the Dutch Touch
the Dutch Touch
t h e D u t c h To u c h DUTCH CANADIAN CLUB (EDMONTON) October 2013 13312 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4T1 Phone: 780 452 2861 Eve g n i m o Upc nts CARD MAKING September 28, 2013 October 5, 19 & 26, 2013 KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENT October 20, 2013 DUTCH LANGUAGE CLASSES September 19 - November 7, 2013 MAGNUS MARTENSSON November 2, 2013 SCANDINAVIAN CHRISTMAS MARKET November 10, 2013 CHILDREN’S SINTERKLAAS PARTY December 1, 2013 NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY December 31, 2013 ... and Happy Halloween 1 October 2013 AB O U T TH E DU TC H T O U C H Index MEMBERSHIP DUES Our membership fees are per calendar year: January - December at the following rates: The Dutch Touch is a publication for the Dutch Canadian Club (Edmonton) 13312 - 142 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3 Clubroom phone: 780-452-2861 Ten monthly issues are published (from September to June) Family (with children under 18) Senior Family ! ! Single! ! ! Senior Single! ! Student ! ! ! $70.00 $60.00 $40.00 $35.00 $25.00 Please send your membership application or renewal with your name, address, phone number and email address to: Please submit your articles and news by the 20th of the month if you want them to appear in the next issue. Drop them off at the Club or mail them to the above address. Dutch Canadian Centre attn: Membership 13312 - 142 St NW Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3 You may also contact Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 [email protected] Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 [email protected] ADVERTISING For any changes and additions or deletions in your monthly ads, please contact Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 email: [email protected] Visit our website at: and “Like” us on Facebook for some of the latest news. The Dutch Touch is also available online on our website. Go to and click on DCC Activities, then on Current Events. You can have The Dutch Touch delivered to your email address in PDF format by contacting Lisa Putters with the email address you want it sent to. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome letters from our members regarding Club matters and concerns. Letters will be edited for grammatical errors and will be forwarded for comments to the appropriate departments. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. Please send them to the above address or to Jenny Smits: [email protected] ADVERTISING RATES (per issue) 1/8 page - $8.75 + GST 1/4 page - $17.50 + GST 1/2 page - $35.00 + GST 1 full page - $70.00 + GST MEMBERS PAGE INFORMATION Members of the Dutch Canadian Club can place their personal announcements and classified ads on the Members’ Page free of charge. We need your ad by the 20th of the month if you want your ad published in the next issue. If you have something for sale or are trying to find something or someone or if you have something to celebrate or share with our members you may use the Members’ Page to advertise at no cost to you. Contact: Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - [email protected] Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 - [email protected] 2 Bar U Ranch 14 Bustrip 2014 8 Calendar 20 Card Making Club 3 Contact info 19 DCC Auxiliary News 4 DCC Board news 3 Dutch Language Class 11 Editorial 3 Embassy News 15 History of Hotel 16 Regulations Klaverjas Club 4 Members Page 10 Music, Laughter & Wine 14 Nederlandstalige Top 10 13 Netherlands news 19 Quinoa 18 Sewing & Craft Circle 8 Stitch N Rip Club 4 Toddler Tunes Time 11 Volunteers 10 Wilem de Brave 17 Windmills 6 Upcoming events 1 EDIT ORIAL October 2013 Dear readers: This time of the year I love to go outside and admire the beautiful fall colors. If you go for a ride in the country you can see the harvesters and combines working hard to bring in the crops. On a much smaller scale we harvest our fruits and vegetables from our garden and get everything ready for winter again. Aris and I made a nice trip this September. We went to Waterton Park in Southern Alberta and found it to be a great destination for a bustrip. The weather was great and because of the abundant crop of berries we saw quite a few bears. All activities at the Dutch Canadian Centre are in full swing again and it is nice to see everyone back. There are many things going on during the week, and although there are not many special events coming up in the next few months, the regular clubs are going strong. There are some events organized by Scandinavian groups, that you might like to attend: on Saturday, Nov 2 Swedish born comedian/pianist Magnus Martensson will be performing at the Dutch Canadian Centre (more information on page 14) and the very popular Scandinavian Christmas Market will be held on November 10 this year. We wish you and your families and friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - [email protected] N E WS F ROM T HE BOARD There will be an increase of membership fees, for the calendar year January – December 2014 (this is due to increase costs of DCC building insurance, Building maintenance, utilities, printing of the Dutch Touch and postage and the list goes on). Family (with children under 18)! $70.00. up from $60.00 Senior Family !! ! ! $60.00. up from $50.00 Single! ! ! ! ! $40.00. up from $35.00 Senior Single! ! ! ! $35.00.up from $30.00 Student.! ! ! $25.00. up from $20.00 ! A compliment to Jenny and Lisa for the new look of the Dutch Touch, it looks great. Truus de Visser - 780-434-4133 - [email protected] N E WS F ROM T HE CLUBS CARD MAKING CLUB We had a very good time on September 14. We had lunch with all the volunteers from the garage sale and we had plenty of food. Thank you Pat for your help, it was great. Our next card making days are September 28, October 5, 19 and 26. Hope to see you all there. Ria Bok -780-472-2725 - [email protected] 3 N E WS F ROM T HE CLUBS DCC AUXILIARY A big thank you goes to John de Vos, for having been a member of the DCC Auxiliary. It is the DCC Auxiliary’s pleasure to welcome five new members: Pauline Commandeur, Ria Bok, Rina Brand, Vicky van der Kley and Judy Boekholt Due to schedule mix-up, the Children’s St. Nick party is now booked for DECEMBER 1ST, 2013, instead of December 8th as previously announced in the Dutch Touch. For registration of children aged 0 – 10, please contact Erica van Leeuwen at (780) 459-5367. Deadline for registering is November 14th, 2013 (NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED) Fees per Child: • $ 15.00 for members, • $ 20.00 for non-members. A big thank you to all volunteers, who helped out at the September 14th garage sale and to everyone who donated items. We had a profit of close to $ 400.00. Proceeds will go towards the children’s St. Nick party. Truus de Visser - 780-434-4133 - [email protected] KLAVERJAS CLUB & KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENT Our next Tournament will be held on Sunday October 20, starting at 1:30 pm. Everyone welcome! The winners from the last tournament are: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1st Erica van Leeuwen 2nd Piet van Papeveld 3rd Piet van Leeuwen Pieter Van Leeuwen - 780-453-5367 - [email protected] STITCH ‘N RIP CLUB October already, time is going too fast for me. Thank you Hillie for the yarn. Some of us are busy making toys, which is lots of fun to do, but why do we never like our own results? Something to think about. It was nice to see you all back again and with lots of ideas. That always helps. If anyone can donate some buttons, at least 4 of the same if possible we’d like to hear from you. I hope you all are enjoying the nice weather! See you on Mondays from 12 till 3 pm and please bring your own lunch. Edith Van Leeuwen - 780-489-8404 - [email protected] 4 “Quality is found in handcraftmanship, it can never be duplicated by means of mass production” At Old to New Cabinets & Woodworking we offer our clients complete home renovations. We specialize in custom cabinetry and offer all services from flooring to framing. Our dedicated Craftsmen will work hard to create cabinetry that fits your unique style and budget without sacrificing on quality. We work with any space to provide you with cabinet solutions that are not only pleasing to the eye but fully functioning as well. We are a custom cabinet shop so we make every inch and every corner work for you. Old to New is your one stop home renovation solution! Call us at 780-416-5551 to book your free in home appointment. Or visit us online at FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS. DUTCH CONSULATE REALTOR® Website: CALL AN AWARD WINNING, PROFESSIONAL, FULL-TIME Frank Vanderbleek 780-431-5600 [email protected] “Serving You Since 1992!” Top 5% of Edmonton Realtors 2007-2012 2012 5 Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and all Dutch and Canadian Holidays. Appointment only. Address: 2nd floor of the Bonnie Doon Shopping Center, Suite 257, 8330-82 Avenue Edmonton AB, T6C 0Y6. Phone 780-428-7513 Fax: 780-424-2053 email: [email protected] N E WS F ROM T HE CLUBS THE WINDMILLS Have you ever thought to yourself you could get so much more accomplished if only there were a few more hours in the day? Well, you’re kind of in luck. Scientists say that a few million years ago the average Earth day was 20 hours long. Using this theory, in a million years from now they predict there will be 27 hours in a day. For now though, you’ll have to settle for better time management of the 24 hours you have available. As you may have already noticed, September was one of the busiest months of the year for many. The traditional vacation season is over. Everyone is back to work. The kids have returned to school. Only December compares with the frenzy! Do you have a lot on the go this month as well? If so, I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Some of our upcoming activities are listed below: October 31, 2013 ! ! ! ! ! December 5, 2013 Halloween. We will have prizes for costumes for best man, woman & couple. Let’s get working on our costumes. ! Hopefully Sinterklaas will visit us. December 19, 2013 ! Annual Christmas dinner. January 9, 2014 Winter season starts. !! February 13, 2014 March 13, 2014 ! !! Valentine’s Day. St. Patrick’s Day. April 17, 2014 ! ! Easter lunch. May 01, 2014 ! ! Orange Day. May 29, 2014 ! ! Windup BBQ Happy Birthday to everyone having a Birthday this month and to all our friends feeling under the weather we send you hugs and prayers from all your Windmill friends. I neglected to thank our summer volunteers last month and I’m sorry. We could not have been open every week without all your help. Also thank you to all out September volunteers. October in the Netherlands is characterized by falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing from 17C to 12C over the course of the month, exceeding 20C or dropping below 8C only one day in ten. Did you know Schiphol Airport, near Amsterdam, is a European hub. It is one of the biggest international airports in the world, and a point of interest in itself, being 4 meters below sea level (the name is derived from “ship hole” since Schiphol is built in a drained lake). Please feel free to bring a friend, as we are always open to new or returning friends, and please keep thinking about the bus trip. Judy Boekholt – 780-467-3701 – [email protected] 6 Golden Hour Clock Shop 10040 - 164 Street EDMONTON, AB T5P 4Y3 Phone 780-489-0171 Fax: 780-489-1847 Award Winning Gouda from the Heart of Alberta! 2009 Canadian Champion Smoked Gouda medium Old Grizzle ex. aged gouda Gruyere medium (Swiss) The 2011 Canadian Champion Spiced Herbs & Garlic Gouda 2012 World Champion Smoked Gouda 2nd Award Silver 2013 Canadian Champion Old Grizzly Artistic Old Grizzly Gouda Ex. Aged Hess & Ronnie Nyenhuis Available at Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market Edmonton every Saturday from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. SERVING EDMONTON & AREA FOR OVER 40 YEARS Free shipment across Canada, shipment by mail in 4 kg or 8 kg boxes. Order by phone, fax, online or visit our own store in Red Deer (Mon.-Sat. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm). Closed on Mondays GUARANTEED CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIR by appointment only Sylvan “Star” Cheese ltd. Phone: (403) 340-1560 Fax: (403) 342 6831 RR #1, Site 6, Box 31, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 web: email: [email protected] Victoria Fancy Sausage (2007) Ltd Enjoy an old world feel: many Dutch products including Croquettes, Frikandellen, Rookworst and our delicious Metworst. Visit our candy section for the sweet or salty tastes, or browse our huge deli with Dutch liver sausage and imported Gouda Cheese. BEN’S MEATS & DELI Family owned and operated since 1953 6508—118 Ave Edmonton AB 780-471-2283Email: [email protected] & Jackie Snyder 15726 Stony Plain Road Edmonton AB T5P 3Z5 PH: (780) 489-1424 Fax: (780) 409-8236 CLASSIC EUROPEAN ANTIQUES 7000. Sq. Ft . Hidden Antiques & Collectibles treasures New Shipment has arrived April 9/13 Open House & Streetwide yard sale Sundays June 2, July 21, August 15. Concession on site. 10:00—4:00 - 10% off all inventory. No cost for vendor. CONTACT ANNEKE: 780-482-4414 Come and visit us for our large assortment of Dutch items, as well as sliced deli meats and fresh meat products!! We are the supplier for the Dutch Cell . 780-699-7839 Hours: Tuesday to Friday 11:00—5:00. Saturday 10:00-4:00. Sunday 11:00-4:00 13314-126 Ave . Edmonton Canadian Club’s famous Croquettes!! 7 N E WS F R O M T HE CLUBS SEWING AND CRAFT CIRCLE We’re back at work every Tuesday from 10:00 am until about 3:00 pm. The boardroom tables are covered in all kinds of craft and sewing materials and projects and everyone is working on their own project. We welcome Coby, Vicky and Pat to our group of regulars, they are a very welcome addition. We also invite others to come and join us. If you can’t make it every week, no problem, drop in whenever you can. Quilting Workshop If you are interested in a two-day (Monday & Tuesday) quilting workshop under the guidance of Trudy Moulyn, please contact me. We are planning to have at least one during the fall and winter months. Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - [email protected] BUSTRIP 2014 - WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK Dates: May 27, 28 & 29, 2014 (Tuesday-Thursday) Destination: Waterton Lakes National Park Cost: $260.00 Itinerary: Day 1 - Leave DCC at 8:00 am; Lunch in Calgary at 11:30; Arrive in Waterton Lakes National Park at 5:00 pm. Accommodation for 2 nights at the Bayshore Inn Resort & Spa, the only hotel located on the shores of Waterton Lake; supper 6:30 pm in one of the hotel’s restaurants. Day 2 - Breakfast at the Bayshore Inn restaurant; 10:00 am: Cruise from Canada to the USA with Waterton Cruise Co.; 12:30 return - lunch in one of the Waterton restaurants of your choice; 2:00 pm - optional bus tour to either Red Rock Canyon or Cameron Lake; supper 6:00 pm; possible nature talk to follow. Day 3 - Breakfast from 7:00 - 8:00; leave Waterton Lakes National Park at 8:30 am; arrive at Bar U Ranch National Historic Site of Canada at 11:00 where we will enjoy a tour and lunch; leave Bar U Ranch at 1:30 pm; arrive at Sylvan Lake at 5:00 pm - supper at Pier 7 Restaurant. Return to DCC around 9:00 pm. Included in your price are: 2 nights accommodation (based on double occupancy); 2 breakfasts; lake cruise; Bar U fee and tour; one dinner in Waterton and tip for busdriver. Not included: 1st day breakfast and lunch, 2nd day lunch and supper, 3rd day lunch and supper. To reserve your seat on the bus we need a deposit of $50.00. Non-members are welcome too, so please spread the word. 8 Daylight Savings Time ends on November 3. Time to set your clock back one hour. For Weddings, Anniversaries, Company Parties, Reunions, Dances etc. (Club members and ESCA members receive a discount on the rental) 780-984-4569 Frank Stolk DUTCH CANADIAN CENTRE 13312—142 Street, Edmonton, AB Van Sloten's Bakery and Cakes by Janna 12418 - 118 Avenue Fresh Cakes made to Order (780) 455-5855 Wedding Cakes are our Specialty Inquiries Welcome Willem Hubben Certified Denturist NEW DENTURES RELINES REPAIRS WEDDING CAKES BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 6005 - 120 Avenue • Phone: 780-479-8377 9 members page Loes van Beek and family would like to thank all those who attended the funeral of Please note: The children’s St. Nicholas Party will be held on December 1, not December 8. You have to register your children before November 15 to attend the party. More information on page 4 (DCC Auxiliary) Jo van Beek, who passed away on August 9, 2013. Special thanks to the DCC Auxiliary for the wonderful luncheon after the service. THANK YOU the Van Beek family BEDSPREAD RAFFLE Thank you Frank Stolk for putting up the screen for Jo Van Beek’s Video. Tickets for our Bedspread Raffle will be available until December 5, 2013. Draw will take place at the Windmills Sinterklaas Party on December 5, 2013 Ray Murphy Tickets are $2.00 each Proceeds are for the Children’s St. Nicholas Party on December 1, 2013 If you would like a book of 10 tickets to sell to your family, friends and neighbors, please contact Jenny Smits (780-473-0905) There are three prizes: THANK YOU garage sale volunteers. Your help was very much appreciated. 1. Hand crocheted Bedspread, queen size, donated by Truus de Visser 2. Baby quilt, donated by Trudy Moulyn 3. Dutch Basket - a basket with a variety of typical Dutch items donated by the Sewing & Craft Circle. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES This month we are looking for the following volunteers: Every Thursday Afternoon - Windmills Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve lunches. You can sign up for the week of your choice. 10 Dutch Language Classes Fall 2013 This is an 8 week class that will run on Thursday from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm starting on September 19, 2013. Prepare yourself for 8 weeks of fun filled evenings learning the basics of conversational Dutch and to delve into a bit of the Dutch Culture. The class will be held at the Dutch Canadian Centre, 13312-142 Street. The focus of the class will be to learn how to have a conversation with various people in different settings. We will provide many opportunities to practise in the classroom. If you would like to learn more about the language of your parents or grandparents or if you are planning a trip to The Netherlands in the near future, taking this class would be a wonderful way to brush up on your Dutch language skills! We would like to have 10-15 people register in the class so don’t hesitate to sign up! Registration fees are as follows: Dutch Canadian members: $70.00 Non-members: $80.00 Materials: The materials will be available in the classroom. The class will be taught through PowerPoint presentations so please come prepared with writing utensils and a notebook/binder/paper to get the most out of your lessons. If you have further questions regarding the course, please feel free to contact Nadine Silveira at: [email protected] or (780) 570-2232 If you will be joining us for this class please email me with a confirmation. Thank you, Nadine Silveira - 780-570-2232 [email protected] TODDLER TUNES TIME Do you have small children or grandchildren? Do you want them to learn to speak some Dutch and sing some Dutch songs? Do you want to learn with them? Do you want to get out of the house and visit with others with similar goals? We have a solution for all of these questions. A new drop-in group at the DCC targeted to children ages five and under, including infants. It will be a casual, fun group (meaning you can show up late and frazzled with mismatched socks and no one will mind) where the first 15-30 minutes will be typically spent singing Dutch songs that kids will be able to dance to, or with actions to follow. We can certainly sing in any language, so it could be English but other favourites as well. Following the singing, we'll bring out the toy boxes and the kids can enjoy play time while the adults can have coffee and chat, or get down and play too. The format is very flexible, so any suggestions are most welcome. There are similar programs in other communities locally, but none in Dutch, that we are copying to create our own plan. We believe a weekday morning from about 9:30-11:00 or from 10:00-11:30 would work best. What do you think? What day do you prefer? If you are interested in participating, please contact Fenna Poelzer at [email protected]. We don't need huge numbers to get started, just a few families looking for “gezellige” activities." 11 Pictures by Bert van der Werf If you have been at the club lately you may have noticed the “Windmill Repair Team” and the work that has been done to our windmill. With the help of an aerial platform the crew did some painting and shingling and it looks as good as new again. Great job guys! 12 PROGRESSIVE Dennis Stolzmann Realty Executives Progressive Serving Edmonton and Area ! ! ! ! Phone: Fax: Email: ! website: 780-908-6651 780-244-3530 [email protected] Call today for your free market evaluation Ne d erl a n d s t a l i g e T op 1 0 Se pte mber 14, 2 0 1 3 1 Frans Bauer Doe nou niet 2 Henk Bernard Hou me nog een keertje vast 3 Maaike Ouboter Dat ik je mis 4 Gebroeders Ko Ik ben verliefd, maar niet op jou 5 Glennis Nielson & Miss Montreal Hoe 6 Django Wagner Wij dansen samen de bossa nova 7 Jeroen van der Boom Beter laat dan nooit 8 Henk Damen Kus me kus me 9 Wudstik Omarm 10 Rein Mercha Jouw ogen 'Doe Nou Niet' is volgens Frans Bauer min of meer per toeval ontstaan. "Ik was die dag bezig met het schrijven van liedjes, maar niet met dit liedje. Mijn kinderen waren continu aan het stoeien met elkaar, dus ik riep continu 'kappen nou, doe nou niet, stop ermee'. Een paar dagen later luisterde ik de memo terug en hoorde ik me steeds de boel sussen. Toen heb ik er een andere draai aan gegeven. Het is dus ontstaan tijdens een hele drukke Bauer-familiedag." 13 BAR U RANCH NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE Set in the rolling foothills of the Rockies, the Bar U Ranch is the only National Historic Site to commemorate the history and importance of ranching in Canada. The site has many historic building and structures, illustrating various stages of ranching development and is rich in cultural landscape features. The Bar U Ranch was one of a small group of very large corporate ranches in Western Canada. From 1882 to 1950 it was one of the foremost ranching operations in Canada. While most of the large ranches of the 1880s went out of business in the early 20th century, the Bar U has survived until the present day. This long history, populated along the way by colorful characters like former slave John Ware and the outlaw The Sundance Kid, and the structures from the late 19th and early 20th centuries provide a direct link with the early years of ranching in Alberta. A visitor orientation centre and vibrant living history program interpret a time when the West was young.The Visitor Orientation Centre houses a reception area, a range land exhibit, a theatre featuring the site’s award winning history video The Mighty Bar U, a gift shop and the Bar U Cafe. The Bar U Cafe welcomes you with the aroma of fresh baked goods. The menu offers homemade ranch meals such as homemade soup, biscuits and homemade burgers. The Bar U Ranch is located approximately 95 km south of Calgary on Highway 22, the Cowboy Trail, just South of Longview. Skandia 549, Vasa Order of America hosts Magnus Martensson. MUSIC, LAUGHTER AND WINE EVENING Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013 Swedish born conductor Magnus Martensson turned into a comedian/pianist during a concert at Victor Borge Hall in New York City. Critics have called his act both “hilarious” and “clever.” Cocktails at 7:00 Performance at 7:30 Open-faced sandwiches, desserts, coffee at intermission Dutch Canadian Center 13312 142 Street All Scandinavians and friends are invited to this fun event! Adult $30.00 Youth 8-14 $15.00 Children under 8 free. For tickets call Ruth 780-237-6730 Dolores 780-200-6300 Reserved seating for tables of 8. $5.00 for drinks, $2.00 for pop. Hope you can join the party. 14 Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands PRESS RELEASE August 29, 2013 CEES KOLE IS THE NEW DUTCH AMBASSADOR TO CANADA His Excellency Cees Kole is the new ambassador to Canada and is with great enthusiasm looking forward to working with Canadians. Earlier this week the incoming Dutch ambassador presented his Letters of Credence to Governor General His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston at Rideau Hall (Ottawa). Netherlands Ambassador Cees Kole and GovernorGeneral Johnston at Rideau Hall after the presentation of the Letters of Credence on August 27 (2013). Photo credits: MCpl Vincent Carbonneau (Rideau Hall). Ambassador Kole will be representing the Netherlands in Canada and expresses his wish to further enhance the good relationship between the Netherlands and Canada and to explore new opportunities in the fields of trade, science, technology, and culture. He continues to maintain the strong bond of friendship between the two countries. Ambassador Kole joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1984. In the period 1985-1995 he held postings at the Netherlands Embassy in Warsaw, the Queen’s Cabinet and the Ministry in The Hague. Subsequently, Mr. Cees Kole functioned as a policy officer at the Netherlands Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels, as the Deputy Head of Mission of the Netherlands Embassy in Paris en was prior to this posting Ambassador of the Netherlands in Iran. Ambassador Kole succeeds His Excellency Wim Geerts as the new Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Canada. Ambassador Kole is the 19th Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Canada. For more information, please contact the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Anna Rijk, Senior Advisor Public Diplomacy, Press and Culture 613-670 6031 (office) or 613 218 7451 (mobile) [email protected] [email protected] T is for the trust the pilgrims had so many years ago H is for the harvest the settlers learnt to grow A is for America, the land in which we live N is for nature and beauty which she gives K is for kindness, gentle words, thoughtful deeds S is for smiles, the sunshine everyone needs G is for gratitude... our blessings big and small I is for ideas, letting wisdom grow tall V is for voices, singing, laughing, always caring I is for Indians, who taught them about sharing N is for neighbors, across the street, over the sea G is for giving of myself to make a better me 15 HISTORIC HOTEL REGULATIONS Taken from: The Whoop-Up Trail: Early days in Alberta and Montana by Gerald L. Berry. Published in 1995 by Lethbridge Historical Society and available at the Fort MacLeod Museum Hotel regulations adopted unanimously by the proprietor - September 1, 1882 A.D. 1. Guest will be provided with breakfast and dinner, but must rustle their own lunch. 2. Spiked boots and spurs must be removed at night before retiring. Dogs are not allowed in the bunks, but may sleep underneath. 3. Candles, hot water and other luxuries charged extra, also towels and soap. Towels changed weekly. 4. Insect powder for sale at the bar. 5. Crap, Chuck-luck, Stud Horse Poker and Black Jack games are run by the management. 6. Every known fluid (water excepted) for sale at the bar. 7. A deposit must be made before towels, soap or candles can be carried to rooms. When boarders are leaving, a rebate will be made on all candles or parts of candles not burned or eaten. 8. Two or more persons must sleep on one bed when requested to do so by the management. 9. No more than one dog allowed to be kept in each single room. 10. Baths furnished free down at the river, but bathers must furnish their own soap and towels. 11. No kicking regarding the quality or quantity of meals will be allowed. Those who do not like the provender will get out, or will be put out. Assaults on the cook are strictly prohibited. 12. Quarrelsome or boisterous persons, also those who shoot off without provocation guns or other explosive weapons on the premises, and all boarders who get killed will not be allowed to remain in the house. When guests find themselves or their baggage thrown over the fence they may consider that they have receive notice to quit. 13. Jewelry and other valuables will not be locked in the safe. This hotel has no such ornament as a safe. The proprietor will not be accountable for anything. 14. In case of FIRE the guests are requested to escape without any unnecessary delay. 15. The BAR in the annex will be open day and night. All day drinks: 50c each; night drinks $1 each. No mixed drinks will be served except in the case of a death in the family. Only regular registered guests will be allowed the special privilege of sleeping on the Bar Room floor. 16. Guests without baggage must sleep in the vacant lot and board elsewhere until their baggage arrives. 17. Guests are forbidden to strike matches or spit on the ceiling, or sleep on the bed with their boots on. 18. No cheques cashed for anybody. Payment must be made in Cash, Gold Dust, or Blue Chips. 19. Saddle horses can be hired at any hour of the day or night or next day if necessary. 20. Meals served in rooms will not be guaranteed in any way. Our waiters are hungry and not above temptation. 21. To attract attention of waiters or bell boys, shoot hole through the door panel. Two shots for ice water, three for deck of cards, and so on. 22. All guests are required to arise at 6 a.m. This is imperative as the sheets are needed for tablecloths. 23. No tips must be given to any waiters or servants. Leave them with the proprietor, and he will distribute them if it is considered necessary. 24. Everything cash in advance. Following tariff subject to change: Board: $25 per month; Board and Lodging $50 per month with wooden bench to sleep on; Board and Lodging $60 per month with bed to sleep on. 16 Willem de Brave Ooit werd hij “prins Pils” genoemd, omdat weinig anders dan een goudgerande pint hem zou boeien. Onschuldig natuurlijk. Willem-Alexander is in veel opzichten gewoon een heel braaf lid van het Koninklijk Huis. De invloed van Maxima op WillemAlexander moet groot zijn, ook in zijn werk. Dat heeft hij ook weleens benadrukt. Op een vlak heeft de charmante, gracieuze en modebewuste Argentijnse echter geen invloed weten te krijgen: zijn kledingstijl. Te grote colberts, over zijn lompe, saaie schoenen ploffende broekspijpen, te wijde hemden, alles in oubollige kleuren. Waar neef Maurits van flamboyante, ‘cut to the bone ‘ pakken en hippe schoenen houdt, lijkt Willem vooral een behouden imago hoog te willen houden, hoewel zijn ietwat gezette lichaam zich ook niet voor alle modestijlen leent..... Kapsel Verandering van spijs, doet eten. Dat gaat niet op voor Willem’s kapper. Sinds hij als scholier een lokje nam, kennen we hem niet anders. Zijn haar zit onder alle omstandigheden hetzelfde; stijfjes. Ons advies: langer laten groeien en styling producten gebruiken. Auto’s Waar zijn neefjes Van Vollenhoven het Circuit van Zandvoort geregeld onveilig maken en prins Bernhard junior Amsterdam-Zuid nog wel eens intrekt met de exclusieve groene ferrari die hij van zijn grootvader erfde, laat WillemAlexander zich vervoeren in kleurloze Volvo’s. Het zal zijn moeders ingetogenheid zijn die hierop invloed heeft, maar sinds hij in zijn studententijd een Ford Sierre de Leidse Gracht inreed, is het wilde er vanaf. De enige snelheid die hij zich permitteert, is achter de stuurknuppel van het regeringsvliegtuig. Sexleven Hoewel haar vader omstreden is, lijkt het er op dat Maxima heel vlot door de strenge ballotage van Beatrix kwam. Dat konden de drie exen van Willem-Alexander niet zeggen. Paulette Schroder beleefde begin jaren ’80 een kortstondige affaire met de kroonprins, Yolande Adriaansens verkeerde twee jaar met de prins en Emily Bremers zelfs drie jaar. Even leekt het er op dat deze laatste de nieuwe kroonprinses zou worden, maar Beatrix gaf haar nooit een officiele plek binnen de familie. Na hun breuk zei Emily in het NRC: ‘ik ben blij dat ik weer een eigen leven kan leiden.’ Hoewel er meer dan deze vier dames zullen rondlopen die kunnen zeggen met de koning van Nederland te hebben gezoend, is zijn amoureuze historie tamelijk bedeesd. Uitspraken Oke, op 11-jarige leeftijd schreewde hij tijdens een fotomomentje ‘Alle Nederlandse pers opgerot’, maar hij was nog jong. Veel later, in 2001 tijdens een praatje met de pers in New York, ging hij in op de beschuldigingen aan het adres van zijn toekomstige schoonvader, Jorge Zorreguieta, dat hij deel uitmaakte van het moorddadige regime van dictator Videla. Willem-Alexander stelde de pers op de hoogte van een ingezonden brief in een krant over het Argentijnse regime. Later bleek dat de ex-dictator Videla de schrijver van de brief was. Premier Kok was boos en de kroonprins stond schamend in een hoekje over zijn naieve uitspraak. Maxima reageerde later: ‘Je was een beetje dom.’ Sindsdien weegt Willem-Alexander extra zorgvuldig zijn woorden. Supporterschap Bij de wereldkampioenschappen schaatsen, belangrijke hockeyfinales (vooral die van het damesteam), bij de finish van het onderdeel dameswielrennen tijdens de Olympische Spelen, laat Willem-Alexander zich van zijn meest Hollandse kant zien als supporter. Uitgedost in oranje outfit en hossend in het Holland Heineken House. Willem-Alexander stelt zich niet boven de gewone burger, hij is een van ons. Vorig jaar werd hij zelfs kampioen wc-pot werpen. Vaderschap Tijdens de door hem gehate fotomomenten voor de vaderlandse pers toont Willem-Alexander zich altijd van zijn beste kant, vooral in de rol van liefhebbende vader. Hoewel hij en Maxima hun telgjes veel en vaak moeten missen, lijkt de prins op zijn vader; ook Claus besteedde veel tijd aan zijn familieleven. Willem-Alexander sport veel met Amalia, Alexia en Ariane, van tennis en zwemmen tot paardrijden. Maar hij tekent en zingt ook met ze, en steunt Amalia bij de vioollessen en Alexia bij de pianomomentjes. Koningschap In een van de acht televisie-interviews die Willem-Alexander heeft gegeven, werd hem gevraagt naar de invulling van zijn koningschap. De prins vertelde een voorbeeld aan zijn grootmoeder, koningin Juliana, te willen nemen. Zonder zijn moeders regeerstijl negatief te omschrijven, benadrukte Willem-Alexander dat hij Juliana waardeerde als moeder des vaderlands. De koningin was vooral ‘gewoon,’ schonk met kerst chocolademelk voor haar personeel en stond international bekend als de ‘fietsende vorstin.’ Uit: Oranje Boven 17 QUINOA 2013 is the International Year of Quinoa. Tiny round quinoa (KEEN-wah) seeds contain complete protein and cook in about half the time as rice. Cook and serve white, red or black quinoa (or a mix of all three) just as you would rice - in casseroles, soups, pilafs and salads. What is quinoa? While quinoa is usually considered to be a whole grain, it is actually a seed, but can be prepared like whole grains such as rice or barley. It takes less time to cook than other whole grains – just 10 to 15 minutes and quinoa tastes great on its own, unlike other grains such as millet or teff. Add a bit of olive oil, sea salt and lemon juice and - yum! Of all the whole grains, quinoa has the highest protein content, so it's perfect for vegetarians and vegans. Quinoa provides all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Quinoa is a gluten-free and cholesterol-free whole grain, is kosher for Passover, and is almost always organic. Culinary ethnologists will be interested to know that quinoa was a staple food for thousands of years in the Andes region of South America as one of just a few crops the ancient Incas cultivated at such high altitude. If you are trying to add more healthy whole grains to your diet, choosing quinoa is a nutritious and easy to prepare whole grain to begin with. Yes, quinoa is healthy, but just how healthy is it? Quinoa is a great food for anyone looking to lower their cholesterol or add fiber to their diet. Do be aware, however, that there are several different kinds of quinoa, so their nutrient content will vary slightly Calories in Quinoa: Quinoa is relatively low in calories. One cup of cooked quinoa provides 222 calories. But of course, watch what you add to the quinoa, as it's in the cooking process that most of the calories and fat will be added,depending on how you prepare it. Other Nutrients in Quinoa: Quinoa is a great source of iron and fiber for everyone. One cup of cooked quinoa (185 grams) provides 15% of the recommended daily intake of iron, and 5 grams of fiber, which is 21% the recommended amount. Quinoa is also an excellent source of magnesium, with 118 mg per cup, cooked. One cup of cooked quinoa provides: 39.41 mg carbohydrates; 31 mg calcium; 2.76 mg iron; 318 mg potassium; 13 mg sodium; 2.02 mg zinc. Recipe: Spicy Sweet Potato and Quinoa Salad Ingredients: • • • • • • • • 1 cup quinoa, uncooked 2 cups vegetable broth or water 1 sweet potato, baked and diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 2 tbsp olive oil 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 2 tbsp lemon juice salt and pepper to taste Preparation: Simmer the quinoa in the vegetable broth about 10 to 15 minutes, or until water is gone and quinoa is light and fluffy when stirred. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Toss together the quinoa, sweet potato and bell pepper in a large bowl. In a separate small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil and cayenne pepper. Gently toss this dressing with the quinoa. Season with a generous amount of salt and pepper. 18 CLUB MANAGER 780-984-4569 BOARD MEMBERS President Frank Stolk 780-464-4879 Vice-president Pat Hoekstra 780-469-8343 Secretary Truus de Visser 780-434-4133 Treasurer Wilma Thys 780-406-9674 Officers Piet Van Papeveld 780-437-0680 Lisa Putters 780-466-5756 Emmy Diamond 780-433-5584 Harm de Groot 780-416-2990 Cees Stolk 780-417-2245 DCC AUXILIARY President Edith Van Leeuwen 780-489-8404 Secretary Truus de Visser 780-434-4133 Treasurer Erica Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367 THE WINDMILLS President Pieter Putters 780-466-5756 Secretary Judy Boekholt 780-467-3701 Treasurer Ria Bok 780-472-2725 DUTCH TOUCH Editor Jenny Smits 780-473-0905 [email protected] Advertising Lisa Putters 780-466-5756 [email protected] N EWS F RO M THE N ETHE R LAND S Cate Blanchett to direct film based on Dutch best seller The Dinner Friday 20 September 2013 Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett is to make her directorial debut with an Englishlanguage film based on Herman Koch’s best seller The Dinner. The Dinner is a ‘family drama with black edges' and centres on two brothers and their wives who meet at a fashionable restaurant in the knowledge their 15 year old sons have committed a terrible crime. The book has been translated into 33 languages, a record for a Dutch novel. A Dutch version of the film, with Daan Schuurmans, Kim van Kooten, Jacob Derwig and Thekla Reuten in the main roles, had its premiere at the Toronto film festival earlier this month. It will go on general release in November. BILLIARDS CLUB Jack Toering 780-454-5171 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Piet Van Papeveld 780-437-0680 CARD MAKING Ria Bok 780-472-2725 [email protected] CASINO Cory Vriens 780-478-1450 CONCORDIA BAND Dave Greidanus 780-474-3619 [email protected] HALL RENTALS Frank Stolk 780-984-4569 No auction for Scheveningen Pier Saturday 21 September 2013 A planned auction to find a new owner for Scheveningen pier has been cancelled because no-one had signed up to take part, the pier's official receivers said. Although 10 serious companies had registered an interest, none are going forward to make a bid. One effort to raise the money through crowdfunding also flopped, the receiver said. The Van der Valk catering family bought the pier in 1991 for the symbolic amount of one guilder but failed to make it profitable. The pier was declared bankrupt at the beginning of this year. [email protected] HERITAGE FESTIVAL Emmy Diamond 780-433-5584 KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENTS Pieter Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367 LANGUAGE LESSONS Nadine Silveira 780-570-2232 [email protected] House price falls start to level off Friday 20 September 2013 House prices were down 4.4% in August compared with the year’s earlier period, the national statistics office CBS said on Friday. The drop represents a 0.1% rise in prices compared with July. Nevertheless, house prices are now back at the same level as at the beginning of 2003 and have fallen 20% since reaching a peak in August 2008. The average price paid for a house in August was €215,000, compared with €214,000 in July and €206,000 in June. The land registry office Kadaster said earlier this week the number of sales in August was up 19% on August 2012. ‘The housing market is improving, and people have more confidence,’ estate agents’ organization NVM said at the time. ‘Many more people are checking out the market, looking at houses and asking banks how much they can borrow.’ 19 MEMBERSHIP Lisa Putters 780-466-5756 [email protected] SEWING & CRAFT CIRCLE Jenny Smits 780-473-0905 [email protected] SPRING MARKET Barbara de Visser 780-444-8855 [email protected] STITCH ‘N RIP CLUB Edith Van Leeuwen 780-489-8404 [email protected] Dutch Canadian Centre Activities and events OCTOBER 2013 Club y l k e e rW Regula edule Sch Fall & Winter months Board Meeting 2nd Monday of the month 7:00 pm Committee Meetings Immediately before the board meetings every other month 6:30 pm Monday: Stitch & Rip Club Sun Mon T ue We d T hu Fr i Sa t 1 2 3 4 5 Card Making 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Card thanksgiving 20 21 Making 22 23 24 25 26 Card Klaverjas 27 Making 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER 2013 12:00 - 3:00 pm Sun Tuesday: Sewing Circle Mon T ue W ed T hu 10:00 am - 3:00 pm F ri Sa t 1 2 Music, Laughter & Wine Klaverjas Club 12:30 - 4:00 pm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Scandinavian Christmas Market 11 Remembrance Day 12 13 14 15 16 Thursday: Windmills Seniors 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1:00 pm 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Wednesday: Seniors Drop-In Nordic Room 1:00 - 4:00 pm Billiard Club 7:00 pm Concordia Band 8:00 pm Friday Flying Dutchman Club Room Social 7:30 pm Saturday: Card Making 10:00 - 5:00 twice a month (check dates on calendar) 20
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