a dichotomy, with path-in-verb languages expressing path of motion via the verb, and manner-in-verb languages expressing manner via the verb. Yet, in actuality, this distinction is not a driving force.2 In addition, the method of some previous experiments has been questioned because their tasks entailed language-based thinking. Amidst such challenges, experiments have resulted in a broad span of conclusions. In this talk, I propose a novel, game-based experiment controlling for key typological and methodological aspects. I take account of Verkerk’s scale of motion event encoding across 20 languages based on the relative adherence of each to the path- and manner-in-verb patterns.3 That scale may serve as the new predictor for behavioural measures of linguistic relativity. How exactly may this be implemented? What are the challenges ahead? References Gumperz, & Levinson. (Eds.). (1996). Rethinking Linguistic Relativity. [Book] Slobin (1996). Two ways to travel: Verbs of Motion in English and Spanish. [Chapter] Verkerk (2014). The evolutionary dynamics of motion event encoding. [Thesis] 10 Sessie 3 – 12:00-12:30 GN The effects of task-induced involvement load and word exposure frequency on L2 incidental vocabulary learning through reading Zuzana van Polen (Universiteit van Amsterdam) GN1 Depth of processing (Involvement Load Hypothesis, Hulstijn & Laufer, 2001) and word exposure frequency (Rott, 2007) belong to the main mediating factors of incidental vocabulary learning, which previous studies investigated separately. Current research explored the effects of both factors upon incidental word learning through reading in one experiment testing learning gains across two knowledge types. Dutch undergraduates (n=51) were exposed to English texts that contained target words occurring either once or 4 times. Involvement load was operationalized through three tasks differing by the depth of mental involvement (text including glosses, gap filling, or followed by summary writing). Post-tests assessing active recall and active recognition were administered immediately and 4 weeks after the main treatment. Results revealed a general effect of involvement upon word knowledge, but the task with the highest level of involvement did not lead to highest word gains and retention across both word knowledge types. An interaction effect between word exposure frequency and active recall word knowledge was obtained at both times of post-testing. The findings indicate that L2 incidental vocabulary learning through reading can be contingent upon both investigated factors, however, no conclusive support has been lent to ILH. By combining two explanatory variables of incidental L2 acquisition in one study an important step in filling the gap in research has been taken, which has several important implications for pedagogy. References Eckerth, J., & Tavakoli, P. (2012). The effects of word exposure frequency and elaboration of word processing on incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition through reading. Language Teaching Research, 16, 227-252 Hulstijn, J. H., & Laufer, B. (2001). Some empirical evidence for the involvement load hypothesis in vocabulary acquisition. Language Learning, 5, 539-558 Rott, S. (2007). The effect of frequency of input-enhancements on word learning and text comprehension. Language Learning, 57, 165-199 11 Weight is importance: how different age groups think metaphorically about importance Brenda van den Broek, Lisanne van Weelden & Marije van Amelsvoort (Tilburg University) GN2 In using phrases like ‘the pro’s outweigh the con’s’, people metaphorically conceptualize importance in terms of weight. Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) states that such metaphors are not only a way to talk about concepts, but also a way to think about those concepts. We investigated whether people indeed make use of the conceptual metaphor ‘weight is importance’ when interpreting sentences. In addition, the development of metaphorical thinking was investigated. If conceptual metaphors are based on experiences (as proposed by CMT), they should become increasingly entrenched over time. Participants in our experiment listened to sentences in which two actors were either of equal or of different importance. Subsequently, they placed figures of different weight on a seesaw to represent the sentences. Four different age groups (6-year-olds, 8-year-olds, 10-year-olds, and adults) were tested. Results showed that, overall, people do conceptualize importance in terms of weight. Additionally, the responses of 10-year-olds were more in line with ‘weight is importance’ than those of 8-year-olds and 6-year-olds, supporting the idea that conceptual metaphors develop over time. The responses of adults, however, only differed significantly from those of 6-year-olds. The explanations they offered for their responses suggest the interference of another conceptual metaphor: ‘power is up’. Where linguistic ingenuity meets technological innovation: non-standard spelling and grammar in Dutch youngsters’ written computer-mediated communication Lieke Verheijen (Radboud Universiteit) GN4 Computer-mediated communication (CMC), such as text messaging, chatting, and twittering, has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. The language used in CMC, especially by youngsters, often deviates from standard language norms. This has raised fears that CMC may negatively affect youngsters’ reading, writing, or spelling skills. Yet before studying how CMC actually affects traditional literacy, it has to be established in what ways CMC language differs from the standard language. Therefore, I have conducted a corpus study analysing the registers of Dutch youngsters’ written CMC. This reveals the differences between their informal ‘CMC language’ and their more formal ‘school language’. My register analysis includes linguistic features of three dimensions of writing: orthography (‘textisms’, i.e. nonconventionally spelled words; emoticons), lexis (e.g. English borrowings, interjections, type-token ratio), and syntax (in terms of omissions and complexity). A diverse range of CMC modes has been investigated. The extent to which CMC users deviate from standard language depends, partly, on user characteristics. Therefore, I 12 also examined how youngsters’ age influences the linguistics of their CMC writings, by distinguishing between CMC by adolescents versus by young adults. All this has yielded fascinating linguistic profiles characterizing the registers of different CMC modes and age groups. 13 Sessie 4 – 14:00-14:30 GN Tegen de stroom in? Horende ouders van dove kinderen die kiezen voor Vlaamse gebarentaal Goedele Debeerst (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) GN1 In Vlaanderen, België, zijn er twee evoluties in opmars omtrent de status van Vlaamse Gebarentaal (VGT). Enerzijds is er meer maatschappelijke openheid en ondersteuning voor de taal sinds haar officiële erkenning in 2006, wat zich onder meer uit in het grotere aantal wettelijke mogelijkheden voor de inzet van tolken VGT op televisie en in het onderwijs. Anderzijds ontwikkelt de medische wereld erg snel: door nieuwe technologieën (bv. het cochleair implantaat) kunnen dove kinderen beter een gesproken taal waarnemen en verwerven. Dit brengt echter onzekerheid met zich mee betreffende het nut van VGT en tweetaligheid bij dove kinderen. Dit onderzoek belicht hoe horende ouders van dove kinderen omgaan met deze duale context en het dilemma daarmee verbonden, als ze toch kiezen voor VGT. Voor het onderzoek werden diepte-interviews afgenomen met ouders van elf jonge dove kinderen. Daarnaast was er een focusgroepsgesprek met ouders die een doof kind grootbrachten, geboren voor 2001, ter vergelijking van twee generaties. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat vele ouders de duale context als erg verwarrend ervaren. Bovendien ondervinden ze een gebrek aan steun. De meeste respondenten zien de waarde van VGT wel in, maar de taal wordt toch niet zelden beschouwd als louter ondersteuning bij het Nederlands. Correlated production and perception of similar L2 vowels: categorical dominance as an indication of robust acquisition Amber Nota (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) GN2 Based on models of L1 interference in L2 accent acquisition, sets of similar sounds which are distinguished in the L2, but not in the L1, are most difficult to acquire for an L2 learner. In this presentation, the correlation between production and perception of two sets of similar sounds, namely DRESS-TRAP and FOOT-GOOSE, is investigated in highly proficient native Dutch L2 English speakers who receive large amounts of L1 and L1 impacted L2 input. Production is tested in free speech, while perception is tested in a highly controlled phonetic categorisation task. The findings suggest that all speakers have managed to acquire the distinction between these similar vowel sets, and that there are significant correlations between their production and perception of these vowels. The distribution of these correlations suggests that vowel perception is dependent on the context in which the vowel is presented, and that slightly different mental representations of vowel categories exist for production and perception, with production indicating that the acquisition of the vowel categories is robust enough to allow for the development of expectations in perception. 14 Een zoete verleiding. Hoe een fotoroman kan helpen de communicatie over diabetes effectiever te maken Evelien Duizer GN4 Empirisch onderzoek laat zien dat fotoromans effectieve gezondheidscommunicatiemiddelen kunnen zijn voor laaggeletterden. In dit onderzoek is in een experiment de effectiviteit van een fotoroman voor Nederlandstalige laaggeletterden onderzocht. Bovendien zijn verklaringen gezocht voor de mogelijke effecten van de fotoroman door die in verband te brengen met een theoretisch model voor de persuasieve werking van narratieven, het Entertainment Overcoming Resistance Model (EORM) van Moyer-Gusé (2008). Centraal stond de fotoroman Zoete verleiding, een naar het Nederlands vertaalde versie van de in Amerika ontwikkelde diabetesfotoroman Sweet Temptations. Een groep van in totaal 92 laaggeletterde respondenten kreeg ofwel de fotoroman, ofwel een traditionele non-narratieve brochure ofwel niets (controlegroep) te lezen. Uit de resultaten bleek dat zowel de fotoroman als de brochure een significante stijging in gedragsintenties tot stand bracht, maar dat de fotoroman tot significant meer diabeteskennis leidde. Het EORM bleek echter geen goede verklaring te bieden voor de waargenomen persuasieve effecten. De onderliggende overtuigingsmechanismen van de fotoroman blijven dus nog onduidelijk. 15 Registratie / Registration (Foyer Gymnasion) 10:00 – 10:10 Opening Juniorendag 2015 (GN3) 10:10 – 10:55 Plenaire sessie 1: Prof. dr. Asli Ozyurek Grounding language: Multimodal language, communication and cognition (GN3) Language acquisition (GN1) Figures of speech (GN2) Grammar (GN4) Sessie 1 The acquisition of the Dutch pronoun ER and the French How a virus/beast affects our opinions (or not): the role The productivity of diminutive formation in Dutch: 11:00 – 11:30 pronoun EN of extendedness in metaphorical framing The exceptional case of /ətjə/ Sanne Berends et al. Gudrun Reijnierse et al. Tiffany Boersma Sessie 2 Prosodic and lexicosyntactic cues in turn prediction by Dutch Hyperbole Identification Procedure (HIP): an Linguistic relativity of motion events: walking down 11:30 – 12:00 and English toddlers introduction the cline Imme Lammertink et al. Kiki Renardel de Lavalette et al. Pablo C. Bernabeu Sessie 3 The effects of task-induced involvement load and word Weight is importance: how different age groups think Where linguistic ingenuity meets technological 12:00 – 12: 30 exposure frequency on L2 incidental vocabulary learning * metaphorically about importance innovation: non-standard spelling and grammar in Zuzana van Polen Brenda van den Broek et al. Dutch youngsters’ written computer-mediated communication Lieke Verheijen 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch & Postersessie / Lunch & Poster session (Foyer Gymnasion) Kinderen en taal (GN1) Language variation / L2 acquisition (GN2) Communication (GN4) Sessie 4 Tegen de stroom in? Horende ouders van dove kinderen die Correlated production and perception of similar L2 Een zoete verleiding. Hoe een fotoroman kan helpen 14:00 – 14:30 kiezen voor Vlaamse Gebarentaal vowels: categorical dominance as an indication of de communicatie over diabetes effectiever te maken* Goedele Debeerst Eveline Duizer robust acquisition Amber Nota Sessie 5 Verrassend taalgebruik, hoe vaak komt dat nou voor? The efficacy of subtitles. Three different subtitling In Concreto 14:30 – 15:00 Ineke Visser conditions to enhance FL vocabulary knowledge* Jochem Aben & Emma Turkenburg Monique Bos Sessie 6 Communicatieve intentie in Infant Directed Speech: The postfield in Cité Duits: syntactic variation in inThe older patient’s perspective on doctor-patient 15:00 – 15:30 gendereffecten van ouder en kind group speech communication: focus group discussions in the Floor Arts Nantke Pecht Netherlands and Hungary Ruth Koops van ’t Jagt 15:30 – 16:00 Koffie & thee / Coffee & tea (Foyer Gymnasion) 16.00 – 16:45 Plenaire sessie 2: Prof. dr. Hans Hoeken Narrative impact: How stories influence our opinions and behavior (GN3) 16:45 – 17:30 Borrel & Uitreiking scriptieprijs en posterprijs / Drinks & Award ceremony thesis and poster award (Foyer Gymnasion) * Genomineerde scriptieprijs 9:30 – 10:00 Sessie 5 – 14:30-15:00 GN Verrassend taalgebruik, hoe vaak komt dat nou voor? Een onderzoek naar het gebruik van stijlkenmerken in navertellingen van basisschoolleerlingen in groep 5 tot en met 8 Ineke Visser (Tilburg University) GN1 Over hoe stijlkenmerken gebruikt worden door basisschoolleerlingen in geschreven teksten en hoe zich dit ontwikkelt met verloop van tijd is nog weinig bekend. In eerder onderzoek naar schrijfvaardigheid in groep 5 en 8 scoren leerlingen slecht op het gebruik van stijlmiddelen in verhalen (Cito, 2013). In het huidige onderzoek is bij leerlingen in de bovenbouw van de basischool gekeken hoe vaak zij in navertellingen de volgende twaalf stijlkenmerken gebruiken: vooropplaatsing/herhaling, expliciet spreken, impliciet spreken, denken, emoties, geluidseffecten, globaal vertelkader, moraal/wijze les, alwetende verteller, retorische vraag, exclamaties en verrassend taalgebruik. De navertelling is een tekstgenre dat in 2009 door het Cito niet onderzocht is. In het huidige onderzoek is dit tekstgenre juist onderzocht omdat het lijkt op een narratief, maar leerlingen hoeven bij een navertelling niet zelf te verzinnen wat er gebeurt in het verhaal. Mogelijk faciliteert dit het gebruik van stijlkenmerken bij basisschoolleerlingen. Een resultaat van het huidige onderzoek is onder meer dat sommige stijlkenmerken wel degelijk meer gebruikt worden door leerlingen dan andere stijlkenmerken. Desalniettemin is er tussen leerlingen onderling nog veel verschil in het gebruik van deze stijlkenmerken. Literatuur Cito. (2013). Balans van de schrijfvaardigheid in het basis- en speciaal basisonderwijs 2. Arnhem: Stichting Cito Instituut voor Toetsontwikkeling The efficacy of subtitles. Three subtitling conditions to enhance FL vocabulary knowledge Monique Bos GN2 The study attempts to answer the question whether there is a subtitling condition that proves most effective for foreign language vocabulary acquisition. This is a relevant question for today’s language education since film has gained popularity here and research needs to be done how best to present students with film so that the (vocabulary) learning effects are the greatest. To answer this question, Dutch university students were asked to participate in an experiment in which they had to do a vocabulary test, watch a film fragment while their eyes were tracked by an eye-tracker, and do another vocabulary test. Students were divided over three subtitling conditions (English audio, Dutch subtitles; English audio, English subtitles; Dutch audio, English subtitles) and a control condition with English audio without subtitles. It was expected that most vocabulary knowledge was 17 gained in the Dutch audio with English subtitles condition (Danan, 1992). Yet, the experiment did not generate data towards the exceeding efficacy of any of the subtitling conditions. Hints of greater accuracy in writing, however, was found when students were exposed to English subtitles. References Danan, M. (1992). Reversed subtitling and dual coding theory: New directions for foreign language instruction. Language Learning, 55(4), 497-527. In Concreto Jochem Aben & Emma Turkenburg(Radboud Universiteit) GN4 Concreetheid is een belangrijk instrument gebleken om de begrijpelijkheid en aantrekkelijkheid van teksten te verbeteren. Studies naar de concreetheid van woorden geven geen theoretisch aantrekkelijke verklaringen voor dit effect, een situatie die de interne validiteit van experimenteel onderzoek naar effecten van concreetheid en tekstbegrip negatief beïnvloedt. In een grootschalig onderzoek werden de concreetheidsscores voor 2.011 woorden verzameld, alsook de scores voor specificiteit, begrijpelijkheid, zintuiglijke waarneembaarheid en tekenbaarheid, gescoord door tien beoordelaars. De resultaten zijn geanalyseerd in regressiemodellen en gerelateerd aan de concreetheidsscores die Brysbaert et al. (2014) verzamelden. De resultaten lieten zien dat concreetheid met name wordt voorspeld door zintuiglijke waarneembaarheid en dat de voorspellingsmodellen voor concreetheid afhankelijk zijn van woordsoort (zelfstandig naamwoord, werkwoord, bijvoeglijk naamwoord). Onze bevindingen kunnen bijdragen aan de toekomstige vormgeving van experimentele teksten. 18 Sessie 6 – 15:00-15:30 GN Communicatieve intentie in Infant Directed Speech: gendereffecten van ouder en kind Floor Arts (Radboud Universiteit) GN1 Ik heb gekeken naar Infant Directed Speech (IDS), oftewel spraak van ouders tegen hun baby’s, met als relatief nieuwe aspecten IDS door vaders en Nederlandse IDS. Ik heb onderzocht of er m.b.t. de communicatieve intentie in IDS gendereffecten zijn van ouder (d.w.z. verschillen tussen vaders en moeders) en kind (d.w.z. verschillen tussen zoons en dochters). Communicatieve intentie omvatte vijf aspecten: Positieve/negatieve emotie, Sterkte van emotie, Mate van aandacht vragen, Mate van geruststelling/troost en Mate van gedrag sturen. 30 proefpersonen kregen 20 toonhoogtecontouren te horen, die zij beoordeelden op de sterkte van iedere intentie. De scores werden per toonhoogtecontour gemiddeld over alle proefpersonen, zodat één score per toonhoogtecontour per schaal overbleef. Hierop voerde ik een tweewegMANOVA uit met SexParent en SexChild als onafhankelijke between-subjects variabelen. Daaruit bleek een effect van het geslacht van de ouder: moeders klonken significant positiever, lieten een sterkere emotie naar voren komen en vroegen meer aandacht van hun kind dan vaders. Er was echter geen effect van het geslacht van het kind: de intenties tegen zoons en dochters waren niet significant verschillend. De resultaten suggereren dat Nederlandse ouders geen duidelijk onderscheid maken in hun Infant Directed Speech tussen zoons en dochters. Mogelijke verklaringen hiervoor zijn zeer uiteenlopend. Speaking Cité Duits in a Limburgian coalminers’ neighborhood: The use of the postfield Nantke Pecht (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg) GN2 This contribution provides an account of how former coalminers in Limburg (B) speak amongst each other a hybrid German-Dutch-Limburg-dialect way of speaking, labeled Cité Duits. By analyzing audio data consisting of natural-like occurring interactions (approx. 190 minutes), this presentation scrutinizes selected syntactical patterns that are characteristic for their in-group speech. The focus is on the use of the ‘postfield’, i.e. the positioning of verb-free elements after the closure of the potential right verbal bracket: (1) a. die jetz sin verHEIrat mit an POLnische, b. ‘he is now married to a Polish [woman]’ Whereas in German the removal of a constituent from the verbal bracket usually leads to a marked structure, Dutch is more flexible. It can be shown that Cité Duits has developed particular constructions that occur neither in spoken German nor Dutch. Not only facultative and obligatory prepositional phrases, but also nominal 19 phrases and adverbs are placed after the right bracket. Secondly, despite the different mother tongues of the speakers, only slight individual variability can be observed. The findings suggest that we are dealing with an own way of speaking, where social context plays a crucial role for the development of these structures. The older patient’s perspective on doctor-patient communication: focus group discussions in the Netherlands and Hungary Ruth Koops van ’t Jagt (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) GN4 Older adults are frequently affected by the negative consequences of limited health literacy (Zamora & Clingerman, 2011). Health literacy can be defined as the degree to which people are able to access, understand, appraise and communicate information, in order to engage with the demands of different health contexts so as to promote and maintain health across the life-course (Kwan et al., 2006). Doctor-patient communication is an essential element within health literacy research. However, the patient perspective on doctor-patient communication is underrepresented in most research. The General Practitioner (GP) is an important resource for older people and often the first professional health care provider they consult for their health problems (Bastiaens et al., 2007). In this study, we therefore conducted focus group discussions (in the Netherlands and in Hungary) with older adults with limited or marginal health literacy to elicit their views and perspectives on needs and barriers in communication with their GP. Identifying older adults’ barriers to participate and communicate during primary care consultations will aid in the appropriate development of patientcentered interventions to increase interactional and critical health literacy of older adults. The most important outcomes are discussed and a comparison between the Netherlands and Hungary is made. 20 Abstracts: Posterpresentaties Attributes selection in reference production: what we see? What we say? Xiaochen Zheng, Rein Cozijn, Martijn Goudbeek & Emiel Krahmer (Tilburg University) During natural language production, people often refer to the same object using different attributes. The Probabilistic model of overspecification (the PRO-model, van Gompel et al., 2012) proposes that speakers always select a property that is fully discriminating and may add other properties depending on preference and the eagerness to over-specify. Regarding the question of why speakers choose what to say, it is important to know what role attention plays in this conceptualization process. The current study applies eye-tracking methodology in a replication of the experiment by Gatt et al.(2011). 27 participants were recruited to complete a picture description task, where a) mentioning size is required to distinguish the target object; b) mentioning color is required; c) either size or color is required. Speech and eyemovement data were recorded and analyzed: high rates of color-overspecification were observed across conditions. In addition, a preliminary analysis of eyemovement data showed that when participants select size attributes to distinguish the target, more attention was paid on corresponding contrasting properties. Results are further discussed in the context of the PRO-model. The current study combines computational modeling and empirical language production and vision work, trying to bridge the gap between visual attention, psycholinguistics and computational linguistics. Migration, multilingualism and linguistic behaviour Elisa Candido (Udine, Italië) Aim of the (socio)linguistic research is to illustrate the linguistic behaviour of 64 non native speakers of Italian. Main question of the dissertation is Who speaks what language to whom, when, why, where and what will it lead to? All informants were born in Albania or Kosovo, are native speakers of Albanian and L2 speakers of Italian, and life in the same Italian town. They immigrated to Italy in different ages, stages of life and learned Italian either in a natural or educational setting. Results of the research show that these three criteria influenced the linguistic behaviour of the interviewees. The development of lexical stress production in babbling and early words: a comparison between typically developing and cochlear implanted children Ilke De Clerck (Universiteit Antwerpen) Research shows that the production of lexical stress guides phonological development. Yet, it remains to be shown if stress differences are already apparent in babbling. Congenitally deaf infants with cochlear implants (CI) might show deprived stress production because they have difficulties with perceiving F0. 21 This study measures the main cues of stress (mean F0, intensity and duration) in the stressed and unstressed vocals of disyllabic babbles and first words produced by normally hearing infants (n=9) and infants with CI (n=9). The analysis shows that there is no difference between the groups for the babbles. Whereas, when starting to produce words, the normally hearing infants differentiate more between stressed and unstressed syllables. This tendency is less definite in the group with CI. When entering the linguistic stage it appears that infants with CI show greater deficits in F0 production than their normally hearing peers. The same effect was found for intensity, but to a smaller extent. Duration remains unaffected. These results suggest that the use of meaningful words induce correct stress production in normally hearing children. Moreover, it is shown that a deprived perception of F0 is translated into less differentiated F0 production when infants enter the linguistic stage. Accuracy of cochlear implanted children: influence of target word complexity and target word syllable length Jolien Faes (Universiteit Antwerpen) We studied speech accuracy in the spontaneous speech of children with cochlear implants (CI). We followed 9 young implanted CI children longitudinally up to age 5. In nonword repetition tasks, speech accuracy of both normally hearing and CI children is affected by target word syllable length and target word complexity. Do both factors also influence speech accuracy in the spontaneous speech of CI children? Next, both hearing experience and age at implantation are reported to affect language development in CI children. How do they influence accuracy development? Results suggest that speech accuracy of CI children increases with increasing hearing experience. No effect of age at implant activation is found, but with hearing experience, accuracy increases more rapidly in children with later implant activation. Accuracy decreases with increasing target word complexity and with increasing target word syllable length. Thus, in the spontaneous speech of CI children, speech accuracy is lower in more complex target words and in longer target words. However, the decrease of speech accuracy with increasing target word complexity and target word syllable length is less steep for later implanted children and the influence of both factors decreases when children have more hearing experience. Vergemakkelijkt IDS het leren van de fonemen /E/ en /ae/ bij Nederlandse volwassenen? Lisa Rommers (Radboud Universiteit) Een hoge toonhoogte, overdreven toonhoogtecontouren en een lange duur zijn de aandachtstrekkende kenmerken van infant directed speech (IDS) (Soderstrom, 2007). Meer aandacht kan voor beter leren zorgen en de aandachtstrekkende kenmerken van IDS vereenvoudigen het discrimineren van bekende foneemcontrasten (Trainor & Desjardins, 2002). Niet eerder is onderzocht of de 22 aandachtstrekkende kenmerken van IDS het leren van nieuwe foneemcontrasten vergemakkelijken. In het huidige onderzoek kregen veertig proefpersonen een bimodaal gedistribueerd spraakcontinuüm aangeboden in IDS of ADS (adult directed speech), lopend van het foneem /E/ tot het foneem /ae/. Dit is een Engels foneemcontrast dat moeilijk te horen is voor Nederlandse luisteraars. Voor en na deze training werd een categorisatie ABX-taak afgenomen met hetzelfde continuüm als gebruikt in de training. De categorisatiecurve in de IDS trainingsgroep was significant steiler in de natest dan de voortest (gemiddelde voortest= .992, sd= .467; gemiddelde natest= 1.727, sd= .776). Het verschil in steilheid tussen de voor- en natest was niet significant in de ADS trainingsgroep (gemiddelde voortest= .992, sd= .467; gemiddelde natest= 1.415, sd= .587). Pairwise comparisons gaven echter geen significant verschil tussen de natesten van beide trainingsgroepen (F(1,30)= 1.611, p= .214). Vervolgonderzoek kan uitwijzen of de aandachtstrekkende IDS-kenmerken het foneem leren bij baby’s wel vergemakkelijken. VALILEX - Theoretical and empirical validation of lexical competence in English and French within the Common European Framework of Reference Ann-Sophie Noreillie & Britta Kestemont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) The language-neutral Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Council of Europe, 2001) is probably one of the most influential document for educational language policy in Europe. It describes language tasks and linguistic competences for any European language and links them to six levels of language proficiency (from A1 to C2). However, the CEFR and RLDs, the language-specific descriptions, have been criticized for lacking a theoretical and empirical basis (Alderson, 2007; Hulstijn, 2014; Kuiken et al., 2010). Therefore, two PhD-projects – one focusing on English, the other on French – would like to contribute to an empirical and theoretical validation of the CEFR by combining a corpus-based and expert-judged approach (Bardel et al., 2012) and by taking into account Hulstijn’s theory of language proficiency (2011). Specifically, we will first determine the shared vocabulary for listening and speaking among native speakers for communicative settings described by the A1 and B1 CEFR-levels. Next, we aim to determine the lexical competence (= vocabulary size and lexical items) needed for learners of English and French to successfully perform listening and speaking tasks at these two CEFR-levels. Finally, we aim to determine whether the communicative activities at these two levels share a common vocabulary in two typologically different languages. 23 Publishing in DuJAL – for all presenters Dear presenters of the Juniorendag, The Anéla/ABLA journal Dutch Journal in Applied Linguistics focuses on promoting Dutch and Belgian work in applied linguistics. In particular, it wants to offer a platform to young researchers in applied linguistics. All presenters of the Juniorendag, including those who present a poster, are welcome to submit a paper. More information on the how and when will follow shortly via email. We hope that many of you will use this opportunity to submit their papers. 24 E-mailadressen Plenaire lezingen Naam E-mailadres Affiliatie Prof. dr. Asli Ozyurek [email protected] MPI for Psycholinguistics Prof. dr. Hans Hoeken [email protected] Radboud Universiteit Presentatoren (mondelinge presentaties) Naam E-mailadres Affiliatie Nantke Pecht [email protected] Pablo C Bernabeu [email protected] Floor Arts [email protected] Radboud Universiteit Tiffany Boersma [email protected] Kiki Renardel de Lavalette [email protected] l Universiteit van Amsterdam ACLC Brenda van den Broek [email protected] Tilburg University Amber Nota [email protected] University of Groningen Ineke Visser [email protected] Tilburg University Imme Lammertink [email protected] Radboud Universiteit Goedele Debeerst [email protected] KU Leuven Ruth Koops van ’t Jagt [email protected] University of Groningen Jochem Aben [email protected] Radboud Universiteit Sanne Berends [email protected] Universteit van Amsterdam – ACLC Lieke Verheijen [email protected] Radboud Universiteit Gudrun Reijnierse [email protected] Universiteit van Amsterdam Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg Tilburg University & Radboud University Nijmegen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Genomineerden scriptieprijs Zuzana van Polen [email protected] Universiteit van Amsterdam Eveliene Duizer [email protected] Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Monique Bos [email protected] Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Presentatoren (posters) Naam E-mailadres Affiliatie Xiaochen Zheng [email protected] Tilburg University Elisa Candido [email protected] Udine (Italië) Ilke De Clerck [email protected] Universiteit Antwerpen Jolien Faes [email protected] Universiteit Antwerpen 25 Lisa Rommers [email protected] Radboud Universiteit Ann-Sophie Noreillie & Britta Kestemont [email protected] KU Leuven 26 Adres en routebeschrijving Locatie Juniorendag 2015 Radboud Universiteit, Gymnasion Zie de achterzijde van het programmaboekje voor een plattegrond. Adres Radboud Universiteit Gymnasion Heyendaalseweg 141 6525 AJ Nijmegen www.ru.nl Routebeschrijving Met openbaar vervoer: Station Nijmegen Heyendaal ligt op loopafstand van de universiteit; vanaf Nijmegen Centraal rijden bussen in ongeveer tien minuten naar het universiteitsterrein. Bus 10 (de Heyendaal Shuttle) rijdt in de spits elke paar minuten. Halte Erasmusgebouw is het dichtst bij het Gymnasion. Tweemaal per uur vertrekken er treinen vanaf het centraal station naar station Heyendaal (stoptreinen richting Boxmeer en Venray). Met de auto Vanaf alle invalswegen in Nijmegen is de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen aangegeven op de ANWB-wegwijzers. Op de campus Heyendaal moet betaald worden voor parkeren. Er is een parkeerplaats naast het Gymnasion. 27 Plattegrond Nijmegen 28